#danganronpa: s
repo-net · 10 months
The Ideal Summer
(Essentially, a fanmade DR:S interaction between Kotoko and Nagisa)
The distant noise of birds chirping and the ocean waves pounding against the sand drifted against my ears, waking me back to subconsciousness.
I'd been up all night trying to formulate and write down every idea I have regarding our paradise. Admittedly, I'd been making less progress on that than I'd hope, but...
I don't mean to sound as if I'm doubtful of our mage, nor to seem as though I'm blaming her for my failures to create an unanimously enjoyed blueprint, but it feels like most of the visions that I have for what our paradise would transpire as wouldn't be shared by her. I'm certain that there's little reason to be so worried about such minute details, considering it's likely just a difference of opinion.
Yet I cannot stop myself from being tempted by that creeping doubt in my heart. Like something's not right. That vulgar gang leader talked to me the other day about trying to socialize more and attempted to call me out on how I'm apparently afraid of girls, which is completely blasphemous. I see two of them every day, and one's far too stubborn for her own good! Besides, it's been weeks now and I've more or less gotten accustomed to living with all the adults here. I'm still hesitant to even approach most of them, but there's a select few here that I do welcome the company of.
If only I'd met you sooner...
I'm keeping my eye on a few of them though. They're not exactly hostile and are actively trying to hunt us down, but it's still important to stay alert and beware of any predators trying to strike us down from our position on the food chain.
Another morning, another opportunity to correct myself and lead by example. Being the vice leader comes with the responsibility of having to set yourself as the standard to be followed by your allies. And if I catch those three snacking on the sundaes in the lounge again...!
The blueberry flavor should make it obvious that chubby chef made it for me!
I get up from my bed, making sure to fix my blanket, bedsheets, and pillows before leaving it alone. I grab a pair of my plaid polo and the shorts with the same pattern on it, before grabbing my socks and putting on my shoes. Just as I reach out to grab the bowtie on my desk, I can sense my feet vibrating - and my ears shaking from a disruptive force outside.
"An earthquake...?"
The hut I was staying in was close to the beach; so if there was rumbling, I'd likely be one of the first people to feel it.
About half a minute passes in silence, and I eventually go back to my routine, still staying alert. I attach the bowtie to my blue polo underneath my main one, and wrap the golden scarf I've carried plenty of memories with around my neck. One more check in the mirror to comb my hair, choosing to ignore my cowlicks since it's futile to even try and style them any differently than how they choose to stand up.
Seriously though, what was that nois-
"Kyahaah! My robot's working to perfection! I just made the cutest and meanest entrance in the history of humankind! There... hack- sure is a lot of smoke here though. Bleck!"
"Now, prepare to fall under the might of my brand new, customized denture gun! Hmm, I hope this thing doesn't actually kill people. I still have a lot of things I want to do with your disgusting demon body."
As if on instinct, I grabbed one of my shoes and threw it at the voice I now recognized so clearly, a loud thud coming from the dust that blocked me from seeing her, yet I could tell by the wail she made that my toss was accurate. The smoke clears up, and I can see that she was laid out on the floor, staring at the ceiling cluelessly. I can almost see the stars circling around her head...
She scrambles back to her feet, patting away the debris off her clothes as she rubbed her eyes, placing a hand somewhere on the center of her forehead. Guess I know where I hit her now.
"Ugh... my adorable face. What happened to me? Eh? Nagisa? Wait, what the heck are you doing here?"
"I should be asking you that! You barged into my room, broke my door with your 'robot', and then threatened to slay me with this... -"
I pick the gun up from the floor. It was made to fire out toy teeth. On the handle, I can see 'KS' written on it. So that scrappy, pathetic mechanic made this...
"... Whatever this is! Can you explain yourself first?!"
"I uh... isn't this that super ugly white-haired guy's hut? Noogy toe or whatever his name is. Big Sis Junko told me this is where he's supposed to be."
"You mean Nagito Komaeda? You got the huts mixed up; he's in the one right next to mine! How could you make such a ridiculous error? And more importantly - why are you even going around wrecking people's living spaces in the first place?"
"Monaca's orders! Or at least, Big Sis said it was her orders. She said she wants to move on to the next stage of our conquest of the island and converting it into paradise; and that's neutralizing all the adults with particularly dangerous talents!"
Already??? But now wasn't the ideal time to strike, there was still so much time left to spend to plan properly, and... as much as I'd never admit it, I still had more to talk about with some of the people here. We could still take a much more peaceful method that didn't involve something so violent, why was she being so brash?
"That... doesn't make any sense. Why would Monaca order such a risky move so early? Are you certain that the info you got from Eno- Big Sis was valid?"
"Gah, look at you, you're being uppity and a worry-wart again. You really need to learn to enjoy life some more, like a panda! They just sit around being cute and never having to worry about some disgusting adult touching them in places they don't want to be touched in. I'm sure it's fine, and besides; I've kiiiinda been wanting to do this for a long time too. Heeheehee."
"Well, it's..."
Do I dare say it? I'm putting my own reputation as a Warrior of Hope on the line here, to defy what Monaca wants (at least, Junko says it is, and I still need to hear it from the mage herself.) would likely have everyone turn on him. And yet, everything about this was rubbing me the wrong way. Surely, she'll understand...? Monaca's a kind person, after all. She's likely just been frustrated or something, and got trigger-happy. Havoc like this should be avoided if possible. I'm certain she can be reasoned with.
"This is a mistake; we shouldn't be acting so headstrong, especially when we still have plenty more days to spend on this island. We need to gather more info on the adults here before anything else - and even then, an attack like this? It's too much! Especially since you went after the wrong target! I almost had a heart attack because of your stupidity!"
"H-Hey! It was an honest error! And besides, I totally thought I had the right hut - his luck must've switched your places or something! He's one of those guys with that other brownie luck junkie that has some sort of magical powers that protects them."
"His 'luck' has nothing to do with it! My morning's already been ruined because of your antics! Wouldn't be the first time it's happened either... why do you always have to be such a headache for me?!"
"... !"
... That shut her up. Seeing her so quiet and acquiescent was a sight I don't normally see. She folded her hands together, looking down on the floor with the eyes of a child being scolded by their parent. Crap, that seemed to have actually hurt her feelings a lot... I feel horrible now. Why oh why did I say that...
"Sorry, I... went t-too far. I've been a little stressed about... the future, I guess. You can hit me if it makes you feel better."
"No, it's... fine. I get it. I know it must be hard having to deal with a girl like me. And all of us, actually. You're so strict, y'know. And you try way too hard to act cool. But I don't think we'd be complete without you."
"Youchouch! Don't grab my hair, and especially not there!"
"Pfttt. Are these things sensitive or something? I really need to get my hands on you and style you up myself one of these days. You're just way too adorbs to not try that!"
"Seriously though, sorry about everything. Here, I'll help you clean this mess up. And then let's go to Monaca and talk to her about all of this, okay?"
"Yeah, okay... and get your robot's axe off my door, please. I'll need to stay somewhere else now that it's broken."
"Well, even if you gave me all the peeled chestnuts in the entire universe - there's no chance I'm going to let you stay in my room! And I doubt Monaca would be fine with it too. Hmm, how about with the other boys?"
"You want me to try and coexist with Masaru? He snores like a bull, has the energy of a bull, and would just irritate me."
"In that case, you can go and stay with Jataro then! I heard he found some gross earthworms the other day, actually."
"... I think I'd rather jump into the ocean and drown myself."
I spent the rest of my morning cleaning with Kotoko, and contemplating on finding a new space to live in.
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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evercelle · 3 months
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because it's 03/10 today, i posted my 最王最 book from 10/31...! happy knife romance day ✨🔪 -> read in full on pixiv
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mxi-88 · 3 months
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shsl students!
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nottheeconomy · 5 months
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*points to Tsumugi*
She’s just like me! For real for real!!!
There’s just something about drv3’s meta exploration of what fiction truly means that just scratches my brain the right way hahahahaha
Need to draw more pregame stuff!!!
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corporatedespair · 1 month
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cute little pixel cogs so small so delicate gone in the wind
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wikoymi · 4 months
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all things live and all things die
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funishment-time · 1 month
i really feel there should have been a scene in Summer Camp where Komaru's like gee i'm so hungry i'd love to have a picnic on the beach and Syo is just like
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drawbauchery · 2 months
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Why doesn't Souda say anything?
bc it's funny.
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criis-chan · 2 years
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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc but it’s a 90′s anime 
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danganronpafakes · 6 months
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Komaru: No, babe, it's so hot when you show symptoms of pure insanity.
Source: Tumblr
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waveglox · 1 year
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drs ending (not rly) got me like
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teddybearty · 7 months
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Mr. Hoshiiiii I luv youuuuu ✨
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moonrvsh · 6 months
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koziku · 1 month
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Here to serve~! 🩷 Happy very very late maid day…
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