#damage resitance
strunmah-mah · 2 years
Just started my second play through of Gotham Knights, this time as Barbara. I have made a mistake. I thought Jason was the tank. He is not. Jason deals damage, Barbara absorbs it like a sponge and I love her for it.
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catliker49 · 4 months
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Hello again!! Very busy.. 2 weeks until I'm back to Normal! I am progressing on my animation slowly but steadily :o) And then we will back in business and I get to focus on Welcome Home again!! YAY!!!!!!! Ooh speaking of.. my pins came! And I am wearing them on my funny eyeball cardigan, hoohoo...
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asparklethatisblue · 5 months
i hate how living in the UK makes cleaning so hard??? The kind of stovetop I have resits my attempts to scrub it clean, the water leaves a crust of limestone I was never taught how to remove without damaging anything else, and the carpet! Why is there carpet! The kind if rough stuff that never feels clean no matter how often I run my vacuum over it! I don’t think it’s physically possible to keep it dust free, and I have a good vacuum too! I have lower cleanliness standards than my mother tried to scream into me, but I never feel like I can reach even those! Wah!
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
Hatsume: So what are you?
Stompp: I am Stompp, Kwami of Resitance, and you have the Ox Miraculous!
Hatsume: Meaning?
Stompp: You would be totally resistant to damage and would gain an unbreakable mallet.
Oh no I just realized she's her own perfect test dummy what have you unleashed
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isatswap · 3 months
(im not sure if this is spoilers for anything in particular but i still want to be safe so. full game in stars and time spoiler)
Craft Skills
The craft skills our wanderers possess. Why? I'm bored and like thinking about things. No this will not be relevant almost ever. also im too lazy to think about cooldowns, durations or attack texts. i might add them later. or not.
Loop skills:
(these are mostly just Sif's original skills word for word except for name)
"Right Hand Rule"
Unlocked by default. Scissors damage. Medium single opponent damage.
Unlocked by default. Scissors damage. Medium damage, hits every opponent.
"Energy Exchange"
Unlocked by default. Passes the turn to someone else, buffing their attack and crit chance.
"Comet Jet"
Unlocked by default. Increases the party's speed.
Unlocked at level 48. Scissors damage. Attacks the same target 3 times, higher crit rate.
Unlocked at level 52. Heals one party member 30% of their health and gives them a damage buff.
"Star Punch"
Unlocked at level 56. Rock damage. Weak attack, adds 2 Jackpot points.
"Nebula Collapse"
Unlocked at level 60. Makes a party member regenerate 10% health every turn for the duration.
"Gravity Well"
Unlocked at level 62. Paper damage. Weak attack, adds 2 Jackpot points.
"Stereographic Projection"
Unlocked at level 72. Paper damage. Strong attack, adds 2 Jackpot points. Replaces "Gravity Well".
"Meteor Strike"
Unlocked at level 80. Rock damage. Strong attack, adds 2 Jackpot points. Replaces "Star Punch".
"Nameless Star"
Unlocked by wearing the Memory of Oblivion. Typeless damage. Hits every opponent. Bypasses any defensive buff or type resitance be it regular defense buff or Craft-specific resistance. Damages Loop on use.
"(Total Solar Eclipse)"
Unlocked at Act 4. Typeless damage. Deals damage to all enemies for several turns, increases their chance to miss attacks for the duration.
"(Lacerate.)", "(Decimate.)" and "(Obliterate.)"
Unlocked at Act 5, replacing all other skills. Paper, Scissors and Rock damage respectively. Deal massive single target damage, except for "(Decimate.)", which is multitarget and deals a bit more.
"(Ask...)", "(Call Siffrin...)", "(Heal.)" and "(Breathe.)" are unchanged.
Isabeau skills:
"To Smithereens!"
Unlocked by default. Rock damage, strong single target attack.
"Spinning Strike!"
Unlocked by default. Rock damage, medium damage multitarget attack.
"Break Though This!"
Unlocked by default. Boosts all party members' defense.
"Don't You Dare!"
Unlocked by default. Resets the attack timer of the target.
Unlocked at level 47. Unfreezes one party member.
"Do It Again!"
Unlocked at level 50. Refereshes all buffs on the chosen party member.
"Explosion With Hammers"
Unlocked at level 52. Rock damage. Deals heavy damage to one target and medium damage to every other opponent.
"Cool Unbreakable Shield!"
Unlocked by the CARROT method. Protects every party member from time freeze, speed reduction, and the Scary Lady's vision attack one-hit KO. Additionally increases defense.
Unlocked via Isabeau's friend quest. Every party member besides Isabeau becomes invulnerable, but Isabeau takes 20% of the potential damage dealt to other party members. Works on Scary Lady's vision attack.
Mirabelle skills:
"Pat-a-Cake! :)"
Unlocked by default. Paper damage. Strong single target attack.
"Jump Rope!"
Unlocked by default. Scissors damage. Medium all target attack.
"High Five! :3"
Unlocked by default. Heals one party member by 30%.
"You're it! <3"
Unlocked by default. Passes the turn to someone else, buffing their attack and crit chance.
"A Cool Pose!"
Unlocked at level 46. Increases all party members' attack.
"A Hearty Laugh! >▽<"
Unlocked at level 49. Makes Mirabelle nullify the next attack done at her. This buff lasts indefinitely until she is hit. If a move is multitarget the whole move is nulled. Doesn't work on the Scary Lady's vision attack.
"Friendly Hug :D"
Unlocked at level 54. Paper damage. Doesn't deal damage upon activation, instead makes the enemy slower and Mirabelle faster (both separate from regular (de)buff). Next turn automatically executes an INCREDIBLY strong attack on the enemy. Does not work on the Scary Lady, forcing Mirabelle to guard instead.
"Do It With Me! ^^"
Unlocked via Mirabelle's friend quest. Boosts Mirabelle's and chosen party member's speed (much more than the regular buff) and damage (the usual amount), but prevents them from using skills or items for the duration of the buff.
Bonnie skills:
Unlocked by default. Odile and Bonnie say something about the enemy.
"Salt Into The Wound"
Unlocked by default. Rock damage, deals more damage the less HP the target has.
"Trim The Fat"
Unlocked by default. Scissors damage, just a strong attack.
"Wrap And Serve"
Unlocked by default. Paper damage, heals the party slightly if it defeats an enemy.
"On The Rocks"
Unlocked at level 49. Rock damage, exceptionally strong (though weaker than vanilla Paper α V), stops the enemy from attacking next turn.
"Midnight Snack"
Unlocked at level 53 Heals the whole party, each heal is random from 5% to 10%.
"A Refreshing Drink"
Unlocked at level 55. Reduces all skill cooldowns of the whole party by 1. Doesn't affect "Spice It Up!".
"Spice It Up!"
Unlocked via Bonnie's friend quest. Powers up your chosen ally's next Craft Skill.
Any skills which arent attacks or buffs are ignored. Any moves not listed here just get damage increased by 25% if it's an attack or increases buff duration by 2 turns if it is a buff. Can't power up itself or pure healing moves not listed.
Triangulate: every hit is guaranteed to crit. Star Punch, Gravity Well, Stereographic Projection and Meteor Strike: gives 3 Jackpot points. Nameless Star: Doubles the damage but now the whole party is damaged alongside Loop. (Total Solar Eclipse): all damage is dealt in the same turn instead of over time. Loop is slowed down severely for 2 turns. Don't You Dare!: Targets all enemies. MOVE!!!: gives the target the Cool Unbreakable Shield! buff. Do It Again!: gives a Speed, Attack or Defense buff chosen randomly. YOU ARE SAFE WITH ME!!!: Gives Isabeau invulnerability for 1 turn. A Hearty Laugh! >▽<: allows Mirabelle to move someone else instead of herself. Friendly Hug :D : Works immediately. Salt Into The Wound: If the move kills, all overkill damage is dealt to other opponents. On The Rocks: Prevents 2 turns instead of 1. Midnight Snack: Range changed to 10%-15%. A Refreshing Drink: Reduces skill cooldowns by 2.
Odile skills:
All skills except the last one are unlocked by default
"Paper II"
Paper damage. Single target, pretty weak.
"Insult IV"
Reduces all foes' damage.
"Berate III"
Reduces all foes' defense.
"Glare V"
Reduces all foes' speed.
"Scream IV"
Typeless damage. Hits all enemies, slightly weaker than Paper II
"Odile misses."
Hey, it happens.
"Paper α III"
Unlocked via Odile's friend quest. Paper damage. Replaces Paper II if unlocked. Single target, much stronger than Paper II, comparable to a regular attack of a different party member.
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
so i turned a oneshot into a series. and that exploded into a whole thang in my brain but I'm probs not gonna write it any time soon so i am deciding to post some stuff here.
rottmnt Leo centric cause this is all based on a few fics I wrote.
This is just a fun what could happen after the movie outline but darker than I think rottmnt will ever go.
the kraang left Leo with a badly cracked shell and some lasting issues in his left leg - Mikey painted his cane blue
Leo started doing independent research into mystic medic shit after the kraang attack. the team medic headcanon fr and I think CJ would deffo also know medical mystics which spurs Leo on
Leo spends a lot of time with CJ, coparenting fine with Casey after they figure each other out - makeup is the main thing they share in common because Casey has beautiful red eyeliner and Leo has his own beautiful red stripes.
Casey and Raph bff propaganda! they finish off the foot together or smming.
Triceraton arc:
the triceratons are fucking huge in rottmnt, like Leo doesnt come up to their ankle huge, and I see Raph using his hologram things to get bigger to fight, Donnie supporting him like in the kraang fight, Mikey using his super-strength to do damage and Leo initially being all flashy like he usually does but eventually realising that the only way they are going to have any chance is to use his portals to straight up chop the heads off of the triceratons - a CJ and Draxum approved plan.
cue angst and guilt - theyre like, 19, 18 & 17 respectively. they have encountered death before but never actively and intentionally killed anyone.
but like Leo would absolutely live in pain if that meant his family would be safe. and we have seen this time and time again.
#just super soldier problems:
and then the transition from these two alien invasions back to shutting down the run-of-the-mill villain of the week is jarring, and all the bros have a bit of trouble adjusting to non-leathal levels of strength
its good when they're just up against meatsweats or smming cause he got a similar mutation and can take their full force punches while even some yokai just need a gentler touch.
i'm thinking a teenage baxter stockboy is particularly difficult for this chaotic team to deal with because they're loud and violent by nature, while they need to shut off his tech without significantly hurting him
none of them are good at steath apart from Leo and none of them are good at tech apart from Don so to avoid raph eating more metal Leo decides to split the team up, which is met with resitence of course, but Leo is the logical planning guy and Raph and Mikey let emotion cloud their logic more than half the time.
I want Leo to get frustrated at how his family dont quite understand what he is trying to get at - #just ADHD things.
He needs to learn to be better at communicating, but his family also need to understand that he's not trying to procrastinate or goof off, it's kinda hard to explain something, even if its simple, when your brain is going a mile a minute and its so clear in Leo's brain what he wants that he forgets it isn't clear in other's (does that make sense? taking from personal experience here)
I also want Leo to learn in this conflict to stop relying on himself to avoid his siblings being in danger, because while he had told Dr Feelings over and over he got it and he wouldn't - he totally would and still hasnt stopped putting himself down to keep his family afloat.
Don gets an arc! its about being in an unhealthy relationship!
Don dates Kendra for a time. I think canonically Don would have a crush on Kendra, but it's not a healthy relationship and no one in the family likes her, which just allows her to isolate Donnie from their family etc. Kendra doesnt return as a 'villain' just an antagonist for Donnie personally, because the Purple Dragons cant just vanish from the story entirely.
imma give Donnie a Timothy as a friend because I feel bad for hurting them.
Rat King Arc:
like every villain in rottmnt, the Rat King is a significant issue they have to deal with. He is a human who wanted to discover the mysteries of Yokai and went crazy with empyrean use.
Unfortunately he can mind control rats... cue splinter angst as the family need to fight their father who is trying to kill them.
Big Mama makes a deal with the Rat King for Splinter becuase he is profit. Leo has to deal with her one way or another, so he makes a bet.
Unfortunately for Big Mama Splinter has a really bad back and Raph is very aware of his constant complaining, so he takes advantage of that to restrain him in battle, and then Splinter manages to snap out of the mind control because Raph smacks some sense into him (and some magic) - after Raph got mind controlled they all did some mind-protecting-techniques with Draxum for a while.
This whole Rat King arc is particularly hard on Raph :[
they go home happily ever after with some fun new trauma of their dad trying to kill them.
next there is bishop, because Baxter is just a kid, he is barely a threat, and Donnie would just wipe any evidence of them off his tech of course? HAHA, nope. because bishop gets involved.
it takes a hot sec before they take Bishop seriously tbh. it was always a fear but as they had gotten more integrated into the Yokai city they had gotten too relaxed, relied too much on Donnie's tech and gotten too focused on their social/academic lives. so the government snuck up on them.
theyre about 22, 21, 20 at this point in time - they have already met Yuichi Usagi, Jennika and Leatherhead, and Donnie and Mikey are currently attending Yokai Uni.
So theyre all settled and "retired" from ninja stuff when disaster strikes and Leo and Raph get kidnapped by Bishop. Time for the pb&j duo to get them back!
Tigerclaw Arc:
I have more ideas involving tigerclaw but those ideas hindge on the ending of the Bishop idea, cause I have conflicting ideas for how it could end.
japanese assassin sent to kill the last few members of the Usagi clan so Leo gets involved and gets a new villain all to himself. (either Leo looses a leg to tigerclaw or Leo had already lost a leg to Bishop and is adjusting to his prosthetic still while fighting tigerclaw) Mikey, Raph and Don meet Kitsune, Alopex and Venus respectively during their trip to Japan and figuring out who has sent tigerclaw to attack their friend.
Haha. I threw Kitsune in there because she is another interesting villain and I would love to see rottmnt Mikey interact with her and slowly realise she isnt one of the 'good guys' and challenge his worlview that 'everyone who helps him must be nice and a good person' - tho i'm conflicted as to whether or not have her as a villain or just a criminal that fucks off to never be seen again
after all this they go get therapy.
Hope u enjoyed, just my brain has been circling these various scenes in my brain since 2024 started and I'll probs never get them onto paper, digital or otherwise.
if anyone felt inspired to write anything with one of these plot ideas in mind, feel free to! Would absolutely love that!
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calowlmitygoddess · 3 months
Im gonna ramble about Tanza part 2 characters so maybe ill be motivated to write it
Rhena: The POV character. A young drakin woman with a strange resitance to most kinds of damage, uses this to become a local star in the demon hunting scene, but also the fame of being extremely hard to work with. She's independent, closed off and arrogant, always chasing new ways to stand out among her peers and gain more infamy. When Zymelia aproaches her to join an elite group, its a no brainer.
Freyja: The last member from an ancient line of holy warriors, she's kind, brave and determinated. Belives its her destiny to vanquish the demon queen from the broken Tanza realm. Has been tutored by Odira since childhood and sees her as an almost mother figure. The only one trying to get along in the squad.
Zymelia: One of the last remaining spirits, and while on papper she's on the same standing as Odira in the ruling of the remaining of humanity, she still feels outshadowed by her fellow spirits. Ambitious and scheeming, she wants to shape the realm in her own vision, and will use whatever means necessary.
Odira: Self appointed leader of what was left of humanity, another spirit and the more respected and revered of the few remaining. Odira rules with her pristine iron fist, trying to shape the remains of society into an utopia. Now her main objective is to eliminate the demon queen, before moving on to the greater threath, the Traitor Hiraki.
Althia: She's there, omnously plotting
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fungisteri · 1 year
Live Fungi Splatoon 3 4.1.0 patch notes reaction
Putting it under a readmore because I've been informed it's a controversial one
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Alright so we're starting off strong with some COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY shooter buffs, as if they weren't already the oppressively dominating weapon class at the moment. Oh boy.
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Meaningful buffs to a blaster? Now THAT'S interesting! I speculate that they're doing this to make luna less of a downgrade compared to other short ranged weapons, especially against mid-air S-Blast '92. This is pretty good, in my opinion! But I'll wait to see what the blaster professional Chara has to say on the matter...
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SERIOUSLY? OUT OF ALL WAYS YOU COULD BUFF THIS THING, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO? People on Twitter have been yelling at you for MONTHS about the terribly inconsistent paint output and the laughable damage, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO??? Ohhhhh man.
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Alright, automatically a good patch for me. I've been trying this thing for the past week and I'm in love, but I don't have the resources to throw a build together- and they're fixing the ink consumption? For me? Trying to get on my good side, I see... (Also, they're REALLY burying Dynamo with this one LMAO)
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I don't know how to use the weapon so I can't really comment on this, but this might be an interesting change...
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This could be interesting... Not very meaningful, though.
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I was hoping that they'd do something more meaningful given that not a single new kit got lethal bombs, but I guess that it COULD have been worse. Sprinkler's a slightly better paintbot. Angle shooter, however... As a Slosher Deco main, I am pretty interested in this development 👀 although I do understand that it doesn't make a difference in the grand scheme of things
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These seem to be pretty good, in my opinion!
TriZooka I wish they would've adjusted the hitbox because that thing simply does not work, but I can accept this compromise.
Ink Vac's been needing buffs for a WHILE now. I don't think that this is going to make it a lot better because the concerns brought up by comp players were unrelated to this buff, but I would like to believe that it's a step in the right direction.
Super Chump might now be a viable special in competitive, and more effective to use in general! Wahoo!
I saw some concerns regarding Inkjet potentially becoming an unhealthy special, and I'm happy that was addressed :}
Oh boy, points for special are coming up...
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I almost JUMPED when I read Carbon Roller, but then I realized that it wasn't Carbon Roller Deco. Still, quite the W!
Ballpoint also had the points for special nerf coming for a WHILE now... But where's splash? And why is Rapid Blaster Deco still 210p???
The rest, I find... a little confusing? I COULD understand clash, but the resit? What are you doing, man?! Why are you giving Tri-Slosher Nouveau a harder time competing against N-Zap '85?! This is so dumb...
I haven't found any relevant bug fixes to cover, so let's go through the closing statements.
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Dude, you cannot be saying this with a straight face. The shooter bias you're showing is INSANE. Also, where the fuck are the brella buffs? Hello???? If you want to encourage weapon diversity, stop neglecting an entire class, for fuck's sake. At least they did something about Luna, which actually supports this statement...
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Listen man, you can't say "sub weapons" in plural. The buff to Angle Shooter as a combo tool is nice, but I'm gonna be real with you here: I don't think the 3 extra seconds of sprinkler's proper painting mode is gonna go a long way. It's just not. The fact that this is the most popular sub weapon is INEXCUSABLE. Get it together, man.
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This I can actually get behind of. I find the Super Chump and TriZooka buffs and the Inkjet nerfs promising, HOPEFULLY being a stepping stone to Splatoon 3's best meta in the future... But with these shooter buffs, the threat of a shooter meta might be right ahead of us... But until then, this is a mixed patch. Better than a negative one! :D
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naturecpw · 2 years
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Remote village where people walk on all fours Oct 2, 2018 They're living, breathing men and women, but they walk on all fours, just as we did four million years ago. And until this film was shot, they were hidden away, unseen by the outside world.
The Isolated Family That Walks on All Fours 1 kn7zV1vBKCm1GKJ93BrOXQ.png
A phenomenon that scientists just recently explained. a remote village in the Turkish province of Hatay, hidden from the rest of the world, lives an unusual family. It consists of a father, a mother, and 19 children. But five of those children stand out from the rest. The reason? – They walk on both their feet and hands. For years, only a handful of scientists knew about the Ulas family. But that changed in 2006 when cameras were allowed in the isolated village and the entire world got to meet the hidden people. This is what has been found out about the way the family lives and what scientists say about their condition. The Ulas family is of Kurdish origin and lives in a rural village north of the Turkey-Syria border.
The father Resit, mother Hatice, and 14 of their 19 children walk upright. But five of the offspring have never walked on only two feet.
They found a very rare mutation that “prevents proteins from distributing fat molecules correctly in the cells” . The results of such a condition are brain damage, loss of balance and coordination, and damaged neurons (nerve cells). For that reason, the Ulas siblings had to adapt and walk on all four limbs. hand_point.gif https://youtu.be/6GlNQzjii1c
hand_point.gif https://historyofyesterday.com/the-isolated-family-that-walks-on-all-fours-32b4193c9e8d https://www.youtube.com/embed/6GlNQzjii1c
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ptcg92 · 3 years
Flying Pikachu VMAX Deck
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Flying Pikachu VMAX has quite low HP of 310 but it has good Fighting Resistance [-30 damage] and good Lighting Weakness. You might be wondering about its weird Resistance and Weakness although it is Lightning Pokemon. Lightning Pokemon usually have Fighting Wekaness which can also be represented as Ground Type in PTCG. This is probably because this Flying Pikachu VMAX might be Flying Type which has both Fighting Resitance and Lighting Weakness. But, somehow the designer chose to use Lighting Type for this particular Pokemon.
Although it has very big size, it has Retreat Cost. Having no Retreat Cost for VMAX Pokemon is great as you can freely switch it with Becned VMAX Pokemon in case its HP become very low to avoid giving your opponent 3 Prize Cards.
Its only attack, Max Balloon has 160 damage and has an effect of preventing it from receiving any damage from your opponent's Basic Pokemon attacks during your opponent's next turn. To use this attack, you need 1 Lighting Energy and 2 Colorless Energy to it. Since this effect comes from attack instead of Ability, your opponent's can't cancel this effect using Path to the Peak. Basically, this is the nightmare for all Basic Pokemon and there is no Trainers right now that can cancel the effect of attack in the current Standard Format.
On the other hand, Flying Pikachu V is not that useful. Since both of its attack are mainly to stall your opponent before your evolve it into Flying Pickachu VMAX. This first attack, Thundershock can paralyze your opponent's Pokemon if you get head from flipping a coin. The second attack, Fly can nullify both damage and effect of attack from your opponent's Pokemon if you get head from flipping a coin. But, this second attack also does nothing including no damage at all if you get tail.
Read more at https://ptcg92.blogspot.com/2021/09/flying-pikachu-v-flying-pikachu-vmax.html
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I think where the Harkles are at now demonstrates we should not believe their hype. They were besties with Oprah. Uh apparently not. Same with Ellen the Clooney MO etc. The Fosters might even drop them soon. It's all hype completely fabricated.
Their life is completely fake. I hate to quote Meghan, but living like that has to be psychologically damaging. I bet a lot of stuff about the Cambridges is hyped, but in the end they do have a close family, they do support the institution, they do invest in their charities and are committed to them. There’s a grounding of reality there.
With the Harkles it’s all fake and the “friends,” “favorite brands,” and charity endeavors change every three months. They remind me of this Jacobin essay about the IKEA humans who embark in new lives over an over again.
Meghan went from a Whole Foods bag about global poverty relief (back when she was selling herself as a global humanitarian) to an Etsy RBG shirt (now that she’s selling herself as a woke activist). She went from Soho House royalesque to Fortune Magazine Target-wokester. Next year, #Resitance chic will be forgotten and there will be another persona to adopt. It has to be exhausting.
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short-wooloo · 3 years
a Compilation of all of them
so a few weeks ago I made three posts (linked at the bottom) suggesting to people that they erase all information they had about the sequels from their heads and craft a story solely based on the LEGO sets made, but whereas those posts focused on each film and their tie-in sets individually, this post is combining all of that
this time I suggest to create a story, but instead of keeping the sets with their corresponding films, merge them together, in other words want to use the ideas, characters, locations, or vehicles from a ROS set for a TFA story?  go ahead
Rey’s Speeder: Includes Rey, Unkar Plutt’s thug
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First Order Snowspeeder: includes 2 FO Snowstroopers, FO Snowtrooper Commander
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First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter: includes 2 FO TIE pilots, a FO officer, and a FO ground crew member
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Poe’s X-Wing Fighter: includes Poe Dameron (pilot), BB-8, Resistance pilot, Resistance ground crew member
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First Order Transporter: includes Captain Phasma, 2 FO Stormtroopers, 2 FO Flametroopers, 2 Resistance soldiers
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Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle: includes Kylo Ren, General Hux, FO officer, FO Stormtrooper Commander, 2 FO gound crew members
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Millennium Falcon: includes Rey, Finn, Han Solo, Chewbacca, BB-8, Tasu Leech, Kanjiclub gang member
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Resistance Trooper Battle pack: includes 4 Resistance soldiers
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First Order Battle Pack: includes FO Stormtrooper, FO Heavy Stormtrooper, 2 FO ground crew members
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Battle on Takodana: includes Finn, Maz Kanata, Kylo Ren, 2 FO Stormtroopers
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Resitance Troop Transport: includes General Leia Organa, Admiral Ackbar, 2 Resistance soldiers
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Encounter on Jakku: includes Rey, BB-8, Unkar Plutt, Teedo
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Resistance X-Wing Fighter: includes Poe (jacket), BB-8, Lor San Tekka, FO Flametrooper
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First Order Transport Speeder Battle Pack: includes 2 FO Stormtroopers, FO Flametrooper, FO officer
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Jakku Quadjumper: includes Rey, Finn, BB-8, Unkur Plutt’s Thug, FO Heavy Stormtrooper
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Rathtar Escape: includes Han Solo, Chewbacca, Bala-Tik, 2 Guavian death Gang soldiers, 2 Rathtars
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Duel on Starkiller Base: includes Rey, Kylo Ren (injured)
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Resistance Transport Pod: include Finn (damaged jacket), Rose, BB-8
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First Order Heavy Scout Walker: includes General Hux, FO ground crew member, FO Flametrooper, Resistance soldier
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Kylo Ren’s TIE Fighter: includes Kylo Ren (scarred), FO Special Forces TIE pilot, BB-9e, FO Stormtrooper
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Resistance Bomber: includes Poe Dameron, Resistance Bombardier, Resistance Bomber pilot, Paige Tico, Vice Admiral Holdo
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First Order Heavy Assault Walker: includes Poe Dameron, Rey (Jedi robes), Resistance soldier, FO Stormtrooper, FO walker pilot
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First Order Star Destroyer: includes Supreme Leader Snoke, FO officer, FO shuttle pilot, FO medical droid, BB-9e, FO Stormtrooper, FO Stormtrooper Sargent
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First Order Specialists Battle Pack: includes FO shuttle pilot, FO ground crew member, 2 FO Stormtrooper Executioners
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Anch-To Island Training: includes Rey (training), Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Porg
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First Order AT-ST: includes Finn (FO disguise), Rose (FO disguise), BB-8, Captain Phasma
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Defense of Crait: includes Poe Dameron, Admiral Ematt, Resistance soldier, 2 FO Snowtroopers
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Snoke’s Throne Room: includes Supreme Leader Snoke, Rey (Jedi robes), Kylo Ren (scarred), 2 Praetorian guards
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Elite Praetorian Guard Battle Pack: includes 3 Praetorian gaurds, FO Stormtrooper, training droid
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Resistance A-Wing Fighter: includes Snap Wexley and Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix
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Resistance Y-Wing Fighter: includes Zorii Bliss, Poe Dameron, D-0, Astromech droid, and a FO Snowtrooper
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Pasaana Speeder Chase: includes Rey, BB-8, FO Jettrooper, FO Treadspeeder driver
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Kylo Ren’s Shuttle: includes Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Allegiant General Pryde, FO Stormtrooper, Sith Stormtrooper, 2 Knights of Ren (Ap’lek and Ushar)
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Millennium Falcon: includes R2-D2, C-3PO, Lando Calrissian, Finn, Chewbacca, Boolio, D-0
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Sith Troopers Battle Pack: includes Sith Stromtrooper, 2 Sith Jettroopers, Sith Officer
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Sith TIE Fighter: includes Finn, FO TIE Pilot, Knight of Ren (Trudgen)
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Poe Dameron’s X-Wing Fighter: includes Poe Dameron (pilot), R2-D2, Jannah, Knight of Ren (Vicrul)
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Knights of Ren Transport Ship: includes Rey, 2 Knights of Ren (Cardo and Kuruk)
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So... I have this bad habit where sometimes, when attempting to summarize the idea for a fic, I go into waaay too much detail.
Like, I don't go as far as to actually wrote the damn thing because, you know, effort and laziness, but... Well, it's a close call. It gets to the point where it's less a summary and more what my friends use to call a Quick Fic. All that's .kissing is the actual dialogue and descriptive narration.
Having said that....
Here is a "summary" of an ZoLaw AU where Law works for Doflamingo...
What happened was, basically, Law got caught by Doflamingo after eating the devil's fruit which eventually allowed him to cure his dieses, thus why he's still alive. Or, at least, isn't dead from lead poisoning. Because let's face it, Doflamingo could have just killed the boy then and there. Sure, he'd have to find the fruit all over again, but better that the deal with this little traitor
Except really it was his brother who had been the traitor. Law is still just a child, and children can be so suspectable to any number of ideas so long as an adult gives them a pat on the head and a treat after.
Which is when Doflamingo realizes that he can just manipulate Law into being another loyal follower. Then eventually - when he's no longer useful - Doffy will have him sacrifice his life for his own immortality. By that point Law will be family, and family never lets Doffy down. Not anymore.
So it's under Doffy's personal tutorage that Law grows up, and as much as he might resit the man who imprisoned Corazon, it's hard not to eventually fall to all Doflamingo's sweet praise and promised. And Law gets what he had wanted all along: a way to get back at the world that willingly watched his home wiped off the official world map and would be happy to see the entire town dead to the very last one. This Law truly earns his title Surgeon of Death, acting as the top officer of Hearts in the Doflamingo crime family. And yet despite his cruelty, he isn't even on the government's wanted list; protected under the Shichibukai's jolly roger.
In the meantime, the Strawhats are still doing their thing right on through Punk Hazard (which they somehow manage to not only live through but actually do more damage and cause twice as much chaos. The biggest difference is that Ceaser and Monet escape and Sanji can't perv out over being in Nami's body). So this time when they roll into Dressrosa it's less "backing up the plan of an ally" and much more "on complete and total accident" and "without a damn clue".
Yeah, basically they're the Grand Line's easiest prey.
But, hey, it works out! Well, no, not really. But Sanji does meet Violet, Luffy meet Sabo and help recover Ace's devil's fruit, and Zoro does get lost and require a magic fairy guide. Plus, hey, since they're not really there for any purpose other than that they happened to be passing by, it's not like they can't pull a dine and dash. They may be unprepared, but The Monster Trio can still keep up the fight until everyone is back on the Sunny.
A perfect escape!
Except no.
Because Luffy isn't totally ready to leave, not when he wants to know more about what Sabo is doing and help his new friend Rebecca. Not that they have time to debate the merits of staying or pulling a tactical retreat since at that poing Big Momma is on their ass. And that scary dude in the long black coat is still somehow following them, teleporting himself through the fucking air like wtf why is this happening now!? Nami is forced to make an executive decision: they're can't stay. Also, oh God oh God they're trapped and they're going to be killed and oh God.
It's moments like these you're almost thankful one of your crew members is a total maniac. Because in the middle of all this mess, Zoro just smirks, tells Nami to just concentrate on getting away from that annoying ass ship, he's got their other attacker covered. Which only makes everyone freaks out MORE because what is Zoro thinking: he'll be killed! ("Not immediately, of course. First they'll likely torture him for information, perhaps even kill him as slowly as possible." / "What? Why would you say that? That is not SUPER helpful to hear right then!") The Sunny goes into an all out panic attack. Everyone is yelling or crying or both.
Except Luffy.
Luffy who looks at Zoro, at the singing ship, at the dark power user trying to slash their ship apart, at the shore line of this island and the way it radiates a fake happiness covering Rebecca's very real pain. Luffy who just lowers his hat over his eyes and gives the nod.
Zoro smiles, and is immediately almost clobbered by a giant Chopper. What is Luffy saying? Don't they realize that is the same guy who almost took down Sanji, Zoro AND Luffy only moments ago? Zoro can't fight him alone! Sanji, more calm than the rest, lights a cigarette while explaining that he's not trying to stop Zoro from getting himself killed or anything, but Chopper is right. That guy was incredibly tough, and there's no way Zoro can do it alone ("Shut up dartbrow! You don't know what the hell you're talking about! I could take him down with just the two swords! With one hand behind my back!" / "He already kicked your ass once, Marimo! Or have you forgotten because of all the head trauma!?" / "The only reason he kicked OUR asses is because YOU kept getting in my way you damn weak-ass cook!" / "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, IDIOT MARIMO!?") Franky tries to regulate the fight but he's busy blocking those deadly aimed slashes from hitting his poor ship while Brook and Kin'emon work on stopping the incoming cannon balls. Either way they're going to have to do something SUPER fast if they want to get out of here. Yeah, Luffy, we need an actual plan. We can't just send Zoro out to-
"Zoro", Luffy says and despite everything going on around them the deck of the Sunny goes really quiet. They all know that tone. "Zoro, I need you to take care of this until we can get back. I still need to kick Mingo's ass for a friend."
At the sound of his captain's no nonsense voice, Zoro is suddenly easily able to stand, shrugging off the pile of people trying to stop him from jumping to his death (and by pile of people I do mean the coward trio and Sanji, who is mostly just trying to get in a few kicks). He draws Wado, clutching the katana in his teeth and yet still somehow manages what you know is a smirk. It's a promise.
And like that, Zoro is launching himself right into the blue sphere of the battle.
A battle against one of Doflamingo's top officers. A devil's fruit user with a twisted heart and home field advantage. Needless to say, it does not end well for our hero.
Although, Law has to give his rival swordsman some credit. He has his share of fun toying with the boy, and despite never standing any real chance of victory Law can admit the strawhat pirate puts up a better fight than most. Far better than Law had been expecting from some one so new to the New World (supposedly he got Mihawk to agree to train him, but Law has met the Hawk Eye and finds the idea utterly absurd). Then there is the way his smile had just an edge of what Law could only call manical delight, even when it became clear he'd long lost. This greenhaired kid really is stupid enough to believe his captain will come back for him. As though he would come charging back into Doflamingo's territory a second time just to retrieve a single crew member. One who was not only crazy enough to sacrifice himself but couldn't even win the fight. At the same time the swordman's loyalty and faith - as misplaced as it is - is kind of... Adorable. Who knew someone could come so far on the Grand Line and still be so innocent?
Law immediately wants to corrupt it.
Thes other family members will whine tell you, Doffy has always had... Let's say... A "soft spot" for Law. He's spoiled that brat for years, is what they mean but don't dare to say. Sure enough, Law barely has to work to talk Doffy around to letting him personally see to the prisoner's arrangements. Doflamingo is a little suspecious at first (he can never truly trust Law, not after the Corazon incident), but he quickly dismisses it. He's had the Heart Officer's loyalty for years now.
Of course, when he sees the spark of interest light in his apprentice as they eye their newest spoils of war, he can't help but tease Law. After all, Zoro is quite an enticing young man and Law isn't the only one there who likes pretty things. They're so fun to destroy which - judging from the way Law shivers when Doffy runs a hand through thick green hair before yanking the boys head back against the wall hard enough to leave the young captive panting and dizzy - is precisely his protege's plan.
(Doflamingo also happens to know Zoro almost definitely had trained under Mihawk, and he would love to see his fellow warlord's eyes flash with barely contained anger when he learns how Doflamingo has broken his favorite toy. It's not his fault - Mihawk is always so uptight and repressed, it makes agonizing him too much fun for Doflamingo to resist.)
In the end, though, he knows when Law's determination is set. And for whatever reason the boy has decided he absolutely has to be the one to keep their guest "comfortable" while his captain makes up his mind on what he'll do. So Doflamingo only teases for a bit - touches a little, plays with the barely conscious boy kneeling at his feet, enjoys the way Zoro still has enough spirit left to try taking bite when Doffy's fingers trail to close to his bloody lips (oh, and, what a joy! Law nearly growls at the prospect of not being the one to ruin the boy!) - but eventually he stops his little game. He gives in, telling Law to have fun with his treasure. He is the one who took him down after all. It is only fair he keeps him.
Just try not to completely break the poor thing, not until Strawhat returns for him.
Law snorts at the very idea. This is hardly the first time they'd done this. He's never seen a single captain try and retrieve their stolen property (he has of course, but he doesn't remember them). He doesn't see why Strawhat-ya would be particularly special.
Before Doflamingo can come up with a clever, vague answer about Law trusting him, Zoro suddenly gives a bark of laughter that would have scared lesser men senseless. It only serves to draw the two men's interest back to their little pet.
Luffy won't come back for him, Zoro confirms, much to Law's surprise (he personally never thought Strawhat-ya would, but then why would the swordsman sacrifice himself so willingly for a man he has so little faith in?) and has Doflamingo raising an eyebrow in.... Interest. Zoro looks at both of them with no fear, like he hadn't taken a humiliating defeat and is even now bloody and chained up, helplessly listening in on these two infamous pirates talk about him like he is a mere object. Actually, if anything, he appears to be wearing a smirk under all that blood. Because he knows something they don't.
Luffy won't come back for him, because his captain knows Zoro doesn't need to be rescued.
To Law, this makes Zoro look like an even sweeter treat. Doflamingo is simply amused, remarking that perhaps their little pup has yet to realize the leash around his neck is shaped like a noose.
Zoro meets his gaze, steady yet daring. He promised Luffy that he'd take care of it, and so that is what he will do. He'll never go back on his word, especially when it comes to his captain. Something Doflamingo with his distrusting and fear-toed crew couldn't understand. So see, their plan to use Zoro as bait will never work, because Zoro swore to Luffy that he'd be take care of it. So he will. Luffy has enough faith in Zoro that he'd never believe anything less and would never turn around out of doing to try and mount a rescue.
No, when Luffy comes back it will be for the sole purpose of kicking Doflamingo's ass.
The mood darkens. In a flash, Doflamingo is in back in front of him, yanking Zoro forward by the chin. He squeezes hard enough to bruise. You can hear the cracking of bone as he explains to Zoro exactly how precarious his current position is only to grow second by second more frustrate by Zoro's completely lack of fear. So he squeezes harder. He slams the boys head back into the wall and starts smiling when he gets a since from the stoic swordsman.
Before he can do any real damage Law steps in, reminding Doffy that he promised him he could have the boy. And just like that, Doflamingo's whole mood appears to shift back to calm. He puts on his fake smile and let's Zoro go, even pets the boy's hair. Of course, he had promised. And he, too, is a man of his word. Something Zoro will surely learn in time now that he is one of them.
Zoro, now with blurred vision and the taste of fresh blood on his tongue, is smart enough not to answer. But not smart enough to lower his head or try and appear humbled. Lucky for him, Doflamingo decides the boy isn't worth it. When he turns around he notes the hungry way Law is eyeing the kneeling prisoner behind him. Which brings a crueller, yet more genuine, smile to Doffy's featurss. The Strawhats vice captain may act invincible now, but he's never faced Doflamingo's own Surgeon Of Death. As disinterested and put off as Law might usually act, the boy can be dangerously twisted. He's sure his top officer will break the young pirate down bit by bit - both literally and figuratively - long before his captain can come running back in to try and find him (and Doflamingo is sure Strawhat will, no matter what Zoro might think).
He leaves with one last reminder to Law not to completely shatter the infamous Pirate Hunter. No, Doffy would hate to see their newest family member treated so poorly, especially seeing as he has much bigger plans in store for the young Mr. Roronoa. Specifically, he wants to see the face of Monkey D Luffy when he watches as the last bit of his first mate's spirit broken.
And because Doffy practically raised the boy and knows exactly the right buttons to push, he decides to give Law a little extra motivation to bring Zoro to that point. Just in case that interest turns into something dangerous like longing or - laughable as it is - actual fondness. It's so simple, too: as he walks by he simply whispers how there is nothing like crushing the heart of unrequited love.
It will be such a treat, tearing Zoro from his captain, and watching Luffy realize he's lost his chance to love the other man, wouldn't it Law? What a truly tragic romance. It almost makes you hope the two of them at least had some time together. Law didn't happen to give them a moment along before forcing Zoro to throw himself into the fight, hmm? Just a small, precious second or so for the two to share a final kiss. After all, not even Doffy is so cruel as to deny the poor boys such a tender moment.
Sure enough, Law's eyes immediately narrow and Doflamingo can feel the jealousy rolling off him. Not because Law gives a damn for their prisoner's feelings - Doflamingo raised him better than that - but he always has had a possessive streak. Having taken an interest in the swordsman, he will hate the thought that the boy might even think of another or that Law won't be the first to possess him in ever possible way.
Doffy leaves with a cruel, deep laugh. He can't wait until dinner, when he may just happen to remember the rumours about his "friend" Mihawk and his taking a young green-haired boy under this wing and in to his bed. By tomorrow he suspects every part of Zoro's body will bare at least some mark that he now firmly belongs to no one but Trafalgar Law.
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kaistome · 5 years
Druid Circle Of The Harvest
(This subclass is a first draft and requires testing. Any input is appreciated.  A addendum has been added at the bottom based on some feedback)
The Circle Of The Harvest is a relatively modern circle, compared to its counterparts. Druids of this circle do not fit the typical mold of the 'ancient sage living in the woods'. Members of the harvest circle are often farmers, gardeners, ranchers, and botanists. They understand the balance between nature and civilization, and work to keep them in harmony. Many make their homes on the edges of towns, where they can be both close to nature, and civilization.
Bonus Cantrip: When you take this Circle at 2nd level You learn the Mold Earth cantrip in addition to your other cantrips
Rustic Lifestyle:Your life between civilization and nature has granted you certain skills. When you take this Circle at 2nd level, you learn proficiency in brewers supplies or cooking supplies (your choice)
Sowing The Seeds, 2nd level Circle feature When you take this circle at 2nd level, you gain the knowledge to better grow crops and make them more beneficial.
Up to a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier, you can pick a patch of fertile soil, and plant seeds. These seeds can only be of plants that are normally edible by humanoids. You then infuse the seeds and soil with life energy, making the seeds sprout and grow at a faster rate then normal. Each hour you spend tending to the crops is equal to one month of real time. A single patch of your fully grown crops can feed up to 5 medium sized creatures. Once fully grown, these crops can be eaten or made into food, offering certain benefits when consumed.  These benefits are chosen when you plant the seeds and last until the creatures take a long rest. Or eats another meal. A creature may only under the effect of one crop at a time.
(At the bottom of this page you will find some example crop growth rates.)
Filling: Creatures that eat these crops gain temporary hit points equal to your wisdom modifier.
Warming:Creatures who eat these crops gain resistance to cold damage and advantage on any check to survive in a colder climates
Healthy:Creatures who eat these crops are healed of all disease, and poisons. They also gain advantage on any saving throw against disease and poison.
Circle Spells
Starting at 3rd level, your teachings in this Circle grant you the ability to cast certain spells. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of Spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Circle Of The Harvest Spell List 3rd Maximillian's Earthen Grasp, Find Steed 5th Create Food And Water,Daylight 7th Faithful Hound,Stoneshape 9th Animate Objects, Wall Of Stone
Green Thumb, 6th level Circle feature, Your power and knowledge to grow things has given you a verdant touch. As an action on your turn, you can touch the earth. You then choose any plant within 60 feet of you to grow rapidly. If the plant you choose to effect is within 5 feet of another creature, that creature must make a Dex saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature(s) take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, and are pushed five feet and knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and are pushed five feet but are not knocked prone. This damage increases to 3d6 at 9th level
You can also use this ability to touch a wooden object or structure. The object suddenly sprouts leaves, vines, flowers or some other growth. Structures effected this way become unstable and any roll made to destroy them has advantage. Weapons or tools effected by this ability become ineffective, and impossible to hold or wield.
You can also expend one use of this ability to instantly grow one of your crops with your Sowing Seeds feature. Or make any patch of earth fertile. This feature can be used a number of times per long rest equal to your wisdom modifier.
Harvest's Bounty, 10th level Circle Feature
You can now create better food from the crops you go, using your Sow The Seeds feature.
Growing your crops now takes half the time it normally would.
A creature can now be under two different crop effects
You can now apply the following benefits to the food made from your crops.
Bountiful:Creatures who eat these crops gain temporary hit points equal to Your Wisdom modifier+ half your Druid level.
Hardy:Creatures who eat these crops gain resistance to both Fire and Cold damage, and are immune to the extreme heat and cold of harsh environments.
Medicinal:Creatures who eat these crops can use one hit dice, and add your wisdom modifier to the roll. They are cured of all disease and poison. They also gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saves against poison and disease.
Bearer Of The Harvest, 14th level Circle feature
You have become an embodiment of harvest time, and times of plenty.
You exude a powerful aura of light as if by the Daylight spell. This can be activated or deactivated as a free action.
You gain resitance to Cold damage
Once per long rest, you can cast Heroes Feast without expending a spell slot. Granting one of the benefits of your crops in addition to the spells effect.
Crop Growth rates Wheat 7 months Barley 2 1/2 months Oats 3 months Corn 4 months Pumpkins 4 months Tomatoes 2 1/2 months Apples Six years Carrots 3 months Potatoes 3 1/2 months Onions 2 1/2 months Garlic 9 months Cucumbers 2 months Peaches 3 years Strawberries 6 months
A note on fermented crops and smokable crops.
If one so chose, one could turn most grains or fruits you make with your sow the seeds into alcohol. You can speed up the process of fermentation using your sow the seeds skill. Fermentation times will depend on the crop. The only mechanical benefit of making fermented crops is that they have a longer shelf life than your normal ones.
And, since I know people are going to ask about this, yes you can grow tobacco and hemp. Smoking these crops could provide the same benefits as eating them. If you really wanted to go that route.
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hellyeahheroes · 4 years
Building America Chavez in D&D 5e
Sorry I’ve been mostly quiet, but certain recent events made me wish to take a break from posting. I do feel bad I didn’t do more for a Pride Month, however so I thought of doing something that will let me combine both trying to lift my spirits up (especially since I haven’t done one of those in a while) and doing little fun thing for LGBTQ followers - letting them play a game that is known as a good escapist fantasy as one of our favorite characters. We’re building America Chavez today.
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First of all, let’s define Goals for this build. First of all, we need to kick and punch hard and be able to take a hit as well and be super fast. Second, we need to kick so hard to open portals to other dimensions. Finally, we need to be able to fly and shine bright light.
Regarding Ability Scores America is one of those characters who should have 20 in everything, but we cannot really do that so I’m gonna prioritize what we need for the build. As always I’m taking basic template from Tulok the Barbarian so we’ll be unig Standard Point Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8). If you want to roll or use point-buy, go ahead and use these as guidelines, just remember you’ll need 13 inWisdom and Dexterity for multiclassing.
Strength: 14, You can throw tanks at the moon
Dexterity: 13, we need it for multiclassing purpose. Also, I doubt any medium or heavy armor goes with short shorts, America’s outfits are light armor at best.
Constitution: 15, you can take hits from the likes of She-Hulk, Vision and Thanos
Intelligence: 10, you don’t need it but America did go to college to expand her knowledge of cosmic stuff.
Wisdom: 12, living on your own since being a child means picking up some survival skills.
Charisma: 8, low but we will bumb it with rracial ability scores.
Speaking of Race, America is from another planet, descendant of a race created by two celestial beings, who can fly and shine her star marks. and if that doesn’t speak Protector Aasimar, I do not know what does. You gain +2 to Charisma and +1 to Wisdom, resistance to necrotic and radiant damage and know Common and Celestial languages. Your Darkvision lets you see  60 feet in dim light as in normal light and in darkness as in dim light, but without abilitty to discern colors. Once per long rest you can heal a person (or yourself) for number of hit points equal your level. Finally, you get a Light Cantrip, which lets you make one object no larger in any dimension than 10 feet and make it shine bright light in a 20 feet radius and dim light in next 20 feet. Use it for your own stars.
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Background: You are from another planet in another dimension so Far Traveller is closest to that. You gain proficiency in any language of your choice, pick something campaign relevant. You get proficiency in Insight and Perception and a single musical instrument or gaming set of your choice. You have an All Eyes On You feature, which makes you a center of attention and opens you doors of curious nobles and scholars.
Class Features:
Level 1: We will kick things off as a Ranger.  You gain proficiency in Dexterity and Strength saving throws, light and medium armor, simple and martial weapons, shields and two skills, choose Athletics and Investigation. 
We will be using Ranger options from Class Variants Unearthed Arcana, which is free. Deft Explorer lets you pick one of 3 options - Tireless lets you a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier per long rest gain 1d10+ Your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points as an action. If you are suffering from Exhaustion and take a short rest, you lose a level of it.
Favored Fore lets you cast Hunter’s Mark on a target without expending a spell slot a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier and don’t need concentration to maintain it. Hunter’s Mark let’s you pick one target and for its duration (up to an hour) you deal 1d6 extra damage whenever you hit it with an attack and gain advanate on Survival and Perception checks to find it. And if the target drops to zero hit points before spell ends you can move it to another as a bonus action. So if you are chasing after Loki again, this will come in handy.
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Level 2: 2nd Level Ranger gets to pick a Fighting Style. Unarmed Fighting lets your unarmed attacks deal 1d6+your Strength modifier damage, 1d8 if you hit with two hands at once (or do a dropkick, I guess) and when you start a grapple and whenever you hit a grappled creature you can deal it extra 1d4 bludgeoning of damage. As with Tulok, we pick this one a lot because a lot of superheroes just use fists. If you feel YOUR America should be swinging a waraxe, go for it and pick something else.
On this level Rangers get spellcasting. you know a number of spells and cannot know spells of higher level than you have spell slots for, whenever you cast a spell you spend spell slot of appriopriate level or higher. If a spell requires a saving throw it is against difficulty of 8 + Your Proficiency Modifier + Your Wisdom modifier and the latter two you also sum up to add to a Spell Attack roll if a spell requires one. You start with two spells.
Cure Wounds lets you touch a creature or yourself and heal for 1d8+ Your Wisdom modifier of hit points.
Zephyr Strike lasts for a 1 minute on concentration and for this time you don’t provoke opportunitty attacks and when you deal your first attack you get to make it with an advantage and your speed increases by 30 feet for this turn.
Level 3: Once you reach this level Protector Aasimar gains Radiant Soul, letting you once per long rest radiate with positive energy, even spouting mings made of light from your back. If your DM allows you can probably gain the benefits without that visual add-on. This form lasts for one minute and gives you flying speed equal your regular speed and once on each of your turns you can deal extra radiant damage equal your level to a creature you hit with an attack or a spell.
3rd Level Ranger gets to choose a Ranger Conclave. Horizon Walker specializes in dimensional travel and interdimensional threats. You can as an action sense location of a nearest interdimensional portal once per short or long rest. You also become a Planar Warrior, which means you can use your bonus action to select one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. During this turn when you attack that creature you not only deal extra 1d8 damage but also all damage from that attack gets converted to force damage. Force is the least protected against type of damage in the game, there is literally a single creature immune to it and zero creatures with resistance to it in entire Monster Manual.
At this level Ranger also gains Primeval Awareness, letting you spend a spell slot to be able to sense all aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead within one mile from you for duration of 1 minute per spell slot’s level, but does not tell you their exact location or number. It is horribly situational, costs your valuable resource and is basically a shittier version of Divine Sense, an abilitty Paladin gets on first level. It’s actually a core Ranger abilitty and it does have a replacement in Unearthed Arcana.... buuut that replacement gives you a bunch of extra spells that aren’t really America’s style. At least I am far more likely to beleive she is able to pick subtle hints of presence of various creatures due to her years of experience fighting everything the Multiverse threw at her, than I am that she can detect and talk to animals and plants or be able to see through an animal’s eyes. If you want to sacrifice some thematic coherence for more powerful build, be my guest.
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Hunter’s Mark is now added to your spells’ known as a bonus from Favored Foe and Horizon Walker gives you another additional spell - Protection From Evil and Good, letting you make  aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead  have disadvantage on attacks against yourself or another creature. The target of the spell cannot be charmed, frightened or posessed by these creatures  and if that already happend before you cast the spell, it rolls saving throws to shake it off with an advantage. A lot of lovecraftian horrors try to eat your teammate and future god for his future god powers, this will help against that.
Our regular spell for this level will be Absorb Elements. You can cast it as a reaction whenever you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage and it grants you resistance to that and next time you hit a target on your next turn, it takes extra 1d6 of that type of damage. This second feature is less impressive at higher levels where a lot of creatures dealing that type of damage are resitant or outright immune to it. Every dragon is immune to the damage dealt by its breath for example. EXCEPT that as a Palanar Warrior you convert that to force damage. Their offense just makes you hit harder.
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4th Level: Sticking with Ranger for an Abilitty Score Improvement or a Feat. Resilent lets you add 1 to your Constitution and makes you proficient with Constitution saving throw. a large number of your spells is depending on Concentration so this is a good way to keep going even after you take a hit.
5th Level: Ranger gains an extra attack, letting you attack twice in a single attack action. Remember, those attacks are all affected by your Planar Warrior power.
You also gain access to 2nd level spells 
Lesser Restoration, letting you cure one disease or a  blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned condition from one creature. America heals fast.
Horizon Walker gives us Misty Step, which lets you teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
6th Level: You can pick second Deft Explorer feature. I will go with Roving to increase your speed by 5 feet and give you climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking speed. America is fast and with that you can move to your foes no matter where they are.
7th Level: Horizon Walker gives you Etheral Step. You can now once per short or long rest cast, as a bonus action, Etherealnesss on yourself without expending a spell slot but it only lasts one turn. It lets you step into Ethereal Plane where you can move without being affected by enemies or walls or magic effects on material plane. You can use this to move aout of the harm’s way or (more likely) behind enemy lines to punch that one guy who keeps hiding behind the tank.
You also get one more spell but I’m not feeling these 2nd level spells so we will pick Longstrider, which increases your movement speed by 10 feet for 1 hour, no concentration required. This means you can now walk, climb, swim or fly up to 45 feet per turn. And you cannot tell me America isn’t super fast, considering in her debut book she did this
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8th Level: We will now jump to Cleric. America has multitude of things she could worship, be it Demiurge or Spirits Beracca and Sanar who created your home planet or even your moms and their messianic-like sacrifice. Or not, Clerics don’t need to worship a diety, they can draw the power from just believing this strongly in something the universe registers it as faith. Lou Wilson on The Unsleeping City plays a Cleric who is a doctor that draws power from caring about his patients so much, you don’t need to limit yourself just because you may dislike certain parts of character history.
Whatever your reasons, you get to pick a Divine Domain. Since America can travel between dimensions, she basically is a Planeswalker. Meaning she can jump to Magic: the Gathering setting Amonketh from one of Planeshift supplements and grab the Strength Domain. You gain proficiency in one extra skill, pick Survival, and heavy armor.
You also get Cleric spellcasting, which works as Ranger’s except you know all your Cleric spells and you prepare which spells you have ready each day. You also get cantrips, which you can cast as many times as you want. Your number of spell slots is determined by multiclassing table -  check out a level equal your Cleric level + half your Ranger level rounded down to consult how many spell slots you have for use.
You get 3 Cantrips, two spells and two extra spells and an extra cantrip from Strength domain so we have some work to do.
Guidance and Resistance each lets you add a d4 to a single ability check or a saving throw respectively. This shit is life saving. No, I did not spend my last game lamenting guidance is not on Bard Spell list after my bard failed an important skill check by 1, why are you asking?
Thunderclap lets you clap your hands so hard every creature 5 feet from you needs to make a Constitution saving throw or be dealt 1d6 thunder damage. It is a staple for powerhouses, Hulk basically patented it.
Bless lets you pick up to 3 creatures, including yourself. For the duration they add 1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws
Detect Magic lets you sense or see influence of magic within 30 feet from you unless it’s hiding behind a thick enough barrier. Again, America been around, she can recognize a lot of tricks.
Divine Favor lets you add 1d4 of Radiant damage to your attacks. America’s punches are that strong.
Shield of Faith meanwhile grants you +2 bonus to your AC. Again, short shorts can barelly pass for light armor, less alone medium or heavy so you need all help you can get.
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9th Level: 2nd Level Cleric gets to use their Channel Divinity.once per short or long rest
The standard use is Turn Undead, which forces all undead who see you to make a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute or until they take damage, making them unable to do anything but spend their turn dashing away from you. You may say it is not in character but America travelled across the Multiverse a lot. Do you know what you can find in Marvel Multiverse a lot? Zombies. Especially Marvel Zombies. And even then, regular zombies in D&D are also know as “PAIN IN THE BUTT TO FIGHT WITH” so whichever kind of undead is bothering you, this will help.
Strength Domain grants you another use of this, Feat of Strength. You can choose to spend your use of Channel Divinity to add +10 to an attack roll, abilitty check or saving throw using Strength.
Finally, Unearthed Arcana lets you spend your use of this feature to regain a 1st level spell slot. It’s situational, but could be useful in a pinch.
Our spell for the level will be Sanctuary - cast it on one creature of your choice to make enemies have to roll a Wisdom saving throw whenever they want to target it with an attack or a harmful spell or have to choose another target. You can play this one as goading enemies to fight her to distract them from civilians or your mroe squishy teammates like Billy or Loki. Warning, don’t waste it on either Kate or Quentin Quire, they are likely to just go and shoot someone and the spell ends if target attacks someone, casts a harmful spell or causes damage from an already active spell. So no, Quentin, you cannot cast Spirit Guardians and then have America Sanctuary you, stop asking and read an errata already!
10th Level: 3rd Level Cleric gets 2 2nd Level spell slots
Aid lasts for an hour and lets you increase hit point maximum and current hit points of up to 3 party members by fve, always useful as a form of a battle plan to keep everyone safe.
Warding Bond lets you for an hour create a bond between you and another creature for 1 hour with no concentration. As long as the target is within 60 feet of you it gets +1 to AC and resistance to all damage but whenever it takes damage, you take as much damage and if you get further than 60 feet away from one another or you drop to 0 hit points, the spell ends. So cast this on Kate, Monica or Billy who are squishy but know to stay in the back. Don’t cast it on Ramone, Eddie, Adam, Teddy, Carol, T’Challa, Noh-Varr, Gwen, David, Eli or Galactus who are likely to be with you in the front line. And don’t cast it on Quentin, he is squishy and should stay in the back but he cannot be trusted, this kid has no self-perservation instinc whatsoever. Same goes for Loki, who is supposed to be smarter but still keeps poking everything around for one scheme or another.
Strength Domain gives us Enchance Abilitty, which grants you an advantage on abilitty chekcs of chosen Ability score and some minor bonuses if you pick Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. As I’ve said, America is good at everything as if she was an anime character, this will help you emulate that.
Protection from Poison for an hour, no concentration, gives the target advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage and when cast removes one poison already affecting the target.
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11th Level: 4th Level Cleric gets an Abilitty Score Improvement, invest in your Strength. Spoiler, this will be where all your remaining Abilitty Score improvements will go.
You get one more cantrip and one more spell
Virtue grants the target 1d4+your spellcasting abilitty modifier of temporary hit points for one round
Branding Smite, which was added in Unearthed Arcana, lets you deal extra 2d6 Radiant damage and if the target was invisible it now becomes visible and cannot becopme invisible for the duration of the spell as it shines bright light in 5-feet radius. America punching someone out of their invisiblity so hard they now glitter? Sounds about right.
12th Level: 5th Level Cleric can destroy all undead of challenge rating 1/2 or less who failed saving throw against turn undead. 
You get even more spells, gaining access to third level ones.
Remove Curse lets you remove effects of a curse from a person or break attunment to cursed item. Use it on yourself to simply shrug off the enemy curses
Tongues lets you understand any language and be understood by all other creatures for an hour. You ever noticed how all realities America goes to seem to speak English? This may be why.
Protection From Energy lets you get resistance to  acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. for the duration, on concentration of course.
Haste also lasts on concentration. it doubles your speed, grants +2 to AC, an advantage on Dexterity saving throws and an extra attaction you can use to take Dash, Disengage, Hide or use object action or make a single extra attack. Once it ends you cannot take actions for a turn, 
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13th Level: 6th Level Cleric can use Channel Divinity twice per short or long rest, gains a new use from Strength domain, letting you as a reaction grant +10 to another creature’s attack roll, ability check or saving throw using Strength. Sometimes you jsut want to cheer up on your girlfriend to punch someone harder, you know?
You also get to pick one more spell - magic Circle lets you ward an area of 10 feet radius and 20 feet height from celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead, whichever you choose. You can either protect creatures inside from that type of enemies or trap them inside the circle. Either way the selected creature type cannot willingly cross the border of the circle, had disadvantage against targets on the other side cannot charm, frighter or possess and if it tries to circumvent this by using teleportation of any sort it needs to first succeed a Charisma saving throw.
14th Level: 7th Level Cleric gets 4th level spells
Freedom of Movement lets you for one hour, no concentration required, make yourself unaffected by difficult terrain and magic cannot in any way reduce your speed, restrain or paralyze you, you can spend 5 feet from your movement to escape nonmagical restraints and being underwater doesn’t impose any penalty on your movement.
Dominate Beast isn’t really in character so I will focus on second bonus spell Strength Domain gives you - Stoneskin grants you resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage
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Stoneskin is not an excuse to wear this awful outfit from Vengenace, tho.
15th Level: 8th Level Cleric gains Divine Strike, letting you once on each of your turns add extra 1d8 of that damage type. You also get to pick another Abilitty Score improvement and your Destroy Undead abilitty upgrades to undeads of CR 1 or less.
Your spell for this level will be Banishment, forcing a Charisma Saving throw on the target and sending it to another dimension if it fails. If the target is native to this plane, it is send to a harmless dimension and comes back once spell ends. But if it is not, it is send to its home plane and if you maintain concentration for one minute, it does not return. As with Magic Circle this is less something we hase SEEN America do but sounds like something she should be able to do. Open a portal under something and let it fall.
16th Level: 9th Level Cleric gets one spell of 4th level and one of 5th level.
Greater Restoration lets you remove from atarget a single level of exhaustion, one curse, one reduction of an abilitty score or hit point maximum, one effect that charmed or petrified the target. Use this on yourself to shrug off everything. Except perficication, kinda hard to use this while petrified.
Strength Domain gives you two extra spells, but Insect Plague isn’t very in character. Destructive Wave, however, lets you strike the ground, making every creature of your choice within 30-feet range take 5d6 thunder and 5d6 radiant or necrotic damage and be knocked prone, half damage on a succesful Constitution saving throw. You stomp the ground that hard.
Death Ward lasts for 8 hours with no concentration, first time a target would be dropped to zero hit points, they’re dropped to 1 hit points instead. If an effect would kill target instantly without dealing damage (say POWER WORD: KILL) it is negated. Either way the spell ends after a single activation. Sounds useful considering one of people on America’s shit list is COSMIC TITAN CHAMPION OF DEATH 
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17th Level: 10th Level Cleric gains Divine Intervention, which lets you call upon the power of whoever you picked as your patron diety. You describe what you want to happen and roll a percentage dice - if your result is lower than your Cleric level, diety intervenes in a way choosen by the DM. If you succed on this, you cannot use this feature for a week, if you fail you cannto do it until after a long rest.
You get one new Cantrip and one new 5th Level Spell
Word of Radiance forces all creatures of your choice to suceed a Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 radiant damage. You shine so bright you literally hurt your enemies.
Legend Lore lets you gain knowledge about a legendary object, person or location, up to mysterious secrets. Again, America has been travelling through the Multiverse, she likely has seen everything and recalls things that seem to be happenning again.Information may be a bit cyrptic, tho.
18th Level: 11th Level Cleric’s Destroy Undead improves to undeads of CR 2 or lower. You also get an access to 6th Level Spell - otherwordly Form was added to Cleric Spell List in Unearthed Arcana. It lets you for the duration (up to 1 minute on concentration) grant yourself flying speed of 40 feet, use of your Wisdom in place of Strength for attack rolls, an additional attack that doesn’t stack with your extra attack and immunity to either fire and poison damage and poisoned condition or radiant and necrotic damage and charmed comdition. This will help if you out of your Radiant Soul and need to fly again, but it is sadly not as good on this particular build because we already have an extra attack and rely more on Strength than Wisdom. But Clerics don’t get Fly.
19th Level: Speaking of Strength, 12th Level fo Cleric and our Final Abilitty Score Improvement lets us finally cap it.
20th Level: Our captsone is 13th Level of Cleric for a 7th Level spell - Plane Shift lets you become your party’s ticked to the Multiverse, letting you transport yourself and up to 8 willing creatures to another plane of existence or to banish an unwilling creature to a random location on a plane you choose if you hit it with a meele spell attack you make as a part of this spell and it fails Charisma Saving throw.
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Overview: So this is my take on America Chavez - Protector Aasimar Horizon Walker Ranger 7/Strength Domain Cleric 13. Now let us see how valiable this build is:
Pros: First of all, you are really tough, with around 165 hit points, a number of spells you can set up to buff yourself  and/or others you will be very hard to hurt. Second, you have a large number of ways to hurt your enemies and even combine them to deal some impressive damage. Finally, you have a ton of mobility options, letting you chase all most important targets all across the battlefield.
Cons: A lot of your spells require concentration and we didn’t cap this one, so it is mediocre. A lot of your offensive options compete for bonus action and your buffs require some prep time and forward thinking to set up or wasting your time during the combat. A number of offensive spells relies on your Wisdom modifier, which is weak.
However, you are pretty good at what you do best - punching and taking on yourself major threats. You are a reliable tank who can outlast her enemies in combat. Punch people and protect your friends, jsut remember you cannot do it all alone and your teammates are much more squishy - protect them and they’ll have your back
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There is a number of ways in which you could upgrade this build but sacrifice some of loyalty to America’s potrayal.
* Ranger 6/Cleric 14 lets you increase your Divine Strike Damage to 2d8, meaning you can deal 4d8 damage when combined with Planar Warrior.
* Ranger 12/Cleric 8 lets you increase your Planat Warrior Damage and gains extra attack from Horizon Walker’s 11th level feature, making you much more offensive but also with more hp.
* Change stats to STR 12 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 15  CHA 8. Pick Druidic Warrior as your fighting style, grab a club or a staff and pick shillelagh as your cantrip, letting you use your Wisdom for attacks made with said club or staff, then go Ranger 8/Cleric 12 or vice-versa, using your Abilitty Score Improvements to round up first Wisdom and then Constitution. This take on America will have much better offense AND defense but it strays so much from her as a character (no plane shift, no punching with your hands, less actual Strength and more trickery) it didn’t feel right. Sometimes you need to sacrifice power to stay loyal to the character. Then again, this build would sure be true to a certain aspect of America we know and love.
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pochapal · 4 years
rank every year of the 2010s from best to worst i want some pochapal lore
[warning for discussion of my fucked up mental health and my myriad traumas. we’re really opening the pandora’s box here gang]
ok time for me to overshare on the internet again! super long post because i can’t shut up and you asked for it. anyway, by objective ranking: 
#1: 2012 - halcyon era, my personal peak. spent the whole year writing hunger games oc fics with my deviantart fanfiction besties whom i still think about all the time and always hope are having the best possible day. if you were here for this era understand i still hold you so closely and dearly in my heart <3. 
#2: 2013 - god i was such a good example of a human being back then. was the year my writing like actually took off and i had a healthy balance between creative stuff and a social life (said social life consisting of spending lunchtimes at school breaking into classrooms and discussing fandom shit with five other people. reading homestuck updates in the music room on one person’s really shaky mobile data...legendary). highlight of the year and maybe my life was in the april of 2013 when i got out of failing to submit a hard deadline essay by telling my english teacher i wrote a whole novel over the two week break and then producing said novel. god i wish i had that level of like. fucking confidence back me back then knew what i wanted and how to get it. 
#3: 2010 - the last year of childhood. i was 12 and played pokemon all the time with my friends and went places and had a moderately successful youtube channel and it didn’t matter that i was bullied so badly at school because i was basically high off life. summer of 2010 was so good specifically. i’d used to get the bus with a friend and go see movies and break into historical sites and get into normal childhood mayhem and maxed out my pokewalkers twice a month and i was buzzed because i had two (2) whole friendship groups to choose from and that was such a huge deal to me the terminal social outcast. it was so simple and carefree and even though everything and everyone involved in this era grew up to suck except for one specific person i kinda really miss it.
#4: 2018 - this was the first year i wasn’t depressed to the point of nonfunctioning. it was 20gayteen, i was on antidepressants, i was as close to thriving as i got at uni (going into town with people once a week, attending art and culture events, getting good grades across the board), i started to write for fun again, i got my cat whom i love dearly, i was exhibited in my uni’s city’s literature festival, GOD i actually nearly attended a pride event that year can you imagine. this year was basically my life’s second peak. miss getting the 8am train and daintily sipping on a cherry coke to keep me from passing out. wish this time could have lasted longer.
#5: 2019 - kinda absolute middle of the road year not for lack of anything happening but because the overwhelming amount of good and bad things cancelled each other out. so like there’s the fact that i was at the top of my uni game this year, was basically making the first steps into a professional writing career (covid i will never forgive you for killing all that dead </3), finally saved up enough to buy myself a gaming pc, and the summer after the homestuck epilogues, but equally 2019 was the start of the Pochapal Gender Fiasco which is by far the most horrible thing i am still currently undergoing and i burnt myself out mentally about halfway through the year (being stuck overnight in a hospital for a panic attack absolutely horrible horrible irredeemable) and then got like super death plague flu that i was sick with for three months (literally recovered less than a month before rona hit. god’s cruel karma.). so like...it kind of averaged out? the good shit was good but not as great as other years and the bad shit was awful but nowhere near as terrible as it could have been. gotta give a shoutout to 90% of my current mutual cohort for following me in 2019...omelette route gang make some noise !!
#6: 2014 - oof. this year essentially marked the start of a four year long downward mental health spiral because everything fell into awful alignment. i’d just turned 16, finished secondary school, had all my friends up and ditch me at once, was home alone for a whole summer, and was hit with Sudden Intense Body Image Issues that i couldn’t explain until uh. after very recent developments lmao. this one goes out to the me of july 2014 who did nothing but lay in bed and listen to the same two marina albums on a loop because fuck i’m attracted to men and also my facial and body hair are really starting to come in and if i think about this for too long i will literally kill myself because oh god i can’t handle getting older which is clearly and definitely the issue going on here. my brain fucking broke super hardcore and it’s a miracle that an overeating disorder was like the worst thing i walked away with. 
#7: 2015 - downward spiral year two!! i was so volatile this year it was such a mess. i was totally socially isolated after a brief stint of falling in with a group of people at the start of my first year of sixth form until january where in quick succession a) it turned out every single one of these people was friends with the person who sexually assaulted me whom i obviously had a lot of complicated feelings towards and b) baby’s first crush came out as bisexual but in the “women and also trans women” kind of way which tore me up so terribly in ways i couldn’t begin to understand. no words for the experience of seeing a girl kiss a boy and crying so hard at night you threw up because you could never be her no matter how much you wanted it. actually kinda get the sense what was going on there was bigger than just some crush lmao. then after that i was so mentally ill i basically attended school less than half the time and it was the only year in my life i failed my exams. i ended up having to resit my entire set of first year a level exams because jesus christ was i in such a bad way it was a miracle i even showed up to them. all i did was either have anxiety attacks or enter bedbound depressive slumps for weeks at a time. but it’s okay because it gets worse.
#8: 2016 - downward spiral act iii: the spiralling. prefacing this by saying that i actually had two whole good months (april - may) in that i was functioning enough to do my exams and finish school with decent grades. the rest was super extra mega terrible. my school attendance for year 13 dipped below 65% and literally the only thing that kept me from being kicked out was the fact that i was naturally smart at the subjects i took and also because the school would have a lot to answer for after letting me get to that state despite having a hefty file on how damaged i was. keep in mind every single part of this was fully untreated btw - i was just floundering around and letting it all fester. i spent three solid weeks going to school but locking myself in the bathroom all day every day and having mental health episodes then going home like nothing else happened only to continue the breakdown that night. then things got kicked into fucked up overdrive when i moved out to uni and was cut off from what little support structures i did have. it was so bad all i did was cry all the time and never went anywhere to the point where three separate sources recommended me to the wellbeing and crisis counselling service that i stopped going to after two sessions because i was fucked up in ways cbt techniques could not even touch. at least i tried to make an effort for the first two months of uni which like. good for me?
#9: 2017 - what lieth at the base of the spiral. helltrench year. i was at literal rock bottom. i stopped going to class, i didn’t hand in a single piece of work. i lied to my parents and would book trains each day only to go back to my student flat and sit there and contemplate suicide. like i would just slump on the floor in a catatonic state and vividly contemplate one of four or so ways i could end my own life. i only didn’t because i wanted to wait until the summer to collect my last student loan and transfer it to my parents as an apology for my death which obviously didn’t end up happening. honestly i can’t remember much of the first half of 2017 that’s how bad it was. i remember taking a gender studies class and the teacher made it Weird that i was the Only Male Student in the room and then she sent me a scolding email after i walked out halfway through a class and never returned. apparently i got into a lot of online discourse in this year but i don’t remember anything other than being put on a blocklist by the milkfic author over ace discourse which is funny if you have the context. mostly i just baited terfs and weirdo freaks to get them to say horrible things to me as what i guess amounts to some kind of digital self harm. anyway breaking point came in late august when i got kicked out of university and then nobody could ignore it any more so there was no choice left but for me to seek out help and recover enough to function which luckily i did. i really Do Not remember 2017. you could tell me anything about that year and i’d probably believe you.
#10: 2011 - extra circle of hell for this little fucked up gem of a year. on the surface it wasn’t actually that terrible, until the Summer 2011 Domino Effect Of Bad Shit. up until like may/june it was a pretty all right year! i was 13 and had a surprisingly successful youtube channel uploading pokemon soundfont remixes to an audience of i think ~350-400 subscribers at my peak? anyway then i got hit with the early summer triple combo of childhood friends moving away, cute and quirky sexual assault at the hands of a person in my friend group, and then having some Really Great and Super Appropriate interactions with adults on deviantart. like obviously there’s the actual ptsd-inducing event which totally disrupted and killed the person i was right up until that moment and reshaped every facet of my life for better or worse (there’s an alternate timeline where that didn’t happen and i got into electronic music and/or coding instead) but really it’s the events that followed in its wake which were kind of more fucked up. so like all of a sudden i was super aware of my body and me growing my hair out and being mistaken for a girl in class suddenly became this Less Innocent thing and i ended up spending hours overnight going to transgender questioning forums and looking up hrt timeline videos and having the wikipedia article on tracheal shaving saved because it was a life raft to me whose voice was imminently gonna deepen and i was simultaneously reeling with constant trauma flashbacks and the whole thing was so so fucked up. then i was on deviantart and i don’t remember exactly how but a small group of furry guys ten to fifteen years older than me started messaging me and encouraging and requesting me to produce nonsexual fetish stuff for them and talking to me about stuff like if i’d ever thought about growing up to be gay and i didn’t think anything of it for a long while because they called me a very talented writer and it felt so good to have someone be nice to me after being so alone and isolated for months on end. anyway the only reason i got out of that before it got bad was because they invited me to one of the big furry sites and i was weirded out because i thought it was a porn site and thinking about sexual stuff was a huge trauma trigger so i just ended up blocking them all and pretending like it didn’t happen. at the time half this shit didn’t bother me but in retrospect holy fuck 2011 was such a damaging year. to think if like three events didn’t happen i wouldn’t be the fucked up mess you see before you today.
god fuck this turned out super long but i’m not apologising because this was a therapeutic exercise for me and also constitutes as one of the biggest pochapal lore dumps of all time. come get your food or whatever.
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