#damn you literary empathy
harvey-guillen · 7 months
at this point it almost feels like joe alwyn was the one kept locked away for 6 years because the man couldn't fill up his car or get a haircut without getting stalked. the photos coming out now are at events where he has an opportunity to know it's coming, select his clothing and styling, wear a pin representing a cause that's important to him. he has control of his appearances now instead of gritting his teeth during pap walks for backgrid.
we know how ts feels when she feels the narrative is being pulled out of her control ("gaslit by an entire system"). a sense of control over one's own life seems essential for sanity and i don't think it's fair for people to gloss over the part where she agreed to the level of privacy he needed and publicly endorsed it during some of her media statements made during the relationship (which i applaud for being unusually restrained and mature at the time). extreme extroverts and extreme introverts can try to make it work but neither is wrong if it doesn't work (if the breakdown is specifically about that difference between them) and it's kinda crappy to couch it in terms of "being locked away" now. especially since some of the locking away was due to a global pandemic.
joe alwyn wasn't on my radar for most of the 6 years except 1) i felt her music entered a new era of relationship contentment and grown up sensuality that reflected late 20s/early 30s womanhood and then transitioned into a more literary set of albums (folkmore) that had a broader focus thematically and 2) i heard little about him and there was effectively zero romantic drama for 5 full years. what a break for her (and us!).
now i'm more impressed by him than ever. he's quiet in the wake of it all, focuses on his industry commitments and the work he's doing, and absolutely glows with newfound relaxed joy. i absolutely do not think women shouldn't be entitled to have strong, deep emotions and write about those experiences. her work is perhaps the strongest ever in terms of conveying a feminine quixotic, idealized romantic viewpoint and then the flipside of idealizing (it's giving BPD!!!) which is devaluation/disillusionment/disenchantment, resentment, feelings of being deceived or let down ("maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up" being the early and best example).
the way joe has handled this, though, has made his status in my mind go from "just some guy" to an example of stability and fortitude that interests me. I personally believe that not publicly suffering is not necessarily a sign of callous lack of empathy - sometimes it means maturity and perspective. sw*fties harassing her exes want/ed to see a public mea culpa/punishment/expression of suffering that they feel equals their idols' - it's giving fatal attraction from those fans. maybe we don't need our past partners to suffer. maybe processing feelings involves personal reflection and doesn't require another party.
i'll leave off with this to support idealization/devaluation (the classic bpd trend):
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Say you're sorry, that face of an angel
And I damn sure would've never danced with the devil
Dear reader, when you aim at the devil
He looks up, grinning like a devil
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dyke-will-graham · 4 months
What’s so interesting about Hannibal NBC to me is how a case can be made for every character in the universe (save M*son). But a case can be clearly made for Hannibal, Will, Abigail etc. there’s an element of empathy that they invoke no matter their actions and I think that’s why the storytelling is so unique and successful. Because when I tell people “Oh! I love Hannibal” I don’t mean the sadomasochist serial killer but I’m talking about the man beneath the monster and the way his mind is so interesting because he is always going to be that starving boy in the snow who was forced to eat his baby sister. And when I say I love Will I mean the way I can relate to the dichotomy of who you are and who you feel you need to be so survive or sustain socially. I mean I love that he’s so eaten up with darkness and something so depraved but he will be damned if he doesn’t try his hardest to be a Good Man. When I say I love Abigail I mean the teenage girl forced to be a lure for her fathers kills and in the process grew a taste for the game, for the chase, for the meat. A girl who never knew safety, but tried to build a home somewhere. I mean the way she is a sacrificial lamb and martyr for those around her, always a conduit never an individual.
None of the characters are black and white and the elimination of Good or Evil morals creates such complex characters that I could scream. So yeah, I do love Hannibal he is one of my favorite literary characters.
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deadboyswalking · 2 years
Why The Overhaul Arc Matters
Strap the FUCK in I just realized the actual narrative significance of the Overhaul arc.
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Eri-Tomura Parallel
At a surface level, Eri and Tomura have obvious parallels, right?
Visually, they look very similar with light hair and red eyes. Quirk-wise, they both have incredibly powerful, devastating Quirks that caused a fatal accident with their real families.
Eri hated herself because of the poison that Chisaki put in her head. Tomura hates himself for the same reason but with AFO.
They both were groomed to feel fully responsible for their traumatizing childhood accidents and for their only self-worth to be related to being useful towards their manipulative abuser and his goals.
Their parallels have been discussed at length by many people, so I'm not going to go into it except to say: no, they aren't literally blood related like some people argue. I also don't think AFO gave either of them their Quirks. Did AFO give Decay? Analysis Thread
Overhaul-AFO Parallel
That leads me to my next point: Overhaul and All For One are the same character.
As leaders, they prey on vulnerable people and buy their unquestioned loyalty (the Shie Hassaikai, Dr. Garaki, Machia, etc)
They will use these people for their purposes and then discard them at will, without any emotions or ethics to consider.
Their relationship toward their charge is NOT exactly parental. There is zero affection or even pretended affection towards Eri or Tomura and, in fact, others are doing their actual day-to-day care (various Hassaikai members, Kurogiri).
They speak in the same way to and about their charges. "You're a cursed human." "Another death on your hands." "Symbol of Fear" "You have within you the impulse to destroy that even you can't control." A huge part of their abuse is based in manipulating their charges to despise themselves and think they're inherently evil, so said charges give up on being a regular human. Further literary parallel: Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Deku's Connection
AND FINALLY, my point: the Overhaul-Eri situation is directly responsible for Deku's current empathy toward Tomura and drive to save him. When Deku saw AFO take over Tomura and use his body for his own purposes during the war, especially with what he saw in the vestige realm, I think the parallel with Eri clicked.
Tomura is what would've happened to Eri if she hadn't been rescued. I fully think that if Eri had survived to adulthood without being rescued, Overhaul would have groomed her to live entirely for his benefit with full live-or-die loyalty for him (like the rest of the Shie Hassaikai, but stronger due to manipulation from childhood onwards). She would have grown to hate society for not saving her AND for being against Overhaul's goals. I honestly think she would've been even scarier than Tomura since Tomura at least had Kurogiri (who has been show to genuinely care for him on some level) rather than random gangsters as his primary caregiver.
Don't you see? It's all connected to Deku's endgame: pulling Tomura away from AFO and saving someone else who has been damned because of their Quirk and abuser. Of course, saving Tomura, a grown man who has committed A LOT of violence, is going to be much harder than saving a wholly innocent little girl, but the SEED was planted during the Overhaul arc.
I believe this is also WHY Deku chooses to see the Tenko that still lives inside Tomura.
Final Thoughts
This might be super obvious but I'd been scratching my head for MONTHS about how the Overhaul arc is significant to the narrative since the Quirk bullets storyline went nowhere and I'm not a fan of the "Eri rewinds the villains or the whole world!" take. I was so quick to discard the Overhaul arc as unimportant when the bullets didn't impact the story much, but I just completely missed the big picture.
I SAW the Eri-Tomura and Overhaul-AFO parallels but I couldn't quite figure out how the pieces went together beyond the surface parallel of two similarly abused children and two abusers. Understanding this connection also fixes what I had considered to be a huge logical plot hole in the story: why did Deku have a sudden 11th-hour change of heart and shift his focus from defeating Tomura to saving him?
Overhaul-Eri to AFO-Tomura is a direct link for Deku's endgame and the total themes of the story, I just couldn't see it before.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Women‘s rights movement // General stuff continued 🔗 links —> Part 3
Protect your account
MADRE — a global feminist fund
Facts about women‘s rights
South Korean feminists — 6B4T
Girl Math — inspirational women
The process of male & female socialization
Things you can do to help women
Literary Resources
💫 Women‘s History 💫
Andrew Tate
Radical Action: Period Poverty
Social Justice movements from a feminist lens
Jack the Ripper victims petition
The Pad Project
Men as a terrorist group
Take care of yourselves
Barbie trumps Oppenheimer
Reasons NOT to get pregnant
The story of Franca Viola
Greed is Male Culture
Suffragette Flag
"Not like other girls" GNC perspective
Men‘s insults
Women‘s anger
OSA women
UNITE, don‘t divide
The b-slur
Socialization ≠ bioessentialism
Classic hypocrisy
Female separatism benefits all women
Pedophiles on the rise
Men don’t see us as human beings
Sex for pleasure 1
Sex for pleasure 2
Fuck conservatives
Motherhood is difficult
Misogyny by any other name (article)
"Oppression Olympics"
Damned if you do, damned if you don‘t
The reality of double standards
Don‘t bother with misogynists
Fatphobia is wrong
Male Collective Identity
Female reproductive anatomy
Misogyny vs. misandry
Whitefem hypocrisy
Women‘s Economic Space
Misandry ain‘t real
Usurpation of women‘s ability to create life
Men being pathetic (education)
"Progressive" hypocrisy
Women‘s accomplishments >>>
OSA separatism
Don‘t invest in men
Men are violent anyways
Megan Thee Stallion
"Man-hater" vs. woman-hater
Feminist wins/progress
Penetration & degradation
Male loneliness
"Misandry" isn‘t racism + update
Radical feminism vs. basic feminism
Small changes are meaningful
On shaving
Shaving anon
Socialization: Let‘s talk
Male approval
Don‘t fall for gaslighting
Fake accountability
"Choice" ≠ choice
Barbie isn’t "anti-men", but men‘s movies are often anti-women
Advice for dealing with men
Refuse to bow down
Advice for women with SH scars who date men
A win for female CEOs in the U.S.
More general information
Global majority women and third world countries MATTER
50:50 with men is a scam
The "bimbocore" trend
Why misogyny is so normalized
Sexualization of women in sports
Women‘s rights are for all women
Misandry isn’t real, but if it was, it‘d be a male thing
Side with women or be guilty
Men exploit women‘s empathy
Male violence is normalized, women fighting back is demonized
Which rights do women *actually* have?
Reasons to dump him
Historical feminist writings
Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians — War crimes committed by the State of Israel
Stop antisemitism — State of Israel ≠ Jewish people
Affection is NOT absence of bigotry — every man needs to be held accountable
Maternal equality is crucial for feminism
Massacres/genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
How to actively help women in Gaza with period products
Gender disparity in Indian organ transplants: 4 in 5 living donors women, 4 in 5 recipients men
How misogyny harms women‘s footballers
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Baby Reindeer
Watched Baby Reindeer. Twice - once yesterday, once today. One of the most rewatchable things I've seen, ever. This series is everything. It's been a while since looking at someone's face made me wanna draw them again and again, but Richard Gadd really said ... Idk what he said. He said nothing. We don't know eachother.
Anyway!!! It's so good :D This is one of the best portrayals of sexual abuse I've seen, and I love how honestly victimhood is portrayed. Episode 4 was fucking heartbreaking, but I absolutely adored the camera work in it. It was fucking brutal and both actors were amazing. The positioning of actors, the particular way of framing the scenes ... Very metaphorical. I was like "oh damn this is like... essay material." Like how often do you watch something where you're like "oh damn I guess those literary school peeps were onto something...". Idk, maybe you're a nerd with a lot of good takes who keeps writing essays cause you're cool like that, but me personally, I just like to avoid thinking whenever possible.
Btw, from 1 to 10, how obvious is it that I have absolutely zero clue about film wordology?? (that is also not a word... I forgot the right one while I was writing this sentence....)
But yeah, I genuinely wish all the best to Gadd. I hope he's okay. God knows he deserves some fucking peace and quiet to heal. I really hope he keeps creating. His honesty and empathy were absolutely breathtaking.
I'm gonna keep thinking about this series for a long, long time. Also, Donny really reminds me of both Will Graham from Hannibal the series and Yoonbum from Killing Stalking (lol Stalking, just realized that). Guy wears a lot of flannel, has dark hair, funny as fuck, kinda cast out from society, gets fucked over by life, self-destructive, likeable as fuck, stuff like that.
Also, I swear to god, I hope the unknown man who abused Gadd gets some severe fucking payback. Nothing will ever be sufficient but hey, praying for his downfall every day <3 If you need me, I'll be in my study, thinking up new torture methods (〃^▽^〃)
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lyxthen · 1 year
My friend trying to compare Lovecraft's #problematic behaviour to Tolkien's #problematic behaviour saying that "both were a product of their time" feels extremely childish, and wrong in so many levels.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's bad to like and admire the works of either of these authors. I have always wanted to read Lovecraft because I am into that shit but I haven't done it because life. You don't have to justify liking the work of a racist asshole because it was a "product of his time." The man is dead. He can't lobby racist policies from the grave.
And I don't think they see the value in approaching literary analysis from a critical point of view, instead of "I like this therefore it is Good and Perfect" and that's why they try to defend, or justify, or just remark that the authors don't have blame.
I'd be the first time to admit that Tolkien, as a person and as a writer, has flaws and biases. But there *is* a difference between a guy that is trying his best to convey a message of empathy and connection, like Tolkien or Mark Twain, even within the bounds of their own prejudice, and a guy as overtly ideologically poisonous as Lovecraft.
And I told her, "you know, as a disabled transgender person, I find incredibly interesting some of the work of German philosopher Heidegger, the NOTABLE NAZI, which doesn't negate the fact that he was a NOTABLE NAZI." Which is in my opinion something way more controversial than saying "I think Lovecraft's monsters are cool".
All authors are a product of their time and environment. That's like, something I thought was taken for granted? Not to get leftist about things but the individual is a social construction. I don't see the point of remarking that "authors are a product of their time" cuz DUH WE KNOW. WE ARE ALL YOU SHITHEAD. 300 years in the future they are going to see us as problematic and you have to make peace with that, and try your best to make the world better anyway. Cuz there is a difference between someone trying their best, and someone who actively advocates for genocide. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't examine the bigotry present in the works of authors who were trying their best, of course. At least my corner of the Tolkien fandom is notable for slandering the man and his work work every chance they get and we still love him. This is normal and healthy behaviour.
But the thing that really confuses me is her defense of J.K. Rowling. I really do mean this: This is a transgender girl defending her. Because she thinks that the only thing JK did was "tweeting some unfortunate things" as though those tweets existed in a vacuum and not currently fueling anti-trans bigotry around the world and possibly indirectly sparked the Scottish independence. Especially because she is a living author, her bigotry is NOT EXCUSABLE. You don't even have to stop liking Harry Potter, but at least acknowledge that this woman is incredibly fucked up?
I really hope she grows out of it eventually. Like, she is at the same crossroads I was a few years ago, of realising you are transgender and having to drop all the bullshit bigotry the YouTube algorithm has been feeding you since you were twelve, and gaining the mental maturity to engage with media critically. But damn god if I have to listen to her say "product of their time" one more time I am going to lose it.
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sparrowkin · 1 year
While I recognize I’m too damn old for tumblr...
I accept the risk that I am shouting this out into the void. Having said so...Here are some thoughts I have had on bullying in the present and the past.
There is something people who refuse to engage in or use our time bullying that bullies--and abusive personalities--of nearly every stripe will simply never have. I wish with all my faded ginger hair-covered Druid brains that this thing was enough to protect the targets of abusers and bullies. I can’t pretend, even for an instant that it’s enough on its own; that would be dangerous and irresponsible. What I hope is that by sharing something even so simple that it’s probably a gold medalist in the “staggeringly obvious” category, if you’ve missed it or forgotten it, that you may get some recharge or some reinforcement or affirmation out of it. Thank you for bearing with me, whoever you are.
In Roald Dahl’s Matilda there’s a scene where Mr. Wormwood rips the book out of his daughter hands in rage that she is enjoying something that he cannot see the point of, that he cannot share or experience for himself, without (I think) reflecting on why this may be so. He rips every page from her library copy of The Red Pony,  this self-righteous rage at what he sees as exclusion (spoiler: it’s not exclusion Mr. awful fictional father of the year) just accelerating at every tear and crumple. 
What he can’t see is that he has not been excluded, unfairly or otherwise; he has exiled himself. An enormous percentage of bullies and abusers (I think) have at some point in their life exiled themselves without necessarily realizing that it was the kind of exile most likely to become forever. They do this for uncountable reasons, for all the motivations the kinder (than me, I am neither nice nor forgiving) guidance counselors and teachers and checked-out but well meaning parents assign; instability or violence they themselves are suffering from, insecurity, fear, unmanaged rage, undiagnosed mental health needs, the desperate need to fill a void by fitting in with some people even those people are predatory f&ckwafflers...Or even more benign reasons. More understandable and relatable reasons. All of their friends have declared themselves too old for She-Ra and just want to watch Grease. Jim Henson dies and suddenly nobody thinks Muppets are cool. Art projects are never going to be as good as That One Girl who Can Draw...
(Sometimes I think it’s happened because historically, things have been really, deeply bad and people have been pulled away from “childish stuff” to grow up faster, provide for their family in need sooner. Given how things went down in the Depression for my grandfather and basic empathy I am not here to cr&p on anybody in that position.)
What I’m getting at is that for a wide variety of possible reasons, good bad and ugly...people give up their appreciation of wonder. Sometimes it’s bit by bit so someone doesn’t even notice, sometimes it’s accelerated. Once gone though, it’s not impossible to get back but it is difficult, and our general society in the US doesn’t make that easier. 
Now the historian in me is making faces and grunting and preparing to sit up and hurl things--probably unintelligible personal papers from the 18th century or Civil War privy contents or toenail clippings of the Venerable Bede so let me just clarify; this is a theory based on the experiences and interpretations of literary and non fiction works by one person. One. I’m an undergrad lit major, I have a grad degree in history and some training in Mainline Liberal Ministry. I am spectacularly good at being wrong; I could be wrong here.
A sense of wonder and joy does not have to come from the Big Experiences in your life--that trip you were lucky to take to the Grand Canyon, the fan vaulting in Westminster Abbey, the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, or a whale watch. I mean it can...of course it can but it can be very small as well...Skyscapes at 2pm from on foot wherever you live or for a hot minute in the car or through a window. The cat doing something ridonculous... A color in an ad on a Bus, a sparrow. TREES.--okay now I’m getting into what could be mistaken as Inspirational BS here so moving on...it can be a book, a story that grips each side of your head, pulls you down to the page and will not let you go until it’s over and you’re transported, transformed, legally High off Your Arse...wishing there was more. Sometimes it doesn’t matter worth a damn how you encounter that story--book, TV, movie, song...
It is my theory based on empirical observations and data from a very limited sample pool, I genuinely suspect, I even believe it is possible that bullies and abusers have exiled themselves so profoundly from Wordsworth’s (I can’t stand the guy but he got this idea right) “Inner Eye” and from the capacity to take in the larger world that they have lost the ability to do so in any way. There’s no inspiration or laughter or strength or hope or determination to draw from anything but domination of every nasty kind possible over anyone they can get into a position to dominate. (However unfounded my concern may be to clarify I do not mean a healthy responsible Dom/Sub dynamic here). In actuality, dominate may be the word they use to themselves, consciously but it’s really more about needing to tyrannize (not in the Greek city state definition) and then destroy any and all opposition. That imperative grows until a child reading a book becomes how dare they!?! because the bully/abuser recognizes that here is at least some portion of another human being’s experience that they can no more control than they can shape the weather. That chink in the armor, that gap in the advancing charge, that inaccessible bit is an unholy and raging terror to a lot of bullies and abusers. 
if you’ve been bullied it may well have been more than I was. It may still be going on. You may be in the slow and horrendously dangerous process of extracting yourself and everyone you love from the reach of one or more of the worst kind of bullies: abusers. I wish I could help you more than by simply saying all this. I’m more sorry than you will likely ever know that it’s not enough. But it’s out there.  (PS, I have ADHD. There will be typos.)
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mmmcheetos · 10 months
I'M GIVING YOU YUXUE THEMED SONG RECS BECAUSE I'M BORED AND PROCRASTINATING, HOPE YOU ENJOY ftr, it's going to be a rollercoaster and, no, I don't have any normal sense in music
https://open.spotify.com/track/2GK5GiMNduq86tEjhn9GE7?si=8f77f71e5b844b1e - 1.0 yuxue, it would be a very 'eyesore' animatic, with dark grey background, neon blue + red for the outlines of the characters and I feel like neon pink for blood
https://open.spotify.com/track/5FFAqdNj7SAzVCOpPp3QZI?si=2155eb3684e84785 - idk i just think it could be really fucking funny with the notion that jyr is doing his damn best to be respectful and slow with his literary god of a boyfriend and lyx is just sitting there like 👁️👁️. Man, stop trying to be smooth, you're not good at it, just kiss the poor guy
https://open.spotify.com/track/6yZjEE1izAcgaGz29JkBTO?si=aa5b23e325814d9b - at first, i thought this song would be pretty lyx core, with the fact he was the 'villain' in 1.0 timeline, but then I realised jyr probably felt he was the villain after the whole "bad shixiong" apology thing, and yeah (I know, it's in Japanese, my bad)
https://open.spotify.com/track/40i81AcCCxiVEFUWElcjZC?si=0936a9eb0f954af5 - Just 1.0 yuxue being so, so destructive. they're tearing each other apart. they're clinically insane. they're going to drive each other to suicide and then they do.
https://open.spotify.com/track/4pY1okPrJvIPBQM0t4i28v?si=109862ff62484bae - "bruno? what happened to your good sense? I broke down, that man's good, I bet he works for the government" is so insanely 1.0 jyr during the mental breakdown arc trying to process everything and failllinnnggggg
https://open.spotify.com/track/7fd3aMiuwHWKsTdZafjOfZ?si=8fca1fc3a12445c8 - every now and then, 2.0 jyr will remember 1.0 lyx and he wonders if 2.0 is enough for him (he is, jyr is just an over thinker)
https://open.spotify.com/track/0BxE4FqsDD1Ot4YuBXwAPp?si=ff598991d8254f6f - i don't really know why it screams yuxue to me. I think it's the resignedness of the singer versus what seems to be quite an emotional and complicated lover. Works both ways. (however, it SERIOUSLY works with fx pov fengqing. Especially with Cheap Villain)
https://open.spotify.com/track/3EaJDYHA0KnX88JvDhL9oa?si=2a98f4b2148740be - Haha, 1.0 guoshi experiencing anagnorisis
https://open.spotify.com/track/34sOdxWu9FljH84UXdRwu1?si=7847f09483804bd1 - 1.0 Lyx/guoshi by extent, pretending how happy they are when, in reality, oml they just want to skin you alive
https://open.spotify.com/track/3vkCueOmm7xQDoJ17W1Pm3?si=d74a5034bf8847c7 - idk, just the chorus being 2.0 yuxue, with jyr reminding himself that he is safe now and that lyx is not the man he could've been
https://open.spotify.com/track/0qnzHn8plo9r10x69uFJYS?si=02e0907fc02949ac - 1.0 yuxue, particuarly jyr's POV as he stumbles through their violent and tragic understanding of the other. It's screwed by unreliable narrator, where a fight for lyx to stay alive seems, in jyr's eyes, like constant snubbing of his trauma (granted, lyx does but this situation is slightly different)
https://open.spotify.com/track/6XrTwqp0vMc2Z3m4ttoyRe?si=44b7ee7dbe4e409d - 2.0 disciple days, where jyr still despised lyx and kept trying to convince himself that this kindness and empathy that he caught glimpse of was a farce and, deep down, the man was a monster
I'm so sorry, this is so long. I'm bored and fixated, I apologise
it's okay bestie we are on tumblr no one has normal taste in music
why is masochism tango so good??? "I ache for the touch of your lips, dear/But much more for the touch of your whips, dear" is such a good line. also the neon pink blood is making think of danganronpa i'm sorry
lyx is suffering with respectful jyr lolol
40 METRE P???? i love him sm. also i think the idea of being assigned a villain role is very jyr
SARCASM??? bro why are you bringing out my favs this song was everything to me when i was 13. "you can be the corpse and i can be the killer" yeah...
"my mother says that i will surely go to hell" jyr my bby,,,,
mitski time !! also jyr sad boi hours :((((
i remember 505 !! i mean "hands around my neck" is very yuxue
"something bad is about to happen to me" "what if [he's] fine?" yeah,,,,
the screaming near the end before going back to that softer singing is so them fsfdjgfdjfgd
i love this kind of mood for them <3333 my love is mine, all mine,,,
every violent song suits them tbh,,,,also i love the way you describe that
oof that one's a really good fit, it's the way he can' let go of the past, bc maybe 2.0 lyx isn't the one who hurt him, but there's no way for jyr to know if 1.0 lyx will make a comeback
i loved listening to your recommendations !! and i love that you wanna share them with me ^.^
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well, time for me to lie down on the floor
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copper-dust · 2 years
A few notes on the "Read another book!" phenomenon from an obsessive fan...
...who also thinks that the "RAB" crew has a decent point.
Anyone with a strong and enduring love for Harry Potter is probably familiar with this phrase. You'll see it on Reddit, Twitter and other websites that foster a culture of mockery and shame for internet points.
"Read another book!"—as in, you've only ever read children's fiction your entire life, you're immature, you're babyish, you're lacking in common knowledge of classics of adult literature, your obsession with Harry Potter is really an indication of your failure to grow up—is pretty easily defeated as an argument once you begin to unpack it. With very little effort, one can find plenty of adult fans of Harry Potter who also read voraciously across many genres of adult fiction and nonfiction. Having defeated that point, we can acknowledge that sometimes, "Read Another Book" is a response not to fans who love Harry Potter, but fans who frame their entire worldview through the lens of one singular media phenomenon. I'll point out that a number of other majorly popular fandoms, notably Star Wars and whatever the Marvel universe is, also contribute some, um, not incredibly enlightening opinions to internet discourse.
I would generally caution against regularly comparing real life political events, especially wars, to fiction stories, especially those based in a science fiction or fantasy universe. It's insensitive, it's immature, and it flattens necessarily complex real world issues into those of a universe where the "bad guys" literally do not have any internal life, because they are not the protagonists. In the real world, even the people you hate most have their own interior monologue, their own thoughts and memories and ability to feel pain. Voldemort and Darth Vader do not. Quit comparing every damn event in the real world to famous media franchises, whether you are a fan of HP, or Tolkien, or Game of Thrones or any other media property. I do notice some overlap between people who can't help but use Harry Potter as an analogy for literally any kind of political event, and the following groups:
-grown adults who literally never read genre that isn't YA (young adult fiction)
-people whose sole knowledge of history is limited to World War II—and a pretty narrow understanding of it—and as such, compare any unfavourable people to Nazis because they genuinely lack any other basis for comparison
-Americans who think that American understandings of class, race and left/right politics necessarily map onto every other region of the world
-people who, having moved on from learning about WWII, have learned about slavery in the American south, so they now have a grand total of two (2) historical phenomena they understand, and all of it from a Northeastern USA perspective.
-people who consume media rather than interacting with it critically
Friends, I am speaking to you as someone who adores the Harry Potter books, who has a longstanding relationship to these books, who writes fan fiction, who believes that adults can consume YA and still be mature. When I say "Read another book!," I don't mean stop reading Harry Potter. Your understanding of the books, your empathy for the whole cast of characters, your ability to place Harry Potter within a greater context, both in-universe and beyond, will dramatically increase when you expand your literary diet.
And I don't mean read posts by anonymous teens on Tumblr, I mean read an actual bOOK! GET A LIBRARY CARD AND READ ANOTHER BOOK!
With love from a fellow Harry Potter fan.
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hamliet · 4 years
Dabi’s Missing Heart
So I’ve been seeing two main responses to Dabi’s character as portrayed in BNHA 292, both of which I feel touch on a very surface understanding of his character and role in the story despite seeming like opposite takes.  
Take #1: 
Dabi is an unfeeling monster created to show the redeemability of Shigaraki and Enji in contrast with his true eeeevil villainy! He will never be redeemed! 
Take #2: 
Dabi is a sweet softy who did nothing wrong! He will never be redeemed because of this chapter which is so out-of-character! 
Note how they both have the same endpoint. I’m not actually gonna address the redemption question much because I can’t fathom what this panel foreshadows if not Touya’s salvation (alive): 
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I’m not looking to debate this either; I’m just putting it here because I know it’ll come up if I don’t.
Instead, I wanna address Dabi’s character. He’s my favorite, and I’ve been asked a few different times whether I enjoy him as a villain or as an uwu poor baby, and my answer is always both. 
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Dabi is a villain. This chapter’s rampage is, in my opinion, not remotely out of character for him. But neither is it the summation of his character, and he surely is not meant to make Enji look good by comparison. 
So, who is Dabi? 
Dabi is kind of a flaming jerk, and that’s why I like him. He’s an abuse victim who gets to be angry and crass and sharp. He pushes people away because he doesn’t want to open up to them and get burned (heh). He’s just like Shouto in that, except with a dose of murder. 
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Believe it or not, this is a very realistic response to abuse, and very common too. It’s good to see that representation. If the writing was indeed just “he’s bad get rid of him,” well, that would of course be a terrible representation. But seeing a mean victim get redeemed? Now that’s some good sh*t I’m here for. 
If you want a sweethearted, misunderstood soft victim, there is one in MHA, and that’s Shigaraki. Dabi is not these things, but that does not mean he’s not a victim or that he’s somehow an unfeeling monster.
You see, Shigaraki is a heart character. Dabi’s the mind. (Heart and mind characters are a literary pattern that is utilized in literature across the globe; it’s not an eastern/western cultural thing. It has its roots in alchemy.) The problem is that you can’t have a heart without a mind nor a mind without a heart. If you lack one, you’re missing half the picture, and you won’t accomplish anything. 
We see this with Shigaraki in his quest to look for ideals, something to believe in, purpose to justify/enable acting on his feelings/emotions. 
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Dabi, in contrast, has conviction and ideals, but eschews any kind of personal connection and care. 
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So, both Shigaraki and Dabi struggle to unite heart and mind--but they need to do precisely this. 
It’s not a coincidence that Shigaraki expressly envisions both Dabi and Himiko when musing on what his purpose is. 
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Yet Shigaraki is able to unite more easily with Himiko as opposed to Dabi because Himiko is also a heart character. She claims to be motivated by extreme empathy that warps around to become a lack thereof (wanting to be who she loves).
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Shigaraki’s motivations are basically revenge for hero society not saving him--which encompasses both a deep internal and external (societal) need for empathy and a need for better ideals. Shigaraki needs Himiko and Dabi. They’re a trio, and all of them need each other to grow. But Himiko, being similarly driven expressly by emotions, is easier for Shigaraki to understand and work with. 
The irony is that Dabi is actually a very, very emotional character as well. But what he does (as is typical for a mind character) is repress them, compartmentalize, dissociate. He constantly pushes people away, yet admits privately, to himself, that he’s primarily (and paradoxically) motivated by family. This is emotional, yet Dabi claims he “overthought” and, according to other translations, “snapped” can be actually be read as “went crazy” as a result over overthinking (note: both are mind allusions). 
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Dabi repressing who he is--Todoroki Touya--is symbolic of him repressing his emotional side, because again, family and emotions are tied together for his character. Now his identity is acknowledged, and Dabi claims to be losing his mind (again), claims that he can’t feel, and yet is completely consumed by emotions. Like, does anyone think he’s being methodical and calculating this chapter? 
It’s not just negative emotions (rage, hate) that drive Dabi in response to his family. His seeking belonging and emotional connection is present even in a chapter where he tries to murder two members of his family and laughs off the risk to the life of another. 
See, Dabi first asked Shouto to validate his pain:
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But like, given the circumstances, of course Shouto doesn’t really respond well. How Shouto responds is this: 
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Shouto’s words are triggering. And keep in mind I am not blaming Shouto: he’s in shock and he’s a kid. I’m merely trying to explain how it likely comes across to Dabi. 
You’re crazy. Your feelings don’t matter. You don’t really care about Natsuo! You’re a villain and that’s ALL you are. Not a brother or abuse survivor. Just a villain. 
So, uh, yeah, Dabi then retreats back to being unable to feel, dissociating as has always been his coping mechanism. But that’s not all: Dabi’s been repressing for so long that of course he’s gonna go a little insane in response to the dismissal of everything he’s trying to point out. Why wouldn’t he? His family dismissed his pain back then and now again, and so, without that heart, without those emotions, principle is all Dabi has. This has been present since long before Stain’s ideology came into his life: 
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Now, he answers this question of existence through Stain’s ideology.  Purpose is all he has, and to him, Shouto and Best Jeanist are dismissing that too. Why are they dismissing it? Best Jeanist dismisses him for an ideal: the overall good of hero society. Shouto has a mixture of this ideal and also like, genuine shock and pain. 
Back to Dabi. Dabi’s summation of himself and his purpose is incorrect and harmful to himself and others. I’m not excusing him or justifying, just explaining. It’s a tragic reflection of what Endeavor raised both Touya and Shouto to be (and thereby ironic that BJ uses an ideal to dismiss him): 
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Instead of being raised to be the symbol of hero society--as Endeavor intended--he exists to destroy it. The root is the same: Dabi assumes he exists for hero society, as a tool. He dehumanizes himself, hence why his quirk physically harms him (which also fits his almost religious zeal for Stain’s ideology). But it is not all Dabi is. He’s not a tool, he’s a person, but to acknowledge he’s a person involves acknowledging his heart/emotional desires, and that gets to my next point.
Dabi’s not a reliable narrator about himself. At all. I’ve written about Dabi and dissociation before. So let’s look at Dabi’s devotion to his ideals, the ideals he puts above people and claims he only cares about... because there are moments where Dabi goes against those ideals. 
For one example, Dabi’s gone against those ideals when he’s allowed his personal need for revenge (an emotional/heart motivation) to overcome his longterm plan. Like, he was fully about to get himself killed here, even though that would likely mean no one would know the corruption of the Todoroki family and hero society, just for the chance to prove to his father that he hurt him. 
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In addition, I’ve talked before about how Dabi’s the only character in the entire damn manga to comment that maybe using child soldiers is not okay. While it’s not explicitly stated, it’s reasonable to conclude that Dabi considers the abuse of children in hero training a sin of hero society that ought to be purged (hence, part of his ideals). 
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That said, I have also pointed out that Dabi has gone after children in the past when it benefits his mission (Bakugou would like a word). So let’s look at four examples of Dabi and his principles concerning kids--since, after all, he claims to be motivated by heroes who hurt kids. 
Firstly, Dabi’s “save the cat” when he spared Aoyama. 
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Why did he spare Aoyama? We can only speculate, but it seems quite likely there are two reasons: 1) hurting Aoyama would not add anything to his overall goal of downing hero society, and 2) a terrified, cowering kid might just have been a teeny bit familiar to Dabi. Here, his ideals--destroying hero society--either take a backseat to a reflection of his personal pain (and)/or his ideal of not abusing kids directly contradicted his ideal of bringing down hero society. But the important part is that in this instance, Dabi chose mercy and the goal of bringing down hero society was jeopardized as a result. 
So then why did he attack Tokoyami, Nejire, and Shouto this arc? Well, Dabi does things he knows are wrong for the sake of accomplishing his overall purpose. He does things he knows hurt himself for this purpose. This isn’t new. If he can’t be acknowledged, can’t exist as a person with emotions, then he at least will ensure he still has a purpose.  
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In addition, let’s look at what sets Dabi off in all of these instances. (Again, this isn’t me saying “well actually Dabi’s justified.” He’s not. I’m just pointing to what’s in the text to explain the machinations beyond “bad guy do bad.”)
Dabi tries to reason with Tokoyami, pointing out that Twice was doing essentially what Tokoyami is doing: trying to save his friend(s), but Tokoyami doesn’t listen (also again: not me saying Tokoyami should have listened--realistically, in this situation, it makes sense Tokoyami trusted his mentor!)
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Only after his reasoning was rejected did Dabi go to flames mode. He could have just let Tokoyami save Hawks, but instead he really wanted to kill Hawks and that overrode his other principles. Was this just because of his furthering his goal--killing the #2 hero would help destroy hero society--or because of a sense of personal revenge for Twice? That’s open for interpretation (in my opinion, it’s likely a mixture, because again, it tends to intertwine more than Dabi likes to think it does). His principles and/or emotions are brushed aside, and Dabi Does Not Like That. 
Dabi does this again with Shouto this chapter, asking him where he stands on their family issues, and gets brushed aside, and then Shouto goes into his rage mode and Dabi responds. Again, not saying Shouto is rational here or that he should side with Dabi’s murderous plan, but like, his words really don’t come across well to Dabi. 
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Dabi going after Shouto after explaining things, asking Shouto for help, and then having his pain dismissed is pretty much a repeat of Tokoyami. When Dabi’s pain is dismissed, he says fine, let’s aim for the highest principle possible: making Stain’s will a reality, and damn any emotional ties. 
Dabi’s obsession with ideals, you might say, is a smokescreen to cover his own pain. Far from feeling nothing, he feels very deeply. (I promise I’m getting to Nejire.) 
So what does this indicate? Well, that Dabi does have a heart and a conscience. But when he lets his heart act, when his heart reaches out, he gets burned. His heart jeopardizes his overall purpose, so he most often dissociates himself from it. But by pretending he doesn’t have a heart, he dehumanizes himself, and he projects that dehumanization onto others (see: seeing Shouto as an extension of Endeavor, when that’s actually the precise image Shouto is trying to shed). 
It’s not a coincidence that Shigaraki has been unconscious during the entire confrontation with Endeavor, nor is it a coincidence that Himiko has been MIA. But, Shigaraki wakes up a bit this chapter not only when hearing Dabi spout about how hero society needs to burn, an ideal/the thing Shigaraki lacks, and through a less important but still-ideal-driven character in Spinner asking him to accomplish his supposed ideal of destruction, but when Dabi saves Shigaraki and Spinner. 
Dabi doesn’t burn Nejire for lols (not that this makes it better because it doesn’t) or even for ideals. He burns her to save Shigaraki and Spinner, because they are his links to full humanity right now. 
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(Again, this is also dissociation and projection: Endeavor did this! No, Dabi, you did. You’re perpetuating violence against kids rather than stopping it.)
But anyways, when Dabi calls upon heart, Shigaraki wakes. He lends Gigantomachia and thereby Dabi and the league power. 
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Dabi can only grow and actually accomplish anything related to his ideals (fixing hero society) through accepting a heart--even though that will likely mean some painful surgery to shift his ideals to accommodate said heart, because pure ideals don’t leave much room for humanity. He needs to feel to actually change anything, because right now he’s just making things worse (hence, the need for saving and redemption).
I know the League aren’t the protagonists of the serIes, but their complaints aren’t exactly incorrect either (if anything they’re almost a little too valid). But through growing together, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Himiko might actually be able to accomplish something, and get themselves in a place where they can be reached and saved by Shouto, Deku, and Ochaco. Because to be saved, the kids will have to acknowledge the villains’ pain and complaints, and do something about it. 
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
there is a tiny part of the cql-only fandom who are well aware of jc being the fucking worst and aren’t happy about That part of the weibo update (although imo it’s just lwj bitching about jc being a loud idiot, nowhere does it say wwx is cool with jc again). and even before i read mdzs, after only watching cql, i understood that jc isn’t supposed to have a satisfactory arc, that he’s one of the characters who stagnates and lives with his hatred and anger, and that there’s literally no chance of reconciliation between him and wwx. like… the show is pretty damn clear about that, whatever other opinions one might have about how it handled the book. i think a lot of this fanon is down to these ppl being very young and not great at critical/literary analysis. and let’s not let mdzs off the hook here, they’re the ones who decided wwx is bi and disagreeing automatically makes you biphobic apparently.
The only thing I find more incomprehensible than people walking away from cql thinking jc is a poor misunderstood guy who deserves better, is ppl walking away from cql thinking wzc's acting choices were impressive ...in a positive way.
"there’s literally no chance of reconciliation between him and wwx. like… the show is pretty damn clear about that"- exactly this. The show included JFM telling jc that there are things that can't be taken back/excused just bc you said them when you were angry and jc does so much more than just say things. jc chose to embrace his envy, resentment, hate and anger, and any relationship he had with Wei Wuxian is irreparably ruined because of that. THAT'S THE POINT. The people who demand reconciliation are the type of people who believe someone loving them gives them carte blanche to act like assholes, treat that person like crap and still be loved. I do wish it was an issue isolated to youth, and inexperience but I see plenty of 25+ year olds go to bat for jc. It think it's more accurate to say rather than age it has a lot to do with maturity, empathy and emotional intelligence... hell let's add just plain intelligence to that list too.
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A Fire Dragon, His Princess and The Not-So-Terrible Party Aftermath: Chapter:5
A Fire Dragon, His Princess and The Not-So-Terrible Party Aftermath
Nalu week 2020 Prompts: Voice, Flirt, Charm & Smile(All implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy & E.n.d. Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature/adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Discretion is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: God knows it was all fun and games at an outdoor guild party until a drinking contest results in a not-so-great time for a certain celestial wizard much to the dismay of a protective dragon slayer and company. Even worse is Lucy's hangover with some kind of mild flu and busted ankle to boot . At least a doting Natsu is more-than-willing to provide his mate plenty of TLC. One of my entries for Nalu week 2020 and part of the Nalu-centric anthology series The Dragon Demon and His Celestial Princess anthology series (slight au/ canon divergent).
Chapter: 5: Of All The Over-Protective Loved Ones And Nonsensical Health Remedies
A/N: Hey folks, it's your girl back with another installment of AFHCPATNSTPA! Apologies for the delay! My beta and I have been somewhat busy on and off for different reasons which will be explained further in the bottom author's note. Anyways, Chapter 5 is finally posted for your reading pleasure with plenty of Nalu fluff, Gray and Natsu rival-related hijinks and humor to go around! Many thanks and a special shoutout to the awesome @mannyegb for helping me edit and further develop this chapter yet again! Seriously, words can't express how grateful I am for this dude's contributions or how invaluable they are ! Make sure to hit him up on Tumblr and Discord. Now without further ado, here's the chapter-enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
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Chapter: 5
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Bolded Italics: empathized word
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"Friends are the family you choose".
(NIN/Ithilinin: Elven Rogue)
"Seriously Natsu? Again?! "
Lucy's exasperated voice echoed through the stairwell of the couple's duplex after returning home from a trip to the local physician's appointment and some errands. Can't believe we're having this conversation again. Little did the other nearby tenants and neighbors know that this wasn't the first time that the two disagreed over his sometimes -overprotective nature instincts or the level of " safety precautions" for the sake of his mate's well being.
Bloody Hell ...
"I'm not a porcelain doll, y' know!" The wizard grumbled, arms crossing over her chest. "I mean, really!"
"Mhmmm." Nastu merely hummed in response with a lazy smirk illuminating those sage eyes much to her chagrin.
"Are you even listening to me right now?"
"Course I am , beautiful" came his reply without missing a beat. "But damn." Difficult to miss the hint of a flirtatious purr in the fire wizard's voice or how his eyes swept over his mates form in apprecation that sent her pulse jumping into a frenzy . "Do you know what seeing ya' all flustered like this does to me? I mean you're even more adorable, gorgeous, and irresistible than you already are right now. Kissable too."
"Well, th-thank you" Lucy mumbled, heat rising and pooling in her cheeks. God knows how she couldn't but be a little subconscious over the effect of his natural charms despite being irritated. "But I don't think no's really a good time for flirting."
"Aw who says?" Natsu challenged with a throaty chuckle. Agree to disagree, princess ." Notto mention the gleam of mirth dancing in his eyes or the languidly smooth empathis on one of her beloved nicknames that he knew turned her knees to jellow .
Cocky bastard..
And damn were those supple hands currently settled on the curve of the summoner 's waist distracting in all the best possible ways.
"This couldn't be a more perfect time for flirting…"
One of the dragon slayer's hands was reaching to drag the blonde's locks through his fingertips. and Holy Hell did that blush deepen all thanks to that shit-eating of his and the way he continued to play with her hair .
Fuck ... there he goes again.
"Don't you think,Luce?" He finished, twirling, and tucking a stray tendril behind her ear as if to puncture his point further.
Damn it...
God damn did all those calculated ministrations kickstart the flustered girls heart into overdrive .
Again. So hard to focus right now. He 's that good…
As if that soft gasp tha wasn't t slipped out of her mouth wan't already enough. And pretty clear that noise undetected by Natsu if the way his sage eyes were glittering like coals was any indication.
"Someone' s flustered" His words came out as infuriatingly goading and yet velvety at the same time. " But I know you're into this as much as I am…. and you're falling prey to my charms." Natsu let his thumb lightly graze along the contour of her cheek. "Oh yeah. I can tell. Your heart's racing and everything." Now the fire dragon slayer wizard's forehead was mere inches from Lucy's. All that was needed for for her heart rate to skyrocket for the third time just as he so brazenly pointed out.
"Nastu..." the blonde started only for the words to die in her throat when her breath hitched from Natsu 's lips brushing against hers.
"Are...you…trying…to…distract...me?" Was what she finally managed to force out, desperate longing seeping into her breathy tone.
"Me? Never." Natsu denied, the soft vibrations of his smoky timbre against her lips sending a tingle rippling across all those nerves. "Just having a little fun, is all."
"You are?"
"And I succeeded!"
Nastu was pulling back ever so slightly from Lucy without so much as a warning. God did that unwelcome disruption not fly so well with the mage who moaned in protest.
That pompous little...
"So that entailed luring your your mate in?" She eventually objected with a sour glare at her pompous -ass-of boyfriend." And then leaving her hanging? Pretty sure that classifies as some kind of entrapment! Just how much of a shameless flirt can you be?!"
"Opps.. guess you're not a happy camper right now," Natsu snickered, flashing her an awfully impish grin as if he were caught red-handed like a delinquent high school student drinking in class. "I mean I'm definitely a 'shameless flirt 'when it comes to you but I'm not going to leave you out to dry like some emotionally or romantically dead-beat loser. Knew exactly what I was doing and can't get over how cute my girl is when she's all flustered. No need to worry though." He gave a sly-yet-rougish wink that nearly left the summoner 'a heart stuttering.
Not that I'm going to tell him that.
"I promise to deliver on that promise of plenty of kisses and affection that we both crave so much. You'll see!"
"I... you ... y-you're such an ass!" Lucy stammered, entire face flushing an deeper shade of crimson. "Did you even hear what I said about... God damn it!"
"You mean about you not being made out porcelain?" Natsu was quick to supply, automatically clueing in. "Yes Luce, I did." His voice was all business now but more patient than cross. "And you're definitely right but that busted ankle of yours might as well be with how fragile it is right now. That's what having a sprained ankle means. A finger pointed down at Lucy 's sandal -clad foot with a tensure bandage .
"And why I need to carry ya'. Either way, you wanna get upstairs, right?"
"Well gee thank you for stating the obvious and what everyone already knows about sprained ankles." Lucy huffed, rolling her eyes. "And of course, I wanna get up upstairs but why is carrying me all the way up and down even necessary? You already gave me a piggyback to the clinic for God's sake! Not to mention pushing me around on a god damn platform cart while we were shopping for medicine and other supplies at the pharmacy without letting me set foot on the ground even once!
"Both were necessary to keep you from falling again." Natsu reasoned, still not budging on the matter; even when in the process of methodically removing the key holder's shoes. "Plus, I love having ya' in my arms and that cart had lots of room for you to comfortably stretch out on. Pretty practical if you ask me."
"More like total overkill!" Lucy tossed back, vein ticking above her eye. "Anyway, I might not be as fast, but can still definitely make my way up and down the stairs with a walking assist! Can't you just let me try at least?!"
"No can do, sweetheart," Natsu rebutted with a shake of his head. Good lord it was astounding how this extremely persistent man was able to unwittingly shoot down all of her ambitions for any kind of semi-independent mobility. and yet be so damn patient and even-tempered at the same time. "Can't risk you missing a step and taking another tumble down these stairs."
"Ugh...Oh My God- you're unbelievable!" Lucy couldn't help but yell; throwing her hands up in ggravation. which was met with an infuriating laugh of amusement from a certain pyro .
"The most unbelievable of them all.! Now quit complainin' relax and enjoy the ride up to our apartment!"
Such a debate became a common occurrence in the Dragneel-Heartfilia household over the week with neither Natsu or visiting friends— Celestial spirits included- letting Lucy out of their sight or use stairs by herself. The extremely disgruntled mage would often gripe about her "stupid over-protective boyfriend and friends" even though ;despite secretly melting from being in the dragonslayer's arms all the time along with the rest of his "TLC." Not so much with Ezra, however, who'd often insist on personally escorting Lucy up and down the stairs herself ;when it wasn't by Natsu, Happy or anyone else.
My God is that woman overly cautious! It's beyond irritating!
Other than that, one minor pet peeve, Lucy supposed she couldn't really complain too much. Not when she was blessed with spending quality time with the love of her life and phomoneal comrades/friends who were all more than willing to keep her company. Well, okay save for that one time involving a nonsensical squabble about ailment remedies between Natsu and Gray one day.
"I'm telling you— these will help Lucy feel better!" Natsu insisted, dumping a paper bag of what could be described as god-awful-Scotch-covered-eye-sores-with-strings-attached on the counter. "See?" A hand patted the side of the misshapen bundle of items.
Lucy meanwhile, couldn't help but steal a furtive glance of disbelief from her coral-haired soulmate; who was currently sniffing the unsightly abominations with an particularly intense focus for some inexplicable reason.
"The hell are ya' doing , charcoal-brains?!" Gray demanded, voice coming out in a mixture of incomprehension and disdain. "And what even are those things?"
"Inspecting these babies for germs," Natsu replied with an eye roll as if the answer was the most obvious in the world. "Duh! What else would I be doing'? Can't have em' infecting Lucy. And they're a supposed to be a special kind of talisman for health and good luck. Even an ice overrated snowcone like you should know that. Basically Scotch-taped covered piles of leaves and Vic patches wrapped in tissue paper. If I hang these around the apartment, then they should do wonders for Luce's health."
"You know by gradually sucking the virus toxins from her body until she's better," he tacked on with an 'exuberant grin. "Or so I heard from Nab, Maco, and Wakaba. Dudes bought entire boxes full for 20 jewel a piece from a pop-up vendor of some merchant in the market. The lady swears by them and everything. Either way, aren't they awesome?! Right, Luce? His head turned towards Lucy. "Bet you'll be better in no time!"
"I ...uh... " The blonde sputtered, still too bewildered for words." I don't…."
"Oh Good God," Erza muttered, smacking a palm against her forehead. "Of all the—-Natsu, I highly doubt those would be effective in treating Lucy's illness."
"Huh? Why wouldn't they be?"
"Oh jeez...How can anyone be this dense?"
Gray was shooting out of his seat at the table with an exasperated noise. "Step aside fire boy, I'll find Lucy something. Her fridge should have some suitable ingredients." A hand pulled opened the door of the fridge before rummaging around inside much to Lucy's confusion Course why a random assortment of food in the form of onions and ginger Along with some lemons were being cleared out was anyone's guess.
"Onions, lemons and ginger" The ice wizard announced, sounding tremendously pleased with himself. "Should be just what the doctor ordered for Lucy. I'm gonna chop these up and boil em' with some cinnamon in a tea for her."
Wha? Is he for real?!
"Wait….I'm sorry you want me to drink what now?"
Lucy 's brain short circuited with an owlish blink at the same time that some revolted noises could be heard from the rest of Team Natsu. More specifically Salamander 's gagging and Erza nearly vomiting in her mouth.
"Well at least Lucy gets it" Gray voiced aloud to no one in particular with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "Now to find a knife and boil some water for the tea."
"Yo, you out of your mind, ice-dick?" Natsu demanded, more than a tad incredulous. "It's pretty obvious she doesn't want what you're selling and can't say I blame her." His eyes narrowed in revulsion with a flash of exposed canines poking through his lips. "That kind of 'tea 'sounds disgusting."
Just for Natsu's striking emerald eyes to immediately soften when landing on Lucy.
"Don't worry Luce," He soothed, his voice lifting to a sympathetic coo. "I'll protect ya' from that big meanie and his stupid ".
" Uh Yeah, please do," Lucy beseeched, words trembling slightly. Honest to God that the astral almost shuddered at the prospect of such a horrendous-tasting tea invading her tastebuds. "I don't even want a sip of that stuff."
"And Why would any sane person expect you to? Not me or Ezra. Can't say the same about droopy eyes here." Natsu tossed a pointed glare at Gray which was readily met with a raised middle finger. "You really that hell bent on brewing whatever nasty crap you call tea, buddy? Then be our guest and drink it yourself. But keep it away from Lucy and out of the kitchen. We don't need that shit stinking up the place."
"Tch— shows what you know" came Gray's disparaging scoff by way of a reply. "Pretty sure you wouldn't know a proper health remedy was if it hit you in the face."
Uh-oh ...
Gray's words really seemed to touch a nerve judging by Natsu's offended growl.
"The hell is that supposed to mean, stripper?" He sniped, vein throbbing in his forehead " What? Are ya really looking' to piss me off or somethin'?"
"Yeah, just maybe I am!" Gray countered with salty heat and matching his rival glare for glare. "You want to cry about it? And you heard what I said. God ... no wonder Lucy's still sick what with your clueless ass and all failing to take care of her.."
"You take that back asshole!" Natsu seethed, foaming rabidly at the mouth. Or rather smoke circumventing from his nose and mouth what with him being a fire dragon demon and "literal hothead "and all.
"Make Me—ow!"
The rest of whatever Gray was trying to say was cut off by a flying "talisman" that just struck him point blank in the face.
"Hey!" He snapped, grudgingly rubbing his temple with a hand." The hell was that for, ya damned fire hazard?!"
"What do ya think, dumbass ?" Natsu flung back without missing a beat. "You got some nerve….insultin 'a dragon's pride like that!"
"Yeah? So what?"
"Seriously?! You pretty much implied I don't know how to take care of my own mate!"
"Yes and?"
"And it was a total dick move, dingus! That's what! Where's your sense of common decency!?"
"Wasted on incompetent dipshits like you, apparently!"
"What was that, frosty?!"
"You heard me "
"That's it you, walking freezer burn! Them's fighting words!"
"Oh yeah? Bring it flame-bitch!"
"Take this!"
Oh god ….
The next thing anyone knew were that that the bickering rivals were launchimg projectiles—aka "Talismans" at each other much to her dismay.
"No fighting in our kitchen!" Lucy squeaked; cadence raised to a higher pitch. " You could really break something! So stop!" The afflicted girl couldn't help but watch with alarmed eyes when her desperate pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears. Something always gets completely wrecked or destroyed when these two butt heads over anything!
Seriously, who could forget all the destruction those two left in their wake or millions of jewel racked in subsequent, property damage during their last scuffle? Like say the accidental beheading and subsequent toppling of that statue which also happened in Hargeon's beloved town founder for instance? Not to mention the scorched garden of the mayor's prized purple and white orchids. Not Lucy, that's for sure.
I really don't want them breaking anything….
Erza meanwhile. was practically frothing at the mouth from all that pent-up rage in a very-if-not-entirely-proverbial sense of the word.
"Good God—those two!" The re-equip mage ranted, vein pulsing right above her brow. "Always butting heads over one asinine matter or another! The hell is wrong with them anyways? Either way, enough is enough! I really should... no probably best not... Oh screw it!"
Erza was on the other wizards in a flash, banging their heads together with an audible crack. And good lord who could miss the stunned noises of pain that simultaneously cirumented their throats.
"OW!" Natsu and Gray whimpered in unison. "That really hurt ,Erza!"
"Yeah!?" Erza barked . "Well maybe you two dolts should've thought of that before you started acting juvenile and making a mess! I mean take you for instance, Gray! Disrespecting a dragonslayer's pride was a garbage move just as Natsu pointed out! Haven't both Master and UR taught you more sense than that? Oh, and let's not forget you doubting Natsu 's ability to effectively tend to care for Lucy despite doing more than a standup job so far for the most part! No wonder he's offended!"
"Hey, it's not my fault if the dude can't take a joke," Gray grumbled, defensive resentment leaking into his tone. "Or that he has a ridiculously overinflated and fragile ego."
"Neither helpful or okay, Gray!"
"Yeah, so there dickwad!" Natsu cut in with his tongue shooting out for good measure. "See?"
"Oh yeah... you really..."
"Oh no you don't!" Erza whirled on Natsu who shrank under the heat of her glare with another whimper. "And yes, I'm talking about you Natsu Ignatius Dragneel! Don't think for a minute that you're getting out of this scott- free!""
Oh shit ... Erza just used Natsu's full name…. She must mean business.
"What? Me, really?" Nastu spluttered, hands still raised in defense as if fend the intimating scarlet woman off. "What did I even do anyway?"
"Hmm, what did you do?" Erza questioned, rolling her eyes. Oh, and her words were just laced/ dripping/ trickling/ with just the right amount of pointed sarcasm. "Care to take a wild guess? How about those godawful abominations you call talismans for one? Look at them! Anyone can tell these are a sham! I mean really, Natsu! The hell were you thinking?! Normally, you're much better at sussing out onpossible scams and cons. How could you let yourself be duped out of your hard -earned money like that?"
"Aw- come on!" Natsu bleated "Didn't mean to, honest! All I wanted was to help Luce recover more quickly and honestly thought these things would help. That's all! I won't buy any more—swear to God! Just please don't bust my balls, Erza! I need those!
"Calm down. I'm not going to do that. It's easy to tell your intentions were pure regardless which is most important."
"Really? Thank you, you kind, merciful, woman!"
"Yes, yes,.. that's all fine and good," Erza chuckled in amusement with a light shake of her head as a response .
"Now about those talismans. They are a problem. " Erza's voice fell into a more sober tone with a hand cupping her chin in thought. "Word on the street is that Fiore is being targeted by a fraudulent band of thieves and con artists. Popping up in various towns and cities with those "vendors", posing as legitimate shop keepers and merchants —that sort of thing. and from what I've heard , these people are trying pass off bogus goods as authentic souvenirs."
"So, ya think there's some kind of link between those and what I bought?" Natsu quickly caught on matter-of-factly. "As in all that crappy stuff you mentioned ?"
"Yes, precisely that. I'm sure we can all agree that how poor unassuming customers are being ripped off by those criminals just isn't right. Something must be done."
"Okay—like what?"
"Helping folks of Magnolia getting their money back for one —yours included. And there's also the matter of filing a report with the magic reinforcement unit and other authorities . They'd want to be informed of the culprits' criminal activity ASAP. In fact, why don't the two of us go now?"
"What? Ya' mean that you actually want us to leave right now?!"
Natsu visibly balked at Erza's suggestion as if being ordered to watch Ichyia perform a strip tease in nothing but a pair of - sparkly -Leather, assless chaps.
"I.. don't…"
"Yes, I figured that would be the most efficient course of option" Erza reasoned, lifting a questioning brow at his response. "Why? Is there a problem?"
"Uh yeah..., a big one!" Natsu protested with a vigorous nod. " Going now would mean leaving Luce's side" His whole tone shifted into a whine. "Especially when she's still not feeling 100% or if it means being without her in my arms for too long. And right now, looking after Lucy and being able to spend time with her is what's most important. Not to mention what I want the most! Please… just let me take good care of my mate and queen and hold her! That too much ask?"
"No, and your feelings are understandable. That in mind, it would still be unethical to turn a blind eye to petty crimes at the expense of innocent civilians."
"Yeah, of course. But it's just…."
Sheesh… Natsu's being a bit of a drama king right now. I mean I love the guy and its always great having him around for the most part despite the fact that he sometimes gets on nerves. Completely normal for all couples even ones like us but that's besides the point. Anyways, he's being super sweet and everything but there's no need for him to blow a gasket when they would only be gone for a couple hours at most. Plus Erza's right about putting a stop to those jerks and getting those other people compensated. and it's not like I won't be okay without them or by myself a for little bit...
"Hey guys," Lucy finally spoke up after a few minutes, drawing their focus of everyone's eyes back on her. "Not that your efforts and spending time with me aren't appreciated, but pretty sure I'll be fine on my own for a little while if you want to report those people and get your money back." No real heat to her words though.
"Hmm... don't think that's a good idea, "sweetheart." Came Natsu's reply, his timbre pitched soft; though she didn't miss the pleading note in his words. "You're still not in the best shape right now. Like Mavis knows I don't really feel comfortable leaving you alone to fend for yourself right now, y' know? I mean what if ya' end up barfin' with your head over a toilet bowl or falling again?"
Not really that much of an nasty shock to say the least especially seeing how the couple were practically inseparable ever since that hazardous incident at the party.
"Don't be too surprised if Natsu's refuses to leave your side." Levy's kind voice from a recent lacrima video call echoed inside Lucy's head "or even let out of his sight-or sense range for that matter. You remember learning about how dragon slayers, demon's and hybrids are essentially hardwired to be extremely protective and territorial of their bonded, right? Well those already -fierce instincts are get an even bigger boost during certain times... like say when they're in heat . Not to mention when their soulmates are sick, injured or both in your case. In any case, Natsu's no exception especially with how you're one of the people he's been most protective of even before you two were officially an item node as we all know. Anyways, be prepared for him wanting to remain extra close to you and special attention. Think plenty of affection and physical contact like snuggling, kisses, doting on you —things like that which is always a bonus. And pretty sure he is going to hoard you. I mean the dude going isn't gonna take kindly to anyone he feels is trying to steal/snatch you away from him. Gajeels the same way. It's not so bad though."
Levy was right. Not that I'm complaining...
"We really should get going Natsu," Erza chimed in after a few minutes. The sooner these matters are sorted out the better. Either way, it shouldn't take us too long-a few hours tops."
"Yeah, I know..." Natsu replied , an unmistakable flicker of reluctance in his eyes. "But…I still don't want to leave Lucy right now…." Sage fully connected with honey-brown as a hand was reaching to gently caress Lucy's cheek. And Mavis knows she couldn't help but naturally lean into the warmth of his touch or the content smile forming on her lips.
"Pretty sure I made my reasons clear anyway."
"Yes, but…"
"Hey bro," Gray piped in —not unkindly this time."I can easily hold the fort down and keep Lucy company while you guys are out."
Natsu instantly seemed to perk up.
"Yeah, I'd be more than happy to. Plus, we can summon one of her spirits and Happy to help for a fun but chill time. That way, you can trust that your girl is in capable hands and won't be bored."
"Good point!" Natsu rhapsodized, bumping his fist with Gray's. "Thanks, bro!"
"Yes, I agree" Ezra concurred, an approving smile crossing her lips. "That's very gracious and cordial of you. Way to be a great friend."
"That's what I'm here for and my pleasure, Natsu."
"Guess you're not so bad after all"
"Course' not. I am pretty awesome, after all."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes... So, what about it, Luce?" Natsu went on to inquire, far more chipper now. " You gonna to be okay with Gray and some of the others taking over for a bit while Erza and me are out ?"
"Yeah Lucy, what he said," Gray followed up with a cordial smile of his own. . "You and me can kick it and chill for a little while. Maybe even break into the candy stash and watch movies with everyone."
"Sure!" Lucy chirped, heart leaping in excitement from the prospect of a low-key but fun kickback with splendid company. "And Natsu and Erza can, join when they get back from their errands, right?"
"Yup! Now here," Natsu instructed, pushing a glass of water on the table towards her." "Drink some more of your water. Anyways, Erza and I can bring back some goodies from the local bakery after too,. You good with that ,Erza?" He tossed a hopeful glance the armour- clad wizard's way.
"Sure—sounds good to me!" Erza jumped on board, eyes lighting up with delight. A trip to the bakery would be most excellent. All those delicious confections, yummy treats like gourmet cupcakes and strawberry shortcake. Ooooooh." The scarlet woman's hands clapped together in giddy enthusiasm.. "I can practically taste it now —so divine!"
"Yeah but think about lava- brains though" Gray quipped without missing a beat. "What are the odds he'll devour whatever he doesn't give or share with Lucy?"
"Ohhhh valid point" Erza echoed, lips pulling up into / a smirk. I wouldn't put it past him to cleanin out half of the bakery's front counter. Now why don't we get a friendly little wager started? Is 20 jewel acceptable?"
"Sure. I'm game."
"Ooh... why not make it ...30?" Lucy joined in with a light giggle. "I mean what's to say he won't clean out most of the shops and the other desert shops in town?"
"Hey! Not cool!" Natsu objected, though such sour words were belied by the glimmer of mirth in his shamrock eyes. "Makin' bets about whether or not I'll stockpile deserts and shit! I mean talk about takin' cheap shots at your leader! I am Salamander of Fairytail, damn it! Alpha drake of the dragon nest, and a Mighty and fierce dragonslayer -demon hybrid! I deserve your respect and praise!"
"Oh?" Erza spurred him on, clearly entertained by the salamander's theatrics. " Is that a fact?"
"Damn right it is!"
"And you, Luce!" Natsu bemoaned with extra melodramatic flair. "Even my own precious soulmate is betting against me and egging' the other two on?" Impossible not to notice how Natsu's hand clapped over the heart in a display of feigned offence. "How you' wound me, woman!"
"Opps," Lucy uttered, a teasing lilt to her words. "My bad. Are they really that wrong though?"
"Ooh, you got me there!" Natsu jibed s, lips breaking into a cheek into a cheeky grin agrin that set Lucy 's heart all pit-patter. "Touché and shit."
"Just as I suspected."
"Yeah, I figured!" Natsu laughed, mussing her hair with one hand. "Anyway, how about Erza and me pick up some dumplings on the way home? Maybe a Party pack with plenty for everyone to share? We can get some other things for dinner too— Our treat!"
"Ooh yes please!" Lucy crowed, mouth practically watering from the zesty-flavored-packed dumplings from one of many Magnolia's local fusion joints. "Can some be fried? And be filled with beef? Maybe tandoori chicken and cheese too? And could I have 3 or 4?"
"Yeah, sure." Natsu agreed, goodnaturedly as always. "Whatever you want. You really must be cravin that stuff today, huh?" And God she couldn't help how her heart stuttered at the way her grin morphed into a another kind of smile entirely; More subtle, tremendously fond, even. "Normally I'm the one askin' for all this different kind of food. Good to know that you have great taste and that I'm rubbing off on you more and more each day though."
" Uh, yeah… thanks. Though you don't think it's a bit much?" Lucy questioned, now glancing up at her boyfriend with a smidge of tentativeness. She couldn't help but second-guess her request especially seeing how it was partially driven by voracious craving for carbs. "Cuz I'm wondering if that many dumplings is a tad too many now."
Maybe something healthier would be better...
"What? Are you kidding?" Natsu refuted, bursting into stunned laughter . "Of course it isn't. Why would it be?"
"Well, when you put it that way" Lucy resounded in agreement, the corner of her lips twitching into a sheepish grin over how silly I'm being. "Guess I was overthinking it just a little."
"See?" The dragonslayer pointed out, punctuated by a light tap on the tip of the blonde's nose with his finger. "Now you're getting it! And hey, look at it this way! Whatever my princess and queen wants, she gets."
"Well, who am I argue to with that? Anyways, you guys heading out now?"
"Yeah," Natsu sighed, a touch of reluctance seeping back into his gravelly timbre. "Guess we oughtaa . Really don't like the idea of leaving your side though there are some things to take care of. And besides the sooner we leave, the sooner I can get back to you."
How the summoner's heart gave a little thump at those touching words that reached her ears!
"What you're saying is definitely true" Lucy breathed, finding herself adrift in those arresting eyes of his. Onyx with flecks of jade that always seemed to shine in just the right angle of sunlight on bright days. And did she mention the sensation of Natsu's fingertips brushing her cheek, the tucking a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear? How it all sent sparks racing through her nerves! "And I can't wait for you to get home so that I can be in your arms again too."
"Mhmm yeah" Natsu hummed in agreement., stroking along the side of her temple now. "I'm definitely looking forward to all that too. Also cuddling with ya' on the couch of course. Should be great! Anyway, make sure to take it easy and stay hydrated, okay? And don't forget Erza and I are one just one call away if you need anything."
"Okay, Thanks Natsu."
"Anytime," he rumbled with that same affectionate smile that always melted her heart . "See you soon, Luce." Lips pressed a light kiss atop the celestial mage's crown with a hand palming the side of her head. God such a rush cozy seeping through her bones and warming her soul to the core.
I truly love him and that'll never change..
"Yeah, likewise.. Hurry back, okay?."
" You know I will."
"That I do".
Fic Tag Squad: @thenaluarchive @fuck-yeah-nalu @kuroshironekoserver @nalubookclub
  @magnolia9805 @lucielhyung @caandlle @rougescribe
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A/N: All right that's Chapter: 5 ,folks! Apologies for the delay again! As stated previously, both my beta and I have been busy for different reasons related to differing schedules, life circumstances, responsibilities, appointments, hobbies and a somewhat more active social life among other things (with increasing vaccination rates unless everything goes south again). Not that this has necessarily prevented me from writing or working on my wips but there's also been days where I haven't been feeling well, a case of writers block or there simply just not being enough hours in a day to accomplish everything I want for whichever reason lol. In any case, this chapter is posted now and I'm trying to get back into working on writing projects more often. So that's that at least.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Once again, please don't hesitate to drop a comment/review and share. Check out the rest of my writing and stay tuned for new projects along with updates to my other WIPS too! ((Corresponding links are above in this post, bio and navigation bar if reading this on tumblr. Also in my FF and A03 profiles.) All right. that's all I have to say for now. Thanks to all my friends, mutals, followers and readings for their ongoing show of support over the years. You all rock! Take care until next time! Bye!
27 notes · View notes
what do you think of aang's comments in "the southern raiders" and what they meant to katara? I watched that episode recently with my sister who dislikes atla, and assessed similar things to what certain people of the fandom are saying: "aang didn't understand her", "aang was pushing his beliefs onto her", "it didn't seem like he knew her", etc. she was more fair than those people of course because she did say it was realistic that he'd be so worried since she recognizes that he does love her.
Honestly those arguments are all,, tired. They’re outdated. They’re boring. They’re wrong. They’re a result of a fundamental misunderstanding of A:TLA canon. This isn’t to say that those who genuinely, truly believe these arguments are terrible people (obviously not lmao), but somewhere along the line they had a seed planted in their mind that posits them to have inherent dislike for Aang. And honestly? I just feel sorry for them, because not understanding and appreciating Aang means their A:TLA experience really can’t be that great. But I digress!
“aang didn’t understand her”
Oh, what’s the post? Right - “Fandom once again forgets that Aang is the sole survivor of genocide.” Aang understands better than anyone else what Katara is going through*. There is a direct parallel between Aang finding Gyatso’s skeleton and Katara finding Kya’s body. I’m not going to sit here and argue which was more traumatizing (literally can’t stand when people do that) because you can’t quantify grief like that, but it cannot be denied that Aang has experienced something incredibly similar to what Katara has gone through: the loss of a close parental figure followed by finding said parent’s corpse. Not only that, but Aang and Katara both share a unique sense of helplessness intertwined with their grief regarding their parental figures’ deaths. For Katara, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t a waterbender
- what if I had run a little faster
- what if I had fought against Yon Rha back then
All leading to “Could I have saved her?” For Aang, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t the Avatar
- what if I hadn’t run away
- what if I had stayed to fight the Fire Nation back then
All leading to “Could I have saved him?” Both of them feel incredibly guilty on a personal level about the death of their parental figures, thus blaming themselves. Katara tries to push it off onto Zuko/the Fire Nation and Aang tries to suppress it entirely, but ultimately it is revealed how closely they hold responsibility to their chests. For Aang, it comes out in “The Storm.” For Katara, it comes out in “The Southern Raiders.” So, bullshit that Aang doesn’t understand Katara! He understands her grief better than anyone.
Also, many, many people have gone into this before, but Aang’s example of Appa being stolen was not callous/rude/etc. Appa was the last living piece of his culture. Appa is not “just a pet.” People who insist so are the actual ones being callous, not Aang. And, as Aang himself says, “How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?” Aang has experienced more hurt at the hands of the Fire Nation than anyone. There’s a great meta here that delves into Aang’s experiences as the sole survivor of genocide. I don’t understand how someone could acknowledge all that Aang has lost (read: he has lost everything) and then argue that he doesn’t understand Katara’s pain. Like, what? Do you have no sense of empathy?
But most importantly, from Katara herself: “Thanks for understanding, Aang.” She says this after her initial dismissal of him. So take it from the source, my friend - Katara believed Aang understood her. Who are we to argue?
*The only exception perhaps being Sokka, since Kya was indeed his mother, too, but it is worth noting that Sokka did not have the same experience of seeing Kya’s dead body or feeling the intense self-blame that Katara did.
“aang was pushing his beliefs onto her”
It is SO funny how those SAME people have NO problem with everyone in the Gaang telling Aang to kill Ozai the finale! Y’know, when they were disregarding the pacifistic beliefs of his people in exchange for emphasizing their, ahem, more aggressive ones? SO funny! I’m laughing SO hard right now!
Heavy sarcasm, in case it wasn’t obvious. They’re hypocrites and they know it.
But, more importantly, Aang was not pushing his beliefs onto her? At all?? Tell me where in the episode Aang:
- refused to let Katara go after Yon Rha
- told Katara what she was doing was wrong
- told Katara that HE was right and that SHE needed to listen to HIM
Here’s the thing: none of that ever happened! Not only does Aang accept that Katara needs to go (see: “I wasn’t planning to [stop you]. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man.”), but he allows her to take Appa on her journey. Appa, the last living piece of his culture. Aang has incredible trust in Katara, and his choice to send Appa with her (essentially sending a piece of himself with her) demonstrates this fact clearly. That should end the discussion point blank, but I guess I’ll break down the lines people seem to have issues with:
1) “It’s okay, because I forgive you. [Pauses.] That give you any ideas?”
Honestly, the criticism this line gets is laughable to me. People use it to argue that Aang was being disrespectful to Katara’s feelings and?? I hate to break it to them, but you HAVE to look at the context a line is in if you’re going to judge it. That is Analysis 101: Context is Everything. This moment is used to break tension. That type of scenario is an entire literary trope, okay? A:TLA did not invent it! Shakespeare literally did it in Romeo and Juliet when he had Peter argue with musicians about something stupid after Juliet’s “death.” The whole point is to break tension before more serious scenes. In R&J, it is before the lovers kill themselves, and in A:TLA, it is before Katara leaves with Zuko to confront Yon Rha. That’s why there’s another moment just like it at the end of that scene! Y’know, Sokka asking to borrow Momo for no reason? It breaks tension! It’s a moment of respite before weighty scenes! It’s incredibly common in every form of media! This is what no Humanities classes did to some of y’all, I swear to God. So yeah, Aang was not disrespecting Katara’s feelings with this. It’s just a tension-breaker. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for those who devoutly believed it was a sign of Aang being a Horrible Person. You were wrong, ain’t no big thing, go drink some water and stay hydrated okay darlings?
2) “I don’t think so. I think it’s about getting revenge.”
Um, a major point of “The Southern Raiders” is that Aang was right about Katara’s initial drive to face Yon Rha? It was a quest for revenge? Katara literally bloodbends, an ability she was forced to learn and essentially feels cursed to bear? Also, nowhere here does Aang tell Katara she was a horrible person for feeling angry and wanting revenge. He simply brings her attention to the reality that what she’s currently seeking is revenge. He’s worried about her. She’s his best friend! He loves her! He doesn’t want her to kill Yon Rha because he knows that for Katara to have blood on her hands from a revenge quest would hurt her tremendously. (As a matter of fact, the audience knows - or should know - this, too.) So, sorry that Aang expresses concern for her? Apparently not wanting your best friend to murder someone is forcing your beliefs onto them? Damn. Y’all are harsh these days.
3) “The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself.” // “Katara, you do have a choice: forgiveness.” // “No, it’s not. It's easy to do nothing, but it’s hard to forgive.” // “But when you do, please don’t choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.”
I put all the forgiveness quotes together since people tend to complain about them as a whole. But like,, I really don’t see how this is Aang forcing his beliefs onto her? He asks her to choose forgiveness. And just speaking plainly: on an emotional level, it is better for someone to forgive than to murder. Killing someone is not easy, even if you hate that person with every bone in your body, and it will mentally scar whomever does it. Y’all know this! It’s obvious! I shouldn’t have to say it! But Aang knows this, too, and thus he doesn’t want to see Katara kill Yon Rha and perhaps kill a part of herself in the process. Katara is not a killer. I’m not arguing about whether she could have or even if she wanted to, because you know what, she admits she was tempted, but Katara is not a killer. An FMA quote is very fitting here:
“Your hands weren’t meant to kill. They were meant to give life.”
Why should Katara have to live with a man’s murder on her conscience, especially when his death would be a result of fruitless revenge? The answer is simple: she shouldn’t, and Aang doesn’t want her to. Katara is a warrior. A healer. A leader. A friend. But not a killer.
Anyways. Back to my point: Aang is not forcing his beliefs onto her here. He’s offering her another option, the option she ends up choosing, albeit she extends forgiveness to Zuko instead. And Prince Holier-Than-Thou (jk love you Zuzu) acknowledges it himself: “You [Aang] were right about what Katara needed.” Aang didn’t force anything on Katara here. He reminded her of her choices, he reminded her about the consequences of revenge, and he reminded her about the value of forgiveness. Never once did he tell her she had to forgive Yon Rha or else. And when it came down to it, he stepped aside, and he let her go, because he knew this was a journey she needed to take. So… He actually did the exact opposite of forcing his beliefs onto her! He respected her feelings and let her make her own decision! Seriously, how many pairs of anti-Aang goggles do people have to wear to genuinely believe otherwise??
“it didn't seem like he knew her”
Ohhhhhh my God this is SO close to one of the actual points of the episode! So close!! It’s not that Aang didn’t know her; it’s that Katara wasn’t acting like herself. I’ve talked about it before here and here, but Katara was incredibly consumed by her emotions in “The Southern Raiders.” It’s why she ignores Zuko the entire time before they leave on Appa! It’s why she makes that callous comment to Sokka about their mother that we know she never would have made normally! She is drowning in grief about her mother’s absence, guilt regarding her mother’s death, and anger about Zuko (she still does not trust him, and yet he can lead her to her mother’s killer; I don’t know about y’all, but that is really freaking difficult to reconcile). So when Aang compares her to Jet, it’s not a far-off description. She is acting like Jet, because she’s consumed by grief and hurt and anger and she’s not acting like herself. It is instrumental, too, that Katara isn’t acting like herself, because it makes her decision not to pursue revenge and instead offer a second third chance to Zuko even more profound. “I’m proud of you,” Aang tells her, and damn! The audience is, too! I was incredibly proud of her for finding her way out of what can be a bottomless spiral for some people. So again, it wasn’t that Aang didn’t know her. It was that Katara wasn’t acting like herself (I guess meaning… no one knew her?).
In conclusion, literally all of these anti-Aang arguments regarding TSR are exhausting and so easily disprovable. The fact that they somehow manage to live on is evidence that people just want excuses to hate Aang, plain and simple. Like, it’s so easy to just say you don’t vibe with his character? You don’t have to pull BS excuses to “justify” it? I don’t vibe with Ty Lee as much as I do other characters (although I have recently grown much more fond of her; bless the Renaissance for more Mailee content, even if some of it is just a Zukka byproduct), but y’all don’t see me twisting her sacrifice in “Boiling Rock” to make it seem like it was selfish or something (mostly because, spoiler alert, it wasn’t). Like, you can say Aang isn’t your favorite and move on instead of using the same boring rhetoric over and over and over that just makes it look like you lack critical thinking. :/
TL;DR - Aang’s comments to Katara in “The Southern Raiders” came from a place of concern. A place of wisdom. A place of love. And honestly? I think Katara realizes this, and she’s grateful to him all the more for it.
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lebuc · 3 years
thought stress
* under the impending gaze & thought stress heaping praises on & astride an unwinding tautness, to seek & find faults - not in the stars, but  far-off maws immortalized in bars or verses - should you veer toward the very literary, lyrical be damned; i'm sitting, scarfing cereal, green eggs & pink ham with caffeine - shot by 'presso shot, 'drenaline jottin’ 'spits' between jolt hits , stringed bits & what not - so, what've *you* got?
...to ease our tease into subliminal sleep, steady peepin the criminal creep 'makin the beepin in my jeep that's in all ways amiss, dissing bliss, fraying a life half-blitzed on legal scrits, parlay splits & tumblr’s greatest hits...
anywhoo - least a third of this turd word list, should well be about you - cause the world does exist outside my bed, post-waterloo, beside interiorized existential dread & realized essential empathy for the non= credentialed heads in naturalized crowns; folk steeled 'gainst keeling, tho 'dey ben a- pressed down' - good people, like weebles, who may wobble - but don't stay hobbled, cobbling on fleek one ‘ekeend at a time, & the sublime they be finding in squeezes of lime - over veal, fish or fowl in any dish dried by air or hand towel;  favoring stewed food over fried, flavor-imbued - yess!  & with pride - love-prepared, so don't misconstrue; the rarest of faire that’s been 'savoired' far  away as ‘Buktoo, (as globe-trotters do...); tell 'em this so & so let you know  & you won't be bereft if asked or tasked to re-stan on what’s left of this unreeling heft on ye olde digital cleft not quite yet swiped left... * 9/21 - lebuc - thought stress    
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tea-with-veth · 4 years
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Welcome back to The Tea Party, where I interview authors from the Minecraft Youtube fandom! Today’s guest is @chrysalizzm, author of the young god series on Ao3 (and a dear friend of mine!) 
Welcome to the Tea party!
Heyo!! I’m excited to be here! 
The first question is the most important: what is your favorite teatime pastry?
Danishes??? Wait, shit, scones, sorry I forgot scones. Holds head in hands, Tea I forgot my favorite pastry. 
You are a failure, the interview is over.
Now into the real questions. Tell us about your fic!
Okay, so I wrote you’re human tonight on Ao3, which is a multi-chapter fic of twenty-two vignettes from the povs of each Dream SMP member (prior to November 16th) and Dream, who’s secretly a minor god, but also objectively terrible at keeping this a secret. The first half of the fic are lighthearted and mostly-independent drabbles, but the latter half is a buildup to the canon events of October sixteenth, festival night.
how Dream’s godhood and his friends’ empathy changes the events of the festival night you’d have to read to find out ;)
What was the inspiration behind you're human tonight?
I wrote a smaller and less thought-out fic just prior called it’s just the sun in your eyes, but even before that - I just really love deity AUs. There’s something very poignant about a god, which is a pretty removed position from humans, that actively chooses to be like and empathize with humans. It calls into question concepts of humanity and divinity and where the line is drawn - and if we’re talking ape brain, I love found family and this fic is a slightly protracted dedication to that.
That’s really good stuff. Okay next question, I gotta be professional. I can't be getting enormously emo over you’re human tonight again. What is a really good/special memory you have from your time in this fandom?
Being invited into the LBMSWA discord, hands down. It’s the first time I’ve had online friends proper, but given the nature of the mcyt fandom - most of us are online friends, I think - I’m so glad that I got to be friends with the LBMSWA people. I legitimately see you guys as family, from the game nights to the screaming over each other’s content. I’m literally living out the found family trope right now and it’s glorious. 
Tell us about your latest project?
Oh gosh, there are a few. The biggest one would probably be the sequel to you’re human tonight, which will.... hopefully be coming out sometime this or next week. I feel like there’s not a lot I can say without spoiling it a ton, but a few things I can say for certain: a wedding may be in store, Dadza strikes, and the past is catching up to them all…. 
To the people reading the interview who haven’t read you’re human tonight I promise, this isn’t just me being dramatic (even though I am) but I am making liberal use of Chekhov’s gun. 
I'm really excited! And scared, also scared. Change of topic. Who is your comfort streamer?
Ranboo. Close seconds are Wilbur, Charlie Slimecicle, and Eret!
What's the most rewarding part of writing for you?
There’s a specific feeling when you... Make The Words Go. Like, when I write, and I write a passage or phrase that I like the rhythm or sound or weight of, I know. It feels amazing to write something and to love it for its..... literary-ness?? It’s satisfying! And the other big thing is when people tell me that they enjoy the fic and that it’s their comfort fic or it helped them through something. That’s a really powerful, really moving feeling; that I made something out of the joy of creation, and people were able to take refuge in that, be it any type of art, and I always feel incredibly humbled and honoured by that. 
I know exactly what you're talking about. The moments when the writing just happens and it feeling like you're tugging a string outside yourself.
Is there anything, in particular, you'd like to talk about before we wrap up?
Fanfiction is so cool guys! All these writers writing all these things they love freely is so neat, shoutout to writers!! As well as all the other fancontent creators in the fandom each and every one of you are so cool. 
Shoutout to Tea <33 ily!! this project is amazing please support her she is a pog human. 
I’m going to cut that last bit. 
If this doesn’t show up in the official interview I’m posting my comments in my reblog. 
(We continued to argue about this for some time. Chrys won.) 
The first chapter of the sequel to you’re human tonight, called this heart of mine is now out on Ao3! Go read it! 
Next week, I’ll be interviewing Aenqa, of Protected fame, so send me any questions you have for her! And as always, if you have suggestions for The Tea Party, including authors you’d like to see interviewed, let me know! 
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