#daily mettaton
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Day 40 of posting MTT until the queue catches up to me ❗❗❗
(today its the tism family)
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dailypacesetter · 7 months
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DAY 50
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dragonlordazuroth · 3 months
Drawing Trans Characters for Pride Day 17
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Mettaton, my favorite transgender ghost.
He deserves better, but I'm getting burned out.
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ntls-24722 · 10 months
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this is a lyric in Hard Drive and while it's a lot more melodic in the song it's significantly funnier coming out of MCMM's mouth who canonically has the dry delivery of Alfred Coleman's role as The President
Also??? I've been wanting to draw MM, specifically an MM rather than a DJMM as Mettaton since, I mean. they've got the legs for it. But if I were to draw DJMM Mettaton, I knew what I would've done - unroll his glove's cuffs!
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It's, um. hard to make a seductive or glamorous pose when you are built like an egg and have no lower body. But it was done
Bonus: A bunch of selfship doodles
DJMM has such a static expression on his face, I imagine that for drawing him biblically accurately, you'd have to add a little emoticon to show what he's expressing. Body language is hard to capture with stills, especially with stiff robot stills.
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daily-teki · 1 year
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Day 54: Undertale (and if you’re looking for day 53’s teki, it’s on the end of @strangler-fish ‘s memory dance post, it’s just under the cut)
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020. summer drawing
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callibones · 1 year
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peppermint-3 · 1 year
Day 7 of doodling a queer character/duo/couple every day of pride month:
Mettaton [Transgender]
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punsmaster69 · 5 months
i think that was my goal.
remember? the one i was mentionin' about twenty nine pages ago? i'd said something like...
"and when i achieve it?"
"...guess i'll finally close this book for good."
so, i'll count that to be my goal.
therapist agrees, so you can't get on me about that.
sharing inner thoughts was never something i'm great at. so much so that you might've forgotten that's what this was for.
can you believe that? s'posed to be a thought journal. daily mental-state evaluation.
ended up talking about my friends instead.
wasn't for me, i suppose.
...after some amount of pages, huh? geez.
[This calls attention to the fact that the book is much thicker than it was when it started. Seems instead of switching to another one, his journal just... gained pages.]
point is.
seems to me like a good place to stop things at.
i'll give you a final update, and we'll call it. alright?
breaking the news went as smoothly as if we'd entered the room and broke a vase on the floor instead. (undyne about did just that.)
the second calamity was when mettaton and my bro show up kinda late
holding hands.
turns out my bro is much more decisive than i am.
apparently it was mettaton first, then paps who decided after a few serious dates.
congrats to 'em.
been deflecting questions best i can all day from the announcements, so i was thankful my bro showing up like that took enough of the heat off me n' tori.
can't stop smiling.
well- alright, that's a given.
but i mean this doofy grin i haven't kept up this long in ages.
i'm not even trying for this one.
all this talk about relationships, i think undyne's gotten excited. talking about marriage and all that. alphys has gone beet red.
grillby and the bar gave me a hell of a lot of pats on the back. i'd be bruised if i weren't bones.
if it wasn't that which would've bruised me, it definitely would have been the punch flowey gave me. the comment that earned me it?
"this makes me your dad, right?"
he didn't take it well.
despite the petal-haver's apparent hatred... i think he's secretly glad that toriel's happy.
my bro sure took the news well.
granted, since he already thought me and her were dating, he just was happy for the public announcement.
"Are we gonna get another sibling??"
"WAIT, are we gonna get a SKELE-sibling?!?"
"whoa, slow down-"
"Frisk, NO??"
"Do not encourage this BONEHEAD to-"
"I think that is quite enough."
tori puts her foot down on that conversation.
living situations shouldn't change much for now, but maybe we'll figure out something else in the future. (staying with my bro. don't panic.)
concerns about my health have slowed down, as i've gotten more used to daily magic usage. noticed way less bad days recently, right? papyrus still insists on teaching me to use attacks better, so i've got that to look forward to. there might still be ups n' downs health-wise, but i'm confident in getting through 'em now.
paps is noticeably still somewhat anxious about it, fidgeting whenever everything is brought up. which is fair, but. still.
i'll get him a therapist like i've been seeing. an in-person one'll work better for him, i think.
not sure what else'll change, really. everything feels mostly the same.
other than (gasp) public handholding. (scandalous.) every time we're beside one another, tori's finding some form of physical contact.
that's different.
...in a good way.
right now, it looks like the aftermath of a wild party. friends knocked out in random spots; dangling half-off the couch or sprawled across the floor. i think frisk and i are the only ones still awake, since they wanted to put blankets on everyone.
"(Psst. Is one blanket enough?)"
they raise a large blanket in gesture with a questioning look.
i speak extra softly so i don't disturb toriel laying at my side, with her head on my shoulder and an arm across my torso; hand met with mine.
frisk lays a blanket over me and tori. they stare contemplatively before speaking.
"Goodnight, Dad."
"...'night, kid."
guess that's it, huh?
i'm happy.
caring is nice.
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Day 14 of posting Mettaton until the queue catches up to me ❗❗❗
(today im mixing some of my favorite things)
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it's so funny that mettaton's staff is canonically unionized. burgerpants will not shut up about what a terrible boss he is but the receptionist at mtt resort says he makes a point to encourage the staff daily. when he became king he initiated a dictatorship and hired people to kill anyone who dared defy him. his products are useless at best and actively dangerous at worst. but he's the first to cheerfully announce the union-regulated break in the middle of a battle for the future of humanity!
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crystal-va · 1 month
I saw the post about Pyromaniac Sans, and I have a few ideas: 1, he could live in Hotand (pretty basic) 2, he could have been trained by Asgore at some point, (given his use of fire magic, and based on the design, it kinda looks like Fell style AU, so Asgore might have forcibly trained him because he was strong. Kinda remids of GG!Underfell Sans tbh.). 3, Maybe he could work with Mettaton? We know OG Sans works a lot of jobs, and having an on set-pyrotechnician could really make Mettaton's ratings go up maybe. That's all, thank you for your time! :)
Thank you so much for the wonderful ideas! I finally finished the illustration, and I looked back at tumblr and saw this wonderful ask! Again, THANK YOU!
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So anyway,
Pyromaniac!Sans by me
Here's the full story...
The undergrounds Royal Scientist, 🕈.👎 ☝✌💧❄☜☼, left many unfished experiments and blueprints behind after disappearing. The new royal scientist, Dr. Alphys, was ordered to finish the experiments that were left behind. But, there was a massive issue... She couldn't read it. All the papers were written in a language that it seemed no one could understand.
After many of the assistants and researchers were executed for being unable to decipher the text, Sans, the Royal Judge, stepped forward with an offer, "I can decipher it, if ya pay me ; )." Sans, was paid handsomely, and he deciphered the papers. From that day on he often worked with Alphys on ☝✌💧❄☜☼🕯💧 old experiments.
One day, Sans was called from his sentry station in Hotland to the lab. When he arrived he was met with Asgore and Alphys beckoning him to follow them. Sans followed and found himself in the true lab. He was lead to a testing chamber that looked like it had recently been on fire.
"I-I'm sorry, Sans..." Alphys said as Sans was knocked out by Asgore. Sans woke up only a few moments later. He was tied down on a table, he quickly realized what was going on when he saw Alphys holding a syringe filled with a mixture of royal fire magic and stabilized DT he had helped create a few days before, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Sans exclaimed as the needle was lowered towards his left eye, "We're making you useful," Asgore coldly responded.
Sans woke the next day in the throne room behind Asgore's throne, "what the fuck..." Sans sighed as he look at his hands, his bones were gray, as if charred. "Ah, Your awake... good," Sans looked up to see Asgore looming over him.
Sans was forced to move into a home in Hotland near the lab. For many years Sans was held on a tight leash and personally trained by Asgore daily. He wasn't able to spend much time with Papyrus, growing more distant than ever. The only positive for him was the special clothes he got to channel his mass amounts of fire magic so he wouldn't burn himself to ash.
Sans took up a side-job with Mettaton as a pyrotechnician, this was the only job he found any joy in, but... it wasn't good enough to make up for all the shit he had to deal with outside of it. He swore that he would break himself free using any human that fell next.
If you wanna learn more about his possible future endeavors, then let me know, and feel free to send in ask about him (He's grown on me a lot more than I was expecting, again, thank you for your wonderful ideas the-selfinsert)
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dragonlordazuroth · 3 months
Drawing Trans Characters for Pride Day 17
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Mettaton, my favorite transgender ghost.
He deserves better, but I'm getting burned out.
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spookysnooty · 8 months
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Almost Daily Mettaton update: hes still pretty
His face finally dried from his tumble in the snow LMAO
And I'm going to buy his eyeballs today hee hee my husband hasn't started sculpting yet, but he's sketched his idea and I love it so much that his handsome face is my phone background I CRY
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#26 How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? for ut sans, undyne, alphys and mettaton pls
Undertale Sans - Well, shit. He's used to it, it's not the first job he lost, far from that, but it still annoys him so much, especially if it helped him to have a pretty stable situation. Like his brother, Sans is not too fond of change, and losing his job is a big disruption of his daily routine. He doesn't like to look for jobs too. It's too much work and with his fragile mental health, it's always exhausting. He just hopes it will get better soon.
Undertale Undyne - Undyne is stubborn and doesn't take "you're fired" for an answer. You want her out? Well you'll have to kick her out yourself because she's not leaving. You will need the police, and then the involvement of Asgore and Gerson to reason her and convince her to please leave the place. She's still very pissed off though. She needed that job, and she swears she's going to make sure her workplace drowns with her. You don't get rid of her without consequences. After that, she goes to slouch on Papyrus' couch to bitch about her old boss and workplace. Papyrus is just patting her back until she feels better.
Undertale Alphys - Ok. She leaves, legs shaking, and she bursts in tears as soon as she is out of there :( She has a panic attack, as she doesn't know how she will get money now and she's so scared no one will want her anymore. She's clawing her phone for a few minutes, before calling Undyne. Not ten minutes later, Undyne breaks down her workplace door to tell them what she thinks of this lol. Tell her girlfriend doesn't do a enough job to her face, just to see what will happen to you!
Undertale Mettaton - He gasps dramatically, in shock. You didn't just dare, darling?! He's the one firing people, not the other way around. He goes to the director's office, kicks them out, and takes over the building, refusing to leave until not only he's not fired anymore, but he is promoted. Good luck with that. Unlike Undyne, who can be the reason, Mettaton KNOWS he's right and he won't back down, writing to the newspapers and everything lol. He's not leaving, deal with that.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №17!
Undertale edition!
Frankly I've had an idea for this edition for a bit now, just needed a confirmation that you do know undertale after all.
The fault crew just somehow fall down into Mt. Ebott. Simultaneously. Without the ability to get out without breaking the barrier, so the canon way where they have to go through the whole underground. How well does that go? How do you think the undertale crew reacts to them? (By undertale crew I mean Toriel, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore and Flowey/Asriel.) This ask will only have 3 questions so you can write this out in details if you wanna.
How do you think would the undertale soul system work combined with Fault's lore? And if every character did have a soul, which color would they have? Like from the classic determination, Bravery, justice, kindness, patience, integrity, etc. also you can make up your own souls if you wanna!
Which characters do you think are the most similar to respective characters from the fault crew and why?
man I think there’s like a whole fic in this answer! Fascinating prompt since so much of undertale is influenced by Frisk’s humanness
1.The guys and flies being so openly monstrous would mean everything shakes out pretty differently. I suppose Wilbur would get mistaken for a human at times and it would make him furious. But past that would really, really do well with a culture who has been oppressed and misaligned by humans. It would find a lot of camaraderie there. But everyone just being so openly calling themselves monsters is a huge shock for the SCP crew, since that’s a pretty big trigger for them. I think it could be healing to find people so openly embracing the term. Especially with the variety of UT monsters that use it/its pronouns. 
After falling, both Phil and Tubbo are really concerned with how they can’t fly out no matter how hard they try. It leads to an air of trepidation before Tubbo finds the buttercups and brightens since yay apparently they won’t starve in a cave. (Tommy: what about the rest of us?!) Sucks to suck. Tubbo is initially enamored with the idea of a talking flower, poking Flowey and causing him to bloom even more. Flowey’s thought process is immediately 1. Where the hell is Frisk and 2. Does that bee guy have three human souls. Flowey is Extremely Wary of Tubbo since he’s highly aware what that level of power boost means. But also he harasses Frisk anyway, and would probably pull the friendliness pellets trick on Tubbo who’d deffo be gullible enough to go for it. At which point Flowey promptly gets set on fire. Kill or be killed mother muffiner. As for the philosophy, Wilbur and Tommy already align with it, only killing in self-defense. Philza and The Blade don’t really see their death as a possibility when attacking, so they nitpick from that angle. Philza*, Tubbo, and Tommy have also lived lives (*at times) without threat where it isn’t necessary to kill in order to survive, and so can disagree that way too. And Tubbo of course brings pacifism and finding an alternative to the table. 
As weak as Froggits are I honestly don’t see any of the guys bothering to kill them, unless one hits The Blade. They’re not really seen as a threat. Wilbur might even seek them out to eat the bullets. Honestly most encounters are highly influenced by the ‘attack the human’ mindset so they’d probably have a much easier time than Frisk. I doubt they’d even notice power increase from LOVE. 
I think it would be funny if Philza feels slightly threatened by Toriel and they become competitively Good Parents to the Fault guys in a subtle rivalry. Tommy is outraged by snail pies but Wilbur digs it. She and Tubbo trade baking recipes, and Tubbo promises to leave a few bees to look out if a human falls down and needs help. I don’t imagine she’d try to fight them to remain in the ruins, given not humans and are clearly protecting each other. 
Papyrus is vexed at how easily they’re able to get around puzzles thanks to various abilities like flying, bees, void, insta win gg mod, etc. But once revealed they have experience with humans he’s enthused to find out ways to trap them using that knowledge. Wilbur and The Blade adore the traps for enrichment, and Tommy also gets competitive about it. Phil and Tubbo help guide the traps away from being accidentally deadly. Wilbur and Papyrus date would be absolutely hilarious because neither of them know what that entails. 
The Blade and Sans get along wonderfully in the lazy and deadpan humor department. But also Sans is keeping an eye on him because of his crazy high LV. Like, Phil’s is also insane, but it doesn’t compare to The Blade’s at all. Turns out it’s The Blood God’s LOVE that is pinging, and Sans is like…wonderful, now i have two mass murderers that get possessed by demons… anyway Sans is definitely watching very carefully, because this is a neutral route. 
Undyne is probably going to get herself killed tbh. She’s an attack first ask questions later gal, and that is not something you survive with the SCP squad. Sadg, I want her to train with Phil, The Blade, and Tommy. Plus the contrast between how she and Wilbur feel about human halter is phenomenal. Wilbur probably WOULD believe she knew what she was talking about with anime. 
I fully believe they straight-up murder Alphys if they find the True Lab. And they will, because Tubbo can be kinda everywhere and would be utterly horrified, trying to rescue all the amalgamations. It’s a particular affront to them given combining souls against their will is a HUGE problem for Tubbo specifically. And even before then, everyone’s possibly already be skittish around her before then because scientist and surveillance cameras. Alphys digs into their Foundation trauma in a pretty big way. I think she locks herself in the lab if Undyne dies but that really won’t stop them. It’s nowhere near as secure as the Foundation. 
Okay. Mettaton is in a VERY interesting position. Because technically The Blade’s Instant Win battle luck does not apply to robots, or things that are dead, and as a ghost robot Mettaton is exempt. So The Blood God would not be triggered. The Blade might fight on his own for the novelty of it, and let him win, again, because hey! He gets a choice! That’s sick! Tommy is voguing his brains out. Plus cool friend he can hug because robots aren’t affected by Red. Yes Mettaton thinks him and Wilbur are human and are trying to kill them buuuuut that really won’t deter Tommy that much. 
Asgore is very shocked with the fact there are apparently monsters on the surface still. When informed the Foundation exists and hunts them down, he grows really grim and more convinced that a war is the only possible solution when they get to the surface. The Blade is like wait that’s a GREAT idea. Wil, Tubbo, and Tommy think he’s crazy. Philza is actually the one to talk Asgore out of it, explaining how it’s infeasible, that it’ll only spread monster hatred like wildfire and ideas are so much harder to kill than people, that it’ll only earn danger and retaliation that’s likely to get his children kingdom slaughtered. Because. Well. Philza has definitely toyed with the idea before, and understands exactly how badly it would go. Philza is homicidal, not stupid. 
Finding the children’s souls in the basement would go really bad. Philza is furious because he’s pretty anti child murder, which is extremely uncomfortable for The Blade, who feels revolted that someone is willingly and intentionally doing so. But also he gets sacrificing innocents for freedom, and being confronted with what that looks like taken to extremes messes him up. Tommy and Tubbo are just completely horrified. Wilbur…honestly I don’t think it’d care that much? He doesn’t really have that societal/evolutionary ‘protect the kids’ thing aside from striving to get normalcy for Tommy. Who isn’t human, thus is within the tribe. And Wilbur personally thinks killing THE KING OF THE NATION THEY’RE IN is an extremely fast way to die! Unless monster society works like the void; ie who ever kills the top of the heirarchy is now in power. But also Asgore hasn’t attacked them. The Blade is always down for anarchy, but guilty about what that means for what he deserves, and Philza did just have a speech about declaring war is a bad idea. So Asgore lives, but I figure Philza and WIlbur have the political machinations to get him out of office and Toriel on the throne (Wilbur does it for the pies).  
Tubbo tries to talk to the souls, which…potentially plausible? The souls have down basic words and if Tubbo beckoned them there is a minor physic link but I’m not sure how much that could further communication. I believe they’d offer the souls to join the Hive in order to have a second chance at life. Not sure who if any would accept, but that could potentially have a lot of interesting implications. 
Regardless, they have enough human souls to get out. Because of Fault crew’s experience they’re a little reluctant to return bc the Foundation hasn’t harassed them, but the monsters are eager. I think under the advice of SCP squad they’re going to avoid actually getting into human society, but the emergence of a likely segregated town of monsters with a high enough population that humans can’t just fully attack is feasible. In the long run it is really good for Fault sbi given they have a place to settle with a community and general protection from the Foundation. 
2.Honestly the soul systems have a decent amount of overlap. Potentially some subconscious inspiration, there. Things like souls giving power to those that absorb them, multiple souls sharing control of a body, traits associated with souls, humans/people being more powerful than other types of souls. Fault people/UT human souls share some similarities, with the souls being powerful and the bodies being weaker, with Conceptuals/monster souls being the inverse. 
But I think on a number of key facts they contradict irreconcilably. F!People souls can’t be taken without consent/consequence in Fault, which is distinctly not the case in Undertale for Humans, and don’t persist after death unless absorbed/combined with a Conceptual, let alone get ripped out and put back in like we see with Kris. For Conceptuals, when they die they leave behind an object that represents their soul. It persists after death unlike monster souls. You can eat the representation for power tho, but I hope Frisk isn’t snorting lines of Monster dust! 
Undertale human souls are distinctly defined by a concept, whereas Conceptuals are defined by two and F!people are distinctly exempt from being defined by a core concept because they are real and thus able to change, grow, act outside of their natures. I think UT human souls are made of emotions which is a small fraction of a Fault soul, let alone monster ‘magic’ having no analogy. 
Flowey. Man. Flowey doesn’t work with the Fault system, given he’s soulless which just isn’t possible? All sentient beings that can form relationships, experience emotion, have memories, and have agency have souls in Fault. If you’re missing even one of those you’re screwed in different colorful ways. Since Flowey isn’t like a husk he has to have a soul. Like potential one could argue he’s missing emotion given the lack of empathy but he clearly has fear, spite, hatred, curiosity, etc. anyway the God of Hyperdeath fight would never shake out like that in Fault since people souls tend to be suited to overpowering a Conceptual (though willpower is a factor). 
I suppose it could be sorted out with Conceptuals, monster souls, and people souls being separate but the UT Human souls throw a wrench in since at the very least Tubbo and Tommy have those. The soul systems are alas fairly incompatible in a number of big ways for both plots.
Exclusively under the Undertale system: Tommy would definitely have a human soul and boss monster one. Tubbo is the three human souls, and potentially a normal monster one..? Potentially many normal monster souls. Wilbur has a monster soul, though I think it could do that thing Undyne does where he’s so determined that he clings to life despite it melting him. The Blade would be…a monster?? Human??? soul that absorbed a boss monster, with INSANE LOVE for the voices. Philza is a boss monster, hence the immortality. 
Tubbo is integrity. I debated Justice, because they certainly try, but Tubbo isn’t particularly successful. They value their integrity very very highly. 
Tommy is perseverance because his power is kinda surviving no matter what. And he does try to continue to be happy and outgoing despite everything. 
Philza is patience. It’s what nearly gets him killed in the amnestics arc. He’s used to having all the time in the world and is willing to play the long game. 
The Blade is kindness. Cause genuinely he really is just very nice even though his morals are a lil funky. 
Wilbur is determination. It’s tamed the void through willpower and cleverness alone, and is dedicated to practicality and doing whatever it takes to survive. 
3.Sans is a shoe in for The Blade. Lazy laidback jokers? Check. Hellish in a fight? Check. Does more damage if the person their fighting has attacked? Check. One eye? At one point. And The Blood God can be the mad dummy. (Which has my favorite boss theme btw)
Papyrus and Tommy have a lot together with being self aggrandizing and forgiving people that maybe they shouldn’t. Alternatively MK for that enthusiastic kid energy, hands? No thanks, and that initial hero worship of Undyne/The Blade.
Toriel and Philza have that chronic parent energy, particularly with the food as love language part. Plus the fire aspect! Not sure if Phil would go for the helicopter over controlling parent thing after so many children deaths, but the experience of watching so many of your kids die is shared. 
Wilbur is Burgerpants because. Okay I just think they have that same vibes. And it’s funny.or Mettaton bc legs for days and silly challenges. 
I genuinely can’t think of an analogue for Tubbo! If you have a solution go for it. 
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