#dahlia pea
peapod20001 · 6 months
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topoet · 10 months
November Blossoms
Flowers in November, still in full bloom two weeks ago, mostly in my neighbourhood! autumn crocus dahlia sweet pea pink roses roses more pink roses blanket flowers pansies Hey! You can give me $$$ to defray blog fees & buy coffeesweet, eh? paypal.me/TOpoet
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contempocrossstitch · 1 month
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Purple Flower Pack - Cross Stitch Patterns
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sweetpeaslut · 11 months
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quietachene · 1 year
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saturnsorbits · 3 months
Umemiya doesn’t give me flowers until we’ve been dating for two and a half months…
The bouquet is beautiful. A mix of fresh dahlias, gladioli, peonies and sweet pea all arranged with delicacy.
They’re stunning and I tell him so, thanking him with a kiss; only to receive a sunflower smile as a hand cups the back of his neck. ‘I’m sorry it’s taken so long.’ He confesses. ‘I planted them after our first date, they only bloomed this morning.’
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frost-queen · 11 months
Sibling's sport (Teen!Reader & Glenn Rhee ft. Maggie)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex–awesome–22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Maggie's teen sister. One day you ran away from Alexandria to explore. When coming face to face with Glenn you nearly shoot him, thinking he was a walker. When Glenn starts scolding you, you call him an asshole as he can't help it but comment back to it. Bickering and toying around like siblings all the way back to Alexandria where Maggie has the laugh of her life, upon seeing you and Glenn.
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A window slit open in the morning glow. The sudden sound sending a flock of birds flying that had been nestling on the roof for a morning rest. A backpack got send through, falling with a thud on the grass. Then a foot, up to a leg and half a posture. Grabbing onto the top of the window, you kept your balance. Sticking your other leg out to join them together. Setting your hands down you changed position. Slowly lowering yourself to decrease the fall height. Arms stretched out holding on to the railing, you let do, falling down. You landed down on the grass beside your backpack.
Gravity having pushed you down and knocked you off balance down below. Getting half up, you dragged your backpack closer to you over the grass. With one sweep it was over your shoulder. Set and ready, you took a run for it. Alexandria as quiet as ever. Everyone still fast asleep. You went towards the back avoiding being spotted by Daryl, who was sometimes an early bird too. If he saw you, he’d question where you would be going. He’d either tell your sister Maggie or decide to tag along. You liked Daryl but this was something you loved doing on your own.
Running up to the fence, you started to follow it down the line. Searching for that spot to easily get over it. There it was. You smiled in delight running up to it. All was left to do was climb over it. Seeing the garbage can nearby, you dragged it closer to the fence. Crawling on top of it, you got over the fence, landing down, sinking to your knees once over. Dusting your hands off, you started to run for it. Leaving Alexandria for what it was to explore. You kept running till you got to a clearing. Slowing down. You pulled out your knife, keeping it close for when you needed to use it.
Nearing the danger zone. The woods were a dangerous place for walkers to roam. Easily for them to sneak up on you and catch you by surprise. In the distance you spotted a walker walking mindlessly, their head slightly tilted to the side, close to their shoulder. They were far enough to not see you. Without making any sounds, you kept a close eye on them, going a different way. They got out of sight as you neared a creak. Taking a leap. Jumping over flawlessly. The sudden sound of walker’s snarling caught your attention.
Turning your head instantly out of instinct, you exhaled loud. The tension slowly leaving your stiff posture. Not far from you was a walker tangled up between some wires. Their legs dangling in the cold water. You walked over to it holding your knife out. It began to snarl louder and squirm in your presence. Wanting to have a bite as it hungered for it. Kneeling down you grabbed a hold of it’s head. Their jaw violently snapping your way. A few teeth already missing. – “I give you mercy.” – you whispered before jamming your knife deep down it’s skull.
It pierced easily through the skull as the walker went silent. Jaw hanging loose as you retracted your knife from it. The blood on it dark and smelly. Their brain must have been rotten for a while now. Getting back up, you continued your way. Finding peace in solitude. After a while you looked up. Seeing how the sky was pure blue. Not a cloud in sight. You thought back of Alexandria and how everyone must have already woken up.
Shaking your head you didn’t want to think longer about them. The trees cleared way, fewer trees standing tall as you neared a small town. Mushy leaves made way for hard streets. Cars parked carelessly around. You rounded a car leaping back when a walker thudded their head against the glass. Aware of your sudden presence. They kept bumping their head against the thick glass, hands gripping wildly before them, held back by the belt. You backed away. Walking in the middle of the road to avoid the cars.
Who knew what was hiding behind them or in them. You went over to a convenience store. The windows dusted, some broken. Nearing the broken window, you took a peek inside. Not seeing anything at first sight. Kneeling down you removed your backpack. Unzipping it to search it. Taking out a pebble, you moved your backpack over your shoulder again. Throwing the pebble through the broken window you heard it clatter against the ground. Waiting and watching carefully for any walkers. Whispering the counts till you rounded at thirty and still nothing had surprised you.
Finding it secure enough you broke the window more to crawl inside. With a thud you landed on your feet, broken glass underneath your boots. Moving your backpack to the front, you kept it open to stuff useful supplies in it. The first shelves were empty. Plundered. You went down each row looking for something useful. By the middle you found some interesting things. For some reason a wooden spoon. You bagged it, thinking Carol could find use for it. Some canned food that still looked worth consuming. Further down the back you found a dusted bunny.
Already missing an eye and a rip in the side where the filling was coming out a bit. You thought off Judy and how she would loved it. There must be some needles and thread back at Alexandria to patch it up for her. You carefully pushed some filling back into the bunny before putting it in your backpack. There was some more canned food and some dry snacks. You also took every medicine you came across. Who knew when you needed it. Going back outside you looked around the deserted town. Something about this silence making you feel small yet grand as well. You went to sit on the hood of a car, taking out a snack.
The city’s was yours. An overwhelming loneliness. Time seemingly standing still as everything around it began to dust. The glory of the town long gone. Now but a shimmer of it’s former glory. Something in the distance made you narrow your eyes. A walker dragging her feet between some cars. You set your snack aside taking out your gun. Pointing it at firm at her. Deciding whether to shoot her in the head from up here. The shot could alarm others. Sighing loud you knew you had to get up and knife her. She disappeared behind some cars out of vision as you waited for her to reappear again.
Yet she didn’t. You kept waiting finding it odd you hadn’t seen her walk by. She must have. It started to alarm you that you hadn’t seen her walk past. Grabbing your things, you jumped off the hood. Gun in the ready you went over to the car. Wanting to see for yourself what happened. Did she find someone to feed on? Did she get stuck. Trip? Got killed? A thousand alarm sirens were going off in your head. Slightly frightening you. Holding your gun out, you neared the car. Going round you expected to find her. There was no one. Till you spotted her on the ground. Blood staining the street as she’s been stabbed in the head. It meant someone was out here with you.
Having a sudden sense, you spun around ready to shoot. Glenn shot his hands up at the sight of your gun pointing at him. – “Glenn!” – you called out. – “Are you insane I could’ve killed you!” – you lowered your gun. – “What the hell are you doing here by yourself?” – he shouted back lowering his hands. – “It’s dangerous to go out on your own. What were you thinking. You could’ve blown my head off with how jumpy you are!” – He called out. – “Then don’t sneak up on people asshole!” – you replied angered that he was threating you like a little child. – “Wow.” – Glenn breathed out with half a smile.
“I’m the asshole when you’re the one who pointed a gun at me.” – he answered. You rolled with your eyes, putting your gun away. – “Hey! Did you just roll your eyes at me!” – Glenn shouted as you walked away from him. His cheeks bloated with frustration that you’d just walk away carelessly. – “Y/n!” – Glenn said coming after you. – “Maggie was worried sick.” – he called out trying to catch up with you. You blabbed some annoying words out, using your hand to show him he was nagging. Glenn came to your side blabbering mockingly at you. It made you look bothered at him. – “How mature.” – you told him. – “I’m just mimicking you.” – he teased back with a sneer.
“You want an applause for that?” – you replied sarcastically. Glenn laughed annoyingly to let you know he found you ridiculous. You slapped him annoyed against his shoulder. Glenn narrowed his glare slapping you right back. It only angered you more as you slapped him right back against his shoulder. Glenn slapped you back as well. – “I can do this all day!” – he told you. – “So can I!” – you answered giving him a slap against the back of his head.
Nothing too hard, just a playful slap. Glenn and you were making your way back to Alexandria as he moved his leg up to bump it against your bottom. It made you stumble a bit forwards. As a response you gave him a nudge. Glenn nudged you right back. You wanted to nudge him back as Glenn’s expression hardened. He grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You stumbled forwards, lowering your head a bit when he moved his gun over your head. Firing twice to send a walker down. – “I could’ve gotten it.” – you told him. Glenn laughed loud. – “I didn’t know you had eyes on the back of your head.”
“Didn’t you know Glenny I do.” – you had crossed your arms, throwing him a teasing smile. – “Then I suppose you see this coming.” – he spoke tapping the back of your head. – “Hey!” – you called out as he took a run for it. You started to run after him. You wanted to push him as he grabbed your hands keeping you on a distance. – “Not close enough.” – he responded pushing you away. He jogged away as you went after him.
He darted away from your attempts to push him. Like a cat and a mouse playing around. The two of you neared the gates of Alexandria still playing around. Bickering and toying around like siblings would do. Maggie was waiting at the gate’s seeing Glenn give you a little nudge. It made you stumble a bit to the side as you nudged him right back. Maggie smiling at how she saw the two of you get along. Laughing as it reminded her of when they were younger and teasing each other.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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tsunael · 6 months
If there's anyone out there that cares about flower language and symbolism like I do, I made an informal write-up some time ago about the in-game flowers (that you can put in your house) and the different symbolism that they can mean.
I only included the symbolism for the in-game colors and also their general meaning.
Also as a disclaimer these could be incorrect, have contrasting meanings, or have different meanings in different real-world cultures. White chrysanthemums (kiku) are usually a funeral flower in Japan for instance. (My Japanese professor once said they were a faux pas for her to receive in a bouquet!) So your mileage may vary!
Now with added sunflower.
This was simply a fun personal project I made for myself that I thought other people might enjoy as well! So here's a question to answer in the tags:
What flowers would your WoL have in their residence?
Arums (calla lily) 🔷magnificent beauty, feminine modesty
Brightlilies (easter lily) 🔷purity, refined beauty 🔷White: virginity, purity, majesty 🔷Pink: wealth and prosperity 🔷Red: warmth, desire 🔷Yellow: gaiety, falsehood, "I’m walking on air" 🔷Orange: hatred
Campanulas (bellflower) 🔷humility, constancy
Chrysanthemum   🔷cheerfulness, "You’re a wonderful friend" 🔷Red: I love you 🔷White: truth 🔷Yellow: slighted love
Cosmos 🔷harmony, peace, modesty, "the joys that love and life can bring", beautiful
Dahlias 🔷dignity, elegance
Daisies 🔷innocence, beauty
Lilies of the Valley 🔷return of happiness, sweetness, humility, purity
Oldrose 🔷Red: I love you, love, beauty, passion, romance 🔷Blue: mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight 🔷White: innocence and purity, "I am worthy of you", reverence 🔷Yellow: decrease of love, jealousy, friendship
Shroud Cherries (cherry blossom) 🔷spiritual beauty, a good education
Tulips 🔷perfect lover, fame 🔷Red: declaration of love, true love, eternal love, romantic love, "believe me" 🔷Yellow: hopeless love, unrequited love, brightness, sunshine 🔷White: ask for forgiveness, purity 🔷Purple: royalty
Hyacinths 🔷sports, games, rashness 🔷Purple: I am sorry, sorrow, "please forgive me" 🔷Red: play 🔷White: loveliness, "I’ll pray for you" 🔷Blue: constancy, sincerity 🔷Yellow: jealousy
Hydrangeas 🔷heartlessness, boastfulness, "You are cold"
Morning Glories 🔷love in vain, affection
Violas (violets) 🔷modesty, faithfulness 🔷Purple: daydreaming, "You occupy my thoughts" 🔷Blue: watchfulness, love 🔷White: candor, innocence 🔷Yellow: rural happiness
Byregotia (begonia?) 🔷Beware
Carnation 🔷fascination, love, distinction 🔷Red: "My heart aches for you", deep love, admiration 🔷White: sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love 🔷Yellow: "You have disappointed me", rejection, disdain 🔷Purple: capriciousness, changeable
Moth Orchid 🔷love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady
Sweet Pea 🔷departure, good-bye, delicate pleasure, tender memory, blissful pleasure
Triteleia 🔷 They're a North American wildflower also called 'triplet lilies' or 'Ithuriel's spear' which is a reference to John Milton's epic English poem, Paradise Lost. It's about an angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a toad, is introducing evil suggestions into the ear of Eve when Ithuriel pokes him with a spear. Satan then returns to his true form, "... for no falsehood can endure Touch of Celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness."
So, I can't find any symbolism for this one. Would make a possibly good Halone/Ishgard reference if you wanted to read into it, though.
Sunflower 🔷 Haughtiness, respect, passionate love, adoration, radiance.
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cultofdionysusnet · 6 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼
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It's spring and the flowers are blooming! Take a walk through a cultivated garden or a wild meadow to inhale the wonderful medley of aromas provided by mother nature. But with each blossom and bundle of pollen is always an underlying meaning. Whether you're broken hearted, attempting to explain your feelings, or simply looking for subtly-worded revenge, flowers can be your language.
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°˖✧✿✧˖°MUST INCLUDE! mentions of flowers, gardens and spring
°˖✧✿✧˖°You must also pick a flower from the prompts provided and utilize the meaning somewhere within your fic
°˖✧✿✧˖°Minimum word count is 500
°˖✧✿✧˖°deadline: June.19th
°˖✧✿✧˖°must be a member of our net to participate
°˖✧✿✧˖°all network rules in regards to posting applies
°˖✧✿✧˖°please use the hashtag #codn: spring24 for all posts submitted for the event
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The Prompts:
Amaryllis- Shy
Anemone (white)- Sincere
Ambroisa- Pious
Aster Tataricus- remembrance
Black Lily - love, curse
Bluebell - grateful
Cactus (flower) - lust, sex
Camellia (red)- in love, perishing with grace
Camellia (yellow) - longing
Camellia (white)- waiting
Carnation - fascination, distinction, love
Cherry Blossom - kind, gentle, transience of life
Chrysanthemum (yellow) - imperial
Chrysanthemum (white) - truth
Four-leaf Clover - lucky
Daffodil - respect
Dahlia - good taste
Daisy - faith
Edelweiss - courage, power
Erica - solitude
Forget-me-not - true love
Freesia - childish, immature
Gardenia - secret love
Hibiscus - gentle
Honeysuckle - generous
Iris - good news, glad tidings, loyalty
Jasmine (Arabian/Spanish) - friendly, graceful
Lavender - faithful
Lily (white) - purity, chastity
Lily of Incas - such strong connection that language is limited when trying to explain it
Lily (orange) - hatred, revenge
Lily of the Valley/ Spider Lily - sweet
Lotus - far from the one he loves, purity, chastity
Magnolia - Natural
Mistletoe/holly - looking for love
Morning Glory- willful promises
Narcissus- self esteem
Pansy- thoughtful, caring
Peony- bravery
Poppy (red)- fun loving
Poppy (white)- rejoice
Poppy (yellow)- success
Rose (red)- love, in love
Rose (white)- innocence, silence, devotion
Rose (yellow)- jealousy
Rose (pink)- trust, happiness, confidence
Spider Lily (red) - never meet again, lost memory, abandonment
Sunflower - respect, passionate love, radiance
Sweet Pea- goodbye
Tiger Lily - wealth
Tulip (red)- fame, charity, trust
Tulip (Yellow)- one sided love
Verbena- cooperative
Violet- honesty
White Egret Orchid - purity, delicateness, "I'll be thinking of you even in my dreams"
Zinnia- loyalty
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Like always, have fun with our first seasonal event of the year, may you be blessed with the muse, and The Fates look forward to your submissions~!
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peapod20001 · 4 months
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I forgot I had this!
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rinskazuu · 2 years
genshin men as songs in my playlist
aether, albebo, al-haitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, ayato, heizou, childe, thoma, tighnari, scaramouche, xiao, and zhongli
these are written romantically, but if you want to view them as platonic, you can try.
cw: angst w no comfort, fluff, varies depending on character and song i chose. some of these are written in first person, some in x reader form, you can view them however you like!
a/n: initially, i was going for songs fitting their personality, but i accidentally made kaeya and childe's angsty, so i remade them. also, this took so long, for absolutely no reason.
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AETHER- hold on by flor
throughout the journey aether's been on in teyvat, all he does is help nations, people, archons, you name it. but i want to be his escape, someone he can hold and be comfortable with. for a moment, i want him to worry less about what's going on outside, and just close his eyes. he's so selfless, and i believe he deserves the same treatment in return.
ALBEDO- something about you by eyedress
you’re just so mesmerizing and beautiful to albedo, that he can’t help but feel subjected to paint you. you’re always catching his breath, from the way your eyes glint when you’re talking about your interests, to the way your body sways when he accidentally catches you dancing in your room, while he’d been busy with his experiments. he just cannot keep his eyes off you.
AL-HAITHAM- out of time by the weeknd
al-haitham would most definitely let his pride get in the way of your relationship. he’d also prioritize his dying love for knowledge over you. the moment you leave him, and he finds his closet half empty, he’s drowning in guilt. he’s reaching for you, but you’ve moved on, and now it’s too late for him to hold you again.
ARATAKI ITTO- always forever by cults
itto is the type of man to boast about you to everyone, having never said anything negative about you. he’s the type of man to snuggle you, and tell you every night how grateful he is, and how happy you make him. he’s going to tell you, that from here on out, you’re stuck with him, and that you’re two peas in a pod.
CYNO- the one that got away by katy perry
cyno isn’t as much of a tsundere as the fandom writes him out to be, so this doesn’t sound fitting. but i feel like his role as the general mahamatra would definitely play a bad part in your relationship. he’d be too busy to take you on a date, or too tired to accompany you to an event. it’s not until you’ve left, that he’s realized he’s neglected you for too long.
DILUC- be kind by halsey
with diluc, i imagine wanting to take his burdens off his shoulders, and comfort him, reassure him. i want him to rely on me, and be comfortable enough to come to me to talk. it makes me sad, how isolated he is, or rather, how he felt the need to isolate himself.
KAEDAHARA KAZUHA- old love by yuji & putri dahlia
not only does the melody suit kazuha, but so do the lyrics. there's not a lot that kazuha holds dear, simply because he wanders a lot. he moves from place to place, and you're one of the only stable aspects of his life. he will always return home, to see you.
KAEYA- midnight rain by taylor swift
i feel like kaeya would suit taylor’s perspective in the song. you wanting to settle down, but kaeya can’t love you for too long, because he's holding a major secret that is threatening yours and potentially teyvat's safety. you’re the sunshine, and he’s the midnight rain. he’ll have to leave you soon, but for now, he’ll let you hold him.
KAMISATO AYATO- still with you by jungkook
ayato is not only head of the kamisato clan, but he’s a commissioner too. he’s used to running things mostly by himself, because he had to take care of his little sister alone, and rebuild the kamisato clan from the floor. he’s often isolated, completing work, but at the end of each day, i want to remind him, that we are in fact together, and any challenges he faces, are mine to struggle with too.
SHIKANOIN HEIZOU- enchanted by taylor swift
heizou is a man who can easily sweep you off your feet, with his charm, pretty smile, and his skills as a detective. he can read your feelings and the type of person you are. he knows exactly what to do to reel you in. your love is enchanting, so unique, and will last for an entire lifetime, if not more.
TARTAGLIA- save your tears by the weeknd & ariana grande
i know we kind of ignore how unhinged childe is, but i want to acknowledge it. he doesn’t know how to love or be loved, which leads to him not knowing how to comfort you. he’s going to hurt you, mentally/verbally, often. he’s going to tell you to stop crying, instead of holding you, or call you dramatic, instead of snuggling you in bed and encouraging you.
THOMA- i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys
thoma is often busy, since he works for a commissioner, and one of the most well known and respected clans in inazuma. he sees you a lot, whether it's running errands, or accompanying one of the kamisatos somewhere. he's in love with you, and he'd do anything for you. but for now, he needs to focus on his duties.
TIGHNARI- sweet by cigarettes after sex
even though he's a busy man, tighnari still makes plenty of time for you. he's sweet and smooth with his swords, easily swaying you. he makes it known, to not just you, that he loves you to the ends of the world. he knows how to make you swoon, from taking days off to pick flowers for you, to having deep talks with you in the shower. he's always thinking about you, even picturing your smile while he's off gathering gifts for you.
WANDERER- space song by beach house
after regaining his memories, and even after his redemption arc, scara will still have major trust issues. wanting to there for him isn't a crime. but because of his trauma, he's going to keep pulling away from you, and pushing you farther from him. no matter, you're not going to give up, and you want him to feel loved and comforted.
XIAO- be there for you by nct dream
xiao is one of the most obvious characters with a traumatic backstory, and i believe i want to be there for him the most. it's not going to be easy, since he's lived 1000+ years. he's used to being on his own, and all he knows is how to protect, and kill. but for once, i want him to rely on me, and for him to breathe a sigh of relief.
ZHONGLI- wildest dreams by taylor swift
as an archon, zhongli has been alive for over 6000 years. even though he's given up the title, and is now living a normal life, he will always remain an immortal. eventually, you will pass on, and zhongli will be alone again. regardless, he's going to spend every waking moment with you, until your very last breath. he will cherish your love for the rest of eternity, even if you're not physically there.
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i do want to add, i have so many taylor swift, the weeknd & chase atlantic songs, but didn’t think the last 2 would be as fitting as taylor’s. i have 150 songs & this does not define my entire playlist, there are so many genres. i just happened to make them romantic/angsty..
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contempocrossstitch · 4 months
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Purple Flower Pack - Cross Stitch Patterns
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meret118 · 1 year
Rachel Nafis, waist-deep in corncockles, cut the blush-colored flowers growing in her neighbor’s yard as her eyes wandered to the front door.
“I hope Tom comes outside to say hello,” she said as she placed the cut stems in a bucket of water.
Soon, a smile crept across her face as Tom Weaver opened the door and wheeled himself onto the porch.
“It’s so wonderful to see flowers growing outside my window,” he said from his wheelchair. “I love seeing them. They smell so good.”
For three years, Nafis, a one-woman florist, has grown sunflowers, dahlias and corncockles outside Weaver’s home, one of eight neighbors who have donated their yards to Psalter Farm Flowers, a loose collective of cutting gardens that is a draw with San Diego flower shops, event florists and bouquet lovers.
Not surprisingly, the flowers burst out of yards in various states of bloom due to the seasons. Around the corner from her home base, across the street from Webster Elementary School in City Heights, yellow and pink strawflowers and delicate blue scabiosa pincushions grow tall in raised beds.
A quarter mile in the other direction, pink bellflowers and the conclusion of fragrant sweet peas grow in neat rows behind the rental home of Sophie Thompson.
“All of my gardens are in places where people cannot care for their yards the way they would like,” said Nafis, 36. She also cultivated the alley behind her 800-square-foot home. “I feel I’m adding value to their homes and our neighborhood.”
Thompson agreed. “I don’t know much about farming itself, but I’m impressed how Rachel has increased the biodiversity,” she said of the neighborhood, which is among San Diego County’s poorest. “There is less infrastructure and greenery, fewer markets and more liquor stores here. But she’s taught us that all neighborhoods can be beautiful.”
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instantartific · 11 months
I've been quiet for a bit, but here's my contribution for 10/10 day! Only... a few days late.
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[ Image Description: A row of five chibi illustrations of the five members from the k-pop android group 1010. All five are positioned in 3/4 (three quarters) view, half-curled up with their knees close to their chests, the downstage arm fully extended on the outside of the downstage leg. They all also have assorted flowers behind them, forming a ring around each one, and all have two flowers positioned between their ankles and another flower tucked behind their downstage ear. All five illustrations are formatted to resemble a keychain charm, with doodles in white of potential keychain rings in different shapes above them. All have rich color schemes.
Eloni / Green is listed first. He is facing 3/4 (three quarters) to the right. He has an assortment of green orchids and green zinnia outlining him. His upstage arm is raised at the elbow in a half-wave. He has a downturn expression, though not outwardly sad. His eyes are looking to the top left corner of the screen. His potential charm ring is in the shape of a flower. The color behind him is a very pastel green with thin white stripes running at a diagonal angle, tilted with the lines leading down and to the right if viewed from left to right. A green zinnia is tucked behind his downstage ear.
Purl-hew / Blue is listed second. He is facing 3/4 (three quarters) to the left. He has an assortment of butterfly pea and hydrangea outlining him. His upstage arm is raised at the elbow and making a heart with his pointer finger and thumb, reminiscent of a hand gesture some members of real life K-pop groups will do. A small heart outlined in light blue with a dark blue center is above these two fingers. He is smiling softly. His eyes are looking to the top right corner of the screen, though this is partially obscured by his sunglasses. His potential charm ring is in the shape of a crescent moon. The color behind him is a very pastel blue with thin white stripes running at a diagonal angle, tilted with the lines leading down and to the right if viewed from left to right. A blue bit of hydrangea is tucked behind his downstage ear.
Rin / White is listed third. He is facing 3/4 (three quarters) to the right. He has an assortment of white tulips and white hemlock outlining him. His upstage arm is raised at the elbow and the hand is positioned beneath his chin to emphasize his expression. He is smiling sweetly, eyes narrowed slightly. His eyes are looking to the top left corner of the screen. His potential charm ring is in the shape of a star. The color behind him is a very pastel purple with thin white stripes running at a diagonal angle, tilted with the lines leading down and to the right if viewed from left to right. A white bit of white hemlock is tucked behind his downstage and upstage ear. He is the only one with flowers tucked behind both ears.
Haym / Yellow is listed fourth. He is facing 3/4 (three quarters) to the right. He has an assortment of sunflowers and marigolds outlining him. His upstage arm is raised at the elbow and the hand is seemingly flipping off the camera. There is a heart with a light yellow outline and dark orange center covering the finger, however. He is beaming, potentially excited. His eyes are looking to the top left corner of the screen. His potential charm ring is in the shape of a heart. The color behind him is a very pastel yellow with thin white stripes running at a diagonal angle, tilted with the lines leading down and to the right if viewed from left to right. A marigold is tucked behind his downstage ear.
Zimelu / Red is listed fifth, the last one. He is facing 3/4 (three quarters) to the left. He has an assortment of roses and red dahlia outlining him. His upstage arm is raised at the elbow and the hand is holding open his mouth to expose his teeth. Said teeth are triangular, sharp. His expression is mischievous, teeth barred and brows furrowed. His eyes are looking to the top right corner of the screen. His potential charm ring is in the shape of a bat. The color behind him is a very pastel red with thin white stripes running at a diagonal angle, tilted with the lines leading down and to the right if viewed from left to right. A red dahlia is tucked behind his downstage ear.
All five charms are on a dark blue background with lighter blue stripes on a diagonal angle running down and to the right if viewed from left to right, to distantly resemble a metallic sheen. There are three stripes of color laying behind the illustrations but above the dark background. All three have a gradient of the same pastel green, blue, purple, yellow, and red that are behind the chibis. Only the middle has the same white lines at the same diagonal angle. The top one is medium in width, running behind the shapes of the charm rings. The middle one is the widest, taking up most of the screen and running behind the illustrations, slightly wider than they are tall. The bottom is the thinnest, a third of the width of the top line.
End ID. ]
I've been working hard on getting these designs ready! They're all based off of the talk of bots and hanahaki me and a few others had around here :)
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And if you'd like to see any of these designs made into charms, I've got an interest check running down below!
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simsterslife · 4 months
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Flawless Date Night Preparation.
Alex and Dahlia are like two peas in a pod when it comes to their little date nights; they're stuck in a perpetual state of teenage bliss when they're together.
Their weekly rendezvous has become a cherished habit that never fails to bring smiles to their faces. It's as if they've found the secret recipe for eternal happiness in a simple evening together - who knew being teenagers at heart could be the key to a lifetime of joy?
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: He’s home. He’s here. Maybe, you can mend the shattered pieces of your lives.
CW: I’m sorry this is so angsts but like so fluffy too?? But angst? Idk it’s a hot mess of emotions. Swearing, loss, grief, grief, grief, like one suggestive sentence.
A/N: do we like voting on what comes next?? I think that’s fun. Anyway - legit kinda proud of this, I’ve written like a million thirsts on how fucking delicious unsealed gojo looks but I was so excited to explore the toll and emotions of the prison realm situation on the FF gang and also show that there is no couple more healthy and solid than Y/N and Satoru. As always, requests open and appreciated x x
Recommended Listening:
The Parting Glass - (I like the Hozier version, works well for Y/N and Gojo discussing the losses)
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice (the turnaround)
I am the AntiChrist to You - NuDeco
Ensemble, Kishi Bashi (the ending)
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Yuuji’s voice, calling your name echoes through your head. You had no idea whether the unsealing worked or not. The box, it was gone. So now, you just sat staring at the skyline – trying to comprehend the fact that maybe, he was just gone. The angel – she’d done her part and the world had shook and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign that your love was back in the mortal realm.
You waited, and stood, and waited, and watched.
Was this it? Had the world been left on your far too heavy shoulders? All the grief, the panic, the anger, the blood – was all of that yours to carry alone now? You couldn’t. You would fail. Without him, there was no hope. You wouldn’t be able to protect your family, your friends, yourself – at least Akio was out of Japan, but everyone else – you would die to protect them, even though you knew it would be the last thing to do.
The sun was beginning to set, you stood on the balcony of this flat – some stranger’s home, who had been quick to leave Tokyo – and you wished for the warmth of the cottage. The home Gojo and you had bought not long after graduation: with its plush sofas, and art spread around – some Tsumiki’s, some your families. The kitchen where many nights and so many important moments and memories had been made along with every dinner, you, Satoru – eating take out on the first night in your new home. The first night Megumi had asked for seconds a few weeks after they moved in, the table you signed the adoption papers for them, where Kento had told you both he was returning to sorcery, countless wine drunk nights with Shoko, where you and Satoru had told the Fushiguro kids that they were getting a sibling, where Akio had shouted his first word ‘cake!’, where Megumi had told you about his feelings for Itadori. All the kids room, and the spare rooms which had turned into other people’s de facto bedrooms. The master bedroom, nights wrapped up in tangles of limbs and sweat oh such sweet pleasure that everything else faded away or wrapped in blankets and each other's loving arms – whispers of eternity passing with the pillows as witness, falling asleep marvelling at the beauty of the moonlight bouncing off the Snow White hair of the ethereal man who you some got to call your husband splayed across the pillow beside you. You would often trace his features in his sleep, so at peace and restful and so beautiful that you couldn’t help but fall into dreams next to him. Your garden, where you grew everything from seed – peonies, sunflowers, roses, dahlias, lupins, lobelias and sweet pea and wisteria and most fruit and vegetables that you could dream of.
You’ve been holding everything in for so long – 19 days. You can’t falter. Not yet.
Please, ‘toru. Please come home to me.
You’re lost in your memories and hopes that somehow, the unsealing worked, and your beautiful boy will find you and love you and be beside you again – and then you will feel whole. Then, your soul and his will be complete.
The sliding door of the balcony breaks your trance.
“I’ll be in soon, Yuuji. Just enjoying the sunset.”
“I’ll find us some food. Leave your jeans out, I’ll mend them later.” You’re listing off the things you need to do because if you just keep going then maybe time will move faster and he will be home. Home with you.
“Y/N. Turn around.”
You slowly do as he asks.
“Hey, Princess.”
The bow clutched tightly in your hand clattered to the ground and you follow soon after, the legs and body that has been holding you steady and shouldering the fear and grief of all of your loved ones, gives way – as your knees buckle and make contact with the hard ground beneath you.
He’s alive, and he’s safe and he’s here.
A sob wracks your body and all that manages to come out of you shaking lips is,
And then your senses are engulfed, and you are home. Strong, steady arms pull you tight against a broad, heaving chest which you feel letting out shaky breaths.
“I – Satoru, fuck, I didn’t know if you’d come back, I thought I’d lost you forever, I didn’t know if it worked I needed to believe – oh god, you’re here., I couldn’t feel you at all, oh my god you’re here and you’re real. ‘Toru. I tried my best and I failed, and everything’s fallen apart and –” your sobs almost made your words unintelligible, but Satoru knew what you were saying and what you meant.
“You’re safe, you did so good. I’m here, my brave, strong girl.” He whispers into your hair.
You pull away and your hands are flying everywhere on his body, checking for injuries and any sign of something wrong but he’s okay, he’s strong and he’s here.
All you can do is grab him by the messy, snowflake white hair and pull him into your face to crash your lips against in a desperate, messy kiss full of unspoken words of love unconditional and reassurance that you both need, and the promise of safety in your reunion.
“Princess, Akio – where is he?” He says, petting your hair. You two would get to the issue of your eldest son in a minute, but the baby – he needed to know where his baby was.
“Safe – I sent him with my mom and uncle and he’s not in Japan. I got him out of the country.” Your words comfort you both, knowing the 18-month-old was safe and sound.
“Akio is safe but ‘toru – you know, don’t you? Megumi – that bastard, he took him. He’s with Ge- Kenjaku.” You stare into his eyes. Your husband was the only one who could fix this mess, but you really were trying to ignore what that meant.
“I know. I’ve seen him. But Y/N, he’s alive. He’s in there and he’s alive. I’ll get our little boy back.” You collapse into him, and him into you.
You realise he’s got no idea about the loss. The grief and the fact that you should be mourning but you don’t have time because everything is falling apart. He needs to know – and he needs to know now and from you, before he realises it or someone says something, he deserves to be told and he deserves it softly because the isolation and suffering he’s endured for 19 days have taken an inevitable toll and he needs you.
You suck in a deep breath and realise everyone else has long left the area. It’s just you both. Steadying yourself, as best as you can, you pull him into you – gripping the sides of his face so you can see that beautiful face.
“Satoru. Before you hear from anyone else – I need you to hear it all from me. Okay?” You say, pressing tearful kisses into his hairline.
“Please Y/N. I need to know; I need to know who we’re fighting for. There’s faces I didn’t see beside Yuuji and Maki and - I’m scared. I’m scared Y/N but please, God, please tell me now.” His voice is filled with despair and vulnerability that only you’ve seen.
“Are you sure?” You ask, pulling him to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He whispers.
“Satoru - it’s, we lost Nanami. He’s gone, Yuuji was there. He died at Shibuya.” Your voice breaks, his closest friend, Akio’s godfather - he’s gone. Only you, Shoko and Gojo were left now.
A sob wracks his body, and he grips your shoulders and leans into your chest, the pain of seeing him like this feels like it might rip open your chest and all you want to do is cry with him but fuck, the list is longer.
“Yaga is dead. Executed. Nobara, she’s alive but… they,” your voice breaks, “they don’t know if she’ll make it. You’ve been branded a traitor, me your accomplice. Mai Zen’in, she’s dead but Maki… she’s slaughtered the Zen’in clan. Alone. Yuuta’s home.” You try to explain the culling games and other events but everything feels like it’s coming out jumbled as you and Satoru just remain, a crumpled mess of limbs on the ground. Shaking, scarred – but together.
After some time of just – grieving and feeling each other’s presence, you convince him to come inside your temporary space and sleep and eat.
Once you’ve both settled, as much as you both can, you call a meeting of your small group. Satoru immediately goes into defence mode when a figure, unknown to him as an ally – enters the room.
“Oh, you’ve come to play, curse? What, tired of being used by Kenjaku, huh?” He sneers, and puzzle pieces click as you whip in front of him as he leans to lunge toward the tall, dark figure beside Yuuji.
“Satoru! Stop!” You say, softly.
And he does.
“This – is Choso. He’s Yuuji’s brother. Geto manipulated him. He’s safe – I trust him. He saved my life.” You grab his shoulders to ground him, knowing that the whirlwind of events was causing a torrent of emotions in him.
Choso nods, still new to the world, having been used like a lamb to the slaughter and having witnessed nothing but bloodshed and destruction since his birth. He reminds you a bit of yourself. Living solely to protect the ones you love, maybe that’s why you were so quick to accept him into your fold. He had quickly become one of your most trusted friends in the group, vowing to you, as the woman who cared for his brother that he would help retrieve your husband and son.
That evening, information was exchanged, plans drawn up, theories explored and through everything, Satoru and you never let go of each other – Akio was far away, but safe, Megumi – trapped by a monster inside his own body, the body of your best friend being used like a marionette with a date written in blood to fight the man you love, Nobara – on death’s door. Kento, gone forever.
But in those hours, hope was born.
Satoru had returned.
He was safe, and alive – and you had each other. All shadows seemed smaller by each other's side.
And now, you both had one shared goal – the most dangerous and potentially costly mission of your lives.
You were going to get your little boy back, together.
That night, in his darkest abyss, a shivering, broken boy heard and saw something.
He had no idea how, but he knew it was real.
Two clasped hands, golden rings shining, one hand smaller and the outlines of a vine tattoo tracing the wrist and one hand larger, pale with slender fingers clasping the smaller fingers.
‘Mom, dad?’ His weakened voice whispered into the vision.
‘We’re coming, kid.’ Satoru Gojo, his dad.
‘We’ve got you, ‘gumi.’ Y/N, his mom.
They were coming for him, together.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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