#damn now i'm thinking about the secret trio too
triysn · 9 months
Thinking about celebrity trio again.
Random thoughts about how different Rex’s world is from the others, bc while both Zak and Ben’s world is fairly ‘normal’ in that attacks and disasters are still considered a break from the norm (at least in the earlier series for Ben), Rex’s world is in it. They are actively having the worst half-decade in human history, apocalypse and all. Plus, while the others’ threats are external (ie aliens and cryptids, mostly), Rex’s world’s fire is coming from inside the house.
That really affects the tone of each show, obviously, but i was thinking about how this would appear in each protagonist.
For example, I think that Rex would be really good at crowd control and comforting civilians. He's used to living in a climate of fear and suspicion, and he usually has an active hand in resolving whatever EVO-related disaster is going on. We've already seen a little of this in the show, but it would really show as Rex matures and slows down a little, rather than just focusing on the action and curing part of it. People in his world are terrified, and the EVOs he cures are someone's family or friends, if not just a living, breathing, feeling person/animal. With how much he cares about people in general, I think he'd be naturally given to try and comfort them in any sort of crisis. Plus, he's pretty dependable when he isn't goofing off. People in his world already know him as the Cure, so that helps.
Ben, on the other hand, is flashier and more defeat-the-villain kinda guy, which makes sense because his villain attacks don't directly involve civilians unless they're being actively targeted (if that makes sense). He clearly has a name for property damage etc., even if he does get the job done in the end. I think people in his world would see him more as a celebrity-type hero that's better to look at from afar. He would find it easier to make friends with civilians, or give out autographs, than comfort them probably.
Zak is a whole other story because he doesn't even interact with civilians most of the time lol. It's in his job description to avoid them. But if they get involved in some cryptid-related stuff, like that one episode with the eye-stealing monkey, he'd be able to manage if he focused on the cryptid aspect of it and probably come off as someone who knows what they were doing and still put people at ease. He's pretty good at being friendly in general because of the variety of people he meets while travelling, but in terms of civilian crisis management, he doesn't have much experience.
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cairavende · 2 months
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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akai-anna · 4 months
Now for my dear DCMK exchange gift giver. I come with some fic recs and a couple of headcanons for our favourite certified lil guy.
A selection of personal fic recs of the platonic/familial/friendship kind (sprinkled with a bit of romance too). Please note that all these fics come back to one thing: Shinichi/Conan is involved, as he tends to be my main focus (also I'm a huge Found Family trope lover, as you might be able to tell from some of these recs). I also decided to forgo my soulmate AU recs, since it seems you likely know those! (Though, if you'd ever like more fic recs... just let me know. And I hope you'll find one or two on this list that you haven't yet read and you'll like!)
warm soup on a frigid night: Detective Boys centric, my heart melted gosh.
Once and For All: another Detective Boys centric fic, I'M SCREAMING thEY ARE SO PRECIOUS.
A Friend In Need: Kaitou KID centric, really love how organic this fic is, both from KID's and Shinichi's POV.
You Have an Hour: Sonoko's POV and an extremely funny and relatable fic.
You're okay, you're safe: oh, my beloved Sakura Trio, also from Sonoko's POV which I adore, and Sonoko's feelings in this... I feel her.
Switched: KID centric, FREAKING BODY SWAP, and so well written too, very fun read.
Guide you home: I love the Guide/Sentinel universe so much, this has romantic KaiAo, Heizuha, ShinRan, and lots of other platonic combinations, this is also a case fic and emotional.
Identity: One of my favourite scenarios, OCCHAN AND RAN BEING AWARE FROM THE BEGINNING, MY HEART-
Code Red: KOGOROU CENTRIC, let him shine!
The Cloning Secret: do you want to read something absolutely heart-wrenching, disturbing, yet absolutely brilliant? Go no further. We warned: this is a work in progress.
Misconceptions, Illusions, and Lies (and Other Forms of Fair Play): I absolutely adore this fic, the idea of Ran and KID working together, also bonus points for different POVs, also a work in progress.
Shenanigans in Beika: one of my ultimate favourite fic series, off all time, the interactions in this are just way too charming and precious and dear. Also a work in progress.
until the flowers bloom again: same author (yes, one of my favourite authors, sue me) as Shenanigans in Beika, involves the Detective Boys and ShinRan, and my heart just... gosh, this fic is so precious.
Hidden Epidemic: I love the first part the most, but this as a whole has a lot of headcanons incorporated into it that I love to bits. Lots of POV changes, and so many characters (Detective Boys, Heiji, Kazuha, KID, Ran and so on)
pet: super short, but also SUPER CUTE, absolutely in love with the idea of Ai having a cat. (one of my favourite authors for the fandom)
(the space between) where you smile and hide: one of the very few and precious Kazuha POV fics, especially her thinking about Shinichi. (also one of my favourite authors, and if you like one Hattori Heiji, I highly rec holly's other fics too)
Observations: my ultimate favourite fic involving Takagi Wataru, part of it is from his POV too, and it has so many great things about it. (VERMOUTH!!! Also Heiji and Satou working together! And most importantly: Takagi finally getting an answer to his Question.)
All Night Gang: I ADORE THIS FIC SO SO SO MUCH, THE FACT THAT KAZUHA AND RAN GET TO FINALLY KNOW. Also the adorable chatting in the first part. All the different POVs later on. And all the FEELINGS AND HEADCANONS AND THE THING THIS FIXES ABOUT CANON FOR ME. I'M so grateful for the existence of this fic.
Nothing To Lose: Detective Boys, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, they just miss their friend, this fic made me so emotional, dammit. SHINICHI YOU FCKIN IDIOT-
never were and not anymore: this series? Damn. The shapeshifter concept in it is MARVELOUS AND MASTERFUL. The way it got merged into the universe, and how it changed events. Also THE RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS KILL ME in the best way.
Scion: I absolutely adore this author, and this is one of my ultimate favourite fics involving Shinichi and KID. The supernatural element is so exquisitely fitting into the universe, and how Shinichi's feelings are so complex, and the teamwork... just. Everything about this fic pulls at my heartstrings.
As for personal headcanons for Shinichi/Conan, here is a few:
Shinichi/Conan is neurodivergent as fck. I personally like to think he is on the autism spectrum, but I'm very flexible on the exact nature. One thing for sure: he is not neurotypical. At. All.
Tumblr media
No one can tell me, No One, that after all these traumatic experiences this child doesn't experience panic attacks or PTSD.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE STOPPED PLAYING SOCCER, HE LOVES SOCCER!! (The kids are totally the reason he got more involved in soccer again, YOU HEAR ME-)
Shinichi keeping gloves on his person for Crime Scene Examination Purposes, At All Times.
Shinichi having his own shorthand, you cannot tell me he doesn't TAKE NOTES, he so totally WOULD. (HE HAS A NOTEBOOK ON HIM!!! AND SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH!!! OFC HE WOULD HAVE AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO TAKE NOTES!!!)
Thank you for your attention, may you have a blessed day, darling!
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iwahajii · 2 years
• two dreams
Oikawa is harassing you over a secret on your husband's 27th birthday.
tags: angst, fluff, domestic
note: not as polished as I want to be but here we are. have fun!
"Does Iwa know?" Oikawa asks, his voice soft as a whisper you almost didn't hear him from all the chaos coming from the living room.
"Know what?" you replied, confused at his sudden question. You moved to grab a bowl from the cupboard, Oikawa following closely. You hear him sigh, causing you to turn to him with raised eyebrows.
"What exactly are you talking about, Oikawa?"
Today is Iwaizumi's 27th birthday, and he decided to celebrate it with the boys through a simple dinner at his place. You obliged, knowing full well he wouldn't want to celebrate it any other way. The only request he had was for you to make his favorite dish, which was why you were occupied in the kitchen. The trio were heavily engaged with some basketball game on the TV, but since Oikawa's not as interested in basketball as he is with volleyball, he volunteered to help you out which you gladly accepted.
Oikawa frowns, setting aside the vegetables he was washing before fully turning to look at you. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," he insisted.
"I certainly don't, which is why I'm asking you," you countered, feeling your face heat up as panic slowly rises up to your stomach. Oikawa's exceptional at reading people, and you know full well he wasn't buying any of your bullshit-
"That's bullshit and you know it," he growls, "I know what you're hiding. From us. From him."
You looked away from him, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves after his sudden outburst. You could feel your heart beat loud and hard in your chest, palms sweaty and cold at the onslaught of emotions mixed up inside. Fear, sadness, anxiety. Everything was overwhelming, and it's taking all your strength keeping yourself from breaking down, but the tears that pooled in your eyes were simply inevitable.
It was too late before you realized it was quiet now, the house now hushed and quiet when a minute ago it was anything but. The sound of footsteps reached your ears, making you gasp at the realization that they, or worse he, may have heard.
You grip Oikawa's arm, eyes pleading, asking for him to do something when a voice rings out in the quiet space, sending shivers down your spine.
"Is everything okay?" Iwaizumi asks, his voice on edge. "Is Oikawa acting shitty?" The question was directed at you, making you stand up straighter, body taut as a wire.
"He's not," you assured a little too quickly.
Silence fell in the room then, and you knew you messed up. You turned around just in time to see your husband lunged at his best friend, Matsukawa and Hanamaki a split second too late to stop him but you were faster, adrenaline pumping in your veins as you raise your arms, grabbing Oikawa to secure him behind you. Iwaizumi frowns, wondering why in the world would you protect Oikawa when he just made you cry.
"Haji, stop," you plead. "It's not what you think, okay? We were just talking and I-I just...I got a bit emotional. That's all." You tried to smile, but even you didn't believe that crappy fake so you turned to Oikawa, holding his arm so he'd say something, anything to make Iwaizumi calm down.
Oikawa had the decency to look at you apologetically before shaking his head. You felt your lip tremble, triggered by the betrayal Oikawa just did. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled, your head hanging low while you tried to compose yourself the best you can.
"Oikawa," Iwaizumi growled, voice low with the underlying threat behind it.
"It's not his fault," you cut in, finally having the courage to face your husband. "Oikawa's being an ass, but it's my fault." Oikawa huffs at this indignantly, causing you to shoot a glare at him.
Iwaizumi raises his hands to touch you, but you stop him. Not now. Not when Oikawa just pushed you off the edge of the cliff to reveal the damned truth. Consolation from Iwaizumi would come later, if all ends well... Great. Now you're anxious and scared again.
Clearing your throat, you swipe at the tears on your cheeks. Taking a deep breath to gather yourself once again, you only had seconds to think about how to break this to them with the least damage, especially to you.
"Wait here," you tell them. You were about to exit the kitchen when you stopped, turning to them with a stern look (as much stern as your snotty face would allow), "and don't beat each other up, I'll be back."
As quickly as you could, you run to your bedroom, grabbing a stick from your bedside cabinet. When you came back, the boys were the same as you left them, frozen with confusion and disorientation from what is happening, so you pulled your husband to sit on a kitchen chair before motioning for the others to do so. It was a miracle to have Mattsun and Makki in complete silence, not one snarky or funny comment from any of them.
With you sitting in front, four pairs of eyes watched your every move and waits for your every word. There is only one person in the room that you couldn't return their gaze. You inhale deeply again, trying to calm your nerves while the grip you had on the stick remained tight. Tears were starting to pool in your eyes again, making you groan in frustration.
"Sorry about this," you began to say, but words clogged at your throat when you felt a hand envelope the one you had gripping on the table.
"What's wrong, hon?" Iwaizumi asks, and that was all it took for you to break, both in tears and in words.
"Haji, I know Olympics has always been your dream. I am also aware that you're very busy because things are hectic and everything's just so overwhelming for you and for the team. I've tried really hard to be supportive of you every step of th-"
"Please don't tell me you're breaking up with me," Iwaizumi cuts in and you freeze, eyes shooting up at him.
You couldn't hold it in any longer then, placing the stick on the table in front of you before bursting into tears. You could feel the world slow down as curious eyes lands on the object on the table. It took seconds... and more seconds... before a reaction rises out from one of them.
Hanamaki stands up abruptly, sending the chair he was sitting on to topple backwards. He shoves his hands in his hair, pulling on it as though it will make reality real. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god," he mumbles, louder and louder while pacing back and forth. Suddenly, he stopped, looked at the stick again, and then he was jumping, throwing his fists in the air and screaming. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" he shouts. He shakes Matsukawa's shoulders, screaming "I'm going to be an uncle!" right at his face. This causes Mattsun to wear off his shock, grinning widely before giggles erupt from him.
You felt the hold on your hand tighten, causing you to shift your gaze to Iwaizumi. Your breathing stops at what you see. Tears are on his cheeks, but the happiest smile you have ever seen on him was there too. You watched as he brought your hand to his trembling lips, kissing the back of it and holding it there. You couldn't hear the words but you can feel them etched in your hand. Thank you. I love you.
But you still couldn't be in peace, not without making sure of it and so you ask the words you've been dreading ever since you found out you were expecting.
"You're not... angry?"
Everyone freeezes then, except for Oikawa who groans so loudly before rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.
"What?" Iwaizumi asked, frowning while disbelief etches on his face. "Is that why you didn't tell me? Why Oikawa's harassing you?"
"No, I wasn't!" Oikawa counters, but it fell to deaf ears as you nod. You kept your head down, trying not to shrink too much from their scrutiny. With the little shame you had left, you tried defending your decision.
"Olympics is right around the corner, and I didn't want to take your mind off of that. I'd tell you right after the games, so I was waiting..." you explained.
Iwaizumi sighed. "As much as I appreciate your concern, I think I can handle both just fine," he replies, a little childishly at that with the little pout he had.
"It's my dream to be a father, too. I'm damned lucky to have two of my dreams come true," he grinned, squeezing your hand lightly.
You look at him then, trying to find even a hint of regret, sadness, or even disappointment on his face, but all you could see is happiness, excitement, and pride burning in his eyes. Slowly, you could feel the weight on your heart disappear, replaced by calmness from the certainty that everything will be alright. This time, when tears bloomed in your eyes, they're from joy and excitement.
Oikawa chooses this moment to butt in. "I told you it'd be fine!" he exclaimed, making you frown.
"But you didn't have to bug me about it for days!" you shot back, glaring at him for a second before you couldn't take it anymore and smiled. "You're such an ass. No wonder you're still single..." you mumbled under your breath.
"I heard that!" Oikawa screeches, standing up dramatically while pointing an accusing finger at you.
You faked surprise, holding a hand to your heart. "I didn't say anything!" you lied, causing Makki to snort.
"Bitch," Oikawa mouths at you. You only had time to gasp before Oikawa's tackled to the floor, your dear husband quick on his feet to defend you.
"We don't say that to mothers, Oikawa." Mattsun mused, clicking his tongue as he walked closer to the mess of limbs on your kitchen floor. He grabbed Oikawa's arms, holding them above Oikawa's head and as Makki walks over to them, you knew what Oikawa's fate would be.
"Alright, boys. I'm going to finish the agedashi tofu," you said to no one, just as Oikawa screams, "No tickling! No tickling!"
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blackraged · 9 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Thoughts Pt3.
[❌❌xontains SPOILERS ❌❌]
The final thoughts on the game as it's coming to an end. This was a ride!
Chapter 11
You go king. Show Sindel horrors beyond comprehension
Oohh, I love the incorporated acknowledgement of the plot from MK11 here.
Liu Kang is so humble, it makes him such a good character?? I was so scared he'd become too nice to handle, but they managed to balance him so well.
This existential anomalies concept is giving ATSV vibes.
D-did Nitara just straight up hiss at Sindel,, LOL
It literally warms my heart to see Sindel, Kitana and Mileena being a loving family. So far honestly the best decision by NRS.
Chapter 12
I'm in tears about this family reunion. I wonder if Jerrod is now fully in charge of the created Ermac body, or if this will be a "fight for the control of the mind and body" kinda trope.
Sindel dies after all, what???? That's not fair,, we had just gotten good Empress Sindel😭😭😭 at least she is within Jerrod now
Where did they leave Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny, Kenshi and Syzoth in all of this?? Homeboys are literally missing out on all the drama.
This really is turning into ATSV, does that mean we get to see other reoccurring characters too??
Chapter 13
I know I said this before, but Liu Kang Geras' friendship means so much to me. He really be looking out for his friend qwq
"Dark doubles" now this one is a little confusing. Are those the dark doubles from MK11 which means Scorpion would still be Hanzo Hasashi, or did Shang Tsung recreate the Universe to the exact same as Liu Kang has, except made everyone follow him?
Was that an Armageddon reference 👀👀
Never in a lifetime would I have thought that Raiden, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi would become a fun trio.
Shang is way too baby girl, it's making me low-key uncomfortable. It feels so wrong.
Dark Shao Khan looks so silly, while Dark Reiko is serving c0nt
Chapter 14
I don't like how this chapter is called Time of Death and it starts with Liu Kang in the scene.
KITANA????? KITANA WAS A TITAN???? So ALL of the Tower Endings were real?? AND canon???
"You were my Liu Kang" btch I'm bawling
Yo, everyone's Dark Timeline look is absolutely stunning.
I'm such a fan of Liu Kang kicking Nitara.
These fights are so cool but visually so confusing. I never know where to look.
Chapter 15
Ohno, I don't like this "select your final warrior" option.
Not Quan Chi waking down like a Hell Priest
John Kahner......I would have loved you see that timeline.
I appreciate the various Easter Eggs put into game, but I hate (I'm being dramatic) the character mashups like Scorp Lao, John Kahner, Stung Lao, Frostbite, Quantum Chi,
The various Johnny's are killing me. Especially Mime Johnny. We need a spin off with all the Johnnys.
I think the new Era Shang Tsung is pretty redeemable.
These final fights are a little stressful ngl.
I-what....what just happened. Is it like just over over l. Was this a snap shot to another time line? Am I missing something? Is it over just like that?
I called it. I knew it was the damn Shirai Ryu.
Weird thought, but is Madame Bo the alt version to Bo Rai Cho by chance?
"Changed the Arcs of our lives" very sweet double meaning, but I feel like it has a secret third meaning, and I'm unsure if I like it. I'm sure there is something coming to sting.
Conclusion of the game;
THAT'S IT?? THAT'S FCKING ALL?? Why does this feel like the end of the entire franchise??? I know the title being MK1 implies that there WILL be future installments. But this very much felt like the end of a Saga, and it is really pulling the strings of my heart.
I have so many questions still. What's next to come? What does the end of this now mean for the entire MK universe? What will they do to Shang Tsung? Will Titan Kitana be back? What about all other Characters that have become Titans? Will we see other returning characters from previous games in the future? Is there even room for new conflicts??
But overall, I loved it so much. It was absolutely worth the wait, I sincerely hope that there will be more in the future and that we didn't have to say goodbye.
NRS have really outdone themselves. Each MK game just kept becoming cooler and cooler, with MK1 now completely putting me in awe with the story, animation, designs, effects etc I am honestly not sure how they're gonna top that for the next games.
I do have to say though, that while I don't agree with some of the changes done to the story and characters, I think my favourite thing in this "reboot" is that they made Kitana and Mileena ACTUAL twin sisters.
Some characters seem also a lot more interesting now too. I'm specifically thinking Kung Lao, Raiden, Smoke and Mileena (Please don't come at me. I know how everyone was literally all over her, but I simply wasn't a fan. That has changed now obviously).
Though while I really really REALLY adored Reptile in this game, I do wish they would have kept the original Saurian Lore, - or at least part of it. In my mind it would have made more sense for the Human look.
This game was intense, interesting, captivating, funny, and tearjerking. I am still so amazed, but also feel now that void in my chest. I'm not sure how things will go from now on, but MK will continue to remain one of my fave games ever.
This really was a ride y'all.
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regatoni1 · 1 year
~Chapter One~
chapter one of twenty-eight
When you arrived at Dolle Harbor, you knew that the bus was not the way to the exam site.
Really, how stupid are these people?
You watched with pity as many people get on the bus.
You looked around, taking in the sights of what could be your competition. You wore a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, and always kept your hood up. You weren't stupid, you knew that as a woman attempting to become a Hunter, you'd already have the odds pinned up against you, and as sad as it was, you knew you needed to keep your gender a secret to stay under the radar and to just be another candidate for the exam, and not some girl just trying to run with "the big boys".
As you looked around, you noticed a young trio arguing about which way to go. One was a young boy who couldn't have been older than 13, who was wearing a green sweater with green shorts and matching green boots and wanting to go towards a big cedar tree, and a slightly older blonde boy wearing white undergarments and a blue shawl who decided to follow him, while the oldest of the three was wearing a blue suit with a cyan tie that wanted to take the bus.
You sighed. That's cute.  I think that boy has a lot of potential. Ah well, better make my way to the exam site before nightfall.
You made your way there on your own.
As you walked into the first phase of the exam, a small green bean approached you and handed you a number. 406? Damn, I thought I would at least be in the first 100 to arrive here. As you waited for an examiner to make an appearance, the boy you saw in the harbour walked up to you.
"Hi! My name's Gon. What's yours?"
He seems so sweet! I guess there's no danger in having at least one friend.
"My name's (y/n)," and with that simple statement, Gon's eyes lit up like you just told him the best news in the world, and you couldn't help but smile at his innocence. You could tell that you were going to get along with him just fine.
"Do you want to come meet my friends, (y/n)?" Gon asked with excitement in his eyes.
"Uh... M-maybe later. I think I'm going to walk around and scope out the area," you responded nervously. Having one friend was nice, but you really didn't want too many people knowing that you were a female.
"Ok. See you later (y/n)!" Gon said excitedly as he ran back towards his friends. You chuckled and waved at him.
You started to walk around the place, and saw a commotion happening to your right, so you walked over to see what was happening.
You couldn't believe your eyes. You saw a man kneeling on the ground, screaming out in agony as his arms turned into flower petals that calmly drifted to the ground. You watched, only intrigued by what was happening in front of you.
"My how unusual," you heard a voice say. You wanted to look up, and see who caused this mans arms to disappear, but the sight was too interesting for you to peel your eyes off of. "Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals," the voice said almost playfully. "Now you see them, now you don't." You finally looked up from the crumpled mess on the ground, and what you saw was far more interesting.
You don't really know what you were expecting to see, but a tall man who dressed himself like a magician was definitely not it. He had a mix of deep pink and a nice shade of purple hair, and he was wearing a white crop top with puffy shoulders on top of a pink undershirt. You mentally applauded him for his questionable, but refreshing style.
"You should be more careful," the mysterious stranger continued. "And do apologize if you bump into someone." he finished.
You knew you shouldn't have been so intrigued by him, but you couldn't help it. The danger he showed was enticing to you, and made you highly curious, but also highly cautious. You looked back up to his face and noticed he was staring straight at you with a smirk. You silently cursed yourself for staring, and walked towards a wall so you could rest. As you walked, you felt a strong presence behind you.
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 3.z
this security shell is weird. cool! but weird and terrifying. It also feels like a great way to lose apprentices who aren't quite up to being technomancers
Looks like they're pulling out the big guns, if teachers are getting involved. And I guess this means nicolette got herself away from the wolf and is ok
Black tee, black leather jacket, jeans, hair slicked back in a very different way than Ray had. Some might have said it was a 50s style, but it was timeless, as far as Zed was concerned
fair enough
Nice to use this interlude to meet some people from the school, instead of being dumped in with all new characters later on. Looks like two from Belanger, two from Durocher, one from Ray, and one independent?
She was killed, and the way Black Dogs work, they punish the people that kill them with curses. Most of the time they come back again and again. She was put down for good. The curse was a big one, it was stored away, and it manifested as the Hungry Choir ritual.
hey! this was one of my theories. Or technically two, if you count the curse as part of her corpse being used. Which means the question is who manufactured this, and why?
“I’m looking forward to summer school for once.”  Nicolette smiled as she said it. “Me too,” Zed agreed. “New crop of students.” “Exactly.” They were on the same page. Similar oaths. Similar awareness.
this feels somewhat ominous
“By the accords of Solomon!” Zed called out.  “By the order of man, I summon you to audience!  Obey or cede this territory!  Black Dog Yalda, come!” “I ask a second time! Black Dog Yalda! Casualty of war and child of Famine! Come!” “For the third time, with your worth and power at stake! Black Dog Yalda!”
one of the neat things about the otherverse is that do a certain degree the magic runs on rule of cool
There was a way to challenge the ritual, and tonight, with the malice biasing the challenge, would be a great time to do that… except there was a rub. A trick. Rad Ray Sunshine had explained it at one of the rest stops. It was easy for a ritual like this to jam some hidden trick or secret into things. A magic word, a hidden verse, or a secret a way to make the animals behave. Like… playing music. Or something. Not that Zed had his.
oof. well now I'm glad they didn't try that. who gave the Kennet Trio that advice again? Looked it up and: it was Maricica. Was that one of her traps? I think at one point they guessed that some of her "minor" traps might be deadly things that she would save them from.
They couldn’t get in between her and her prize.  The very being of the Devouring Song was tied into that.  She couldn’t be obstructed from eating.  Hurting her mid-meal did that, so the nibbling on the licorice from that king-size bag served to protect her.  Any lasting harm or death was similar, because she couldn’t be kept from future meals.
this fucks. using the choir against itself
Brie’s weight pressed the Black Dog down.  She kept eating.
gods this is fucked up
“Are you the murder weapon, used by others to kill the Carmine Beast?”
damn. ... I don't think I ever theorized about method
“Yes,” Yalda said.  “I killed the red wolf.”
mystery solved! story over
It was one of the eight original ritual participants.  The kid with the mask.  He carried a gun.
what happened to no weapons?
Yalda :( The Choir was fucked up, but I can't help but feel bad for her, it doesn't seem like she ever had many options. At least she got to pass on a final message to John? I hope she was at peace.
He did have his worries, though.  The degree of intent behind the Carmine Beast event… the premeditation, the covering of tracks, and the creation of something like this, implied to be done well in advance for that specific purpose?
so this plan had to have been in the works for at least nine years... that changes my thoughts on motives
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skboba-stars · 1 year
Their Daughters - Part I
[a small series of drabbles I wrote about the Manager Kim - Park Jincheol - Hansu Seong trio and their kids' dynamics]
[Tahoon is female in this. It'll be about Hansu reflecting on how Taehyun is and have some spoilers from the latest chapters.]
Despite Taehyun being how she usually was, Seong Hansu had never truly been worried for his daughter. He'd never had to even consider that she could get hurt. After all, Seong Taehyun was his daughter and he'd taught her well.
Even if the two of them haven't realized it yet, Hansu thought fondly on his friends. Jincheol and Kim were absolute demons to fight against and most likely stronger than the 'pre-generation' that Kim's boss liked to harp on about - he would know, being one of those 'demons' himself.
However, when he'd announced his firstborn had arrived and that the name him and So-hyun ah had picked out was Taehyun, Jincheol had laughed boisterously at how Hansu was the only one out of the three of them to have a son, Hansu had decided it would be fun to keep it a secret.
Taehoon had also decided to keep it up solely because it was incredibly amusing for her.
So-hyun had only laughed at the two of them and Haru had joined his mom in laughing at his big sister and dad.
(Honestly, Hansu was impressed that they'd guessed that Haru was a girl. Haru hadn't minded it so much back then - he only seemed to get offended when others outside of their family misgendered him. However, with how Haru had seemed to act as of late, Hansu suspected his son was trying to figure himself out.)
As Hansu relaxed as he knocked on the door to the Park residency, he chuckled as Sohyun clicked her tongue and fixed his shirt.
"At least try to dress up more neatly - even Haru got dressed well."
"Hey!" his son disagreed. Haru fidgeted with his cropped shirt as leaned back on his heels. "I'm not that badly dressed. Besides - Taehyun isn't even here. Why are you getting on my case?" He grumbled the last part and Hansu sighed and shook his head.
"Your sister's busy right now - so she'll come later. She told me she'd come a bit later." Sohyun turned to him, a question in her eyes, but as the door opened, Hansu motioned that he'd answer her question of where their daughter was later.
(Thinking back on it, he really should have picked up the damned phone.
Son or daughter, it didn't matter - Taehyun had needed his help and he hadn't been there.)
However, all Hansu did was chuckle as little Dabn opened the door and slung an arm around Haru as the family entered, Mrs. Park grinning as she saw her old friend and greeted her, Hansu himself greeting Jincheol and ignoring the vibrating of his phone.
"Shouldn't you pick that up?" Jincheol questioned as Kim came along with Minji, the two of them staring at Haru showing off their capoeira progress to the other two. Hansu sighed and shrugged.
"It's Taehyun - she'll be fine." Jincheol chuckled at that as he put away the dishes and Kim nodded as he approached them.
"Jincheol is right. It's not like Taehyun doesnt know her way through a fight. Speaking of - she called me too," Kim frowned at that and Hansu felt a sense of dread settle on him.
His daughter had called Kim and--.
No. No. She'd be fin. He knew Taehyun. He knew just how strong his daughter was - he'd seen her comfort Haru every time that So-hyun had to leave for work and how she would always assume the responsibility that had fallen on her shoulders.
He remembered how she'd brokenly pieced herself together after Dowoon's death and how he hadn't seen her actual roots in so long.
He renenberd how she'd cried when she'd been reunited with the Taesan Head's twins - how Ravi and Hwa had held onto her as the three of them were on the way to becoming legends in their own right.
And it wasn't that Hansu didn't want to pamper her like he did Haru - it wasn't like he didn't think of Taehyun as his dear daughter - but seeing other girls with their fathers, it never fit for him. It really didn't
As the evening wen't on, dread began to build up in Hansu until finally, he took out his phone to check what had happened.
Hansu's blood ran cold as he took in the multitude of messages that he could see - not from Taehyun, but from Ravi and Hwa. One twin was panicking about Taehyun going undercover (undercover? Since when had Taehyun done that... He really hadn't seen much of her recently, had he?) and the other was angry at him because apparently Hobin and Taehyun were trying to get in contact with him.
There was also a call from the kid that Taehyun had taken under her wing. Seong Yohan, if Hansu remembered properly.
Groaning, he massaged his forehead and was about to call back on one of the missed calls as he heard from near the door,
"Taehyun-ie, I'm surprised you came. And you brought - friends." The way Mrs. Park's voice became stilted, Hansu could tell it was definitely someone Taehyun had either (a) befriended, (b) beat up, (c) done both to, or (d) decided she was a better guardian figure for as compared to their most likely trashy parents - or even all of them. That happened at times as well. Worriedly, he made his way to next to So-hyun, who only stared at their daughter in shock. Well, it was to be expected - the last time she'd seen Taehyun in person was her 12th birthday and the last time she'd seen her online was a few days before Dowoon's death.
Now, Taehyun stood at about a couple of centimeters taller than his wife - whose height was at 186 centimeters herself, so nothing to scoff at. Taehyun's - no, the jacket she'd probably borrowed from Ravi - hooded leather jacket was tied around around her waist. dressed in a half-sleeved white shirt and blue jeans, her musculature on display was easily close to - and maybe even more defined than - Mrs. Park's and So-hyun's.
Pairing all of that with the black nail polish and eyeliner she'd taken to wearing and Converses that seemed to pair with her newly cut hair (it was back to black again, Hansu noted albeit the light brown highlights Taehyun had kept) , she wouldn't have even looked that different.
No, what looked odd was the tattooed boy who came up to Hansu's height that looked at Taehyun with confusion in his eyes as he supported her subtly (if anyone recognized the supporting your injured, crazy friend who somehow could fake being fine very well, it would be him and Kim).
On the other side, stood Yohan, who wore that admittedly well-designed God Dog hoodie he'd made and bent down to take off his shoes. Behind the three of them was a relatively tall young woman who seemed to be around that Yoo Hobin's height with red lip gloss and a black wolf cut, dressed in a white hoodie and black cargo pants. Hansu ignored the hint of Yamazaki tattoos on her arms as he turned to Taehyun.
Hansu didn't notice how Yohan quickly loosened the laces on Tahyun's shoes, but he definitely noticed the slight wince she did as she made her way to the couch.
With a grin, Taehyun was about to greet them as she transferred the bags she held to another hand, saying,
"Sorry I'm late, Abba - there were some things I needed to take care of. I picked up Haru's capoiera uniform on the way and that cake you asked me to pick up and-." She froze as she looked down and met her mother's eyes - So-hyun ah frozen as she stared at her daughter.
Well, this really wasn't the way Hansu had planned on breaking the news, but -.
"Taehyun, your mom will be in Korea for a few months."
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
Ow my legs
LK 110: Warshington Takes Command
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awww Sarah is so excited to be doing a journalism with her crush.
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Ayyy! Its his pigeon phase!
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This frame has such an energy.
Also, he was kindly to pigeons as a street orphan. They kept him company while people shunned him. He is now a pigeon person.
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James is so concerned for his pigeon friends. I bet he can mimic their cooing sounds.
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I love this interaction I love sibling interactions I love feral little sibling irritating the older sibling energy.
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Dudemanbro is as unfazed by casual gunshot sounds as I now am after having grown up close enough to a base that occasionally tested artillery and would shake our windows, lived in Richmond for seven years, and then lived in a neighborhood with one person who really likes fireworks.
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The beagle/great dane puppy is so excited.
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Calm down, Lydia Bennet.
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womp womp everyone's injured because war were declared.
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And she would know what a good one looks like!
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Damn James laid into them alot more than what I expected him to.
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Fuckin' Yikes. Destroys the evidence.
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...You know I don't think it was a brave thing so much as a hare-brained, coke-nosed thing, go on though, there's a but in that sentence.
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Is this Moses' extremely diplomatic way of saying Benji Franx was being a dumbass.
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Okay but Benji, she's one of your reporters, too, and why does the girl always have to be the eye-rolling mom friend keeping the boys of the trio in line. What if its the blonde boy with main character energy that's actually supposed to be the mom friend??? He'd make a great mom friend when he isn't having ADHD teenager brain!
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I do like the visual of James going to Franklin, excited as hell and overwhelmed that his chosen Role Model supports his Interests, and excitedly chattering/brainstorming about his idea to use homing pigeons. It was probably adorable and I wish it was shown. In this house we stan Empathetic James and Excitable James.
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Quick someone get Lydia Bennet Sarah over here, she's missing the Army Sandwich.
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Wow this Keebler Elf really stands out. He must have been rejected by his clan for being so tall wait isn't this Aaron Carter's character
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Butterfliiiiiint he must have been too clumsy with the cookie dough in Keeblerville or wherever the fuck their tree is.
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Why was it loaded, Elfo???
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I'm very sorry, animation department, but what the hell.
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...This is a reference to some boomer shit, isn't it. I know they make a scooby-doo reference somewhere.
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Talking mad smack for the New England version of West Virginia. What secrets is Connecticut hiding in its forests, that it so jealously guards them from Pennsylvania???? Is it the location of the Keebler Elf tree.
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Colonial Walgreens Manager.
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Sarrrrrge you weren't supposed to tell anyone my occupation GOSH
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Why is this guy so ominous.
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Oh my god Striker? Even his name is edgelord.
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That is the correct answer, Henri!
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etes-secrecy-post · 10 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Speedsters in Racesuits (with GT Movie fan license card [per character])
Hello, August. And speaking of GT Movie 🟦🟥, they released a custom personalized license card (or Driver License) for the upcoming movie (on Aug 30th in my home country 🇵🇭). 🚘🏁🚘🎫🎦 And since the trio (including Bonn) LOVES the "Gran Turismo" game franchise (as much as the next OC person), I decided to draw them in their race suits to make them like a pro-racer on the race course. 🚘🏁🪪 Yes, the Speedster Trio still have their owned "Junior Driver License" as a legitimate valid ID, but that from the GT Movie is only a souvenir. Also, I added "Racer" as their apprentice course. 😉
BTW #1: You can go check it out & create yourself → [CLICK ME!] 📝🪪
Spot 🐶🏎️: Damn, dude! Do we look legit racers or what? 🚘🏁🪪😃
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Heck yeah-yuh! We're LITERALLY legit racers, twin bro! 🚘🏁🪪😁
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yeah, but get too excited, twins. As much as we loved playing GT Games, I'm not sure saying could be said for the movie itself. 🤔
Spot 🐶🏎️: Aww C'mon, Ri. Hope the movie itself was great as the Mario Movie we attended, back in April. 🙂
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Right on, Spot. How about it, Ri!? Your parents are already pre-order tickets! 😄
Riya 🐰🏎️: I suppose, So I'll take chances. 🤷🙂
Rita 🐶🚺: Tandaan, anaks (Remember, kids). We're going early at 8 AM before the cinema mall opens at 10! 😉☝️⌚
The Speedster Trio [🐶🏎️| 🐰🏎️| 🐰🐻🔋]: We got it, mom! 😃
Bonn 🐰🚹: Yeah, we can't missed out that movie! 😊
Rita 🐶🚺: Do you think that movie was actual based on real-life story? 🤔
Bonn 🐰🚹: Mmmm... I'm not sure, but like Riya said, we'll take chances.🙂
• Now, you wondering who's the fourth one? 🤔Ah, that's right! My upcoming new OC! 😅 The set will be revealed on "September 1st"! Yup, you heard me! SEPTEMBER 1ST! 😉 Will this person came from the Speedster's Family Tree, or just a fan of the Speedsters Family? We may never know, so you have to find out, in the next few days.🙂
BTW #2: I revamped Bonn & Rita's existing race suits from my previous artworks. 😊
Well, that's all for now. And good luck watching GT Movie! NO SPOILERS, PLS! 🤫(either Aug 25th (U.S.) or 30th)
The Speedsters Family - created by ME! Gran Turismo Movie © SCEI, Polyphony Digital, Columbia Pictures
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blindinghope · 6 months
reading harry potter for the first time: the chamber of secrets
the philosopher's stone post
notes/reactions, updated as i go
17.12.23 - 07.01.24
-ok so we're starting off strong...in tears.
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-this is soooo different from the movie omg???
-I LOVE that we get an in-depth feel of harry's reaction to the burrow..it's so pure
-the gnomes at the burrow is hilarious omg would've loved to see this in the movie
-there's so much..warmth and life harry is experiencing just before the trip to diagon alley. i think it's so important to his growth especially most of it being wizardry aspects like what the weasleys consider minuscule i.e. charms to clean dishes
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-"what harry found most unusual about life at ron's...it was the fact that everybody there seemed to like him"
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-then it goes on to mrs weasley taking care of him and mr weasley wanting a genuine conversation........god i cannot do this.
-after harry leaves knockturn alley they all meet at gringotts instead of the bookshop and that provides another moment to see the genuine care and affection mrs weasley and mr weasley continue to have for him...oh my god. i'm literally about to cry....!!!! it's sooo interesting they changed this entirely in the movie and instead they met at the bookshop and mrs weasley doesn't have this kind of reaction. she was still kind and caring but not to this extent. as well as mr weasley using the repair spell vs hermione in the movie, it makes soo much of a difference in this parental relationship harry develops with molly and arthur
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THE WAY I ALMOST SCREAMED!! HOW DARE THE MOVIE STAFF REMOVE LUCIUS AND ARTHUR FIGHTING!!!! the twins really said "get him again for me!!" dhsjdjf also where does hagrid just appear from
-woooow gilderoy has a much bigger presence in the book...
-54 question pop quiz about this guy's life...SOMEONE OBLIVIATE HIM ALREADY!!!
-love that there's an uproar when draco calls hermione a mudblood. if it really is such a terrible word the movie should've shown that too
-damn even nearly headless nick has a considerably bigger part to play here. the imagery of his deathday party is so wild. also f*ck st patrick!!! this was nick's party!!!!
-reallyyy crazy to read the lines that were swapped in the movie
-this b*tch describing dobby AND fawkes as ugly. ROWLING WHEN I CATCH YOU!!!!!
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the twins are ridiculous😭😭😭😭
-hedwig and harry's companionship is much more sweet in the book ):
-what's so crazy to me is the trio never research the name riddle....they were so quick to do so for nicolas flamel..??
-i have a chapter left and i couldve been done days ago (currently dec 24) but i dont have poa readily available to me yet so i cannot push myself to finish......but...soon.....
-i knew there was so much more to ginny and the diary...wow she's an actual character,,,with thoughts and feelings and not just the worst on screen chemistry i've ever witnessed
-movie is definitely always altering the picture in my head as i read especially being in the chamber now and how it's all playing out just a bit differently
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-tom being a little shit had me stifle a laugh on the train😭 and him being the one to say phoenix tears heal and admitting he forgot that?? so crazy
-ginny is traumatized!!!!! and she had so much more dialogue!!!!!
-really love to know the inbetween moments like immediately after they got out of the chamber and what happens with lockhart
-god that's such a depressing way to end the book. fawk the dursleys!!!!!
-coming back to say i had so many moments where i criticized her writing... blatant fatphobia and excessive bullying of some characters looks was so odd. like this was aimed towards young children at first no? strange
0 notes
simp4ace · 3 years
oh my... that is quite sad indeed. your writing is so good I assumed you'd have some requests. nonetheless let me give you one!! I was thinking, what would monster trio + usopp do with an s/o that sleeps in really awkward positions (like, crazy sleeper) since I myself am one and I'm curious jaja. (and I also hope you have a good day/night 😌✨)
a/n: aww thank you so much for your kind words😭😭😭 you're really thoughtful for sending an ask before requesting (yk, thanks to your ask, one of my friends also sent me a request too so I have 2 requests for the first time ever omg😳) also I read your request and I was like ok this is so me ngl😨 i'm a crazy sleeper too so hehe it's been so fun writing this hc I hope you will like it🤗❤ *send hugs lots of love*
MONSTER TRIO + USOPP with S/O who sleeps in awkward positions
Monkey D. Luffy
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first of all, you guys are two peas in a pod
why that? cause omg, Luffy himself is the craziest sleeper either, even worse than you
whenever you two share the same bed, you guys always find yourselves waking up in the most ridiculous position one can ever imagine
from time to time, you and Luffy even wake up with bruises all over your body, because both of you somehow end up accidentally hitting each other while asleep.
not to mention that there has to be someone falling out of bed, all the time, mostly you
this doesn't help with your back pain either
so no, Luffy is definitely not someone who you can share your bed with, such a cruel fate but you gotta move on if you wanna save your spine, darling.
Roronoa Zoro
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he doesn't have a problem with sleeping position, and he doesn't have a problem with your style of sleeping either
you sleep with ur butt higher than ur head? so what it's not his business after all. you sleep with ur legs bent at a 180-degree angle? well, as long as you have a good slumber he couldn't care less.
but when Zoro hears you complain about the back pain you receive from sleeping in awkward positions, he'll try his best to help
at first, he would try to wake up every time he hears you rolling out of bed to pull you back and lay you down properly.
but damn, after three times in a roll he finds it is so tiring
finally end up holding you tight in his arm until morning so that you won't be able to move around and he can have a decent sleep at last
a win-win situation but now you have a problem waking up to Zoro's hot bare chest, (and that's not necessarily good for your heart)
at least your back will be safe then.
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oh no this man still find you hella cute even though you sleep in the weirdest posture ever
but he does know that it is not good for your body, so he would try to figure out some way to help
at first, he would learn from Zoro ( and no he won't admit that) to hold you when you sleep, but end up he's the one who not getting enough rest cuz he's too excited to have you in his arm the whole night
try to find another way like putting pillows around you? waking up in the middle of the night to correct your posture? nothing really works out sadly
but Sanji will give you a back and shoulder massage every morning, hoping that helps at least
will also massage you whenever you are in pain, he's more than happy to do so, cuz aw isn't Sanji the most thoughtful boyfriend ever?
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*gasp* I'm gonna tell you a secret but please don't get mad at him, ok?
so this guy here has an album full of pictures taken when you're asleep
no, more than one, he has a whole collection there, capturing you in the most awkward position ever with the dumbest face ever you don't wanna know
he thinks you're cute tho, and a little bit impressive cuz how can you sleep well in that pose? he finds that kinda amazing
his room is full of patches and pillows for you whenever you are in pain
he even invented a medicine once in order to help you relieve back pain but they were all withdrawn by Chopper
pretty chill with all this and even tease you when you wake up, cuz who isn't a crazy sleeper at least one?
but don't worry all your photos are safe with him and he will take them to the grave so yeaaah
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shysneeze · 4 years
i solemnly swear i am up to no good (george weasley x reader)
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request:  what if one night the golden trio is look at the marauders map that the twins gave Harry and they see the reader and George sneaking around hogwarts and they ask George about it the next day? ~ anon
warnings: yo i don’t even think i swear in this one it’s a miracle, can’t think of anything else but Fred’s dramatics
authors note: this is the best porcastination I have ever tasted (fuck chemistry uno?) anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for anon and thank you for the request <3 
It's a carefully constructed routine, one that George has perfected by now. He's worked out that Lee is always the last to fall asleep, and so the coast is always clear when he begins to snore, that he's safe to slip from his covers and creep down the stairs, by which point the common room is always empty and he's free to leave completely undetected.
He knows the corridors to avoid, the ones with the gossiping portraits and regular prefect patrols.  He knows that McGonagall keeps her classroom lit through the night to discourage snooping students and that the ghost will turn a blind eye at most things, unless they're in a particularly bad mood.
He's thought it through perfectly, even if he does say so himself. In fact, he's not had an incident since the first night they met up, when Peeves decided to draw the attention of every sleeping painting in the vicinity, who awoke rather grouchy, and ready to take their complaints straight to Dumbledore until George convinced them he wouldn't let it happen to again.
Now, though, he's sure he's considered everything and he's rather smug with himself when he arrives at the kitchens. (Y/N) smiles at him when he arrives, already perched on one of the counter tops beside two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Still beat ya, Georgie." She grins.
"Right you." He teases. "You have no idea the expedition it is to get here without getting caught."
"Excuses, excus-"
He's kissing her before she can finish, her laughter vibrating against his lips until she recovers from the abruptness of it and is gathering a handful of his jumper and pulling him closer as she does every time.
They've thought of everything to keep it their own, their sacred routine and their special secret. They've eliminated every possible hiccup that could occur, they're sure of it. Everything always goes as plan and their relationship is kept protected in it's own little bubble, the way they like it. 
"You're not still obsessing over that map."
The boys by the fireplace jumps at the sound of Hermione's voice, staring wide-eyed as she stands on the bottom of the girl's dorm's staircase with a disappointed frown. Harry clutches the map against his chest, as if it will anyway hide it from her.
"'Mione." Ron exhales. "You gave me a bloody heart attack!"
"What are you doing up?" Harry asks.
"I left my textbook down here." She informs. "You?"
"We're uh, checking to see if Flitwick is still in the hospital wing with the flu." Harry admits shamefully. "So we don't need to the do the homework..."
"Of course you are."
She comes forward with a sigh, dropping into the seat beside them. She can't help but be slightly curious on the matter, even with her already completed homework upstairs. The map is characteristically empty for the time of night, most people's names stationary in their dorms except from the occasional pacing teacher, still up marking, or the prefects on their rounds.
It's what makes the set of footsteps tiptoeing down an empty corridor so noticeable, George Weasley's name so stark on the otherwise empty stretch of enchanted parchment. Hermione frowns at it curiously and points.
"What is George doing?"
"Who knows." Ron shrugs. "Probably just setting up some sort of prank."
 Hermione gives him an unconvinced look and drags her finger up to the Gryffindor tower, halting at the boys dorms, where Fred's name lies still where he is sleeping. Ron takes a minute to catch onto the implication.
"Then why is Fred not there either?"
"Maybe he's gone rogue?" Harry suggests.
"I doubt that."
They return to George as his inky footsteps lead further through the castle, looping through hidden corridors and secret passage ways methodically before arriving at the kitchen, where upon realisation, Hermione lets out a chuckle.
"What?" Ron frowns.
"Look who already in the kitchens." She explains.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Ron exhales. "What's he meeting up with her for?"
"Think about it, Ronald." Hermione smiles knowingly.
Ron's brows scrunch in confusion, looking expectantly to Harry, who seems to have already clued himself in and is grinning knowingly. Then his eyes begin to widen with realisation and Hermione nods.
"He can't be- with (Y/N)?" Ron gasps. "No..."
"Seems that way." Harry gives an amused smile.
"That smug git." Ron breathes. "I knew he was hiding something!"
Hermione lets out a soft laugh, soon followed by Harry. Thoughts of Flitwick's whereabouts long forgotten at this new information and it's implications. In the kitchens the pair's names have stilled together, oblivious to the secrets they've spilled.
George sips slowly at his coffee, willing it to make up for his late night with a burst of energy. Even through his tiredness, he's grinning to himself at the memories of the night before. His eyes search for (Y/N)'s across the room, finding them quickly, well practiced in the art of doing so. She’s nursing a cup of coffee in a similar way, and gives a knowing smile before dropping her gaze with a slight shake of her head.
Across the table, Ron watches the exchange with insider knowledge and scowls at his elder brother, a mixture of perplexed and impressed. Harry nudges him warningly, but wears a knowing sort of smirk that George catches from the corner of his eyes and causes him to grow slightly uneasy from.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing." Harry assures, coughing out a laugh. "Nothing, George."
He attempts to return to his breakfast when he hears Ron snigger, rounding back on them with a frown. Hermione lifts her glass to her lips to hide her smile, only adding to George confusion. Fred's picked up on it too now, watching their little brother and his friends curiously.
"What are you lot so smug about?" Fred asks.
"That's what I'd like to know." George agrees with a frown.
George watches as Ron's eyes drift across the room towards same place as his had a moment ago, to (Y/N). George's jaw slackens ever so slightly, alerting Fred to this new development, also glancing over at the girl. (Y/N) isn't blind to this new attention, lifting her eyes to meet theirs and frowning in concern.
"Shut up." George tells Ron sternly. "Don't say anything."
"What?" Fred frowns. "What are you on about, George?"
George fixes Ron with a glare whilst also trying to figure out how he's come to know this information. He's so sure he'd considered everything, yet his brother is grinning at him like he's just won the lottery for best blackmail material possible.
Then, from the corner of Harry's robes, he recognises the aged parchment that he and Fred gave the boy themselves. He finds himself gulping and his cheeks growing warmer by the second as Harry chuckles at him.
"What the hell is going on?" Fred ask sharply, growing agitated at being left out of the loop. "What has (Y/L/N) got to do with it?"
Ron last two seconds before he's blurting it out despite George's pleading look.
"George met up with (Y/N) in the kitchen's last night."
"Merlin..." George groans.
"What!?" Fred bursts loudly. "You what?"
George groans and drops his head into his hands as Fred stares wide-eyed and betrayed. George should have considered the map, the most damning piece of evidence there could be, that no perfect timing and strategic route planning could save them from.
"You absolute git!" Fred exclaims, punching his twins arms. "You've got yourself a girlfriend and didn't tell me!"
"Ah!" George exclaims, sitting up to rub his arm soothingly. "No need for violence!"
"Uh, yeah there is!" Fred argues. "How long has this been going on?"
"I don't know- a few weeks?" George offers.  
"A few week-" Fred gasps. "And Ron knew before me?"
"I didn't exactly plan that." George defends. "Harry's got the bloody map."
"Wow." Fred folds his arms. "You think you know someone."
"Oh come off it, Fred." George groans. "I would've told you eventually."
"Eventually." Fred scoffs. "I'm your brother- your twin! I should have been told the minute it started!"
George runs his finger through his hair with a sigh and gives Fred a sheepish look, although it does nothing to appease his twin's sour look. He's nice enough to feel somewhat guilty for it, even with his brother's dramatics.
"Are you ashamed of your family George?"
That's when George clocks that he's just being a dramatic git. He rolls his eyes at his brother as he starts up with a rant on loyalty and brotherhood, hand on his heart like he's quoting Shakespeare. 
"You'll get over it soon enough." George decides flippantly. "We just liked sneaking around."
"That's possibly the most goddamn boring excuse you could come up with." Fred announces disappointedly. "You just ruined my whole thing- I was hoping for something like she thought you were me the whole time and this was actually a case of identity theft."
"Sorry to disappoint." George smirks with a shrug. "But she thinks I'm the better looking twin."
"She's clearly blind."
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you all." George sighs. "It started as an accident and then we just kind of got used to it."
"Wow, romantic." Fred jokes.
"Shut up." George scoffs. "It's not everyone's idea of a nice date but it's ours and we like it."
Fred smiles quite genuinely at this, the defensiveness in his brother's tone.
"You really like her." He observes. "Huh?"
George's eyes drift unsubtly towards the girl in question, where his smile widens at seeing her with that smile he's so used to feeling on his lips when they kiss. He chuckles to himself before turning back to his brother.
"Yeah, yeah I do."
"Then I'm happy for you." Fred decides, clapping his brother's shoulder. "But ever keep anything like this from me again and your twin status is revoked."
"Noted." George grins. "Oh, and Ron?"
Ron gulps at the change in his brother's tone.
"I'd be checking your shoes for spiders for a while mate."
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Over You | Chpt 1
Makarov x Fem!Roach Reader
Chpt 2
On the hunt for a dangerous criminal, henchmen of the infamous Imran Zakhaev, Vladimir Makarov. But not before you land yourself in an unfortunate complication... Thrown away in a Russian gulag, sharing a cell with the wanted man himself, it would seem you have no choice but to trust one another if you hope to survive.
Tw for violence and lots of swearing
This story takes place before the events of No Russian and is canon divergent. Makarov is just starting to make a criminal name for himself and this will be an enemies to lovers fic.
"Do you have any idea who you're crossing?", Makarov presses his face between the prison bars, spitting venom at the guard.
The man, entirely unmoved, slams the butt of his rifle into Makarov's face and laughs as he recoils in pain.
Makarov sits in isolation, clutching the wound about his brow. Fuck... How did this happen?
Someone must have betrayed him. That must be it. The westerners aren't that crafty, not craftier then him. But who? Zakhaev? ...Yuri?
He supposes that right now it doesn't matter. Here he is, locked away within the bowls of this secret prison. He needs to find a way out.
Makarov pounds his fist against the stone wall, hissing in frustration. He wastes no time devising a plan, pacing back and forth and back again along the confines of his dark, musty cell.
Hours pass.
At last he ends up on the ratty, threadbare bed. His skin already itches, even through the fine suit he's wearing. For a moment, he turns his head to look at the floor. Ugh, maybe he'd be better off down there...
Suddenly, a noise causes him to freeze.
The heavy sound of boots echos down the hallway accompanied by the scuffling and caterwauling of defiance. Another unfortunate soul come to be tossed into this hell, no doubt.
His only surprise is when the trio stops at his cell door.
"Fuck you!"
The voice is female. British. At the insult, the guards do little more then laugh as the open the door and shove you in. They lock the gate and turn away, off to wherever they came from.
You scream in rage, shaking the iron bars violently as you call after them, "You russian bastards! We're on your side!"
Makarov watches your back intently, under the cover of darkness. You clearly don't know he's here. Although, the real question on his mind is why you're here. A British soldier in a Russian gulag?
Quietly, he takes advantage of all the noise you're making to get up, stealthily padding his way towards you. But not stealthily enough it would seem. You whip around while there's still plenty of space between you.
"Don't get any fucking ideas, you-!"
Makarov straightens up at being caught, just well enough that you can see him in the dusty light. How could anyone miss that boney face and wild hair. And those eyes...
A renewed wave of rage over takes you, "You!", you scream and lung forward, connecting a solid punch to his jaw. This time he stands his ground at the hit, even as his face turns sharply to the side.
"You're the while reason I'm here!", you shove his chest, while he continues to stare back in silence. "These fuckers think I'm with you, damn it!"
Makarov smiles at that, streaks of blood staining his teeth as he lets out a breathy little laugh, "How unfortunate"
What else is there to do but laugh at the situation? He hadn't considered that the reason he's here could simply be dumb luck. The very same kind that pulled you in after him too.
He knows who you are immediately. Sargent Sanderson. "Roach", they call you. You're with Price, task force 141. Yes... He knows you and you're friends very well.
"What are you laughing at you bloody piece of shit?"
You grit your teeth and before he can respond, you smash your knuckles right across the bridge of his nose from the other direction.
Makarov grunts at that. His laughter goes silent, his eyes locked dangerously onto yours. He straightens up once more and you prepare another punch in response to his audacity.
But this time he's ready.
He catches your fist mid swing, crushing your knuckles in his rough hand, "I hope you aren't thinking I won't hit you back... Bitch"
True to his word, Makarov returns your initial punch in kind watching as it sends you to the floor. He shakes out his fist and watches as you wipe a thin line of blood from your cheek bone.
You lick it off your finger, staring directly into his eyes as you do so. Then, "Good to hear, cunt", you spring up immediately and grapple onto him. It catches him off guard, but only for a moment until he's ready to fight back.
The two of your trade blows and shoves and various holds as you continue to brawl. By the time the guards trudge their way back to your cell, they find you on his back, choking Makarov by his necktie.
They tear you off one another and give you both a solid beating for good measure. Once you're subdued to their liking, one hands the other a pair of shackles and secures each side to each wrist.
You're so dazed from the brutality of the guards, that you hardly even notice the binds until after they leave. The guard closes the cell door with finality and in a heavy accent he taunts, "Play nice", before laughing heartily as he walks away.
He hasn't been this entertained in months.
You stagger to sit up, trying to support your head with your hands only to find resistance from the one. As the clinking and chill of the metal finally catches up with you, you swear vehemently.
Makarov lays frighteningly still on the ground beside you, even as you jerk his shackled hand around with yours. Shit...
"Hey!", you shove him roughly, "Get up you piece of shit!"
No response.
You raise your voice a little louder, "Hey!"
Fuck, you'd really rather not be shackled to a corpse.
A note of panic creeps into your mind. Fuck fuck fuck! Who knows when anyone will be back? How long are you going to be stuck with this rotting body?
"Makarov, you fucking bastard! Answer me!", you roll him over and shake him by his chest, leaning over to yell in his face. Fuck fuck fuck...
Desperately you wait for a response, and then...
Makarov puckers his lips and mocks a kiss, "How about some recitation, nurse?", a hoarse, strangled wheeze escapes him, a pitiful attempt at a taunting laugh.
You spit in his face, which does nothing to stop his choking wheeze, and make up your mind to punch him again. Instead you aim one into the cement beside his head instead. As much as you'd love to, you don't want to actually kill the bastard. Not yet.
With a frustrated growl you roll over and lay down, your shackled hands between you, "I'm in hell", with your free hand you rub at your growing headache.
Makarov spits out a clot of blood and takes a ragged breath, "We all are", he smiles.
He must think he's clever, spouting his dime store bullshit like that.
"Why don't you shut up and tell me how to get out of here, freak"
Makarov clicks his tongue as he rests his head on the cool floor, "Miss Sanderson... Is that anyway to speak to someone you just met?"
"Shut. Up!", you bolt upright, hovering above him once more, "You're lucky I don't kill you now!"
Makarov sneers, baring his teeth. He jolts as if he means to sit up and bite you, "Then do it! That's what you want so bad, huh? To fuck me over! Just do it, you're no better then me or anyone else you pathetic Westerners claim to hate"
"You need to tell us everything you know about Zahkaev, then you can face justice. There's a difference", you retort.
The glob of your spit has made it's way down from his eye to the corner of his cheek. He licks away the spit and the traces of blood in one slow swipe, "Whatever helps you sleep at night"
You sneer in disguise and decide you lay back down. It's been a long day as it is... "Fucking creep", you mutter.
Makarov nearly huffs a laugh as you roughly turn over. Your arm is wrenched back as you move. It's still shackled, of course. You grit your teeth and hiss in frustration as you readjust to a somewhat more comfortable position.
To something of your surprise, Makarov let's you. He stays still and quiet as you drag his arm around a bit in an attempt to get comfortable.
For now, he has better things to devote his energy to then antagonizing you. He spares a glance over at you. This certainly changes things, but no matter. There's no problem he can't solve, he just needs time to think...
If he can just get out of here, he can kill you later, dispose of your body, and get back somewhere safe. The only issue is whether or not he can trust you to cooperate. Then again, if you're smart, you'll understand that you have no other choice.
These places are all the same. If he can just find a sewer drain, or steal a helicopter, or perhaps find an opening somewhere in this undoubtedly crumbling infrastructure, he'll be free.
"I can feel your eyes on me, fucking two eyed freak"
Hm? He hadn't realized, he'd been so deep in thought. But you're right, "Watch your mouth bitch and go to sleep", he growls.
He props his head up on his free arm and looks towards the ceiling. For your sake, you'd better not make things more difficult for him. Makarov screws his eyes and lets out a slow breath. He needs to rest...
If only he could get some.
Not long after he finally manages to fall asleep, he's soon awoken by a violent trembling form his arm. His arm, which is attached to your arm. Which is attached to your curled up, shivering body.
The air is chilly down here. The freezing, dark metal and stone all around doesn't help either.
Makarov sighs forcefully and watches his breath turn to steam before him. He turns to look at you, as though staring you down will win your obedience. You continue to shake.
For quite some time he lets you. This is no concern of his, he needs to save his strength for the escape. But the fact that you simply will not stop disrupting him with your shivers is the only matter.
At last he can't take it anymore. The rattling and trembling beside his body and ear is maddening. With a growl he yanks your shackled arm with his, "Will you stop! Soft fucking Westerners, it's just a chill!"
You're awake, but that does little to change your situation. Your teeth clatter uncontrollably as you continue you shake. To the untrained eye, one might almost mistake it for a seizure.
"F-ff-f-fuck... y-y-you-u", you barely manage.
Makarov sneers and jumps up as much as your bond will allow him. Before you can ask what he's doing, he snatches off the thin, threadbare blanket from the single bed and tossed it onto you. He settles back down angrily, "There, now with you fucking be still?"
Now you're angry. This thing is about as useful a tissue. You toss it aside defiantly and say about as much.
Were it not for how exhausted he is, he may have found the energy to slap you. But now, all he wants is some peace.
Makarov narrows his eyes and says nothing to your comment. Instead, he pointedly works off his suit jacket, undoing all the buttons and transferring it from his free arm and back up along your shackled arm and over your shoulder.
He tugs it securely over your shoulder and glares at you with finality. He doesn't even have it in him to make threats or insults, he just wants to sleep...
Without a word, he throws himself down and gets into the same sleeping position as before. That jacket is specially made just for him and his winter climate needs, not to mention worth more then your pathetic military wages earns you in a year.
If that doesn't keep you from waking him with your constant shaking, then he may just have to kill you now.
Even just with this, your shivering begins to lessen. It hasn't quite stopped, but it's sufficient enough to Makarov's liking.
You're not entirely sure this isn't some sort of trick...
You lay down slowly and adjust the jacket as you do so. The material is thick and soft. You can tell just by feeling it as you lay it across your chest. The collar comes up to your chin and does a trick to stop your jaw from clattering.
Makarov continues to lay still, even after you've finally gotten comfortable.
You take a steadying breath and catch a whiff of him off his coat. The cologne might smell nice if it weren't so heavily applied. You cough quietly, trying not to aggravate your cell mate further, and sigh.
You'll get use to the smell. For now, you're... Thankful, you suppose. Laying more then an arms length apart, you give a final glance at Makarov, then turn back to look at the ceiling.
You nuzzle into the collar of the suit jacket, the last of your shivers finally dispersing.
This can't be over fast enough.
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wickedw3asleys · 3 years
George x female reader (mentions of Fred)
AN: I've had to write this one in a rush so sorry if some of the details are confusing 😔 but i hope you'll like it anyways, and once again, thank you SO SO MUCH for all the positive feedback i'm getting for this serie 🥰
WARNINGS: SMUT SMUT AND MORE SMUT... Cussing and unprotected sex
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Fred never let it show once that something had been happening between you two. It wasn't a secret, but after all, it was private business, and surely he would keep teasing you and flirting with you as he had always done, but no one was asking questions. And to your surprise, you never felt uncomfortable with him about what happened in that bathroom a few days ago. And you loved that it was that way, you wouldn't be able to have to deal with losing him as a friend, and you hoped it also would be that way with George. They never seemed to be jealous of the other either, and during a conversation about the topic the day before, they made you very clear that rivalry would never get between them, also making it better. You wouldn't want to be in the middle of these two and be the motive of a fight between twins.
"Y/N, we absolutely love you, you're our best friend and you've always have been. And we've talked about it...", Fred starts.
"We obviously didn't want this to fail and separate us as friends, or Fred and I as brothers..."
"So that should be the last of your concerns..."
"We just think that you're terribly beautiful and nice, and like you trust us for this, we trust you too!"
And for now, it was totally working. The only thing was that you've haven't had the chance to "win" George as you previously won Fred. But you were working on it, slowly but surely. And apparently Fred had been talking to his brother about your private stuff, which only made him grow eager to fuck you too, and it started to show.
"So, Y/N... How are you today?", George asks casually during breakfast.
"I'm... fine...", you answered, clearly seeing that he had an idea on his mind, "What about you, Georgie?"
"Well, not that good, actually...", he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
"And why is that, George?", Fred asks. You could hear the fake in his voice, only making you more curious about what they've had planned.
"I don't know... I feel like... Ugh...", George fake acting was so bad but yet so entertaining it made you laugh, "I feel like need to go to bed..."
"Oh, no! You won't be able to come with me to the Hogsmeade trip!", his brother exclaimed.
"What are you talking about, you wanker? You're completely fine...", Ginny says, putting the back of her hand on George's forehead.
"I said I feel ill!", he exclaimed back.
"If you say so...", she sighs, already done with her brothers' bullshit, making everybody laugh at that.
"Come on, George. It can be that bad!", you say.
"I think you should check on me, though...", he says, directing you a discreet wink.
"Why me? I have a trio to go to...", you smile, "I'm going with Hermione and Luna, right?"
"Huh?", Hermione asks, very confused, looking back and forth between you and Ron, "B-but I was going with Ro- Ouch!", she squeaks as you elbow her, "Oh, yes! Right!"
"Well, what a pity, then... I suppose I'll have to ask someone else to check on me...", George says, leaning on the table towards you.
You exchange a few looks before he finally gets up, "Well, if someone needs me I'll be in my dorm, waiting..."
He winks at you one last time and starts leaving the Great Hall, leaving Fred behind.
"He's such an idiot, he's so bizarre...", Ginny says.
"Hey! Respect, young lady!", Fred scolds her.
"Why does he need to have someone checking on him? Isn't he grown enough?", Ron says, showing an entire sandwich in his mouth.
"Well, sometimes the ones you see as big boys are the biggest babies... Right, Fred?", you say, looking at him up and down.
"As you would know...", he says back.
"What is wrong with you?", Ginny exclaims, throwing her fork on the table, "Y/N! You're becoming like them! Please, tell me you're not going to end up like them! I'm not sacrificing our friendship like that!"
"Wow...", you say, "Don't worry, Ginny. I'm not letting them get into me like that... No worries about it"
"We're totally getting into you, though...", Fred says, earning a slap on the forehead by his little sister, "Alright! Sorry!"
All of you continued breakfast as nothing happened, talking and laughing about random things.
"Well, I think it's time to go now...", says Hermione, looking at her watch.
"Yeah, we should get going before McGonagall leaves without us...", Ron starts standing up.
"Since when are you worried about what McGonagall-", Fred starts asking.
"WELL, since I have a wonderful girlfriend that takes the time to do things properly!", he says, taking Hermione by the waist.
All of you started making your way to the court of the castle, waiting for Harry and Luna to join you there.
"Damn it! I forgot something!", you say, looking in your bag, "Go without me! I'll catch you there!"
"Have fun", Fred whispers to your ear as you pass by him.
"I'll do...", you wink back at him, making him bite his lip.
You start running upstairs to the Gryffindor common room, crossing paths with the last students that were heading outside the castle.
The common room was completely empty now, not even George was there. So you decided to head up to his dorm, see if he actually was there.
"Well, took you long enough...", he says from his bed, looking up from his book.
"Sorry, I was hungry...", you say, making your way towards him, "Anyways, I wanted to check on you before I left", you teased him.
"Oh... So you're actually going...", he says, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Yeah... I can't leave Ginny alone between Ron and Hermione and... Fred...", slowly, you started placing you between his legs.
"I thought Harry and Luna were going too...", he starts grabbing the back of your legs, making you come closer to him, "I think she'll be alright..."
His touch on your legs made your whole body shiver, him noticing it, "Are you cold, darling?"
"A little..."
"Well, come here then...", he took you by the hand and helped you straddle him. He brushed a strand of hair away of your face while you placed your hands on the back of his neck, and without any other words, he gently pressed his lips on yours.
You'd expect him to be as eager as his brother, but he completely took his time with you, slowly kissing you. You felt his tongue pressing on your lower lip, making you open your mouth and following his lead.
He put his arms around your back and started caressing you, slowly and sensually, to what you responded by gently grinding on him.
"Eager, are we?", he asked, still against your mouth.
He put his hand on the back of your head and pushed you towards him, deepening the kiss. As you were too focused on his lips, you didn't even notice his free hand starting to lift your sweater.
You lifted up your arms, interrupting the kiss for a second, and when your sweater touched the floor, you went back to George's soft lips.
You moved back a little on his lap, freeing the spot that was covering his dick, and started to massage it through his pajama pants, surprised by the fact that he wasn't wearing boxers.
You could feel his already hard cock hardening even more at your touch, making you the eager one to taste him. So without warnings, you got on your knees between his legs and helped him take off his pants.
He wasn't as big as his brother, but he surely was a little bit longer, and that sight made it hard for you to imagine to make it fit entirely in your mouth.
You never stopped looking at him in the eye, not even when licking the first straps of his dick, which made he loudly breathe. You took it as a sign to go more on him, so you took a deep breath and directly deepthroating him, fitting your hand around his base.
"Oh, fuck...", he moaned, throwing his head back.
That made you smile with his dick in your mouth and encouraged you to keep going, pushing it a little bit further in your throat. You could feel the discomfort of his tip brushing against the back of your throat, but the sounds that were escaping his lips and the grip he had on your hair made ir all worth it.
You released him for a second, only to go back and bob your head up and down at sensual pace, sometimes leaving licks here and there.
"Fuck, Y/N... You're so good...", he moans.
The fact that he was rather a moaner than a groaner only made your wetness grow. You've always thought a moaning men was hotter.
After a few more movements, you got back up and went back to his lips, allowing him to taste himself too. Without breaking the kiss, he guided you on the bed, where he got on top of you. His hands started roaming all over your stomach, sides and torso, enjoying every single bit of your skin. Enjoying this intimate moment. George liked to take his time, enjoy the moment and make sure you're enjoying it as much as him...
He slowly started to take off your annoying skirt, followed by your panties, only leaving you in your thigh highs socks.
"What's with the socks?", you asked him, crooking an eyebrow.
"Be a good girl and don't ask...", he says, attacking your lips again.
You smile to your insides; you've always knew George had a thing for the high school uniforms... including high thighs socks...
He took away his t-shirt and as you were both naked, he leaned on you a put a single sheet over your bodies.
His hand made its way to your core, where he took the time to take your wetness and spread it all over it with his fingers.
"Look at how wet you already are... All that because of me?", he smirked.
"No, it's because of your lovely daddy", you said, mocking him.
"Ah, ah... Lower you tone with me, sweetheart...", he tsked, and suddenly he introduced two fingers in your pussy, "otherwise it won't end up good for you..."
He started to pump in a out of you as his mouth made it's way back to you neck and jaw, where he never stopped kissing.
"Fuck, George... Yes...", you whispered.
"You like that, darling?", he whispered back in your ear.
"Yesssss...", you slowly started to arch your back and his fingers started to curl inside you.
George took that as a signal to add a third finger. Your face contorted at the discomfort but it soon disappeared, only leaving an extreme pleasure.
He never pulled back from your ear, whispering sweet and nasty things in it while he ferociously pumped in and out of your pussy with his fingers.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!", you moaned loudly.
His hand accelerated its pace, making you hear your own wetness, and you could feel your walls start to tighten around his fingers.
"Are you going to cum, sweetheart? Huh?"
"Yes! FUCK!", once again your back arched and your hand met your clit, quickly rubbing it, but George slapped your fingers, replacing them with his.
"That's my job...", he says, fingers knuckles deep inside you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! George! FUCK! I'm cumming!", you screamed, bringing your hands to your hair, pulling it roughly.
While he rocked you orgasm with his fingers inside you, he made sure to leave a few new marks on your neck, as to say "George was here".
You regained your breath and when you opened your eyes again, you met the gaze of a lustful George towering over you. You took him by the neck and made him sit down against his headboard, you sitting on his lap. You started kissing him again, passionately and full of hunger. You took his dick in your hand and pumped it a few times before rubbing it against your wet pussy, spreading your wetness all over him, making him groan in your mouth.
Without notice, you got up on your knees and slowly sunk down his shaft, letting you a few seconds to adjust to his length. You looked at his face; lower lip between his teeth, pupils dilated and messy hair all over his forehead, it was the most beautiful image of George you've ever had. Seeing all the lust in his eyes, you decided to not waste more time and started to slowly bounce together on his bed, and moving your pelvis to meet his. Both you and him were a moaning mess, only hearing your voices and your wetness in the room. Lucky you were that no one would be back for a while to his dorm, so you could take all the time you wanted.
George's back was against his headboard, and small moans were escaping his mouth as he embraced you and helped you bouncing and getting back and forth on his dick. Both of you grabbing on each other hard, you bouncing on his cock and him thrusting upwards.
"Fuck, George... You feel so so good... Oh my god...", you moaned, throwing your head back and finding support on his shoulders. Once again, feeling your walls clench around him.
"Turn around, darling...", he commanded you.
You did as he pleaded without asking, pulling him out of your pussy and turning your body around, still sitting on his lap. He slowly raised your body so you were on your knees, your back against his chest. This new position making his cock curve in the perfect spots.
"SHIT!", you moaned.
"Come on, I've got you...", he says, sliding he arm around your stomach, giving you support and enough stability for him to roughly thrust upwards.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!!", you quickly managed to moan.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the amazing feeling that was rushing through your body. You expected George to stop his relentless pace, but he didn't, fully overstimulating you, making your orgasm last forever.
"Shit... I can't stop cumming... FUCK!", you difficulty breathed out, making George smirk. "Is that so, darling?", he asked, bringing his hand down to your clit and starting to massage it quickly.
You froze in place while he was attacking you with his fingers and let out a silent scream.
"Oh god... Oh god... FUCK, GEORGE!", you moaned as you felt your walls starting to clench around his dick.
"Are you going to cum again for me?", he smirked.
"Yes! Fuck, yes!", you nearly screamed, feeling something explode inside you and making you see the stars. George started thrusting upwards into your pussy again, helping you chase your orgasm. The overstimulation was so good you couldn't even stop yourself from riding him and taking more of him every time.
"More?", he asked, speaking against your temple, "You want more, sweetheart? You're insaciable, I love it..."
You could even think straight. The intimacy you and him were sharing and the many times you had come by now where making it impossible to even think about what you were doing, you were too focused on how good George was making you feel.
He took advantage of your fucked up state and decided to spice things up a little bit; he took you by the waist and slowly laid you down on the mattress, putting you under him, facing him so he could admire you in your perfect messed up state. He never pulled out of you. He adjusted your hips to be at the perfect angle, and put his arms around your thighs.
"Say you can't stop cumming? Let's see how this feels...", he says before slamming inside you again.
You loudly moaned at the new angle and the feeling of him being balls deep inside you. He was railing the shit out of you in this new position and you could hear his bed slamming against the wall, following his rhythm.
George smirked between his uneven breaths as he felt you clench again around him, knowing how good he was making you feel. He adjusted again his angle, tightening his grip on your thighs and slowing his thrusts, but he never stopping his hard pace, always hitting the correct spots.
You unconsciously took your hand to your clit and started rubbing it hard. You couldn't stop cumming and you didn't want to stop. George was making you feel way too good for that, so you wanted to enjoy every single crumb he would give you of him.
"Yes, like that, sweetheart...", he groaned, "Another one for me..."
His moans and groans were like music in your ears, and hearing him groan louder when he felt your release only made your orgasm a hundred times more powerful for you.
"Come here...", George said, laying back against his headboard again with you on his lap, "You're doing it so good, darling... So good..."
You put your head in the crook of his neck, not having enough strength to even hold your head up. The boy put his hand on the back of your neck, thrusting hard in you.
"Fuuuuuucccckkkkkk...", you let out a long moan.
George embraced you again, this time tighter than before, and you knew he was close.
Your pussy was so sensitive by now that you couldn't even prepare for the new orgasm that washed over your body. George heard you quietly cry of pleasure and that brung him to his end. He swore to himself you were going to be the death of him as he chased his own release. He let out the sweetest moans and you knew he had finished.
He put a gently kiss on your forehead and slowly lifted you off his dick, sitting you again on his lap, feeling his now soft cock under your swollen pussy.
"Are you okay?", he asks, brushing your hair with his fingers.
You hummed, not able to form words yet. He slowly chuckled at that, "Do you need a minute?"
"Yeah...", you answered quietly.
He let you stay still on his lap until you were able to correctly breathe and think again, now not believing how good the sex was.
"Wow...", you chuckled.
"No exaggeration, that was the best sex I've ever had", George says.
You look at him dead in the eye, "Are you and your brother even real?", you ask, completely outraged, "It's not fair!"
George laughed, "What is not fair?"
"THIS! Are you a sort of sex demons or something like that?!", he laughed again.
"Unfortunately no... We just wanted to rail the shit out of you for ages, I suppose."
"Oh, Merlin...", you felt dizzy again, and the thought of them fucking you this hard again only made you more excited for the future. Now was the time when you swore this was the best idea they could ever have had. "I'm so glad you guys asked mento do this, you have no idea..."
You left a quick kiss on George's lips and got up to get dressed, but your legs terribly failed you and almost made you fall ass flat on the floor.
"Oh, wow...", George chuckled, admiring you from his bed.
"You shut up. It's your fault!"
"Yeah, I know...", he winks at you.
You rolled your eyes in fake annoyance and supporting you on his dresser, you could manage to get your skirt on. You made your way to the nearest mirror, watching your body as you adjusted your sweater and your hair. You could see the hickeys Fred had left a few days prior to this encounter with his brother, and next to them almost identical fresh hickeys where now starting to form, making you smile for yourself.
"I have to go, it seems like we've stayed here long enough for Hermione to start asking where I am...", you say, putting on your shoes.
"Okay, I'll see you at lunch, darling."
You flew him a kiss from the door and rushed out of his room, directly going outside the castle; and once again, smiling to yourself at the thought of what you've had done. Hoping this would keep going for a little while...
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
Confessing to La Squadra
a/n: look i know i already have some Risotto confessing headcanons but those are more about him confessing so i'm including him here anyway
Genre: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst (but no rejection), these hoes don't know what love is lol
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~Risotto Nero~
-Seriously thought you were joking when you pulled him aside and told him how you felt
-He was convinced Formaggio had put you up to this or something
-Ris feels like he isn't deserving of love (BUT HE IS) and he's literally so bad at expressing himself so he just nodded and walked away
-Had a breakdown in his office because why the fuck did he just walk away?? after you poured your heart out to him???? jesus christ what if you think he doesn't like you???????
-So he gets up and fucking sprints to your room to try to fix his mistakes
-Frantically tells you that he likes you back and would love to go out with you sometimes (you can barely understand it because he's talking so fast)
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-Saw this coming from a mile away but he won't be a bitch about it don't worry
-Takes your confession with an overwhelming amount of grace and gives you a time and place to meet him for a date the next day
-As soon as you leave he's jumping around and giggling like a child because oh my fucking god his crush likes him back holy shit!!!
-He'll panic about what he's supposed to wear. Should he just wear his regular suit? No, no no this is a special occasion! Pinstripes or no pattern? What tie would go best with this shirt? He needs to pick a suit with your favorite color, you'll like him more, right?
-Eventually caves and has Risotto pick something out for him because he literally can't (indecisive queen)
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-Like Risotto, he thinks you're just fucking with him. He honest to god doesn't believe you could fall in love with someone like him
-He gets too nervous and freezes up then runs to find Prosciutto because he has no idea what to do
-Prosciutto basically screams at him to go back and find you. He can't just leave you all alone after telling him something like that!
-So he does go back and stutters out the softest "i like you too" in the world
-He'll take you for a picnic on the beach right after because he wants to make up for just leaving you standing there after he ran
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-He already knew because he eavesdropped on your conversation with Melone about how you should confess to him
-Sure he likes you back but he wanted you to come to him so he didn't seem desperate or something
-Teases you about it because he can't socialize for shit and probably ends up making you upset because he won't shut his god damn mouth
-So when you just walk away incredibly frustrated and probably a little teary eyed he realizes he fucked up bad
-Goes into the mirror world to scream because why can't he just be a normal person and not a little bastard
-Pops into your room from the mirror and gives you the quietest apology you've ever heard then hugs you because he feels really bad
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-Another member of the team that thinks you're joking. Not because he's insecure, he's actually very confident in himself, but he jokingly flirts with you all the time so he thought you were finally playing along
-But you're not and you like him for real which makes him SO FUCKING HAPPY
-He knew he was gonna fall in love with you the day you joined the team and he's been daydreaming about your guys' first date since you went on your first mission with him
-Might be the most well prepared member of the team if I'm being honest
-He has a whole speech about how much he loves you and all the things he wants to do together and he already knows a guy that can legally marry you two
-He's so soft for you
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-You told him how you felt when you guys were cornered during a mission and could die in literal seconds
-So when that didn't happen and you two made it out alive with the target killed, he tried to ignore your words ringing in his head
-But god damn the car ride back to Napoli was a long one and all Ghiaccio can do is think after you fell asleep in the passenger seat
-He couldn't tell if you just said you loved him because you guys were about to die or if you actually felt that way. But what if you loved him like family instead of like a boyfriend?
-And so Ghiaccio pulled over and woke you up. It was bothering him too much, he needed an answer now
-When you clarified that yes, you did love him romantically, he hugged you so hard your ribs almost broke
-mans was worrying for nothing smh
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-He flirts with you all the time but...you actually caught feelings for him? Like genuine "I love you" feelings? Not lust? Melone seriously can't remember the last time someone actually enjoyed his presence outside of the bedroom so much that they wanted to be with him
-Mel started bawling his eyes out. Like, full on sobbing on his knees in front of you
-You thought you had done something wrong so you started apologizing which made him cry even harder (he thought you were apologizing because it was a joke)
-After he got himself back together he shakily asked you if you really meant it (which you obviously did) and after you gave him a positive answer he started crying again
-He won't let go of you for the rest of the day. He's just so happy someone finally loves him (FUCK that's sad)
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~Sorbet and Gelato~
-It's a damn good thing you liked both of them. Gelato might've killed you if you only like Sorbet and Sorbet would've laughed in your face if you only liked Gelato
-So you avoided getting your face cut off but what the fuck are you supposed to do about confessing? You didn't want to become a homewrecker, it was quite obvious Sorbet and Gelato were perfectly content with nobody else in their relationship
-So you never said anything about it to anybody. God only knows what Illuso would've done if he heard you saying anything about it and the rest of the team would've let it slip eventually
-But Sorbet and Gelato always have a way of finding things out for themselves
-You were already close to the couple so when the smaller blonde man walked up to asking to see you for a second you thought nothing of it
-Until you were seated in front of them and Sorbet had broken the silence with "We know about your little secret"
-Honestly you thought you were about to die. How did they even find out? You were sure you hadn't said or done anything to hint at your feelings for them
-Gelato broke the silence this time. "Honestly, we're quite flattered both of us caught your attention."
-That didn't help ease you at all but when the both of them spoke in unison, "But don't worry about it too much, you've caught our interest as well."
-So now their murder duo is a murder trio, have fun :)
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