cubojorbr · 23 days
Maranhense Marco Nunes brilha no Open Dahma Alpha de Tênis
Promessa do tênis maranhense foi muito bem em competição ao garantir o vice-campeonato em torneio. Resultado motiva Marco Nunes para a sequência da temporada.
A temporada 2024 do jovem tenista maranhense Marco Nunes segue sendo bastante positiva. Após triunfos nacionais, o atleta voltou a competir em São Luís e, mais uma vez, foi destaque. Marco, que conta com patrocínio do governo do Estado por meio da Lei Estadual de Incentivo ao Esporte, e o apoio da Hidrocenter, brilhou na disputa do Open Dahma Alpha de Tênis, competição realizada pela Federação…
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Any Arab/MENA lesbian literature?
I don’t have a book to name, but I was reading some articles in my university database years ago and apparently some arab physicians believed lesbians had an “affliction” where their labias felt hot and itchy and can only be soothed by rubbing on another woman’s genitals and fluids, this is called “Sihaq” which literally means rubbing. (lol yeah)
and there is also the myth of Al-Zarqa Al-Yamama
“In Arabic folklore, al-Zarqa al-Yamama (‘the blue-eyed woman of Yamama’) fell in love with Christian princess Hind of the Lakhmids. When al-Zarqa, who had the ability to see events in the future, was crucified, it was said the princess cut her hair and mourned until she died.
Many books, especially in the 10th century, celebrated lesbian couples. Sapphic love features in the Book of Salma and Suvad; the Book of Sawab and Surur (of Justice and Happiness); the Book of al-Dahma’ and Nisma (of the Dark One and the Gift from God).”
I quoted this from this article: https://lgbtworldbeside.org/index.php/2019/05/13/the-secret-gay-history-of-islam/
but some things in the article seem dubious so take it with a grain of salt. sources on pre-islamic arabia are very scarce unfortunately but I think things for women overall were better for even if they weren’t perfect. I really want to know more about pre-islamic arabia in general because I want to know more about how my people lived and the culture and art they had before islam forbid/discouraged it, and to also see how homosexual relationships were treated.
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icenyadahma · 1 year
Hello everyone! I am known as Icenya Dahma, Faerie and Magical Girl! I stream over on twitch when I can catch the time and I would be absolutely ecstatic if I could see you all over there! I am an 18+ streamer and I would ask that all my viewers be 18+.
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Sábado 21 de septiembre 2024, llegué a Bogotá ayer y en menos de una semana emprendo mi viaje a México.
Tuve un sueño vivido anoche, estaba compartiendo palabra de luz de verdad y de vida en el Movistar Arena a multitudes. La gracia de Dios abundaba dentro de mí, tanto que la presencia de Dios en mí, bastaba para liberar personas sin pronunciar una palabra. Lo que sentí en el Movistar Arena era una masa grande de Energia, de luz, como el heinki dahma e incluso hacia uso de la creación presente entre mis manos para crearlo. Era mágico. Algunas palabras llegaron a mi, como el hecho de ver cosas que no se ven porque lo que se ve fue creado de lo que no se ve, y, de nuevo la parabola del sembrador dónde Jesús me confirma que me han permitido ver el reino de los cielos.
Los planes de Dios son más grandes que mis planes.
El mar moverá la luna o la luna a las mareas. Se nace lo que se es o se será aquello en lo que se crea.
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نَعَمْ، سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُولُ: " إِنَّكَ لَنْ تَدَعَ شَيْئًا لِلَّهِ إِلَّا بَدَّلَ...
نَعَمْ، سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُولُ: ” إِنَّكَ لَنْ تَدَعَ شَيْئًا لِلَّهِ إِلَّا بَدَّلَكَ اللهُ بِهِ مَا هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْهُ Dari Abu Qatadah dan Abu Ad-Dahma’, mereka berdua berkata, telah datang kepada kami seorang badui, lalu kami berkata, apakah engkau telah mendengar Rasulullah Sh allahu’alaihi wassalam pernah bersabda tentang sesuatu apapun ? Badui tadi menjawab, “Betul, aku mendengar beliau…
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patsymayhugh · 2 months
Diary of a Desperate Mental Health Worker….
My anus twitched as I listened to his words knowing I was unable to physically help him. Barely audible tone with slow, deep breathing, this guy was serious. “Carl, shall I call emergency services for you?” I asked. No immediate reply, just breathing sounds and the occasional snivel before Carl softly informed me that he was not going to kill himself tonight because his dog was asleep next to him, but once he had rehomed him, he would make firm plans. Carl gently thanked me for listening to him. It was 1am, I reminded him our helpline was 24 hours, and he could call anytime, then he hung up. I emailed his community mental health team, I’m sure they will contact him later today.
Several more calls proceeded, then I went on my 30-minute break, that’s all we are allowed in a 13-hour shift. When I get back to my desk and I can hear Janet, the senior nurse on duty talking on the phone, standing next to her is Paige, like me, she is a helpline worker on the night shift tonight. Paige is anxiously biting her nails listening to Janet on the phone. “I had to transfer him to speak with a nurse.” Paige tells me a hurriedly, hushed voice, “he wants to eat his foot.”
“Oh” I replied.
I sit down, wake up my decades old computer and wait for the next call to come through all the while earwigging to Janet’s conversation.
“Gordon, have you masturbated tonight?” Janet asks him in a controlled, serious tone. 
Paige whispers to me, “he wanks off over pork chops”
Janet wraps up the call after about 40 minutes. Having listened into said call, it’s evident Gordon does not want to come in to see a nurse face to face. Instead, Janetpromises him a crisis call-back tomorrow daytime, and in the meantime, he has agreed to go to bed reassuring Janet that his foot will remain firmly intact and attached to his ankle.
Janet swivels her chair to face the room. “I literally do not know what the fuck to do about that one!” she exclaims, and we all sit with our gobs wide open not knowing what to say.
“He is a university lecturer that fantasises about eating people. The problem is he also provides private tuition to kids.” Our gobs are still open for a few seconds before Paige pipes up, “He’s like Jeffrey Dahma”
Recently, Netflix released a series entitled, ‘Dahma.’ which followed the real-life story of notorious serial killer Jeffrey Darma and his cannibalistic tendencies. Since it has been aired, we have received a few phone calls from individuals out in the community who claimed they have similar intrusive thoughts and felt they should be locked up so they could not hurt anyone. Thankfully, I dodged those bullets and missed those calls.
Janet decides to call the non-emergency police phone line for advice. Maybe police have some information (police call this “markers”) on Gordon? Turns out they have never heard of him and have nothing on him, I can’t help thinking, ‘they have now.’ Police told Janetbecause he has not committed a crime there is nothing they can do, but it might be a good idea to contact his employer… the university where he works. It was 4am and I’ve heard of a thing called confidentiality, so I hoped she wouldn’t leave a voicemail with the Uni reception desk. 
Janet tells the room, following her productive call with the police that she was worried that Gordon could one day seriously hurt himself or worse, go on to commit a crime as he sounded very serious, and, after careful deliberation, Janet decided to hand the issue over to the day staff. “We’ll also contact his GP via email and let them know about his call to us tonight.” And she begins typing up a long set of notes. I suspect Gordon will be bombarded with lots of phone calls over the next few days. 
Half a dozen more calls until finally, the clock finally turned 9am, leaving us all emotionally exhausted. I was Looking forward to going home to an empty house knowing Rob was at work and the two kids Tom and Millie were in school. I got into bed where I lay dead for about 5 hours- until it was time to collect them. Then it was dinner shovelled and for me to get ready for my next night shift…
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bikeaospedacos · 2 years
Brasileiro de Paraciclismo de Estrada têm campeões definidos
Mais de 120 atletas disputaram as provas do Brasileiro de Paraciclismo de Estrada em circuito montado no Parque Dahma
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bubblyernie · 3 years
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A handful of OCs before and after corruption/trauma. Fhadrii gets a little swap for a redemption arc
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taynaamarall · 4 years
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⠀ ⠀ *CASA NO DAHMA*⠀ ⠀ Com área de 404m ⠀ 202m de área construída. ⠀ 04 suítes⠀ Piscina com cascata, hidromassagem e iluminação em led RGB⠀ Suíte master com banheira Jacuzzi⠀ ⠀ Entrada principal com fechadura biométrica⠀ Pé direito duplo na sala de estar⠀ Piso da casa em Porcelanato 90x90 Eliane⠀ ⠀ Valor R$ 850 mil ⠀ Previsão de entrega: dezembro/2020 ⠀ ⠀ #love #instagood #fashion ⠀ #photooftheday #beautiful⠀ #dahma #damha #terrasalphavile #taynaamaral (em Dahma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAdbdMJggd/?igshid=1e4dnf6ysuugr
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catluniscia · 3 months
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Speed paint: https://youtube.com/shorts/i0gsIZpS7OI So, in my Thursday game, where I play Marshmallow the assassin, She just saved the universe, had an alley die saving her life, and has a family, she needs a break tiny resting break. But I don't want to retire her from the story. My dm came with a compromise, due to us doing "Down time" aka time between major acts that is just some fun goodness, not really filler but its fun, She suggested I could play a different character for a while.  So I decided to make Dahma, (pronounced Dah-Mah) She is a Silver Dragonborn who was raised by dwarves (which means scottish accent for me), and is a sorcerer with black dragon blood...its perfectly legal to do this in base dnd I without any addons by the way, and many folks rec it. Also gives me an excuse to do cool scale looks...oh hello damascus steel refs how you doing? Anyway, Its going to be fun to play a over 6 foot tall dragon born spell caster. Fun fact I have decided to build her to be, well a spanner in the works, a nuisance, an inconvenience, my spells basically will cause damage or cause major issues for those who are hit with it. I am gonna be everyone's problem! Other Fun fact! I don't draw dragonborns that often and I asked Geo to open Baldur's gate for me and help me design her for horns, "but cat you own it" Yes and it was darkly tempted to hit the play button I need to focus people! Also Also Aqua from Kingdom Hearts was a ref for the outfit, I like the skirty thing okay.
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courageousfire · 7 years
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Hey guys! Remember how I said I made new ocs a while ago? Well I finally got around to drawing one!
Meet Dahma, an Indian journalist that’s proved time and time again to have admirable determination and strength. Although living up to her father showed extremely difficult, she made a name for herself in America. With an extremely factual and ethical approach to her stories, Dahma sees the world in black and white: either you have good morals, or you don’t and there’s little to no room in between. Even though she’s known for being “old-fashioned”, she’s not afraid to break the mold society crafted for her and speak out against injustices. 
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moqmoqmoq · 5 years
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明日のムジカジャポニカを終えるとトンボ帰り、翌日9日は横浜でgnkosaiBAND! ライブ3週間もあくの珍しい~。 弾き語り→シンベに頭を切りかえるのがいつもあたふたするのだけど、grassrootsたのしみ~。豪華対バン、おたのしみに!! #comachi #竹内朋康 #白根佳尚 #akiraichikawa #dahma #gnkosaiband #横浜 #grassroots #korg #monologue https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZr9zqJUqk/?igshid=13y7uz6ibj6ma
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear ImNobodyUKnow,
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Mostly I pray for everyone to have lots of prosperity, and it always works! I’ve never had to change my tour prices from the low, low price of twenty dahmas even once!
- Ahlbi Ur'gaid
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
Hi! What do you think the s2 lis would name their kids?
I've been sitting on this ask for so long because I, someone who doesn't want to have kids, have SO many names that I keep on a word document of 'names I like and would name a child'. But I tried to be faithful to the characters with this one, instead of just names I like.
Arjun clearly values his family’s heritage and is very distinctly Indian, so he’d want to make his family proud and use Indian names for his kids. At the same time, he wants something that will be easy for them to grow up with, living in Britain. 
Riya for a girl and Kirin for a boy.
Carl doesn’t want kids, and I don’t think he’ll really get into prepping for them if MC gets pregnant. I imagine MC would pick out the names and he would just say ‘yeah’. But if she really pressed him to come up with names-
He’d suggest Liara for a girl and Saren for a boy (His favorite game is Mass Effect and he thinks both of those sound dope).
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry if you think FELIX is suggesting any names other than Tesla or Riot.
You already KNOW Gary will only agree to something generic and plain af. I’m thinking he would suggest John or Rachel, but he’ll see no problem with naming their kids McKarleighlyn and Bradley. 
Hannah has been picking out pretentious baby names from the books she reads since she was 8 years old (it’s me I’m Hannah). She has a certain snootiness towards ‘common’ names, and wants to use a really unique austere one. She’ll 100% get annoyed if people mispronounce or don’t get the reference even though like… girl… who names people that…
She wants Lysander for a boy and Gwyneth for a girl. 
I lowkey headcanon that Henrik is a lot more educated and well-read than one would assume, but unlike Hannah he’s got taste. He wouldn’t just find a namesake for the purpose of making a niche reference, he wants a name that he feels is a role model for the kind of kid he hopes to have. 
For a boy I think he’d suggest Carson after Rachel Carson, and for a girl he’d suggest Cordelia because he loves King Lear and she’s exactly the kind of daughter he’d want to raise. 
I’m probably making an assumption based on the arabic spelling of his name, but I think honoring that heritage and having a distinctly arabic/religious name would be important to him. Especially since I can’t see him having many if any children, giving them good namesakes and parenting well would be important. Especially with how he insists on being called his full name by non-friends, I think he’d pick out longer and elaborate names for his own kids. 
Dahma for a girl and Basharat for a boy (but he’ll affectionately call the boy Beshi, and I imagine the nickname will become Bas which Rahim will lowkey hate)
I can’t?? Picture Lottie seriously picking out baby names? Like even if her or her wife was pregnant, I feel like she’d say “oh we’ll think of it when they come”. She insists that they can’t pick out a name without meeting the baby and feeling its energy. I 100% see her taking that seriously and being like “we have to see the child’s vibes before naming them” which like… it’s a screaming flesh potato… Just pick something that will sound nice and has a generally accepted spelling lmfao. She’ll be really picky thought with any names her wife (or Shane) suggests, but not suggest many of her own, so the dynamic will be: 
Shane/Hannah: “Darling, I wrote you a list of 400 names and you’ve rejected all of them.”
Lottie: “I didn’t reject all of them, there’s 4 I circled that might work, depending.”
Shane/Hannah: “... You rejected 396 names, most of which were my favorites… And still can’t commit to one or two-”
Lottie: “I told you, we don’t know how it’s going to act or grow up.”
Shane/Hannah: “........And you can’t come up with a single one?”
Lottie: “Not before we meet them.”
Shane/Hannah: “I get the sentiment Lottie, I really do. But we have to fill out the birth certificate…”
Lowkey she’s really partial to the name Rowan, for a boy or a girl, and will casually suggest it if the baby comes out and has the right ‘vibe’.
He’s all about those generic names. Again, he doesn’t want kids, but if that ever accidentally happened he would suggest Oliver for a boy and Alice for a girl. 
The taste? Immaculate. She wants names that sound professional, austere, and unique enough where they’ll be the only one in the room. She kind of forgets that it’s a child first, though, and it’ll be weird having a baby with an old lady name. 
She suggests Blythe for a girl and Percival for a boy. 
Again, someone with TASTE. Like Henrik, his suggestions would all be references or namesakes that meant something to him. I could see him wanting to name the kid after one of his parents, if MC is okay with that. He wouldn’t be afraid to have a weirder name, as long as it flowed well with their middle and last name. Assuming the kid isn’t a namesake for his parents he’d pick out- 
Imogen for a girl and Erasmus for a boy. 
So I have this headcanon that Rocco would make a really mature, supportive parent because I think in 5-10 years he’s going to settle down and decide that his obsession with travelling is more of him trying to outrun his own mental illness/avoid his perceived failures. Plus he’s just going to get tired of living off the grid and start longing for some stability/consistency. Maybe he realizes that he actually did enjoy economics and school, just couldn’t handle the underlying pressure and mental health issues (I headcanon him as having untreated ADHD which would explain his academic success and then sudden crash). This is all a round about away of saying that I think in 8ish years Rocco will want to be a dad and will want to give his kids mature, reasonable names (because being a banker named Rocco is… Challenging for him). 
So he picks out Grant for a boy and Evelyn for a girl. 
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dailytafsirofquran · 5 years
Daily Tafsir of Ibn Kathir
Sulayman the Son of Dawud
Allah tells us that he gave Sulayman to Dawud as a Prophet, as He says elsewhere:
(And Sulayman inherited Dawud) (27:1). meaning, he inherited prophethood from him. Dawud had other sons besides Sulayman, for he had one hundred free wives.
(How excellent a servant! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!) This is praise for Sulayman, because he was very much obedient, worshipping Allah much and always turning to Allah in repentance.
(When there were displayed before him, in the afternoon, well trained horses of the highest breed.) means, these well trained horses were shown to Sulayman, peace be upon him, in his capacity as king and ruler. Mujahid said, "They were the kind of horses which stand on three legs and raise the fourth, and they were swift horses.'' This was also the view of several others among the Salaf. Abu Dawud recorded that `A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "The Messenger of Allah came back from the campaign of Tabuk or Khaybar, and there was a curtain covering her room. The wind came and lifted the curtain, revealing some toys belonging to `A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her. The Prophet said:
(What is this, O `A'ishah) She, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "My toys.'' Among them he saw a horse with two wings made of cloth. He said:
(What is this that I see in the midst of them) She, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "A horse.'' The Messenger of Allah said,
(And what is this on it) She, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "Wings.'' The Messenger of Allah said,
(A horse with two wings) She, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "Did you not hear that Sulayman, peace be upon him, had a horse that had wings'' She, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "The Messenger of Allah smiled so broadly that I could see his molars.''
(He said: "I did love the good (i.e., horses) instead of remembering my Lord'' till the time was over, and (the sun) had hidden in the veil (of night)) More than one of the Salaf and scholars of Tafsir mentioned that he was so busy looking at the horses that he missed the time of `Asr prayer. He did not miss it deliberately, but because of forgetfulness, as happened to the Prophet on the day of Khandaq, when he was too busy to pray `Asr and he prayed it after the sun had set. This was recorded in the Two Sahihs with more than one chain of narration, including the report from Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, who said, "On the day of Khandaq, `Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, came after the sun had set and started cursing the disbelievers of the Quraysh. He said, `O Messenger of Allah, I could not pray `Asr until the sun had almost set.' The Messenger of Allah said,
(By Allah, I did not pray it either.)'' He (Jabir) said, "So we got up and went to Buthan. Allah's Prophet performed ablution for the prayer and we too performed ablution. He prayed `Asr after the sun had set, then he prayed Maghrib after that.''
(Then he said: "Bring them (horses) back to me.'' Then he began to pass his hand over their legs and their necks.) Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "He said, `No, by Allah, you will not keep me from worshipping my Lord again,' then he ordered that they should be slaughtered.'' This was also the view of Qatadah. As-Suddi said, "Their necks and hamstrings were struck with swords.'' `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "He began patting the horses' heads and legs out of love for them.'' This is the view that was favored by Ibn Jarir. He said, "Because he would not punish an animal by cutting its hamstrings or destroy his own wealth for no other reason than that he had been distracted from his prayer by looking at it, and it was not the animals' fault. '' This view which Ibn Jarir thought more correct is subject to further review, because such action may have been permissible according to their law, especially since he got angry for the sake of Allah for being distracted by these horses until the time for prayer had lapsed. Then, since he dispensed with them for the sake of Allah, Allah compensated him with something better, the wind which blew gently by his order wherever he willed. Its morning lasted a month's (journey), and its afternoon lasted a month's (journey). This was faster and better than horses. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Qatadah and Abu Ad-Dahma', who traveled a lot to the Ka`bah, said, "We met a man from among the bedouins who said to us: `The Messenger of Allah took my hand and started teaching me some of that which Allah had taught him. He said,
(You do not give up anything for the sake of Allah, but Allah will give you something better than it.)'''
(34. And indeed, We tried Sulayman and We placed on his throne Jasad (a body), and he returned.) (35. He said: "My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me. Verily, You are the Bestower.'') (36. So, We subjected to him the wind; it blew gently by his order wherever he willed,) (37. And the Shayatin, from every kind of builder and diver,) (38. And also others bound in fetters.) (39. ﴿Allah said to Sulayman﴾: "This is Our gift, so spend you or withhold, no account will be asked of you.'') (40. And verily, for him is a near access to Us, and a good (final) return.)
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bubblyernie · 2 years
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A token of Dahma I drew a while back and forgot to share!! We love gruff shadow monk dad
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