#daily basis tbh
firesofdainix · 2 years
hey hey tell me more about Hideaki!! I wanna know more about him!!
also if you could give me a color pallet for him that would be perfect
OH MY GOD IT’S MY BLORBO'S TIME TO SHINE!!! This man has been living in my head rent free ALL MONTH so I think he needs a necessary introduction.
(You're lucky I made a little concept ref sheet for Hideaki. His hair is HORRIBLE to draw.)
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ANYWAYS, his shitty tragic ass life story is under the cut. The blorbo needs his moments <3333
Tw for someone killing a baby brutally, beheading, some violence
Okay so first of all, he's HELLA old in ninjago history. He was a member of the VERY FIRST Elemental Alliance, which included Morro I. His Element was the long-lost and extinct Element of Seasons. This and the Element of Weather were originally from the Great Devourer, offered to humans who managed to evade its venom. Hideaki was a very lucky guy because of his encounter, to the point he was regaled as some kind of hero. Season is a hard Element to make sense or understand about, that even Hideaki doesn't know how he can fully control it. So, the least complicated version of the semantics of Season is that it can summon a season willingly in a controlled area. Although that takes a LOT of work and needs True Potential, so Hideaki taps into the traits of the Core Elements and correlates it to the season he wants to summon.
He awakened his powers at a very young age, and just at 14 he awakened his True Potential in a very fantastical way. FSM noticed his power and notified his parents (and a confused Hideaki) he was an Elemental Master and would like for him to join his alliance. His parents and siblings were quite protective of Hideaki, and were a bit tense and suspicious of a man who just appeared out of nowhere to recruit their son to what seems like a gang. Hideaki, very excited to meet new friends, insisted on going with FSM to travel the world. Right speaking of which, his relationship with his family is VERY good, he has three siblings as well so it's a big family. They are very close, too close to the point he feels as if he's too codependent on them. That's why he chose to go with FSM, so he can learn to handle himself.
As a person, he's a very fun, bubbly, and optimistic person, however he's VERY naïve when it comes to meeting new people. He sees everything, initially, in a black and white worldview, He always obeys the FSM's rules out of sheer idol worship and wanting to be useful, seeing everything in black and white. But despite his bubbliness he's very bad at socializing, often getting distracted with insects, running off to come pet them and getting lost because of a bad sense of direction. Most Elemental Masters have to go looking for him, often being annoyed by how ditzy and clueless he is. It doesn’t help they're older than him by a few years and he was only 14 when he joined. He's also pretty bad at socializing, because whatever he says can be taken in a VERY wrong out of context way.
He barely has any friends (because, you know, he has a big age gap with the others) and the others really didn't want to connect with a little kid, unlike FSM, who's very fond of him. He wishes he has a better childhood than what he had. But, his only friend in the entire Elemental Alliance was the first Elemental Master of Wind, Morro I. They were the only person in the entire world who can match his rambunctious and wilder side, but unfortunately Hideaki is the one who has to keep them in check. They always make reckless or intellectually impulsive decisions where he often forgets he is currently with a buddy, and Hideaki bears the brunt of their decisions. He tries to dissuade Morro I from his many, many awful decisions, but to his dismay he continues to not listen to him. However, he continues to stay with him, simply because he was the only person who can tolerate and understand his giddiness and personality.
Hideaki can summon seasons, and his appearance is also changed depending on which season he uses, or what his current mood is. Because he is usually seen as a happy, smiling young man, his hair, which is pink since birth, his hair is vibrant and very soft-looking, like spring is always like. In the picture above his 'spring colors' is the first picture. With the pink highlights. He is barely in a 'winter mode' simply because he believes his sadness is not quite important to the mission.
As an able Elemental Master, Hideaki was very good at listening to FSM's orders and also his superiors. The only thing he is flawed with is his ability to be distracted. If Morro I is good at evading and being as fast as the wind, Hideaki, is gifted in heavy lifting, though he has more limits unlike the Master of Earth. He can try and drag a grundle back into unclaimed lands using a rope or chains, one of his prime weaponry. Because his Element can somewhat be four separate elements entirely, he uses different kinds of weapons to mediate his power. Since he uses spring a lot he uses a longbow regularly, having perfect aim. He has decently strong control over summer, using a kusarigama, a decent but weaker control over autumn, in which he uses a kama, and he has a very, VERY weak link for winter, simply because his personality contrasts with what winter is usually seen as.
Anyways, when Morro I was arrested for the crime of being so obsessed with FSM, Hideaki was so hurt by the way he showed his true colors. He tried to fish out another response or confession from Morro I, but what he heard from them was heartbreaking: the person he cared about the most... Didn't give too shits about him. He didn't watch Morro I's exile, and he felt embarrassed over the fact he had a crush on them. Since the only person he has gotten along with was gone, he was alienated even further from the Alliance. So he does solo missions, aware the other Elemental Masters don't want to give him the time of day. FSM tries to convince him to socialize, but he really doesn't know how to socialize, only putting on a front that he was still nice and approachable.
When he was 16, a few months after Morro I was exiled, he was patrolling the areas near a rather large forest filled with dangerous plants and animals, a portal above him opens, and, alarmed, he jumps out the way soon as a dark figure falls, and into the ravine near Hideaki. While he was still addled and a little shocked about the portal hanging above him, he calls out to the new stranger if they were okay. The responder sounded feminine, and, after telling them to hold still as he tries to rescue them, something leaps out from the ravine and catches him in a tackle. When he meets with their eyes, it was like love at first sight.
Apparently, the creature in front of him was an Oni, a predecessor of the First Spinjitzu Master and was tasked to bring him back, dead or alive, for their cause in the First Realm. Her name was Kokoro, and she was mainly forced to follow in her parents' footsteps by the Omega or she will be killed. She knows that her being taken here was just a banishment in disguise, but she didn't seem to care. Her Realm was devastated after the incessant fighting of the Oni and Dragon, and seeing Ninjago, she didn't WANT to find the FSM and kill him for it. Sympathizing with her, Hideaki shares a few bits of his life, and the two of them hit it off, something in them clicking when they first laid eyes on each other. Kokoro started to live with Hideaki in his family home. While his family were, at first, a little wary over an Oni staying in their home, immediately warmed up to her.
After a year of knowing each other, their feelings for the other didn't seem to fade away or become platonic. Instead, it grew stronger every time they spend time with one another. They confessed to one another during a private night, and well, they're both teenagers and let the hormones win, so... Hideaki finds out that Kokoro is about to have a kid he's a little tense, panicking even. He's NEVER had one of his dumb, teenage-driven decisions backfire SO horribly in his face before, being the first time he's ever done anything out of impulse. But in the end, while he did receive some scolding from his parents that became a really, REALLY big misunderstanding (Hideaki thought they believed Kokoro was a horrible influence on him, they just want to help), he and Kokoro ended up running away from home. He still had contact with the Elemental Masters, but he omits any details of his Oni wife because he fears their prosecution.
Some background over this hesitant omission: when FSM left, the dragons did send their best warriors to find him, but when he expressed he didn't want to return to the First Realm, the dragons had no choice but to respect his choices. However, the Oni warriors, especially the embodiments of Vengeance, Anger and Deception were very keen on taking him back to win a war they caused. Why do you think the Elemental Alliance was formed? Not only to defend Ninjago's citizens from attacks of primordial creatures, but also from the Oni. They try their damndest to drive out the Oni, and while they are successful, somewhat, some decided to stay, such as Mystake, but only the FSM knows. Kokoro is a stronger type of Oni, since she's one of the daughters of the Oni of Anger. It's why she regularly has some angry outbursts that only Hideaki can calm down. She gets carried away when she gets WAY too angry. But she doesn't hurt anyone, she just has a big impact in her surroundings. Kokoro is the one that carved the mask of anger after fighting her father with Hideaki when they, by coincidence, found him in a secluded and unknown part in Ninjago. It was a metal ass fight.
Anyways, when he is not doing his Elemental Master work, he usually does house chores, making accomodations for Kokoro, or being a generally nice and pleasant person to be around with. He helps a lot of folk near his area with their lives, helping them settle, babysit, whatever. He's regarded as that towns handyman since he always seems to know what to do. Hideaki didn't know that, even when he tried to keep Kokoro a secret, only referring to her by name or his wife, some of his contemporaries got way too suspicious. He always evades the idea of visiting her, he's never shown them any kind of significant material that belongs to his wife, to the point they just think he's making up excuses to escape his work. So they followed him home, and not only did they find out Hideaki’s wife, they also found out she was Oni and like... idk they're beefing with a guy who just turned 18.
So they put the worst assumptions they had on Hideaki and his wife, and immediately tattled on him towards the FSM. Okay, so we are getting on neutral ground with him. I think the FSM is a very interesting figure. He is good, but sometimes he can get a little suspicious of people. He has trust issues after being used and abused by the Oni and Dragon for so many years. When the Elemental Masters forwarded what they assumed Hideaki was doing, well. He didn’t want to believe it at first. The Elemental masters mean well, probably (if having a grudge on a kid means well idk), but they said things blown out of proportion, way too based on assumptions and delusions for it to work. FSM denies their assumptions, but decided the only way to discover if it was true or no was to confront Hideaki. Following him to his home (since Hideaki couldn't say no to him) he, some Elemental Masters who insist on accompanying FSM, engage in a tense dinnertime with Kokoro, who just gave birth (Hideaki still couldn't find the time to hold his new kid in his arms too). FSM purposefully cuts himself (Oni and Dragon alike are very interested in his blood), and Kokoro reacts accordingly, her mind hazy, going out of control as she turns to a full Oni.
that's when FSM admonishes Hideaki for his secrecy. He lets the other Elemental Masters restrain Kokoro, and FSM gives Hideaki a chance to explain himself, to debunk what his comrades tell the FSM. He was always a firm believer of someone admitting their lies and their sins face-to-face... However Hideaki DOES NOT work well under pressure, nor when his baby and wife is currently being held hostage so his thoughts, his confessions and everything he says is incomprehensible garbage. He even made a few mentions of the Oni of Anger and how they destroyed him without the FSM knowing, to which FSM'S trust for Hideaki breaks more. Initially, despite the offenses and panicked testimony, FSM was going to let Hideaki free, except he is exiled from the Elemental Alliance.
The thing is, Hideaki prioritizes his family first. Before FSM can reassure him he is not mad, the Master of Fire... Killed Hideaki's baby. Not an accident, he literally burnt the baby alive until it was reduced to nothing but literal ashes. It was as if something unlocked inside Hideaki; with an enraged growl he breaks free, attempting to maul the Master of Fire like a bear. Even Kokoro was enraged over what they'd done to her child, impaling the first Elemental Master of Nature, letting him die as she tries to scramble to pick up the child's remains and kill the master of fire. The master of fire INSISTS he hadn't done that, that something was controlling him, brainwashing him into fucking killing a baby. I wonder who it was. Anyways things got ugly immediately, Kokoro got murdered by a happenstance of circumstances, that not even Hideaki or FSM could explain it in detail. In the end, FSM cursed Hideaki after murdering the master of fire and earth, thinking that the Preeminent was simply collecting souls not to feel lonely (because he’s still quite naive, despite seeing Preeminent’s true form. he GENUINELY thought she wanted a companion and assigned her Hideaki).
The Elemental Master of Lightning beheads Hideaki out of grief, and when Hideaki opens his eyes to the new afterlife awaiting him. Everything was... a dystopia. A ruin of every ruin. Desolation and destruction that predates anything he knows about Ninjago. And at the center of it all, lies the Preeminent, who has her wish come true. A new companion... but he wasn’t willing, and she treats him more as a pet than anything else. Against his will, since he IS the first inhabitant of the Cursed Realm, he is married to the Preeminent, but no matter how much force and situated affection she has for him, in his heart there only lies one girl. Kokoro, whom he was very, VERY far away from.
At first, he still held hope. Hope that he will see Kokoro again, to hold their child, but the days turned to weeks, months, and then years. The Preeminent had enforced him with all kinds of orders and laws, to the point that his happy, humane and optimistic side started to fade away, leaving only the ugliest parts of him; his lack of social awareness, his awkwardness, his intense insecurity. The years in the Cursed Realm turned him to the very thing he hated the most: something he considers a bad person. These negative attributes of his personality was also paired up with an increasing amount of apathy and indifference (he started accepting that every soul that came here was forsaken and deserved to be punished like him), and cruelty and idleness he shows to his new subordinates. He thinks he can wither like this forever, to act as if nothing exists, as if he doesn’t exist, as if his only dream in this afterlife was to be tortured and held captive by the Preeminent forever.
But someone stopped him from spiralling in those horrid thoughts, as late as he can be. Five thousand years since he came to this realm and was stripped of the humanity he had, a Cursed soul younger than him showed up. 17 years old, clearly having been deceived by the Preeminent as Hideaki observes him from the Head of the Cursed Realm, as he fights off many, many ghosts, winning glory and the authority of everyone in the Dystopian Ribcage. Called the champion, this man was. He interested Hideaki a lot, but he refuses to think or talk about him. He may ascend the Head soon, so what could he possibly say to him? That is, until the Preeminent told him not only was he the Elemental Master of Wind, but he is named after his old friend, Morro I. Immediately the most interested he has been since he was exiled to this Realm, he seeks the young ghost out to obtain information from him, whatever it is. He didn't know what information he wants from him, but it was enough to make this already static afterlife feel... A little more entertaining.
And it did. Hideaki properly gets the chance to meet Morro after one of his combats. Morro had just finished one of his more iconic fights (him against Arcturus, the Anacondrai general), and seen than a particular silhouette he has not ever come across the amphitheater was watching him, he immediately books it. However, Arcturus was feeling a little petty over losing a fight against a teenager that he corners him and almost beats him up if Hideaki didn't intervene. Sending the Anacondrai on their way, he gets a one on one with Morro. The young man wanted to talk to Morro, but he was sent away by a large wind, so he decided to volunteer to host Morro's visit towards the Cursed Realm palace, that's when they started talking. While at first, since Morro was jaded by human interaction and suspicious over anything that tries to interact with him. Hideaki was no exception; he treated him quite callously and occasionally misinterprets his body language and stand offishness as him thinking he is above all of them. Morro has a strong hatred over the Cursed Realm's elite society living in her head (which Hideaki is a part of) because they're living good afterlives in her head.
However, after a few more years of some forced spending time together (the Preeminent wanted her husband and her champion to have a better relationship for publicity), Morro started to understand how and why Hideaki is the way he is. Sooner and later, he developed an understanding and more intimate relationship with Hideaki. It’s not romantic, but it is definitely more platonic than what was intended by the both of them. Not getting into it but it’s like friends-with-benefits type of relationship, except they do have a particularly strong bond. However Morro doesn’t really like him in a romantic way (he’s not that romantically attracted to anyone at all), while Hideaki simply hasn’t moved on from his first wife. They’re not affectionate with each other, but everyone who sees them interact and share relationships know that they are quite close to each other. They occassionally talk, had multiple rendezvous that leaves the Preeminent seething, knowing how one another would feel and act given the type of situation, and even leaves others debating and fighting over what their label were.
Hideaki dislikes the fact that Morro cares too much about a title he never got in his life, and wants him to let go of that ambition. However Morro doesn’t like the fact that he acts as if he doesn’t care about his life anymore. He tries riling Hideaki up with the promises of destroying Cloud Kingdom for separating him from his family. He has no interest with the Preeminent’s ambitions of taking over all the sixteen Realms but makes no plans stopping them, having given up the ability to care about the morality of the situation. However, once he asks Morro if he was still willing to possess the Green Ninja to find the Realm Crystal, he did not expect Morro expressing vengeance and the desire to plunge the world into misery. Despite his hesitance and dislike of having to exert too much of his energy into something that will most likely fail, he was fond of Morro. He didn’t want him to die because of his naive foolishness, and so, decides to help him.
This of course blows up on everyone's faces, as Morro loses against a bunch of teenagers with facemasks, and Hideaki was being smug towards both Preeminent and Morro about how this was a HORRIBLE idea and he knew it. Despite all of this, he feels nothing but acceptance over his fate, and believes he accepts getting scorched to death by water. He does, however, become tense at the thought of his loved ones being judgemental and not loving him any longer simply because he is different and not the man Kokoro married. Idk what to do with this story plot point but he does reunite with his family, don't know how to do it while making it emotional. He also plays widely into this kind of fanseason but also AU thing of mine in which Morro gets an on screen redemption arc. Anyways yeah that's it for his story, it was bound to have a happy ending for him since he deserves it.
Anyways some trivia time tee hee:
Here's a more detailed reference picture of Hideaki I drew out of funnies if you want more color palette references. He ALWAYS wears his training gi, if he is not he wears traditional kimono. I don't have any color palette for his Cursed Realm design but here's a basic sketch of it. He's obsessed with the idea of wearing tons of armor because it's a sign you can protect people you love.
Initially his character would be a little more of an asshole than his final ones, I had his character already set up in early July during the time of making TAGOMJTR (my Morro redemption fic) and waited for a time to implement him in the story. He was supposed to be Morro’s 'only friend' who betrayed him to go to the Head of the Preeminent and left his ass, which made him grow bitter. I actually had to scrap a moment in TAGOMJTR and Morrotober because that little blurb doesn't fit what I have for Hideaki anymore.
Although I had an impulsive thought about turning Hideaki into a genuine, good friend for Morro because he needs some rest between all things, so here we are! I fluctuated back and forth over his actual personality because him being unhinged or snarky and flippant isn't really how I envision him. Besides I need him to contrast Morro- Morro caring too much about life while Hideaki doesn't really give a damn anymore. That's why he's a lot more stoic and apathetic than usual, but it's clear he has a better moral compass and standing than Morro has.
The way I thought of their character is a lot more 'wow what if Morro got fucked over by a ghost in the Cursed Realm' then it turned to 'wow what if an Elemental Master was also condemned' and Hideaki was made. He's mainly based off cold characters who became the way they are because of traumatic events. I think Morro deserves a companion that tries to talk him out of many things rather than someone who betrays him and destroy the last of his kindness.
He's also actually a Demon Slayer oc with the same element at his disposal (breath of Seasons) but they're WILDLY different characters at this point with varied accomplishments. They also have different appearance.
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blazing-arsonist · 11 months
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The real reason why he's imperfect
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linipik · 7 months
Have you ever drawn Frank Zhang?
Yeah, a couple of times a loooong time ago
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I didn't draw much of HoO tbh, and back then I used to draw with pen and paper way more, the good old times.
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aeroblossom · 2 months
midori occupies every crevice in my brain. so here is some aimless and scattered rambling. it is absolutely not organized, and this is a continuation of my last post. please don't come for me
when alice 'killed' him, he didn't bleed. later in the secret repair room, you find a repaired head that reported a broken left eye, which matches what happened to the midori that alice pushed into the fence. the original midori was gone before he even began to recruit the cast. the only surviving bit of his human body we know of were attached to mai, but even mai ends up drilled or otherwise dies after the last trial.
more than half of him is doll, and the only evidence of his humanity has been destroyed. midori creates and destroys dolls of himself and the others as easy as breathing, abuses and torments people and watches them contort mentally and physically with great interest. he despises his entertainment coming to an end. he's aloof most of the time, unless he's bullying the cast and enjoying himself, or angry, disturbed somehow.
i have half a guess that the midoris that recruited the cast are not the same, but rather several different dolls of himself. this way, not only would he have discarded his physical humanity, but also minimized any consequences of him dying. on the one hand, he has trivialized the life of others as well as others, boldly inviting everyone to try and kill him. on the other, he is human yet at heart, fearing death like any other. trivialized is the less than half of him that is still human, like a majority vote, as he is. the game is a great criticism of democracy - the majority decide for everyone. a collective mass with no space for anyone's individual choice, with the few protesting voices silenced. they are trivialized.
an empty human, soulless. a doll. an aloof, empty husk that finds enjoyment only in controlling and torturing. perhaps he feels alive. perhaps he feels the fear of death and remembers his vulnerability, but from a safe distance, able to detach himself from it.
him having multiple replacements for himself would also mean he is, in a way, immortal. i assume every midori has the same personality, at least. that would be shedding the final layer of being human: mortality.
but one thing remains - shin tsukimi, living with midori's real name and a living caricature of who sou hiyori was. midori is a bit obsessed with him and who he was before he stole midori's name and adopted his general demeanor - the ai shin is a timid, but kind and sweet presence, like shin before the game. midori remarks that he regrets not being able to be the one who kills him. as infatuated as he is with the kindly ai shin, his love of control is first, and when pushed far enough, he 'kills' the ai shin too.
but why this, seemingly, immense need to lose one's humanity? something to do with what he was as a normal human at the beginning of everything? does being human impede him somehow? though regardless of how much he runs from it, he ends up with the very human fear of death all the same, a lack of control over his destiny, a lack of control in general. he loses all composure once he's seen through. the dolls establish that they have a right to make their own choices, and thus that makes them human - breaking shackles, freeing themselves of their circumstances, of control. this was midori's trump card over them - the ultimate trap, death. he puppeteered them by abusing their human psyches and weaknesses and hanging it over their necks like a guillotine, until the same guillotine chopped off his own head in the end.
having seen kai's episode, i wonder what kind of effect his mother had on him. i'll call her mrs hiyori. in her first interaction with gashu, she seems the picture of a great mother, giving him the right advice for kai and sei. gashu takes it to heart, and the results are extremely positive as well. but once the objective is complete, her attitude flips on its head. she suffocates gashu with his circumstances. she forces him to choose one, not the other. she changes as she sees fit, displaying that same suave manipulation midori is famous for. i don't think i covered nearly everything i wanted to say, but this will do for now
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book-lover85 · 10 months
when your hyperfixation/special interest is so intense that you squeal at any slight mention of it and when someone insults it you literally wanna sob
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valtsv · 2 years
hi! i mean this genuinely and i hope it isnt rude to ask, totally feel free to ignore if you prefer not to answer! but ive been wondering, what makes you seemingly so attached to your polish heritage? as a polish person myself, who has lived in poland their whole life, i just find it interesting, because i find that im almost... ashamed of my own nationality. im sure you are aware that poland isnt the most progressive, especially with the current government, and it is in many ways far behind many other european countries. again, i mean no disrespect to you and also im literally polish myself so its just a lot of conflicting feelings, and it makes me curious to see an immigrant who seems to talk about the country mostly positively. (also im sorry about the situation with your family, i hope you get to come here on your own at some point! <3)
oh yeah no i totally get you, i feel ashamed of how backwards and bigoted the country can be and i'm not some kind of proud nationalist who'll defend its ugliness. and i worry sometimes that i'll make people feel unsafe or uncomfortable by mentioning my heritage because of that. i suppose i'm just attached to the way i feel like i'm home when i'm there, in the town i was born in and the places i've visited. i'm attached to the good memories i have of the food and culture and scenery and people i've encountered who made it a beautiful place to live. and a lot of my family were wiped out during ww2, so i guess i'm attached to being alive and proof that they failed to destroy us completely? but i definitely don't think it's all sunshine and roses and pretty stereotypes.
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apricity-is-you · 1 month
Romano: If guardian angels are real, mine is drinking vodka straight from the bottle and pretending I don't exist.
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 5 months
Maybe a weird request, but can someone please assure me that no one is in my head/can know all my thoughts? I'm fully aware that it's not possible for someone to be in my head, but unfortunately being aware of it isn't always enough to make the feeling go away. I've never actually asked anyone else to assure me of this and always just deal with that feeling myself, but I wanna see if that might help bc i keep feeling that today
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morrigan-sims · 4 months
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Neither of these are new, but take some outtakes of two of my pirate captains!
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kyuoki · 19 days
playing sonic adventure 2 has healed my inner child in ways i cannot describe
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 months
What's your hot take when it comes to the trolls movies?
Honestly I feel like most of my opinions are like… normal ones tbh let me think rlly hard for a sec
I think my hottest take (which is still lukewarm at best) that I can think of rn is that like JD deserves to be beaten up I need him to be punched in the nose.
Also Poppy did nothing wrong and ppl just hate her bc she’s a female character who has flaws (aka a well rounded character)
Ok wait another one I don’t get why ppl ship Fleek. The only version of them I care about is tdau. But like how did that ship come about im fr confused
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firegiftlouis · 11 months
I don’t know if some white people just think Black people were built to endure the racism that permeates our society and touches our lives in every conceivable way or something, but no we weren’t, dealing with oppression and racism, especially on the level of Jim Crow, would and still does make Black people depressed. Shocker I know.
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rosewinterborn · 4 months
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pastryleclerc · 1 year
jealousy, jealousy...
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itsza · 1 year
so khatha is getting into regular drunk bar fights now? and from the looks of it he’s not even winning them? for an immortal cursed being he is very pathetic
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bitual · 11 months
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hey guys just graduated
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