gispurple · 1 month
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Is this Dani/Davion
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therunwayarchive · 1 year
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Kornel Emmanuel Danion at Loewe Menswear, Fall 2022
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undercat-overdog · 1 year
All the versions of Celegorm and Curufin's actions during the Bragollach, for my own future reference. I mean to write a meta on them at some point, but that might morph into a broader one on the Bragollach as a whole.
Takeaway: Celegorm and Curufin always head towards the Finarfinians and never towards their brothers, even though they would have been able to (in the versions where they head south then west in particular, where they would have numerous options for further travel). In many versions, this is explicitly because of their friendship with Orodreth. (I say versions, but the actions are pretty consistent - defend Aglon till they need to retreat, head towards Orodreth and/or Nargothrond)
I think this is very interesting and has implications for various intra-Finwean and intra-Feanorian dynamics.
The textual history of the material that became the Silmarillion is... complex. I present the different versions in the order they appear in HoME, which semi-corresponds to when Tolkien probably wrote them. I omit the very earliest version, "The Earliest 'Silmarillion'" in SoME.
The Silmarillion: For the war had gone ill with the sons of Fëanor, and well nigh all the east marches were taken by assault. The Pass of Aglon was forced, though with great cost to the hosts of Morgoth; and Celegorm and Curufin being defeated fled south and west by the marches of Doriath, and coming at last to Nargothrond sought harbour with Finrod Felagund. Thus it came to pass that their people swelled the strength of Nargothrond; but it would have been better, as was after seen, if they had remained in the east among their own kin.
Shaping of Middle-earth pg 128, the Quenta: Then Felagund went South [after being saved by Barahir during the Bragollach], and on the banks of Narog established after the manner of Thingol a hidden and cavernous city, and a realm. Those deep places were called Nargothrond. There came Orodreth after a time of breathless flight and perilous wanderings, and with him Celegorm and Curufin, the sons of Fëanor, his friends. The people of Celegorm swelled the strength of Felagund, but it would have been better if they had gone rather to their own kin, who fortified the hill of Himling east of Doriath and filled the Gorge of Aglon with hidden arms.
SoME pg 357, the Earliest Annals of Beleriand (in this version, Orodreth holds lands in Dorthonion, right next to Celegorm and Curufin): Here were Bregolas slain, and the greater part of the warriors of Bëor’s house. Angrod and Egnor sons of Finrod fell. Barahir and his chosen champions saved Felagund and Orodreth, and Felagund swore a great oath of friendship to his kin and seed. […] The sons of Fëanor were not slain, but Celegorm and Curufin were defeated and fled with Orodreth son of Finrod. Maidros the left-handed did deeds of great prowess, and Morgoth did not take Himling as yet, but he broke into the passes east of Himling and ravaged into East Beleriand and scattered the Gnomes of Fëanor’s house.
LR pgs 132 - Later Annals of Beleriand The sons of Feanor were not slain, but Celegorm and Curufin were defeated, and fled unto Orodreth in the west of Taur-na-Danion.
LR pg 147 - in the footnotes, Christopher notes that his father changed the above line on pg 132 to: Celegorm and Curufin were defeated, and fled south and west, and took harbour at last with Orodreth in Nargothrond.
LR pgs 282-283 - Quenta Silmarillion For the war had gone ill with the sons of Feanor, and well night all the east marches were taken by assault. The pass of Aglon was forced, though with great cost to Morgoth; and Celegorm and Curufin being defeated fled south and west tby the marches of Doriath and came at last to Nargothrond, and sought harbor with their friend Orodreth. Thus it came to pass that the people of Celegorm swelled the strength of Felagund, but it would have been better, as after was seen, if they had remained in the East among their own kin.
LR pg 289-290 Christopher’s commentary on the previous paragraph where he’s comparing different manuscripts. Inglor is Finrod. It is said in QS 117 that after the founding of Nargothrond Inglor Felagund committed the tower of Minnastirith to Orodreth; and later in the present chapter QS 143 it is recounted how Sauron came against Orodreth and took the tower by assault (the fate of the defenders is not there mentioned). The statement here that Celegorm and Curufin ‘sought harbour with their friend Orodreth’ — rather than ‘sought harbour with Felagund’ — is found also in an emendation to AB 2 (note 25); the implication is that Orodreth reached Nargothrond before them, and that their friendship with him was the motive for their going to Nargothrond. This friendship survived the change of Orodreth’s lordship from the east of Dorthonion (‘nighest to the sons of Feanor’, AB 2 annal 52 as originally written) to wardenship of the tower on Tol Sirion. The sentence ‘the people of Celegorm swelled the strength of Felagund, but it would have been better […] if they had remained in the East among their own kin’ goes back to Q ([HoME] IV 106), though in Q Celegorm and Curufin came to Nargothrond together with Orodreth.
WotJ 53, 54 - the Grey Annals (Celegorm is referred to as Celegorn throughout; Cranthir, Damrod, and Diriel are Caranthir, Amrod, and Amras. Inglor is Finrod) Celegorn and Curufin held strong forces behind Aglon, and many horsed archers, but they were overthrown, and Celegorn hardly escaped, and passed westward along the north borders of Doriath with such mounted following as they could save, and came thus at length to the vale of Sirion. […] Morgoth […] sent a great force to attack the westward pass into the vales of Sirion; and Sauron his lieutenant (who in Beleriand was named Gorsodh) led that assault, and his hosts broke through and besieged the fortress of Inglor, Minnas-tirith upon Tolsirion. And this they took after bitter fighting, and Orodreth the brother of Inglor who held it was driven out. There he would have been slain, but Celegorn and Curufin came up with their riders, and such other force as they could gather, and they fought fiercly, and stemmed the tide for a while; and thus Orodreth escaped and came to Nargothrond. Thither also at last before the might of Sauron fled Celegorn and Curufin with small following; and they were harboured in Nargothrond gratefully, and the griefs that lay between the houses of Finrod and Feanor were for that time forgotten.
WotJ pg 239-240- the Later Quenta Silmarillion. Christopher is presenting the emendations his father made to the Quenta Silmarillion manuscript published in LR. Celegorn and Curufin … sought harbour with their friend Orodreth > ‘… sought harbour with Inglor and Orodreth.’ > ‘sought harbour with Finrod and Orodreth.’
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compneuropapers · 7 months
Interesting Papers for Week 9, 2024
Species-specific wiring of cortical circuits for small-world networks in the primary visual cortex. Baek, S., Park, Y., & Paik, S.-B. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011343.
Value dynamics affect choice preparation during decision-making. Balewski, Z. Z., Elston, T. W., Knudsen, E. B., & Wallis, J. D. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(9), 1575–1583.
Concurrent Implicit Adaptation to Multiple Opposite Perturbations. Bernier, P.-M., Puygrenier, A., & Danion, F. R. (2023). ENeuro, 10(8).
Enhancing reinforcement learning models by including direct and indirect pathways improves performance on striatal dependent tasks. Blackwell, K. T., & Doya, K. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011385.
Prominent in vivo influence of single interneurons in the developing barrel cortex. Bollmann, Y., Modol, L., Tressard, T., Vorobyev, A., Dard, R., Brustlein, S., … Cossart, R. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(9), 1555–1565.
Extensive topographic remapping and functional sharpening in the adult rat visual pathway upon first visual experience. Carvalho, J., Fernandes, F. F., & Shemesh, N. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(8), e3002229.
Psychophysiological stress influences temporal accuracy. Cellini, N., Grondin, S., Stablum, F., Sarlo, M., & Mioni, G. (2023). Experimental Brain Research, 241(9), 2229–2240.
Synaptic weights that correlate with presynaptic selectivity increase decoding performance. Gallinaro, J. V., Scholl, B., & Clopath, C. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011362.
Efficient sampling-based Bayesian Active Learning for synaptic characterization. Gontier, C., Surace, S. C., Delvendahl, I., Müller, M., & Pfister, J.-P. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011342.
Investigating the ability of astrocytes to drive neural network synchrony. Handy, G., & Borisyuk, A. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011290.
Switching state-space modeling of neural signal dynamics. He, M., Das, P., Hotan, G., & Purdon, P. L. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011395.
Receptive field sizes and neuronal encoding bandwidth are constrained by axonal conduction delays. Hladnik, T. C., & Grewe, J. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1010871.
A principal odor map unifies diverse tasks in olfactory perception. Lee, B. K., Mayhew, E. J., Sanchez-Lengeling, B., Wei, J. N., Qian, W. W., Little, K. A., … Wiltschko, A. B. (2023). Science, 381(6661), 999–1006.
Estradiol Receptors Inhibit Long-Term Potentiation in the Dorsomedial Striatum. Lewitus, V. J., & Blackwell, K. T. (2023). ENeuro, 10(8).
Functional and spatial rewiring principles jointly regulate context-sensitive computation. Li, J., Rentzeperis, I., & van Leeuwen, C. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011325.
Rapid memory encoding in a recurrent network model with behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity. Li, P. Y., & Roxin, A. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011139.
A triple distinction of cerebellar function for oculomotor learning and fatigue compensation. Masselink, J., Cheviet, A., Froment-Tilikete, C., Pélisson, D., & Lappe, M. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011322.
Intrinsic motivation for choice varies with individual risk attitudes and the controllability of the environment. Munuera, J., Ribes Agost, M., Bendetowicz, D., Kerebel, A., Chambon, V., & Lau, B. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1010551.
Hybrid predictive coding: Inferring, fast and slow. Tscshantz, A., Millidge, B., Seth, A. K., & Buckley, C. L. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8), e1011280.
Auditory cortex ensembles jointly encode sound and locomotion speed to support sound perception during movement. Vivaldo, C. A., Lee, J., Shorkey, M., Keerthy, A., & Rothschild, G. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(8), e3002277.
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It might not be exactly what is said in the English original, since dubbing requires some changes to fit the movements of the lips. Man in front of a microphone: Ladies and gentlemen, let the show begin! Italy 1927 Bella: Bye, Carolina Carolina: Goodbye, Madame. Alice: Did you like the room? Guests: Yes, we did. Constance: Are we leaving, then? / Are we ready to go, then? Constance: I hope you had a good time. Betty: Perfect. ********** Nish: I came here to tell you that my place is here, by your side, wherever that will take me. Gianluca: Then, if you choose to stay, you’ve got keep your eyes wide open. ****************** Bella: Miss Pascal, are you in trouble? Claudine: More or less... Paparazzis: Great job! That’s good, that’s good *********** Lucian: So, that’s the famous Mr. Bonaccini... Bella: He’s the architect. Mr Bonaccini: I’m not that special. Bella: I find that hard to believe. *********** Bella: *seeing Cecil* I can’t understand why you came back. Cecil: We’re bound, me and you. Bella: How could I trust you again? Cecil: I’ll be on my best behaviour, whatever it takes.  ********* Cecil: *to Mr Bonaccini* Stay away from my wife. Mr Bonaccini: Are you threatening me? Cecil: Good lord, I’m not. I’m just giving you some advice. ************* POSTER ON THE DESK THAT SAYS GIANLUCA IS WANTED FOR MURDER INVOLVING A BOMB AND SOMEONE CALLED EDOARDO JACOBELLI  ************* Danioni: Mrs. Ainsworth... Bella: Mr. Danioni... We’ve got nothing to hide. ********** Gianluca: Now it’s not the time to be hesitant... He’s cooperating with the fascists. *********** Man: America is dried up... (in Italian “a secco” could mean: without money,  without booze or without gas; since they visiti a wineyard next I guess it might be the second option?) and very thirsty... They’d like to propose an expansion. Cecil: How much are we talking about? Danioni: These are people you cannot say ‘no’ to. *********** Cecil: You’d better make sure he answers to my letter, Edmund. Unless you want to find me drowned, down at the harbour. People looking for Lucian: This way! People looking for Gianluca: Quick! Quick!
************ Constance: *looking at a newspaper saying “Caccia ai bombaroli di Torino” (On the hunt for Turin’s bombers)  An attempted murder? Billy: Attempted murder... ************* Gianluca: Where is he? Guy: Where is who? ************** Police: *finding Lucian and Constance in bed together* Stop right there where you are!  Bella: What I want is for Danion to stop meddling...  Bella: There are too many indiscrete eyes... ************** Cecil: *making a toast with Danioni* Let the money laundering begin! Bella: *to Claudine* Now, I’m getting free... Cecil: I’d more than glad to teach him a lesson... Lucian: She knows that I don’t love her. Blonde Lady: What is wrong with me? Danioni: *to Nish and Gianluca, I guess* COME ON, LET’S GO!! *********** Cecil: Well, I’m betting all of my Hotel Portofino’s shares... Bella: Don’t you even try!
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homedecorwallprint · 4 months
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Yellow stripes pattern - Home decor Print - Download http://megaspacks.gumroad.com/l/danion #printable #print #digitalwork #pattern #Wallpapers #wallartforsale #wallart #artistic #yellowpattern #stripes #striped #stripesart #stripespattern #stripedpattern
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wastelandglass · 1 year
Wasteland Legends: Heap Of Trouble Part One
A Savage Worlds Adventure Edition actual play podcast
Content Warning for Strong Language and Content
Warning: Episode contains car sounds and gunshots
A Mouth, A Boom Racer, and A Monkshe roll into town looking for work. Chaos may follow, but there's always profit in chaos. Join us as Galeigh runs the cast through the second Wasteland Legend.
@ Wasteland_Glass on twitter
WastelandGlass on Tumblr
Streaming every Saturday at 4PM CST
Galeigh as GM/ Narrator @ Galeigh on Twitch
PoliCurl as Monkshe
Danion as Skittles
Mike as Pigeon Eater Earl @ DyeItSpryte on Twitch
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anis-kozmetik · 5 years
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رنگ موی دنی وان | | | | این رنگ مو حاوی روغن زیتون است که به دلیل داشتن داشتن ویتامن‌ E و آنتی‌اکسیدان‌های طبیعی هم رطوبت لازم را به ساقه‌ی مو می‌رساند و آن را تقویت می‌کند و هم از ریزش مو و اکسیداسین آن پیشگیری می‌کند و برای افرادی که تار موی نازک دارند، بسیار مفید است. جدای از این‌ها باعث می‌شود که رنگ‌پذیری مو تقویت شود و رنگ روی مو جلوه‌ی بهتری پیدا کند. ویتامن ،C آنتی اکسیدان دیگری است که در این رنگ مو به کار رفته است و از ریزش مو و تخریبش، بر اثر فعالیت رادیکال‌های آزاد، جلوگیری می‌کند. میکروسیلیکون‌های این رنگ مو لطافت و براقی مو را چندین برابر می‌کند. | | | | ویژگی‌های محصول : پايداري و دوام بالا حاوي روغن زيتون جهت جلو گیری از خشك شدن موها داراي ويتامين C با خاصيت آنتي اكسيدان حاوي سيليكون جهت نرمي و براقيت موها | | | | | قیمت : 14 هزار تومان | | | | | #انیس #انیس_کازمتیک #رنگ #مو #رنگ_مو #رنگ_مو_دنی_وان #دنی_وان #لوازم_آرایش #آرایش_مو #آرایشگاه #فروش_لوازم_آرایش #لوازم_آرایش #آرایش #آرایشی #فروش_لوازم_آرایشی #فروشگاه_انیس #انیس_شاپ #tabriz #tehran #danione #dani_one | | | | @anis.kozmetik (at Tabriz, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/B96Tfw2Aedf/?igshid=aw1cyfk0wof9
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draconscious · 4 years
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Hey all, Dan here with a few updates for the good ol’ blog! I made a sweep through my rules page and clair-ified a few of the smaller points regarding shipping, asks, and activity. There’s nothing too big there, but feel free to give it a peek if you happen to come through. :)
Talking about my irl situation under the cut (with some thanks at the end!)
To be completely real for a second, this past summer has been very stressful. I work at a health clinic in patient relations, and--due to the pandemic--I’m spending entire shifts talking to people who are scared, confused and angry. I’ve always enjoyed helping others, but these past few months have been absolutely draining on every level. Also a couple months ago, there was a fire in my apartment building--thankfully, nobody was hurt. However, the fire department smashed my windows, skylight and door when they went on their building pass-through, and getting those things repaired has been...slow. And finally, my last (virtual) year of graduate school started last week, and I’m already feeling the burn of my seasonal academic anxiety. Writing here? So unbelievably fun. Writing for class? Ugh. So yes, grad school is here. Mandatory overtime at work is here. Building repairs (aka a lot of hammering and sawing at 7:00am) are finally here. All this makes for one very stressed-out Dan!
So, with that said, time for some Good News: RPing has been a wonderful diversion for me, a rare space where I can get creative and spin exciting stories with awesome people. For a moment, I can forget about my stressful job, class and (boarded-up) roof over my head. Much love to everyone in the community who has (and continues) to follow this dragon lady’s blog--I’m sure you guys saved my summer!
If you’re still reading, I guess what I’m ultimately rambling about is this: the world is a harsh place right now, so please be kind to each other--we’re all fighting our own battles, and a bit of positivity/understanding can go a long, long way.  As this semester wears on, I’ll be slowing down here (so please bear with me!) but I’m still so pumped for the adventures to come. We got this. :)
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loudhaoleinatie · 5 years
sacrifice(idk, feeling angsty. Plus Ry would totally jump in front of Danny without even thinking.)
Danny hadn't been expecting the shot. He was completely off guard, enjoying some down time with his boyfriend in a small but busy cafe in downtown Honolulu. He wasn't even on duty at the time.
And yet someone must have recognised him as a cop, someone wanting revenge against the police or Five-0 specifically, because the next thing he knew Orion was throwing himself across the diner booth and in front of Danny and a gunshot simultaneously went off. He felt the impact through Orion's body, and the sensation was sickening to his core.
"Ry!" Danny cried out, protectively cradling his lover's prone form even as his other hand pulled his ever-present service weapon from the holster at his back and aimed at their assailant.
"Fucking pig!" the perp yelled, raising his weapon again, but that was as far as he got before Danny's bullet struck him square between the eyes, his anger focusing his aim and giving his trigger finger no hesitation.
Everyone around them was running and screaming, hiding and crying, but all Danny could do was haul Orion from their booth and lean down over him, putting pressure on the area where blood was blossoming through his shirt and shout for someone, anyone, to call an ambulance. He dropped his gun, using his free hand to gently cup his boyfriend's jaw.
"Ry, what the fuck? Whaddya think you're doing?" Danny begged quietly, trying to keep the panic from his voice as tears spiked the corners of his eyes. "Why the hell did you do that, huh?"
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digital-danish-blog · 6 years
Speech 100: Social Gaming
[1B Blog Post 6: Week 10] 
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[Bethesda’s ‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’ 2011]
With the increasing popularity with online gaming, and more recently mobile gaming, so too comes the research and recognition that they can improve our daily lives. Games which have been designed with a primary purpose outside entertainment, have demonstrated effectiveness in engaging learning solutions. Ranging from adolescent to the working adult levels of education (Baek, Ko, March 2014).  
Video games improve motivation, stimulate deep learning and creative thinking. This is achieved through mentally or sensually stimulating experiences, unique to gaming. This can lead to enhanced efficiency of performance within a classroom or workplace. As simulated situations offer less pressure and ease for improvement. A sense of familiarity or openness towards new technology can also be obtained (Bourgonjon, Valcke, Soetaert, de Wever, Schellens 2010).
Offering collaborative play to accomplish set goals provides an incentive for players to help out others and seek help themselves. MMORPGs, in particular, represent a new form of social interaction and thus community. A place in which newly found human relationships are created (Zhong 2011).
Cooperation, however, is generally difficult to achieve amongst egocentric players. Which is likely to become elevated within groups exceeding 4-9 members. In smaller communities, cooperation can often be stabilized by reciprocity and communication. However, in larger communities, these mechanisms can often be ineffective. Individual influence on others often diminishes due to the difficulty of having to observe an increased amount of people and situations. For this reason, many successful developers and communities have established systems which enforce mutual cooperation (Hilbe, Wu, Traulsen, Nowak 2014).
Asides participation in gaming, millions of people now also enjoy watching the gameplay of others (Needleman 2015). Content creation via platforms such as Youtube and especially Twitch gave us the concept of “Let's plays” and eSports. Whilst the legitimacy of user-generated content falls under debate of classifying media content: in particular, copyright infringement, audience gratification is still obtained (Sjöblom, Törhönen, Hamari, Macey 2017). 
Both Youtube and Twitch offer chat systems, which can often be hectic or nonsensical to follow, especially on popular gaming uploaders or streamers.
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[Giphy 2017]
Recently various social networking platforms have taken an integration with gaming. Such as Discord offering exclusive releases (Discord 2018) or Facebook providing its own service for watching eSports or streams (Facebook 2019). And perhaps most notably, Twitch’s partnership with Amazon Prime to provide in-game items, or even certain games via a subscription service (Twitch 2019). Promotional news which will naturally also generate conversation. 
At the end of the day, however, its all in the bonding potential across various individuals and groups. Whether it be parents and their children engaging in ‘console couch wars’, making new friends online or having to be entertained in unison of like-minded peers in your favourite streamers chat. 
Speaking of which, I’d really appreciate it if you would please take the time to check out my friends Twitch channel, @twitch.tv/danionc.
I hope you enjoyed your food for thought, with a serving of black forest danish. Please come again!
[Please see /references for all sources]
Baek, Y, Ko, R, Marsh, T 2014, Trends and Applications of Serious Gaming and Social Media, Springer, Singapore.
Bethesda Game Studios 2011, 'Speech 100' [image], The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://imgur.com/gallery/eapthT5>.
Bourgonjon, J, Valcke, M, Soetaert, R, de Wever, B, Schellens, T 2011, ‘Parental acceptance of digital game-based learning’, Computers & Education, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1434-1444.
Facebook 2019, Gaming, Facebook, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://www.facebook.com/gaming/>.
Giphy 2017, 'My Chat Experience' [image], Twitch Gif By Gaming, Giphy, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://giphy.com/gifs/linarf-games-l0Iycn0BtVo1Eanp6>.
Hilbe, C, Wu, B, Traulsen, A, Nowak, M.A. 2014, ‘Cooperation and control in multiplayer social dilemmas’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 111, no. 46, pp.  pp.16425-30.
Needleman, S 2015, ' Twitch’s Viewers Reach 100 Million a Month ', The Wall Street Journal, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/01/29/twitchs-viewers-reach-100-million-a-month/>.
Nelly 2018, The First “First On Discord” Games, Discord Blog, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://blog.discordapp.com/the-first-first-on-discord-games-73525dab4fd5>. 
Sjöblom, M, Törhönen, M, Hamari, J, Macey, J 2017, ' Content structure is king: An empirical study on gratifications, game genres and content type on Twitch', Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 73,  pp.161-171.
Twitch Prime 2019, Games at no additional costs with Prime, Twitch, viewed 15 February 2019, <https://www.twitch.tv/prime>.
Zhong, Z 2011, 'The effects of collective MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) play on gamers’ online and offline social capital', Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2352-2363.
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acumtv · 3 years
”Gratiile nu despart suflete” – ediția a XI-a
”Gratiile nu despart suflete” – ediția a XI-a
”Gratiile nu despart suflete” – ediția a XI-a a devenit un eveniment ce are tradiție la Tg Ocna. Școala Națională de Pregătire a Agenților de Penitenciare a inițiat în anul 2012 o serie de activități în scopul înfăptuirii unei datorii morale față de victimele opresiunii comuniste. S-a dorit  crearea unor premise pentru alegerile civice corecte ale generației de azi, care trebuie să cunoască…
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portraitsalone · 3 years
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Kornel Danion
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[KoS Incorrect quotes!
Because I’ve had these forever and though most of them where amazing XD
You can take these as cannon or not, I doubt all the things happened, but some definitely might have lol
Luna: When I was a kid, Lucas told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Solar: They are!
Solar: No! Why did you fall for it again?!
•––––––☆––––––• More under the cut!
Storm: Go big or go home!
Sapphire: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Storm: I'm going big •––––––☆––––––•
Solar: I know we’re not exactly friends, but-
Luna: What do you want?
Solar: I've been stuck with Danion for 2 weeks and they've been drinking all the soy sauce.
Solar: Help.
Lily: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
Solar: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Luna: But ya' didn't
Willow: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea.
Riley: Well then who's is it?
Willow, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know!
Luna, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Sapphire: Hey.
Storm: Hi.
Willow: Hello.
Riley: Hey!
Luna: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Destiny: We were out of Doritos.
Storm: You're violent.
Sapphire: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Luna: I am 39 cheetos tall.
Stella: Why... are you measuring your height in cheetos?
Luna: Because we're out of doritos.
*at a zoo*
Solar: What are they in for?
Damion: Solar, this isn't prison.
Solar: So they can leave?
Damion: No, but-
Solar, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Spark: Your smile? It makes my day.
Luna: Your happiness? I live for that.
Solar: A room? Get one.
Lucas: Hotel? Trivago
Riley: You really believe in Storm?
Sapphire: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Luna: Thanks for pulling the fire alarm, you saved me from giving an oral report about The Scarlet Web.
Spark: You were too bored to read the book?!
Luna: I was too uninterested to watch the movie.
Stella: I can't imagine what Solar and Luna are planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Riley: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie.
Willow: Ooh, can we get some actual pie?
Riley: I like the way you think.
Damion: Do you think I’m ugly?
Solar: It’s not about looks, Damion. What’s valuable is on the inside...
Damion: Sol...
Solar: For example, someone's heart.
Damion: Aw... Stop it-
Solar: It could be purchased for more than a million dollars, you know.
Damion: Seriously, stop.
Soulstar: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it.
Soulstar: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Stella, watching Luna & Spark panic : What's going on?
Lucas: Luna is having a midlife gender crisis and Spark is just having a crisis.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
Storm: I will not let you down.
Willow: Sounds fun.
Solar: K.
Stella: No, I'm fucking not.
Lucas: Do I have to be?
Luna: Please god, I am so tired
Solar: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Solar: *upends the bottle*
Stella: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Spark: IT.
Solar: Annabelle.
Lucas: Paranormal Activity.
Luna: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
Luna: honk.
Soulstar: WHAT.
Luna: HONK.
Solar: *texting* Hey can you pick me up I’m drunk.
Solar: Oh you don't have to anymore. I'm home now.
Stella: Yes, I'm aware of that after dropping you off at home.
•––––––☆––––––• Spark and Luna: *making loud, cat noises at each other*
Stella, exasperatedly: We have a guest.
Spark, texting Solar: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater…
Solar’s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later.
Solar, texting back: Fuck you.
Solar: You are an absolute fucking dork.
Daniel, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork!
Solar: *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.
Luna: Why is Spark crying?
Solar: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Luna: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Damion: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!?
Solar, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what
Luna: *Gasp*
Stell: wHAT??
Luna: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Stella: *inhales*
Solar, in another room with Spark: Why can I hear screeching?
Soulstar: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.
Luna, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Stella: I'm not doing to well.
Lucas: What's wrong?
Stella: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Luna enters the room*
Stella: There it is again.
Solar: I’m gonna die alone.
Spark: Sol, you’re not gonna die alone.
Solar: Damion, was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake.
Spark: Uh-huh. Why is that?
Solar: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Solar: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man.
Solar: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!
Lucas: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Luna: *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
Riley: The floor is lava!
Spark: *helps Luna onto the counter*
Solar: *kicks Damion off the sofa*
Stella: *lays on the floor*
Spark: ...Are you okay?
Stella: No.
Solar: Where are my fucking keys?
Spark: Sol, Lily is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Solar: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Solar: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Luna: But ya' didn't
Stella: I CAN'T DO IT!
Solar, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Stella: I appreciate it,
Solar: Stella-
Luna: Stella we gotta-
Stella: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Stella, motioning to a bathroom that has been set on fire by Luna and Spark: NOT FUCKING THIS!
Lucas: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out.
Stella: Fucking Luna and Spark were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
I think I’ll stop here XD I have more but this is getting long, might do a part two though,
also new separators go brrr
... I need to go to bed. ]
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blve0 · 5 years
last line tag!!
thank you @glasskaleidoscopes for tagging me!!
here’s the last line from my wip A Noble Lie:
Danion laughs a little. There’s no mirth, but there’s kindness.  
tagging: @a-changelings-dreams @necros-writings @kit-tells-a-story 
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jmarksthespots · 8 years
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[#BLACKART #BlackArtstory] #CircleofTrust: A full-sensory performance art piece and healing experience  Curated by Niama Safia Sandy Part of the Black Artstory 2017 event series  Friday, February 24 | 6-9pm  During the Museum Hue 2nd Anniversary Reception, “Remember Our Rainbow”/ "A Seat At The Table," Brooklyn Navy Yard Center at Building 92 (a.k.a. BLDG 92) | Brooklyn, NY  Admission: FREE  To RSVP, visit circleoftrust.splashthat.com
On the evening of February 24, I'm debuting my first performance art piece, The Circle of Trust, as a The Circle of Trust is a full-sensory experience aimed at healing the physical and psychic trauma that many people are carrying around through metaphysics and performative arts centered in the modalities and rituals of the African Diaspora. 
Participants are invited to sing, cry, laugh, shout, or react however they see fit without judgement or any other impediments to true freedom from the varying degrees of aggression, oppression, and suppression people of color are faced with across the West.
The experience will feature the healing performance by local healers and artists from across the African Diaspora.  Vanessa Celestine (Healer, Celestine Apothecary & Healing) Danion Lewis (Dancer, Educator, Fitness & Life Coach)
The goal of The Circle is to renew the spirit and focus of participants in the perilous times we are living in.
Note: There will be sage and incense burned in the performance space to create an immersive and centering space; please be mindful if you have an aversion to smoke.
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