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a-sleepy-reader · 3 years
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid: an Analysis and Review
Trigger warning for themes and a graphic description of suicide. If you want a review free of spoilers, please scroll to the section labelled ‘Conclusion/Review without spoilers.’
I’m sure there have been times when each and every one of us felt regretful of our past. A pain at the thought of past decisions, a pain at experiencing their consequences, and a longing for a reality unrealized. Iain Reid has stretched this universal experience into the 209-page psychological thriller I’m Thinking of Ending Things.
I’m Thinking of Ending Things is known for confusing its readers with an unclear protagonist, extensive philosophical and poetic conversations which, at first glance, seem irrelevant to the plot, and frequent tears in the fabric of reality. In my opinion, it’s only when you learn to play and dance with this torn, crumpled fabric rather than straighten and mend it that you begin to understand this book. So let’s dance.
Plot Synopsis
A woman is on the drive to meet her boyfriend’s parents. Along the snowy countryside drive, the couple speaks of secrets, age, and the loneliness that comes with intellect. Meanwhile, the woman is haunted by pervasive thoughts of a caller telling her there is ‘just one question to answer’ and her constant contemplation of whether she should break up with her boyfriend, Jake(‘I’m thinking of ending things’). 
Once they reach Jake’s parents’ farm, they tour the barn and find dead lambs and an empty pig pen. According to Jake, the lambs died of hypothermia(peacefully, the young woman thought). The pigs, however, acted strange before their death, just lying in the corner of their pen until someone moved them and discovered whole undersides writhing with maggots. The pigs must have had open wounds that flies laid eggs on, and there the pigs lay for who knows how long, eaten alive from the inside. Worst of all, if no one had taken the time to check on them, nobody would have ever known.
The farmhouse appears to be empty when Jake and the woman enter it, though Jake assures her that his parents will come downstairs eventually. In the meantime, the woman observes the farmhouse. There is a basement door with scratches on it and a portrait of Jake that seems older than him. Worse still, it doesn’t look like Jake at all; it looks like the woman. She begins to question reality.
Eventually, the woman meets Jake’s parents and they sit down for supper. They have relatively normal conversations about the difficulties that come with old age, childhood stories and more, but Jake behaves strangely; aloof, withdrawn, disturbed. The woman ignores The Caller ringing her like an alarm. Never stopping. Never resting.
After supper, the woman decides to explore the basement. It is a dark hole in the ground with a water heater, furnace, and storage space. In it, however, the woman finds a painting of that very basement with a distorted individual with long arms and fingers, and a child beside it. Next to this painting are dozens of pages with the same image with only slight variation. Suddenly, the young woman overhears Jake’s parents arguing upstairs. In heated voices, they speak of how Jake quit his job, about how his shyness and extreme introversion is unhealthy. How he’s alone too much. The young woman leaves the basement through a trapdoor that she realizes can only be locked from below. 
Next, the woman enters Jake’s childhood bedroom. He has an odd assortment of possessions: books, journals, photos. Jake was a strange, quiet child, often withdrawing into art to, as his father put it, ‘make sense of the world,’ and though he studied, photographed and drew, Jake never seemed capable of a return to reality.
Finally, the young woman and Jake return to the car to drive back home. Jake reveals the fact that he has a brother, a genius, possibly depressed recluse who followed Jake to the point that he had to cut him out of his life. Jake’s brother became a professor but quit his job because he experienced social anxiety. He began to impede on Jake’s life, ordering him and wearing his clothes. In the end, Jake wondered if he ever really knew him.
The couple decides to pull up at a Dairy Queen for lemonade. A worker says she ‘knows what happens’ and that she’s scared for the young woman. She and Jake take their drinks and return to the car.
Jake drives to a nearby school and leaves the car to dump their empty lemonade cups. When he returns, he kisses the woman, but before matters can become sexual, he yells that someone was watching them from the school. Though the woman presses him not to leave, Jake leaves the woman in the car as he races towards the school to ‘talk’ to the leerer. Eventually, the woman enters the school herself in search of Jake and finds a janitor in the school mopping the floors. The janitor is face-down on the floor with his limbs splayed out, crawling, writhing. The woman is frightened and knows something is wrong, but she decides to search the school for Jake anyway, trying to stay out of the way of the janitor. Eventually, the woman is convinced that the janitor has harmed Jake, and, hearing his footsteps, she runs through the school, lost in a maze of hallways and rooms. She continues her search for Jake.
In the meantime, the woman remembers an eerie childhood encounter with a woman named Ms. Veal. Ms. Veal was her mother’s friend who spoke frequently of her life issues. One day, she came over with oatmeal cookies. When the woman’s mother went to the bathroom, Ms. Veal told the woman that if she was good, she could have a cookie, but if she was bad, she might have to live with Ms. Veal. The woman was unsettled enough at this point, but the tipping point occurred when, that night, her mother got food poisoning that made her cry and vomit all night. The woman was convinced her mother got food poisoning from Ms. Veal’s cookies. Throughout the years, the woman retained one message from this encounter: you never know what goes on inside peoples’ heads.
Back in the school, the woman finds a note saying ‘Just you and me now. There’s only one question.’ Terror strikes the woman; it appears as if the janitor knew about her thinking of ending things and what The Caller has been telling her, but how? 
The woman has a flashback to the night she and Jake met in a pub at trivia night. She smiled at him and Jake smiled back, but he never gave her his number. They never really conversed. She left the pub, Jake was too frightened to approach her, and she disappeared in the frenzied snow.
She enters the custodian’s office and sees the janitor, remarking how she, him, and Jake are one and the same. “I’m thinking of ending things.” She and the janitor grab a coat hanger, break it, and plunge the ends into their neck creating a waterfall of blood and a bay on the floor. He slumps into the closet and himself.
He answered the question.
Already, one can tell that analyzing this book will be a handful. There are so many metaphors and allegories that addressing them all in-depth would perhaps make this analysis longer than the book itself. Nonetheless, one can usually try to piece together what these metaphors point to, and with that said, this is my interpretation of Iain Reid’s I’m Thinking of Ending Things.
Throughout the book, characters discussed how shy and withdrawn Jake was, keeping to himself as he studied the world from afar. He considered himself a genius and was well-versed in all sorts of subject material, from chemistry to photography.
Throughout the book, we can see that reality is fragmented and abstract(ex, the woman saw herself in a photograph of Jake and the photograph seemed older than Jake, the woman saying Jake’s parents are long gone despite her having just met them, and her saying she, Jake, and the janitor were one and the same). I believe it is fair to say the plot is at least somewhat detached from reality in one way or another. 
There is a section of the book which details the meeting of Jake and the woman, except they never become lovers. Jake was too scared to give her his number and they never bumped into each other again. If this is true, then how could the woman and Jake have been a couple within the book?
Throughout this novel, there were many instances where the line between who Jake, the woman, and the janitor began to blur. The woman saw herself in a photo of Jake, when Jake’s mother painted a portrait of Jake she instead painted the woman, when the woman described her childhood bedroom, she instead described Jake’s, and at the end of the book, the woman and the janitor commit suicide together, but only the janitor’s body was found. “She. He. We. Me.” Considering all this, I believe that the janitor, the woman, and Jake were one and the same, just different identities within the same consciousness, but let’s elaborate on that later.
Earlier in the book, Jake talked about his estranged brother, a mentally ill genius who quit his job as a professor because of the social nature of his job. Jake also accused his brother of following him, ordering him around, even wearing his clothes. Eventually, Jake thought it best to estrange him. Yet, the woman later states that there was no brother. “He was the troubled one. Jake. Not his brother. There is no brother. There should have been, but there wasn’t.” In the farmhouse, the woman overheard Jake’s parents talking about how ‘he’ quit his job and that his reclusive nature was unhealthy. We can assume they were talking about Jake. I therefore believe that Jake’s brother represented a painful reality of who he was; a reclusive person who quit his job and believed himself to be mentally ill. Meanwhile, the Jake we knew was likely an idealized version of the real Jake; a young, handsome man with a lovely girlfriend and a successful career. This brings me to what may be the most important point.
Everything is a daydream. Jake was a shy person who retreated into his imagination often, and when he quit his job and became a janitor, his happiness took a toll. He became old and invisible, and likely gave up any hope of him finding love and companionship. So, Jake took to daydreaming a better life, one in which he was still young, where his parents were still alive, and where he had the courage to give his number to a woman in a pub and they became lovers. So Jake retreated to this wonderland, but his life of disappointment caught up to him. His mental health plummeted, he lost hope, and all he really felt is regret. Suicide began to haunt Jake with that titular sentance,’I’m thinking of ending things.’ Since the woman was a figment of Jake’s imagination, her mental state was reflective of his, which is why she was always thinking of ‘ending things.’ The Caller calls her about a ‘question to answer,’ and this question is likely ‘what are you waiting for?’ as this sentence is repeated many times in the end. All this can also be interpreted as her contemplating whether she should break up with Jake, which likely shows that even in his imagination, Jake can’t imagine anyone ever loving him.
Jake decides to daydream of a day where he takes his girlfriend to meet his dead parents, but he feels haunted by the memories of his childhood. He reminisces even more, thinking about everything that went wrong in his life, how he seemed doomed from the start, or how everything could have been different.
Once the visit is over, they continue the ride and drive to the school, seeming to have the goal of sex. Jake is startled, however, by a man ‘leering’ on them. This is likely Jake feeling like a ‘pervert’ for acting sexually in his fantasy, imagining this possibility with someone he never even knew. He is overcome with self-hatred and runs into the school to teach himself a lesson. 
When the woman follows Jake and sees the janitor, she is immediately weary of him. He acts eerily, and the book is clearly framed to make you feel uneasy about this man. This is likely an extension of Jake’s low self-esteem and refusal to face the reality of who he is. He sees his true self as a sort of monster the woman has to hide from, a monster that hurt his idealized self. Eventually, though, the woman realized that they are one and the same; she knows she isn’t quite real. She faces the janitor, Jake, herself, and she understands that what seemed to be her thought was not quite hers after all. ‘I’m thinking of ending things.’ So he does. Then, all that is left is scrawled writings of his daydreams with the woman, a reality untold and unrealized, yet one marking the end of a life.
I believe I’m Thinking of Ending Things serves as a cautionary tale of being too scared to make the most of your life, of not taking chances,and  of living your life in the shadows. Jake was forever withdrawn from reality because of his fear of it, yet looking back, all he could see is a lifetime of regret, and a better reality within his imagination.
When I first read this book, all I felt was a stab of anger. I couldn’t understand it, and I tried to justify my feelings of incompetence by being angry at the book instead of myself. Thankfully, my curiosity eventually overpowered my pride, leading me to give this book a second chance. Upon having a better grip on what this book may be trying to say, I can say it has moved me like no other novel I have read thus far.
There is no question in my mind that I’m Thinking of Ending Things is not for everyone and will leave many unsatisfied, especially before they make an opinion of what is going on. However, I believe understanding the book is worth your time and that the complexity of it actually contributes to I’m Thinking of Ending Things. It is unique and well-representative of the chaos of a mind in agony, and will stick with a reader far longer than they may consciously remember it.
Iain Reid has taken the universal experience of being trapped in your own head and has explored this feeling in great depth; how we fabricate realities to deny what is happening, how we feel stuck in the past and contemplating what made things wrong in the present, how we grow to hate ourselves for our mistakes, how we withdraw from the world to avoid making these mistakes. I could understand and empathize with Jake’s agony; his character is pivotal to the story, and through thorough yet subtle explorations of his fears, past, wants, and regrets, I felt grounded in this surreal story by a realistic, interesting, and relatable character.
Reid’s writing is excellent at evoking emotion; I’m Thinking of Ending Things is one of the few novels that have ever made me truly anxious. However, sentences can feel choppy at times with many breaks that I believe break the flow of the prose. For example:
“I haven’t been thinking about it for long. The idea is new. But it feels old at the same time. When did it start?”
-pg 1
I feel like this book would have benefited from longer sentences and fewer periods to help the prose ‘flow’ better. Instead, reading this felt ‘choppy’ at times, and the short sentences were often jarring. Additionally, Jake was written to be a cruciverbalist(his word, not mine), yet this book’s writing is fairly simple with simple language and sentence structure. I wonder if this was done to simplify the book’s complicated plot or make it slightly more accessible, but it feels strange to have such simple writing in such a narratively complicated story, especially one taking place in the mind of a pedantic. In my opinion, I’m Thinking of Ending Things would have benefited from more complex prose and words.
All in all, I give I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid a rating of 90%.
I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a book unlikely to fade from my mind anytime soon. It is a complex story that most will require a second reading to understand, a second reading which is both enjoyable and well-worth understanding the novel. I recommend this book to anyone in need of a puzzle, a scare, an intimate look into the human condition or, in the perspective perhaps most horrifying, a look into themselves.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
160 - The Weather
No man is an island. Some men are fjords. Most men are oxbows. All men are ravines. Welcome to Night Vale.
The news coming up. But first, let’s go to the weather.
[nature noises, birds cawing]
There’s a cold front moving through Night Vale. Temperature at City Hall is currently 63 degrees and sunny with wind gusts later this afternoon of up to 40 miles per hour. These winds are expected to bring cold air as low as 20 degrees this evening, and possibly dropping to below zero overnight. It’s unknown what’s causing this weather, is a statement I make every day, looking out into the sky. Is it God? P-perhaps it is the government. Perhaps Earth itself is, is it out of boredom that the weather exists? Maybe it is out of care. That would suggest the existence of a God who wishes us well, but it does not explain the fierce destructiveness of a blizzard, or a heat wave, or a tornado, or a tsunami. Is a tsunami weather? That is a question best left to oceanographers, meteorologists, or a Tarot deck. But why would God make a thing, then mar it? What mood change is this? what care can this god have for humanity? Ahhhh. And maybe that’s the point. Ah, that does make me feel better, to think that it all doesn’t matter. It really takes a lot of pressure off, doesn’t it?
Let’s have a look at agriculture. John Peters – you know, the farmer – says his orange crop this year is massive. He says the quantity of product has not deviated, only the quality. “Them oranges are huuuu-uuge!” John said, holding an orange the size of the 2002 iMac computer. “I can’t fit this thing into one of them orange crushers (what that) I make the juice with!” he said, struggling to keep his back straight under the weight of the abnormally sized citrus fruit. But John says he’s excited for his orange grove, which has been doing great ever since he genetically modified his crop to no longer cause teleportation across existential dimensions when consumed. Despite his excitement for orange sales, John says he’s worried about next year’s crop of invisible corn. He said he looked up summer 2020 in his farmer’s almanac and all it said was, “Wellll crap. Good luck.” John plans to diversify his farm investment by raising cattle for slaughter. He’s vegan these days, so he does not want to sell the cattle for meat or dairy. He’ll just raise the cattle until they’re old enough to kill. Best of luck in all your endeavours, John! Hope you finally win that coveted Best Orange at the Citrus Festival this year.
Many of our listeners have written concerned emails about the temperature possibly falling below zero. Bob Sturm of Old Town said: “Zero is the lowest number, Cecil. I’m a big stats guy and I can tell you that you cannot have less than nothing, that’s impossible.” Well listen Bob, I’m a journalist, not a numerologist, so I don’t know what to tell you. Apparently there are many unknown numbers below zero, and as they are discovered, rest assured I will be here to report on them. (Reina Guerrero) from the west side asked if there’s anything we can do to better prepare ourselves for this weather. Well (Reina), here are some tips I just looked up online. One: bundle up. Yeah, your heater can only do so much. Two: bring your pets indoors, and if you have an agent from a Vague, yet Menacing Government Agency outside your home assigned to record your every movement, invite them in as well. You don’t want them freezing alone out there in their black sedan. Three: light a fire, if you have a fireplace. If you do not have a fireplace of pellet stove, try using a refrigerator or sink. Four: if you should lose power at any time, do not panic. Just curl into a ball breathing heavily and repeating: “Oh God no, oh God no, oh God no, oh God no”, through loudly chattering teeth.
Now, we’re not expecting precipitation tonight, but should it snow, I recommend making a snow angel. Yeaaah, that’s always fun. All you have to do is lie flat on your back, arms and legs outstretched, until you are called into celestial service to whatever greater authority rules these beautiful creatures. Thank you for your questions and comments. I’ll do my best to keep our town up to date on the latest weather.
But first, this Saturday is Night Vale’s annual Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza at the Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area. There will be live music by local bands, including  a new band by Dark Owl Records owner Michelle Nguyen and her girlfriend Maureen. [quietly] Ah, my old intern Maureen. Their band is called The Funtastics, and it’s a folk country slash (trans) tribute band performing the acappella covers of Philip Glass scores. According to Michelle’s press release: “Please do not watch our show. I’m very angry you even know about it. I hate that our secret concert at the annual Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza, Night Vale’s most anticipated and attended annual event, was leaked to the press.” Following the concert, there will be a collective prayer to the [gong, echoing] Great! Golden! Hand! And then the fireworks will begin. Event organizers say they have a special fireworks display in store for attendees this year. Traditionally, the biggest explosions are reserved for the end of a half-hour long buildup of lesser explosions, but focus groups have indicated that people are tired of having to wait for the best part. So instead of normal boring fireworks, they will be blowing up old cars using the 18,000 tons of solid fuel they found at an abandoned missile silo on the edge of the Sand Wastes. The Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza would like to thank the Sheriff’s Secret Police for the vehicle donations, which are mostly cars impounded this past week for overdue state inspection stickers. Can’t wait to see everybody this Saturday at the Fireworks Extravaganzaa!
Brrrr! It’s getting pretty bad out there, Night Vale! The temperature has fallen dramatically to 20 degrees outside the radio station. I can hear the creak and groan of our antenna straining under the 40 mile per hour winds. I’ve seen three different minor accidents outside my window as drivers lost control of their vehicles. I’ve got my little space heater under my desk. Huh, but I can still barely feel my feet. [chuckles] I regret choosing today of all days to bike to work. [sighs]
Oh, I’m getting word that power is out in the Barista District, and dozens of leather apron wearing people have been forced to make torches out of Irish cream soaked biscotti stuffed into (-) [0:09:16]. And the only thing available coffee wise right now is cold brew. Gross.
Employees at the Night Vale power plant are working to restore power to that area of town, but they have run into some difficulties. The blustery winds and extreme cold have kept some of the workers from being able to drive to the plant, and the ones already on site re perplexed by how any of this works. “We are not sure if this is a nuclear plant or electric or coal or what,” said Mike Reiner, director of operations for the power plant. “We tried turning the whole thing off and back on like a computer, but the switch didn’t really do anything. Nobody labels anything around here, for crying out loud.” Reiner then began to cry out loud, as dozens of workers rushed to put their arms around the sobbing man. “We’re sorry, boss, we’re sorry,” the frantic workers all repeated. In the chaos of the consoling, a single worker was heard whimpering: “Oh god! Someone do something before he changes back into…” But that voice was quickly and fearfully shushed by the others.
More on the power outage and weather conditions soon.
But let’s get to some good news. Our population is booming, Night Vale! We have more people than houses. But thankfully, the good folks of the private land development industry are helping out. Ah, the altruistic hand of capitalism! A new housing development named The Final Destination is going up in Radon Canyon. New homes start in the 130’s for 2 bedroom semi-detached townhouses, all the way to expensive 10 bedroom estates with beautiful views of the blue..ish mist that settles every morning along the canyon bottom. Representatives from the EPA have warned against building residences in an area known for producing toxic gases, but the developers said they will equip each home with a large exhaust fan and provide a lifetime supply of rebreathers for the first 15 home buyers. The EPA has tried repeatedly to stop this development, stating that excavation of the canyon floor could lead to the release of more gases, which would catastrophically imperil not only the lives of those in the canyon, but the Earth’s atmosphere for hundreds, if not thousands of miles in all directions. “Who knows what’s beneath the shale in that canyon?” one EPA representative said. The representative was wearing a sports coat too large for his frame and comically out of date glasses. He continued: “We have been trying to declare Radon Canyon a Superfund site for years, but Night Vale doesn’t show up in any government database and so it cannot receive its projection. Didn’t you ever see the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, how everybody’s faces melted off, it’d be just like that.” When it was pointed out that the end of that movie was good because it was Nazi faces melting, the EPA representative said: “Yeah yeah you’re right, that was pretty cool but still, get what I’m trying to say right?” Nobody did, because it was a weird thing to bring up a 40-year-old movie about Nazis and museum artefacts. So, now we will have new housing in the heart of Night Vale’s most beautiful scenic attraction, beginning spring next year.
I’m getting word that the power is out now in Old Town Night Vale and at the library, and on the south end. The temperature has dropped to 5 degrees and I think it will continue to plummet throughout the night. People are doing everything they can to prepare. Before the stores close, I recommend driving out and picking up some water as well as canned goods, even some fresh produce and raw meat while it’s still there. I mean, people worked hard to grow that food ten states away and then drive it across the country right here to you and you haven’t bought it yet? Even if your refrigerator’s not working because of the power outages, it’ll be cold enough in your house to keep it all fresh. So get out there and spend your money on food! We have so much of it. Let’s use it, Night Vale.
But above all: stay warm! If you’re alone, visit a neighbor. Body heat and company can help a lot in weather like this. And if you have room in your home, welcome your neighbors in! There’s no reason to be alone at a time likes. Plus it’s the holiday season, why not keep each other warm with stories, with camaraderie, with good fellowship? [shivering noises] Yet, if you can’t be with others tonight, [groans] then I will do my best to keep you company through this brutal cold.
Ah, I’d like to tell you a story of my childhood. It’s a very personal story, one I‘ve never shared on the air before. [shivering noises] I’m a bit nervous to tell it to you all, but if ever there was time for a story to bring us closer together, now is that time. I will tell you that story in a moment, but first, let’s have a look at sports.
[“Suspension of Disbelief” by Victory Soul Orchestra https://victorysoulorchestra.com]
[beeps] Computer: The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning for the greater Night Vale area. Temperatures as low as -10 degrees are predicted with high winds gusting up to 16 miles per hour. Wind chills overnight may reach -30 degrees. Residents of Night Vale and the surrounding towns of Pine Cliff, Red Mesa, and Desert Bluffs too should seek shelter. They should band together around fireplaces with heaters at their highest settings. In cases where heat sources are not accessible or operating, residents should huddle in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs. Come huddle with us. Come huddle with us. There is a barrel here. It is filled with trash and we have lit it on fire. It is so warm, the trash. The trash is mostly paper and cardboard, but it is also something greater than that. It is a symbol of progress of the great tower of industry (and need) [0:19:51], a ruined towel like Babyl, which just toppled down of the weight of its hubris, and in the language of flame it tells us things. It tells us so much, not through words but through visions. 
Here is a list of visions the fire has revealed to us. One: two spools of coaxial cable. Two: a single white bulb atop of an anthill. Three: an empty keg around squat cylinder of frosting, beneath which lies nothing, not even air. A void (cake). “Happy birthday,” echoes the choir from a good distance away. Four: a great black bird whose white wings brush along the castle turret. Five: a snake spiraled and asleep inside a leather boot. Six: a wheelless tractor in a vast wasteland of cracked earth. Seven: your brother. Not a brother you know, but a brother you once had. He looks like you and he repeats your name, but backwards. Eight: smoke clouds shaped like vice grips.   These are the visions of the flames in the barrel in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs. 
Beneath our gaze and across our minds, beyond our consciousness, these are the remains of the great tower of humanity. Come huddle with us. You without heat. You without home. You without hope. Come huddle with us. 
This severe weather warning is in effect (through) 8 PM tomorrow, when the warm front is expected to move through the region bringing sunny skies and high temperatures in the mid-80’s, and everyone will return to their normal lives, satisfied that they have (-) [0:21:51] death once again, confusing accidental survival with competence and immortality. What doesn’t kill you only makes you more complacent. The National Weather Service knows this is but a night together with you, not a whole life. For what we have in this moment is (truer) than rain, but deeper than thunder. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Blah, blah, blah. I’m not saying the morning will not hurt. I’m only saying the joy of memory is stronger than the prick of any (plate) upon my heart. This has been a severe weather warning from the national weather service. Stay tuned to the station for further updates.
I love you. I have always loved you. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Cecil: And that is what I saw in the mirror that day. And why I do not like to go near mirrors. Ever.
[sighs] I never told that story to anyone before. I hope it has kept you company throughout this treacherous night. I hope it has kept you warm. Just knowing you’re listening somewhere out there in the cold dark has kept me warm. Stay safe, wherever you are. Good night, Night Vale… [shivers] Good night.
Today’s proverb: Who called it Snowpiercer instead of Chris Evans’s Polar Express?
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cowboyjen68 · 4 years
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Yesterday the sun came out. I repaired my clothes line and picked up garbage on the North side of my yard and my paddock. 
Nala helped me inspect my old chicked pen. Stay tuned to see if I get a small flock. 
Part of the foundation of the old dairy farm surfaced a little more in my paddock.
I put away the winter water heaters and sort of organized my tack shed. I have way to many halters.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
Climate Change: Call For Action Part 2
Calculate your carbon footprint at the United Nations online carbon platform. https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/
Here are a few ideas for reducing your individual carbon footprint. If you can only do one or two, start there. It’s better than doing nothing. There are many websites available online with lists of ideas for reducing individual carbon footprints and sustainable living.
Change Your Diet. The best choice is to cut out red meat and dairy. World-wide, there are about 1.5 billion cows and bulls. They emit about two billion metric tons of CO2-equivalents per year. In addition, clearing of tropical forests and rain forests to get more grazing land and farm land is responsible for an extra 2.8 billion metric tons of CO2 emission per year. Approximately 18% of the total release of greenhouse gases world-wide. But if you are not ready to cut meat and dairy, then there are alternatives. Reducing red meat intake by half, reduces your diet’s carbon footprint by 40%. Grow your own produce. Buy food which is grown locally. Buying locally grown produce, reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and refrigeration. Eat all of the food you buy. Food waste counts for 8%of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world today.
Avoid Single Use Plastics. Single use plastics are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging, all of these get thrown out after a single use. Plastics are made with petroleum and natural gas, both of which are fossil fuels. We produce roughly 300 million tons of plastic each year worldwide. World-wide only 10-13% of plastic items are recycled. The nature of petroleum based disposable plastic makes it difficult to recycle. Petroleum based plastic is not biodegradable and usually goes into a landfill where is degrades, releasing toxic chemicals which make their way into our air, food and water supply. Use reusable shopping bags and food containers.
Reduce The Amount of Paper Used. Paper pulp and paper mills produce air, water and land pollution and contribute to deforestation. The amount of paper and paper products is enormous, paper mills produce about 400,000,000 tons of paper and paperboard per year. For the US alone, 6.5 million trees are cut down every year to produce 16 billion paper coffee cups. Worldwide consumption of paper has risen by 400% in the past 40 years, with 35% of harvested trees being used for paper manufacture. 80% of paper products used worldwide ends up in landfills. Decomposition of the paper in landfills produces methane, a greenhouse gas with 21 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide (CO2). U.S. EPA has identified landfills as the single largest source of methane emissions in the U.S., and the decomposition of paper is the largest contributor to the methane being generated. Opt out of junk mail, sign up for e-statements, pay bills online, use a list maker app on your phone or tablet. Digitize your documents. Switch to an e-reader or tablet. Use dish towels instead of paper towels, handkerchiefs instead of facial tissue. Buy recycled post consumer waste toilet paper. If every household in the United States alone, replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper (500 sheets) per year with 100% recycled toilet paper, we could save 423,900 trees.
Cut Home Energy Use. Turn off lights you’re not using. Wash clothing at lower temperatures. Hang laundry out to dry, weather permitting.  In cooler weather, put on a sweater, keep afghans on chairs and sofas and turn the thermostat down. Close heating vents in unused rooms. Use water efficient shower heads and use timers to take shorter showers. Change all of your light bulbs from incandescent to CFL or LED lights. If you own your home and have the money: update the insulation, consider more efficient water heater, furnace and air conditioner. Install solar panels.
Reduce Carbon Emissions From Transportation. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions comes from fossil fuels. The biggest culprit from transportation is airplanes, followed closely by automobiles. Limiting the use of fossil fuels such as oil, carbon and natural gas and replacing them with renewable and cleaner sources of energy, all while increasing energy efficiency. If you travel extensively for business, try to reduce your transportation carbon footprint in other ways.  To cut car emissions, try walking, biking, public transportation, car-pooling, working from home. If you’re looking to buy a new car, look into fuel efficient, hybrid or electric models.
Consume Less, More Wisely. Buy less. Buy Locally. Understand where the items you buy come from and what it took to get to your local area. Buy high quality things and make them last. Buy things that are designed to be repairable and make sure that is what happens. When you have finished with them, sell or donate. Choose the most energy-efficient white goods. Don’t leave the house without a reusable cup and reusable water bottle.
Form or Join a Community Action Group By joining with other like minded individuals, your own voice grows. There are many local organizations or check out https://350.org/get-involved/
Clean Up Investments. Use your investments to push for the future you want. Avoid fossil fuels and invest in clean energy, renewables and reforestation.
Contact Your Local and National Government Representatives Let them know your concerns about the global crisis and the actions you want them to take.
Boycott Corporations Who Continue To Add To The Crisis Stop buying their products or shopping at their stores.
Talk About It. No one will know what you are doing or why if you don’t talk about how important it is. Share your ideas. Let your passion and love for the planet and all of her creatures be known. Let family, friends, co-workers, etc. know that climate change is a global crisis and we are each responsible for doing our part.
If you can’t make the changes to your lifestyle, for whatever reason, consider donating to a trusted green project. Lists of green projects can be found online and at https://offset.climateneutralnow.org UNFCCC certified projects.
There is a lot of work to be done, we can make a difference and for the sake of our children and our children’s children, we must keep trying.
Until we meet again, may your life be filled with love, laughter and many blessings.
The Lilac Druid
Shared from https://wordpress.com/view/practicaldruidryforthe21stcentury.home.blog
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zetorna · 5 years
Switch to Premium comfort with ZETOR MAJOR HS Series tractors
ZETOR North America has launched the MAJOR HS Series tractors to the general public. The new tractors meet the requirements of the most demanding customer, bringing modern Power Shuttle  transmission technology, hydraulic independent PTO and Premium Cab layout to the customer while providing  maximum operator comfort. Zetor North America showcased 2 of there three new HS Major Series tractors at the 2019’ National Farm Machinery Show (NFMS) held in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Zetor worldwide launched the Major Series CL tractors in 2013 and immediately, it became one of the the fastest selling tractors in the Zetor tractor line-up.  With its simplistic design, versatility and low operating cost the Major Series has demanded the addition of a Power Shuttle transmission to serve the fast growing needs of various economies.  
“Until the end of 2017’, the MAJOR Series was only available with a 12F/12R synchronized mechanical shuttle transmission and a top transport speed of 19 MPH.  This made the tractor a simple, but resistant hard worker,” says Mike Boucher, Director of Sales & Operations, ZETOR NORTH AMERICA.
In 2018’ the MAJOR Series was extended adding two new models, the HS65 and the HS80 with a Power Shuttle transmission with electro-hydraulic engagement of the PTO.  By adding new models to the Major Series line-up, Zetor North America offers more options to fill the need of its customers while at the same time bringing new buyers to the Zetor line of tractors.
The new HS65 and HS80 model tractors feature a new TIER 4 water cooled, 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine in 67HP and 80HP with a discplacement of 2.9 liters with a high pressure common rail fuel injection system.  Neither the HS65 nor the HS80 require DEF, thanks to the Catalyst DOC emissions, eliminates the need for diesel exhaust fluid or a DPF filter.
New for 2019’ Zetor North America offers a 3rd model to the MAJOR HS Series in 74HP with the addition of the HS75 with all the same characteristics of the HS65 plus a standard Air-Ride phnematic-suspension seat with swivel, reclining/for and aft adjustments.
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The new HS80 tractor features 24F and 12R speeds with a Power Shuttle reverser.  Forward speed is multiplied by a 2-speed Hi/Lo Powershift with the activation of a button located on the 4-speed shift knob plus Zetor’s patented PowerClutch™ which enables the operator to shift through the 4-speed transmission while never having to depress the tractors clutch pedal simply by depressing a switch on the front side of the shift knob.  The HS80 has a top transport speed of 25 MPH, a full 9 MPH faster than the CL model.  Creeper speeds are standard on the HS80 with 6-working gears between 2.48 MPH and 7.45 MPH giving the operator ample choices to select from.
The new hydraulic system features an impressive 3-point hitch lift capacity of 7,418 Lbs. to full height on the HS80 with draft/position and mix controls plus 2-rear remote valves with an optional 3rd valve either factory or dealer installed on all HS models plus a free zero return coupler for implements that require a case drain on the HS80.  
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All MAJOR HS models come factory equipped with an All Weather Climate controlled Cab including air conditioning and heater.  The HS65/HS75 tractor models are equipped with tilt steering where as the HS80 tractor features both telescopic and tilt steering  with an air-ride pneumatic-suspension seat with swivel, reclining/for and aft adjustments and optional on the HS65.  An optional mechanical-suspension seat is available for the HS80 and HS75 from Zetor North America.  The Cab controls are ergonomically designed with comfort in mind and easily accessible with multiple storage compartments, a tool box and beverage holder.  A foldable instructor seat is standard on the HS80 and features retractable seatbelts for all models as standard equipment.  
All MAJOR HS models come with front and rear lighting, Safety lighting, horn, Am/FM/ stereo, left/right mirrors, front/rear wipers and entrance steps to enter the Cab either on the left or right side.  The rear window, both doors and corner windows are locking to prevent unlawful entry.
The new HS Series tractors are available with Zetor Front End Loader Systems.  The front end loader for the HS65/HS75 is mechanical self leveling (MSL) with a 78” skid steer attaching system where as the loaders for the HS80 are offered in both (MSL and NSL) with either the skid steer attachment system or the Euro Global carrier attaching system with a 73” or 85” bucket.  Pivoting front fenders, CAT II front 3-point hitch with or without PTO and a locking fuel cap are other options available for the HS80.  Rear wheel weights and front weights are available as an option for all MAJOR HS Series tractors.
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The new Major HS Series tractors are the result of customers comments and request for a Power Shuttle Utility Class tractor that can perform like larger agriculture tractors says “Mike Boucher”, but in small and confined areas such as landscaping, poultry, dairy, municipalities, golf courses, hobby farms and many other duties these versatile tractors can deliver in.
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the-angry-pixie · 5 years
Top 5 childhood moments that you always think of first when you think of being a kid
Oh my gosh I LOVE this ask. 
- my brother and I having a mudfight and getting absolutely filthy and then my Dad, instead of just taking me up to the house to have a bath, took me into the dairy, stripped me down and dropped me in one of these tall farm-grade buckets full of warm water. I was happy as a clam splashing about in that. 
- my sister once made me a treasure map around our farm. She put so much effort in but what I really remember is she left the map on our trampoline and surrounded it with glitter and then came inside and asked me to show her that trick I could do on the trampoline. I was so excited that my big sister wanted to watch me do anything that I ran outside and didn’t even notice the map at first. I just started jumping about and doing the trick. My sister had to practically rub my face on it going “WHAT’S THAAAAAAAAT???”
- jumping around on the giant haybales. before using a haybale they are wrapped up in plastic to protect it from the elements. They kind of look like giant marshmallows. So I remember my dad getting an order of haybales and us kids just jumping around on them like giant stepping stones. I particularly remember falling off one time and looking up in shock at the sky whilst being wedged between several haybales.
- the time I nearly set the house on fire because I must have been running around in the rain or something because I remember my hanky was wet and I wanted to dry it. So I laid it across one of those oldschool heaters and it immediately caught fire. I don’t remember what happened after that, but I know the house didn’t burn down but there was a burnt patch of carpet in the TV room forever more.
- Christmas morning. My older siblings leading me outside and showing me that there were big bootprints leading to our laundry room. Santa had been and apparently left a present in the laundry for me. As I approached the door I could hear these little mews and see this little white paw sticking out under the door. 
My first pet Fluffy.
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Gosh that was lovely. Thank you for that ask Anon.
Ask my “top 5” of anything.
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Contact Clean Renewable Energy for installing commercial and domestic hot water heater, commercial swimming pool heater, spa pool and hot tub heater, low cost central heating, water heater for dairy farms. Also heating and cooling system installation for small and large scale networks. We supply Viessmann products that will reduce the cost of heating and hot water, reduce energy bills, and are good for the environement.
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The Big White Barn
I had moved to New York about a year before I moved into my second barn. I had a client that I traveled to after the horses went home from training. I would go there once a week and spend time teaching riding lessons to the oldest daughter. In my hour drive to that client’s home, I would drive past a big white barn. It was an interesting barn with a huge barrel roof. It seemed vacant or even abandoned as there was a spot that once held a sign but was nothing more than posts in the ground any longer. There was a hand written “For Sale by Owner” sign nailed to one of the posts.
One day I brought Lisa with me up to my client’s resort-like farm. As we passed The Big White Barn, I pointed out how much I was interested in it. I don’t necessarily think in that moment I meant that I was interested in renting or buying it, I think I more meant that I was interested in it’s story or something. It was just a unique looking barn. The overgrown lawn and almost sad way it was standing there, just caught my eye.
It turned out that Lisa knew who the owner actually was. She had even kept a horse there at one time, with a previous tenant. That opened about an hour of conversation about the place, the owner, what it was like in the old days and just different aspects of it. See, it was an old dairy barn, so I actually had no reason to even believe it to be equipped with horse stalls. The barn just caught my eye as interesting. In fact, I think I admired it for at least six months before I pointed it out to Lisa.
On the drive home from my client’s farm, Lisa mentioned that she even knew where the owner lived. I am not at all the type that just pops by someone’s home that I know, let alone a total stranger. Plus, what would have inspired me to go to this man’s home anyway? I had a beautiful barn with tons of amenities. This place was not run down necessarily, but certainly in need of some awakening.
For whatever reason, when Lisa said the man lived about two miles down the road, if I turned left at the stop sign, I turned. I had nothing rehearsed, nor did I even know why I was going to meet the owner. I was almost being driven there by some other energy. I followed it, whatever it was and ended up in the owner’s driveway. Without hesitation, we got out and walked right up to the door and knocked.
John, who had just turned 70, was the owner. His wife Claire answered the door and excitedly invited us in. I’m sure they didn’t know Lisa personally, as there was no recognition of her, but they did recognize the name she offered them for who she boarded with back when. 
We were invited to go inside and sit with them at their kitchen table. Again, I swear, I had no idea what I was even doing there. I had no plan, or even thought of the place, other than I thought it was an interesting looking barn. I have no idea why, but I started to talk with John as if I was negotiating a rental agreement. I inquired on his price and what it might entail as far as amenities. Then I remember even feeling like I was begging him to let me rent it. Apparently it had been vacant for two years due to bad past tenants. He was renting the outside to a young lady who was kind of a left over from the tenants that did so much damage.
We were given permission to go look at the place so we did. I want to say that only Lisa and I went alone, I don’t think John came with us. Lisa spent some time showing me around, walking down a memory lane a bit. When we opened the main barn, I was in awe! You would have never known it was as nice as it was from the outside. Talk about a hidden gem. 
After we toured the place and talked about possibilities, I told Lisa I was not going to take no for an answer. There was an apartment that I was going to give Lisa and she could manage that barn as I continued to live and run the other barn. I was dreaming with so much inspired thought that there was nothing stopping me. We went back to John’s. I stayed until I talked him into renting me the barn. John had been burned so bad by previous people that he was not interested in renting it to anyone. I just wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
A few weeks later, I was trailering a couple of my horses over to stay the weekend. See, one of the greatest appeals was that I wasn’t restricted to using the turnout space. At the farm I had been renting for a year by then, I was not allowed to put my horses outside in wet conditions. I was only able to take them into the indoor arena and RUN them for a half an hour a day. I even started taking them up to the indoor in the middle of the night to give them more time to stretch. So a place that I could just let them be outside and be horses had such an amazing appeal to me. I planned to use that barn like a retreat or something for my horses. I wasn’t otherwise sure what I had planned for that 26 stall barn on 65 acres…:)
After ten months of trying to make something happen, business-wise, at the Big White Barn, I decided that it was not going to happen. I had thought, based on how busy the road was, that it would have been easy to attract boarders at least. I was wrong. The barn sat in the middle of a commuter trail, but not many people actually lived RIGHT there. So, yes, a lot of people drove by, but many lived considerably farther away than where the barn was located. I believe that I also over priced the board based on what I was able to ask for at the other barn. So, needless to say, I told John that I loved having the barn, but since I really wasn’t getting anything going there, I was going to return to having only one barn. I had found that the twelve miles between barns twice a day was a bigger drain on me as well. It just made sense to no longer try to maintain two barns just to have a “retreat”.
About two months after I closed my doors at the Big White Barn, I received a phone call from Claire. She had called to invite me out to dinner with John and her. She said that they had really appreciated me as a tenant and that they just wanted to do a little something for me for having been such a good tenant. What??? Who does that? I was gone for two months and I should have been “out of sight, out of mind” right? Wow, I was so honored to have been asked that I accepted.
The dinner was simply a “thank you”. They took me to a really nice place, just the three of us and told me to order anything I wanted on the menu. They literally took me out to dinner to thank me for having treated them well. I felt so amazingly special that night.
A few days after the lovely dinner with John and Claire, I decided that I might not have wanted to try to maintain two barns, but that I would consider just one. I had wanted to be where people cared about me like that! I knew I was giving up a lot of really great amenities and that it was a facility sacrifice, but the love I felt from those people made it such a no brainer. 
I met with the owners of the farm that I had rented for two years and told them that I would be moving out in the next thirty days. At first it seemed to anger them, but after they found another tenant interested in moving from another barn they already rented from them, things seemed fine.
At the end of the thirty days I had been pretty much all moved over. The apartment that I had planned to have Lisa use, had never been moved into by Lisa. It had turned out that she just went back and forth from another town. That too had been one of the deciding factors as to why I closed up The Big White Barn. I didn’t know Lisa never moved in, until we had snow yet no evidence of her truck having been parking there. She never told me that she didn’t move in. John had even asked about getting the heat turned on for her and she claimed that she was just happy to use a space heater. I thought it was a financial thing, not that she wasn’t actually staying there. The nice part of all that, when it came to my moving everything to The Big White Barn, was that the apartment that John went all out redoing for us to move in a year earlier was just as brand new as when he did the work. 
Since the barn had not been used in so long, there was a horrible sulfur smell in the water. I mean rotten eggs that made your stomach turn. It was terrible. My mother had lived in a lake home with that same type of water, so I was prepared to buy bottled water. I knew from having visited my mother’s in an overnight guest capacity, that sulfur water was safe to shower in, so I was ok with it…Sort of!
In conversation with a friend, I mentioned the water. He told me that he thought he heard that you could get rid of that smell by running the HOT water for like thirty minutes. He also said I could change the basic shower head with one that had a filter to try to filter out some of the smell. I was willing to try anything. I ran the water for forty-five minutes, two days in a row. The smell seemed to begin to dissipate so I did run out to get a new shower head. After about a week, I had fixed the water issue. I couldn't have been happier!!! 
Business picked up and things started to really unfold for me enough that I didn’t miss the awesome amenities of the other farm as much as I thought I would. I built an arena, taking sand from a sand bank right on John’s other piece of land attached to mine. I built a round pen and really made the place a fully functional training and riding facility. One thing I really did miss though, was the ability to ride around a fence line. There were driveways that went all about the other property that I would either ride or hand walk my horses on. THAT was something I missed. With all the freedom I did have here, to kind of tailor the place for my needs, I build an electric tri-paddock that saved me twenty-eight feet of space all the way around for that riding path. Now, other than not having an indoor, I was complete! 
I saw this interesting Big White Barn in my travels. I mentioned it to someone who happened to know the owner and where he lived. I was drawn to inquire and essentially beg to rent it. I moved in and moved out. I was shown such a gesture of appreciation that I moved back in. I took over the maintenance and made it everything I wanted it to be. I’m so glad the universe kept having me pass through that route. It’s amazing where life takes us when we just enjoy the journey! 
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anestiefel · 5 years
The 10 Most Secluded Costa Rica Resorts Where You Can Really Escape It All 
1. Hotel Borinquen Mountain Resort
Set in the mountains below Rincón de la Vieja National Park, the Hotel Borniquen Mountain Resort is secluded Costa Rica at its best. The ride up the bumpy, unpaved roads can be jarring, but guests will be rewarded with unspoiled wilderness and a serene setting, save for the periodic call of a howler monkey. Guests stay in private casitas along the hilltop. Each has a private balcony and a mini-fridge, while plusher suites include jetted tubs and separate living rooms. Nearby volcanic hot springs feed three-man-made pools, ranging in temperature from cold, to hot, to extremely hot. For the full treatment, guests can cover themselves in volcanic mud while soaking in the healing waters. Add to that an on-site spa and zero-entry swimming pool, and Hotel Borniquen checks all the boxes for a luxury off-grid retreat. However, the resort’s proximity to some of Costa Rica’s most remarkable landscapes merits venturing off campus. Borniquen’s staff can easily arrange excursions for white water rafting, zip-lining, hiking the base of Rincon de La Vieja, or simply visiting nearby waterfalls.
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 2. Lapa Rios Ecolodge Oso Peninsula
Perched on the tip of the Osa Peninsula, the Lapas Rios Lodge is far removed from the nearest town down a winding coastal road. Although there are a few nearby guesthouses along the coast, the property is backed by 1,000 acres of rain forest, so solitude seekers are in luck. A total of 17 private bungalows surround the main lodge, connected by walking paths and steps. All of these structures were built from local fallen trees — a sustainable practice that also enhances the natural aesthetic. Bungalows feature private decks furnished with hammocks and loungers, as well as huge bathrooms with outdoor showers. Screened windows keep out mosquitoes and allow guests to immerse themselves in the sounds of the rain forest. There’s also a pool, nature trails, and massage room on-site, plus pristine beaches just downhill from the property. Many guests spot toucans, sloths, and poison dart frogs without even leaving the vicinity of the lodge. Absent of TVs, Wi-Fi, or phones on-site, Lapas Rios is truly the archetype for unplugging and reconnecting with nature in secluded Costa Rica.
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3. Blue River Resort & Hot Springs
The adventurous ride through the Rincon de la Vieja mountains to the Blue River Resort & Hot Springs is well worth the effort for its wealth of adventure activities, picturesque setting, and respite from modern life. The resort has its own horse stables and zip-line course dedicated to guest use. There’s also hiking trails throughout the rugged terrain and river tubing on the azure Rio Penjamo. The river’s bright blue hue, which turns brightest during the dry season, is the result of volcanic minerals. Trained staff are available to accompany guests on any excursion, which also include bird-watching, whitewater rafting, and hiking to waterfalls. Accommodation comes in the form of private cabins with front porches and hammocks. The interiors are comfier than the rustic exterior suggests, offering air-conditioning, TVs, and walk-in showers. The communal area has a series of man-made and natural pools for swimming and soaking in hot spring-fed water. The volcanic activity also heats up an on-site steam room, where guests can coat themselves with volcanic mud before rinsing off in the outdoor showers.
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4. Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Hotel and Nature Reserve
As its name suggests, the Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Hotel covers an astonishing 2,000 acres of pristine cloud forest in secluded Costa Rica. Free guided tours lead guests through the surrounding grounds, including a hummingbird garden and hiking trails, where it’s not uncommon to spot monkeys, sloths, and other critters. For the full rural experience, guests can roll up their sleeves at the on-site dairy farm to milk cows, which is used for desserts and yogurt by the hotel’s chef. All levels of the private bungalows afford considerable privacy, though the deluxe casitas and honeymoon suite afford private hot tubs. The property’s high elevation means cooler nights, so electric heaters and fireplaces are available to keep bungalows cozy. Villa Blanca’s remoteness ensures zero light pollution at night, enhancing its out-of-the-way quality.
Pricing for Villa Blanca Cloud Forest Hotel and Nature Reserve
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5. Rio Perdido Hotel & Thermal River
Located in a remote section of Guanacaste province, the Rio Perdido Hotel is seamlessly integrated into its magnificent natural surroundings. The hotel’s 30 private bungalows and facilities occupy just one percent of a 600-acre nature reserve. The bungalows are constructed from locally-sourced wood, and units come with roomy terraces, walk-in rainfall showers, and air-conditioning. Guests can easily admire the flora and fauna from their bungalow, or get an aerial while soaring through the canopy on the 15-platform zipline. There’s also three pools and eight hot springs onsite, perfect for a lazy day or soothing aching legs after hiking and mountain biking. It’s worth noting that the hotel has Wi-Fi and bungalows feature TVs or projectors, which is a pro for some, but might impact others’ ability to unplug. Don’t worry, this is still secluded Costa Rica.
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6. El Silencio Lodge & Spa
Nestled in a valley below Poás Volcano, El Silencio Lodge & Spa promises a posh retreat amidst lush rain forest. Covering 500 acres, the environment is pristine, with the hotel structure, villas, and adventure park serving as the only signs of civilization. Guest rooms feature private decks and outdoor hot tubs, while villas boast more luxurious amenities, including full kitchens and spacious living areas. The tap water comes from a nearby spring and is safe to drink (BYO water bottle). Within the adventure park and surrounding terrain, guests can zip-line, rappel down waterfalls, and traverse hiking trails on foot or by horseback. Looming over the lodge, Poás Volcano is a doable hike from the property at just under three miles.
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7. Buena Vista del Rincon
The Buena Vista del Rincon is a great choice for travelers who favor outdoor adventure and isolation to creature comforts and copious amenities. The property, which was formerly a cattle ranch, stretches 2,000 acres on the slopes of Rincon de la Vieja Volcano. Beyond views of the imposing volcano, there are scenic vantage points over the surrounding prairies, Gulf of Papagayo, and rain forest. An extensive trail system transports guests through dense primary forest, home to a multitude of wildlife and cascading waterfalls. A total of five private natural hot springs flanked by two rivers and a mud bath area offer respite after a full day of activity. Though rustic, rooms provide adequate comforts, such as locally-produced soap, small terraces, and coffeemakers.
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8. The Springs Resort and Spa
This extremely luxurious property lends itself to affluent families traveling with kids in secluded Costa Rica. Its variety of on-site amenities complement the otherwise remote, but gorgeous setting below the Arenal Volcano. The Springs Resort and Spa is centered around a grand, multi-storied lodge, where you’ll find most of the five on-site restaurants, as well as the pools. Amenities vary between the 74 guest rooms and villas, but all come with huge balconies, jetted tubs, and rustic-chic design. At 165 acres, the surrounding jungle provides habitat to an abundance of flora and fauna. The refreshingly cool Arenal River flows right through the hotel grounds, and inner tubes are on hand for floating down the river (with return pick-up of course). Other excursions, such as horseback riding can be easily arranged. The hotel offers babysitting service and plentiful kids games, so parents can take a guilt-free day for themselves at the thermal springs and spas in nearby La Fortuna.
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9. El Sabanero Eco Lodge
Located in a rural valley in the Guanacaste province (truly, secluded Costa Rica), the low-key El Sabanero Eco Lodge grants solitude that’s still within striking distance of the Pacific coast. The main lodge and its freestanding chalets are constructed from locally-sourced teak. Each room comes fitted with queen-sized beds, mini-fridges, and porches. The free-form infinity pool and hot tub are enshrouded by palms and lush foliage, creating a tranquil atmosphere. El Sabanero organizes yoga retreats at its airy studio, overlooking the valley. If guests get a little stir crazy, there are a variety of excursions on offer and the relaxed beaches near Tamarindo and Playa Avellanas are just 10 minutes away by car.
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10. Los Altos de Eros
With just six guest rooms on 28 acres of mountainous terrain, guests can easily find solitude and sanctuary at Los Altos de Eros. The adults-only property largely consists of a colonial-style villa with a spacious lobby and pool terrace. From its high elevation, guests can gaze out over the surrounding forest and Pacific Ocean from the infinity pool’s edge. Lofty guest rooms grant comparable views from their own private terraces. Relaxation awaits at the full-service spa, which includes five treatment rooms and a cascading waterfall pool. Hiking excursions through the neighboring jungle and morning yoga classes allow guests to further unwind and appreciate the secluded Costa Rica environment.
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Men’s Florida Beach Look
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Swim Trunks
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Bucket Hat
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Hangover Tablets
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Rollerboard Carryon
Women’s Hiking Outfit
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Dri Fit Shirt
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Hiking Shorts
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Collapsible Water Bottle
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4oz Travel Size Sunscreen
Banana Boat
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Waterproof Hiking Boot
LL Bean
Travel Gear Essentials
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The Everywhere Bag
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The Carry-On
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Toiletry Bottles
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Passport Wallet
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Dopp Kit
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AVAILABLE NOW: Dairy Farm Equipment Financing!
Dairy businesses deal in harvesting of milk from animals and processing it to be sold as different dairy products. A business can choose to be involved in only the production of milk, or the processing or both. Either way, such business will need modern dairy equipment and machinery to improve production and profitability.
At Rainstar Capital Group, our team of agricultural equipment financing experts understands the needs of a modern dairy farm and has designed financing solutions to suit those needs. We are here to help you acquire modern and efficient equipment for your dairy farm so you can improve efficiency. Whatever your farm needs in this regard, our dairy farm equipment financing platform will have a solution to suit that need.
Our direct lending platform provides 4 hour financing for equipment transactions from $5,000 to $500,000. Contact us for up to 100% financing on all dairy equipment including:
·        Tractors and loaders
·        Feed grinders
·        Generators
·        Milking equipment
·        Milk processing equipment
·        Mist Cooling System
·        Chaff Cutters  
·        Balers
·        Water tankers  
·        Reapers          
·        Fodder harvester and compacting press          
·        Electric Fencing          
·        Solar water heaters and lighting systems
·        Business operations equipment
Rainstar Capital Group's swift financing process is designed to provide you with the desired financing solution in the shortest time possible. If a deal does not fit our internal guidelines, our debt advisory platform with over 40 equipment lenders ensures that we can easily find the right solution to suit your business need.
If you are looking for flexible, simple and swift dairy equipment financing then Rainstar Capital Group is the partner you are looking for.
For more detailed information on our services please visit rainstarcapitalgroup.com or email: [email protected] or call: 616-821-6535!
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austinpanda · 5 years
Dad Letter 030120
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1 March, 2020
Dear Dad--
Seems like it’s almost spring now, in the south, although we were still at 6 degrees this morning, and my car was covered with lacy frost. I still love how cold it is here. I have to wear two long-sleeved layers at home to be comfortable (otherwise we burn too much kerosene, which is expensive) and I just find it so much easier to think than when I’m hiding indoors from the heat and the air conditioning is running constantly. Perhaps I wouldn’t be so hard-wired to enjoy cold climates if I’d been raised here, but for now, it’s still fuckin’ magical, and I love it! 
Had a very good job interview this past week at Penquis. It took me until after the interview before I figured out where the name “Penquis” came from. At first, I thought it was an organization founded by some guy named Joe Penquis, but then I typed the names of the three counties that Penquis serves, and figured it out: Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Knox counties. It’s the beginning of PENobscot and the end of PiscataQUIS. When I finally snapped to that, I felt pretty smart. 
The interview went fairly well. We sat at a big conference table and two women tag-teamed me with the usual questions. “What are your strengths?” “What would your last manager say about you?” “Have you ever had any interaction with this kind of social services organization before?” I got to tell them that, yes, since moving to Maine, I’d been enrolled in MaineCare. This gave me an opportunity to impress the shit out of them. I figured they’d be in favor of people using this kind of social service, generally, because they ARE this kind of social service! And this allowed me to say that I wasn’t glad to move to a new state and immediately go on the dole for healthcare, but that it also wasn’t in anybody’s best interest for me to be without medication I need (they nodded a lot) and that it was my strong belief that “need” isn’t weakness, and it isn’t indicative of failure (nods nods nods, hey, this guy can articulate his passionate beliefs, woo-hoo, etc.) and I think they were very impressed by that. They were equally impressed by my other-worldly typing speed, and I think they appreciate the fact that it’s always handy to have one person around who knows what semicolons are for, and where the apostrophe is supposed to go, and how to get the phrasing just right. 
So I may be working for a place called Penquis soon. If I’ve already mentioned that it’s a naughty word with a superfluous “QU” stuck in the middle, it’s also delightfully close to the word “Penguins.” And my job would have a summer break! Since my job would be for the home heating assistance program, my job would evaporate like a snowball in the summertime. They asked if I had any problem with what amounted to summer unemployment, and I said, “It occurs to me that teachers have been doing it forever now, right? I certainly can find something to do, whether a temp job or whatever.” They also mentioned that I’d probably qualify for unemployment during that period. I think that aspect of the job is awesome, and it makes me want the job more!
I should find out whether I got the Penquis job by early this week, so possibly as soon as tomorrow. I could be wrong, but I really think I got it. A small part of me thinks the women who interviewed me liked me so much that they now want to marry me, and bear me many children, and take to their smelling salts whenever I narrow my eyes at them. But it’s also possible that this is a stupid guy-centric way of looking at it, and they weren’t thinking any of the sort. I can’t help the fact that my salt and pepper hair and beard make me look like an irresistible, if meaty, George Clooney. As the rock star once said about his own gorgeous ass, “I don’t claim to understand it. I’m only its servant.”
Here’s a nice thing that’s happened. Ever since we moved here, we’ve been cursed with a very meager supply of hot water. Taking a shower has stopped becoming a thing of relaxing cleansing, and has become a thing of quick, nervous scrubbing before the water goes cold. It sucked! We only had hot water for about four minutes worth of shower time, and that meant you couldn’t wash your hair in the shower, or shave while you shower, because there wasn’t enough time. Being in a cold state, and stepping out of a cold shower into a cold bathroom is just...cold.
But two nights ago, a glorious thing happened: Our water heater burst, and died! Something gave way, and water started gushing out of it, and into the spare bedroom. If we hadn’t been at home, and if we hadn’t been wandering around wondering where the sound of rushing water was coming from, we might not have caught the leak before it did some real damage. As it was, we were able to spring into action: Zach started removing the screws from the little door that covers the space in the spare bedroom wall where you access the water heater. I called the landlord. They said they’d send someone around right away, and could I please try to turn the water off that’s feeding to that heater, so it doesn’t flood the room? With a bit of trial and error, I found the valve to turn off the cold water feeding to the tank and stopped the leaking (making me the hero, obviously.). 
So that sucked. But! They sent a guy around. He examined the water heater. He made a phone call and said, “Yeah, wow, it blew out the whole lower unit,” which sounded serious. Long story short: within a couple of hours, he’d fetched another (used) water heater, and installed it. It looked newer, and clean. It was a Whirlpool. It was full-sized and looked serious. And it works! 
Now, we have what I’d call a normal amount of hot water. Zach has tested this by taking a few long showers, and said he has yet to run out of hot water. This is a serious improvement to our lives. In fact, you now have to use a lot more cold water to balance out the hot water, because the hot water alone is hot enough to melt your face off. But at last, we can shower like normal people again! The only drawback is that the maintenance fellow left the old water heater in the spare bedroom. He said he’d send “the guys” around on Monday with “the trailah,” (cause here, men sound like the Pepperidge Farm cookies spokes-curmudgeon) and they’d haul it away. The spare bedroom is pretty small, so the big, old, filthy water heater that’s sitting in the middle of the room kind of dwarfs everything else. No worries. I have cleaned around the water heater. It’s the cat’s room, anyway, until we get a spare bed. Anyway, hot showers again. Wonder what the poor people are doing, etc. 
A weird weather thing happened! One day last week, we had been forecast a heavy snowstorm, up to 12 inches. As the day of the snow neared, however, the snow chances dropped and dropped, eventually hitting “none.” Needless to say, Zach and I felt tremendously screwed, because we still haven’t had a significant snowstorm yet. But the city of Bangor, and the city of Old Town (where we live), and the city of Orono (across the street from us, containing the big university) all shut down anyway! It was weird! For some of the day, it rained slush. But mostly it was just cold and damp. And everyone shut down! I swear, we went to Dairy Queen for a treat that night (and I can’t believe there’s a Dairy Queen near us in Old Town, Maine, but there is) and the Dairy Queen shut down while we were waiting in line. They still served us, but they stuck a note on the window saying they were closing at 6:00 pm due to weather. There was no weather! By that point it wasn’t even precipitating; it was just cold! 
I think that means I just witnessed a whole city, and its surrounding towns, rebelling en masse against the lack of a snow day that they felt like they got cheated out of! I think the schools, municipal offices, and other businesses all thought they’d get a day off work, because of unsafe driving conditions. Then, when the driving conditions turned out to be just fine, they collectively said, “Fuck you, sunshine,” and closed up shop anyway. It’s weird being in line at Dairy Queen and all the outside lights go off, and everyone inside is running around frantically because they’re excited that they’re going home early. They literally asked me, “Do you want lids?” To which I said, “...I’m sorry, do I want what?” They wanted to know if we wanted lids on our Blizzards (our frozen milkshake things). Since it seemed she wanted very badly for me to not require a lid, I told her, “Nah, we’re fine without lids.” And we were. Perhaps it would have taken too long for her to obtain a lid. Obviously, working in food service requires lots of high-pressure decision making. 
I’ll sign off now, but you’ll probably see the bluebonnets soon! All my love to you both!
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expomahal-blog · 5 years
Nachtflohmarkt - June 2019 at Germany(Erfurt) 2019-June
antibiotic Exhibitors Directory, automatic form fill seal machine Events, artificial insemination Trade Fairs, automation Meetings, bag closing machine biotechnology B2C opportunities, batteries directory, bio gas installation Exhibitions, boxes Exhibitions, breeder farms contact links, breeder system contacts list, broiler equipment Exhibitors, broiler farms Trade Shows, bulk trucks companies, capping machinery Exhibitions, check weighs B2B ideas, conveyor contact links, chicks counting machine Expos, cold storage business contacts, climate control equipment Trade Shows, computer systems Exhibitors, diagnostics reagents Exhibitions, diesel fired space heaters Fairs, disinfectants Exhibitors, dairy products Exhibitions, dairy equipment events, drinking nipples business, drinking troughs business, drinking water equipment Trade Fairs, eggs business opportunities, eggs handling equipment Shows, egg packaging B2C opportunities, egg processing B2C ideas, egg grading Exhibitions, electrical fencing business opportunities, embryos Exhibitors, energy saving system B2B Opportunities, feed additives B2B ideas, feed ingredients info, feed manufacturing Expos, feed mill installation contact list, feed system equipment B2B Opportunities, fencing business ideas, financing Expos, filling machines directory, food packaging Trade Fairs, frozen meat companies list, floor litter contacts list, genetic material harness Fairs, gases Shows, grains and proteins Meetings, heating and lighting B2B ideas, high pressure sprayers business opportunities, pumps and accessories companies, husbandry business opportunities, incubators contacts list, information systems Trade Fairs, insecticides and related equipment B2B Opportunities, insulation materials B2C opportunities, insurance companies contacts, laboratory equipment B2C ideas, layer equipment Meetings, livestock transport Expos, management software Trade Shows, meat products contact list, merchandising and equipment Exhibitors, metal detectors directory, operational management Exhibitors, ostrich hide business opportunities, packaging machinery events, pharmaceuticals contact info, chemicals business contacts, pig breeding events, poultry products companies contacts, processing and packaging Exhibitions, rapid test kits for animal feed and food contact list, refrigerated trucks Expos, rendering contact links, security systems companies, slurry purification and Events, processing equipment Exhibitors Directory, surface hardening materials business opportunities, turnkey feed mill equipment B2B Opportunities, yard cleaning machines Business events, vaccines B2B ideas, veterinary equipments Exhibitors, ventilation equipments Shows, vitamins companies, warning systems network, waste processing equipment info, waste water treatment systems Events, wheat flour and winch motor. B2C opportunities, members of agricultural associations Exhibitions, owners of pork contact info, genetic researchers companies, government officials companies list, importers and exporters are the target visitors on this show. Fairs 2019, June, Germany, Berlin
Annual Game QA and Localisation Forum Europe 2019 at Germany(Berlin) 2019-June
Annual Game QA and Localisation Forum Europe 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
antibiotic contacts list, automatic form fill seal machine Fairs, artificial insemination info, automation Expos, bag closing machine biotechnology Exhibitors, batteries companies, bio gas installation business opportunities, boxes Expos, breeder farms events, breeder system business contacts, broiler equipment B2C opportunities, broiler farms Trade Fairs, bulk trucks Exhibitions, capping machinery Expos, check weighs Exhibitors, conveyor Fairs, chicks counting machine Shows, cold storage companies contacts, climate control equipment Expos, computer systems contact info, diagnostics reagents Business events, diesel fired space heaters Fairs, disinfectants business ideas, dairy products business contacts, dairy equipment Shows, drinking nipples B2C opportunities, drinking troughs B2B Opportunities, drinking water equipment events, eggs business opportunities, eggs handling equipment Shows, egg packaging Shows, egg processing contact links, egg grading contact list, electrical fencing B2C ideas, embryos companies, energy saving system B2C ideas, feed additives Expos, feed ingredients B2C ideas, feed manufacturing Business events, feed mill installation contact links, feed system equipment Exhibitions, fencing Exhibitors, financing companies list, filling machines Business events, food packaging contact list, frozen meat events, floor litter Expos, genetic material harness B2B ideas, gases Business events, grains and proteins contact info, heating and lighting B2C ideas, high pressure sprayers companies contacts, pumps and accessories Trade Shows, husbandry B2B ideas, incubators Trade Fairs, information systems events, insecticides and related equipment contact info, insulation materials B2B ideas, insurance Events, laboratory equipment Exhibitions, layer equipment B2C ideas, livestock transport companies list, management software B2B Opportunities, meat products business opportunities, merchandising and equipment B2B Opportunities, metal detectors B2C opportunities, operational management business ideas, ostrich hide business contacts, packaging machinery Meetings, pharmaceuticals Exhibitions, chemicals Exhibitors, pig breeding companies contacts, poultry products B2C ideas, processing and packaging Exhibitors, rapid test kits for animal feed and food events, refrigerated trucks contact list, rendering contact links, security systems contact links, slurry purification and companies, processing equipment contact info, surface hardening materials Fairs, turnkey feed mill equipment Exhibitors Directory, yard cleaning machines business contacts, vaccines B2B ideas, veterinary equipments contact links, ventilation equipments directory, vitamins contact info, warning systems B2B Opportunities, waste processing equipment companies contacts, waste water treatment systems info, wheat flour and winch motor. info, members of agricultural associations companies contacts, owners of pork B2B ideas, genetic researchers contact links, government officials Events, importers and exporters are the target visitors on this show. directory
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from antibiotic Business events, automatic form fill seal machine Trade Shows, artificial insemination Exhibitors, automation business opportunities, bag closing machine biotechnology info, batteries Exhibitors Directory, bio gas installation companies, boxes Exhibitors, breeder farms business contacts, breeder system Trade Fairs, broiler equipment contact list, broiler farms B2B ideas, bulk trucks Exhibitors Directory, capping machinery contact info, check weighs Business events, conveyor contact links, chicks counting machine Fairs, cold storage Exhibitions, climate control equipment events, computer systems Exhibitions, diagnostics reagents contact links, diesel fired space heaters business, disinfectants info, dairy products contacts list, dairy equipment companies contacts, drinking nipples Trade Fairs, drinking troughs companies list, drinking water equipment info, eggs companies list, eggs handling equipment info, egg packaging Exhibitors Directory, egg processing Exhibitors Directory, egg grading Trade Shows, electrical fencing Meetings, embryos B2B ideas, energy saving system Fairs, feed additives events, feed ingredients B2C opportunities, feed manufacturing Meetings, feed mill installation Trade Shows, feed system equipment business opportunities, fencing Expos, financing info, filling machines contacts list, food packaging Shows, frozen meat companies, floor litter Exhibitors, genetic material harness business ideas, gases contact links, grains and proteins companies contacts, heating and lighting business contacts, high pressure sprayers Events, pumps and accessories Exhibitors, husbandry Exhibitors, incubators events, information systems Fairs, insecticides and related equipment network, insulation materials contact links, insurance Exhibitors Directory, laboratory equipment B2B Opportunities, layer equipment Meetings, livestock transport events, management software business, meat products Shows, merchandising and equipment info, metal detectors Exhibitors Directory, operational management B2B ideas, ostrich hide B2C opportunities, packaging machinery Exhibitors Directory, pharmaceuticals companies contacts, chemicals contacts list, pig breeding Exhibitions, poultry products Fairs, processing and packaging business opportunities, rapid test kits for animal feed and food Trade Shows, refrigerated trucks Exhibitions, rendering business opportunities, security systems Business events, slurry purification and Fairs, processing equipment contact list, surface hardening materials events, turnkey feed mill equipment network, yard cleaning machines Exhibitors, vaccines info, veterinary equipments Trade Fairs, ventilation equipments events, vitamins business, warning systems Exhibitions, waste processing equipment Shows, waste water treatment systems Meetings, wheat flour and winch motor. Trade Fairs, members of agricultural associations Exhibitors, owners of pork contact links, genetic researchers Exhibitors, government officials Business events, importers and exporters are the target visitors on this show. Meetings industry.
Find More Details about Annual Game QA and Localisation Forum Europe 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Germany(Berlin) Year-Month:2019-June Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/08/nachtflohmarkt-june-2019-at.html
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Reliable Advice On What Forms Of Garden Earth For you to Use
If you're looking in order to infuse your home with some lovely natural splendor, there's no far better approach than to start your own property garden! Gardening is likewise a smart way to reduce stress and make the life happier. Read upon for a few tips on how to get the many out of your property lawn! Always grow what exactly works inside right place. If weight loss plans does not necessarily work in one environment, nevertheless carrots do, in that case it is definitely some sort of solid carrot harvest that desires to be planted and the diet programs crop ought to be small. Talk with this neighbors and see what on earth is working for them in order to maximize the output of your own garden. Plan the gardening accordingly to typically the weather conditions. If you are living in an area the place that the ground freezes during this winter season, do not necessarily grow anything before frost is anticipated. If you are living in a warmer place, take a break throughout the warmest weeks regarding summer to keep away from losing too much water. If you would like something fun to perform that may benefit a person in the kitchen, try growing some herbs in the window. Some herbs may possibly not take kindly in order to this, but many will! Around this way you have got a few herbs often refreshing plus handy, and they add a good feel to the house. When you buy young bare-root trees, keep root ball moist right up until your are ready for you to plant. If your roots dried out, the tree will certainly weaken or expire. An individual should plant the shrub as soon as you bring it home. If you fail to, lay the tree in its side and cover the roots with wet peat moss, then cover the roots with the tarp. Used tea together with caffeine grounds make great ground enrichers. Both coffees together with tea grounds are great upgrades when you need to raise the particular acidity of your earth. If your dirt is usually ph level balanced, putting typically the herbal tea and espresso is good, as flowers for instance rhododendrons and azaleas, in addition to fruits such as blueberry, appreciate soil that is definitely on the acidic section. You can work the grounds into the soil prior to you seed your lawn, or sprinkle some sort of very little around existing plant life when a week or even hence. Normal water your potted herbs! Retain potted herbal treatments well hydrated, but don't over-water, which can be a common mistake. Sage, thyme, rosemary and tarragon aren't that worried simply by a good somewhat dried environment. On the some other hand, mint, chives and parsley need constant wetness. Make sure that the particular container possesses adequate draining holes, make a level of small in the base of the pan as a drainage covering. This particular ensures that typically the water doesn't circulation directly out. Utilize auto blue amnesia and keep them within tip-top shape to reduce the stress with your human body when you're gardening. Spades and hoes should be frequently sharpened to retain them doing work at their very own best. If you possess the place, choose resources such as lengthy handled spades that allow you to endure while operating. The better you feel following gardening, the more often you'll enjoy getting your own personal arms dirty! Insect control can display a challenge for prosperous organic gardening. Avoid apply any harsh substances on your greens due to the fact you will be consuming these individuals later on. In order to safely keep your lawn pest-free, keep a razor-sharp eyes out. In a lot of cases, you can merely remove the pests from the plants by simply picking them off. In case you own seafood, save your liquid. Adjusting the water in a new fish tank is some sort of important chore when looking after for these kinds of pets; nevertheless it can also confirm to be useful intended for your garden. Soiled species of fish tank water is actually quite loaded with this nutrients plants crave. Therefore when when the time comes to adjust the water, instead connected with dropping that old liquid down the drain, operate the water to fertilize your own personal plants instead. Bulbs create beautiful flowers in your current backyard year after season. To achieve the more flowers, plant your lamps the instant temperatures in your own area begin to pet beds in the fall. This kind of is usually August in zones 1 to help five and September within specific zones 4 to seven. These in southern places is going to have to chill their particular light sources before planting. A person can use smaller clay surfaces pots or dairy jugs to protect your flowers from a late period frost. A bed piece is likewise a effective covers in shrubs or big parts. Commonly, young sprouts are classified as the most vulnerable. If you ignore or your own attempts fail, you may well be compelled to replant the plant. To make sure occur to be able to fully get pleasure from your garden, keep it simple. A sizable garden may well sound fantastic, but often the work involved can make it the major source of strain. The bigger your garden is, the more time you'll have to spend weeding, tearing your plants, and carrying out routine garden maintenance. A compact garden is easy in order to take good care of, giving you more time to appreciate your own personal plants. Make sure a person water your garden daily. If you or an individual otherwise can't do that each day, you may desire to look on setting upwards a sprinkler system. The convenience of having a new sprinkler program outweighs the price of it. This way your own garden is going to be watered just about every day. Keep your seeds warm and damp. Best seeds are wholesome with a temperature of about seventy diplomas. Place your pots and pans beside a heating vent or install an further heater in the event that needed. A person can cover your current cooking pots with plastic pictures consequently that the seeds could keep their humidity plus warmth. You should keep your plant seeds damp without having accidentally drowning them all in water. Spray waters over the ground to be able to keep it wet, and even place typically the pots or trays in which you have your own seeds inside water thus that the soil may digest the water. Make sure you affect the liquid in which your planting pots are standing regularly. Farming, as you know from the introduction, is the better way to put your property in touch with the beauty in addition to tranquility regarding nature. Try these tips in making your current own garden and view otherwise you backyard becomes the natural wonderland of peace and beauty. Start the garden today!
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Agriculture Water Conditioner-Solve all hard water problems in Farming
The Tathastu water conditioner operates on the electro- magnetic theory of resonance. The electronic device works by sending out a special and complex computerised generated resonating electro- magnetic frequency wave form that changes the calcium and magnesium molecules' physical properties, size and charge. This turns components of hard water into neutralised nano-particles. The Tathastu Water Softener helps to neutralise or turn it into a pure mineral form that controls the hard water elements from sticking to your irrigation line and soil within.
Hard water problems in agriculture
Dripper irrigation line and sprinkler nozzles chock due to lime scaling, which suggests no uniform supply of water to all crops,scaling on water pipe line and around water motor pipe.High TDS water burning tips in farming leaves,decreasing plant growth compared to regular water farming.Don't worry now that nature is giving us science as a positive gift to preserve nature. The only cost-effective Solution is Tathastu water softener
Solution for Hard water problems in agriculture
The chemical composition of hard water is changed by the Tathastu water softener. It simply changes the molecular structure of the minerals, which renders it in pure form, so that calcium, iron and other minerals remain in the water, but never form hard scale on piping walls, fixtures and appliances. This causes the molecules to decompose into a new shape. These are all silent minerals that are very important to plants and humans. Water from the Tathastu water softener never forms a crusty layer of salt or iron on the land, both of which are more readily absorbed into the soil and crops, providing both a better climate for growing crops and increasing the yield.
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Best water softener for agriculture
Benefits Tathastu water conditioner
Saves from 20 to 30 percent water
Decreases in the vegetation period.
Increases in crop production & crop quality.
Improves the structure of the soil. PH level regulation.
Dripper and sprinkler elimination and avoid scaling
Reducing the issue of tip burning in leaves up to 45 to 60 percent
35 to 40 percent rise in the growth rate of all types of crops & plants
Growing water solubility
Agriculture Farming
Reduce tip burning problem in leaves upto 45 to 60%
Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler
Make soft soil and improves soil structure and PH
Increase solubility of water for fertilizers, gives 100% benefits of fertilizers,
Increase oxygen concentration which increase seed germination
Increase growth rate of all types of crops & plants by 35 to 40%
Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Reduces bacteria in water, reduces disease in roots
Cleans root hair and root cap area to increase water absorption by roots
Poultry Farming
It cleans the Nipple, drinker, sprinkler and spray by removing scaling on it.
It do not allow to deposit the scale by cleaning the drinking cone and cooling panel.
It increases the effectiveness of medicines given through water which nourishes birds better.
It increases the life of instruments related to water (water heater, boiler and cooling pad) in poultry.
Pure form of calcium in water helps to increase the weight of birds.
Increases the thickness of egg cover and help to reduce the loss.
Avoids bad effects of chlorine in water on birds.
You can easily recover the cost of machine through increased production.
Fish Farming
Effectively reduce harmful substances in the water
Control and stabilize water condition
Establish good water quality environment.
Encourage growth of beneficial bacteria.
Stabilise water conditions.
Plant Nursery
Reduce tip burning problem in leaves upto 45 to 60%
Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler
Make soft soil and improves soil structure and PH
Increase solubility of water for fertilizers, gives 100% benefits of fertilizers,
Increase oxygen concentration which increase seed germination
Increase growth rate of all types of plants by 35 to 40%
Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Reduces bacteria in water, reduces disease in roots
Cleans root hair and root cap area to increase water absoption by roots
Saves water by 20 to 30%
Saves water by 20 to 30%
Increase growth rate of all types of plants
Reduces bacteria in water
Increase oxygen concentration
Dairy Farming
Improves the taste of water especially if hydrogen sulfide or chlorine is in the water delivery system.
Improves minerals contain of water and benefits to animals health
Saves equipment replacement and repair cost and improve profit-loss performance to entire operation.
Reduce overall dairy maintenance
For more details please visit us at :- tathastuservices.com
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