#daily jjs
urdailymemes · 1 month
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Let's be real.
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shellxrls · 3 months
JJ definitely randomly sends vids of him jacking off
jj x reader are in a very nude-friendly relationship tyvm! it’s your guys’ way of expressing affection bcuz you can’t stand being away from each other for so long :((
he’ll send you a vid of him jacking it to a polaroid of you and in return you’ll snap him a pic of your thong with his initials beaded onto the string.
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Expectations vs. Reality (Northanger Abbey 2007, Austenland 2013)
As requested by @firawren
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dailybugle-blr · 3 months
Spider-Man: Savior or Scourge of the City?
by J. Jonah Jameson, editor-in-chief
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Submitted photo
NEW YORK CITY - Spider-Man's latest exploits have once again thrust him into the spotlight, igniting a debate over his true intentions and impact on the city. Is the web-slinger a valiant defender of justice or a dangerous menace lurking in the shadows?
"For years, I've seen Spider-Man swinging around the city, and I used to think he was doing good," said Mary Smith, resident of Queens. "But lately, it seems like he causes more trouble than he prevents. My shop was damaged in one of his fights, and I'm still trying to recover from the losses."
Critics argue that Spider-Man's vigilantism undermines the authority of law enforcement and poses a threat to public safety. Operating outside the bounds of legal oversight, Spider-Man's actions blur the lines between heroism and recklessness. As such, questions persist regarding his true identity, motives and allegiance.
"While I appreciate Spider-Man's efforts to keep the city safe, there's no denying the damage he leaves behind," said David Johnson, taxi driver. "I've had my fair share of close calls when he's swinging through traffic. It's like he doesn't care about anyone else's safety."
In the face of mounting scrutiny, it is imperative that Spider-Man be held to the same standards as any other citizen. The people of New York deserve answers, accountability and assurances that their safety is not compromised in the pursuit of justice.
"We need to know who Spider-Man really is and what his intentions are," said Jessica Rodriguez, concerned citizen. "If he wants to continue operating in our city, he needs to be transparent and accountable for his actions. Otherwise, he's just another criminal hiding behind a mask."
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dailyeca · 6 months
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...fine. whatever. next year. next year. happy birthday, eca <3
----- happy second anniversary, dailyeca <33
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cloveswifey · 8 months
What if…
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dubjtodd · 2 months
I need to leave Gotham
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kusochekcat-gj · 5 months
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strongermonster · 1 year
i make a pride endcap or two at my work every year, and every year i put a lot of effort into making it a beautiful, eye-catching rainbow.
i bust out the waterfall fixtures, i find all the nice things to make the best display, i hoard stuff year round to wait and put up there, i got special little shelves i took the time to cut and wrap rainbow fabric and stickers to, i made them spend store funds on balloons and banners, i made my own little happy text bubbles, the whole 9 yards.
the issue then becomes customers will purchase items from my special little gay shelf, ruining my perfect display, and i get mad for no reason, even though i know if they didn't buy things from the shelf, they might not let me take up the prime real-estate that is first endcap in the power aisle anymore :(
i DO really like that everyone from all the other departments are like "HEY i got a rainbow item? or a pretty red thing for the red shelf? is it ok if i put it there?" and hold it up to my for my approval like i'm Little Lord Gay of my workplace
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dailynfl · 3 months
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obsessedwithegos · 4 months
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poppy playtime kin sona lets go <3 I saw craftycorn in chapter three and immediately went 'omg,,, me'
i imagine her pattern splots change constantly but are always in the same areas and always have hearts somewhere bc,, there's a game on her you can play of "how many hearts does craftycorn have?'' :3c if she gets paint on her fur it can either stain or cause a splot to appear there temporarily :3
General: @emmettverse
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urdailymemes · 1 month
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I've already got JJ yall.
Who are yall mentally taken by?
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comicchannel · 8 months
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Marvel Legends Series Retro Collection Spider-Man J. Jonah Jameson Hasbro F0863
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3s1maJa
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dailybugle-blr · 3 months
"Team Red" Takes to the Streets: Daredevil, Deadpool, and Spider-Man Unite
by Clara Haynes, reporter
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Photo submitted by Peter Parker
NEW YORK CITY - In a city teeming with crime and chaos, a new trio of masked crusaders has emerged, striking fear into the hearts of criminals and drawing both admiration and skepticism from the public. This unlikely alliance, dubbed "Team Red," consists of Daredevil, Deadpool and Spider-Man – three enigmatic figures with their own unique styles of crime-fighting. But as they join forces to combat the forces of evil, questions arise: are they the heroes New York needs, or are they merely another band of vigilantes running amok in our streets?
Daredevil, or Devil of Hell's Kitchen, has long been a symbol of justice, using his heightened senses and martial arts prowess to defend the innocent and uphold the law. His relentless pursuit of justice has earned him both praise and condemnation, but his commitment to his cause remains unwavering.
Deadpool, or Merc with a Mouth, brings his own brand of chaotic energy to the team. Armed with an arsenal of weapons and a quick wit, Deadpool's unorthodox methods often leave a trail of destruction in his wake. While some see him as a reckless wildcard, others admire his willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
And then there's Spider-Man, the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler. With his incredible agility, web-slinging abilities and sense of responsibility, Spider-Man has become a beloved figure in the city, swinging into action whenever danger strikes. But his association with Team Red raises eyebrows among some, who question whether he's aligning himself with the right crowd.
"Team Red may have good intentions, but their methods leave much to be desired," said Captain George Stacy of the NYPD. "We can't have masked vigilantes running around unchecked, putting themselves and others at risk. It's a recipe for disaster."
Despite the controversy surrounding them, Team Red continues to operate in the shadows, taking on the criminal underworld with gusto and determination. Whether they will be hailed as heroes or condemned as vigilantes remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: with Team Red on the streets, New York City will never be the same.
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dailyeca · 2 months
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these days I think I owe my life to flowers that were left here by my mother... reaching up for sunlight / just to be ripped out by the stem... blooming forth its every color / in the moments it has left to share the space with simple living things / infinitely suffering but fighting off — like all creation — the absence of itself well, anyway...
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swiliz · 2 years
Documentary style Daily Bugle show where we only see superpowers in the pictures Peter Parker takes (looking like he's been dragged through four buildings) (coincidentally spider-man was)
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