#low cost heaters
Find news and articles on heat pump technology, heat exchangers, air source heat pump, low cost water heaters. Also know how our heat exchanger system that can be helpful for commercial and domestic hot water heater, dairy farm water heater, swimming pool water heater, spa and hot tub heater.
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lexosaurus · 7 months
Money saving pro-tips to people from warm climates that move to a cold climate
Source: I lived with a southerner and a girl from LA in a northern city in the US and they wasted a lot of money.
Tip #1: Drop your heat at night, or any time you’re not home. Most people up north don’t keep the heat at the same temp 24/7. That shit's expensive. When I’m home, I keep my heat anywhere between 65-68F, but during the workday, or at night, that shit goes down to 60F. A lot of thermostats are programmable so you can have it set automatically to turn down while you're at work/at night.
Tip #2: If you’re leaving your home for over 24 hours, lower the heat as much as possible. I set mine to 55F. Apartments and even houses heat up pretty quickly, so there’s no reason to waste money if no one’s around, and you won’t die if you have to wear your coat indoors for a few minutes. Note: you can’t turn your heat off completely or your pipes will freeze.
Tip #3: If you’re home but you’re only going to be occupying one room for several hours, consider leaving the heat low and just buying yourself a space heater.
Tip #4: When buying a space heater, get one that has an internal timer or thermostat. They cost slightly more, but the bonus to these is that they don’t just continue putting heat into the air until you intervene. They will turn themselves on/off in intervals, which helps to keep your room at a more consistent temperature. Just don’t forget to make sure the heater is switched off if you’re leaving your home!
Tip #5: Get better socks. A lot of the cold you feel is actually just ur terrible, flimsy ankle socks not protecting you from the cold floor. If I’m lounging around at home, I wear those heavy duty fuzzy socks that have a whole internal double lining. I’m a raynaud’s bitch so I know what I’m talking about.
Tip #6: Fleece-lined leggings. Steal your bf’s fleece pants. Why do they make men’s casual sweats so much thicker than girl’s casual sweats? Literal bullshit.
Tip #7: Idk who lied to you and told you that a bed can only have one comforter, but that’s dumb. I sleep with two. It’s much warmer.
Tip #8: If you're in an old apartment/house, winterize your windows. You can buy winterizing seals and insulation anywhere online and it's very cheap.
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
Strade with a clingy reader? (I apologize if someone has already asked for this)
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lots of requests for this one sooooo i wrote a fic for it!! i also have a headcanon post stacked in the drafts for the other boys (gender neutral) sooooo here we go!
6000+ words, the most lovely and dubious of consent, also posted on archive of our own cus. ya know. it's long babeyyyy
It was rare that you went to Strade’s bedroom door after a nightmare.
Rarer still that he actually let you in.
When you slipped into his room, the opening and closing of his door almost silent and the slow padding of your bare feet against the carpet even quieter, his still body and slow breathing (deep and low, almost a snore but not quite) made you think, for a moment, that he was still asleep.
You wondered if you should just slink away and leave him to it. That was until he wordlessly lifted the corner of his duvet, without even opening his eyes first to greet you, in a silent invitation for you to join him. 
It's so wrong and (honestly) borderline perverse that such a small gesture made your heart swell in your chest to the point of nearly bursting out of your ribcage, but you couldn't help it. 
At least that’s what you told yourself. 
It was easier to play the victim than acknowledge that you might have been at least a little complicit in your captivity.Though you always had a way of blaming yourself for these sorts of things. 
That’s probably what a therapist would have told you, if you had one.
With a hidden smile that you hoped he'd never see (lest he possibly use it against you, and he probably would), you climbed into his bed, effortlessly slotting in next to him as he wrapped a thick arm around your middle and pulled your body close to his, like you were two pieces of a puzzle that naturally fit together without even a degree of forcefulness. His bare, hair-fuzzed chest was sweaty against your back and stuck to the thin vest that you wore in lieu of pyjamas, but the warmth was comforting and pleasant, like sleeping next to a radiator or space heater, so you didn't mind. 
It was nice to be reminded that he existed, you thought as you pressed back against his warmth with a peaceful sigh, to be reminded that this wasn't all some dream concocted by your sick, messed-up mind, desperate for a semblance of comfort and company, no matter the cost to your mental state. 
At least when he was real, you couldn't be blamed for liking the attention, the moments of sweetness, the quiet mornings where he was too tired to pull his mind games on you or hurt you.
Those moments kept you gentle and kind, and, for the most part, pliant to his whims. 
It was your only method of survival, after all, staying sweet on him in spite of it all.
"Come here, buddy," Strade murmured, still half-asleep, his slow breathing like wine, heavy and addictive, and his low voice (his accent thickened with sleep) as smooth and as comforting as velvet, suffocating and all-encompassing, like the warmth and dark of the room, like a pill bug curled up under a mossy log, like a foetus in the womb. "Come here..."
You didn't say anything as he pulled you in even closer, your hips pressed tightly together, his broad thigh wrapping around yours and caging you down against the expensive mattress. You could feel the first stirrings of arousal through his boxers against the thin gusset of your shorts, but you didn't mind, not all that much.
It was too early for worries, surely, too early to be concerned that he might take advantage of your need for comfort and closeness, and take your body as he so often did. 
His arms pulled you into him again, and though he was hot, burning hot (almost too hot, like you descending down the pits of Hell itself), he was also strong and powerful and comforting (and, and, and, you always made explanations for him) and safe. 
You couldn’t possibly resist turning to face him (at least you told yourself that you couldn’t resist), nestling your head into his soft chest, into the crook of his shoulder, and breathing in his scent, gasoline, motor oil, a little sweat (he hadn’t showered yet and you kind of hoped that he wouldn’t until later in the day), the soft musk of effortless masculinity and tan skin and thick hair.
Against your better judgement, you felt safe here.
He was strong. He made you feel small and protected and loved, in a funny sort of way. He was powerful. He was in charge of the house, the looming patriarch of your fucked up little family, like a husband with a doting wife,, and he held all the power that came with that position in a way that so naturally suited him. 
He reached a hand up to stroke through your hair, mussed and a little matted from sleep, and kissed the top of your head very lightly, grumbling lowly in satisfaction as you nestled in even closer, your arms reaching and squeezing around his middle, your legs tangled up with his as you clung like a babe did to its mother.
He was comforting. He made you feel safe.
He made you feel safe.
What a sick joke.
Had the you from three years ago been able to see you now, you had no doubt that they would have begged Strade to kill them, that fateful night in the basement.
Better dead than as a psychopath murderer’s (rapist’s) little lap dog, his little wife, his perfect little hostage.
But he was not your enemy, at least not for now.
He was merely a slumbering beast, a lion, a wolf, his chest rising slowly with each calm breath, up and down, and his eyes gazing lazily down at you as he assessed his prey with the placid and amused detachment expected from a predator.
"My, my, you're awfully clingy this morning," Strade crooned quietly with a low chuckle, the hand in your hair drifting down to your shoulders, feeling the warmth of your skin as it slid underneath your shirt (roaming over the scars that marked your skin). "What, did you have a bad dream or something?"
"Or something," You mumbled, pressing your face a little harder against his chest, trying to make him feel your weight on top of him as he so often did with you. He probably wouldn’t have noticed it much (despite your weight gain over the last three years), but you knew you were doing it, so that’s all that mattered. "I just want to feel you...feel you against me."
"Mm, promises, promises…" He said with another laugh, shaking his head as his thick fingers roamed the notches of your spine. "Normally, you'll do anything you can not to feel me, fraulein...why the change of heart, hm?"
His stubble dotted cheek grazed against yours, the bridge of his nose nestled right up against your jaw, inhaling your scent as you did him, and when you looked up (as he was gesturing for you to do), his golden eyes (so vibrant, even when the room was so dark) were half lidded (still tired) and teeth-achingly fond. 
He was always so good at showing just how fond he was of you, after all.
“What, do you feel like being a good girl for me today?”
You didn't answer his question, not properly. You couldn’t bear agreeing or disagreeing with him, not today anyway.
You didn't say anything, in fact, but you didn't stop him either as he pushed the fingers of his free hand back through your hair, cradled your skull (curling his fingers into a fist) and brought you in for a deep kiss, which you acclimated to almost instantly, clinging onto him even tighter.
It was pathetic, and at least you knew it was fucking pathetic, to admit to yourself that he was everything you wanted before all of this, that he embodied everything you fantasised and masturbated to when you couldn’t get a real person to touch you. It was probably even more pathetic to admit that you still wanted it, in spite of the psychosexual dynamic that was as close to any kind of Stockholm Syndrome as anything else (like it was a real condition anyway). 
You still felt awful and unbearably guilty, in spite of your new found honesty to yourself, that every inch of you continued to yearn for him and crave the feeling of his touch, instead of fighting for your life to be free of him. 
But you always had a way of feeling guilty about the things that you wanted.
You had no doubt that a therapist probably would have said that to you too.
The bruises that seemed to always paint your skin ached slightly, like just being near him, the fire that he was, was enough to set every nerve alight, but the sensation was addictive.
You wanted to get lost in him. 
You wanted to let him make you his, whatever the cost of that submission was.
So, instead of wallowing in your own self pity or lying to yourself (as your fellow captive was so prone to do), you let yourself wrap your arms around his neck and pull him towards yourself, deepening the kiss and letting him take you as he wanted (as he always wanted).
Understanding your need without words (since he was always so strangely attentive of that sort of thing), his kisses gradually grew rougher. 
His sharp cannibal teeth grazed your parted lips as he kissed you hungrily, sucking your tongue, biting down, making you squirm and writhe and moan. His hands roamed down the length of your body and dug into each trembling curve and slope of newly acquired fat, squeezing you so tightly and pressing your body against his so forcefully, it almost hurt. 
This was what he wanted, though, and you knew that: you losing control, giving him full access to you, your bruises, your body, hurting you. 
You were sure that he was going to tear into you one of these days, when he bit down on your lips again, a rupture of blood streaming from your mouth, staining his tongue. You were sure that he was going to make you bleed even more and glut himself on your blood completely, but you didn't care. 
You wanted him, still wanted him, in spite of all of that, in spite of his violence and hunger.
And the more you gave in to him, the more he wanted to take from you.
His mouth wandered down from your lips (his slack tongue drooling a dangerously pinkish string of spittle over your lips and down your chin) and to your neck, making you shiver and gasp even more, gripping onto him tightly, arms around his shoulders, legs tangled with his and squeezing tightly.
"I like this," He mumbled softly, pulling back from your neck (after leaving a bite in his wake)  for just a moment and rubbing his forehead against yours, a smile dimpling his features and making him look all the more sickeningly fond of you. "This attitude turn. You're normally so...brusque with me, so dismissive. It's not all that becoming of someone in your position, you know."
"You can't have minded it too much," You replied, your tone as flat as usual, though your arms tightened around his neck and your legs clung even tighter. "I'm still alive...have been for nearly three years, now."
"Mm, that's true," He agreed with a nod, one hand descending down your body, groping your hips, the soft flesh of your ass, palming the shadowed bruises that covered your flesh. "I guess you're cute enough that I can handle a shitty attitude now and then. But, this..." He laughed again before digging his teeth into his bottom lip and grinding his hips down against yours completely. "This really is too cute for words. Maybe you should keep it up, hm?"
"Maybe," You replied coyly, your own eyes flitting downwards as your hips bucked in unison to his grinding, pressing the two of you together even more.
This was the place he liked to bring you, right to the very edge of your most intimate and darkest desires. It was his way of tempting and playing with you, you guessed, an overgrown child playing with his food, playing with his favourite toy until it broke, while you begged and pleaded for him to pull you back from that edge, before it was too late and you fell over it and succumbed to them completely. 
You found that you were (often) pushed far over the edge, and had been for a while as he climbed on top of you and pinned you down to the mattress with his heavy body (pressing his weight into you), his lips against your neck, leaving kisses, bruises, bites and harsh marks on your skin.
You writhed and mewled at each burning pulse of pure shock from his teeth, his tongue, but the pain was such a sweet sensation...almost as good as the satisfaction he felt watching your skin purple and bruise, evidence of what he did for you that everyone would have the chance to see (if he ever let you leave the fucking house again).
This was just how he loved, you told yourself, because surely he must love you to have kept you around this long.
Your pain was his pleasure. It was as simple as that.
"Are you alright?" He asked you as he pulled back and looked in your hazy eyes.
"No," You rasped as you reached up to touch one of the worst bites, hissing as you felt wet oozing out of you, mingling with saliva and spittle. "I'm bleeding."
"Well, that’s hardly a concern of mine," He chuckled, evidently a little turned on by your honest answer as he leaned down to kiss your lips a little more, his strong arms bracketing your neck and shoulders as he loomed in view. . 
His tongue pressed inside your mouth, pushing past the barrier of your lips, and dragged against yours in a sleepy and slow, massaging sort of way, in spite of his violence and how much your bruises were throbbing. He had the potential to be soft and gentle with you, and displayed that potential to you readily only to take it away just as quickly. 
An overgrown child playing with his food. Playing with his favourite toy until it broke.
"I want to make you bleed more," He murmured, kissing the corner of your mouth with a slight smirk, groping hands travelling down your hips to wrangle your shorts down your legs and throw them to the side. ”I always do. That’s when you look your best, you know?”
"Mmhmm?" You hummed against his lips, threading your own groping hands through his hair and pulling him closer to you, not bearing to have him away from you for even a moment.
“Mm,” He rubbed his forehead against yours again, his breath warm on your skin as his hips slotted between yours, and you felt the heat of his erection through his underwear against your thigh. “Makes me that much crazier about you.”
You didn't stop him as he initiated another deeper kiss.
But you never stopped him.
You groaned lowly at the back of your throat as your fingers curled into fists in his hair and pulled hard. It was the most amount of power he would ever let you have over him, you knew that, as you tethered him closer to you, to your desires, as he sucked on your mouth, his tongue delving hungrily against yours, again and again, invading you as he pushed closer to you.
You wrenched your head back, away from the kiss, with a harsh gasp (breaching the surface of the water before drowning)  as he slid his hand up between your thighs, feeling the wet heat that lay at the top of them and devling his fingers inside without even a moment of hesitation or any kind of resistance. Dripping wet, pre-cum smeared between your thighs, you were that fucking eager for him.
God, you were fucking pathetic. 
You hissed painfully as you felt him bite down on your neck again as he slowly finger-fucked you, the scruff of his stubble itching your skin as his teeth dug in deeper. You did your best to retaliate, curling your fingers tighter into his hair and pulling on it. You’d tell yourself that you were trying to get him away from you, to release yourself from the painful clamp of his jaws, but you knew that that wasn’t the truth, not really.
It still felt good to do, though. 
Strade growled lowly at the pain in his scalp, and his free hand planted itself in the middle of your chest, pinning you to the bed, holding you down like a struggling animal, stopping you from flinching too much or squirming away from him as he dug his teeth even deeper, grinding them together to make the pain that much worse.
Your mind was hazy, torn between the excruciating pain of his bite and the overwhelming pleasure of his thrusting fingers inside of you. 
Your body was so exposed, so vulnerable, to everything he wanted from you.
Strade was in full control of you, as he so often was, and you ached for it. 
"God…do you even know how much I love you?" You rasped shallowly, finally letting go of the fists of hair you were still clinging onto, as he pressed another bite against your shoulder, lighter but still painful.
“Hm?” He hummed airily against your skin, a light hearted smile gracing his features as his hazy eyes glanced upwards, eyeing you as he pressed his fingers a little deeper inside of you, rubbing against a bundle of nerves that always made you tremble.
“Ngh-!” You groaned, fisting your fingers into the bedsheets in lieu of clinging to him even more, your eyes squeezing shut as you tipped your head back. “Ahh…I do love you. I do. I shouldn't, but I do. So much I can barely stand it..."
“Hm…no wonder you’re so clingy this morning,” He replied, his voice full of good humour, as it often was, like he was telling an especially mean joke that he’d never let you in on. “You’re all loved up. How sweet~” 
He kissed you again, his body pushing down against yours, grinding into you as he slid his fingers from inside you and tucked down his boxers, finally revealing his hard cock and letting it smear a line of pre-cum against your bare skin. His hands bracketed your hips as he kissed you more forcefully, biting down again, and slid down to your thighs to part them further, spreading you open.
He sucked on your sore mouth hard enough for the stream of blood to start trickling again and delved his probing tongue back into your mouth, tasting your blood, evidently (by how hard his cock was) getting more and more turned on as it smeared on his tongue, stained his teeth, made him that much more hungry to see you writhe and tear into you.
You didn't care. 
You'd welcome him tearing into you, if he stayed this close, if he kept kissing you.
"So sweet," He murmured thickly against your lips, in something between a growl and a purr, as he pulled away from the kiss, a smear of blood painting his own lips. "So fucking desperate for it. Do you like this, liebling? Do you like me hurting you like this?" He asked, his voice husky, his breath hot, as you felt him slot his hard cock against your entrance (rubbing against your clit), ready to breach the barrier and take you, as he so often did.
"I like you kissing me," You were breathing hard, your eyes going down to try and watch as he pushed into you, though, of course, you saw nothing but his belly pressing against yours, his tan skin achingly warm (and hot). "Even if it hurts...I like that you're doing it, all the same."
"Is it painful?" He murmured, licking his lips and breathing heavily as he breached your entrance and slid inside of you, easily. “Does it hurt so much, fraulein? Can you barely even take it?”
In spite of the lack of resistance (pathetic, fucking pathetic, god, you hated that you wanted him this badly, you hated how wet you were and how ready your body was for his invasion), there was something intimately painful about the stretch. It was like your cunt was struggling to take all of him in, even though it had done this countless times before, like your body itself was rejecting the painful force behind his initial thrusts and making you clench down even tighter around him.
"Ngh!" You cried out, your back arching and your head thrown back, as his hands covered shadowed bruises painting your skin, digging in, tearing into you. "I-It's torture...the worst pain imaginable…"
"Oh, you poor thing," He murmured with a giddy, rasping little chuckle, like your admission was everything he needed to let go of any sense of composure that he might have had before (if he ever had any). "But there's nothing you can do, is there? No, no, nothing at all."
“Mph,” You whined, your shaking hands going up to cover your sweating face as he gripped your hips tighter and slid even deeper inside of you.
“And I don’t think you want to do anything, either.” He continued, his eyes that of a predator, wide awake and ready to tear into his prey. “You want to be taken like this, forever. Hmm…” He laughed, shaking his head fondly. “Wunderschon, ja? You’ll always be mine and I don’t even have to try…”
Who's to say that love needs to be soft and gentle?
You think you had heard that once in a literature class…or maybe it was a fucked up movie you watched, when you didn’t have this, when you tried to scratch the itch with film recommendations on forums and shock sites. 
All the same, this kind of love (because it had to be love, it had to be, it had to be) was clearly as good as any other, both for you and for Strade.
It seemed that every time you cried out in pain or writhed underneath him, like you were squirming to be set free, it was enough to make him lose his mind and push even deeper inside of you, caging your body down with his, filling you up completely in an erratic need to take your body, by any means necessary.
"Show me your face." He commanded then, his voice hoarse with desire as he dipped his head down to your level again, his thrusting hips stilling for just a moment. “Let me see you.”
"Don't...hah, please don't look at me," You whined, begging, pleading, still covering your face with your hands, trying to pull back, though for what reason, you weren’t quite sure.
“No, don’t fight me.” He chided like he was scolding a child, an animal, wrapping his fingers around your wrists and wrenching them down forcefully, with a strength you often forgot about and yet, were often well acquainted with. “You know you won’t win, don’t you, fraulein? I won’t let you…”
He was clearly enjoying this much too much to let you pull away now, as he pulled your hands away completely, pinning them down to your chest and  forcing you to hold eye contact with him.
You stared up at him, your gaze caught somewhere between fear and dazed detachment.
The light streaming in from the rising sun outside softened his hulking body into dark, curved silhouettes, and the round, paper lantern behind his head (cheap, replaceable, something that reminded you of home, you said) made him look like some cheap facsimile of an angel, your own personal Heaven when he should have felt like Hell.
An angel to some, a demon to others. You knew you heard that in a movie before. 
"Good girl." He praised, the hand pinning your hands still and compressing your chest  reaching up to stroke your cheek (bruised, scarred, probably imagining bruising you even more). “Good, pretty girl. So lovely, so sweet when they’re behaving…”
You didn't even try to hold back a little giggle, your cheeks flushed as he took your chin in hand and pressed your head back against the pillows, a look of (almost) genuine affection in his golden eyes as he considered you further, as his thrusting hips continued, pushing deep and making your body clench up tightly with pleasure. 
“That’s it, there we go,” He continued to praise, his chest against yours as his free hand slid down to your trembling thighs, hiking them up around his waist and forcing your body to bend painfully in two. “No fighting now, liebling, no fighting me…it makes it so much nicer, doesn’t it?”
“Y-Yeah…” You stammered, your legs tightening around his full waist as his pace picked up, his hips slamming against yours and forcing out gasping little moans with each painful thrust. 
“Mm, you’d really do anything for me, wouldn’t you, sweetheart?” He asked again, the hand on your cheek descending down your neck as his expression grew hungrier and more feral, more desperate for you. “Anything at all?”
“Ahhh…” You groaned, your body growing tight and your mind erratic and manic, as he pushed against your sweet spot multiple times, grazing it but not quite stimulating it enough to feel good. “Yes, yes, yesyesyesyesyes-”
"Oh yeah?" He drawled, interrupting you and running his tongue over his teeth (his sharp cannibal teeth) as he pushed into you again and again, hard enough to get you yelping and the headboard of his bed to start slamming against the wall rhythmically. Thank god you didn’t have neighbours who would hear. "Would you die for me, sweet thing?"
"You-ah!" You interrupted yourself with a yelp when he pulled back enough to slap you hard across the cheek, so hard that it made your ears ring and your head spin. You might have stared up at him, wide eyed, shocked and surprised that he would do something so brutal, so cruel, if you weren’t currently being fucked out of your mind. "Nghh, y-you know I would, you don't...don't even need to ask me."
"Good girl," He praised you (he was, at the very least, good with praise when you were in this kind of headspace), taking your cheeks in hand again and pinning your head down to the pillows and mattress more forcefully, his golden eyes half lidded with desire. "What about killing, hm? Would you kill for me?"
"Strade," You whined, your body arching as his hips continued to ruthlessly slam into yours, each barbaric thrust punctuated with a huffed growl. "God, please-"
"Answer the question!" He barked, letting go of your face to slap you once, twice, three times. You wouldn't have been surprised if your cheek was bruised up again after this, but you couldn't bring even a part of yourself to care about that now. "Would you kill for me?"
"Mmph..." You squeezed your eyes shut (your ears were ringing and your vision was spotted with white, you couldn't hold on). "Yes, yes, I'd do whatever you wanted me to do. Goddd..."
"Sick puppy," He chuckled victoriously, gradually slowing down his thrusts and considering you further with a wry tilt of his head. "You really would do anything for me, wouldn't you? How pathetic.”
You whimpered and raised your chin to hide your burning cheek against the pillow. He was gracious enough to let you do that, this time. 
"That's what I like about you," Strade growled, pressing his face into your shoulder and barring his teeth as he huffed out grunts and groans, his thrusts picking up in pace as he got more desperate to claim you. "Such a fucking suck up. I bet I could tell you to piss yourself and you'd do it, wouldn't you?"
You moaned brainlessly in vague agreement, not quite listening to what he was asking, demanding from you, feeling like your throat was closing up on any potential words you might have been able to say.
"Mm, I'll remember that for later," He huffed out a laugh (hot against your sweaty skin) as he pressed another harsh bite into your shoulder, not hard enough to bruise or bleed (like the others) but enough for your eyes to shoot wide open, and to force a shriek from your lips like a dying animal. "So disgusting, fraulein. I'd have the sense to be grossed out, mph,” He stopped speaking for a moment, his drooling mouth slack as you tightened up around him again. “I-If your pussy wasn't clamping my cock like a fucking vice…god-!"
You howled out again, a full throated scream that would wake neighbours and housemates if you had them (barring…well, the obvious) as he pressed a bite against the sensitive skin of your throat. Unable to contain your pain with just the scream, your legs instantly tensed around him and your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. You even went so far as to dig your nails into the dense meat of his back and drag downwards, sure to leave behind a nasty mark in their wake. 
It was as close as you could get to hurting him, and you'd take the chance to show him even a modicum of pain possible, at every opportunity. 
You weren't crazy enough to not enjoy that, after all.
"Hrghhh, you fucking slut," He growled under his breath through a pained hiss through his teeth, the ‘pet-name’ rasped amidst a slur of German that you didn't understand (and you generally understood it well now, three years in.) "So, that’s how you wanna play, you little cunt?” He demanded, pulling himself upwards and glaring down at you, like he was about to pounce, as he so often did on the victims that came after you. “You wanna take all of me, don't you? So, fucking work for it."
You yelped loudly as he took a sudden and firm grip of your bruised hip and shoulder, and switched the positions forcefully, rolling you onto his front and lying back on the mattress, all the while keeping his cock firmly lodged inside of you.
"Work for it! Schnell, hund!" He ordered again, taking hold of both hips (digging his fingers and bitten fingernails in hard enough to leave a new batch of bruises and crimson crescents) 
While he ordered you around (in a tone that always made your cunt throb, in spite of the shame that caused you), he managed to push his cock deeper and deeper inside of you, thanks to his new leverage on your body, manurvering and handling you like you were a doll in his lap, a toy that he could use however he liked.
You continued to whine and moan like the desperate idiot that you were as he dragged you downwards at a pace you could barely keep up with, your hips coliding with his painfully and barbarically. That did, however, very little to stop you from bouncing brainlessly on his cock, your trembling legs tightening around him (as they so often did) and your hands curling into fists against his soft chest, doing everything you possibly could to keep up with him.
"There we go," He praised, gentle in spite of his harshly barked orders, one hand trailing down from your hip to grope your ass indulgently. "You're doing such a good job, liebling, you are making me so, so proud..."
"I love you," You whined desperately, hotly, biting down hard on your bottom lip as you continued to bounce his cock even harder, even faster. "I love you, I love you so much..."
"Mm, I love you too, sweetheart," Strade crooned with a broad, indulgent smile, his other hand reaching up to grope your chest as it heaved, up and down, newly pierced breasts bouncing in time with each of your erratic thrusts. "I love your pussy, anyway," He continued with a mean chuckle, pushing deeper inside of you as his calloused thumb dragged over your pert nipple, making you shriek. "And these tits, and how nicely your body bruises at the lightest of touches. Like you were made for me to destory over and over and over again...however can I resist?"
He sat up the best he could, in spite of your consistent thrusting, the hand on your ass pinning your body still against his chest as he pushed as deep as he could inside of you, like he was impaling you on his cock…and you certainly yowled loudly enough that it sounded like that.
"That's all that matters though, isn't it?" He asked breathlessly, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against yours again, close enough that you could feel the heat of his body against yours. He was so hot. "That I love you...doesn't matter which parts I love, right?"
"Mm...mmhmm," You nodded, biting your lip to hold back your whimpers and whines, as the hand on your chest went down to grab one of your fists and thread your fingers together, giving him full oppurtunity to pull you in even closer. "Tell me you love me...t-tell me you'll never let me go..."
"Oh, mein schatz," He crooned, his eyes softening with delight, drawing circles into the back of your palm and smiling up at you, breathless, a heaving silhouette in the darkness of the room. "Of course, I love you...and of course, I'll kill you before I ever let you go again."
Your bitten lips, blooming and beaten with hot blood, trembled hesitantly, much like the soft, scarred thighs bracketing his hips, as a smile pulled at your features, giving away instantly just how deliriously happy you were to hear him say those words, and mean them. 
"Keep me, keep me forever, never let me go..."
"Never ever," He agreed with a shake of his head, holding your hand tighter as his thrusting grew erratic and hectic, and each string of words became grunts and growls. "That's my promise to you, liebe. And you're more than welcome to hold me to it..."
You couldn't think of anything else to do, other than kiss him. 
You pressed your fingers into his hair, now slightly damp with sweat (he worked so hard to provide you, like a good man did), and pulled his lips to yours, finally, finally, probing his hot, wet mouth with your tongue and tasting your own blood on his mouth. 
He let you do it, too, moaning softly against your trembling lips and finally admitting his own sensual, desperate hunger for you. He cradled your skull in hand, not gripping or pulling on your hair or trying to wrangle you into some semblance of submission, and let his body still completely, feeling your sinking hips on his and spilling over inside of you with a human-like murmur of subdued pleasure.
And that was all you needed.
You clenched down tightly on him with a wretched gasp, as you felt the warm seed claim your insides and spill down your thighs, and it was enough to push you far, far over that edge yourself.
In lieu of anything else (because how could you do anything else), you heaved out a tired groan between your whimpers of pain and excruciating pleasure, falling forward against Strade's heaving chest as he flopped back on the bed himself, his lungs taking in slow swallows of air, adjusting himself as you settled against him.
Your vision was still blurred with white spots, but you somehow felt grounded all the same as you felt his warm hand slowly stroke through your hair and down your sweaty back. 
You let out a soft purr, a sleepy smile on your face as he continued to stroke you, like an animal in his lap. 
“As loyal as a dog." Strade murmured fondly, tilting his head forward to kiss the crown of your head and nuzzling into your warmth. "Mm, no, actually. A dog has the good sense to growl or bite when you kick it. You just seem to cling harder.” He laughed kindly, giving his head a little shake, dragging his cheek against yours. “Even Ren isn’t as bad as you~”
You murmured sleepily, not responding to his teasing, too tired to, curling a little closer against him and shivering with pleasure as you felt a stream of his seed trickle down your thigh.
"Hmph…go back to sleep, love," He then said softly, gently, (more gentle than he should be), giving your head another kiss as he sat up a little more, swinging one leg over the side of the bed. "I've got work to do. You can stay up here, for now.”
"Noo, don't go..." You pleaded quietly, curling your fingers against him and nestling against his chest again as he swung the other leg down and started to stand. "Stay, stay with me, please..."
"So clingy," He chided with another laugh, ruffling your hair. "Settle down and go to sleep. I'll come back soon, okay?"
Strade’s voice was gentle and fond, but you knew that his word was law and he wasn’t to be argued with.
So, you slid back into the bed and curled your body in tight, shivering as he pulled the duvet upwards and covered your naked body.
“Thank you,” You said with a tired smile, letting your fingers drift down between your legs, feeling his cum still oozing out of you. “That was…it was nice.”
“Good,” He smiled, leaning in to kiss your head again, before standing up straight.
“Sleep well, mein schatz. I’ll be back up soon.”
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Dandelion News - September 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Rescue Dog Who Helped Raise Dozens of Foster Puppies Finds Forever Home
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“Three and a half years ago, Noel arrived at Lucky Dog as a pregnant pooch pulled from [an] animal control shelter. […] Once the puppies were old enough to start life on their own, Lucky Dog found homes for all of them. […] Noel was an "amazing mom" to over two dozen foster puppies while staying at [a foster] house.”
2. Radiant cooling device uses significantly less energy than traditional air conditioning
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“Testing of the device […] showed the cooling device capable of cooling the skin by approximately 7.3°C. It also showed that it consumed 50.4% less energy than an average air-conditioner of comparable ability. The research team notes that the device can also be run in reverse, to serve as a radiant heater.”
3. How a Native elections official is breaking down voting barriers in Arizona
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“Gabriella Cázares-Kelly, Pima County Recorder, [… ran for office in 2020] to represent people who were being ignored by the democratic system and denied the right to vote. […] “People started getting the voter registration cards back, getting their voter IDs in the mail, and they were so excited to show me or thank me for helping them register,” she said.”
4. Scientists are growing [coral] babies in a lab to save animals from extinction
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“Each August, corals in Florida release their eggs and sperm into the water[, … but “they] can’t reproduce on their own anymore.” [So, researchers are] collecting and freezing the spawn and growing them into genetically diverse baby corals that can be replanted into the wild[….] These resilient corals could pass important adaptations to their babies[….]”
5. New Legislation Will Accelerate Offshore Wind Energy in Delaware
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““The responsible development of offshore wind and the transition to renewable energy is essential for the protection of wildlife, habitats, and communities from the havoc of climate change[….]” “This legislation is the product of careful consideration and input from multiple state agencies, industry experts, energy researchers and environmental advocates[….]””
6. Removal of Apache Trout from Endangered Species List Due to Collaborative Conservation Efforts
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“[A]fter more than five decades of recovery efforts by federal, state and Tribal partners, […] the restoration of Arizona’s state fish marks the first […] trout delisted due to recovery, a significant conservation success[….] The Apache trout is found exclusively in streams of the White Mountains in the eastern part of Arizona […] and is sacred to the White Mountain Apache Tribe.”
7. [Texas] State court rules Austin must release files on police complaint
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“Under the act, records of any complaint – even if no disciplinary action was taken – must be handed over to the civilian-led Office of Police Oversight. [… T]he ruling ushers in a new level of oversight of the complaint process and the department writ-large.”
8. Super-rare hairy-nosed wombat caught waddling through a woodland in Australia
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“Ecologists at Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) say the video footage provides exciting evidence wombats are breeding in the refuge again. […] There are only 400 of them in the world, making them rarer than the giant panda and the Sumatran tiger. […] “Although this isn’t the first joey born at the refuge, it is the first juvenile spotted for a few years.””
9. The country’s biggest electric school-bus fleet will also feed the grid
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“[The] country’s first all-electric school-bus fleet[,…] which serve the district’s special-needs students, […] can charge with low-cost power and discharge spare capacity at times of grid stress[…. V]ehicle-to-grid charging is something for which electric school buses are particularly well suited.”
10. The Push to Save Horseshoe Crabs Is Gaining Momentum
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“Conservationists hope new restrictions on harvesting and synthetic alternatives to a crab-blood compound used in biomedical testing can turn the tide for the ancient arthropods, whose eggs are a vital food source for Red Knots [threatened migratory birds]. […] Now conservationists are in the thick of a multi-pronged push to save both species.”
August 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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blackwoolncrown · 9 months
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Hi~If you can and you want to, please support me & read this:
So this was a crazy year. At the start of Dec 2022 I arrived in Mexico after driving to my friend's house from FL by myself, starting the whole intense, stressful and costly process of immigrating.
If you're not familiar with me, long story short I'm an orphan of estrangement, autistic and a black queer femme so living in the US was getting more and more impossible by the year, not to mention scarier as fascism & violence picked up.
Now, a year later, I am FINALLY in my own (rented) house, feeling like I have a place I can be calm and not feel so unsettled, traveling from place to place with my belongings stuffed in my car.
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This is something I'm really grateful for, and I feel like this effort and cycle have finally come to a close- but the closing costs on my contract, moving travel fees and the fact that I had to buy a fridge (I still have no oven & need a heater) have left me with barely $200 for the rest of the month.
The Holiday season is scant for me workwise and I've had even less time to work with this move, while my expenditures increased.
If you like my content or find it uplifting, or would just like to help me afford food and rent in the cold months, I'd deeply appreciate reparations and or community support.
C*sh*pp: moonseye P*yp*l.me/ellipsislux
Additionally, I provide spiritual services & readings- one starting at as low as $5, and you can check them out here. I'd be so happy if you did <3
Plus if nothing else, a reblog would help a ton! Thanks!
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auckie · 30 days
waiting for the beta fish post to drop ill wait however long it takes idc 🦦
Okay. I’m ready. Nothing demotivates me more than losing progress on like. A game, or word document or whatever. A lost ask is like a grain of sand dropped into the ocean.
So betas are often sold in little cups, right? And the people at say, pet smart tell you, ‘yeah a bowl will do’. WRONG! While betas are somewhat low maintenance fish compared to many— a cheap but beautiful option that seemingly needs no filter or heater and very minimal space, it is now widely accepted that this is flat out untrue. Everyone knows males cannot be kept together, but even having just one fish I would highly recommend a ten gallon. May seem excessive but considering that betas do well in high tannin naturalistic setups, you’re going to want to fill this space with plants and hides. What’s more is if you don’t want to do a self filtering tank (which will still require moving water and regular changes/cleanings or refills), it is still generally recommended that you do invest in a filter and heater. I’ve seen some people go about this by using natural sunlight or heat lamps but 1) harder to regulate 2) risks overheating.
I used to keep fish. Betas and a warm fresh water 1 gallon with a few species together. I don’t anymore for a few reasons. Mostly the upkeep, and because for me personally. I just don’t like keeping fish. Any animal that’s bigger than your thumb, if it lives in a cage or tank and spends most of its time in there. This isn’t to say it’s wrong by any means, but like birds…I’ve just come to think ‘yeah we probably shouldn’t be keeping them outside of their natural habitat esp if they’re highly social or mobile creatures. Moreover with long life spans and high social/mating needs.’ Again! Not condemning the practice for others. It can certainly be done right! But it’s often a lot more time consuming and costly than people realize. Now if you’re willing to invest in what it takes to keep the animal comfortable by all means! Aquarium keeping can be super rewarding, and making naturalistic setups makes for beautiful and calming decor. It’s an amazing hobby. Even if you can’t keep something as simple as duckweed alive for whatever reason, artificial hardscapes with plastic plants and such can still look okay. And a ten gallon + tank vacuum + simple filter and heater really won’t cost you much! I highly recommend looking to YouTubers for tank inspiration, and tips!
If you do decide to go for a 3-5 gallon, or some nontraditional choice of habitats, like a large vase. Well I can’t stop you, and that doesn’t t mean your fish will die. It was a common myth not to long ago that fish couldn’t feel pain, and that their memory spans only lasted for 3 seconds. This is false, and luckily not as widely believed thankfully— but it’s a great example of how people will assume that non mammalian animals have simpler needs due to misunderstanding how their bodies operate, simply because of how different they are than say a cat or dog. Not accusing you of this by any means— you may very well be waaay more informed and aware of this than I am. But it’s a necessary disclaimer.
Other easy to keep fish include neon tetra, fantail guppies (but do not mix them with fish who will nip their tails), and the classic goldfish. another disclaimer about the latter: flushing goldfish thought to be dead, or simply tossing unwanted ones into local water ways has caused them to become a highly invasive species in many areas across North America. Do NOT do this. They’re outcompeting native species due to how fucking hardy they are, and growing to insane sizes. The lack of natural predators and peoples unwillingness to fish for them makes for a particularly nasty pest :/
These aforementioned fish save the goldfish will need the same basic things as a beta, but can be kept in mixed sexed groups, and tetras are often kept with great danio, mollies, and even tiger barbs (who are cute but can be a little aggressive for smaller beginner fish). All of these are available at big chain pet stores for very cheap.
If you’re hellbent on forgoing heaters and filters you could try triops (they don’t require much space but love to dig so have some specific substrate needs, and don’t live very long but can be multigenerational and sustained if done correctly. They’re also insanely cute and entertaining to watch), shrimp (so many different kinds!), snails, or even a mixture of these!
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There’s also ecojars. Very cheap to make, and very educational! I love microfauna and follow a lot of YouTubers who’ve had great success making both aquatic and terrestrial ecojars from the local environments around them. If you live by the coast, brackish and saltwater jars are a lot harder, but freshwater ones are very simple! Terrestrial ones are basically just vivariums/terrariums you can even stock by going out to forage for things like snails, slugs, isopods, millipedes, etc. Clean up crew critters do well, but larger predatory insects are a bit harder to keep in an enclosed/self sustaining habitat. That brings us to our next options!
If I can sell you out of aquariums for an easier and possibly cheaper or equal price with a lot less upkeep! But. It involves insects so I’m going to put it under a cut in case that is not something you’re looking for. It’s long too, so feel free to ignore it. BUT! If I’m able to wet your whistle please feel free to ask for more info 🤠
Bugs! Well, arthropods. Such as: isopods (I have rubber duckies and they are doing exceptionally well eating nothing but leaves with the occasional fruit or veggie and calcium sources! They cohabitate with spring tails, harmless soil mites, and terrestrial amphipods. There are many much cheaper and hardier species that are easier to find such as dwarf whites, dairy cows, or even local wild caught ones! Another warning is to NOT dump these outside. And be careful foraging for things from outside for them to eat because you never know what’s been treated with pesticides or beneficial nematodes, or is infested with fungus, mold, or harmful pest species like parasites or mites).
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Really all you need for any given species is a little container with a few air holes, substrate such as coco fiber, reptisoil, jungle mix, or your own backyard topsoil which ideally has been baked to sterilize. You can also bake pinecones and oak or magnolia leaves for them to feed on. Crush them up and mix them into the substrate, and add either crushed oyster shells or maybe bits of limestone or coral if you have them available. You can buy cuttlefish bone online as well. They love cork bark, but again, I’m sure if you find and bake bark or bits of drift wood, you can make that work too. They loooove to eat moss, and some species will readily gobble up fish food and bee pollen. Josh’s frogs (as well as other brands) make some specific powder blends that I feed mind. I think it’s called bug burger. The general practice is to create a ‘moist side’ and ‘dry side’ gradient so the isopods have a choice of where to go. They have gills but that doesn’t mean they want to always be drowning in 90% humidity. There’s a lot of beautiful exotic species but they get expensive fast, and are often fond of burrowing or hiding in sphagnum moss so you won’t always see them, and well. They’re usually tiny.
Millipedes are very similar— some are huge and beautiful, some even look like giant isopods (pill millipedes), but burrow, so…you won’t get the most visual bang for your buck.
A lot of people are very fond of finding and keeping jumping spiders. They’re cute to look at and fun to feed, but this requires buying feeders (crickets, meal worms, roaches, or fruit flies depending on size and what’s available near you), but that’s not always everyone’s speed. Plus they don’t live very long once they’re adult size and sexually mature. You can buy them as well but, I prefer to just enjoy them outside. Why take a solid guy out of his environment if he’s not gonna live much longer and is doing his part in ridding your yard of gross bitches? They do a NUMBER on mosquitos.
Beetles! Some species stay grubs for the majority of their lives and will be buried until they’re ready to go out and find love, so as much as I love larger species that are fun to interact with, I’m going to lean towards what I own: the blue feigning death beetle
Very silly little beasts. Very low maintenance! They live in American deserts and are covered by a powdery residue that helps them retain moisture. You can make a mix of sand and coco fiber and keep them in an open top tank (I keep mine in a huge fish bowl), and provide them with hides such as cholla wood or cork bark, rocks and even plastic decor. They will eat almost anything and get most of their moisture from their diet. I feed mine cut up fruits and veggies, the occasional roach, beetle jellies, bug burger, chicken feed, cat food (wet or dry), sugar water in little bottle caps with a sea sponge, moss, or cotton ball in them, fish flakes, freeze dried peas, bee pollen, and even like. Leftover bread or popcorn so long as it’s unseasoned. They can go a while without food or water too, so handle neglect well. But so long as you give them a ‘wet sweet food’ and protein at least once a week you should be Gucci. They’re diurnal afaik and will begin moving about when it’s light out. They don’t need heat lamps or anything of the sort.
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They rarely bite and when they do it’s because you have food on your hand, and it doesn’t hurt. They can’t climb or fly, and play dead when threatened. Very cute to watch, and hold, and they’re constantly fucking. Sometimes a male will see another male trying to feel up a larger female, and will climb atop them both and start trying to have sex with the male. I’ve seen two males feeling up and trying to go at it with a rock. They’re so funny. But it’s very difficult to breed them in captivity. They live a while tho so hey, you got a while to research and experiment! Because of this, however, most available for purchase are wild caught. And I personally am not crazy about that.
Scorpions! There’s a good amount of largely harmless species that make for great pets! Asian forest and emperor are the first two that pop into my head. They glow under UV light, making them easy to find, and don’t have to eat super often. The one I own loves to run up to the side of its enclosure whenever I walk by, throwing its claws up to show me it means business. I’ve never been stung but I hear it’s like a bee sting. The two species listed are cheap and prefer it moist, and afaik don’t really sting once they’re mature. They prefer to use their claws to do the talking. Below is a random species under UV light:
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And finally, the most visually pleasing, long living, and low maintenance yet entertaining things I own: tarantulas. Given that I work at a tarantula breeder and am incredibly biased feel free to ignore this next bit, but also hear me out. I’ve never been afraid of tarantulas, but used to be a bit wigged out by spiders as a kid. T’s, at least the new world species I own, are so. Much more stationary, slow, and just. Nonchalant than most true spiders I’ve kept. You will usually know if and when they’re about to strike.
Orb weavers have never done well for me, but I’ve had some luck with cobweb weavers (they don’t tend to remake their webs every fucking day which helps with setting up a habitat), but they just don’t live very long— and when something has such a short lifespan I feel guilty for keeping it from its primary goal of breeding. Tarantulas, however, can live for up to 20+ years. And you can make money breeding them! But a lot of discords or Facebook groups dedicated to this are. Like full of the most obnoxious people you’ve ever met. Males don’t live as long, they usually croak after sexually maturing and then molting again. If they’re lucky they might make it one more. And they don’t have a great chance when it comes to breeding and surviving. Depends on the breeder controlling the situation. I’ve read that the longest lived one on record was a female Goliath bird eater* clocking in at over 30 years old. That’s a fucking cat. Not all get huge either! There’s dwarf species, and many are arboreal meaning you’re likely to see it often!
The shop I work at, along with most tarantula breeders recommend a GBB as a first time spider. I fucking Do Not. They’re aggressive, cute as spiderlings but less cute as adults, gross (web and bolases and shit everywhere), kick urticating hairs* that drive me nuts. And they just suck.
I have two coworkers who follow me and will strongly disagree but I don’t care because I know I’m right on this one: my top beginner picks are the caribena (formerly avicularia) versicolor.
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As slings they are bright blue and so fucking funny. They walk like a cat with mittens on and their urticating hairs are so fucking mild that you won’t even notice them. Their red mouths stick out like a shitty lipstick on their stupid blue bodies and they love to shake their butts before they jump, like a cat but way worse. They’re not terribly fast and their bite is nothing. It’s worthless. They’re…somewhat sensitive and do like to randomly die, but so long as you keep them in an arboreal enclosure with ventilation and a weekly misting? You’re golden baby. They eat well, are arboreal so you’ll always see them, and can be kept in fairly small enclosures for quite some time! Here’s what they look like as adults:
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Still pretty! And not scarily massive.
I own an even more sensitive species: the Brazilian jewel tarantula. It’s a dwarf species but stupid expensive and makes a shitty trapdoor so you don’t see it often which is a shame bc they’re beautiful and so adorable. Similar mannerisms and levels of ‘this piece of shit can’t hurt me’. Ideally you won’t be handling them but, well, I can’t blame you if you do bc it’s fun. I don’t own any species that care hurt me bc why would I want to?
For some. More common first time reccs tho, I would probably say the Arizona blonde (very chill and fuzzy. Somewhat more itchy), the Brazilian black (a little less stunning but also pretty chill and fun to watch because they will completely rearrange the furniture of their habitat for no reason), the Chilean rose hair (read previous)— basically any grammastola or brachypelma species. Hamorii (Mexican red knees) look cool. Another controversial pick are cyriocosmus. They have golden hearts on their butts! They’re pricier though, and again, other t keepers act as if they’re hard. They’re not. Most new world species are simple if you just research them— my boss often will balk and laugh when she hears people are buying 1/2 inch slings and putting them in like, 5 gallon tanks. But it’s literally fine. They def don’t need that much space but if they burrow. Look for the hole. Give them enough substrate, keep it moist but not sopping. Ventilation is key. Some people use empty, clear take out bins or medicine vials to keep these things in, and that’s fine so long as there’s air holes. You can use a soldering iron or small drill, or even a pin to poke some into the container, depending on how hard it is. Even larger spiders have been kept in big empty jars and such. You feed them once a week unless they’re in premolt (they get fat and shiny or lose their hair on their asses and may make a molt mat of web, or a little enclosed webbing bubble, or bury themselves and won’t eat during this time which, depending on species, could be a while), or whenever they look skinny!
If they’re arboreal give them a vertical climb, be it a real plant or plastic, cork bark, even aquarium decor. So long as it’s not sharp because tarantulas are surprisingly delicate.
Feed them something the size of their ass give or take, and disable it using little, sharp feeding tongs (grab the head and drop it in near them, or hold it to them at a distance and if it’s moving they’ll usually strike). Some super tiny slings will even eat springtails. Larger, adult T’s can take multiple dubia or even big ass roaches like hissers. It’s kind of sad feeding them off but, the spiders gotta eat 🤷‍♂️ if you’re interested and have any questions on other species, or the ones I listed, lemme know!
Okay. And by far. The least wanted or liked recommendation I have. Are roaches 😔 there’s some beautiful species out there man. Hissers are super fucking docile, but prolific. They hiss when scared, but never bite. They don’t even eat each other in times of duress! They do have spiky leg bits which can scare some people off. But take a look at emerald roaches (which are. Expensive 😶), don’t they look like cool beetles? They’re arboreal! Then there’s the table mountain roach, which SQUEAKS when scared! The domino roach! I’ve posted pics of molting roaches many times— they’re soft and white and have huge, mantid like eyes. It’s very disarming and cute. They’re so much more intelligent than we give them credit for. The roaches I keep at work know when I’m about to feed them and they all clamor at the tops of their bins, and once the feed is in they all grab a bit and run off with it in their mouths like dogs! Many tropical, burrowing species are basically little cows, and many are amazing parents which is a rarity in the insect world!
Most of these fellers can do well in a plastic bin with a top, with ventilation of course. And the usual substrate, hides like cork bark and rocks and moss, misting, and similar feed to isopods and the beetles I mentioned. As for price and availability, well, you’re probably only going to be able to find hissers and dubia unless you have a niche store near you or are willing to have them shipped. And while I love both of them. They are gross. They’re R strategists to a T and will multiply to the point that they require sell offs or regular culling. Which, if you own species that eat them, it can be a win win! But they also are hard to keep clean. So I probably, actually do not recommend them 😞 the less prolific, more beautiful species are cleaner, but more expensive. But hey, I had to shoot my shot, right?
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Okay. Well. Thank you for listening if you got this far. Good luck either way and thanks for being patient!
*Goliath bird eaters and any similar named bird eating tarantula do not. I mean they *can* eat birds yeah but that’s just a shocking name that stuck. Don’t let that scare you. But also that species sucks so it doesn’t matter
*pretty sure I put another asterisk in here but I can’t find it and don’t remember what it was for sorry. Shoot me an ask if it was like. Killing you ig
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sunderedazem · 19 days
Thank you, jess!! You chose: opinions georg, cat version XD
Wolemetraha, from Y'shtola's POV. Post "In From the Cold" in EW :)
Now, more than ever, she wishes she had better understood the younger of their two Warriors of Light before she had been forcibly removed from his life by a banquet gone horrifically wrong. Because he had been still more Miqo'tten than not then, more open with his thoughts, and it was entirely possible she could have simply- asked. And by asking, recieved both an answer, and the trust granted to the true friend she wishes he would see her as. But that had not happened. And when he and the Padjals of Gridania had prevailed upon the elementals, and seen her safely returned from the Lifestream- he had been different. Hardened. His smiles and mischief had become a mask, when he deigned to indulge in them. The Light he was had become...empty. Like to the waste past Amh Araeng.
She had not known how to quantify the change until she had been ripped from her physical form and understood nature of the First, and by then it had been far too late. Only Lelesu, barely, had been able to claw past that barrier.
No. As much as she wishes it were otherwise- it was not the Scions who had returned the spark to his eye. Instead... the culprits are a pair, both of whom had earned both her begrudging respect and pointed ire during their struggle to save the First. She has since forgiven G'raha Tia for his secrecy, of course, after the revelation of his intent to save them, the First, and both Warriors of Light at the cost of his own life (though it is a conditional forgiveness, and it's permanence hinges on such idiotic martyrdom never being reattempted).
The other, however...well, there is a certain sour irony in the fact that it was Emet-selch, of all people, to help reignite Corrain's mischievous, bright side. And despite his hand in pulling her soul from the Lifestream- she is still not entirely sure that she forgives him for the millennia of devastation he visited upon the sundered worlds. That he was tempered she has sympathy for, certainly. To be a slave to a will not one's own is a horrifying fate. But in the end, he regrets nothing but the fact that his goal is in truth unobtainable, if seen through eyes unclouded. She is not sure she will overlook that.
There's a low sigh from across the room then, the ceruluem heater burning low in the center of the small space, and the Ascian in question sits shakily back on his heels. Corrain shivers in front of him, cheeks ruddy from cold and exhaustion, the glaze of terror melting only slowly from his face. He has been tucked firmly into bed after his kidnapping and the horrific experience in a body not his own, and both Emet-selch and G'raha Tia linger over him, Lelesu only a half-pace beyond them. All three of them have been helping to settle the shaken, disoriented man, in their own way, and of the three- Emet-selch had worked magicks she had never seen, not even when she could perceive more than mere aether. And with each of his too-careful spells, Corrain's stiffness and trembling had eased, the connection between body and soul again snapping into place a little at a time. A tangible, gentle assistance, then. One only an Ascian could be so experienced in to successfully provide.
...Emet-selch had been terrifying, lashing out at Fandaniel upon Corrain's collapse in the former corpse, snarling and tearing the foreign aether she could only just glimpse from their Warrior's rightful body. There were reasons that Ascians and their machinations had been reviled for the better part of sundered existence - that the strength of their ruling members was reason in part for that came as no great shock. Even Fandaniel himself had seemed entirely caught off guard, fleeing the scene without even so much as a disparaging quip.
Y'shtola stifles a soft hum of thought, watching as G'raha and his Ascian tend to Corrain, as G'raha turns to Lelesu and speaks softly to her. As Emet-selch hesitantly cradles one reddened cheek in his palm, staring down at Corrain's face, expression a bitter mix of concern and calmness.
Ah. She raises an eyebrow at that gentle touch. Perhaps terrifying was a poor description, in truth. More accurately- he had been terrified. Hadn't he?
....no, she cannot forgive Emet-selch. She does not want to, nor does he seek such a thing, and even if he did she would not consider him worthy of it. But for being one of two to reawaken the young man within the Warrior of Light, and to be gentle with him even when on opposing sides...well. He is certainly a font of knowledge that few others possess. It can be a tolerable arrangement.
She regrets, still, that she learned to know Corrain too late. That it was none of the Scions (save Lelesu, but then, she is always the exception) who grew to understand him when they should have. But that it is G'raha and Emet-selch who have done so in their place...Corrain could do worse.
...if not by much.
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tinyvesselhearts · 2 years
Thing Is (Protective Egon x You)
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It’s a part of a slightly larger collection of one-shots but I’m pretty proud of this one so here it comes:
Egon x Reader/You No Y/N Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (minor injuries)
Thing is, he’s become too observant.
Egon knows you come to the station around 10 A.M. There’s no jumpsuits, car or equipment to maintain so you start with the kitchen. It’s not exactly a part of your duties: the guys are fully capable of washing their own, especially since they barely eat in. Yes, okay— he’ll agree none of them is a dishwashing phenomenon and they hardly ever manage to finish breakfast before their first call— but you can just leave the plates there and nobody would bat an eye.
You do it though. Without a word.
On Tuesday, while showing you monochromic ectoplasm bonds Type IV (Egon prompts it himself these days, no bribe included), he notices the skin on your hands is chapped. He knows you work with nasty chemicals while taking care of Ecto- 1 but you’ve always worn latex gloves— he’s seen them hanging on the heater, next to whichever colorful apron you chose for the day. The only time you work with your bare hands is while cleaning the kitchen. Wiping the counters. Scrubbing the sink.
You’re busy looking at the molecules of Type IV, while he does some research on what he calls The Collective. The sight of your dry fingers keeps nagging him though— there’s no way a simple detergent affects the cells so much— so after replaying all possible scenarios in his head, he can’t take it anymore. He pauses.
“You don’t have to do the dishes”, he states out of the blue. “You know that, right?”
“Why, then?”
You swivel in your chair and look at him.
“I mean, why not? It’s like 20 minutes, tops. You come back to a tidy home and it costs me nothing.”
But it does cost you your hands, he wants to say. There’s no way it doesn’t sound creepy though, even by his standards, so he just acknowledges that with a hum and a thank you. Arguing is pointless. You’ll do whatever you want anyway. He’s not even here to make sure you take care of yourself while on duty.
What he does, however, is wait till the evening and inspect what that low- budget detergent is made of. He’s quick to spot the culprits. It’s a nasty fragrant and the artificial dye. No wonder your skin is irritated. That thing would be harmless if, instead of using your hands, you scrubbed the plates with a metal rod as a part of your morning routine.
Egon buys a new liquid— top shelf this time— and adds some stuff of his own. Some softeners. A nice scent. He pours it into the old bottle so that you don’t think twice. Just a precaution. In case you realized it wasn’t your soap and look for that terrible, skin- devouring slime. He places it near the tap. Then waits.
Over the following weeks he’ll diligently observe how your skin gets better every time you come down to the lab. He’ll see the rough edges get smooth. Fractured knuckles seal shut. Nails regain their shine.
He’ll notice how gentle your fingers are when you secure his slides under microscopic lens.
On this particular Thursday everything goes wrong.
There’s a Class 2 Free- Floating Vapor who’s wildly attracted to funky shapes and vivid hues. It’s the ethereal kind: one whose molecular structure fluctuates. He pries on wallpapers, bedsheet and clothes, tears them up and snugs like an unhinged puppy. Catching him is comparable to squeezing slippery soap. What complicates things even more is that Peter has a clumsy day so even though they manage to trap the ghost, it slips out at the station because somebody forgot to follow a few basic safety tips. Cool. It’s all cool.
Egon knocks at the laundry room’s door. He enters. You’re inside, hanging freshly washed suits.
“We’ve got a situation”, he informs. “Please, wait in here for a few minutes.”
“Oh? You guys need help?”
“We’ll handle this. Venkman let the vapor out. It’s nothing.”
“Oh. Okay.” You straighten up and smooth your apron (it’s the yellow one, embroidered with bees— you wear it when you feel especially joyful and of course it’s got to be today). “I can help, if—”
“No. It’s all under relative control. Don’t worry about it.”
He waits for you to nod, then steps out and closes the door. Relative. Great phrasing, Doctor Spengler.
He powers up the proton pack. The faster they get rid of the ghost, the better. You won’t have time to get creative.
Peter’s pressing a gauze to his nose. It’s bleeding. Not from within though, looks like a cut and that’s relevant: if the vapor is capable of transferring molecules and strengthen bonds within different body parts at will, it could thicken its limbs enough to cause physical harm to humans. Class 2 are rarely aggressive— annoying, yes, destructive as well— but they aren’t interested in manhunt. Maybe this one’s been triggered enough to choose attack for defense.
“Who’s got the trap?”
“I do!” Winston kicks the pedal. “The stream won’t hold long enough though!”
Ray’s standing at the other side of the room, protecting their dear vehicle.
“We should stream it together from different angles! It won’t be able to wiggle out! Let’s try that and move him towards the trap in sync!”
“Baby, you’re lucky I’m a terrific dancer”, says Peter and aims at the ghost.
Egon assesses the situation. The vapor stays too close to the reception for their benefit— the massive wooden desk is going to be a great shield for the specter if they aren’t precise enough. The deeper they go within the station, the more damage they’ll cause. That’s not worth it. Too much precious stuff to risk.
They could try a bait. They’ll have to find some red herring and place it far away: ideally, further into the garage, near the door. Lots of space, no hiding spots. Relative damage control. Cheap repairs. No casualties, either.
He notices Janine’s scarf hanging over her chair: conspicuous, extravagant and frilled, covered in a cheetah pattern. A perfect lure for the ghost. It’s still Janine’s— and she’s upstairs, taking cover in Tully’s office— and once it’s all over she’ll absolutely hate them for destroying her garment. She’d cut their ears off for it, if she could. Luckily, she’s too small for that. Radical.
“Yo! How can I help you, boys?”
For the Mother of—
Egon turns his head. It’s you— standing right at the door in that silly, yellow apron— because of course you are. Hell, you’re an embodiment of what a perfect live bait looks like in this scenario. However, your position (from the strategic point of view) is the absolute worst. You should either take off that apron immediately or move away— and move fast.
“Gear up!” Winston shouts to you. “He’s actually dangerous! Scratched Peter in the face!”
“Guess I was just too pretty!”
The vapor dashes in your direction. It’s quick. You grunt, try to dodge and fail miserably: its slimy claws reach your neck and graze your shirt in a failed attempt to rip off the perky apron. You growl and crouch before Ray chases the ghost off with a stream.
“Ah. Funk. Shite.”, you grunt. “I’ll get the proton pack!”
Egon can’t fucking believe it.
He eases down the proton rod and appears in front of you in a few long strides. No questions, no warning, he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack— then proceeds to literally carry you away from the scene.
“What the heck?!” You yelp. “Let me go!”
“Over my dead body.”
Ray and Winston struggle to aim, Peter does more talking than shooting— as usual— so the vapor dissipates and the streams slide off of its ethereal body. The moment isn’t ideal for being a knight in the shining armor but it’s as good as any. Your safety is more important than a burned wall or Peter’s personal opinion (he surely has one— he saw you two— he did a double take).
All of that is irrelevant. What matters though, is that Egon is aware.
You’re close. Locks brush against his ear and your breath is hot on the nape of his neck. The air tingles his tiny hairs. It tickles, it’s distracting and he tenses up, fingers finding their way into your hair. Then, the scent of soap he planted for you reaches his nostrils— and it’s good, it means you’re taken care of. Your hands clutch his jumpsuit— on his shoulder blades, on his chest— and pull at his damp undershirt just because it’s there, right underneath, warm and soaked with sweat.
You’re holding on to him for dear life. You’re around him, everywhere, all at once and it takes every ounce of his willpower to stay focused.
He lets you go in the far corner of the garage. You slide off. Your numb hands linger on his patch and under his collar. Eyes lock.
For a split second he fights an urge to lean in— to press his forehead to yours, to feel you’re right there, safe, away from danger. He almost does. Then he sees blood on your collarbone and his face turns stark.
“What’s that?”
“Um”, you look downwards and tap the stain with your finger. “I don’t know.”
“He scratched you.”
“ I mean, it doesn’t hurt now, so—”
“He scratched you.”
Something within him shifts. He’s all fire and smoke, jaw set, breath hot, eyes sharp and unrelenting. His fists clench, knuckles whiten, a wave of heat reaches his ears— and in this moment he barely recognizes himself.
“Winston!” He yells. “Set the trap!”
Your hands grab his sleeve but the grasp is weak, unsure— as if you wanted to anchor him before he does something stupid. Egon vaguely registers that. The fabric slips away from your grip and he strides away, gaze fixated on the ghost. He supports the proton gun on his arm and aims.
Ray picks up on this change of demeanor immediately.
“Ho, someone’s pissed!” He chants. “We’re shooting on three!”
Peter seems to come round as well. He tosses the bloody gauze on the floor (the wound he got is a sleek, clean line, it doesn’t seem deep) and clenches his teeth.
“You envied my pretty face, huh?”
What happens next is difficult to put in the correct order. There’s a loud shriek, a flash of streams coming from at least three proton packs, a loud zap and a warm glow. There’s also a burnt smudge on the ceiling, stretching all the way from garage door to the reception desk, an armchair on the first floor that’s set of fire and — for some inexplicable reason— two bulbs have just exploded.
Janine and Louis run out of the office. Everybody’s quiet. Thick smoke comes from the trap and the air is still until the red light on it switches on.
“…It’s inside.” Winston sighs. “Are you guys okay?”
Ray does a one over. The overall damage is considerable but Janine’s already prancing around the armchair with an extinguisher and the ceiling— well, it’s not like any client ever pays attention to the ceiling, right?— so everything’s taken care of. Peter extends a thumb in a weak attempt to show it is, in fact, alright.
“Yeah. I’ll go get changed. More than enough for today.”
Egon turns his head towards you. You’re still standing right where he put you: far away from the scene, unsure and anxious. His head is still burning. How stupid of you, how reckless not to listen to his request— how much unnecessary stress, how much disaster— what an idiotic move to ignore an explicit warning—
Ray is a perceptive guy.
“I’ll handle the trap”, he says and leaves the garage first.
You take off the apron, blood splatter tainting a bee you embroidered yourself.
“…Oh. I doubt it’ll come off.”
Egon lets you into his lab and closes the door.
“It will”, he assures you. “Here, change. I won’t look.”
“Thank you.”
He lets you swap your ripped shirt for one of his sweaters while he skims over the first aid kit. There must be some ectoplasmic residue around the gash. If he gets a good quality sample, he could run a few tests and see how the molecular transfer works in reference to changing the ghost’s state of matter. It’s a first. If they could figure it out, that would be a real breakthrough.
“I’m, uh. I’m decent.”
Egon picks up a petri dish, a bottle of antiseptic spray and some gauze pads. He sits in a chair right in front of you, rolls up his sleeves and leans over to inspect the wound.
A long red line runs over your collarbone, up to your neck. It’s fresh, red splatters specked across your throat and chest but despite the impact, it doesn’t seem dangerous. He’s relieved to see the other end of the scratch— it’s right above your chest. The hem of his sweater hangs a little loose on you, allowing easy access. Thank God for small mercies.
The light is dim. It’s the blue glow he uses when he needs to focus. Crisp air wraps around him like a blanket. Drawers and tools are outlined by its faint radiance, particles of dust only fleeting in proximity— the specks move slowly, lazily, as if they had the whole time in the world.
Egon takes his time as well. He disinfects his hands, picks up a cotton stick and leans into your personal space.  Your body radiates with heat. He chooses not to think about it: instead, he works around the wound and collect samples. The tip gathers some of the ectoplasm left by the attack. He’s careful to avoid pressing against the slit— only prods at its edges, makes sure none of the cotton fibers get into your wound. Fingers brush against your neck. Your skin is warm.
You look up.
“Are you mad at me?”
“I don’t know what I am at you”, he exhales, then puts away the sample. He takes a scrap of gauze and soaks it with spirits. “It may sting.”
The cloth touches your skin. It’s cold and it burns.
“Eesh. Oof.” You nod. “Yeah, that’s the feeling.”
“Ah. Scout camps. We’d get a lot of these. Scraping your way through the woods and all that.”
Egon frowns, meeting your gaze.
“Weren’t your uniforms designed to protect you from those?”
“A cotton button- down skirt? Knee- length? Seriously.”
“…Okay, I can see your point”, he snorts— and you chuckle too, glint in your eyes — and it’s warm in his chest.
He cleans the gash way longer than necessary. Your skin seems so fragile up close. Drops of liquid sanitizer glide against it, guiding him through the task. He runs over them with gentle pads again and again, smearing the antiseptic into an even coat. Delicate swipes leave smudges, which’s irregular lines shapes gleam on your skin. The wound looks a little better. It’s a cue. He doesn’t stop.
“Egon, I’d like to thank you for all of this”, you almost whisper. “I know I screwed up. I’m terribly sorry. I should have been wiser and stay where I was told.”
He frowns. He was mad at you before you came down to the lab. He should still be mad at you but hormones are like tides— they rise and retract, they take over, then dissipate— and he’s just not feeling it anymore.
“We’re good”, he murmurs. “I’ve neglected the issue myself. I should teach you how to use our equipment. Accidents will happen. It’s imperative you’re capable of defending yourself.”
“You’re the experts though. I keep forgetting my place.”
“You’re not bound to a place. You’re a person, not a pet.”
There’s a slight swift in your expression. He doesn’t look— doesn’t dare, really, his demeanor is all too bothering— but your whole body relaxes, as if dead weight just fell off your chest.
“It’s been a long day but at least you got the sample, right? A silver lining?”
Egon looks at you. He’s met with a smirk but— heck, it must be the adrenaline residue or some unusual distress (he’s gotten considerably better at reading your emotions as of late)— he can’t interpret whether you’re being honest or sarcastic. Thin ice. Better make sure.
“Um. Was it wrong of me?”
“Silly”, you let out a laugh. “Not at all. I’m glad, as stupid as it sounds.”
He shivers but manages a smile. It’s chemistry or biology, one of the two. Ridiculous.
Both of you fall into comfortable silence. He finishes patching you up, while you’re just sitting there, looking over the lab. Your neck is close. Breaths mingle. It’s soft and warm. He could stay like that for the rest of the evening but there’s only so much proximity he can go away with (or handle) at once so he leans back.
“That’s all. Keep it dry. Clean in again before you go to bed.”
“Thanks. I’ll go put your jumpsuits in the laundry.”
He raises from the chair but feels a grasp on his hand. He looks at you and freezes. You seem to purposefully avoid his gaze but dare to lift his fingers to your lips in a gentle motion. He’s not prepared for this. His mind is blank. He—
“No. I mean it”, you press your cheek into his knuckles, eyes squeezed shut. “Thank you for taking care of me, Egon. I owe you again. At this rate, I’d better start paying it off or I’m going to be in debt for a long time, huh?”
No, he wants to say. You owe me nothing, but he can’t utter a word so he watches you stand up, offer a smile and leave, snugly wrapped in his sweater.
There are some noises upstairs. They’re foggy. Later, he’ll be pretty sure Ray called his name at some point but the only thing he registers tonight is loud white noise, an ache in his ribs and warmth in his temple. He carries it to the kitchen, where he eats eggs for supper— then bathroom, where he takes a long shower— then his bed when he goes to sleep. He leaves his flip- flops on the floor but the feeling slides with him under the covers.
It’s late. It should go away, dissipate, but it doesn’t. He counts sheep, tries meditating and stretches every breath to ridiculous extends. It doesn’t help though: it’s still there, strong, unrelenting, it keeps him awake for at least two more hours.
He’s not stupid. He recognizes the symptoms.
He just doesn’t recall struggling with them so damn much.
For those who have already read it: SORRY for posting it again, I just wanted to make it easier for people who exclusively use Tumblr to get to know this piece of fanfiction ;__; Have a great day, thanks for putting up with my antics, I LOVE YOU ALL
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tea-stained-tabby · 10 months
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ten gallon i've started on recently. i am challenging myself to make a tank that is as low-cost as physically possible. so far, i have only spent $18 on this!
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i already had an extra heater and filter. the light currently being used is my old plant one, tho i do plan on ordering a new one. i bought the tank at a thrift store for $9. the driftwood, sand, shells, and plants were sourced from nearby lakes. the rocks are from an old garden at my house. i boiled the driftwood, sand, shells, and rocks for 2 hours to sanitize them. the plants were treated to a 1:10, bleach:water solution dip for ten seconds, twice. i plan on collecting botanicals myself and adding those soon as well. it's turning out lovely so far!
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flamingpen18 · 8 months
We have lived here in DE since Sept. 2020. The first thing we noticed that it almost never snows and the temps are very mild in the winter. Coming from PA, this was a huge difference.
When we moved into this house, we learned that the heat was propane. We also learned that to have the 124 gallon propane tank filled would cost us $500 which includes the delivery fee but not the $92/hr service fee. We never had the money, so we have not had propane heat at all. Two electric heaters were lent to us, and that is our heat. Mind you, the electric bill has gone through the roof because of them, and I have no clue how the frick I am going to be able to pay it.
This past 2 weeks, the temps have been upper 20s to low 30s at night. Cold. It even snowed a bit 2 days ago.
I noticed the temp just now, and it is 17 out. WTF!?!? It's cold in the house with both heaters going full blast. I hope to God the pipes don't freeze. Of all the times for the temps to get that cold it's when we have no propane, no money, and only 2 small electric heaters.
We are about to be homeless again, and these are the temps we may be facing. I am freaking out over here.
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Contact Clean Renewable Energy for installing commercial and domestic hot water heater, commercial swimming pool heater, spa pool and hot tub heater, low cost central heating, water heater for dairy farms. Also heating and cooling system installation for small and large scale networks. We supply Viessmann products that will reduce the cost of heating and hot water, reduce energy bills, and are good for the environement.
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glassboxdiaries · 23 days
Transform your aquarium into a vibrant, low-maintenance shrimp paradise using the Walstad method! 🌿🦐
In this setup, I’ve created a thriving environment for Cherry Shrimp and other Neocaridina species, all without a filter or heater. Starting with a topsoil and gravel substrate, I planted fast-growing pearlweed to naturally purify the water.
In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to set up your own beginner-friendly shrimp tank, from choosing the right tank size to preparing the substrate and planting the perfect greenery.
Plus, watch as I introduce striking Bloody Mary shrimp to this lush, balanced ecosystem. Whether you’re new to aquascaping or just looking for a cost-effective setup, this guide has you covered!
Follow along to see the tank’s progress, learn tips for maintenance, and discover how to keep your shrimp healthy and happy in a filter-free environment. 🌱🐠 #ShrimpTank #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #walstadmethod #walstad
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airplanned · 2 years
Our landlord confirmed this morning that we are being kicked out of our apartment.
So basically, after their horrible window unit heater debacle, they came through and installed thermostats that were preprogrammed to not go over “72.” These were not calibrated correctly, so within a few hours, it had dropped to the low sixties in our apartment. My bae (hero) went online and found the owner’s manual and changed the thermostat. My bae then printed out instructions on how to do it and taped them up in the elevator so our neighbors can do it too.
The land lord is not pleased.
But we are in survival mode again and are taking care of business. We already got approved for a new apartment (which is annoying, because we’ve started looking to buy a house and we won’t be there long), and we are moving Friday. I’m hoping we can have the movers pack for us, but we will see how much that costs.
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jupitersolar · 2 months
Solar Water Heater: Nearby
As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the importance of renewable energy sources cannot be overstated. One such source is solar energy, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. Among the various applications of solar energy, solar water heaters have emerged as a viable option for households. In this article, we will delve into the technical aspects of solar water heaters, focusing on the Jupiter Solar brand, and explore the benefits of this eco-friendly solution.
What is a Solar Water Heater?
A solar water heater is a device that uses solar energy to heat water for various household applications, such as bathing, washing, and cleaning. The system consists of a solar collector, a storage tank, and a heat exchanger. The solar collector is responsible for absorbing solar radiation and converting it into heat, which is then transferred to the storage tank. The heat exchanger ensures that the hot water is distributed to the desired location.
Solar Water Heater Nearby
How Does a Solar Water Heater Work?
The process of a solar water heater is relatively simple:
Solar Radiation: Solar radiation is absorbed by the solar collector, which is typically mounted on the roof or a wall.
Heat Transfer: The absorbed solar radiation is transferred to a fluid, usually a mixture of water and antifreeze, which is pumped through the solar collector.
Heat Storage: The heated fluid is stored in a tank, where it is kept warm by insulation.
Heat Distribution: The hot water is distributed to the desired location through a network of pipes.
Benefits of Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters offer numerous benefits, including:
Renewable Energy Source: Solar energy is a renewable source of energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and minimizing carbon emissions.
Energy Savings: Solar water heaters can reduce energy consumption by up to 80%, resulting in significant cost savings.
Low Maintenance: Solar water heaters require minimal maintenance, as they have few moving parts and are resistant to corrosion.
Long Lifespan: Solar water heaters can last up to 20 years or more, making them a long-term investment.
Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives and rebates for installing solar water heaters, making them an attractive option.
Solar Water Heater Nearby Bangalore
Jupiter Solar: A Leading Brand in Solar Water Heaters
Jupiter Solar is a renowned brand in the solar water heater industry, known for its high-quality products and innovative technology. Their solar water heaters are designed to provide efficient and reliable performance, with features such as:
High-Efficiency Collectors: Jupiter Solar's collectors are designed to maximize energy absorption, ensuring optimal performance.
Advanced Insulation: Their storage tanks are equipped with advanced insulation, reducing heat loss and maintaining optimal temperatures.
Smart Controls: Jupiter Solar's systems come with smart controls, allowing for easy monitoring and adjustment of the system. Take the First Step Towards a Sustainable Future
Contact Jupiter Solar  +91 9364896193,  +91 9364896194 Today to Learn More About Our Solar Water Heaters and Schedule a Consultation!
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Technical Specifications
Here are some technical specifications of solar water heaters:
Collector Efficiency: Up to 90%
Storage Tank Capacity: 100-500 liters
Heat Exchanger Material: Copper or stainless steel
Insulation Material: Polyurethane foam or fiberglass
System Guarantee: 10-20 years
What is the ideal location for installing a solar water heater?
The ideal location for installing a solar water heater is a spot that receives direct sunlight for most of the day, such as a south-facing roof or a wall.
How long does it take to install a solar water heater?
The installation process typically takes 1-3 days, depending on the complexity of the system and the number of installers.
Can I install a solar water heater myself?
While it is possible to install a solar water heater yourself, it is recommended to hire a professional installer to ensure proper installation and ensure the system functions efficiently.
How much does a solar water heater cost?
The cost of a solar water heater varies depending on the size and complexity of the system, but on average, it can range from $3,000 to $10,000.
Are solar water heaters suitable for all types of homes?
Solar water heaters are suitable for most types of homes, but they may not be suitable for homes with limited roof space or those that receive limited sunlight.
Can I use a solar water heater with a conventional water heater?
Yes, solar water heaters can be used in conjunction with a conventional water heater to provide additional hot water during peak demand periods.
How do I maintain my solar water heater?
Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the system functions efficiently. This includes cleaning the solar collector, checking the fluid levels, and inspecting the system for any signs of damage or wear.
Can I use a solar water heater with a pool?
Yes, solar water heaters can be used to heat pool water, but it requires a specialized system designed specifically for pool heating.
Can I use a solar water heater with a hot tub?
Yes, solar water heaters can be used to heat hot tub water, but it requires a specialized system designed specifically for hot tub heating.
Can I use a solar water heater with a radiant floor heating system? Yes, solar water heaters can be used to heat water for radiant floor heating systems, but it requires a specialized system designed specifically for radiant floor heating.
Solar water heaters are a sustainable and cost-effective solution for households, offering numerous benefits and a long lifespan. Jupiter Solar is a leading brand in the industry, known for its high-quality products and innovative technology. By understanding the technical aspects of solar water heaters, homeowners can make an informed decision about installing this eco-friendly solution. With the right system and proper maintenance, solar water heaters can provide years of reliable performance, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.
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shri-homes · 3 months
Energy-Efficient Building Techniques in Tarneit
In reaction to the global movement towards sustainability, the construction industry in Tarneit, an emerging suburb of Victoria, has been integrated. In particular, house builders Tarneit can incorporate sustainable and efficient methods, materials, and technologies in building construction. 
These methods benefit the environment and are also financially sustainable for homeowners as they help cut down costs incurred in the provision of energy. This blog evaluates the various high-quality, energy-efficient building methods defining future housing in Tarneit.
Solar Power Integration
Integrating solar power systems is one of the most significant steps towards energy-efficient building. House builders in Tarneit increasingly embed solar panels and thermal systems in new constructions. Solar panels capture solar energy and directly convert it into electricity. 
Solar thermal structures harness sun energy to warm water, which reduces the use of steam on non-renewable power assets. This cuts carbon emissions and hence supports the environment while lowering utility expenses. 
Additionally, promoting incentives for solar power in Australia attracts new homeowners to embrace this power source.
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Advanced Thermal Insulation
Proper insulation, therefore, plays a significant role in energy conservation, whereby temperatures within homes are well regulated, lowering the chances of using heaters or air conditioners frequently. House builders in Tarneit employ advanced insulation techniques, including foam insulation and high-quality batten insulation.
These materials are installed in the walls, roofs and floors as insulation and resist heat flow in cold and hot seasons. Insulation is crucial for making homes more comfortable by significantly reducing noise levels.
High-Efficiency Windows
Another strategy house builders in Tarneit use is installing energy-efficient windows to enhance home energy performance. Multiple-glazed or triple-glazed windows are made up of several glass panes separated by a gas with very low thermal conductivity. 
These windows also play a part in controlling indoor temperatures, preventing the formation of condense and giving better soundproofing. 
The frames employed in making these conservatories include fibreglass or composite frames, which are more energy-efficient and long-lasting.
Water-Saving Fixtures
Water performance in buildings is now considered one of the predominant additives of sustainable construction. In today's Tarneit homes, newer and more innovative houses feature energy and water-saving amenities such as low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets. 
Experienced house builders in Tarneit prefer these fixtures to minimise water usage in daily life while maintaining functionality without achieving high levels of water usage. 
By using significantly less water per minute compared to traditional fixtures, they help conserve a critical natural resource and lead to substantial savings on water bills. 
The deliberate incorporation of water-efficient technology in homes demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship and economic efficiency.
Use of Sustainable Materials
The desire for building materials plays a vital function in the environmental effect of a construction undertaking. House builders in Tarneit use recycled building materials that are not obtained directly from the source and have been recycled first. Some sustainable materials used in construction include recycled steel, glass, re-use wood and bamboo. 
Also, paints and adhesives are non-toxic, and sealants are used to reduce the emissions of VOCs, which harm the inhabitants of homes by providing them with good air quality.
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Implementation of Smart Home Technology
Smart home technology is crucial today and significantly affects home energy management. Some of the features in houses in Tarneit include intelligent thermostats that control heating and cooling equipment depending on the number of people using the house and the climate. 
For instance, LED lighting consumes less energy than traditional lighting; programmable appliances and water heaters also help save energy. These technologies allow owners to screen their power consumption behaviour in detail and, for this reason, be in a function to make rational selections.
Green Roofs and Living Walls
Some innovative house builders in Tarneit are incorporating green roofs and living walls into new constructions. These characteristics provide good thermal performance, minimise the speed and impact of water on buildings, contribute to air quality, and diversify the avian fauna within cities. 
A green roof is a vegetative layer covered with vegetation and a growing medium or partially or fully developed plant layer on a waterproofing layer. 
Similarly, living walls are part of the building's exterior or interior walls, covered with plants. They enhance a building’s insulation and add aesthetic value to the property.
Optimal Orientation and Layout
This is a fact because the position of a building and its architecture determine how much energy it will consume. Climatically responsive architecture is apparent, where house builders in Melton strategically place numerous windows and doors to maximise natural light and air circulation within the buildings. 
Additionally, the structures are oriented in alignment with the direction of the winds and the sun. This approach minimises using artificial lights and mechanical air conditioners, thus saving power. 
Such thoughtful placement enhances energy savings and ensures that living spaces maintain a natural comfort throughout the seasons, creating healthier and more sustainable living environments.
Final Takeaway
Thus, the residents of Melton who choose to live in a house constructed with the following features can have a relatively environmentally friendly way of life meeting the ecological requirements of the contemporary world. Various dedicated house builders in Melton are adopting these building practices, paving the way for a future where all newly constructed homes will be as energy-efficient as possible, reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
In February, the United States did something that it had not done in many years — the country sent more electricity to Canada than it received from its northern neighbor. Then, in March, U.S. electricity exports to Canada climbed even more, reaching their highest level since at least 2010.
The increasing flow of power north is part of a worrying trend for North America: Demand for energy is growing robustly everywhere, but the supply of power — in Canada’s case from giant hydroelectric dams — and the ability to get the energy to where it’s needed are increasingly under strain.
Many energy experts say Canadian hydroelectric plants, which have had to reduce electricity production because of a recent drop in rain and snow, will eventually bounce back. But some industry executives are worried that climate change, which has already been linked to the explosive wildfires in Canada last year, could make it harder to predict when rain and snowfall will return to normal.
“We’ve all got to be humble in the face of more extreme weather,” said Chris O’Riley, president and chief executive of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, which operates hydroelectric dams in western Canada. “We manage from year to year the ups and downs of water, and when we have the downs like we’re having, the lower levels, it’s common for us to import power, and we expect to continue that this year.”
The United States and Canada have long relied on each other because power use tends to peak north of the border during the winter when Canadians use electric heaters, and American electricity use peaks in the summer during air-conditioning season.
The abundance of Canada’s hydroelectric power has been a cornerstone of the trade, providing relatively low-cost renewable energy to California, Oregon, Washington State, New York State and New England.
But the supply-and-demand equation for energy is changing. Demand for electricity in many states has been climbing sharply in summer and winter. Some experts predict that winter electricity demand in the United States could eclipse summer demand by 2050.
At the same time, utilities are increasingly reliant on intermittent resources like solar and wind power. Large hydroelectric plants, once considered a stable source of electricity, have struggled with low reservoirs in California, around Hoover Dam and recently in Canada.
“We are facing real changes in the weather, and we’re finding out in real time how that’s going to affect hydroelectric operations, pretty much across North America,” said Robert McCullough of McCullough Research, a firm based in Portland, Ore., who has been a consultant for corporate customers of Canadian utilities since the 1980s.
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