#daisy family tree
luckymikaela · 5 months
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The Family Tree for Generation Daisy! Find Dahlia and Jamie in the gallery at MikaelaV1! For their cc, check out their lookbooks in my blog!
After a tumultuous teen life, Briar is ready to leave the nest! And with dreams of achieving a higher education, her destination is Britechester.
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bastart13 · 12 days
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Daisy was such a funny character to read because it just reinforced how the clans are so creepy about wanting her children for their cult. It's great
Daisy being a cream cat, Floss as her sister has to be a tortie now, as do Rosepetal and Hazeltail as her daughters, and Toadstep and Mousewhisker have to be ginger as her sons
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lynzishell · 3 months
The Present 🧡 Chestnut Ridge
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Transcript below the cut:
Danny: Papa? Joseph: Hm? Danny: Do I have a grandma or grandpa?
Joseph: Uh, well, you do, that would be my parents, but they died before you were born. Danny: Oh. What were their names? Joseph: My dad was Luis, and my mom was Adriana. Danny: Did my mom have parents? Joseph: Of course. Unfortunately, I never met ‘em, so I don’t know anything about ‘em.
Joseph: What’s with all the questions today, anyway? Danny: We were supposed to do a family tree in class, but I couldn’t finish mine. Joseph: Your teacher won’t give you a low score for it, will she? Danny: No, she said it was okay, but that I should ask you.
Danny: So, is anyone in our family alive? Joseph: I have a brother, so he would be your uncle. He’s alive, he just lives far away. Danny: What’s his name? Joseph: Julian.
Danny: Does Julian have any kids? Joseph: No, no kids. Danny: Hm. I wish I had a brother. Joseph: …
Danny: Then I’d have someone to play with and we could— Joseph: Hey, Danny, how ‘bout you go feed Daisy and get washed up for supper while I finish up out here, okay? Danny: Okay.
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
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Brindleface and Daisy family tree rewrite!
The changes below
Ferncloud and Dustpelt are platonic partners that co-parent their kits. Ferncloud is aroace but always wanted kits and was good friends with Dustpelt, so she asked him if he wanted to co-parent and he agreed.
While Dustpelt isn’t ace, no one in ThunderClan caught his eye except for Birchfall’s other bio parent, but because of the clans stigma and his own internal struggles with half-clan relations.
Ferncloud was aware of this relationship as Dustpelt was confiding with her about it, so when Dustpelt came to the nursery one night with three kits, she had a pretty good understanding straight away.
Thunderclan knew the kits weren’t Ferncloud’s but just like how her mother was allowed to keep the sire of her kits private, no one is allowed to insist on an answer.
Daisy’s family is mostly the same except for MINNOWMOUSE! Minnowtail and Mousewhisker have two daughters Spotfur and Flywhisker!
Spotfur still has her kits with Stemleaf, they’ll just be in Millie’s family tree.
Other family trees that relate to this one:
Dawnfeather + Mistpelt // Hollypelt // WillowWhite
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ducklooney · 3 months
Hi! I'm creating a short story here Grandma Duck is with her family members (Donald, the 3 nephews, Scrooge, etc), they ask her to tell them one of her famous stories, and she proceds to tells a love story (Romeo and Juliet-like), in the end it's reavled that the main couple are ancestors of the Duck Family.
You got ideas (out of the existing charachters already in the Duck Family Tree) who i could use to be the couple?
Hi! I'm sorry that I didn't answer this earlier, I had obligations and the like and I'm often away (sometimes I usually just put posts or my drawings here on my side blog, so I don't get to reblog everything, but that's my problem), but I agree with you and your ideas.
To be honest as far as I know comics and every author makes their own family tree, I haven't come across anything like that yet except for one family tree that might be this one (I think Disney Tokyo artists did it):
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Otherwise Donald's ancestors who would be Romeo and Juliet would be like Donald and Daisy since Donald's parents and Daisy's parents would be against the union of the two. And Donald and Daisy would go secretly together away from their belligerent parents and probably went from Italy to America. Although you could make a comic about it, it would be much more interesting and fun, unless he did it before. The only thing I found on INDUCKS is this cover by Diego Bernardo who drew it in 2020 for the German and Danish editions. Scrooge McDuck as William Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliet, and Donald and Daisy play them. It would be interesting to see if they are Donald's ancestors, but I highly doubt it. Also Romeo and Juliet ends tragically for the lives of both people.
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To be honest, I'm not sure who it could be, as each author's family tree is different, and I don't think I've found a single Romeo and Juliet-like ancestor of Donald's. However, your story is excellent in my opinion and keep writing, so if you need something, feel free to send it to me or ask if something is not clear to you.
I hope I satisfied you with your answers and I'm sorry if I left you incomplete. Feel free to ask if you want. Your idea is really great and it could be added to the story of Donald's family tree.
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exocynraku · 1 year
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2nd family tree done! it's daisys! in order from left to right top to bottom, floss, her unidentified kits, spiderleg, daisy, smokey, coriander the first, little daisy, coriander the second, her unnamed kit, toadstep, rosepetal, hazeltail, mousewhisker, berrynose, poppyfrost, cherryfall and molewhisker
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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More of Doomguy 😌
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All the cool-looking floral dishes and the blueberry tea set I got from garage sales are from the 1970s. I am pleasantly surprised… but also not surprised at all lmao
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 2 years
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Fun Headcanon Time 2!
Juniper Montage is Timber Spruce and Gloriossa Daisy’s cousin.
Canter, Timber and Juniper share similar color schemes.
Gloriosa, Timber and Juniper all have nature themed names.
Canter appeared in LOE too, meeting that Gloriossa or/and Timber invited him?
Fun headcanon! Again, Even though it’s probably unlikely, and I understand that not everyone in EQG is related, I personally like it and it can make for good story ideas.
What do you guys think though?
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rosie-love98 · 10 months
Chloe Hardbroom: A Brown Or A Pouncer?:
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So...here's the General Story.
Back in the mid-to-late 1950's, an Ex-Codice wizard, Conrad Hardbroom (Christopher Lee/Gary Raymond) had met a classy young Midnight Folk witch named, Chloe (Rosemary Harris/Shirley Anne Field) when the ladder was wanting to erase her ties from the occult. With Conrad's help, Chloe would succeed in that goal through the Ex-Codice's Erasure Ritual. As a result, Chloe and Conrad's children would be Ex-Codice instead of Midnight Folk (by law, the "breed" of wizardry would fall on the mother unless she's a Muggle/Non-Magic).
Chloe and Conrad would marry and have two children. Their first, Constance Hardbroom (Kate Duchene) later (secretly) married the Imperium wizard, Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) and produced a son, Nick Hobbes (Bobby Barry) (and a daughter, Morrigan, much later but all that's a different story...).
Then there's the younger child, Clyde Hardbroom (Jason Carter) who'd go on to marry Claire Delune (Julia Sawalha) and have their own son, Artemis Hardbroom (Joe Prospero).
Now here's the dilemma;
While Chloe's family are from "The Box Of Delights" with her mother being Sylvia Daisy Pouncer (the abusive ex-governess of the protagonist played by Patricia Quinn), there's Chloe's father; Abner Brown (Robert Stephens who, oddly enough, was the ex-husband of Maggie Smith a.k.a Minerva "The Queen" McGonagall) or Foxy-Faced Charles (Geoffrey Larder, who's role the filmmakers wanted Alan Rickman for, but Rickman wanted to play Abner Brown...).
Abner Brown was the main villian of "The Box Of Delights" who would stop at nothing to get anything he desired be it power, treasure or the titular artifact. Even turning to Dark Magic to reach his goals. In between "The Midnight Folk" and "The Box Of Delights", he married his cohort, Pouncer whom he didn't seem to care for as he intended to leave her in the dust with his minions. In the end, Sylvia left Abner to his death when she left with Foxy-Faced Charles, Chubby Joe and a great deal of expensive jewlery. If Abner were to be Chloe's father, Chloe would be born in 1935. It would also explain where Constance (and Nick) got their dramatics from. Granted, Pouncer can be like that too but there's also Nick's megalomania...which Nick may've picked up from Snape (like a true Slytherin).
Then there's Foxy-Faced Charles, Abner's abused minion. As Chubby Joe's best friend, Charles is usually the one who keeps Joe on task. While Joe can turn into a wolf while Charles can turn into a fox at will. For some time, Charles and Sylvia have been having an affair before "The Box Of Delights". If Charles were to be Chloe's father, this would not only make Chloe a red-head but also a shape-shifter before the Erasure Ritual. She'd also be born a bit later in 1937-1938.
@theweirdsistercollege @worstwitchstudent @theworstwitch @theworstwitchforever @tinyvoidwinnerpeach
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cursegirlrabbit · 2 years
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~Young Donald Duck 1st~
Aka grandpa of Quackmore, Daphne and Eider
10 Headcanons
1: Loved wild west movies and tv shows.
2: He was a member of the Junior Woodchucks, he had a talent for knot typing and lassoing but difficulty with anything to do with swimming or waiting.
3: He was impatient as a child but grew out of it when he got older.
4: He had the manners of a gentleman unless provoked or looked down because he wasn’t rich.
5: He once tied a rich older boy to a post in town and left them there until morning after seeing him kick a poor child and calling them vermin.
6: He wanted to grow up to be a cowboy when he was younger but then as he got older He found he preferred a more peaceful life.
7: He saved up money doing delivers around town to eventually buy an old ranch and fix it up.
8: He met Camellia during a cattle show. despite her being ‘out of his league’
9: Both he and Camellia were heckled for their relationship, with even her parents trying to get him arrested for ‘breaking in’ at one point.
10: They lived happily on their ranch raising their three boys. Donald would pass from natural causes not long after his three grandchildren from humperdink turned ten.
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grimvestige · 1 year
For the OC Relationships asks! Self for Tiarnan and Family for Draper :3
Shooting straight for the complicated ones for each of my favorites I see! XD
Self: How is your OC's relationship with themself? Does your OC like who they are? Is there anything about themself that they would change?
In Tiarnan's mind, there's a huge gap between who Tiarnan is, and who he wants to be. He wants to be able to help his friends, but he's a coward and too soft-hearted to fight monsters. He wants to keep everyone from being hurt, but he can't bear to hurt anyone else without regretting it himself.
So, in short, his relationship with himself is...complicated? He's largely defined himself by what he can do for others, while completely ignoring what he can do for himself.
As for things Tiarnan wants to change about himself: he wants to be less afraid of corruption, and less afraid of danger in general so his friends don't feel like they need to worry about him or soften things just for him. Is that healthy? Probably not! As his player, I want to see him come to value himself and feel like he's good enough for the people he cherishes. ❤️
Family: What's your OC's family like? Is it a family of blood, choice, or something else? How does your OC feel about their blood relations? If they have a family of choice, how did they come together?
Draper's family is a big ol' mix of misfits all trying to figure things out together. She lost her birth parents as a child, and she remembers being close with them, but most of her upbringing was with her adoptive family of local alchemists, Lynn (sister) and Basil (father).
Draper is still very close with Lynn, and the two are happy to support each other whenever its needed - Lynn's probably also one of two people who can actually read her alchemy notes, the other one being Basil.
For a period of Draper's life, she actually resented Basil because he wasn't willing to try a risky medical procedure to save her birth mother - though after later fucking up the procedure herself as an adult, she did figure it out and forgive him. Nowadays, she comes over to hang out with Basil whenever she has the free time, and the two are on good terms.
That's her blood family...and then there's her husband and kiddo! (And family-in-law by extension)
Keane is her husband, a big ol loveable drakenar & former soldier whose wrangling with having his own independence and living in peacetime. He used to have a temper himself, but nowadays he's the one urging Draper to be patient and kind. It does not always work, but he does his best. The two both have a craving for adventure, so they do their best to look out for each other before one of them dives off a cliff or something.
Lastly is their adopted kiddo, Harper! Draper loves Harper dearly, and she's caused Draper to grow as a person in ways being an adventurer certainly didn't. Because of Harper accidentally befriending a family of nighthaunts, Draper's had to get over her hatred of them. And while it's a struggle, Draper's also had to figure out how to be gentle when necessary.
As far as family-in-law goes, she's pretty good friends with Keane's brother, Calahan! Though she absolutely hates their silver dragon mother, Lady Stormblood, and for good reason. She uh. She was a pretty tyrannical ruler and an all-around shit mother to both of them. If Draper had the skills to go slay her, she'd march right up to the realm of dragons and do it.
That was SUPER long aaa! I hope that sated your curiosity though! (Technically Draper has more family but that might run into spoiler territory for the current batch of players in Valeron).
OC relationships ask prompts
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
me: time to make firm changes to the family trees for my rewrite! me: tries to change one thing me: realizes it is way too tangled to just do that me: fuck!
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blorboclaw · 1 year
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never not gonna be mad that Daisy was brought into the clan with THREE kits with no inside DNA at all, then got two more kits with only half their DNA from Thunderclan, and then her line completely died out in two generations (unless Mousewhisker or Berrynose's kits get a mate not too long from now, but for Mousewhisker I doubt it, although they could pull a Thornclaw on us and make him mate with a younger molly once he's almost retired, and for Cherryfall and Molewhisker... well Cherryfall was set up to go with Stormcloud but nothing happened and I think they forgot Molewhisker existed)
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simspaghetti · 2 years
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Oldie Current Household
Coral Oldie
Herb Oldie
Daisy Oldie
Gwen Oldie
Hernando Oldie (Caliente)
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zipsunz · 2 months
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the garden of basil rowan moore 🌿
art by me, script by @sunkitty143! (we no longer allow comic dubs!)
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some notes:
aside from basil's parents' general design and the implication that they're busy and rich, everything else about his family outside of his grandmother is cat's headcanon!
the flowers assigned to each family member are olive blossom (oliver), dahlia (dahlia), sea aster (oliver's father), goldenrod (elijah), rosemary (rosemary), and azaleas (basil's grandmother)
the flowers in the last part represent the people (new and old) in basil's life!
dahlias are in the same family as daisies and sunflowers!
basil's dream of his family tree/garden is inspired by the meadow in headspace
spirit mari takes the form of her 15 year old self to basil, as he never wants to turn away from the truth again
thank you again for the patience and encouragement as we worked on this!! i honestly wouldn't have gotten through this much work over the months if i wasn't in love with what cat wrote, so i hope you enjoy it! 🫶
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