#dahl tf
hirotheinkling · 2 days
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bemodreamy · 2 years
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
#ask the tfs cast
To the seven teens! What do you think of Princess Asha?
Also, did you know there are also other versions of her? 👀
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@annymation @flicklikesstuff/ @oh-shtars
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Dahlia: other versions? Is this like a multiverse theory? Wait, how do the timelimes— I mean lines! How do they work? Or are they like different universes—
Gabo: bet all the other Ashas suck too. No way any of them are friendly
Dario: *signs* Actually, I met another Cielo who used sign like me
Dahlia: how does that even work? Does RSL translate across the cosmos?
Safi: Best not to think too— ACHOOO! Ugh. Too much about it, Dahls.
Simon: I have a feeling that other versions of me aren’t well-liked
Gabo: please. If anyone isn’t well-liked, it’s that royal brat
Hal: I think we could be friends! I bet the other Ashas are nice. I think ours could be too! Maybe…
Bazeema: how many others do you think there are? Because that’s a lot of people…
Hal: Do you need a break now, Baz?
Bazeema: no, I think I’m okay. Thank you for asking, though…
Ah okay! Seven teens! The bloody colouring aspect… I need to try to figure out how to do the linework. Gabo, Hal, and Simon’s designs are not totally finalized yet! Gabo’s especially.
I love love love how many asks I’ve received to talk to the TFS cast! Please feel free to ask as many as you’d like!
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mousegard · 5 months
How and when did the whole mouse fixation start? It’s fucmkin cute
it started when i wrote the popola vs. shaft fight scene in my nier automata/castlevania crossover fic "the long night at the end of the world" because i thought you know it would be funny and cute to have a wizard duel where popola gets turned into a mouse and has to figure out how to win while being a mouse. then @radiocabel got me into fire emblem three houses, i found out that edelgard is canonically afraid of rats, and i spent the next 6 months writing edelgard mouse tf fic. now it's such an inescapable part of my identity that i have friends who literally call me mousegard
so, in short, you can thank roald dahl for writing "the witches" and quentin blake for illustrating babby's first tf sequence
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adamprrishcycle · 2 years
I know it’s not canon on paper, but amongst nickname discourse, you can’t convince me that Ronan hasn’t ever called Adam Matilda.
I mean - a genius and self-sufficient kid, who isn’t an orphan but might as well be, who develops supernatural abilities and learns about the power of found family?
Not to mention Aurora totally read the boys all the Road Dahl books when they were kids. Adam Parrish as Matilda truther here.
I love this parallel 😭 he totally would be like “alright, easy matilda fucking wormwood” and adam would be like who tf is that?
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kiss2012 · 9 months
putting the rest of my skam thoughts under the cut cause i have so many
im now 100% sure i originally stopped watching s4 after episode 5 LOL which was kinda real of me cause this season was umm a mess
i do believe s1 and s3 are masterpieces. s2 and s4 on the other hand have…some issues
still haven’t reached a verdict on s2 and now it’s been a while since i finished it and so all i will say is that my feelings r still complicated
that being said vilde’s kinda an icon for saying “what if william’s a psychopath who killed noora”
why is yousef going to turkey.
i think yousef not being muslim is a really good plotline i just wish it had been given a proper amount of focus. because i dont want sana to compromise her beliefs obviously. but at the same time im sitting here thinking as a muslim i love islam but i dont agree with lots about it and i dont think that makes you a bad person necessarily. but i do think yousef goes to turkey and regains his faith and converts back for sana ❤️ because they are true love ❤️
penetrator chris does not deserve a damn clip all to himself
vilde coming through in the end for sana is really so <33 wish there had been MORE FOCUS on their friendship in this season…
penetrator chris texting jonas for advice about eva is fucking hysterical
i don’t have anything against eva and penetrator chris even if i vastly prefer eva/vilde or eva/noora but im an eva and jonas truther to be honest. i will forever wish jonas got a season to himself that ended with them getting back together
magnus making fun of william is so real
even’s clip is perfect no notes. i mean yes notes because ideally this season would have focused more on even’s relationship with sana and the balloon squad and his past. but anyways.
ok i think william’s clip is quite sweet actually BUT i don’t think he needed one or if he was going to get one THE REST OF THE SEASON SHOULD HAVE FOCUSED ON SANA
eskild saying he and linn think noora is much better than william and aren’t his biggest fans ❤️
mikael is so damn fine…
not sara and ingrid pulling out the “not even water???”
k if it’s playing for eva and jonas & sana and yousef as well that’s acceptable.
the show starting and ending with a speech from jonas 😭😭😭😭
having finished all of s4 i think that i am…glad i finally watched it all? there were a lot of good parts about this season but even if the end of episode 8-episode 10 made me satisfied when i reflect on what happened before that i get so irritated.
i really love episode 10, but if it was going to happen this way then all the other episodes should have been far more focused on sana. for me rather than wrapping things up episode 10 instead emphasizes that there’s way more story to tell here and that there should have been 6 seasons…but whatever…
i think this season did a lot of good & what im most glad about is that it avoided the whole western stereotype about muslim parents & sana’s family was great. if we could cut out half the noora stuff, develop sana and yousef further, GIVE YOUSEF SCREENTIME, give jamila more screentime also, pick up the dropped storylines about elias, have the girl squad actually interact (and have sana interact with chris and eva and vilde not just noora…she and noora are obviously close but why tf are there like no scenes of sana talking with the others alone), have the balloon squad and even properly talk, have even explain things, have sana and even interacting, remove half the annoying russ bus stuff, remove that terrible terrible sara plotline, and follow through on the ideas present in the first 4 episodes of the show. then. this could have been a really great season. as it is i have my criticisms but i did cry and i do love them. sana <3
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mechgymleaderalar · 7 years
The Baker’s Dirty Dozen [Alar/Callie]
Alar stood outside of the Sticky Sensations Bakery, run by the town-famous Dwarven baker Hylda Orrlvater. She was currently crying into her hands as a couple of her attendants and bakers stood behind her, also in shock and tears.
Behind them, the bakery was in ruins: flour and jams had been splashed and splotched and powdered everywhere, the dishes and pans were strung about the floor haphazardly, and none of the pre-baked goods could be seen. Nothing was on the shelves save for a few randomly dropped donuts.
There was easily almost four feet between them in height and Alar found his way to his knees to both talk to and console the dwarf woman as she explained what happened.
"I just don't undahstand, Alar... It was all 'ere last night! The pans were in their proper places, the pots in the cupboards, the flour in tha' pantry! Who woul' wanna rob me! Oi'm jus' a simple baker, I ain't even got no hus-band!" She dropped her face back into her hands and began crying once more.
"Hylda, you know how it is durin' Treasure Fest, too many thieves for their own good... Didja have the door locked last night?"
"'Course I did, ya bloody Troll!" She smacked the back of her hand against Alar's head, though noticably, it was gentle. "Disminrella locked 'er up all nice an' tidy last night!"
She let out a loud bwooooohooooo and dropped her face once more against her palms. "I just dunno what to do! Tha' guild's too busy for me, I'm sure!"
"If I can help, I'll help, Hylda..." 
Her eyes glanced up over her fingers to Alar, and a glimmer came to them. "You'd do that fer me?"
"O'course I would... You know I'd live here if you'd let me."
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kahli-ofatara · 7 years
Falling Into Fate [Callie & Alar]
Calliope was starting to get used to the crowds in the center of town, but on this day, it seemed even more crowded than ever. It had been a few days since she had encountered the troll and suffered a minor injury in their battle with the two blights. In those few days, she kept low and out of sight, debating her next move. It was true she wanted to live her own life and be her own person. She wanted to blend it with those around her and act as if she hadn’t been responsible for numerous murders. Humans didn’t seem as bad as she had first thought they were. And, ironically enough, it seemed she could blend in well enough with them, enough to live the kind of life she wanted.
But at the same time, she still felt conflicted, and thought perhaps it better to be among those with powers similar to hers, now that she knew such people and creatures existed in the world. She wasn’t as alone as she first thought she would. It seemed, to her, that was where she would most belong.
Despite all that, Dahlthir was clearly a town with a mixture of races of all magical powers, which, in reality, would have made for the perfect place for her to blend in and feel at home. But she did not feel at home. Of course, how could she when she refused to give it a chance.
In the end, she decided she didn’t want to stick around. Of course, luck would have it that on this day, it seemed impossible to navigate the streets. She bumped between people as she tried to find the way out, but only got herself more turned around, which only made her more and more irrationally angry. She  balled her hands into fists to keep herself from clearing a path for herself.
As she walked, she was jostled about further. Children ran between the legs of the adults and people milled between shops and stands, pressing in closer around her. She took a step forward quickly in hopes of escaping, only to find herself tumbling forward as her foot caught... something. Someone else’s foot, most likely.
Of course, she didn’t fall very far, falling against a tall figure. She caught a familiar glimpse of someone she had previously encountered, and she all but groaned as she fell into the troll.
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
also another tidbit in terms of her speaking    (    or not    )    in endwalker you may end up having a voidsent    grumpily    relaying what dahlia is signing or speak for her in situations where required.    good luck dealing with a hungry and bitey voidsent.
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dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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     ➽ Event 01: Treasure Festival
     Finally, the time has come! The inns are bursting to full capacity. The streets are overflowing with strangers and stories from towns and cities and lands over. The market has spilled onto all the other roads and plazas. One cannot even try to forget this festival’s presence! Everywhere you go there will be some new aroma in the air, some charming magic of flowers or bubbles or floating runes catching the wind, and the merchants. The festival has come and brought all manner of mystery to Dahlthir and you may partake in them as you wish.
Information: The festival has finally arrived! The mood of the town is one of excitement and light-hearted fun. Of course, there are those that wish to take advantage of all this levity, all this eagerness to see and experience and buy. This event will last ten days but any threads made during the event may be continued after! The main part of the Treasure Festival will last seven days but the Sunfire portion of the event will take place during the last three. Meme days during this event will be reduced. The only meme day that will be active during this event will take place on Saturday. 
Date: 10.05 [However, may be extended if people request!] Tag: #dahl tf Extra: Our NPC blog and Ultima Union will have some special event-related posts!
This event is meant to be light and fun and maybe a little bit silly! That doesn’t mean all of your threads have to follow with this theme but it does mean that the town may have a lot of fun shenanigans and funny business going on!
The town has received a huge influx of adventurers and many want to test their mettle against those of Dahlthir! It wouldn’t be surprising if one or two challenged our resident adventurers to some friendly monster hunting or dungeon diving competition. A few have taken to issuing a ‘Test of Courage’ having to do with the Old Mansion.
Various Guilds have entered into the Treasure Festival’s Auction! How did Dahlthir’s Ultima Union fare? Tune into Ultima Union’s blog to find out! 
Quite a number of merchants are selling unique wares! Check out our NPC blog to stay updated on their Special Sales! Each Sale will have instructions on how to buy the item.
The final day of the Festival will feature the Sunfire! It is by no means a formal event but it is one that only comes by once a year. A bonfire, free food, drinks, and music. What’s the harm in dressing up a little and hanging out with friends? It’s also an ideal time to ask someone out on a date for all you couples or hopeful hearts out there! If you aren’t one for bonfires and dancing, you could, instead, come as a guard, medic, or server and get some good pay! There won’t be another Sunfire for a while so why not experience it while it’s there? [There will be a post for when Sunfire begins!]
Some RP Ideas
Shopping! Why there’s so many new stalls, new caravans, new everything! There are all sorts of things from weapons to daily knickknacks like self-filling teapots and fairy light pebbles. Oh, it’d be best to venture with a friend, though, as some traders have been known to sneak spells and curses within their transactions. One minute you’re buying a minuscule fountain and the next you’ve given them all the memories of your first home! Some have been known to take on ‘apprentices’ for a never-ending duration. Be careful to what you agree to and what you actually buy!
The town’s new arrivals can get pretty rowdy. There aren’t just bar fights but street fights as well and many of these fighters are armed with weapons and magic! 
If you look strong or are part of Ultima Union, you’ll most likely get confronted by rival guild members or cocky adventurers. They could come up with any kind of challenge from killing a number of slimes to venturing to the end of a dungeon and taking on a boss monster or even reaching the end of the forest or the peak of the mountain before them. A few, however, have made a Test of Courage dealing with staying overnight at the Old Mansion.
A whole lot of our local business owners are overwhelmed with orders! Many are asking for help either in their store or out of it with deliveries or more supplies.
With these powerful visitors, mischief is definitely afoot. Some bored witch or wizard may pick you and a few others to play with. You and someone else may find themselves in a dream maze needing to find your way out. You could also be, for a day or two, transformed into a cat or a frog or a small bird. Who knows what could happen? Certainly not I! 
The Sunfire takes place on the final day of the Treasure Festival. Why not make plans with someone you know?
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dahlnpcs-blog · 7 years
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Products: here Restrictions: none Cost: each product costs one secret or one confession Buy: here
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brisksunrise · 6 years
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Nobody, not even the police, would believe Joe Chill in his rants and ravings about the young girl being a complete monster. Due to some trace amounts of a strange toxin found within his body, and the minor hallucinations he was having towards his surroundings, it was thought that he was just some drug addict confusing fiction for reality.
‘Mary’, meanwhile, would receive a stern talking to from the Waynes. Both for being so reckless in confronting a dangerous mugger, and for having the items she used on Chill. Though they were very grateful that BatDoll was able to protect them and keep things from ending up worse, they didn’t approve of her getting into potential danger while under her watch.
The fact that she had the items she did wasn’t all that strange, as both the Waynes and her parents were well aware of how the girl liked to tinker and make things. Though they agreed to keep what she did that night a secret from her parents if she promised to never do anything so dangerous again.
Bruce, meanwhile, was awestruck by how ‘amazing’ his friend was, going so far as to compare her with Zorro.
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mattiassamuelsson · 6 years
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Dev Camp Day 3: Dahlin and Guhle combine to win mini 3v3, forwards vs defense. ( 06.29.18. )
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cata-linaa · 4 years
haikyuu facts that are undoubtedly true
part 2: electric boogaloo 
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aka the extra ones i forgot about or cut bc that post was mad long
part 1
characters: a bunch
word count: hmmm
pairings: in your dreams dahling, actually maybe a lil tanaka x kiyoko bc i cry over them a bit
howdy! i have a few ideas for what i want to write next but i’m not sure if i want to do mainly prose or bullet points like this, but sorry for the break! i just moved and it was kind of stressful for me to adjust but i’m back in business :)
as of 2/6/21, requests? open!
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noya and terushima do the ⛹️‍♂️➡️⛹️‍♂️⬅️🔁⛹️‍♂️ thing whenever they run into someone in the hallway (you know EXACTLY what i mean)
i firmly believe atsumu gave the entire msby team covid, and sakusa was ready for MURDER, hinata cried (bc no practice), bokuto asked if they could all quarantine together for a two week long team sleepover to “keep their friendship healthy too”
whatever that means, at least you’re pretty
remember g-force? the movie with the spy rats? (what are they, like hamsters or something? don’t fact check me i’m too lazy to look it up) yeah, that’s tanaka’s favorite movie of all time
he begged his parents for one as a pet for five-ever, but they never said yes, he’s asked kiyoko a couple times with the same answer
kuroo has his father under the name “y chromosome 🧬” in his phone (i’ve seen this irl on my friends phone who’s in stem and yknow if the shoe fits-)
fukunaga likes to wear socks with really fun patterns on them, his favorites are a toss-up between blue cowprint and bowling alley floor patterned, everyone on nekoma is lowkey excited to see what socks he pulls up to practice in every day, he has so many different pairs
aone gets sunburnt very easily and so during the summer he has a permanent blush across his face, no matter how much sunscreen he puts on 
at least twice a week, kenma gets so pissed at lev that he just throws whatever he has in his hands at him
once it was a whole phone and he just sent it flying towards his face (you ever get hit by an iphone, especially the bulky ass ones from 2012? that shit HURTS) he had a rectangular bruise on his right cheek for a solid month
speaking of lev, he can’t swim, he forgets nearly every time and then freaks tf out when the pool floor drops after the shallow end (he’s so tall though, yoU SHOULDN’T BE THAT CONCERNED YOUR HEAD IS STILL ABOVE THE WATER-)
suga LOVES the trisha paytas drama and keeping up with what she’s doing, if she posts or says anything major on social media, he always knows immediately and it is everyone else’s problem for the next three days, because that is all he will talk about 
in his second year oikawa did a literal hunt for ushijima’s phone number in high school just to block it. He finally got it from someone in his class and was like “take THAT!” and did a big show of hitting the “block button”. There was literally no change from before. 
on a totally unrelated note, ushijima didn’t have a phone in his second year. 
don’t tell oikawa, he’s fragile about this kind of thing
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citrine-elephant · 2 years
spiraling down a headcanon rabbithole and running into the problem of “when were the flynts born” and “was baron born on pandora into the privilege of being a prison guard over prisoner, or was he elected via good behavior, or was he born off world” and also “were zane and captain born on pandora and into captivity or did were they too part of the ‘elite’ prison guard folk” and “are these ideas remotely canon beyond baron being a former guard” AND “WHEN DID DAHL LEAVE PANDORA” AND “HOW TF LONG WERE THEY EVEN ON THE PLANET” 
and i’m struggling with the idea of baron being a little bitch and complaining about zane and captain’s “lack of table manners” because they do not give a shit about forks and sporks and shit and will stab you in the leg if you touch their food. and then there’s a whole argument, and granny’s hate-gravy gets spilled, and it’s a whole thing.
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Are you still in school??? How tf do British schools work? Reading every Roald Dahl book somehow did not help me figure your shit out (affectionate)
lmao yeah summer here is mid july until the start of september, it’s only 6ish weeks 😂 and yeah british schools and american schools are very different as far as i’ve heard
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