#danny wheeler imagine
kaiminluu · 1 year
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the party as greasers is something that can be so personal
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jackiequick · 7 months
ABC Family ~ Baby Daddy OC 🍼
—> Expanding on a OC from this playlist
Skylar Chez
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Full name: Skylar Chez Gonzalez
Nickname: Sky, Mama, Chez, Wonder Twins, Picasso, Ms. Wheeler
Age: 25
Height: 5’2
Place Of Origin: New York
Nationally: American
Ethnic Background: Colombian and Mexican descent
Relationship status: Single on and off again, until she realizes her feelings for Ben.
Occupation: Artist
Season: 1-6
Relationship to family: BFF to Ben, Danny and Riley since they were kids. Bonnie babysat Sky since she was 2 because her mom is friends with her. So in result she grew up closely to them. Later on, she met Tucker during early college years.
Personality: Sweet, artistic, nerdy, good with the flow and very open. However she can be strong and stubborn, as well as a little crazy. Overall usually pretty chill. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, she’s a huge foodie!!
Skyler was brought into the group from day one once again when she moved to New York for her career, little did she know that she would be living together alongside her best friends. In the same apartment. Working at the bar and studying art as well. It was good until everything changed the day Danny moved into the apartment since baby Emma came too!
—> The boys were freaking out and confused calling for Riley’s while Skylar was cooing at Emma. She was so cute.
The guys looked at her waiting for her to pick Emma up. Sky just joked, "What? You guys see boobs and automatically think mommy?"
Riley snorted at her joke.
Everyone, especially Bonnie believed Ben couldn’t make it a few hours with Emma but the girls disagreed, and thankfully they were proved right. Since then, Emma stayed with the 6 of them after 48 hours. They were happier than ever!
Her and Danny are like siblings! The two are them are sometimes attached to the hip, always helping each other and supportive. Tall and short besties for sure! They are such nerds, always going to the movies, sports game and concerts. Skylar even sometimes steals Danny’s graphics t-shirts when hers are dirty, styling them to fit her outfits.
With Bonnie, it’s like they are aunt and niece! Bonnie says that Skylar is like the daughter she never had while she glares at her sons in annoyance. Just as insane and sweet as her mother, I guess that’s why Bonnie loves her.
Tucker! Let’s just say those two are sassier than ever before when they’re together in one room. Tucker and Skylar are each other’s back up no matter what. Finishing each other lines and chasing each other around. Skylar can say, “Hold my earrings!” And Tucker would smirk like, “I got you girl!” But those two fight like crazy if allowed!
Riley! As much as she jokes and teases Riley, she’s her girl. Besides she does the same thing to her, dragging Riley into doing crazy stuff. Always by her side to snap her out of it and tell her the truth, when needed.
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—> When it came to Emma, Ben and Skylar practically shared the same brain cell! As much as Ben and Sky were complete opposite for certain things, the two of them shared the same ideas for plenty of things. Ideas for plans, work, ways of dating, strong attitudes, the way they acted and especially their parenting style. You name it, they have probably have or heard it.
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-> They’re great friends! Always by each other’s side. Very supportive about their plans and smacking some scene into each other.
Speaking of Emma, during late season one and early season two of the series. 2012. The duo made a decision that changed their lives. Mama and Daddy.
It all started when Ben was looking for a future wife for himself but mainly a mom for his daughter, he figured his daughter deserves a mother figure or two in her life. He dated looking up and down, tired of scanning waiting for the girl to see Emma the way he sees her. Until Bonnie made him realize that girl was standing right in front of them.
Ben found her sitting alone that late afternoon on the fire escape sipping a beer and softly smile, asking if he can join. She nodded handing him one, Skylar was tired and annoyed with her love life after dumping her boyfriend, Johnthan, two days ago. Ben decided to comfort her and show her in care rather seeing his best friends smile than upset. After a while they talked…
“So how’s the mom search going?” She asked reopening another beer smiling, handing him one.
He opened him beer and replied, “Not the greatest. Due to, Emma already having a mom.”
“Yeah Angela! I told you it wasn’t the best idea..”
“No, not her. You.”
“What? Uh Ben I wasn’t the one who pushed her out and put that cutie on your doorstep. She did.”
He laughed and nods, “I know that! But since Emma been here you’ve been nothing but wonderful and I love you for that. And I believe Emma deserves someone like you in her life.”
She smiled sweetly, “She already does…wait Ben, do you want me to be like her Mama?”
“If you want. You don’t have to play house or anything, unless you want too of course..”
“R-really?! Cause I know it’s a big deal and our careers are friendship will be on the line.”
“Nothing will change.”
“Nothing will change?”
Skylar took his hand, “Yeah it won’t.”
“And what if it does?” Ben replied squeezing her hand gently.
“Then I don’t know.”
It was steady and still, the two friends started to become parents overnight. Closer than ever. They drank and talked smiling the whole way through the whole night.
It was a darling, sweet and absolutely comfortable transition. It felt natural, nothing truly changed. They were supportive parents like always, playing house sometimes and teasing each other. Sometimes they would get carried away and start calling each other “Mama” and “Dada”, especially in hopes Emma would say one of the two first sooner or later.
-> Ben walked into the kitchen with Emma and smiled softly, “Hey mama.”
“Hi.” She replies handing him a slice of toast as she chuckled, “Hi Emma.”
The baby girl giggled at the kisses being peaked on her face. Ben put his daughter in her high chair along with a bowl of cereal, then walked over to Skylar wrapping his arms around her to steal a bite of toast.
“Hey!” She yelled laughing, “Get your own.”
“What? Danny does it.” He joked laughing and poured himself coffee, “Uh where is Danny exactly?”
“Slept over at a girls place. And Tucker is still asleep, hangover times ten.”
“Oof been there, done that! Mom is coming over to pick up Emma so that means I get extra time before work and you can take your classes.”
“Yes! You know how hard it is to paint a castle in the forest with a baby and two idiots running around?”
“Hahahahaha! I bet, hey—! I’m not a idiot.”
-> When it came to dating life, Ben went on his dates such as Riley or Veronica for insist meanwhile Skylar went on her dates such as Kyle or Jordan. Nonetheless it was fun and extra supportive about it. Even comforting each other as well when Danny wasn’t there to do.
Believe me, if someone breaks Skylar’s heart or hurt her feelings, best believe you will have a Danny Wheeler after your ass like a pissed off Superman.
Especially if Tucker heard about Skylar being hurt.
A) He’s gonna fight him or trick them into being screwed.
B) Encourage her to fight back and ignore the dumbass.
C) Drag Bonnie into a plan for revenge.
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Note: Bonnie, Tucker and Skylar are a little bit of a trio. They get into the craziest stuff 😼 haha. Bonnie and Tucker even tracked down Angela after Skylar stupidity suggested something but they took that literally! During that time Ben was trying to date Riley so that caused a small rift between them with Emma’s biological mom being there.
—> Even Skylar got pissed off! Angela was trying to play house, Bonnie wasn’t too happy that insulting the women.
It got to a point where Skylar dragged her into the apartment and told Angela, to her face that, “You may have carried and birthed Emma, been her mother for 6 months. But afterwards you were gone! Biologically you may be her parent but I’m the one who helps put her to sleep, change her diapers, feeds her, brings her play dates when her daddy, grandma or uncles can’t. And I make sure that girl is happy! All you’ve done while being here is try to win Ben back and play house.”
Angela scoffed with a slight laugh, “And what are you? His best friend? His side piece when Riley isn’t around? If I’m correct Sky, we used to be friends. What happened?”
“I still am a friend to you, Ang. But I’m also Ben and Riley’s. And I’m more of a mother to Emma over the last year or two than you ever were.”
“Sounds like Ben has a lot of women in his life. Especially Bonnie! I’m just trying to figure out how to make a plan here, okay? I’m sorry, and your right, it’s clear that you all Emma’s family here. Especially you.”
“Good. Ang, your my friend and want you to figure out that plan. Tucker and Ben said you’re trying to find a place to stay that isn’t our apartment.”
The girls smiled and hugged it out, still bitter about the situation but didn’t show it. However Bonnie and Tucker were in the corner listening into the conversation silently cheering hoping that Angela leaves soon. Also very proud of Sky having the strength to call her out on her bullshit. A few days later Angela left, not without leaving her mark within Ben and Riley’s relationship, they broke up. Going as far to jokingly tease Sky that she should make that ‘mom thing’ official and go on a date with Ben.
Things went back their chaotically sweet and glorious ways after that. But that romantic debate still hung over their heads. Riley went on dates finding a boyfriend name Philip, Danny slept with a couple of girls but his heart belonged to Miss Riley Parton. Ben stayed within the dating scene teased how Riley still liked him until life took a turn in his direction. And that direction was Skylar Chez.
Ben Wheeler was thrown into a loop and knocked off course. Yeah sure he will always love Sky but those feelings started to shift into something stronger perhaps. It started during Emma’s first birthday seeing her dresses in a viking inspired outfit and carrying his almost one year old daughter in matching clothes, made his heart flutter. He smiled, leaning forward to kiss Emma’s cheek and grin at Sky giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“What was that for?” She asked with a darling smile, bouncing the almost one year old on her hip.
Ben shrugged with a smile, not knowing that came over him and replied, “You both look really pretty. You know i love you right?”
“Always. And we do look pretty.”
“I have to head out with mom, to figure out the whole thing with Deluca’s ice cream parlor.”
“Oh right Bon Bon mentioned something about it, what happened?”
“I might have another kid, with Jenny Deluca this time.”
“I didn’t know, okay? I swear women keep have babies and won’t tell me about it.” He added with his hands in the air and shake his head, “It’s starting to hurt my feelings.”
Sky tried not laugh and sigh, “Aww poor baby. Focus! We have probably another kid on our hands here.”
“Don’t worry, i tried talking to Jenny beforehand but she busy. So we’re gonna try again today.”
“Alright, meet you at the parlor in an hour. No funny business!”
Both of them tried talking with Jenny Deluca about the situation but she just shrugged pretending to ignore it, telling them to have their kids party and leave. Her father showed shouting and claiming for them to get out, especially not wanting to see Ben again.
Bonnie shouted over him and pointed out confidently, “Frankie Deluca, you would lucky if my son ever impregnated your daughter!” Tucker nodded in agreement saying ‘Hell yeah!’. The man ignored them upset as ever until Jenny revealed Ben wasn’t the father it was somebody’s else kid, she just blamed Ben cause it would leave less questions from her father.
It was sorta fair, still they would’ve welcomed the kid regardless. Afterwards Emma fell asleep and they had to celebrate her 1st birthday at home instead, none of them minded the change. But that whole time Ben saw how loving and supportive Skylar was the entire day with the chaos of the news, he truly loved her for it.
The next time was when Skylar eventually started getting jealous of his dates, snapping him out of it and then fixing the problem by the end of the day. But Ben wasn’t far behind since he started to question her dates more often and had to end up saving her by the end of night, coming up with a lame excuse that somehow worked.
Catching each other’s falls at work, sharing food together, leaving random kisses on their cheeks, adding text messages for one another, teasing the other person and bickering over the smallest thing.
Tucker even joked, “Damn. You two sound like your dating..”
Skylar and Ben turned to him yelling, “Stay out of this, Tucker!”
He laughed, “You sure?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Ben replied with a scoff pointing at her.
“He’s not my boyfriend. You don’t get it, Tucker.” Skylar added.
“Why would he? Us together wouldn’t make any sense.”
“Yeah, if I were to date him I must be insane.”
“Let’s go, baby.”
“Right behind you!”
The two walked out together heading to the park to meet up with Danny. But truth was Tucker was right, the two were practically dating each other from day one without actually doing that dating part. They just didn’t know it yet. Skylar’s smile always grew around him, loving how supportive he is, adore the patients he has at times and dragging Ben Wheeler into doing the most silliness things. He was her world, she was dating the man without even noticing it herself. To Ben, he always grinned widely around her, she was one of the reasons he’s where’s he is today, adoring how gentle she can be to how crazy she may act, and he was proud to have her in his life.
——— ~~~
— They’ve seen each other fall and rise, Ben held her when she may cry til midnight and Skylar hugs him when he feels like died a little inside. They didn’t notice how much love and opportunity there was for them until Danny and Tucker pointed it out. So in result that same week during 4th Of July, everyone was on the rooftop celebrating the fireworks while eating outdoors, when they realized that needed more ice, water and beers. Skylar offered to bring it upstairs and Ben followed behind, knowing she was need help carrying that upstairs.
The two were chatting as they entered the apartment and collecting items that they believed could also be needed. Ben saw more fireworks from the window, taking Skylar’s hand climbing onto the balcony taking a seat next to each other. The fireworks stopped for a moment, or at least the ones that could be seen for them since you see hear the booming noise from the streets afar from the building, they started with smiles. Ben realized they were alone as so did Skylar, as the pair yelled out in unison ‘I have to tell you something’ ‘No you first.’ The two laughed.
Ben chuckled, “ this is ridiculous but Danny said that we’re dating but not dating, I mean we’re dating while not actually dating.”
“Oh my god, Tucker said the same thing! Ay that’s hilarious. He pointed out the stuff we do.” She replies chuckling.
“But we’re not dating right? We haven’t kissed or anything! Unless we were drunk and i don’t remember..and I think I would remember.”
“I mean yeah we do, some things are typically seen a couple. I kinda wanna prove Danny and Tucker that they’re wrong..”
His eyes perked up and leaned against her shoulder with a grin, “Oh really? Oh how so?”
“Like this.” She replied with a matching grin, leaning forward, “Kiss me. Prove that they’re wrong and we’re right.”
“Oh I like the way you think women! 20 bucks this kiss would mean nothing.”
“Ooh a bet? Make that 25.”
“25 it is!”
Ben leaned over taking the back of her neck gentle as his hands gliding around to her cheeks. Skylar rested her face in his hands, her hands sliding down to his cheeks with the cheeky eyes that matched his. They were too excited, finally touching their lips brushing against one around to a simple one time thing. As they did, the fireworks in the sky went off.
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The kiss lasted around less than 3 seconds or so, until Ben decided to turn around and make the kiss last less than a minute. Skylar rested her head against his, pulling back for a moment with a smile and said, “So Danny and Tucker were wrong?”
“I think I will need to test out that theory again.” Ben repiled with a shrug, lacing his lips onto her with a laugh, “We’re right, they’re wrong! But they can’t know that.”
“Oh yeah! Hmm, we can still openly date whoever we want to like Riley and Johnthan?”
“Oh yeah! If not, my bedroom is right next door. I mean we’re practically dating without actually dating.”
“I think another kiss might seal the deal, we created.”
Little did they know Bonnie Wheeler was unlocking the door and walking in to grab the beer bottle since they were taking too long. She joked and grumbled, “Damn it Danny! He couldn’t have—” her eyes fell onto the balcony to see her son and practically daughter in law sharing a smooch, “—WHAT THE HELL?!”
The two heard her practically falling onto the floor, gasping and stumbling into the room, yelling out ‘MOM!’ and ‘BONNIE!’.
The paired found themselves the next time stealing kisses in secret, sharing winks and preparing the other for a date. They coined it as a open relationship, trying to not let anyone else know about this little affair. Especially Riley, because then she will tell Danny, who will in result tell Tucker.
Ben was bouncing loopy and sleepy Emma as Skyler walked out, fixing her collar for a date. It was her turn for a night out. She played around with her hair with a smile, “How do i look?”
“I would gorgeous but then i would have steal you from your date.” Ben joked, placing their daughter into the playpen before walking over to her zipping the back of the dress.
“You sure you’re okay with me going out? I could just cancel, you know?”
“No go out! I got a boy’s night planned out with Danny and Tucker here in the apartment.”
“No strip poker like last time! Tucker still mad about that.”
“In my defense, we shouldn’t have betted too high. If you need anything call me.”
She quickly peaked his cheek and walked out, earning a grin and a playful friendly catcall from the boys who walked inside. Skylar laughed twirling as she left, leaving Tucker, Danny and Ben chuckling.
The whole night went all, her date with Tad with nice meanwhile the boys played a simple game of poker. Bonnie saw Tad and Skyler out again, rolling her eyes because she saw her and Ben kissed two weeks ago—but she kept their dirty little secret to herself, knowing the others will find out soon enough.
—> The next time, Danny found out one morning. He was walking into the kitchen, greeting Emma who happily ate her cereal and Ben who sat was eating his bagel with a cup of coffee. Tucker was still snoring. The brothers chatted, joking around and figuring out their schedules for the day.
That was when Skylar walked out of the bathroom, placed a kiss on Ben’s cheeks and stealing fruit off Danny’s plate with a grin, before walking out to the bedrooms. Danny grinned, “Did she just?”
“Yup she did. She got a 100% on her art project, so that’s why she’s happy.” He replies smiling.
“Yeah that’s great, i know that! But she just kissed your cheek!”
“So what? It’s normal, right? She’s happy and so I’m happy.”
“Ohh—Holy crap, you still like Sky!”
“No I don’t!”
“Holy crap, you really do still like Sky!”
“Shut up, I don’t.”
—> Other time was Riley, catching them finding them at work behind one of the walls near the entrance chatting. She walked in ready to unwind and have a drink, stopping short turning to her left to see Ben’s hands on Sky’s shoulders with a smile. They didn’t notice her, since it looked like the pair were speaking onto something rather important.
“I’m telling you, the accident wasn’t your fault, okay?” He replied with a smile.
“It was a mishap i know! But Jonathan looked at me and then Tad saw me.” She said with a sigh.
“Hey you spooked! Same thing, happened with Angela and Riley months. I split for god’s sake.”
“That’s because your clumsy Ben and an idiot.”
“Yeah well, Riley still loved for me it.”
“Haha, you’re right. I’ll got tell them what happened.”
They walked to their separate sides of the bar. Riley was sitting at the couch, walking over to the counter to order a drink waiting, that’s when Sky scurry around the corner.
The girl smirked at her latina friend, “Sooo?”
“So what?” She asked her blonde friend, confused.
“I saw you and Ben talking, then i saw Jonathan and Tad were in the room.”
“We were just talking about me screwing up with both guys.”
“Ohh? And Ben?”
“He was reassuring me that everything is alright and Jonathan will forgive me.”
“I hope so, he’s a catch! You know, you and Ben have been rather close lately.”
Sky chuckled, “Riley, he only got eyes for you!”
“I don’t know, Sky.. what if-?” She replies with a soft chuckle.
“He loves you. I know that for a fact.”
Riley smiled, picturing her relationships with Philip vs hers with Ben. She knew she had plenty of other options and opportunities at her door.
Ben and Skylar little affair didn’t last long, they love each other but felt that they needed to explore their other options first.
Riley and Jonathan to be exact since those feelings were clear as well. So they dated their lovers, Ben and Riley’s relationship was long but felt brief but Skyler and Jonathan relationship lasted longer than expected.
However the pair broke up one night, since Jonathan wanted to see other people, as in someone named Veronica who was in her art class. Hell he was secretly trying to see her already. They may have said it was mutual break up..but it didn’t feel like it…
Skylar returned home that night, finding her daughter on the floor and sat on the couch cuddling Emma who played with her bunny. She tried not to cry but Bonnie, who was babysitting, noticed pulling the girl into a hug telling it that it will be okay.
“It’s not okay Bon-Bon! I wanted more..i thought we had something specific and special but he practically dumped me after dinner..” She explained, with tears in her eyes, “It should be me in his arms, not stupid Veronica!”
Bonnie kept in her arms, kisses her forehead, “I knew sweetie. Just let it out, some things just happen and he’s an idiot for letting you go. But hey, your talented and smart and so sweet! Any guy would love to have you..i know Ben did.”
She scoffed, “It was a fling, a small thing. We both agreed to stop it before anyone got hurt. He loves Riley.”
Bonnie winced, “Yeah he’s not only the one who loves Riley.”
“I know Danny does, i figured it so. But i want revenge on Jona…” Sky stood up from the couch, smirking she stormed into the bedroom area, “TUCKER! I need you!”
-> To say Skylar got her revenge was a understatement. Her and Tucker tricked Jonathan, giving him a temporary job at the Mary Heart Show only for it go crashing down on the man, literally.
A bucket of huge ice cold water with fish fell on him during production while the show was on the air, causing the man to run out screaming like a cartoon character in Looney Tunes.
Mary Heart got a bunch of rating for that episode and new followers for the show meanwhile Jonathan got to smell like fish for a week, and got shown in the embarrassing videos section on YouTube. It took some work but the duo got it done, even involving Danny and Bonnie to set the prank up perfectly.
It was a win win situation for Tucker and Sky. She got her revenge and selling her artwork to Mary, meanwhile he got promoted to production manger, working his way to TV producer soon. The duo high fives at their success!
Skylar’s career pretty much took off a lot further from that. She was already studying art, selling it and working at the bar with her co-workers. But since Mary loved her artwork so much and photography skills, Sky was able to get a lot more offers, putting her name out there for people to see.
Designing artwork, stylish decor for people when it came to working with Brad and Bonnie’s realtor jobs. And having her sketches be used for fashionable people in the New York industry.
It felt good, she felt like her job was being seen a lot more. Danny, Tucker and Riley even displayed her art pieces on the walls of offices, hallways, suggesting it to people they meet. Ben already had the artwork display around the bar since day one, since Skylar’s style was shown throughout The Bar when she just starting out working there.
But the question some if you may be asking. Did Ben and Sky end up together afterwards? Short answer, yes.
Long answer, it took some time to find themselves stable enough to admit how much they still love each other. But when it did happen, the pair found themselves arguing on a Saturday afternoon getting ready to close up the empty bar…
The two were in the mist of an argument, screaming, shouting to the top of their lungs and going as far to point fingers at each other.
Ben slammed the chair onto the table and had a serious look on his face, “I can’t believe you! God you’re such a liar.”
“Me?! You couldn’t care to listen to everyone, stupid!” Sky shouted, wiping the whiteboard clean and searching for new markers.
“You knew that Riley and I weren’t gonna last! You stood there like an idiot.”
“Um hello?! Danny was always in the damn picture and clearly had the hots for her. You stood there like an idiot.”
“An idiot? Me?”
“Yeah! Too blind to see the signs, Ben. Hell even Riley didn’t notice, cause both of you were on separate planets.”
He walked over waving his hand and scoffed, “Funny. I didn’t know we were playing the blind game here. Who’s next? Oh yeah, you!”
“Me?!” She scoffed this time whipping her head towards the man, “I did nothing wrong here!”
“Oh really? Let me thing, Jonathan and Tad this! Jonathan and Tad that! What about me?”
“What about you?”
“Did you forget our little affair? All the hugs, morning kisses and secret fun! We had something going on!”
“Y-you still think about that? I thought..I thought you forgot about it.”
“No of course not! It was one of the best times of my life and we stopped because we had other people in mind. I love Riley and i fought my own damn brother to have her but then you were..you came along and i messed it up!”
“Well, you were all up in Riley-town, and I was wondering around Jona-city that we didn’t bother to continue it! You wanted her Ben…then you wanted another girl afterwards. You never know what you want!”
“Yeah right, you’re right I’m sorry. I don’t always know what I want, but when I have it..I tend to lose it. A lot! I lost Riley and screwed up. Every girl i mess up relationships with. I had an affair with you and decided to stop us from having fun. But you never know what you want either..”
She sighs, “Cause I um..I can’t choose my own way to which guy I want. I had it good with Jonathan then he dumped me and I screwed it up with Tad cause I kissed his twin brother by accident. I had it and I screwed up everything! I don’t think I can ever find a guy that can keep up with me and make it work with our lives.”
The room was silent for a moment as they looked at one another, not saying a word but their eyes said it all. Every moment shared between the mishaps to the arrangements made that lead them here.
“I guess..the only girl I’m destined to be with aside from Emma, is you.” Ben confessed with a chuckle.
She blushed and smiled, “Yeah? You mean that? Because if you don’t then we will have to start this argument all over again.”
“Yeah I mean it. I’m sorry, I never went with my gut feeling in the first place.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t went straight to you about everything.”
Ben gently walked over to her and a sheepish smile, “How about we start over? Hi, I’m Ben and I think your really cute.”
“Oh my god.” She chuckled shaking her head, feeling silly.
“Come on try it! Go back to the way it was, with me.”
“The way it was. Hi I’m Skylar, do you have any idea if this bar is open?”
“Yeah I do and I know what are the specials this weekend.”
“What are the specials?”
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Ben smile grew bigger by the second, leaning his head towards her face and placed a daring kiss on her lips. Skylar chuckles grew, resting her head against his forehead and returned the soft kiss. A hand wrapped around the other, with a gentle touch and whispering mumbling only about god know what.
It felt slow, knowledgeable and gentle. Like a rather passionate peck of sweet idiotic love.
He laughed, pulling her into his arms, stumbling his back against the wall and cupped her cheeks brushed against her lips against his very own. Standing on her tippy toes, she laughed at the ridiculous jokes they made, cupping the back of neck as she placed a few smooches on him.
“Wait-wait are we really doing this? Like full on addressing this?” Sky asked with the biggest goofy grin.
“I think we are. Let’s grab a couple of beers and head over to the apartment.” Ben replies with a even bigger grin.
She grabbed his hand without a second later scurrying out the door as he rushed to grab the beer bottles and keys. The two stumbled upon the streets of New York, coming back to the apartment for quiet quality together with no interruptions, due to Bonnie watching Emma that afternoon. It also helped that Tucker was on a date, meanwhile Riley and Danny were hanging out together.
So in response, they were hushing and giggles along the way.
As for marriage and family, they got accidentally hitched in Vegas—I mean what?! No, they didn’t!
Ok byeeee!
Was this an accidental extra HUGE excuse to write for one of my fav extremely underrated sitcoms? Yes, yes it is. Anyways, i hope you like it tell me what you think about in the comments below!
Please like, share and reblog for more. Btw, you can watch ABC Family's Baby Daddy on HULU/Disney Plus! Or on Freeform.com
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @halesfavoriteharlot @rooster-84 @mallowbee4 @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @theloveoftoms @thisgirlisonfayeeer @starkleila @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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miss-spookhead · 2 years
examining the twt drafts right now
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19 notes · View notes
ichimerapunk · 5 months
Scene/ part of a story idea I want to put into a fanfic somewhere at some point
So, Danny had been staying with the Waynes. One evening without warning the GIW show up and managed to brute force their way into the manor and past Alfred just long enough to take down Danny and take off with him into one of several white vans of theirs.
The Bats, who had just left for their nightly patrol, give chase. However right before they catch up to the vans booking it out of Gotham, an 18 wheeler pulls out in front of the vans blocking their way. As several of agents pile out to confront the driver (and then pull out their guns when the truck is empty), they don’t automatically notice as the agents that were in the van containing Danny are yeeted out of the vehicle, unconscious.
The remaining agents turn in time to see what appears to be Danny being carried off by another ghost. The remaining agents pile into the remaining vans and take off down a side road to follow them. Jason and Dick are ordered to follow them. At the same time the doors of the remaining van close and Dan behind the wheel takes off.
With Sam giving directions over comms and Tucker manipulating traffic lights Dan intentionally gets as many cops as possible on his tail, driving the van just how his dad taught him in the GAV. The cops are quickly joined by Tim on his bike. During the chase Barbara manages to hack into the signals of whoever had been changing the lights and, through abnormal static, heard several voices coordinating their every move. After catching the attention of enough cops, Dan, while evading but not losing them, books it towards where the remaining vans are still chasing who they think is Danny. Dan catches up to them under an underpass/ short tunnel and uses a brief moment of being obscured by the police to wedge himself in amongst them. [Basically, take the opening chase scene from Baby Driver for the most part; I’m unashamedly taking inspiration from that.]
The vans are all unmarked and have tinted windows. The police have no way of quickly discerning which van they had been chasing down and so the now large number of police surround and forcibly stop all them. (Enjoy getting tied up with that mess for a while, agents.) As they are being stopped, Tim jumps off his bike and runs to the one he knows Danny was in only to just in time see someone that looked like Danny, but had long hair and eyes that turned from blue to red, disappear without a trace.
Above them, the two fleeing figures also disappear. Dani/Ellie* had been dressed as Danny and had been carried by a Dan duplicate. Back near where the chaos happened, Jazz slips out of her hiding spot in the shadows struggling with an unconscious and injured Danny. As soon as she slips out of her hiding spot, Batman appears having not been fooled by the distractions.  
That’s the basic rough idea of it. I don’t know if this scene sounds at all as epic and cool as I imagine it to be. I think hope it could actually be pretty cool if I can manage to write an action scene.
*Not sure which I would go with in the story
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steveseddie · 28 days
thinking about that teen wolf scene where scott and stiles realize that the darach is targeting virgins and stiles is panicking cause he’s a virgin and now i’m imagining a new upside down baddie doing human virgin sacrifices and eddie is Freaking Out and telling nancy (cause let’s face it she’d be the one to figure it out)
“you know who else is a virgin, wheeler? me. i’m a virgin, okay? and you know what that means? it means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life. okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. like, someone needs to sex me right now!”
and steve, who just walked in, goes “alright, i’ll do it” like danny did in the teen wolf scene except steve isn’t joking. he means it
and then they have sex. just to protect eddie’s life of course
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 24th:  Drama | His Kiss the Riot - Anaïs Mitchell | Magnetic a/n: steddie, pining, mutual crushes, forced proximity, the universal theater kid horror of having to hug your crush on stage [click here for the AMAZING corresponding artwork by @artbean!] read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
Community theater isn’t a far leap for Eddie Munson. 
With high school finally far behind him, he’s free to fill his time how he pleases. There aren’t many things about those four cinder block walls that he’d say he misses, but the drama of Hellfire Club makes the short list. So no, it’s not a far leap for Eddie Munson to join the local Hawkins Community Theater. 
It is, however, a moon-landing sized leap to find Steve Harrington in the small auditorium when he shows up for Grease tryouts. Sure, Grease is a little kitsch, maybe a bit too on the nose for his first local community production, but that’s all forgotten when he ends up scoring the role of Kenickie and has to rehearse opposite of Steve’s Zuko. 
Because of course Steve gets cast as Danny Zuko. 
The monsters he’d dreamed up for Hellfire Club were intimidating, but nothing is more horrifying than having to hug the guy who’d been the leading man in most of his wet dreams throughout– and admittedly, even after– high school. 
Day after day, take after take, Eddie as Kenickie asks Steve as Zuko to be his second at Thunder Road, they hug, and then pull away to fix their hair and strut off screen for the set change. Eddie can’t speak for Steve, but the flush to his cheeks and awkward hair combing is not acting. 
Rehearsal has absolutely nothing on opening night, that first time Eddie finds himself shoved into a too-tight space behind the curtain with Steve. In their haste to get out of the way, Eddie stumbles and catches himself against a wall, turning to find Steve nose-to-nose, braced on one forearm against the same wall to the left of Eddie’s head. 
Eddie swallows, harsh and thick, and releases a shaky exhale. “You good, man?” 
Steve grins and nods. “Little tight back here, huh?” 
“Terrible conditions for the leading man, I have to say.” Eddie whispers.
“Eh,” Steve starts. “I don’t think they’re that bad.” 
Eddie’s sure that he’s hallucinated the way Steve’s eyes flicker down to his lips and back up. Wayne always says that Eddie has a knack for seeing what he wants to see, after all. 
“That’s your cue,” Steve moves and jerks his head to the stage. “See you back out there, Kenickie.” The motherfucker winks and Eddie’s head spins, his lines jumbled and his steps just a bit off. 
Hawkins Community Theater’s production of Grease is a two week commitment, six shows in total, and each one gets better and better. Eddie grows more and more confident with his performance during Greased Lightning, landing his marks with ease and actively avoiding the decidedly inappropriate thoughts about Steve kneeling in front of him on the hood of the car. His chemistry with Rizzo, played by none other than Nancy Wheeler, turns into an honest to God friendship that takes them both by surprise. Hell, he’s even gotten dinner with the cast a few times. 
It’s all going smoothly, except that Eddie’s sure he’s going to die before the end of this run. Night after night, Eddie finds himself shoved up against Steve Harrington who must have some sort of bet running to see if he can get Eddie to fold. If so, he’s definitely winning. 
In the show’s final weekend, he ends up crammed between a wall and Steve behind the curtain and really, he’s just a man. How much of this can he be expected to take without his head exploding? Or his– 
“Nice job out there, Munson. Had me convinced you were actually like, flustered or whatever.” Steve whispers, his lips too close to Eddie’s skin. 
He might have imagined it, but he’s fairly certain they actually grazed the reddening tip of his ear. “Oh, are we dropping out of character now? I thought that was strictly forbidden, Zuko.” 
Steve shakes his head and leans in closer, intentionally. It has to be intentional this time, right? “It’s our final show, I think we can just be Harrington and Munson now. Or, maybe just Steve and Eddie?” 
Steve and Eddie, Steve and Eddie, SteveandEddie. 
Eddie's head buzzes, swimming in the combinations of their names. They sound good together, and he can’t be misreading this, not when Steve leans closer still, his eyes glowing with the stage light creeping behind the curtain. Their lips nearly touch when Steve speaks again, close enough for Eddie to feel 
“That’s your cue. I’m gonna miss being stuck back here with you, so let me know after the show.” 
Eddie nearly chokes and purses his lips. “Are you doing this on purpose to throw me off, Harrington?” 
“Just can’t stay away. Munson.” Steve winks again and leans back, making space for Eddie to sneak around him to take his place for the audience. 
Eddie warms beneath the bright lights of the stage, but they have nothing on the scintillating radiance of Steve’s eyes on him backstage.
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mcl4r3n · 1 year
uhhhh smutty dando celebrating silverstone 23???
When Daniel invited Lando for the weekend at his apartment, he hadn't planned for it to be a double celebration. He'd texted his boyfriend with the intention of making long, deep, filthy love to him for being a podium-sitter in Silverstone by having Lando sit on his cock until it fell off.
Which, of course, is still what's happening right now, with his hands on Lando's waist while Lando works himself into incoherence with his arms draped over Daniel's shoulders.
Except now, Lando's muttering about how they'll be on podiums together again since he's back on the grid, and—in the small moments of lucidity that Daniel has in between Lando squeezing around his dick—this is how he knows that Lando's fully in like, id-satisfaction territory, in the same place they go to when Daniel runs his mouth about fucking a baby into his very-uterus-devoid sweetheart, because Lando's crushing his balls beneath his ass and talking about Daniel getting a podium in a fucking AlphaTauri.
"Just—fuck—imagine, baby, unh—I get to do a shoey with you and you're the hero for getting that shitbox to P3."
Daniel's eyes roll to the back of his head because there's absolutely no way that's happening, but besides Lando, nothing else gets him hornier than the thought of another trophy to add to his collection.
Lando holds him close, slowing a bit so that Daniel can fuck up and grind into his prostate and use his hands to squeeze into the muscle and fat of Lando's beautiful, perky ass.
"You'd like that, yeah? You'll kiss me in front of everyone if I podium this year?"
Lando groans, clenches so tight around Daniel he's worried his dick actually will fall off, and says, "Yeah Danny. You podium this year, I'll kiss you in front of everyone. Even if it's in—fuck—fucking Abu Dhabi."
Daniel comes inside Lando that way, his eyes shutting as his orgasm comes at his chest like an 18-wheeler. Fuck. That'd be the dream.
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nagdabbit · 1 year
we collide with shoulder and steel: chapter 6/25
words: 530
rating: t, just to be safe
danny sees yuta again after seven years
also on ao3
a few days early cuz i'm gonna be out of town. this is my favorite chapter and i'm so sorry about that :D
He was at the far back of the expansive garden, where the clearing began to rise back up into a mountainside again. Where the soft, gentle green faded back into ashen dirt and bare tree branches.
Danny found him knelt before a bush of delicate, blooming lilacs.
He looked older. Despite the years that had passed, Danny expected to find the same boy. That was who he'd pictured, in all their imagined reunions. The same clean-shaven cheeks, same shaggy hair, pulled back from his face. All soft, rounded edges and bright smiles. Instead, he found a man in his place. One with a scruffy beard, hair shorter than he ever remembered it being, yet still flopping gently over his forehead. The Yuta before him was made up of long lines and sharp angles.
Creeping thyme had sprouted up around Yuta's knees, blanketing the path in delicate pink blooms. The dry, medicinal scent of spice kicked up around Danny's feet as he slowly stepped closer. 
Yuta's corner of the garden was quiet, even in the stillness of the mountain. The miles and miles of echoing silence was muted by the blooming edelweiss and yarrow, a blanket against the sparse, empty expanse. Someone had taken great care to keep the beds there tidy, where the rest of the garden was lush and overgrown, pruning back the lilacs and tending to the rosemary. He could smell sweet pea and tarragon.
It was peaceful and beautiful, where Yuta's end wasn't.
His face was turned toward the sky, a mask of pain and fear, frozen forever in cold, smooth marble. 
He'd seen many gardens in his travels, thick and crowded with all manner of berries and fruiting trees. Passed many fields of wildflowers, verdant life as far as he could see. Plains of sweet corn and wild grains, mountainsides covered with every color of granny's bonnet he could've imagined. But it had always been the beauty of a well-tended burial plot that had drawn his eye. There was something about the ferocity of a wild, ancient rose bush, a nigh-forgotten gravestone, and the care of a mourning hand. Something beautiful in that tragedy.
A cluster of delicate lilac blooms brushed the smooth, cool stone of Yuta's cheek, bobbing on a breeze too gentle for him to even notice.
Danny felt a familiar fissure open up inside his chest, a cold, gaping wound that had never quite healed right. Seven, almost eight years on, and it still felt as though his ribcage would crack open at the slightest pressure. 
He had loved Yuta dearly, just as much as he hated him for leaving. They'd always planned to leave together, return triumphant—the way so many before had failed to do. They'd done everything together, been everything to each other. The boy who survived, and the boy who'd been left behind. The boy who stayed at Danny's side, held him through the cold loneliness, carried him when the weight of hunger brought him to his knees. The boy who walked into the woods, and didn't once look back.
Danny turned away from the cold, lonely statue of Wheeler Yuta, and picked his way back toward the ruined house.
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Two Black Cadillacs Driving In a Slow Parade
Relationship: Wheeler Yuta/Bryan Danielson, Daniel Garcia/Bryan Danielson
Summary: What happens when your boyfriend finds out you’ve been lying to him for oh so long? When you’ve been cheating and now both of you know about the other? Bryan Danielson is about to find out the hard way
Tagging: @sarahcakes613 @sheinthatfandom @midniterose @rosabellebelieve
Warnings: Murder and cheating
A/N: I blame both Sarah and Loren for this trainwreck. One for putting the song out there and the other for throwing out the pairings 🙃
Work Text:
Present Day
It’s snowing and has been since the night before when Wheeler had met up one last time with Danny. He’s certain he should feel some sort of sadness for the man laying in that casket but he can’t bring himself to care. Not after what Bryan did for so long.
He feels someone squeeze his shoulder and he glances over to see Chuck standing there. “Wheeler, I’m sorry man. I know you loved him and that he loved you in return. If you need anything you know Orange, Kris and I are here.”
It takes everything in him to not laugh at the absurdity of Bryan truly loving him as much as all of his friends believe. They wouldn’t think that if they knew what Bryan had been doing for at least the last year.
6 months ago
Bryan’s phone had been going off constantly since he’d gotten home from work an hour earlier. Wheeler had about had it so the next time it rang he grabbed it to see who had been blowing his boyfriends phone up. Seeing the nickname of Dragon Slayer, he answers it and growls out a “Who is this and why have you been calling my boyfriend nonstop?”
“What do you mean boyfriend? I’m his boyfriend Danny,” and the sound of the other man’s voice stops him short.
“Well apparently Bryan has been lying to us both for awhile then. But what exactly did you need from Bryan that was so important?”
“He was supposed to have dinner with me tonight and when he didn’t show up I got worried. Look I’m sorry if I’d realized I’d have never gone out with him in the first place.”
He wasn’t surprised that there was someone else, he’d had his suspicions for a few months but hearing someone say it finally confirmed it. He wasn’t gonna cry or confront Bryan he was gonna get even. When Bryan comes back into the bedroom he acts like there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. When Bryan asks why is phones moved he just plugged it in to charge.
After Bryan kisses him good night, Wheeler starts plotting how to get even as he feels the other man getting comfortable and he’s pulled back against Bryan’s chest. He wants to pull away but he can’t without making his boyfriend suspicious. He lays there and listens to him breathe already counting down the days he has to live with this lying, cheating scumbag man he’d loved once upon a time.
Present Day
Nigel wipes a tear off his cheek as he takes his place next to Wheeler. He knows that Bryan thought the world of his boyfriend and he thinks it’s only right that he be there to comfort him. Honestly he had a feeling Bryan was doing something shady but he never imagined it would get his best friend killed not in the way he died. Not getting hit by a car and having the driver flee the scene.
He knows his best friend was a son of a bitch sometimes but no one deserves to die and no one on any planet deserves losing their boyfriend that way. As the preacher talks about the man that Bryan was and Nigel has to say he’s not too far off because he could be a great man when he wanted to be. He could also be a good friend when the mood struck him and he’s almost positive that Bryan was a good boyfriend too.
2 months ago
Wheeler put Danny’s number in his phone not long after finding out about his relationship with Bryan. They’d talked on and off for the last 4 months and tonight was the the night he was finally gonna meet the man that had gotten Bryan’s attention and his affections. He just hoped that the other man would be as receptive to getting even with Bryan in the way Wheeler was. If he wasn’t he’d have to figure something else out because Bryan wasn’t gonna get away with it and he sure as hell wasn’t gonna do it to anyone else.
From the first conversation after they found out about each other, they’d agreed to keep the charade going until they could meet face to face to discuss their shared issue.
Walking into the little Italian restaurant Danny had texted him, he goes over the details of his plan one last time before sitting down in front of his future accomplice. The other man is polite enough to allow Wheeler the time to explain everything before asking if he’s absolutely positive he wants to take Bryan out like that and to express his uncertainty about convincing their boyfriend to go to that particular diner for a late dinner.
When Wheeler tells him he’s certain, they shared a quick smile and handshake and leave it at that.
Present Day
Stepping up to say his own piece about the man who’d meant so much for so long Nigel can’t help but wipe away a few more tears before he takes his place next to Wheeler as they lower Bryan’s coffin deep grave. He’s half tempted to offer Wheeler a hug as they listen to the preacher reading the end of passage he’s chosen but he’s not sure it’d be welcomed. Instead he gets a quiet thank you and a pat on the shoulder from Wheeler as Bryan’s family proceed to drop dirt into the grave. When Wheeler steps up to drop a rose he struggles to stop himself from laughing at the smirk that Danny shoots him from the opposite side of the grave.
Together they walk away to the Cadillacs waiting for them on the gravel path. Danny stops before climbing into his own and they share one last devious smile. Together they drive away from the man they’d both loved who’d used them both.
A week and a half earlier
“Are up you absolutely positive you wanna do it this way,” Danny asks looking at Wheeler over the rim of his wineglass.
“It’s the easiest way. Any other method can be tied back to one of us and Bryan isn’t worth either of us sitting in prison for. Just make sure you aren’t in the crosswalk and I’ll do the rest,” Wheeler reassures before a sip of his own wine. “To being almost through with the lying cheating scumbag we both loved.”
Present Day
The driver asks where he wants to go and Wheeler can’t help but think of the irony of going to the same Italian restaurant where this whole plan started. The Cadillac takes a left and when Wheeler glances back he can see Danny’s own making the same turn. He thinks great minds must truly think alike and without realizing it Bryan introduced Wheeler to a new great friend.
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esxvspy · 1 year
I don’t know if anyone’s done this yet but here what I think the similarity between stranger things and evil dead rise is
So the basic premise of the movie (not counting the beginning with that blonde girl and her boyfriend) is about Beth, and she’s visiting her older sister Ellie and her three kids, two daughters named Cassie and Bridget, and her son Danny. Then the mom Ellie gets possessed and then kills/possesses Bridget and Danny, creating the evil dead ig, (I’ve never actually watched any of these movies before so I don’t know how the whole thing works lol)
First of all, the producers of the movie are the same who produce stranger things so that’s one thing
Second of all, I definitely think that the similarity is going to be something between Karen Wheeler and Ellie. I’ve seen theories about something with Joyce and hurting Jonathan or will, but I really don’t think it’s about her. Because of the three kids, two girls one boy.
We already know that the creels and the wheelers are connected somehow (Nancy getting the message, Karen’s poster despite her having the least screen time of any season she’s been in, being at the creek house in her poster, mikes parallels to Henry/vecna/one, etc) and that there’s also a theory that Alice creel is Karen wheeler. But I disagree with that theory. I saw someone mention this but what if Karen was the creeks third child. Based on Henry’s age in the flashbacks (12) and victor leaving for the war thirteen years ago, it’s likely he was the result of an affair.
And based on the wheelers having three kids as well, and Karen also (almost) cheating on her husband, it makes sense that Henry could also have a younger sister that resulted from the affair.
This is a personal theory based on the rule of genetics, not saying it’s true and I don’t have much evidence, but I think it’s possible that mike holly or both could have also been the result of an affair. Since mike has black hair and holly has blonde, but Nancy ted and Karen all have brown. It’s theoretically possible if their grandparents have blonde or black hair as well, but we haven’t seen any of their grandparents and it’s unlikely that two kids would get the recessive genes. But again that’s just food for thought.
But imagine that Henry and Karen were twins or something, bc we know that both would be roughly in their 40’s, and Karen would be the younger twin to make it fit. And then Alice creel could’ve given Karen away to someone, probably to a friend so victor wouldn’t know that she had an affair, or at least had 2 kids from the affair. It didn’t seem like he really knew about Henry in the first place though assuming he was a result of the affair.
And Henry having powers means that he probably got it from his real biological dad, which could mean Karen could possibly have powers too. Or could explain the mike having powers theory, which I wholeheartedly believe in btw.
So I definitely think that Alice and Karen are related, and I think it’s possible that Alice may be alive too, I have no evidence for that but it’s a cool idea as well. That could also go hand in hand with evil dead rise, as Beth and Ellie are sisters who see each other after a long time.
This is also 100% foreshadowing Karen getting possessed and possibly hurting her kids, like in Nancy’s vision (mom mike her and holly dying) I think that was blatantly telling us what was happening in season 5
PSA this might not be correct and I might also not have correct info bc I’m going off of memory. This is just my thoughts on the correlation between evil dead rise and stranger things 5 is.
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doublearmbars · 2 years
Loved the fic snippet! Interesting to think about how deamons would play into pro wrestling.
Please please please could you share you deamon headcanons
I'm super curious now ☺️
Sure!!! I love talking abt my ideas I’m gonna do some general stuff and then under the cut is a list of all the daemons I’ve matched so far but up here
- There’s a couple different camps in terms of daemons in wrestling: in earlier like hard kayfabe era in the states hardly anyone showed their daemon, this changes somewhat with the advent of the internet and social media making hiding your daemon harder.
- there’s some people who fully embrace their daemon as a part of the gimmick, I imagine Danhausen entering and opening his cape and his little bat flying out
- as I wrote there’s other people who prefer not to show theirs off, for any number or reasons.
- separation, while more common in the pool of people who wrestle than the rest of the population, remains sort of taboo, though people can be understanding with the nature of the job
Mox- Bulldog “Tegan”
Bryan Danielson- ball python
Wheeler Yuta- American marten “Andi”
Claudio- Lucerne gold collar dove
Danny Garcia- tarantula hawk wasp
Eddie Kingston-hyena “Lola”
Orange-ginger kitty “Julius”
Chuck- I’m always torn between a black bear and the most average medium sized dog you can imagine
Trent- green anole. Hear me out. Lizard that does push ups.
Kris- American alligator
Hangman- collie mix “Goldenrod”
Danhausen- hoary bat “Pantaleon”
MJF- sand cat (I like it contrasting his lion tatt and lion imagery with a cat that is much smaller but also much more effective as a predator than a lion)
Rey Fenix- domestic shorthair cat white with brown tabby patches
Penta- black jaguar
Pac- river otter
Matt and Nick intentionally obfuscate whose daemon is whose, partly because they’re brothers and they’re that comfortable handling the literal embodiment of their souls.
Matt- Jackrabbit “Reese”
Nick- ringtail “Eloise”
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sibsteria · 2 years
New Masterlist 2022
The Umbrella Academy
Ben Hargreeves
Devotion* Damage Control [part two]
Misha Collins
The French Mish-take
The French Mish-take
Harry Osborn
Imagine Peter walking in on you and Harry…[blurb]*
Peter Parker
none yet
Marcus White
Sworn to Secrecy*
Phenomenon, Part 2
Dad Marcus HC’s
NSFW hc’s
Fog and Clouds Prologue One
Jonah Simms
NSFW hc’s
mini series Two Brunettes and a Boyle [2] [3] [4]
Garrett McNeill
none yet
Baby Daddy
Danny Wheeler
Erogenous Rapture*
Ben Wheeler
none yet
Bottomless Chasm
Impractical Jokers
Brian Quinn
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
mini-series Two Brunettes and a Boyle [2] [3] [4]
Fog and Clouds Prologue One
Spencer Agnew
Editor to Editor
Ian Hecox
none yet
Noah Grossman
none yet
Joe Bereta
none yet
none yet
The Batman
Moon Knight
Steven Grant
Steven ‘’An Empath’’ Grant*
Marc Spector
Steven ‘’An Empath’’ Grant*
Jake Lockley
none yet
Bam Margera
needy sex hc’s
jealous/possessive sex hc’s
Shock Value Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Johnny Knoxville
Shock Value Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Cat’s Out
NSFW hc’s
Chris Pontius
NSFW hc’s
Norman Osborn
none yet
Otto Octavius
none yet
Peter Parker
none yet
Harry Osborn
none yet
Jerome Valeska
none yet
Ed Nygma
none yet
Oswald Cobblepot
none yet
Barbara Kean
none yet
Harvey Dent
none yet
Harvey Bullock
none yet
Jervis Tetch
none yet
Jonathan Crane
none yet
Jeremiah Valeska (pre!spray)
none yet
Victor Zsasz
none yet
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Hurt - Danny Wheeler
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Pairing: Danny Wheeler x Reader
Characters: Danny Wheeler
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 603
Author: Hannah
Ever since you started dating Danny, you had supported him non-stop.
It was no secret that Danny was prone to getting hurt during games, he got so into the game and that’s all he could focus on.
Being engaged to Danny meant that you were at every single one of his games, no matter what, but that also meant that you would be there to clean him up whenever he got hurt.
Danny hadn’t gotten hurt for a while, but that was because the season ended, and he hadn’t played a proper game in closed season.
It was the first game of the season, and the team always got there a few hours early to warm up and such.
You had decided against going with him, it’s not that you didn’t want to go but you needed to clean the apartment as none of the boys were going to do it, so you opted to stay home for a bit.
After finishing cleaning, you made your way up to the stadium and went to the changing rooms.
Danny always ensured that the security knew who you were and let you see him; he was adamant that he couldn’t do well if he didn’t see you prior to every game.
The security guard smiled at you as you showed him your pass, before pushing the door open to see the players all doing their own thing.
As you scanned the room, your eyes met with your fiancé’s and he smiled at you. “Hey Baby,” he greeted you once you reached him.
“How’re you feeling?” you asked, standing in between Danny’s legs and him placing his hands on your waist.
Danny sighed a little. “I don’t know, it’s the first game back and I just don’t want to mess up,” he admitted to you.
You moved closer and wrapped your arms around Danny’s neck.
Danny smiled down at you, squeezing your waist out of affection.
“Don’t be nervous; you have been training like crazy and all you have talked about for the past two weeks is the new season,” you explained which made Danny smile again. “Take it from the girl you’re going to marry, you’ll rock it” you told him.
After your tiny pep talk, it was time for the game, so you were now watching the team out on the ice, getting slammed here, there and everywhere.
You had missed watching Danny in action, but you hadn’t missed watching him get slammed into the surroundings or into his team mates and his opponents.
Before you knew it, Danny was down, and the crowd was yelling at him to get up.
It was different to many other times though; his team mates were crowding him to see if he was okay and even the coach looked worried.
It was strange to you because the coach practically never looked worried with Danny.
You got up as soon as Danny was taken to the tunnel. You ran down to the changing room, and once you were in there you saw the physio standing over Danny who was on an examination table.
“Hey Baby,” he greeted you, just like he did earlier, but this time he was grimacing in pain.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to him. “What did you do this time?” you asked with a sigh.
“He was talking about you! What was I supposed to do? Let him disrespect my future wife?” he explained, with the occasional glare at the physio who was trying to help.
You just rolled your eyes in response, but secretly you were happy that Danny defended you.
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“Can you believe it? Our own little family.”
[Requested by anon]
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
follow everyone of these authors because they’re amazing at what they write. also like and comment on those fics because they deserve it!
also I’ve just finished season 4 volume one and I’ve decided to read some fics!
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don't you (forget about me) ➵ @starberryes
summary ➵ you've always thought steve harrington was a weirdo. when you find out you might be in terrible danger, he might be just what you need.
always be my baby ➵ @danny-cordray
summary ➵ watching your best friend constantly flirting with every girl he meets is very upsetting to you, and you can't figure out why.
new week ➵ @heartburriedinvenice
summary ➵ in which you just want to rent Back to the Future but every week it has already been rented and every time you come back to check Steve Harrington says it will be back. . . next week and for some reason, you still believe him. orin which two lovesick idiots have to make stupid excuses to talk to each other.
k ➵ @maxmybeloved
summary ➵ steve realizes what's been in front of him the whole time
the thin line between love and hate ➵ @sortagaysortahigh
summary ➵ y/n y/l/n and steve harrington weren’t enemies, not in the way that most people assumed. 
first time ➵ @notrattus
summary ➵ losing your virginity to steve harrington
our kids ➵ @cosmicloki
summary ➵ steve feels a strange, totally new ‘thing’ when he sees you interacting with the kids, making him imagine things he shouldn’t just yet and unintentionally blurts out something you shouldn't hear just yet.
unearned confidence ➵ @sharpsapphic666
summary ➵ steve harrington doesn’t get all those girls for nothing and you discover what keeps them all coming back for more
7 minutes in heaven ➵ @hawkins-losers
summary ➵ steve tries to be more responsible and get to work on time, but you turn his plans and make him late
your name, forever the name on my lips ➵ @hawkins-losers
summary ➵ you and steve share a moment - and a kiss - after helping him get a spider out of his hair
don’t mess with my man ➵ @hawkins-losers
summary ➵ when a new kid arrive in Hawkins, someone’s gotta put him back in his place - but that someone is not steve harrington
from hate to love there is only one step ➵ @amysangel
summary ➵ steve and y/n used to hate each other, but after she gets hurt the phrase from hate to love there is only one step never made more sense.
edge of seventeen ➵ @mrsharrington83
summary ➵ y/n gets possessed by vecna (reader is dustin's older sister)
just hold me ➵ @masterkenobi
summary ➵ your new nightmares cause you to distance yourself from your boyfriend while he’s still healing from the wounds that could’ve killed him. steve isn’t going to let you though, and begs you to spend the night with him.
paddles and purists ➵ @foreverindreamlandd
summary ➵ steve begrudgingly goes with dustin to drop off severely overdo books, but when he sees you lingering between the shelves, he quickly realizes that libraries aren't as lame as he thought. but can he keep his favorite librarian safe when Hawkins is under attack a third time?
tell me you love me ➵ @ladylannisterxo
summary ➵ a heated argument leaves you standing alone when steve slams the door behind him. you're not certain when he'll be back but you're determined to remind him just how much you truly love him when he does.
time after time ➵ @badfictionalhabits
summary ➵ you're apart of the gang and are in a relationship with Steve. The timeline is shabby but it takes place when the gang are at the Wheeler's house and its the morning after Max survives Vecna's attack.
bike riding ➵ @peterparkergirlfriend1
summary ➵ reader doesn't know how to ride a bike. the kids teach her, and steve can't take how fucking cute you are
we’ll be ok ➵ @quin-ns
summary ➵ steve is injured while half of the hawkins team is stuck in the upside down and finds comfort in y/n.
loving you is easy ➵ @finalgirleddiemunson
summary ➵ steve sometimes needs to be reminded that real love comes without conditions.
best thing i ever had ➵ @hairrington
summary ➵ when you dive into the terrifying depths of lovers lake, you expect to feel the usual when it comes to your recently dangerous adventures: worry, regret, and a big dose of fear. but when you notice the man you're falling for getting smitten with his ex, you realize even envy can be felt in the upside down.
without a clue ➵ @hairrington
summary ➵ steve is into you. really, really into you. the only problem is that everybody seems to know it but you. it’s not until you get dragged into the upside down that you finally start to see just how much he cares about you.
you’re a badass ➵ @beautecus
summary ➵ billy being an asshole & threatening lucas/reader, reader standing up to billy, protective!steve(ish), fluff, lumax.
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deathbecomesitself · 2 years
Note: This is my new account! I lost my old one: Deathbecomesit
This is my slasher/horror fanfic page. A little haven for my creative mind and darker creations!
Taking Requests as of now!
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About Me:
I am currently an 18 year old spook, I go by any/all pronouns! I do not have a preference and I don’t mind whatever y’all refer me to!
My Wattpad . Please do not repost my writing without credit or my knowledge!
I’m an artist, there will be art here and there! I hope y’all love it.
I naturally write SFW, as it’s what I’m accustomed to. HOWEVER, If requested or desired I will happily write NSFW.
My writings vary from one-shots to stories! As well as HC, including Imagines, etc.
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Please be aware that these material will have warnings given, as you know yourself the best and what you and cannot handle. For the darker and Nsfw pieces of this channel, if you wish to read it, go ahead! I won’t shun you or anything since I cannot tell you what to do but only advise.
If at any point in time, you feel a certain way, just stop reading. You can stop and click away or just block me! I want everyone to be comfortable and happy.
I am restarting my blog here as stated previously, I am still quite new to this haha. I will be writing for fictional killers, horror related things and OCs. So do expect some darker themes. I’ll tag them to the best of my abilities, I’m still learning lol-
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Currently writing for:
•”The House of Wax”: Bo and Vincent Sinclair
•"Halloween": Michael Myers (1978 and 2018)
•"Friday the 13th": Jason Voorhees
•"Scream": Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
•"Nightmare on Elm Street": Freddy Krueger
•"Bride of Chucky": Tiffany Valentine and Charles Lee Ray
•"Hannibal /Series/": Hannibal and Will Graham
•"My Bloody Valentine": Harry Warden
•"The Boy": Brahms Heelshire
•"It": Pennywise (2018)
•"Chainsaw Massacre": Thomas Hewitt and Bubba Sawyer
•"Outlast-Series": Eddie Gluskin, The Walrider, Chris Walker and Val.
•"Dead by Daylight": The Trickster, Legion, The Pig, Ghostface /Danny Johnson/, The Trapper, The Wraith, Huntress, Spirit, Oni, The Cenobite /Elliot/, The Executioner /Pyramid Head/, Nemesis and The DeathSlinger. (Michael is Included here as well ^^)
•"Dead by Daylight": Steve Harrington, Leon S. Kennedy, Cheryl Mason, Jake Park, Felix Richter, Quentin Smith, Nancy Wheeler, Ash J. William, David King. (Laurie is included here as well ^^)
•"Halloween": Laurie Strode (1978 and 2018)
•"Outlast": Miles Upshur, Waylon Park.
(Original Characters) /Various fandoms-crossovers/
•"Bioshock": Deuce "Bubba" Ortega /The Big Brother/
•"Creepy Pasta": Judas Vonbite /The Stalker/, Jasper SoulEater /TearDrop/
•"Scream": Quentin "Requiem" Diaz /Ghostly/
•"Slasher/Dbd": Jackayl Harley "Diablo" Diaz Ortega /The Grimm Horror/. Mister J /The Widower/
This is subject to change!
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(Winter Wonderland)
• Christmas with the Slashers (1/2)
• Christmas with the Slashers (2/2)
• Christmas Shopping: Michael Myers x GN! Reader
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What I do NOT write for:
•NSFW involving Minors! (Only fluff/family/Platonic!!!)
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