#dark!damon salvatore
cherienymphe · 8 months
Haunted (Damon Salvatore x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, MURDER, compulsion, blood, stalking, abusive relationship, domestic violence
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies ​
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summary: If you'd known that your ex-boyfriend was a vampire, you would've gotten a stake instead of a restraining order.
You patted your face dry with the small hand towel, basking in the silence that surrounded you. It was the silence of a home that belonged entirely to you, occupied with no one else but you. You weren’t concerned with who was standing over your shoulder nor whose face would greet yours in the reflection when you looked up.
When you walked out of the bathroom, there was no surprise guest waiting for you by the door…or on your bed.
You liked to think that you were always a good judge of character. You always made good and trustworthy friends, always avoided conflict with wicked people, and even picked boyfriends that treated you nothing less than decent. Every single one had been perfect, and the only thing that contributed to the downfall of your relationships was nothing more than maturity and growing apart.
Then Damon happened.
He was everything you always avoided. Devilishly handsome—the kind that drove girls to lose all common sense—, hedonistic to a fault, and mysterious in ways that grew less sexy and more concerning over time. That crooked smile of his went from mischievous to nerve-wracking. His knack for knowing where you seemed to be at all times morphed from caring to worrying.
Damon looked like the devil come to earth…and he slowly started to feel that way too.
You stared out of your window with your hands at your side, dismayed at how you of all people ended up in such a situation. Gone were the days where you always wanted to be around him and soon came the days where you were scrambling for just five minutes away from him. There was a time where you thought you’d never get that again…but here you were…back home…
…and safe.
Mystic Falls was small and quaint and quiet. Granted, you hadn’t been home in years, but upon returning, it was like nothing had changed. Your house was still the same, your cousin and great aunt were still the same, and you felt more at peace with one foot into the town than you had in almost a year. It wasn’t until you were finally away from him did you realize just how much Damon had drained you.
He took up so much of your time that you’d been driven to drop out of school with only another year left. You’d been too overwhelmed, and unable to pinpoint the exact problem at the time, you’d broken down in class and came to the conclusion that college was the problem when in actuality…the problem was the raven-haired man who shadowed your every footstep.
You looked down at your wrists, recalling the way he used to wrap his hands around them when he wanted your full attention. That was something he seemed to hate, how much he could never fully hold your attention. How your every waking thought wasn’t consumed with him.
Damon absolutely hated not being the center of your universe. He hated when you’d call your cousin or great aunt to see how they were doing. He hated when you went out with your friends after class. He hated when he’d call or come by, and you were otherwise occupied. It had seemed like he wanted you to sit around twiddling your thumbs with nothing to do but wait for him.
You’d thought it was cute at first, that he was just so enamored with you that he wanted to spend all his free time with you, but then… Then you saw it for what it was, most especially when he’d snatched your arm one day, forcing you to pause in your phone call. It happened so suddenly, and you’d been in shock, but your incredulous stare had done nothing to deter him.
“Sweetheart…I had plans to take you out.”
He’d said it in that smooth baritone of his, the kind that made your knees weak, and instead of holding your resolve, you’d actually given in. You had actually felt bad for holding him up and ruining his surprise, profusely apologizing before bidding your cousin goodbye. He hadn’t let you go once that night, and if you’d been concerned by it—something you couldn’t even recall—it had definitely been long gone by the end of the night.
Damon had a way of making you overlook every concerning detail, especially when he was kissing you and playing your body so well that it seemed like you’d been dating for years instead of less than seven months. Whenever you closed your eyes, it was easy to recall the feel of his soft lips gliding down your stomach, his nimble fingers sliding into you, his hips pressing against yours as he filled you up.
It was all a distraction, a pretty package to hide his true nature.
Even though you were hundreds of miles away, far away from your ex-boyfriend, a shudder still passed through you at the mere thought of him. You stared out into the night with your arms wrapped around yourself, teeth sinking into your lip. You flexed your wrist, still surprised at what it felt like to not hurt after all this time, and you took a step back away from the window.
Your eyes strayed to the lock, confirming that it was locked, and you slowly made your way downstairs. Despite the fact that you knew they were, you still wanted to make sure that both doors were locked too. Damon was far away, and even if he wasn’t, your restraining order made sure he would stay that way, but something in you couldn’t hold off the feeling that he was just over your shoulder.
You didn’t think Damon would ever go through such lengths, but there had also been a time where you didn’t think he’d ever show up at your door again after you’d blatantly broken up with him. You didn’t think there’d be a time where he sprained your wrist. You never imagined a day would come where you’d make your way down to the police station and have to plead your case about getting a protective order.
In truth, you still didn’t know how you’d been granted it. One minute they’d been adamantly against it because Damon hadn’t done anything to you that you could prove, and the next, you’d been staring at a piece of paper that said if he came within a certain distance of you, he’d be arrested.
You made your way up your stairs with a small sigh, chest feeling heavy no matter how many times you exhaled. You glanced over your shoulder on your way up, gaze lingering on the front door as if some entity from the other side was willing you to open it. With a shudder, you turned back around and locked yourself in your bedroom.
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The cool Virginia air was almost biting as you deposited your groceries in your car. As convinced as you were that you hated the cold, you missed it infinitely when you were away. You had longed for the comforts of home a lot, but more so when deep in the toxic cycle of your relationship. You had never longed for home more than when Damon was cornering you and intimidating you with those icy blue eyes of his.
You paused at the thought, hand on your car as one incident in particular came to mind. You struggled to swallow at the memory, almost able to feel the gentle brush of his nose against yours as he leaned in and asked if you were stupid. The words alone had been insulting, tears springing to your eyes at the sound of Damon talking to you in such a way.
However, the true hurt set in when his hand had pressed into the wall next to your head, completely trapping you. He wouldn’t let you leave, and anytime you’d moved to one side, he would be there…blocking your way, blue eyes staring you down. It was one of the first moments you’d been scared of Damon, and instead of recognizing that for the true sign that it was, you only wrote it off as a once off.
A honking horn pulled you from your thoughts, and you flinched, startled by the sound.
You glanced over to see that someone had almost hit someone else in the street, one of the two clearly not paying attention to the other. You stared at the cars for a moment more before glancing up. You were just about to slide into your own vehicle when your eyes passed over something scarily familiar. Or…
Perhaps someone was a more fitting word.
You glanced up again, but your gaze landed on nothing. There was no one standing across the street in the square even though you’d been absolutely sure of what you saw. The longer you stared, it was like you were trying to will yourself to see what you swore you just saw, but no familiar fair skinned figure appeared. No man with dark hair and hypnotizing blue eyes was in sight, and you stood there for a few seconds more before finally sinking into your car.
Your fingers were tight on the wheel the whole way to your house, and you didn’t realize just how badly you’d spooked yourself until you were parked and unloading your car. Your house wasn’t out in the middle of nowhere or outskirts of town, but the dense woods faced you, and as you carried groceries back and forth from the car to the house, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being…watched.
You stood at your door with your last groceries in hand, staring out before you with a small frown. It was late in the evening, and while the sun hadn’t disappeared completely, it was threatening to. Your town was no stranger to the odd string of animal attacks here and there, and it was that thought that forced you into the house, turning the lock shut behind you.
The silence that met you was as welcoming as it always was now.
Dinner was quick to make, and your shower was even quicker to take, towel securely wrapped around you as you stepped out of the bathroom. You faced your window when you came out, and you stopped short at the sight of a crow perched on the sill. You tightened your fingers in your towel, clutching it to you as you stared at the dark bird.
Your brows slowly furrowed with a frown.
You were working hard to remember if it was normal for crows to be out at night, and despite the fact that a singular bird was of no consequence to you, you still couldn’t shake the feeling its mere presence was…off. Pulling your gaze away, you dropped your towel and threw on a t-shirt. One deep inhale told you that it was one of Damon’s old shirts, and you were tempted to rip it off, throw it in the garbage even, but the smell of a scent you hadn’t inhaled in ages gave you pause.
How was it possible to miss someone who was so horrible to you?
Refusing to linger on what that meant, you quickly made your way downstairs to eat. You replied to a few of Bonnie’s texts, telling her you might come by tomorrow or another. It had been a good week or so since you’d last seen her, and you were feeling like a bad cousin. You weren’t of the right mind to explain your odd behavior and reclusive habits as of late. You wondered if you ever would be.
You were washing and drying your dishes when something out of the ordinary made you blink.
You lifted your eyes, startled by the sight of a familiar face faintly appearing in the glass. The sight had the plate slipping from your fingers, and you only tore your eyes away when the sound of breaking glass reached your ears. You quickly glanced down, taking in the sight of your unblemished feet before glancing back up.
The only face that stared back at you was yours.
You felt paralyzed, lips parting and chest heaving as you just…stared at the window. The more you stared, the crazier you felt, and you pressed your hand to your forehead. Your heart wouldn’t stop racing no matter how hard you tried to make it so. Your lips were parted in dismay, and you slowly dropped a hand to press it to your chest.
With trembling hands and legs, you slowly knelt down.
You were so sure… You had been certain, in fact… Damon’s face had been clear as day in your kitchen window, and yet in the blink of an eye, it was gone just as quickly. You knew that you were quite literally driving yourself insane, and you struggled to clean up your glass. Once your mess was clear, you quickly closed the kitchen window curtain, blinking back tears.
You trekked back to your room in a daze, and you made sure to lock your bedroom door once you were inside.
You thought to yourself that sleep could not find you fast enough, but sleep was not the escape you thought it would be.
Your dreams—or nightmares rather—were filled with familiar pink lips and cruel blue eyes. Damon’s mouth covered your own even when you struggled for air. His hands ran over you, and his fingers kneaded into your skin. It started out as nice as it once did, but just like your relationship, it quickly morphed into something sinister. The pink of Damon’s lips were replaced with the red of blood, the color smearing all over you as he kissed you wherever he desired.
The gentle touch of his hands became painful, sharp pains flaring in your sides and arms as he held you down. The loving roll of his hips turned into something violent and assaulting, forcing screams from your lips and tears from your eyes. No matter how much you begged, it was as if your pleas fell on deaf ears, and your only escape was in the waking world.
Darkness greeted you when you sat up in bed, eyes wide and lips parted as you gasped for breath. Despite the cold weather outside and the blasting A/C inside, your skin was dewy with sweat. You quickly kicked the covers off of you, pressing your hand to your chest and wiping your face with the other. It all felt too real, and your entire body shook—enough to shake the bed too.
Your gaze traveled over your room, and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at the shadowy outline by your door. A scream escaped your lips, and you scrambled to turn on the light, no relief filling you when no one was there. You only stared at where you could’ve sworn someone was standing, throat tightening and tears escaping.
You pulled your trembling lip between your teeth, just staring at the empty space where someone once was—had to be. You stared at the space for what felt like too long before finally pulling your gaze away, slowly bringing your knees up to your chest and wrapping one arm around them. Your other hand pressed to your forehead, eyes squeezing shut as you fought against the idea that you were going crazy, but you had to be.
Damon was far away and wouldn’t be coming for you. It was so likely that he’d moved on already, long found someone else to replace you and torment. That thought was equally terrifying and comforting, and you sniffed. Once you started, you couldn’t stop, and the tears kept coming. You didn’t want to accept it…
…but you were starting to think that Damon had truly driven you insane.
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“You’ve been back home for a little over a month, and I’ve seen you twice,” Bonnie told you with a tilt of her head. “You need to visit more.”
“I know,” you sighed as she walked you to the door. “Unpacking and all that…”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her you were plagued with thoughts and dreams and visions of a dark-haired tormentor. Damon was everywhere you looked, and in your efforts to avoid him in your dreams, sleep was something you ran from these days. However, he found a home out of the corner of your eye and in window reflections instead. It was haunting, and that bird…
That damn bird.
It cawed at you in the early hours of the morning, and what you’d once written off as a curious creature quickly turned into a terrifying symbol. Something about that crow reminded you of Damon, dark and unmoving and always watching. Every time you tried to shoo it away, it never moved, never even flinched. It was completely unafraid of you…
Like someone else you knew.
You had begun to dread it’s very presence, turning your back to it once settled in bed.
“Well, if you need help taking out all your things, you know I’m happy to help,” she offered with a small frown.
“I appreciate the offer, but…I’m basically done, now,” you lied.
The other girl pouted a bit but accepted your response. When she reached out to touch you, her bare hands landing on the skin of your arms, she froze. Her eyes widened as she looked up at you, fingers pressing into your arms as she swallowed, your gaze drawn to the action. You hadn’t ever seen that look on Bonnie’s face before, expression stricken and face losing all its color.
“Are you…okay…?”
You blinked at her at that, your turn to frown, now. Bonnie suddenly shook her head as if clearing her thoughts.
“I…I’m sorry, I… Grams has been up to her normal tricks again, and she…”
The look on Bonnie’s face gave you pause. You knew how kooky your great aunt could be, and the family entertained her because it was nothing more than good natured fun, but the severity in Bonnie’s voice had you seriously holding her gaze.
“What…? What is it?”
She looked disturbed.
“You just…you just feel so cold…and not like you’re cold, but like you’re…empty of all warmth.”
Your face fell.
“Of all life.”
You slowly pulled away at that, unsure of what to say and only able to settle for laughing it off. Bonnie didn’t really join in, and you ignored her weak attempts to get you to stay, to keep you from going home.
“Bonnie, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” you reassured her.
Her expression wasn’t one of agreement, but she eventually let your hand go, albeit reluctantly.
“Just…call me as soon as you get home, okay?” she urged.
You promised her that you would, trying to assure her with your eyes that everything would be fine as you made your way to your car. Her wave back lacked enthusiasm, and you tried not to linger on that as you drove back home. It was dark when you parked in your driveway, and you made sure to be brisk when you got out of your car.
Like before, the imposing presence of the dense woods made your body buzz with energy—with adrenaline. Your hands shook as you struggled to find your house key. You felt clumsier than normal, heart beginning to race beneath your chest. You swore you heard a branch or something snap, and you fought the urge to look over your shoulder, only focused on the keys in your hand.
You only just touched the right one when the entire keychain slipped from your fingers.
The sound of it hitting the concrete seemed so loud, and you felt a chill pass through you at the sight of it at your feet. With a brief pause, you bent down to get it, feeling a warmth in your back that you’d only felt in the presence of one other person. With your fingers on the key, you didn’t hesitate to rise to your feet and unlock the door. A cool breeze passed by you, and the shiver to crawl up your spine somehow felt like it was from more than that.
You practically stumbled inside of your house, tripping across the threshold, and you only spun around once you were inside, shocked at the sight before you.
Only your car, your yard, and the trees greeted you.
Your hand was on the door, the other hanging limply at your side. Your yard was completely empty of anyone, most of all who you feared the most, and you swallowed. Your gaze moved from side to side, tilting your head this way and that, completely shocked with the realization that it was all in your head. Even with this truth staring you in the face, you couldn’t stop yourself from shaking.
Not even when you shut the door and pressed your back to it.
You felt too hot, blood pumping too fast in your body, and with a shuddering exhale, you forced yourself to go upstairs and shower, hoping it would solve your problems for the night.
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The blaring sound of your car alarm was what forced you out of your sleep. It was hard to discern what the noise even was at first. After all, you could count the number of times on one hand someone had actually set it off. You rubbed your eyes while struggling to sit up, the annoying sound of the alarm only making you more irritated when combined with your lack of sleep.
It took nothing at all to find your keys on your nightstand and shut it off, and the night was bathed in silence once again. The silence felt so loud though, and for a moment, you almost wished your alarm would sound again. You slowly started to relax when you jumped, the sound of your car alarm filling the room once again. This time you did get up, and you stared down into the yard as you clicked the button.
Silence met you, and the yard was bathed in darkness once more. You stared down into the darkness, wondering what kind of animal could be hitting against your car with that much force. There was a sinister thought in that back of your mind that it was no animal at all, and you struggled to force it away. No. Damon would never…
Even if you wanted to be conceited for all of five minutes, logically, why would Damon follow you here? Why would he come after you? It had been a good month since you saw him before you finally came back home, relaxed in the thought that the restraining order had clued him in on how serious you really were. It made no sense for Damon to still be chasing after you, and yet…
As you stared down into your yard, casting your eyes this way and that for any sign of the man who still haunted your dreams, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he was out there. No shape seemed out of place and no shadow stood out to you as unordinary, but you could not shake that feeling that he was staring right back at you…and you didn’t even know it.
Closing the curtain and backing away, you gently dropped your keys back onto the nightstand. Yu clutched your sheet just under your chin as you stared up at the ceiling, laying straight on your back and as stiff as a board. The house felt too quiet, now, and that silence that you’d grown to love only served to torment you, now.
You flinched when something hit your window hard, a familiar caw reaching your ears, and you slowly sat up. Your eyes widened a tad at the sight of that dark bird through the curtain, and you remembered finally reading something the other day that crows were not typically nocturnal. The sight of it stirred something so negative in you that you couldn’t even look at it, turning and facing the wall.
It cawed again, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Something about this just wasn’t right. You didn’t know how but all of this felt off somehow, and you squeezed your eyes tighter as the bird’s sound reached your ears again. A few tears passed through, escaping your tightly shut eyes, and you pulled your sheet over your head. Lick clockwork, that crow would caw every hour or so, and the silence in between was spent staring into the darkness instead of actually sleeping, just knowing it was there and waiting for it to sound again.
Your lack of sleep was commented on the next day.
“It’s just taking some getting used to, being back in my old house and all that,” you softly said, waving Bonnie and Caroline off.
You remembered Caroline Forbes from when you were younger, the blonde girl barely pushing the age of five then. She was just as talkative and lively as you remembered. You also remembered an additional girl to complete the trio, and Caroline excitedly hummed.
“Elena is off on a weekend trip with her boyfriend. Stefan Salvatore,” she told you, and the way she said his name told you all you needed to know about what he looked like. “I would be so jealous if I hadn’t already had the other brother. Been there, done that.”
She made a face that clued you in on how that had ended.
“It lasted all of three months before he decided he was tired of me and took off,” she scoffed. “I want no parts of that family.”
Bonnie hummed in agreement.
“Damon was way too old for you anyway, Caroline. He’s like…Y/N’s age, and that would be like her dating Jeremy.”
They both made pinched faces, disgusted with the thought, and you were inclined to agree when you suddenly frowned. You blinked, turning to look at Bonnie as the name that came out of her mouth finally registered. You felt your heart sink, and feeling your eyes on her, Bonnie turned to look at you.
“Did you say…Damon?”
“Yeah, Damon. Stefan’s brother. I don’t think you ever met him,” she added. “He came back to town a good year after you left, and he left…maybe three years ago?”
“With barely a goodbye,” Caroline mumbled, and it was easy to tell she was still rightfully bitter about the whole thing.
You told yourself that it was a coincidence, but you recalled Damon’s mysterious nature, the lack of information he ever gave up about his personal life. Although the one thing you did know was that he was from Virginia too…and you told yourself that it was nothing more than a coincidence. It had to be.
You grew quiet, Bonnie and Caroline none the wiser to your silent disposition. You took a sip of your drink, glancing around The Grill. It was a Friday night, and it was packed like any other Friday night. Adults and teenagers alike were hanging out at the one hot spot in town, and when your gaze glided over the bar, a familiar pair of blue eyes connected with yours.
You bumped Bonnie when you jumped, and you were quick to turn and apologize to her after your drink spilled some. She didn’t take offense, seemingly more concerned for you than anything else, and you assured her you were fine, heart racing as you turned back towards the bar. Your eyes passed up and down it at least a few times, but Damon was nowhere in sight, and you set your drink down.
You pressed your hand to your forehead, wondering if you had too much to drink. You knew that wasn’t true. You’d barely had two glasses of beer, and you closed your eyes. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, breathing in through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. You only opened your eyes when Bonnie touched your arm, Caroline now quiet too.
“I think I’m gonna head home,” you suddenly said, standing and grabbing your purse.
“Oh, okay.”
You hated the disappointment you heard in Bonnie’s voice as you searched your purse for some cash.
“I’m just not feeling the best. I shouldn’t have come, but I really wanted to see you guys,” you honestly told her.
Bonnie smiled at that.
“You really shouldn’t have. You can always see us. You need to be getting more rest,” she advised.
You agreed, throwing some cash on the table.
“By the way, Grams is going to make you more of those cookies she always used to send you. I told her that you ran out weeks ago, and she freaked. Demanded to know why I hadn’t told her sooner,” she chuckled.
“Ooh is that like some witchy thing?” Caroline wondered, wiggling her fingers.
You and Bonnie rolled your eyes, loathe to admit how right Caroline was.
“She swears that they protect Y/N and brought her good luck while she was away,” the brunette told her.
“I don’t have the heart to tell her she should probably find a new recipe,” you mumbled with a shake of your head.
If they knew the things you’d been through with Damon, they’d know that those cookies hadn’t done a thing to help you. You waved them both goodbye, keys in hand as you walked out the door. You learned your lesson from last time, keeping the one you needed directly between your fingers to save less time. However, smart thinking would never trump clumsiness, and you cursed when your keys hit the pavement. You were thankful that you were just at your door though, bending down to pick them up…
When another hand beat you to it.
It startled you, and a nervous thank you was just on the tip of your lips…when you lifted your eyes.
Damon was even prettier than you remembered. Skin perfect and unblemished, eyes a crystalline blue that didn’t look real, and hair as dark as the night sky behind him. You thought you were imagining things at first, as you had been for a good month, now, and you slowly forced yourself to stand. You couldn’t find any words to say, just staring at him and trying to figure out if this was another trick of your mind. The faint noise of the people standing outside The Grill just across the street faded into the background as he moved…and handed you your keys.
Your lips parted, a gasp escaping when his fingers brushed against your skin as he laid them in your palm. You stared down at them for a few seconds before lifting your gaze again, heart stuttering and skipping beats as it registered within your mind. He was real, he was really here in Mystic Falls, and you couldn’t even decide on what to feel.
Damon’s blue eyes fell to your chest, right where your heart was as if he could hear it, and you blinked.
You almost whispered his name, too afraid to say it too loudly.
“You… I have a restraining order,” you finally remembered, frowning at him.
He didn’t respond at first, merely tilting his head to the side as he drank you in. You’d grown to hate that gesture, the act nothing more than an indication of the condescending thoughts running rampant in his mind. When he looked at you like he was looking at you now, it used to make you feel cute.
Now, it just made you feel stupid.
“How does it feel to be back home?”
He completely ignored you, and you clenched your keys in your hand.
“To catch up with the family and the friends,” he drawled, doing that thing with his eyes that made your heart jump. “Unpacking in that big ole house by your lonesome?”
Your frown deepened at his words.
“You know…”
He leaned over, resting his arm on the top of your car, propping his head up with his hand.
“When you broke up with me, I didn’t quite believe you,” he admitted.
“I know,” you whispered, recalling the day he’d shown up on your doorstep like nothing happened.
“…but then the restraining order, that seemed a little more serious.”
You looked around, glancing over your shoulder at The Grill, willing someone—anyone—to just glance over.
“…and the cops…they were never going to take you seriously. Why would they…?”
Making the decision not to hear another word of this, you moved to unlock your door. You opened it for all of two seconds before Damon was pressing his hand against it, shutting it. He was so close, and when you looked up, his lips were so close to yours.
“…but I was in a…let’s say…fun mood.”
You bit your lip when he slid his entire body to rest against your door, arms crossed over his chest as he regarded you.
“I decided to convince them to go ahead with it,” he told you, face even as he stared you down. “I just wanted to see what you’d do.”
You blinked at his words, taken aback with confusion. Damon had changed their minds…? Why would he do that? How did that even work? He suddenly sighed, glancing up towards the sky.
“I never imagined you’d actually leave,” he grumbled, pouting.
You reached your hand into your purse, your fingers just grazing your phone when the whole bag was snatched away. The only thing that remained were the keys in your hand, and your heart dropped to your stomach when Damon sighed, running his hand through his dark strands. You heard your purse land somewhere behind him, and the glint in his eyes told you just how angry he was.
It was not an unfamiliar sight.
You took a step back, but he was faster, his hands coming up to gently cup your face. You hadn’t realized you started crying until his thumbs brushed your tears away. He gently shushed you, but there was nothing soothing about it. It was often a sound you heard just before his fingers harshly dug into your jaw.
“You need to leave…before I call the police,” you choked out.
He actually laughed.
The sound was so disheartening, and it sounded genuine, like the thought actually tickled him. Like the idea was so preposterous, the idea that they could do anything to him, at all. The sound was so convincing that you almost believed it yourself, almost believed that he really was untouchable.
“…and what are they going to do? Hmm?”
His hand tightened on your jaw, and you winced. His face wasn’t so pretty, now, faint veins appearing under his eyes just before they disappeared as quickly as they came. The sight stumped you, and you stared at him through stricken eyes.
“Hey, is everything alright?”
Relief filled you at the sound of the new voice, and Damon’s expression evened out, just as pretty as before. He huffed, and you watched him roll his eyes just before turning to face the newcomer behind him. You didn’t hesitate to unlock your car, sliding into it and locking the door just as Damon’s hand hit the window. You froze at the crack that now adorned it, looking at Damon through the glass with an expression you couldn’t even name.
The sound of your name reached your ears as he called your name, his mockingly chipper tone barely able to hide the malice beneath it. You didn’t look back as you drove away, hurrying to beat him to your house. His words were stuck in your mind, and you were certain, now that he actually had been stalking you. You weren’t sure how that related to any of the other stuff, convinced he’d still managed to drive you mad, but Damon most definitely had been to your house.
You car was barely parked and turned off good before you were hopping out, sprinting to the door. Light flooded your home when you flipped the switch, and without a cell phone, you were forced to rely on the landline. It took you a good seven seconds to realize that you’d heard no dial tone when you picked it up, and that pressing any buttons was going to do no good.
Someone had cut the phone line.
The phone clattered to the floor as the realization hit you, and no second thoughts were needed to know who did it. The room swayed a bit, and you just knew you were going to be sick any moment now. The confirmation that Damon had in fact been watching you brought you no sense of satisfaction for not actually being crazy. In fact, you wished you’d just made it all up in your head. At least then you wouldn’t have to deal with the harsh knocks on your door.
The scream you let out bounced off of the walls, and you clutched your stomach as you fought to hold in your sobs.
The faint sound of your name reached your ears in the living room.
“I really hate that it had to come to this, you know I do…”
You slowly looked up, tearful gaze resting on the front door.
“…but you should probably come and talk to me face to face…before I do something…”
There was a slight pause, and you could almost imagine that mirthful smirk adorning his lips.
His tone gave you pause, and you felt at war with yourself. Logically, you would have to leave your house at some point. You did not think you’d be able to wait him out, but something in you screamed at you to. Something in you was convinced that you could, but a part of you was telling you that if he’d come all this way, followed you all the way back to both yours and his hometown, there was no telling the lengths he’d go to. You’d watched enough Dateline, enough Investigation Discovery, and despite the fact that you didn’t ever want to think he’d be that bad, something in you wondered if you’d wake up to the smell of smoke and burning flames one night.
Slowly approaching the door, you heard Damon chuckle, like he could perfectly hear your footsteps.
“Come on, baby,” he softly said. “I don’t have all night.”
It took all of your strength to unlock and open the door, and when you did…
You almost immediately regretted it.
You didn’t recognize the woman he had in his arms, only knew that she was crying and clearly in distress. You looked between them before resting your gaze on Damon, staring at him as if he were crazy. Your lips parted in shock, and your gaze fell back to his hand, the one he had around her neck.
“Damon…what are you doing…?” you slowly asked him, lifting your hands just as slow as if trying to stall whatever he was about to do.
“I’m doing what you made me do.”
His nostrils flared as he stared you down, blaming you for his actions, and a choked gasp escaped you.
“She’s going to die if you don’t step outside, right now.”
He said it so suddenly, so evenly, that you felt no other option than to believe him. Your frown deepened as you searched his eyes for some remorse, a hint of a joke, some leniency there that would give way if you pushed hard enough, but you saw none of that. Damon’s eyes had never looked so cold, and you knew then that he was entirely serious.
“Damon,” you choked out.
“Now,” was his only response, tone clipped as the girl—no older than you—cried in his arms.
You felt bad. This—whatever this was—was between the two of you, and Damon had dragged an innocent woman into it. You moved, and once one of your feet was over the threshold, a tight grip on your neck completely obstructed your breathing. On instinct, you reached up to grip his arm, panicked.
His blue gaze was all you could see, and you blinked back tears as he spoke.
“You made me do this.”
He didn’t give you time to linger on that before he pulled the other girl closer, having never let her go before grabbing you with his free hand.
You were completely frozen in shock as you watched him lean in and savagely bite her neck. The screams she let out were the kind to fill your nightmares, and you couldn’t believe what you were witnessing. You felt like you were stuck in an endless nightmare, unable to pull your eyes away from the sight of his violent assault, and unable to close your ears to the sounds of her screams, her struggle, and his teeth in her neck.
In her panic, the strange woman reached out to grip your arm, and the longer he bit her—fed from her—the weaker her grip became. Tears sprung to your eyes at the feel of her hand loosening on you, and they spilled over altogether when her hand finally let you go, falling at her side. You knew then that she was dead even if Damon hadn’t carelessly dropped her as proof.
You couldn’t breathe when he turned his gaze back to you.
Like before, those veins were under his eyes, but they were more prominent now, more terrifying to look at. His lips were completely covered in blood, some even smearing across his chin, and despite the new reality you were faced with, you still couldn’t believe it. You only gave some indication that you were still coherent when his lips grazed your cheek, a shuddering gasp leaving you.
“I missed you…you know that?” he murmured against your skin.
He took a step forward…and then another and then another, forcing you back with every one. His hand was still tight on your neck, and the other slowly snaked around your waist, pulling you closer. Damon didn’t stop until you were right in front of your door, and you looked at him like less than a stranger—like a monster straight out of every horror you’d been able to get your hands on.
You couldn’t move as he leaned in, bloody lips pressing against your cheek.
“Now, that those God-awful cookies—and everything in them—are out of your system for good…”
You didn’t understand what that had to do with anything, but soon, you didn’t understand nor comprehend anything.
Damon’s pupils were all that you could focus on, even in the darkness, and as they expanded, they were all that seemed to fill your vision. You felt yourself relaxing, shoulders drooping as the calmest feeling washed over you. Damon’s hand rubbed circles into your lower back, and the hand on your neck loosened some, his thumb smearing blood along your chin.
“Invite me in.”
How insane.
Why on earth would you ever invite him into your home? That was what you thought anyway, but the words that left your mouth were entirely different. You felt your lips move, and you heard your voice as you did what he said, and it was only when the warmth of your home replaced the cold Virginia air of outside did Damon let you go.
In doing so, his gaze broke away from yours, and you stumbled back in both shock and confusion.
Why did you do that? How did he make you do that? You could only back away from him as he slowly walked about the room, gaze roaming over the inside of your house with a hum.
“Cute,” he mused, and more tears fell. “So…homely. I can just imagine you baking in the kitchen.”
He moved his hands about with a chuckle and feeling both out of control and like you finally had control for the first time in moments, you sprinted for the door. In the blink of an eye, Damon’s arms were wrapped around you, and the sight of him drinking from that girl would never compare to the feeling, you supposed.
It was hard to make a sound when his teeth sank into your skin, and you reached back, desperately trying to pull him away to no avail. Damon’s arms were so tight around you, painfully, and you gasped when he backed up, pulling you with him. You couldn’t stop crying, and as your mind still fought to process just what he was, it hit you then that maybe you hadn’t been going insane.
Maybe he had been messing with your head somehow, watching you from the trees, showing up at odd places before disappearing. Your feet kicked at the feel of him pulling from you, and you could feel yourself growing weaker by the second. As if he could feel it too, Damon suddenly let you go, and you collapsed at his feet.
You shakily reached up to touch your neck, unsurprised by what you felt, and you failed to push yourself onto your knees.
“We were so good together…no…?”
You tried to bite back a sob, but it was no use. Damon tsk’d at the sound, and soon you were turned over to face him. He looked down at you like you were a misbehaving child, head tilted and lips pursed.
“You needed some time. I get that,” he nodded. “I even gave you that…”
You watched him kneel down, feeling too weak to even attempt to move, and your heart skipped a beat as you watched him peel off his jacket. He reached out to gently drag a finger down the side of your face, lingering at your lips.
“…but you don’t leave me. You don’t runaway from, and you definitely don’t keep me out.”
He leaned in, brushing his lips over yours before kissing you fully. You pushed at his chest, but it was a weak attempt, and you were unsurprised when Damon batted your hand away, pulling at your clothes with ease. A few tears escaped, running past your ears, and you could only arch up into his mouth when he bit your stomach.
A humming sound escaped him, and a warm feeling filled you.
You didn’t want to feel that, and with every article of clothing Damon got rid of, he marked the area with his teeth. When he kissed you again, his bare chest touched yours, and you felt powerless to stop what was happening. You’d done everything right. You’d broken up with, even went to the police when he didn’t respect your boundaries, and to real put the nail in the coffin, you moved away. You came back home and got far away from Damon.
…but what was far when the equation involved a vampire?
As Damon pushed himself into you with a low groan, you wondered how you had missed it. He obviously fed while you were together, he wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t, and considering how little human life clearly meant to him, you had to assume that Damon wasn’t of the…sympathetic variety. You tried to recall if anyone had gone missing back in the town where campus was, but it was hard to focus with Damon thrusting into you.
His face was pressed into the crook of your neck, and your hips involuntarily rose to meet his with every movement. Blood was still on his mouth when he pulled away, and when you reached up to push at his chest, Damon reached up to grab your hand. He twisted his fingers with your own before roughly pinning your hand down.
“What was the plan?” he wondered, his other hand finding a home on your neck. “Were you going to forget about me…? Move on?”
He said it like it was the craziest thing he’d ever heard, and more tears spilled over. The mere thought seemed to have upset him, and Damon leaned back down to bite into your chest. You hissed at the feel clenching around him, but Damon paid you no mind. He was too lost in the taste of you.
Thinking back on the memories of your tumultuous relationship, it scared you all the more to think of just what you’d been up against, all the while none the wiser.
Damon’s hips came down against yours with vigor, cock sliding in and out of you and making you shudder. The feel of him on top of you and in you brought you back to the happy days of your relationship, but the blood on his face and the tight grip on your neck only reminded you of what it had become.
Damon wouldn’t take his eyes off of you, staring down at you with those blue eyes, and when yours met his, life before, you felt your body relax as your vision was only filled with his widening pupils. You felt completely at his mercy, and you heard Damon hum.
“I want you to kiss me…like you kissed me on our first date.”
His words sparked the memory, and you felt a smile ghost along your lips as you recalled the excitedness in your as you’d pressed your lips against his. You’d been so bold then, so much like yourself before Damon had scared you into submission.
Overcome with the desire to do just that, you craned your head up to fiercely press your lips against his. Damon moaned into the kiss, and when he let your hand go, you threw your arms around his neck just as you had that night. Damon hummed against your lips, and you gasped against his at a particularly hard thrust. Even though you wanted to, you couldn’t stop kissing him.
You felt out of control of your own body, and tears kissed your eyes.
Your back slid along the floor with every snap of his hips, and the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the otherwise quiet room. You felt Damon’s hand twist at the root of your hair, yanking your head back and away from him, and you only got a brief glimpse of the veins in his face before his teeth were sinking into your neck again. The feel of his teeth and cock in you were threatening to send you over the edge, too overwhelming to even focus on.
When Damon’s teeth left you, you shuddered, and he hummed. You felt his fingers smoothing along your face, and when he whispered for you to look at him, too afraid to do otherwise, you did. Tears were still skipping down your cheeks, and Damon ran his blue eyes over you, drinking you in with a sigh. He looked disappointed, but it was gone just as quickly as it came.
When his eyes held your gaze again, your lips parted, and another tear escaped at the hypnotizing words that gripped you.
“Do not leave me ever again…”
You swallowed, but you didn’t blink.
“You are mine, and if you even try to, I will kill your loved ones one by one, starting with that meddling family of yours.”
Your lips trembled.
“Nod if you understand.”
You gave him a slow nod, and a cruel smile fell over his lips. He fingered your chin, just looking at you with that small smile.
“Tell me you love me,” he murmured, and hit with the overwhelming urge to do just that…
You did.
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Me : he's my babygirl
Them: your baby girl just snapped the neck of 13 people in the blink of a second
Me: and he's my baby girl
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per-se-phone-e · 5 months
Hound in an alleyway | Damon Salvatore x reader
Warnings: non-con, Damon can't take rejection, p in v sex, oral (male recieving), anal sex, degradation, minors dni!!!
Summary: If you won't give your affections willingly, Damon decided he will have to take it by force.
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Damon Salvatore was a sex god.
He could crack the whip and every girl would chorus, how high? He knew that. You knew that. Everyone did. Never in his one hundred and seventy something years of life had he needed to make an effort to pursue someone as he had done with you.
Most would just come running.
The first time you met him was in a cafeteria with Bonnie and Caroline. You were trying to console the sad blonde. He was the mysterious stranger sitting opposite you. Your eyes had met, only for a moment, before you pulled away.
The second time was in your school ground. You were practicing for the cheer team with your friends when a chevy pulled up into the school's driveway. You remember your eyes nearly falling out of your socket as Caroline got out of the car, placing a kiss on the older man's lips. He sent a wink your way, which you ignored. 
His hand on Caroline's leg in the Gilbert living room had bile rise up in your throat. That was when you found out from Bonnie that he didn't have a good relationship with his brother. And by the fourth time you met, Damon Salvatore had turned from a creep to a pyschopath. 
He had hurt Caroline. Your childhood best friend. Elena's memory might not work as well, but how could you forget? How could you accept any interest he threw your way?
You didn't want him, and it hurt. It hurt him. It made his blood boil. It clouded his senses. What had he done to get your rejection? Damon wanted you, so why couldn't he have you? 
And if you wouldn't willingly accept his affections, then Damon Salvatore would take it by force. 
It felt nothing more than a child's play to lure you into his trap. To follow you into the dark alleyway. You should've know better than to roam around by yourself past midnight. What if some man took advantage of you? Guess you weren't as smart as he thought you were.
He adored the way your eyes welled up when he backed you into a corner. Your lips pouting, spilling out pleas fruitlessly as he tore the clothes from your body. You trembled as he cupped your pussy, plunging a finger into your wet heat — then two, stretching you out.
It belonged to him. You belonged to him.
Your knees dug into the cold concrete as he forced you onto the ground. One hand working his belt open, the other had you by your hair. His thick cock jumped out as his jeans hit the ground, angry red tip dripping precum.
Damon pushed your head down on his cock until your nose was resting snug against the curly hairs at the bottom. He gave a deep groan, feeling the warm embrace of your mouth around his cold cock. You kept your mouth open for him like an obedient whore, letting him fuck your mouth like his personal pocket pussy.
He ignored the way you gaged and choked, bruising a spot at the back of your throat. Spit pooled from the corner of your mouth, dribbling down your chin. "Now be a good girl and suck daddy's balls," he directed you towards the base of his member.
You shook your head no, refusing to meet his eyes. You had never felt so humiliated in your life. Why weren't you trying to get away? Why couldn't you run?
Damon rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to go and drag your pretty little blonde bestfriend here? Or Maybe Elena? I'd love to kill two birds with one stone."
You obeyed at the threat, sucking on his balls, one by one. You teased the little slit between the two, desperate to get it over with. They were heavy against your chin, so full of cum and throbbing. You thrashed against him when you feel him jerk his cock hard and fast above your face. Slapping at his thighs, trying to push him off you. But all your efforts are futile; Thick ropes of cum land on your face, mixing with the tears.
"Good girl. Now turn around," he demanded and you did, pushing down the bile rising in your throat.
In no time, he had you onto your fours. A foot pressed to the back your head, keeping you down on the dirty ground as he entered you. "Shit sweetheart, look at that cunt sqeezing my cock so well," he hummed in approval, pushing out, then pushing in with force.
You could only manage to gasp with each thrust, your knees scraping against the concrete. He started to fuck you relentlessly, pounding your pussy red.
"This is what you wanted, didn't you? To be fucked like a dirty slut? You wanted my cock didn't you?" His hand lands on your ass hard, making you whimper.
"Yes," You yell, feeling his cock deep inside you. You were leaking down your quivering thighs, letting him split you in half like a rag doll. His balls pressed against your clit with each thrust, the sound of slick skin slapping echoing through the silent alleyway.
"Fucking slut," he gritted his teeth, hips pounding into yours at a supernatural speed. Your legs were numb from his assualt, spreading out until you're laying completely against the ground. You felt him soread your cheeks apart, watching his cock disappear and reappear from your abused hole. With a shudder, he spilled his cum inside you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder to contain himself.
When you felt him pull out, you thought it was over. But he wasn't done with you yet. He kept fucking you on the cold concrete — thanks to his vampiric stamina — shooting load after load of his seed into your womb. And when he was bored with your pussy, he'd play with your puckered hole. He would grab your face backwards by your hair and pound you like a bitch while you scream.
Now that he got you, it wouldn't be fair to let you leave so soon, wouldn't it?
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cherrybby0923 · 20 days
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so scary lmao
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s0cioplath · 7 months
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marril96 · 8 months
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The Vampire Diaries 3.19 | Heart of Darkness
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squishywizardd · 1 month
daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry.
did you mean: damon salvatore?
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femmemonologue · 5 months
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if this isn't me and him i don't want it
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whimsicalangst · 11 days
*.:。 if I was a character in the vampire diaries 。: . *
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☆ did anyone else have a crush on no humanity Stefan or just me? ☆
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bonniebird · 6 months
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Same character different universe - Severen Van Sickle + Damon Salvatore
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schrutexbucks · 21 days
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"You wanna hear the bad news or the really bad news?" "Actually, I don't want any news Damon." "Alright, let me rephrase: Do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert?"
The Vampire Diaries S1 E18 Under Control
one gifset per episode 18/x
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vampiire-diary · 2 months
"You are by far the greatest thing that ever happened to me in 173 years on this earth" ~ Damon Salvatore
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rashi-pov · 6 months
"I'm Not Going To Let Someone's Idea Of Destiny Stop Me From Loving You, Or Being With You, Or Building A Future With You, Because, You Are My Life."
-Damon salvatore
(the vampire diaries)
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hewhomustdie · 9 months
hot people dress up as vampires for halloween, but the hottest people are actually vampires
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bloody-cupcakes · 2 years
If there was a yandere who was obsessed with Damon (tvd), how do you think he'd react? I personally believe he'd be a little flattered, at least at first
Tw: yandere/dark content, murder, slight gore/blood mention, manipulation, etc.
You're so right, anon. At first, I really don't think he'd recognize the danger. He'd just be thinking, "wow, someone's obsessed with me?" Especially if the yandere wasn't a vampire or hybrid, and they were just human, because if things got too out of hand a human can easily be killed.
And even if they were a supernatural being of some sorts, I still don't think he'd be too worried, because then he wouldn't have to hide who he really is to them. See, he's spent most of his life feeling like a monster, always being forced to play second fiddle to Stefan. So having someone who looks at him and sees none of those things, just utter perfection, it makes him feel appreciated. More than that, it makes him feel loved.
I don't think anybody would be able to convince him you're no good, especially not Stefan. He'd probably just view it as him trying to steal you away, and not as any actual warnings worth any further thought. Stefan was just jealous, that had to be it. There's no way any of what he was saying could be true...right?
I honestly think the only way he'd finally be able to see who you really were and what you were capable of is if dead bodies started popping up all over town (most of which he recognized as rival vampires or people who he just didn't get along with), all of them leading back to you. He'd probably be confused at first, thinking it's some sort of misunderstanding, and end up confronting you on the matter.
Once he found out that it was, in fact, you who was killing everybody, and it wasn't just a case of mistaken identity or merely accidents he'd be left with a choice to make: either help clean up after your messes so you wouldn't get caught, or kill you and risk losing the person who he loved the most.
"What are you doing?" You heard Damon ask as you cleaned the blood off the knife you'd used on someone earlier that day.
"Hi, honey!" You turned around, facing him with a big smile on his face. "How was your day?"
"You didn't answer my question." He narrowed his eyes at you, watching you set the knife down on the counter and grabbed a rag to dry your hands off with.
"I was just washing some dishes," you calmly replied, almost as though you didn't understand the gravity of the situation. "Is there a problem?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact there is," he said through gritted teeth. "Bodies have been popping up all over town, and I have reason to believe it's because of you."
"Oh? And what makes you think that?" You felt yourself get pushed up against the nearest wall, Damon's face inches away from yours.
"Don't play dumb with me, I know it was you."
"Oh, Dae," you said sympathetically, using the nickname only you got to call him by. "Don't you see? I did this for you, for us. Those people, they were competition. Threats, even. I did what I had to do in order to keep you safe." You brought your hand up to his face, lovingly stroking his cheek. "I did this for you, honey."
You could see he was cracking. You knew that no matter what you did, to him or others, he would never want to hurt you. He couldn't. You were the only person who ever truly loved him. You made him feel special, like he deserved the world.
His mind was completely blank. He didn't know what to say. "I-"
Noticing he was at a loss for words, you pressed a gentle yet passionate kiss to his lips. He kissed you back, just like you knew he would.
"Next time I kill someone, I'll make sure to get you first so all that blood won't go to waste," you promised him, and you knew from the way he nodded obediently that you'd successfully stolen his heart.
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inlovewhithafairytale · 11 months
villain:*has a dark past and is trumated* me: come here my little angel
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