#energon warning
smallflyingbread · 4 months
TFES AU where Rumble lives! (Writing + Art)
In Transformers Earthspark there’s a singular throw away line about Rumble exploding because SoundWave tried to transform when low on Energon after a fight. And that’s a shame, personally I believe they did that so they wouldn’t have to have another character to animate. Either way. There’s the story of how Rumble survived
Side note- SoundWave has telepathy, why? Because it’s f u n. Also, WARNING FOR ROBO GORE IN PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTION
Wood cracked and snapped as dark grey servos’s slammed a yellow autobot scout’s head against a mature oak.
“You’re supposed to be offline”, Sound’s gravelly voice echoed like the caw of a crow in Bumblebee’s processor as the yellow mechs optics flickered from the impact.
“Guess you can say I got better!”, Bumblebee shouted as his own servo shot out, his digits wrapped around a thick branch. With one solid motion he tore the branch from the main body and crashed it straight into the side of SoundWaves head.
Soundwave reeled back and a sonic screech left his speakers. Pain throbbed like a hot iron through SoundWaves helm. His servo came up to his long audial as he left something warm drip onto his shoulder, energon.
“Soundwave!”, Rumble shouted out in a panic as she scrambled for her electric keyboard that lay abandoned in the bramble that seemed to swallow it like it had just been waiting for the moment to inconvenience her.
This day had all gone wrong. Frenzy, LaserBreak, Ravange, and SoundWave were all low on Energon. SoundWave told the three to stay at their little hideout while he and Rumble went out to try to find where their sensors had been picking up nearby Energon traces. Unfortunately for Rumble, SoundWave stumbled across the thought to be dead Bumblebee who was very much alive and well.
“I told you this was a horrible idea!”, Rumble cried out at SoundWave who had recovered from being hindered and was going back and forth with the autobot scout.
“Shut up, I can handle this”, SoundWave shot back at the small femme whose metallic arms were digging her keyboard out of the thorns, scratching her arms up in the process.
With one final stretch Rumbles digits wrapped around the strap and yanked it out with all of her force, causing her to shot back and landed on her back. Scrambling to her feet she immediately pointed the blaster end at Bumblebee who had just dodged out out her fathers sonic blast that came from his hand.
Rumble didn’t even think, she just did. Her digits glided over the keys and she began riffing. Each key press strengthened the shot that was building up before she shot. The blast shot made direct contact with Bumblebee’s neck which caused him to stagger back and wince. Soundwave immediately took the opportunity and uppercut the distracted scout.
Bumblebee let out a strangled cry as he felt a heavy pede crush down on his chest, the metal hood on his chest cracking. “W-we don’t have to fight- I’m not with G-“. His reasoning was cut short by more pressure being applied to his chest. Bumblebee’s optics refocused and suddenly there was a palm infront of his face with sonic energy building up.
The yellow scout closed his optics tightly as the weapon, his stinger slid out of his arm compartment. Where was the ear-twisting sound of metal slicing metal before SoundWave stumbled back, a huge gash now in his lower thigh, painting the off-white paneling bright pink.
Bumblebee moved to thrust the stinger into SoundWave’s lower abdomen but suddenly he felt a fury of weak blasts on his side.
“N-NO! STOP! GET AWAY FROM HIM!”, Frenzy sobbed out as her fingers clumsily pressed the key’s, physically unable to form the powerful combo’s she once was sure she knew by spark. She couldn’t let her father die. No, not after everything he’d done for her and Frenzy. Not after he took them in after they were found frozen in long forgotten stasis pods.
Slowly the autobot crawled a bit away from the decepticon fugitive and Frenzy, his optics wide in conflicting. Bumblebee’s processor whirled at the choice to continue or to spare. Soundwave was hurt. This was his chance! It would surely make Optimus proud and prove himself after his fumble… but the war was over, Bumblebee firmly reminded himself. There had to be no more unnecessary death.
Suddenly the sound of approaching helicopters roared out in the sky. The figure of G.H.O.S.T copters loomed in the horizon.
“Slag, they must’ve heard us”, Bumblebee murmurs in a panic as he held his chest plate and got to his pede’s. The soreness already starting to leach into his every movement.
“Why are you worried?”, SoundWave sharply asked through the scouts mind as he stumbled towards a tree, using it to support his weight as Energon trailed behind him.
“Because I’m not with G.H.O.S.T! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! Why do you think I’ve been staying low?!”, Bumblebee anxiously shouted at the blue decepticon as his optics remained locked with the shadows on the horizon.
SoundWave’s optics widened behind his visor at that realization, they both were in deep trouble now. His optics flicked down to his leg as he felt something touching it. It was Rumble who was desperately applying an Energon coagulant to the wound which was slowing the gush down to a mere trickle.
Soundwave scooped her up in his servos and ordered through his link with her, “cassette, now”.
As Frenzy obediently transformed he immediately safely stored her in his chest cavity. Soundwave took a starting run, ignoring the throbbing pain in his thigh before trying to transform.
His body refused.
He tried again. His plates shifted but failed. Warning symbols popped up on his hub, his Energon levels were too low to safely transform so his frame automatically stopped the process… he manually overrode it.
SoundWave’s plates began shifting and sliding in all the wrong directions. His arms went all in the wrong order then they were supposed to. Panic prickled up in his system as he tried to stop it, but his body kept going. Suddenly there was a sickening crack and crush as part of his arm unrelentingly pressed into something, but it wasn’t his body that was cracking. He felt no pain as his parts slowly shifted back into place.
“…. Rumble?”, SoundWaves real voice slowly asked, rough from lack of use… there was no response.
Immediately she force started his body to transform out of its alt mode, energon that wasn’t his own leaking he between his his plates as he came to the horrific realization of what happened.
Soundwave collapsed to his knees and struggled to get his tape hatch to open. His digits clumsy in his panic. The hatch popped open and a small form tumbled into his hands.
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Pink Energon costed his servo before he could even register it. Rumble’s face was half torn off, her pink visor halfway gone with it. Her arm was was completely torn off, taking a chunk of her torso with it. He could feel her ripped off parts inside his frame, pressing against his own innards. It was inside of him. He had done this.
“S…Soundwave?”, a choked voice echoed from Rumbles vocalizer. Her once bright pink optic was a dull glow now, her optic lazily starting at him as Energon bubbled from her nose.
“No- no- don’t talk, SweetSpark. I’m here, your sire is here. You’re going to be okay. J-just keep your optics online. Please.”, SoundWave couldn’t stop the desperation in his voice. He didn’t care anymore, his baby was hurt.
A gargle came from Rumbles throat as the energon nose her nose turned into a river, streaming down her lips and chin.
“I-It hurts”, she tried to say as dark spots freckled her vision, barely even aware of the fact that SoundWave was using his physical voice to comfort her.
“Shh- it’s okay, it’s okay. Just- just”, SoundWave felt moister building behind his visor for the first time in centuries. He stared at her butchered frame, his own optics struggling to focus on anything but the femme he raised since she and Frenzy were a small sparkling.
“Just keep your optics on- Rumble?… Rumble?!”., SoundWave shouted as he felt something in his spark shrivel. His hands trembling around her dying frame as her optics starting loosing their already dull glow. Then suddenly, she was still.
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The helicopters were getting closer, their sound temporarily capturing SoundWave’s attention. His visor turned to the sky, blurry from the tears now dripping into his mask. G.H.O.S.T was coming.
His optics glanced at Bumblebee, he looked sick with horror. His optics shrunken into pricks and his jaw agape. His doorwings were even stiff with anxiety as he watched the scene
SoundWave’s mask clicked back, revealing his scarred lips, destroyed by a violent blast to the face. “I’m so sorry… my darling girl.”, SoundWave whispered as he held back a sob. As his final act of love he gently pressed his lips to her forehead. Would her spark find its way back to Cybertron? Or was she stuck on this hell planet just like she was in life.
Gently he laid her amongst the soft grass, it cradling her body and slowly turning pink from her energon. He couldn’t take her with him. Her energon would leave a trail back to where the others were hiding and doom them all… he had to keep the rest of his family safe. Even if it broke his spark to leave her in the woods.
With shaky servos he took her visor, a reminder to himself to never make the same mistake again, and a remembrance item.
Soundwave felt his spark screaming as he stood up, he wanted to hold her a little longer. To prey to Primus if he was even real to spare his youngling… but no. He bolted, he bolted into the woods, away from the pain he’s caused and from G.H.O.S.T.
Bumblebee slowly approached the offline body. G.H.O.S.T was nearly here but it felt… wrong to leave a body out in the open. Especially that of a youngling, even if it was an older youngling.
He reached his servo out to wipe away the energon when he noticed something. From the huge open tear he saw some light. Rumbles spark dully burned in her spark chamber, like the last ember of a fire. It had condensed itself into a tight orb, keeping itself alive when the body was heavily injured.
Without another thought he scooped Rumble up into his arms, he wasn’t going to let someone die on his watch. Screw what Optimus thinks. Bumblebee was an autobot, not a G.H.O.S.T agent.
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Might add onto this AU later! And post a reference for the Rumble design.
TL;DR- SoundWave picks a fight with Bumblebee while weak. Ghost comes and makes SoundWave run. SoundWave tries to transform with Rumble in his chest and accidentally crushes her. Soundwave leaves frenzy thinking she’s dead, Bumblebee takes her in when he realizes she didn’t dead.
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ratchetonsteroids · 2 years
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I was thinking about this all day but: I like to think after all the Tarn and Megatronus Prime shit goes down and they're both dead, at least someone (more likely: multiple someones) decide to group all of the Tarn fics together in a sub-archive and tap a few warnings saying "Hey, there's a bunch of these, the guy who wrote these is dead, and most of them are barely tagged if at all, so here's a general warning that some these fics may contain some seriously fragged up stuff."
Some poor spark might try and go through them just to tag them more, but dear lord that would be one hell of a task.
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seafoamsol · 2 months
The best years of my life...
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... what I wouldn't give to have them back.
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I had the great pleasure of working with @spiderscribe on a DeadCeptor work for the @tf-bigbang, which you can (and should!) read [ HERE ]!
Details and artist commentary under the cut!
Okay, first off, I just wanna say, thank you so much to @spiderscribe for picking up my very loose scribble and taking the jump. She's an absolute champ, and I IMPLORE you to read her writing. She did a knockout job on the fic, and guaranteed, these two pieces wouldn't have been so elaborate without her. If you're a fan of deadceptor, parallels, lovers to enemies to apocalyptic teammates to ???s, I'm sure you'll find that and more in there.
[ HERE ] is the link to that, if you missed it the first time around.
The background for the supermarket was a MASSIVE undertaking. I ended up blurring it in the final to keep the dream-like quality, but there is a lot happening there! Most of the time I spent on the background was (jokingly) complaining though.
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Anyone who works retail will know the agony of customer-misplaced stock. The little canisters of energon additives seem like prime candidates to be placed willy-nilly.
The little warning sign... My favorite soda, apple sidra, has a carcinogen warning, so I'm familiar with it. It was slightly surprising to me that those warnings are not countrywide, despite the fact that they very clearly say "California Proposition 65", and well. Not something else, like "Federal" or whatever.
The bags of nuts and bolts below, I asked several people what flavor they would be, and I suppose I failed in my job, because I wanted the purple to be the "regular" flavor, and the green to be the "sour". But grape and lemon-lime work as well!
The tub is full of rust-sticks. I have no idea if that came across. My friends kept calling the individually wrapped ones slim jims, which I mean, I guess!
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The car batteries... My idea was that they were similar to shots, in a way? So that's how I ended up with a battery with enough terminals to rival an international airport. It's also sunset-coloured, because, I don't know, that's what Party Flavor is to me.
Okay. The second illustration. This one was a headache, mostly due to my own lack of planning, and the fact that I lost the file for... basically everything I did, including the above illustration. So it was a bit of a rush job.
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The background bots started off as these very vague silhouettes, which I'm a little proud of. Look at how nice and somewhat readable they are! Okay, now what if I ruined it? What? You don't like that? That's rather unfortunate, because that's what I proceeded to do. In fact, if I take off all.. 10 or something adjustment layers, they look like this:
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My process went: Shadow block> Fill rest of form> Color randomiser> Copy and skew (to populate background)> Hue adjustment> Gradient map> Fill Light> Chromatic aberration> Vignette> Levels> Curves.
The.... Magenta cube is there because due to the nature of the color randomiser, the foot had a high value, and stuck out like nobody's business in the end.
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Here's what it would look like without the cube. Begone, distracting white blob! (I didn't have to worry about the lava arm because Percy happened to cover it up. What a save! But if he didn't then... there would have been a second cube.)
Basically, it was a mess. But... at least it came out fine in the end! I hope!
I'd love to have speedpaints on hand, but I was switching between CSP and PS for a good majority of the work.
I'd say that's it for these two pieces! I actually have more, but those demand more time. I'm much slower at doing inks than I am at painting, but I hope you'll get to see them soon.
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tinydefector · 4 months
Is it too much to ask for a follow-up on the Human' Effects fic?
This is more just some more information of headcanons I have and how I like writing the bots. So I hope you enjoy it. This one's more on the differences and similarities between humans and Cybertronians.
Word count: 2.5k
Warning: mentions of reproduction, and exploration of body's. Valveplug.
So this is just a continuation for Human effects. This one also delves into some more information on biological, cultural and different frames and how they interact with each other, humans and other organic Creatures. 
Biological Humans and Cybertronians are vastly different even with quite a few similarities. 
Sparklings and children 
There is a very big difference in the body function of Humans and Cybertronians. Size for one but also Organic DNA and CNA. There are many things which can Line up with the other species but also function very differently 
Such as. 
structure and organ comparison 
Plating - skin
Helm - head
Processor, brain module - brain 
Faceplate- face
Audio Receptors, Audials, Receptor orifices - ears 
Nasal ridge, enstril, olfactory sensors- nose
Optical ridge - eyebrows
Optics, visors  - eyes and glasses sometimes visors are used as optics
Intake- mouth, throat or a breath. 
Denta, denta plating- teeth 
Glossa- tongue 
Mandibles (insecticons) - jaw 
Vocalizer- voice box 
Chin or chin plating are the same 
Chestplate, chassis- chest and higher stomach (abs area) 
Fuel tanks- stomach. 
Backplate, back struts, binary system,  bipedalism - back and spine, spinal cord. 
Servos and digits - Hands and fingers 
Sounder plating - shoulder blades 
Pede - feet 
pump and Spark - heart and soul 
Energon lines - arrays veins. 
Vents - lungs, breath. 
Pelvic plate - pelvis
Aft, tailpipe, skid plate- butt
Interface panel - covered reproduction organs
Spike - penis 
Value - vagina 
Carrier chamber, Gestation chamber - womb
Helm and head
With the fact one is filled with circuitry, coding and wires and the other is filled with flesh, fluid and other organic matter. Humans' heads are covered in hair most times. And even those who aren't their head Is still rather soft and smooth. And the bots love playing with human hair and facial hair when they are allowed too. 
It also leads to humans giving the bots head scratches, and it's something so man you the bots had never thought of and they love it. They will lay their head in their human lap and just enjoy the gentle touches to their Finial, audials, and helm crest. It becomes. Causal thing of the humans using soft little microfiber cloths to clean out dust and dirt from the small crevices in the bots Plating. Head pats and scratches really becomes something that Cybertronians love alot and it makes a lot of humans consider the bots large cats.
Faceplate and Faces. 
One of the things which is very different between humans and Cybertronians is how they show affection to each other. Cybertronians do a thing called a helm hold. Where they each hold their partner's helm in their servos while looking into each other's optics, it's how they show how much they care, because they are focusing only on that one person. And it means alot more after the war, to focus all your attention on just one bots servos shows a lot of trust, affection and love for someone.  
While humans have Hugging, kissing. So the bots are rather confused the first time they are hugged, tensing up not wanting to hurt their human. And they nearly short circuit when the human kisses them it's more out of fear. 
“Do you know how dangerous that is! What if I crushed you!” The bot hisses in panic while looking at their lover. “not to mention the fact that is my Energon Intake! Do you know what energon can do to Humans!” It nearly sends the bot into meltdowns as they hold their lover's face staring into their eyes trying to show them how much they love and care for them. It would break their spark if they accidentally hurt them. 
“it's called a Kiss, I was kissing you” the human tries to explain, their hands cupping around their bots servos. 
“a kiss?” the bot inquired. “Yea I'm sorry if you didn't want it, it's just I thought we were in that part of our relationship” the human begins rambling out of anxiety thinking they had messed up. In the end they both settle for a small gesture in-between. Pressing their head and helm, together as they cradle the other. 
Eventually they will come around to accepting kisses but it is only for very special occasions. Because the bot will make sure that there isn't a trace of energon in their system for their partner's safety. Over time it becomes them pressing soft kisses to each other's noses. 
Skin and Plating 
These are all the parts which somewhat are similar to humans, but also work vastly different than the human body does. So with this listed here are many of the things that vary with the similarities. 
Plating and skin are vastly different due to one being metal and the other being flesh, it's one of the things a lot of the Cybertronians love is how soft Human skin is. They really enjoy just fondling their human companions, pulling their checks, and enjoying how their skin moves. How pliable, warm and squishy they are. Cybertronians finding out about human breasts really takes them by storm. 
“What are those?” the bot asks while pressing a finger to their breast feeling how soft and squishy they are. 
“breast, boobs, tits they have a lot of names” 
“What are they for?” The bot continues to just slowly play with them out of curiosity, not knowing what the human would need them for. 
“they are used for feeding babies, they fill with milk, it's not a constant thing and not everyone's do but they are for feeding babies.” the human tries to explain and it just leaves the bot shocked. 
“You're with Sparkling?” The bot asked as they began fussing over the human more, gently pressing their digits to the human's body more. 
“no, no I'm not pregnant!” They laugh out loud while rather embarrassed. “‘but wouldn't they deflate?” The bot shoots back as their digits begin needing the flesh which makes the humans sigh and lean into the touch. “human babe, don't have the same functions as you.” They tease softly.
 It ends up with one bot having their human lover back pressed to their Chassis. The bot's servos just cupped around their partners breast slowly massaging them as the human leans back just enjoying the feeling because it takes the weight off their back and the cool touch of the metal feels delightful against their skin. 
Heart and spark
The difference between a human heart and spark aren't that different at all. They both pump blood/energon to where it's needed, it's the life provider of the body. Each has a beat or pulse. And the said beat and pulse sounds different. A human's heart beat feels like a thump but to Cybertronians it's an echo. Each beat they can feel and see like A beating light. And they love how it feels laying against them, their spark will actually fall in tune With their heart beat as a way to calm the human.  While for humans a Cybertronians spark pulse feels like electricity dancing across their skin it's like the build up of static but it doesn't zap. The vibration of a spark is like energy building and releasing, the buzzing sound that just resonates through their body as they lay against their bot. 
olfactory sensors and nose
Unfortunately humans don't have the enhanced scent sensors that a lot of other species do, and Cybertronians have one for the most advanced ones, they don't just smell it but they can break down the chemical compound to its base and are able to tell humans emotions based on how they smell. It also leads to bots becoming rather touching with their lovers when they can smell their cycle. It also leads a lot of bots realising they have a breeding kink after being with a human, because the moment they can feel their partners change in hormones they are hovering. It becomes an even bigger thing when they smell the scent of a young spark, they feel the EM Field. 
carriers and pregnancy 
There is a major difference between human pregnancy and cybertronian pregnancy. Humans can only be born from reproduction.  a new spark can be formed in multiple ways. 
-Cold construct. 
-split spark
- Sparked 
Forged new sparks are bots that are formed in hotspots across cybertron and on occasions sparklings can also be formed from these hot spots. 
Cold constructs are bots that have been made by others for a purpose and were originally classed as 2nd class citizens, miners or lower than other bots, 
Split Sparks made from splitting your spark into another form. It was very rare due to multiple laws being inplace against it. 
Sparklings were formed through spark merging with another and creating enough energy to form new lifeforms. A carrier would then have to host said spark in their Gestation chamber until the spark could grow its own protoform. Then from there they are moved into the carrier chamber where they learn off their carrier's coding, and also receive food, coding and personal information from their Sire via Transfluid. As sparklings are still not able to consume normal energon and it has to be processed down enough for the sparkling. (Similar to how humans breastfeed) from there once they are ready the sparkling will be ‘birthed’ and from their they will need to be carried in a spark chamber until they have fully developed but gives them time to learn the world around them but still have the safety of a parent to protect them. 
This leads the bots and humans to both be horrified at the differences of the others' reproduction. The bots are horrified over the fact a human's pelvis bone breaks just to birth a baby. But also the fact that humans can carry more than one child. They eventually watch a documentary over human birth; it makes a lot of bots short out and crash. 
Humans on the other hand are shocked over the time it takes for a bot to have a sparkling. 100 years is longer than a lot of humans ever live but it's how long it takes for the full process of a sparkling to be formed and born. That's without all the issues with CNA, temperature, spark energy, energon. A Lot of Cybertronian pregnancies don't make it to term due to these factors. 
So when by some chance a human gets pregnant by a Cybertronian it has the whole planet up in a tissy. Not just the fact of how genetically different they are but how it happened. The first human Cybertronian sparkling is a miracle watched by man and documented. And it turns out the human womb is actually the best possible hosting spot for the start of a sparkling, it's the perfect temperature, and it's not a temperature a lot of bots can keep their own frames. The human womb actually short cuts a lot of time over the birth Due to the sparkling Not needing to be shifted from one chamber to another. It comes down to being pregnant for 3 years. It's a long time for a human but it's decades Less than what it normally takes for a Cybertronian if they made it through the full progress. 
And when the sparkling is born it's discovered that the sparkling doesn't have any human traits, defects or appearance. Due to the human body mainly working as a host, the CNA and DNA don't mix when it comes to creating a sparkling but they work perfectly in sync When it comes to helping the sparkling grow. And it also turns out humans are able to sustain more than One sparkling. 
That also brings me to the function of spike and Valves. For Cybertronians spikes and Valves aren't how Sparklings are created, sparklings are created from two sparks merging together and creating enough energy for a sparkling but interface is needed to start the process of how they form. Sparkling needs Transfluid to begin and that is what Cybertronians use interfacing for outside of sharing memories, information and emotions. Most times Cybertronians interface for fun, feeling close, sharing information with a loved one, or to help feed a sparkling the necessary data, fluids and programming. 
so When a Cybertronian and human interface it has a lovely mix of a 50/ 50 chance of getting pregnant due to how the human and cybertronian heart and spark link in a frequency that is almost essential Spark merging. And a human doesn't even need to interface with a Cybertronian to get pregnant.
Here is a list of ways humans have gotten pregnant/ a bot has gotten pregnant. 
-spark bonding 
-a human touching a bots spark. 
-having enough hated for another you get them pregnant by sheer Anger
- spark And heart syncing 
-A human being on their cycle will make a bot pregnant. 
Megatron entered the medbay of the Lost Light, feeling unusual warmth and pressure in his chest. "Ratchet," he said gruffly to get the medic's attention. "Something is...off. I feel as if I have consumed fool's energon again, but I know that is not the case." 
He looked down at the medic, his optics betraying slight concern beneath his usual stern demeanour. "Examine me and determine what ails me. I need to be at full function." His pride did not allow him to admit weakness easily, but he trusted Ratchet's skills. 
Ratchet nodded to First Aid and They as they stood ready to assist. He turned back to Megatron with a scrutinising gaze.
"When did you first notice the symptoms? Any other anomalies in your systems?" he asked gruffly, scanning the Decepticon warlord from head to foot with a diagnostic tool. The scans showed unusual activity in Megatron's Gestation chamber.
"Hmm...it appears your spark is pulsing more rapidly than normal. And the pressure you described suggests a buildup of energon flow." Ratchet paused, analysing the data. "This could indicate...no, it's not possible. Or is it...?" He leaned in closer, inspecting Megatron with keen optics.
"We'll need a more detailed scan. Over here, lay back - this won't hurt but may feel peculiar. First Aid, fire up the resonator. Ambulon you're in charge of monitoring vitals."
"What's wrong, ratchet he was fine this morning?" The human asked in concern. 
Megatron lay back on the medical berth as directed, his massive frame dwarfing its size. his expression softened ever so slightly. As the detailed spark scan began, Ratchet's optics widened in surprise. "By the Allspark...it can't be..." He motioned First Aid "Look here. What do you see?"
First Aid peered at the monitor in amazement. "Two distinct spark pulses...but how is that possible?" Ratchet glanced over at Megatron, then back at the others. "It would seem Megatron himself is carrying sparkling. The increased energon flow and pressure were signs of protoform development beginning."
He chuckled wryly. "Well Megatron, it seems that fool's energon was not to blame after all. Congratulations...you're going to be a creator." Megatron's optics widened in disbelief at Ratchet's announcement. Carrying sparkling? It made no sense as far as he knew, spark merging could only occur between cybertronians and he had only been intimate with a human. 
He sat up abruptly, almost knocking First Aid over, and glared down at Ratchet. "Explain yourself, medic! How is this possible? The human and I have been intimate but they clearly lack our means of conception." Ratchet held up a calming hand. "Peace, Megatron. I have a theory," 
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Hi hi! Your op drawings are so good?? My bby aaa drawing him (bots in gen) is so tough, I get too caught up in the details TT
Anyway, since I miss him lol I was wondering if I could request some... uh, gosh I hate this word but idk anything synonymous. Could I request pussydrunk tfp op?
Hope you're having a nice day/night btw <3
- 🍄
TFP pussydrunk!Optimus x reader
Hi hello!!I am very proud of this and it's probably up there with my list of my favourite fics I have ever written. Thank you so much for requesting and liking my silly sketches of the blorbo. I've written this as gender neutral <3
(lowkey ive been writing heaps of OP eating pussy,,, its a canon event for me i cannot intervene..... anyway its 11AM and i havent slept yet but i needed to finish hggggh *dies of horny*)
Warnings: Oral sex (reader receiving), edging, reader has a vagina.
Word count: 657
Spending time alone with you has learned to be one of Optimus' most treasured past times. But as much as it pains him, relaxing with you is a rare treat. The usual business of the base either keeps him up all night, or he genuinely has no time. However, he tries his best to make the most of it, whether he's relaxing with you, cuddling you, or with his head glued between your inner thighs. 
Like right now. It was nearing two AM. Optimus has you sprawled out on your shared berth, his face pressed against your aching heat, finally finding sweet relief from his built-up arousal. It's been too fragging long since his face was buried in you. He misses it, and if Optimus had a choice, he would sacrifice everything he's worked for to keep you bare before him.
Two hours. Optimus had been lazily lapping at you for two hours now. At one point, his helm had lulled to the side to rest against your right inner thigh to not strain his neck. His glossa grows tired, and his energon roars through his hot frame.
His stamina is almost depleted compared to when he initially delved into your drenched pussy. Despite this, Optimus still has the capacity to tightly grip your hips, gently massaging them as you lie still for him. He is weary, yet he perseveres, ignoring his aching joints and pulsing spike painfully pressed against the berth because tonight is about you. He will make up for all those lonely nights you've spent in berth alone in one lengthy oral session.
It's very often that when Optimus gives you oral, his mind feels like he's been transported to a higher plane of existence, one where he has no responsibilities or obligations to lead a team, just the mind-numbing taste of you. It makes him dizzy and light-headed, similar to the buzz he gets when he has a high grade or two, but Optimus prefers revelling in you instead to get his high. 
As ever patient as you are with your star-crossed lover, your hips still gently roll and shudder involuntarily against his glossa, and Optimus fucking loves it. He loves your soft cries when he sucks on your clit, and he loves when you clamp your legs around his helm when your orgasm is merely within reach. But he won't let you finish just yet, not when he's yet to relish and thoroughly drown himself in your sticky sweet.  
His warm optics remain lazily trained on your face, only fluttering close when you squeeze his helm. The pressure from your thighs only heightens his hunger, a carnal desire to swallow every drop of your aphrodisiac juices. 
"Mmmmm," You mewl, sweaty palms digging into the berth, "Fuck, I missed this… why don't we do this - aah - more often, baby…."
Optimus doesn't respond, and he can't because his processor is so intoxicated and aroused that he can't even form a single coherent sentence. It's quite ironic, he thinks. A mech of his nature that is so poised and articulate in his vocable is conned by his own desperate need to surrender his intake to his humans' essence.
"Mmmffh," He purrs into your heat, parting your sensitive lips with his glossa, lazily swirling around your bud before pressing a gentle kiss against it. He can't help but grind his spike into the berth below at your whimpers, servos kneading into your soft flesh, "More… Primus, I need more…."
You titter breathlessly, snaking a hand to the top of his helm to lightly press his face further into your pulsing heat, and Optimus delightfully grunts. You shiver, biting back a moan at the vibrations, "Go ahead, hun, you've got me for the rest of the night."
Optimus may need to blow a hole into the sun to prevent it from rising, since one night will never be enough to satisfy his thirst for you.
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onlyyvette · 8 months
TF Titty Headcanons Pt. 1
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❏* — warnings — sub/bottom characters(autobots) + dom/top reader + robo titties(duh) + nipple piercings + lactation + breastfeeding kink + rough sex + degradation + praise + breeding kink + heat cycles + i love giving them sappy nicknames + prowl needs his own warning
❏* — a/n — if I have to be plagued with horny thoughts then you guys will suffer too
also, I'm willing to take more requests on which characters(especially decepticons) I should do for part 2 ^-^
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✦ Optimus - As the leader of the autobots and one of the last living Primes, it shouldn't come as any surprise that Optimus is well-endowed. His tits are large and bouncy— they defy gravity in every sexy way possible. The Prime's chest is a white-ish color, plush and pillowy, a perfect to touch and perfect to cuddle.
Before becoming a Prime, his boobs were already big but now, they produce mineral-rich energon. He sometimes finds himself upgrading his chassis armor because his tits often press up on his windshields, sometimes popping his chassis armor. On rare occasions, he might even be lactating— It's very distracting, and he always gives embarrassed yet wholehearted apologies whenever his fellow autobots are met(blessed) with the sight. It might even happen that one of the decepticons he meets on the battlefield start tripping over themselves as they gawk at his chest.
Optimus lets out low, silky moans whenever his tits are fondled, his audials twitching with sensitivity. He's very open about his tits. He has no problem with his berth partners wanting to grope them, even suckle on them. If his partner wanted to, he would absolutely let them lay him out on his spinal strut just to fondle and suck on his nozzles, drawing out any energon they can find. It's a bit embarrassing for Optimus to admit, but it's not too hard for him to overload just from having his refineries played with. All Optimus needs is the feeling of having servos grabbing his plush chest and constantly rubbing his nozzles, maybe even his partner clamping their dentae down hard on his nozzle for him to let out undignified sounds and squirting all over himself.
As much as Optimus enjoys having warm servos massage his tits with care, his moans go up a pitch when his tits are bruised and left with marks from sharp dentae. Whether his partner apologizes for their rough treatment or not, they definitely knew that the Prime got a little wetter from it.
✦ Ratchet - Ratchet has huge tits and I will die on that hill. No doubt about it. Ratty's tits are a dark gray, matching his faceplate. They're big and hefty, hard for a mech of even his size to cup them fully into their hands. While he would rather die than admit it, he definitely loves to have his tits played with.
As a medic, Ratty's boobs produce much more energon than your regular cybertronian, which causes him to need to milk them often. Whenever he starts producing extra energon, it's always a pain to deal with because it leaves his poor tits swollen, nearly pressing up against his windshield, and so sensitive when he ends up leaking energon. It's so hard for him to milk his tits on his own so whenever he's at his most frustrated and sensitive state, he has to begrudgingly go to another trusted mech for help. Even though he insists on it being strictly professional, his cute whimpers and the dark blush on his face always betrays his neediness.
During the war, Ratty was definitely known for not only being the best medic Cybertron has seen, but the medic with tits that make the sweetest tasting energon. Whenever he's treating his patients, almost all of them ask if he could provide some energon for them with his generous breasts. Even though they try their best to be subtle about it(except for the most shameless mechs), Ratchet always knows their reasons, but he'll still provide it anyway because it's in his nature to help others. He just has to make sure not to get release his panel and reveal his already drooling valve during the feeding, which is going to be really tough for him.
✦ Drift/Deadlock - Drift's tits aren't the biggest but not the smallest(definitely bigger than Rodimus' though) , but there's still nothing about them that you can't not love. His protoform there is a darker color just like his faceplate, and sometimes flushes a cute pinkish color. Drifty has very sensitive tits and will let out a little squeal if they're groped too roughly. He's not too keen on showing his chest to anybot, especially when he still went by Deadlock, due to his more private nature. But when he has a partner to show them off, they are one lucky mech.
Whenever someone is mindful with how they treat Drifty's tits, massaging them softly, rubbing their digits over his nozzles with practiced care, he absolutely melts in pleasure. He lets out small eeks of pleasure while his finials twitch in response to the stimulation, his frame shivering like a turbo-rabbit . His whines and slight pouts are so attractive whenever his tits are played with. Drifty tries so hard to seem like he's unaffected but it's so hard for him to do when both his faceplate and his tits are both flushed pink with energon.
When he was known as Deadlock, even in bed, he would be known for being feisty and a little too eager to bite. But the moment servos are on his tits and slowly groping them, he gives up all resistance and tries his best to stop the little moans threatening to come out from his vocalizer. He'll still have a look that screams "make fun of me about this and the last thing you'll see will be my gun" but it'll be softened by his half-shuttered optics and and his breathy whines tumbling from his intake.
✦ Rodimus - definitely has small tits. And he is proud of them!!! He loves to show off his tits to his partners in berth and has possibly opened up his chestplate to show them off to any crewmates that flatter him enough more than once, maybe even let them cop a feel. His boobs are a white color similar to his faceplate. He has very perky nozzles and he will whimper when they're tugged on. Even though his tits are smaller than the average cybertronian's, they're still just so adorable, especially with the way his nozzles slightly flush blue when he's aroused.
Roddy knows that people are into his tits and he uses it to his advantage. Whenever Magnus is boring him to death with reports on ship maintenance or whatever, he shoves the datapad or anything that Magnus is holding in his servos, brings the huge mech's helm down to his level, and pushes his tits into Magnus' face with a cute little "ta-da!". There isn't much to push into the big mech's face but nonetheless, it's effective. He would giggle a bit and ask Mags if he liked his tits and Rodimus is left with a short-circuiting Ultra Magnus to explain to everyone. He's tried that move on Megatron too, but it's sadly not as effective on him, though the ex-warlord definitely does enjoy the view.
✦ Prowl - This praxian definitely has huge tits-- that's what his bumper is for. Now his bumper is great and Prowl definitely carries it with pride, but his titties are the real star of the show. His protoform are a dark gray compared to his faceplate. Unlike most mechs, Prowler has custom nozzle piercings: a pair of gold piercings(they cost him a mean amount of credits) and a pair of silver hoops. He switches between pairs each day. They're so big that he sometimes has a bit of trouble transforming his bumper over them. He loves to tug on them while he fingers himself silly because the pain is so delicious that even a few tugs can get his pathetic spike overloading and his messy valve squirting.
While Prowler berths very few partners, he loves to get his tits fucked by a spike big enough to reach past his cleavage and into his open mouth. Whenever his partner tugs on his nozzle piercings while fucking his tits and hisses out some degrading words, Prowl's vocalizer lets out a whoreish squeal-- he probably overloaded right then and there. Prowl for sure loves his titties. He may not be on Starscream's level of narcissism(no one can reach his level), but he sometimes like to check himself out in a mirror or camera to admire his busty chest, groping himself and gently tugging on his piercings as he begins to pant and his fans click on. It's at times like this that he often dreams about being subjected to obscenely kinky scenarios: his tits being bitten down on harshly as he's forced to continue riding his partner's monstrous length, his partner hooking up pumps to his nozzles to activate his energon lactation and leave him hooked up with multiple vibrators stuffed up his valve and aft and left overloading silly for hours, or being left in a dirty alley during his heat cycle, all his panels open while he drips energon from his tits and his pussy leaks lubricant all over the ground as he's left in a spike-hungry state, just about willing to let anyone fuck him as long as they'll ruin his pussy and fill his gestation tank with transfluid.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Tfp Old British bot buddy that talks in old British slang and no one understands them they also have a baby predacon following them around buddy doesn't know where the baby predacon came from they just appeared one day and buddy has just kept the sparkling predacon
Don't mind Buddy, just collecting children nothing to see.
Hope you enjoy!
Old British Bot Buddy with a Predacon sparkling
SFW, Platonic, Slight Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy has a locomotive alt mode and Old.
As in, they went to the same medical school Ratchet went to when they were younger type old.
When the war started, they sided with the Autobots and became the head medical officer in charge of the new sparks that came.
Soon when no more new sparks came from the Well, Buddy changed professions into Energon scouter and relic collector.
They had arrived much earlier to Earth to scout the planet for any Cybertronian relics.
The bot did find some relics around but made the decision to keep them hidden and just log in where they were hidden.
It would have made them a big target if they brought every single relic with them.
But the best thing they found was the sparkling… not that they would ever say it out loud though.
It was a Predacon sparkling.
They had been walking around the English countryside, or what was left of it.
It had been bombed and contaminated because of one of those human wars going on.
They heard chirping and whirling from behind some boulders.
Buddy carefully approaching the boulder. Buddy: “Hello?” CCCHHHHRRRIIIIIPPPPP! Buddy jumps and makes a small ‘TOOT! Buddy takes out their blaster: “I’m warning you! You better leg it before—" Out popped the sparkling from his hiding place. Buddy lowers their weapon. The little sparkling waddles up to them. Buddy moves away from the sparkling: “No, no, get! Off with you! I don’t need no sparkling slowing—” The sparkling leaps onto their shoulders, curls around their shoulders and quietly purrs as they drift off to sleep. Buddy: “—me down… Sod it. Curse ma bleedin spark.”
Buddy eventually grew to love the sparkling as their own.
Even giving the sparkling a name.
They named him Beany.
It would be another couple of years before Buddy would receive any message from the Autobots.
Once they did receive word, they were sent a groundbridge and entered the base.
To say the team was shocked to see Buddy with what humans would call ‘antique’ alt mode and a Predacon sparkling was an understatement.
They made it clear that Beany and they were a package deal if anyone made any objections to the pair
It takes the team a while to get used to Buddy’s accent and phrases.
Buddy does download the more modern version of their accent (they had grown rather fond of the accent.
But every now and then their original download would appear, mainly when they’d get angry, frustrated or needed to say something and didn’t want the others to understand.
Buddy and Smokescreen hobbling back to the groundbrigde. Buddy: “Ah great! Thanks a lot Smokescreen! The whole plans been botched now!” Smokescreen: “To be fair my plan—” Buddy holding a digit out: “If we’d followed your daft plan we would have been squashed!” Beany chirping. Smokescreen: “You aren’t supposed to agree with them!” Buddy scratching Beany’s chin: “Two against one, now shut your mush. We’ve got to report back to Prime.”
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Buddy trying to approach Beany, who has something strange in his mouth.
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Hello! Thank you for the answering my previous request, it was a lovely read. If you are still open for requests at the time of me sending this, I would like to request some general relationship headcanons for TFP Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave with a Cybertronian S/O. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day! - ❤️‍🩹Anon
Relationship Hcs With TFP Decepticons
Characters: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave Requester: ❤️‍🩹Anon A/N: It's nice to hear from you again, ❤️‍🩹Anon! Thank you for the compliment on your past request! Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this Transformers Prime request. By the way, be on the lookout for titles that are naturally feminine, I couldn't find many gender-neutral ones. P.S: The character labeled in the last bit of hcs is completely fictional. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Transformers Prime Series and Movie ⚠️
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»»————————————- Megatron ————————————-««
👑 This guy is known for his tyrannical behavior, but he does tone it down when it comes to you being around him. Megatron does care about his S/O dearly in his spark
👑 Megatron started the war because of the unjust ranking in society, but he also started the war because he did not want you to be shoved around like nothing anymore. He may have been a respected gladiator in the Pits of Kaon, but even that title can only go so far in a corrupt society
👑 Over the course of the war, Megatron appointed many to his side, which was called the Decepticons. And throughout the claiming of titles, he dubbed you his right-hand. After all, a Lord is nothing without a Lady
👑 He may not seem like it, but this ruler is fairly good at treating his lover as an equal. Megatron may be a psychopath during his reign over the Decepticons, but he has morals deep down in his spark
👑 Anyways, when the war did begin to go against both sides and Cybertron fell when it came to life, Megatron was the first mech to realize it. And when he saw how the supposed-quick-war was growing longer with every passing cycle, he rushed you off the planet and onto the Nemesis ship first, with him and his most trusted followers joining
👑 Throughout his time out in space locating the mystical Dark Energon, you attempted to stay in direct contact with him the best. Before he ventured to far away, leaving the Nemesis in control of you and the official second-in-command, Starscream
👑 It was painful ruling alongside the egotistical seeker, but when your sparkmate returned, you lunged at the opportunity to rule alongside him instead
👑 While he was under the influence of the dark energon, he attempted to keep you far away from him, which showed just how much he valued your existence. You may have been an amazing fighter, but he could overpower you with ease
👑 Megatron's death was also the thing that caused many to see just how close you two were. When his limp and sparkless frame fell from the Nemesis, through the atmosphere of Earth, and down into the vast and deep ocean below, you cried in agony while multiple Vehicons carried you away. All Autobots, including ones like Ratchet and Arcee, were shocked to see you crying over his death. They suspected that he was an abuser, when it reality, he was better than that... he was your dream mech...
👑 Before your escaped, you were taken away by the Autobots, locked away in your once thriving ship with your medic Knockout and the many Vehicons who stayed loyal. Though, it seemed that the Autobots, especially Optimus, felt pity for you
👑 And while he laid apparently deceased in everyone else's mind, you felt his spark pulsating through your bond. You were shocked when it was announced that Megatron somehow had come back from the dead, but you knew once you looked at him that he wasn't the Megatron you once knew and loved
👑 During the fight, you were one to fight alongside the Predacons, using your advanced fighting skills when in flight-mode to attack easily. After the actual fighting, Predaking looked at you and nodded, making you fly off and to the surface of the hopefully-near thriving Cybertron
👑 You lunged forward in a sprint and allowed the large mech to pick you up, spinning you around and hug you as you wept into his now-spikier armor. You then rose your head and relaid it down on his forehead, only looking away from him when you heard the coughs of a certain scrawny-stiletto wearing seeker
👑 Starscream merely backed away scared as you and Megatron glared and the titular mech yelled at him in anger. And before you flew after your lover, who was exiling himself after saying the Decepticons were no longer working and he was turning his title in as a warlord, you smiled at the Autobots and handed Knockout a small tablet with a photograph of the main 'cons, then it changed to one of you, Knockout and Breakdown
👑 The red mech smiled and gave you a small hug before you heard Megatron yell for you, making you transform after sending your goodbyes and flying away. A new life to start with your lover, away from war and away from the blood-soaked regime of your old lives
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»»——————————-  Starscream  ———————————-««
💫 He first met you while he was controlling a large armada of fellow seekers in the Cybertronian Air Command. You were a new recruit and gained a close bond with the raspy-Decepticon, quickly rising in the ranks before becoming Lieutenant-General of the Air Command
💫 While under the control of Megatron, he showed quite a favoritism to you. And believe me when I say this; Starscream hated how close he acted towards you
💫 It was when Soundwave revealed you and Starscream's spark-bond that Megatron stiffened slightly around you, but did still act fairly cordial. Until his motives began to worsen over the next few hundred years
💫 Many view Starscream as a very manipulative and fearful being, and they're not wrong there. At first, he tried manipulating you, but you eventually grew onto him like a mold
💫 He also has used you like a Cybertronian-Shield multiple times. But, you always were at the ready with a weapon when against the Autobots and their meddlesome human allies
💫 Speaking of him using you as a shield, while he may use you as one when it comes to some battles when he is obviously at a disadvantage, when it comes to his beatings against your leader, you become his defendant. At least when it gets bad enough to be possibly life-threatening
💫 Starscream puts on a macho-mech persona, which he only lets down when his life in in danger or when you are in a major accident. Like when the Autobots were fighting against you and Shockwave while retrieving a Predacon's fossil. He had immediately noticed you were going to have a small concussion
💫 He was the one who went out with Soundwave to defend you, he could care less about Shockwave's spark. He needed you alive, not him.
💫 You guys are one of the cutest duos on the Nemesis. Whenever a Vehicon walks by you two speaking with a smile lodged on both of your faces, they just look at one another and chuckle
💫 It's your gentle-nature that makes Starscream feel unworthy of having you around. He views himself as inferior, and this only grows when he serves under Megatron. The larger mech makes him feel completely worthless, especially by comparing him to others, specifically Shockwave and Soundwave
💫 Unlike Starscream, you helped fight against Unicron when he possessed Megatron. You helped Shockwave gather his three Predacons to send them off, before going off to use your flight to your advantage before leaving to find Starscream
💫 He angered you slightly when he tried convincing Megatron to take over Cybertron again, and after he flew off, you sent him a comm saying you hoped he lived a fulfilling rest of his life. He just chuckled and wished you and Starscream a good future, making you smile and look at your spark-mate
💫 Smiling at the Autobots nervously, Starscream transformed and yelled for you to follow suit. You sighed and threw a vile of finished synthetic-energon at Ratchet, making him gasp and chuckle as you winked and flew off. What an exit... one worthy of his old lab partner and good friend
💫 As Starscream chanted about being the new leader of the Decepticons, you heard the Predacons approach and stared wide-eyed as they glared at Starscream but not you... damn you were always favored more than him🤣
"Y/N...? Why are they glaring at me so much...?"
"Pretty sure they wanna eat you. You might wanna start running, Hon'."
💫 You just looked at the three mechs and told them to go easy on him, and they just huffed before nodding and chasing him. Leaving a smiling Cybertronian behind
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»»——————————-  Soundwave  ———————————-««
🔊 Ah, the loving silent mech himself.
🔊 He, unlike others, did not meet you before the war began. Instead, you were assigned to be his fellow third-in-command, except you were more located outside of the ship and leading attacks than him
🔊 Soundwave is fairly difficult to get to know at first, since he doesn't speak and doesn't show any reaction. Y'know- with the visor-face and all...
🔊 But, when you did get closer with the mech, it was known to all on the Nemesis that you were held in high regard not only to Lord Megatron, but to the third-in-command as well. Not even Starscream dared to lay a servo on you, fear of retaliation from both of the powerful mechs overwhelming him
🔊 Now, if you are smaller than him, he does make sure you stay out of others ways or get jobs that fit the way you are built and can handle. Normally, the smaller the Cybertronian, the thinner amount of weight they can handle
🔊 Though, if you are bigger, he trusts you to handle yourself a lot more. He would watch over you in battle, sending you codes that could help you in defeating the Autobots and retrieving whatever Megatron needed
🔊 Soundwave also is a very busy mech, so most of the time he has work to do. So, in those kinds of situations, he sends his precious minicon, Laserbeak, out to observe you. Ordering him to send a distress single if you were in danger and he couldn't do anything to help
🔊 When he was kidnapped by the Autobots, you were beyond unstable. Throwing items back and forth across your shared room, successfully scaring all that passed and heard you mixture of angry screams and cries of agony
🔊 Him coming back made your mood lighten up, and it caused even Megatron to slightly smile seeing you run up to him and hug him tightly, before cringing at the sight of the Autobot medic, and your old friend, Ratchet, being thrown in cuffs and pushed away to a holding cell
🔊 You stayed right beside him as best as you could, helping out with everything until those wretched humans came around and had a second Ground-Bridge opened, wrapping both you and him in the warp. Before carrying your screaming frame as his struggling one inside
🔊 Soundwave slightly strutted before lunging at the three mortals, unsuccessfully ending them. This made you gasp and stutter in realization... you were stuck in the Shadowzone with no way out of it and no-one except those humans to know where you were
🔊 Falling to your knees, you began to weep as Soundwave kneeled in front of you and held you close. A low tune being played over his speakers
"Will we ever get out of here...?"
"I will stop at nothing to get us out of here, Y/N." Soundwave said, his natural voice running through your audials.
"I love you..."
"And I love you as well."
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»»——————————-  Shockwave  ———————————-««
🧪 Shockwave and you met in another fairly odd way
🧪 As a very head-strong member of the Cybertronian Sea Special Ops, and holding the rank of a Major, you always kept your mind right on the target. And when you were sent in by your General, Preon, to observe a supposed operation of a revolution against the Council
🧪 You disguised yourself with a device modeled by one of the engineers, and when you came into contact with the one-eyed mech, you were enamored. And you couldn't lie, hearing Megatron's speech of freedom from the damaging oppression laid stuck in your head
🧪 Over time, you began to use your Black Ops skills to escape detection and help Shockwave gain different objects he needed for his experiments. And when you revealed your treachery to the Cybertronian Council, he felt a pang in his spark that was unfamiliar
🧪 While first deeming it illogical, Shockwave did enjoy being in a close relationship with you. You were highly skilled in battle and in everything scientific
🧪 Shockwave is a very distant mech because of his work. He serves the Decepticon cause very well, to the point where many say he comes in a dual battle against Soundwave's loyalty to the cause
🧪 Despite the complaints of Megatron, you stayed on Cybertron, and got damaged when fighting against Arcee and Cliffjumper. And even he had to admit, you grew on him a lot faster than he initially believed. The cyclopian-mech did also prove to be better at being a doctor than he or you thought
🧪 Shockwave does care about you in a unique way. While he doesn't show it outright like other Cybertronians, he does prove how much he cares about you with simple methods. He does three main things; he is extremely honest, sharing his opinions on all matters, Shockwave also trusts you with tasks he wouldn't trust anyone else with, such as caring for the Predacons while he is outside gathering more fossils, and he loves to show his loyalty. He could care less about everyone else, you are his top-priority when it comes to dangerous situations
🧪 If you ever had doubts of your bond, he immediately addresses it. He may be working while speaking, but he does show his devotion to you first
"Shockwave... do I... mean anything to you...?"
"That's one of the most illogical things I have ever heard." Shockwave replied. "If I saw no use in having a relationship with you, I would never had proposed our spark-bond coming to light. I don't ever want to hear about you doubting yourself, Y/N. Understood?"
🧪 He's not the most ideal mech to be bonded to for life, but he isn't the worst
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ikkosu · 4 months
Humans are so appealing to many cybertronians as both pets and partners. Incredibly friendly and capable of pack bonding with pretty much anything going so far as to anthropomorphize inanimate objects. So small compared to even a minibot or cassette bot and so fragile. Squishy organic bodies that are so easy to fold and bend to a Cybertronian’s whims. It’s insane how much a human’s body can stretch for their Cybertronian lover. Plus the insane libidos that humans have means that their lovers will never be unsatisfied.
However there have been reports of malfunctioning spikes and dangerously low transfluid levels from just how frequently humans seek out their romantic and sexual partners.
Many Cybertronians who have been to earth have been numbed to the exotic charm a human might have while those which haven’t been to earth can’t help but coo and prod at the humans they find
l absolutely love the idea that somehow despite having a more demure stature compared to the behemoths that are the Cybertronians, human libidos can pack quite a crazy punch. Given their 'fluids' aren't as fuel-like the way Cybertronian has theirs, they're not at all in any case harmed by that prospect.
But of course, that doesn't mean there is no any ramifications on the human's part at all — it's just less severe. While the bots themselves, worn out from their spikes wrung dry extensively could land themselves a delicious spot on a medical berth.
I can imagine professional doctors drafting up warning notices or leaflets about this particular problem.
With corny hospital slogans like : "Check your Tank before you bank it!!" Or "Those fluids arent going to fill up themselves!!" and some well known mech celebrity is giving them a thumbs up from the health poster.
Can you really blame them, though? Humans are known for their softness. And once you're shrouded with the slick tight warmth of their hole — it's not so easy to snap out of it.
They get too lost in the moment, frames shuddering with pleasure, overlords after overloads, they don't notice their energon dwindling down and once it's all gone they just suddenly fall limp on their human. Like someone had pulled out a plug. Said mech would never live the embarrassment down, a firm reminder of everyone witnessing a limp spike hanging off their panel as they're dragged across to the medical bay.
It would also be interesting. Since Cybertronians spike are naturally very hard? (No pun intended) And even after two overloads, it's still kind of bricked up. So, continuous overloads would render the spike flaccid ( energon keeps it pressurized) and a soft spike isn't a good sign since it kind of hinders the pathway of the transfluids.
Just imagine Ratchet chewing out a mech for being so horny that his spike is a literal water balloon, now. Said mech also wailing in pain, not because his dick hurts, but because his human is confiscated and he's banned from having sex for at least a month if he doesn't want his robot cock amputated.
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mskenway97 · 8 months
I had this in mind for some time and some ideas made me think about this story. It takes place during the course of the 'Alpha/Omega' episode of transformers prime after Optimus lost the Star Saber.
Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
I will stay
Words: 1,576
Summary: You haven't heard from your guardian for days, when you got the news from Jack that a new weapon had been discovered. You decided to stop by to see why he wasn't talking to you like before to discover a side of him you didn't know.
Warning: angst, sorrow, g/t content, g/t confort fluff
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You knew something wasn't right, ever since he came back with his memory restored. Something was keeping you upset, you felt that he had put up a wall that you couldn't get through. That didn't happen before. You met him by chance bad timing, a detour home several Vehicons and a big robot of almost 30 ft. Since then he had taken care of you, as Ratchet refused to be the guardian, plus you were older than the children on the base to your surprise. You befriended them, but you were always intrigued by Prime, and little by little you were able to talk about various things. Seeing what caught his attention… Apart from the popular culture books of Earth and what I was dedicated to. Partly little by little you began to fall in love with this metallic giant, his kindness, his concern, his dedication to the Earth. To feel safe among his servos, or to sit on his shoulder while he worked, little details that mattered a lot to you. But at the same time they made you feel helpless, helping Miko and Raf was easy. Engaging Ratchet in conversation was a challenge. Understanding Bumblebee was a challenge. But you tried because you wanted to get to know them better. Everything started to change since Unicron showed up, the day Optimus left… Those were the worst days for you, you didn't know how much you needed him… the sound of his voice, the touch of his finger when he stroked your hair…
He came back to you but interactions started to be more limited, he would pick you up from work: Arcee or Bulkhead. Only Ratchet stayed at the base…. That made you feel partly miserable, you knew he had great work, great responsibility but at the same time you wanted to help him. That he just didn't show that stoic side to all the people. But you were only a small human, between a war of enormous titans. You could only stand by and watch, you wished you could do more, could help more. But you were just an ant in comparison…. You wished at least to see him smile, at least just once… If only you could comfort him, do something. You would do anything. This was eating you up more and more. Until the deadline came when Jack started telling you about a new weapon the autobots had found: Star Saber, it seemed they had an advantage to win, at least something that looked like they would win the war once and for all. That day you left work late at night, but you knew Optimus would be at the base, so you called Ratchet for a groundbridge. You watched with all the joy in the world. Until you saw Ratchet's long faces, the others were patrolling. You didn't understand what was going on until you saw a weapon completely destroyed.
-Ratchet, what happened? - you asked as you climbed the stairs. Ratchet sighed as he looked at the command center - Star Saber was destroyed, Megatron found a way to create his own Star Saber with Dark Energon.
-How is this possible? Solus Prime's forge can only be used by one.
-Megatron found a way… Optimus fought against him, with some injury but he will be
-Damage?! - you said as Ratchet tried to calm you down.
-He's fine. You should go home… Something in you jumped, you were sick of having to leave, of having to be pulled back - No, not this time. I'm going to talk to him. Don't even think of stopping me - you said seriously as you walked down the hallway without listening to Ratchet's words to reason with you. You moved quickly down the long hallway to get to Optimus' room, you didn't think, you acted on pure instinct and emotion. You wanted to know how he was doing, he didn't care if he tried to kick you out, he wasn't going to back down too. you weren't going to leave him behind, you weren't going to give up anymore. You tried knocking on the huge door to see that it wasn't locked, which surprised you since Optimus was always careful with his room and his secrets. He hadn't let you in either due to various reasons that the autobot leader always made an excuse for. Then you walked in to see around a room that had a huge desk, next to a bed, what appeared to be a pile of datapads on the desk table. You stood admiring the place, as you looked like a little doll or toy as you walked around. The door behind you closed, you jumped in fright. Then you saw Optimus, he seemed to be leaning on his bed. At least you had a fix on him, the problem was how to get to him.
It was not easy for you to get to the bed but with a lot of patience you climbed up one of the bed spreads, you approached carefully so that he would not crush you when he moved, you were in front of his face about to wake him up but you noticed on his face in his optics rather, there was something blue liquid. Biologically, humans and cybetronians were not so different… He was crying… You approached him carefully as you touched his faceplate, it felt cold but at the same time you heard a small engine noise, you saw that he opened the optics slowly to see your face so close to him. You thought he was going to refuse or push you away, you were about to respond but contrary to what you thought, his servo grabbed you to pull you to his chest and place you close to his spark. He was stroking your back with his other servo, feeling a great warmth but you shook your head at what you initially came for. This bot had great skill in reading your mind, he already knew why you were here.
-You were worried about me… I am sorry for my absence these days, little one. Matters have led me into situations to keep you and the rest safe. You clenched your fist, a little clenched your jaw, I was doing it again….
-Don't do it… Optimus was confused to hear you - Pardon?
-Don't you dare hide how you feel in front of me, I know you're trying to protect me…. But what matters to me is how you feel, don't you dare say it's not important, war is important. You are distancing yourself from everyone…
-Little girl, I…
-Don't you dare do this alone… When Unicron arrived you disappeared. I thought you really left - you said trying to keep your tone of voice without tears - You walked away, I don't care if it's for my protection, I don't care how many times you try to push me away, I will stay… I will not leave here - you said determinedly as you looked at the optics. There was a deafening silence between the two of you, you looked at each other with determination that your words, then you felt his arms around you squeezing you a little you felt him leaning you to his chassis. You looked at his optics to see the tears coming back to him.
The burdens of a leader are something I must keep, I stayed away for your protection. I may win some battles others I may lose them with quite a few consequences: the Star Saber, Raf's life was close too…. If it hadn't been Raf… - he said as he lifted me up to look at you better - and if it had been you, I wouldn't have forgiven myself…. The words the giant had said had hit hard in your heart, as he wrapped his servos around you as if to protect you from the world -… I can't lose you like that - he said in a low voice. That made a little more of a dent in you, but you moved closer to his face, leaned gently to his cheek as you saw that his optics were focused on you.
-I know, that's how I've been feeling these days too…. I don't want to lose you like this either.
You gave her a soft kiss on her cheek, which had the effect of sounding her engines a little as she squeezed you a little closer in her servos, you felt her nuzzle to you. You had missed these interactions so much, you had missed her too much.
-Next time, try talking to me. I know I can't share your burden, but I'll listen to you as long as it takes - you said as she put you back closer to her chassis but closer to her spark.
-I will try for you. And I will never leave you alone again - he said as you felt a big pulse of sparkle warm you up a little. That was all you needed to hear, you stayed like that for a while longer as words were not needed at that moment. Maybe when things calmed down you would tell him how you really felt about him. Just feeling his company, though, was all you needed. Maybe one day you would manage to get a smile out of him. But little by little, you felt him close your eyes to fall asleep near his chassis. Feeling at peace at last… Next to him.
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ricegobbler · 6 months
Hi I happy your open can you do the tfp cons react to finding a pod full of sparkling I head canon them to be small and squishy like mashmellows and cute noises like squeaks and beeps I love sparkling so much they are so cute
TFP Cons react to sparklings in a pod!!
Warnings‼️: mention of death, and other than that it’s just some sparklings aching the cons sparks😈
It was a normal routine on the Nemesis. Soundwave was doing some work, Starscream was probably plotting something to overthrow Megatron, Shockwave was just in his lab doing who knows what, Knockout and Breakdown were prob making out in the medbay, Dreadwing was walking around the Nemesis, Predaking was just planning to kill Starscream, Airachnid? Idfk. And Megatron was prob smoking dark energon in his berth
Just then, Soundwave picked up a signal of a pod that had crash on earth. Megatron sent Starscream and Knockout to go check it out, seeing the two come back with a pod full of sparklings.
wuh oh.
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-is kinda disappointed bc he thought there’d be something useful inside, although new sparklings means new soldiers, so it wasn’t that bad.
-he quickly ordered knockout and breakdown to check up the little ones tand wanted results soon after. (He wanted to know if they were in good condition for fighting in the future)
-he’d probably order some vehicons to make some type of room to care for the sparklings. And yes he’d keep them. Why? Well, not only does he want them for the future, but there’s a war happening. He doesn’t want anything to happen to them☹️
-after some time the sparklings had arrived he saw one all alone just in the halls of the Nemesis. He was confused, but he just picked up the thing and as soon as he did it beeped at him, smiling afterwards and started to play with his digits.
Sparkling giggling and playing with one of Megatrons digits.
“Frag..” Megatron sighed.
-after that encounter let’s just say there would be atleast a couple of sparklings taken by the warlord. (He wants to tell them stories of cybertron and his past)
-sometimes you could catch him holding a sparkling or two while ordering some vehicons to do stuff. (He doesn’t scream at them though, they’re lucky a sparkling is near💀)
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-he hated them. Hate hate hate hate.
-why? One of them spat on him 💀
-at first he thinks they’re gross and useless. Like, he doesn’t want gross babies around the ship during a war.
-sometimes when he’s ordered to take care of some he’d make some vehicons (Steve) to take care of them instead. He doesn’t have time for gross creatures.
-one day Starscream saw one of the sparklings in his berth, it was left by Steve(he still loves the sparklings, he just got tired of Starscreams bs)
-this specific sparkling was one that was able to at least mutter some things out. So next thing you know, Starscream is telling the sparkling to repeat after him💀
“Repeat after me, little one. ‘Lord starscream’” The sparkling just babbled and giggled at him while he huffed in slight annoyance.
-after that he’d still atleast a couple of sparklings from others just to teach them words like, “lord Starscream” or “master Starscream.” He wants them to know he’s gonna be the lord one day😭
-the more he took them the more they grew to him. Sometimes he’d just take some just bc he wants something to snuggle with after getting his aft kicked by Megatron.
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-same reaction as Starscream. But he doesn’t hate hate them, he’s just a little grossed out bc they’re babies (he was rlly grossed out when one spat on Starscream, but it was funny)
-When Megatron ordered him and Breakdown to take care of some he instantly gave them to Breakdown. He doesn’t want anything happening to his paint🙄
-after a while, Breakdown eventually made Knockout to hold one. As soon as Breakdown gently gave it to Knockout, it snuggled into his chassis and smiled up at him. His spark ached. It wasn’t so anything disgusting, it was just snuggling with him.
Sparkling cooing at him with a smile while Knockout started processing his thoughts.
“Hm. You’re cuter and more behaved than I thought..” He mumbled.
-after that the more Megatron would order him and Breakdown to take care of them he is more than happy to. He loves them now. He wouldn’t steal them since he sees them everyday. (They’re babies wondering on a war ship, they’re gonna get hurt🤷🏻‍♀️)
-he’d tell them stories of his races, sometimes he’d lie and say he’d win the races he’s actually lost at💀 he’d also rant to them about drama stories or horror movies he’s watched at the drive in theaters, in return he’d get some giggles and babbles and he loved it<3
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-he LOVES them.
-at first though he was confused, and a little scared. He didn’t wanna step on any of them, they’re so small he has to make sure of his surroundings 😢
-when Megatron first ordered him and Knockout to take care of them he was excited, still nervous tho. When Knockout gave all of them to him he was ecstatic.
-he’d play with them, show them around the Medbay, make them laugh, like omfg he can do this with our babies too ykyk. (IM JPJPJPJP. maybe.)😓
Breakdown just holding a sparkling.The sparkling playing with his digits and giggling. *cue happy tears* </3
-he loves talking to them, he just says random things and they just listen closely. He loves Knockout, but it’s good to talk to someone else in the Medbay too yk?
-He wouldn’t really steal any sparklings since he’d see them everyday either way. (Again, Babies on a war ship.) He loves them very much even if he’s able to crush them☺️
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-he was a little confused, why was there sparklings just in a random pod? Could they all have a carrier? What’s happening.
-he honestly didn’t mind tho since there’s a war happening and sparklings cannot survive in war conditions.
-when Megatron first ordered him to take of some he was more than willing to.
Sparklings giggling while they’re in his tentacles as he works-
-ok. Yeah. He doesn’t know the best way to take care of them, so he just lets them rest in his tentacles while he does work.
-but he’d eventually do more like flash them smiley faces on his visor, play some shows like MLP. (Megatron was caught watching MLP with them once-) and he’d even let them mess with laserbeak. He’s pretty gentle with them, he’s just gotta do work to ykyk.
-when some can’t sleep he’d walk around the Nemesis with one and let them hear recordings he’s taken to make them sleep in his arms. (He’d play like lullabies🥹)
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-he thought it was illogical they were there. I mean, war times, hello????
-he didn’t gaf abt their presence. He’s busy in his lab doing stuff (to me) Jk!!
-But when the day Megatron ordered him to at least take care of one he acted differently towards the little ones.
Sparkling just watching him work, “what is it that your optics are looking at..?” Shockwave asked, the sparkling just giggled at him. Making his spark ache a bit, all he said was, “illogical answer.” 💀
-honestly, it’s nice having someone else in the lab other than himself. Sometimes he’d get to show them how some projects work and see the little reactions he gets from the sparkling(s) (dw the projects r like safer ones)
-he’d make them little stuff too in case they ever get bored while he works. And he’d make little goggles for their optics in case of danger.
-Although, it’ll take him a while to act like this to them. He’s not used to acting so differently around others, especially sparklings. (It’s been a while, give him a lil break-) But he’ll definitely warm up to them dw<3
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-MY NUMBER 1😍😍😍😍😍
-at first he felt awful. Seeing little sparklings in a pod during war ached his spark. He was like one of the only Decepticons on the ship that still had some good in him.
-when Megatron ordered him to take care of some he did so right away. Not just bc he was loyal to Megatron, bc he wanted to actually care for them.
Sparkling(s) just sleeping in his arm while snoring softly. “I’ll protect you no matter what..” Dreadwing mumbled.
-love this man.😢
-he doesn’t want them to go through anything, especially after the loss of his twin brother. Losing him was enough, losing these sparklings who haven’t even gone through much of life yet would hurt his spark even more.
-he’d cradle them, cuddle, literally anything that’s good. He’d take them from Starscream tbh, he doesn’t want Starscream rotting their brains with dumb bs.
-He’d also take some from others when they’re not looking bc he loves them sm.
-sometimes you could catch him under a pile of them while just smiling or chuckling. (Ima marry this man omfg. HES ALIVE TO ME.😒)
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-confused. What’s a sparkling?
-when he’s told what they are he’s a little scared of them. He’s like a cat scared of a little puppy. 😭
-but when Megatron assigned him to take one he instantly warmed up.
Sparkling crawling around and Predaking in his alt just sniffing it. Once the sparkling sneezed he flinched a bit but he loved its small cute beep sound. “You’re mine now.”
-he’d carry some almost everywhere. He’d also give them little ride when he’s in his alt mode. Like he’d let them hop on from his wings and like fly around, not to high though. He’d fly like the perfect height for them.
-you could also catch this dude stealing some sparklings, ending up with him behind buried in them while he rests in his alt.
-he’d especially take some from Starscream and teach them to say nasty things abt him. He’d growl at anyone (mainly Starscream) who tries stealing one from himself.
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-literally she is the last Megatron would assigned the sparklings to. ACTUALLY NO. I DONT EVEN THINK HE WOULD ASSIGN ANY TO HER AT ALL. (I’m sorry Airachnid lovers, it’s the truth tho)
-if she even had the chance she’d probably just leave them. Or fucking eat it.
-although if she’s in her era where she spares the sparklings then she’d probably just feed them and that’s it. Like nothing else.
“Hm. Take this cube, young one.” She said, then walking away from the sparkling who had a confused face.
-other than that they’re dead. She’s eating them for dinner.
Most likely to least to steal the sparklings:
(Like I said before, knockout and breakdown wouldn’t rly steal them since they see them mostly everyday in the medbay, that’s why they’re low)
I was supposed to post this yesterday but bc my draft didn’t save I had to start over 😁 (I was so mad)
ILY ALL!!!<333
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second part to Inside The Tower of Gold!!
⚠️ WARNINGS!! ⚠️
transformers one spoilers, NON-CON, tentacle sex, ovipositon + egg laying, sounding, semi-public sex
y'all... I have NO idea how this fic turned out like this. I wasn't even expecting to write this chapter, let alone make it this... explicit. enjoy!
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Going to the surface wasn't exactly a pleasant experience on a regular day, let alone after Sentinel's... experience last night. The more he thought about it while getting ready, the more conflicted he got. He still ached all over and the ozonic scent of leftover transfluids practically wafted off his frame. He buffed out as many scratches and paint transfers that he could in around 10 kliks, which admittedly... wasn't a lot.
Sentinel had respect for the Quintessons, of course he did. They helped him get everything he wanted and then some, all in return for a bit of energon. But they weren't exactly friendly, to say the least. They were very demanding creatures. Always wanting more. But he always just grit his denta and smiled, something he was very practiced at doing by now.
His announcement was slightly more rushed than usual. He still looked a bit of a mess, despite his best efforts. Scuffs and scratches littered his usually perfect plating, and his smile was slightly more forced. His powerful voice boomed over the Iacon display screens as he explained how he was once again "going to the surface and risking his life to find the matrix, for the greater good of the cybertronian race!" with a wide, toothy smile. He could hear the cheers from the broadcast room, mechs and femmes alike screaming his name. He puffed his chassis out slightly, grinning as the broadcast ended. He turned to Airachnid, and gave her a nod as they finished the final preparations.
As he stood in front of the Quintessons he couldn't help but feel that something was off. Sure, he had brought a little less energon than usual, but the way their red glowing eyes stared him down was wrong. He kept his cool, even when the high commander moved closer, hot breath washing over his frame. Slimy organic tentacles grabbed at him, bringing him up to its face. The Quintesson sniffed him, its eyes glowing just a little brighter as it lifted Sentinel up, eyeing his shoddily welded-on modesty panelling.
"I'll be bringing extra next time, I promise." Sentinel smiled as much as he could, trying to ignore the damp breath of the Quintesson high commander as it wafted over his face plate, the stench of something astringent filling his olfactory sensors. He was so focused on the smell, he didn't feel the slimy appendages inching tighter around his limbs.
It happened so quickly. His already once injured modesty panel was being pried off. Without thinking, he retracted it. The Quintesson sniffed again, the traces of leftover transfluids having leaked out and stained Sentinel's valve. He shot a glance towards Airachnid and the other guards, who were simply looking the other way, keeping an optic out for any other threats and ignoring the scene in front of them. Traitors.
The Quintessons tentacles tightened around his wrists and ankles, stretching him out until he was completely spread eagle, barely able to move. His wings twitched uselessly as he tried to get away, but the sight of glowing red eyes and bared teeth quickly put a stop to his attempts. He hung uselessly in the air as horrifyingly organic appendages probed and explored his frame, leaving sticky trails on his already marred plating. Grin and bear it. Grin and bear it.
The first slide of the appendage along the plush golden folds of his valve wasn't as unpleasant as he was expecting. He vented heavily as it toyed with his node for a moment, before sliding inside. The taper made it an easy fit at first, especially after the rough treatment his valve had already faced just hours before. But it kept sliding, and each segment kept getting thicker and thicker. It wasn't long before his callipers felt stretched to their limit, the small blunt tip pressing against the entrance to his gestation chamber.
As Sentinel's intake opened to protest, another one of the high commander's tentacled limbs pressed against his glossa. The taste and texture was vile, unlike anything he'd ever put in his mouth. It pushed forwards, filling his intake quickly, and slowly sliding down his throat. He gagged, but it didn't stop. He didn't realise he was crying, sobbing even, until he tasted the salty tang of coolant on his glossa. The tentacle went impossibly deep, down his throat to the point he could feel it in his tanks. The one in his valve pressed harder against his gestation chamber, and he felt a sudden pop. The delicate silicone ring gave way, allowing the Quintesson to slide even deeper.
To his horror, a third tentacle started prodding at his frame. He was no stranger to aft play, but with his body already so stuffed full he couldn't even begin to imagine it fitting into his port. But that didn't stop the Quintesson from trying. The natural lubrication of the appendage helped it slide in with ease, the tapered end once again proving useful. He cried out loudly, oral lubricants spilling out of his intake around the intrusion and onto his chassis. His port stretched painlessly, and for that he was thankful.
The high commander set a brutal, punishing pace. Sentinel tugged at his restraints again, his optics squinting closed as tears continued to spill down his cheeks. An overload was forced out of him, static energy arching and bouncing off his plating as transfluids shot out of his spike and splattered onto the ground beneath him, staining the floor pink. The Quintesson didn't slow, further bullying Sentinel's overstimulated and stretched valve.
A fourth, much thinner tentacle slid around his leg and up his thigh. It wrapped around the base of his spike, providing even more unwanted stimulation. Sentinel felt a strange pressure at the tip of his spike, his optics shooting open just in time to see the smallest appendage slide into his transfluid lines. The stimulation was confusing, the area so sensitive that it almost hurt. He let out a series of mumbled, confused moans as his spike was stretched, the thin tentacle thrusting slowly and releasing even more slimy fluids to aid the stretch. He bit down on the appendage stretching his intake slightly, his venting heavy and uneven, his frame overheating to the point his tears sizzled against his cheek plating.
The tentacle in his valve started flexing, becoming slightly thicker suddenly. Sentinel panicked and choked as a round object pushed itself into his valve, pushing against the entrance to his gestation chamber. He was suddenly thankful for the earlier stretching as the slightly gelatinous orb slid into him. He'd heard tales of how Quintessons reproduced, but he wasn't expecting to ever experience it firsthand. A second egg pressed against him, sliding in with surprising ease. The thin tentacle filling his transfluid line stopped him from overloading, leaving him frustratingly right on the edge. He sobbed, but no tears fell.
After a long moment, the barrage of squishy eggs finally slowed to a stop. His abdominal plating bulged out obscenely, creaking under the strain of his stretched out protomesh. The ovipositor tentacle twitched before releasing a sticky thick slime, filling him up even more. It retracted slowly, leaving his valve empty and stretched wide. A gush of fluids followed it, splattering onto the floor between his legs with a disturbing squelch. Next slid out the one in his spike slit, followed by the one in his port. The one from his intake was the last to retract, making his insides churn and lurch as he struggled not to purge his tanks.
The Quintesson high commander didn't let Sentinel go; however, if anything the appendages restraining him only got tighter. He tried to speak, but his throat felt raw, his glossa heavy in his mouth. His voice box let out a burst of static uselessly. His optics flickered offlined for a moment, before he felt a rush of pressure in his core.
The slime started to leak from his gestation chamber, providing a tingling numbing sensation not unlike the circuit booster patches from the night before, but located entirely in his valve. The pressure started soon after, the eggs having swelled slightly in the short time they had to germinate inside of his chambers. The Quintesson spread his legs slightly more and let out a chittering noise. Even more slime gushed out of Sentinel's abused valve, the blue and gold folds gaping open obscenely. His node blinked in time with his ventilations, his frame feeling slow and relaxed despite his current situation. He vaguely understood that he needed to start pushing, and he did just that. His valve stretched wide around the firm yet jelly-like eggs as they fell onto the floor below into a wet pile. His optics offlined again as he crashed into another overload, aiding the birth of the last few Quintesson eggs.
The high commander signalled to the other Quintessons who quickly rushed over, picking up the eggs and carrying them inside the grotesque looking ship. Sentinel was dazed, his helm spinning and throbbing in pain. He was dumped rather unceremoniously onto the sticky floor beneath, his plating suffering another few dents from the landing alone. His limbs twitched rather uselessly as he wiped drool and slime off his face with the back of a servo. The Quintesson left rather quickly after that, leaving him and the rest of his party alone in the techno-organic wasteland.
The last thing he saw before he finally passed out was Airachnid staring at him with unblinking optics, almost definitely recording and saving everything into her seemingly infinite memory banks. Whether to use it as blackmail against him or the Quintessons, he wasn't sure. But he'd have to ask for a copy later as... proof.
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writeyouin · 3 months
Lost light megatron trying to have fun with his s/o, but kinda failing cuz he thinks of all the ways it could go wrong? (Maybe they’re on a planet in a theme park?) and reader has to convince him to let loose?
Megatron X Reader – Let Loose
A/N – Slowly, whittling my list of requests down.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Megatron snatched the cotton candy from you, earning a startled look from the vendor and the surrounding people alike. You, on the other hand, merely smiled, knowing what he was like.
“Babe, it’s not poisonous,” You told him patiently, waiting for him to agree.
Megatron tore off a piece of the fluffy treat, scanning it with a device he had procured from Red Alert; that bot was equally paranoid about all the things that could poison you, or that could contaminate the ship’s supply of energon, or that could… Actually, the list of things that Red Alert was paranoid about was endless.
He hummed and passed it back to you begrudgingly. While it was true that the food wouldn’t kill you, it wasn’t very good for you either, which is exactly what he told you after you tore a piece off, popping it in your mouth gleefully.
“Would you lighten up?” You laughed, elbowing him playfully. “Today is supposed to be fun.”
Megatron followed you through the Carnival that Rodimus had insisted on making the Lost Light stop at. Frankly, he thought that he had been doing well by not complaining that it was a waste of time and energy to visit such a trashy attraction, especially when the crew had to make use of their holo-forms which increased their energon consumption by 3.7%. That might not have been a lot for one bot, but when used by the full crew, it would ensure they practically ate through their energy reserves.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but how exactly would you have me ‘lighten up’?” Megatron used air quotes upon repeating you.
“Just cut loose. Have fun for the day, okay?”
Megatron scowled. His idea of fun was composing poetry to sum up his deepest thoughts and clear his processor, or to spend an evening with you, consuming some of the universe’s best literature, while you spent time on one of your hobbies.
Frankly, this was when another bot might comment on how odd your relationship was. You and Megatron were not alike. You were loud, carefree, and energetic. He was sombre and contemplative, and he preferred not to waste energy on frivolous activities.
Yet, Megatron found himself wanting to please you. Part of this stemmed from the idea that he didn’t believe that he deserved you, and partially because you asked very little of him, taking the relationship one day at a time while he learned how to navigate it with you.
“Very well,” Megatron sighed. “I shall…” He tripped over the words cut loose, finding the slang un-endearing, opting to finish by saying, “Try to relax somewhat.”
“That’s all I ask,” You chuckled, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the first game of the day.
It was a simple ring toss over some bottles, with various prizes hanging overhead. You spotted a plushie armadillo which was arguably the most hideous of the prizes, yet it held your attention, your pupils dilating at the sight of it.
“Oh yeah, that’s coming home with me.”
And so the game began. You tried again and again to win the creature, putting more and more credits on it, much to the vendor's satisfaction.
Megatron watched, bemused, until finally, he grabbed your shoulder, shaking his head disapprovingly.
“What’s wrong, babe? You want a go?”
You held out a ring to him. Megatron glowered first at the bottles, then at the vendor. “You should leave this game.” He told you matter-of-factly. Then in a whisper, he added, “My sensors show that it has been rigged. Winning is a statistical impossibility.”
“Oh,” You deflated. You had already guessed that the game was rigged, but it had been fun to try all the same. Half-heartedly, you threw the last ring before walking away. “Okay… something else then.”
Megatron silently cursed himself for upsetting you, but it was better you knew now rather than trying to win the impossible.
Your eyes lit up again when you saw what had to be the world’s most unstable rollercoaster.
“How about that?!” You pointed to it excitedly.
Megatron scanned the structure, messaging Ultra Magnus to see how many laws it broke. According to him, the ride had 36 structural weaknesses, broke 17 laws, and would only be legal on 3 planets.
You shook your head as Megatron’s face set into its default scowl.
“Oh, come on, please,” You begged, clasping your hands together.
“I won’t stop you, but I shan’t join you,” Megatron said drily, thinking about how he would be prepared to shed his holo-form and rescue you when the ride inevitably flew off the tracks or something equally terrible.
“Really? I can’t convince you?” You pouted.
“I should think not.”
You opened your mouth to argue until Rodimus ran into you, “Hey (Y/N). You here for the coaster?”
“Yeah, I was about to get in line. I’m just asking Meg-”
Rodimus rolled his eyes, “Megatron isn’t going to join you. It would mean having fun, something he’s completely allergic to, you know, alongside joy, laughter, puppies, flowers-”
“Shut up,” You punched Rodimus playfully in the arm.
Megatron watched as you and Rodimus played, eventually getting his approval to go on the ride together. It sometimes amazed him that you hadn’t chosen to enter a relationship with someone like Rodimus. The two of you were quite similar and had a good rapport.
Megatron sighed as he watched the two of you on the ride. He was somewhat you were relieved that you were with his co-captain. At least that way you would be safe with him should something happen. One person with you, and another on the ground in case something went wrong.
Yet, remarkably, nothing bad happened, except for Megatron putting yet another damper on the day, making him practically miserable.
Once you had come off the ride, Megatron made his excuses to go back to the ship, leaving you alone with Rodimus. He had much to think about when it came to the two of you, and frankly, he felt like he needed to find some reasons that the two of you were together, especially after such a disastrous excuse of a date, wherein he had only helped to sour your vibrant mood.
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Megatron startled at the sound of the doorbell ringing.
He answered the door to find you, holding tightly onto the plushie armadillo that he had claimed was impossible to win.
“So, you somehow won the ring toss,” He stated, gesturing to the toy.
“Nah. Rodimus distracted the guy there and I took this,” You held out your prize, grinning victoriously.
“Stealing?” Megatron said doubtfully, thinking about what a terrible influence Rodimus could be.
“I’d like to think of it as liberating a plushie who needs a lot of love. Besides, you said it yourself. That guy was cheating, so it’s only fair he loses a prize or two every now and then.”
Megatron nodded stiffly, his optics following you as you entered the hab-suite.
“I’m sorry-” He started, surprised when you said “Thank you,” at the same time.
“What’re you-” “Why are you-”
You laughed as you both spoke simultaneously again, gesturing for him to start first.
“I- I’m sorry for leaving you at the fair,” Megatron sighed in his usual melancholy tone. “And you don’t have anything to thank me for. Believe me, I should know.”
You grinned, holding back a bout of laughter since you didn’t want Megatron to be offended.
“I’ll admit, I was sad that you left early, but… I wanted to thank you, for a really good night.”
Megatron didn’t respond. Frankly, he couldn’t see how you had a good time with him at all.
“I know the carnival isn’t your scene, but you went with me anyway, and… I love having someone who looks out for me all the time. I think it’s really sweet that you don’t want me to get conned out of my credits, or get hurt on the big rides, or, y’know, die from poison. I love you, Megatron.”
That wasn’t the first time that you had told Megatron you loved him, nor would it be the last, and yet, you always said it at the most unexpected times.
“I… Love you too,” Megatron said haltingly, scared as usual that his vulnerability would lead to a terrible end for the two of you. “Would you like to spend the night here?” He offered.
“Sounds good to me,” You beamed.
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tinydefector · 3 months
Megatron rut cycle
Word count:1.9k
Warnings: smut, nsfw, somewhat non-con, Consent given, G/t, oral, sex, valveplug, heat cycle, rut cycle, human/robot alien
Sorry this took so long ended up on a holiday, and then got sick but here it is before I work on editing another prowl piece I wrote while sick.
Megatron masterlist
Rut cycle masterlist
Megatron optics land on one of the humans that was still inside the autobots base. Megatron wasn't planning on sticking around after the agreement had been struck with Optimus. The human moves around reading screens and taking down notes unaware of Megatron's presence in the room. A pen hangs from their lips as they work. their presence in the Autobot base causing a stir amidst the rut cycle chaos. Their attempts to assist the bots do not go unnoticed by the Decepticon leader, his gaze lingering on their form as they check charts and read energy levels. "Hey OP was checking your energon level readings like ratchet said…" they start before turning only to tense up and freeze when they realise it wasn't Optimus standing there. They instinctively take a step back, a subtle sign of their unease being in a room by themself with Megatron. 
Megatron's optics continue to linger on them, tracing their form as his engine snarls in need, ruby optics narrow as he watches each little movement from them waiting to see how they would respond. Their eyes dart around looking for one of the Autobots, their breathing becomes slightly shaky and the scent of fear and the subtle Arousal  has Megatron exventing almost like a snarl. "Bee!" the human shouts out, their voice filled with a mix of panic and desperation. But before they can utter another word, their voice is muffled by Megatron's servo as he glares down at them.
The human's reaction triggers a mixture of irritation and amusement within him. He finds their fear and vulnerability amusing. With a low growl, Megatron takes a step closer to the human, his presence looming over them. "Do not waste your breath calling for the Autobots," he hisses, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "They cannot save you from me." His words carry a hint of sadistic pleasure, relishing in the fear he instills in them. They shutter in his hold before Megatron speaks again. “if I wished to Harm you I would have done it by now” he huffs out. 
As the human's muffled voice fades, as they look up at him with pinched brows trying to figure out what he wanted. They squirm slightly, their body trembling against Megatron's servo as they gaze up into his crimson optics. As Megatron looks down at the human, his mind briefly entertains the idea of interfacing with them. The thought of indulging in an almost taboo act, more out of his distaste for humans, but they seemed so soft and pliable in his servos. It's tempting. After all, he is Megatron, the powerful leader of the Decepticons, feared by many. But the question lingers in his processor: Is he really considering interfacing with a human?  
The notion is both intriguing and unsettling to Megatron. He is no stranger to unconventional desires, having experienced the pleasure of interfacing with Cybertronians. But a human? It is uncharted territory. Megatron prides himself on his control, but also the fact at that moment he was fighting his systems which desperately wanted to interface and the sweet scent coming from the human was making each second harder to reign his control. 
"What do you want from me?" They ask in a shaky voice, The human's question hangs in the air. Megatron continues to assess them, his optics scanning their form, taking in every detail. And indeed, he can see why Optimus was entranced by this human.  
With a low, rumbling chuckle, Megatron leans in closer to the human, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "What do I want from you?" he muses, “ I require assistance with an issue." He does state much, leaving it rather vague over what he wanted. They both go quiet before they finally let out a small, “oh” in realisation of what Megatron was asking for.
“I didn't think you liked humans” they mumble softly, trying to avoid looking at his optics, Megatron was an intimidating bot and even worse so whenever bot in the perimeter was acting like a feral beast due to their rut. 
“I will not hold you here against your will, tell me to leave and we will never speak of this again” he states, optics fully focused on them. They shutter under his gaze as his servos traces over their arms. They let out another shuttered breath before finally meeting his optics, taking in the mechanics and shimmering lights that flicker behind them. “If I agree to help you with this issue, you won't hurt me?” They ask, trying to not let the fear so in their voice.  
Megatron lets out a deep hum as if contemplating their request. “I give you my word that no harm will come to you from my hand nor my order” he states. They shutter at his words. They give a little nod to him to continue, despite everything Megatron is rather gentle with peeling their clothing off his digits tracing over their skin as if to admire.
 They lay there looking away from him in embarrassment goosebumps follow in his wake. As they gasp, they find themselves pinned down to the table by Megatron's large frame. "Such vulnerability," Megatron purrs, his voice laced with smug satisfaction. 
As his digits continue to explore their skin, tracing patterns, Megatron leans in closer, his voice dropping to a low tone. "Hmm, I wasn't expecting humans to be this pliable and ..soft" he whispers, his words a tantalising promise. "I can see why the Autobots seem to enjoy your race so much."
They squirm more as he leans over them the sound of his frame creaking, pistons and gears grinding. their eyes dart back to him before they feel his mouth on their shoulder. A small little moan leaves them and it makes Megatron chuckle as he indulges on the sweet taste of their skin. "Fuck.." they whine out before one of their hands shoots out to grab the side of Megatron's face as he slowly trails down their body.
"Fascinating," Megatron murmurs, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and arousal. "I can smell your need." He relishes in the effect he has on them. The taste of their skin is intoxicating, and he indulges in the sweet sensation, savouring every moment of the taste against his glossa. 
Their whine of pleasure and need only fuels Megatron's desire to explore further. As his mouth trails down their body. The touch is both a desperate plea for more and a feeble attempt to assert some control in that moment. 
Another moan leaves them as Megatron spreads their legs, his mouth moving between them as his glossa traces over their arousal, the taste has him nearly drooling, "Fuck!, fuck! If one of the Bots walks in and you're dead!" They whisper and yell at him. A low growl rumbles from deep within Megatron's vocalizer as the human's whispered yell reaches his audials. "Then you'll just have to keep quiet," Megatron responds, his voice dripping with amusement. "Let them watch, if they dare," he continued. 
 They gasp and arches against his glossa as Megatron continues to pull them down onto it. Despite his general disdain for organics, this particular individual has managed to captivate him, igniting a desire within Megatron that he cannot deny whether it was his rut or their soft body he didn't care at that moment. With a deliberate slowness, Megatron withdraws, watching as they quiver on the table before him. His optics narrow, a predatory glint shining within them. He knows that he will keep this human for himself. There is something about their response, their vulnerability, that entices him, drawing him in deeper.
As his interface panel releases, Megatron's spike presses against one of his servos, he lets out a deep guttural groan as he slowly strokes his length, optics staring down at the human spread out on the table in front of him, the anticipation of claiming them building within him. With a swift, calculated movement, Megatron positions himself, pressing his spike against them and slowly grinding it against them, enjoying how soft they are. 
 They cry out as he slowly presses into them,  each inch has them clawing at the table and his plating, pitiful whimpers leave them as he stretches them open. Their body writhes and convulses under the force of Megatron's thrust, a mixture of pleasure and pain intertwining in every movement. their body stretched open and their pleas echoing in the air. 
When Megatron is as far in as he can go he stops. Letting them adjust, his servo brushes across their face, they twitch and whimper softly, their body trembling under his much larger frame. With a low, gravelly voice, Megatron leans in closer to the human, his servo gently brushing across their face. "Such fragile little creature," he growls, his tone dripping with dominance and a hint of sadistic pleasure. "But the idea of filling you, of leaving my mark on you... it's tempting, isn't it?". His servo takes up more than half of their waist as he slowly pulls them onto his spike, grinding into them as a melody of moans fall from their lips. 
They moan and clench, feeling every inch of his spike. Transfluid slowly leaks from Megatron into them with each thrust. "Fuck Megatron " they whimper sweetly.  His thrusts grow more intense, Megatron leans in closer to the human, his voice dripping “I can see the outline of me spike within you," he growls, his words laced with a chuckle as his digits brush across the outline of bulge. their body trembling under his frame. 
"Please,please!" Breathless pledes leave them with each thrust as they claw at his plating. Megatron feels them clench around him, their moans of pleasure driving him wild with a deep snarl, he can't help but be consumed by the intoxicating sensation of their body and scent. The tightness of their grip on him feels as if they are trying to extract every drop of his transfluid, milking him like a pleasure bot. The thought alone sends shivers of delight down his spinal struts.
With each forceful thrust, Megatron relishes in the way their body responds, their stomach bulging with the delightful pressure of his spike. His optics drink in the sight, savouring the visual feast before him. "So eager for me" he growls, his voice dripping with dark desire. "I think I might just have to keep you for myself." He groans. 
Cries leave them as their orgasm hits, wails fall from their lips as Megatron continues railing into them, his spike driving deep within their smaller body. The sensation of their orgasm pulsating around him only fuels his hunger, his need to claim them completely.
With a dark, commanding tone, Megatron growls, "That's it, my little plaything"
Megatron's thrusts become more urgent, Another choked moan leaves them as they clench tightly around Megatron. As he reaches the pinnacle of his pleasure, a primal growl escapes his vocalizer,  his field singing in delight. He can feel their tightness gripping him, their walls clenching around his spike, urging him to release. 
They gasp and whine as transfluid overflows from them running down their thighs as Megatron continues pumping more into them soft purrs fall from him as he grinds deeper. With a mixture of satisfaction and possessiveness, Megatron admires his work, his voice laced with a dark, smug tone. "Look at you, my little vessel. Overflowing with my fluid, it suits you well". He chuckles. The sound of shouts around the base alert him to the Autobots along with the sound of heavy foot fall. “I believe we have been caught” he rumbles against their ear.
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smallestapplin · 3 months
Hello! you can make Yandere Blurr, Pharma and Tyrest x Cybertronian female reader wife
I always did like them crazy. Also I apologize I don't feel confident in writing Tyrest, even reading and reading his wiki I can't get a good read on his character QwQ
🔞Warnings : toxic behavior, threats, talks of harm, implied noncon, past murder. I wrote little scenarios too ^^ 🔞
- Blurr is a puppy, if you could place him in a category. He is always so happy to see you, always at your side attached to your hip, and if he's on a mission he gets it done in record speeds just to run back to base for you, yelling your name and tackling you into a hug.
- He's so sickeningly sweet to you, always showing up for you, helping you work, and always does something spontaneous to keep you on your pedes!
- You'd never believe a soul that Blurr could harm friends or allies, not unless you saw it for yourself. He is always such a sweetie, and the reason you agreed to bond your spark to his.
- You even told Bee you just couldn't believe him without evidence "I know Blurr can get a bit sassy, but threaatening to crush your spark in his servos? That's just not like him."
- Blurr knows this, he's not dumb, he knows you placed your blind trust and faith in him, and he will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. It's why he glares, snaps, and makes snide comments to any boy getting too close to you. Even puts on the waterworks, crying about how mean the bot you finished speaking to is, just to make you comfort him and avoid that bot unless for work.
- He loves you, he loves you so so much and never fails to tell you or show you.
- But sometimes it's overwhelming, you never get a moment to yourself, you are never alone to collect your thoughts or to process your feelings on anything, Blurr is right there, cooing at you and nuzzling his helm into your neck cables.
- Even though you're tired, you never ask him to leave you alone, last time you sighed and asked for space he was sobbing, clinging to you harder, pleading with you to not leave or abandon him, that he can't live without you.
- "I want you, i need you! I-I can't live without you! I don't know what I'd do without you- pleasepleaseplease don't leave me, I love you!" Over and over and over again. It had you worried and guilt ridden, leaving you to never mention space again.
- You even apologized to him after that, never meaning to upset him.
- It's like he's draining your battery dry, sucking away your life force.
- But you stay by his side like a dutiful wife, helping him on missions when it's needed, smiling when he comes back, kissing him any chance you get.
- You feel like you're drowning in his love, suffocating you.
- Even as you lay in your shared berth, wide awake, Blurr sleeps in a peaceful stasis laying on top of you.
You sigh, your neck cables stiff from such a long time staring at your data pad and working on reports, but you're glad you got a large chunk of it done, you can finally go to your habsuite and relax.
Your spark clenches at the sound of rapidly approaching pedesteps. You try to hide your exhaustion, just in time to turn around and get a blue glob lunging for you.
You catch your husband with ease, use to his antics by now.
"Ohhhh I missed you so much! The mission was terribly boring but nothing I couldn't handle. Have you eaten yet? I want to have energon with you."
He speaks so fast, excitement showing in his words.
"M'sorry Blurr, I was just about to go to our habsuite and go down for a cycle. Prowl has been on my aft about reports, and I'm tiring."
He looks so crushed, his face plate a mix of sadness and rage.
"He's so pushy and such a workaholic! I have half a processor to go into his office and give him a piece if my brain module! I can't believe that guy, pushing my poor wife for his stupid reports."
He goes on such a long rant about Prowl, pointing out everything the bot has done wrong or the frankly harsh things he's said, you hate to admit that Blurr has a point but you are fond of Prowl.
He's rough around the edges but a nice friend to you when he opens up.
"Blurr, sweetie, it's fine really. Prowl has been swamped with reports and I don't mind helping. He's actually a nice bot once you get through his walls."
Blurr's expression looks like you just shot him. He clings to you, digits practically sinking into your back strut.
"Y-you've been hanging out with him without me?"
"It's just for work. Blurr, you know I love you and would never dream of leaving you, but I'd like to have some friends, even if they are just work friends."
Your spark aches at the sight of his optics welling up with liquid.
You just know you're going to have to start comforting him and avoid Prowl at all costs if it makes him this upset.
- lying to yourself in hopes you'd believe it. Pharma is a menace, you tried so hard to be kind to him, yet your kindness is what lead you here, bound to him in everything but your spark, it's at least the only thing he can't force upon you, no matter how many times he opens your spark chamber.
- No matter how many times he's tried to force the bond, always so calmly muttering his love for you, it never works.
- You once had such a fiery spirit, such a fiercely protective and loyal bot before Pharma got his servos on you. He broke you. The last time you managed to escape him and find help, he just killed them, toyed with them for fun no matter how much begged him to spare them. New parts for him.
- You never forgave yourself for being the reason those innocent bots met their ends, and Pharma takes great pleasure in that. You curl into such a cute ball and silently cry yourself into stasis, with him right behind you, curling around you and buring his face plate into the back of your neck. You want to scream, to sob, to upchuck and empty your tanks at the disgust of feeling his touch. His arms around your waist, holding you so tenderly, rubbing his thumb across your mesh like he's been an adoring lover this entire time.
- If you leave he will just find you.
- "What, you're not going to run again? My, but it was such a fun game we played!" He laughs.
- Pharma flips between knowing you don't love him in return, but not caring as he loves you and that's all that matters, to having moments of truly believing you're just playing games with him, such a playful darling he has! You just want to keep your marriage exciting, right?
- You try to lie to yourself, that you do love him, you love being at his side, you love ensuring he has plenty of energon, you love him.
- You miss the old him, the old Pharma you married, the old Pharma you promised to spark bond with once he returned form work but he never came back. Only for him to come back some years later to...being like this.
- He's draining, but he always makes sure you've eaten today, always makes sure you're safe, always makes sure he's kissed you and said he's loved you today.
- You can't fight him forever, you both know that.
- Why keep fighting when you can be a good little wife and accept his love?
Everyday it's the same, every cycle is new but nothing changes, you're still in the same dark abandoned building. You avoiding leaving your makeshift habsuite and a few other areas, not wanting to hear anything Pharma is doing further in the back.
You don't want to hear screams that get cut short, and the whirl of a saw.
You don't want to hear or see anything, you just want to pretend this is all a nightmare, but you know you can't wake up from it.
You just want a sense of normalcy back, to be back at your nice home on Cybertron before the war, laughing with coworkers and friends, greeting your husband with a smile.
Now you can barely stand to look at him without fear gripping your spark.
He's not the bot you married.
You lay on your berth, back facing the door as you don't want to see him, you don't even want him to see your face you don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your fear.
Your body trembles hearing his pedesteps growing closer. You will your body to freeze and squeeze your optics shut, just in time for the door to open. Pharma pauses in the doorway, looking over your resting form.
You've been going into stasis a lot more than usual, and a lot more than is recommended, but he can't be too upset with you, after all you look adorable when you're resting.
He moves quietly throughout the room, cleaning up the energon from his face, servo, and saw, knowing you don't like him leaving such a mess.
"I know you're awake, Dear."
You bite your derma holding back a whimper, but remain unmoving
"I'm worried you're sleeping too much, that's usually the first sign something is wrong. Funny how you could be sick, and don't you come to me with it, I am trained in this you know."
You can hear the smile in his voice, as if he didn't kills bots just to meet a quota, tortured someone you called friend, and then all of this.
You'd rather die than let him know anything.
"Are you truly so tired you can't tell me? No matter, I'll find out next cycle, yeah? I'll let you get some rest."
Your optics widen as he lays down behind you, his saw moving to rest under his helm, and his free arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Your back against his Chassis, his face into the back of your neck, pressing feather light kisses across your cables.
Pharma hums, chuckling softly at the feeling of your body shaking. His servo tightens its grip on you, keeping you flushed with him.
"So cute, I wish you'd let me dissect you to figure out what makes you so irresistible."
He laughs at hearing your involuntary whimper.
"No, I could never, but I'd much rather you be my pretty nurse."
You just want to go home and away from this monster.
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