#daffodils and daisies btw
sboochi · 1 year
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Listen, I know that whipping out a self portrait when none was asked for sounds like some shit a 16th century count would do.
No, there is no "but" for that sentence.
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monsoon-of-art · 8 months
Donut Hole - Chapter 19
Plant Life
I saw a ghost on the stairs And sheets on the tables and chairs The silverware swam with the sharks in the sink Even so, I don't know what to think
I've been longing for daisies to push through the floor And I wish plant life would grow all around me So, I won't feel dead anymore So, I won't feel dead anymore - Plant Life, Owl City
[In which Laventon is MVP, and Dawn feels a bit betrayed.
[ao3 link]
Not quite out of the woods yet…but soon :) I do have ideas for a sequel fic, btw. But we're not there yet. And! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY POKEMON LEGENDS ARCEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN!!!! Thanks for sending me back down a hyperfixation rabbithole that has somehow gotten me into buying retro Pokemon Games and DS consoles!]
Dawn turned towards Deertrack heights. “Help! Please!! He won’t wake up- please! ”
She knew someone would come eventually. Either from atop Deetrack heights or from Jubilife - she could’ve sworn Palina and the Professor were just behind her.
Someone was bound to help.
Someone had to be nearby to answer some questions at the very least.
How long had Barry been in Hisui? Why was he in such a rough shape? What had happened to him? Why hadn’t anyone told her? Sure, maybe she wasn’t exactly friends with the Wardens and Leaders, but didn’t they trust her? Didn’t Adaman and Irida listen to her sobs about Barry? Surely they would’ve remembered…
When she called for help, Dawn did not expect the metaphorical avalanche of people and pokemon that began descending down the hill.
Leading the charge was a strange pokemon, one that was strangely familiar but equally as alien. Dawn could recognize the traits of a ralts evolution when she saw one, but this was…not right. Somehow both, somehow neither.
Regardless of what it was, it was tearing down the mountain like a crobat out of hell with murder in its eyes.
Running directly at her-!
Dawn yelped, trying to move her body to shield Barry from whatever this pokemon was going to do.
Luckily, her bag shifted as one of her pokeballs forced itself open.
Her Alpha Lopunny, Daffodil.
The charging pokemon came to a skidding halt just before her and the Lopunny, the two engaged in a fierce, yet silent stand-off. The Gardevoir-Gallade stood, bristling with barely contained anger.
It moved to attack, what looked to be a close combat. But the rabbit was faster with her own attack, play rough. It was clear just from the Mystery Pokemon’s expression that it did not expect the attack, and that it was very painful.
And yet, it charged again. Hellbent on attacking her for whatever reason-
It clicked. This was Barry’s pokemon.
“Daffodil, st-” she began to say, but there was no stopping Daffodil now. Not in the heat of combat. The lopunny ducked under the punch that the Gallade-Gardevoir tried to throw and threw her own.
The second play rough hit just as hard as the first. The Gallade-Gardevoir stumbled back, trying hard to stay standing. But its legs buckled, and it collapsed to its knees. Finally, it fell onto the ground.
The pokemon was unconscious, for now.
It did not stop the horde currently coming their way.
Lord Adaman and Mai arrived first, on the back of Wyrdeer. Adaman began to say something along the lines of ‘put the boy down’, but was unable to finish. Unfortunately for Adaman, he was swiftly descended upon by an Alpha Honchkrow.
The rest of the Wardens and Nobles were subsequently attacked by seemingly rogue pokemon - the aforementioned honchkrow, a snover, a prinplup, and a shiny mothim. Some of these pokemon weren’t native to the Fieldlands, how far had they traveled to get here? Why were they so aggressive?
Dawn’s head was swimming with questions. So much was happening all at once. Trying to decide on what to do first was difficult, but she settled on quelling the furious rogues.
The enormous rabbit slowly turned to Dawn with her wide, unblinking eyes, waiting for commands.
It was honestly a miracle that she listened to Dawn at all. If she had to guess, it must be a 50/50 chance. A flip of the coin.
Dawn glanced over at the chaos, seeing the Honchkrow grab a large chunk of Adaman’s hair in its beak and starting to yank. But upon noticing her, the enormous bird let him go and started to head her way.
“Take out that Honchkrow!”
Flip of the coin. Heads.
Daffodil rubbed her paws together, creating the static electricity needed for a Thunderpunch.
Diving down, talons raised to swipe at Dawn, the honchkrow was either oblivious to the incoming attack, or maybe it thought it could take the damage.
Either way, Daffodil slammed her fist into the bird’s stomach, knocking the large bird out of the sky with her electrical attack.
Daffodil watched the honchkrow fall to the ground, then turned her dark eyes to the other rogue pokemon. She needed no instruction for what else needed to be done.
With blazing speed she surged into the crowd, readying her paws for more of her signature punches.
Palina and Iscan caught up to the chaos, Lord Arcanine whining as he slowed to a stop.
“Such chaos, caused by a single child-” Palina began to say.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Asked Dawn, voice trembling with hurt feelings and fear. “Why didn't you tell me sooner?”
Palina looked into the girl’s tear-filled eyes, mouth open…but nothing came out. She tried again, glancing at Iscan for support, but words still evaded her.
Daffodil made quick work of the Snover with a drain punch, tossing the unconscious pokemon next to the honchkrow. The prinplup and mothim had noticed that their comrades were swiftly falling to the fluffy behemoth, and switched targets to attack the lopunny instead.
Adaman and Irida could finally approach Dawn without risk of being attacked. “Dawn, oh thank Sinnoh you’re here!” said Irida as she dismounted.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked again, hoping for an actual answer. “You knew! You knew! And you kept me in the dark! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Irida shut her mouth faster than a shellder at that. “Because…” Adaman started to say, looking apologetic. “Because we weren’t totally sure. And I didn’t want to raise your hopes in case it wasn’t.”
Dawn tried to blink away tears, turning away to not look at them.
Finally, Laventon and Rei, her saviors, arrived. The professor was panting and sweating, but here nonetheless. “R-Right…right…now, what’s…all the fuss?” 
He placed a hand on Dawn’s shoulder (or was he using her as support? Either way, she appreciated the gesture) and looked at Barry. “Good God, he’s in a state, isn’t he? This is him, right?”
“Yes, yes, and he might be dangerous-” Irida tried again. “Please, Dawn, put him down-”
“No! No no! He’s not dangerous! He’s my friend! He wouldn’t hurt a beautifly- he’s hurt! He’s hurt!”
Palina felt the need to step in again, finally finding her voice. “Don’t treat the boy like a criminal, Irida, look at him. He’s completely unconscious.”
The rest of the clans cautiously approached now that they weren’t being harassed by rogue pokemon. (Daffodil had defeated the prinplup and quickly added it to the pile, and was now chasing after the mothim).
“He is a criminal!” Melli shot back, despite not being part of this conversation, “Remember the damage he caused?! Our settlement under rubble? Your settlement on fire?!”
“Melli. Hush.” Ingo hissed.
Everyone was talking now, including people she hadn’t even met before. It was all blurring together into a horrible white noise. Dawn started to hyperventilate, squeezing Barry tight. If he were awake, he’d be trying to comfort her, trying to pull her away.
But he was unconscious in her arms, and no one was helping him.
“Professor Laventon.” Dawn pleaded, tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. “We need to take him to Jubilife, please.” When she squeezed Barry tight, she could feel his ribs and his spine, something she never could before.
“Here, let me take him-” Laventon began to say, holding out his hands to take the boy.
“No!” shouted Dawn, squeezing Barry tighter. “He did all of this for me! I’m not letting him go!”
He had traveled across time and space for her. He had traveled all over Hisui for her. He had worked himself down to exhaustion just for her.
Laventon knew very well that Dawn was close to her breaking point. He needed to get her away from all of this chaos, all of the yelling, all of the stress. Maybe then she’d be more comfortable with separating from her injured friend.
He clapped his hands together, speaking above the crowd.. “I think the Wardens should return to their settlements then! You clearly have some troubles back home, and I do think we can take it from here.”
He didn’t wait for an answer before gently taking Dawn by the shoulders and beginning to lead her away. “Come, come. That’s it, my girl. Let’s go back home.”
Then, Laventon looked over his shoulder to the clan leaders, mouthing harshly, “You two. Come WITH.”
“Lu- Rei. Rei . ” Dawn shimmied Barry in her grip to grab his bag, handing it off to her fellow survey corps member. “I think….those pokemon are his…can you see if they have pokeballs?”
Rei frowned. “How would a stranger know how pokeballs work?”
“I just…have a feeling he used them. He's very smart. Daffy! Daffy we’re leaving!”
Daffodil the lopunny tossed the unconscious Mothim onto the pile with a satisfied huff. Job completed, she parted the crowd of nobles and wardens to follow.
Mai crossed her arms. “Well, Adaman? Irida? What are we doing now? The boy seems to be in decent hands now. I doubt he has the capacity to do any damage in that state.”
“And if so, it’s definitely not our problem.” Gaeric added.
Irida hesitated. Adaman did not. “I think Laventon said it best. Return to the settlements, we'll take it from here.”
Sabi smirked, “Have fun explaining this to Kamado!” 
Jubilife had barely recovered from the surprise visit of Lord Arcanine when the survey team - flanked by both clan leaders and a giant rabbit - returned. 
Zisu was first to greet them. “You all caused quite the stir! Kamado is furious! Breaking our gates like that?” she shook her head. “I hope you all have a good excuse, or I honestly think he might start spitting fire.”
Laventon spoke first between panting breaths. “If you’d please…go tell Pesselle…we have a young boy in need…of medical attention.”
Zisu glanced down at Barry in Dawn’s arms. “...who is that? You know what? Doesn’t matter. Let’s get him to Pesselle. But you need to explain this to Kamado and Cyllene. I’m not risking my head getting bit off.”
Dawn made a quiet noise of fear. Laventon rested a hand on her back, speaking softly, “My girl, everything will be just fine, I will make absolute sure of it. Let’s get your friend to Pesselle, and she’ll fix him right up.”
Zisu jogged ahead, with the group following close behind.
The doors to the Galaxy Hall swung open. Adaman and Irida stepped inside, but before Dawn could enter, Laventon stopped her. “My dear girl. We can take it from here.”
Dawn shifted from foot to foot, glancing down at Barry's face. He looked dirty and scraped up and thin. 
“B-But professor-”
“I know. I know. But I want you to go home and relax. Because once we get your friend into the medical wing, Kamado will want an explanation.” he said in a reassuring hush.
The idea of speaking to the terrifying force that was Commander Kamado was enough to cause Dawn’s face to drain of all color.
“Exactly. And quite frankly, you are completely innocent in this whole mess. The Leaders are the ones who kept this whole thing to themselves, and it spiraled out of control. You did nothing wrong.”
She squeezed Barry tight. For a moment, it felt like he was squeezing her back. “...can you promise me he'll be OK?”
Laventon nodded. “My dear girl, I won't let anything happen to him. I'll take him straight to Pesselle, and when things are settled down, you'll be the first to know.”
Dawn finally relented, carefully handing off Barry to professor Laventon. “He’s…lighter than I expected! Thank goodness for that!” Laventon said, trying to crack a joke.
“Why don’t you wait in your home. Rei or myself will come get you when everything is settled, alright?”
Dawn’s lopunny nudged her with a soft rumble, giving the girl a lick on her head, trying its best to be comforting. She took the offer, absentmindedly stroking its long ears. “O-OK professor. I’ll…I’ll go wait. Everything will be fine?”
Laventon nodded with a smile. “Everything will be fine.”
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winterchimez · 2 months
your moots as flowers? :3
omg hi anon!! this is such a fun ask/game & i'll try my best as i look through the list of flowers on google asdkjadnk
@sungbeam - sunflower (adoration & loyalty) im sure everyone thinks the same way abt you but you're literally a CELEBRITY, the best 妹妹 ever on this earth and where are my photographers at we planning a red carpet for you rn 😤 (btw it just so happens that sunflowers = changmin so 😙)
@from-izzy - forget-me-not (true love & memories) if the meaning doesn't speak for itself enough then idk what will. forever my soulmate till the end 💜 (also now its my turn to get mad at you for *coughs* 😄)
@justalildumpling - roses (love, passion, beauty) if you ain't the hottest and prettiest writer out there then idk who is my bestest dongsaeng ilysm 🫶🏻
@ethereal-engene - gerbera daisy (cheerful & innocence) you're literally a ray of sunshine you make me laugh a lot (esp with the challenge that you have been taunting me for months now 🌚
@daisyvisions - daffodil (new beginnings & rebirth) with what you have told us in our gc abt your irl stuff i think this suits you best!! also cs you're our unnie & i somewhat think yellow suits you a lot 💛
@aimeecarreros - chrysanthemum (friendship, joy, honesty) literally one of the funniest people ive ever met, never change. waiting for the day we meet in person to scream at the top of our lungs out AMEN 😘
@snowflakewhispers - freesia (friendship, trust) you know too much about me & my sister from my neighbouring country. here's to more bickering & saving each other asses whenever & always 😙🩷
@drunkdrazed - aster (patience & elegance) you're literally the sweetest person i know & you're always treating everyone around you with so much love & patience i don't deserve you 🥹🫶🏻💗
@h0mebody-heaven orchid (beauty & strength) literally one of the toughest ppl i know!! im so so glad we hit off right away & heres to us praying that we take over as wayv managers in the future AMEN 😤
@kyaroscuro - lavender (calm, serenity, devotion) another sweetest person ever like where are yall coming from 🥹 glad we hit off almost right away (i think it was bcs of my hyunjae series if im not wrong jasnkand) here's to more convos & stories abt both of our new adventures irl!! 💪
@stealanity - hibiscus (delicate beauty) matty unnie isn't just beautiful on the outside but on the inside too!! literally such a reliable older sister that i've met here and i know that i can always count on you no matter what. i miss you a lot & i always wish you all the best in everything you do unnie 🥺🫶🏻 @quaissants pansy (love & affection) my OG gremlin i love you loads (even though you torture me with daddy sangyeon pics every single time we try to start a conversation but know that i always got your back no matter what ❤️
@sanaxo-o crocus (cheerfulness) you're 1/2 of my gremlin and you're literally so unhinged (like sometimes i honestly dk what goes on in that head of yours kasdnaksjdk) but i think it's only bcs we're this close that we could literally talk abt anything (even if sometimes they made absolutely no sense but it's always fun talking to you, and i miss you a lot my sabrina wifey 🧡)
@cloverdaisies gladiolus (strength of character) the OG toughest person i know. forever clo my love, and i promise you that our frienship is def gonna last for decades, and i will get my ass to EU again one day so JUST YOU WAIT 💚
@kimsohn sorrel (love, healing, protection) my maya 🫶🏻 i would literally drop everything for you and protect you at all cost 😤 i treasure you sm and know that im always here for you no matter what 🩵
@gluion camellia / tsubaki (strength & bravery) honestly i feel like moni can do literally ANYTHING like they're so frickin talented in everything they do and i admire them loads 🥹❤️
@mosviqu goldenrod (encouragement & growth) bar is literally the sweetest like you're always keeping so many of us in check 🥹 coming to ask how we have been doing, and just the best at giving ppl words of encouragement which lowkey makes me forget that you're younger than me sometimes kankajsn
@juyeonszn zinnia (thoughts of friends) it's been a while since we last catched up, but im sure you're out there busy doing everything you can to survive!! im always rooting for you and i wish you nothing but the best in everything you do!! miss you loads my bubba 🤍
@itsbeeble ivy (affection, friendship, fidelity) my pookie 🥰 we're always hyping each other up, and you have no idea how honoured i am to be your moot like i was one of your biggest fans / reader before (and i still am!!!) i love you so bad 😔💚
@strayed-quokka salvia (wisdom) my other daddy sangyeon half (even though you refuse to share 90% of the time 😒) literally if talent was a person it's definitely lennon. again, someone that i really look up to and so glad we became mutuals 💛
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enigma-imagines · 1 year
OKAY PEOPLE. So, I love flowers. Flower symbolism especially. So, doing some somewhat legitimate research, I decided to see dig deeper into the flowerbeds of mystery that is Welcome Home, to see if I can uncover any symbolism.
I’ll be using the flowers from the picture below, thank you. And of course, credit to @partycoffin btw check them out they’re incredible
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Let’s start with this lovely flower
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By my guess, it seems to be a daffodil of some kind? The closest flower I can get currently.
Now, daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings in many definitions. White daffodils tend to hold a desire to be transformed and move away from selfishness. They are also known as Narcissus, who in many stories was a man obsessed with his beauty and eventually turned into the flower when he perished.
Next flower!
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Not gonna lie, there are many flowers that this could be. I’ll give my best guess, of course.
First, Gerbera Daisy. Egyptians believed they symbolized a closeness to nature and devotion to the sun. In general, they usually symbolize innocence, purity, cheerfulness, all that jazz. It looks very similar to daisies in general, what with the dark center and the formation of the petals.
Second, Black eyed Susans, or Coneflower. They tend to be a symbol of encouragement and a symbol of adaptability in some definitions. Supposedly, it’s also a symbol of Justice? But I can’t currently verify that. The petals and dark center again line up well.
Now for the last one
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Now, I have two more guesses for this one.
Rose. Now, warm colored roses hold a meaning of affection and warmth when gifted to a friend. Roses in general tend to symbolize desire and love, of course.
Carnation. Now, Carnations also symbolize a form of love, but also mean fascination and distinction. It’s seen as the official flower for Mother’s Day, given the meaning behind it with the Virgin Mary. It’s colors have different meanings, all in some form or another in relation to love.
Of course, this is all mostly just my ramblings and not really any theory stuff. I just like trying to analyze things I find interesting! Do with this information what you will and fact check it because I am NOT a professional in the slightest.
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Do you grow any flowers
Have you ever made a flower crown
Favorite and least favorite flower just tell me more abt flowers pls(?)
My family and I tend to (try to) grow lilies of all sorts, lupin, heather, poppies, and an array of wildflowers.
I have made flower crowns before, using two different techniques that I would be happy to share if you wanted. I've made a few daisy crowns but I've made more of dandelions (because we have more of them here!)
Favourite flower is either hyacinths or narcissus, and I don't have a least favourite! I love all flowers, really, even weeds like dandelions.
Additional flower things (because you have given me a space to talk about them so I will):
Daisies are an invasive species where I live!
I really like the wild rose, Alberta's provincial flower
Roses mean very different things in floriography depending on colour. For example, a red rose means romantic love, but a yellow rose means friendship.
My two favourite flowers have meanings in floriography based on my favourite Greek myths. Can you tell why they're my favourites?
To add to the last point, hyacinths are from the myth of Hyacinthus and Apollo, and narcissus (common name: daffodil) are from the myth of Narcissus! Btw Narcissus deserved better and fuck Aphrodite for that one thing in particular
Fun fact: the hyacinth that we know today was likely not the flower that Hyacinthus turned into in the actual myth. I don't know how it's described in common interpretations, but it isn't really the flower we know now.
Canada's 150th anniversary was also celebrated with a white tulip with red accents called a "maple leaf tulip"
To thank Canada for sheltering their princess in World War 2, the Dutch royal family sent Canada 100,000 tulips in 1945. That's a lot of fucking tulips.
The tulip mania! That was a thing that happened and something that I would totally write a (maybe video) essay on! It really started in 1634, and ended in 1637. Tulips became extremely desirable and thus expensive, causing what was effectively mass hysteria over them.
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lilikags · 6 months
daffodil, sunflower, delphinium for the ask game? love your theme sm btw 🩷🫶🏻
omg how was i not following you
daffodil- what color suits you best?
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apparently this one, according to my bf
as for me i just know i like pastel colors!
sunflower - sun or moon?
delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you?
what is that ??
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IM HONORED!!!! Yes my blog (and my dms/asks) are always here if yall need anything
To me your blog is like a florists shop. Filled with kind people who understand beauty. A place to go if what you want is to talk about carnations, the weather, and maybe softer subjects like love
I am dropping off snacks in your shop btw. Can't have my kids going hungry while at work❤️
WAUGH...... /pos
i am giving you a free bundle of fresh-picked daffodils and daisies and white roses!! <3 - idia
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hemmohoran · 2 years
daffodil, rose and daisy<3
hi celine!! thank you for sending these 🥹
daffodil: what color suits you best?
so i don’t really know lol. i think that bright colors suit me because they make me look less pale but honestly idk what colors actually look best on me
rose: describe your crush
so he’s around 6 feet tall i would say, he’s in one of my classes (sits right next to me btw 🤪), very kind, thoughtful, and is very good with kids 🥹 (and the gc approves of him so that’s always a plus)
daisy: what’s your best childhood memory?
ok so i can’t really remember most of my childhood (god how sad it that) but one memory that i do have is when barney would sing the “i love you you love me” song, i would hold the edge of my tv to pretend i was holding hands with barney lol
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northern-loner · 1 year
daisy and daffodil!!
Daisy(What's your best childhood memory?): Probably when I still lived up north and my family had a whole snow day in our backyard.
Daffodil(Which color suits you best?): Ppl say I pull off red rlly well
[here's the ask game btw!]
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what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
1. evermore by taylor swift and bon iver, and roslyn by bon iver and st. vincent. they're both calm but good songs and they help me calm down if i'm upset. (believe it or not, i'm actually not a bon iver fan those are the only songs i listen to.)
2. jumanji welcome to the jungle is a pretty big one for me. another is ant-man and the wasp. and another is the avengers.
3. pumpkin spice, apple cinnamon, and lavender.
4. daisies, daffodils, or crocus.
5. most online friends, and my irl friends brynn and keira.
btw by 'most online friends' i mean basically if we've been talking a while i feel safe being myself around you.
thanks for the ask!!
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grisly-hoe · 2 years
if anybody seeing this recognises me from my tma shitposts from 2020/2021 and has extra money
ermm why haven’t you handed it over
$ghostingvegas (cahsuapp only unforutneatly)
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despairpoet · 6 years
mr morning glory
mr morning glory has passed away tonight the rose man spoke in the midnight light mr gardenia mourned his dear blue love while sir lotus pondered his years, alone with a dove the lilies ran across the hills ms bluebell yearned for safety and ease boy dandelion wished for his mother daffodil simply wished for another camellia held their hands, a smile on her face magnolia danced, unaware of tragedy not knowing how miss amaryllis gazed and sang for him and the buttercup boy had his mind laced with poison miss daisy unaware, her heart will be broken mr morning glory gone without a trace gardenia wept at his lovers deathbed as he thought of his vows ‘i’ll soon be back’ 'please hurry’ ‘i promise’  and in the sunrise mr morning glory rose and danced in the limelight with his dear lover and best friend
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elareine · 4 years
If you're still taking prompts maybe some JayDick but Catlad or Hemlock Jason? Robin or Nightwing is up to you. I just think it would be sweet. Merry Christmas btw
Thank you, and merry belated Christmas to you, too!
“Hey, mom. Hello, dad.” 
Every year Dick makes this pilgrimage. As he always does, Bruce has offered to come with him; the idea feels wrong, though, so Dick is here alone. 
Well. Not quite alone, he hopes. 
“I didn’t bring you any flowers this time,” he continues, “I’m sorry. There was an incident with the car, and, yeah. You should’ve seen how Bruce swore. Really, sometimes I think he forgets that I’m there…” 
He keeps talking like that—funny things, sad things, important things, all of them wrapped in codewords just in case someone is listening. And at the crunch of gravel behind him, he becomes aware that someone is. 
Turning around, Dick sees a boy standing there. He’s probably two or three years younger than Dick, and he’s holding flowers. 
“Hello,” Dick says, giving the word a questioning note. 
“Hi.” The kid nods towards the gravestone. “I’m sorry about your parents.” 
“Were you there?” Dick asks, a little exhausted. Sometimes it feels like his parents’ death belongs to everyone who watched, even everyone who had ever seen them perform, instead of the people who loved them. 
But the boy shakes his head. “Nah. But I’ve seen you return to them, so they must’ve been good parents, right? Most people, they stop coming after a few years.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, they were.” Dicks still confused, though, and it comes through in his voice. 
The boy rubs the back of his neck, looking faintly embarrassed. “… they’re for you. I noticed you, uh, didn’t have any this time.” 
He holds the flowers out for Dick. With their stems uneven and the leaves slightly dirty, they’re clearly wildflowers, a rarity in Gotham. Dick has no idea where the kid even found them. 
He smiles at the younger boy and takes them. “Thank you. What’s your name?” 
But the kid shakes his head and runs away. Dick looks after him, frowning. He wonders, just a little bit, what a child of that age was doing here. Then he shrugs it off—kids like hanging around graveyards. 
The flowers look beautiful on the grave, like they belong there. 
Dick doesn’t think about it again until the boy turns up again the year after. 
His name is Jason. 
They become friends or something like it. They meet in the park by the graveyard, and Jason doesn’t talk about his family, and Dick doesn’t talk about being Robin, but it feels like they know each other, nonetheless. 
And then, one year, Jason doesn’t come. 
Dick waits for him. He waits, and he talks to his parents, and he runs out of stories and sunlight before he stops waiting and goes searching. 
Too few people know Jason even exists—existed. Dick wonders how that’s possible—how a boy so obviously bright can just vanish with barely a trace. 
Finally, when he goes through police reports, he gets an inkling of what happened: An accident involving chemicals, two streets away from the graveyard. A tanker that flipped over and exploded, burning so hot they never identified all of the victims. There are no reports of a child being hit, but… it’s the best explanation he has. 
Dick makes sure to pay the transport company’s offices a visit, and then another one to the chemical plant where they’d decided that the cost of safety was higher than the value of human life. And he builds a grave. Just a small memorial on the plot next to his parents’, the one he had originally reserved for himself. 
They share their anniversaries, after all. 
Every year, Dick brings flowers. No carefully crafted bouquets anymore; no, he keeps his eyes open for beauty by the wayside: the daffodil growing between curbs, the snowdrops on the lawn, the dandelions and daisies between the weeds. 
He’s kinda surprised Poison Ivy hasn’t reprimanded him for his newfound habit yet. Sure, she seems busy with her new sidekick, and picking a few flowers is nothing next to large-scale environmental destruction, but she’s always liked picking on him for the smallest things as Robin before. Why would she stop now that he’s Nightwing? 
“Maybe she understands grief,” he tells Jason’s gave. “It’s… looking for the flowers has opened my eyes, in a way. Thank you.” He swallows. “I still wish you hadn’t, though.” 
Three years after Jason’s death, a stranger is standing by his grave. 
No, not a stranger, Dick realizes when he steps closer and sees green skin. Hemlock—a menace to Bruce, a wildcard as far as Dick is concerned. Unlike his mentor, the guy seems to be just as concerned with human life as plant rights. They’ve been on the same side in fights just as often as on different ones. 
“Uh. Hi,” is all Dick can think to say. After all, they’re not supposed to know each other in his Civilian identity. 
Hemlock jumps. “You—“ he says, but he’s already turning away, and then he’s gone, running toward the exit. Dick stares after him. What on Earth brought that on? How strange. 
When he turns back, he sees that his parents’ grave is covered in tiny, white flowers. 
Today marks fifteen years since his parents fell to their deaths. Dick is an adult now, with his own life, his own family. And still, he tells them: “I miss you.” He doesn’t think that will ever stop, even if it’s an adult’s grief now, mourning the chance to ever get to know his parents as people, to have them in his life as the solid wall of support he’s always known them at, but in the background. 
With Jason, it’s a bit different. The wound still feels so fresh, and Dick can feel the tears well up in his eyes when he tells the second grave: “Miss you, especially.”
For some reason, mourning Jason has just been so—so—difficult. That’s it. As if he’s not really gone. 
“Don’t think I’ll ever stop blaming myself for that,” he adds softly.
“You don’t need to,” someone says. 
Dick startles. What the fuck? 
Hemlock steps out of the shadows behind the graves. This time, though, he’s not wearing a mask. This time, Dick can see his face, and—
“Yeah.” The younger boy—man—gives a little wave. “Surprise, I guess.” 
“But—“Dick realizes with terrible clarity what must’ve happened. The accident, the chemicals—and Jason clutching the flowers. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
Jason’s jaw shifts forward mulishly, and oh, that’s a much more familiar expression. “I’m telling you so you can stop with that shit. I’m a freak; that’s all there is to it. It’s fine.” 
You’re not a freak, is Dick’s first instinct, but he has been around metas enough by now to know that that won’t help. Besides, Jason is still talking. 
“I’m sorry, I never wanted to pull you into this world. You can do better than this. I just wanted to let you know that you can—you can stop with all this and go on with your life as normal.” 
…Dick can’t help it; he has to laugh. It’s more relief than amusement, but this is also pretty funny.
“Jason. We literally took down a drug ring together last week,” he chuckles. “I’m not—I’m not exactly normal, either.” 
Understanding dawns on Jason’s face. “Nightwing?” After a moment, he shakes his head. “You’re still human, though. Not… this.” He stretches out his vines behind if as if wanting to prove his point. “That shit is ugly.”
There is no hesitation. Dick reaches out his hand, smiling encouragingly when Jason hesitates. “Your vines are a part of you, Jason,” he says, and oh, how good it feels to say that name again and not be addressing a grave. “How could I ever think they’re ugly?” 
Slowly, carefully, a vine reaches back, curling around his hand when Dick doesn’t flinch. 
Between them, a beautiful flower grows.
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.)
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Hi! If it isn't too much to ask, what are each heir's favorite flowers? (Your game is so cool btw! 💜 it lives rent-free in my head, I love it!)
oh don’t worry! 😊 flowers live rent-free in my head!
aloof heir: daffodils
rude heir: chrysanthemums
shy heir: sunflowers
sarcastic heir: lilacs
flirty heir: daisies
charming heir: roses
thanks for the ask! in the game currently, some heirs might still say a different flower, but this is in the process of being fixed. 😊
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katealot · 3 years
Sage and lavender for the ask game :]
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aw anon :) my fav flowers are daisies and daffodils btw 💛
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no-mercy-bby · 3 years
What is your favorite flower and/or plant?
Mine are baby's-breath and Lavender 😊🖤🌿
Oooh!! I have a soft spot for succulents (which mine are doing great btw) For flowers I really love buttercups(yellow daffodils?) and red roses. But I also really love daisies-
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