#dabi x giran
pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 3 excerpt — giran takes in a stray in the form of teen dabi read full story here
They bring in a woman covered in silks, embroidered at the hem and patterned throughout the length. Her top reaches her knees, slit and loose around the hips. A matching scarf layers around her head in waves and billows over her shoulder with each step she takes, and the deep scent of oud trails behind her. 
Her eyes are dark, but they’re kind.
“Salaam, Dabi-san,” The woman's voice is soft as sleep, “My name is Seiko, and I’m here to help with the investigation. My quirk makes people tell the truth, so they cannot lie to me.”
Touya grimaces, “Ever?” 
“Wow. That’s fuckin’ awful.” 
Seiko has a warm laugh, “Why do you say that?” 
Touya shrugs, “The truth usually sucks,” and that is not what Touya had meant to say, “Can you turn it off?” 
Seiko seems to ponder for a moment, “I can... lessen the effect of my tone,” She sits down across from him and takes out a leather binder from her tote, “But even then, people can only evade my questions.” 
“Better than nothing.” 
Seiko opens her binder, and her eyes scan over whatever page she has opened.
‘Most likely questions they’d told her to ask.’ — Touya notices she has an earpiece.
The woman smiles at him once more, “Shall we start?”
Touya nods.
Seiko’s eyes glow a bright green, and Touya thinks, ‘Here we fuckin’ go.’
“How did you get involved with the League of Villains?”
Her quirk is seriously no joke. Touya tries to tell a lie — really, just for the sake of it — but the minute he opens his mouth, it feels like his vocal cords physically shut, barring any deceitful sound from crossing. 
When he tries to speak again, this time with the actual truth, it’s like that barrier was never there and Touya has this odd feeling of calm wash over him, “Giran introduced me.”
Seiko nods. 
“How did you meet Giran? We understand he’s one of the main recruiters for the League.”
Touya scoffs, “He ain’t a ‘recruiter’. He doesn’t go up to strays ‘n tell them to join this crew and that. He’s... A guy who gives broken kids a home. Give people like us options.”
Seiko holds a finger to her earpiece for a moment before addressing Touya again, “What do you mean by that? ‘Options’?”
Touya doesn’t even try to lie, “This society likes to pretend it’s civilized and progressive, but people like us, like Giran... We understand what it’s like out there, alrigh’ — it's kill or be killed. Without ‘im, I’m pretty sure I would’ve stayed in the red light district as their Freak-Show-Special, and Toga would have definitely been trafficked — maybe in prison after stabbin’ the guy that’d try.”
Touya smirks at that — takes a little bit of comfort in Toga’s bloody unhinged-ness.
“Nah, he… Giran’s closer to a hero than any of you could ever wish for,” and Touya cracks a smile, “He’s just ugly ‘n underpaid!”
The woman writes down whatever notes she needs to before looking back up at Touya with a ticked and thick eyebrow, her small smile conveying, ‘continue.’
He thinks back to a time when he was sixteen and absolutely terrified. 
“I met him at one of the bars I was workin’ at in the red light. I wasn’t a working boy, yet, but the ladies were training me ‘n I mostly stayed in the kitchen — doin’ grunt work, whatever, shit like that. Was takin’ out the trash when I saw him, Giran, hangin’ ‘round the corner. He had a nice watch ‘n I thought he was one of ‘em rich fucks that’d come in and think they own the place — own the people, and…”
Touya suppresses a shudder at the memories of that time. 
“Yeah, anyways, long-story-short, I tried to pick his pocket. Obviously, I was no good at that kinda shit back then ‘n he caught me. Thought he was gonna beat my ass, but he actually just,” Touya laughs under his breath, “He bought me a burger.”
[ Touya’s stomach feels like it’s been swelled up to his chest, he’s so full. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s had a meal — a proper hot one, not just a bowl of rice and canned fish. He doesn’t fault the ladies, they get the same meal, have the same weighted bags under their eyes, same sunken cheeks and jutted jaws, the same protruding collarbones and exposed ribs — ‘It’s attractive, young’un. All the rave, these days. You’ll learn.’
Touya doesn’t want to learn. He isn't keen on being taught all the ways his suffering will attract hungry hands like vultures to a carcass.
“I can offer ya a place to stay,” the man called ‘Giran’ says. 
He’s missing a tooth, a pretty important one, front row and everything. The ladies would have a field day about it, but then again, Touya doesn’t really think this guy is someone hoping to make a quick buck as a Fancy Boy. Touya wonders if, maybe, a lifetime ago, when this man was Touya’s age, he might have then considered it — selling his body for safety and sustenance. The man has sleazy eyes but his forehead is also fucking massive, but then again, if the ladies are so convinced they’ll have customers interested in Touya’s scarred and mottled skin, there’s probably some kind of market for the kind of ugly Giran is and it’s probably more booming than the one for Touya. 
It takes Touya a few seconds to realize the man is still talking.
“ — Might be a lil’ cramped with the other strays, but you gotta promise to keep it t’yerself.” 
The man is talking about a home, a home to offer Touya. But that doesn’t seem right because, “You’re a villain.” 
“Oh? Is that what they call people like me these days?”
Touya physically feels the weight of his eyebrows when he scrunches them together. There’s not much scarring on his forehead, but moving his face too much still hurts like a mother, “People like you?”
“The same category they’re gonna chuck you in the minute they take one look at ya. Geeze, what the hell happened to ya, kid?”
‘This guy’s a dick.’
“Ah, so you don’t even have a good cover story set up. What about in that bag, whaddya got?” Giran nods to Touya’s backpack, some blue ratty thing the nurse pushed into Touya’s arms, — probably from the hospital’s Lost-and-Found — before she had unlocked the back door and walked him to a cab, “Some kinda first aid, disinfectant, I’d hope. You're covered in open wounds. If ya don’t die of starvation, you’ll definitely succumb t’infection, sepsis. Ya know about sepsis?”
Touya bristles, “I’m not fucking stupid, yeah, I know about sepsis,” He doesn’t — ‘literally, what the hell is that?’ — but like hell, he’s gonna let some stranger patronize him. His father already did that enough. 
“So? Medical supplies, show me what ya got. I can help ya build a routine with what you’ve got, can probably even add t’yer lil’ collection, too.”
“Fuck off, old man! Just because you got me some food doesn’t mean I have to show you anything! And even if I don’t have it, I’ll find a way to get it!” 
Seriously, who the fuck is this guy?
Giran sighs and rolls his neck. For a second, Touya thinks the man will stand up and walk away, praying for it even, but only for a split second before taking it back because this is probably the most human interaction he’s had in a month — taking instruction from the ladies doesn’t really count. 
“Listen, kid, with that cheap hair dye ‘n a body that’s closer t’death, you’re not gonna get very far. They may call me a villain, but I’m not half as bad as the monsters that go bump in the night.”
Touya’s parents warned him to never accept offers from a stranger — ‘stranger danger! stranger danger!’ Fuyumi would always scream — but ever since that night, there’s only one evil Touya can focus on running away from, and he can’t do that by being a Fancy Boy. This province is too close to home, and he’s seen what the work does to the ladies. How it wears them down, how each and every customer views these women — these women who have tended to Touya’s injuries with nothing but gentle hands and soft lullabies — treats them like domesticated pets, something to be owned and groomed, kept in the comfort of one place only. 
It’s been days since he’s slept properly. He has his fire, he can protect himself if need be. At least, he hopes so. He hopes to the Gods this guy isn’t a monster.
“How do I know I can trust you?”
He feels like an idiot, ‘Who asks that kind of question? Anyone can utter some bullshit response.’
Giran shrugs and leans back into the velvet red cushion of the booth they sit at, “That’s somethin’ you’re gonna have ta figure out how t’do now that you’re in this kinda life, kid. Trust’s a bitch, if you get it wrong, could cost ya yer life.” 
“Oh, that’s super reassuring,” Touya scoffs, “You’re a real Good Samaritan.”
‘Gods. This guy is such a dick.’ 
Giran looks at him, and the man’s dark gaze is different now. His eyebrows don’t have that sly upward curve anymore — instead, they sit straight as a line, heavy over tired eyelids, “Have you ever trusted someone before?” 
The answer is automatic, “Yeah.”
“Were you right about them?” 
He thinks about his father and his mind screams, ‘NO!’  
He thinks about his mother, and how even though he loves her and he understands her suffering, the only answer he can come up with is —
“ — No.” 
Giran leans forward, rests both elbows on the table, and ducks down to level his eyes with Touya's, “Take a real good look ‘n take your time. Focus where my eyes are — are they flickerin’? Leerin’ towards places they shouldn’t be?” 
The weight of the man’s gaze is a bit overwhelming, but it never falters. Touya doesn’t even realize that he’d shaken his head slightly in response until Giran speaks again, “What about my hands?” 
Giran lifts and wiggles his fingers for a moment before placing them flat on the wooden table again, “Am I fidgety, trynna touch you before we’ve established any kinda boundaries? The tone of my voice — does it waver? Are any of the questions I’m asking completely irrelevant to our conversation?”
Touya takes a long moment and tries to recall every single second of their conversation up until now and he realizes that, “I — No, no. None of that, you’re... steady,” He gulps, “What if you’re just good at lying?” Touya hates how desperate he sounds. 
His father was so good at lying. 
Giran smiles sideways, “Everybody’s got a tell, kid.” 
Touya raises a brow, “What’s yours?” 
Giran barks a short laugh, “A liar is only gonna lie. If I told you, would you even know if it’s true?”
Touya’s always liked a challenge. He’s a Todoroki, after all. 
“Try me.” 
Giran considers for a moment, “I talk too much when I lie. Words just come spewin’ right outta me. Can’t help it, mama said I talked the midwife through my own birth, came upside down, I did. Feet first n’ everything,” Giran sniffs, particularly loudly, and his eyes flicker to the table quickly but he covers it up with a lighthearted shrug, leaning back against the booth in an act of nonchalance. 
Touya smiles.
“You’re lying.” 
It’s not cold in this diner, Giran showed no signs of sniffling before — he didn’t even rub his nose or sneeze afterward. Moreover, the old man never showed any aversion to eye contact this whole night until now. 
Giran grins right back and smacks the table in triumph, “Ha! Yer sharp, kid, that’s good, that’s real good. What’s the name you’re goin’ by?”
Touya notices the odd wording of Giran’s question; not ‘what’s your name,’ but instead asking, ‘what are you going to call yourself in this new life?'
Touya’s actually given this a lot of thought, “Dabi.” 
Giran fumbles with his pocket before handing him something thin and rectangular.
“Alright, Dabi, I don’t know what or if you even got a quirk, but this switchblade is the only thing I got on me at the moment. Am I lyin’?” 
“... I don’t think so.” 
“Good. Take it, mind your fingers, keep your hand on the closed side,” Giran points to what he calls ‘the closed side’, and Touya grips the silver piece gently, “Yeah, like that. See this slit? That’s where the blade’s gonna come out from when you push that button. Wait, back up a little.” 
Touya moves his hand so that the blade is clear of any fleshy appendages. He quicks a glance around the diner, but it’s so dead in here that the waitresses haven’t left the kitchen ever since bringing Touya his burger over an hour ago. 
“Alright, like I said, mind your fingers, thumb on the button, okay… Now press down,” Touya follows Giran’s instruction, and quicker than his father’s flame, a sharp blade reveals itself and points straight, “Aha! Nice, nice, ya learn fast, kid. Now you can grip it fully, blade won’t move until you pull down on that lever — that’s the lock — yeah, that, push it back inside. Got it?”
“Yeah — yeah.” 
Once the blade is safely tucked inside, Touya tries to give it back to Giran.
“Nah, keep it. Obviously, it’s good to trust your gut, but sometimes we’re wrong, right? Can’t read minds — unless that’s your quirk. But nah, if it’s not, body language is the closest thing you got, but real filthy people know how to work around that. You finished with that?” Giran points to his mostly empty dish, a few fries gone cold. 
“Yeah, I… I’m done,” Touya honestly has a bit of whiplash. Out of all the scenarios he’d conjured up when he made a swipe for the old man’s watch, this entire encounter was never something he’d foresee. 
It’s been a while since he’s felt… cared for, in a sense. Like maybe someone actually gave a shit if he were safe, instead of powerful. 
“You want somethin’ else before we head out?” Giran asks, arm halfway up to call a waitress. 
“Nah, I’m good.” 
Giran drops his hand, eyes wide, “You sure? I got stuff back at the house to make sandwiches in the fridge, but that’s about it. Grocery day is Wednesday, ‘cause of the specials, y’know.”
Touya would smile if he had the energy, but his pain medication is starting to wear off and all he can think about right now is how his seams are starting to itch, “Thanks, but I’m alright, honestly.”
Giran throws some crumpled bills on the table — definitely more than what Touya’s meal was worth — and nods to the exit door, “Let’s get a move on, then.” ]
Seiko smiles, “I see. Thank you for sharing, Dabi-san. These next questions might be a bit harder, but we need as much information as possible. If you need a break, please inform me.”
They asked everything Touya had prepared for them to ask, and still, it was one of the hardest things he’d faced in a long, long, time — calming truth quirk and all. 
“Who is Todoroki Enji, to you?”
“Can you please tell us about the abuse Todoroki Enji inflicted on you?”
“Can you please tell us about the abuse you’ve witnessed Todoroki Enji inflicting on the other individuals you’ve listed on your report — Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsou, Todoroki Shouto, and your mother, Todoroki Rei?”
And finally, “Can you please tell me about the attempted murder incident you have reported, stating Todoroki Enji as the perpetrator and yourself as the victim.”
He needed three breaks, telling that one. 
Eraserhead couldn’t look Touya in the eye when he brought in coffee for him and Seiko. All Might looked red around the eyes. Fuyumi… Touya only really caught a glance of her when Eraserhead opened the door to go back outside, but he doesn’t think he’d ever seen her look so guilty. Even when she planted lilies in the garden where Touya’s favorite stray cat used to roam around. 
He doesn’t want her to feel guilty, though, because just like what happened with the cat, what happened to Touya — she didn’t know.
Seiko cleared her throat before reading off the paper Eraserhead had scribbled on before he’d left, “Which heroes, besides Endeavor, do you also believe to be ‘dirty’ — criminal or immoral — and what kind of incriminating evidence can you provide?”
Touya laughs through his nose, a bull’s breath without the anger, and he tilts his head, “After I left, I still kept in contact with the ladies. They keep records of everythin’ — have to protect themselves from getting shut down or locked up. And you would be surprised how many heroes visit the red light district. And not for rescue missions.”
“Please, write them down — only the ones you have evidence against.”
Touya does so, and Eraserhead comes in to inspect the list, “… This list has over thirty names, all within the top fifty.”
“They’re fucked up lil’ freaks, too. And that’s just what I personally know.”
Eraserhead rubs at the bridge of his pointed nose and mutters something to Seiko. 
“Is this all the criminal activity you have evidence of regarding the heroes?” 
Touya scoffs, “How much time you got?” And just for flare, he uses his fingers to tick each item off.
Index, “I’ve got money launderers, they’re my favorite because it’s all just so original.”
Middle, “Sexual assault reports, you would ‘n wouldn’t be surprised with that one.”
Ringer finger, “Domestic abuse because, well, that’s my specialty, ain’t it.” 
He snorts and lifts his pinky, “Unethical funding for groups like the Anti-Mutant Association, conversion therapy, etcetera etcetera yadda yadda. Then I’ve got the Commission’s not-so-top-secret Assassination ‘n Honey-Pot unit — they really need better firewalls, for fuck’s sake, I mean, and — oh! Finally, Eraserhead yer gonna love this one…" 
Touya looks directly at Eraserhead to make sure the underground hero is paying attention before wiggling his thumb, all five fingers of his scarred hand spread wide, "I know who the U.A. informant for the League is.”
Eraserhead's eyes bug out of his head before he remembers himself. He clears his throat and sits down next to Seiko, “Well, go on.”
This is his chance. Seiko hasn’t asked him anything, so he figures he might as well try bending the truth slightly. 
Touya puts on his best smile, the one he knows looks like a cadaverous shit-inhaler, “I need one private phone call.”
Eraserhead’s eyes harden, “What.”
Touya puts his hands up, “Hey man, I didn’t know if you would make the deal. Had to keep some insurance, y’know. Your boys frisked me ‘n everything. Pretty sure that old one with the patchy beard copped more than just my lighter, if you know what I mean,” He winks at Seiko. 
The woman rolled her eyes but her fond smile softened the blow. 
“What does this have to do with a phone call?”
“I put all this evidence on a USB — remember, I told you I got guys ready to leak this shit? Well, I gotta call ‘em to, y’know, not. And then they’ll send it here.”
Eraserhead’s fingers flex on the table as if he wants to hit something — hit Touya, most likely. 
“If you tell us the location of the USB, we can retrieve it.”
“Uh, no. We signed the deal, yeah, but I don’t have a lawyer to know whether you screwed me over.” 
“Why private?”
“For their protection,” Touya says, mostly honest, “C’mon, think of it as a trust exercise. Worst comes to worst, you still got me locked ‘n loaded,” He waves his wrist around, the one with the deadly metal band. 
Seriously, though, that vein in Eraserhead’s forehead is going to burst into an aneurysm one day. 
“Seiko-san, please ask Dabi whether he’s being truthful.” 
Seiko looks at Touya, and he’s not sure what the woman sees but when she asks, “Dabi-san, do you have the intention to retrieve the USB containing evidence via making a phone call, and to deliver this USB to Eraserhead?” he could have kissed her. 
Because she didn’t ask who Touya was going to call, what else he needed to tell Giran, and he just knew the woman decreased the intensity of her voice, felt it in the freedom of his tongue. 
So he means it, says it so proudly, chest puffed and shitty stretched grin, when he answers, “Yes.”
read full story here
my other works
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savnofilter · 2 years
Wisdom Teeth Aftercare
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                    LoV + Giran x [GN]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sav attempting fluff, mentions of wounds & medicine doses, def an insert, semi established-relationships.
WORD COUNT: 1.5k [5 mins].
READ MORE: masterlist + [students & adult masterlists]
A/N: im in so so so much pain. wrote this because im lonley and would kill to have one of these beautiful characters to aid me. these would be longer if i wasnt so delirious rn. (not proofread)
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Dabi knows what to do but also does not. 
hes been through a lot of painful situations wheres hes needed to take medication, and most times he isnt even able to take any. 
hes trying his best to comfort for you in his own little warped way. 
"Hey, sit back down" Dabi snaps at you in annoyance as you attempt to leave your bed, and rolls his eyes at your mumble-whining. "You're delirious right now, don't argue with me."
he makes sure that your night stand is always replenished. hes like a little nurse and even in your medicated haze, you find it super cute.
♱ you cant tell him that tho… he'll get pouty. not something you hate but its the bratty behavior that follows it.
gives you tons of forehead kisses because he cant give you cheek ones cuz of your swollen cheeks. 
its practically killing him he cant just cup them while theyre big the way they are. 
is definitely teasing you as he takes care of you. sometimes putting stuff out of your reach or eating a burger in front of you knowing you wont be able to do that for a couple of days. 
"Fine fine, say ahh-- oh wait." Dabi snickers. 
he really thought he ate, huh? i guess he did (literally).
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Shigaraki does not know what hes doing. 
"You want cuddles or sumthin'??" He tilts his head as you look at him with the most annoying puppy dog eyes you can muster up. 
he unfortunately believes that you could suck it up but we all know its because deep down he enjoys pain a little too much. 
is actually persistent on giving you your meds for you to heal with.
although dont expect it to be accurate all the time…. 
he isnt as attentive and usually drops by to spend some time with you since he doesnt want you to be alone too much. 
even with how awkward it is, he'll give you the "normal'' amount of affection and give your head and cheekbone area light kisses for you to feel better.
"You know I can go steal a way stronger dose right?" 
If you could frantically shake your head no you would.
he'll sometimes let you play video games with him so he can also keep himself entertained as well. 
he doesnt assimilate into your schedule like Dabi does but he tries his best to still help you no matter what.
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Toga in a very odd way is ecstatic that youre in pain. 
♱ not like she isnt “odd” already,,
shes very excited to play nurse and help you heal. probably dresses for the part too.
"We'll get you back up on your feet in no time!"Toga declares happily, shoving a small spoon into your mouth with applesauce on it. 
is whistling or humming as she helps you out and somehow acquired some non-prescriptive cute glasses. she'll tilt them up or press them closer as she checks the doses. 
shes actually pretty on top of it (but you do have to double check if its correct because you know how careless she can be without ill intent).
she'll get you stuff animals and blankets for you to nap in. 
has it so shes sleeping over (not that thats new anyways).
gives you lots of affections but makes sure to be soft so she doesnt hurt you by accident.
if youre in any kind of pain, you can always count Toga be there to aid you. 
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youd think with Spinner's cool demeanor would make you think otherwise but nope. 
hes clocking your schedule and making sure you got everything set. 
"You have everything for 12 pm right?" He checks in and takes your small little nod as a yes. He releases a small sigh to himself and leaves to take a tinkle. He let's out one of the most loudest sighs of worry you've ever heard from him. It's pretty funny when you realize he's been trying to keep composed this whole time.
unlike Toga, he has actual glasses. 
looks like such a grandpa taking care of you. 
youre so entertained by him that honestly it distracts you a bit from the soreness and the pain. 
he gets mopey when he cant cuddle you on days where youre in too much discomfort. 
has you basically nesting as you recover. 
a little all over the place? yes. would you still rate your experience with his 10/10? 
of course.
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literally do not expect too much from him. 
with all Twice's sides it really differs on what youre getting that day (sometimes throughout if its a hectic 24 hours).
he is trying his best since he doesnt like seeing you in pain and gives you lots of kisses. 😭
idc what anyone says out of the whole league, hes the most caring. 
when hes attentive, hes on it. 
checking your temp, getting your foods, making sure you have your cool & hot pads. also has alarms so he can remind himself when to check up on you. 
unfortunately he doesnt want to seem like a bother so he tries to not to be too much in your space </3
he knows you dont mind but he gets self conscience as he normally does. 
even when hes not tending to you hes just chilling in your vicinity when you two arent interacting. 
he thinks he couldve helped you more but you think he did great. 
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Mr Compress is all the extravaganza. you said calling in sick, bro heard "time to pamper and preform".
even if its the smallest things he'll give it to you in fun little ways so you arent bored out of your mind. 
♱ and also so you dont feel skipping out on doses and actually take them. 
you werent aware but this mf also has multiple costumes?? youre pleased to have learnt this. 
he is a show man after all…
of course he doesnt over do it, he wants you rested not overstimulated. 
is a very chill man to be around when hes not doing flip and tricks and you cant decide which of him you like more (you dont choose ultimately).
of course he has a little something up his sleeve to keep you on your toes but you cant complain with that. 
did he essentially treat you like a kid? yes. 
do you care tho? not at all. 
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Kurogiri is the most put together out of them. 
(youre supposed to be surprised by this revelation.)
i mean, what do you expect from a man who has taken care of another man for years…?
makes sure youre doing everything so you can recover expeditiously. 
isnt doing all that affection stuff honestly. 
he drops in, replenishes everything you need and dips. 
he kind of treats you like youre sick and it lowkey hurts your feelings with how much he avoids you. 
in general hes give an average amount of affection so you sometimes have to speak up when he hasnt cuddled you for some time. 
even with all your requests he never seems bothered how much you ask and what you ask for. :')
he is pretty good but sometimes you wish he could be a bit softer (sue me).
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imagine Toga but 2.0. 
Magne isnt as energetic and into the role of the 'nurse' but is very much still doting. 
feeds you in the beginning stages before you gotta remine them that they definitely dont have to. 😭
when youre feeling extra cranky theyll try and coax you into it (consensually ofc who do you think youre with?!)
"I know you don't feel like it but you'll feel much better once you take it." Magne rubs your shoulder as you whimper in pain, and presses a gentle and chaste kiss to your temple. 
even with how bubbly and outgoing they are, they are just as stern. 
is one to make sure youre having a laid experience while making sure your lazy attitude will not interfere with your healing process. 
makes sure to have a big celebration thing when you are fully healed and gives you all the cuddles that you may have missed out on when you were healing. 
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AHT AHT stfu hes on the list dont say anything. 
Giran's methods may be ghetto but he gets the job DONE. 
"Y'know I got my own knocked out by and old friend of mine" 
"Crazy shit, I know! But he's some psychiatrist or sumthin' so I trusted the bastard anyways!" 
um… moving on…
is in and out of your place but makes sure that youre well taken of when hes there. 
its like a roulette if when you wake up he'll be on your bed watching TV or if hes nowhere to be seen without a trace. 
will give you the rare kiss but more of his gentle behaviors are like little pokes to your cheeks just because of how puffy they are. 
♱ got you those get well presents and theyre so cute. </3
his treatment is nothing special but it definitely helped you feel better. 
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HEAR ME OUT 😭 toga!reader who grew up with katsuki and izuku, she was always insecure about her quirk bc ppl told her liking gore was weird etc and ofc kats bullied her bc of that… until she grew older, realised how much her quirk can do, joined league of villains alongside dabi… maybe dabi takes a liking to her ^^ and he understands the need for revenge all too well… 🙂‍↔️ THATS ABOUT ALL I HAVE RN!
Wait this is so fun!! I usually try to keep the readers quirk undefined because I know some people want to insert their own but tbh I loveeee gory quirks and stuff
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I'll Kill 'Em, You Hide the Body
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Warnings: language, slightly suggestive, bullying, violence, blood (ofc), also it's been a while since I've written less dialogue heavy stuff so let me know if you have any critiques!
Word Count: 2.1k
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Dabi had never been a fan of Toga.
The blonde was nothing short of psychotic, which he usually didn't mind by itself. Still, she possessed an undeniable creepiness about her that had him keeping as much as possible.
Seeing that she had wormed her way into his room to jab him for blood once may or may not have exemplified his dislike.
You on the other hand?
It was interesting how you and the blonde shared similar quirks, powers of seperate sides of the same coin with minor differences on how you used them.
It was even more interesting, however, with how much different the two of you actually were.
He remembered how you acted when you had first been introduced to the League, quiet and eyes glued to the floor, words slurred from the subtle way you tried to keep your mouth closed as you spoke. Still, your efforts seemed to be in vain, the soft whites of your sharpened canines becoming revealed the second you had joined them for a meal.
In all honesty, Dabi had thought it was dumb, how insecure you were of your quirk. He had seen mutant-quirk holders with features much more abhorrent than your barely noticeable fangs.
Spinner, the giant lizard man working along with you both was an easy example.
Shigaraki had accepted you, seemingly already knowledgeable of whatever powers you possessed when Giran had brought you to the hideout, leaving everyone else in the dark.
And while the others hadn't seemed to mind, accepting your soft spoken demeanor and mystery with open arms, Dabi wasn't exactly elated to have another weakling on the team.
How the hell would he be able to trust that you wouldn't fuck up if he didn't know what you could do?
So when Shigaraki had assigned you to his group for a mission, he had scoffed, grumbling about how you were just going to get yourself killed.
You, however, had been quite the surprise.
Drawing a small knife from your boot, you slid the blade over your palm, the metal leaving a thin line of scarlet behind. He watched as the liquid pooled over your fingers before rising in the air, leaving your skin clean and untouched.
He watched, cerulean eyes wide as he took in the horrific beauty you possessed.
Blood continued to slip from your cut, each drop falling upward to amalgamate into your dreadful creation, a vine of vermilion that trailed around a group of your opponents.
When a squeeze of your fist, the ruby liquid clotted together, wrapping around the men and pulling them together into a makeshift prison. The blood, now miraculously hardened, poked at their skin, pulling at their own plasma until it was also under your control.
You used your other hand, careful not to mix the substances, before forming the material into a scythe. If one listened hard enough, they could hear the edge of the blade slicing through the air, just as deadly and graceful as its wielder.
It was almost poetic, the way you cut through your foes with the innards of their comrades.
By the end of it, a gory havoc had exploded through the room, you, just as untouched and pristine as before all of it, standing in the middle of it.
Beckoning a finger forward, you drew your own blood back toward you, the fluid snaking back under your skin and gluing the cut back together.
Toga had been absolutely obsessed with you from that moment on, hanging off your shoulder and chatting your ear off whenever you would let her.
Surprisingly, you didn't exactly seem to mind, expression holding nothing was silent contentment, the way one may look at a younger sibling or apprentice.
Dabi, on the other hand, had only grown increasingly obsessed with figuring you out.
To say you grew up isolated was an understatement.
When your quirk had first been revealed, your parents had been happy, albeit a bit taken aback by the initial grimness of it, hopeful for the unwritten future of success you had waiting.
Blood bending had quite the potential, after all.
Similarly, your friends had been enamored by the creations of your ability, eyes wide in childish wonder as you made inanimate creatures float around the classroom, one of your favorite tricks.
Your life had started to end the first day you passed out in class.
It had been a small turtledove that time, red as rubies and small enough to fit in your hand. The avian organism flying over your head was the last thing you remembered before the world went black.
Filled with panic, your parents had rushed you to the nearest urgent care, voices laced with tension as they explained the situation, even as you woke up. The doctor had done numerous tests, each more exhausting than the last.
A few days passed, filled with fear and anticipation at each time you would faint without an explanation.
'Extremely low iron' was the first thing written on the report, letters big and angry. Still, those that followed were so much worse.
The notion of having to consume some form of blood, not only to sustain your quirk, but to keep you alive, left your family in shambles.
Each of your friends began to trickle away after the news as well, most scared by the rumor that you were secretly a vampire started by some blond a few grades below you. Bakugou was his name, that of which you had learned a few days later as the bullying continued.
Whispers lined the hallway as you walked past, each hushed syllable and scowl following you like a disease.
"She'll eat you if you let her too close."
"I heard she picks people off the streets and drains 'em."
The love for gore and scary movies you had definitely didn't help your case.
Regardless, back then, you would've easily watched some romantic comedy instead of your favorite slasher film, if only it could be done with friends by your side, giggling at the dreamy love interest and cheesy lines.
And despite your desperate yearning for companionship, maybe you would've been fine if it was left at plain isolation.
The worst of it started when Bakugou convinced some of his friends to break into your locker. They had taken your lunch box and dumped the contents out in the nearest trashcan before stuffing it back in, all of which you being completely oblivious to.
When you opened your lunchbox expecting the usual sandwich and bag of chips, your eyes had doubled in horror when they met the dead bird cradled within instead.
Home could have easily been a sanctuary for you, but it soon became just as depressing as school.
Thankfully, your doctor had been able to give you meager rations of the blood donations the local hospital received weekly. Still, you began to dread each time your parents went out to pick it up from the pharmacy.
They would hand you the bag to put in the freezer, fingers barely gripping the plastic like it was a dead animal.
As far as you knew, it very well could've been.
Their complaints ran through your ears constantly, vivid descriptions of the revolted looks the nurses would give him, followed by the scattered glances of pity they might get from other parents at the store.
Once, your mother had to excuse herself from the table, silently gagging at the ruby liquid in your cup. Soon it became a regular occurrence, both leaving in disgust until you were left to eat your meals alone, food cold and room silent.
A few years inched by before they pushed you away as well, lending you money for a small apartment on the other side of town, as far away from them as possible.
By the time you turned eighteen, they had cut you off completely, giving you just enough time for all that sadness and insecurity to meld into hate.
Joining the League was the first thing you did after moving out.
Surprisingly, it hadn't taken a long time at all for Dabi to take a liking to you, the quiet admiration stemming from his initial awe at your power, regardless of how much he didn't want to admit it.
Taunting you soon becomes his favorite activity. You were unexpectedly hard to fluster, but the way your eyes would flit to the ground in embarrassment made it deliciously worth it.
Regardless, the soft blood lust burning in your eyes whenever he would push your buttons too far had his pants tightening.
It was hard to decide which reaction he liked better.
Those were the reactions he was digging for tonight, arms crossed as he leaned on your door frame, smirking at the way you had mindlessly left the entryway to your room unlocked.
It was like you were practically begging him to come in.
He had learned of your past a few hours ago from Kurogiri, the dark mass of mist and fog easily digging out the information.
The knowledge had pissed him off, sure. In all honesty, he would've happily added another U.A. brat to his kill-list, especially once he recognized Bakugou's name, the idiot being in the same class as his darling little brother.
Still, Dabi had enough self respect to consult you first.
Or, at least, he had convinced himself it was 'consulting.' Whether or not it was more accurately 'annoying you until you did something worth the regret' was none of his concern.
And it was all the more motivation if he could worm his way into your good graces.
He definitely wouldn't mind letting you play damsel if it meant winning your affection in the end.
Maybe it was the mention of that blond twerps name, or maybe that of your parents, which had your fingers curling around your pencil, your line of sight glued to the paper in front of you.
"Get out. I'm working," you said without looking up.
"You know, fucking someone up would make you feel a lot better than writing in a diary." He walked over to where you were sitting, a smirk pulling on the corner of his lips. A hand slipped over your shoulder as he bent down, the warmth of his skin kissing your own as he whispered, "Or I know some other ways of relieving stress if you want help."
You scoffed, ignoring the heat building in your cheeks at the insinuation. "Are you always this annoying?"
"Only for you, doll."
Dabi was quite the flirt, and while you were quite masterful at hiding your own attraction to the man, each amorous comment had your defenses faltering.
"I just don't know how you can let that shit fly." His touch slid lower, hands snaking low enough to rest on your thighs, his breath tickling your ear. "If it was me, they would be six feet under right now."
"You really think I don't want to?" The heels of your chair slid across the wooden floor in an unpleasant screech, your pencil slamming against the desk as you stood and turned to face him. "I think about it all the fucking time! I just..." You swallowed. "There's no coming back from that... I don't know if I can."
Silence met your unwilling confession, clashing with the pit of embarrassment growing in your stomach. An attempt to hide from the scrutiny of his stare, you moved over to sit on your bed, resting your face in your hands as the stillness enveloped you.
"Then let me do it for you."
You looked up. "What?"
"I said," Dabi slowly crept over to you, gaze locked on your own. "Let me do it for you."
The way each syllable was enunciated with cruel ardor left you shivering, your skin prickling in goosebumps as the heat radiating off his body swept closer.
"I'll make sure to leave enough pieces behind to drain, if you want."
It was almost as if he could hear the blood thrumming through your veins, your quirk begging for the violent, venegeful release that you were being promised.
That annoyingly excitable muscle in his chest jumped at the way you looked at him, eyes dancing with a mixture of desire and ferocity.
Eventually, you gave your answer, quiet, but certain.
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agendercrisisx · 8 months
Can I have one where Bakugo and/or Dabi find out that they're sweet innocent angel is actually a masochist?
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗
Request: “Can I have one where Bakugo and/or Dabi find out that they're sweet innocent angel is actually a masochist?”
This is such a fun idea, I'm thinking of something where Bakugou ended up joining the league, so the two boys know each other well. Bakugou has been a part of the league for a few years, so he is a big part of the league. And they end up liking you a little more than expected.
Dabi and Bakugou x gender neutral reader (afab)
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Warnings: shameless smut, rough sex, the boys are very possessive, oral sex(f-receiving), Dabi and Bakugou has a blood kink, Bakugou is very much into choking, reader and the boys are masochists (like this is pretty fucked up;)), Dabi plays with his flames in you, reader gets used, reader is in handcuffs (not sexually), reader imagines a lot of stuff, use of Y/N and V/N (your villain name), orgasm denial, reader gets hurt, the boys has a fucked up background, fingering, the boys care for you in a unhealthy way, toxic relationships, cream pie,
Summary: You are an S-tier villain, looking for new work. You meet up with Giran, a C-tier villain, with a lot of connections. You didn't expect to be kidnapped and thrown for the lions. The league knows a lot about you and have for a while had their eyes out for you. Just waiting for the right opportunity to make you a part of their "club". You never thought of yourself as a part of the League, but with the opportunity at your feet, you can't help but accept. The offer is generous, and you were already looking for a job.
Some of the members, Bakugou and Dabi, have had their eye on you longer than they would ever admit. And as they finally have you within reach, they don't care for the wait. They have waited long enough, and they just want a taste. And as soon as they get one, they're never letting you go. Not a chance.
Word count: 10144
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A bright light is shining you directly in the face, blinding you, making it impossible to see your surroundings. You can hear footsteps, and several peoples breathing in the room. Or you're guessing it's a room. You have no idea where you are, or how you got there. The last thing you remember is that you were at a meeting with Giran, talking about joining a group of villains. You don't even remember getting knocked out, or anything of that sort. You can't figure out what happened. How the hell did you end up here? With a bunch or probably F-level villains. This is ridiculous.
"Aww they look so cute, all confused." The voice is rough, and you can't place it. Maybe you had met these people before, and you had hurt their ego or something. Because this is so damn ridiculous.
"Before I kill all of you, let me go!" Your voice is sharp and the power alone in your voice, would make almost anyone run with their tail between their legs. What you didn't expect to happen, is that the room burst out in laughter.
You can't figure out exactly how many people are in the room, but it's at least five. Likely more. Their laughter continues, making you squirm. This may be a bit worse, than first expected.
"God they're cute, just look at them, maybe we should let them have a look at their new family." The voice is familiar, but in a weird way, something is definitely wrong. Very wrong. So very wrong.
The light turns away from you, you're blinking quickly trying to adjust to the dim lights of the room. Wanting to see the people in front of you. Silhouettes slowly start to appear, but you can't tell them from one another. Someone steps a closer to you, and your eyes slowly makes the person out. The only thing you can really see, is a pair of piercing blue eyes staring directly at you. The eyes are so intense, you can't keep eye contact, and end up looking away. A chuckle leaves the person lips, and they step back into the shadows.
"Will you turn the light off spinner, so this little angel can get a good look of their new home." The light switches of and your eyes finally adjust to the light in the room. The first person you see is a shorter blonde girl, with a giant knife in her hand. Her hair is messy, but cute. She doesn't look much older than you.
Besides her stand a mix between a man and a lizard. There is also a floating purple cloud. A blue haired man, scratching his neck. A tall man, in full formal attire, and a mask. Someone with blonde hair and a scar down the middle of his face. A woman that looks stronger than any person you have ever seen before. And another two men.
They are standing just so far away, that the light doesn't reach them. Making it impossible to figure out how they look and who they are.
But at the moment, you know one thing. I wasn't some measly group of F-tier villains that kidnapped you. It was the fucking league of villains. The highest tier villains there is. You may be one of the best, but these are even better than you. Not that you would ever admit that.
When you were younger you kind of looked up to them. They were all so cool. But as you sit there before them. You don't know what the big deal was. They're pretty basic. Yeah, they may have some kind of strong quirks. But that’s it. They're not that interesting or fun. They just stand in front of you, not saying a word. Like fucking statues.
"This is the point where you let me go." You smile as innocently as you can, but the rooms stay quiet.
"God you are so boring. I thought the league of villains, were supposed to be fun. All interesting and full of potential, you are just a bunch of old geezers. I don't ev..." You get cut of mid-sentence as a hand wrap around your throat. Squeezing much more gently than expected, only making you slightly lightheaded. Not cutting off your airways at all. This one knows what they're doing.
A blonde-haired boy bends down into the light so you can see his face clearly. His eyes are crimson red, enchanting as you look into them. His face is slim and locks of blonde hair a flowing around his face. Framing it, in such a perfect way, it looks like he uses hours styling his hair. Your eyes can’t tear from his, and you slowly starts to notice the small red specs covering his neck, face and hair. One of the locks is a deep red, but not from dye. His hair is covered in blood.
His hand around your neck has you more excited than you would like to admit. His rough fingertip, slowly moving back and forth over your neck. Has a shiver running down your spine. The light pressure of his hand, the way it fits so perfectly around your neck. Like you were made for him. This unknown, beautiful, villain. Makes your body react more than anyone else before. It's addicting, the feeling of him close. The smell of him, it's sweet, but at the same time smells a lot like cigarettes. No not cigarettes, something else. Fireworks? Gun powder?
And then it hits you. The man standing above you, with his hand wrapped around your throat. Is none other than THE Dynamight. One of the most powerful villains in the entire world. The league of villains may be on top. But without Dynamight, they wouldn't have the whole world afraid.
"Aww so cute, you scared angel?" It's the same voice than called you cute earlier, this Dynamight thinks you're cute? You don't realize you're smiling at the thought before his hand grips your chin and pulls you out of your trance to make you look at him.
"What you thinking about? Something funny?" His before so soft and controlled manner, quickly changed to this aggressive demeanour.
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing intelligent comes through your head, so you shut it again. Dynamights eyes are drilling into you, trying to figure out... something. Anything. He needs to figure you out. And soon. Before his own facade crumbles and show you how much he wants you.
"Be nice." Again, it's one of the voices from before, this was the one who said something about turning the lights off... and what was it? It was something weird. You hadn't thought about it before now. Oh right, he said; 'let them look at their new home.' New home? You don't get to speculating, before this new voice steps into the light and your mouth drops.
His eyes a piercing light blue, they are so perfect. It’s the guy from before. His eyes must be some kind of poison, something to lure you in to then kill you. You gaze follows his figure to try and get a profile of this new man. He's wearing a long black coat, it looks like leather, but it’s hard to see. His skin looks weird, but in the dim light it's hard to judge.
He takes a step more and the light hits him, making his black hair almost look blue. And when you look at his face you realize what's on his skin. Scars. They're on his hands, his neck, his face, around his eyes. They're everywhere. But even though they look like something out of a horror movie, you can't help but be kind of attracted to them. It shows he fights. Maybe he would fight for you? Nope, thoughts go away. You take a breath, but a second thought hits. He must be incredibly strong. ...Strong enough to lift you and fuck you against a wall. As soon as the thought hits you, you push it away.
Nope. Nope. Nope. These people kidnapped you. They may be hot. Incredibly fucking hot. But no. You need to get out. And these thoughts are not helping.
"What's that with your face?" Dabi says teasingly, running a hand over your cheek. "There's this soft pink tint." He smirks, and you want a giant black hole to open under you and swallow you whole. No fucking way, you're blushing and getting turned on, by these people.
Dynamight and Dabi are standing above you, looking down at you with eyes, that makes you melt. Fuck they look hot. All bloodthirsty and scary. You try to ignore it, but a pool of wetness is slowly beginning to form in your underwear. You want to swear and scream at yourself. How the fuck is this happening? You don't know them. But you could? Fuck these thoughts. They should die in hell. And leave you the fuck alone.
"Aww let the poor one be." The voice comes from the girl, and you want to thank her, but refrain. Play it cool. Plat it cool. You can do it me. Chill. You take a deep breath and make eye contact with the blue haired man, who has taken a step closer to you, so the others are standing behind him, and he's directly in the spotlight. His neck is rough, and it looks like his skin is close to peeling, like it’s a healing wound. Scabbing and dry.
"Okay, Y/N. Let's get one thing straight. You are now a part of the league of villains. You can say no, of course. But that would just entail us breaking you into a million pieces and using you as confetti above the UA sport festival." He smiles, an uncomfortable smile, one that makes your skin crawl. If you could run away in fear, maybe you would. You actually don't know right now. It's weird, you want to stay. But this wasn't a choice, so why would you want it anyway?
"Chill out boss you're scaring them." The man with the pricing blue eyes says, and you suddenly remember his name. Dabi. Dabi son of the previous number one hero, Endeavor. His quirk should be the strongest fire quirk to ever exist. Maybe you should be nicer. Most of them could destroy you with a single move. Time to play nice.
"Sounds fun. But maybe we could discuss this with a nice glass of whiskey, and me not restrained in a chair?" You don't want to sound desperate, but the fear in you makes your voice shaky.
"I could use a glass, what about the rest of you?" Dabi questions, and the others agree in unison.
Your wrists are still sore from the quirk-cancelling-handcuffs, and your hair is a rats’ nest of a mess, from the strap around your head. You had probably been sitting there a good amount of time before you woke up. And finally sitting in a comfortable chair, has you close to letting your guard down.
The purple cloud puts a glass of whiskey down in front of you, and you quickly grab it to take a sip. The rich taste of the liquid in your mouth has an almost calming feeling. The taste of malt and spices explodes on your tongue. This is not a cheap whiskey from the corner store. It's the Macallan cast strength whiskey. Probably 10 years old. This is expensive shit. Like you knew they are rich and have too much stuff to ever use. But you had no idea they cared about whiskey. Or maybe they don’t, and it was just worth something. Because that shits expensive.
You had seen it in a liquor store once. Locked behind glass, too pricey to even consider putting a price tag. But you know it's one of the most expensive they have.
"Good enough for you?" Dabis’ voice is smooth, and you can't help but smile.
"How the hell did you get this? This is top shelf booze!" Burst out of your mouth, before you realize what you said, Dabi is laughing.
"We do our research sweetheart." You stare confused at him, and he continues. "You don't think it was a coincidence we choose you?" It doesn't answer your question, just giving you a million more.
"Stop playing with them. I want to do that." The blonde girl, you identify as Toga, pulls the knife out of her pocket pointing it at you.
"Do you think they're a screamer?" Togas’ voice is sweet, uncomfortably sweet, coated in honey and filled with poison.
"Please put the knife away, you don't want to scare our guest." The boss, Shigaraki, is quick to let his hand touch the knifes blade, and it disintegrates. Right in front of your eyes. You had of course heard of all their quirks, but seeing them up close, made it so much more real.
Dynamight leans in and whisper something in Dabis' ear. You can't hear it, but the shit eating grin spreading on the both the boys’ faces, has you concerned. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. Why did you meet with Giran in the first place? Why did you want to join a group? It had always worked good for you on your own, why would you want to change that? The questions pile up, and you don't have an answer to any on them. This is nothing but a disaster.
"I have a question." You voice is smaller than you would like it to be, but the room falls quiet, and every pair of eyes are on you. You clear your throat and start speaking.
"If I should choose to join your "club"." You say making quotation marks in the air. "What would be in it for me?" You finish and there's is complete silence for a minute.
"Let’s see... we know you've been looking for a place to join. So that’s a good reason, we're the best of the best. You would be on top with us. A place to sleep, a home. We know you been a bit on the road lately." You look down, shame flooding through you, and you can't really figure out why. You had been staying in abandoned buildings. That's not being on the road. But of course, Shigaraki was right, you need a place to stay. Permanently.
"Also, there's great benefits, we have doctor who can do anything you can ever imagine. You know about our Nomus?" You nod and he continues. "Well, with that technology, we can enhance someone’s quirk, or give them a new one." You mouth is agape, the mere idea of that being possible is insane.
"That's..." You look for the right words. "That's very impressive. But..." You stop yourself, but Shigaraki urges you to keep going. "I don't understand why you're telling me this, I didn't agree to join." He laughs, a genuine laugh, like this is genuinely funny. 
"Aww poor you, like I said, you are either joining." He pauses, and the few seconds he stops are excruciating. "Or leaving in pieces." You swallow hard at his words, a lump having formed in your throat.
"Oh yeah, and there's of course the money. You will be richer than the most well-paid hero, nothing will be out of your price range. And even if it's not for sale, we'll find a solution." He smiles again, but it doesn't reach his eyes. This is a business smile. A formal smile. You gulp and you take another big sip of the drink in front of you. Trying to calm the nerves.
You are one of the most feared villains, and you're scared of these people. Yes, they threatened you, and you know for a fact, you wouldn't be able to win against them in a fight. But you aren't normally scared, the feeling is unsettling.
You empty the whiskey glass with one last gulp, and almost break the glass as you slam it back down against the table. Dynamight takes a hold of your hand, and grip is much stronger than first anticipated.
"Don't ruin stuff that aren't yours!" His voice is low, but with an intensity that makes you wiggle in your seat. He lets go of your wrist and you sigh relieved and lean against the backrest of the chair.
"Maybe we should let them think about this, and then we can ask them tomorrow?" The lizards say, he has mostly been quiet this whole time, but he seems nice. Even though you're sitting right next to them, they're talking like you aren't there.
"I don't think they should get the chance to be alone. They are quite strong after all." Dabi says, and the smile on his lips, feels like it has an ulterior motive. Something devious, something you're not sure you're ready for.
"I'll take the first shift." Dynamights' voice is cold, showing no emotion. Not letting any of the others have a say, he already decided.
"Maybe we should be two? Just in case." Dabi says, and Dynamight doesn't say a word. Just waiting for Shigarakis’ judgement.
"Two heads are better than one, and I don't want something to happen. So, both of you have the responsibly of our very own V/N." He puts his hands on the table and pushes himself up. He looks at you for a second, then turns around and leaves. Leaving you all to figure out what to do on your own.
"I'm leaving." Toga says, and she leaves quickly, with Twice in her footsteps, he doesn't say a word to any of the others.
"Yeah, I’m going to go too, need a workout." Magne states, "wanna join?" She looks at Spinner, he nods, and they exit the room too.
"I'm going to make sure Shigaraki doesn't need anything." The purple cloud states and leaves to find the boss.
"I'm going to leave you two to have fun." The man in the top hat states, bows and then retires to his room.
"Just us." Dabi states, and you look up to catch his eyes with yours. The tension from earlier, rises again. You can feel your heart beating faster and your breaths becoming quicker and shallower.
Dabi rapidly switches seats, so his body is pressed up against your side. Dynamight sits on the other side of the table, staring you down. Dabis' warm body against yours is comforting in a terrifying way, you want to lean closer. Let your fingers follow his collarbone and smell his perfume. You stop yourself as quickly as possible, but Dabi felt it. You leaned in.
He is so close you can smell his cologne, and a weak scent of cigarettes. His whole body is so close to you, you want to scream and run. But at the same time, you want to lean in and figure out all this man has to offer.
"You don't get to do it first!" Dynamights' voice is stern and makes you pull further away from Dabi.
"Oh, come on, I wasn't doing anything." Dabi laughs and gestures at you. You have no idea what they're talking about. Something about you apparently. You can't wrap your head around what it could be, it doesn't make sense.
"You were about to, and the deal was they choose. Not you!" Dynamight has this authority around him, you wouldn't dare disagree with him. Dabi on the other hand doesn't seem to care at all, he just wraps an arm around and pulls you closer. You yelp at the motion.
You're so close to him. His warm body. His scent. His hair. You wanted to play with it, softly run your fingers through his hair. Maybe tug at it and see his reaction. Maybe he would let out a soft moan. The image of him on his knees before you, you with a hand in his hair. Pulling him closer to your pussy, making him smell you. Slowly making him take your pants off, so he can get a taste of your cunt. Forcing his head in between your thighs and using his tongue and nose for your own pleasure. Pulling his hair so he moans into you, the vibration from his vocals, having you so close to cumming. His finger running around your thighs and slowly pushing into your gushing puss...
"You're distracted. Something on your mind." Dabis' voice pulls you out of your fantasy. Your lips agape breathing heavily, your thighs pressing together for any kind of friction, and your cheeks already displaying a pink hue.
"Maybe if you tell me, I can fulfil your little fantasy?" He whispers into your ear, his voice low and sultry. You press your legs harder together, why would you be this into these men. They need to take a break and let you calm your body, and your brain. You need a break. From them. Why did it have to be those two who would look out for you? Why couldn't it be one of the others? They seemed nice. They also didn't seem to enjoy making you squirm.
A hand pulls your chin in its direction, making you look up at Dynamights handsome features. He’s standing above you, he had moved from his seat in front of you, to now standing on your right side. He was like a Greek god, to perfect for his own good, too perfect to be human, too perfect to be real. He leans down, slowly closing the distance between you. You tilt your head to the side, so he can easily capture your lips with his. You close your eyes, just waiting for contact. Not caring about anything but his lips. But right before the perfect man is about to kiss you, you hear a thump, and his hand gets pulled away from you.
You open your eyes and look at Dynamight on the floor, Dabi standing above him his hand lit with flames.
"That was not the deal." Dabi says between clenched teeth. "Their choice. Not yours." The flames spread up his arms, following his chest and moving rapidly down his legs, until all of him are caged in flames.
Dynamight smirks, setting off a small explosion in his right hand.
"You didn't think I would just let you touch them and not react. Then you don't know me at all, friend." He spits the last word like it's an insult, his gaze burning into Dabis' own.
You sit back admiring the two men, they both look like gods. Lean and buff. Tall and strong. But at the same time, they're a contrast. Dabis' blue flames and blue eyes. Dynamights' red flames and red eyes. Dabis' black hair. Dynamights' blonde.
Your thoughts wander again, what if you were caught between their fury. Their heat related quirks, burning your skin. Their aggression, making sure you're nothing but a powerless mess in the end. Maybe they would fuck you like that, all weak and not able to fight. You wanted them more than you have ever wanted anyone, and you didn't wanna choose. Couldn't it just be both, couldn't they take a hole each and just use you for their own pleasure. 
The thought of them taking you simultaneously, has you weak. Thank some god you're sitting down. Your knees would be buckling, and you would barely be able to stand.
Dabi chuckles and Dynamight joins in. They're standing side by side, looking at you with the most intense gazes.
"Aww they're so cute, when they're flustered. You think it's our fault?" Dabi says and Dynamight quickly continues.
"Yeah, I bet, they've been blushing ever since they saw us. Maybe it's time to give them a little reward? Helping them with that mess between their legs?" Dynamight states and kneels, so he is eyes level with you. "Need help angel?" You stare into his eyes, not knowing how to respond. They took you aback, you thought you had kept it hidden. They may be a bit more observant than you had hoped.
"I... umh... this is... sorry... embarrassing... I... will... just go." You proceed to stand up, but Dynamights hand pushes you back into your seat.
"Tsk. Tsk. No one gave you permission to do that." He smiles and his hand slowly glides down from your shoulder, drift down over your nipple and you gasp. He chuckles and Dabi takes a step closer, to get a better look at you.
"Do it again, I wanna see that reaction again." Dabi's excited, impatiently pushing Dynamights' back with his knee. He obeys and his hand glides back up, putting a little extra pressure as he reaches your nipple. You whimper, and the two men exchanges a quick look, before Dynamight takes a rough grip around your boob and squeezes. You scream at the sudden pain, but it quickly turns into pleasure, and your scream turns into a moan.
Dabi kneels beside Dynamight, and he grabs your other boob. Giving it the same rough treatment, as Dynamight just did.
"Your tits are so perfect, fits perfectly in my hand. How do you think it would fit in my mouth?" The question is more for himself, than any of you. Dabis hand slowly snakes under your shirt, lifting it, so he can see the soft skin underneath.
"Let's get this off you." He smiles and starts pulling your shirt over your head, you allow him to do with no protest. The shirt easily slips over your head, and he can't take his eyes off the colourful bra now on full display.
"So pretty." He runs a finger along the lace, Dynamights' gaze is fixated on the curve of your boobs. His eyes hungry for more, the view of your nipple, or maybe the taste.
Dynamight reaches out, letting his finger dip under the edge of the bra. His finger pulls it a few centimes out from your skin, and lets it snap back. You hiss, and he takes a hold of each cup. His biceps tense and he rip the bra in half. The satisfying sound of fabric ripping, makes him smile, but the looks of your breast, all free and bare. He gulps, not wanting to scare you away if he's too eager. But some god they are perfect, every curve is perfect. Your nipple looks so perfect, he wants nothing more than to put it in his mouth.
He bends down letting his tongue be the first to make contact with your exposed skin. You whimper at the first contact, and he slowly pulls the nipple into his mouth. The sounds you make, has him too excited to control himself. His teeth catch your nipple, and you cry out. The feeling is so intense. It feels so good and so bad at the same time, but you don't want it to stop. It's like the pain enhances the pleasure. Making the soft licks of Dynamights tongue, that much more pleasurable.
"My turn." Dabi pushes Dynamight to the side, and takes the other nipple in his mouth, to give it attention too. His tongue is rough and lapping at your nipple only for his own pleasure. Nothing about this is about you, but the noises you makes has the boys excited. They want to know what other noises they can have you making, what will make you scream? What will make you cry? What will make you beg?
"I...umh..." You sentences gets interrupted by Dynamights finger slowly stroking you clothed pussy. "I wanna... FUCK..." He found your clit, slowly but surely making you moan. "I wanna know your names!" You almost scream as Dabi bites down on your nipple. "You know mine, I... fuck... wanna know yours." The boys pull away, leaving your most sensitive spots alone for a second. They exchange a look and Dynamight clears his throat.
"My name is Bakugou Katsuki... I'm 21... I, umh, I was not wanted." His gaze is on the floor, avoiding eye contact with you.
"I'm Todoroki Touya, I'm 28, I was abused by my father, and he almost killed me." You look dumbfounded at the two men in front of you.
"You... I... I'm sorry... but you didn't have to say all that... I just wanted your names." Katsukis' eyes find yours and he smiles softly, even though the pain is clear in his eyes.
"We know so much about you, it's only fair if you know something about us too. You're going to be a part of the league anyway, you're going to get to know us sooner or later." You don't know what to say, you had your own reasons for becoming a villain, but just by the sounds of it. These two have been through a lot.
"We don't want you to leave, we wanna make you one of us. And maybe trusting us, is a start?" Dabis' blue eyes finds yours and you nod slowly, trying to comprehend what you had just been told.
"Can I help?" Your voice is soft, and the boys heart melted a bit right there.
"We can go to my room and play some video games? Maybe that'll get our minds off it?" You smile and try to stand up, but right as your legs are supposed to carry you. You fall. The floor quickly nearing your face. Fuck this is going to hurt.
Something stops your fall, and you look up to find Katsukis' arms wrapped around you. He lifts you, so you’re back on your feet.
"You're my hero!" You exclaim, but as soon as you said it. You know you shouldn't have. Katsuki lets you go instantly and takes a step back, turning around to face the wall.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't know that was..." Touya stops you pulling you back from Katsuki.
"There are somethings, we don't talk about." He says, letting go off you and stepping up besides his friend. The pit in your stomach seem to want to swallow you whole. You barely know him, and the fact that you hurt him feels worse than anything before ever has. You want to scream, cry, rip your skin off, anything to make this feeling go away. Your chest hurts, the feeling is so heavy and strange. You want the floor to open and swallow you whole. God just something to take back what you said. Anything. Right now, it would be nice to have a time traveling quirk. Just something to go back and fix this.
The burning feeling in your eyes and the lump in your throat, quickly makes you aware of the tears on their way. You try and swallow, but it only makes the feeling worse. You look up and blink, trying to stop the tears. Don't let them fall. Don't. Don't. Don't.
You gaze moves back to the two men. They are still standing with their back to you, talking softly. You're unable to hear what they're saying, but it doesn't matter. Katsukis' shoulders are slouched, and he looks so small right now.
A tear falls down your cheek, while you just stare. Your body shakes weakly as you start to cry. Silently. Not wanting the two men to hear you, too scared to move. Too scared that they'll turn around and see you like this. You frantically wipe the tears off your cheeks with your arm. You look down at yourself and your entire torso is bare, you desperately look for the shirt. Not seeing it anywhere. You can't be like this in front of them, crying and naked.
You take small steps at first, trying not to alarm them. Slowly walking around looking for the shirt. Where the hell did Touya put it? You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep just a small amount of decency. You bend down to look under the table.
A hand lands against your ass and you yelp. Touya is standing behind you, smirking and taking a good grip on your hips. He slowly grinds his hips into your ass, his hard cock hitting just the right spot. Fuck he is big, the outline of his cock making you almost scared of the near future. You moan and he pulls a bit away to slam back against you. You awkwardly stand a bit up, but Touya pushes you down over the table. Bended so perfectly, exactly the right height for him to fuck you. He leans down over you, letting his chest touch your back, as his mouth is right against your ear he says.
"You should give Blasty some attention, I think that'll cheer him up." You eagerly try to get up, to do anything to help Katsuki. But Touya holds you down, pressing his hand against your back. You try to wiggle free, but his strength with just one hand is insane. You feel a change behind you, and as you look back, you make eye contact with Katsuki. His eyes are bloodshot, likes he's been crying, but at the same time they're so intense. God, you want him inside you.
"Please, please, I'll do anything, just..." He jerks your bottoms down ripping them most certainly. He stares at the underwear you're wearing, it matches the ruined bra.
"This is in the way." He rips your underwear but leaving the ruined fabric hanging around your waist. The cold air hits your pussy and a small whimper leaves your mouth. He pushes a finger into you roughly, making you sure to hit your g-spot as he curls his fingers.
"This is not going to fit, we need you warmed up angel." He falls to his knees, continuing using his finger. Pumping in and out of you, making sure your wetness is well spread around on your lips. His head dips, and as his tongue makes contact with your clit, you moan. He adds another finger, stretching your pussy. Preparing you for his cock. You haven't even seen it yet, but if this is the treatment to get you ready, you know he is big.
His tongue slowly laps on your juices, while his fingers speed up. They hit your g-spot every time and you can already feel the nearing orgasm. Your former partners have never made you cum, they never knew what they were doing. But Katsuki has you close in seconds.
He pulls his finger out and you whimper at the loss. His tongue quickly takes its place, fucking into you. He tongue-fucks you, then moves back to your clit. Licking it softly and then back to your pussy. Your legs are starting to shake, and he can feel the effect he has on you. The sensation builds and builds. You can feel your high. It's so close. You just need a little push. You press back against Katsuki, and his tongue finds your clit. He slowly circles it, your legs cramp. Not being able to hold yourself up anymore. He pushes his finger back in you, and standing up so he can hold your body weight. You moan, you're so close. Just a tiny bit more. A smidge.
He stops. Pulling his hand from you and smirking as you turn your head to look at him. He lifts his hand to put his finger, covered in your liquid, into his mouth. He sucks the sweet juices off and a moan escapes him lips.
"Fuck you taste good angel."
"Let me taste." Touya is quick to push Katsuki to the side, slipping a finger into your heat. You whimper at the feeling, his fingers are so long. He hits your g-spot once and you moan. And he, just as Katsuki, pulls out. Leaving you desperate and whimpering.
He pops his finger into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you.
"You're so right, this is the best thing I have ever tasted." He looks a Katsuki, and the smirk before both stepping closer. They jeans rub against your ass, and it hits you. You're fully naked, and they're both fully clothed.
"I demand you take off your clothes." You yell. You wish you could see their faces, to figure out what their reactions is. But they stay behind you, uncomfortably quiet.
"Please." You whisper, just wanting to not feel so vulnerable.
The tip of a cock is pressed between you folds, slowly but surely bottoming out. You moan and the cock so deep inside you, fills you up like nothing before. You try to turn around to look at who is buried in you, but one of them holds your head still.
Fuck it feels so good. Filled to the brim by a fucking hot guy, and another one is waiting for his turn.
"It fits, now let's try the thing we discussed." Katsukis voice breaks the silence, and it's the most relieving thing ever. He pulls out and you whimper at the loss.
"No. No. No. Get back inside please." Your voice is desperate, and a strong pair of arms lifts you on the table. You settle down and finally look at the two men. They're naked. Butt ass naked. And they look fucking good. Bakugou is buff, body builder buff. His whole body looks like a weapon, scarred, and bruised. But he looks so fucking hot. His cock is standing straight up, shining slightly from your wetness now covering his cock. It's so thick, bigger than anything you have seen before.
You look over at Touya, he's a bit taller, not much, but enough that it's noticeable. His lean and unquestionably strong, but his muscle aren't as defined as Katsukis. His nipples are decorated with a pair of metal studs and his cock his giant. Maybe slightly longer than Katsukis, but not as thick. The nipple piercings are so cool, fitting when the rest of him is just as pierced.
You're sitting on the table, most of your weight on your hands placed slightly behind. Leaning back a bit, so your stomach and chest are on full display. Your legs are spread, so they have a clear vision of your dripping pussy.
Katsuki is the first to take a step, moving confidently in your direction. Doing a kind of model walk as he struts to you. He stops right in front of you, taking a hold of your neck putting slight pressure and pulling your head to the side, so he can place soft kisses along your pulse. He places a kiss behind your ear, making you whimper, and his teeth sink into the flesh. You cry out, but he doesn't stop. He stops as the taste of blood in his mouth. You scream as his teeth punctures the skin, he pulls his teeth back, and makes small lick on the open wound. It feels weirdly good, not something you would expect, but it has your heart racing and your pussy wetter.
Touya moves next, already enchanted by the show you put on. The way your body struggled against Katsukis hold, but you let yourself enjoy it in the end.
"Let me try." Katsuki switches places with Touya, and Touya is quick to continue where Katsuki stopped. His tongue slowly tastes the blood leaking from your throat, he hums as the taste hits his tastebuds, and he is quick to start sucking. Slowly pulling the blood from your body. The lightheaded feeling from Katsukis grip, is getting worse. Maybe blood loss is serious.
"...something... I... wan... nananana... sayyyyiaaa." Touya steps back, a worried look in his eyes. Katsuki has the same look, and fatal flaw the boys just realized is that they never wanted their one-nightstand to survive, or they didn't care at least. They didn’t care if their partner enjoyed themselves or was fine in the end. But they care about you, and maybe they had been a bit rough. Normally the girl or boy they took home was just to satisfy a need. You're different. You're a part of this family now. You're a part of their lives. They don't want you to die. They want to hurt you, yes. But only if it's good for you too.
The blood keeps streaming from your wound, and Touya says something to Katsuki. But you're too lightheaded to register. Touya steps closer, something like an apology leaves his mouth and then pain. Excruciating. Agonizing. Tormenting. Unbearable. Dreadful. Pain. Your vision goes black. But you can still feel the pain. It's like hell is peeling your skin of sewing it back on and peeling it off again. The pain is worse than anything you had experienced before. You want to cry and scream. But not a sound leaves your mouth. No tears fall. You can't move a muscle.
Light. Blinding light. Oh no. Was this all just a dream? Are you sitting in the chair? About to be interrogated? Was everything just your imagination? Are you back before the league? An uneasy feeling spreading through your body. Something is wrong. But you have no idea what. Something is so so wrong. You can't feel your limps, your body feels like it's floating. Everything feels weird. Off. Like you're not where you're supposed to be.
Hell? Heaven? It feels more like heaven than hell. Even though you have never been. Maybe this is the end. Just floating in eternity forever.
"Hey..." The word is soft, and another follows it. "Come back to us." A few seconds of silence, before an almost desperate "please."
You blink your eyes a few times. Trying to get your vision back. Slowly the room becomes visible. To faces looking down at you. You can't pinpoint them. They seem familiar. Like you know them.
Then it hits you, and you erratically sit up. Hitting your head against one of the others, and you groan in pain. Your vision gets even more blurry after the sudden raise in position. A laugh comes from the right, and you turn your head. But you can't figure out which of them it is.
A hand moves to stroke your cheek, and you lean into it. Finding comfort, in one of their rough hands. The fingers were long and slender, with a scent of cigarettes. It's Touya. He softly caresses your cheek with his thump.
Your vision is almost back, and your body is starting to feel normal. Katsukis' face is still concerned as you meet his eyes, and he moves a bit closer. He snakes him arm around your waist and pulls you closer so he can kiss your hair.
Touyas' hand sneaks down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Which quickly starts a tugging way. Katsuki pulls you down so you're lying in his lap, looking up at him. Touya is quick to make a counter move, pulling your legs around his waist. Making you lay, in and interesting position between the two men. Katsuki is about to make another move, when his eyes meet Touyas’, and they exchange a knowing glance.
"If you're going to fuck me, it's going to need to be nicer than last time. You made me fucking pass out... from Blood loss!" You emphasize the last words, and they look kind of proud. Or a mix of proud and ashamed.
"I'm going to be nice... but I will... for the love of god, make you cum from pain. And pleasure, of course. But there needs to be a good amount of pain." Katsuki smirks and pulls you closer, kissing you wound softly. It's been cared for, so your whole neck is packed in gauze. But the pressure on the still very sore wound, makes you let out a soft whimper.
Touya groans, grabbing a hold of your thighs and pulling you down against his cock. You moan and you can feel his cock harden at the noise. Katsuki is still bend over you, with his lips making contact with your wound, and the sudden motion from Touya makes Katsukis' teeth scratch the bandage. You cry out, and once again they exchange a glance, an all-knowing glance. Like they can read each other’s minds. Like there is so much you don't know, and maybe they'll never tell you.
“The point angel, is to show you a side of yourself you don’t even know exist. Don’t deny that you enjoy the pain, that you enjoy the excruciating pleasure. The heightening of the pleasure, with just a bit of pain. Or maybe a lot. I think you can take it. We’ll just have to train you, to behave like a good little doll.” He leans closer, as his words makes you squirm.
His words make you so damn desperate, but you fight to keep your composure. Trying to make sure the guys don’t figure it out. Even though it seems like they already have. How the hell do they know you better than you know yourself? Right. They fucking spied on you. What do they know? What don’t they know? It’s a weird question. How much can someone you have just met know about you, but at the same time. They’re in the league of villains. They could probably get all the information in the world, if they wanted.
“Someone’s excited, huh?” Katsuki says with his face right above yours, you stare into his crimson red eyes. They’re so intense, studying your face, remembering every detail, getting all your secrets from just your face. You’re breathless as he keeps looking, your heart beats faster, your breath gets shallow, you get nervous. It’s so intense, nothing like anything you have experienced before. How can a look have you feeling so much? How can his eyes have you feeling so desperate?
“Maybe we should help them out of this?” Touya says and breaks the moment between you and Katsuki. You acknowledge what you’re wearing, it’s a big black shirt with a white skull on it, it must be one of theirs, cause it’s definitely not yours. It doesn’t take long for you to realize, you’re not wearing any underwear. Which mean Touya has had free access to your pussy this whole time. You gulp and your eyes meet his, he’s smirking knowing exactly what you’re thinking.
“Is this what you want me to do.” He reaches a hand down to your cunt, slowly inserting one of his digits. You whimper, as his one finger slowly suit the ache in your core.
“God your soaked, you think I can just,” He slips another finger in easily, and you moan at the feeling of getting stretched on his long digits. A smile curls his lips, he’s got an idea. And probably not a nice one.
“What?” You express, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. But you can’t read a single of his emotions.
“Oh, just a little test.” His smirk gets bigger, and a quick burst of heat spread in your pussy. You moan and look down to figure out what just happened. It happens again. A hot burst of warmth, on the edge of pain. But it stops just before it hurts. You move up on your elbows, to look down at Touyas fingers. The feeling comes again, and you see light coming from your cunt.
That fucking bastard. He’s using his quirk. In You. He’s playing with his flames in your pussy. The fucking problem is… that it feels good. How the hell does that feel good? Don’t tell him. Don’t admit that what he’s doing is working.
It doesn’t matter, he already knows. A knowing grin on his face. As he does it again, and he can feel your pussy clench around his finger. You whimper as the flames stay a little longer this time, starting to burn. But even though it should hurt like, hell. The feeling is amazing. The pain, it makes his fingers feels so much better.
You look up at Katsukis’ face, his eyes are focused on where Touya is penetrating you. Staring at your drenched pussy. He licks his lips, and his gaze moves to catch yours.
“Maybe we should finally do the thing we talked about?” He is clearly talking to Touya, the two men’s gazes are on you, but they’re talking like you’re not there.
“Lets.” Touya responds and withdraws his fingers, as you whimper at the loss. Touya stand up, quickly making work of his clothes, and laying down on his back. His legs are bended over the edge of the bed, clearly a plan in mind, but you can’t figure it out. His cock stands straight up, making you gulp at the sheer size. Oh, to have him inside you.
“Get on angel.” Touya commands, and you don’t waste any time to get on. “No, the other way.” You obey and get on cowgirl style, facing Touya. You grab his cock making his tip hit the outside of your pussy. You slowly sink down, moan and whimpering as he lets you take it at your own speed. When you’ve gotten halfway, you stop. You feel so full, there is no way in hell that you’re getting him the rest of the way in.
“Come on angel, a little more.” You whimper as you press yourself down, only get a little bit more. Not near enough for him to bottom out. “You gotta do everything yourself.” He mumbles and takes a hold of your hips. “Deep breath.” He states to you, and you do as he says. He thrust his hips into you, bottoming out. You scream as his cock hits your cervix, and you fall forward following the rough treatment. You’re gasping for air. You feel so fucking full, like you’re getting split down the middle.
“Your turn.” Touya declares, and before you get to react, you can feel a presence behind you. Katsuki bends down, putting his lips next to your ear.
“This is gonna hurt, but your gonna enjoy it.” He whispers against your ear, and he stands back straight. He presses a hand down on your back, your pussy is filled with Touya, but he doesn’t seem to care. He presses his tip against you pussy, making you whimper as he presses the tip in. You scream. Fuck your full, and he is not even half in. God they can’t both fit. It’s not going to fit. It’s just not.
“It’s not gonna fit.” You whimper, but Katsuki just chuckles.
“I’ll make it fit angel, don’t worry.” You can’t protest, it feels so good. So, fucking good. But god, they’re going to tear you in half. They’re going to kill you. But fuck that. You’re going out at the top. You’re going out screaming. Hopefully in pleasure.
“Angel will make it feel good, just relax.” The soft grip of Touyas' hand around you chin as he says his calming words, makes you relax. Okay, okay. This is going to be okay. No need to worry.
You scream as Katsuki slams into you, bottoming out in a single thrust. You’re gasping and on the verge of tears. Fuck it feels good. But god it hurts. You are being stretched in a way, that’s not human. Not normal. This wasn’t on your to do list last year. Not even yesterday. This was never something you had even thought of trying, but the feeling of being so full. Getting stretched so good. You never wanna stop.
The switch wasn’t something you expected. You want to continue, this isn’t something you don’t want to do. This is something that’s perfect for the situation. But good you’re not sure they’ll be able to move. You’re filled to the brim. They should be able to move, it is probably not possible.
Katsukis voice is low, a soft groan escaping his lips. He’s trying to control his breathing, he’s doing everything in his power not to cum right there. In your tight, wet pussy. Fuck he has never felt something so good. You’re perfect. Perfect for them. Their good little angel.
“You need more time to adjust?” Touyas’ voice is soft, he cares, he brushes a lock of hair out of your face. You shake your head, and a smile wider than anything you have seen before, breaks out on his face.
“Good doll.” Katsukis’ hand reaches around and grabs your throat, pulling you up. As your sit up Touyas cock hits your cervix again, and you moan at top volume. Katsukis’ hand presses harder at you throat and you quiet down.
“You want the whole building to hear?” He chuckles, and a rush of embarrassment floods over you.
“They can hear us?” You say barely above a whisper. The boys laugh, and their unison decision is to pump their cocks further into you. You scream, and you’re sure everybody is going to be able to hear you. But the feeling of the boys’ cocks, make you not give a fuck. And so what if someone hear? They can enjoy your moans, and if it bothers them, then they can leave.
“What did you think about?” Touya pulls you out of the thought, you blush and look down.
“Oh… nothing.”
“Right, nothing, cause “nothing” makes you clench around us like your life depends on it.” His voice makes you even more embarrassed.
“We’re not shaming you, we just wanna know, maybe we can fulfil the fantasy?” Katsuki continues and you mumble something none of them hears.
“Speak up angel, you gotta speak up.” Touya commands in a soft voice, but you know you don’t have a choice.
“I… Was Thinking About Other Hearing Us!” You yell as quickly as possible, closing your eyes and pretending to now exist. The boys are quiet for a second, before Katsuki pulls you head back so he can look down at you, as your head is bend backwards.
“You want someone to hear? What about watch? They don’t get to touch, but they can look. They can look at us fuck you, and hope they get a turn. But they won’t cause your ours, get that?” You nod eagerly, he takes a hold of your hair and pulls your further back. You instinctively open your mouth, and he smirks.
“You gotta answer angel, you want someone to watch? Look at your perfect body. Look at how well you take our cocks?” Touya elaborates. You think for a few seconds, as you debate the pros and cons. It would be fucking hot, you would be off limits, maybe they would like just watching. But to be on display? Maybe it would just be weird. You like they idea. But would you like the real thing?
“I don’t know.” You admit, and the feeling of failure washes over you.
“That’s not a problem, we’ll figure it out. We can try it at some point, not now. Now it’s just and your sweet pussy.” Katsuki let’s go of your hair and lets you look down at Touya. His eyes are dark, his normally so light blue eyes, have turned almost black as he looks at you. He looks hungry, like he can’t wait for whatever is about to happen.
“Ready?” Katsuki says, and you’re just about to nod, as you realize he’s talking to Touya.
“More than, you wanna start?” Touya ask, and before you hear an answer Katsuki pull almost all the way out, and then slams back in you. You scream and a groan comes from Touya as you clench around them.
“I wasn’t ready.” You say between clenched teeth, and Katsuki just chuckles.
“No one asked you angel.” He grins and pulls out again, just slam back in few seconds after. You can feel every vein on his cock, and as his tip hits your g-spot you scream.
“Do I really feel that good?” You know Katsuki is smirking behind you as he says it, and you clench consciously just to make the two boys’ groan.
“Fuck you, that’s mean.” Katsuki gasp and grabs your neck to pull you back again, so he can stare into your eyes.
“Oh really? Cause I just did the same thing as you.” You smile innocently and Katsukis gaze darkens. The intensity in his eyes’ doubles, and maybe teasing him was a bad idea. Because whatever that’s on its way now, is going to turn you into a mess.
“I’m not waiting, we gotta fuck the brat out of them.” He remarks, and as soon as that’s said. He sets a rapid speed pounding into you, as you scream and clench around him. It doesn’t take long for Touya to do that same and start fucking up into you. Their rhythms aren’t the same and it’s worse than if it were. One of them is always hitting your g-spot or your cervix. You’re screaming and the tears are welling up in your eyes. It feels so fucking good, you can’t speak, can’t think. You can’t do anything but take it and scream. The tears have begun to stream down your cheeks, as you whimper and moan.
Their speed doesn’t slow. Their stamina is inane, like machines they just keep it on. You want to stop, want to take a break, but no. You can take this. Take their cocks. Nothing is making you retreat. You got what you wanted. You got them both to fuck you like mad men. And it’s better than you ever imagined. Maybe they are mad man. Not many villains aren’t. But these are your mad men. These two are yours. Your property.
You scream as they keep pumping their cocks in you. You can feel your orgasm nearing. This is going to ruin you. You whole body is tense, your legs are shaking and cramping. You heart is beating at an insane speed. You’re gasping and moaning, barely able to breathe. The tension and the heat building in your abdomen, is such a familiar feeling. But this isn’t going to be a normal orgasm. This one is going to ruin you. These two men are running you. No one will ever be able to touch you like them. No one will ever have that effect on you.
Katsuki and Touya can feel you clenching around them, they know exactly what’s on its way. And they’re not going to stop. Not if you beg, you’re theirs now and you’re going to take everything they have to give. But it may not be today, because both of the boys are already close too. Your moans and whimpers, making them more excited than expected.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You moan, “I’m gonna cum. FUCK!” You almost scream as Touya touches your clit and gently roll it between his fingers.
“Cum for us angel.” That all you need, and you let the orgasm come. You scream and clench as your pussy starts to pulse and cream around their cocks as your orgasm just keeps coming. Your legs are cramping and shaking, and Katsuki must hold them still, so you don’t move too much. Your heart is pounding, and your vision goes white for a second as another wave of your high hits you. You roll your hips against Touyas hips, but none of the boys stop their rhythm, still pumping into you. Making your orgasm never ending.
As you clench a final time around them and fall forward, Katsuki can’t hold it anymore. He cums hard, filling you with his cum, painting your wall white. Stuffing you, and with a final groan he calms down too.
“Please cum in me.” You moan against Touyas’ ear, and he doesn’t need to be told twice. He fills your pussy even more. He thrust hard into you one last time as his last spurt comes, and he’s done too.
Their cum is leaking from you, you pussy is gaping as the two boy pulls out. Leaving you in the bed, whimpering and spent. Katsuki lays down beside you, pulling you into his arms.
“I need to get something from my room, be back in two.” You barely acknowledge Touya leaving, you head is mush. And you can’t even say thank you to Katsuki, you just lay in his arms waiting for Touya to come back.
Touya steps into the room, something in his hand, but you don’t have the energy to really look at it, to figure out what it is.
“Lay still.” Touyas' voice is soft, and something cold is pressed against you pussy. You’re sore and something being pushed into you has you whimpering and crying out. The cold thing gets pushed all the way in. It wasn’t big, just enough to plug your hole.
“Perfect, now everything will stay inside.” Touya chuckles and Katsuki kisses your hair.
“Was it good to be filled by us?” Katsuki asks and you nod, too tired to talk. And before long you're off to dreamland. Dreaming of getting creampied by your two new favourite people.
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Thank you so much for reading this, I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's like my favourite work ever. I hope you enjoyed it. It ended up being a little longer than expected *awkward laugh* Also, have an amazing day, love ya<3 I was kind of thinking about writing the back story to Bakugou. So, we get an inside in what happened and how he turned into a villain. I have some ideas, I was just wondering if people actually wanted to read that? And maybe a second chapter of this one?
Edit: I'm working on the second chapter, because a few people asked for another. So to please the people, in hopefully a few days there will be a second chapter.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
Shigi X Y/N :D Pls! i'll follow you! wait i already am.
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Desperate little thing shigaraki x fem reader (oneshot)
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A/N: I apologize for the long wait but there your request for a oneshot, I hope it good for youuuu!! I base this a bit on how dabi and toga join the lov but I kinda forgot how it went so I apologize for this sounding a bit off. 18+ no minors, antis or ageless blogs interact with my blogs thanks you!! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) Hope y'all enjoy this oneshot. (This is a one shot where the reader is desperate for him and wants him needy)
Warnings: smut smut SMUT + light choking + both virgin losers losing it together + unsafe sex + creampie + spit + cum eating.
I was in the middle between the blonde girl and the man with the black hair.
Her name was toga, she was asking me to come along to join this group… uhh I forgot what it was called, she was yapping my ear off that I completely forgot about this group.
I stare into a man that has light blue hair… beautiful red eyes, it's hard to tell what he looks like without the mask but I started to blush and felt like I'm staring too hard at him.
“ state your name and quirk? ” he pointed at toga as I put my hand behind my back.
“ I'm himiko toga!! This is my best friend Y/n~” she's pull my shoulders closer to her as he rolls his eyes as he tsk.
“ I said quirk, not her. ” I look down awkwardly as I feel her hand being removed from me.
“ I can transform into anyone by using their blood, are you and stainey close? ” I can tell he is getting irritated by this as he mumble.
“ I don't get it. Is she crazy? ” he pointed at the guy with the dark blue jacket.
“ What is your name and quirk? ”
He makes a tsk sound as he tilts his head.
“ I go by dabi.. I used a quirk that relates to fire.” he begins to scratch his neck as he growls.
“ What is your real name? You can't be hiding secrets while joining tsk. ” I see dabi rolling his eyes as he said.
“ I will tell you when I achieve my goals but for now it's dabi. "Then he pointed at me while scratching his neck.
“ you… don't be a brat like him, what your name and quirk. ” I felt like he was staring into my soul as I blush, I play with my hair nervously.
“ my name is y/n and my quirk is called uhh… dream imaginary, I have the ability to control, manipulate dreams and I can enter it into their mind as well.” I look down to my feet as he rises up.
“ Giran get rid of these punks, they sound like brats. '' Then everything went downhill from here, I watched toga and dabi went forward towards shigaraki as I was holding her cardigan as I watched everything in a blink of an eye.
Kurogiri stop everything by his quirk as they stop their actions as Tomura was pissed as he said.
“ I need some fresh air, I'm leaving.” I watch him leave as Himiko puff her cheeks out as she crosses her arms.
“ Shigaraki, do you want them in your group? ” Giran said as Tomura paused for a second.
“whatever.. they can stay. I don't care. ”
“ rude… y/n, let's get something to eat and then come back. ” I nod my head as I look at the new boss, he quit…. Handsome when I saw him remove his hand mask away but it was a split second as he left.
I couldn't help but find him cute as toga pulled my arm away.
It's been a couple of days since I joined their group and whenever I see our boss alone at the bar drinking away with his drink while reading a newspaper.
Toga pokes my cheeks as she giggles.” y/n-channnn, I can tell something up with youuuu!! ” she did her happily singing voice as I started to blush as I looked away from him and toward toga.
I can tell her smile has gotten bigger then usually as I look away to feel my cheeks getting hot.
“ you likeeee himm don’t you y/n-chan! ” I cover her mouth as I shush her.
“ shhhh!! He will hear you toga-chan… I-” why do I feel nervous? I feel like a toga whenever she's talking about her crushes and gushing about them as I sighed dreamily seeing him alone and needing company.
“ I can't describe it but he looks.. lonely by himself and I-.. ” toga push you up and say.” you should sit with tomura-kun!! Go for it y/n-chan. ” I begin to blush red as I move my arms fast.
“ w-wait toga don't do that I…” I was forced to sit down next to him as toga smiled happily and said.
“ Have fun!! You guys have similar things to talk about, I'll be going~ ” with my shocked expression as I see toga skipping away happily as she went out with sister magne. I can feel his eyes stare behind my head as I start to feel nervous, I slowly turn towards him as I smile.
“ heyy boss, how are you? ” I wave awkwardly as he looks into my eyes, it's hard to tell what he is thinking and feeling by this.
He turned away as he look at the newspaper, you didn't notice his cheeks getting a bit pinker than usual as I tried to make small talk with shigaraki.
“ would you like a drink miss y/n? ” I turn towards Kurogiri as I smile.” yes please… uhh I'm not sure what to get to be honest. ” I put my thumb on my lip as I think, Tomura was not looking up from the paper.
“ you can try my drink… I recommend it.” I tilt my head towards him then at kurogiri.
“ Kurogiri make the drink for her. ” I feel my cheeks heating up as I nod my head.
“ Thank you.. ” I smile at this as Kurogiri pulls a glass out to make my drink as I wait.
“ So.. ” I could barely hear it but it was my boss who spoke, it was quiet.
“ I hear toga say that we have similar things to talk about. What does she mean by that? ” I tilt my head at Tomura as I blush.
“ oh… uhh I hear you like video games and uhh.. ” I look away as I cover my cheeks.
“ I enjoy playing video games and toga barely plays with me saying that she sucks at the game. ” for the first time I've seen my boss smile as he says.
“ Oh yeah? That's interesting, me and spinner play games too.” I feel his hand touch on top of mine as his pinky is away from my skin as I smile.
“ You should play with us on League. "My smile get wide as I spoke softly.
“ yeah!! We should do that, play together. ”
Afterwards Shigaraki invited me into their gaming. It was a bit hard but I need to be closer to him and need his full attention.
I would touch his hands a bit often, he got spooked when I first touched his skin gently then I started to touch his shoulder from time to time.
He got used to my touches and I think he wants more. He would pull me into his room and ask me to lay on his slim thighs while he played his game.
Today, I got a bit needy and desperate for him as I walked into his room out of the blue.
He turned towards me immediately,he looked a bit confused about this encounter, I walked towards him with a love heart in my eyes as I bit my lips.
Fuck it, I hope he doesn't kill me off the bat, I thought to myself. I sat on his lap as he dropped the controller onto the floor, he was bit taken back by this and was off guard by you sitting on his lap.
I put my chin on his shoulder as I hug him close, I play with his hair as I press light kisses to his neck.
He gasps from this, he has no clue how to act with you on top of him. I pull away to see him wearing his earphones as I hear tiny screaming coming from his earphones as I smile at him.
“ sorry… I couldn't help myself, you're so… cute and I want you so bad~. ” I didn't give him a chance to speak as I pressed a kiss on his lips as I pulled him close.
I was expecting him to push away and to yell at me for making him lose but I gasp into the kiss and feel him grab my hips to grind upwards slowly. I feel it, I feel my cheeks getting hot, I feel his hard-on poking at my crotch area feeling myself getting wet by this.
“ f-f .... ” he groaned from the feeling as he helped me bounce on his lap.
“ Forget the game!! I can't wait any longer. I need you too. ” he quickly moves forward to close the game as he turns his computer off completely.
“ please.. ” he huffed out air as he looked up at me. “ Please take your lower clothes off, I feel like I'm gonna explode. ” I nod my head as I quickly remove my pants and underwear. Shigaraki starts removing his pants as I gasp loudly.
He was not… wearing underwear, his penis flopped out but it hit his belly, it's so pretty just like him, nice shade of pink on his head, pretty veins on the side and I started to get nervous by the size.. Jesus, how does he hide that thing? It looks a bit uncomfortable.
He groaned as he said.” come here please.. ” he wiggles his finger towards me as I look away.
“ uhh don’t you have any protection or uhh lube? ” I tile my head at him as he sighs.
“ huh? I don't have any of those.. we don't have time….” I watch Shigaraki spit at his dick as he rubs it up and down as he coo at me.
“ Come here, you made this mess happen. ” I pout my lips as I smile quietly.
I get on top of him, grabbed his base to my entrance, is this how sex work? I don't know what I am-..
I heard him grunt as he put his hands on my hips to push downward, I gasped from the sudden feeling as I closed my eyes tight.
“ desperate little thing… ahh I couldn't help myself, you're taking too long. ” I'm struggling with this new feeling, his cock feels strange but in a good way.
I feel like my hymen just broke from him pushing deep inside of me, I roll my head back as I bounce up and down… it was sloppy, I didn't know how to do this and shigaraki was getting a bit pissed by this.
He grabbed my neck out of nowhere as I gasped, I held his wrist, it wasn't too harsh but a light press onto my skin and his fingers away from my neck.
He helped me by controlling the rhythm but also was helping me to make both of us feel good.
I cry out feeling his tip hitting that sweet spot as I moan his name out loud, I roll my eyes back.
“ c-crap I can't last anymore-.. ” he removed his hands away from my neck to pull me closer to him, I felt his hand grip my hips tight and hold me still.
I felt it, my eyes widened in pure shock, the hot flow of his semen hitting my cervix, I sob out as warmth feels nice… it's like hot coco in the cold winter.
“ sorry….” he mumble as he put his face close to my neck as I blinked a few times.
“ it's okay… did you feel good? ” he nod his head as I feel his hand move to my hips as he makes me move as I moan out.
“ you didn't get to cum right? ”
“ … yeah.. ” I turned my head bashfully, the first sex felt good but it hurt a little and I didn't feel my orgasm. Maybe it's hard for females to have a big orgasm.
I see him smirk as he says.” get on the bed. ” I immediately get off, I cringe a little from the noise coming out of me as I look down to see his cum slide down my thighs, my legs were wobbly from the sex.
“ That's… hot. ” I heard him mumble, I assume he's talking about it, I started to feel heat. I lay on my back as he was getting up and getting undressed.
I've never seen him fully naked as I started to feel my cheeks getting more red by the minute he dropped down to his knees as he began to eat me out.
I gasp from this feeling as I begin to squirm from this.
“ hold still.. mhmm you taste good~ ” I heard him groaning from this, feeling his arm wrapped around my thigh to pull me close, it felt sensitive, I felt like a knot was coming undone as I screamed his name.
A flash of light hit my view as I pant heavily, was that my first orgasm?? God this is… incredible.
I've never felt like this before and I want more. He pulled away to lick his lips as he coo.
“ god… you're so beautiful like this.. do you wanna. ” he looked away feeling embarrassed as I tilt my head in confusion.
“ Do you wanna be my girlfriend? Also do you want to play round two? ” I smile as I feel joy in my chest as I nod my head.
“ yes and yes to the last part!! I'm in the mood… that was intense~. ” Tomura chuckles at my response as he presses a kiss on your lips.
“ challenge accepted~!! Ready for this gameplay player two? ” I nod my head, giggling happily, feeling Tomura pulling me close to him.
“ hell yeah!! ”
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Spoiled Rotten
Sako Atsuhiro x Reader
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Torture, Mentions of What Happend to Giran, Medical Jargon, Smut
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It was different, working here and being a proper doctor. It was quite the cushy lifestyle, it paid well, you could do your research however you pleased, no one ever really bothered you…
Until it started getting odd.
You never asked questions, it was better not to. It was safer to keep your head down and move on, to stay safe, to stay unseen. But, when your supervisor had told you to remove the fingers of a man who didn’t need the surgery, questions started popping up in your mind. Who were you really working for, what was their business, why did they have you do this, what would happen to you if you didn’t comply? So many questions, so little time.
You tried to ignore that nagging feeling that something was wrong, that feeling that ate at the back of your mind and chewed it’s way through your chest. You were hurting a man who, for all you knew, didn’t deserve to be hurt. You were torturing a man.
Eventually, you did find out why you were doing those things, and it made you sick to your stomach with dread. You knew you were torturing him, but you were torturing him for specific information. Information on the League of Villains. You were in far too deep to back out now, and there was no way you wouldn’t be killed if you dared try. You were apart of a liberation group, and you didn’t even have a quirk to liberate. They supported your courses through college, fast-tracked you to get your doctorate, paid you handsomly, gave you an endless amount of tools and time to do whatever you so pleased. You thought some sort of good luck had finally shined upon you, but this wasn’t good luck. This wasn’t even luck to begin with.
This was a curse.
Things got a lot busier for you after your little realisation. Your clinic was one of the only buildings left untouched by the beast that had rampaged the city, and the destruction that Tomura Shigaraki had caused. You had to confirm the deaths of hundreds, which became hard when they were piles of ash. Not only that, you had to help aid in the recovery of even more. Including the League.
Which went far better than you were anticipating. You expected push back from at least some of them, complaints about being touched by “the enemy”, but no. Nothing. You even aided in the recovery of Shigaraki himself, and he was silent for the most part. Toga was easy to take care of, you gave her a lollipop after her treatment, Jin too. Dabi was fine for the most part, as was Shuichi- Spinner.
Your favourite patient however, was Mr. Compress. Otherwise known as Sako Atsuhiro. He wasn’t injured too extremely, but he was facsinating because he had been amputated. Due to your aiding in the removal of poor Giran’s fingers, you had looked into amputation more, looking into what you could do and how you could possibly replace what was lost. You researched the possiblities in prosthetics and the capabilities that they could have, as well as how you could possibly improve them.
Sako was the perfect candidate for your experimentations. He was perfectly willing as well, which was just icing on the cake. It was the least you could do for them, not only to prove your loyalty to them and their cause, but also to, in your own way, atone for what you did to Giran. Which, you had admitted to them immediately. Granted you hadn’t known what exactly you were doing, only doing what you were told, but you still hurt the poor man, so you wanted to do something to help them, anything.
You researched prosthetics even more after that, and had worked not only on something for Giran, but for Sako as well. Unfortunately for Giran, there was not much you could do for fingers, unless you managed to weasel your way into getting nerve-technology from your managers, and even then it wasn’t likely to work. Sako was an easier feat. Of course, before you did any kind of experimentations on him or worked on anything, you had to speak with him, get to know him, get that doctor-patient bond that most doctors had with their patients.
Once again, he was willing to do that for you.
Maybe a bit too much, though.
He was certainly the showman of the League, often speaking in terms of grandure and theatrics, talking you up every chance he had. Every appointment, every opportunity, every time he passed you in the hallways, every time he saw you in town, he was at your side, telling you stories about his life, telling you his interests and dislikes.
It was… Cute.
He seemed to follow you like a lost puppy, perhaps it was the way you carried yourself, perhaps it was your similarity in age, maybe it was just because he was bored, you couldn’t tell. You didn’t need to ask. It was a habit of yours, maybe it was from your time with Destro and his goonies, but you didn’t mind it so much when it came to Sako.
You got to know him a lot more than a doctor should probably know their patient. You felt comfortable with him, you connected with him, you loved working with him and working on his arm, it was fun for you, he made it easy.
That became a problem when you started feeling more than a doctor to him.
You felt like a confidant for him, someone he could come to if he needed to, and to some extent, you were. But he visited your home in his off-time, went to lunch with you, even asked you about dinner from time to time.
You couldn’t allow that.
It was drastically inappropriate for a doctor to take advantage of a patient in a way such as that, there had to be a line drawn somewhere. But if you were to be fair with yourself, you did like him a lot. He was a villain, you worked for villains, you did some evil acts yourself.
You worked for villains.
Rules be damned, you deserved to endulge yourself, it wasn’t like he was that much younger than you anyway. So anytime he’d make a comment, anytime he’d make a flirt, you would match him. Anytime he offered to pay for something, you had it covered. You gifted him plenty of new clothes, expensive snacks imported from other countries, and you used the ludicrious amount of fincances you were paid to spoil him completely.
You could tell he was… Not used to the treatment.
It made you smile every time he would faulter or flounder over his words. Anytime you saw his face, you always complimented him for how handsome he looked, and you loved to see the blush that would reach his ears.
It became a sort of competition between the two of you, to see who would fluster the other more, who would flirt harder, who would make the first official move. You oftentimes topped his gifts and won on that front, because your funds were almost limitless. Sako lived in the mansion of Re-Destro, but you offered your home to him as a more private alternative. He didn’t have to move in if he didn’t want to, but you offered.
He took you up on it.
That was when things got… Harder.
You hade a very neat and tidy home, your schedule and work ethic carrying over into how you did things at home. Wake up, go for a walk, eat, shower, go to work. At work you would care for patients, do paperwork, eat lunch, work with more patients, and go home. You’d make dinner, look over more paperwork, shower again, and go to bed.
Now with Sako, he got to see how you worked, and he got to see a more relaxed side of you.
No longer in a button down shirt and slacks, you’d walk around your home in the shortest shorts, the tightest shirts, he was sure you weren’t wearing anything underneath. It made his mouth water, it made his pants tighter, it made working with you a lot more difficult, because all he could imagine were those damn shorts you wore. All he could think of when you bent over to install his new arm was the view he’d get when you’d bend over at home. Down your shirt, the curve of your ass, your flushed face after your walks, your silent moans when you crack your neck.
What he wouldn’t give to hear you say his name, all breathy and whiney.
You’d beg him for more, he coudl certainly rpay you like that, if only you’d allow it.
He shook his head and blinked, “I’m so sorry my dear, were you speaking to me?”
You laughed, yet another music to his hears, “Yes, I was asking if this prosthetic feels better, if you have any complaints, and I was asking you to move your arm~”
He laughed nervously, thankful for his mask to be on today to hide his shame from you. He did as you asked him, feeling how the prosthetic fit him, how it felt. So far he had no complaints, and as he flexed his arm to test how it felt, he noticed it.
“Something’s different…”
You giggle, nodding, “Yes, something is very different.”
He moved it again, and he watched as his hand moved, his fingers flexing as he tested the new piece. He wasn’t sure, but he wanted to check before he freaked out.
He grabbed your hand, your skin was soft.
“How did you manage this? What-”
You laughed again, a soft flush coming to your face, “Well don’t tell anyone you’re my favourite patient but… I did this specifically for you. Destro didn’t particularly allow me to look into or work with nerve technology, but I did it out of my own paycheck. It was a lot, but if it allows you to feel once again, I think it’s worth it.”
He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to marry you if you’d allow it. He wanted to do so much to repay you, even though he knew he never could.
You were a saint to him, a saviour, a dream come true, an angel. He wanted to tell you everything, but…
Anytime he flirted, anytime you flirted back, he thought you figured he was simply joking, that this was how he acted with everyone, despite that not being the case. He was never like this before he met you. Sure, he was a sweet-talker, someone who knew how to carry a conversation, with a bit of flair added to it, but he wasn’t openly flirtatious with anyone. Maybe in his teen years, but not now. Not for well over a decade.
“How could I ever thank you for this I- I don’t want to ever take this off! I can feel again, really feel! It’s fantastic!”
You laughed, shaking your head, your hand stil in his. He was always like this, always determined to repay you for your kindness, despite telling him time and time again he needn’t worry about it. Every new suit or costume, every new mask, every snack, every lunch, every day. There was nothing you needed from him, nothing more you wanted from him.
Just his company was enough.
“Please be sure to remove it when you shower, just to be sure to wash your arm properly. As for re-fastening it, it’s just like any other one of your prosthetics…”
You kept explaining it to him, but he couldn’t hear you. Obviously he would follow your instructions, but all he could think about was tonight. When you’d get home, how he’d repay you. A movie? No, far too cheesy. It had to be something phenomenal. Something that would make your jaw drop. Something to prove to you what he meant when he flirted with you.
When you had waved him off to see other patients, he told you he’d see you at home, that alone warmed your heart- He called your home his home. The rest of your shift went on smoothly, you checked out a child patient and a few others, the most exciting thing that happened today was Sako’s appointment.
Until you got home.
As soon as he left, he went to a flower shop. Then, he got candles. Next, he got ingredients for a meal to make for you, wine, the works. You usually caqme home to make dinner, it was an honour to help you make dinner, the two of you often cooked together. Not today though, today he wanted to spoil you as much as he could. If this didn’t show you how he felt, he didn’t know what would.
He cleaned up the little mess there was, he set up the roses all over the house in little vases, he lit the candles when he was done cooking, everything was set up perfectly, right on time.
Walking out of the kitchen soace, Sako bows, dressed in half a suit you had gotten him, his lseeves rolled up, his new prosthetic attached.
“Welcome home my dear…”
“Sako what is all this…?”
“My thanks to you, after everything you’ve done for me it is the least I can do for you~”
There were slight tears in your eyes, your face flushed and a surprised smile present. He offered you his hand, the hand you had just given him feeling back into, and you gladly took it. He led you to the dining area, sitting you down and serving you the meal he had prepared for you, your favourite.
“Sako, you didn’t have to do all of this…”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re mistaken my dear, I did. I wanted to. After everything you’ve done for me, it’s the very least I could do…. Save for asking for your hand.”
You could’ve sworn you stopped breathing.
Now or never.
“My dear I’m not quite sure if you realise, but I am quite fond of you. You’re very important to me, to the League. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I am not your patient, and you are not my doctor. I adore you, I love you, and I want to call you mine.”
You would cry if you weren’t so shocked, you didn’t know what you would do if he kneeled onto one knee, you were thankful he didn’t. You’d probably die.
“Sako… I don’t know what to say…”
“You needn’t say a thing my dear, let’s enjoy dinner, and our evening together.”
You certainly did. There weren’t even dishes to do afterwards, because Sako cleaned them up for you. By the time you were ready to retire for bed, Sako had moved to go to his own room, but you grabbed his hand.
“Oh no, you don’t get your own room after confessing your love to me, you sleep with me now.”
He felt his face flush, “Darling I don’t think that’d be wise…”
You scoffed teasingly, “And why is that~?”
His chuckle sent shivers down your spine, as he moved closer to you, gently caressing your face, “Because, darling, I don’t think I’d be able to control myself at that point~”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, your face flushing an even darker red.
“I wouldn’t want to disappoint you~”
“I don’t think that’s possible~”
His hand held your face as he leaned down to kiss you, the kiss feeling as if a weight was lifted off of your chest, it felt like you were floating, like you were finally free to express yourself to him, to give him everything, just like you wanted.
You pressed against him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding onto him as if your life depended on it. It was everything you had ever dreamed of and more, and it was so satisfying. Breaking the kiss for a short moment, you dragged him to your bedroom, opening and closing the door, quickly working on unbuttoning his shirt, Sako doing the same for you.
“Darling, slow down, I’m not going anywhere~”
You scoffed again, “As if you’re one to talk~”
You were right, as you were with most things. He was rushing to get your shirt unbuttoned, half-tempted to simply tear it open. The both of you were eager to finally, finally feel each other, fully. You had the opportunity to touch him however you needed, often stealing quick gropes you didn’t truly need, but Sako never got the chance, only dreaming of how soft you’d feel, how you’d feel between his fingers, against his body, on his tongue.
He finally had his chance, and he was not going to wait or hesitate any longer.
The kissing grew feverish as he pushed you into your bed, and lord the scent he loved was finally surrounding him fully as he laid you beneath him, touching and groping at your chest as his hands moved down your waist to remove your pants and underwear.
You pushed against his chest with your hand, making him stop kissing you. He would ask you why, but your eager hands moved to undo his own pants, and he chuckled again. He saw you pout and blush.
“So desperate for me, hm~?”
He flushed at how forward you were, before you finally got his pants down, tangling your hands in his hair to pull him in for another kiss. He pushed himself against you as he crawled over you. Using his new prosthetic, he adored the feeling of your skin against his hand- His hand. Despite it being a prosthetic, this was apart of him, and this one was the easiest one for him to accept. All because of you. You had done so much for him…
You were shocked he had pulled away so abruptly, before he lifted your legs over his shoulders and started going down on you, making you squeal in surprise. No one had ever been this eager to do this for you, to lick and suck at your most inimate parts. You always had to beg for them to do anything, so this was a first for you. You saw him using his arms close wrap your legs around his head even tighter, his grip on your almost bruising as he pleased you.
It wasn’t just for you, either.
He had been dreaming of this, and nothing he ever dreamed of could compare to how divine you tasted, how wonderful it felt having your thighs wrapped around his head, how cute your little noises were. He moaned against you, and that made you moan even louder, your hand gripping his hair, and pulling.
He groaned at that, pulling away from you before you could finish, making you whine. He cooed at you, shaking his head.
“Don’t fret my dear, we’re not done yet… I want to take my time with you, to feel you in every way possible~”
With his new arm, he pressed a singular finger into you, curling it just right to make you whine. He chuckled, copying the motion over and over again, your hips bucking with every movement. He even had to hold your hips down.
“It’s a good thing I’m doing this darling,” He pushed another finger into you, scissoring you, “Neither one of us are used to this, so I need to be sure you’re taken extra care of, as to not hurt you~”
“S-Sako y-y-you’re teasing…”
He clicked his tongued as he cooed at you, “Yes, I am~”
He chuckled while he fucked you slowly with his fingers, his other hand wrapped around his cock, moving in time. The sight before him he wanted to remember, every sinlg detail, Your head was rolled back, your mouth wide open with praise and moans falling out in slurs, your chest rising and falling, your legs wide open with him slotted between them, playing with you, and touching himself.
It was beautiful, the dance you two were doing.
Once he added another finger in, he began moving faster, making your hips start bucking again, making him tut. He stopped stroking himself, immediately gripping your hip and holding you down.
“Stop. Moving.”
You whined and it was gorgeous, but you needed to be good and behave. So you did, moving to grip the hand that was burried deep inside you, and he jolted when he remembered he could feel it again. You whined and you begged, and before you could reach ecstasy, he stopped, pulling his fingers out of you.
“Ah ah ah, no complaining dear~” He squeezede your hips again as he lined himself up with you, chuckling to himself, “Ooh darling, I can’t wait to mark you up~”
Before you could ask what he meant, he pushed in to you, hissing at the feeling, kissing you deeply, swallowing your squeal. He stayed there for a moment, your hips twitching at his sudden intrusion, but not moving more than that. He chuckled into your mouth, moving to kiss at your cheeks, biting your jaw line, kissing your neck ever so gently, before he bite you again. Hard. You gasped a moan, moaning once more when he first thrusts his hips into you. He groans against your neck as he bites you again, in a different area, sucking at you neck, doing as he promised.
Marking you up.
You never imagined he’d fit inside of you so perfectly, making you feel more full than you ever had, his thrusting being the slowest torture you’ve ever experienced. You figured you deserved it, despite thinking this to be torture, you knew he was just treating you right, taking his time with you, making sure you felt every inch.
Your past partners went hard and fast, and ver rarely did you ever get to where you needed to go while they chased after their own highs. But Sako was unlike any of your previous partners, having gotten you to the edge twice already, before teasing you with that feeling of fleeting pleasure, before doing it again. Sako was a man who knew how to please his partner, and he had plenty of time to plot exactly what he wanted to do to you.
He wanted you to be shattered around him, he wanted you to feel what you did to him, and he wanted you to get there first. Pulling away from your hickey-ridden neck, he smirked. His hands were on your hips, occassionally squeezing them. His hips started moving faster, his prosthetic moving to toy with you further as he continued to fuck into you.
“Ha-ha Darling~ You feel soo good wrapped around me like this~ Y-you haven’t a clue how long- Mmm- How long I’ve wanted you like this… All for me, marked up, begging, just for me~”
You moaned with a nod, feeling your climax coming up even faster now.
“Tell me, who- Who do you belong to? Who makes you feel this good~?”
“You- S-sako, you do~! Y-you- A-always been you- You~!”
He laughed softly, his hips stuttering, “F-fuck- I-I can’t last much lon-longer~”
“P-please… Please please-”
“Mmmm, please what~?”
“L-let me cum- Please~! Cum inside me- fuck I don’t care~! I love you so much I want it~!”
That was enough to send him over the edge, well over the edge. Cursing to himself as his hips stuttered again, spurting into you, he faltered atop you, holding himself up as he pressed closer to you.
When he came, you snapped, cumming yourself. You screamed silently before you moaned into his ear, thanking him. He was confused, in the height of his climax, he didn’t feel you finish, so why were you thanking him?
“That was… Amazing…”
“But, ha, you didn’t…”
You laughed, kissing his cheek and shaking your head, “Oh no love, I did. That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Ever. You didn’t even use any toys and you made me see stars~”
Sako laughed, slowly pulling out of you, watching his essence ooze from you. “Well, it was quite the performance from us both, no~?”
“A performance I’d love to see again~”
You were going to be the death of him.
Tags I Know Of: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @kelin-is-writing @elias-fable
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phoenixgreen · 2 years
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did @villainsandvictimsalliance 's post about a lov band au motivate me to finally draw my own band au I had in mind for like two years? Yes. Yes it did
x Tomura is the singer and bandleader, Dabi the lead guitarist, Toga the second guitarist, Twice the drummer and Spinner the bassist
x they got together in high school and made the decision once they finish it they’re gonna try and make it as the “League of Villains”
x no quirks
x I loved Shan’s idea for the lore that formed around them, like people thinking Tomura destroys everything he touches because he wears gloves or Twice playing like four people at once so he must be more than one person and so on
x Giran is their scrappy cool uncle manager
x AFO is Tomuras adopted Dad after his parents died in an accident (there is more to it but he doesn’t talk about it) and Tomura is still on the run from him
x Dabi had an accident with fire years ago so he has his scars (even tho they’re not as bad) and hates his father with a burning passion you could say
x Endeavor is a music producer with his own label; All Might too
x Spinner was bullied in high school because of his wierd looks and Tomura befriended him and showed him how to stand up to his bullies
x I imagined they sound a lot like Nothing but Thieves and/or Bad Omens
I‘m gonna post more headcanons with more art in a later post
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killxz · 2 months
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03 ━━ 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
Pairing: Various MHA x Fem!Reader
trigger warning(s): language, blood, violence
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You wake up the next morning feeling like you've been hit by a truck. Every muscle aches and the lingering pain from your quirk acting up makes it hard to move. You push yourself up from the mattress, wincing as you do so, and take a moment to gather your thoughts. The previous night's events replay in your mind, but you push them aside. There's no time for weakness.
You throw on your villain costume and step out of your room, heading down the dimly lit hallway to the main area. The other villains are scattered around, some eating breakfast, others engaged in idle conversation. Dabi eyes you as you pass, a silent acknowledgement of the previous night's encounter.
You decide to make a quick detour to Giran's office. You need more information on the sidekick you fought with yesterday. Pushing open the door to the broker's office, you greet him. "Giran, I need intel on the sidekick I fought with yesterday. The green one."
Giran wordlessly types on his computer and passes you a stack of papers. You send your thanks in the form of a nod and exit the room while looking through the papers. It turns out that he wasn't a sidekick, but a student at U.A. How funny. You always wanted to be a student there. His hero name was...Deku? Who names themselves 'Deku'? Doesn't 'Deku' mean 'fool'?"
When you arrive at the bar, the rest of the League is already there. Shigaraki is discussing the next target, a warehouse said to be storing hero equipment. The plan is simple: get in, grab what you can, and get out before the heroes show up.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You voice out. "What if the heroes are ready for us this time?"
Shigaraki's red eyes narrow as they fixate on you. "Are you doubting my plan?" he hisses, his voice low and dangerous.
You meet his gaze, trying to keep your expression neutral. "No, I'm just considering the possibility. We've been getting more resistance lately."
Dabi smirks from his spot leaning against the wall. "Worried about another run-in with our green friend?" he taunts, the blue flames flickering around his fingers.
You ignore him, focusing on Shigaraki. "I'm just saying we should be prepared for anything. If the heroes are expecting us, we need a backup plan."
Shigaraki's gaze softens slightly, though his irritation is still evident. "Fine. We'll have Kurogiri on standby for a quick escape. But we need that equipment. No mistakes."
You nod, relieved that he's at least willing to consider the possibility of things going wrong. "Understood."
As Shigaraki continues with the briefing, you can't shake the feeling of dread that settles in your gut. The mission is simple enough, but with Deku on your mind, you can't help but feel uneasy.
The meeting wraps up, and you all head out. Kurogiri opens a portal, and you step through, arriving. 
You can't shake the feeling that something is off as you approach the warehouse. The air feels charged, and your instincts scream at you to turn back. 
The first part of the mission goes smoothly. You and the others make it inside, taking out a few guards and locating the storage room. But just as you're about to grab the equipment, an explosion rocks the building, and smoke fills the air.
"Heroes!" Shigaraki snarls, eyes narrowing. "Grab what you can and let's move!"You dart forward, using your telekinesis to pull several crates towards you. But before you can make it to the exit, a green blur crashes into you, knocking you off your feet.
"Not so fast!" Deku shouts, his eyes blazing with determination. "You're not getting away this time!"
You scramble to your feet, heart pounding. "You again? Don't you heroes ever give up?"Deku charges at you, and you barely manage to throw up a telekinetic barrier to deflect his attack. The strain makes your head throb, but you push through the pain, focusing on the fight.
Around you, the other villains are battling their own opponents. Dabi's flames light up the room, clashing with Endeavour's. Toga is a blur of motion, her knife flashing as she dodges attacks and dishes out her own against the one with blond hair. Shigaraki, true to form, is using his decay quirk to devastating effect while the hero with split red and white hair tries to stop him.
Deku lunges at you again, and you counter with a telekinetic blast that sends him crashing into a wall. But he recovers quickly, launching himself back at you with renewed determination.
"You don't have to do this!" he shouts, dodging your punches with ease. "You can still change!"
"Shut up!" you shout, the pain in your head intensifying. "I don't need your help!"
Deku's eyes flash with a mixture of anger and pity. "I know you're hurting. But fighting us won't make it stop!"
His words hit a nerve, and your control slips. Your quirk flares wildly, sending debris flying in all directions. Deku barely manages to dodge a chunk of concrete that hurtles towards him.
"Stop it!" he yells, desperation in his voice. "You're going to hurt yourself!"
The pain in your chest grows unbearable, and you double over, coughing violently. Blood splatters on the ground, and you gasp for breath, your vision swimming.
Deku's expression shifts to one of horror. "Wha-?"
"Stay away!" you rasp, trying to summon enough strength to stand. "I don't need your pity!"
"Want it or not, you have my pity!" Deku shoots back, stepping forward to support you up from the ground gently. 
'Why are you so kind to me?" You demand, voice breaking. "I'm a villain. I haven't done anything to deserve your kindness."
Deku smiled softly. "I think you'll find that my kindness is freely given."
Tears well up in your eyes before you can stop them. As if sensing your weakness, Deku continues. "I know you have lived a hard life, but you can be redeemed."
"I don't want your redemption," you choke out, struggling to stay upright with Deku's support. "I don't want to be saved."
Deku's expression remains resolute, his hand steady as he helps you to your feet. "It's not about what you want right now. It's about what you need. And I know that no one deserves to suffer alone."
Deku's words hang in the air as you struggle to process the emotions swirling inside you. The chaos around you intensifies, with the heroes and villains locked in fierce combat. Your body aches, the pain from your quirk flaring up more intensely with each passing moment. You push Deku away, your resolve hardening.
"I don't need your help," you say through gritted teeth, standing on your own. "I can take care of myself."
Deku's eyes reflect a mixture of concern and disappointment. "I can't just leave you like this."
"You have no choice," you reply, summoning the last of your strength to create a telekinetic barrier between you and Deku. "Go fight your battle, hero. This isn't over."
Before Deku can respond, you turn and run, weaving through the chaos. Your vision blurs, and your head pounds, but you force yourself to keep moving. You can't afford to be seen as weak, not now, not ever. The sounds of the battle fade as you make your way to a secluded corner of the warehouse, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Collapsing against a wall, you take a moment to catch your breath. The pain is overwhelming, but you push it aside, focusing on the immediate need to escape. You can hear the faint sounds of the fight continuing in the distance, and you know you have to get out before the heroes regroup.
Summoning a sliver of your quirk, you manage to lift a piece of debris and hurl it at a weak spot in the warehouse wall. "Shigaraki!" You yell. "We need to go!" 
Shigaraki's head snaps toward you at your call, his red eyes narrowing with fury. "We're not done yet!" he shouts back, but you can see the calculation in his gaze. He knows you're right; the heroes are too prepared this time.
Kurogiri materializes beside you, his void-like form shimmering. "It's time," you say, urgency clear in your voice. Shigaraki's scowl deepens, but he nods.
"Kurogiri, get us out of here!" Shigaraki commands.
A portal opens, swirling with darkness. You can see the others fighting, but the battle is turning against them. Toga is struggling against the blonde hero, her movements slowing, while Dabi's flames are being countered by Endeavour's overwhelming heat. Shigaraki is fending off the hero with red and white hair, but you know even he can't hold out forever.
"Fall back!" Shigaraki yells, his voice carrying over the chaos. "Everyone, fall back!"
The League members respond immediately. Dabi's flames die down as he retreats, his eyes flicking to you with an unreadable expression. Toga disengages from her opponent, flipping back towards the portal. Shigaraki follows, his face twisted in frustration and anger.
Just as you're about to step through the portal, Deku appears again, a green blur blocking your path. "You're not getting away that easily!" he shouts, his fists glowing with energy.
You barely have time to react before Deku launches himself at you, his punch aimed straight at your head. You throw up a telekinetic shield, but the impact sends you sprawling to the ground. 
Pain explodes in your skull, and you taste blood in your mouth.
"Get out of my way!" you scream, pushing yourself up with every ounce of strength you have left. Deku hesitates for a split second, and that's all the time you need. You blast him with a telekinetic wave, throwing him back against the wall.
"Kurogiri!" you yell again, your voice breaking. "Now!"
The portal shimmers and expands, and you dive through it, followed closely by the rest of the League. The last thing you see before the darkness envelops you is Deku's determined face, 
staring after you with a mix of frustration and regret.
You land heavily on the floor of the hideout, the portal closing behind you. The others collapse around you, their breaths ragged, their bodies bruised and battered. Shigaraki is the first to rise, his face twisted with fury.
"That was a disaster!" he snarls, glaring at each of you in turn. "We barely escaped with our lives!"
Dabi, leaning against the wall, wipes blood from his mouth and smirks. "At least we got out, right? Could've been worse."
"Could've been a lot better," Toga mutters, nursing a cut on her arm. "Those heroes were ready for us."
Shigaraki's eyes narrow, and he turns to you. "You," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "You were the one who wanted a backup plan. Are you satisfied now?"
You meet his gaze, your own anger flaring. "If we hadn't had a backup plan, we would've been caught or worse. You're the one who underestimated them."
Shigaraki's hand twitches, but he doesn't move. "This isn't over," he says, his voice cold. "We'll regroup, and we'll strike again. Harder. Smarter."
The room falls into a tense silence. You can feel the weight of their stares on you, the unspoken accusations, the simmering resentment. But beneath it all, you can also sense a grudging respect. You stood your ground, you fought back, and you survived. For now, that's enough.
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Killer Queen💀
Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko x F. Reader
You have a crush on a certain Super Villain and he's the only one to make you feel a certain way.
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Warnings: Smut ahead💋👇🏻; Autassassinophilia kink; Oral(Giving); Degradation; Praising; Choking; Barebacking; Creampie [18+ | NSFW]
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Autassassinophilia: a paraphilia in which an individual is sexually aroused by the risk of being killed.
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"Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder." - Octave Mirbeau
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It takes some goading to Giran before he finally relents and gives you a "see what I can do" answer. That's better than him blowing you off anyways. It isn't all to preserve his reputation, believe it or not. You're trying to get close to things you shouldn't be anywhere near. Sure, you're used to working with "bad guys", but this one in particular tends to take the cake.
You're Giran's assistant. While he acted aloof around you, as he did with most people, he actually gave a bit of a damn about you. He'd known you since you were a kid. The daughter of a guy he'd grown up with. He groomed you for the broker business. While you never made the deals, he was the face of the business after all, you helped him procure things that were requested of him. Be that items or people.
He'd give you the details and you'd fetch whatever the customer was looking for. You'd also keep an eye out for anything that may benefit Giran in the long run. You were always in the background, but you loved the life. No matter how glamorous it tended not to be. You were even the one who found Toga. Well, she found you technically. Though you never went to all the meets, especially when it came to the League of Villains, everyone knew you worked with Giran.
He'd never bring you along to those dealings if he had his way. Giran knew that would become harder to do once you knew of the existence of Shigaraki Tomura, however. Even with Kurogiri present Giran knew that Shigaraki was unpredictable and wouldn't risk having you in his sights. A seasoned vet like him even bolted as soon as he got payment.
You knew your luck was changing the night Giran got the call. It sounded like a regular one, Giran responding with "yeah" and "uh huh" now and then. Suddenly he sat up straighter, much more tense than before. Finally, he ended the call with "Alright. I'll let her know. Thanks." Your head snapped to him and you watched intently as he hung up. He sighed and immediately pulled out a new smoke. "Well?!", you commented with unbridled excitement.
"That was Kurogiri." Your eyes widened. Your giddy feelings dialed down a bit, knowing that you might be turned down. Giran took another drag before continuing. "Says he had to clear it wit' the big guy in charge first, but ya can head over tomorrow night. Apparently the League has a few days off to lay low for a bit."
You briefly wonder what the All For One thinks about you wanting to visit with Shigaraki, but he must think it's something alright for the villain. Those thoughts don't last too long with your excited nerves already building. "Thank you!", you squeal as you leap over to Giran and pull him in close for a hug and kiss his cheek. "Yeah, yeah.", he sighs but you can see the workings of a small smile on his lips. "Don't say I don' do nothin' for ya."
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The time finally comes despite it seeming like the hours ticked by slower than normal. You know it's just your excitement building, but it was torture none the less. You park down the street and take a few deep breaths to ease your nerves. Before you get out of your car you notice a few figures walk out of the very bar you intend on walking into. You recognize them as League members, and you figure they've been let go for the night to enjoy the free time you were told about. Some leaving together, like Toga and Twice; others heading out alone, namely Dabi.
You exit the vehicle and head over to the bar door. You steel your nerves and find whatever confidence you can to not seem so anxious. When you step inside it's pretty much what you were expecting. Nothing to write home about. A man with black smoke where his head would be turns and focuses his yellow eyes your way. You can only assume that's Kurogiri.
The very man you came to see sat quietly at the bar facing him. You notice a few newspapers laying around the bar top nearby, as well as a glass of amber liquid. You can't help but stare at the slender figure of the guy you've come to have a crush on. "You must be the young lady Giran called about." You nod as you take a few timid steps closer to the pair. "Yeah, that's me."
"This is Shigaraki Tomura.", he says as he extends his hand to point him out even though he's the only other person in the room. You give your name and wait for Shigaraki to acknowledge you. That turns out to be a number of excruciating minutes later. It's when Kurogiri clears his throat and lowly tells him "Don't be rude." Finally, Shigaraki sighs as if he's being burdened and turns his head in your direction.
He sits up a little straighter after taking in your appearance. He still has Father over his face, but he actually removes the hand to get a better look of you. You notice his ruby gaze move over your form, but he doesn't make any expression that shows he's impressed. However that turns out to be just the case. He is impressed.
You're infinitely cuter than he expected.
After staring at you for a few moments you finally hear him speak. "Giran said you like video games." His voice is higher pitched and raspy, but you can't help but find it cute regardless. "Yeah, I do.", you reply happily. You internally facepalm at your reaction. You must seem like a lame fangirl. It is almost too hard for him to take your bright eyes and girly admiration that's clear on your face. Almost.
"Well...Wanna play?" You nod your head emphatically and watch him rise to his feet. He places Father on the bar top for Kurogiri to look after. He eyes you one more time before turning to walk in the direction of a doorway towards the back. He doesn't say anything as he goes, simply waves you along after he starts walking. "Come on, little girl." Though you're elated he's willing to hang out with you, you narrow your eyes as you hurry to follow after him.
Shigaraki walks through the doorway and turns to head up a narrow set of stairs. "I'm not a little girl.", you chide him and he turns to glance back at you. He's almost appalled at the fact you're challenging him but can't seem to help find it endearing. He's not sure yet if he likes that you're growing on him after just meeting you.
Shigaraki simply replies with "whatever" as he turns back and continues up the stairs. He leads you to a room at the end of a bleak hallway. It's pretty bare: nothing on the walls, a single twin bed with crumpled white sheets, a closet and door that was ajar enough to show a small bathroom. One corner stood out as noticeably different than the rest.
There was a small flat screen television that's hooked up to a state-of-the-art gaming system. A few quality controllers sit next to it, and a nice, comfortable gaming chair topped off the area. "Woww.", you whisper in a hushed breath. Shigaraki takes in your impressed expression and feels the swelling of pride begin in his chest. Right where his heart would be to be exact. He wasn't even sure he could feel things in that part of his body anymore.
He points towards a plethora of games stacked in piles nearby. You find the collection he has both extensive and impressive. "Kurogiri said I should let you pick first. Something about being the guest." You nod and look over the titles. "How 'bout we start with this one?", you question as you pull the case out of a stack to show him the cover.
It's an older game. A first-person shooter zombie killing game to be specific. To his own surprise he's genuinely pleased with the selection you choose. It's 'an oldie but a goodie'. Definitely a classic that just so happens to be one of his favorites. He just nods and instructs you to set it up. You think about how he must be used to ordering people around as you work. Somehow only finding it more attractive of him.
Shigaraki goes over to a mini fridge and pulls out two sodas. He's once again confused when he comes back over and asks if what he pulled out for you is alright. Why does he even care? You accept the offered drink and finish setting everything up. Of course he takes the gaming chair after sliding a worn-out bean bag chair over for you to sit in. Naturally. It doesn't bother you, though. The two of you then begin a campaign that grows in intensity as time goes by.
You end up playing together longer than either of you expect. He loves how enthralled in the game you become, and you just so happen to be better than he even anticipated. He watches you out of the corner of his eye during the gameplay. You're certainly funny and make even cuter faces the more you get into it, especially when you're concentrating.
He doesn't seem to notice you doing the same as you take the opportunity to watch him in your peripherals. You already know he's cute, so you take notice of his hands. He grips the controllers with a pinky on each hand raised. It amazes you how much of an expert he is in doing so. It doesn't even seem to bother him in the slightest.
After yet another playthrough he sets down his controller and stretches his arms over his head. You do the same as you rise up off the bean bag. Afterward he pulls out his cellphone and you watch as he seemingly types out a text. "Do you drink?" The question catches you by surprise and you mumble out a quick reply with "Uh, yeah, I do."
His phone is already away when a minute later there's a single knock at his door before it's pushed open to reveal Kurogiri. He steps into the room and puts a tray down on the end table beside the bed that has a bottle and two empty glasses resting on it. He straightens up after filling the small glasses and he looks over to you two. "I do hope things are going well." You feel your face heat up slightly but nod still. "Yeah, fine.", Shigaraki says with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Kurogiri takes that as his que to leave and nods before walking out. Leaving the pair of you alone once more. Shigaraki suddenly finds himself nervous and begins scratching his neck. That's when he realized that it was the first time he's done so since coming into his room and playing with you. Why were you able to do that to him?
Shigaraki doesn't allow the atmosphere to become awkward. He isn't sure what to say so he goes over to pick up one of the drinks Kurogiri poured. He only takes a sip or two before he sees you looking at him and he waves you over to join him. You make your way next to him and pick up your own glass. His eyes widen as the liquid seems to slide down your throat with ease.
After taking a gulp you place your nearly empty glass back down. You watch as Shigaraki keeps his own gaze locked onto yours. He brings the edge of his glass up to his lips, never breaking eye contact, and takes a larger gulp just as you had. You found yourself getting lost in his crimson eyes. Before you could register what you were doing and stop yourself you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him.
Shigaraki immediately froze at your actions. He gasped and you were able to slide your tongue inside his mouth to engage with his own. He was clumsy with it. Clearly evident that he was inexperienced. You cracked open your lidded eyes slightly to see him staring down at you wide eyed. Still in shock you mused to yourself.
With your eyes closed once more you felt him tilt down to the side and heard the click of his glass being put down. That's when you felt it. His hands tentatively placed on your hips. After a few moments their grip gets a bit tighter before you feel him smooth them around your back to pull you impossibly closer to him. Even with his hands behind you, you could feel his four fingers of each hand.
When you finally part for breath, he doesn't take long before he's chasing your lips for another kiss. After a hearty make out session you sense him start to lower himself onto his bed. You stop kissing and look down when you hear the familiar clicking of a belt buckle. Shigaraki lets out a low chuckle with a dark look in his eye. "Why don' you be a good little slut 'n suck my cock. I'd like that, 'n I jus' know you'd like it too."
Your hot core instantly throbs at his words, and you grind your thighs together before you lower yourself to your knees. He's right, after all. You slide his pants and boxers down in one go. His legs are slim but toned. It's obvious he's strong, but unassuming looking. You think about how Heroes could underestimate him and come to find they're sorely mistaken.
When his cock springs free into your face your mouth waters. It's long and slim, like him, but curved just right. You gingerly take him in your hand and give him a few preliminary pumps to test his reaction. As soon as you take him in your hand it's obvious he tenses and give the subtlest jerk of his hips. He's already panting in anticipation and you've hardly started. You can't wait to see how else he'll react.
You give him a moment to gather himself. That's when you go for it and lick up his long shaft before pecking his tip and gathering the bead of pre that was present there on your lips. You hear the hiss he lets out as he sucks in a breath through his teeth at your initial motions. You watch him, keeping his ruby eyes locked with yours, as you sink down and wrap your mouth around him as low as you can at first. It's not balls deep quite yet, but you'll get there.
You bob up and down, sucking him off for the first few minutes. Then you bring yourself down as low as you can to get him as far back into your throat as possible. You're still looking up at Shigaraki as you watch his head throw back in ecstasy. Then you feel him grip hold of your hair at the top of your head. He's got a fistful as he pumps your head up and down to throat fuck you.
You picture it in your head with your eyes closed at first. The slight sheen of sweat beginning to gather along his forehead. His eyebrows narrowed in concentration. The clump of hair he's gripping onto with a raised pinky. One wrong move of him lowering the digit, especially while he's distracted like this, means the end for you. Painfully.
That's the thought that makes your pussy wet to the point it could pool on the floor underneath you.
He's doesn't lower it, though. Even with his mind fogged with lust and concentrating on not finishing in your soft, wet mouth too soon. He's grunting so much you could tell he's close, especially by the twitch of his cock in your mouth. Suddenly he's squeezing your shoulders and when you stop and look at him he's slowly pulling you off him. You're about to ask if he needed you to do something different, or stop all together (to your dismay), but he simply tries to catch his breath before speaking. "T-take off your clothes. Then you're going to stand up 'n bend over the edge of the bed when I tell ya."
You let out a mewl at his instructions and obediently rise to your feet. That has the spark of life going right to his cock, keeping him ready and twitching without your sweet mouth satisfying him. You really are his little obedient slut, aren't you? He couldn't be more satisfied with the decision to allow you two to meet. If it's half as satisfying to fuck into your heat as it was your mouth, he's going to have a harder time concentrating on anything else important.
Shigaraki swallows hard when he sees your naked form, timid and shy before him. He doesn't know where to look first. He figures he'll start with your beautiful face and work his way down your sexy body. He runs his tongue over his dry, cracked lips. His cock twitches yet again the way your eyes are shining with elation at him and how it's clear you're waiting for his next command.
"Good girl.", he coos as he takes one finger and tugs a strand of loose hair behind your ear. You hum in response and wait for him to continue. To tell you what you should do next. "Go on 'n bend over now. I want your ass on display." You nod and obey as you get right into position and Shigaraki resists the urge to groan at how good you're being for him.
Once you're bent over, resting on his bed with your forearms and your ass up, you wait to see what's going to happen next. You jolt when you feel him swipe a finger up through your folds and gather some of your slick. Since he's behind you, the only evidence of what he did next was the hum of delight and the pop when he pulled his finger from his mouth.
"You taste real good, Player Two." That had another mewl coming from you and the grinding of your thighs at his words. Your heart was beating rapidly and you're sure if you opened your chest up it'd go soaring. He actually thought of you as his "player two". Suddenly he was groping handfuls of your asscheeks. When he slowly, almost reluctantly, pulled his hands away you jolted again when you felt one of his hands fly down to swat your ass.
The moan that came flying out of your mouth would've been impossible to repress. Shigaraki let out a dark chuckle as he leaned closer to your ear. "You're still lovin' this, huh?", he questioned with a teasing tone. Out of nowhere, another spank. This time of the other cheek. Afterward, he smoothed his hands over the reddening area.
You could hear him chortle as he did so. "I noticed you were lookin' at my hands." His voice was more hushed now yet still raspy. "You get off on the fact that it's so dangerous to be around me." Another slap on your ass. "Spanking is jus' as dangerous. One wrong move. Just one time I come down too hard and that pinky could fall. You love that, huh?"
Another spank, followed by a loud, unholy moan from you. He was right, you already knew that. Shigaraki could kill you on any one of the swings he does. His index and middle fingers slid down to run through your soaked folds. "I knew it. You're a danger slut. Aren'cha?" Suddenly he gripped the back of your hair and pulled you up to stand in front of him with your back against his chest as he kisses your neck.
"I knew you were special. Master said I'd have a playmate, but I didn't believe him. I should've known he'd make sure I'd have a sweet thing like you."
He turned your head to the side so he could vigorously kiss your mouth. When a few seconds were up he roughly pushed you down onto his bed. You look back at him and see that he's working his hard length once again. "Lay on your back. 'M gonna fuck you now." You crawl up his bed and flop onto your side before rolling over onto your back. Your legs still rubbing together for some friction.
Suddenly you see him standing at the edge on the side of his bed. He's scratching his neck and it's obvious he's trying to say something, or at least convey something important. Finally, he speaks when he lowly states that, "I-I don't have a c-condom." His cheeks are red with embarrassment that spreads to the tips of his ears and down his neck.
You simply hum in understanding before you lean up and cup his face to reply to him. "That's okay.", you comment in a sincere tone. "You don't have to worry about anything. Just finish whenever you feel like you're ready." He eyes you for a moment and allows you to pull him in for a short but sweet kiss. He nods this time and crawls over your body to lay over you.
Shigaraki sits back on his knees and watches as he runs the tip of his cock through your folds as it gathers an abundance of the delicious slick. That's when he aims it at your tight hole and begins to push inside you, sometimes having to thrust to give it an extra push into your core. He feels your gummy walls tight around him and he swears it's the best thing he's felt. He's sure he could blow any time now.
So he steels himself, bringing his hands to hold under your thighs and push them up a bit. "Think I'll lose track 'n drop my last finger down?" You know he's taunting you, but it makes you wetter and clench all the same. The clamping down on him has him reeling as he bends over you to place one hand down next to your head. He has to give a few more thrusts before he's mostly inside you. "Fuck, you're so wet.", he exclaims before figuring 'screw it' and plunges his cock balls deep into your guts.
"Such a good Player Two. Taking me so well. You're gonna lay there 'n take it 'n scream like a good girl, right?" Any words were long gone for you to respond with. You'd hardly gotten started, and your brain was already fuzzy. You can't even imagine how you'll be after he fucks you senseless.
You simply did what you could and nodded as you wrapped your arms around his frame. Even though he was kind of clumsy it was obvious this was a first time for him, or one of his first times anyway. He was a fast learner and had little trouble satisfying you. Especially once he learned about that kink of yours.
Shigaraki stared into your eyes and then kissed you roughly. As he pumped his cock into your tightening cunt, he brought a hand up to your throat. One pinky raised yet again of course. That's when he saw your eyes roll back and felt that pussy of yours clench him like a vice. "You love how dangerous I am. How I could kill you in the blink of an eye. There'd be nothin' left of you. Nothin' left of this gorgeous body of yours. Nothing." He chortled as if amused but seemed to carry a different aura about him as he went on. "That'd be a real shame. You're my 'Player Two' after all. Givin' me your body so freely."
"Yes, yes, YES!!", was all you could scream. It was true anyway. All of it. He drove you wild, especially like this. You wanted him and could only pray he'd have you to take again and again. "Such a slut. My little cum slut, right?" You nod again, briefly this time, knowing his hand was still on your throat.
He picked up his pace as he bullied your tight pussy. "Oh God!", he commented breathless and panting. "Such a sweet obedient girl. Ready to take her Master's cock." He feels your pillowy walls tighten around him and encourages you to continue. "Cum on my cock sweet thing. Do it." As he drilled into you, you were on the verge but still hadn't cum yet. He knew just what would send you over the edge.
With a stern voice, he once again demanded you cum on his cock. "...Or I'm gonna dust you for good measure.", he growled. That sent you over the edge and you clamped down the hardest and began to milk him dry. "Gah..c-cum-cummin'!" He was lost in his own post sex haze as he filled you with his seed, branding you his. "G-good girl.", he pants. "That's my good girl. All mine."
Your heart swells at his words and once the two of you come down from your highs, he slowly pulls out of you with a hiss. You're left there on your back, a panting mess when he rolls off you and awkwardly hands you some paper towels from nearby so you can wipe yourself up. You quickly do so and see him reach his hand out to take them back.
Watching closely, he walks over to a trash can and dusts the now tarnished rags he holds to let them fall into the can. You had begun to sit up and look around for your clothes when he clears his throat. "You, uh, you can stay if ya want." You head flies to his direction and a smile begins to pull at your lips. "I'd like that."
Slowly and apprehensively, as if giving you the chance to change your mind, he climbs into bed. He lays his arm over your head for you to curl into his naked body so he can wrap that arm around you. You glance up to him to see him eying you timidly. "Thank you." After a few comfortable moments of silence Shigaraki speaks up. "I think I should be thanking you, Babygirl."
You giggle a bit into his skin before looking up to meet his eyes again. Now it's your turn to be timid. "Am... A-am I really you're Player Two." That's when Shigaraki was caught off guard. He scratches his throat a bit. He was fine with considering that of you, especially during the act. With one finger he moves a strand of hair that had fallen over your forehead and into your eyes. "Yeah, I guess ya are. Wouldn't mind it as long as it's you anyway."
The smile you gave him in response had his chest twisting in a way he never had happen to him before. He'd need time to figure it out, but he knew he wanted you close regardless. Especially after the excursions that just occurred. He tightened his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to rest on him.
After a few quiet moments, you broke the serenity surrounding the two of you with a simply question. "Does this mean I'm gonna be meetin' the League?" Shigaraki groaned and ran his free hand down his face. "I'd like to keep ya all to myself a little longer if that's alright with ya." You widen you smile before tucking your head back into his chest to nuzzle into him. "If Dabi were to try anythin' with ya I swear it'd be the last thing he does.", he quietly grumbles. All you do is simply respond with a quiet "yours" before sleep begins to overtake you.
Shigaraki didn't know what to do but just hold you against him. He'd hold you for as long as he could. He'd try to keep his finger positions in check, and hold back his overwhelming need to kill to keep his scratching in check. No matter how much you liked being so close to death.
No matter how attracted you are for him being someone who could kill you with such ease.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
MHA Characters W/ Underground Performer S/O
Dabi X Reader, Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Keigo Takami X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyyy OMG LOVED UR LANA DEL RAY S/O AND I HAD AN IDEA. So basically it would also be with Dabi, Shigaraki and keigo but it's that reader works at like an underground bar and she sings Older by Isabel de La Rosa (And sounds like her too) and the guys are on a mission (seperate) and they get distracted by her singing and decide to talk to her after her performance.
🔥 Shigaraki had sent it to the bar to collect the money owed to the league from someone who frequented the bar. 🔥 He wasn’t paying attention to the entertainment at first, that is until he heard you start singing. 🔥 “Think I need someone older, just a little bit colder.” He was drawn in by your voice alone but the moment that he saw you on stage as you performed involving the people in the front rows. 🔥 Dabi didn’t even realise that his target had walked into the bar deciding that he was going to talk to you before the night was done.
You had just finished your song, you hopped off of stage and headed to the bar where there was a drink waiting for you “You here all the time?” A deep scratchy voice asked, it almost gave you the impression that the cords creating it had been burned and when you looked over you realised why. “Well if it isn’t the infamous villain Dabi.” You said as you sipped from your drink “what are you doing here? Talking to little old me?” “Answer my question and I’ll answer yours.” He leant against the bar and you smirked. “I perform here all the time.” You answered “pays well and there are some colourful characters here.” “Mmm.” Dabi hummed “I’m just here on a mission.” “Looking for someone?” You asked as you began to write something on the napkin under your cup. “How did you know that?” He asked. “Well there was someone in here the other day bragging about how he managed to fool the League of Villains and I’m going to guess that he didn’t.” You explained. “He didn’t, the boss has asked me to get rid of him.” Dabi answered. “He's over there, you should get going before you lose him.” You teased, Dabi looked at you one last time before grunting and disappearing into the crowd but not before you slipped a napkin in his pocket with your number and a little message on it.
Dabi had just finished getting rid of the guy that Shigaraki had tasked him with getting rid of, he put his hand in his pocket to get out his phone but it brushed against the napkin in there instead, he frowned before pulling it out ‘come back and see me perform sometime or just call me, names (Y/N)’ the cheeky message written before the number that he assumed was yours so he quickly put your number in his phone before sending you a quick message.
What about a private performance?
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Tomura Shigaraki
🤚 Shigaraki was looking for recruits and Giran was busy, so he had to go looking for himself. Giran had pointed him to an underground bar that a lot of morally questionable people frequented. 🤚 Shigaraki didn’t see anyone that was worth recruiting and he had been there for a couple of hours now. 🤚 The swell of the music drew his attention to the stage where he lays eyes on you “Take the weight off your shoulders, think I need someone older.” he watched as you used your quirk for performance. 🤚 Seeing the way that you used illusions to make your performance a little more interesting, made him want you in the League and he would be damned if he missed the chance to pose it to you.
You walked over to the table where Shigaraki was sitting at “you wanted to speak to me?” You asked as you looked at him. “I want to offer you a new job.” He said as he gestured for you to sit down as you moved to do so one of the men walked past. “(Y/N) you want to come sit with me once you're done here?” He asked. “No, I don’t.” You answered as you sat down. “Who’s this your boyfriend?” He asked. “Leave now before I kill you myself.” Shigaraki spoke as you looked at him eyes widening, you hadn’t expected him to step in at all. As if realising who was sitting opposite you the man scrambled to get away from you disappearing into the crowd. “Thank you.” You said softly. “He was a piece of trash, he didn’t have the right to demand anything from you.” Shigaraki muttered as his eyes followed the man through the crowd. “You said that you had an offer for me?” You asked and he nodded. “I want you to join the league.” He answered. “Me? Why?” You asked. “I saw the illusion that you were using on stage, they could be helpful to us.” He explained. “Would I have to leave this job?” You asked. “I like performing here.” “Well this is a place primarily for villains so performing here shouldn’t be a problem, as long as you’ll be available when you're needed.” He shrugged. “Then I’ll think about it.” You said leaning forward in your chair “I’ll tell you what I’ve decided tomorrow, if you show up.”
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Keigo Takami
🪶 Keigo was supposed to be there to get you out of the bar, you had been placed undercover in the bar while the hero’s association gathered info on the gang operating out of the bar. 🪶 He had seen you a handful of times so he knew who he was looking for but he had never actually seen you perform, he didn’t even know that was what you were doing down here. 🪶 When he got there, he was in casual dress, his feathers scattered around the place looking for the first sign of you or danger. 🪶 His eyes found you on stage the moment that he registered music “I know I'm younger as your lover, but I've always wanted a man.” He literally stopped in his tracks causing the person behind him to bump into him but he couldn’t care less as he watched you.
“You uh, you perform like that all the time?” Keigo asked as he leant against the bar next to you. “What are you doing here?” You asked, taking a more offensive tone to stay in character. “Nothing much, just looking to have some fun.” He answered with a shrug as he leaned forward speaking lower so that you were the only one that heard him “your mission’s done.” “Fun like what No.2?” You asked. “Oh I don’t know, is there anyone around here who can show me?” He asked, taking your drink from you and taking a sip before winking and handing it back. “You're lucky that you're good looking, I’ve crippled men for less.” You warned him drinking the last of your drink as he smirked. “Now, now don’t go making promises that you can’t keep.” He wrapped an arm around your waist as he looked around, no one seemed to be paying either of you any attention but even so he’d keep up the act “how about we get out of here?” “Sure.” You answered.
Once you were outside his feathers gathered to shape the legendary wings “you afraid of heights?” He asked. “No.” You answered. “Hold on tight.” He said softly before shooting off into the air. “What would you do if I said yes?” You asked. “Tell you to close your eyes and hold on tight.” He smirked. “You're actually the worst.” You rolled your eyes. “Well you promised me a good night and we don’t have to report back until the morning so what about getting to know me a little better?” He asked. “Guess that won’t hurt if you're going to be the one that saves me from all my undercover missions.” You shrugged. “I’d like to see you a little more than that.” He admitted. “Would you, We’ll see about that.” You smiled as he continued flying.
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Request Here!!
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curiousquirks · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 | BNHA x Reader
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Hi everyone, welcome to my 2023 Kinktober line-up/masterlist! I had lots of fun last year and I hope y’all will enjoy this year even more! Just the same as last year, I did randomizers to select kinks and characters. 2 main kinks (but expect extra kinks included for each <3) will be present in each small fic for every day of October. This page will update as I upload each fic.
All fics will be tagged with “curiouskinks 2023”
Warning: Dark content included! Please mind the tags/content warnings given for each day!
Due to a family emergency that occurred suddenly in October this kinktober got postponed. It will be completed (hopefully) by the end of 2023.
Day 1: Lady Nagant x GN!Reader
Biting | Jealousy
Day 2: Curious x GN!Reader
Praise | Lingerie
Day 3: Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Bruising | Washing/Cleaning Each Other
Day 4: Mr. Compress x GN!Reader
Petplay | Scent
Day 5: Toya Setsuno x F!Reader
Bar/Club Scene | Humiliation
Day 6: Overhaul x GN!Reader
Bribery | Oral
Day 7: Mount Lady x F!Reader
Massage | Hairpulling
Day 8: Dabi x GN!Reader
Writing on the skin | Bloodplay
Day 9: Endeavor x F!Reader
Mirrors | Prostitution
Day 10: Best Jeanist x F!Reader
Wet Dream | Overstimulation
Day 11: Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Film/Photography | Cock Warming
Day 12: Edgeshot x F!Reader
Virginity | Mutual Masturbation
Day 13: Chronostasis x GN!Reader
Bratty Sub | Phone Sex
Day 14: Dabi x F!Reader
Sex Pollen | Begging
Day 15: Shin Nemoto x F!Reader
Blindfold | Breeding
Day 16: Hawks x GN!Reader
Piercing | Exhibitionism
Day 17: Lady Nagant x F!Reader
Overstimulation | Sex is Interrupted
Day 18: Giran x F!Reader
Titjob | Facial
Day 19: Sir Nighteye x GN!Reader
Facesitting | Sexswap
Day 20: Overhaul x F!Reader
Dirty Talk | Pregnancy
Day 21: All For One x F!Reader
Sex Toys | Orgasm Control
Day 22: All Might x GN!Reader
Anonymous Sex | Body Worship
Day 23: Mirko x F!Reader
Voyeurism | Mommy Dom
Day 24: Tomura Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Facial | Glory Hole
Day 25: Giran x GN!Reader
Spanking | Humiliation
Day 26: Mirko x F!Reader
Clothed Sex | Squirting
Day 27: Overhaul x GN!Reader
Thigh Fucking | Voice
Day 28: Mr. Compress x F!Reader
Fem Dom | Knives
Day 29: Curious x F!Reader
Unconscious | Teasing
Day 30: Dabi x F!Reader
69 | Squirting
Day 31: Overhaul x GN!Reader
Chasity | Boot Worship
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agendercrisisx · 8 months
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗
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Dabi and Bakugou x gender neutral reader (afab)
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Warnings: shameless smut, rough sex, the boys are very possessive, oral sex(f-receiving), Dabi and Bakugou has a blood kink, Bakugou is very much into choking, reader and the boys are masochists (like this is pretty fucked up;)), Dabi plays with his flames in you, reader gets used, reader is in handcuffs (not sexually), reader imagines a lot of stuff, use of Y/N and V/N (your villain name), orgasm denial, reader gets hurt, the boys has a fucked up background, fingering, the boys care for you in a unhealthy way, toxic relationships, cream pie,
Summary: You are an S-tier villain, looking for new work. You meet up with Giran, a C-tier villain, with a lot of connections. You didn't expect to be kidnapped and thrown for the lions. The league knows a lot about you and have for a while had their eyes out for you. Just waiting for the right opportunity to make you a part of their "club". You never thought of yourself as a part of the League, but with the opportunity at your feet, you can't help but accept. The offer is generous, and you were already looking for a job.
Some of the members, Bakugou and Dabi, have had their eye on you longer than they would ever admit. And as they finally have you within reach, they don't care for the wait. They have waited long enough, and they just want a taste. And as soon as they get one, they're never letting you go. Not a chance.
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First Chapter: here
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reading-hub · 1 year
My Hero Academia Masterlist [Villians Edition]
Rules: requests are off.
The only characters I can write are all written on the masterlist so far :)
[ ❗️ = marked as NS/FW ]
[ ⚠️ = marked as dark content ]
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League of Villains | 👺
❗️[ headcannons ] S/O asks for s*x
❗️[ headcannons] Wet Dreams
[ headcannons ] Tomura wears special gloves for his S/O
❗️[ headcannons ] S/O asks for sex
❗️[ headcannons ] Wet Dreams
❗️[ headcannons ] S/O asks for s*x
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Shie Hassaikai | 😷
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Date Night.
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Read At Your Own Risk
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Everything had to be perfect. There was no room for any kind of mistake, at all. The area had to be cleared well in advance, Tomura did the recon himself, making sure to keep an eye on heroes in the area and look into their patrol routes. The only person aside from Kurogiri to know about this area was Giran. He helped scout out this place for him, after all.
Once it was deemed safe, and he could be there without worry, then he would put his plan into motion.
First of all, the place needed to be cleaned up a bit, and any other person who knew about the place would either be bought off or threatened, just so they wouldn’t interfere. Not only that, it’d probably be best to get at least some food in the place…
After all, he wanted his first official date with you to go well.
You had been in the League as a medical assistant for some time now, having gone to school for years, and yet never able to complete your doctorate. You were nice to him, and he liked having you around. You two often went on trips to get things for the League; food Toga wanted, booze for Dabi, and oftentimes you’d snag a game for him, as a gift.
You talked to him, you played games with him, you helped heal his wounds and scolded him when he got too hurt…
You made him feel fuzzy inside, and he didn’t really know how to handle it. But, he wanted you to know, figured it’d only be fair if he was honest with you on how he felt about you- You seemed to reciprocate everything, so this should be fine, right?
He didn’t have time to dwell on it, which was probably for the best, so that way he didn’t back out of it like he had done many times before. When he wanted to ask you to dinner, he instead asked you to go on a run to get some food. When he wanted to ask you to have some drinks with him, he instead told you to go off and find some new recruits. When he wanted to ask you anything, he was always a coward and couldn’t.
Not this time though, he had put too much effort and resources into this to back out now- It’s not like he could pawn it off as a new base of operations for everyone…
Sat at the bar, his knee bounced in irritation and anticipation at your arrival from your most recent store run… What was taking you so long anyway? It was just supposed to be a run for snacks… His anxiety calmed down when you came in through the door, huffing with some bags in your hand. You offered him a smile, and he was more than thankful for Father to hide his red face. You were just so pretty, it was unfair… Maybe he could do this some other time-
“Tomura, you said you had something to ask me after I came back?”
Fuck. It was now or never.
“This evening… We’re going out, dress casual…”
You quirked your eyebrow, “Oh? Like- on a run? Well I just got back from one, couldn’t you have asked for what you needed before-”
“No. Not on a run. Just- Just do what I asked….”
With that, he left the bar faster than he probably should’ve, his hand flexing and unflexing as he fought off the urge to scratch. Why did you have to ask questions? Couldn’t you just do what he told you with no questions? Fuck- Then again he was vague- Ugh! You made everything so difficult!
It was especially stupid to be brushing his hair out of any knots or tangles. He hated brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant too, he looked like an idiot for doing all of this stuff for you. Throwing on the nicest clothes he owned (a clean t-shirt and pants), he made his way downstairs. You were in cute civilian clothes, a face mask on to hide your identity. Smart. You were always so smart, and pretty, and- Focus!
You noticed him standing there and smiled behind your mask.
“Ready boss?”
He nodded, moving past you without a word. You followed, like the good subordinate you are. Thankfully you were mostly silent, making comments here and there- Updates on your findings for new members and places that you’ve been staking out for new supplies.
The corner he turned he spotted it, the sanctuary he had been working on just for this. He opened the door for you, ignoring your teasing remark about him being a gentleman, and as you walked in he slipped in behind you to turn on the lights.
Doing so illuminated an old arcade, some games powering on slowly as they stood there in the entry-way. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight, and Tomura could feel his stomach tighten in anxiety, one of his hands moving to scratch at his neck. Was this the wrong move? Was this a bad idea? Maybe he should’ve just made some picnic, it would’ve been easier-
“This is super cool Tomura, where did you even find this place!?”
That caught him off guard, his scratching slowed.
“Giran found it… Thought it’d be a nice place to… Hang out…”
He had to act cool, so far you liked it.
“That’s awesome, do any of the games work?”
With that, he let out a calm sigh. He showed you which games worked, showed you where you could get coins to use, showed you some of the games he’d already started playing. Your smile warmed his heart, your cute giggles ran through his entire body, swelling his heart with pride. You enjoyed it, you liked what he did for you!
… He was happy.
For the next few hours you played games with him, told him about your favourite games outside of the arcade, and you two bonded even more. You were observant though, maybe too much so for your own good. During a playthrough of a fighter, you spoke up.
“So, when will the others be allowed to come here?”
Tomura clicked his tongue, “What do you mean?”
“Well, this is a nice place to hang out, I’m sure we could have them come here too.”
He grumbled at that, immediately hating the idea.
“This place isn’t for them, it’s for-”
He had to stop himself, with that you got some hits in on the game.
“For what, Tomura?”
He stopped playing, and you noticed after getting him down to half-health.
“I don’t want anyone else here because this is our spot.”
He went back to playing the game, offering no other explanation as his character started beating yours, easily winning the round. He noticed you stopped fighting, but when he looked at you, he knew he was in for it.
You had the cheekiest look on your face, a grin so wide he was shocked it wasn’t a full smile by now. You were slightly flushed, and very clearly curious.
“Why is that, Tomura~?”
He hated the teasing tone in your voice, rolling his eyes and focussing on the game again, starting a new round.
“Doesn’t matter…”
“It does to me.”
“Because why!?”
He started getting frustrated, and you noticed that, before you sighed.
“Sorry Tomura I just… I dunno, I thought that maybe you uh…”
You were barely playing the game, your smile fading from your face.
“Maybe you felt the same way… I mean you’re always so nice to me, we hang out more than any of the League and I… I think you’re cute… Maybe I’m just delusional, but I really do like you and your silence is not helping, I just- I-I don’t know I-”
The game was well forgotten behind them, neither of the characters moving as Tomura looked at you. You barely caught his eyes as you blinked away some anxious tears, before Tomura slowly and gently took your hand in his.
He stayed silent, unsure of how to word what was going through his mind.
What was he even supposed to say? Admit to you that he loved you and everything you did? Tell you about how often he dreamt of you? Tell you how much he hated seeing you get flirted with, how often he wanted to just grab you and kiss you in front of everyone, how badly he wanted to see you beneath him-
His hand shook a bit as he held onto yours, being sure not to keep too tight of a hold onto you. You two sat there for a few moments, your own anxiety far away now as you leaned into him silently.
You two were mostly silent for the rest of the date, and as the two of you walked back, you gently took his hand in yours again, smiling to yourself.
“This was great… Thank  you, Tomura…”
He grunted, mumbling a simple “no problem”, and you smiled even more.
When you returned to the hideout, you stopped in front of the door. Tomura stopped next to you, looking down at your intertwined hands, before looking at you. You smiled, leaning in and kissing him.
His eyes widened, his face turning a bright red.
You giggled again, winking. “Maybe next time I can take us on a date!”
He grumbled again, nodding.
You smiled, going inside. He stayed outside for a short minute, taking in a deep breath before smiling ever so softly.
He did it.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @daniidil @223princess
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coconutcreambun · 7 months
A touch of a lifetime [Pt. 5]
Paring: Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: villains doing villain things, possible swearing, not proofread, female anatomy + feminine pronouns, reader is not a minor,
Summary: When Y/n L/n joins the League of Villains, a certain man’s life is turned upside down.
Quirk: Crystalize (Whatever you make contact with can crystalize into objects as long as you know how to create them, this includes weapons and everyday objects like spoons)
Passive:  Regeneration (Crystalizing things requires enhanced generation of particles, and this affects yourself and others. Crystalizing a wound can help skin and muscle regenerate almost instantly)
Authors note: i think this is gonna take an enemies to lovers sort of turn but i'm not sure tbh
Dabi whistles, "colour me impressed Cloak!" he chuckles. As the league members crowd around the bar tv, watching a replay of your little stunt.
You stand frozen as you finally come to terms with your "villain debut".
You watched silently, feeling uneasy as witnesses are interviewed.
"...they were last spotted heading away from the train station at..."
As the reporter droned on about the details of your heist, Kurogiri switched off the tv. Sensing the tense atmosphere around you, he clasps your shoulder, "care for a drink?", he offers.
You nod, grateful for the distraction.
Kurogiri works swiftly behind the bar, offering you a few choices. You settle on a light white wine. Odd for the predicament you're in, but hey, he was offering and you were feeling it.
Taking small sips from your glass, you feel someone familiar settle in beside you.
Taking in Shigaraki's hunched figure, you watch absentmindedly as he clicks feverishly on his steamdeck. Putting down your unfinished glass, you rest your head on your crossed arms, leaning onto the bar island.
Tugging your cloak over face a little further, you whisper to Shigaraki.
"...I'll need a few days off." you say quietly.
He makes no effort to acknowledge you, but you're certain he heard you.
Accepting his lack of objection as a green light, you slide off the bar stool and walk back to your room to grab a few things.
"Hm? It's late, are you going somewhere Cloak?" asks up Toga.
Cloak. You had warmed up to the name, the rest of the LOV following suit with Dabi's nickname that he gave you.
You nod at her in response to her question, gently pulling your bedroom door shut.
Toga yawns, grinning at you, "well, see ya soon then!" she says happily.
You nod in acknowledgement, appreciating her concern.
Taking a glance at the bar one last time, you rest your hand on the door handle. Now that you were taking a break from the LOV after getting oh so comfortable, you felt a strange sense of unease.
Twisting the knob, the old door creaks open. Stepping out, you let it swing shut behind you. The musk of the old alleyway brings back memories of your first time entering this place.
Admis the filth and darkness, you hide away in a corner and quickly change into civiliain clothing.
Shoving your cloak into a bag, it reveals you wearing a casual outfit. Pulling Giran's hat out from the few belongings you decided to grab, you put it on and walk out of the alley.
To the average person, you were just a college-aged girl walking home from a long day of studying. In reality, what you carried in your backpack were not lecture notes, but just a few odds and ends with the occasional weapon.
Glancing up at the night sky, you sigh.
It's about time you go see Giran.
Knock. Knock.
You pause as you hear footsteps coming from the other side of the door
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Soft light streams into the hallway of Giran's apartment/
"Oh? Look at what the cat's dragged in," he gives you his signature smile. Opening his door further, he allows you to enter, no questions asked.
That's what you liked best about Giran.
Silently, you take off your shoes and make your way into the familiar apartment.
Sighing, you drop your bag to the floor. Slumping on his couch, you prop your feet onto his coffee table. He clicks his tongue as he swats at your legs with a rolled up newspaper.
Settling into the couch across from you, his eyes are glued to the words on the page.
"I didn't touch yer' room since ya' left kid," he says without looking up.
"Thanks... Giran...," you reply as you begin to doze off on the couch.
As your steady breaths fill the living room, he looks up at your sleeping form.
He sighs, shaking his head.
"Old age musta' gotten to my head- look at me playing parent,"
Getting up, he rummages through his bedroom for a spare blanket, tossing it onto you haphazardly.
A/N: giran being like a terrible role model but a parental figure nonetheless is my roman empire. Like him caring about twice bc of his tragic story is everything to me, but still being money hungry and corrupt is just perfect. Also the reader's backstory kinda revolves around similar vulnerabilities (which will be revealed later) so i REALLY wanted to explore this side of Giran more !!! Giran gives me girl dad energy (fyi READER IS NOT GIRANS DAUGHTER) but yeah!
fic spoilers? reader is 20ish and twice is 31 according to google so i wanna explore a jin and reader sibling-y dynamic, SEPARATELY from a twice and reader
similar to how twice and toga interact in times of crisis, i think jin and reader would have a similar sort of bond but more casual with significantly lower stakes lmao
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orobivrse · 3 months
or something ♡ (shigadabi)
wc: 3.8k
pairings: shigaraki x dabi (bnha)
genre: fluff, suggestive
cw: there's a lot of talk about sex but no actual written sex scenes (minors dni), friends to fwb to lovers, they're not villains in this au just outcasted, communication issues, bisexual dabi, gay tomura
Dabi had never let the loneliness he'd been forced into bother him. Dabi sits on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. His lungs are on their last legs but he lights up the cigarette in his mouth anyways. It burns a little on the inhale but breathing has always felt like that for him. He watches the smoke swirl around the empty room as he tries everything he can to shut down the memories of ‘Touya Todoroki”. Dabi wants, for even just a second, to be free of his past. He pretends the smoke eases him and relaxes against the leather seating. He hadn't done much today, a rare quiet day among his friends. He didn't know where everyone else was, nor did he care.
After a seemingly endless twenty minutes of vacant staring, Dabi extinguishes his cigarette. He's not ‘lonely’, per se, but the silence grates on him. He's accustomed to the bustling atmosphere of a full house, and while he doesn't yearn for the tumultuous arguments of his parents, he does find himself longing for the playful banter of his siblings. He imagines his friend Tomura, probably awake at this hour, engrossed in his video games and pestering his ‘uncles’ who took him in after the incident that left him homeless. Dabi’s not sure if what he has with Tomura is friendship; the pair is closer than most, and while they are not physically affectionate, they’ve shared many deep romantic talks. Though he'd never admit it, Tomura is the only one Dabi feels he can talk to for real. Dabi enjoys Tomura's company, not because of the need to speak but because of the way the clicking and soft music of his video games fill the quiet that unsettles him.
As if on cue, Dabi hears his phone ping and checks his phone to see his best friend's name pop up on his screen. It's Tomura asking him to come over. He asks who else is coming and, even though he does have some love for the rest of his friends, he's pleased to see that it'll be just the two of them. He drags himself up, remembering to pocket his cigarettes, and shrugs on his jacket. The walk to Tomura's house doesn't take more than 10 minutes and Dabi, who's always sensitive to the cold, is thankful for that. He passes two of his little brother's friends while he's out, and despite his history, they greet him with a wave. When he arrives at the rundown bar his friend lives in. He opens the door to see Kurogiri standing behind the bar.
“Here to see Tomura? He's upstairs. We’re going soon, so you’ve got the house to yourself.”
Dabi nods and heads up to Tomura's bedroom. He doesn't know what compels him to do so, but he stops outside the door to listen for a second. He hears Lebanon Hanover playing behind the clicking of controller buttons. It's familiar to him and he feels immediately safe. He swings open the door, inviting himself in and sits on Tomura's bed. Tomura is sitting on a bean bag chair next to the bed and only looks away from the screen once to give Dabi a nod of acknowledgement. They sit quietly until Tomura finishes his round.
“So, where have you been?” asks Tomura, crawling up to the bed to sit next to Dabi.
“Found some empty house a few streets away. It's cold, but it's a decent size.”
“Sounds gross,” says Tomura as he changes the song on his playlist.
“It's cleaner than your room,” Dabi retorts. Tomura immediately launches himself at Dabi, and he enjoys how easy it is to rile him up. Dabi easily pushes Tomura down so that he can lie against the pillows with his legs over Dabi's lap.
“Whatever. I don't get why you won't stay with us. Kurogiri and Giran wouldn't care” Dabi had been kicked out by his father. He still sees his siblings occasionally but has no contact with his parents. He's an adult in college, but without daddy's money, his student loan barely covers tuition. He can't pay rent, so he's either couch-surfing around his friends' houses or sleeping in abandoned housing in the poorer parts of town.
“Because you listen to shitty music like this, try listening to something with heavy guitars and I’ll consider.” Dabi jokes, but the real reason Dabi won't stay with him is because of the feeling that stirs in his stomach whenever he's around his friend for too long. Dabi puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it with his quirk. Tomura allows Dabi to smoke in his room so long as he stands by the window. Dabi gets up and opens the window as wide as it will go. When the window's like this, Dabi can comfortably lean out the window while he smokes. He's quickly joined by Tomura, who breathes the cold air outside his window.
“It's nice, isn't it? The city looks a lot less judgmental from here,” he sighs, looking out at all the lights. Their whole friend group is formed by people with unfortunate quirks and rough pasts full of resentment from those around them. Dabi shrugs, exhaling smoke. “I wonder what the others are doing,” Dabi shrugs again. Tomura leans his head against Dabi, who doesn't move. The touch initially flusters him, but he covers it smoothly with another drag of his cigarette.
“Are you good?” he asks Tomura, who nods against his arm.
“Do you think if I wear my gloves all the time and get my degree, people will stop treating me weirdly?” Tomura asks, holding out his hand and showing off his two-finger glove. Dabi and Tomura have dealt with their tumultuous pasts differently; Tomura desires to please people and be accepted by those who rejected him, while Dabi just wants to move on by himself and be rid of his father.
“Maybe,” says Dabi. Tomura nods. Dabi puts out his cigarette, and they walk over to the bed. They sit back down and watch the TV quietly for ten minutes. Dabi can feel Tomura's eyes on him. Tomura asks another question. Dabi fights the urge to groan aloud when his friend speaks up. He'd always been the quieter of the two, but Tomura’s never been this chatty.
“Did you know your hair looks nice white?” Tomura asks, pointing at the white roots that are starting to show in his hair. Touya’s hands instinctively fly to his hair to play with a strand before realising Tomura had complimented him.
“Do you wanna make out with me or something?” he jokes, but Tomura quickly swings a leg over Dabis so he straddles him. This isn't the first time he has jokingly flirted with his best friend, and it's not even the first time they’ve been this close, but something felt different about this closeness.
“or something”, he mumbles, leaning in to capture Dabi's lips in a kiss. It takes a moment to settle in before Dabi starts to kiss back. The kiss doesn't set off fireworks or alter his perception of the universe like in those awful movies Himiko is obsessed with; it's comfortable and natural. Tomura has always been touchy with him; Dabi supposes it’s because he’s one of the first people not to be scared of Tomura’s quirk. Dabi rolls them so he’s hovering over Tomura and leans down to press kisses down his neck. “Fucking finally,” Tomura huffs as he reaches his hands between them to grab at Dabis's belt. “I've been waiting for this.”
Hearing Tomura's admission has Dabi’s mind reeling. He pulls back from Tomura’s neck and takes a second to stare at his face. It takes him a second to realise that Tomura is waiting for a response, but he’s been rendered speechless, so he gives it in the form of a roll of his hips. The soft gasp from Tomura has him eager to keep going. He leans in as close as possible to Tomura and finally speaks.
“Can I stay over tonight?”
The next day, as Dabi walks down the cold street to a nearby diner, he reflects on the night before. He recalls how Tomura had tasted and how Tomura had felt around him, but there was still an odd feeling lingering in Dabi’s stomach. They hadn’t actually talked about their feelings or how this would change their friendship. Tomura had fallen asleep in Dabi’s arms five minutes after the second round, and Dabi had left early in the morning, leaving a text telling Tomura that he’d gone out. Dabi figures that when Tomura had said he’d ‘been waiting for this’, he just meant that he was horny. He feels a little resentful at the Idea that Tomura just wants sex and knows it’s a bad idea to let himself get into a friends-with-benefits type relationship when he already feels a certain way about Tomura. He wants to talk to Tomura. He knows it's probably the smart thing to do, but he doesn't know if he can handle the rejection. He kicks a bin in frustration as he passes.
When he gets to the Diner, he sees his brother sitting at one of the booths. Despite vibrant shades of hair being commonplace due to quirks, the stark white of his little brother's hair stands out among the crowd.
“Hey, Natsu,” he says, grunting as he plops himself down against the cushioned booth seat.
“You look like shit” is all Natsuo offers him as a greeting causing him to roll his eyes. Natsuo pushes a cup of coffee towards his big brother, and Dabi takes it with a nod. They meet biweekly at a quiet, run-down diner for a greasy breakfast and catch-up. “Seriously though, what’s wrong?” asks Natsuo.
“It's complicated; don't worry about it.”
“Well, now I'm worried, so you have to tell me.”
Dabi groans at his brother’s stubbornness, which they inherited from their father. They make eye contact, a silent competition in which Natsuo almost immediately wins as Dabi gives in.
“I slept with Tomura,” he says, and Natsuo almost chokes on the egg and rice he’s shovelling into his mouth. And then I slept over and left before he woke up,” he nods, clearly thinking as he chews his food. Natsuo swallows harshly before looking up at Dabi like he's crazy.
“So you had a one-night stand with your friend. This isn't the first time. Didn't you lose your virginity to Magne?” Natsuo says, reminding Dabi of the night he’d spent with the older woman. She wasn't much older than Dabi, but she was more experienced than him and was one of the only people he was comfortable with touching him. She’d been so gentle in guiding him through his nerves, and she didn't once laugh at him as he clumsily followed her instructions. He had a great time with Magne, but it felt different with her than with Tomura, and he knew exactly why.
“It's different,” he mumbles, gulping his coffee. Natsuo doesn’t respond, and Dabi can’t make eye contact with him. He diverts his eyes to the menu board, pretending to read today's breakfast specials. His attention is brought back to the man in front of him when Natsuo suddenly bursts into laughter, drawing other customers' attention. In embarrassment, Dabi kicks his brother under the table, who stops laughing to hiss at the sting. Dabi didn't kick him hard; Natsuo is just a wuss. “What’s so funny?” he asks angrily, already knowing exactly what Natsuo was laughing at.
“You’re in love with your best friend and slept with him without telling him how you feel? You’re such a fucking idiot, dude,” he says. Dabi immediately protests the idea that he’s in love with Tomura, but Natsuo gives him an unamused expression that immediately shuts him up.
“That’s mostly correct -” Dabi starts, emphasising the word mostly.
“I’m entirely correct. So what now? You friends with benefits?” Asks Natsuo. Dabi doesn't have a response to that question. Dabi and Tomura didn't establish anything at all. All they did was fuck and sleep. Dabi shrugs, and Natsuo smacks his forehead in frustration and disappointment. “You’re a mess”
“Well, there wasn't really much talking going on,” he says defensively. Ignoring Natsuo’s fake gagging noises. “I think it was just a one-time thing, but I don’t know.” Dabi feels his annoyance growing as he discusses this topic. He’d often broken up fights between his brothers, so he’s good at problem-solving for others, but for himself? He's useless.
“Why don’t you just ask him like a well-adjusted adult?” He says. Dabi pushes down the urge to launch himself across the table at his brother’s logical and sound advice. If he had wanted genuine help, he would’ve asked their sister, Fuyumi.
“Does anything about me look well-adjusted?” Dabi retorts instead of acknowledging the advice.
“Look, Touya -” Dabi cringes at the name. Natsuo and Fuyumi still have trouble calling him anything other than his birth name. Natsuo immediately catches it and apologises, fixing his mistake. “Sorry, Dabi. Suppose you don't talk to him about your feelings. In that case, your only options are to ignore that it ever happened and continue suppressing your feelings, or become friends with benefits and be in a relationship dynamic you are unsatisfied with.” He says, finishing his bowl of food. Dabi leans forward, slumping onto the table and smacks his head against the surface a few times, trying to clear it of all his turbulent thoughts. When he sits up straight, Natsuo looks at him inquisitively, and Dabi just puts enough change to cover his coffee on the table and stands. “Where are you going?”
“Tomura’s house”
When Dabi arrives at the bar, he says hi to Kurogiri and Giran before storming into Tomura’s bedroom to see his friend still asleep. He was going to storm in, confess his feelings, and leave. He stops, taken aback by how soft Tomura looks curled up in his sheets. His chest squeezes, and suddenly, he's filled with fear that he squashes into indifference. Tomura opens his eyes as if he can feel Dabii staring at him.
“Why are you out of bed?” he asks, voice hoarse with sleep.
“I went to meet up with my brother”, Dabi explains.
“Ok…get back in bed then”, Tomura says, reaching out to grab Dab’s hand and pull him back to bed.
“After a cig, I will,” he says. He leans out the window, lights up a cigarette and exhales the smoke as he thinks deeply about what to do next. All his confidence shattered the moment he saw Tomura; there was no way he would be able to confess now. Dabi hears Tomura shuffle around but doesn’t turn to look at him. He feels Tomura tug at his jacket, pulling it from his body and throwing it on a nearby chair. Tomura’s arms wrap around his waist and Tomura’s forehead presses against his back.
“Come back to bed,” whines Tomura, fingers ghosting over Dabi’s belt buckle. “I can give you something better to put in your mouth.”
Dabi shakes his head in disbelief. That answers the question of whether or not the sex would be a one-time thing. He wordlessly puts out his cigarette, turns around and lifts Tomura into his arms. Tomura wraps his legs around Dabi’s waist and lets himself be carried over to the bed, where Dabi unceremoniously dumps him onto his back. Dabi stands above Tomura, who looks up at him with a satisfied grin as he removes his shirt.
“You really think you can be quiet this time? We’re not alone today” he says. The last thing he’d want is to be walked in.
“Just lock the door and come fuck me,” says Tomura, rolling his eyes. Dabi is all too happy to oblige. The feelings talk could wait for another time.
A week later, they still haven't spoken about it. They’ve slept together a few times since, and Dabi accepts that Tomura doesn’t want to label anything and their ‘new relationship’ consists of no strings attached sex. His feelings haven’t quelled, and he grows increasingly frustrated every time he sees Tomura. He knows he should sit Tomura down and have a proper talk, but he’s convinced himself he’s ok with having Tomura in any capacity.
He's sitting at a booth in a bar surrounded by his friend group. He’s squished between the girls. Himiko aggressively explains to Jin and Shuichi why her crush giving her a pen in class counts as flirting. Magne sits on his other side, and he notices she’s been watching over him all night. She decided to be the designated driver tonight so the others could drink. After several more minutes of silence, she leans in and talks lowly in his ear.
“You ok, sweetheart?” she asks, tone soft as usual. She's always been the group's mother, eager to care for all of them. Dabi nods, not wanting to worry her, though if he were going to open up about his problem to anyone, it would be her. She looks unconvinced but sits back and engages Atsuhiro in a conversation about theatre. The two of them like to watch local productions and give reviews. Atsuhiro runs several social media accounts reviewing the performances. Dabi doesn’t read the reviews, but he makes sure to like his friends' posts when they pop up on his feed. Tomura is sitting across from him, and with everyone else engaged in conversation, the only place he can look is at the man who is causing all his inner turmoil. He realises that Tomura hasn't been drinking at all. His glass is still full, which is shocking because, aside from Dabi himself, Tomura is usually the most drunk at these group get-togethers. He waits for Tomura to meet his eyes, then tilts his head towards the other man's drink in a silent question. Tomura picks up his phone, and Dabi is immediately confused about why Tomura hasn’t answered his question verbally. A second later, a notification comes through his phone, and he picks it up to see that Tomura has texted him a response instead. He tries to switch his phone off in time so that no one else can see the message reading ‘can’t fuck you if I'm drunk’, but he’s not quick enough for Magne’s nosey reflexes, and she lets out a shriek of horror. Tomura doesn't look embarrassed, but Dabi feels as if his skin is on fire. Magne immediately quiets down when she realises that this must have something to do with Dabi’s souring mood. She makes up that she’d seen him sending flirty messages to an unknown when the table enquires about her outbursts. Dabi is grateful Magne doesn't tell the group about him and Tomura.
Tomura’s message, however, was the final straw for Dabi, who stood up. He intends to go home rather than endure teasing from his friends, as well as pointed looks and more provocative texts from Tomura. He figures if there's any right time to talk properly; it should be now while the adrenaline is flowing. Magne and Atsuhiro move aside to let Dabi pass, and he rounds the table, grabbing Tomura's arm and pulling him up and out of the booth.
“We're going to go. Tomura isn’t feeling well,” he says, dragging Tomura out of the bar with him after waving goodbye to the group. He doesn’t turn around to see the group's reactions, but he knows they’ve probably figured out that the random person Magne had been talking about was actually Tomura. Tomura doesn’t say anything until Dabi calls a taxi.
“Where are we going?” Asks Tomura, leaning up against him in the back of the vehicle.
“The house I’ve been staying in. We won’t be interrupted,” Dabi says. Tomura tries to press kisses to his neck, but Dabi stops him. “Behave until we get to my place.” Tomura obediently agrees and settles into Dabi’s side. Dabi’s mind is working overtime trying to keep up the motivation.
When they arrive back at the house, he guides Tomura into the house and to the sofa. The place is usually cold and empty, but it does feel a little homier with Tomura in it. Dabi takes a seat on the sofa, and Tomura all but pounces on him immediately. Tomura pulls Dabi into a kiss that almost distracts him from his mission.
“We need to talk”, Dabi says between kisses. Tomura mumbles out ‘later’ and goes to reattach his lips to Dabi’s. Dabi puts his hands on Tomura’s shoulders, stopping him from coming any closer. “No, we need to talk now,” says Dabi, and Tomura deflates slightly. Tomura stays where he is, straddling Dabi’s lap as he places his hands on Dabis shoulders for stability.
“What could there possibly be to talk about right now?” asks Tomura
“Us? What about us?”
Dabi sighs and shifts beneath Tomura. He hadn’t expected to get this far, and now he doesn't know what to say. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
“I don’t think I can do this with you anymore. I -” He begins his explanation, though it doesn’t matter as he immediately gets interrupted by Tomura. Who freezes above him.
“I'm so sorry. Did I do something wrong?” asks Tomura, who begins to move off of Dabi’s lap. Dabi realises how poorly worded his first sentence was and immediately grips Tomura's thigh, forcing him back onto Dabi’s lap. “Do you not want to sleep with me anymore? Are you not having fun?” Dabi stops Tomura’s ranting by grabbing his face and making eye contact.
“Can you let me finish? It's not that I don't wanna fuck you. I just don't think I can sleep with you knowing how I feel about you.” he says, releasing Tomuras face and looking up at the ceiling in preparation for rejection.
“And how do you feel about me?” he asks. Dabi realises that this is it. He can’t pussyfoot around an honest answer; he has to say how he feels. He still can’t bring himself to make eye contact with Tomura, so he keeps his eyes trained on the plaster above him.
“I like you. I've wanted to be exclusive this entire time. I can’t do no strings attached. I’ve never felt like this before, and it's pissing me off, but the thought of you with someone else makes me feel sick. I want you so bad.” The words tumble clumsily from his mouth, and, as cathartic as it is to say it finally, his stomach turns slightly. He can hear the vulnerability in his shaky voice and hates it.
“Exclusive like ‘boyfriends’ type of exclusive?” asks Tomura, tilting Dabi’s head forward to look into his eyes. Dabi sees Tomura’s smile and soft expression, and the rotted feeling in his stomach fades. Dabi nods, scared to say anything else and embarrass himself further. “I’m not going to lie. I thought we were boyfriends this entire time,” He says confidently.
“Yeah, oh. I’m sorry for not communicating properly. Will you forgive me, baby?” asks Tomura. The pet name has Dabi’s heart squeezing in his chest and he leans forward to kiss Tomura.
“I'll forgive you if you be my boyfriend.”
“Of course. Now take me to bed.”
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