#dan torrance one shot
Hey, I don't know who will all see this, but I figured I'd make a post! Just wanted to say that I do have a Wattpad account; xrising_phoenix
It'd be great if you could check it out! I'm not really on Tumblr much, just trying to advertise on here for Wattpad mostly. If you want to contact me, Wattpad DMs or commenting on a Wattpad story is the most likely way you'll reach me. Some fandoms aren't as popular as others so I end up feeling discouraged to continue them. But if you wish to see more, let me know. Any fandom (plus one or two that I haven't mentioned) that I write for are shown in the tags below! Thank you so much! ~ xrising_phoenix
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi, I'm a big fan of your work. Sorry if this is a dumb question, why kill the kitties? I notice it a lot in horror in general, and it completely takes me out of the story and just makes me feel bad for the cat. I feel like I'm missing something.
Not a dumb question at all - and I knew I'd be getting some of this the moment we decided to include Poe's The Black Cat in TFOTHOU. The comments sections of the world are full of accusations that I hate cats and/or hands, and - well - neither is true. I've admittedly gotten a little flippant with my humor in the past when people have brought this up. My knee-jerk reaction is always to say something along the lines of "well, Websters defines 'horror' as..." But honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it's just not a thing.
A brief history of cats in my work:
HUSH - Maddie's beloved cat, "Bitch," escapes the danger of a home invader completely unharmed and is alive and well at the end of the movie. The last shot of the movie is Maddie lovingly petting the cat on the porch.
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - Yes, a malnourished stray kitten dies within Hill House, only to be horrifically reanimated. This was done to show the horrors of Hill House, serve as a warning to the family, and foreshadow the deaths of several human beings (who would meet more horrible fates) later. Hill House is an evil place, and it killed and collected all sorts of living things... there are dead humans aplenty, and also phantom dogs, which Stephen and the kids hear several times and see in episode six. I'd argue that Hill House is an equal-opportunity horror show.
DOCTOR SLEEP - Azzie the cat is a great friend to Dan Torrance. Azzie also has a "shine" of her own, and can sense when patients at the hospice are going to die, and goes into their rooms to comfort them. Azzie is never once in any danger throughout the film and, we presume, lives a long and happy life.
MIDNIGHT MASS - All of the residents of Crockett Island, which include 157 people, a huge population of stray cats, and at least one particularly sweet dog, do not fare so well in this show. But nothing against the cats - everybody dies. The arrival of a certain evil creature marks doom for literally every living thing on the island (except for two people). And yep, it started with the cats, because they were plentiful and would not alert anyone to its presence. We see its lair full of dead rats, birds, and raccoons as well, all eaten while the creature was in hiding.
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER - we adapted The Black Cat, written by Edgar Allan Poe. If you're familiar with the Poe story, you know that it involves the horrible death of a cat, which then seems to get revenge from beyond the grave. This is Edgar Allan Poe's story - we did not write it. HOWEVER, we decided to make a huge change to Poe's story. At the end of our retelling, we reveal that Pluto the cat is alive and well (and still wearing the Gucci collar), and that the supposed violence against the cat existed entirely in the person's mind. Pluto 2 - the terrifying, supernatural replacement that stalked Leo - is not real either. It is just Verna, taking another form (hence the injury to VERNA'S eye). So in this show, not a single animal is harmed AT ALL. We did that on purpose. We decided to change Poe's classic story so that the cat lived. We went out of our way to do that. I truly don't have anything against cats. I do tell horror stories... but that's about it! I hope it doesn't make it more difficult to enjoy the story, and thank you for watching.
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debbiechanclub · 1 month
"Yeah no, I'm actually done with him. I regret ever letting him put his dick in me."
Nellie tossed her phone aside and took an agitated sip of pinot noir, waiting for the alcohol to release a much-needed one-two punch of dopamine and serotonin into her system.
But Torrance sent her a skeptical look over her own glass. "Man, I just got the strangest sense of deja vu."
Anna Jay snorted a laugh, but she quickly swallowed it at the look Nellie cut her and Torrance both. "How long have you and Gabe been hooking up?" she asked.
Nellie sighed. "Longer than I'm proud to admit. Off and on since January."
"But they had the whole will they, won't they thing going for over a year before that," Torrance supplied.
Nellie took another drink. She could fire off a retort that the same was true about Torrance and Dan, but she didn't have the emotional energy for it. Gabe had sapped all of it, slowly and tortuously since the start of the G1. And the fucked up thing about it was that she'd let it happen.
No wonder Torrance was skeptical.
"But it's done now," she announced, more for her own benefit than Torrance and Anna's. "I'm flirting with Chris tonight. Or maybe Takeshita if I'm feeling extra savage."
But she was serious this time. Nellie had rolled her eyes at it when Gabe had shot his shot at Jaida Parker despite fucking her the week before. She'd brushed it off when he'd flirted his way through the AEW women's locker room only to end up in her hotel room every night during Forbidden Door season.
But bragging to Kenny Omega, of all people, about how he spent every night out with "10/10 Japanese birds" and could still perform in the G1, when in reality he was crawling back into her bed every night he could, only to then turn around and flirt with Mercedes fucking Mone was the last straw.
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
Doctor Sleep (2019)
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Doctor Sleep is a sequel to The Shining 40+ years in the making. Taking its cues from the follow-up novel by Stephen King and the Stanley Kubrick classic, it’s a different but robust sequel nonetheless. Rather than try and recreate what worked about the first film (an impossible task, the 1977 horror classic is a one-in-a-million kind of movie), it tells its own story while paying homage to its predecessor and giving the fans what they want to see. Yes, it’s long at 152 but there’s an even longer director’s cut I’d love to visit sometime.
31 years after escaping the Overlook Hotel, Dan "Danny" Torrance (Ewan McGregor) is haunted by childhood trauma and struggles with alcoholism. When a young telepathic girl named Abra Stone (Kyliegh Curran) reaches out to warn him of a group who “Shine” and feed upon people with psychic abilities, he chooses to work with her to stop them.
Unlike The Shining, Doctor Sleep isn’t a horror movie. It’s more of a drama/thriller, with action-y bits coming in the later half and some horror sprinkled on top. For a good chunk of the story, we’re following a traumatized, ruined Danny Torrance trying his best to hold at bay the lingering ghosts of the Overlook Hotel while getting over his addiction, finding his place in the world and befriending Abra. There’s a lot of great material as Danny talks to his AA group about the way he relates to his father more than ever now that he is also a prisoner of the “demon in a bottle”. The way he and Abra’s childhoods differ make for great character-based moments.
And then come Rose the Hat (Rebecca Ferguson) and the members of the True Knot cult. If there’s one area where the film bites off more than it can chew, it’s with the villains. There are too many of them and several wind up being nothing more than generic baddies but otherwise, they’re the kind of villains you love to hate. As Rose the Hat puts it, the “steam” they steal from other shiners tastes best when the victim is young, terrified and in pain. If seeing kids die is something you can’t handle, know that writer/director Mike Flanagan has no mercy regardless of his characters' age.
The members of the True Knot gang who are fleshed out make for great, complex characters. One of the best examples is Snakebite Andi (Emily Alyn Lind). Under normal circumstances, she would be heroic but when she joins a group of psychic vampires who prey on children just so they can expand their lifespans… the support your initially support for her evaporates. These vampires act high and mighty but when it comes down to it, they’re just as prone to petty emotions as the rest of us, which makes every victory Dan and Abra score feel extra good.
So far, none of this sounds anything like The Shining. Psychic vampires? That’s far removed from a haunted hotel. You’re right, but Doctor Sleep makes it fit. It isn’t merely people that can shine; it’s the dead - such as the ghost from Room 237 - and places - like the Overlook - too. What we thought was a haunted building is actually much more and if that makes you wish we could get just one more look at that iconic location, the film obliges. This is where it feels most fanboy-ish, as we get pretty much every single prop and shot recreated: the blood flowing from the elevator, the twins, the tricycle down those corridors with the weird carpet, etc. Before we start docking points, however. I’d like to see anyone who didn’t want - even a little bit - to see the Overlook again. That's what I thought.
What makes these references and recreations work is how well they’re done. We see Dan confront Lloyd (Henry Thomas), who says he’s merely the Overlook's bartender but looks strikingly like Jack Nicholson. It isn’t an exact match (obviously) but even this inconsistency works. It’s a twisted memory, a ghost held captive by the Overlook looking to use a familiar image against the now grown boy who narrowly escaped its clutches years ago. The resemblance is so uncanny and the flashback and callback scenes so well done (Alex Essoe does a spot-on impersonation of Shelley Duvall) they don’t feel self-indulgent.
While we didn’t need Doctor Sleep, Stephen King felt the characters were worth returning to. Based on this effort, it’s hard to disagree. This sequel is telling its own story AND giving us more of what we enjoyed before. The performances are strong, the characters compelling and the callbacks are so well done that it makes the overlong running time feel… merely long. (December 17, 2021)
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Halloween Brings Love in the Air
One Shot - Dan Torrance
Summary: Some people discuss feelings on Christmas...but others do on Halloween!
Instead of the usual AA meeting, it was going to be a Halloween party. You were incredibly touched that Dan and Billy had made sure to invite you. You were still fairly new to the Fraizer, so it would be nice to have something to do.
Billy had repeatedly made sure to tell the two of you to dress up. He was also going all out for it. He said it would be a Halloween party to remember.
So as to not disappoint, you found a cute pair of cat ears, a tail you pinned to a black dress and you drew on some whiskers onto your cheeks. You couldn’t wait to see what Dan would dress up as. He had finally said he would it after Billy had told two of them like the millionth time to dress up.
It had been a crisp but not cold Halloween day. When you walked in the entire place was decorated. Black crepe paper hung from the walls, there were pumpkins some carved some just sitting there in their plump festive selves in corners.
Skeletons and ghosts hung from the ceilings. There was also an immense, spread of food and punch.
You were looking, at all the wonderful foods, when a warm soft hand laid on your bare back. You jumped but then giggled when you saw that it was Dan. Then you saw that it was Dan. You had to take a double take, he was in a tux and his hair was slicked back.
“I vant to suck your blooooood.” He said theatrically in a fake vampire voice and then he broke in that huge smile that made anyone around him smile.
“Oh! I don’t have any garlic, I better watch out.” You said sweetly.
He chuckled even more. “Happy Halloween, Y/N.” He looked you up and you blushed.
You had been terribly increasingly more attracted to your friend Dan but tonight you were grew positively smitten.
You smiled brightly in return. “Happy Halloween.”
“Well, howdy there good folk. And Happy Halloween!” Drawled Billy as he ambled up in cowboy gear. You and Dan shared a look over at Billy. “This cowboy is mighty happy to see that his friends dressed up.”
You don’t know when exactly how it had happened but the tension between of the two of you grew and grew.
“Y/N the moon is so full and it is so stuffy in here, would you like to take a stroll with me?”
“You won’t try and bit me will you, Count Dracula?”
He chuckled. “Only, if you want me too.” He offered his arm. You happily took it.
“Look at this! Teeny Town is decorated!”
You parted from Dan to see all that had been done.
“Billy insisted on it. The kids had gotten a kick out of. And since it didn’t snow we offered rides, while you were busy working at the book store.”
“Oh! How nice!” You came up to Dan who had gone to lean against one of the tall sturdy oak trees.
“You look really pretty.” Dan stopped leaning and stood in front of you.
You twirled, and pretended to meow reaching out with a paw. His hands were warm as he held your hand. He gathered up your other hand and held them. You didn’t pull back. “I didn’t know the kitten look would do it for you.” You giggled nervously, you certainly liked him holding your hands.
“I mean it, you’re always pretty.”
You blushed and looked down. “Thank you.” You finally said looking back at him. “And you are always so handsome Dan.”
“Can I be your kitten..” You giggled. “I mean can I be your girl?”
He pressed his lips together but he smiled. “It may not be easy but I would like that.”
“I can handle your odd hours at hospice.” You smiled. “Dan, you have made me happiest girl.”
“Good.” He gently pulled you close and the two of you shared a sweet and soft kiss in the moonlight.
Later, that night when you strolled back into the party, Dan had his arm around your waist above your tail.
Billy, strolled over. “We were wondering where you two had disappeared to.” He eyed the two of you but then he smiled. “But it looks like things were fine,” He chuckled. “We waited to beat the piñata till you two returned.”
“A piñata?” Dan looked at you and then Billy. His arm tightening around you. It made you smile.
“Yup, candy and gift cards, an adult version.”
“Well then,” You smiled. “That could be fun.”
“Are you two happy?” Billy gestured to the two of you.
You placed a hand over Dan’s that had not left your hip, while giving him a glance. Then you looked back at Billy. “Yes, we are. It’s shaping up to be the best Halloween ever.”
“Good. I like it when my friends are happy.” He he saw your hands and smiled broader. “Let’s go beat the piñata.”
@rentskenobi @pooshnulooshnu @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @fandomgirl800 @shart-xing @profkenobi @shantellorraine @rosionis
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader
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A/N: This request was submitted by @ateliefloresdaprimavera I hope this is to your liking. Enjoy hun!
Dan anxiously held his hands in his laps as he watched Doctor John stroll up to the podium to begin the meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. This became a habitual thing for Dan now for the past 8 years but he just felt off today.
He attempted to brush it off as residual anxiety that lingered from his most recent and troubling visit with Abra but his gut told him that wasn't it. Someone unintentionally entered his head. Whoever the person was that caused the disturbance was not a stranger. They felt familiar to him but definitely had a certain dark edge.
"So before we begin we all remember the golden rule right?" All the members in the room nodded. "All that is said in AA stay in AA." They reiterated.
"Good." John slammed his hand down on the podium loudly, making everyone cringe as well as himself. "So who wants to start? How about you Miss? It's been a while since we've had a newbie."
The woman on the other side of the room bent her head down for a moment, rubbing her face to try and self soothe and attempted to sit up straight with semi good posture. "Y-yeah..I uh..I..Sorry, I'm not good with the whole interaction thing but uhm..my names-"
"Y/n." The word rolled off Dan's tongue like it was a sacred prayer before she could even finish her sentence. She looked up at him, a sea of confusion and self loathing gleaming in her eyes. She was deliberately trying to avoid him.
"Your name is Y/n." There was an open chair a few spaces away from Y/n and he moved over to it. Making sure to leave at least a fair distance between them. She was at the same spot he was at 8 years ago and could feel all the pain from it. The words 'The sins of the father always falls upon his children.' Was all he could think of in that moment.
He angeled his head so he could have direct eye contact with her, or at least as much as he could manage to get. "I don't know if you remember me but my name is Dan. We used to be neighbors at the apartment complex."
For a couple of minutes Y/n averted eye contact, staring off seemingly into space. She was more skittish than Dan remembered but still had the same looks. Despite the bags under his, despite everything she had went through, he thought she looked beautiful. "..your favorite sweater had Apollo 11 on it and your dad's name was Jack. Fitting because that's all he ever drank."
She swallowed deeply and fiddled with her fingers. Her mouth beginning to quench for the taste of a good margarita or beer. Even if it meant that it would kill or end her.
(It's the only thing that takes all the ghost away.)
'So she does still have it.' Dan shifted uncomfortably and coughed, his hands subconsciously balling up into fist. "Yeah, um..it was." Billy raised an eyebrow at him from across the room, this expression of amusement on his face and Dan returned the glance.
Doctor John scratched the back of his neck. He was curious about Y/n for sure but god, the tension in the room was unbearable."So..where you from Y/n?" She answered all the questions, trying to be as short as possible.
(You like her, don't you?)
Dan looked at Billy and folded his arms across his chest.
(She was my best friend when I was 5. Before my dad brought us to The Overlook for the summer. She was my 'girlfriend')
Billy examined Y/n up and down.
(She seemed a little..distant when remembering you.)
(I can't say I blame her. Our fathers used to drink together and her's in particular, got violent when he did. She'd never talk about it with me but there are some things you just don't need telepathy for you know?)
He nodded and turned his focus back to Y/n.
"..So Y/n, how did you and Dan lose contact?" They both knew the answer to that question and her face became flushed. Y/N's eyes searched the room almost as if she was looking for someone to save her. "I-i...I'm sorry. I can't." She stood up from her chair and grabbed her purse.
"Y/n..Y/n, please don't go. It wasn't your fault." Dan stood up in an attempt to stop her from leaving. "Danny p-please just leave me alone." Her voice sounded shakey, almost as if she was going to start crying. "But Y/n, I want to help you. Look I know how it feels to live with this stuff and it's not a hallucination, it's-"
He accidentally touched her wrist and she let out a blood curdling shrill. "GET AWAY!" She swung at him out of instinct and hit him straight in the eye. Dan let out a groan and put a hand on top of his sore eye that he knew was going to bruised in the morning. "Y/n! Y/n!" She only shook her head though and walked out the door.
Dan frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. "You okay?" Billy handed him a bag with ice for his eye. "Yeah I'm okay. I just really hoped that would of went better."
"You weren't exactly in the best shape either when you ended up in Frazier, Dan. Just gotta give her some time man. I'll help her get a job. A place to live.." He patted him on the back, giving his best reassuring smile. "I hope so Billy..I hope so."
"Uncle Dan!" Abra ran up to him excitedly and wrapped her arms in his middle tightly. Dan chuckled slightly and hugged her back. "Hey kiddo. How was school?"
"It was good. I got an A on my biology report." She grinned cheekily and released him from the embrace. "Oh my god. What happened to your eye?"
"Ah, it's nothing kiddo." She raised an eyebrow, almost as if to contradict what he said. "No really, it's nothing. I accidentally scared this girl and she you know..hit me eye."
"She cute?" Dan raised an eyebrow. "Does it matter?" Abra giggled and sat down on a bench. "No, I guess it doesn't but still, is she?" He debated on giving her the look but decided against it. "Yes, she is very pretty. Anyways-"
"Where'd you meet her?" He shook his head. "You're really not going to let me go off the subject of this are you?" Abra smirked. "Nope. So where'd you meet her?"
He thought a little bit before responding. "..a place only adults should have to be. Look-"
(So AA?)
Dan furrowed his brows.
(Sorry. The one time you and Billy were in the car together I accidentally peaked and..you know. I found out. I'm really sorry. )
"It's fine Abra just..Nevermind. That'll have to be conversation we have together later." Abra stared at him for a while, her eyes eventually going in the other direction. "..You've known her for longer than that though, haven't you?"
"Yeah..before I went to the Overlook as a kid. Abra, I know what happens when you get that look in your eye."
Abra just smiled. "Girls like it when boys are considerate. If you're not going to ask her out, which I really think you should, you should at least take her out to get coffee. You kind of owe it to her after the scare."
"Abra, I don't know if I'm ready for that. Or if she would even be okay with that..she's not exactly in a good spot right now."
"You weren't okay for a while too, but look at you now..it only takes one person to make a difference sometimes. Come on Uncle Dan, please." She begged.
"Abra, I don't know. She's been through alot." Dan slid away from her slightly. "Please?" She smiled as sweetly as she could manage. "..okay, fine. I will."
'No you won't. You're only saying it to get me off your back. So now I'm going to have play Cupid.' Abra thought then gave a fake happy squeal. "Yay! You're not going to regret it Uncle Dan. It's going to be awesome and super cute." He patted shoulder. "I'm sure it will be kiddo..I'm sure it will."
"Abra, you don't even drink coffee. Why do you want to go into a cafe?" Dan groaned as his niece dragged him down the street. "Because you look like you need some and there are other things there besides coffee that you can buy. Now come on!"
She had to get there before Y/n left. Because she knew Dan wouldn't do what he promised unless she forced him.
She stepped into the shop, making sure she still had a hold of Dan. "Why don't you get a table while I order?"
"Abra, we've been over this. Do you know what people think, especially locals, when they see a young girl like you with a 40 year old white male?" He whispered harshly, trying not to draw to much attention.
"Just relax and let me handle everything, okay?" Abra gave him a reassuring smile and Dan relaxed slightly. "Okay just be careful plese?"
"I will." She grinned and skipped off to the line. She stood firmly in place and closed her eyes. 'Y/n..Y/n.' At first she felt nothing. Then she heard a ping. It got closer and louder until it was finally blaring in her ear. A head blaster by all means.
"S-sweetie? Do you mind to move up please, because the line is long?" Abra let out an inner yell of excitement. She didn't even have to find her. Y/n came walking to her.
"Sure, sorry I was spacing off." Abra scooted up a smidge. "You're Y/n, right?" The older woman's face looked confused. "..yes, why? Do I know you?"
"No, but you know my Uncle Dan." Y/n looked flabbergasted. "You're Dan's niece? I-i didn't know he had any siblings."
"He doesn't. Or at least I don't think so. I'm his honorary one." Y/n just gave a slight courteous nod. She wanted to get out of there. Still hating social interaction even if it was with a child of all people.
"You know my uncle really likes you." Abra treaded over to the counter slowly and placed her order. "D-does he?"
"Mhm. You don't look like you have anyone else here with you. Do you want to have coffee with us?"
Y/n stiffened uncomfortably. "I don't if D-Dan's going to want that..last time I seen him was kind of rough." She blushed out of embarrassment. "He'll get over it. Now come on, I got two coffees for my two favorite adults."
Y/n's eyes widened. The little girl had been planning all of this out. Abra reached out to touch her hand and Y/n recoiled.
(It's okay.)
Y/n's face softened. By now she should of been all flustered yet she felt so at ease. She couldn't remember the last time she felt that way.
(I know it has to be scary but it's all going to be okay I promise.)
Abra gradually extended her hand out and Y/n took it gently in her own. Letting her lead her over to the table.
"There you are. I thought you were having a hard time-" Dan looked up from his magazine, his face turning red. "Abra!" He tried his hardest not to raise his voice. "I thought I told you to leave her-"
"It's fine Danny." He met Y/n's eye. "I can't avoid you forever and it's not like you're going to go away." She tried her hardest to make the words sound gentle.
Dan covered her face and sighed, his elbows folding up the lace table cloth. "Abra, can you give us a few minutes. Please?"
"Yeah." She handed Y/n her coffee. "It was nice meeting you." Y/n smiled shyly. "Nice to meet you as well, Abra." She took her seat across from Dan, keeping her eyes on the teenager to made sure she got out okay.
"She's a sweet kid, you got to admit that Danny." He nodded. "Yeah, she is..and clever at playing cupid too." He muttered the last part softly and Y/n giggled.
"I'm sorry by the way..for what I did to your eye at AA." Y/n took a large gulp of her coffee. "No, no. It was my fault. I pushed too far and I..I just..I really miss you."
"I miss you too." She frowned slightly, her eyes starting to water. "I never forgot about you Y/n..I just didn't want to hurt you. Because I knew what you were going through at home and I had my own mess to take care of and-"
"Dan, you don't need to apologize to me. It's okay." Y/n reached her arm across the table. Flinching slightly as she took his hand. "It's okay, I promise."
He held her hand tenderly. "Did he leave?" Y/n shook her head. "I ran away from home. My mom died and my father got worse..he tried to touch me Dan and it hurt so bad." She began to sob.
"Hey..hey." He moved over so he could hold her. "I'm so sorry." People in the cafe were looking at them like they had five heads but he didn't care.
She gripped onto his shirt like a child and buried her head in his chest. "I couldn't take it anymore so I ran..I ran as far as I could." Y/n let go of him for a moment to wipe her eye.
"Then some man and a woman in a jeep picked me up on the side of the road. Offered me something, I can't remember what but I told them and they begged and pleaded but I said no and the next thing I knew I woke up on the side of the road in Colorado a couple of miles away from a bar and I couldn't stop from there."
Dan rubbed tiny little circles on her back, trying to sooth not only his worries but her's. He'd have to ask Abra later if she knew how The Knot recruited people.
"My father died in accident a few months after I ran away but he wouldn't leave me alone. Because wherever that sick bastard had, I had too so the drink was the only thing that could take the pain away."
"I'm sick, Danny..but I want to get better. I really do." Y/n's eyes had a truthful gleam in them. "And you will. I'm going to help you. Me and Billy. I'm not going to let anything happened to you."
(Or let you out of my sight again.)
Y/n's eye looked hopeful yet wary. "You trust me, right?" She nodded her head and he pulled her close.
For the first time in a while she didn't flinch and completely relaxed. She knew she was safe. "Dan?" Her voice came out like a whisper. "Yeah Y/n?"
"I think I love you." Dan grinned and hugged her tight. "I love you too Y/n/n..I love ya too."
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cinebration · 2 years
Opening Requests!
Hi, everyone! I am opening requests again! Please read the rules carefully before submitting your request(s).
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. All reader characters must be 18 or older. Other AUs acceptable.
I’m asking this time that requests do not ask me to continue fics I have written, regardless of whether they are multi-chapter or one-shots.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors.
Oscar Isaac
The Moon Knight Boys, Poe Dameron
Pedro Pascal
Javi Gutierrez, Din Djarin, Ezra, Maxwell Lord
Diego Luna
Cassian Andor
Christian Bale
Gorr the God Butcher, Alfred Borden, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Russell Baze
Henry Cavill
Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes, Walter Marshall
Tom Hardy
Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes, Charles Blackwood
Chris Evans
Ransom Drysdale, Jake Jensen, Colin Shea
Ewan McGregor
Roman Sionis, Dan Torrance, Obi-Wan Kenobi
I’m also open to other characters and fandoms if you want me to try my hand at something!
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elenamiria · 4 years
Danny Torrance x Reader - Kinktober Day 30
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Temperature Play | Sixty-Nine | Dub-Con | Xenophilia
Word Count:  4.5k (🤡 oops) Warnings: Dub-con! Possessed!Danny, fem reader,  violence against reader, choking (in a non sexual way), brief oral (f receiving), Biting and marking, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, rough sex, slight daddy kink, feelings (fluff and slight angst)
Kinktober Day 29 «  Kinktober Masterlist »  Kinktober Day 31
Main Masterlist & Taggies: @legally-a-bastard​ , @katrynec​ , @mistermiraclee​ , @obitwo​ , @justanotherblonde23​
When Danny had come home distraught you heard him heading up the stairs to his room, yours being below his, and thought maybe you should go check on him. You hadn't at first, not wanting to disturb him, he was closer to Billy than he was to you so you worried it might be odd just showing up.  Billy had introduced the two of you and you all had dinner together a few times a week when Danny was off. You had a soft spot for Danny, the way he always seemed to know when something was bothering you, his kind eyes and smile, and his soft, caring nature all drew you towards him. Not that you would ever admit your little crush to him, he never seemed to look your way twice. But, when you heard a smashing noise and glass skittering across the ceiling you decided that maybe you should in fact go see if he was alright. 
The door was ajar and you slowly entered the room. He was against the black wall, hands pressing firmly into it, and you called out his name softly. As you got closer you could hear him speaking but it wasn't to you. Unsure of what to do you stood there until he jolted towards the wall with a gasp - like he was waking up from a trance. You called out to him again and he spun to you eyes wide. You stepped back for a second at the wild look on his face and then quickly approached when you noticed the blood on his upper lip. Reaching up you gently trailed your fingers down his cheek as you whispered, "Are you hurt?"
He shook his head, still breathing heavily and he replied, "No, I'm fine but Abra. I have to go get her, they took her."
A million questions ran through your head but he had a desperate look about him and so you simply said, "How can I help?"
You could hardly believe the tale Danny told you on the way to pick up Abra but you knew he was telling the truth, the way he looked at you as if begging for you to trust him only confirmed that. It was a good thing you agreed to come along Danny was exhausted and when you offered to take over driving so he could rest he happily accepted. 
Now the three of you were on your way to the Overlook Hotel and an uncomfortable feeling was sitting heavily in your stomach. You couldn't shake the feeling despite the determination that your two companions seemed to have and you knew Danny could tell something was going on by the way he kept glancing at you. When you stopped at the gas station at the bottom of the mountain you were tense you couldn't tell if your body wanted to scream or cry or both but something in you was telling you to run far far away from the hotel you were heading towards and never look back. Dan laid a warm hand on your knee and your gaze snapped from the mountain to him. He offered you and then Abra a small smile before he lowly stated, "Not too much further, up the mountain." 
When his hand left you to return to the steering wheel you wanted nothing more than to chase after it and interlace your fingers together but you shook the feeling off as just your nerves besides now was not exactly the time for romance.
As you gazed into the gaping maw of the hotel you could feel your whole body trembling and you knew it wasn't due to the snow falling around you. As Danny explained that he wanted Abra to wait in the car you stood patiently waiting to see what your role would be in all of this. Danny finally turned to you as Abra retreated into the car, "I want you to wait with her. When we're in there you stay with her the whole time, that way if something happens to me she'll have you."
You blinked up at him, shivering slightly as you replied - "If it's dangerous for you shouldn't you have someone come with you. I'm not like you two, right? So maybe I could help you."
Danny smiled at you, "You are like us, you just don't know. Billy was like us too, he could always sense people, he could tell who they were before he'd even say hello. You, right now you're shaking and it's because you can sense things too."
His arms grasped your elbows, your arms tightly wrapping around yourself, "So you'll stay with Abra, I'll go in alone. I'll be alright"
You hesitantly nodded, sharing a long look at each other as if trying to communicate words unspoken before you retreated to the car and watched Dan Torrance walk into the overlook hotel. 
It wasn't long before Abra was calling Dan back out to you and the three of you were heading into the hotel together this time, Abra clutching onto both you and Danny. From there everything happened so quickly you barely had time to process it all. One second everything seemed to be going according to plan and the next everything went to hell. Danny had ordered you and Abra to run and so you did, holding the young girl's hand tightly terrified of losing her to this place.    You could hear Danny's screams as they echoed through the abandoned halls and you had to stop yourself from going back for him. When you and Abra ran into the the twins you knew something had happened to Danny and you wrapped a protective arm around Abra. Slowly you tugged her backwards away from the twins and turned to go back down the hall, freezing once you saw Danny. Abra spoke but you couldn't focus what she was saying as blood rushed through your ears, every atom of your being screaming at you to run. You found yourself whispering the word 'run' aloud as Danny lifted his head and pure terror rushed through you. Abra sprinted ahead of you, still holding onto your hand as the two of you fled. You let her take the lead as she seemed sure in her path, though there was nothing to assure you that it wasn't the hotel leading you to certain doom. 
Ducking into room 237 you pushed her behind you as Danny's deranged shouts of your name and then hers filled the air, growing closer and closer. She clung to your back, small hands gripping your sides, and you bit back tears as the two of you backed further into the room. You held your breath as you watched Danny's shadow pass by the door and exhaled shakily when he seemed to pass by, you took long deep breaths - all you had to do was get to the car and you'd be fine.  You turned to Abra who was staring into the bathroom but you gently shook her, she jumped slightly before focusing on you. You were certain Dan would return and when he did you were going to distract him so Abra could escape, she tried to argue but as you positioned her next to the door you reassured her with fake smile and, “It’s alright, I’ll be right behind you.”
The door sprung open far sooner than you hoped and your heart pounded in your chest as Danny advanced. His gaze intense, his white eye staring through you as his blue eye darkened. He stalked towards you calling out your name in a low growl, “You’ve been very very bad.”
You froze as the axe came dangerously close to your face, the blunt end trailing just along the edge of your body as Danny questioned, “Where is she?”
Trembling you felt tears gather in your eyes as the cold metal of the axe slid up your cheek and you choked out, “I don’t know we went separately.”
You could see Abra in your peripheral vision slowly sneaking out of the room and you wanted to sigh in relief but your attention was quickly brought back to Dan’s face as his eyes narrowed at you, “Naughty girl, I told you to stay with her and now you don’t know where she is is that right??”
You met Abra’s hesitant eyes over Danny's shoulder as you nodded and she took off. Danny started to turn at the noise but you did your best to distract him, attempting to wrestle the axe away. 
He snarled, his voice distorted and echoing with other voices that didn't belong to him and he grabbed you by the throat lifting you effortlessly before throwing you. You slammed into the wall with a scream, falling to the floor and you let out a small whine as you tried to rise, gripping the side table next to you tightly. Dan approached you laughing as your head swam, you looked up at him tears in your eyes and he froze. His head tilted slightly as he watched you shakily fight back your sobs, his eyes narrowed - "How interesting." 
You were hauled to your feet by a firm hand grasping your hair and wrenching your head to the side, Danny buried his face into your neck. Inhaling deeply there was another harsh laugh and then, "You smell so so delicious."
He bit harshly into the junction between your neck and shoulder causing you to cry out in pain that quickly morphed into a whimper as he suckled and lapped at the spot. 
"W-what are you doing, Danny?" You knew the question was pointless as this wasn't your Danny. However you received a response though it didn't answer anything, "We're going to do what he was too afraid to."
Danny had dropped the axe at some point and his hand slid up your body to grope at your breasts before gripping your throat tightly. You gasped for air before Dan's mouth enveloped yours in a hot and needy kiss, his tongue slipping easily into your parted mouth. Your eyes slid shut as you tried to pretend that this was actually Danny kissing you and not whatever was currently possessing his body, when you didn't respond he tightened his hand cutting off your air supply. Your hands shot to his arm, scraping at his jacket desperately to pull him off, and your eyes flew open again. He pulled back, breathing heavily, as his eyes trailed you up and down. A half smirk covered his face as he spoke, this time sounding more like himself just low and gravelly, "Don't act like you don't like this dove. I can sense your arousal. Just let us in, let us feast on you."
His hand finally relaxed just as your vision had started to go blurry and you gasped harshly for air, barely able to get any before once again his lips were devouring yours. You moaned into his mouth when Danny slipped his hands under your shirt, sliding up to your tits and he grabbed at them with an appreciative moan of his own. He played with your nipples, pinching and pulling just hard enough that there was a slight sting and enough to make you cry out in pleasure. His lips pulled apart from yours after swallowing down every little noise you made while he played with you and trailed to your neck. 
Danny looked up at you, his milky eye seeming to pierce your soul, before he bit once again though this time higher up. He seemed to delight in the cry that flew from your mouth. He continued his treatment as his hands made quick work of your clothing, tearing it away when it wasn't easy to take off. You called out his name in alarm as he ripped your shirt in half but he simply grinned as he once again teased your breasts. He continued marking you down your neck and collarbone until he reached your chest. Whispering 'mine.' before biting harshly at the tops of your tits and sucking marks into them. 
You grasped at the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair and tugging slightly as he bit at you. His eyes snapped up to your face and your breath hitched at the feral look in his eyes. He stood up to his full height locking eyes with you while his hands trailed down your body to your waist, gripping hard enough you knew there were going to be bruises. He spun you around, pushing you hard into the wall, hands tugging your pants and underwear down your legs. You trembled as your face pressed against the cold plaster, shivering as your body was exposed to the cold air. 
Danny knelt on the ground as he pulled your legs free of their clothing, warm palms grasping at your ass before spreading you apart and baring your wet cunt to him. You heard him inhale deeply and you yelped as once again Danny bit you, this time your sensitive inner thigh. He whispered 'mine' again before his tongue licked up your thigh up to your pussy. He licked three long lines up the entire length of your slit, groaning each time he tasted your sweet juices, his tongue pressing flat and wide against you. The fourth time he trailed his tongue through your lips, down your thigh, over your ass cheek and all the way up your spine until he rose behind you and pressed his body into yours. 
Dan's clothing dug into your soft skin as he repositioned you, yanking your hips backwards but pressing your face harder into the wall. You couldn't help the garbled moan that flew past your lips when you felt his hard length pressing into you from behind. Your body, seemingly moving of it's own accord, ground into his cock pleading for him. 
"Patience, dove. We have all the time we need." He growled out, his hands fumbling with his jeans. He undid them just enough to pull out his cock, hard and throbbing, as you tried to glance behind you to look at him. His hands returned to your body, one burying itself in your hair to keep you still and his other arm wrapping around your hips to pull you back towards him and then without warning he was inside you. 
You screamed, startled at the harsh intrusion, as his length filled you. He stretched your tight little cunt out but you were so soaked he was able to slip inside without a problem. You heard a deep moan from him as his hips starting to pull back and forth, pumping his hard cock in and out of you. His pace started slow, with powerful thrusts burying him to the hilt on each forward movement, but that didn't last for long as he growled out your name and his hands flew to your waist. His grip was hard and his rhythm animalistic as he pounded into you, pulling you harshly into him with his firm grip on you. Your whole body was jerking in time with the power of his thrusts, your hands bracing on the wall to keep from slamming your face into it over and over again as you cried out on every thrust. Your vision blurred with tears as he fucked you, pleasure overwhelming your body. 
Loud grunts echoed off the wall from behind you as he muttered out incomprehensible words mixed with light moans of your name. You begged him - "More, Danny harder! Please touch me, please!!" - as you felt your orgasm fast approaching, needing touch and stimulation elsewhere on your body. Suddenly everything was ripped away from you leaving you to pant against the wall until you were spun around. Your leg was hitched up around his hips as he plunged his rock hard cock into you once again, tearing a hoarse moan from you. His pace was brutal and one of his hands grasped your jaw harshly as he hissed, nostrils flaring, "You look at me when you cum dove. You hear me, are you gonna be a good girl for daddy?"
You cried out as his other hand circled your clit alternating between teasing touches and then pressing hard enough on the little bundle of nerves that you saw stars while he pounded away into you. Your walls clenched around him, squeezing hard, as a scream ripped from your throat when he pinched at your clit, pulling your orgasm from you. The tears that had been filling your eyes spilled over and Danny laughed before it broke off into a deep moan as your hot walls clung to him. You had stared into his eyes as he ordered when your orgasm hit but as it overwhelmed you your eyes slid shut of their own accord. You were gasping for breath as you came down and you didn't notice the way Danny's hands softened around you and how his hips slowed. 
A weak call of your name met your ears and your eyes flew open desperately. Your eyes met Danny's confused and dazed blue orbs and you gasped. Your hands flew to his face as a soft smile covered your face, "Danny, I knew you were there."
He looked down at where your bodies became one and immediately jerked back, whimpering slightly as his length pulled from your warm body. You whined, trying your best to catch your breath. Danny’s face contorted in concentration as he gripped his head, “Fuck, I can’t hold them back for much longer. You have to go!”
“No, not without you Danny.” You cried as you inched towards him, freezing when you noticed for the first time his leg. Putting your danger aside you immediately walked to him and pulled his belt from his pants, ignoring his length bobbing next to your hand, pausing only to nudge his legs apart. He called out your name again, an edge to his voice that wasn't there a moment ago, “Go now! I can’t-” 
He cut himself off with a cry as you wrapped the belt around his upper thigh and tightened it with all your strength, quickly tying it off. There was an inhuman roar and then you were once again being slammed up against the wall, both of his hands at your throat and face contorted in a snarl. Your feet lifted off the ground and for the first time in this encounter you truly feared for your life, hands scrabbling trying to pull his away. Having to fight your instincts you lifted one of your hands away to softly brush your fingertips against his face as you weakly croaked his name. Your gentle touch allowed him to gain control again as he let go of your neck, hands flying to your shoulders to support you. 
Clinging to him you coughed and sputtered as you inhaled deep gulps of air after a few moments finally listening to what Danny was saying."You have to go, I can't hold them back and I can't stop them from taking you again. Please, you need to go."
Looking at him you shook your head despite wanting to crack at his pleading eyes. You swallowed deeply as you stood straight again, "No Danny, let them take what they need from me. I'm not leaving without you."
You cupped his face softly and pressed your lips to him, kissing him tenderly. Danny hesitated for a moment before he responded with a passion that took your breath away. As he parted he looked at you with a softness that you had only dreamed about before he whispered, "If I do this they won't be gone forever, I'm not strong enough to lock them all away right now."
You nodded as you stared up with the same affection that you saw in his eyes mirrored on your face, "I know, but I'll be with you through it all. If this is what we need to do to get you out of here alive, then we'll do it. Will you take me now, before they take control again? I want to know what it's like to be loved by you."
Danny leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips, though it quickly deepened as his hand slid to your back tugging you close to him. You raised your leg and he was quick to catch it with his spare hand, angling it so it was most comfortable for you. One of your hands cupped his neck and your other trailed down his chest and stomach to grasp his cock loosely. You hadn't had time to appreciate just how big he was when you first were getting fucked but as you gently stroked his length a few times you couldn't hold back the appreciative moan as you felt his size. Lining him up with your cunt you swirled his tip through your drenched folds. Danny broke apart from you, forehead gently pressing to yours and connecting you as he asked, "Are you sure about this?"
Your answer was to press your hips forward, sinking his head into your cunt as you whimpered out a soft 'yes'. Danny pressed forward slowly easing his cock into you and even though he had been in you mere moments ago he still stretched you out deliciously. Where he had been fast and rough before he was now gentle and slow, wanting to savor every moment he had with you. His pace was slow as he pulled out only to fill you up again and again. You called out his name and he swore, face burying in your neck. Danny's hips sped up and you whimpered, his hands slid to your waist both to hold you up and to pull you as close to him as he could. He had noticed the blooming bruises on your neck and now he laved them with attention, pressing soft tender kisses to the areas and nuzzling into you. 
You could tell he was starting to lose control again as his body jerked slightly when he pulled back and his grip on your waist tightened again to the point of slight pain. His breathy moans turned into deep grunts as he sped up suddenly pounding into you like he had earlier. Clinging to him his pace practically lifted you off your feet and you squeaked as he rammed into your cervix, legs buckling. Danny's face stayed buried in your neck, though now he was focused on marking up your collarbone with sucking and biting, while he destroyed you - fucking you so well you knew you would never be able to think of anyone but him. 
He suddenly jerked away from your neck as one hand came down to rub tight circles on your clit, your walls fluttering in pleasure at the stimulation, and you thought he must be close with the way he fucked into you. Your mouth fell open in pleasure as he quickly brought you to another peak, the crown of your head hitting against the wall as your head lolled backwards, his other hand grasped your chin again to pull you up - forcing you to look at him as you came. Body trembling you spasmed against him, pussy clenching and flexing as he slid against your tight walls, it was only moments later when he was tipping over the edge as the two of you locked eyes. 
For just a second his eyes flashed to their normal brilliant blue as he cried out your name before they darkened and a sheen covered his eye once again. His hips bucked deep, filling you to the brim, as his seed shot deep into your core. The feeling sent another wave of spasms through you as he painted your walls with him, claiming you in the most primal sense. As he finished his hips stilled as his head dropped to your shoulder and you stroked the back of his head and his hair softly. 
There was a pregnant pause before Danny was pulling away from you, both eyes blue once more, and tucking himself away into his pants. You quickly found your clothing and tugged it on not wanting to risk him losing control again and you figured you only had a short period of time while he had full control to get out of the hotel. Pausing you realized your shirt was torn clean in half and was unsalvageable. Danny stared, face pink with embarrassment, he quickly shucked his coat and pulled the flannel he was wearing over his head offering it to you. Gratefully you accepted it, pulling it over your head, with your dilemma solved you turned towards Danny and tugged his arm over your shoulder once he put his jacket back on. You knew his leg would make it harder for him to walk now that there wasn't supernatural support pushing him along and you also knew your time was limited considering the boiler room situation. Glancing at Danny you couldn't help the soft smile covering your face as you simply stated, "Let's get the fuck out of here."
Your eyes blinked open blinded slightly by the bright lights shining down on you. A groan left your lips as you sat up straight, having almost slid all the way off your chair at some point during your sleep. Wearily you sat up as you remembered your surroundings, the hospital. Shooting forward your eyes shot to the bed and your face heated when you met Danny's sweet gaze.
"G'morning." He softly said, you smiled and rose to come close to his bedside, your hand resting on his lightly. Smiling you replied with a gentle, "Good morning to you too. How are you feeling?"
"Well I'm on some pain medication so it's not too bad. How is..." He trailed off, face dropping in guilt as he motioned to your neck area. Reassuringly you squeezed his hand, "It's fine, not bad at all. Honestly the ache in my...." 
Your face heated at your thoughtless words before you muttered, "My soreness elsewhere is uhm distracting me."
Danny couldn't hold back a gentle laugh at your words as a blush rose to his cheeks another beautiful smile breaking out across his face. Your spare hand rose to stroke his face fondly before you paused and pulled your hand away, unsure of where your relationship stood with him. Dan's smile dropped slightly as his head tilted, he seemed to sense the problem as he whispered, "Darling I'm yours if you'll have me, I promise as soon as I get out of here I'll take you on a date and we can go from there."
For some reason his words overwhelmed you and tears pricked at your eyes, whether from relief or happiness you couldn't quite tell. Danny's eyes grew before he cooed out your name, hand tugging you forward so he could press soft kisses to your cheek whispering pleas not to cry into your skin. You nuzzled into his cheek before cupping his face once again as you pulled back finally ready to admit what you'd known all along, "Danny I'd love nothing more than for you to be mine, I think it's pretty clear by now. I love you Dan Torrance."
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helaintoloki · 4 years
mel’s masterlist 2.0 ♡
*original masterlist
Bucky Barnes
- Queen of Disaster (mini series)
- Everybody Loves Somebody
Peter Parker
- A Day at Web
- Changes
~ requests ~
- christmas wrapping (holiday prompt)
- together for the holidays (holiday prompt)
- stolen
Peter Maximoff
- Meet the Family
~ requests ~
- one thing
- In the Moment
- Healing
- Pas De Deux
- The Past Comes Back
~ headcanons & requests ~
- shang-chi + asian!reader
- Requited | part two
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Something Special
- Child’s Play
~The Mandalorian~
Din Djarin
tell me about it
Doctor Sleep:
Dan Torrance
- The Overlook Hotel
- Complicated
- Sweet Dreams
- Of Monsters and Men (collab piece!)
- Old Ghosts
~ headcanons & requests ~
- dan + handling insecurities 
- dan + lonely reader
- dan + comfort
- dan + cuddles
- fly me to the moon (blurb)
- good enough (slight angst)
- one day at a time
- the winner takes it all (angst)
Birds of Prey:
Roman Sionis
- Million Dollar Man
The Umbrella Academy:
Number Five
- I Only Have Eyes for You
- Odds and Ends
~ requests ~
- a peach
- in another life
- young love
- daisy | daisies 
- keep you safe
- trembling hands
- cold
- twister and margaritas 
- stormy weather 
- coffee
- less than ideal
- warmth 
- all of the above
- midnight snack 
- you’re a mess
- don’t mention it
- sweet and sour
- old times
- take out
- drunken realizations (feat. vanya, allison, and klaus)
- the hero
- spilled milk
- sick
- all for you
- the mother of all prizes
- leather and lace
- falling
- as easy as breathing
- bad dreams
- the set up
- pining hc’s
- date night
- ghost of the past
- endearingly clumsy (holiday prompt)
- sleeping bags (holiday prompt)
- First Date
~ requests ~
- cheap shot
- midnight snack
- run the other way
- masks on
- when
- A Little Tenderness
- Early Sunsets (Sparrow!Ben)
- Odds and Ends
- Cemetery Drive
~ requests ~
- home
- lucky
- picnic 
- can i kiss you?
- great minds think alike (holiday prompt)
- three’s company (holiday prompt)
- hot chocolate
- protective (sparrow!ben)
- no mistakes (sparrow!ben)
- weak link (sparrow!ben)
- nightmares (sparrow!ben)
- that was then, this is now (sparrow!ben)
- disdain (sparrow!ben)
- christmas waltz (sparrow!ben/holiday prompt)
- by the fireside (sparrow!ben/holiday prompt)
- soft spot (sparrow!ben) 
- hard feelings (sparrow!ben) 
- back again (sparrow!ben)
- help each other out
- reunion
- mary
- wonderful christmas time (holiday prompt feat. allison)
- punk girlfriend
- taking care of a sick reader (hc’s)
- my wife (holiday prompt)
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
The Shining & Doctor Sleep Movies
Over the holiday break, I finished reading Doctor Sleep and wanted to see the movie. Since there was a cold, snowy, blizzard-y night, it seemed like the perfect evening to re-watch The Shining first. 
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Every Constant Reader knows Steve hates Kubrick’s movie. He famously referred to it as, “A Cadillac with no engine in it...” He felt the movie was “too cold” and that was reinforced by the ending. He didn’t love the casting, and thought Jack Torrance opened the movie crazy, and just got crazier. There was no range for the character, and no redemptive moments. 
But Constant Readers also know the book and movie are two different works with completely different endings, and different portrayals of the characters. It’s this last point I take issue with... In the books, Wendy Torrance is a strong, protective mother who cares more about Danny and his safety than anything else. Movie Wendy does nothing more than run around screaming and melting to the ground. It’s insulting to the strong character Steve created. It’s also insulting to Shelley Duvall, who dealt with serious mental trauma during and after filming. 
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But, let’s unwind this one a little more. I feel like movie showed what a misogynist Kubrick really was. He minimized Wendy to an annoying wimp, he thought nothing of gratuitous female full frontal nudity, and then there was the bizarre Blaxploitation art in Dick Hallorann’s bedroom. Really, Stan??? Really???
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I know. This is such a small, weird point, but it really bothered me. In the books, Dick Halloran is a hero for the ages. He immediately bonds with Danny, and ultimately protects both Danny and Wendy from Jack and The Overlook. And, he shows back up in Doctor Sleep to help Danny control the ghosts he keeps seeing. In the books, Dick is a warm, comforting father-figure; a foil to Jack’s cold, recovering addict. Even after his death, Dick becomes Dan’s moral compass. But in the movies, he’s oddly sexual, and ends up dead. Oh, and he’s referred to several times with the “n” word. So that was fun to cringe along to while my twelve year-old shot me judgmental looks. 
All and all, I don’t think I need to see The Shining movie again. Looking at it through my adult, feminist lens, it’s just gross. And it doesn’t do the book justice. Sorry, not sorry. 
And then there’s Doctor Sleep. 
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I absolutely adored this adaptation, and while it wasn’t identical, it was pretty damn close. You can sense the change almost immediately in the movie: gone is the whiney, helpless Wendy. In her place is a Mama Bear, worried about Danny, and wanting him to get better. Additionally, the actress they cast, could be a younger Shelley Duvall. 
Speaking of casting, it does not get better than Rose the Hat. Rebecca Ferguson absolutely slayed, and was one of the most terrifying villains ever, ever, ever. Well done, girl. 
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The movie wasn’t a perfect re-telling of the book, and it left out a few key details (Dan being Abra’s uncle, the measles the True Knot contract), but I am aware it was done for the sake of time. Although I wouldn’t have minded watching a three hour version of the movie. 
The biggest deviation the movie takes from the book is the ending that takes place inside The Overlook. In the book, it takes place where The Overlook used to be. I’m not sure how I feel about the movie following the movie, but no one called for my opinion... so here we are. And I’m sure Doctor Sleep attracted a lot of fans of the original movie. 
Does the blog provide any new, hot takes? No. But it was fun to watch them back to back after reading both of the books. I got to annoy my roommates with plenty of facts from the books, and tidbits about why Steve hated The Shining movie so much. I don’t know that they were impressed, but they’re a tough crowd. 
I haven’t watched a ton of movies during this project, but I have recently started Castle Rock, so maybe I’ll pop back on with an update on that. No promises. I’ve got nine books to finish, y’all!!
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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horrormaestro-aaaaa · 3 years
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@deathrazed​  sent      /      meme.                   ↳   11.   an  entry  discussing  their  fears  and  anxieties.
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𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑  𝟏 ,  𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕.
                      i  always  thought  this  year  would  be  the  year  i  joined   the  27  club.   i  mean ,  my  entire  adult  life ,  i’d  never  considered  anything  else.  for  twelve  years ,  all  i’ve  known  is  isolation ,  pain ,  rage ,  insanity ,  et  cetera.  i  don’t  remember  what  life  was  life  with  hope.  i  haven’t  been  sober  or  been  around  people  who   wholeheartedly   cared  about  me  for  ten  years.  but . . .  then  i  found  myself  in  frazier ,  i  found  family ,  i  found  everything  i  longed  for  and  yearned  over  for  so  many  years.  no ,  no.  it’d  be  an  injustice  to  dan  to  simply  say  i   found   myself  here.
                        the  truth  is ,  mom  doesn’t  want  anything  to  do  with  me  after  the  book  release.  i’ve  had  to  accept  the  thing  i  feared  most —   she  doesn’t  love  me.   she  chose  not  to  when  i  was  five  years – old  and  i  held  onto  so  much  hope  for  so  long  that  maybe  she  mourned  dad ,  maybe  her  grief  was  so  much  so  that  seeing  me  was  a  reminder  of  the  love  she  lost.  but  that  was  never  the  case.  if  i  fucked  up  or  she  got  a  call  saying   ariel  did  this ,   or   ariel  did  that ,   i  was  met  with  her  venomous  spite  for  dad’s  family.  using  the  pen  name   ‘ jackie  torrance ’   was  the  final  straw  and  the  reason  to  leave  me  physically ,  just  as  she’d  done  emotionally  when  i  was  only  a   child.
                        so  i  was  forced  out.  i  stayed  in  the  only  shitty  and  extremely   shady   motel  in  castle  rock  and  drank  my  anxieties  away.  i  isolated  myself  for  so  long ,  so  hesitant  to  let  anyone  in ,  that  when  my  own  flesh  and  blood  disowned  me . . .  i  truly  was   alone.   but  i  remember  in  one  of  mom’s  rants  that  uncle  jack’s  son’s  name  was  daniel.  i  didn’t  know  if  he  was  alive ,  i  didn’t  know  if  he  knew  about  me.  but  i  took  a  shot  in  the  dark  and  looked  him  up.  finding  things  no  one  wants  me  to  find  is  kinda   my  specialty.  and  that’s  exactly  what i  did —   i  found  him  living  in  frazier ,  new  hampshire.  an  hour  away ,  that’s  all.  i  felt  so  many  things  about  this ,  both  good  and  bad.  but  i  decided  that  i  would  take  a  chance.  that’s  how  i   found  myself   in  frazier.
                        turns  out ,  alcoholism   does   run  in  the  family  and  dan’s  been  sober  for  sixteen  years.  and  i  have  to  get  clean  too.  because  if  i  don’t ,  i  can’t  be  around  him.  i’m  a  risk  to  his  own  well – being  and  dammit ,  i  like  this  whole  aspect  of  having  someone  who  was   never  obligated   to  take  me  in ,  but  did  it  because  maybe  he  had  more  faith  in  me  than  i  do  myself.  i’ve  gone  so  many  years  without  familial  love  that  when  i  found  it  again ,  however  awkward  it  was ,  i  knew  i  had  to  make  this  work.  and  that  meant  putting  the  bottle  down  today.  but  i’m  scared ,  i’m   terrified   actually.
                        what  if  i’m  too  weak?  what  if  i  crack  and  fall  off  the  wagon?  there’s  so  many  things  i  could  do  wrong.  and  sydney   always   said  i  was  weak.  just  as  weak  as  my  father  for  taking  the  easy  way  out  and  just  as  weak  as  my  mother  for  being  spineless  and  cold.  i  have  a  family  now.  or ,  well ,  i’m  starting  to  piece  one  together.  we  don’t  know  each  other  all  that  well  yet  but  my  dad’s  family?  dan’s  dad’s  family?  they  lied.  they  shut  dan  and  his  mother  out  and  i  always  was  led  to  believe  it  was  because  they  were  these   horrible  people ,  but  it  turns  out  the  torrance  family  that  decided  dan  and  his  mother  didn’t  deserve  their  support  were  the  horrible  people.
                        all  i  can  think  is   how  well   he’s  done  for  himself  in  spite  of  everything.  both  of  our  fathers  died  when  we  were  five.  we’ve  both  gone  through  shit  we  should’ve  have  had  to.  we’ve  both  had  issues  with  substance  and  alcohol.  it  seems  like  the  only  difference  between  us  is  that  he  had  a  mother  who  gave  the  world  for  him  and  i  didn’t.  but  he’s  giving  me  this  chance  to  change  my  life  and  not  end  up  in  a  body  bag  at  27.
                        god ,  i  want  to  do  it  so  badly.  i  want  to  get  clean ,  i  want  to  be  sober.  my  career  might  depend  on  it.  my   life   depends  on  it.  i  could  have  family ,  i  could  have  my  career ,  i  could  exist  in  a  world  less  shitty  with  my  cousin  at  my  side.  i  have  that  chance.  i  haven’t  touched  a  drink  today  but  i  crave  it  so ,  so  much.  it’s  like  bad  rash ,  always  nagging  at  you  and  demanding  to  be  treated.  you  don’t  think  about  it  and  there’s  less  of  an  itch  to  give  in.  but  when  you’re  alone  in  your  thoughts  you  remember  it’s  there  and  it   demands   to  be  taken  care  of.  it’s  what  makes  me  think  i’m  too  weak  for  this.  well ,  added  to  the  list  of  many  things.
                        i  circle  back  around  though ,  sorting  through  the  reasons  this  would  be  good  for  me  and  the  benefits  before  coming  back  to  my  fears  and  the  biggest  fear  i  have  in  getting  sober  is  simple :   what  if  i   disappoint   dan?  if  i  do  become  too  weak ,  if  i  do  cave . . .  will  i  just  disappoint  him  like  i’ve  disappointed  my  mother  all  these  years?  do  i  have  enough  strength  and  courage  to  get  through  this?  i  don’t  know  if  i  do.  but  i  have  to  try ,  don’t  i?  i  have  to  try  and  maybe  i’ll  fail.  i’ll  get  to  that  if  the  time  comes.  but  maybe ,  just  maybe  i’ll  persevere.  maybe  i  can  make  dan   proud   of  me  and  maybe  that  will  give  me  the  oomph  to  be  proud  of  myself.
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also  giving  @shinedied  a  special  mention  because  dan‘s  a  huge  part  of  this.
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Swapping Clothes | Dan Torrance
request; "Hello there! 💚
May I request: "Person A (Dan Torrance) giving Person B (male or gn!reader, doesn't matter) their jacket"?
Thank you!! 💚" // @ronaldrx​
summary; you go to see Dan in the cold. 
notes; male!reader
You were shivering as you made your way down the street, gale force winds knocking the breath out of your chest as you hugged your thin hoodie close, the hood hardly helping to keep the wind out of your face and prevent the icy breath from touching your skin, but when you finally came to Dan’s door, a shivering and shaking mess, you smiled. 
“How cold is it out there?” He asked, stepping aside to let you in, having been stood by the door since he could sense you were on your way; his Shine was always good with that, it was always good at letting him know when you were near. 
Your teeth chattered a little as you crashed on his sofa and cupped your hands around your mouth, breathing heavily onto your icy skin in a poor attempt to steal some warmth. “Fucking cold. Looks like the snow’s gonna come in sooner rather than later...” 
As he shrugged his jacket off, Dan chuckled softly, and when he passed the back of the sofa, he dumped his jacket over your shoulders, giving it to you as he made his way to the kitchen and flicked the kettle on; a good cup of coffee would rid you of the cold, and he knew it as he leaned against the counter, looking at you as he sighed. “You wouldn’t mind staying here if it does, will you?” 
You shook your head, tugging the warm jacket on and sighing a little as you breathed in his scent, wrapped up in his warmth as you settled down, kicking your muddy boots up on his coffee table; he always hated it when you did that, but as Dan’s brilliant boyfriend, you knew that you would get away with it every single time. “As long as you have coffee, I don’t mind, no.” 
“And if I run out?” Dan asked, moving to grab two mugs from the cupboard. 
“Then, as much as I love you, I’m leaving,” you joked, resting your arm across the back of the sofa. “If it snows on Thursday, are you gonna be alright?” 
Turning his head to look at you, Dan furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly to the side. “Thursday?” 
You nodded, swallowing thickly, your Adam’s apple bobbing slightly. “Yeah, Billy’s asked if I could help him with that stupid train, he said it’s something with the engine and asked if I could help.” 
Finishing up making the coffee, Dan sat beside you, handing you yours - he knew just how you liked it and had done since the day he had met you - as he sat back. “Yeah, no, I’ll be... I’ll be fine.” 
You didn’t want to push him on the subject, so you took his answer as gold, and brought the coffee to your lips to take a swig before bringing your feet off of the coffee table in order to set your drink down. “Thanks for the jacket, by the way...” 
“It’s fine,” Dan smiled, leaning over to nervously kiss your cheek, even after all this time together, he was still always so nervous to kiss you, he was still always so nervous. But he tugged at the shirt he was wearing as he chuckled a little. “I’m sorry I stole the shirt you left here last time you stayed.” 
You allowed yourself to look over him, biting the inside of your cheek as you nodded in appreciation; it certainly looked good on him. “It’s fine... it looks better on you than it looks on me, anyway.” 
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Summary: Reader in one case…and well Roman in the other are having rough days. So here is how those rough days are handled. Enjoy!
Had a rough go of things yesterday and needed some character comfort! Hope you all like it.
Dan Torrance
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Sighing, you trudged over to the boarding house. Using the key Dan gave you let yourself in. Seeing, he was still at the hospice. You pulled off your shoes and clothes that hung on you heavily. Going to one of his drawers, you opened it took out then pulled on one of his t-shirts and some of his extra soft pajama pants.
Closing the distance, you went over to his bed. Pulling the blankets back, you went and laid down. You pulled the blanket back. Sighing, you closed your eyes. The anguish that had filled you was lessening but still still there. A few tears, slid free from your eyes and after running down your cheeks, they came to rest on Dan’s pillow. After taking a few shaky breathes, you finally let yourself drift off to sleep.
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Dan shivered as he let himself into his apartment. Turning, he locked the door. Hung up his coat, turning he saw you and swallowed. Your sadness hung like a fog in the air. Sitting in the chair beside the door. he began to loosen the laces of one boot before pulling it off and doing the same to the other one.
He wondered what had happened to make you so sad. You had been a good spirits earlier in the day. He could reach into your mind but he chose not to. When you were awake, you could tell him. Perhaps over dinner or while you watched something comforting on tv.
As he took in the mound of discarded clothes and even how tightly wound the blanket around yourself, it was evident you had not had a good day.
With his shinning, he reached out in warmth and comfort. Easing into his bed beside you. He brushed some hair that had fallen into your face. Even in sleep you looked ill at ease. He pressed a kiss to your temple. Softly he whispered with his mind and aloud, “I’m here.”
A soft sound came from you and turned you curled up to him but still remained deeply asleep. He was glad that he could be a source of comfort even as you continued to slumber on.
I know I used the hug…but that hug looked so amazing.
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“Come quick.” Zsasz, rasped into the phone.
You had gone out to grab a treat you and Roman loved. Fresh, warm croissants, a bowl which was the right size for the two of you and expresso. He was getting bi-weekly shot of botox to curb the chronic headaches.
Afterward, you’d sit and indulge while the rest of the world could disappear till the evening would encroach. Roman, would slip on a killer suit, a fake brilliant smile, and a pair of shades that would obscure his eyes; so no would see that the smile he gave them never reached his eyes.
Something happened. Something shattered his “me time.”
On the opposite weeks, he’d have a shave or a hair cut or get fitted for a suit. Those days, afterward, the two of you would sit, curled up on one of the many comfortable sofas or lounges and read the society pages. Genuine, laughter would come from him.
He’d share stories of how ridiculous all those people were. When he had been a kid, he had seen behind all their masks, you delighted in the stories. He’d gesture and speak with his hands and yet again, you’d see that smile that was rarely ever across his face downstairs.
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Taking the elevator, you wondered what could have destroy his mood. Mere moments ago, be had sent you off with a brief kiss on the cheek before laying down in his silken robe for the injections. His anger filled voice, greeted you before you saw him. He was raging, his blue eyes were twin flames. Your heart sank.
“Roman, I’m back.” You held up the bag and the covered cups that barely contained, the rich delicious scent of the expresso. “I got the tiramisu and croissants!”
You hazarded a glance. A put out looking Canary, rose an eyebrow as she looked at you. You shrugged. Zsasz, who had always had a flair for calming before you entered Roman’s life looked at a loss at what to do. When he looked your way, you gave him a half smile.
“You’re fucking back?” Roman, turned grabbed a pillow; his robe flapping around him.
You nodded.
“Fuck this, I don’t want any of that right now. Get the fuck out of here.” He snarled. His features rough.
When he had first pushed you away so angrily it had hurt. You ran and even thrown the goodies on the floor as tears had prickled your eyes. But now, you knew better.
You still couldn’t exactly dodge the pillows he threw. This one hit you square in the stomach, you wavered a little where you stood but you kept the expresso and bag of goodies safe.
“Roman, she only….” Zsasz’s voice trailed off as Roman grabbed another pillow.
“You two, get the fuck out of here too!” He held up the pillow.
An idea sparked in your as you watched him clutched and moved the new pillow in his hands. Putting, everything down you grabbed the forgotten pillow that had come to rest at your feet.
You walked over to where Roman stood.
“Oh Roman.” You said softly.
Turning, his anger still prevalent as it kept his features sharp. “Didn’t I tell you to fucking leave?” The edge was there but actually wasn’t as sharp. You could do it.
Quickly, you glanced, towards Canary and Zsasz, you gestured as if to say, I got this. You two can leave Zsasz hesitated but he left when you nodded.
That’s when you did it. You threw your pillow at him. It totally confused him. He dropped the pillow he had been holding. “What? What the fucking are you doing?”
You smiled and snatched, one of the pillows at his feet. “Throwing a pillow back at you.” You said simply.
“Don’t think I can’t land one harder.”
“Oh really? Do I get a running start?” You asked a playfulness entering your voice.
“I’d fucking run now.”
“Ok!” You ran just past him and grabbed another pillow.
Running again, you looked over your shoulder and watched as he aimed and threw.
Damn, moments later it got you square in the shoulder. An umph, came from you. He had been write it hit harder. “Hey that wasn’t much of a running start.”
“I never fucking promised anything.”
That’s when you threw yours. He dodged it.
“All you can do?”
“No!” But you grabbed and began running again.
Taking one of the other hallways you figured you could creep around and get him by surprise him.
You were rounding the corner, you glanced over your shoulder and didn’t see him. A tingle of victory began to fill you. But when you turned back to look in front of you, he was right there.
It so startled you, that you screamed.
He chuckled. Both of your hands lowered as you looked at each other.
A few fallen pillows were around the two of you, as you both were eating from the tiramisu. The croissants were already a distant memory.
When his feature were completely soft and there was even a twinkle that came from his eyes, you finally asked. You rested your head on his shoulder as you handed him back the spoon.
“What happened?”
He inhaled but then he exhaled. You glanced at him from through the strands of your hair.
He dipped the spoon in and enjoyed a good spoonful.
“Harleen Quinzel.”
You pressed your lips together. You knew not to ask for anything further. Her name spoke volumes.
Not wanting to remove your head from his shoulder you had to. If the two of you were going to enjoy the expresso, you had to. You handed him, his first.
He took a sip and slid you a look, a smile tugging on his lips. “Rematch?” He eyed one of the pillows that was the closest to the two of you.
@spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @nebulastarr @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97-blog1 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @professionalclown123 @chogisss @xxinvisiblexx @shantellorraine @xxvisionsxx @blondekel77 @saphic-stories @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj @thebeckyjolene @mrskenobi19 @bdffkierenwalker @aviolentdaydream @thebeckyjolene @blackberries45 @sithonis @hollow-r-us @reiaux
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if maybe you’d consider smut for Danny Torrance? Thanks :)
Hi hun! And yeah, absolutely. Do you have any particular time period you want the piece set in or any back story as to how him and the reader met or you just want me to go wild with it and see where it takes me? Either way completely up to you. Just let me know 😊
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cinebration · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written 😁🥰
Thank you for this!
Since I did one last week, I’ll put a few different fics this time. In no particular order:
“The Darkest Shine” (Dan Torrance x Reader): This story was so much fun for me to write, and it comforts me. Not only did I see the movie, but I made sure to read Doctor Sleep by Stephen King to ensure I nailed down Dan’s characterization. Technically a “fix it” fic while still maintaining the ending of the film.
“A Moment of Madness” (Jonathan Crane x Reader): For this, I was given a sad/angsty prompt, which I turned into something very different than what was requested. When the requester told me they had expected something else but were pleasantly surprised by what I wrote, I knew I had succeeded. If you want to understand how I tend to respond to requests, this is the place to start.
“The Real You” (Charles Blackwood x Reader): I had just watched We Have Always Lived in the Castle and thought, “I need to add another Sebastian Stan character to my list.” When the request came in, I knew I couldn’t just make it regular fluff, because Charles is not a fluffy boy. What resulted was absolute fun.
“Cordial” (Napoleon Solo x Reader): One of my first Henry Cavill fics, and definitely the one that drew people to my blog. You put a womanizer in front of me, I’m gonna teach him a few things.
“Cuts & Bruises, Wounds & Abuses” (Captain Syverson x Reader): The other major Cavill fic (my The Witcher one-shots aside) that drew people to my blog. This story was my first AU—a soulmate one, no less—but I think I managed to ground it in reality as much as possible. I also think it’s one of my most cohesive and thrillingly paced fics.
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anothersadsimp · 4 years
Ewan Character Masterlist
*contains smut
Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Arranged- Prince!Obi Au where he just wants to be with you
*Longing-   Obi-Wan and reader have known each other for a long time, and after years of teasing/ flirting/ sexual tension the barrier breaks
A Friend in Need- Obi-Wan needs help and you help him like the badass you are
*Control- Reader has not control over anything but one thing ;)
Blasted- You get hurt on a mission with Obi-Wan
Carefully- Obi is dingus, ANGST (Based on Carefully by Donna Missal)
I Got You
Jolly Rancher- Professor!Obi 
Drizzle-  Professor!Obi
Fav Disney Princess movie- Professor!Obi
Bat Onesie- Professor!Obi
Dan Torrance 
sfw ABC
*Stressed- You stressed tf out and Danny boy helps you
*Far Away- You have a nice phone call with Danny ;)
Lost- You’re clumsy with your items and Dan helps you find them
Hidden Feelings- Abra is sneaky and tells Dan how reader feels
Pumpkin Party- It’s spooky season and you, Abra, and Dan carve pumpkins
Here- Dan opens up about his past to you (hurt/ comfort)
Animal Crossing
Alex Law
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