#dad Soundwave
ruindroddy · 22 days
*Spontaneously appears*
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*Fades back into the darkness*
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Bitty Ravage moments
As a kitten Ravage would often get late night zoomies. Soundwave would often wake up during the night to the sound of things falling and crashing, Ravage often had a pleased look afterwards.
Deadlock was the one who taught Ravage how to use their teeth and claws. The next day a lot of cons had their ankles attacked while Deadlock had a proud look on his face.
Ravage's favourite spot to nap was Megatron's shoulder. He often didn't mind and even allowed the other cassettes to nap on his shoulder's as well. They still do nap on his shoulder even when grown.
Skfjlsldkfkskskjd AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m sobbing 😭😭😭
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smallflyingbread · 4 months
TFES AU where Rumble lives! (Writing + Art)
In Transformers Earthspark there’s a singular throw away line about Rumble exploding because SoundWave tried to transform when low on Energon after a fight. And that’s a shame, personally I believe they did that so they wouldn’t have to have another character to animate. Either way. There’s the story of how Rumble survived
Side note- SoundWave has telepathy, why? Because it’s f u n. Also, WARNING FOR ROBO GORE IN PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTION
Wood cracked and snapped as dark grey servos’s slammed a yellow autobot scout’s head against a mature oak.
“You’re supposed to be offline”, Sound’s gravelly voice echoed like the caw of a crow in Bumblebee’s processor as the yellow mechs optics flickered from the impact.
“Guess you can say I got better!”, Bumblebee shouted as his own servo shot out, his digits wrapped around a thick branch. With one solid motion he tore the branch from the main body and crashed it straight into the side of SoundWaves head.
Soundwave reeled back and a sonic screech left his speakers. Pain throbbed like a hot iron through SoundWaves helm. His servo came up to his long audial as he left something warm drip onto his shoulder, energon.
“Soundwave!”, Rumble shouted out in a panic as she scrambled for her electric keyboard that lay abandoned in the bramble that seemed to swallow it like it had just been waiting for the moment to inconvenience her.
This day had all gone wrong. Frenzy, LaserBreak, Ravange, and SoundWave were all low on Energon. SoundWave told the three to stay at their little hideout while he and Rumble went out to try to find where their sensors had been picking up nearby Energon traces. Unfortunately for Rumble, SoundWave stumbled across the thought to be dead Bumblebee who was very much alive and well.
“I told you this was a horrible idea!”, Rumble cried out at SoundWave who had recovered from being hindered and was going back and forth with the autobot scout.
“Shut up, I can handle this”, SoundWave shot back at the small femme whose metallic arms were digging her keyboard out of the thorns, scratching her arms up in the process.
With one final stretch Rumbles digits wrapped around the strap and yanked it out with all of her force, causing her to shot back and landed on her back. Scrambling to her feet she immediately pointed the blaster end at Bumblebee who had just dodged out out her fathers sonic blast that came from his hand.
Rumble didn’t even think, she just did. Her digits glided over the keys and she began riffing. Each key press strengthened the shot that was building up before she shot. The blast shot made direct contact with Bumblebee’s neck which caused him to stagger back and wince. Soundwave immediately took the opportunity and uppercut the distracted scout.
Bumblebee let out a strangled cry as he felt a heavy pede crush down on his chest, the metal hood on his chest cracking. “W-we don’t have to fight- I’m not with G-“. His reasoning was cut short by more pressure being applied to his chest. Bumblebee’s optics refocused and suddenly there was a palm infront of his face with sonic energy building up.
The yellow scout closed his optics tightly as the weapon, his stinger slid out of his arm compartment. Where was the ear-twisting sound of metal slicing metal before SoundWave stumbled back, a huge gash now in his lower thigh, painting the off-white paneling bright pink.
Bumblebee moved to thrust the stinger into SoundWave’s lower abdomen but suddenly he felt a fury of weak blasts on his side.
“N-NO! STOP! GET AWAY FROM HIM!”, Frenzy sobbed out as her fingers clumsily pressed the key’s, physically unable to form the powerful combo’s she once was sure she knew by spark. She couldn’t let her father die. No, not after everything he’d done for her and Frenzy. Not after he took them in after they were found frozen in long forgotten stasis pods.
Slowly the autobot crawled a bit away from the decepticon fugitive and Frenzy, his optics wide in conflicting. Bumblebee’s processor whirled at the choice to continue or to spare. Soundwave was hurt. This was his chance! It would surely make Optimus proud and prove himself after his fumble… but the war was over, Bumblebee firmly reminded himself. There had to be no more unnecessary death.
Suddenly the sound of approaching helicopters roared out in the sky. The figure of G.H.O.S.T copters loomed in the horizon.
“Slag, they must’ve heard us”, Bumblebee murmurs in a panic as he held his chest plate and got to his pede’s. The soreness already starting to leach into his every movement.
“Why are you worried?”, SoundWave sharply asked through the scouts mind as he stumbled towards a tree, using it to support his weight as Energon trailed behind him.
“Because I’m not with G.H.O.S.T! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! Why do you think I’ve been staying low?!”, Bumblebee anxiously shouted at the blue decepticon as his optics remained locked with the shadows on the horizon.
SoundWave’s optics widened behind his visor at that realization, they both were in deep trouble now. His optics flicked down to his leg as he felt something touching it. It was Rumble who was desperately applying an Energon coagulant to the wound which was slowing the gush down to a mere trickle.
Soundwave scooped her up in his servos and ordered through his link with her, “cassette, now”.
As Frenzy obediently transformed he immediately safely stored her in his chest cavity. Soundwave took a starting run, ignoring the throbbing pain in his thigh before trying to transform.
His body refused.
He tried again. His plates shifted but failed. Warning symbols popped up on his hub, his Energon levels were too low to safely transform so his frame automatically stopped the process… he manually overrode it.
SoundWave’s plates began shifting and sliding in all the wrong directions. His arms went all in the wrong order then they were supposed to. Panic prickled up in his system as he tried to stop it, but his body kept going. Suddenly there was a sickening crack and crush as part of his arm unrelentingly pressed into something, but it wasn’t his body that was cracking. He felt no pain as his parts slowly shifted back into place.
“…. Rumble?”, SoundWaves real voice slowly asked, rough from lack of use… there was no response.
Immediately she force started his body to transform out of its alt mode, energon that wasn’t his own leaking he between his his plates as he came to the horrific realization of what happened.
Soundwave collapsed to his knees and struggled to get his tape hatch to open. His digits clumsy in his panic. The hatch popped open and a small form tumbled into his hands.
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Pink Energon costed his servo before he could even register it. Rumble’s face was half torn off, her pink visor halfway gone with it. Her arm was was completely torn off, taking a chunk of her torso with it. He could feel her ripped off parts inside his frame, pressing against his own innards. It was inside of him. He had done this.
“S…Soundwave?”, a choked voice echoed from Rumbles vocalizer. Her once bright pink optic was a dull glow now, her optic lazily starting at him as Energon bubbled from her nose.
“No- no- don’t talk, SweetSpark. I’m here, your sire is here. You’re going to be okay. J-just keep your optics online. Please.”, SoundWave couldn’t stop the desperation in his voice. He didn’t care anymore, his baby was hurt.
A gargle came from Rumbles throat as the energon nose her nose turned into a river, streaming down her lips and chin.
“I-It hurts”, she tried to say as dark spots freckled her vision, barely even aware of the fact that SoundWave was using his physical voice to comfort her.
“Shh- it’s okay, it’s okay. Just- just”, SoundWave felt moister building behind his visor for the first time in centuries. He stared at her butchered frame, his own optics struggling to focus on anything but the femme he raised since she and Frenzy were a small sparkling.
“Just keep your optics on- Rumble?… Rumble?!”., SoundWave shouted as he felt something in his spark shrivel. His hands trembling around her dying frame as her optics starting loosing their already dull glow. Then suddenly, she was still.
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The helicopters were getting closer, their sound temporarily capturing SoundWave’s attention. His visor turned to the sky, blurry from the tears now dripping into his mask. G.H.O.S.T was coming.
His optics glanced at Bumblebee, he looked sick with horror. His optics shrunken into pricks and his jaw agape. His doorwings were even stiff with anxiety as he watched the scene
SoundWave’s mask clicked back, revealing his scarred lips, destroyed by a violent blast to the face. “I’m so sorry… my darling girl.”, SoundWave whispered as he held back a sob. As his final act of love he gently pressed his lips to her forehead. Would her spark find its way back to Cybertron? Or was she stuck on this hell planet just like she was in life.
Gently he laid her amongst the soft grass, it cradling her body and slowly turning pink from her energon. He couldn’t take her with him. Her energon would leave a trail back to where the others were hiding and doom them all… he had to keep the rest of his family safe. Even if it broke his spark to leave her in the woods.
With shaky servos he took her visor, a reminder to himself to never make the same mistake again, and a remembrance item.
Soundwave felt his spark screaming as he stood up, he wanted to hold her a little longer. To prey to Primus if he was even real to spare his youngling… but no. He bolted, he bolted into the woods, away from the pain he’s caused and from G.H.O.S.T.
Bumblebee slowly approached the offline body. G.H.O.S.T was nearly here but it felt… wrong to leave a body out in the open. Especially that of a youngling, even if it was an older youngling.
He reached his servo out to wipe away the energon when he noticed something. From the huge open tear he saw some light. Rumbles spark dully burned in her spark chamber, like the last ember of a fire. It had condensed itself into a tight orb, keeping itself alive when the body was heavily injured.
Without another thought he scooped Rumble up into his arms, he wasn’t going to let someone die on his watch. Screw what Optimus thinks. Bumblebee was an autobot, not a G.H.O.S.T agent.
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Might add onto this AU later! And post a reference for the Rumble design.
TL;DR- SoundWave picks a fight with Bumblebee while weak. Ghost comes and makes SoundWave run. SoundWave tries to transform with Rumble in his chest and accidentally crushes her. Soundwave leaves frenzy thinking she’s dead, Bumblebee takes her in when he realizes she didn’t dead.
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gibbiiginnii · 5 months
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fuck you *demasks your Soundwave*
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swervesfirstblaster · 3 months
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soundwave looking pretty while doing nothing worthy in s2 besides standing next to ravage <3
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yogurtlid10000 · 11 months
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SOUDNWAVE 😎🎉🎉‼️‼️‼️‼️
sigh this guys so cool and super fun to draw also he’s the easiest transformer for me to draw idk 😨 YAYAYAYYAYA KIDS IN YO CHEST
Thin idw megatron Is funny to me idk bro
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lyretheinstrument · 7 months
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my soundwave design !! Gave him a guitar :3
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starheavenly · 5 months
I don't plug my shop a lot but I have these hats that will be open for preorders on Monday :)
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sparkleresthold · 9 months
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More SG foolishness 💙💛
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karioke13 · 2 months
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Megatron turning into a gun full transformation
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cozzzynook · 26 days
Silly Idea
Soundwave notices that Ravage is returning back home rather late these past few weeks. Being slightly worried and curious he ends up spying on Ravage one evening. After a short stroll down an alleyway he ends up at a cosy looking home that has fun but silly decorations outside, there he spots Ravage sitting on the fence out seemly waiting for someone or something. Soundwave just watches confused hoping that their bitty is just sneaking off with fuel from nice older Femmes or Mechs who have soft spots for Cyber-Cats.
Couple moments pass and the sound of a door opening can be heard, but instead of a older bot holding a bowl of energon another Cyber-cat stalks out of the house with a wide smile. The Cyber-cat is mostly black with white sock like markings and green optics, Soundwave's spark drops and his plating bristles with protective rage when he sees this strange Cyber-cat snuggle up to HIS Ravage. He has seen enough he won't allow some stray be all mushy around his bitty who probably just wants to spark up Ravage and dip, No he won't allow it.
So marching up Soundwave glares at the black and white cyber cat before scouping up a very shocked but annoyed Ravage in his arms. After heading home Soundwave's scolding falls on deaf audials as Ravage just cleans their paw not paying attention to a word their Sire says, After all they can just sneak out to see their partner again when Soundwave falls into recharge later tonight.
:D Hope you enjoyed
Awwwww soundwave you gotta chill lol
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cyber-neptune · 5 months
Daddy long legs
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tiny-tf-faces · 6 months
Current Soundwave location: cup of pencils
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theangrycomet · 7 days
Soundwave's cassettes should go back to being his competent but dumbass goons instead of his children/pets.
He's da Boss and he's gonna get what he wants and they'll die trying to get it for him even if they have no idea what that is or have the wrong idea about.
They are his favorite minions but he has an entire shelves worth of cybertronian tylenol for the processor-aches their shenanigans give him.
They should radiate Team Rocket/Three Stooges energy but also be the fucking scariest group to piss off.
Rumble took out Skywarp in the G1 cartoon for fucks sake.
Their dumbness does not negate their deadliness.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 14 days
Who would win the Dad of the year award? Soundwave or Shockwave?
neither, they're both winning Mom of The Year
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square-with-a-mouth · 3 months
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Some more art i did this week
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