#dan torrance oneshot
whitneyyy369 · 5 years
Imagine getting a job at the same Retirement Home, Danny works at
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“Hey Dan!” Billy called out, as Dan walked into work.
Dan looked to his right at the reception desk to notice Billy standing next to the girl behind the desk. The girl was beautiful, and instantly he felt his cheeks flush a bit.
“Hello there,” Dan began as walked over to the desk.
“I wanted to introduce you to our new girl, she’ll be handling the reception desk from here on out, while you handle all the cleaning, and of course watching over our patients,” Billy smiled.
The girl gave a sweet smile to Dan, “Hi, my name is Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake Dan’s.
Dan grabbed her hand in a soft shake, “It’s nice to meet you Y/N,” he returned her smile with kind one as well.
Y/N’s cheek reddened slightly, “this is going to be interesting,” she thought to herself as she gave Dan a look over, “he’s so cute.”
I’m thinking about doing a part 2, should I do it??
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lilietherly · 4 years
[MiniFic! Dan/Billy]
Suspens/Terror (?)
El Billy de la película con el caracter de Billy en el libro.
(¡Un Smut está en juego, lee este anuncio primero! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡)
(Sip, ya estoy otra vez intentándolo con el terror y el suspenso ¿y quién es más idóneo que Daniel Torrance? Obviamente no estoy buscando parecerme al maestro King ni mucho menos, pero es definitivamente una gran inspiración ♡(> ਊ <)♡)
* * *
A medida que sucedía el tiempo, mientras el cuerpo de Dan iba acostumbrándose a la idea de finalmente ser purgado de alcohol y su mente se hacía con cada vez mejores resultados en la busca de crear una barrera en contra de su resplandor, las pesadillas y los fantasmas sin la ayuda idílica que traería consigo su propia destrucción, había aun ocasiones en donde nada funcionaba.
Continuaba temiendo a la oscuridad y su cansancio, a las mantas y las voces gogojeantes que no le permitían despertar. Aquella noche, tan solo un año de iniciada su misión suicida de asistir a cada reunión de la AA, la luz en su sueño no hizo sino relucir todavía más el horror de las criaturas que intentaban arrastrarlo.
Las manos desgarradas y putrefactas se clavaban en sus brazos, sus piernas y sus ojos, buscando arrastrarlo a un infierno de memorias aberrantes, distorsionadas, obscenas y plagadas de las más brillantes torturas, de heridas profundas y sangrantes inyectadas por aquellos dedos necrosos e infectos. Tormento ideal para su alma perturbada que buscaba inocente la redención.
Se sacudía, y cada intento fútil por liberarse del mal ya pintaba en su piel una delicada pátina de sudor. La voz quebrada rugía en sendos gemidos por la menor indulgencia. Un perdón solo concedido cuando, años de tortura después, un par de manos tuvieron a bien rescatarlo. Al encontrarse con unos profundos ojos, asustados quizá tanto como los suyos, lo primero que hizo fue correr lejos de la cama y el fuerte agarre con que había sido salvado, en su mente la única tarea estaba en asegurarse de mil formas distintas qué tan real era todo.
Sus piernas temblaban, pero aún logró llegar a la ventana, al baño y la puerta de su pequeña habitación. Había una voz de fondo que lo llamaba, rogándole porque se detuviera y tal vez intentado alcanzarlo. ¿Pero cómo iba a detenerse cuando no estaba seguro de que estaba ya lejos de ese infierno? En su verdadero hogar, en donde nada entraría debajo de la puerta e intentaría llevarlo de vuelta a ese mundo luminoso de horrores y dolor.
Un agarre firme lo sujetó desde atrás, rodeando su cintura y alejándolo de la seguridad del suelo tan solo un segundo después. Intentó escapar, usó las uñas e intentó patear al monstruo en turno. No iba a volver, no iba a regresar. Si la oscuridad espera a revelar sus demonios, la luz no duda en mostrarlos, deleitándose con sus deformidades, con sus decadentes formas.
—¡Dan, despierta! —Escuchó, antes de ser lanzado de vuelta a hacia la cama y encontrarse con su mesita de noche y la lámpara encendida. Sus manos acorraladas a cada lado. Desenfocado, asustado, miró confundido el rostro de Billy. Ambos respiraban agitadamente, mientras Dan se acostumbraba a la realidad no logró apartar los ojos del hombre.
Un par de minutos después Billy se retiró, encontrándolo más dispuesto a escuchar.
—¿Ya eres tú? —Danny sonrió más como una prueba que por realmente sentirlo, aunque agitado el encontrarse con Billy fue causa suficiente para saberse despierto y de regreso en su mundo. Mirarlo tan solo sentado a su lado ya estaba calmándolo con nunca nadie lo había hecho.
—Lo siento —susurró, intentando no mostrar el dolor en su garganta. Limpió su frente y se sentó despacio a un lado de Billy, quien negó, ofreciéndole una liviana sonrisa.
—No hay por qué disculparse, Danno, ¿cómo te sientes? ¿Te lastimaste? —Dan negó a ambas preguntas, con una mano en el rostro intentaba ocultar su vergüenza, aún tenía en la piel el recuerdo de aquellas muertas falanges. Temblaba, esperó que el otro no dijera algo al respecto.
—¿Te desperté? No era mi intención. —Billy soltó una pequeña risa. Amigablemente palmeó la cabeza de Dan.
—No podía dormir así que pensaba ver una película, algo me dijo que podía venir a invitarte, cuando vine a preguntar… —El silencio volvió a cubrirlos, esta vez mucho más tranquilo, ambos sabían que no había falta aclarar la situación. No ahora que Dan se veía tan malditamente afectado y frágil.
—¿Aun planeas verla? —soltó Dan luego de un minuto, el miedo aún rascaba su espalda y erizaba los vellos de su nuca, el frío o sus pies descalzos nada tenían que ver.
Billy, sonriente, aceptó enseguida. Sin decir palabra le ayudó a ponerse algo más grueso sobre su pijama y salieron tranquilos a su habitación. 
El lugar olía a café dulce, la decoración era tan simple como cabría esperar de un soltero, nado demasiado colorido pero con la suficiente personalidad como para advertir que ese lugar ya le pertenecía a alguien. Había un aura especial, casi indetectable, cálida y tranquila, que no hizo sino confortar a Dan más de lo que habría querido admitir.
Sin embargo, nada de eso impidió que, una vez sentados uno al lado de otro, pasados quince minutos de película, aún a través de los disparos irracionales y los vehículos explotando a la mínima provocación, aquella calma fuera atravesando sus sentidos. El calor que irradiaba Billy y que Dan percibía aún estando la prudente distancia amistosa de por medio, lo tenía pronto en una tibieza apenas comparada con sus capas de ropa.
Contradiciendo a sus pensamientos de que el "aura tranquila" y "la tibieza" de Billy no debería influir de esa forma en su cuerpo antes asustado, poco o más bien nada hizo contra el sueño que lo arrastraba de vuelta, ahora, como bien lograba notar, recubierto con la promesa inocente de llevarlo por un camino suave y con aroma a café dulce. Mientras el auto en la televisión atravesaba un millar de casas, recibiendo una lluvia de escombros y balas, Dan caía lentamente.
Viéndose atraído inconsciente por el aura pacífica, a un segundo de volver a dormir, recostó su cabeza en la maravillosa fuente de calor. Una manta lo cubrió, un abrazo reconfortante lo atrajo aun más a la calidez y ya nada logró hacer. Durmió.
Sin razón alguna para temer a las pesadillas, supo en ese momento que aquella aura, esa esencia, el fuerte abrazo las mantendrían lejos, al menos por esa noche, a sus fantasmas y recuerdos. Se entregó sin pensar más, cuando el sueño lo tomó Dan no intentó resistir. 
Y el café dulce protegió su mente el resto de la noche.
(Estaba tan emocionada de escribir esto que al final me salieron poco más de mil palabras (~ ̄³ ̄)~. Luego de meses desde que escribí el primer MiniFic de estos dos, al fin se me ocurrió algo, así que se entiende mi emoción jajaa (◡ ω ◡)
(Muchas gracias por leer, corregiré los errores ortográficos cuanto antes. Te quiero (≧▽≦)
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Goal for Tomorrow?
Get my horrible Doctor Sleep fic posted! 
If you don’t like it, why are you posting it?
Well, beautiful people of Tumblr, I like getting feedback on what I write whether it be good or bad. I can’t get better if I don’t hear back from people.
SO, tomorrow I shall post the story I call Attachment. It is full of spoilers (I will tag that). If you haven’t seen Doctor Sleep, then I recommend you do before reading my fic tomorrow (but I won’t blame you if you don’t watch it first because Ewan McGregor character fanfics are important for breathing). 
I’m officially losing my mind, so I shall sleep now, but I will return in the morning! I look forward to hearing your opinions! 
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years
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Song Fics
Sinful Sunday
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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Obi-Wan x Reader Drabbles 
Obi-Wan x Reader One-Shots
Obi-Wan x Reader Sinful Sunday 
Obi-Wan Meets Christopher Robin
Relationship Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Girl! Obi-Wan
Alex Law Masterlist
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Dan Torrance Masterlist
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Dropping this link for mobile users. Dan Torrance.
Roman Sionis Masterlist
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Dropping this down here for all you mobile users because for some reason the last two Header links work correctly on desktop but not on mobile. Roman Sionis
Stand Alones without Masterlists:
In My Arms - A Jaskier x Reader Oneshot (The Witcher)
Jaskier Holiday Headcanons (The Witcher)
Become the Beast- A Suitless!Vader/Anakin Skywalker x Reader Oneshot
This Isn’t Love - A Retelling of the end of RotS from Padmé’s POV
Farce of the Heart- Anakin Skywalker x Reader undercover lovers trope
Honesty on Onderon- An Ahsoka fic where Anakin and Obi-Wan guide her through her feelings for Lux
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables- Leia finally grieves for Alderaan
No Lodging to Pay- A Jedi x Reader Oneshot vague enough to be whatever Jedi you want it to be.
Are You Embarrassed of Me? - Anakin Skywalker x Senator Reader one shot where reader has to face their feelings and decide if Anakin is worth burning up for.
Worth the Wait- Darkling x Reader (Shadow and Bone) A nsfw one shot where reader is the sun summoner
In The Dark of the Night- Darkling x Reader (SaB) Reader is the sun summoner. When they can’t sleep, they go for a walk in the woods to clear their head.
The Greatest Thing (Moulin Rouge: Christian x OC)
The Christian x Reader Oneshot that inspired it
A Garden in Gotham (Birds of Prey: Roman x Florist! Reader)
Come What May (Obidala)
An Eden of Our Own (Star Wars AU)
Lost In Paradise (Sequel to Become the Beast)
The Prophecy of Us (Bruno Madrigal x Reader)
Writing Challenges:
50 Days of Fics
Hauntober 2020
1000 Follower Celebration (Unholy four ways)*
That one time I was asked for Spanking with the SWs men *
March Kiss List
Quick PSA: Any gifs used on my fics are not my own and have been found through google, and/or tumblr.  
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rentsturner · 4 years
Liv’s 500 follower celebration!
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How the fuck did this happen?! 500 of yous? Following me? I’m so grateful. I love every single one of you. I’ve met so many great friends through this blog and I hope to meet many more. It’s helped me so much to be on here, you have no idea.
So. The celebration -
Send requests in for either Headcanons or moodboards! These can be for Mark Renton, Alex Law, Obi Wan Kenobi, Roman Sionis, Dan Torrance. Just send in a prompt/colour for the moodboards and a charactee.
I will also be posting two prompt lists - my own prompt list here and a physical affection prompt list here . You can make requests for oneshots for Obi Wan Kenobi, Mark Renton, Alex Law and Roman Sionis. Just send in a number and a character and any other details you would like.
I’m gonna try my best to get thru all the requests, but I can’t promise anything. I’ve got big exams after the holidays and technically I should be revising. But fuck it.
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Thank you ily all. Tagging some mutuals to get this spread maybe <3
@dockenobi @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @filthybookworm @a-seeker-of-imagination @labyrinth-runner @thedevilwearsbeskar @holdurhuxbby @mlmxreader @alideetoo @stardancerluv
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choptops-wigs · 4 years
Request Masterlist
I want to get more into writing on here so here’s what I can do.
Characters I Write For
Freddy Krueger
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine
Pamela Voorhees
Bubba Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Drayton Sawyer
Michael Myers (original and RZ)
Thomas Hewitt
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
Captain Spaulding
Foxy Coltrane
Herbert West
Brahms Heelshire
Leslie Vernon
Carrie White
Billy Lenz
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Pennywise (2019 or 1990)
Art the Clown
Jack Torrance
The Babadook 
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Brahms Heelshire/Greta Evans
Brahms Heelshire/Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz/Leslie Vernon
Billy Loomis/Stu Macher
Herbert West/Dan Cain
Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling
Bubba Sawyer/Vanita “Stretch” Brock
Freddy Krueger/Jason Voorhees
Jareth/Sarah Williams
Michael Myers/Jake Park
Feng Min/Herman Carter
What I’ll Write
Match ups
some nsfw, but not full oneshots
Pretty much anything you request!
What I Won’t Write
Anything discriminatory
Anything relating to The Boy 2
I’ll be adding stuff as I watch more movies, so don’t be afraid to request something if you don’t see a specific character or ship! I’m really trying to improve my writing specifically for horror characters so ask away! 
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russian-soft-bitch · 4 years
omg I need a Dan Torrance x reader oneshot where she drags him to watch Birds of prey and asks him the whole time if Dan has a twin brother
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ageofgeek · 4 years
Wow, guys, I wrote and posted my first fic in years! This pandemic is actually forcing me to be creative.
It’s a Doctor Sleep oneshot, because I absolutely fell in love with that movie and with Dan & Abra.
Description: Abra is struggling with her first crush.  Who helps her out?  None other than Danny Torrance, her unofficial Ghost Dad.
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karasong · 4 years
It’s my birthday today so to celebrate I’m going around to all my favorite blogs to tell them how great they are! I love love love your writing and you’ve been so kind and welcoming to me! You’re amazing! ❤️❤️
oh wow what an incredibly kind way to celebrate your birthday! i hope you're having fun today!! i am so happy to have had the absolute pleasure of meeting you & reading your incredible writing! that dan torrance oneshot you posted? out of this world. i also want you to know that i re-read the lincoln drabble you wrote for me all the time. i'm being very honest here.
have a good one, coco! you deserve it! sending you heaps of love & big hugs!! ❤️
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Swapping Clothes | Dan Torrance
request; "Hello there! 💚
May I request: "Person A (Dan Torrance) giving Person B (male or gn!reader, doesn't matter) their jacket"?
Thank you!! 💚" // @ronaldrx​
summary; you go to see Dan in the cold. 
notes; male!reader
You were shivering as you made your way down the street, gale force winds knocking the breath out of your chest as you hugged your thin hoodie close, the hood hardly helping to keep the wind out of your face and prevent the icy breath from touching your skin, but when you finally came to Dan’s door, a shivering and shaking mess, you smiled. 
“How cold is it out there?” He asked, stepping aside to let you in, having been stood by the door since he could sense you were on your way; his Shine was always good with that, it was always good at letting him know when you were near. 
Your teeth chattered a little as you crashed on his sofa and cupped your hands around your mouth, breathing heavily onto your icy skin in a poor attempt to steal some warmth. “Fucking cold. Looks like the snow’s gonna come in sooner rather than later...” 
As he shrugged his jacket off, Dan chuckled softly, and when he passed the back of the sofa, he dumped his jacket over your shoulders, giving it to you as he made his way to the kitchen and flicked the kettle on; a good cup of coffee would rid you of the cold, and he knew it as he leaned against the counter, looking at you as he sighed. “You wouldn’t mind staying here if it does, will you?” 
You shook your head, tugging the warm jacket on and sighing a little as you breathed in his scent, wrapped up in his warmth as you settled down, kicking your muddy boots up on his coffee table; he always hated it when you did that, but as Dan’s brilliant boyfriend, you knew that you would get away with it every single time. “As long as you have coffee, I don’t mind, no.” 
“And if I run out?” Dan asked, moving to grab two mugs from the cupboard. 
“Then, as much as I love you, I’m leaving,” you joked, resting your arm across the back of the sofa. “If it snows on Thursday, are you gonna be alright?” 
Turning his head to look at you, Dan furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly to the side. “Thursday?” 
You nodded, swallowing thickly, your Adam’s apple bobbing slightly. “Yeah, Billy’s asked if I could help him with that stupid train, he said it’s something with the engine and asked if I could help.” 
Finishing up making the coffee, Dan sat beside you, handing you yours - he knew just how you liked it and had done since the day he had met you - as he sat back. “Yeah, no, I’ll be... I’ll be fine.” 
You didn’t want to push him on the subject, so you took his answer as gold, and brought the coffee to your lips to take a swig before bringing your feet off of the coffee table in order to set your drink down. “Thanks for the jacket, by the way...” 
“It’s fine,” Dan smiled, leaning over to nervously kiss your cheek, even after all this time together, he was still always so nervous to kiss you, he was still always so nervous. But he tugged at the shirt he was wearing as he chuckled a little. “I’m sorry I stole the shirt you left here last time you stayed.” 
You allowed yourself to look over him, biting the inside of your cheek as you nodded in appreciation; it certainly looked good on him. “It’s fine... it looks better on you than it looks on me, anyway.” 
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Cold, Cold, Afternoons | Dan Torrance
request; "“It doesn’t really matter what you do or say I’m never going anywhere anyway” with Danny? I love your prompt lists!!" // anon
summary; you don't want Dan to leave you in the cold.
notes; gender neutral reader
With a crashing wave of gale force winds, Winter had announced its arrival, making open windows creak and bang and blinds and curtains shudder and blow about as they desperately tried to hang onto the rails; the bed was freezing, even with the duvet and even while you were wearing a thick hoodie and the thickest pair of fluffy pyjama bottoms that you owned, you were still cold.
Dan was beside you, halfway to hanging off the edge of the bed as he started to stir and to grumble, his afternoon shift at the hospice wouldn't start for another hour, but by the time he'd gotten up, had some coffee, showered and got changed, he would probably only have around fifteen minutes to get there; his boss would've been thrilled if he had taken the day off, she always insisting that he needed to work less, and always promised to pay him for any days that he had off.
“Don't go,” you whimpered when he sat up and looked back at you. “Please, Dan? It's too cold to be here alone...”
Dan smiled a little, he guessed it wouldn't hurt to text Claudette and tell her he wouldn't be in, he could always say it was a family emergency; he loved his job, that much was true, but the way you looked at him made Dan sigh as he laid back down, wrapping his arms around you tightly and allowing you to snuggle into him. “Fine, but just this once...”
“Just this once,” you promised in a hushed whisper, stealing his body heat as you tried to block out the harsh and coldly cruel winds that blew in through the open window; for a good few minutes, all was quiet except the crashing and howling of the blinds and curtains as they harshly blew in and out through that window. “Dan?”
He hummed softly as a reply, looking down at you with a tender gaze as he smiled softly; Dan loved being around you, he always had done, you made everything seem so much calmer, quieter, even on his worst nights where he had to sit with multiple residents and help them to pass on, when he came home he knew that he could relax. He could drown in that calmness, in that quiet; even on the odd Saturday night where you turned the music up and insisted on dancing with him to 'Runnin' Red Lights' by The Cadillac Three. Dan loved being around you, he loved to be with you and to make you laugh and smile, he loved to hear the gentle breathing as you slept with your head on his chest, he loved how you always leaned into his softest of touches and how you peppered his neck and shoulder with kisses so lazily every morning. Dan loved you. He really did.
“If I ever fuck up and do or say the wrong thing... will you leave me?” You asked softly, the question in itself was never going to be a particular surprise, you had been together for long enough now that it was one of those few questions that were left to be asked; it was just a speck of curiosity, like how you had asked him long ago if he was going to kill the spiders in the bathroom or if he had to constantly steal Azzie from the hospice in order to get him to get rid of those pesky arachnids - Dan had dutifully taken it upon himself to do it, putting the poor cat out of a job.
“No,” Dan answered after a short while of pondering, “it doesn't really matter what you do or say, I'm never going anywhere anyway. I don't think I could.”
“What do you mean?” The next question was just as curious as it left your mouth, a soft of growl to it that was soft and delicate like the pitter patter of a rumbling thunder before it truly roared.
“I love you, (y/n),” Dan started, “more than anything, I love you... and I know you're gonna fuck up one day. I did, didn't I? When I went out and got that bottle of cheap whisky and nearly relapsed... I fucked up - but you didn't leave me, so why would I leave you if you ever fuck up and make a mistake?”
You shrugged, looking up at him with the softest of smiles, the most tender of gazes; for everything it meant, you loved Dan. You loved the way that he made everything seem like it was going to be just fine, you loved the way he brought sunshine to a dark and cloudy day and how he was always so soft with you; he always made you smile, even on days where you didn't want to, he always managed to find one way of making you smile. Dan knew you loved him as much as he did you, he never wanted you to say it - he didn't need to hear it to know it.
“I love you,” you whispered. “Honestly, Dan, I love you so, so much.”
“I know,” he replied, “and for what it's worth, I love you, too.”
The window slammed shut but not before ushering the blinds and curtains in, making both of you jump and flinch at the sudden harsh crash; but then the room fell silent, and there was only one thing you could think of - it was still cold, you were still cold.
tags; @aesthetically-bii @bellobi @ewansblve @frosted-starlight @king-trash-goblin @ronaldrx @rentskenobi @spnfanboy777 @snips-n-skyguy0501 @thenlookatyourphones
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Favourites | Dan Torrance
request; “That’s my favorite shirt with Dan Torrance please?” // @pete-is-fanatic​
summary; Dan’s morning turns out to be one of his favourite kinds.
notes; male!reader, QUARANTINE AU
The other side of the bed was cold to the touch, making Dan shiver as he wearily sat up, the blanket pooling in his lap, the cat at the end of the bed - Azzie - didn’t even bother to stir, poor cat had been brought in by you and Dan the second that quarantine had begun and at first, you both dreaded the cat sleeping at the end of the bed, knowing what happened when he did, but after a while, you came to realise he was just like any other cat, after a while you soon realised that Azzie sleeping on his temporary owners’ bed was nothing; rooting around in the wardrobe, Dan frowned when he noticed his favourite shirt, an old and worn plaid one, but after a few seconds he thought he must have put it in the wash by accident, so he tugged on a different shirt, making his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. 
You were stood there, humming softly along to some old silly country song that he loved so much, wearing that same favourite shirt as you stirred a cup of coffee; no milk, no sugar. Dan smiled as he watched you, arms folded across his chest and his head slightly tilted to the side. 
“Y’know, that’s my favourite shirt,” he said after a moment. “You could’ve asked before you stole it.” 
You smiled, rolling your eyes and trying to fight back the chuckle that dared to threaten your throat as you went to kiss his cheek sweetly before you took a sip of your coffee; you placed the mug on the counter, holding your hand out to Dan and raising your brows. 
“I know it’s your favourite song,” you grinned, pulling him in when he took your hand, yours going to his waist whilst his settled on your shoulder as he allowed you to lead. “A favourite shirt for a favourite song, right?”
Dan chuckled, allowing his forehead to rest on your shoulder as he sighed and closed his eyes, sudden tranquility flooding through his veins like the Mississippi River had all at once flushed through his body. “A favourite shirt for a favourite song... my favourite kinda morning spent with my favourite man.”
You couldn’t help but to smile, fondly shaking your head as you dared to relax into the slow and gentle current of the dance; it was honestly nothing special, but to you and Dan, there was no dance like it in the world. “Maybe I should make your favourite for breakfast to even things out, then.”
Squirming slightly further into your embrace, he let out a grumble, holding you tighter as he turned his head to the side, burying his face against your neck as he dared to kiss the skin there. “Don’t worry about breakfast, it’s my turn to make it... you can handle dinner.”
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Kryptonite | Dan Torrance
request; ""I get jealous because... because I'm in love with you and I know I don't deserve you" with Danny?" // ANON
notes; jealousy, gender neutral reader, vet!reader
If there was one sure thing in the world that always brought Dan to his knees, it was your smile; your smile made him weak at the knees, his heart pounding, breath would get caught in his throat as it lodged in with words he wanted to speak, the tips of his ears would burn pale pink and it was often that his cheeks and the tip of his nose would burn the same.
Nothing was a stronger kryptonite for Dan than knowing that he made you smile; nothing made Dan feel so powerless as when someone else made you smile - but he was older than you, and Frazier had a good amount of gossips, nevermind the awkward position it would put you in as Azzie's vet, you were practically colleagues. He had to ignore jealousy. And what had David Stone said to him before?
"Never dip your own in the office ink."
Doctor John had said the same, and Billy; actually, a good majority of people he knew had warned Dan against getting into an office romance.
But you didn't work for the hospice, you worked for whoever paid Azzie's vet bills when the cat needed booster vaccinations and checkups; usually it was Dan who brought the cat in for those. Sometimes Claudette. But mostly Dan.
They were his weakest days, too, as one flash of your smile made his knees buckle and his legs shake and grow weak, just like Superman when he faced kryptonite.
Just like kryptonite to Kal-El, your smile rendered Dan awfully weak.
And it just so happened that today was one of those days, but as Dan carried Azzie into the examination room, placing the little carry case on the metal table, he felt a stab of jealousy in his throat; you were grinning as you finished a conversation with a colleague, hands stuffed in the pockets of your scrubs as you came to stand on the other side of the table.
"Hey there, Doctor Sleep," your voice was light with joviality, amusement and dead laughter. "You got Azzie all ready for his booster shots?"
Dan was cold as he remained awfully silent, allowing you to get on with your work awkwardly, not quite used to the quietness of the situation, you were used to friendly and bantering conversation... not today; but when he helped you to hold the cat still on the table, he found his fingers slipping through the soft fur before finding yours and interlocking as if by some basic instinct. You had to bite your lip to keep from smiling, but for a flashing moment, Dan could hear the thoughts you tried to bury.
I wonder if he's single... no, don't be stupid, (y/n), a man like Dan can't be single.
"I'm single," Dan blurted out suddenly, thankfully after you had finished giving the cat his shots, he was unable to stop himself, and rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away at the poster of a dog's organs on the wall.
You stared at him for a moment, a long moment as you opened and shut your mouth over and over, before shaking your head and snapping back to reality. "I, uh... so am I, but... but what was with the cold shoulder just a minute ago?"
"It's nothing, just..." Dan tore his gaze down to the table, looking at his smudged reflection against the splayed soft fur of the now sleeping cat as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I just - I get jealous because... because I'm in love with you and I know I don't deserve you and... and your smile is... it's my Kryptonite, (y/n)."
"I don't think this is the right time, Danny," you frowned, looking at the clock. "I have another appointment in ten minutes, but I get off at seven, if you... y'know... wanna talk about this some more?"
"I'd like that, I can meet you here at seven," he agreed with a smile, finally looking up at you, a pink haze on his features and a weakness to his legs. But what Dan didn't know was that his smile was your own kryptonite. "But before I go... can I ask you a question?"
"Anything," you shrugged as you did your best not to smile back at him. Dan was lovely.
"Do... do you feel the same?" His voice was a little nervous as he coaxed Azzie into the carry case; the cat always seemed to sleep so so peacefully after five minutes with you, Dan thought you had a little bit of Shine but he could never be sure.
"You know I do, Daniel Anthony Torrance," you chuckled softly, leaning across the table to gently cup his cheek, smiling when he leaned into your soft touch. "Before you go, can I steal a kiss?"
"You can steal more than one."
tags; @aesthetically-bii @bellobi @ewansblve @frosted-starlight @rentskenobi @spnfanboy777 @snips-n-skyguy0501 @thenlookatyourphones
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mlmxreader · 4 years
The Leash | Dan Torrance
request; "“Are you… are you seriously jealous right now?” with Dan being the jealous one? Love you, Jack!" // ANON
notes; gender neutral reader, jealousy, mentions of alcohol/addiction, Daddy!kink but it only comes up once 🥴
The dog inside Dan's head was barking, loud and gruff, tugging at the leash that kept it chained up, years of sobriety had made him an expert at keeping it that way, years staying away from whisky and rum had rendered that dog quite sedated; but his temper was flaring as he watched you get chatted up by Billy, his own best friend. Laughing and giggling like little kids with crushes. It made Dan clench his jaw as he swallowed thickly and did his best to keep the dog on the leash.
It wasn't like Dan was normally one to get jealous, he trusted you more than anyone else in the world, and he knew you would never walk away from him, even though he often thought that it would be for the best at times; he couldn't help the jealousy that pulled at the chain links of the leash as he watched you place a hand on Billy's arm, doubling over in laughter. Dan trusted Billy, sure, Billy was his best friend and was his only friend for far too long, but he couldn't help the jealousy as he dragged his feet over to you, coming to stand beside you as he laid his hand on the small of your back, his beautiful blue eyes burning as he glared at you.
"We should go," Dan said, hoping that you wouldn't recognise the jealousy, praying that he kept it under wraps enough. The dog's barking grew louder, causing his temples to ache. "It's getting late."
You retracted your hand from Billy's arm, looking up at Dan as you slowly nodded, friendly as you bid goodbye to his friend before letting him lead you away, out onto the street; Dan had always been pretty quiet, but there was a tense feeling as he trudged alongside you, glaring at the laces of his boots. It made you frown as you gripped his arm tightly and held on. "Dan... you good?"
"Why don't you ask Billy?" He snapped with a snarl, that canine temperament coming to the obedience trial. "You seemed pretty friendly back there."
You were a little taken aback, letting go of his arm and leaning against the nearest wall, no one was around to see as you rested the sole of your shoe against the bricks, folding your arms across your chest as you raised a brow in questioning. "Danny... c'mon, are you... are you seriously jealous right now? Of Billy, as well?"
Dan shrugged, standing on the curb with his hands in his pockets, jaw clenched so tightly that it could rival a German Shepherd's grip on a bone; the dog in his head started to give some slack on the leash, backing down but not quietening down. He looked down at the cracked asphalt, blue eyes burning, enough to melt the concrete and perhaps even the nearby gutter cover, that crosshatched metal. "My best friend, (y/n), he's my best friend and you-"
You didn't let him finish as you pushed yourself off of the wall and into his arms, gripping the lapels of his jacket, the zipper digging into your hands for a moment before you snaked your deft fingertips round to his sides, pulling him in and planting your lips on his; it didn't take long for your back to end up against the wall again, Dan's hands splayed out on the bricks either side of your head as he did his best to claim you with a kiss, bruising and harsh as you eagerly and desperately tried to get closer and closer. When he deepened the kiss, his tongue dominating your mouth, you let out a soft whimper of approval before grinning, breathless when he pulled away. You laid your hand on his cheek, smiling at the way his stubble scraped your skin and tickled you. The dog ceased barking the moment his eyes met yours.
"Does that give you reason enough to not be jealous?"
Dan allowed his jaw to unclench a little as he nodded slowly, a little unsure of himself, but the way you were looking at him and how you held him... he knew that the dog was firmly back on the leash, under control, a muzzle of fine leather wrapped around its blood stained mouth. He dared to smile. "Yeah... I'm... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..."
"You don't have to apologise," you whispered, your hand running round to the back of his neck, the few strands of hair that dared to meet your skin making your smile broaden and brighten. "Everyone gets a little jealous, but..."
"But what?" He asked, a slight concern and worry coming over his eyes, clouding the blue.
"It's kind of hot when you get jealous," you admitted. "All dominant and... well, y'know..."
Dan smirked as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, his brows raising slightly. "Why don't we go home? I could... could show you how uncontrollable I can be..."
"I'd love that," you agreed, a slight amusement to your voice, anticipation greeting excitement in your stomach. "Daddy."
tags; @rentskenobi @snips-n-skyguy0501 @bellobi @frosted-starlight @spnfanboy777 @aesthetically-bii
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Haunted | Dan Torrance
request; "okay give me an imagine where dan and rhe reader are happy together and they decide fuck it let’s go to florida for a vacation and they rent this nice house but dans old demons come back and he accidentally gets fucking possessed and he looks like he did in the movie and they have a nice game of cat and mouse and when dan snaps out of it he finds rhe reader crying in front of him and he’s like ‘oh darling i’m so so sorry’ and yeah. write it so i have something to read in the morning thanks—" // @aesthetically-bii
notes; possessed!Dan, gender neutral reader, minor violence but nothing actually happens no one gets hurt
You and Dan were happy, truly happy, with everything that had gone on with the True Knot and with helping his niece out, it was nice to kick back and to relax; he had taken a little while off of work, just a quick break, but it was better than nothing.
It was Dan's idea to go down to Florida, you wanted to see wild alligators, and he wanted to be as far away from snow as possible; his last holiday, the one with his father and mother and that haunted hotel... he wanted to be as far away from snow as he could get. And Florida was perfect; the summer heat melted ice the second the sun spotted it, you could wander around the little house you were renting wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. He could do the same.
Nights when it was too hot to fall asleep were spent slow dancing in the kitchen to Orville Peck songs, one of his hands on your lower back, the other holding yours as you gripped his shoulder, always letting out a barking laugh of surprise when he dared to dip you; you were happy, the holiday was the perfect break that you both needed. He needed it more.
But perfection breaks. Demons that know how to swim can't drown. Ghosts don't stop moving just because they're starved.
You had been out for the day, stocking up on bagged ice to fill the freezer along with enough Red Bull to start a factory; but when you came back, something was wrong. Dan was cold. He didn't greet you the way he normally did, warm kisses and close hugs, he was bent over the counter, twirling a knife; you figured he was just deep in thought about something, leaving him to it as you filled the freezer in the shed before filling the fridge with cans of Red Bull.
"You've been very, very, bad," Dan suddenly growled when you turned to face him. His jaw was clenched. One eye was dark, navy in colour instead of the usual cobalt. The other painfully white. "Haven't you?"
You froze, furrowing your brows and tilting your head, confused more than anything else. "Dan?"
His neck creaked when he looked up at the ceiling for a moment before looking back at you, his shoulders hunched, his gaze burning, scalding. "Answer the question."
"Dan, it's me," you were starting to wonder if something was happening, something with his shine as you took a step back, cautious not to put yourself against a wall. "It's me, Danny."
Dan licked his lips, still holding the knife in his hand, pointed towards you as he took a step forward, dragging the leg that his father had limped on once before him. "Danny isn't here."
Your face fell, swallowing thickly as you felt your legs become weak with fear as you took another step back, shaking your head. "Dan, c'mon, don't play games, please..."
"I know a game we could play," he hissed, voice croaking from years of smoking cigars... but he didn't smoke cigars. Your Dan didn't smoke anything except those cheap packeted ones that were sold at every petrol station, occasionally indulging himself in hand rolled cigarettes. But never cigars.
"Dan..." you whined, eyes wide as you shuddered, trying to fool yourself into thinking he was there as you shook your head again, taking another step back. "Dan... please..."
He lunged at you with the knife, which was the very moment you knew that your Dan wasn't around, your Dan wasn't there; despite the shaking of your legs, you made a run for it, hardly able to keep more than a few steps ahead of him as you clumsily ran up the stairs, gripping onto the bannister. Two steps at a time. You darted into the bathroom, locking the door and leaning against it.
The knife sank into the wood on the other side, but the door was too thick for such a small blade.
"Let me in, let me in," he sang from the other side. "Come on, (y/n), let me in and I might let Danny boy out."
You shook your head quickly, almost making yourself dizzy as you tried to catch your breath. "Dan, it's... it's not you, I know it's not... I... I know it's not..."
The hammering of the knife at the door stopped, and after a few minutes, you dared to unlock the door, gushing with fear when he leapt out in front of you; you didn't know where else to go, scurrying into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. Beneath the bed was far too obvious. As was the wardrobe. But the double mirror walk-in wardrobe? Perfect.
You made sure to hide yourself beneath a pile of old coats as you sank against the corner, listening to the haunted footsteps as you held your head in your hands; tears were almost as hot as those sleepless nights when you had danced in the kitchen. After a while, the footsteps receded, but you couldn't bring yourself to move, you stayed sat there, sobbing.
The sound of a drawer being opened and closed, cutlery clanging together, before sweeter, softer, footsteps started to echo through the house.
"(y/n)?" Dan's voice, your Dan this time, sweet and warm as he called your name, but you couldn't trust him. You couldn't be sure. What if... what if it was some trick?
But Dan didn't stop calling, cursing softly with realisation when he looked at the bathroom door, his face falling as he came to know what he had done; gingerly, he pressed his fingertips to the splintered wood, chest hitching as a breath got caught in his throat.
He ran a hand down his face, shaking his head, how could he let this happen? How? He was sure that the ghosts of the Overlook hadn't followed him, he had trapped them in all those boxes Dick taught him to build, and-
"Danny?" A broken whisper from behind him, when he turned around, he was confronted with an image that utterly broke him to see. You, scared of him, sobbing.
Dan's face fell as he dared to keep his hands to himself, puppy dog eyes, both of that awfully handsome cobalt colour. Your Dan. "(y/n)... fuck, darling, I'm so, so, sorry, I didn't-"
Dan was silenced when you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around him tightly, nuzzling into his chest as you shook your head. "Danny... tell me it's really you and not... not some trick..."
"It's me," Dan replied cautiously, returning the embrace. Warm and welcoming. For certain, your Dan was back, he was back. "I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't... didn't think that something like that would happen, I..." he pushed you away enough to look into your eyes as he frowned. "I'm so sorry, I fucked up."
"It happens," you whispered, shaking your head. It happened. Dan's shine wasn't really easy to understand, but you knew that demons could... when they knew how to swim, demons couldn't drown. When demons could get on a lifeboat, they'd take it over. "It's not your fault..."
He couldn't help it, pulling you close again as he smothered you and drowned in a thousand and one kisses until you laughed and tried to push him away, chuckling his name softly; but a thousand and one kisses wasn't enough for Dan, they weren't enough to show you how truly sorry he was.
Actually, Dan was sure that he could never kiss you enough to show you how sorry he was. He was sure that a billion, a trillion even, and one kisses wouldn't do. Nothing he could do would ever make up for what he had just done. But he would try. He would try.
tags; @guns-n-marvel @spnfanboy777 @snips-n-skyguy0501
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Thunderstorms | Dan Torrance
summary; based off of the hc that @aesthetically-bii gave me that Abra's afraid of thunderstorms, so Dan and the reader help her through it.
notes; gender neutral reader
The thunder crashed and roared outside, so loud that it broke through Abra's noise cancelling headphones, causing her to jolt upright, her chest heaving as she looked around the familiar room; it wasn't home, no, this was her Uncle Dan's home. She was staying there with you and Dan for the weekend while Lucy and David were off on a short trip; she could feel herself trembling as she padded through the room, making her way over to the bed where Dan and you were sleeping soundly. Abra was still shaking as she dared to push your shoulder, you were closer, and when you grumbled and started to stir, she let out a shaky sigh.
"Abra," you muttered, elbowing Dan in the side to wake him up as you sat upright, your eyes adjusting to the low light. "What's wrong?"
There wasn't time for your boyfriend's niece, soon to be your niece too you supposed, to answer as another snarl of thunder echoed, shaking the windows; you shook your head as you frowned, moving over to the bed to make room for her. But Abra had other ideas, instead choosing to get between you and Dan.
"It's two in the morning," Dan yawned, blinking tiredly as he allowed his niece to grip his hand tightly. He looked over at you with a slight worry in his eyes. A shining worry. "Abra, what is it, honey?"
"The, the thunder," she replied quietly, fearfully, as her other hand found its way to yours, gripping tightly. Another harsh growl shook the windows, causing her to flinch.
You knew what to do, stretching a little as you grabbed your phone from underneath your pillow, passing it to the young girl as you smiled, doing your best to be reassuring. "Here... stick that tiktok thing on that you like. I've got enough battery for a good while."
Abra nodded, snuggling down a little, half against you, half against Dan as he shifted to get comfortable, you both winced when the app lit up the screen, burning brightly; it took a fair few videos, but it wasn't too long before the phone slipped out of her hand as she fell back to sleep. You gently took the phone back, sticking it on charge before stuffing it beneath your pillow again.
Abra's head was against your chest as you leaned over to kiss Dan sweetly, a sad smile tracing your lips. "She was so scared, Danny..."
"I know," he whispered, looking down at his niece with a pang of worry. "I just... if I knew what was making her scared of it..."
"I know," you quietly replied, "but, y'know... she reminds me of you."
Dan raised a brow. "The snow?"
"Partly," you nodded, slowly bringing your hand up to gently trace his jaw, laying your hand against his cheek. "We should tell Lucy and Dave in the morning. I think they're at least three hours ahead."
Dan nodded in agreement, leaning into your touch as he smiled, his hand coming to lay upon yours as he sighed. There was another round of thunderous applause, loud enough to shake the room, but Abra didn't flinch, not when she was resting so peacefully between her favourite Uncle and her uncle's partner; when a flash of lightning, a shining of it, tore through the room, he looked down to check if she was still asleep. She was. It made him sigh again as he brought his gaze to yours. "I know what you're thinking, (y/n)."
"What am I thinking?" You asked, a hint of a smile on your lips.
"That I worry too much," Dan muttered, shaking his head.
"You do," you told him, gripping his hand tightly. "But... I can't exactly blame you, I'm worried, too."
He frowned a little, swallowing thickly, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat for a moment. "Tomorrow - I know it's probably not a great idea - what if we order a pizza for breakfast? It might cheer Abra up."
You hummed in agreement, still able to see that shining of worry behind his eyes as your eyes grew adjusted to the flashing lightning that burst through the room. "She loves those tiktok videos... reckon you could try out some of those dances?"
"I'm too old for that," Dan chuckled with a shake of his head.
"Please?" You asked, licking your lips, flashing the puppy dog eyes. "For Abra, c'mon, she's your favourite niece."
"She's my only niece," he smiled. "But... fine. Just don't send 'em to Billy and Claudette."
"I'm not promising that," you told him, carefully moving to lay your head on his shoulder without disturbing his niece, you hummed softly when Dan tilted his head to the side, his temple against your head. "Let's just hope the thunder doesn't wake her up again, huh?"
tags; @guns-n-marvel @pascalispedro @snips-n-skyguy0501 @spnfanboy777
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