sweetlymawd · 8 months
What D0c does when no one’s looking.
(Warning: cookies)
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Next (Refusal to Change, Part One) ->
D0c sighed as he stared at the paper Chr1st0ff had given him. It was one of H4nk's wanted posters, but something about it was different from the others. Drastically different. He had to talk with H4nk about it, but unfortunately, he had snuck out again. Three days ago, in fact. Probably out still laying waste to his own health. D0c didn’t get it. What exactly is driving H4nk to become such a… fat slob? Does he know he's in horrible danger?
Another sigh from D0c as he put the poster aside. H4nk has to come back. He just has to. D0c munched on his chips, going over what he was going to say to H4nk in his head. He only stopped when his hand felt the bottom of the bag. Empty. With a huff, D0c crumpled up the bag and threw it away. He didn't know why, but he was having more cravings more often. But if he had to guess, it was possibly because he rarely ate proper meals. His stomach growled. He was still hungry. D0c shrugged, deciding to look through the kitchen and find another quick snack.
He just didn't expect what he saw. There were multiple plates of food on the table, including several burgers and hot dogs, chips, a few bottles of beer, and one plate of cookies in the center. Someone's bedsheet had been used as a tablecloth. The scene looked as if someone had tried to create a fancy dinner but could only make do with what they had. D0c frowned, rubbing his temple.
"Damn it, boys..." he said to himself, staring at the food. "Am I the only one with good habits around here?"
D0c then heard another small rumble from his stomach. The array of food was tempting him. He reached for one of the plates… before retracting his hand. As much as he wanted to grab a bite, he had to leave it alone. Whatever S4nf0rd and D31m0s were planning, unless they were going to binge again, D0c didn’t want to interfere with it.
Trying to ignore the temptation, he quickly made his way to the kitchen to grab another bag of chips. He opened the cabinet to find… nothing. S4nf0rd and D31m0s had grabbed the last of the chips. He checked for any other leftovers. Still nothing. Now frustrated, D0c went back over to the table to stare at the food once more.
Then he thought of something. He could take something small. Small enough so the two boys would never notice. His eyes gazed upon the plate of cookies. He knew he shouldn't indulge in sweets, but before he knew it, his hand had gotten ahold of one. He put it in his mouth and...
It was the best cookie he'd ever tasted. He savored the delectable chocolate and the slight burning sensation of mint— wait. Didn’t S4nf0rd and D31m0s say that they ate mint chocolate cookies before they… Oh no. He had already swallowed it.
D0c rushed to the nearest garbage bag. He poked two fingers down his throat, trying to trigger his gag reflex. But his vision was already starting to blur. So all he did was lean back, close his eyes, and hope that whatever happened next wouldn’t be the worst.
“Uh, D0c… Hello?”
S4nf0rd and D31m0s were crouched next to D0c, trying to wake him up. After waving his hand in front of his face, S4nf0rd looked at D31m0s with disapproval.
“D31, I told you this was a horrible idea.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know it seems horrible, but trust me. This’ll be hilarious!”
“You think this is hilarious?! When D0c finds out, he’ll be beyond seething!”
“You mean ‘if’ he finds out. Remember? We couldn’t—“
That was when D0c began to stir. He groaned, sitting upright, clutching his head.
“…You alright, D0c?” S4nf0rd asked.
“What… I feel… so weird… I…”
D0c slowly got up off the floor. He walked towards the table.
“I’m… so hungry…”
He then grabbed one of the burgers off the table. He took a huge bite out of it, only taking a few seconds to chew and swallow. He devoured the rest of it in just about a minute. Then he grabbed another. And another. Three burgers already in his stomach and he was still eating. S4nf0rd and D31m0s were bewildered by what they were witnessing. This was what went down at the Bakery?
D31m0s walked to the end of the table and grabbed the chair, dragging it to where D0c was standing.
“Hey, D0c… You wanna sit down?”
D0c faced him, still chewing. D31m0s continued.
“…’Cuz that’s a lotta food. Not that I’m judgin’ you or anything…”
D0c didn’t say anything. He sat down, focused on finishing his fifth burger. D31m0s backed away, not wanting to anger him. Then he noticed D0c’s stomach, which was rounding out from the great amount of food he was putting away. A small belch escaped from his mouth before he kept eating. The two boys could do nothing but watch the whole time.
Eventually, D0c couldn’t reach the other foods on the table. He tried getting up, but he had gotten too heavy. His head turned to stare at D31m0s and S4nf0rd.
“…Boys… Care to help me?”
“…Huh?” S4nf0rd replied.
“I need more. I need to be... urrrp... full. There's still so much left... I... I need all of it. D31m0s... give me that bottle."
"What... Oh. Uh, sure." D31m0s complied, giving the beer bottle to D0c.
They both watched as D0c chugged it down. They still couldn't believe what they were seeing. His stomach had expanded significantly, having already caused his button to pop and his shirt to ride up. And now, with the added beer, it was gurgling loudly.
"UUOOORP!" D0c had finished the bottle. "...Ugh... I'm so f--... I... still need..."
"D0c..." S4nf0rd began. "Maybe now's the time to stop..."
"No..." D0c leaned forward, trying to grab more food, though his bloated belly squished between the table and his legs was preventing him from doing so. "...I... I say... when I've... uuurp... had... enuuh--..."
It was right then that his body couldn't take it anymore. D0c's head and arm laid limp on the table. S4nf0rd tried to shake him awake.
"D0c? D0C?!"
He laid him back into the chair, hurriedly trying to check his pulse. S4nf0rd sighed in relief. Still alive. He then glared at D31m0s.
"How could you let this happen?!"
"Uh... I didn't think he'd go this far..."
"You went too far this time, D31. He could've died."
"But he didn't! You could've stopped him!"
S4nf0rd sighed. "...You're right, D31. Absolutely right. And I wish either of us had.”
“…Yeah…” D31m0s responded, feeling guilty.
“Yeah, we’re never gonna hear the end of it once he wakes up.”
“But then again, he might have no idea. Remember how it was with us? He won’t remember any of this.”
“Let’s… just get him to bed. We can’t leave him here.”
With that, the two of them hoisted D0c onto their shoulders by his arms, slowly carrying him down the hall.
“What are you doing with D0c?”
They both jumped. H4nk had just returned. Turning to face him, they saw how much bigger he had gotten, so much so that he was a few feet from filling the width of the hall. Somehow, they were not surprised.
“We were… uh… just…” S4nf0rd stammered.
“You guys done with the table yet?”
“Lemme guess. You want the food?” D31m0s said. “Yeah, you can have it. We’re done with it.”
As H4nk turned back to feast on their leftovers, S4nf0rd and D31m0s brought D0c to his room. They laid him down onto his bed and pulled his blanket over him.
"Oof," D31m0s said. "Bet he's gonna be hurting later."
That's when S4nf0rd noticed something laying on the desk.
"Uh, D31m0s, look at this."
D31m0s walked over to see what S4nf0rd had found. It was H4nk's new wanted poster. They both read it over silently.
"Damn, this is what D0c wanted to talk to H4nk about?"
"You shouldn'tve let him have those leftovers, D31."
"We gotta stop him."
"Yeah, but keep it passive. I don't want things to escalate."
S4nf0rd and D31m0s then walked into where the dining room was.
"Hey, H4nk, buddy..." D31m0s began. "Maybe you shouldn't--"
There was nothing but scraps on the table. Looking over at the couch, they saw H4nk laid out, napping. S4nf0rd and D31m0s looked at each other, knowing they had messed up.
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mrsmiagreer · 8 months
Warnings: Angst, a little cussing, fighting and guns, blood mention, alcohol mention, etc.
Characters: David × Gn!Angel
Angel worked at a bar. They performed, did shows for anyone who would pay enough, and was damn good at their job. They loved it! The copacabana was the hottest spot, and they were the main attraction. Dancing was the highlight of their night when they got all dressed up in cute short dresses and feathers and jewels.
David worked the bar. He was never one to want to be in the spotlight, but he loved their light. Being able to watch them perform was a gift, and he would steal glances at them when he wasn’t taking an order or making a drink. They started to talk to him, break him out of his shell a little. And sooner than later, they were an amazing pair.
At the copacabana, They fell in love.
One night, everything was going as smooth as it usually does. Location still hot, and performances still most requested. Everyone was encapsulated by the way Angel could Cha Cha and merengue, slide and twirl across the floor. After they were done dancing, some guy requested them specifically to do a personal show, but that wasn’t a rare occurrence. They didn’t figure anything would go wrong about this night.
However, the man got a little handsy and went too far with Angel. David noticed their discomfort, and practically hopped over the bar to get to the two.
“Hey, don’t you see they’re uncomfortable?”
“Back up, this isn’t your business” The man replied
“Can you just fucking get away from them, they clearly don’t like it” He gently pushed at the man’s chest to back him off of Angel. He didn’t receive that very well, as David blinked and opened his eyes to a fist disconnecting from his face. And now it was a fight.
Punches and chairs being thrown, spit and blood splattered across the wooden tables and bar counter. And before anyone knew it, they all heard a loud sound.
David’s blood was all over the floor. Shot in his head they fear. Angel couldn’t process it at first, but when they finally understood the severity of the circumstances, they let out a gut wrenching scream that could be heard from down the street. They kneeled next to his body and checked for a pulse, even though they were sure he was dead, still hopeful that this whole thing could be turned around and the love of their life could be saved. They yelled at the people around them to call the police, call an ambulance, someone do something. But he was gone, and they knew it.
At the copacabana, They lost their love.
Thirty years later, the bar turned into a night club. Angel doesn’t know why they still owned the dress they wore that night, why they continued to put faded feathers in their hair or old rhinestones above their eyelids, or why they even still attended this stupid fucking bar. But they knew what they wanted; A drink.
And man, did they drink and drink and drink. Sometimes the new bartender would have to refuse to give them anymore because they would drink all night. The location somehow still managed to be a ridiculously popular spot, and they got tired of hearing about it, it was exhausting to relive that day 10 times over every day of their life moving forward.
Looking around, it was a good time. But not for Angel. They feel as if their youth is gone, and the love of their life was wrongfully taken from them. Over time, their mind was lost, and it’s turned them to the worst, letting alcohol do the forgetting for them. But only temporarily. They’ll be back tomorrow night.
At the Copacabana, Don’t fall in love.
Inspired by THIS wonder
@capitalisticveins @soup-scope @deviantaj @your-local-mom-whore @moon-jellyyy
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njtaxi · 6 months
Request from X ,I draw request of Homan_Canadian2 on X, Request alright closed!!
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sodafizzdrizz · 1 year
Have a D31m0 i sketched up in Aggie
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rotshop · 3 years
hey Rot, so i was re-watching MadCom and got to where San and Hank face off Audi, and I fucking remembered the Deimos is Audi and Phobo's kid hc and got thrown back when I said Audi would be pissed af upon seeing their dead child on the ground which made the part where he tries hitting San with a bat more interesting to me....
but then Audi absorbs the corpses around her (including Deimos's) and all I thought of was
Auditor: "Your body shalln't go to waste, my child" *consumes* "mMMm SmOkE rEcKt MaN-cHiLd"
there is exactly ONE family reunion thing and it's the worst day of deimos and sanfords life. they get there and audi and phobos are already both kill murdering each other (auditor has divorced wine mom vibes i will not elaborate) and even if they do stop there's just a really long silence between all four of them.
someone asks liek 'so um,,,hows hank' and everyone collectively goes
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missingvtf · 2 years
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(content warning for negativity, exclusionism, and suicide baiting)
[image description] three posts on the blog of strawberry-lesbo. the first is a reblog from w1th3r3d-d31m0s which reads: “mspec lesbians die challenge you freaks suck balls” and to which strawberry-lesbo added “EXACTLYYY”. the second post is by strawberry-lesbo and reads: “Friendly reminder: men can’t be lesbians and lsebians can’t like men (stawberry emoji) (red heart emoji) (sparkles emoji) Suck it losers” and the third post by strawberry-lesbo says “After a long day of telling mspec lessies to kay why esse, I must sleep. Goodnite!” followed by several strawberry, red heart, and sparkles emojis. [end of image description]
idk, bud, i think if you spend a majority of your time fixating on how much you hate mspec lesbians, posting about it online, and going out of your way to send hatemail to mspec lesbians, you may want to stop wasting your energy and do something productive or something, this is some terminally online behavior.
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any s4nf0rd headcanons?
ROLLS INTO HERE hell yeah!! - he's not rly open about it, although he would tell someone right away if it got really bad - he's good at comforting people tho d31m0s - he shrugs it off when he wets like "huh that happened" i need to think of a m//dn//ss c//mb//t omo tag
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sweetlymawd · 1 year
Post-Workout Meal
S4nf0rd eats D31m0s’ lunch.
(Please check my pinned to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Also, sorry for not posting in a while.)
<- Previous (Safe with Me)
Next (Close Call) ->
S4nf0rd huffed as he put the barbell back in its place. He was tired, he had worked up a sweat, and he had burned quite a few calories. Yeah, that was a good workout. He sat up, reaching for his water bottle to take a sip.
“Yo, S4nf0rd!”
S4nf0rd almost spat out his water. D31m0s was in the doorway.
“D31, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Oh. Sorry. Still working out?”
“Nah, I just got done. So, about your first mission in a while, how’d it go?”
“I’m starting to get back up to speed. And… ooh, yeah! S4n, check out this weird gun I found!”
D31m0s reached for his backpack, pulling out a peculiar-looking ray gun. S4nf0rd peered at it.
“Whoa… What does it do?”
“I’ll show ya! First, there’s the tank right here that contains… well, something that evaporates and the electric compartments in here turn the—…”
S4nf0rd took another sip of water. “Sorry, could you repeat that?”
“Oh, uh… let’s just save it for after lunch. You gonna shower?”
“Then I’m gonna go get a sandwich. I’ll get one for you too.”
S4nf0rd stood. “Thanks, bro.”
“No prob.”
As S4nf0rd dried himself off, he gazed at himself in the mirror. He was still pudgy, though not as big as he was after his and D31m0s’ trip to the Bakery. He began to put his sweatpants on, noticing they had become baggier. And though his gut still slightly hung over his waistband, it had shrunken down significantly. He exhaled as he put the rest of his clothes on. To him, he was ready. All he had to do now was get D0c’s approval and he’d be set to go on missions again.
He just had to battle this hunger. D31m0s got a sandwich for him, right? Just a little lunch wouldn’t hurt.
“Hey, D31! Where’d you put lunch?” S4nf0rd yelled as he stepped out of the bathroom.
“It’s on the table!” D31m0s yelled back.
“Okay, thanks!”
Sounded like D31m0s was in D0c’s room. Nothing unusual, sometimes D0c just needed some help. S4nf0rd entered the “kitchen/dining room” to find lunch laid out on the table. Not one, but four sandwiches and two whole bottles of soda. Was this all for him? Yeah, D31m0s must’ve already ate. But why did he leave so much? Well, he could always just save some for later, he thought. He didn’t have to eat it all.
S4nf0rd sat down, taking a bite out of the first sandwich. He tasted two layers of ham and tangy mustard between three slices of bread. However, there was one other thing there. He couldn’t quite place what it was, but the flavor was just so tasty and delectable. He could’ve pulled the layers apart to see what it was, but he just continued on. After the rest of the sandwich was swallowed down, S4nf0rd moved on to the second, still feeling hungry. Then after the second was gone, the third followed. Entranced by the flavorful goodness, he barely noticed the bump that was forming in his belly.
Then he finished the final sandwich. A small belch escaped his mouth before he felt something. A weird feeling in his stomach. He was just trying to digest, he thought. S4nf0rd reached for one of the soda bottles to wash down his meal. He drank it all down, then he noticed the weird feeling was almost gone, but didn’t notice his still-growing belly. Deciding to get rid of the feeling completely, he started drinking from the other bottle. But then—
“S4nf0rd, you ate my lunch?!”
S4nf0rd had just finished the bottle. He turned to face D31m0s, stomach gurgling loudly.
“D31, wha— OOUUURP!!! …Whaddaya mean?”
“I just made you one! Those other sandwiches were for me!”
So D31m0s hadn’t eaten yet. AND S4nf0rd had binged again. Damn it, he felt like an idiot.
“Oh, uh… sorry, bro-uuurrp…”
“I bet it was good, huh?”
“Yep…” S4nf0rd stared down at his bloated tummy, ashamed of himself.
“And I bet you have no idea what was in it.”
“Uh… yeah… um… D31…”
“Yeah, S4n?”
“Why are you— urrp… Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Calm down, dude. I just wanna show you something.”
“…W-What is—“
A light shone in S4nf0rd’s face. He was overcome by a strange, slight burning sensation all over his body. And once the light faded, he found that he couldn’t reach the table. Then he noticed how the chair was much larger than him. Then how everything was much larger. He had shrunken down to the size of a small doll. He heard D31m0s let out a chuckle as a hand suddenly grabbed him around the chest. He was pulled up towards D31m0s’ face.
“D31m0s, what the fuck are you doing?!” S4nf0rd was freaking out.
“Just preparing another meal since you ate mine.”
S4nf0rd struggled in D31m0s’ hand, trying to pry himself out of his fingers. But to no avail, seeing how his mouth was now wide open. Before he knew it, S4nf0rd’s upper half was in D31m0s’ maw. His slimy tongue rubbed against him, tasting him. S4nf0rd heard a soft moan. D31m0s was enjoying this.
Then he felt his hand push him further in as D31m0s began swallowing. He felt his throat muscles constrict around him, pulling him down little by little. And then there was one huge gulp. S4nf0rd was sliding down his throat, unable to move until he reached D31m0s’ stomach. It was then that he began kicking at the slimy walls.
D31m0s let out a sigh as he felt his best friend fill his belly. He pat the bump that had formed.
“Oh, S4n, you taste so good…”
“Huurrrp… Relax, dude. I’m not gonna digest ya.”
S4nf0rd stopped struggling. “…B-but… why the hell did you eat me?”
“‘Cuz I was hungry. And ‘cuz I wanted to show you what the ray gun does.”
S4nf0rd laid defeated. D31m0s kept rubbing his belly in an attempt to comfort him.
“…S4n, you know I’ll never hurt you. If you want me to let you out, then I’ll let you—“
“D31m0s, have you seen—“
D31m0s jumped. “Wha— D0c?!”
“D31, what’s going on?” S4nf0rd asked.
D0c glanced over at the scraps littering the table.
“D31m0s, you haven’t been binging again, have you?”
“N-no! Those aren’t mine!”
“That’s not yours?”
There was a small pause.
“…Really?” D0c sighed. “I was going to ask you where S4nf0rd is. I need to check on him.”
“Oh, uh… he’s asleep in our room. I-I’ll go get him. You wouldn’t wanna wake him during his post-workout nap, huh?”
“…Alright, why do I get the feeling you’re lying?”
“I’m not lying! Look, I’ll go wake him up.”
“No, you stay here. I’ll go wake him.”
D31m0s stepped in front of D0c.
“D31m0s, what are you hiding?”
“I-I’m not hiding anything!”
“Then get out of my way.”
The front door opened. There was nothing but silence as D31m0s and D0c stared.
“Uh… D31?” S4nf0rd asked. “Why is it so quiet?”
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sweetlymawd · 2 years
New Feeling
H4nk eats his teammates.
<- Previous (No Escape)
Next (Free Samples) ->
“Uh, H4nk? It’s D31m0s.”
H4nk grumbled at the sound of D31m0s’ voice in his ear. He was already upset about completing their current mission. And now the smoker decided to bother him? He sighed as he answered the call.
“Meet us on the bottom floor by the elevator. We’ve… uh… got a situation.”
“Be right there.”
After he walked back to the elevator and pressed the down button, he heard a noise. H4nk brought a hand to his middle. Great. On top of all that, he was hungry.
The elevator door opened. There was still a dead 4g3nt lying on the floor. H4nk ignored it, stepping inside and pressing the ground button. As the door closed, his stomach growled again, louder this time. Damn, how hungry was he? Wait, did he eat at all today? He couldn’t remember.
Once the door opened, he was surprised by what he was greeted with.
“Uh, hey, H4nk…”
D31m0s and S4nf0rd were in front of him, smaller than they used to be. In height, they only reached up to H4nk’s knee.
“We got… uh… shot by some weird gun,” S4nf0rd said. “And it somehow shrunk us.”
“Yeah, so can you help us get back to D0c so we can figure out what to do?” D31m0s asked.
“…Can’t you do that yourselves?”
“H4nk, neither of us can reach the pedals.”
“…Fine. C’mere.”
The two boys got closer, allowing H4nk to pick them up. He placed them both in the passenger seat of their truck and buckled them in. But before he could turn the key, his stomach growled once more. He groaned.
“Ooh, I don’t like the sound of that. Maybe we should stop by G1l’s on the way back,” Deimos suggested. “I wonder how much of a burger I could eat now…”
“Uh… H4nk?” S4nf0rd asked. “Why are you staring at us?”
“…I got a better idea.”
H4nk slipped D31m0s out of the seatbelt. He brought him close to his face.
“H-H4nk, I don’t like this! Put me down!”
“Okay.” He pulled his mask off.
“W-w-wait, no!!!”
H4nk’s mouth opened. D31m0s winced at the breath on his face.
“DAMN IT, H4NK!!!” S4nf0rd yelled. “PUT HIM DOWN NOW!!!” He tried to reach the seatbelt buckle, but it was out of his reach.
D31m0s was brought closer to the maw.
“P-please, H4nk… I’m scared…”
“Too bad.”
D31m0s was shoved in head first. He struggled and kicked as H4nk’s tongue glided across his body. He hated the bitter taste of cigarettes, but there was also a bit of sweetness underneath. S4nf0rd couldn’t do anything but watch as his best friend was shoved deeper into the maw. A few big gulps, and D31m0s was gone.
H4nk belched and sighed, hand tracing the new roundness of his gut. “That’s better…”
“COUGH HIM UP!!!” S4nf0rd was in tears. “Just cough him up already…”
“…No. This feels so good…”
He kept struggling in the seat, trying to free himself. Then H4nk grabbed him.
“H-H4nk… just put me down, let D31m0s out, and we can forget about this. I mean, aren’t you full already?”
“I am full. But I can put away more than you think.”
His mouth was open again.
“H4NK, NO!!!”
S4nf0rd tasted much better than D31m0s. Meaty and savory like beef. He kept him in his mouth and little longer before gulping him down. With the final gulp, poor S4nf0rd was sliding down his throat. H4nk felt shuffling in his stomach as it expanded to occupy both of his prey. His belts then snapped, opening his jacket and exposing his stuffed belly.
H4nk felt the punching and kicking inside him. He belched louder, rubbing his full tummy. This feeling was amazing to him. It almost felt like a dream. Wait…
H4nk woke up face down on his mattress. It was a dream. It was all a dream. H4nk mumbled to himself, wishing that it was real. Then the hatch in the ceiling opened.
“Yo, H4nk!” D31m0s’ voice echoed. “S4nf0rd made us all breakfast!” He heard a crunch. “It’s delish! Come on up!”
H4nk got up, stretching. Maybe he’ll get the chance to feel that feeling one day…
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sweetlymawd · 1 year
Close Call
D31m0s’ secret is kept, but another gets out.
(This is part 2 of Post-Workout Meal. Please read that fic before reading this one. You can find the links to my previous fics in my pinned.)
(Also contains fluff.)
<- Previous (Post-Workout Meal)
Next (Found Feelings) ->
The front door opened. There was nothing but silence as D31m0s and D0c stared.
“Uh, D31?” S4nf0rd asked from inside D31m0s’ stomach. “Why is it so quiet?”
Of course, S4nf0rd wasn’t heard. The person standing in the doorway was none other than H4nk. His appearance had changed significantly, no longer the lean, mean murder machine he once was. Well, he was still a mean murder machine, but not even close to lean anymore. What was left of his cheeks and neck had gotten softer. His waist, hips, and thighs had gotten wider. And then there was his belly, which poked out from under his new sweater and hung way over the waistband of his new sweatpants. He was obviously stuffed.
“I got the papers, D0c,” H4nk spoke as he reached into his jacket.
He handed him the documents, which had a few faint bloodstains and smelled horrible. D0c just held them in bewildered silence.
“…What the FUCK, H4NK?!?!”
“Yeah, dude, what HAPPENED to you?” D31m0s asked. “Haven’t seen ya since yesterday!”
“…The clown got me.” H4nk answered. “He tied me up and kept shoving food down my throat. I escaped just now.”
“…Really?” D0c replied. “Then where are your other clothes?”
“I left them… somewhere.”
D0c squinted at him.
D0c then sighed. “…Right. Now I’ve got THREE fatasses to deal with.” He pulled out his tablet. “H4nk, I’m setting you on a diet and exercise routine starting now. I want you to—“
“But D0c.”
“Why are you interrupting—“
“I don’t want to.”
More silence followed.
“…WHAT?!?! WHY?!”
“I dunno. I guess it’s all this squish. …I kinda like it.”
“KINDA LI—“ D0c then groaned. “H4nk… You need to lose that weight. It’s unhealthy. What if you need to run? What if you need to squeeze through tight spaces? What if the Agency captures you? What are you going to do then?!”
“They won’t capture me.”
“Yes they will!”
“No they won’t.”
“Why won’t they?!”
H4nk said nothing. He passed by them, jiggling noticeable, and went down to his room.
“Aaaaaand he’s gone.”
D0c just realized that D31m0s was standing there the whole time. He sighed once more.
“You go get S4nf0rd. I need my medication…”
D0c went to his room and shut the door. D31m0s exhaled in relief, entering his and S4nf0rd’s shared bedroom and shutting the door. He poked his belly.
“Hey, S4n, you still good?”
He felt a poke back and a faint, “Yep.”
“Coast is finally clear. I’m letting you out.”
After about a minute of coughing and hacking, D31m0s managed to get S4nf0rd back up, sopping wet in his hands.
“Uuugh… D31, I just showered…”
“Sorry, S4n,” D31m0s apologized as he placed S4nf0rd on the floor. “I was just so hungry and you looked so good…”
“Just… just get me back to normal already…”
“I’m on it.”
D31m0s pulled the ray gun back out. He flipped a switch, then aimed it at S4nf0rd. The rays covered him, growing him back to his normal size. He sighed.
“…Mind getting me a towel?”
After S4nf0rd had dried off and gotten a change of clothes, they both sat on D31m0s’ bed.
“…You heard all that, right?” D31m0s asked.
“Barely. H4nk’s gaining weight, right?”
“Yeah. He went from skinny to almost full-on fat. He said the clown did it to him, but I think he did it to himself. Don’t you remember the leftovers going missing?”
“Oh yeah, they did. And he DOESN’T wanna lose it?”
A loud groaning noise was heard. S4nf0rd mumbled, placing a hand on his belly, which was still full.
“Want me to help?”
S4nf0rd leaned back on the bed while D31m0s laid next to him. He began kneading his fingers into his belly. He then rubbed circles into it as he watched S4nf0rd relax.
“…That feels… so much better… huuuurrrp…”
D31m0s smiled. He rested his head near S4nf0rd’s, sighing.
“…By the way, D31, what did I taste like?”
“Mm… a lot like beef.”
“That’s why you were moaning so much?”
D31m0s lifted his head up to face him. “Hey, not my fault you’re delicious. Hell, just looking at you is making me hungry again.”
“Aw, shut up, ya chucklehead…”
They leaned into each other. As their lips pressed together, they both thought about how lucky they were to have the other there. How so physically comfortable they were around each other. They deepened the kiss. Yes, they were so very lucky.
“Mmmh…” S4nf0rd moaned.
They separated. “What’s up?”
“Uh, didn’t D0c need something?”
“…Oh, I forgot he wanted to see you!”
S4nf0rd sat up. “Yeah, I assumed that was what the yelling was about. Ugh, I’m probably gonna get flak for this…” he said as he pat his stomach.
Later that night, D31m0s walked through the hall back to his and S4nf0rd’s room, sipping from a cup of water. But right before he turned the doorknob, he heard something. He heard… crunching? It wasn’t coming from their room, maybe H4nk’s? No, his room was too far away. He looked over at D0c’s door. He stepped over, softly leaning against the wall to listen.
There were crunching noises coming from inside. Was D0c eating chips? Wait, D0c was snacking? Since when did he snack? Just then, he heard another sound. D0c was speaking.
“Empty again?” He sighed. “Well, there’s still a lot left to be done. Might as well get more.”
D31m0s ran back to the kitchen as quietly as he could, standing in front of the fridge and repouring his water. D0c walked in.
“Hey, D0c. What’s up?”
“Nothing. I’m just busy.”
As D0c walked by, D31m0s noticed something. While he fished through the cabinet, he took a peek at him. He looked away when D0c walked by again.
“Well, goodnight.”
“Yeah. G’night.”
There was no doubt about it. He saw a bump in his belly. D0c went back to his room and shut the door. D31m0s then followed to listen again. More crunching. The gears began clicking in his brain. So D0c snacks while working. And he may or may not know he’s stuffing himself. Yet he always chastises him, S4nf0rd, and now H4nk for doing the same. And he’s confiscated their snacks before. What if…
A mischievous grin formed on D31m0s’ face. He softly chuckled as he entered his and S4nf0rd’s room. S4nf0rd noticed right away that something was up.
“Uh oh. I know that look. What’re you plotting now?”
“Get a load of this, S4n…”
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sweetlymawd · 2 years
Free Samples
D31m0s and S4nf0rd visit the Bakery!
(had to revise this twice and it STILL sucks.)
<- Previous (New Feeling)
Next (Limited) ->
A truck was pulled over on the side of the road. S4nf0rd and D31m0s’ truck, specifically. They had just completed their mission and were trying to find their way back to base. However…
“Damn this stupid thing…” D31m0s grumbled, fiddling with his tablet. “The navigator just HAD to glitch out…”
“Any luck finding the right path?” S4nf0rd asked.
“Absolutely not.”
“Well hey, we’ve got D0c searching for us. He’ll guide us back, and then we’re gonna be just fine.”
“Easy for you to say. I’m sick of waiting. And I’m getting a little hungry.”
“Me too. Say, now that you mention it, when was the last time we ate?”
“Uh… I think this morning. At 8.”
“And what time is it now?”
“…Almost 5.”
“Damn. We better eat something!”
D31m0s put his tablet away. “There should be snacks in the back.”
The two boys went to the back of the truck, shuffling through the various boxes. But there was no food in any of them.
“D31, where are the snacks?”
“Oh yeah, I got distracted by H4nk’s awful stench. And then I forgot to put them in.” D31m0s gave a nervous chuckle. “Whoops…”
“Damn it, D31m0s…”
They both sat in the doorway, trying to figure out what to do. But there was nothing they COULD do until D0c found them. And even then, there were no updates from him yet.
But then some lights came on in the distance.
“Uh, S4n, what’s that over there?” D31m0s pointed.
S4nf0rd looked through the binoculars.
“No way.”
“It’s the Bakery.”
“What?! It’s still open?!”
He put the binoculars away. “Come to think of it, I’ve never actually been there.”
“Well, we got nothing better to do, so whaddaya say we drop by?”
“I dunno, D31. This feels a little too convenient—“
As if on cue, S4nf0rd was immediately cut off by his growling stomach.
“Uh, yeah. Let’s go.”
Locking the truck, the two boys set off towards the Bakery. They passed by the windows, which had a few cakes on display behind them. They stared in awe.
“Ooh, those look so good…” D31m0s said.
Once they entered the building, they were met with a glass countertop with various muffins, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and doughnuts inside. The staff greeted them.
“Hello! Welcome to the Bakery!”
“You’re not scared?” D31m0s asked.
“Why would I be scared?”
“I don’t think they know us,” S4nf0rd whispered.
“My, look at you two! You’re all battered up!”
“Oh. Yeah,” S4nf0rd said, noticing his bruises. “Uh…”
“You know how it is, living on the mean streets of N3v4d4, right?” D31m0s lied.
“Yes, it’s terrible!” the staff replied, pulling out a tray with a few small cookies. “Here, have a free sample for your trouble.”
D31m0s piped up. “Ooh, what are these?!”
“They’re mint chocolate!”
“Mint chocolate? This I gotta try!”
The two boys each grabbed one cookie, then tapped them together.
They both placed them in their mouths. They chewed for a bit, then moaned in delight.
D31m0s swallowed. “Best cookie I’ve ever had.”
“Not as good as my mom’s, but still a close second. Mm. Love it.”
The staff only smiled at them.
“Uh, D31,” S4nf0rd began. “Are you feeling… uh… tired?”
“Um… Now that you mention it… I’m starting to feel… a lil dizzy…”
The next two hours were a blur. All S4nf0rd and D31m0s could remember was the sweet taste of sugar. And once they came to, it became clear what had happened.
“…What the… fuck…?”
S4nf0rd woke up with a headache, but the pain wasn’t even near that of his stomach. It took him a moment to realize that, yes, that huge lump on his lap was his own stuffed belly. He pressed his hands to it, prompting a belch to escape from his mouth. Yes, this was real. S4nf0rd couldn’t find the words.
“Holy shit…”
Then he heard a different belch across from him. He noticed his surroundings: he was in the back of their truck, and sitting right in front of him was D31m0s, rubbing his own bloated tummy.
“Hey, S4n. It hurts, doesn’t it?”
S4nf0rd’s stomach gurgled. “…Y-Yeah.”
“I heard that rubbing makes it hurt less. Try it.”
“Ugh, this is gonna take forever to work off…” S4nf0rd said as he rubbed circles into his belly. “By the way, how’d we get in here?”
“So apparently D0c found us while we were gorging ourselves. We didn’t answer his calls, so he sent H4nk to come get us.”
“Yeah,” H4nk spoke from the driver’s seat. “Had to drag your fat asses out of there.”
“Well, thanks for—“ S4nf0rd was interrupted by another belch. “…Thanks for saving us, H4nk!”
H4nk huffed. He mumbled to himself.
“…Should’ve saved some for me…”
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sweetlymawd · 9 days
Refusal to Change, Part Two
H4nk really did destroy himself, didn't he?
(This is part two of the end. To anyone first dropping in, please start with No Escape so you can catch up.)
(WARNING: Tough topics, depictions of passing out)
<- First (No Escape)
<- Previous (Refusal to Change, Part One)
Next (coming soon...) ->
He was getting out of here. But how?
H4nk sat up as he looked around his room. Everyone would see him if he went up his usual hatch. But how else would he be able to leave this room? Unless...
H4nk's eyes wandered over to the posters on his wall. Was that tunnel still there? He got up, slightly struggling to do so, and went over to the poster lowest to the ground. He peeled back the tape to show that, yes, it was still there. Turns out his teammates could never find it after his escape a few years back.
He lowered himself onto his hands and knees and began crawling into it. So far so good. He crawled deeper in. So far so-- Oh. His waist was caught in the tunnel entrance. Was it seriously too small for him? H4nk grumbled, then began crawling back before... Oh. Oh no. He was stuck.
"H4nk, you ready?" S4nf0rd yelled from the door.
Well, shit. This was embarrassing.
The door opened. "H4nk? Why aren't you-- uh... Huh. So that's where that was."
To say that D0c was pissed was an understatement. It was three hours of non-stop weightlifting and non-stop lecturing. H4nk could barely pay attention to anything D0c said. He felt like he was dying.
Finally, he was given another break, but not in his room. He had to sit in D0c's room so he could keep an eye on him. All H4nk did was gulp down his water in a futile attempt to feel full and glare at D0c, who was working while snacking on yet another hot dog. How come he gets to have dinner while H4nk got barely anything? The belch from D0c's mouth taunted him. In response, H4nk's stomach growled loudly.
Then he saw the rest of the hot dogs on the desk. Juicy. Meaty. Filling. That was all he could think about. D0c was about to reach for another when suddenly, H4nk got up. He snatched it out of his hand.
"H4NK, WHA--"
H4nk was about to take a bite, but then static filled his vision. He could feel the blood rushing out of his head. And next thing he knew, he was on his back on the floor, S4nf0rd holding his legs up.
"Hey, H4nk... You alright?" he asked.
"...Y-... Yeah..." H4nk said, too fatigued to answer in any other way.
"Well, D0c said you're done for today. I'll take you back to your room when you feel like gettin' up."
"But I'm hungry."
"I know. I'm sorry, but this is just how it is. You're too used to overeating, H4nk. And your muscles have gotten weaker from just layin' around all day. You need to get used to smaller meals again and build that muscle back up. I'll try to get D0c to give you a little more food and go a little lighter on workouts, but that's for him to decide..."
H4nk grumbled as he slowly sat up.
"Feelin' okay now?"
He nodded. S4nf0rd grabbed onto H4nk to help him up, spent a few seconds ensuring he was stable, and then walked with him towards his room.
"He WHAT?!"
Right after H4nk shut the door, S4nf0rd heard D31m0s shout from the kitchen. He rushed over, seeing D31m0s arguing with D0c, who had another chip bag.
"You can't just work him to death!" D31m0s said.
"D31m0s, this is all for his own sake. He needs to lose that weight."
"Not if he's passin' out! There's gotta be another way!"
"I kinda agree with D31m0s here, D0c," S4nf0rd began. "H4nk's exhausted. Can't ya ease up on him just a little?"
"You're forgetting who you're talking about. I know H4nk." D0c munched on his chips. "He could do this no problem before he decided to destroy himself. I just need to keep pushing him. He'll be back to his old self soon. He doesn't have a choice."
D0c opened the fridge and peeked inside.
"Now where did you put that bag of G1l's...?"
S4nf0rd and D31m0s just stared. Neither of them knew what to say.
It was past midnight. H4nk was in his room, once again laying on his mattress. His stomach rumbled again, hunger pains keeping him awake. He didn't hate D0c, but he was coming close to. Forcing him to exhaust himself, keeping food from him (even though he was the one eating the most), and drilling in the fact that he brought this upon himself, that he is the reason why he's become so pathetic.
It pissed him off, but all H4nk wanted to do now was get away. So he could keep eating whatever he wanted. So he could fill his starving belly up however much he wanted. So he could be with his cute little clown who wouldn't keep food from him, nor exhaust him, nor drill in why he's so pathetic. He missed Tr1cky so much. He'd do anything to get back to him.
H4nk sat up, then slowly stood. If he couldn't sneak out through that tunnel, the only other option was the door. He walked up to it and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Of course D0c would lock him in. H4nk frustratedly punched the door and trudged back to bed. And he would've laid back down if he didn't hear clicking.
Wait, clicking? Coming from the door? Then there was a few knocks, followed by the slight creak of the hinges as the door opened.
"Psst. H4nk. You awake?" a voice whispered.
"...Yeah," H4nk whispered back.
It was D31m0s. Leaving the door slightly ajar, he entered, holding three bags of G1l's.
"Here. Eat this."
Didn't need to tell him twice. H4nk ravenously tore through each bag. Six double burgers, three large fries, and three milkshakes all vanished within minutes. H4nk stifled a belch and sighed. Damn, did it feel good to finally have something in his stomach again.
"You done yet?"
H4nk nodded.
"Good. Now c'mon. I'm gettin' you outta here."
H4nk got up as D31m0s grabbed his gear for him. They quietly made their way out of H4nk's room, down the hall, and to the front door. D31m0s entered his code to unlock it.
"There we go. Now you can go and do whatever you want."
H4nk hesitated. Was D31m0s really just... letting him go?
"Damn it, H4nk! C'mon! You know this is miles better than the hell D0c's been puttin' ya through! Hang out with the clown! Eat whatever the fuck you want! Just GO!"
And there he went. D31m0s watched as H4nk left. He sighed, bringing a hand to his head. He knew he would regret this, but hey, at least H4nk was no longer miserable. Once he could no longer see him, D31m0s reentered the building and locked the door before bumping into D0c and S4nf0rd. They were silent.
"What. the fuck. have you done?"
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sweetlymawd · 2 years
D3imos steal the shrinking machine for 2B
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sweetlymawd · 6 months
Refusal to Change, Part One
H4nk deals with the consequences of his new lifestyle. Or doesn’t.
(To anyone first dropping in, this is the beginning of the end. Please please PLEASE start with No Escape so you know what’s going on.)
(Also, there’s heavy topics ahead. Just so you know.)
<- First (No Escape)
<- Previous (Secretive)
Next (Refusal to Change, Part Two) ->
He was having the best time since forever. H4nk was laying on a soft marshmallow, letting himself be fed the largest, most delicious desserts. Each one was given to him by the clown, who praised him after every treat devoured. He was so full and absolutely ginormous, but he didn't care. It all felt amazing.
Another whole cake was fed to him, H4nk savoring every bite. Once he was done, Tr1cky began rubbing his tummy.
H4nk belched. Tr1cky giggled, leaning in close.
They shared a long, deep kiss. Tr1cky tasted like chocolate. It was making H4nk hungry again. Once they pulled away, his stomach rumbled again.
Damn it, why did Tr1cky have to be so cute? H4nk agreed to the cookie. But right when he finished it, he suddenly hugged his feeder. Tr1cky sunk into H4nk’s softness, nuzzling him and giggling.
That was it. H4nk was starving. His mouth was wide open, soon to devour his cute little clown. He shoved him in, and……
It was D0c’s voice. H4nk’s eyes opened to see D0c staring down at him, with S4nf0rd and D31m0s sitting behind him. Even through his mask, he could tell that D0c was unhappy. Also, was he just tired, or did he look… different?
“…What is it?” H4nk asked sleepily.
“I see you’ve still been gorging yourself, huh? How’s that going?”
H4nk slowly sat up. “It’s been fine. Nothing to worry about.”
“Uh huh. How about we do a weigh-in, just to check?”
H4nk slowly got up off the couch, D0c leading him towards the scale in the bathroom. He helped him remove his gear, stripping him down to his pants, then H4nk stepped on the scale. Of course, he still couldn’t see past his gut.
“What’s it say?”
Nothing could have prepared him for what D0c said next.
“‘Weight Limit Exceeded’. As I thought.”
H4nk stepped off the scale. He looked down at himself. Then in the mirror. He saw all his flab that he had gained in just a few weeks. How thick his neck was, how big his chest was, how low his belly hung. How wide his hips had gotten to the point that even his new sweatpants were tight on him. Any muscle previously on him was no longer visible. Now, he was beyond just fat. He was obese. And looking at himself right then and there, a new feeling brewed inside him.
H4nk was disgusted by what he saw.
“Care to explain how you became like this? What exactly did you think was going to happen?”
H4nk was silent.
“Come on. Answer me.”
H4nk hung his head. “…I just… I dunno…”
“H4nk, listen to me. I don’t know what’s going through your head right now, but I need an answer. Because look at this!”
H4nk turned to see D0c holding up one of his wanted posters. He grabbed it in order to read it.
Wanted… alive? The Agency, who had spent years trying to kill him, now wanted him alive? What for?
“H4nk. Tell me what you’ve been doing this instant.”
H4nk was silent once again. He kept avoiding eye contact.
“Look at me and tell me! NOW.”
“…I’ve… I’ve been hanging out…”
“Hanging out?”
“…with the clown.”
“…We… uh… hit it off?”
A gasp was heard.
“I knew it,” D31m0s whispered.
D0c turned to see S4nf0rd and D31m0s in the doorway, eavesdropping.
“Boys, this doesn’t concern you two.”
“Hey, we wanted to know, too! H4nk never tells us anything!”
D0c turned back to H4nk.
“How did you ‘hit it off’?”
“…He… He fed me. And snuggled with me and said I was cute and… I gave in. Then he said he loved me and… I guess… I love him too.”
There was more silence. D0c sighed.
“Oh, H4nk, how do I put this… Listen, I don’t care if you’re together with anyone. If you want to be with the clown, that’s fine. But it’s NOT fine if you let him control you like this!”
“Yeah,” S4nf0rd added. “‘Cuz it sounds to me like it’s taking advantage of you.”
“It’s not like that…” H4nk responded, hands beginning to shake.
“Just saying! It might not actually—“
“S4nf0rd, stop,” D0c interrupted. “The point is, H4nk, you’ve taken this way too far. You need to lose this weight.” He sighed. “And now with the Agency still after you, I’m afraid I have no choice but to keep you in.”
“You heard me. You’re not leaving this building until I say so. And to keep you on track with your diet, I’m banning you from using the kitchen. And to rebuild all the muscle you've lost, I'll be setting you up on a mandatory exercise routine."
"But I told the clown I’ll see him again today.”
“I think it’s best if you stay away from him for now. Especially if he’s enabling you like this.”
H4nk huffed. Grabbing his gear and pushing S4nf0rd and D31m0s out of the way, he left the bathroom. D0c followed him.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m gonna go see him.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am. I can handle myself out there.”
“H4nk, stop! You could barely get off the couch!”
H4nk was about to turn the doorknob.
That stopped him in his tracks. D0c continued.
“Think about it. You can’t run. You can’t squeeze through anything. If the Agency captures you, you won’t be able to escape. And if you die out there, you’ll be trapped in the other place, and I won’t be able to bring you back. Now think. Are you going to work to lose this weight, or are you going to get yourself killed?”
H4nk stayed silent. He then removed his hand from the doorknob. He hung his head.
“Okay, D0c. I’ll listen to you.”
“Good. Now come on. Your first workout starts now.”
Three days had passed. H4nk was laying on his mattress, exhausted. Even with the strict exercise routine day after day, he felt weak. To the point that today, the first day D0c let S4nf0rd coach him, he worked him to the point of passing out. Then D0c allowed him a break in his room to recoup.
But H4nk didn’t feel like he could continue. In fact, he was starving. D0c only allowed him a little bit of food each day, enough to keep him alive. But to H4nk, it was barely a snack. And speaking of snacks, he kept begging S4nf0rd and D31m0s for even a taste of their leftovers, but they had to refuse.
This all left H4nk miserable, feeling hunger pains and hearing his empty stomach loudly growling. He was in sad shape. He should’ve been glad that he had lost a few pounds with this new routine. However, H4nk had a stubborn mind. And if he had to choose between being miserable for a benefit or living in ecstasy for a detriment, he would choose ecstasy.
He was getting out of here. But how?
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sweetlymawd · 7 months
Mawdness Headcanons- Feelings About Stuffing, Vore, and WG
H4nk (any H4nk)- He likes being stuffed and loves being a pred. However, he's iffy when it comes to gaining. He mostly just likes being a little soft and nothing beyond that.
S4nf0rd- He'll only really be stuffed as an excuse to let D31m0s give him belly rubs. He's not that fond of vore and WG.
D31m0s- Like S4nf0rd, he'll only really be stuffed as an excuse to be close with him. Unlike S4nf0rd, he likes being a pred and doesn't mind being prey. As for gaining, he really doesn't mind being a little chunkier, as long as it doesn't hinder him.
D0c- On the surface, he's disgusted by all three. But he's had thoughts about being a pred before.
Tr1cky- He loves stuffing and being a pred. He also doesn't mind gaining and likes how soft and squishy he is.
H0fn4rr- He liked stuffing, but was worried about his gaining. He was absolutely terrified of vore.
J3bus- He's disgusted by all three, and sees vore as the worst of them all.
Sh3r1ff- He's not fond of stuffing, terrified of vore, but doesn't mind gaining.
Ph0b0s- He doesn't mind stuffing and thinks of vore the same way (because nobody would dare try to eat him). But when it comes to gaining, he'd rather not spoil his image.
4ud1t0r- They don't care about stuffing or gaining because their body doesn't work like that. When it comes to vore, they like it and do it regularly.
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