#dancing venny?
lovedrruunk · 4 months
Blushy Sloan :3
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the day u guys get a finished drawing is the day i quit tumblr forever
I was actually so close to finishing this one I cleaned it up and everything but alas…
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rinneverse · 5 months
cw just a crumb suggestive. minors do not interact. happy aventurine release day!! hope everyone who wants him gets him in their first 10 pull :>
aventurine likes to think his jealousy is subtle.
but really, after knowing him for so long, there are tiny slips in his facade, minuscule cracks in the mask that clue you into how he’s truly feeling.
they’re not easy to spot. his character is carefully crafted to be as flawless as possible; he’s a phenomenal actor and he doesn’t like to expose his true nature.
but you know him—you know him in ways no one else has seen before. you’ve seen him come unraveled, breathless and slick with sweat. you’ve seen him on his knees for you, eyes glimmering with want as he worships you. you’ve seen the way his nose scrunches slightly when he laughs, the way his eyebrows pinch together when he’s deep in thought, the way his left hand is always tucked behind his back during a gamble.
“you so were jealous,” you jab at your boyfriend, coy smile dancing on your lips as he scoffs and turns away.
“was not. i can only listen to that angel prattle on for so long, you know.”
“no need to deny it, vennie.”
the gambler turns your way. he gives you a brief once over before approaching you. he pushes into your space, forcing you to step back until your back hits the wall. he crowds you there, arm coming up to rest on the wall above your head. you’ve effectively been trapped.
"i'm not denying anythin' baby," aventurine huffs, bringing his face to yours. his warm breath ghosts against your lips. you find yourself wanting to tilt your head towards him, to brush your lips against his.
you resist yourself. you know exactly what he's gunning for here.
(you know you won't last very long. he'll always get what he wants in the end. you don't mind one bit.)
"i could literally see you glowering at him. you're not too subtle, you know?" at least not to you. not when you've come to know him in such intimate ways.
"i was bored—and hey, let's talk about the way he was lookin' at you. i didn't appreciate it one bit. that's what has me so worked up, since you're so convinced i'm jealous."
"he was just having a conversation with me??"
aventurine gives you an incredulous look, bringing his free hand up to squish your cheeks. you let out an indignant squeak.
"that's not how i saw it, sweetheart. c'mon, indulge me here. if i were him, i'd be lookin' at a pretty thing like you the way he was too. but doing that right in front of me? ugh," he sighs dramatically. "how're you gonna make it up to me? you were givin' all of your attention to him and i just don't think that's fair."
"when do you ever play fair?"
"i am right now, aren't i?"
you shoot him a look that screams absolutely not. but you sigh anyways, bringing your arms up to loop around his neck. the hand that holds your face loosens, then slowly trails down your body, coming to rest on your hip.
with a coy smile, you let your lips brush against his, feather-light and fleeting.
"fine, fine. i'll make it up to you. my eyes are only on you tonight, 'kay?"
aventurine smiles, dark and full of sinful promise.
"good. i think i'll take my time with you."
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simplydannie · 8 months
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What if it was Velvet who told the truth in the end? What if fame caused her EVERYTHING…. Including her brother…
My first ever fanfic that started my adventure. Originally posted on tiktok. Enjoy!!
Velvet and Veneer stood silent and in awe at what was going on around them. Big voices for such small Trolls. Singing their tiny hearts out. Like that’ll do any good, Velvet thought to herself. She was too distracted to feel that the diamond containing Floyd began to glow and move. Within a moment it popped right out of her chest.
“No, no!” She desperately reached out to try and grab it.
“Vels!” Veneer reached out to grab his sister just in time.
“The Troll!” She screamed, her eyes glowing pink with greed.
“Sis, it’s not worth it!” Veneer held her back. At the moment something began to happen… the Trolls harmonized. The diamond holding Floyd began glowing brighter and brighter. Veneer saw and knew what was going to happen….. the diamond exploded sending a wave of light.
“Vels!” He jumped on top of her right at the moment of the explosion, shielding her from the burst of light, knocking him off instead.
“VENEER!” She cried out. As the explosion diminished, she crawled towards the edge looking below. “VENEER!” She called out again…… she saw him. He lay motionless in his side facing away from her.
“….no….” She quickly ran to a lever that allowed the risen platform to lower.
The Trolls were paying no attention. Branch attempted to talk to his brother, hoping Floyd would wake up.
“I built it Floyd, I built the bunker… except for the waterfall.” Branch whispered, tears starting to fill his face.
“Then… how will we shower..” Floyd said softly. At that moment a wave of happiness spread through the Trolls. The brothers were the first to embrace, Viva and Poppy joining right after. They were interrupted by the sound of the platform lowering. Branch and his brothers grew a defensive circle around Floyd, waiting for Velvet to make her move…. But she ran past them. That’s when Floyd turned to see who she was running to.
“…oh no..” he said softly making his way to the giant Mount Rageoun.
“Veneer!” She held her brother in her arms…blood coming from his head and nose. “Veneer…Vennie come on wake up.” She said shaking him softly. Tears began filling her eyes. The star shaped cameras began to hover around them. “CAMERAS OFF!” She demanded. They powered down.
At that moment Floyd ran up to them followed by the other trolls. Floyd placed his tiny hand on Veneers cheek… checking for warmth… nothing. He looked at Velvet.
“Hey Vennie! Remember those chocolates we ate as kids. I never told you, but I found them! Let’s go get some right now!” She exclaimed trying to sound happy. Branch walked past Floyd and up to Veneers chest, laying his tiny head on it….no heart beat. Branch looked solemnly at Floyd, then to Velvet.
“Oh! How about we get another goldfish!!” She began to say things she knew would catch his interest… something that would wake him up.
“Velvet..” Floyd said softly.
“Remember all the dances we would make up together? Remember how we would show mom and dad?” Tears began streaming down her face as she saw he wasn’t waking up. “Remember how you said that we would both get married, be next door neighbors, our kids would grow up together…. That no matter what we’d always be… we’d always… be brother and sister…” She began to cry uncontrollably. She buried her head on his chest… he wasn’t waking up… he wasn’t going to.
“Not my little brother please.” She cried. Poppy held her hands over her face, she walked up to Velvet, placing her tiny little hand on her arm. Viva followed and did the same. One by one until they all surrounded her. Velvet felt the warmth of their tiny hands. She looked up at them, tears streaming down her face.
“I’m…. I’m so sorry.” she said looking at them, then to Floyd. The little Troll placed his hand over his heart, tears beginning to fill his eyes. Velvet stood up.
“Cameras on me.” She said. The star shaped cameras hovered around her. “Cameras on.”
Her face filled the screens around them. A gasp of the crowd as they saw her tear filled face.
“Listen up people. And listen good….we…” she corrected herself, “I am a fraud!” A wave of gasps and murmurs filled the air. “I have no talent. I’ve been using a small little Troll to give me talent. Everything was a lie! I brought my baby brother into this,” tears falling down her face again, “I changed him. I made him change into something he wasn’t. And he let himself…for me…I’m not who you guys think I am… I’m a nobody… and I’m ready to face those consequences.” She said. The crowd was stunned and silent.
“Cameras off.” She said. She turned to Crimp who was crying a distance away. “Call the cops…. Please… just… just give me a moment first though.” She returned to Veneer who still lay motionless. Grabbing his body she held him… she held him the way she did when she first met him… when he was just born. She placed her head on top of his, and began rocking back and forth slowly, humming a small tune their mother use to sing to both of them. She could still smell his cologne.
“……..I love you Vennie…” she said softly as the tears came back.
The Trolls stood back to let her have her final moments with her brother…. They couldn’t let her go to jail… not like this..THIS what they were witnessing… was already torture enough.
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jessi4fanfics · 3 months
~Purely Amazing~
A BroZone(ish but not rlly) and Broppy Short Story AU
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Okay. So this was a request where Poppy and Viva have three other sisters and are part of a girl band. Rainbow Dash is actually the name of the girl band my trollsona Pam is in (They're supposed to be old friends of BroZone), but I decided to also use it in this story bc I am terrible at coming up with names for things. 😭
Hope you like!! 😘
Poppy stared out from behind the curtains, thinking and watching as another show played onstage. She couldn't help thinking that they were pretty good, the guy on the drums, the girls singing. But nothing could compare to her family band, of course.
"And that was The Amazing Duo!" called the mircrophoned voice offstage voice. "And that was their song Doodley Doo!"
The crowd cheered as the two trolls skipped offstage.
"Poppy! Get away from that curtain!" Poppy's oldest sister, Pim, walked over and pulled her away from the curtain. "What if they saw you out there?"
"They're not going to see me," Poppy sighed, exasperated. "The judges are too busy watching the actual show."
They both peeked over to where the judges sat, under the "Annual Band Contest" banner hanging right over their table. They weren't focused on their direction at all, Poppy was right. They were just watching the stage.
"Still, what if they happened to look over here?" Pim stood back.
Poppy rolled her eyes.
"Pim!!" Piper, Poppy's older sister by just ten months, skipped over to them. "I finished my warm-up session. All ready to go!"
Pim raised an eyebrow. "Did you do your vocal excercises?"
As a yes, Piper did one to show Pim.
"Did you practice your floss dance move?' Pim asked.
Piper did the floss.
"Did you do your 'crowing like a rooster' excercise?" Pim tried.
Piper did the chicken dance while crowing like a rooster. "Don't worry, but sis. I have got this under control." She turned to Poppy. "Oh, hey Baby P. What's up?"
Poppy flinched at the nickname. "I've been better."
"Excuse me quickly, girls," Pim raised pushed inbetween them. "Venni! Put that snailphone down!"
Venni, the second oldest of the sisters, was always on the phone, flirting with some guy she recently met about three hours ago.
Poppy didn't get it. What was so amazing about guys that made her did giddy around them? They were just regular trolls.
"No, you're cuter. No you are! No you! " Venni cooed into the phone.
Pim crossed her arms. "Time to hang up now, Venni!"
Venni sighed. "Look, I've gotta go now. no, you hang up...no you hang up! No, you!😊"
Piper walked up and snatched it away. "Okay, how about I hang up?" she asked, closing the phone.
"Aww." Venni sighed sadly.
P im groaned. "Now, where is Viva?!"
As if on cue, Viva ran in, flailing her arms. As many believed , the middle child usually has the most energy. This was true in their family.
"Who?" Venni asked.
Viva leaned over and whispered, "BroZone!"
The girls gasped and all of them scrambled to the door of their dressing room, peeking into the hallways where all the other bands were walking towards their dressing rooms.
There they were. The five guys, all walking down the hall, not noticing the girls, talking about numerous stupid things, costly about the oldest's, John Dory's, pet bus.
"Look at them," Pim scoffed in an annoyed voice. "They think they're so much better than us."
Pim only said that kind of stuff when she deep down believed it was true.
John Dory heard their muttering and the boys turned to the girls room.
"Oh, heyyyy!" JD greeted. "Up for ice cream later?"
Pim just scowled and slammed the door.
"Aww." Viva sighed. "I was in the mood for ice cream."
"We don't have time for that," Pim scolded. She crossed her arms. "We've got a contest to beat."
The girls sat on a bench, breathing hard and gulping down water after their singing performance.
It was somewhere behind the crowd, where they could easily see the people, by the people didn't see them unless they twisted their heads all around.
"I JUST hope we were completely perfect, " Pim gasped.
"Yeah, that would be better," Piper said, exhausted. "More chances of winning."
"At least we had fun," Viva said hopefully.
"We don't have time to have fun! " Pim stood up, brushing herself off. "The judges will be calling BroZone on in a minute. I don't really want to watch. And they won't be calling us to go on for show two for another half hour anyway. Let's go."
As everyone stood up, Poppy asked, "Can I go get a snack? The concession stand is right back there."
Pim sighed and Venni shrugged. "Sure. Fine, whatever."
Poppy smiled and quickly got up and turned to go down the show hall, when she heard Pim say, "Why doesn't Poppy take this seriously. I mean, a snack? Now? I couldn't way for the life of me."
"She's just a kid," Venni said, "cut her some slack."
"She's not that bad," Viva said. "She is just optimistic. Like me."
Pim sighed while Piper said, " No, Pim is right. Poppy is a bit different. She thinks it's more for the games and the good times. You just want to have a good time. "
"We're not going to win with her on our team," Venni groaned.
There was silence on Poppy completely left the room. Her heart was beating, pumping, loudly, and her eyes were already beginning to swell with tears.
She rushed into the other side of the hall, where she knew she couldn't see them and they couldn't see her. She ran right past the concession stand and kept running until she was so far into the hall that only janitor closets were there, and no people were anywhere.
Good. She slid into a corner and hugged her knees tightly, setting her face on the top of them as well.
Poppy didn't cry. Or, she tried not to. She just wanted to think. What had she done to make the girls think that she didn't think of the band seriously?
Sure, she often interrupted practices to ask silly questions, she laughed when she made a mistake in rehearsals, unlike everyone else. She did really enjoy herself during shows, which Pim had always encouraged, but maybe she didn't like that.
Maybe the band would just be better without the youngest sibling.
Poppy sat there and wished that she hadn't made things more difficult for her sisters, and decided not to go back in time for the second show.
Each band did two shows for the competition, and the second one was the last chance to show the judges what they were really made of. She didn't want to mess it up.
Poppy heard footsteps and her head shot up. Standing right beside her, leaning against the wall, was a face she knew well but hadn't really talked to because of what seemed a rivalry.
His blue eyes sparkled down at her as he watched her, his gentle smile full of sympathy and also teasing. His navy blue hair had frosted tips tonight, something, Poppy knew, that was only really only done for super special shows.
Especially on Bitty B.
"I see why you chose this spot to mope. Way more quiet than out there." He slid down to the floor next to her.
"I am not moping." Poppy sat up importantly. Why was he here? And why was he talking to her?
"Uh huh. Can I sit here?" he asked.
Poppy crossed her arms and looked the other way. "Sure, I don't care."
She did care. A lot. She didn't want him there-- but it was so nice to not be ignored.
Bitty B got more comfortable, shifting here and there. Then he leaned his head back sighing. "I'll tell you why I'm here if you tell me your reason."
Poppy kept her mouth shut.
"Okay, I'll start." Bitty B sat up. "I will start with advice: Sometimes it's wise to just escape siblings sometimes."
Poppy glanced at him. "What do you mean?"
Bitty B sighed again. "Pressure. That's all they seem to give you. Especially in a band. It is exhausting. "
Poppy nodded without thinking it. She could say amen to that.
"Just sitting here, even in the cold floor, helps things a bit, huh?" he turned to her.
Poppy nodded again. "Yeah." She hugged her knees tighter. "It can release so much stress, help calm the voices that are telling you that you aren't perfect or good enough."
Bitty B didn't respond.
"And then you try to make it better by being optimistic, encouraging, and living life to only find out that your siblings think you aren't taking any of this seriously, "she sniffed, "and they probably think you have a terrible voice too," another sniffle as her tears ran down freely, "and probably know your dance moves suck...And you just want to make them proud, but you only seem to be doing everything wrong and...and... " she stopped as she could barely talk through her tears.
Poppy sloppily tried to wipe them with her fist, telling herself to not be a baby in front of a guy from BroZone, for goodness sakes, which would make Pim even more unhappy, making her son even harder.
Every minute she was doing something wrong, she was realizing. Why couldn't she just be better, perfect, amazi-?
Bitty B leaned over, interrupting her thoughts. He reached out with his hand, holding a small white cloth. He stopped his hand right in front of her. "May I?"
Poppy nodded and he swiped the cloth across her cheeks, wiping her tears. His voice was quiet.
"You seem to be going over to your probably's instead of looking at the facts."
Poppy gave him a questioning look through her sniffles. "What do you mean?"
"Just because one person says something about you doesn't mean they think all these other terrible stuff about you too." Bitty B was looking her straight in the eye. "You have some things to work on. And that's fine."
"They don't want me singing with them. That's how bad I am," Poppy whimpered.
"Did they actually say that?"
"They said they said they can't win with me in the band."
"That's not what I asked," he reminded her. "Did they say they don't want you singing with them?"
Poppy shivered. She was all confused now.
"I don't know."
Bitty B nodded. "Don't let your thoughts replace what your family actually said. Your family lives you, Poppy. I see that. And some people aren't able to have a family like that. Embrace it."
Poppy snuffled. "Thanks, Bitty B."
He smiled. "Call me Branch." He held out his hand.
"Branch. Okay." She gave him a beam. "I like that name."
"Well, it's better than Bitty B, anyway," Branch chuckled. "Now the second show is about to start. Why don't you go show the judges whose boss?"
Poppy giggled as Branch grinned.I
They both stood up and before she left, Branch took both of her hands and told her, "You are amazing, lovely, and make a difference. Tell that to yourself all day every day, alright? It's the truth."
Poppy gave him a shy smile. "Okay." He dropped her hands and she rushed down the hall to go meet with her sisters.
In the dressing room, they were all freaking out.
"I should have told Poppy when the show was!" Pim shouted.
"We couldn't have guessed she would take so long!" Venni gasped.
"We can't do the show without her," Viva sobbed.
"Please, Poppy, come back!" Piper groaned.
"Hey, guys!" Poppy rushed in. "Are we ready?"
"Oh, thank goodness! Where have you been?! We can't get onstage without you! " Pim rushed to her and have her a hug.
"Really?" Poppy asked. "I...I was afraid you didn't want me to sing with you guys because - you know, I'm not all serious about it and stuff."t
Venni gasped. "You heard that?"I
"Poppy, yes, you don't take this seriously, but this is a family band. We aren't singing without you. It's take us as we are or leave us as we are. But it's always all of us. Not four fifths of us," Pim told ger.
"And we were letting the stress get to us," Viva said. "We realized that your encouragement and optimism is what keeps us up. We were totally freaking out without it."
"Oh my gosh, we're on!" Piper shrieked.
"Okay, time to do this," Pim said. "Girls assemble!"
They all rushed onstage, and as the light shine on them and they danced and sang, the judges smiling and possibly enjoying it, Poppy looked into the crowd and saw those blue eyes that she had seen earlier.
Branch smiled at her, and whispered, "Amazing," and clapped along to their song.
Poppy blushed and have him a giddy smile in return. No matter what her sister said, she was definitely going to see Branch again.
You guys can choose whether or not their band wins:D They were def in one of the top three. This was a request from an anon ask! Hope this was good enough!
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gabykatttt · 4 months
Love Triangle
Chapter 8
Okay Veneer you go this you can do this Veneer thought letting out a nervous chuckle.
Hey Vennie Pam said smiling.
Oh god she’s here Veneer thought blushing deeply red.
Hi Veneer Pam said smiling.
H-hi Pamenilia Veneer replied blushing like crazy.
How are you doing? Pam asked.
I-I’m d-doing g-good Veneer said stuttering.
So umm Vennie I was thinking about this weekend we can go to the movies Saturday Pam said.
Y-yeah s-sure I would l-love to go to the movies Veneer said blushing.
Okay just letting you know I already bought three tickets Pam said smiling.
What do you mean three tickets? Veneer asked.
Well I sort of invited Ritz to come with us Pam said.
Veneer couldn’t help but blush deeply red.
Are you okay Veneer? Pam asked.
Who me oh yeah I’m f-fine gotta go Veneer said getting up and left.
Okay see you Saturday Pam said giggling.
God Vennie looks so cute when he blushes like crazy Pam thought as she started singing.
Pamenilia 🎶🎤
You think I'm pretty without any makeup on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down
Before you met me
I was alright, but things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life, now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever
You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now, baby, I believe this is real
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, will be young forever
You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now baby I believe this is real
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)
You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back (no)
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now, baby, I believe this is real (oh)
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)
With Veneer
Omg I’m going to the movies with Pam and Ritz ahhh Veneer said blushing like crazy.
Holy shit bro Velvet said in shock.
Congrats Vennie Poppy said.
Yeah congratulations you have a double date with them Viva said.
Veneer blushed even more red and covered his face.
He’s too shy Velvet said.
Agree Poppy and Viva said giggling.
Stop it you guys Veneer said blushing.
Nope the girls said laughing and teasing Veneer’s feelings for Pam And Ritz.
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STUDIO CITY, CA – May 22, 2023 – Lacey Chabert (“The Wedding Veil,” “Haul out the Holly”) and Will Kemp (“Christmas Waltz,” “Reign”) star in “The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango,” a new original premiering Friday, June 2 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. Filmed entirely on location in Malta, the movie reunites Chabert and Kemp who previously starred together in the Hallmark Channel movies “The Christmas Waltz” and “Love Romance & Chocolate.”
Constance Bailey (Chabert) is a no-nonsense detective, who insists on doing things her way, which usually means doing everything alone. She gets results, but her inability to keep a partner is holding her back in her career. When global ballroom company Aston International’s CEO is murdered at a luxurious resort in Malta on the eve of a company event, strings are pulled with Interpol to send Detective Bailey to investigate. With the event – a high-stakes ballroom competition between the company’s senior executives – moving forward as planned, Bailey is sent undercover as Aston’s newest hire. The only problem? Bailey can’t dance. To convincingly compete, Bailey reluctantly teams up with charismatic and free-spirited British dancer and actor Sebastian Moore (Kemp) who poses as her husband. Moore’s crime-solving instincts are as good as his footwork, even if the only thing he knows about detective work came from watching too much TV. He soon helps Bailey to relax on the floor and in her work. But with a killer still on the loose and a growing list of suspects, if Detective Bailey to solve this puzzling case, she’s going to have to learn to trust her partner.
“The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango” is from Leif Films Media/Tetrad Productions Ltd. /Moviehouse Entertainment. Leif Bristow, Lacey Chabert, Will Kemp, Stephen Hays, Peter Graham, Michael McLaughlin and Danny Webber are executive producers. The movie is produced by Agnes Bristow and Borga Dorter. Colin Azzopardi and Mark Vennis are producers. Stefan Scaini directed from a script by Aubrey Day.
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rosszulorzott · 1 year
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Rhythms Of Resistance Budapest workshop Május 1-jén déltől a Városligetben | From noon on 1 May at Városliget
Scroll down for English
Szeretnéd a társadalmi és környezeti igazságosságért küzdő mozgalmakat szamba ihlette ritmusokkal támogatni itt Budapesten?
Csatlakozz a Rhythms of Resistance budapesti csoportjához!
A Rhythms of Resistance (RoR) Budapest egy helyi, alulról szerveződő, csináld magad módszerekkel működő dobos csapat, amely politikai akciókban alkalmazza a szamba ihlette ritmusokat. Egy nemzeteken átívelő, az uralkodást, kapitalizmust, a nem, kor és etnikum szerinti elnyomást ellenző hálózat tagjai vagyunk, mely a társadalmi és környezeti igazságosságért küzd. Nem tartozunk semmiféle politikai párthoz vagy szervezethez. Aktívan ellenezzük és szembeszállunk az elnyomás, kizsákmányolás, megkülönböztetés minden formájával és a karnevál ihlette zenét, táncot, vidám színeket választjuk, hogy megmutassuk felháborodásunkat. Arra hívunk mindenkit, aki szeretné politikai akciókban kifejezni a véleményét és hallatni a hangját, hogy csatlakozzon hozzánk!
Az esemény teljesen ingyenes, semmiféle zenei tudás nem szükséges. Főleg angolul folynak a próbák, de tudunk fordítani magyarra és rengeteg jelet használunk.
Jelezd nekünk, ha szeretnél részt venni! Küldj egy emailt a [email protected] címre. Nézd meg a blogunkat: rorbudapest.blackblogs.org
Do you want to play drums inspired by samba to support movements for social and ecological justice in Budapest?
Join Rhythms of Resistance Budapest!
Rhythms of Resistance (RoR) Budapest is a local/DIY grass-roots drumming crew, playing samba inspired rhythms as a political action. We are a part of a transnational anti-hierarchical anticapitalist, antisexist, anitageist and antiracist network fighting for social and ecological justice. We are not affiliated with any political party or organization. We actively criticize and confront any form of domination, exploitation, discrimination or oppression and choose music, dances and bright clothes inspired by carnival as a way to express our rage and indignation. We are inviting all interested people who want to express their opinion and raise their voice at various political actions to join us.
The event is FREE of charge, no previous musical background is required. The rehearsals are in English and we use a range of hand signals.
Please register if you'd like to come! Send us an email at: [email protected] Check out our blog: rorbudapest.blackblogs.org
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
Venom The last dance trailer is out! Poor my comfort character Venny there :(
(venny = venom btw)
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444names · 10 months
Names generated from hypocorisms and theophoric names
Abdie Abdubay Abduluc Abduluck Abdulucky Abraelly Abritanor Ahhom Ahmony Akhet Akhnuel Albijack Aldollie Amendy Amikey Amillah Amunakht Andoted Anichutz Annie Anollis Anoraell Anuelsie Arcus Aureenny Aurie Averry Avincelie...
Bareno Baress Baret Bartiff Beermore Bennie Benné Beternew Bielya Bigie Bobale Bobet Bobetep Bogdandy Bogdate Bogdavie Bogie Bogieudy Bogig Bogovan Bozsia Bozzie Brammy Braxavić Brick Bricki Buferrie Burick Buritt Cadotha Camen Camennie Cammans Camunael Chales Channy Chatio Chilly Chritz Chriusy Chuath Chubaddy Chubay Cianuele Clacky Clawie Clibb Clieuel Clilly Coren Corewt Daanuel Daathef Dance Dandy Danicky Danory Danoughip Daníbadie Datty Davenicky Davicky Dedia Derbig Derie Dernie Dessy Deudi Deuel Devaddy Deverritz Domik Dontu Dorael Dorantjie Doreg Dorrie Dorritz Dorry Dorty Dorua Dottlex Douiel Dulucky Eggilly Emert Ezekhotty Fedisen Ferryret Florri Fraddy Frammy Frandy Frano Franíbay Fraphalt Fraxankat Fraxaviv Fredy Frete Frich Frick Fricky Frisep Gabdie Gabdudy Gabduluck Gabijame Gargie Garnewt Garrewt Gennick Genty Gillarry Gilliddy Gillie Gomie Goteppedy Govickna Greuel Gusettayd Hadenny Hadia Hally Handessy Handy Hangee Hanné Hanuel Haretede Haritan Hasdrudi Hennichie Heofan Heoph Heophaddy Heophas Hepperrie Horre Hotenie Hothael Huckey Ikevieud Imano Immaddy Immais Imman Immie Immin Inoshuc Irsty Izzie Jaatun Jacel Jacky Jacquarry Jandy Janel Jeddy Jeffy Jerdy Jockitty Jocky Joddy Jodon Johamike Joharie Johaste Johathet Jonnie Jonny Jontjim Joodorrie Joony Joosetty Judave Judio Judorus Judya Jurit Kamen Kattah Kemag Kenie Kherny Kimicky Kirdiony Kirlie Koldotheb Kotev Kotey Kwalf Lackna Laddi Laddy Lahhory Lance Lannie Larenc Larettan Leoph Liblenc Liffan Lille Loroldony Loronis Lorricky Lotepes Lougie Lucke Madez Madia Madie Magdahhor Magdath Maggy Maisal Malby Mambie Mamenjy Mamun Mande Mangeruel Manie Mankhaell Mankimmie Manovally Mantu Manus Maníbalby Marcuse Marie Marlie Marnie Marry Mashea Mashie Maste Masteness Maxas Menka Menni Mennic Menny Mentu Mentunc Michi Micia Miciah Micky Mikentu Millac Mindy Misch Moldia Mophael Morie Moset Moshuball Nadiah Nadie Naelly Namenie Nammi Nanuelsi Natis Nedie Neferv Neffi Nessi Nieus Noredi Nornish Ofrik Ollarry Oshanose Oshubaz Oslaury Ovivey Ozsie Padeny Pateddya Patia Peddy Peggić Pertim Petepe Prame Pramell Prandes Priussie Prubas Pruel Ptammy Ptans Ptitz Ramentu Ranijayd Reggarnie Reudie Richarrie Rishi Riuss Robennie Rodor Rodorrick Rodote Rollillie Ronis Rooddy Rotenny Roter Rotheo Rotheoph Rothep Rotty Sambie Samimmy Sangenny Serch Sheope Shutz Smeny Smerry Sobby Sobeb Sobelly Soldia Solphi Spenuel Spethote Stady Staki Stamern Stedully Steffy Stepharie Stessius Steverie Suele Susele Tadia Tanuel Tedeb Thandorry Thashet Thattle Theben Thelie Thenka Theoddy Theoddya Theodie Theofred Theoph Theophan Theophie Thomic Thuatef Tiammy Tiffy Tingi Tionnie Tionny Tomet Tomosh Tonible Toonnie Toony Tooph Toosh Trichat Triel Trielie Trikey Tritz Ubalgie Ubarnie Ulladany Ullodor Vadank Vadavi Vandeb Venny Viciah Vicoxy Vivennis Vivey Vivicky Vlarrie Walby Walgive Wence Wesetnof Willie Wojoberry Wojod Wojoel Wojoslahi Xanus Xasam Yehorandy Yehorry Yehotep Zackna Zacorentu Zacorry Zacque Zanemos Zanickie Zanny Zanoronny Zanuel Zekheff Zekie Đokarstam
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giancarlonicoli · 1 year
28 ago 2023 19:19
Estratto dell’articolo di Roberto Pavanello per “la Stampa”
Alan Sorrenti sta scrivendo la sua autobiografia ed è difficile pensare che avrà problemi a riempire le pagine. Succede quando hai 72 anni e la tua vita somiglia a un film: «Ogni tanto ho bisogno di aiuto – racconta il cantautore, in una pausa del tour estivo - .
Quest’inverno ero in Costa Rica, stavo scrivendo della festa del proletariato giovanile Re Nudo al Parco Lambro quando mi ha chiamato Luca Pollini, uno degli organizzatori. Che coincidenza. Così gli ho chiesto in che anno ci suonai. Era il 1974. Mi ha mandato la locandina, in cartellone c’era anche Franco Battiato».
[…] Sono arcinoti i versi che le dedicò Battiato, da fan deluso, “Siamo figli delle stelle e pronipoti di sua maestà il denaro”. Tu rispondesti che se avesse fatto il suo stesso viaggio a Los Angeles, avrebbe capito. Non ti dispiace non averlo più incontrato per parlare con lui?
«Sì, ma non perché ci fosse bisogno di una riappacificazione. Tant’è che fece anche la cover del mio brano Le tue radici. Peccato per la versione dance, ma ciascuno è libero di fare la musica che vuole.
Ho invece potuto abbracciare pochi mesi prima della sua morte Pino Daniele. Facemmo Figli delle stelle a un suo concerto. Nel camerino mi confessò che avrebbe voluto ridare vita al Neapolitan Power. Sarebbe stato un bel rilancio anche per lui».
Il tuo nuovo disco, Oltre la zona sicura, è stato prodotto da Ceri. Nella musica l’età conta?
«No, conta la visione che si ha. Magari io ho più esperienza di Ceri, ma lui conosce meglio i suoni nuovi. Mi ha aiutato a veicolare i contenuti di un album che avevo quasi già scritto per intero». […]
Torniamo al 1972, hai poco più di vent’anni e diventi un nome importante del progressive: qual è il ricordo più nitido di quel periodo?
«Il lavoro in studio. Per il secondo album, Come un incensiere all’alba di un villaggio deserto, io, Toni Esposito e gli altri italiani affittammo un appartamento a Londra, ma stavamo sempre in studio, giorno e notte».
Scusi, ma chi cucinava? Tu o Toni?
«Mangiare credo che mangiassimo… ma cucinare proprio no. Toni è bravo col pesce, ma a Londra che vuoi fare?».
Qualche anno dopo arrivarono Los Angeles, la svolta pop e il grande successo di pubblico: Figli delle stelle, L’unica donna per me, Non so che darei sono tre hit che hanno superato il tempo e le mode. Qual è la loro magia?
«Suonano bene. Figli delle stelle ha anche un testo speciale che parla dell’appartenenza all’universo dell’essere umano. I giovani oggi ci si ritrovano anche più che in passato. Nelle altre due l’adolescente si identificava, allora come oggi. Ceri ha centrato il punto: “Tu scrivi delle cose chiare e semplici”».
Successo fa rima con eccesso, ti ritieni un sopravvissuto? Vasco direbbe “supervissuto”.
«Sì. Dopo quel successo pop tornai al rock con La strada brucia e Angeli di strada con i Toto. Senza il cantante, naturalmente. Era il mio rifiuto del mondo effimero delle star. Ero e sono un esploratore della musica. Quando nel ’79 vinsi il Festivalbar dissi: “Volete che mi atteggi da superstar? Ok”.
Pretesi di entrare all’Arena di Verona con la RollsRoyce cabrio di un amico. Mi divertii, ma era l’addio a quel mondo, non era roba mia. Credevo che il pubblico mi avrebbe seguito, invece è arrivato l’insuccesso». […]
Nel 1983 ci sono i 33 giorni di carcere con l’accusa, infondata, di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti, dopo la denuncia della tua futura ex moglie. Chiudi gli occhi: qual è la prima immagine che ti viene in mente?
«L’isolamento, durato una settimana, credo. Fu davvero un colpo. Non avevo paura ma mi diede la possibilità di interrogarmi sul tipo di vita che stavo conducendo. Poi mi ritrovai in cella con esponenti della Nuova Famiglia.
Vissi tutto come un’esperienza nuova e scrivevo per i giornali raccontando come si viveva in carcere. Ricordo che venni invitato nella cella di un “capobanda”, gli cantai Dicitencello vuje, da quel momento ogni mio possibile problema in carcere era risolto».
Roberto Baggio ha raccontato che senza il buddismo non sarebbe riuscito più a giocare a calcio, tanto era il dolore alle ginocchia. A te cosa ha aiutata a fare?
«A salvarmi totalmente. Per me non è stata una questione di ossa, ma di vita. Dopo tanta ricchezza creativa mi accorsi che stavo iniziando a inaridirmi. Avere incontrato il buddismo della Sokka Gakkai mi ha fatto capire che avevo vissuto solo per me e non per gli altri. Il valore si costruisce insieme. Mi ha aperto nuove porte, permesso di ritrovare la mia luce e vedere quella che c’è negli altri.». […]
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metalindex-hu · 2 years
Utazás a Vízöntő korszakába (Villagers of Ioannina City az Instantban)
Utazás a Vízöntő korszakába (Villagers of Ioannina City az Instantban) - https://metalindex.hu/2022/11/21/utazas-a-vizonto-korszakaba-villagers-of-ioannina-city-az-instantban/ -
Az északnyugat-görögországi Joánina városa leginkább a feta sajtról, a baklaváról és az ezüstről ismert, valamint a híres ókori dodonai jóshely emlékeit is itt találhatjuk, a fémzene szerelmeseinek azonban az utóbbi időszakban sokkal inkább a 2007-ben alakult stoner/pszichedelikus/folk rock Villagers of Ioannina City nevezetű zenekar jelenti a várost, akik 2020-ban egy igen szép szakmai visszhangot kiváltó albumot adtak ki Age of Aquarius címmel. Így sok rajongó számára nem volt kérdés, hogy el kell csípni a turné valamelyik állomását. Persze a budapesti helyszín kapcsán ott lebegett a jegyek mellé kapott jóslat: „A koncertre eljönni nem kell félnetek jó lesz”.
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Aki nem ismerné a zenekart, azok számára sokat elárulhatnak a borítók. A VIC zenéjét hallgatva mi is a szerpentin mellett rozsdásodó lepukkant öreg Volvo jellegzetes balkáni látképétől emelkedhetünk a kozmikus csillagok és az asztronómia világa felé. Nem emlékszem pontosan, a karantén melyik szakaszában találtam rá a zenekarra, de miután meghallgattam csodálatos Age of Aquariust, és pláne a görög nyelvű Zvara/Karakolia EP dalait (ami azóta is fájó hiány a lemezgyűjteményemből), egyből megfogott a görög/balkáni folkzenét is magába fogadó, polifonikus, pszichedelikus zene mellett. Zenéjükben egyszerre található meg a klasszikus stoner rock keménysége és a Pink Floyd artisztikussága. Örömmel fedeztem fel, hogy nemcsak az Mojave-sivatag homokjával csiszolt gitárok tudnak hasítani, hanem bizony a Balkán-félsziget hegyvidékének porából is igen keményen riffek születhetnek. Végül annyira rákattantam erre, hogy rajtuk keresztül fedeztem fel a görög színteret, és az olyan zenekarokat például, mint a Nightstalker, Khirki, 1000mods vagy a Planet of Zeus zenekar, akinek hazai fellépéseiről pedig már mi is beszámoltunk. Szóval mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom az out of the box zenehallgatást.
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Az Instantba érve gyorsan szembesülhettem a koncertdömpingben némileg elvesző marketing ellenére szép számmal jelentek meg az emberek, és jó szorosan feltöltötték az oszlopsorokkal keretezett aulát, a merchpultnál pedig az első percektől fogva úgy álltak sorba az emberek, mintha árstoppos tojást osztogatnának. Sajnos hangzóanyag nem volt, ezért be kellett érni a ruhatár felfrissítésével. Majd pár perces pakolás után érkezhetett is az öt epiruszi srác, és elkezdődhetett az utazás a Vízöntő korszakába.
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A korszak, ami a nap sugaraival indul, ahogy stílszerűen az új albumot is kezdő Welcome című nyitószámban hallhatjuk, másodikként pedig az album címadója érkezett, megmaradva tehát az album felvezetésénél. A fokozatosan emelkedő, hömpölygő és egyre intenzívebbé váló dalok tökéletes választásnak bizonyultak, szépen át lehetett venni a – kevés elemből dolgozó mégis kiváló világítással is megtámogatott – hangulatot. A nyitány után az első Riza album dalai következtek (pl. Nova), és ez lett végül a ritmusa is az estnek. Az új albumot nagyjából három részletben mutatták be, köztük átvezetésként pedig korábbi dalok hangzottak el. Ebből látható is, hogy a biztonsági setlisttel készültek, így az igazi unikumnak számító görög nyelvű dalok kevésbé voltak reprezentálva, de azért a Ti Kako vagy a Perdikomata így is belefértek. A hosszú, hömpölygő dalokból álló koncert így is grandiózusra sikerült, közel két órára rúgott. Számomra az új albumról a Dance of the Night, a Father Sun és a Millenium Blues hatalmas kompozíciói voltak az abszolút csúcspontjai az első felvonásnak, amit egyébként a For the Innocent vezetett le.
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A főleg a hangzásra vonatkozó aggodalmaim az első számok elején azért visszaigazolódtak, és Konstantis Pistiolis fúvós hangszerei kísérőként igencsak elveszett a zene sűrűjében, ami nagy kár, mert a hatalmas riffek mellett mégiscsak az ő duda-klarinét-kaval triója adja a zene jellegzetességét. Szerencsére, amikor megkapta a vezérszólamot vagy dominálnia kellett, akkor pompásan szólt. Ezt leszámítva egyébként nem lehetett panasz a hangzásra, szépen megdörrentek a gitárok, a dobos Aris Giannopoulos játéka szintén élvezetes volt. Az énekes/gitáros frontember Alexis Karametis egyébként nem sokat beszélt a számok között, a zenésztársakhoz hasonlóan a hosszú dalokban elmerült, de alighanem kizökkentő is lett volna az atmoszférikus zene közben, testbeszéddel pedig végig tartották a kapcsolatot az első sorokban állókkal, amiben Akis Zois basszeros volt a legaktívabb.
Ráadásként pedig nagy örömömre itt is elhangoztak a kislemez dalai. Mind a Zvara, mind az elszállós részekkel kissé megbolondított és szövegileg lerövidített Karakolia remek példája annak, hogy a rock/metál zene a világ számos nyelvén meg tud szólalni. Tökéletes lezárása volt az estének. Napokig kísértek még utána ezek a felemelő, magasztos dallamok. Remélem, mihamarabb visszatérnek majd, akár más bandák társaságában.
WORLD’S ON FIRE TOUR Villagers of Ioannina City (GR) Budapest, Instant–Fogas Komplexum, 2022. november 17. Belépőjegy ára: 2900/3900/4900/5900 Ft
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venomsbabe · 6 years
Let's dance
Eddie/venom x reader.
Yes. It's time! Finally i am able to write this thing. I apologize in advance for the delay. And apologies if its short. But its pretty simple to understand.
Warnings:fluff,some sexual undertones,awesome music,and a admin trying her best.
Characters: eddie brock/venom x reader.
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You was sitting down at a park bench by eddie brock. Who had been your boyfriend for a while now. You decided to have a nice evening out together. You had dinner. Saw a funny romantic comedy movie. And now are at the park. You are on your phone when eddie asks
"Hey Y/N . Why don't we put on some music for us both?"
You look at eddie and say "sure" .
Eddie takes the phone and finds a song.
He sets it down and gets up and starts singing. You laugh and blush because you know this song. It was one of eddie/venom's favorites. He often sang it in the shower.
Let's dance by David Bowie.
You take Eddie's hand and you two start dancing and swaying to the beat. And then he starts to shift to venom in the middle of the chorus. And starts to coo to you real sweetly.
He dips you low and sings
🎵"Because our love for you,would break our heart in two..if you should fall.. into our arms,and tremble liiike a flllooower"🎶
You blush because you've seen eddie and venom romantic before. But to hear him sing. To you. Like this. Is just amazing. Your took back but still dancing with him.
And throughout the song they shift back and forward. And in part of the dance and song. They caress your butt gentlely and move slowly to your back then arms. And twirl you around and spin you as the symbiote keeps hold and pulls you back.
You smile the whole time never knowing he could do that.
He ends the song as venom. Holding you close,looking down at you into your (YOUR EYE COLOR) eyes. They sparkle in the moonlight.
Both of your lips close. And you say.
"Yes our little peach?" Venom says in a low gentle voice.
"Can we do that again?" You reply.
Venom smiles and you dance again to the song.
Hours and hours go by. Its getting late.
Eventually you two go home.
Venom shifts back to eddie.
He puts you gentley on the bed. Taking off your shoes. And puts the covers over you.
Eddie kisses your cheek.
He whispers to you
"Goodnight Y/N. We had fun"
He closes the door softly. And sits on the couch taking off his clothes underneath. He only really wore clothes when you were out out in public. Other than that he'd rather be in shorts,in his cookie monster pjs,sweatpants,or naked.
He sits back and turns on the tv. But lowers the volume to not disturb you.
The symbiote conversates with eddie in his head. And slightly aloud
"We had fun eddie. We always do. We should play music more often for her" the symbiote says to eddie.
"Yeah. We did." Eddie says.
*the symbiote laughs*
"Whats funny?" Eddie asks
"Nothing,its just we were thinking eddie. Why don't we play music when we have sex with her. Spice things up?" The symbiote replied
*eddie smirks* "we like that. Maybe something classy. Like let's get it on,sexual healing,or even some like it hot?" Eddie says
"Oooo we like those eddie. Y/N will love that. We're sure of it" the symbiote says.
Eddie n the symbiote watch tv. Before climbing into bed with you.
And from now on on the weekends when you and eddie make breakfast. Your kitchen becomes a dance floor.
And you don't mind at all.
I hope ya'll like.
I know it shortish. Sometimes i can't write long stories. I might try some longer ones but i have to think bout them first.
And yes that is my art i used. I thought it would be appropriate and also i couldn't find any other pics to use.
Anyways enjoy.
Stay venomous my friends.
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rodentbloodart · 7 years
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Le Smooch~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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gabykatttt · 6 months
Sleepover final pt
Poppy and Viva are still arguing about the cake theme for their sleepover. Veneer kept on thinking until he snapped with the idea.
I have an idea Veneer said causing the girls to stop fighting.
You do? Poppy and Viva asked.
Veneer nodded and pulled out his phone to look for cake recipes.
How about we make chocolate cake it’s one of my favorites growing up plush I made it when I lived with parents just before they died Veneer said showing Poppy the photo.
Chocolate cake huh well I could use a different flavor Poppy said.
That’s a good idea let’s make chocolate cake Viva said with excitement.
Poppy agreed putting away the strawberries and start on a new recipe for the cake.
I can’t wait to tasted Poppy said pouring the cake mix.
So can I Veneer replied putting the chocolates inside the bowl.
Few hours later
Alright the cake is done Veneer said grabbing the knife to cut the cake.
Yes Poppy and Viva said with joy as they got into the table.
Hope you like it Veneer said placing the plates on the table.
Let’s dig in Poppy said taking the first bite. Viva did the same.
So how is it? Veneer asked waiting for the nice comments.
It’s DELICIOUS Viva said
Yeah I never knew that chocolate can be so good Poppy said.
Aww thank you it means alot Veneer said taking the bite of the cake.
After eating the cake
Alright since it’s my turn to choose the next activity Poppy said grabbing a piece of paper.
Oh yes pillow fight Poppy said with excitement.
Uh Poppy I don’t think is a good idea to have pillow fight Viva said.
Why not oh cuz you’re afraid that you’ll be the easy target Poppy said.
No I stopped caring about that a long time ago only to realize I was stronger than everyone else Viva said.
Do you even remember what happened on the last sleepover? Viva asked Poppy.
Poppy stood silently remembering of what happened on their last sleepover.
Stop have mercy Viva begged as Barb threw the pillow at her.
Hey Barb why don’t you pick someone on your own sides Poppy said teasing.
Well since you’re tough Poppy Barb said as Viva watched.
Take this and that are you tough now? Barb asked teasing. Poppy let out a growl and air smashed Barb up in the sky.
Poppy what the hell that wasn’t supposed to happen now we lost our guest Viva said looking at the window.
Goodbye heavy metal pan hello strong raging pillow Poppy said looking at her pillow.
End of flashback
It was the most amazing experience I had Poppy said yelping. Viva sighed as Veneer took out a piece of paper.
Gossip Veneer said causing the girls to cheer as the three sat on the floor.
Since you picked that activity let’s talk about boys Poppy said letting out a playful growl. Viva and Veneer giggled while rolling their eyes.
So Viva how are you and Clay doing? Poppy asked smirking. Viva blushed
Well me and Clay we were you know hanging out at the Vacay Island enjoying the sunset Viva replied blushing.
How are you and Branch doing? Viva asked. Poppy blushed.
Wet the usual singing,dancing and cuddling too much Poppy said blushing. Veneer giggled quietly as he began to blush.
So Vennie do you have a crush on someone? Poppy asked causing Veneer to snap.
Ah w-well there’s this boy I like back in Mount Rageous when me and Velvet used to be famous. He interviewed us and after that we sort of talked all lot Veneer said blushing.
Ooh what’s his name? Viva asked smirking. Veneer took a deep breath and answered.
His name is KidRitz Veneer said blushing deeply red.
Oh that’s a beautiful name Poppy said.
Where is he? Viva asked curious.
He’s in Mount Rageous or probably looking for me Veneer replied as he let out a yawn.
You must be sleepy huh? Poppy asked.
Yeah Veneer replied.
I guess we should get some sleep cuz tomorrow we’re going to Vacay Island to have some fun Viva said yawning
Agree Veneer said as the three got into the couch laying down.
And we need to clean this mess Poppy said yawning.
The three closed their eyes and fell asleep for their big day tomorrow.
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inkly-heart · 2 years
Omg a broken colors school AU where Damon falls in love with MC when they bring a packet of seeds from their parents garden for show and tell or a class presentationabout yourself. DG is the kid that's in every clique and can get you anything for a price but only has one or two real friends, Angel is the popular girlscout and cheerleader (probably in dance and gymnastics too), Sal is the quiet art kid, Mimic is one of the cool kids. Venni is a quiet loner who hangs out with the delinquents, gunter is the shy kid that acts grown up for his age, Milla is the rebellious girl, Rasmus is also a delinquent but a cool kid too becausehis dad is the principal, Leevi is the head delinquent and always in trouble or the office, Catherine is the model student class president, and Helen is always with dg in a little backpack he never takes off or let's leave his side ever(of course it's either frog themed or a messenger bag. Maybe it changes?). (Gunter and Catherine could also be teachers, paras, or students teachers too)
This sounds fun AU idea🙈🙈👍
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feelisia · 3 years
FIRST OF ALL... here
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @venelona ♡♡♡♡♡♡
I Want to really thank you Venny for all the attention you give to my artwork, it really touched me to the heart each time I'm seeing you rebloged it and even being able to interact with you is just.. so awesome and chaoticly funny 😊😂.
AS for the great art you share with us. I really enjoy them and I will prove you that I REALLY DO!!!
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link here to the original drawing , bumblebee Pup Papyrus belongs to @imjustalazycat
Damn XDDD!!! I already saw the first comic but when I looked at the remake I just... burst of laugh!! There was so many memes that I could barely take it. It's so hilarious!! And that bumblebee Pup Papyrus.. Aaahhh so cute😍 yet... so dangerous🤣🤣🤣
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franstober day 23, dancetale.!!!!
This franstober post is certaintly one of my FAVORITE you READ ME!!!??! the Brush are just so soft, it looks so melancolic and romantic uwu!! success in career as in relationships  right!!!?! I could almost hear the music and see them dancing above mah head☺. Sans and Frisk are well centered and the background kinda light them up.
VENELONA!!! MAH BOAT!!! YOU'RE AMAZING AND I ADMIRE YOU A BUNCH!!! You are one of the main reasons that motivated me to post my drawing on tumblr you're giving me inspiration and so much more emotions!! You always improving and I love it!! HUGGIES!!!
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