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"In my current role, my primary responsibility is to provide individual mental health therapy to adults who have experienced domestic violence. I love working in this role because I believe helping individuals improve their day to day life by learning coping skills and processing the trauma they have experienced, will reduce the prevalence of generational trauma."
Amanda Danison, Family Advocacy Clinician II, The Center for Family Safety and Healing
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best-td2021-ship · 9 months
THE RESULTS ARE IN: 2026's top 88 ships have been decided and matched 🤩 but they could use more propaganda!
Ships in bold have received ZERO or only emojis, but I'm still taking more for the others too! 🩶
Round 1 matchups:
1) Jarlo (Jared x Milo) vs Vicaige (Vic x Paige)
2) Coled (Cole x Jared) vs Chadlie (Chad x Charlie)
3) #Joke (Jordan x Mike) vs Bamboe (Bambi x Chloe)
4) Drewstyna (Drew x Chrystyna) vs Meric (Matt x Beric)
5) Adios (Ada x Rio) vs Sethdan (Seth x Jordan)
6) Cordarren (Cordelia x Darren) vs Haybell (Hayden x Izzy)
7) Dannola (Dannie x Lola) vs Vicdan (Vic x Jordan)
8) Andred (Drew x Jared) vs Colie (Cole x Charlie)
9) Jordstyna (Jordan x Chrystyna) vs Paigike (Paige x Mike)
10) The Babes (Darren x Milo x Paige x Vic) vs Colestyna (Cole x Chrystyna)
11) Loss (Leaf x Moss) vs Bambola (Bambi x Lola)
12) Danole (Daniel x Cole) vs Mikrew (Mike x Drew)
13) Chlostyna (Chloe x Chrystyna) vs Mikecest (Mike x himself)
14) Darrestyna (Darren x Chrystyna) vs Charcola (Charlie x Cole x Lola)
15) Mosslie (Moss x Charlie) vs Lizola (Liza x Lola)
16) Chrysambie (Chrystyna x Bambi) vs ">6'0"" (Drew x Leaf x Vic x Darren)
17) Coledan (Cole x Jordan) vs Libdan (Libby x Jordan)
18) Jordola (Jordan x Lola) vs Chleaf (Chloe x Leaf)
19) Charlola (Charlie x Lola) vs Milke (Milo x Mike)
20) Lolaniel (Lola x Daniel) vs Jordarren (Jordan x Darren)
21) Lizaniel (Liza x Daniel) vs Mikribby (Mike x Drew x Libby)
22) Darrike (Darren x Mike) vs Cola (Cole x Lola)
23) Chadarren (Chad x Darren) vs Vichloestyna (Vic x Chloe x Chrystyna)
24) O'ković (Piper x Mads) vs Cordeliannisa (Cordelia x Annisa)
25) Annielric (Annisa x Daniel x Beric) vs Channisa (Charlie x Annisa)
26) Dannisa (Dannie x Annisa) vs Julison (Julian x Addison)
27) Rodrusso (Rio x Paige) vs Julidan (Julian x Jordan)
28) Haystyna (Hayden x Chrystyna) vs The Last Placers (Leaf x Manny x Mike x Jordan x Isaac)
29) Colennisambi (Cole x Annisa x Bambi) vs Paibbyden (Paige x Libby x Hayden)
30) Loleveryone (Lola x the rest of the cast) vs Riodan (Rio x Jordan)
31) Lizanison (Liza x Daniel x Addison) vs Piperio (Piper x Rio)
32) Cassilo (Cassie x Milo) vs Russanwallaghan (Paige x Annisa x Cordelia x Piper)
33) Roxaige (Roxy x Paige) vs Danison (Daniel x Addison)
34) Isaac² (Isaac x Izzy) vs Skaterclown (Hayden x Rio)
35) "<5'5"" (Annisa x Cassie x Jared x Jordan x Liv x Lola) vs Isaannie (Isaac x Dannie)
36) Emoskaterclown (Izzy x Hayden x Rio) vs Maddisola (Mads x Addison x Lola)
37) Pipdelia (Piper x Cordelia) vs Darrizzy (Darren x Izzy)
38) Dads (Dannie x Mads) vs Cordarrener (Cordelia x Darren x Piper)
39) Lolnat (Lola x Nat) vs Bedwic (Bedward x Vic)
40) Bearic (Bear x Beric) vs Jarent (Jared x Vent)
41) Jorsther (Jordan x Esther) vs Chlivesther (Chloe x Liv x Esther)
42) Jeren (Jeremy the intern x Ren) vs Berony (Beric x getting stranded on Boney Island)
43) Matt x Viewer vs Matt x Beric x Viewer
44) Beric x Viewer vs Chrystyna x Viewer
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The Secret of Street Names [surprise one-shot]
Tw: mentions of cuts with weapons, loss of fingers, loss of eye,loss of tongue; and madness
If the Streets of Gotham were a kingdom then Crime Alley was the capital.There are Secrets to the Streets of Gotham that not even the Bat knows like the fact that Gotham's Streets have their own laws and enforcers. The King ,Danison, once tried to trick her, so she punched him. That earned her the position of Avenger in the Court. A Street name in Gotham, like most cities was earned,they had two. Delenn remembered when she earned them, as her and James traveled to the Court's main base.
The first Name they earned was the Ghost of Gotham. She had run away for the second time after moving and had learned from the first time to not stay put for more then a few hours at a time or it would be easier to catch them and return her to their parents. Bats was on her ass as she ducked into alleyways, climbed up and over walls, and ran across rooftops. She stopped on a ledge with a steep drop they pretended she couldn't see a way down. They turned to stare down the Bat. There was a fire escape and an open window a third of the way down. All she needed was a split second distraction and they could drop down and threw the window into the top level of the old factory her and Batman were standing on. What she hadn't seen at the time was a member of the Court watching her from the shadows.
"Come on kid, your parents are worried about you," Batman had said.
"That's a load of shit. Besides something tells me that despite the fact that ice only lived in Gotham for a month I have a better mental map of the city then you do," they'd taunted him. The Bat had been about to say something but explosion two blocks away caused by a rogue caught his attention and that split second was all she'd needed they rocked all her weight onto their heals and down she went they reached for the bottom of the fire escape and swung herself into the open window carefully landing as quite as possible. By the time Batman looked down they'd shut the window and backed away from it. As she slipped down to the section of factory on level with the Street she was careful not to touch anything. Bats was long gone when they left the factory. She turned around at the sound of slow clapping. Their eyes narrowed at the figure looking closely.
"Shadow," she greeted. Shadow is a high ranking member of the Court and reports many things to the King.
"Ghost," was the returning answer. Delenn paused and looked at him ears straining at the sound of many feet coming fast in the distance.
"So I've earned a Name then," Delenn asked the man given he called her by a Name when to their knowledge she didn't have one yet.
"You have," Shadow informed them. Delenn smiled.
"The Ghost of Gotham," she tested the Name,"I like it." Then the crowd ran past them Delenn felt their smile turn feral and she disappeared before Shadow's eyes.
Delenn and James were about two blocks from The Court they remembered when they earned their title and how.
Witness, one of the Court's watchers had informed her of a suspicious newbie they were lying through their teeth as easily as breathing and that wouldn't do. So in their capacity as Ghost rather then in her position of Avenger they approached him. Playing up her seemingly innocent appearance they caught his attention.
"Hey Mister, are you trying to bring the Court's enforcers down on ya?"
"The Court's Enforcers," he asked her seemingly worried. Delenn’s eyes narrowed minutely he wasn't worried it seemed he was trying to get the enforcers attention.
"How new are ya, exactly? Cause you seem worried which means you've heard of em but you're not scared of getting dragged before the Court for breaking a Law of the Streets," it was a very pointed question ment to dig out police spies and outsiders trying to find an in to the Court to destabilize the Streets hierarchy.
"I've been around a few months," he answered. He had lied directly their face. He was a false Street Child and he'd Broken the Cardinal Law of the Streets.
"Come with me then it's about time you met the Court," she said walking in the direction of the Court's trap Hq. They stopped once or twice to talk to people to spread the word that theiwould be an Interrogation and Judgment. The False Child was knocked out by hidden enforcers the second he stepped in the door.
A few hours after that the False Child awoke in the center of the bottom most floor of a warehouse that was supposed to be abandoned. On the lower level were the Street folk who had been introduced to the Court and found to be True. The middle level had a large central staircase where the at the landing stood the highest ranking members and in all sides the enforcers. The last level not accessible by any visible stairs held The Royals. It was from this level a voice boomed,
"False Child, the Avenger has brought you before us, you are charged with breaking the Streets Cardinal Law. How do you plead?"
The child looked up at the Royal's level.
"Uuhh, Not Guilty?" The Children laughed, for if the Avenger brought him in personally he had indeed broken it and Punishment was certain. Delenn had walked down the main staircase then silent, face blank, and a dagger in hand the blade had Truthseer engraved on it. The Children stopped there laughter suddenly leaving the warehouse eerily quiet, the atmosphere was tense. Delenn had been eight at the time and was rather feral despite having a home that she frequently ran from. The tense silence was broken by their soft child's voice,
"Who sent you False Child?"
He laughed but it died quickly when he realized none of the Children were laughing with him.
"No one sent me," he said " I hitch hiked my way here from New York two months ago." He lied trying to stall for time.
"Your lying ," is what she'd said ," Witness said the first time they had seen you as you are was two weeks ago." He squirmed in the chair. The dagger in their hand sliced his arm leaving a large cut .
"I'm telling the truth," he had insisted. That earned him another cut this time on his other arm.
"Who sent you," she'd asked again. Sheathing the dagger and pulling a scalpel from her coat pocket.
"I hitchhiked here from New York," he had been determined to stick to his story but everyone knew he was lying. They cut an L into shoulder. That elicited a half aborted scream.
"Seer said you entered the city from the south," she revealed to the room.
"Fine I came here from Boston," he spat out. They smiled full feral and added an I next to the L on his chest. The action earned another half aborted scream.
"Liar, your accent is all wrong, I'm thinking you came from somewhere much further south perhaps Virginia," she'd speculated aloud her New Orleans accent rearing it's head. He flinched, they'd hit it right on the money.
"Fine, I hitchhiked here from Virginia.Happy. " he demanded. She struck out and completed the carving of the word Liar. They put the scalpel away and pulled her dagger out once more.
"Who sent you," they demanded again. Adjusting her grip on the handle.
"Gotham PD," he bit out through the pain.
"Now we're getting somewhere but your still lying.You see Watcher says and Knower and Shadow agree, Your not GPD," she said walking around him before slamming their dagger into his middle finger on his left hand severing it. That time he did scream.
"I will ask again,Who sent you," she pushed seeing he was going to spill then and there.
"The feds sent me," he yelled. They had smiled and asked,
"The wanted to know if such Court's were a real thing," he had panicked then he had obviously not meant to say part of the real reason.
"That's part of the truth," she'd smiled and slammed their knife into a different finger on his right hand. Another scream came, the rest of the Court and the witnesses started shifting restless they knew jugement was close.
"The CIA sent me to find the Court and destabilize it if I could!" He had yelled the truth at last. The Court had gone deathly still all except for her, They'd smiled wider if possible and forced open the False Child's mouth and putting the dagger down and pulling out the scalpel again cut out his tongue and threw the appendage away into a shadowy corner for the rats to eat.
"That is for lying to my face," she hissed. The sentence echoing in the silence that befallen the headquarters. Then a chant of "Judgment" spoken in over a hundred voices began to fill the building before stopping. From the top level came the voice of Damison was heard,
"I name you 'Silenced' and pass Judgment. You have seen that which you are not worthy of so we shall take from you an eye. You have broken The Street's Cardinal Law and for that I sentence you to being driven to madness. Avenger deliver justice." They struck out at the False Child's right eye withe now bloody scalpel blinding it. She had grabbed his face and whispered a phrase in old voodoo and let go. They had walked back up to rest of the Court when Shadow had told her that Damison wanted to talk to them. She went up to third level of the building where Damison clapped a hand on their shoulder and said
"Welcome to the Royal level, you'll be standing up here with us from today onward," he'd said quietly Then loud enough to be heard,
"The Court's Avenger is now its Princess." The entire Court cheered at her new title. Many having believed that she had been long been overdue for it.
They snapped out of her Reverie as James and Themself had arrived at Court headquarters.
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Nanci Danison - I Saw the History and the Future of Earth From the Afterlife
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rocknrollcola · 1 year
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Alberta is calling, but even before it did, Ontario's Bruno Sentone looked at the cost of living and took the bait. The 33-year-old personal banker said he tried to make life in Ontario work in 2020. He left Toronto's high rent prices and moved an hour north, to Barrie, where eventually rents went up there too.
So last June, he packed his car and drove across the country to Calgary, where rent is cheaper, taxes are lower, and his salary is higher. Either biting the bullet in Barrie or going through the consequences of staying in a place that I know is unaffordable," said Sentone.
He isn't alone. Of the 50,000 people who left Ontario for Alberta or Atlantic Canada in the last 12 months, 20,000 chose the province in the prairies less than a year after moving. As he watches housing and rent prices rise, Sentone is afraid Alberta is following in Ontario's footsteps and becoming less affordable by the day.
"Things are affordable now, and they might be for a little while, but if the influx of people just like myself keep coming in, but we don't have enough properties being built or made available, then that's a problem."
For new and old Albertans who are worried about the rising cost of living as record-high numbers of people move here, economist Mike Moffatt says they're right to be concerned. He's also the senior director of the Smart Prosperity Institute, an Ottawa think tank looking at the economy.
"This is a phenomenon we've seen in southern Ontario for years," said Moffatt. "When families from Toronto started moving to places like London, our housing prices tripled in less than 15 years."
He recalls the "musical chairs effect," where families from Toronto moved somewhere more affordable, like Kitchener-Waterloo, then as that city became more expensive, the people living there were displaced to somewhere further away, and so on. All of this could very well happen in Alberta, he says.
And the trend isn't going away anytime soon, says Moffatt, since the Ontarians moving to Alberta are younger and are chasing affordability and quality of life, not job growth in the oil and gas sector, as was seen in the past. They'll need to make sure that they build enough housing to support that population, which unfortunately didn't happen in southwestern Ontario, and that caused a lot of our current affordability challenges.
As the province continues its Alberta is Calling campaign, luring people from Ontario and Atlantic Canada to move here, the impact in Alberta is already being seen. Danison with Rentals.ca keeps track of rent prices in vacant units from Rentals.ca and Rentfaster.ca and releases a report each month.
"He found that Calgary had the fastest increasing rents, among condos and apartments, in the country in February; rents in Calgary rose 28.1 percent annually and 3.8 percent over the past three months to $1,862," the report said.
While that's still below the national average, Danison says it's a new problem in Calgary. He's been putting the reports together for nearly five years, and he says he's never seen rents so high or vacancy so low here, although Calgary has been building record-high supply and is expected to continue that trend.
"But it's still not enough to meet the demand," said Danison, in an interview with CBC. "This isn't just an issue in Calgary anymore; Red Deer is also facing surprising year-over-year rent increases, he says—20 percent and 19 percent, respectively, for a one-bedroom.
For Ontarians looking for affordability with a major city lifestyle, Danison has two suggestions in the west: Edmonton and Winnipeg, where "it's cheap and rents are moderate compared to the other big cities."
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Maritimers continue to face skyrocketing rents
The cost to rent an apartment is up across Canada, and Halifax is hanging around at the top with the nation’s largest cities.
“You’re going to find the hardest hit areas obviously are in Metro Vancouver, Metro Toronto and also Halifax, rents have gone up quite a bit there,” says Paul Danison the content director for Rentals.ca.
Their latest survey shows Nova Scotia in fact has the highest increase in average rent, up 35.5 per cent to $2453, that’s more expensive than a rental in Ontario.
“After the pandemic a lot of people discovered Halifax is a pretty nice place to live. Students who went there either stayed or went back there where rents were a little bit cheaper than where they are in the GTA so we had a lot of people move there. Supply has been historically low there and now it’s even lower,” adds Danison.
Housing advocate Lina Hamid says some Nova Scotians can’t keep up.
“People are on the streets, people are funded by the government, the provincial government to stay in hotels,” says Hamid.
The province does have a two per cent cap on rent increases but it doesn’t apply to everyone.
“The existing rent cap only applies to tenants that are in the unit so a new build for example, a newly vacated unit, the rent cap would not apply,” says the minister responsible for the Residential Tenancy Act.  
The president of the Investment Property Owners Association says the act should be scrapped.
“Really what it tells us is that rent control doesn’t work. Two years of rent control in Nova Scotia and rents have almost gone up by a total of 50 per cent and rent control is a failed policy that is making life harder for everyone,” says Kevin Russell.
There could be some good news in the survey as well. There are indications that these rent hikes could start to flatten as we head into the fall and winter.
Russell adds they have some ideas that could help keep rent increases in Nova Scotia down, they just need a seat at the table and have the province listen to what they have to say.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/p5JUmNQ
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jellori · 6 years
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Hope none of the Artist mind me drawing their oc outfits -also I had to with the last one
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abbandonatamente · 7 years
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sapphicwilds · 7 years
A “Red String of Fate” Soulmate AU for @andrewjsten for the @tfcfemslashnet exchange!
Dan’s red string shows up her freshman year of high school and she steadfastly ignores it
Dan Wilds does not have time for soulmates thank you very much she has exy practice and needs to make money appear from no where if she’d like to eat tonight 
Allison was born with her string 
It was a highly publicized thing, like everything else in Allison’s life would be
Allison could never date without speculation, without ruthless teasing, so she simply stops giving a shit about her soulmate
Honestly fuck them if they’ve given her this much trouble before even meeting yet
Renee’s string shows up when she’s nine years old and she rolls it up and tucks it into her pocket
She thinks of the string like her own little secret and plans to keep it to herself for as long as she can 
Sometimes the girls at the club comment about Dan’s string, either about how lucky she is to know she’s got someone out there or with sympathy because Dan can’t always hide it during her acts and nothing could be worse than having grabbing hands reaching for her soul connection 
Allison keeps her string coiled around her upper arm
She doesn’t care who sees it, but the next person who tries to touch it is gonna get a broken arm and they do 
Renee still keeps her string in her pocket and tries not to think about it on most days
Renee hates the color red, these days 
When they get to Palmetto Renee has her string hidden, Allison’s is on display like a dare, and Dan is out of shit’s to give 
None of them are actively looking for their soulmates, but as soon as all three of them walk into the locker room together for the first time Allison’s string tugs itself gently off her arm and reaches towards the other girls
Renee’s has sprung from her pocket like it’s finally alive and Dan’s is actively fighting from where the other girl had it wrapped around her neck like a necklace. 
“Interesting,” Allison says, as their strings connect 
All three of them can feel the connection, can feel the electricity running through their bodies, can feel this love
“I don’t have time for this,” Dan growls, glaring at the strings like they’ve personally wronged her
Renee doesn’t say anything at all 
Dan tries to turn away and get changed for practice but Renee reaches out to her
“We’ll talk about this later, yeah?”
“Like shit we won’t,” Allison declares and for now they drop it
After practice they go back to their dorm room and all sit down on the floor facing each other
“So, soulmates huh?” Allison says with a wiggle of her eyebrows
“It’s a difficult concept to believe in,” Renee admits, “but I’d like to give this a try if you guys do.”
“I’m stuck with you two for five years, guess we better figure our shit out,” Dan says
Dan is not wholly optimistic about this endeavor 
She doesn’t like these girls, she doesn’t need these girls, and these soulmates of hers can go to hell 
Where were they when she needed them?
Allison is even less optimist, if possible, but she’s always been a romantic, if a slightly cynical one
Renee is the most at peace with this, however it turns out, because she has herself and she has Stephanie, and she has God, but she’d love to have her soulmates too 
Renee and Allison get their shit figured out first
Even if all three of them put up a united from for the team, it’s still cold behind closed doors but Allison and Renee get along better 
Somewhere between Allison helping Renee dye her hair and Renee showing Allison how to pick locks they fall into friendship and quickly into something more
They tell Dan and she just shrugs, “You’re soulmates, it’s fine. Just don’t fuck until all hours of the morning we have practice.”
She doesn’t join their relationship and Renee doesn’t pressure her, even if Allison wants to
Dan pretends she’s not jealous, she doesn’t have time for this, she has a class one exy team to captain and she can’t be distracted  
When Christmas break hits Renee talks Allison home to Stephanie and Dan stays at Palmetto
She stays in the dorms and she works out at the court and she spends time with Wymack and Abby
Abby’s the one who asks her about her soulmate, because Dan’s string is in her medical file 
And Dan, despite everything inside of her telling her not to, tells Abby everything 
When Renee and Allison get back from break it’s to find Dan standing nervously in their dorm room
“Soulmates,” she says. “They can be platonic. Or romantic. Or something else. Obviously you guys are something and I don’t want to fuck with that. And I don’t want to fuck with my game. I need this scholarship. But, I guess, if you’re okay with it I wanna give this a shot. Soulmates.”
Allison grins like she’s something predatory and Dan almost regrets saying anything at all before suddenly she’s being wrapped up in a hug by the tall blonde followed by a gentled hug from Renee and suddenly they’re all dogpiled on a very small dorm bed
The rest, as they say, is history
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jeansmoraeu-blog · 8 years
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femslash february – dan wilds x allison reynolds
you know the two of us are just young gods, and we’ll be flying through the streets with the people underneath and they’re running, running, running
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best-td2021-ship · 9 months
Round 1 Results
Congrats on surviving the first round! 🥳
1) Jarlo - 34.43 vs Vicaige - 65.6%
2) #Joke - 64.17% vs Charlike - 35.83%
3) Dribby - 53.83% vs Drewstyna - 46.17%
4) Chadlie - 66.93% vs Bamboe - 33.1%
5) Adios - 50.07% vs Sethdan - 49.93
6) Cordarren - 56.63% vs Haybell - 43.37%
7) Meric - 49.99% vs O'ković - 50.01%
8) Rada - 38.6% vs Coled - 61.4%
9) Dannola - 37.7% vs Punkhistorian - 62.3%
10) Addisther - 40.43% vs Loss - 59.57%
11) Andred - 41.2% vs Colie - 58.8%
12) Lizola - 57.37 vs Paigike - 42.63%
13) Jordstyna - 51.3% vs Vicdan - 48.7%
14) Chrysambi - 37.37% vs Bun Buds - 62.63%
15) Bambola - 39.4% vs Libdan - 60.6%
16) The Babes -61.93% vs Jordarren - 38.07%
17) Campbellal - 31.8% vs Mikecest - 68.2%
18) Chadarren - 45.63% vs Darrike - 54.37%
19) Milke - 49.03% vs Danole - 50.97%
20) Colestyna - 48.4% vs Bambole - 51.6%
21) Coledan - 50.3% vs Lolaniel - 49.7%
22) Mosslie - 55% vs Mikrew - 45%
23) Jordola - 53.83% vs Vichloestyna - 46.17%
24) Chlostyna - 45.97% vs Mikole - 54.03%
25) Mikribby - 59.27% vs Vicstyna - 40.73%
26) Darrestyna - 40.4% vs Leafza - 59.6%
27) Charlola - 69.2% vs Chleaf - 30.8%
28) Cola - 58.47% vs Damboe - 41.53%
29) Charcola - 55.4% vs Jordza - 44.6%
30) Breasties - 49.73% vs ">6'0"" - 50.27%
31) Cordeliannisa - 53.83% vs Danison - 46.17%
32) Darrizzy - 61.9% vs Annielric - 38.1%
33) Julidan - 60.9% vs Bimboclown - 39.1%
34) Russanwallaghan - 42.43% vs Parkatsalaw - 57.57%
35) The Last Placers - 27.83% vs Lizaniel - 72.17%
36) Livic - 34.47% vs Chliv - 65.53%
37) Roxisa - 54.5% vs Miper - 45.5%
38) Hayvic -32.47% vs Lawkats - 67.53%
39) Casseth - 30.43% vs Moorigues - 69.57%
40) Loleveryone - 68.73% vs Darrer - 31.27%
41) Piperio - 76.73% vs Isaannie - 23.27%
42) Cassilo - 37.9% vs Emoskaterclown - 62.1%
43) Skizzy - 51.3% vs Colennisambi - 48.7%
44) Jarethdenlo - 54.4% vs Isaac² - 45.6%
45) Berilo - 46.67% vs Lizadoe - 53.33%
46) Dannisa - 43.83% vs Maddisola - 56.17%
47) Skaterpunk - 37.9% vs Raige - 62.1%
48) Rodrusso - 59.83% vs Rosky - 40.17%
49) Haystyna - 57.7% vs Pipdelia - 42.3%
50) Drio - 48.17% vs Ribby - 51.83%
51) Dads - 49.7% vs Riodan - 50.3%
52) Julison - 46.37% vs Cordarrener - 53.63%
53) Piloss - 41.13% vs Skaterclown - 58.87%
54) Channisa - 72.17% vs Pibambi - 29.83%
55) "<5'5"" - 60.5% vs Lizanison - 39.5%
56) Jarethden - 43.6% vs Paibbyden - 56.4%
57) Rioxy - 45.4% vs Parkatsaros - 54.6%
58) Bearic - 59.6% vs Jarent - 40.4%
59) Lolnat - 49.73% vs Berony - 50.27%
60) Chlivesther - 33.7% vs Jorsther - 66.3%
61) Jeren - 49.77% vs Bedwic - 50.27%
62) (Chrystyna x Viewer) - 54.2% vs Flowerclown - 45.8%
63) (Matt x Viewer) - 48.7% vs (Beric x Viewer) - 51.3%
64) (Matt x Beric x Viewer) - 39.8% vs (Moss x Viewer) - 60.2%
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veonoticia · 6 years
Asesinó a una niña y lo matan en enfertamiento en Mara
Anthony José Ortega Martínez, alias “El Fósforo” y a quien buscaban por el homicidio de Yexandra Ortega, de 12 años, cayó abatido este jueves a la 1:00 de la madrugada al enfrentarse con el Cicpc de El Moján en el sector El Chorro II, parroquia Ricaurte de Mara.
Fuente: Panorama
A este criminal, de 21 años, se le vinculó desde el fin de semana con el espantoso caso que impactó al Zulia porque hasta la madre de la niña —Mirva Ortega Martínez— fue detenida.
La menor fue abusada sexualmente y asesinada en su casa de Mara.
“La madre de Yexandra está implicada en su muerte”. Así informaron, el lunes, efectivos del Cicpc.
Ella es una de los seis detenidos que están en la sede de este organismo en El Moján. Por el suceso dio rueda de prensa, en Caracas, el jefe nacional del Cicpc, Douglas Rico.
Yexandra Patricia Ortega , fue violada y asesinada el sábado en la noche, en el sector Nazareth, de El Moján.
Además de Ortega Martínez (43) están detenidos su vecina Mariela Galué, de 41 años; Eduardo Rafael Sierra, de 21 años, apodado ‘El Chichito’; Nixon Daniel Galué (23) conocido como ‘El Pelúo’; Danison de Jesús Galué, de 18 años, y Jesús Suárez, de 45. Estos cuatro están detenidos, uno está prófugo”.
“A ‘El Fósforo’ lo buscamos por la Guajira”, dijeron en el Cicpc. Según el reporte policial, “los implicados estaban bebiendo alcohol en la vivienda donde estaba la niña, cuando ‘El Fósforo’ se metió en su habitación para abusar de ella y la degolló con una navaja.
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ryleyrocket98 · 4 years
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Drone shot of Danison Creek. 
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jellori · 6 years
Danison 🚀
Pretty far actually, He learned since he's young to do his best for his loved ones and he doesnt want to dissapoint them.
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katslefty · 4 years
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