#damn i love the nickname
ruelin024 · 1 month
Of course I've gotta make fanart for you. 😙 @littleyukki5033
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Yukki: "Hey some of them tried to kill me at first, but we're all friends now. Come here."
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artemx746 · 2 months
Can I have bitter nicobaster with Stayed Gone from Hazbin
Nico: and here’s the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team. I said no and now he’s pissy that’s the tea
Alabaster: You old timey Prick! I’ll show you suffering
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
Something something something angst about the mantle of hero identities getting passed around to new people, the duty of other heroes to accept this because it’s important that civilians keep feeling safe, villains being the only ones to truly get to mourn the original heroes and choosing to step out of their villain identities because they liked fighting the person not the hero, etc etc etc
#listen I love sidekicks and titles being passed down and stuff like that#but there’s always an inherent angst to me in like. the loss of identity?#because yeah at some point they just get acknowledged as superhero titles#but at the beginning of all that was a person making a costume and band intrinsic to *them*#*name not band#I doubt anyone starts off being a hero with the thought that they’d pass down their hero stuff to someone else#then eventually there’s a third generation wearing their costume and stuff#because it’s important that their work continues and the whole symbolically the hero continues on in sone form and villainy doesn’t win#but do they even know about all the personal stuff that went into it from the first person who started that mantle#one thing I always think about is like (and I know this is sidekicks but stay with me here) the robin thing from b*tman#now I can’t remember if this was someone’s hc or if it was in one of the runs or whatever#but it goes that: robin comes from a nickname dick’s parents gave him#because they were the fl*ing gr*twins with their little birdie robin#*gr*ysons not twins god damn it#and again I can’t remember if that’s an actual thing#but imagine if it was#and there’s all those robins after him wearing his suit or some variation of it#calling themselves the hero name he gave himself to honor his parents as he tries to find their killer#no other way to think about for me it’s just. loss of identity#anyways#no fandom#heroes#supervillains#superheroes and supervillains in general
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 5 months
Been saying this but I know we’re all waiting for that first Seaweed Brain-Wise Girl to drop (PJO SHOW SPOILERS)
my ongoing theory is it’ll happen in the zoo truck on the way to Vegas specifically bc of the line “Because we’re friends, Seaweed Brain. Anymore stupid questions?” from the books. And this is post Tunnel of Love as well and this would just tie a nice neat and beautiful ribbon around the “I chose her bc I never thought we’d be friends” arc and the true definitive start of their friendship marked by the first Seaweed Brain would serve the future Percabeth storyline so well. Bc of how crucial it is that they are BEST FRIENDS before they ever become romantically inclined.
So if this is the line to deliver the goods, this means it’ll happen in the next ep.
HOWEVER, it might potentially happen in a slightly different context, perhaps with a similar line or that line lifted wholesale into a different scene. Where we get Percy after the St Louis Arch kerfuffle, reunites with Annabeth and Grover. We see the hug we saw in the preview and Percy being our awkward bean is like “what were you worried about me?”
AngryBeth: “of course I was worried Seaweed Brain! Why would you try to sacrifice yourself like that?!” (Cue a delightful back and forth about how Annabeth was gonna do the same but oh no Percy is the most important part of this mission in which case it didn’t matter if he was the one fighting since he got the prophecy from the oracle yadda yadda)
AwkwardBeth: “Yeah I was worried” “Why? Didn’t want your quest to get cut short?” “Because we’re friends, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?”
She brushes off how worried she was in that scene, we fast forward through tunnel of love, and she does the AwkwardBeth speech in the zoo truck anyways!!
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nyxie-e-e · 6 months
New Lasky Audio Spoilers:
“With you the thinking part doesn’t shut off. It just relaxes a little. I dont stop thinking. I don’t fall into feeling. I hit this kind of balance and that’s intense and unfamiliar and scary and amazing all at once. It’s just really different and it’s such a cool thing to get to feel with you. I keep saying scary and I don’t mean it like that because you make it all feel safe. It never feels like it’s out of control. It just feels new and I think my brain automatically turns new into scary and that’s not fair because being with you. How I’m feeling with you right now. It’s proof that new isn’t scary. I don’t have to be scared of something just because it’s unfamiliar. This fear right now isn’t fear. It’s excitement. A lot of it. God a lot of it”
Oh Lasky, you and I are a little too similar sometimes.
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pocketlauncher · 10 months
oighh.. thinks about medic x soldier..i do think heavy and medic are the ultimate doctor/patient sadomasochism power couple but after playing only solider for nearly a week i have thoughts lol
as a soldier you can repeatedly injure yourself in order to charge medic's über faster and. i think medic would see this this is the hottest thing in the world. efficiency + exploding gore + selfless and violent guy
soldier would do this GLEEFULLY he gets to help his team and impress his medic at the same time. regularly dismembering himself is just not a problem and medic appreciates that in a man!!! the fascination might not run as deep as the shit going on btwn medic and heavy but i think theyre fun together :] (their relationship would not work without a medigun) (none of medic's relationships would work without his medigun)
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bucket-of-amethyst · 9 months
anyone else mentally ill over tango calling jimmy “j” one (1) time during the second plate up stream? just me?
Glad to get confirmation that it was the first time and that we are sooo normal about it 😊👍
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caffeinatedopossum · 5 months
Me: I have standards! I'm not the type of person who just falls in love with anyone whose nice to me
Also me whenever someone uses my name: 😳
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horizonmlm · 5 months
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Their white boy swag has captivated me
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
Welding anon here, I technically didn’t complete the program bc I am missing a single credit, which is fine by me because I ended up switching up and going into agriculture instead, which I am much happier to be in and I just got my degree for it. I don’t regret taking that program because I enjoyed the work (best I can describe it? It was almost like piping a cake) but I was the only girl in the room, not usually a problem for me but the guys didn’t talk to me at all and it was soul crushingly isolating
I always pictured him as a welder bc ye he has massive beefy arms and him being an explosives expert, I could see him enjoying the sparks and the process of creating something durable and strong. Both require a good bit of math, (not to mention shooting math which I still struggle with too) Just seems like a dude who finds fulfillment in difficult, heavy precision work. All those scars on his arms too… yea he’d be a hot welder, all sweaty and bit dirty and smelling like steel. Would make you a welded flower bouquet and it would look immaculate
I did also dabble in wood working (not carpentry. If ur curious I was making bee hives bc I was a bee keeper for a time and my company was so small I had to learn how to do everything) price is so carpenter core. He would smell like freshly cut wood, just a bit smokey and strong. I can just picture saw dust absolutely filling his pockets and trailing it around everywhere by accident. Carpenters always have really calloused, rough, strong hands and that’s just so him. Obsessed with carpenter price ngl.
I’m kinda redneck as fuck and I have the obsessed with being outside flavour of autism. I do have buff arms too 💪 (sorry this is a long ask sorry)
welding anon (or maybe i should just call you buff 💪 anon because hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah) please do not ever apologise for long asks. i love long asks. i cherish long asks. i cherish you for sending me a long ask.
firstly, the guys on your course SUCK for making you feel isolated. i get it on some level as i've been the only non-cis person on-site before. i know i've been lucky as i am technically a plumbing nepo-baby so any other shit has been shut down hard by my mum but more often than not she's the only woman on-site. thankfully she's got something like 40 years experience working with the guys she works with so she knows everyone and their children (and all the gossip, tradies are incorrigible gossips and i love it so much).
secondly, fuck yeah to finding something you love doing! i'm incredibly proud of you for getting your degree! go you! and also you're an incredibly talented multi-skilled individual, be proud of yourself for all the skills you have (welding, woodworking, beekeeping!!!).
thirdly, it's official you've converted me into a welder!soap person. you're absolutely correct. he would love welding. sparks + maths + methodical + challenging = welder!soap. he'd be so cheesy about giving you a metal flower bouquet too. excuse me for a minute while i think about sweaty soap with big beefy arms. oooooh boy 😵‍💫
finally, you are entirely correct that carpenter!price would smell so good. ugh, the smell of cut wood is addictive and definitely one of my most favourite smells in the world (i am that person that lingers in the timber yard in a B&Q just to get a whiff of the cut pine). carpenter!price would love his sweetheart fussing over his callouses and rubbing hand cream into his hands before bed every night, you can't tell me he wouldn't. i think the fact that he smells so good definitely makes up for the fact that you'd be fishing pencils and sawdust out of his pockets every time you did laundry. plus you'd have the most beautiful kitchen cabinets that are the envy of all your friends just because he wanted to give the kitchen a "spruce up" (side note: never trust a tradie to do their own DIY, you WILL end up living in a half-finished construction site for over 2 years).
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likeafairytale · 4 months
[ Anastasia still anaesthetized after her surgery ]
Achilles couldn't stay still. He was pacing back and forth in his room. Normally, after the operation, he should have put her in the waiting room, like all the other patients recovering from an operation, but his best friend deserved better than already used sheets and stained pillows. The operation she had was a big one, one never done before, and he did not want to risk for her to get stupidly sick and die from the flu, he would never forgive himself if that happens. So against the better judgement of the nurse who assisted him during the operation, he brought Anastasia back to his room, it wasn't far away to be honest, just above the clinic.
The room was cleaner than the rest of the building, full of books, trinkets –that he stole, mostly– globes, maps, and other interests Achilles might have at the moment. Anastasia was still motionless on his bed, and he couldn't stay still. He needed to move, because if he did not move, he'd think, and if he'd think, terrible thought would come to his mind. But at some point, he couldn't anymore. Slowly, he sat next to the sleepy beauty who was so pale. The demigod was focused on her chest, trying to see any movement, even the smallest, but the man was so tired that his vision was blurry. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the tiredness he was feeling, but he couldn't. Achilles decided to lay down next to Anastasia in bed, this couldn't hurt, right? He was just laying down next to her, putting two fingers on her forearm in order to feel her pulse. And just like that, he fell asleep.
Anastasia was the first one to wake up. She was a bit disoriented, which was normal after anaesthesia and a heart surgery, and it took her a few seconds to understand she was in Achilles' room, and this made her smile brightly. The demigoddess turned her head to the left to see her best friend, asleep, still feeling her pulse. The felt her heart –her new one– missing a beat at this sweet view, and she couldn't help but come closer to him. They were apart for too long in her taste. Anastasia softly caressed Achilles' cheek, before stroking their noses together. The boy, who was fast asleep, started a little to the contact, before opening his eyes. As soon as he did so, his first vision was the smiley face of Anastasia. He didn't think twice, coming closer, he kissed her, multiple times. He kissed her lips more times that he could count, not realizing that each time was a bit more violent, but neither of them complain to that, for it was the norm for them. Indeed, each of the kisses made the woman giggled between, while he brought her closer to him, refusing to have an ounce of space between them. They bodies delicately merged, he pet her raven hair while she had her face on his chest.
“See. I knew you could do it.” She said, and he laughed a little.
Reluctantly, he let go of her, which made her whine a little, in order to search of his stethoscope. Once back, Achilles listen conscientiously to the beating of her heart. They were regular, constant. On beat. The operation was a success. Knowing that, the young man kissed her again, and this time she decided to kiss him back, and kiss him more. They had to let go only to be able to breathe again. Anastasia pinned Achilles on the bed, making him laugh, before kissing his lips, his cheek, his neck, which made him moaned a little.
“It's a success.” He succeeded to say between two kisses. “Your heart works perfectly. You won't be sick anymore.”
“I never doubt you, moncoeur.” He smiled and unversed their position; him on top of her. She smiled and kissed him, already taking off his shirt, which did not make him unhappy.
“But you still need to recover, though, so no alcohol, check-ups every day and, more important, no physical activities that will accelerate your heart.”
“Wait, you mean, no sex?!” Her pouting face amused Achilles who couldn't help but kiss her nose.
“For a time being, no sex. And last thing.” He said, while slowly unbuttoning her gown, showing her a scar near her chest. “You have a scar. That doesn't make you less beautiful in my eyes.”
“I love it. It's the proof of your devotion for me.”
Achilles smiled to her words. She put her forehead against his, closing her eyes, and taking his hand to put it on her heart. Achilles enjoyed the beating of her heart, and it felt as if he had it into his hand once again. He moved his hand in order to caress the back of her neck, bringing her closer for a kiss. He couldn't help it. Each time there were space between them, he needed to fill it.
“I'm really happy I didn't kill you, mon amour.”
“No that's my job.” She answered, which made both of them laugh.
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upsidedog · 1 year
before she and her mom moved into forest hills, max had a rule about lucas not calling her house, she would call him when she could. and more often than not “when she could” was the middle of the night. lucas was obviously not crazy about this, but he knew enough about max’s home life to figure the slap on the wrist he’d get for one of his friend’s calling late was disproportionate to whatever would happen if neil or billy caught max. max was never caught, lucas’ parents slept through the phone ringing the first two nights, but the third night the ring woke them up and lucas’ nonexistent volume control gave him away. his mom got up to tell lucas to get off the phone, but when she arrived at his door it was immediately clear lucas wasn’t talking to one of his party members. he was audibly nervous and throwing out shy compliments left and right. he called his mystery friend pretty, then apologized a moment after. “oh sorry, how about beautiful? handsome? cool? tubular?” he laughed, they agreed on cool then continued their conversation about video games. he was so respectful and kind and smitten and sue wanted to be upset but honestly couldn’t have been more proud of her son. she just went back to her room and explained it all to charles, they’d have normally been more strict about that sort of behavior but it was so sweet and lucas was such a little gentleman, it reminded them of the start of their relationship, if they’d called him out he’d just get more secretive. so they let it slide, shook their heads and laughed whenever they overheard lucas’ scrambling for the phone at two in the morning, exchanged glances when he alluded to the “cool new girl” he may or may not have liked and when he introduced them to his mystery caller sue cashed in her bet for what her personality would be like. after the summer starcourt mall burned down they stopped hearing ringing in the night, mystery caller stopped showing up around the house, but again, lucas was grown, he would come to them when he was ready.
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I swear to God , or whatever is most holy to me , if i ever make it big, as in money wise??? I'd just cast dylan O'Brien and tyler hoechlin in a gay drama where they meet after going their seperate ways for years , only when derek's nephew(hem hem son) is getting ready to go to college . They actually talk(fight) it out , finally reveal their feelings .
Stiles was like ," I couldn't face you after i woke up with your sister of all people!! I don't do that derek. I was madly in love with you!!!! And i don't even remember how or what happened"
Derek was like " i already forgave you. She already told me you both were blackout drunk and she was high on- wait . You.....loved ?? Me??? !? "
And then they proceed to have the bestest hottest most romantic lovemaking scene in the history of film , and their son has to gag everytime they're on screen together coz they're oh so sappy.
I WILLL do it. I'm threatening you all , whomsover it may concern.
I will make them kithhhhh 😡
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mikeysgerard · 2 years
I wanna talk about Joe's last name for a sec because Locke is literally the german word for 'curl' and the fact that Joe's hair is curly makes his last name very fitting in the german language
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queseraphita · 7 months
I hate when parents get so hung up on their children not liking choices they made
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digirainebow · 9 months
btw sorry that this
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keeps happening i promise rex is my favorite character it is just harder for me to talk about him my emotions are complex
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