#d*ke energy
kate-bishops-waifu · 2 years
Ohh no more comics Carol -
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dateamonster · 11 months
btw toralei/clawdeen truthers i Understand now
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hellopersimmonpie · 4 months
Setelah didiagnosa ADHD dan dijelaskan sama psikiater bahwa penyandang ADHD bisa saja tidak mampu melakukan multitasking dan kesulitan untuk switching pekerjaan dengan cepat, gue lega banget.
Selama ini, gue sering banget ter-gaslight dari lingkungan. Bahwa dosen harus bisa multitasking karena kerjaannya banyak. Bahwa cewek harus multitasking karena harus mengurus keluarga. Maka orang-orang di sekitar gue tuh sering banget bilang:
"Kamu jangan mental block kayak gitu. Harus dicoba"
Udah gue coba. Dan saat kerjaan banyak banget, gue stress. Stressnya itu sampai di level haid berantakan banget.
Setelah gue menerima bahwa gue ga multitasking, gue mulai pelan-pelan memanage hidup gue dengan lebih baik. Gue mulai hafal kapan gue punya energi buat deep work. Kapan gue kelelahan dan harus tegas untuk berhenti.
Neurodiversity adalah sesuatu yang nyata banget tapi terasa tidak nyata karena nggak semua orang mengalami. Jadi nggak banyak orang yang bisa berempati.
Betapa gue dengan desperate terapi ke psikolog karena gue nggak mampu dateng ke suatu kegiatan secara on time. Bahkan ngajar pun gue selalu telat sampai sejam. Kalo gue ga paham tentang neurodiversity, gue pasti bakal menganggap diri sendiri sebagai orang yang jahat.
Beberapa penyandang ADHD itu punya persepsi yang berbeda terhadap waktu dibandingkan Neurotypical. Di level yang sangat parah, hidupnya harus selalu dibantu dengan alarm. Karena saat mengalami time blindness, 5 menit sama sejam itu seperti tidak ada bedanya.
Beberapa penyandang ADHD juga memiliki kemampuan yang buruk untuk estimasi menggunakan angka. Selama ini nilai matematika gue tinggi tapi gue ga mampu hitung cepat. Gue kesulitan berurusan dengan angka. Jadi pembelajaran matematika gue emang beda dengan yang lain. Gue melihat matematika sebagai konsep dan gue pelajari dengan otodidak. Nilai matematika gue pas SD jelek banget. Baru naik signifikan pas SMP karena di SMP tuh ada pelajaran Fisika yang surprisingly bisa membantu gue berimajinasi tentang banyak hal dan memperkuat konsep matematis gue. Sementara matematika pas SD kebanyakan harus berurusan dengan pembagian dan perkalian secara manual.
Tipe ADHD gue tuh gabungan antara hiperaktif - inatentif. Tapi tidak impulsif.
Jadinya pas d kelas tuh gue nggak mampu keep up sama guru karena gue tenggelam dengan ramainya pikiran gue sendiri. Jadi guru tuh tahunya gue tuh cuma anak nakal dan nggak sopan. Kalo diajak ngobrol sering memotong pembicaran. Meanwhile gue jadinya memotong pembicaraan tuh lebih karena ga sadar aja. Orang ADHD tuh otaknya kan berpikirnya cepet banget. Jadi kadang satu topik belum selesai tuh udah pindah lagi.
Sekarang gue tahu alasan di balik itu. Kenapa logika gue bagus banget sementara gue ga mampu menjumlahkan angka secara manual. Psikiater bilang ini tuh namanya Diskalkulia. Kadang diskalkulia tuh jadi penyertanya ADHD.
So ketidakmampuan gue mengestimasi sesuatu dengan angka tuh ya pure karena otaknya berbeda dengan neurotypical. Tapi meskipun demikian, gue nggak kehilangan kemampuan untuk memanage sesuatu. Pendekatannya aja yang sedikit berbeda.
Gue sekarang udah mulai embrace banget hidup sebagai penyandang ADHD. Udah jarang mempertanyakan:
"Kenapa mereka bisa dan gue enggak?"
Pun dalam hal penjadwalan, ADHD itu harus dilatih dengan rutinitas. Dengan ritme yang kalo bisa tiap hari tuh sama. Nggak banyak berubah. Maka gue disiplin untuk tidak membuat acara dengan mendadak. Tidak mengizinkan orang lain menggeser-geser jadwal seenaknya. Karena begitu rutinitas berubah, gue stress.
Jadinya emang nggak fleksibel. Tapi itu less stressfull buat gue.
Gue pun pelan-pelan membangun sistem kerja gue sendiri biar sustain.
Saat memasuki usia 30, gue takut banget karena nggak bisa mengejar mimpi. Tapi pas jalan umur 34, gue menyadari bahwa di usia segini tuh segala pertimbangan gue lebih matang dan tidak fomo.
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nonaabuabu · 7 months
Momentum Paling Tepat Membangun Kebiasaan
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Apa kebiasaan baikmu yang konsisten dari tahun ke tahun, bulan ke bulan, minggu ke minggu, dan hari ke hari?
Selamat, kamu punya itu.
Aku belum punya, kebiasaan yang selalu. Pasti ada masa di mana kebiasaan yang aku bangun terdistraksi dengan suatu kejadian dan akhirnya buyarlah semua kebiasaan baik yang sudah ku upayakan sedemikian rupa.
Sebut aja menulis, beberapa tahun aku hampir menulis setiap hari di tumblr. Sampai suatu hari kebiasaan itu macet karena aku nggak bisa buka tumblr untuk beberapa bulan, dan sekarang kebiasaan itu hilang. Meski nggak terdengar buruk, tapi efeknya ternyata cukup nggak menyenangkan.
Aku yang dulu rilis emosi dengan menulis di laman ini, sekarang jadi overthinking. Meski sederhananya aku tinggal buka akun dan mulai nulis, tapi praktiknya tetap aja sulit.
Jadi ramadan kali ini aku akan ambil ini sebagai waktu paling tepat untuk membenahi kebiasaan yang belakangan berantakan. Kenapa harus ramadan, bulan lain kan bisa? Emang, bulan lain juga aku lakukan, dan sekali lagi ketika aku terdistraksi bubar lah semua kebiasaan itu.
Tapi kalau kita mau jujur-jujuran, ramadan itu bawaannya lebih tenang dan nggak terburu-buru, pekerjaan cenderung lebih ringan, nggak banyak tugas dan nggak banyak juga emosi yang terkuras menyaksikan kehidupan di sekitar kita. Ibarat kata, lingkungan kita menciptakan ramadan yang penuh energi tanpa mengurasnya sampai habis. Jadi aku merasa dibanding off menulis seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, ramadan kali ini setidaknya untuk laman ini, aku mau bangun kebiasaan menulis setiap hari itu lagi.
Meski aku bisa menebak lebaran ada sebagai distraksi dari semua kebiasaan ramadan, tapi semua hal baik layak dicoba kan? Siapa tahu kali ini bisa dipertahankan bahkan setelah ramadan selesai.
Kalau kalian juga baca atomic habit, rasanya secara teori mudah ya bangun kebiasaan itu. Tapi susahnya minta ampun, bolong sekali seakan ngulang lagi dari awal. Nah mumpung ramadan nih, mengutip kata orang-orang kalau membangun kebiasaan itu bisa sebulan, aku mau menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk membangun kebiasaan baik yang biasanya hilang timbul.
Semoga di lebaran nanti, pas melihat daftar kebiasaan yang kubangun, aku senyum bacanya karena senang, bukan ketawa (ngetawain diri sendiri) karena terlalu banyak cita-cita tapi sedikit aksi nyata.
Sahur Pertama, 01 Ramadan 1445
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unholyisosceles · 6 days
H!YA !!!
names b!ll c!pher,,, or your lord and master for all of etern!ty,,, and th!s !s my !ntro!!!
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pronouns??? many… many… pronouns… ! am the god that the god fearing humans fear. anywho heres my l!st of PRONOUNS !n no spec!f!c order::: omen/omenself he/h!m !t/its gnaw/b!te ci/cipher
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am ! just b!ll??? nope just the k!n ! feel the closest connect!on to,,, ! am also clay pupp!ngton (moral orel) and davespr!te (homestuck)!!!
'oh but you dont act l!ke '______' r!ddle me th!s… how can ! not act l!ke myself???
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anyways!!! ! am bod!ly a m!nor and would prefer !f people over bod!ly 18 would not !nteract w!th me,,, ! would also l!ke you to not be d!sgust!ng about me… thats !t,,, my whole dn! r!ght there...
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what do ! l!ke??? good quest!on !Q!!!
! enjoy the bands/mus!c!ans::: w!ll wood (((and the tapeworms))),,, bu!lt to sp!ll,,, 12 rods,,, tyler the creator,,, kendr!ck lamar (((my favour!te !s PR!DE because !m a d!rty homo))),,, car seat headrest,,, the smash!ng pumpk!ns,,, n!ne !nch na!ls,,, and more!!!
hobb!es ! enjoy::: draw!ng,,, l!sten!ng to mus!c,,, play!ng gu!tar,,, collect!ng plushes,,, and dr!nk!ng PURE ENERGY AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!
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!nterested !n more of my fac!nat!ng l!fe and !nterests??? read up::: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-book-of-bill-alex-hirsch/1144490969 you could ALSO just send !n an ask cos ! looveeee talk!ng about myself!!!
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pergimelaut · 5 months
"Uang Uang Uang Uang," Dibaca Pakai Suaranya Tuan Krab
Kenapa aku bikin post tentang uang? Jawabannya karena, alhamdulillah, tidak terasa, sudah satu tahun berlalu sejak aku bikin catatan keuangan dalam hidupku! :D
Aku sudah pernah bikin tiga post tentang uang. Pertama, R-Est-O, ketika aku pertama kali mau rajin nulis keuangan lagi. Sebelumnya sudah pernah bikin di aplikasi gitu, tapi ternyata aku nggak cocok pakai aplikasi. Awalnya aku kira aku cuma alasan aja, tapi ternyata terbukti, aku nyatat sendiri manual di Spreadsheet bisa betah sampai sekarang. Post itu kubuat setahun yang lalu, akhir April 2023.
Kedua, Perkara Mengelola Uang yang kubuat dua bulan sejak kuputuskan buat rajin lagi. Waktu itu, aku nulisnya masih di buku tulis (hahaha, semanual itu!) terus kusalin ke Notion di akhir bulan. Dengan Notion, aku bisa tahu tuh, persentase antara pemasukan dan pengeluaran. Tapi, karena baru kusalin akhir bulan, jadi nggak ada cukup waktu buat mengamati dan berefleksi gitu.
Ketiga, Perkara Mengelola Uang 2.0 yang kubuat setelah hampir setengah tahun mencatat. Aku di sini laporan kalau sudah berpindah ke Spreadsheet, dan metode yang kugunakan sama persis kayak yang masih berlanjut sekarang, cuma jadi lebih rapi karena lebih banyak datanya. Alhamdulillah juga, pekerjaanku sehari-hari berkutat sama Excel dan sebagainya yang di depan laptop, jadi mudah buat mengakses (hampir setiap hari malah XD) dan mempelajari apa yang bisa dipelajari.
Jadi, apa yang kupetik dari pengalaman ini? Ya, ini sangat personal sih, tapi ada beberapa yang kuambil. :D
Aku jadi bisa nabung lebih berani. Pada waktu setahun terakhir ini, aku bikin rekening baru yang khusus untuk nabung. Jadi, uang tabungan dipindah ke situ. Nah, karena aku juga mulai belajar untuk bikin proyeksi, aku jadi bisa berani untuk mindahin sejumlah uang ke rekening tabungan, yang melebihi target nabung di bulan itu. Karena ada keyakinan kalau perkiraan pengeluarannya masih aman dengan jumlah uang yang tersisa.
Aku bisa terdorong untuk cari pemasukan baru. Ini karena aku suka pelit ke diriku sendiri sih ... Ini berlaku kalau ada pengeluaran yang "aneh" dari bulan-bulan sebelumnya. Misalnya, ada kesempatan ketika aku pesen ojek online, ya. Padahal, aku hampir nggak pernah pesen ojek online. Nah, walaupun kondisinya tetap aman karena uangnya ada, tapi aku jadi terdorong buat nyari-nyari tambahan kecil-kecil untuk "nambal" pengeluaran yang biasanya memang nggak ada. Ini nggak selalu kulakukan, tapi kurasa dorongan ini baru lebih kuat setelah aku mencatat keuanganku.
Aku jadi relatif lebih tenang. Sebagai produk overthinking, di antara berbagai topik untuk dipikirkan-dengan-berlebihan lainnya, mikirin soal uang itu menyita energi banget. Apalagi kalau sudah dipenuhi dengan ketakutan ala-ala Gen Z, bisakah beli rumah? Bisakah beli tanah? Bisakah menghajikan orang tua? Dan lain-lain, banyak pokoknya, kayak nggak ada habisnya. Tapi, setelah kucatat pengeluaranku, pemasukanku, persentase tabungan/investasi, pembagian pengeluaran per kategori, dll, aku jadi lebih tenang. Bukan "tenang" dalam artian masalahnya selesai ya hahaha, tapi, jadi ada kayak yang nepuk-nepuk, "Sedang berproses kok, ini prosesnya, pelan-pelan, satu-satu." Dan kita bisa lihat sendiri jalannya proses itu, dibandingkan sebelum aku nyatat keuangan, yang waktu itu rasanya lebih "ngambang/ngawang-awang".
Kurang lebih itulah pelajaran yang kuambil, selain rasa syukur tentunya. Aku bersyukur BANGET ada di titik ini dalam hidupku, bersyukur karena bisa menghadapi dan menikmatinya.
Terus, apa data yang kuperoleh tentang catatan keuanganku, sepanjang setahun terakhir? Ini makin nggak relevan untuk dibandingkan, tapi ini yang kutemui.
Pengeluaran paling sedikit terjadi di bulan Februari. Apakah ini karena jumlah hari paling sedikit? XD Entahlah. Tapi, menyusul tipis di belakangnya (udah kayak balapan aja nih) itu bulan Mei.
Pengeluaran paling banyak ada di bulan September. Ini ada barang spesial yang kubeli pada bulan itu, waktu itu. Nggak akan kuulangi lagi karena barangnya masih ada dan akan dirawat sebaik-baiknya. XD
Investasi/tabungan terbanyak yang kulakukan terjadi di bulan Maret dan April! (Dua-duanya punya besaran yang sama.) Mungkin karena ada THR? Alhamdulillah cair huhu. Atau, semoga ini karena aku jadi lebih melek soal finansial. :P
Investasi/tabungan tersedikit ada di bulan Agustus dan Oktober (lagi, besarannya sama). Dan ini pun nggak mencapai target menabung di bulan itu. Semoga ke depannya lebih cermat lagi.
Pemasukan terbanyak ada di bulan November. Ini ... aku tahu sih kenapa hahaha. Alhamdulillah untuk bulan itu. XD
Kategori pengeluaran terbanyak dalam setahun terakhir itu, tentu saja, adalah untuk keluarga. :D Ini kusyukuri dan semoga berikutnya pun aku masih bisa melakukan hal yang sama. Menyusul di urutan kedua itu kategori investasi/tabungan.
Kategori pengeluaan tersedikit itu adalah parkir ... yang sebenernya ini termasuk besaaar untuk kategori itu. Rata-rata pengeluaran untuk parkir dalam sebulan sampai 48K lho T_T Hampir 50K. Kalau parkir itu anggaplah 2K, berarti aku bisa pergi ke 24 tempat yang ditarik uang parkir dalam satu bulan ... ini nggak valid karena kadang parkirku dibayarin hahaha (dan sebaliknya), tapi ya, cukup untuk bikin KAGET. XD
Kategori yang perlu diwaspadai oleh seluruh jiwa ragaku adalah snack. Snack. Iya. Es krim, wafer, es krim, cokelat, es krim, camilan di kafe, es krim, es krim, es krim .... Masa ya, ditemukan data pada suatu bulan bahwa pengeluaran untuk snack lebih BANYAK daripada pengeluaran untuk makan. Hah. Parah. Evaluasi ini, wajib.
Untuk kategori bensin ... ah, udah ikhlas ini. No comment. XD Sebagai pekerja kantoran yang bolak-balik 18km (artinya total 36km, minimal) setiap harinya, pengeluaran bensin itu jadi hal yang nggak bisa dikompromi ...
Sepertinya itu refleksi yang kutemukan setelah mencatat keuangan selama setahun. Di antara kerepotan yang ada, lebih banyak manfaatnya, jadi akan kuteruskan ini. Bismillah istikomah. :D
Selamat Hari Buruh! Aku merayakan hari ini dengan family time bersama ibuku, friend time dengan kawan-kawan baikku, dan quality time dengan seseorang yang kusayangi. Besok kembali bekerja, tapi Mei akan banyak long weekend. Apabila bulan ini berjalan lancar, semoga jadi bulan yang baik. <3
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nabhanmudrik · 4 months
Mereka Kekuatan Superku
Makin ke sini, aku makin sadar dan percaya bahwa diriku secara individu punya kualitas yang sangat buruk. Dibuktikan dengan banyak hal. Mulai dari minimnya prestasi individu, lambat dalam urusan akademik, lebih sering gagal di urusan asmara, sering grogi ketika bicara di depan publik, sampai sering bikin kesalahan-kesalahan kecil yang bodoh.
Maka makin ke sini aku makin yakin bahwa kalau ada hal baik dan pencapaian dari diriku, itu berkat orang-orang di sekitarku. Itu kekuatan dari mereka.
Terlebih satu-dua tahun belakangan, ketika aku makin sering merasa kerdil, krisis kepercayaan diri, sampai mempertanyakan apakah keputusan-keputusanku tepat atau enggak.
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Merekalah yang membuatku yakin bahwa di lorong gelap yang panjang ada secercah harapan. Ada proses yang sudah ditempuh dan kita akan sampai.
Merekalah yang membuatku yakin bahwa langkah-langkah berat mendaki ribuan anak tangga memang masih menanti di depan, tapi puluhan ribu di antaranya sudah kita tempuh bersama-sama. Itulah perkembangan baik yang perlu diapresiasi.
Kadang, ketika aku mempertanyakan mengapa aku sudi melakukan berbagai pilihan perjuangan serta keputusan sulit, mereka datang untuk meyakinkan. Hingga sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa mereka adalah salah satu alasanku berjuang, bangun pagi, dan mengejar kemustahilan-kemustahilan kecil tiap hari.
Di lain kesempatan juga menjadi energi tersendiri bagiku. Ketika jatuh dan patah, rasa antusias serta semangat mereka membuatku kembali bangkit dan menyelesaikan apa yang sudah dimulai.
Terakhir, meski banyak kurangnya aku merasa aku cukup punya keberhasilan yang bisa dibanggakan. Lewat berbagai terobosan dan kemustahilan yang berhasil kulewati. Nggak lain itu semua bisa terjadi berkat keterlibatan dan kegigihan mereka. Tugas A, acara B, kebutuhan C, program D, semuanya beres kalau dikerjakan bersama mereka.
Rasa-rasanya nggak ada balas budi yang mampu aku berikan ke mereka untuk kontribusi, semangat, dan kehadiran mereka. Tapi aku upayakan tetap berjalan, jatuh dan patah tapi bangkit kembali, serta menembus tembok-tembok tebal kemustahilan. Untuk mereka, untuk kami, untuk bersama-sama.
Setidaknya aku yakin bahwa mungkin aku punya banyak kekurangan, tapi aku punya teman yang cukup banyak dan keren-keren. Lebih penting lagi, kami bisa berjalan bersama. Nggak masalah penuh kekurangan, yang jelas dengan berjalan bersama banyak hal bisa dilakukan.
Terima kasih teman-teman semua. Kalian semua keren, dan sampai jumpa di "kenakalan-kenakalan" selanjutnya🙌🏻
Sutopadan, 23.07 WIB
8 Juni 2024 — Jelang IB Fest
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1090 - Initial Thoughts
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That was certainly the thoughts that arose upon hearing news of spoilers in a week that's meant to be a break. Honestly I thought it was fakes, attempts to stir fans unaware with falsities.
But lo, they do look very real. If they do become fake expect me to delete this one but the panels, the colour, it all seems to track. Of course TCB hasn't translated it yet so I've had to go back to my older sources, so the context may not be as good.
Spoilers for the Chapter, maybe? Still tentative, but support the Official Release of course
A very rare Kuro return...in the cover page, I do still wonder about the East Blue guys; Kuro, Morgan, Krieg, Gin, not Arlong though don't really give a crap about the shahaha man
We haven't recapped what happened yet, but we've picked up where we left off
Luffy's out with his regular introductions across the Den Den Mushi, which is kinda alarming with the Gorosei on the other side
He confirms to be allied with Vegapunk and uses York's safety to barter the fleet backing off
Embodying evil lads have you considered why humanitarian genius Dr. Vegapunk is allying with a Yonko against the World Government right now?
Ooooh Kizaru's not the only ones listening in, Morgans is too, which means Vivi's getting the scoop...Wapol's also there
The Gorosei engage in Monkey D. Luffy for the first time, asking about their numbers
Luffy goes to answer with 'including the injured' but Robin (identified by the Gorosei) shuts off comms
Robin, bandaged around her bare chest, reminds Luffy not to give the enemy information
Through spoiler-talk I couldn't avoid a post saying that Robin was 'uncharacteristic' with people hoping that Devon had already swapped with Robin but this didn't seem uncharacteristic at all
Plus Luffy was hoping that giving them all the info would make the Marines back off, which Usopp points out is not likely
Saturn's already plotting though; they need to keep York, Punk Records and the lab for the Mother Flame (changed back to Flame by Stephen...who still won't fix Zoro/Zolo)
Vice Admiral Doberman does make a case for Lucci and the CP agents, which Saturn affirms is an option and he's just prioritizing the worst case scenario
Aaaaand there it is 'Humans are like insects, they will always reproduce'
Back to York, who uses her communication with the Gorosei to try and threaten the Straw Hats against harming her, only to be smacked by Nami
No seriously who hurt my queen, my wife, my light of the Revolutionaries? I will break them, they will wish they were never drawn
Of course Robin's baby boy Chopper is tending to her so she's in good hands, hooves, hand-hooves
Ah Kaku is also recovering, lamenting taking 2 of the Seraphim
Guessing that means S-Hawk and another (maybe S-Snake) went after Team Atlas/Chopper/Robin, meaning Kaku and Zoro must've engaged against the two since they were following S-Hawk, causing Robin to get hurt
Lilith also mourns Shaka, Pythagoras and the still-alive Edison
For all that aggression Lilith did care, even for Shaka
Lucci's reviewing the situation, which Kaku notices...sus
Usopp contacts with Underground, with the CP agents
They're living it up, dining for the first time in months, they've gone the way the G5 have with the Straw Hats
The Seraphim are also down there, with the CP agents, but trapped in bubbles
The bubbles are reinforced with the same stuff in the Mark 3 Pacifista, with some sea prism energy too
The Seraphim don't look too roughed up, though Snake and Hawk look additionally perturbed
Franky also thanks S-Snake for depetrifying them, which Vegapunk was curious about
Turns out that S-Snake carries the same weakness for Luffy, which Jinbe points out also having seen it first hand
Vegapunk does wonder about the Lineage Factor playing in, I guess he only got Boa's blood after Marineford
Atlas has gotten systems up and running, but the dome remains up, because York locked it in a password she kept from the Records
Stussy is also still here, reviewing the problem with the giant fleet, so she and the Stella look to Nami
The log hasn't reset, but they can still move to the ones active, they set their sights on one of them, which Stella confirms to be Elbaf
Visible shock from Luffy and Usopp, and surprise from Robin too, which leads to singing
Since they cannot escape from the coast, they must leave through the back, but there's still the matter of the fleet and the shield
The VegaForce can fly the Sunny but only out to Egghead's borders, but Franky reassures Vegapunk that they can Coup de Burst the rest of the way
As a result, Atlas, Edison and Stella plan to hack past York's password
With Lilith in charge of the VegaForce, she, Bonney, Luffy and Franky are off to the Sunny
Lilith seems excited, but Bonney and Luffy will miss the food
Bonney praises Sanji though, I wonder if something happened with her and him in the night to make her see him in a high regard
Luffy mentions she's cheerier now though, having given up on killing Vegapunk, since she was crying last night (almost a parallel to Morgans saying the same to Vivi)
Ah sneaky cat, Lucci has been contacting the Navy, that's why he was muttering before, he's given them the whole report
Kizaru and Saturn still feel confident that Luffy's cornered though, though I also feel like they're overestimating the crew
Saturn asks if Kizaru can bypass the shield, since he is light, Kizaru can but notes Sentomaru is down below
Interesting stuff though, even though Saturn suggests ignoring him, Kizaru refuses, he has his own ethics there and he refuses to ignore someone fighting for their duty
He does also pragmatically note that the fleet will be attacked by the Sea Beasts and Mark 3s
But Lucci already found the lab where the Mother Flame is made, which is concerning, York may not be needed at all
The Vice Admirals ready themselves, planning to assault the sea beasts first with intent to free the CP agents
Kizaru makes the move, and Sentomaru is braced for it
The pacifista are ordered to sink the fleet, so down below's gonna turn into a mini-warzone
And Sentomaru and Kizaru clash, the former's Ryou-based ultimate defense vs Kizaru's lightspeed kick
The impact shines bright underneath the labophase, and Luffy senses Kizaru's presence
It's a good chapter even if it is fake.
Taking the impression that it's not because it likely isn't, we do seem to be developing on an exit strategy from Egghead, whether that means direct confrontation with Kizaru remains to be seen.
On the one hand, Kizaru vs Luffy or vs another of the Monster Trio is considered to be the fight of the arc, but maybe it isn't the case? There's still that Blackbeard ship to consider after all. Plus with Saturn coming all the way here we have to expect some physical activity from him. It's not entirely clear how it will go, Oda likely baited a lot of fans with the nine Vice Admirals on the fleet but with Robin injured she may not be as handy in a fight right now. Lucci is still on their side too, and I would guess he plans to strike Stussy at the most opportune moment.
I think I'm most worried about this lab, because you can't make more Mother Flames without more catastrophic consequences. The Gorosei outrank Vegapunk when it comes to the Seraphim so they'd still have them on-hand too. I wonder if the Straw Hats, Vegapunk and Bonney can simply leave Egghead with all that there, plus all that cool tech they could use to upgrade Usopp and Franky, knowing that the Gorosei still get what they want. So we might be in for more delay from leaving, we are expecting an incident to occur after all. I also can't shake some Sabaody energy in this chapter, they say 'we're going to Elbaf' but now Kizaru's here, it's very much like 'we're going to Fishman Island' but now Kizaru's here...it took so long to get to Fishman island and it's taken so long to get to Elbaf XD Still excited though, doubt Shanks will still be there but you could get more Kid and maybe even Big Mom, maybe even Law because Bepo has to surface somewhere.
I am still hoping we track back to what happened the previous day, for the fights and for the Kuma memories, I still also hope Franky gets some shine before leaving the island of his hero. Also I need to put whoever hurt Robin on my list.
But yeah it's a weird spot, since my brain still says 'we're in a break, where did this chapter come from? It must be fake' but it also says 'it looks too much like other chapters to be fake, right down to the grain' so it's messing with my head a little. Either way we'll know next Friday, which means we're getting a week with no official chapter either way.
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bangsawantinta · 8 months
Fadilat Anindya
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Jika di masa lalu aku seorang pahlawan, Boleh jadi kau seorang aktivis dengan api, Pun energi gemar gentari. Jika di masa lalu aku seorang satria, Boleh jadi kau seorang pejuang, Yang menyerbu perang dengan sawala dan berkat, Yang diidolakan gemulai juga pesonanya. Jika di masa lalu aku ikut berperang, Mungkin kau bangsawan cemerlang, Atas karunia kalbu cantik yang inginku meraki. Jika di masa lalu aku seorang perwira, Mungkin kau seorang hero wanita yang menyihirku dengan damba. Tanpa gencatan senjata, Adu kata ataupun utopia, Perkenankan aku ke masa lalumu, Agar sanggup aku menulis legendamu, Agar dapat kusertakan diriku.
© arsaka bintang d.
Palangka Raya, 6 Februari 2024
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ruangsyindi · 6 months
Sejak masih sekolah dulu saya sudah punya begitu banyak list mimpi yang ingin diwujudkan untuk orang tua dan keluarga saya jika saya sudah bekerja. Saya ingin belikan mereka ini itu, ngajak mereka ke A, B C, D dan semua mimpi-mimpi lainnya.
Sekarang saat sudah bekerja dan mempunyai pendapatan sendiri, satu persatu mimpi itu bisa saya wujudkan. Yaa memang meski apa yang saya berikan ke mereka belum ada apa-apanya dibanding apa yang selama ini sudah orang tua berikan pada saya. Kebahagian ketika memberikan itu melebih apa yang pernah saya bayangkan dulu ketika masih sekolah.
Saya pun jadi tidak sadar kalau ternyata definisi self reward bagi saya kini berubah, yaitu jadi family reward. Dengan melihat keluarga saya bahagia dan senang atas pemberian yang tidak seberapa itu, ada energi positif yang tertansfer pada saya, ada bahagia yang turut mengalir dalam diri. Lagi-lagi meski semua belum seberapa, tapi bikin saya jadi ketagihan. Atas semua lelah dari bekerja, rasanya itu semua lebih dari cukup untuk ditawar dengan menyenangkan keluarga menggunakan penghasilan yang saya miliki.
Bagi saya apa yang saya lakukan ini bukan berarti saya bagian dari sandwich generation yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan keluarga saya, khususnya orang tua. Sampai akhirnya saya lupa dengan kebutuhan diri saya sendiri. Apa yang saya lakukan ini, adalah apa yang memang sudah saya impikan sejak masih sekolah. Hal itu juga merupakan bagian dari menyenangkan diri saya sendiri. Orang tua saya tidak pernah banyak meminta, apalagi menuntut anak-anaknya. Anak mana yang tidak ingin menyenangkan orang tua dengan berbagai pemberian, meski orang tuanya punya penghasilan dan kelebihan finansial.
Anak memang tanggung jawab orang tua, tapi menyenangkan orang tua adalah tanggung jawab dan kewajiban anak. Meski cara menyenangkan masing-masing anak itu berbeda dan definisi senang orang tua itu juga tidak sama.
Tugas anak pada orang tua juga bukan hanya untuk menyenangkan perkara duniawi, apalagi sebatas urusan finansial. Tapi ada tanggung jawab besar anak pada orang tuanya, yaitu menjadi sebaik-baik amal jariyah. Menjadi anak saleh dan salehah sebagai golden tiket jika mendoakan orang tuanya ketika sudah meninggal nanti. Itu adalah persembahan paling tidak ada tandingannya dari seorang anak kepada orang tuanya. Bahkan tanggung jawab itu dibutuhkan oleh orang tua, melebihi memenuhi kebutuhan finansial orang tua untuk urusan dunia.
Meski orang tua tidak pernah meminta apa yang sudah diberikan selama ini kepada anak-anaknya dibalas. Tapi sebagai anak, pada orang lain saja kita mengenal istilah balas budi. Apalagi pada orang tua. Mari menikmati setiap upaya kita untuk membahagiakan orang tua, sama seperti mereka yang selama ini berusaha menikmati hari-hari mereka dulu dengan bekerja kerasa banting tulang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anak-anak. Meski belum bisa memberi lebih, tapi jangan jadikan mereka beban tanggungan hidup.
Sabtu, 26 Ramadhan 1445 H / 06 April 2024
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candyredappledragon · 8 months
Pelipper Mail!
There’s a small box containing multiple Chamomile teabags and a small pokeball keychain along with some fresh dango. There’s a note with a small sakura blossom on the back.
“I’ve heard from Altaria that you’ve have having trouble with having energy, I’ve provided some tea that I’ve found in Kalos which helps with energy. I always find Chamomile tea nice with 2 cubes of sugar and a small splash of milk but you can have your tea as you like. I hope the dango is a nice snack for the tea, and I hope you enjoy the small keychain.
If my Altaria has came by to visit you, I hope she hasn’t caused any trouble, like I mentioned last note she acts motherly so do expect some affection and cuddles. Alas, if I do ever make a trip to Kitakami, I’ll be sure to have the rest of my team stop by to chat. The rest of my Pokémon are interested to meet you. Do tell if anything troublesome comes up and I’ll help as best as I can from a distance. -Blaze.”
.. wo ah.. t h ank you !!! hghhhhh
i m sur rp rised altaria d idn t bar ge in haha.
. ho w do ma ke tea?
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astrology-prediction · 7 months
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Lucky Alphabet According to Your Zodiac
Lucky alphabet according to zodiac:
Every zodiac sign governed by a few name alphabets is by the end associated with some personality Each zodiac sign by name alphabets is associated with a specific set of personality traits, strengths, and challenges. Interestingly, the first letter of each zodiac sign's name can also provide some insights into their unique characteristics. Here's a brief overview on which alphabet is lucky? 
Aries: Your Lucky Alphabet Is A
Being an Aries native, has got to be “A”. This means that names, places, or things that start with the letter "A" are likely to be particularly lucky for you. This is based on the Vedic astrology system, which connects every zodiac sign to a particular letter. Aries name letters "chu," "che," "cho," "la," and "lee," but "A" is the most auspicious of all.
Taurus: Your Lucky Alphabet Is B
If you're a Taurus native, your lucky alphabet is "B." lucky alphabet for business name according to rashi,  this means that businesses with names that start with the letter "B" may be particularly lucky for you. This is based on the Vedic astrology system, which associates each zodiac sign with a certain set of letters. Taurus name letters is associated with the letters "ee," "oo," "ae," "oo," and "va," but "B" is the most auspicious of However, if you're a Taurus native and you're starting a new business, it may be worth considering a name that starts with the letter "B" to give yourself an extra boost of luck!
Gemini: Your Lucky Alphabets Are C and G
If you're a Gemini native, your lucky alphabets are "C" and "G." This means that names, places, or things that start with these letters may be particularly lucky for you. This is based on the Vedic astrology system, which associates each zodiac sign with a certain set of letters. Gemini names letters "ka," "ca," "ki," "ke," "ku," "g," and "gh," but "C" and "G" are the most auspicious of all.
Cancer: Your Lucky Alphabet Is D
As a Cancer native, you have a lucky letter that can bring you good fortune. The Vedic astrology system associates each zodiac sign with a certain set of letters, and for Cancer, the lucky letter is "D." This means that names, places, or things that start with "D" may be particularly lucky for you. While this may seem like a small detail, incorporating your lucky letter into your life can have a big impact. 
Leo: Your Lucky Alphabet Is E
If you're a Leo, leo name letters can be your life’s game changer. According to the Vedic astrology system, each zodiac sign is associated with a certain set of letters, and for Leo, the lucky alphabet is "E." This means that names, places, or things that start with "E" may be particularly lucky for you. Incorporating your lucky alphabet into your life can be a fun and meaningful way to bring positive energy and good luck into your daily routine. 
Virgo: Your Lucky Alphabet Is F
If you're a Virgo,virgo name letters can bring you good fortune. According to the Vedic astrology system, each zodiac sign is associated with a certain set of letters, and for Virgo, the lucky alphabet is "F." This means that names, places, or things that start with "F" may be particularly lucky for you. 
Libra: Your Lucky Alphabet Is L
If you're a Libra, libra name letters can bring you great returns.. According to the Vedic astrology system, each zodiac sign is associated with a certain set of letters, and for Libra, the lucky alphabet is "L." This means that names, places, or things that start with "L" may be particularly lucky for you.
Some examples of lucky things that start with "L" include love, laughter, and the colour lavender. You might also consider exploring places that start with "L," such as London, Los Angeles, or Lisbon. Whatever you choose to do, incorporating your lucky alphabet into your life can be a powerful way to attract good luck and positive energy.
Scorpio: Your Lucky Alphabet Is M
Scorpio name letters, you have a lucky alphabet that can bring you good fortune. According to the Vedic astrology system, each zodiac sign is associated with a certain set of letters, and for Scorpio, the lucky alphabet is "M." This means that names, places, or things that start with "M" may be particularly lucky for you.
Sagittarius: Your Lucky Alphabet is D
The lucky alphabet for Sagittarius is "D."People born under this zodiac sign are believed to be closely integrated with this letter, which is further likely to bring good fortune and positive energies to you. People under sagittarius also might find pleasure and peace in the activities, places, or people starting with the letter D. However, at last, it’s important for you all to remember that luck and success is influenced by several other factors and astrology is a matter of personal belief. 
Capricorn: Your Lucky alphabet is H
Capricorn's lucky alphabet letters are H, P, and C. Embracing these letters can bring positive influences to their lives. Capricorn name letters "H" symbolises strength and stability, "P" signifies ambition and perseverance, while "C" represents practicality and determination, aligning with Capricorn's disciplined and ambitious nature.
Aquarius: Your Lucky Alphabet is E
Aquarius' lucky alphabets are E, G, K. Aquarius name letters symbolise eloquence, generosity, knowledge, and optimism. Born under this air sign, Aquarians possess innovative and intellectual traits, promoting independence and humanitarianism. Embracing their fortunate letters enhances their ability to connect with others and pursue progressive ideas, making a remarkable impact on the world.
Pisces: Your Lucky Alphabet is J 
Pisces lucky alphabets are J, T, and D. These letters signify qualities like intuition, compassion, and imagination. Born under this water sign, Pisceans from their pisces name letters often find that embracing these fortunate letters enhances their creativity and empathy, leading them towards fulfilling and meaningful experiences in life.
Lucky Alphabet According to Your Zodiac FAQs
1. What is a lucky alphabet?
A lucky alphabet is a letter of the alphabet that is associated with good fortune and positive energy. As each zodiac sign is associated with a few letters, alphabetic letters, concentrating on these letters is likely to bring in good luck and positive vibes in your life. 
2. How do I find out my lucky alphabet according to the zodiac?
If you want to find your lucky alphabet, try looking it up online or talk to a vedic astrologer.
3. How can I use my lucky alphabet to bring good luck into my life?
One can use their lucky alphabet to bring good luck and fortune in their lives, by focusing on activities, places or people that start with their lucky letter. For example, if your lucky alphabet is ‘P’, you can engage yourself in Paragliding or be at places like Paris, Pathankot.
4. Are there any limitations to using an astrology alphabet?
No single letter can guarantee success or good luck in one's life, they can however be used for fun yet in a meaningful way. Lastly, always remember, your lucky alphabet is just one aspect of your life and your success and well being depends on various more factors. 
5. Can I change my lucky alphabet?
The lucky alphabet is according to one's zodiac sign, that is based on their birth date. Your lucky alphabet according to the zodiac sign, which is based on your date of birth. So, your zodiac sign can not be changed however you can imply other positive symbols in your life for additional good luck and good energy. 
6. Which zodiac sign is very lucky?
Sagittarius. Also known as Adventurer Sagittarius are known for their positive outlook on life that attracts good fortune and their explorer side for adventure. They are further governed by Jupiter, also known as a planet of expansion and abundance. 
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v-anrouge · 8 months
Random Vil and Rook headcannons!
Vil is an animal person, he probably would enjoy owning a reptile to just kinda hang with, but if he could have all the time and energy, he would love a bird. But he knows they’re like toddlers for their entire lives.
Rook is an exotic lover, and would work at or even own a sanctuary. He loves deer the most because of how graceful they are.
Once a month, all of Pomfoire has a cheat day. Vil would love to partake but he’s such a perfectionist he still holds himself fairly high. He stares longingly at Epel’s apple pie every time.
Rook used to be apart of the Mountain Lovers Club, but after his first year he changed to Science club. He wishes he had enough time to do both.
Vil and his dad are SUPER close, a lot like Deuce and his mom or even Silver and Lilia to be honest. They talk almost every night, and both would kill for the other.
Rook has a big family, and kinda hates it. He loves his family as individuals, but everyone is highly competitive, and tend to have their masks on when in groups. He is closest with his elder sister Queenie.
When Vil was a kid, he would get stress migraines, so now he’s fairly strong about self care (especially after VDC, he realizes he kinda slipped then)
Rook loves photography because nature is always changing, and he wants to save every small moment. (Also his grandma probably was a big scrapbooker)
Vil’s dad fought hard to keep Vil out of the limelight until he was ten. Mainly cause Vil started to absolutely BEG to do movies like his dad.
Rook is secretly scared of the dark, but he always Carrie’s his bow and arrows so he feels prepared atleast
Vil used to have super long hair, like Jamil length, but it got caught during potions and he sobbed having to cut it short.
Rook also had long hair but viewed cutting it as a fresh start. He’s been trying ti keep up with its care since then and is quite proud of it now!
YES ABSOLUTELY i think he'd really like to have a couple of birds since he finds it cruel to have just one lonely bird but alas...no time
THIS THIS THIS idc what anyone has to say deers are rook's fav animals PERIOD
TOUFFH rook always noticing vil's hesitancy and taking him to heartslabyul so they can have a tea party with vil cater and trey :(((((((
this is one is canon actually>:D he's ALWAYS smiling talking about his dad it's the sweetest thing😿
THIS HURTS SO MUCH PLEASE SOTP IN GONNA EDPLODE but aigu....rook going to his older sister's bedroom late at night...her answering him with a comforting smile and hugging him....she lets him stay the night because even though rook is grown she can't bear to see her little brother sad, especially knowing his issues
THIS AUGH THISJSJEJDJE he worked so hard and even then couldn't protect him :( he feels terrible but vil would never blame him and is constantly reassuring him , especially when vil tells him he overblotted
THIS IS SO CUTE😭😭 AND IT MAKES SO KUCH SWNSE BECAUSE HE'S SCARED OF BEING VULNERABLE SFUUGUF... imagine the lights going out suddenly and rook is just startled but you take his hands and squeezes them softly, gently coaxing him into laying back down again...
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 11 months
You already know I have to drop a little 🗣️ Vex + Ofu. Heavily intruiged :)
((THis is a follow up to this post!))
Vextri, still clutching his injured shoulder, swings the door open.
Hey, []fu? Y[]u get the bandages and sh][t ready?
A voice comes from another room, clearly sounding a little tired.
Yeah... I did... {ome here, I {an help if you want...
The bronzeblood walks in, seeing Ofu sat there, a worried look on his face.
What... what happened? Are you okay? Sit down, and... and...
A bright green tint fills the limeblood's face.
T-take your shirt off, I need to be able to {lean it first...
Vex responds a little dismissively, not as worried as his friend.
]['m fine. S[]me an[]n dec][ded t[] b][te me pretty fuck][n' hard, but ]['ll l][ve.
He lets go of his shoulder, taking off his jacket and then struggling to pull his shirt over his horns.
See? N[]t even that deep. Deep en[]ugh that ][t needs bandag][n', sure, but []nly barely.
Ofuuno flushes even brighter as he looks over the wound, and he fetches a wipe.
Okay... I'm... I'm gonna {lean it up, sorry if this stings...
He starts wiping away at the wound, making sure it's clean as the bronzeblood winces.
I'm sorry! It's... It's going to be alright...
][t's f][ne. Just... get []n w][th ][t.
Eventually, the wound is clean, and the wipe is tossed into the bin.
Okay, so now I need to bandage it...
He picks up the bandages, and begins slowly wrapping up the other troll's shoulder.
So... why did you get bitten?
D[]n't kn[]w. Typ][cal an[]n sh][t, ][ guess. Luck][ly, ][t gave me a chance t[] pr[]perly test my pr[]ject.
Did... did it work?
Sure d][d. Pretty much perfect. []nly th][ng ][ m][ght wanna w[]rk []n ][s the energy eff][c][ency []f the p[]wer cells, but that m][ght be s[]meth][ng t[] get Therus t[] l[][]k ][nt[], see ][f he can f][nd anyth][ng []ut there.
Ofuuno looks at him with a concerned look on his face.
Does that mean you're a{tually sleeping now?
Yeah. Been catch][ng up.
There's a moment of silence before Vextri speaks up again.
[]fu... ][ sh[]uld ap[]l[]g][ze. ][ heard fr[]m s[]me an[]ns that after what happened y[]u were k][nda beat][ng y[]urself up []ver ][t...
You... you what? N-no, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me, I mean, I went way too far there, a-and I shouldn't have brought up what I did...
Well, yeah, but... ][ kn[]w y[]u meant well, and hell, ][t's not l][ke much else c[]ulda g[]tten thr[]ugh t[] me. Y[]u were try][n' t[] help, and ][ just g[]t mad. ]['m s[]rry. ][ g[]t t[][] wrapped up ][n the pr[]ject, and ][ c[]uldn't see that ][t was hurt][n' y[]u.
Vex... {an we... talk about something? I've been... thinking, a lot...
Sure. ]['ll hear y[]u []ut.
Well, uh, when we had that argument... it was really tough for me... it felt like I was gonna lose you, and... and that idea really hurt...
][... ][ c[]uld tell. S[]unds l][ke y[]u were real br[]ken up ab[]ut ][t. Aga][n, ]['m s[]rry, dude.
Vex... I think... I think there's something I need to tell you about.
G[] ahead.
So... for a long, long time now... I've been having pale feelings for you. A-and I hope that doesn't weird you out or anything...
][... ][ see. ][ mean, ][ can't say the ][dea never []ccured t[] me, ][ mean, we've b[]th heard f[]lks th][nk][n' it.
Y-yeah... b-but... gog, should I even be saying this? {an... {an you promise me you won't get mad when I say this?
][ mean, ]['ll try. K][nda hard t[] pr[]mise that s][nce ][ d[]n't kn[]w what y[]u're g[]nna say.
O-okay. W-well, while we weren't talking... I kept thinking, and...
He takes a shaky breath and looks up, making direct eye contact with the bronzeblood.
I... Vex, I'm flushed for you.
Vextri's eyes go wide, and an orange tint creeps onto his face.
[]fu... Y[]u're... Y[]u're fuck][n' w][th me, r][ght?
N-no... I've been thinking about this for a while, and... fu{k, I shouldn't have said anything...
The limeblood goes silent and just focuses on wrapping Vex's wound up.
L[][]k, dude, ][... ][ d[]n't kn[]w what t[] say... ][ mean... ]['ve never th[]ught ab[]ut that, least n[]t any m[]re than ]['ve had t[] the c[]uple t][mes f[]lks had assumed that bef[]re.
Ofu finishes up the bandaging and stands up, starting to walk off.
Well... I should go... hope you enjoy the rest of the night, Vex...
Just as he's about to leave the room, a hand grabs his wrist, stopping him.
[]fu, l[][]k at me.
He turns around, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
][ can't say ]['ve th[]ught ab[]ut ][t, but... That d[]esn't s[]und l][ke the w[]rst th][ng ever. Just... g][ve me a wh][le t[] th][nk ab[]ut ][t, []kay?
You... You don't hate me now?
N[], []fu. ][ d[]n't hate y[]u. ][... ][ c[]uld never hate y[]u. And... ][ kn[]w better than t[] let y[]u g[] s][t and wall[]w ab[]ut th][s. C[]me back ][n here, and... sh][t, ][ dunn[], we c[]uld cuddle unt][l y[]u feel better? ][ kn[]w y[]u l[]ve cuddles.
That... that sounds really ni{e. T-thank you, Vex...
The two sit down on the loungeplank, and Ofu cuddles up close to his now-aware flush crush.
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nonaabuabu · 2 years
b a g i a n k e d u a
baca sebelumnya bagian pertama
Namanya Oseano Putra, tentu saja aku mengenal pemilik mata yang menatapku nyalang hari itu. Ia memang tidak terlalu menonjol di jurusanku, tapi cukup bersinar untuk diabaikan. Aku ingat dengan baik kapan pertama kali aku menyadari sinarnya.
Dua tahun lalu, saat mata kuliah selam. Kami masih beradapatasi dengan scuba dan kawanannya, sedang ia sudah dipercaya asisten praktikum selam untuk membantu kami mengenali alat itu dengan baik. Tak butuh banyak penjelasan, asisten mata kuliah itu menjelaskan dengan singkat dan jelas bahwa Oseano sudah mendapatkan lisensi advance diver yang dikeluarkan oleh POSSI. Artinya dia sudah mengantongi lisensi menyelam deep dive, night diving, boat diving, underwater navigation dan banyak kemampuan selam lain. Ya, cukup membuat insecure segenap mahasiswa kala itu yang bahkan belum memikirkan apakah nanti akan mengambil lisensi selam atau tidak. Bahkan aku yakin jika asisten praktikum kami baru mangntongi lisensi basic diver atau yang paling jauh mungkin open water diver.
Bersamaan dengan kejadian itu merebak pula rumor bahwa Oseano adalah salah satu anak dosen di jurusan yang hingga sampai saat ini semuanya masih menebak-nebak siapa orang tuanya. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa ia putra tunggal pak Zuhari, dekan fakultas juga dosen pengampu untuk mata kuliah pengantar ilmu kelautan dan beberapa mata kuliah yang berhubungan dengan biota mikro laut seperti plankton. Ada yang lebih yakin kalau dia anak bu Mirdasari kepala pusat laboratorium yang juga pengampu untuk mata kuliha yang berhubungan dengan mikrobiologi, seperti bakteri dan jamur yang seringnya jadi simbion biota laut seperti spons.
Dasar argumennya adalah cukup tidak memungkinkan di usia 19 ia sudah memiliki lisensi advance diver jika dia tidak mengenali bidang ini sejak lama. Artinya secara privilese dia sudah terjun ke bidang ini jauh sebelum banyak diantara temanku merasa salah jurusan. Sedikit yang aku tahu, advance diver sendiri dimulai legalitasnya saat kita berusia 18 tahun, tahu artinya kan? Begitu cukup usia dia sudah mengambil lisensi ini.
Kelautan, barangkali masih jurusan yang asing di telinga banyak orang. Ilmu yang aku pelajari sekarang berfokus kepada bioteknologi dan konservasi laut. Meski untuk konsentrasi bidang cukup bervariasi mulai dari akustik, energi, mitigasi, budidaya, farmakologi, penangkapan lestari dan banyak hal yang berkaitan dengan eksplorasi di keluatan.
Aku sendiri mengambil konsentrasi bidang keanekaragaman hayati, memadukan konservasi dan bioteknologi. Sekarang sedang memikirkan tema yang akan dijadikan tugas akhir, karena konon katanya bidang yang aku ambil ini menghabiskan lebih banyak anggaran dan energi. Rencananya aku ingin bergabung dengan tim penelitian dosen, untuk menghemat anggaran dan juga mempermudah aku mendapat tinjauan pustaka.
Jika masih ada yang bertanya kenapa aku memilih mengambil bidang ini untuk studi sarjanaku, aku memilih mengabaikan orang itu daripada harus meladeninya. Oh bukan karena aku pelit memberi tahu seberapa besar peluang bidang ini bisa memajukan Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan, aku hanya tak suka dengan cara orang lain meremehkan sesuatu yang tidak sesuai standar hebat dalam diri mereka. Daripada aku harus berdebat soal pilihan hidup dan terbatasnya cara orang-orang melihat dunia, aku lebih suka undur diri dan menghemat energi yang bisa kugunakan untuk menulis artikel ilmiah.
Saat memilih untuk masuk ke jurusan ini, Nenek yang menjadi salah satu keluargaku saat itu juga mempertanyakan kenapa aku memilih ini. Padahal aku bisa saja mencoba ilmu murni seperti Fisika, Kimia, Metematika dan Biologi jika memang aku lebih menyukai eksakta. Nenek juga menyarankan untuk mengambil jurusan kesehatan saja, boleh itu Farmakologi, Keperawatan atau Kesehatan Masyarakat. Tentu saja tidak ada Kedokteran, aku tidak datang dari keluarga yang bisa membayar UKT dan uang tetek bengeknya untuk jurusan Kedokteran. Meski pada akhirnya, sekarang juga aku mendapatkan beasiswa prestasi.
Aku memilih Kelautan karena bagiku studi ini menarik dan tidak umum di kalangan orang. Meski ini alasan naif tapi inilah alasanku memilihnya, rasa percaya diri bahwa negara yang terdiri dari kurang lebih 17.500 pulau ini dan adalah wilayah perairannya lebih luas dari daratan, dalam konteks studi adalah laut, membutuhkan orang-orang yang bisa mengeksplorisasi dan memanfaatkan wilayah laut kita secara berkelanjutan. Aku melihat prospek yang lebih baik, juga mimpi yang barangkali terlalu tinggi. Karena pada akhirnya, kebijakan pemerintahan masih dalam tahap membangun sektor maritim dan kelautan di Indonesia.
“Ulya, kepikiran ngga si kalau pacar Lalita yang kamu hina-hina kemarin itu Sean?”
Ditra menarik buku yang sedang aku baca, tepatnya aku pegang dalam keadaan terbuka. Aslinya tak ada satu huruf pun yang sampai ke retinaku. “Oseano maksud kamu, keren banget sampai dipanggil Sean.” Aku menarik kembali bukuku dari Ditra dan memasukkannya ke dalam tas. Jangan heran kenapa Ditra juga tahu cerita ini, sudah kubilang ini juga salahku yang menceritakan banyak hal kepadanya.
“Semua anak-anak manggil dia Sean Ul, kamu aja yang kebanyakan di laboratorium sampai lupa hal-hal seru di dunia ini.”
“Aku juga nemanin kamu buat proposal yang nggak approve sama pak Wirahadi ya sampai begadang, dan tolong koreksi aku nggak menghina pacar Lalita, aku cuma bilang ke dia jangan bersikap bodoh soal cinta, laki-laki kan kebanyakan brengsek apalagi yang sudah kelihatan brengsek buat apa coba berkorban untuk orang begitu."
“Elah, biasanya juga kalau musim laporan sampai nggak tidur, begadang sampai jam dua masih lumayan kali Ul. Iya-iya, semua laki-laki brengsek kecuali Ditra, betul apa betul?” Ditra tertawa bangga seolah kata-katanya benar adanya.
“Ini juga harus dikoreksi, minggu lalu anak hukum kalau nggak salah nge-dm aku nanyain pacar kamu sekarang siapa, apakah aku atau siapa itu anak ekonomi yang rambutnya diwarnai?”
Ditra mencengir, dasar! Apa kubilang, kita tak perlu terlalu bodoh urusan mencintai lelaki sebegitunya, selain memang masih muda sehingga kemungkinan bermain kesana kemari banyak, coba ini itu, pilih sana sini, lebih baik kan untuk mempedulikan kewarasan diri agar tidak terjebak dalam kisah menye yang tidak mendatangkan keuntungan apapun? 
Sebentar, apa Oseano juga semenye itu, dendam karena aku menanggapi curhatan Lalita dengan argumen yang tidak menyenangka?
“Dit, emang kalau kamu jadi Oseano, kamu bakal marah?” Rasanya sedikit berlebihan jika seorang laki-laki marah hanya karena sebuah argumen yang jelas-jelas berdasar. Eh, sebentar. Apa aku baru saja mengkotakkan sifat seseorang berdasarkan gendernya?
“Ya seandainya praduga aku benar Sean itu pacar Lalita. Lagian kamu teman Lalita ni ya, masa ngga tau siapa pacarnya?”
Aku dan Lalita tidak sedekat itu hingga harus berbagi rahasia, kami berteman layaknya dua orang mahasiswa yang memiliki kegiatan yang nyaris sama. Kami mengambil banyak mata kuliah yang sama sehingga sejak dulu sering berdiskusi, kami mengikuti organisasi yang sama, namun tidak untuk keluar berdua menonton bioskop lalu posting dengan hastag sahabat selamanya di media sosial. Tidak, kami tidak sedekat itu. Aku tak pernah tahu siapa pacar-pacarnya meski beberapa kali aku mendengar keluhannya soal laki-laki.
“Kamu aja nggak tau siapa pacarnya, konon aku.”
“Tapi seharusnya pasti udah lama tersebar kalau mereka pacaran, pedekate aja langsung jadi bahan ghibah. Jarum jatuh juga kedengaran di sini.” Ditra mengambil jeda, berpikir seolah ini masalah paling rumit abad ini. “Artinya Lalita dan Sean dua masalah yang berbeda. Wuih, sejak kapan Ulya yang paling malas ribet, menciptakan masalah?” Ditra tertawa lepas.
Memang sepertinya sudah lama aku tak memikirkan kehidupan sosialku hingga seolah tak memiliki masalah soal itu, aku terlalu sibuk mengejar akademik dan bertahan dari beringasnya nasib karena tak terlahir dengan sendok emas. Lagipula aku tak pernah menciptakan huru-hara dengan siapapun, cenderung menghindar. Soal tak memiliki musuh ini aku percaya diri.
Tiba-tiba aku mengingat sesuatu, samar dan sedikit tak yakin.
“Apa karena proyek bu Mirda ya?”
Aku dan Ditra saling berpandangan. Dan ya, untuk pertama kalinya aku merasa bersalah, karena aku seperti orang-orang pada umumnya, diikutsertakan atas kedekatan pribadi. Tapi sebentar, itu artinya aku mumpuni, kan makanya terpilih? 
Lalu apa alasan Sean?
lanjut bagian ketiga
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ssuminshan-official · 2 years
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Huaisang secretly kills one of the eunuchs and dresses up in his clothes. Then he dressed the corpse in his nie clothes and rest him on the bed ~ to appear as if he's sleeping.
Thereafter, he blended in with Jing Manor's imperial staff, who were busy getting things in order.
Also some of the attendants were handling and polishing a golden comb.
Huaisang: guys, what is that comb thing? I'm new.
Attendant: dude. It's a hulijing custom.
Huaisang: uhhhhh.....sorry...I'm out of touch.
Attendant: that's the ceremonial tail comb. Zewu Jun will comb the emperor's tail for the first time as an engaged couple.
Huaisang: ohhh. How cute!
Attendant: it's always performed by the hulijing groom.
Huaisang: then why don't Huangdi do it to Xichen?
Attendant: because he's Huangdi.
Huaisang: right.
Thereafter, He decided to stay hidden in the eunuch barracks until the engagement, to plot his plans.
Then when everyone was asleep, Huaisang made a duplicate of the comb, but it was made out of blades. Then he swapped it with the other.
Huaisang: poor Xichen will be blamed for something he didn't do and go into seclusion, 'Huangdi' will be hurt and weak, as hulijing energy is trapped in their tail, and I will have the spotlight.
Maybe I can blackmail Song'er a little bit and somehow control team dimple.
Last night, with A-Yao and team dimple~~
Su she: *giving A-Yao a massage*
Mo xuanyu: *painting A-Yao's toe nails*
Xue yang: *feeding him chocolate dipped fruits.
Yao: *sighs in relaxation* guys, would I look hot for Lan lips.
Xue yang: of course you would, Foxy.
Su she: he can't handle your hotness.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege, can you be engaged to us instead of Lan lips.
Yao: *laughs* guys, I'm already married to you.
Su she: *blush* right.
Mo xuanyu: awww.
Xue yang: I'm so lucky.
Yao: for the wedding, I want to make an entrance. Ì have ordered a peony caravan.
Mo xuanyu: awwww.
Yao: it will bloom, and I'll he seated in the middle.
Xue yang: that's so Yao of you to do.
Su she: you're everyone's favorite diva.
Xue yang: why don't you burst in through the roof!
Yao: I could but then there will he a hole in my roof.
Su she: I think that peony caravan is very elegant. It suits you a lot.
Mo xuanyu: now what's your engagement entrance?
Yao: I'll just be carried in a palaquin but Huan and I will make an entrance.
Su she: you know your team D will accompany you in your palaquin procession.
Yao: awww.
Xue yang: just think of how many fox spirits will ke there lol. Jiggy did you seduce your citizens too?
Mo xuanyu: well Yao gege is very gorgeous.
Su she: yea for real. And he's everyone's favorite hulijing emperor.
Yao: mhm. Or maybe all three.
Su she: you're too hot for Lan lips by the way.
Yao: ahahaha.
Mo xuanyu: you know, Yao gege. We pamper and spoil you more than lipsy.
Xue yang: yea, we're literally feeding you chocolate dipped fruits.
Yao: aww team D, I know that.
And I love you very much!
Su she: *kisses him*
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege, you're our everything.
Su she: is that scheming Huaisang still in house arrest.
Yao: yup.
Have you seen how he begged Jiang to marry him.
Xue yang: lol!
Mo xuanyu: poor guy doesn't know it was a fox spirit.
Su she: dang. Huangdi you're a genius.
Xue yang: and you're mischievous too.
Yao: well I got to be entertained.
Yao: but guys, he do have a crush on Jiang cheng. And I kind of ship them.
Su she: I do too.
Xue yang: I ship Huaisang with his fan. He can stick it up whenever he wants.
Yao: *laughing* Chengmei!
Mo xuanyu: agreed!
Yao gege, your toes are dried.
*goes to brush his tail*
Yao: they're lovely.
Thereafter, A-Yao's staff entered with flowers and some pearls.
Xiying: greetings Huangdi.
Yao: *sits up.* oh hi guys.
Xiying: we got some cute gifts for our gorgeous Huangdi.
Yao: thank you so much! They are beautiful. You're so thoughtful.
Xiying: you're welcome, Huangdi. And congrats in advance.
Yao: *smile*
Su she: did you carry a gift for Xichen?
Mxy and xy: *trying to hold back their laughter*
Xiying: no, as we're Huangdi's staff.
Mo xuanyu: good.
Yao: team dimple is just trying to tease Huan.
Xiying: ah, I see.
~~ the Engagement ceremony~~
Hand in hand, dressed in red and gold, Xichen and Yao made their grand entrance. Their extravagance were admired by thousands of hulijing guests, A-Yao's Rusong. And yes~ team dimple. ok ok, team D only admired A-Yao.
The officiator of the rituals had the couple complete them perfectly, without any interruptions.
For A-Yao and Xichen however, was the best day of their life! Xichen will soon be an OFFICIAL harem member.
Xichen: my cutest hulijing.
Yao: *blushing* Zewu Jun.
Xichen: I'm forever yours.
Yao: you were always mine.
Xichen: I'll do anything for you. Just ask, ok.
Yao: mn.
Xichen: I love you.
Yao: I love you too.
Team Dimple: we have our eyes on you, Lan lips. You better treat him right.
Xichen: I will, team dimple.
Xiyao: *smiling brightly while standing in everyone's midst.*
Everyone: Congratulations Huangdi.
Yao: thank you my beloved hulijings.
Congratulations Zewu Jun!
Xichen: thank you.
You all look so sweet together!
Rusong: A-Die, Shizun, congrats!
Yao: thank you, Song'er
Xue yang: Jiggy, you look very hot as always.
Su she: *holds hand and bows slightly* congrats, my Huangdi.
Yao: awww, you guys!
Mo xuanyu: if Lan lips does anything bad, we'll trash him.
Congrats Yao gege.
Yao: *smile*
Xichen: I'll take good care of him.
Huaisang: *in disguise* (let's see).
Xiying: Huangdi, time for the ceremonial combing.
Yao: yes, how marvelous.
Xichen: ah, I'm nervous.
Yao: why? You do it all the time. Come on.
Xichen: but not in front of people. What if I blush.
Yao: *holds hand* everything is going to be OK. Your A-Yao is here. And you're cute when you blush.
Xichen: mn.
Xichen: *makes him sit first, then he sat beside him*
Yao: *makes his fox tail appear*
Xichen: your dimples are so cute, A-Yao. 
Yao: *glances at him*
Xichen: I always fall for them.
Yao: soon you'll get to kiss them.
Xichen: mn.
But when he did, the comb's bladed teeth grazed A-Yao's tail.
Yao: *screaming in pain* Agh! A-niang!
Xichen: A-Yao?!!! I'm so so so sorry.
Yao: it's ok, A-Huan. It isn't your fault.
Everybody present: *mortified* HUANGDI! ARE YOU OK?!!!! *running towards him*
Team dimple: *pushes Xichen aside* Jiggy! Omg!
Mo xuanyu: *holding on to A-Yao* Yao gege! Yao gege! You're bleeding!
Yao: g..get me some help!
Su she: *looking at the bleeding tail* someone get him the physicians! Fast!! Don't just stand there!
Attendants: right away!
Yao: *groans in pain*
Fuying: our poor Huangdi. Don't worry, the physicians will be here shortly.
Xichen: someone carry A-Yao to his room and attend to him. I'll carry him.
Xue yang: *unsheaths sword* Lan Xichen!!!
Xichen: I don't know how it happened. But...let me help him once.
Xue yang: no!
Mo xuanyu: stay away from Yao gege!
Su she: I never liked you Lans! How dare you cut my Huangdi!
Xichen: it wasn't my fault! I'll never hurt A-Yao.
Su she: don't make me mince you!
Xichen: do you really think that you can fight me!
Su she: I will! And if I die, I'll come back as a fierce corpse and deal with you!
Yao: stop fighting. And A-Huan hasn't done anything. *glances* that's not even the real comb!! It's made of blades!
Xiying: someone is trying to assassinate Huangdi.
Su she: who did this! I'll kill them!
Xue yang: let me at them!
Mo xuanyu: how dare they!
Yao: *faints*
Xichen: A-Yao!
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege!
Rusong: A-Die!
Xue yang: fox spirits hold their energy in their tails! Is this what you wanted Xichen!
Su she: *sadly and frantically puts A-Yao on his back* Huangdi hang on. Huangdi stay alive.*teleports to A-Yao's room*
Xichen: I was framed.....I was framed...
Xue yang: you almost sent Minshan crazy, Lan lips. What do you have to say about yourself.
Xichen: who framed me?
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, snap out of it!
Even though you don't deserve justice.
Xichen: well that's very cold, xuanyu.
Mo xuanyu: sorry, I'm holding a grudge.
Xue yang: I want to hold your ten fingers and place them in a jar.
Xichen: don't you know what infringement mean!
Rusong: *confronts them*
Xichen: Song'er, I'm sorry ok. I don't know how that happened. I, I think I was framed.
Rusong: hmm.
Xue yang: don't listen to him, little Dianxia!
Mo xuanyu: Song'er, I don't know what has gotten into this lipsy guy.
Rusong: actually, I do feel as if he was framed.
Mo xuanyu: yea Dianxia, our same thought.
Xue yang: I agree.
Rusong to some officials: I would like to have a Jingjing lockdown, to find out who injured Huangdi, and framed Zewu Jun.
Officals: yes Dianxia.
Huaisang: (Oh gosh. This kid.
I'm dead meat)
Mo xuanyu: aww you're so brilliant!
Xue yang: mini Jiggy.
Xichen: adorable idea, Song'er.
Mxy and xy: *staring at Xichen* were you allowed to speak?
Mo xuanyu: Let's check up on Yao gege.
Xue yang: yea.
Lan xichen, you can come if you want. *rolls eyes*
Mo xuanyu: only because of Yao gege.
Xichen: yea I'll meet him.
Rusong: *smiling gracefully* let's go, Shizun.
I won't let team dimple do anything to you.
Xichen: mn.
Su she: *hugging A-Yao's hand, while the physicians healed the bruise and gave him a special medicine that boosts qi*
Fox spirits however have the ability to heal, so it was easy for them to heal their Huangdi eith just the flick of their wrist.
Su she: *removing some strands of hair from A-Yao's face* he's sleeping so peacefully.
I hope his qi energy isn't damaged.
*wipes his forehead, then hugged his hand again*
Yao: *waking up*
Physicians: Huangdi!
Su she: Huangdi! *supporting him*
Yao: Minshan. *pats head* why are you crying. I'm fine.
Su she: *sniffles* you're alright?!
Yao: yea i am! Because of the pill the physician gave me.
Physician: I'm happy to hear that you're OK, Huangdi.
Yao: thanks a lot.
Aww Shanshan, you look so cute.
*wipes tears* don't cry anymore.
Su she: I was traumatized.
Yao: oh my.
Xue yang and mo xuanyu: JIGGY! Omg you're ok! 
Yao: of course I am.
Xue yang: what about the simp?
Yao: oh, Minshan?
Xue yang: yea. He almost tried to kill everyone for you.
Yao: *glares at Minshan*
Su she: but I didn't. Huangdi. *innocent eyes*
Yao: *caresses face* you're just a baby.
Xue yang: I can relate.
Mo xuanyu: yea we would have avenged your assassination.
Yao: oh team D. I know you would, lol
Su she: if something happened to you, I would have killed everyone who hurt you, build a temple with your statue and become a monk.
Yao: awwww. Classic Minshan.
Mo xuanyu: that's how much we love you!
Xue yang: what a simp.
Rusong: A-Die. Are you alright? How are you?
Yao: I'm doing OK, darling. Don't worry.
Rusong: I put Jingjing under lockdown so that we can know who the assasin is.
Yao: smart boy.
You didn't only get my dimples.
Yao: surely the assasin will show up at the wedding. So I'll capture him there.
After the wedding, I will deal with him.
Su she: but isn't the culprit Xichen?! I'll have him imprisoned.
Yao: no no no. Slow down. I know that he was framed. And I still want to marry him.
Rusong: and you two are already engaged!
Xichen: A-Yao.
Yao: *smiles* Xichen!
Su she: *unsheaths sword*
Xue yang: ugh.
Mo xuanyu: here's some water, Yao gege.
Yao: Thanks.
Xichen, come near me.
Xichen: *kisses his A-Yao* A-Yao ! My love! You're ok!! I was framed darling.
Yao: I know, I know. *kisses*
Su she: *death stare*
Xichen: Love you!
Yao: love you too.
Xichen: why do I feel a chill?
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, I thought that you were accustomed to the cold.
Xichen: no, like an ominous chill.
Xue yang: maybe it's Minshan.
He's trying his best not to stab you with Nanping.
Su she: yea, I'm saying a mantra.
Which is, Huangdi will be upset if I stab Xichen.
Xichen: oh my goodness.
Mo xuanyu: you made him unhinged.
Su she: guys I'm totally calm.
Yao: then why is your sword out, and pointing at Xichen?
Su she: *sheaths* my bad. Sometimes I lose control of my sword.
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