#daily strip
thebristolboard · 10 months
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Original Terry and the Pirates daily strip by George Wunder, October 31, 1956. 60 years ago!
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fredandrieu · 1 year
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remindertoclick · 7 months
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Your Daily Reminder to Click for Palestine!
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delusioninabox · 4 months
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Comic #2,533! Noticing my child doing things right and thanking them for it has been the most rewarding thing in parenting for me. ♥️
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garfield-comic · 5 months
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galacticgoldfishart · 2 months
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so how's everyone else's day going?
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morbiidz · 5 months
miku for palestine 🍉
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ninadarlene · 2 months
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gentle-hero-blog · 3 months
Actually wait ok i'm not done. i'm actually so serious abt this. I think that a large part of the reason i got attached to metroid when i was younger is because it was the first media i discovered where the main female character was allowed to look like this:
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and like. people thought she was cool. BOYS thought she was cool and I had never seen boys think a female character was cool before, much less want to be like one. she had all these interesting traits that I had only ever seen in male characters (person of few words, calm and ruthless bounty hunter persona, highly respected for skill, her appearance isn't mentioned Ever, etc etc). and that was formative for me and my relationship to gender i think
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sighcomics · 2 years
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you -><- me
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thebristolboard · 2 years
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Original Mutt and Jeff daily strip by Bud Fisher, May 25, 1916.
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fredandrieu · 2 years
Ernie Bushmiller
22 mai 1945
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remindertoclick · 4 months
Here's your reminder to Click for Palestine today! 🕊
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delusioninabox · 3 months
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Comic #2,542! She's a very wholesome gamer. ;o;
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garfield-comic · 1 year
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Garfield by Jim Davis for Mon, 19 Jun 2023
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
Back at the start of October I became educated on the Palestinian genocide and advocated for those in Palestine on various platforms of mine. I do not feel comfortable with my silence on this account as I have a fair amount of traction here. So here is my 4000 word document on the conflict in Gaza, it has educating history and information, as well as updates.
There is a fair amount of information missed out due to losing my password to the account this was posted on, but I plan on getting back to updating it as soon as possible!
Mahmoud and his family
Dana and her family
4 year old Naya and her family
Samah’s family
Hasan and his family
Haneen’s family
Young Omar and his family
Mosab’s treatment
Student Khaled and his family
Ahmed and his family
Bisan and her family
Mariam and her family
Help baby Omar
Dr Saber and his family
Ashraf and his family
Mohammed and Shelly the tortoise
Misk and Ahmed
In 1947 the United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine and separation of Jewish and Arab states.
This meant that they would be giving away the Palestinian land and giving part of it to the Jewish (now mainly Israeli)and part to Arab (mainly Palestinian) people.
In 1948, Britain (who were in occupation and control of Palestine) finally gave the land up and departed back to England, leaving the Jews and Arabs to fight out who was going to get the land – this turned into the war that we know to have been the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Israeli government.
since that day, Israel (as it came to be) have been taking over more and more land, by doing so, they are killing, capturing and torturing the innocent Palestinian civilians.
This has been going on for 75+ years, and the media refuses to allow us to speak about it.
Hamas is an extremist group fighting for liberation of their land,we have to take note that Hamas wouldn't be doing what they are doing now had the Israeli government not taken over the Palestinian land.
80 years ago Israel did not exist, Palestine was where Israel now stands. Innocent Palestinians have been captured, killed and put into concentration camps which live on the Israeli land. Yet the media never talks about it.
Even if this is a supposed war against Hamas, Hamas does not represent the entirety of Palestine.
With what is happening in Israel right now innocent Palestinians are being murdered once again, yet the media is refusing to talk about it.
The Israeli government have shut off water supply to Gaza (home to 2,000,000 Palestinians, half of those being children) and have started launching white phosphorus, a harmful chemical that can cause burns and even death, due to injury and illness.
recently Israel has mentioned that they are going to bring Gaza to the ground, every building will be nothing but rubble by the end of it.
Israeli government had recently given Palestinians the opportunity to leave to Egypt for a safe passage, letting the citizens know which paths were safe and which were not, the Palestinians loaded themselves onto open trucks, so the planes belonging the the Israeli government could see them and know that they are innocent. Isreal bombed the trucks and the passage. Killing many, including children.
They warned Palestinians in Gaza to head to South Gaza so they could bomb the north, many evacuating to the South. Israel bombed the South, killing even more.
And then continued to bomb ambulances those in need of medical assistance were in.
Israeli propaganda is trying to make us believe that these are mere defence tactics, yet the majority of us can see that this is just another ethnic cleanse in the form of self defence. Israeli government is trying to get rid of everything and everyone from the land, which will no doubt become Israel in the near future if their "defence mechanisms" go to plan.
The media is trying to convince you that Israel is in the right by starting the war and fighting back, since "Hamas started it."
But the 7 decades worth of oppression of Palestine in the hands of the Israeli government says otherwise.
Israel has one of the most progressive militaries in the world (declared in 1967 during the Jerusalem massacre) meanwhile also receiving guns from the US, which are illegal in Gaza.) But Palestinians have nothing, only the rocks and stones from their blown up homes.
It's not a war if it's not a fair fight.
They want you to see Palestine as an enemy that they must eliminate, but once again – this is just Israeli propaganda.
standing with Palestine does not mean you support terrorism, it means you support resistance and liberation. Standing with Israel means that you support the mass-murder, genocide, torture and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and Palestinians.
For every city in Israel is a concentration camp home to thousands of Palestinians.
Israeli forces have killed 2750 Palestinians in the recent attacks, 1030 of those are assumed to be children.
Israeli forces air-struck a supposed Hamas base inside of Gaza hospital Al-Ahli, 800 Palestinians were killed in the attack.
Israeli human rights activist against antisemitism Hananaya Naftalí was seen posting to twitter reporting on Al-Ahli, in his first post he was seen to say "BREAKING: Israeli Air Force struck at Hamas terrorist base inside hospital in Gaza."
He then deleted that tweet after backlash and reposted a new one saying "The mysterious explosions in Gaza." "Hamas blames Israel for this. I believe it is either a failed rocket that hit the hospital or something that was done on purpose in order to get international support."
check out @/aquilahel on tiktok for the tweets.
For anyone who thinks that this is just a two sided issue, I will tell you why it is not.
6 year old boy Wadea Al-Fayoumi was stabbed and killed by his landlord in Plainfield, Illinois for being Palestinian and Muslim. The 71 year old landlord Joseph Czuba forced his way into the house when Wadea and his mother were home, stabbing the mother once, she managed to hide from him and waited until he left. After he left she came out to find her son stabbed 26 times. Joseph was found sat outside the apartment complex by police.
This is not just an issue for Israel and Palestine, this is affecting Palestinians and Muslims all around the globe.
We have received some good news, the president of Columbia Gustavo Petro has stated he "does not support genocide" and has sent humanitarian aid to Gaza.
We have also been notified that "ground operation" (Israeli forces operation to leave Gaza on the ground) has been posponed due to "weather disturbances", with further investigation we can see that the date it is set to happen on has clear weather and no disturbances, yet we have seen that Columbia's Gustavo Petro announcing he doesn't support genocide and sending help to Gaza has caused Israeli forces to pospone the operation due to the lack of support from a member of the United Nations.
Our voices really do make a difference.
Israeli forces have bombed a 2000 year old orthodox church in Gaza where groups of people who had either evacuated or had to leave their homes were seeking refuge. It was reported that 18 Palestinian-Christians were killed, and 18 more injured.
The united nations had a meeting to discuss the plans for the Israeli attack on Gaza. They were asked whether or not humanitarian aid should be let into Gaza.
Brazil, China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates
United States
8 abstentions (refusing to vote), leading to the failure of adopting a solution for humanitarian aid.
The United Nations held another meeting to discuss the possibility of a creasefire on Gaza, the results are as shown.
China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, United Arab Emirates
France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States
Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, Switzerland
Currently there are no updates on whether a solution has been put together.
Scottish Priminister Humza Yousaf has called for ceasefire on Gaza, and has said that Scotland is willing to take Gazan refugees.
Multiple countries have given humanitarian aid to Gaza, but it is all in trucks at the border, which is closed. The border between Gaza and Egypt was supposed to be opened by Israeli forces on Monday 16th October,
Saturday 21st October Israeli forces have opened the gate, letting in only 20 trucks, this will not be enough to sustain and aid 2 million people and they know this.
Total statistics from Thursday 19th October:
At least 3,785 Palestinians have been killed and 12,493 wounded in Israeli strikes in Gaza since October 7th.
Jewish-American conservative talk show host Ben Shapiro posted a picture of a "burnt Jewish baby" claiming that it is one from the Hamas-Israel attack. He posted this photo to twitter after receiving backlash from "Jew haters" (as he called them) who did not believe that any babies had been harmed by Hamas. (as there is no real proof of any individual attacks by Hamas.)
The picture has since been proven to be artificially generated.
Shapiro only 19 hours ago took to the internet to tell everyone how "America will avert world war three." Talking on the Palestine-Israel situation. (It's more likely America will cause world war three than avert it, Ben.)
UPDATED DEATH TOLL: 4,385 killed. 1,756 assumed to be children. 967 assumed to be women.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Israel has sent a warning out to hospital in Gaza Al-Quds, telling the people seeking refuge in there to evacuate so they can blow it up.
They have been bombing around the hospital for the last few days and now plan on taking it down completely.
12,000 people are there right now, it is their only place of shelter and safety, there are medical staff treating patients in need of medical aid, and the doctors refuse to leave.
this is inhumane, they are going to kill 12,000 people and this will not stop until gaza and palestine is wiped out completely.
So many babies and young children are there with their families. If you care about the hypothetical babies in the Hamas-Israel attack, you NEED to care about these.
We should not have to tell you that innocent babies and children are being killed for you to listen and realise that this is terrorism.
Do not listen when they tell you Hamas did it.
United States has donated $100 billion to Israel, backing this current attack and the many more to come.
United Kingdom's priminister Rishi Sunak has stated that the UK "stands with israel" and "are friends with Israel", and that he wants Israel "to win." (We do not stand with Israel, our stupid priminister does.)
There is no winner to a war that has more death than solution.
And there is no war if the other side cannot and does not fight back.
Gazan children are having to write their names on their hands to ensure that they can be identified after death. No child should be having to think or worry about death, let alone go through it.
This is genocide.
This is mass-murder.
This is terrorism.
This is dehumanisation.
This will not stop until Gaza and Palestine as a whole are nothing but Israeli land.
But we will not stay silent about this.
UPDATES: 24th October
23 reported masacres in the last hours of the 16th day of attacks, which caused a current total of 436 deaths, 182 of those were reported to have been children. These people were mainly from the South of Gaza, the place Gazans were told to relocate to by Israeli forces as it would be "safer."
5087 killed,
2055 children,
1119 women,
217 elderly,
a total of 15,273 injuries and 1,500 people including 830 kids have been reported missing under the rubble.
Severe burn injuries are being seen across Gaza, some including melting skin which they have never seen before, and in which is being proved hard to treat with the limited resources they have.
12 hospitals and 32 healthcare centres are unavailable due to targeting and lack of fuel.
Hospitals that are available have reached mass capacity and the medical teams are struggling to help those injured due to the lack of recourses and fuel.
130 premature babies lives are at risk, these babies are in incubators which run off of electricity, when Israel shuts this off (which they have been doing a lot recently) these babies will die as they will have no way to breathe and will therefore suffocate, if they can breathe on their own, loss of electrical function will cause the thermal system to fail and therefore the babies will die of hypothermia.
Day 16 was reported to have been the worst bombing Gaza has seen since the beginning (7th of October.)
The night sky was lit up red by Israeli bomb lights. (After having been a complete blackout at night since the 7th.)
This is only the reports for today, this is only going to get worse. As it is going, we unfortunately believe that this "war" will not stop until Gaza and the west bank are erased from the land completely.
Please keep talking about this, make posts, tell friends and family. Be Palestine's voice in a time when they cannot use theirs.
UPDATES: 26th October
Hospitals have made it to their full capacity and are now being reported as reaching their "total collapse" as result of the israeli airstrikes.
People in need of medical aid are being treated with whatever is left, patients are having to be seen to while laying on the ground and having their wounds and injuries seen to while under no anestesia.
Since October 7th: 5,791 people, including 65 medical staff, 2,360 children, 1,292 women and 295 elders have been killed, with 16,297 injuries. This only accounts for the ones that have been found and identified.
It has been said by the ministry spokesman, Ashraf al-Qudra that "children, women and elderly make up around 70% of the victims."
But that does not mean we disregard for the 30% of the Gazan men, and the rest of them that are working hard to find and help people in need, I unfortunately keep seeing men unaccounted for in these attacks due to fear and stereotypes. They deserve our attention too.
16 year old Muslim girl on a train in New York was attacked and discriminated against due to her religious beliefs.
When heading to Union square the girl sat down on the train, a man sitting next to her. The unidentified individual then told her "you're a terrorist, you don't belong here." Before pulling on her hijab.
The man ran away after another passenger intervened and tried to help.
There have been no arrests made at this time.
This is the impact of what is going on around the world. For so incredibly long Muslims and Arabs have had to fight the stereotypes that the Western media has written for them. May I remind you that no one person fits into a group of stereotypical values. No matter what ones religion or culture is, they are an individual with achievements, goals and dreams. Stop trying to generalise a group of people because you don't like what they stand for. It's pathetic.
I ask you to step away from Western media, when you come across it, ask yourself "what do they want me to think and what are they hiding from me?" Make your own judgments by doing your own research, do not follow the rest.
Accounts on various media platforms are being deleted for talking out about what is going on in Palestine and Gaza,
Instagram account "eye.on.palestine", one of the biggest Palestine news update accounts was recently deleted, luckily it is said to be restored soon enough.
But not all pages will have that outcome, they are trying to silence us because we know the truth.
So keep talking.
UPDATES: 27th October
Death toll in gaza reaches 6,747
Biden has stated he has "no notion if palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed" genocidal denialism at its best, not only that - he is straight up stating that their lives are much less valuable than anyone else's.
Palestinan officials have sent him a 212 page document on all the names, age, sex and official identification number in response.
281 of them are missing information as they have not identified them yet.
Schools in the West bank have been bombed by Israeli forces, once again - Hamas doesn't exist there, I beg you to tell me the reason to kill and scare innocent people, especially children.
Do not turn your back to the children of Palestine and then complain to me about the hypothetical children killed in Israel by Hamas.
Hamas have released some of their hostages, the hostages that were interviewed have stated that they were treated well and ate the same food as Hamas did, and received medical attention. They were kind to them and caused them no harm. It is reported that the current hostages released (at least a few of them) were given back due to needing medical aid that can only be given to them outside of Gaza.
I would also like to add, for the people who think they are hero's for speaking out about this issue, please shut up. The majority of the time this is white savour complex and I am tired. You are not a hero for doing the one thing you should be doing. Well done for doing it, but it doesn't mean you should be praised.
Also please stay respectful about what you post about Palestine, edits of the war are strange and using the genocide to promote your music is even weirder.
Stay safe out there.
Also for anyone who does not believe that Israel is the problem, I ask you to look into the issues with the West-bank Palestine, and how Israeli forces treat the people who live there even without Hamas (Whom are supposed to be the reason for this "war", right?)
Watch Joe Rogan's podcast interview with journalist Abby Martin, who talks about the month she spent in the West-bank, it's highly educational.
If you are Palestinian or Muslim, please stay safe and take care of yourself.
October 9th, Hamas offered Israel an unspecified number of women and children to be released from gaza, in exchange of 36 Palestinian prisoners held captive in Israel. Israel denied.
October 16th, Hamas says they'd release all hostages in exchange for 6000 Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
October 17th, Hamas said they'd release all Israeli hostages if Israel stopped bombing gaza. Israel denied.
October 28th, all hostages for all Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
November 17th, all Israeli hostages for a 3 day ceasefire. Israel denied.
January 2nd, Hamas would release 40 hostages in order for Israel's gradual 3 day withdrawal from gaza, on the last day Israel would stop the war and give back all Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
January 22nd, Hamas would be in leadership of gaza, they would release all hostages in exchange for all Palestinian captives and the end of the war. Israel denied.
February 7th, all hostages from both sides and the end to the war. Israel denied.
March 15th, Hamas would release all elderly, children, women and sick captives held in gaza in exchange of 700-1000 Palestinian captives being held in Israel. Israel denied.
May 7th, Hamas offers all female hostages for 50 Palestinian hostages and an 11 day ceasefire before Israel finally dismantles all military structure from gaza and allows gaza to begin reconstruction. Israel denied.
it's never been about the hostages, Israel could've got them out 7 months ago if they really cared about them, they are a tool being weaponised to mask ethnic cleansing.
I am so sick of people saying they are not educated enough to speak about this. 7 months. SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS. I cannot be nice about this anymore, I am tired, Palestine is tired, GAZA IS TIRED, we are all so fucking tired of this performative bullshit that everyone is spewing. I am so so sick of hearing that people cannot boycott Starbucks, that Mcdonald's is too good to stop eating, that Disney is important to them. SHUT THE FUCK UP. People are dying, they are being brutally murdered and you are crying about your fucking coffee??? GROW UP!!! This is life, you either grow with it or you don't. No one is asking you to sell your kidney for Palestine, but most of us would do it in a heartbeat.
For the celebrities and influencers, do not complain about not knowing enough when you've had 7 months to learn it, I was reciting "in 1947 the United Nations requested partition and separation of the Jewish and Arab states" in my dreams dude, I literally had a dream last week where someone offered me a Starbucks and I stood up shouting "BOYCOTT". This is what should be happening to everyone, it should be so drilled into your head that you think about it every waking moment. So trying to sit there and complain about your lack of understanding and education is a bunch of bullshit. Why be an influencer if you cannot influence??? 7 months to pick up a book, to listen to Palestinians who explain it to us for free on social media, to watch videos.
I saw a picture of a baby the other day, unlike normal I wasn't prepared for this, it wasn't censored and I had just woke up, it was on my Instagram feed, a young girl, not old enough to walk, I doubt she could even crawl, a small bow in her hair, a onesie, her ears pierced. A baby, someone's child, someone's entire life. half of her face and body was skinned, you could see her organs. While this baby was murdered in cold blood, Israeli's gathered at the Rafah border to celebrate the ground invasion. WHILE THIS CHILD WAS MURDERED.
If you are not angry, why the hell not? Our people are being killed, we may not be Palestinian, but we are all connected by humanity. So where is it when it comes to them? Why kill the people who cannot even fight back????
That land is not yours, it will never be yours. No matter what your bible says, God would never make you exchange a soul for soil.
30TH MAY 2024
I struggle to find the right words when I write this, and this is now my third attempt. It is great to see people advocating for Gaza now after having seen the pictures, videos and media coming from Rafah. However I cannot hide my anger when it comes to the way people have done this. Posting an AI image which does not convey the atrocious actions Israel has and still is carrying out on Gaza and Palestine as a whole on your timeline on whatever social media you have, is peak performative activism. It is unfortunate that people have utilised this time now to post something so out of touch while we have actual images from Gaza relaying the terror, we have videos and quotes you can use, why share an AI image when you have gofundme's and families who you can advocate for during this time?
Another thing I would like to mention are the videos now coming out with people chanting for a ceasefire, but saying that it's "never too late". I will not reprimand you for not educating yourself on this situation prior, and I will say now that it is great that you are getting involved and helping out the best you can by spreading the message. However while you do this, please remember that for the last 8 months while evidence from Palestine has been circulating social media, you were turning away and swiping past - and therefore are complicit in genocide. Acknowledge your mistakes and ignorance while educating yourself and others going forward.
The more people involved, the more people we save. But it will not bring back 40,000 people who did not have to be killed.
And do not promote or hype up Piers Morgan, he is one of the main advocators for the genocide on Gaza since the 7th of October and the main reason people in the UK feel so comfortable with their hatred towards Palestinians and Pro-Palestinians. And still now he is on the wrong side of history when saying "Israel has the right to defend itself" - that proves that he knows nothing of the conflict even while he asks for a ceasefire.
5th June 2024
I just saw a video of the IDF running over an already dead, or injured man with a bulldozer, they crushed his body. In the video you can see the soliders redirecting the vehicle to ensure the man is fully under. Whether that man was dead or not, will forever fail to take away the just reason of crushing his body under a bulldozer weighing approximately 62 tonnes. He was not a Hamas responder, he was a civilian wearing normal civilian clothing. He was someone’s someone, a crucial part of a family, a connection, and that was all taken away from him. I do not know what will be left of his remains, however I fear for his loved ones and for what parts of him they will find. He will not get a proper burial. His family may not even recognise him if or when they manage to find him. His life was stolen for the sake of land, land that belonged to him.
May his sweet soul rest in peace, and those of justice deal with the hardly-human soliders that killed him.
12TH AUGUST 2024
Surviving family members of those killed in Gaza are being given liquidated body parts of unidentified bodies weighing the age of the victim they mention because there are no full bodies found in Al-Tabin SCHOOL where Israel struck yesterday.
“I told them my son Ali is 6, they gave me a plastic bag with 18 kilos of body parts & told me to bury it. I don't know if it's my son or not... We can't find his body anywhere"
- Hassan, a Gazan father sheltering at the
school bombed by Israel.
I ask you to open your eyes to the truth.
Do not be on the wrong side of history.
Palestine needs our voices now more than ever.
Free Palestine until it's backwards 🇵🇸
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