#dance pop copyright free
bassrebelsmusic · 2 years
SEPY - Where You Are [Bass Rebels] Copyright Free Music Dance Pop 2023
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monirulknowledge · 2 years
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Lost Souls & Lifelines
a/n~ Sometimes an idea really just grabs hold and doesn’t let go, this is my first full length fic for this fandom so be gentle 👀… also @the-moon-in-the-gutter said Dew has dinosaurs and I stole their idea and ran with it 😂
Rain x Dewdrop
WC: 2.1k+
Rain would always retreat to his room when he wasn’t fully sure how he was feeling. With a heavy chest and a foggy mind, slowly catapulting him back to a time in which he’d hide himself fully from the world. He’d sink down to his knees beside his bed and lean forward, pressing his cheek firmly against the cool wood of the floor boards and reach his free arm out, pulling an old battered tin lunch pail out from under his bed. 
Sitting back on his feet he would pop open the lunch pail, and a wave of relief and excitement would wash over him as he carefully plucked out -one by one- the small collection of plastic toy sharks that lived there. A soft smile caressing the Guppy’s face as he lined them up across the floor in front of him in size order. A soft and excited squeal escaped him as he pushed his leopard shark into its place between the pyjama shark and dwarf lantern shark figurines. 
He’d begin to mumble to himself, soft words forming sentences, facts about the sharks laid out in front of him that no one but himself would hear. A smile spreading across his face as the fingers on his left hand danced in a way that satisfied his need for sensory input, the sides of his fingers rubbing together in a quick but calming motion. It was then that he noticed a small figurine he knew wasn’t in his collection the last time he had played with it. 
“Sea lion… pinnipeds closely related to walruses and seals. Carnivorous, social, and smart mammal - nothing like me.” Rain was giggling to himself as he slowly listed off some of the facts he could recall about sea lions. Plucking the small gray figurine out of the tin he held it up, turning it this way and that in his hands. He was looking for markings, a makers mark, copyright mark or even a price tag to indicate where it had come from. He leaned forward and shifted the line of sharks he had made, making a space between his pyjama and dwarf lantern shark figurines. A soft giggle escaped him as he took in his army of sea animals, the anxious feeling beginning to leave his body.
He began to feel the weight on his chest slowly disperse as he fought through the brain fog to dig up any and all facts about the animals in front of him as he could. The soft knocking of someone’s knuckles against his bedroom door shook him from his thoughts and he looked up, turning his attention to the door that was slowly being pushed open. 
“Hey Gup? Mountain said you weren’t feeling great and said you needed tea. He seems to think that tea is a magical cure all. Chamomile I think he said. Something about calming your nerves?” Dew kept his voice light as he stepped into the room and clicked the door shut gently behind him. 
“Did you know that in the wild, sea lions can live up to twenty years and they’re considered an endangered species? Oh! And pyjama sharks are a part of the cat shark species - they’re bottom dwellers that eats all the little fishies!” Rain spoke quickly and with genuine excitement as he help up both figurines for Dew to see. 
The fire ghoul shook his head and slowly made his way over to were Rain sat cross legged on the floor and lowered himself to be seated next to the water ghoul. He waited patiently for Rain to place his figurines back in their homes down his long line up and reached over, gently placing the steaming hot cup in the Guppy’s hands.   Rain lifted the cup to his lips and blew against the steaming liquid before carefully sipping from the cup. 
“Mountain says chamomile tea helps relax the body and mind. He always makes me a cup when he knows my mind is foggy.” The water ghoul lifted the cup to his lips and took another sip of the liquid, letting his eyes flutter shut as the warmth of the tea warmed his chest. 
A soft smile spread across Dews face as he reached out and placed a hand against Rains shoulder. Rain placed the cup down on the ground next to him and reached forward, scooping up half of his sharks and began to stack them on the floor in front of him, biggest to smallest in a triangle formation. A huff of disapproval slipped past Rains lips as his tower toppled over and the smallest dwarf lantern shark figurine slid under the bed. 
“Damn it… he lives there now. Did you know that dwarf lantern sharks have light-emitting organs called photophores along its belly and fins so it can camouflage in shallow water?” Rain rambled off, leaning to the side and slid his arm under the bed to retrieve the lost shark. Dew watched intently as Rain began to line the sharks up once more. 
They sat in silence for a while, Dews eyes never leaving the meticulous way Rain was moving the sharks, placing them together by size, color and species. It was then that Dew realized this was the most he had ever heard the water ghoul speak - the younger lad always opting to stay quiet and sit in his own corner of the abbey most days. He reached out and ruffled Rains hair, sending a soft shiver up the length of the Guppy’s spine.
“Thank you.” Rains voice was light and he fixed his gaze on the sea lion that sat comfortably amongst the sharks.
“For the tea? That was all Mount, I was just the delivery boy.” Dew chuckled, leaning over to bump his shoulder up against Rains. The water ghoul shook his head lightly and reached out, scooping the little sea lion up into his grasp and cradled the little figurine gently. A chuckle escaped Rains lips as he placed the sea lion in the palm of his hand and held it up for Dew to see. 
“I know it was you. You’re the only one who knows about my collection, much to my dismay. Mist is the only one who knows about my new found interest in sea lions. You got this when you went to town with her didn’t you?” He asked, turning his head to face Dew. A crimson blush spread across the fire ghouls cheeks and he averted his attention elsewhere. 
“Hey I apologized for stumbling in on you in a vulnerable state and showed you my dinosaurs so you knew it was okay.” Dew chuckled, ruffing the Guppy’s hair once more
“But if my memory serves right you had all the sharks that the store we were in had. The sea lion was the only different sea animal they had that wasn’t a boring fish. Mist didn’t tell me they were a new special interest.” Rains cheeks glowed a light blue at the memory of Dew helping him stand from the same spot where he sat now, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, steering the water ghoul towards his room. 
“It’s okay, you know, to need or want to be little, either up here or out in the open sometimes.” Dew said, slowly directing Rain towards his hallway, the one lined with drawings some of the others had done while in little headspace. 
Dew knew Rain was nervous, having always retreated to his room and never sought out a care giver while he was regressed. He slowly walked the water ghoul into his room and shut the door softly behind them. 
“See my collection? My favorite dinosaur is the Dilophosaurus, like how the pyjama shark is your favorite shark.” Rain cocked his head to the side and made eye contact with Dew - something the Guppy struggled with and furrowed his brows, causing his nose to scrunch up. 
“The diloph-what? And how do you know about pyjama sharks?” Rain asked, reaching up to cup his own chin in his hand. A soft red blush bloomed across the fire ghouls cheeks as he reached out, grabbing the dilophosaurus figurine and handed it to Rain. 
“You talk in your sleep sometimes, Gup, and it’s always about sharks. Facts I’d assume.” Dew chuckled, watching as Rain turned the figurine he had handed him this way and that, examining the features. 
“Dilophosaurus.”  Rain sounded the name out slowly, wracking his brain for any facts he may have stumbled upon during his library adventures. 
“It’s okay to collect the things that make you happy, and to play with toys. I’ll let you in on a little secret, Swiss has this old beat up possum stuffed animal I gave him forever ago and Aurora? She has princess dolls she likes to play with. We all have our things that help us through times of stress, it’s okay to have your sharks - even if you keep them hidden from sight.” 
The water ghoul shook his head as he felt Dews hand placed gently against the back of his head, rubbing soft circles into his scalp. It was then that Rain realized the emotions that were displayed across his face, his vision blurry from the tears that threatened to fall. He wasn’t sure why the memory sparked such emotion in his chest and he turned his head to capture Dews gaze, leaning his head forward and pressed it to Dews. 
“You’re okay, Gup, I promise. It’s okay to feel the big feelings in your chest and mind. You don’t have to be ashamed.” Rain sniffled and shifted where he sat, pressing his body closer against Dew and reached out, gently wrapping his arms around Dew’s midsection. A soft smile spread across the fire ghouls face as he reciprocated Rain’s movements and wrapped his arms around the Guppy, gently pulling him into his lap. 
“Dilophosaurus - they’re theropods and carnivorous like sea lions. They weighed around eight hundred pounds and could run up to twenty miles an hour.” Rains voice was softer now, quieter compared to the initial excited tone he had held. A soft smile caressed Dews face as he nodded, listening to Rain fire off even more facts. 
“It’s representation in Jurassic Park is terrible - sorry I know that’s your favorite movie. But they didn’t spit poison - I still don’t understand why that was a defense mechanism- and they didn’t have a flashy neck frill. But they did have the two crests on their heads, that’s what they were named after. And they think it was sexual in nature - ew.” Rain snickered, not wanting to talk about anything of that nature. 
Dew reached up and began to comb his fingers gently through the Guppy’s tangled mop of hair - his recent hair cut giving the fire ghoul less surface area to comb over. Rain responded without thinking, removing his forehead from where it was pressed against Dews and began nuzzling into the fire ghouls hand. Dew kept his nails short, but they were just long enough to deliver a satisfying scratch to Rains scalp. 
A wild blue coloring began to bloom across Rains cheeks and slowly crept down his neck the more he relaxed into Dew. If the Guppy had the capability to purr, he would as shivers danced down his spine and his chest warmed at the gentle touches against his hair and scalp. 
“What if we go to the aquarium before we go to dinner on Valentines Day? And then we can see where the night takes us.” Dew kept his voice soft, shimmying his shoulders against Rain as he spoke. Rains jaw dropped and he reached over, pushing lightly on the fire ghouls shoulder. 
“EWW-UH! I know where your mind went and that’s… eww-uh. But… but maybe we can go to the aquarium when they open and then the museum where they have the dinosaur exhibit. That…. That would be fun.” Rain raised his gaze to meet Dews, taking in the coloring of the fire ghouls eyes before letting his gaze wander. 
“Is that what you would like to do? Go to both places before dinner?” Dew asked, moving his hand from the back of Rains head forward to cup his cheek in his palm. Rain nodded softly, not wanting to make the wrong decision as he wasn’t usually the one to make the decisions. 
“Okay so we’ll do both, and get dinner. How’s that sound Gup?” It was then that Rain realized the anxiety in his chest had lifted and his thoughts were becoming clearer. 
“I can show you the sharks and we can pet the rays and see the sea lions up close. Did you know sea lions can paint too?!” Rain spoke, excitement returning to his voice as he leaned forward and scooped up his sea lion figure once more. A soft sigh escaped Dew as he let Rain get comfortable on his lap, wrapping his arms gently around the Guppy and pressed a soft kiss to the side of Rains head, happy to be trapped under the weight of the water ghoul on his lap. 
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authorhjk1 · 8 months
What if there was a K-pop based game? Not a Just Dance K-pop edition, but an actual game? What would the gameplay be like? Would you play or buy it? And who should be the first cover idol?
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This is an interesting question.
I've actually already read two answers by @ggidolsmuts and @worldsover. I had similar ideas and I find their approach really interesting.
Maybe from another perspective: Since many groups have concepts and universes, like Aespa or Ateez, it would be kinda interesting if there was a game for it. You could choose a member from a group and you would have to do missions and stuff that play in that group's universe. Example for Aespa: Defeat black mamba.
But I actually prefer a good board game over video games, so I thought of those first.
I think something similar already exists, but a kpop themed monopoly game could be fun. Instead of streets you can buy songs of one group and once you have a full row, you can start to collect the members of the group and demand more money for copyrights when another player steps on them. Free parking could instead be a picture of two idols "dating rumors". Pay a certain amount into the middle to get rid of them. And instead of the for railroad stations, you could collect the company buildings. JYP, YG, BigHit and Cube for example.
Apart from that, I only have vague ideas for board games. Maybe something where you are the CEO of a new company and have to recruit idols, host auditions and train them? You can also sign contracts with already active idols and you are able to book music show appearances and variety shows.
I think I would definitely buy at least some of those games, although I don't have much free time. For the monopoly game, I think, because there would be several groups represented, they should all be on the box as well. Maybe even make two editions. Boy groups and girl groups.
For the other one, I think it could be something like Red Velvet and Aespa and their CEO on the side or something.
This was really fun, hoping for more of those questions.
Stay healthy!
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Tonal Evidence (usa) 1991 Alternative Rock / Alternative Dance / Industrial / Synthpop / Experimental
Folks, I gotta say that I'm pretty beside myself with regards to this album; not because the music's bad—a lot of it's great!—but because I can't find almost any of these highlights on YouTube. And, I mean, we're talking London's Mute Records here, one of the biggest and most successful alternative labels in the world since its early 80s founding. You'd think every song in their catalogue would be up on YouTube by now, but apparently not. Either no one's uploaded any of this good music that's on this album or Mute practices in the dark art of copyright takedowns like nobody else's business. Either way, it's a shame that I can't make most of this stuff easily accessible to you all 😔.
That said, though, this early 90s compilation from Mute is really good. They're known for being on the forefront of alternative rock, alternative dance, industrial music, and synthpop, and with this US-tailored 1991 sampler of theirs, you get a nice taste of all of that stuff 😋.
Plus, a whole bunch of these songs were exclusives when they appeared on this album too. They may have popped up elsewhere since, but back in '91, if you purchased this CD, you were getting a sweet handful of rare goodies. And now that you can't find them anywhere to stream, I guess they're rare once again 😅. Funny how that works, eh?
Anyway, it doesn't always happen with late 80s and early 90s releases, because the music can feel a little bit primitive at times, but I think I'm more partial to the dance music that's on here than the alternative rock. Kris Weston, a guy who goes by Thrash, and who did other remixes for acts like Depeche Mode and U2 around this same time, does a sweet techno remix of Fortran 5's "Love Baby;" John Robie, a close associate of Arthur Baker, and who played synthesizers on Afrika Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force's "Planet Rock," delivers a wild, cold, and thick electro remix of Cabaret Voltaire's "Yashar;" and there's a dynamite radio mix of "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love," by Meat Beat Manifesto, one of the most important alt-electronic groups that's ever existed, and whose breakbeat stylings certainly served as an inspiration to the dawnings of trip hop, big beat, and drum n bass—all with an industrial edge too.
Plus, a shoegazey bit of early 90s indie pop from a Swedish band called Easy. They're actually still around after all these years, having released a brand new album just a few weeks ago. But this song, "Cloud Chamber," which is the second song off their 1990 debut album, Magic Seed, catches them in some of their very earliest days. Pleasant jangle-honking indie fare right there.
Awesome sampler with an eclectic slate that reflects all the different types of alternative music that Mute had its hand in shaping, but I've got almost no links to any of it 😞. Oh well.
Feel free to message me directly if you really wanna hear this album!
Fortran 5 - "Love Baby (Electropathy Mix)" Cabaret Voltaire - "Yashar (John Robie Mix)" Meat Beat Manifesto - "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love (Radio Mix)" Renegade Soundwave - "Biting My Nails (1990 Remix)" The Weathermen - "Freedom Or Slavery (Conclusive Edit)" Easy - "Cloud Chamber"
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djangoblack · 4 months
Django Black Ibiza Blackout Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse) | Django Black
📀 Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 – (Afrohouse) | Django Black https://ift.tt/ArlgJXh Are you ready to set the dance floor on fire with DJANGO BLACK’s “Ibiza ‘Blackout’ Summer Mix 2024”? This mix has all the vibrant Afrohouse rhythms and pulsating beats you need to keep your party going all night. Don’t forget to subscribe to stay updated with the latest tracks and festival vibes! Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:01 – DJANGO BLACK feat PATTY LOU – WAVES (Extended) Download Now! 3:37 – Florence The machine – Spectrum (Say my name) [Marco Generani remix] 8:39 – Dennis Ferrer – Hey Hey (Jack Back Extended Remix) 13:55 – Disclosure – You Me ft. Eliza Doolittle (Rivo Remix) 19:03 – Dido – Thank You (Sentin Klub XIII Soundsystem Remix) 22:58 – Years & Years – Desire (Bask Extended Mix) 26:56 – Nelly Furtado – Say It Right (Faros Remix) 30:17 – Gnarls Barkley – Crazy (Arthur Miro Afro House Edit) 33:56 – Francis Mercier Magic System – Premier Gaou (Nitefreak Extended Remix) 38:21 – Sofiya Nzaw – Mwaki (Laureano Remix) 41:14 – Billy Ocean – Caribbean Queen (merchant solitude edit) 46:28 – Robbie Williams – Feel (Disla Danis Remix) 51:15 – Daryl Hall John Oates – Out Of Touch (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Afro House Remix) 55:25 – Everything But The Girl – Missing (Mydoz David Hopperman Remix) 59:01 – Diplo HUGEL – Stay High (feat. Julia Church) [VIP] [Official Full Stream] 1:01:15 – RÜFÜS DU SOL – Next to Me (Vintage Culture Remix) 1:07:28 – Calvin Harris ft. Sam Smith – Desire (Rivo Extended Remix) 1:12:29 – (Bounus Track/Deep House) PATTY LOU – You’re Mines Still (Django Black Remix) Extended The video is about Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse). but also tries to cover the following subjects: DJANGO BLACK Hits Ibiza Summer Vibes Top Afrohouse Tracks TITLE : Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse) Songs is currently on your favorite platforms: Spotify: https://ift.tt/iJjgTwV Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/vqUxsaM Subscribe To My Channel For More Official Music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me: Instagram: https://ift.tt/WUpndbt Facebook: https://ift.tt/xKa4Bsm Website: https://ift.tt/uKFSw3M ========================= Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Django Black Ft. Patty Lou – “Waves” – (Cover Art Video) | Django Black ========================= About Django Black: Django Black are an electronic music group of visionary producers, DJs, and artists converged, driven by a shared passion for music and a desire to break free from industry norms. Django Black is more than a collective; it’s a movement—a rebellion against the status quo. Their fusion of Afro house, pop, soul, and dance music defies convention, forging a unique sonic identity that transcends genres. Through their beats, Django Black amplifies the voices of the marginalized, weaving a tapestry of empowerment and unity. For all Inquiries, bookings, remixes, colabs, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Subscribe to my channel for more great music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 ========================= #djangoblack #ibizasummer2024 #afrohouse #blackout #summermix #partyplaylist #musicfestival #2024hits Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contains copyrighted music and images. Any public, media and any other business usage is subject to business licence. Unauthorised usage and publications are prohibited. © Django Black from Django Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipp7eaXkF28 via Django Black https://ift.tt/Yj8gk1c May 15, 2024 at 11:02PM
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Paul Russell, P1Harmony, GUNNAR, Charlieonnafriday, (G)I-DLE & Teddy Swims – Jingle Ball Village 2023 – KIA Forum – Los Angeles, CA – December 1, 2023  
It’s a rarity to hear roaring cheering while you’re still on your way to the concert venue. However, enthusiastic fans showed up strong for iHeartRadio 102.7 KIIS FM’s 2023 Jingle Ball Pre-Show — some even traveling from different countries and lining up since 5AM in order to catch a glimpse of their favorite artists on stage.
The annual pre-Jingle Ball event enlists the top up-and-coming artists to conduct a Q&A or perform on stage for a dedicated crowd full of fans.
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Powerhouse vocalist Teddy Swims took to the stage first — serenading the audience with his soulful vocals that allowed for his raw talent to shine through. While Swims initially gained notoriety by uploading cover songs of classic hits onto YouTube in 2019, it didn’t take long for him to be signed to a label and grow on a massive global scale. Yet, he hasn’t forgotten his sincere appreciation for his fans, saying genuine thanks for coming out to see him sing.
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To maintain the exciting momentum, K-pop girl group (G)I-DLE then came onto the stage for a special Q&A. Their incredible stage presence, ranging from striking their best badass poses to getting the fans to sing their hits, made everyone go wild. They freshly completed their second worldwide tour, the “I Am Free-ty World Tour,” spanning 18 countries this year, where they highlighted their meticulous choreography and catchy pop tunes.
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Next up was up-and-comer, charlieonnafriday, a rising hip-hop songwriter that quickly amassed a dedicated fanbase on social media with his talent. His captivating energy on stage was apparent as he seamlessly switched between upbeat and more mellow songs that displayed his musical versatility as an artist. He recently was seen opening for Tate McRae’s “Are We Flying” tour and is embarking on his own European tour in April 2024.
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Hitting the stage afterwards was California native, GUNNAR, a pop-rock newcomer that has nailed how to command the audience’s attention. He started his set by immediately launching off of the drum platform, jettisoning a few feet into the air all while strumming chords on his electric guitar. The energy for the rest of his set only increased from there. GUNNAR most recently opened for Maroon 5’s sold-out tour across Europe and the U.K.
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South Korean boy band, P1Harmony, then proceeded to take the stage amidst a sea of diehard fans who raised up their handmade signs and threw up hearts with their fingers for their favorite group member. With their energetic and catchy tunes sung effortlessly by the group, accompanied by their impeccable dance moves in perfect sync, it’s no surprise P1Harmony has garnered such a large global fanbase with their talent.
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Closing out the pre-Jingle Ball show was rapper and singer-songwriter Paul Russell, the ever-exuberant and charming performer that keeps you smiling throughout the entire performance. His energy impressively matched that of the crowd, as he delightfully ran across the stage to engage with all sides of the audience and invited everyone to sing along to the chorus of his songs. Russell first skyrocketed into the public eye when the snippet of his song, “Lil Boo Thang” went viral on TikTok in the summer of 2023. Since then, he was signed to Arista Records and has continued to release songs that infuse a mix of funk, pop, R&B, and hip-hop.
Keep your eye out for the 2024 Jingle Ball Pre-Show lineup for more opportunities to catch incredible emerging artists like these!
Larisa Jiao
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 3, 2023.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
It's the final episode of the Desire Grand Prix. ...at least, until it's time for crossovers. On which side does the Armed Hammer of justice fall? Will we stick the landing? Either way, 2000+ years of reality TV ends here.
Saa... koko kara highlight ga.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Staring down the barrel. Unflinching.
-"Do it."
-Tanuki soba tiiiiime~!
-Gotta love the copyright free Spotify Neon uses.
-God, it astonishes me how someone can dance in pumps.
-Oh, hey there Ziin.
-That fucking coin again.
-A going from Rome to Japan reminds me a lot of Greco-Buddhist syncretism.
-Hi there, Tsumuri.
-What was that about, eh?
-How could you ever forget a man like Ace?
-Michinaga :)
-You shot a man stone dead, Tsumuri-neechan.
-Hello, Kromer.
-Oh shush, you're barely even a character.
-"There is no such thing as Geats anymore."
-Holy shit, he killed his entire fanbase.
-Ace is dead.
-As he would've wanted however, nobody stops on his account.
-"Thank you, neesan <3"
-Off he goes to heaven.
-Valiant effort Michinaga, but your new form's in a V-Cine, so...
-Oh and we're reduced to absolutely nothing.
-Really love all the quiet whiplash of these shrine scenes.
-This is the good shit right here...
-A simple wish.
-Boost! And! Magnum~!
-Somebody's got their last episode original form power-up.
-"Oh by the way, I'm actually God now."
-I remember that bit in the Bible when Jesus rode in on a motorcycle and shot Herod in the face.
-"My disciples. Dream a dream so big it becomes a miracle!"
-Ohhhh, their forms! It's them!
-Sorry Suel, it looks like you've already lost.
-This is exactly how I wanted this finale's big fight to go.
-Literal God-modding.
-This is so bullshit, I love it.
-God has become.
-And now the Dawn Game has commenced.
-Now everybody has a chance~!
-"Hmm. This kinda sucks."
-Thanks, Papa Giroli.
-Sorry about that, Samas. You're out of a job now.
-Ironic. Keiwa railed so hard against the gods before, and yet...
-That Ace... jerkin' us around up till the very end
-Humanity's very own navigator, Tsumuri-neechan!
-Ohhhhhhh... that's the song from Movie Battle Royale
-Win :)
-Oh, Daichi... it seems Archimedel's got something living on inside you.
-He's a true buffalo up to the end, huh?
-What a
-Sara-neesan's got reasonable goals.
-Oh! Kyuun!
-Guess you're havin' a good time.
-Ah damn. Well, if that's what you want Neon.
-World peace!
-Man, I'd love to know what all those wishes say...
-Hey, God? Can you look out for that Gotchard kid? He's clearly gonna need it!
-Oh! He's already starting, huh?
-Whatever issues I may have with Geats, even more will inevitably pop up in hindsight, goddamn this ending heals the soul.
-Big ups to absolutely everybody who worked on this show.
-Be sure to join me again in a few weeks when we watch Kamen Rider Gotchard~! See you around, everybody~!
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stuckasmain · 1 year
So my main problem with the musical, my nitpick if you will, is that it says “rules of threes? What about fours , six, eight?” And doesn’t know when to stop itself at the right time. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for extravagance and confusion, but when it comes to the musical numbers I don’t think it’s doing what they intended.
Mainly, songs are getting a laugh whenever they’re introduced even if they’re not intended to. Yes, that’s the nature of jukebox everyone’s going to “haha, I know that” but if it’s nearly every song? They add at least seven songs to each mix and in a lot of cases it does work well, but sometimes it’s just a bit…much.
Nothing shows this more that Christian meeting Toulouse and Santiago:
The hillllss are aliveeeee~ | Perfect. Funny. Same joke, that’s the joke is that it’s a classic musical
I don’t want to wait for my life to be over | funny but a bit awkward (“haha I know it”)
With every breath I take | You are officially pushing it
Never going to give you up | Please stop.
“And they called it Bohemian rhapsody!” | See this could have been funny if you didn’t have the three other jokes before it. I also see no real reason to change the name of the play, especially when you NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN PROBABLY BECAUSE COPYRIGHT.
I wish this didn’t get to me as much as it did because the musical itself is funny, heartbreaking and absolutely lives rent free in my head but the “we have twenty more years of pop songs let’s use ALL of them” sometimes doesn’t work, you need to be a small bit more selective- like don’t just tag on “I wanna dance with somebody” for the sake of it, you known
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voodoochili · 2 years
My Favorite Albums of 2022
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The story of the 2020s–the years keep getting harder, the music keeps getting better. There's nothing I get more pleasure from these days than exploring the vast universe of new music that we are so lucky to be able to access with just a few keystrokes. Keeping up with everything can be overwhelming, but it's so so rewarding.
Here are my favorite albums from a very deep year–there's probably a smaller gap between my #1 and my #25 than ever before. But unranked lists are for cowards!
Check the bottom for the full list and a Spotify playlist with selections from every album.
Onward we go!
10. Fievel Is Glauque - Flaming Swords: Perhaps no album released in 2022 was as jam-packed with seemingly contradictory musical ideas as Flaming Swords. Fievel Is Glauque songwriter/bandleader Zach Phillips aims for sensory overload, cramming complex chords, modal key changes, free jazz freakouts, and hyperactive drum beats into his miniature prog-pop masterpieces. Nearly each one of these 18 songs has a moment of unexpected virtuosity, whether in the composition or the performance. The song that best represents the album’s messy ideal is “Save The Premonition,” a one-minute forty-six second sprint through moments of harmonic inspiration, never settling down for more than a measure at a time.
From my description, it might seem like Flaming Swords is a difficult listen, but though it takes some time to get used to the hyperactivity, these songs are targeted missiles aimed directly towards the pleasure centers of the brain, with sonorous saxophones and liquid keyboards augmenting the dulcet Francophone tones of lead singer Ma Clément. This is pop music filtered through a prism, separating the traditional elements of sound into their essences and reconstituting it into something entirely new.
9. Caracara - New Preoccupations: Philadelphia emo band Caracara isn’t afraid to mine the “embarrassing” sounds of the past in its search for catharsis. If you told the 2005 version of me that one of my favorite albums of 2022 would crib from bands like Snow Patrol or Relient K, I would’ve told you to buzz off before cranking up the volume on “Stay Fly” by Three 6 Mafia. But New Preoccupations won me over with its aching sincerity, its full-throated realization of the melancholy behind mundane moments (“I was listening to the Dirty Projectors in a Volvo by the freeway funeral pyre,” singer Sean Gill exhorts in highlight track “Colorglut”), and some powerhouse performances by the band. Producer (and Memory Music label head) Will Yip keeps things interesting, finding a guitar sound that would’ve fit nicely into WPLJ’s Hot Adult Contemporary lineup in the mid-90s and adding contemporary touches like programmed drums and rolling pianos. My favorite moments on New Preoccupations happen when the band grows tired of midtempo rockers and goes balls to the wall. They bust the door down early on the dissociative anthem “Hyacinth,” and put a bow on the proceedings with the achingly raw “Monoculture”: “I’M FINALLY FREE TO LET GO.”
8. Cash Cobain & Chow Lee - 2 SLIZZY 2 SEXY (Deluxe): 2 Live Crew changed the game in the late 80s by combining the compulsively danceable Miami bass sound with some of the raunchiest songs known to man. Luther Campbell and crew were so gleefully horned-up that they changed America’s copyright laws forever. Nearly 40 years later, NYC duo Cash Cobain and Chow Lee are bravely following in 2 Live Crew’s footsteps, providing a fresh spin on the dominant dance music of their region (in this case, Jersey/Philly club) to further their noble mission to make the horniest music of all time. So yes, Cash and Chow are sex-crazed to the point of obsession, but they’re making some genuinely game-changing shit. Cash is one of the best producers on the planet, a master of flipping a familiar sample into something fresh and unrecognizable. He saves his best beats for himself, from the ethereal and speaker-slamming J. Holiday flip on, um, “JHOLIDAY,” to the audacious Stevie Wonder sample on “SLIZZY LIKE,” to the absolutely beautiful “FREAK OF DI WEEK.” Cash and Chow combine their otherworldly instrumentals with an energy that mirrors teenagers at their first sleepovers after learning all the curse words, bouncing off each other in a competition over who can be the most out-of-pocket (Chow usually wins that competition). Don’t sleep on the deluxe edition, which brings even more brilliant beats and shamelessly lowers the bar X-rated bars even further, inviting some of the best rappers in the Tri-State area to meet them on their libidinous level.
7. Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave: Cloakroom exists on the bleeding edge between shoegaze and stoner metal, overwhelming with punishing soundscapes and entrancing with spectral melodies. Their 2022 album Dissolution Wave is lean and mean, clocking in at 39 minutes (Cloakroom hadn’t previously made an album shorter than 60 minutes), delivering a confident complement of space-age rockers. No album this year was better synthesizing such an intense beauty, its crushing walls of sound enhancing the heartfelt songwriting. On a few songs, including the midtempo “A Force At Play” (featuring keys from Matt Talbott from Cloakroom’s stylistic influence Hum) and the devastating countrified ballad “Doubts,” the band proves that they don’t need fuzz to make a major emotional impact. My favorite headphones album of the year.
6. billy woods - Aethiopes: billy woods is an astonishing wordsmith, crafting bars that can collapse hundreds of years of traumatic history into a single couplet. He’s at his best when he’s shining a light on the grimiest aspects of our society, and our society is grimy enough for multiple albums per year, all of them good, usually created in tandem with a producer. Aethiopes, produced in full by underground hero Preservation, is woods’ grimiest and greatest yet, packed with an array of industrial instrumentals that grind like the gears of a lurching, lumbering, ill-intentioned contraption.
The beat for “Wharves” clinks and clacks like a skeleton playing its own ribcage like a xylophone, a fitting backdrop for woods' story that touches on cannibalistic tribes and the Atlantic slave trade. “Heavy Water” invites Breeze Brewin and El-P to tag team an unbearably tense slice of boom-bap, as woods calls himself “the multiverse Benzino.” “No Hard Feelings” swirls with detuned woodwinds and ethereal synths, sounding like the warmup anthem for a closer on Hell's favorite baseball team, providing a bed for woods to show out in his trademark style–he rhymes with escalating intensity, his booming voice rising along with the music. The tension built in the first three quarters of the album dissipates with the final run of soul-samplers, but those outwardly gorgeous songs contain some of woods’s ugliest bars. From “Remorseless”: “Three rooms filled with Incan treasure/Still strangled the king cause it's now or never/It's a freedom in admitting it's not gonna get better.”
5. Naima Bock - Giant Palm: Naima Bock’s Giant Palm gleams like a greenhouse during golden hour, organic and synthetic elements operating in harmony to create an album unlike any I’ve heard before. The album is a spiritual successor to Mort Garson’s horticultural synth music and Vashti Bunyan’s insular, pastoral ballads, with strains of folk from Brazil and England mixed in for good measure. Created in collaboration with co-producer/arranger Joel Burton, the former Goat Girl bassist’s solo debut is structured like the tree of its title, a variety of frilled fronds emanating from a knotty heart–in this case, everything stems from Bock’s endless wonder at the marvels of our natural world, which she expresses through plaintive, immersive, and unpredictable ballads. Some of my favorite moments: the psychedelically eerie call-and-response that begins “Every Morning”; the whimsically bluesy piano in “Instrumental”; the dissonant waltz that undergirds the haunting “Campervan”; and the beautiful harmonies that adorn the Portuguese-language bossa nova ballad “O Morro,” which ends the album on a nostalgic note.
4. Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You: Big Thief is in a special kind of creative groove right now. Frontwoman Adrienne Lenker has a seemingly bottomless arsenal of amazing songs, and her band has the adventurous mindset, telepathic chemistry, and ace musicianship to execute any of her ideas. The natural next step for a band on this kind of run: dropping a double album to show off the breadth of what they can do. The unwieldily-titled Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You fits that bill, packing in some of their best songs while pushing their sound forward. You want classic Big Thief ballads? They’ve got them, including the immaculate “Change” and plaintive “No Reason.” Prefer the hard-rocking side of the band that they perfected on 2019’s Two Hands? Take “Little Things” or the cathartic “Love Love Love.” They even unveil some new tricks, like the trip-hoppy “Blurred View” and the minimal Magnetic Fields-meets-Springsteen experiment “Wake Me Up To Drive.” My favorites on here, though, channel what the music critic Greil Marcus called “The Old Weird America,” an energy that powers the cosmic hoedown “Spud Infinity,” the slinky and percussive “Time Escaping,” and the joyous, countrified “Red Moon.”
3. Earl Sweatshirt - SICK!: Earl Sweatshirt has been famous since he was sixteen years old, something that must feel particularly strange to the self-professed introvert. On his latest album SICK!, the now-28-year-old rapper seems to open up, inspired by his newfound fatherhood and embracing his role as the leader of a rising wave of left-of-center lyricists. The song sketches that populated 2018’s Some Rap Songs have (mostly) been replaced by fuller statements, its grainy, drumless loops giving way to slicker sounds.
The beats on SICK! are spectacular, from Theravada’s sorrowful and operatic “Tabula Rasa,” to The Alchemist’s menacing and cinematic “Old Friend,” to the multiple soundscapes crafted by Black Noi$e (especially the jazzy closer “Fire In The Hole”). Earl doesn’t rhyme over the instrumentals as much as he inhabits them, his resigned sigh painting contours and filling negative space, and effortlessly unfurling assonant and tangled bars like (from “Tabula Rasa”): “The calcium on my teeth fade/Streets are blazed with the anger complacency and deceit create/Ice sheet break, I couldn't weave weight/All I could say to the times that I couldn't freeze-frame, bleak fate.”
2. Makaya McCraven - In These Times: Producer, drummer, composer, and bandleader Makaya McCraven creates his albums like a mad scientist, laying down hundreds of hours of improvised live sessions and piecing them together to create wholly unique compositions. His music thrives on the moments of brief inspiration that come from a group of brilliant musicians playing together, creating an indelible atmosphere by stretching out and looping sections to form a new groove. Inspired by the legendary output CTI Records in the early ‘70s (home to George Benson, Hubert Laws, Bob James, and many others), McCraven curates a sound that combines the smoother side of fusion with complex, odd-meter rhythms. His percussion work is usually unflashy*, providing a bedrock for his collaborators to express themselves to the fullest. “So Ubuji” finds McCraven laying down a boom-bap style drum pattern as vibraphonist Joel Ross and harpist Brandee Younger elevate the song to the stratosphere, while the tangled polyrhythms of “High Fives” benefits from the virtuosic guitar playing of Jeff Parker. The album climaxes with penultimate track “The Knew Untitled,” a devastating composition that begins with swirling piano-led chaos before guitarist Matt Gold lays down one of the best guitar solos of this young decade. The most transportive and mesmerizing album released in 2022.
*with a notable exception coming on the thrilling “This Place That Place"
1. They Hate Change - Finally, New: They Hate Change (Vonne and Dre, both of whom rap and produce) operate with supreme confidence, creating a singular sonic blend informed, but not defined, by their omnivorous musical influences. Vonne and Dre are both great emcees–Vonne has a style that occupies the unlikely convergence between Big Boi, Ish Butler of Digable Planets/Shabazz Palaces, and Sonny Cheeba of Camp Lo, while Dre's drawling rhymes evoke both E-40 and Pimp C. Though they're clearly in love with hip-hop, the two Tampa natives are equally obsessed with dance music of all stripes, and Finally, New explores the unexpected connections between UK breakbeats and Florida’s club tradition, incorporating notes of Miami bass and Tampa jook alongside UK garage and DnB. The result is an album built for both head-nodding and ass-shaking. It's in constant motion even when it slows down, the two rappers brashly projecting an attitude that makes their flexing hit as hard as their evisceration of societal norms. A key track is “Some Days I Hate My Voice,” a defiant missive from Vonne that explores the nonbinary emcee’s inherent contradictions: “Some days I hate my voice, some days I feel like I'm the Metratron/Some days I'm basic, some days I'm dolled up like pageant debutantе.” I waffled for a long time about what to put at number one. I listened to hundreds of albums this year, and adored many of them, but for the top spot on this year’s list, I decided to just go with the album that sounded the freshest. Bursting with invention and bracing in its fearless experimentation, Finally, New is like nothing I’ve ever heard.
The rest of the list (playlist HERE): 11. 454 - Fast Trax 3 12. Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti 13. Asake - Mr. Money With The Vibe 14. Duval Timothy - Meeting With A Judas Tree 15. Animal Collective - Time Skiffs 16. DaBoii - Can’t Tame Us 17. The Soft Pink Truth - Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This? 18. Obongjayar - Some Nights I Dream Of Doors 19. Sessa - Estrela Acesa 20. Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers 21. Babyface Ray - FACE/MOB 22. Ron Trent - What Do The Stars Say To You 23. Hagan - Textures 24. WizKid - More Love, Less Ego 25. Smino - Luv 4 Rent 26. SZA - SOS 27. Duke Deuce - CRUNKSTAR 28. Alex G - God Save The Animals 29. Cate Le Bon - Pompeii 30. Panda Bear & Sonic Boom - Reset 31. Arctic Monkeys - The Car 32. PLOSIVS - PLOSIVS 33. Real Lies - Lad Ash 34. Rema - Rave & Roses 35. Drakeo The Ruler - Keep The Truth Alive 36. Beth Orton - Weather Alive 37. Tony Shhnow - Reflexions/Plug Motivation 38. Rosalía - MOTOMAMI 39. Beyonce - RENAISSANCE 40. Shabason & Krgovich - At Scaramouche 41. $ilkMoney - I Don’t Give a F*ck About This Rap Sh*t… 42. Quelle Chris - DEATHFAME 43. Dazegxd - vKISS 44. Phelimuncasi - Ama Gogela 45. Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Pigments 46. Björk - Fossora 47. Roedelius & Tim Story - 4 Hands 48. Valee - VACABULAREE 49. NBA YoungBoy - 3800 Degrees 50. Toro Y Moi - MAHAL 51. Ethel Cain - Preacher’s Daughter 52. Brent Faiyaz - WASTELAND 53. Boldy James - Fair Exchange No Robbery (w/ Nicholas Craven)/ Mr. Ten08 (w/ Futurewave) 54. quinn - quinn  55. Rachika Nayar - Heaven Come Crashing 56. Junior Boys - Waiting Game 57. Friendship - Love The Stranger 58. Saba - Few Good Things 59. Silvana Estrada - Marchita 60. Rauw Alejandro - SATURNO 61. Ralfy The Plug - Skateboard P (Deluxe)/Pastor Ralfy 2 (Deluxe) 62. Sudan Archives - Natural Black Prom Queen 63. Kikagaku Moyo - Kumoyo Island 64. Young Slo-Be - Southeast 65. Death’s Dynamic Shroud - Darklife 66. Mr. Fingers - Around The Sun Pt. 1 67. RealYungPhil - Dr. Philvinci 68. CEO Trayle - HH5 69. Lil Poppa - HEAVY IS THE HEAD 70. Los - Kareem From New Orleans, Vol. 2 71. Fred Again - Actual Life 3 72. Gunna - DS4EVER 73. The Comet Is Coming - Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam 74. Ka - Language Arts/Woeful Studies 75. The Beths - Experts In A Dying Field
NOTE: This albums list could’ve gone on for at least another 75, and rest assured it would’ve included your favorite album from 2022! But I’ll make a special shout out to albums that just missed the cut: Luna Li, Nu Genea, Tears For Fears, Bartees Strange, Shawny Binladen, Little Simz, Oso Oso, Hikaru Utada, MAVI, BONES, Central Cee, BlueBucksClan, and Jay Worthy, Larry June & LNDN Drugs. Songs from those albums are included in my Spotify playlist.
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djangoblack · 5 months
DJANGO BLACK feat PATTY LOU WAVES (Extended) Cover Art Video
DJANGO BLACK feat PATTY LOU WAVES (Extended) Cover Art Video https://ift.tt/df6s1RG DJANGO BLACK ft PATTY LOU – WAVES (Radio Edit) https://ift.tt/EUWtCiv DJANGO BLACK ft PATTY LOU – WAVES (Extended) https://ift.tt/7q3mdQp Songs is currently on your favourite platforms: Spotify: https://ift.tt/sSvy7X4 Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/Xe19CJQ Subscribe To My Channel For More Official Music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me: Instagram: https://ift.tt/fnjzJ1B Facebook: https://ift.tt/gHKYAcB Website: https://ift.tt/Q2AO48y Connect With Patty Lou: Instagram: https://ift.tt/mYxuqfN Facebook: https://ift.tt/XOG6Vbu Tiktok: https://ift.tt/NIinvsV (X)Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamPattyLou Website: https://ift.tt/35g0yzc ========================= Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 – (Afrohouse) | Django Black ========================= About Django Black: Django Black are an electronic music collective of visionary producers, DJs, and artists converged, driven by a shared passion for music and a desire to break free from industry norms. Django Black is more than a collective; it’s a movement—a rebellion against the status quo. Their fusion of Afro house, pop, soul, and dance music defies convention, forging a unique sonic identity that transcends genres. Through their beats, Django Black amplifies the voices of the marginalized, weaving a tapestry of empowerment and unity. For all Inquiries, bookings, remixes, colabs, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Subscribe to my channel for more great music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 ========================= #djangoblack #pattylou #waves #radioedit #coverartvideo #electronicmusic #newmusicrelease #musicvideo Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contains copyrighted music and images. Any public, media and any other business usage is subject to business licence. Unauthorised usage and publications are prohibited. © Django Black from Django Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crOprcx7ZAE via Django Black https://ift.tt/tm98GKY May 10, 2024 at 06:01AM
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