#dark lady lesso
Dark lady lesso x wife reader
*summary you thought your wife lesso was cheating on you so you decided to follow her once it was midnight but you made a grace mistake about what you had discovered.
*Warning blood tourtres weapons Stockholm syndrome manipulation gaslighting .
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*y/n pov
It was against the rules for nevers and evers to be together but me and lesso kept our relationship secret the only person who knew about it was dovey but she kept it quiet since she was lesso best friend and was happy for us. A few years have passed and we have first years entering the schools and lesso has been distant from me even though she's the dean of evil and mostly stays at the other school while I'm at the good school It still hurts my heart. I walked around the school of evil looking for lesso as the kids gave me looks but they knew better than to disrespect me since I work along with dovey and lesso. I entered one of the classrooms where I saw Sophie I gave her a smile before walking up to teacher Manley. Excuse me have you seen lesso around I held my breath taking a step back well no but if you want you stay here as long as you like he said giving a disgusting smirk before I could answer back the hits of a cane hit the floor. She will not be staying here for as long as she likes! I flipped my head to see lesso behind me wrapping strong arms around my waist before pulling me out of the room. what are you doing here princess ?! I-i was looking for you I couldn't find you I mumble lesso gave me a soft look before picking me up in a bride style walking to her room. The smell of her clothes had a different scent like blood and perfume. She's cheating on me no she can't be I don't even know what to think anymore
Darling I have to go they called a meeting I'll be back she kissed my head before leaving I decided to follow her I slowly slid through the door walking quiet and slowly as possible i then waited by a wall from across her as I watched her Open this big metal door and close it behind her. I heard a male voice from behind the door grunts and screams coming from the door and that's when I lost it after everything I did for her! The amount of times we made love together she's go behind my fucking back! I opened the door wide enough to walk in and what I saw made me rethink my whole life as if I was just dreaming I saw weapons a whip and an axe and teacher Manley was strapped to the chair bloodied fingers missing. I looked at lesso her suit was covered in blood and she had an axe in her. Y/n what are you doing here?! She dropped the axe walking towards me and I backed away in fear i-i-i thought you were cheating on me I stutter. I would never cheat on you I am deeply in love with you. Her blood hand grips my face by kissing me in a passionate yet with a rough kiss while her other hand finds its way around my throat. I moaned holding her strong hands as she let go I wanted this to be a surprise that you wouldn't find out but now that you did I think you need punishment later . She walked back to the bloodied axe I watched as she walked towards him as he begged not to kill him something inside of me wanted to be bursted out but I couldn't feel the feeling but got twitchy and sick she had cut his head clean off as it rolled to the floor she removed the chains off the now dead body. Kicking it aside she sat down in the chair man spreading as she pulled out a cigarette lighting it by putting her lips letting out a big smoke. Come sit down princess I was frozen in fear my chest flowing up and down I won't ask again. Sit down! The base her voice made walk over and sit on her lap as her other hand gripped my ass. You can't tell anyone about this dove and if you do I might have to punish you and you know I hate hurting you. I nodded in fear as I tapped my thigh as a signal to get off her lap. I left the room as she cleaned up the dead body and blood I ran down the hall before rushing into our bedroom vomiting my guts out my pale skin was cold as Ice but I knew I couldn't tell anybody I also didn't want lesso to go. I walked back to the bed curling up in the sheets sobbing into the pillows as I shook like a freezing animal in the cold. I felt the bed get heavy and an arm wrapped around my stomach soothing my cries. Was this my actual wife for years the one who always protected me cared for me when I was sick?! I'm forever married to this killer..
Part 2 coming soon
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
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lpa6zn · 2 years
mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. momnmy?🥴
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flameobitch · 10 months
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New works, the existence of which I forgot...
I spend the whole of November watching "Startrek: Voyager" and during this time (I watched 6 seasons) Kathryn Janeway managed to die more than five times!!! But in general, I started with a Closer and Major crimes because of Sharon Ryder, but she also died. Then it was decided to watch Voyager, because I finished Discovery in the spring. The Emperor seems to be still alive...
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𝑰𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚...𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕...👇
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𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Point Of No Return
Pairings: Dark Serial Killer Leonora Lesso x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: DARK THEMES! Stalking, Breaking In, Killing, Blood, Knives, Guns, Mentions of Deaths, Sadism, Possessiveness, Age Difference, Height Difference, Stabbing, Shooting, Lots of cussing, Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, Violence, Manipulation, Magic Use & Drinking Blood
Pet Names/Nicknames: Sweetheart, Darling, Dear, Hon & Good Girl
Word Count: 3,107
A/N: If you're not comfortable with this fic please do not read this or report it! Just skip it. And I might make a part 2 since I find Serial Killer Leonora Lesso fucking hot!
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Stonecreast a small town that was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by lots and lots of trees. You think it would be a safe place when you visit but it's not. Whoever came upon the small town would mysteriously disappear. No traces on how they disappeared were left behind. It's like they just vanished into thin air and were never born. Some rumors say that they disappear by magic. What a stupid idea most people think but to be honest magic is definitely real. Magic is all around us whether we see it or not. The town was completely deserted after many years and was completely forgotten.
Y/N and a couple of her friends were going on a trip when they had gotten a flat tire. They had pushed the car off the road and into the grass. One of Y/N's friends pulled out their phone before holding it up in the air. "There's no fucking service out here" her friend shouted and Y/N groaned. "Of course there isn't where in the middle of nowhere we're completely lost" another friend said as he leaned against the car. "We're not lost" a boy said and they all looked at him. "Where are we then huh" a girl with dark blue hair said. The boy went quiet before huffing. "Why don't you have a spare tire in the trunk you should always have one" Y/N said while looking at the oldest in the group. "I don't know, I didn't think anything of it" she said and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Of course you didn't you never do Annabelle" the boy with black hair said. Annabelle glared at him before shoving him. "Shut your stupid mouth Eric" Annabelle spat out and Eric glared at her. Before they could get in a fight Y/N stood up and stood in between them. "Can we not fight right now we got bigger problems" Y/N said and the two glared at each other before looking away. "We need to find somewhere to stay for the night until we can find a spare tire or get service " Y/N said and Annabelle sighed before stroking her hand through her hair. "Alright let's go then" Annabelle said and everyone grabbed their stuff.
"God my feet hurt how long have we been walking" Dakota said as she dropped her bags. They all stopped to look over at the dark blue haired girl before looking at each other. Annabelle walked over and told Dakota to hop onto her back. "Hey uh guys I think I found a place we can stay" Ryan said and everyone looked at him. Everyone walked over and Ryan moved some huge tree branches out of the way revealing a deserted town. "Ryan I don't think we should go there it looks creepy there's literally no one" Dakota said and Y/N grabbed her bags before walking towards it first. The others looked at each other before following Y/N. "For an abandoned place it looks awfully new" Eric said and they all agreed. Y/N had spotted something moving out of the corner of her eye but when she looked over there was nothing there. "Y/N" Dakota said as she nudged Y/N with her elbow.
They stayed at the motel that was there. It was pretty strange to see everything so nice and clean when there was not a single person there except them. There was even fresh food in the main lobby. "I don't like this at all we should head back to the car" Ryan said and Dakota agreed. "Oh stop it you guys are acting like babies" Eric huffed out as he grabbed a container of spaghetti. "We're not acting like babies Eric what abandoned town would have fresh food and cleaned rooms, for all we know this town was abandoned years ago" Dakota shouted and Eric laughed. Y/N just stayed silent as she ate an apple. Dakota screamed before leaving the main lobby and headed back up the stairs. Ryan quickly followed her leaving the three oldest in the lobby. "God she's such a child sometimes" Eric said as he slammed the microwave door shut. "Eric she technically is a child she's 16" Annabelle said as she sat down next to Y/N who was still quiet. "Why did we even bring her then" Eric said and Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Because she's Ryan's best friend" Annabelle said as she folded her arms. "Why do you have such a problem with her Eric what did she ever do to you" Y/N finally spoke up and Eric glared at her. "Nothing I just don't like her" Eric scoffed out as he took his spaghetti out. "Well that's completely bullshit if she didn't do anything to you, you have no reason to be mad at her" Y/N said as she stood up. Before Eric could say anything Y/N left and went to go check on Dakota. "You're an absolute asshole" Annabelle said as she stood up and went after Y/N. Eric slammed his fists onto the table before groaning loudly.
At night everyone was asleep except Eric since he went outside to smoke. "You really shouldn't be out by yourself in an abandoned town boy" someone had muttered out as they were laying down on top of one of the buildings. The figure was looking through the sniper scope. The figure was wearing a black and red hockey mask with spikes on it. They had cooper red hair and slightly pale skin that was littered with scars of all kinds. They watched as Eric walked down the street while cussing. "Such a dramatic boy" the person muttered out before chuckling quietly to themselves. Dangling from their neck was a silver pentagram necklace. They had black rings stacked onto their fingers and sharp matte white nails. They were wearing all black of course. The person was wearing black jeans and a slightly tight black shirt. They were wearing a black leather jacket and a couple chains hung from the loops of the pants. A knife was held against their thigh by a holder. Guns were strapped all over their body as well. The person waited until he was far enough from the motel before shooting him in the back of the head causing him to fall onto the ground in.
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The person stood up before lifting their sniper up and jumping down the fire escape. They started walking towards Eric as they flicked their cigarette onto the ground and stomped on it. They walked over and saw a pool of blood forming under the boy's head making them smirk. They lifted him up before throwing him over their shoulder. The person started walking farther away from the motel until they reached the forest. They walked towards the sound of water before dropping in front of a lake that ended in a waterfall. They dropped him onto the ground with a loud thud before setting their sniper down.
It was the next morning, Y/N and the others were waiting for Eric but he never showed up. "This isn't like him I'm going to go see if he's still sleeping" Annabelle said before she got up from the table and walked out of the lounge. Annabelle came back down a couple minutes later with a frown. "Did you find him" Y/N asked and Annabelle shook her head no. "I couldn't find him anywhere" Annabelle said and Dakota rolled her eyes. "At least we don't have to but up with is mean ass" Dakota muttered out and Ryan held back a laugh. Y/N rolled her eyes as she stood up. Before Y/N could move they all heard the door to the motel open. They all looked at each other before they rushed towards the front. There was nothing there except for a piece of paper. Ryan walked up and grabbed it before reading it. "Leave now or I'll kill you as well" Ryan read out and they all looked at each other before laughing. "Eric come on out stop trying to scare us" Annabelle said and nothing happened. "Eric come out this isn't funny" Dakota shouted and she gulped when Eric didn't. "Uh guys I don't think this is red ink" Ryan said and Y/N walked over and snatched the paper from his hands. "Yeah this is definitely blood" Y/N said and Dakota gulped.
Dakota started panicking and Annabelle was trying to calm her down. Y/N and Ryan were sitting in the main lobby. "What are we gonna tell his parents they'd go insane if they knew their only son was dead" Ryan said as he stroked through his hair. "What are you guys talking about" a quiet voice said making the two jump. They looked up to see Casey standing there looking at them. "What are you doing here" Ryan said and Casey frowned. "What do you mean I've been with you guys the whole time" they said causing Y/N and Ryan to look at each other before frowning. "You need to speak up more then" Y/N said and Ryan nodded. "CASEY" Dakota shouted and ran into Casey before throwing her arms around them. "Casey when did you get here" Annabelle said and Casey huffed. "They've been here the whole time" Ryan said and Annabelle raised an eyebrow. "Of course they have" Annabelle sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "So uh what's going on" Casey said and the others looked at each other. "Eric's dead and we don't know what's going on" Annabelle said and Casey smirked. "Glad he's dead he's always been a complete asshole" they said and the others looked at them. "What I'm just speaking the truth" they said with a shrug.
It was night time now and Annabelle was in the showers while everyone else was downstairs in the lounge talking. The person that had killed Eric broke into the showers and made their way to the one that was running. They took out their knife and ripped the curtain open causing Annabelle to jump before turning around. Her eyes widened in shock and she grabbed something causing the person to chuckle. The person lunged towards Annabelle and smacked the bottle of soap out of her hand. They shoved Annabelle against the wall and put a finger up to their mask. Annabelle was about to scream but the person covered her mouth. The knife the killer was holding pierced Annabelle's spine causing her to scream into the person's hand. They pulled the knife out quickly before stabbing Annabelle in the neck. The person stepped back and removed their hand as they saw blood on it making them smirk wickedly. Annabelle slid down against the tiled wall before hitting her head. They turned the water off and scooped up some of the blood. The person lifted their mask up and licked their fingers clean before sighing. They had the most beautiful striking green eyes that glowed in the light.
As they turned around they spotted blood on their neck. As they were looking in the mirror they heard the door open. The person looked over to see a young girl looking at them. "W-who are you" Dakota stuttered out as she looked at the woman who had blood on her hands and neck. Her eyes traveled to the shower that Annabelle had been using and just froze in place. Dakota saw Annabelle laying in a pool of her own blood. She turned around and was about to run out of the huge bathroom when the door slammed in her face. She didn't dare turn around as she felt tears roll down her face. She wanted to scream but nothing would come out. The woman looked down and watched as Dakota shook with fear causing her to smirk. The woman leaned down as she pressed the blood knife against Her shoulder blade. "Two in one day must be my lucky day" the woman said before chuckling darkly. "Please I won't tell my friends I promise" Dakota sobbed out causing the woman to laugh. "Sorry no can do, you've seen my face" the woman said before stabbing Dakota in the heart causing to scream before she collapsed into the woman's arm not moving. The woman pulled her mask down before lifting Dakota up and over her shoulder.
The door had slammed open and the woman was gone in a flash while the bathroom was sparkling clean again. "Dak-" Y/N stopped herself when she didn't see either the 16 year old or Annabelle. The other two arrived and stood behind Y/N. "Was that Dakota" Ryan said and Y/N nodded. "I think we should leave and go back to the car" Ryan stuttered out and Y/N looked at him. "Let's go then" Y/N said and the three rushed to their rooms and packed. They rushed out of the motel and started running towards the forest. "Stay close" Y/N muttered out and the two nodded. As they were running they heard footsteps behind them. Ryan tripped over a branch and fell face first onto the ground. Y/N and Casey stopped. Y/N ran over and was about to reach him when he was dragged backwards. He started screaming and crying for help. "Y/N we need to run we have to leave him behind" Casey said as they started dragging Y/N in the opposite direction. They heard a blood curdling scream before Casey started running pulling Y/N along. As they were running they had dropped their belongings.
They got to the car and Y/N started looking for the keys. "Y/N hurry it up" Casey shouted as she started pulling on the handle. "I'm trying" Y/N shouted back as she grabbed the keys from the bottom of her handbag. She unlocked the car and opened the driver's door. Before Casey could get in a gun shot went off. The door shut as Casey hit the door blood smearing all over the window. Y/N screamed as she locked the doors. She started the car and drove off going well past the speed limit. As she was driving she saw a figure standing a couple yards in front causing her to hit the break. She hit the figure causing them to go flying making her eyes widen in shock. "Oh god" Y/N muttered out as she was about to get out but saw the person standing up causing her to gulp. The mask the person was wearing was now cracked. The figure held up a gun and Y/N put the handle in reverse before hitting the gas pedal. "I AM NOT DYING TONIGHT" Y/N shouted out as she turned the car around before putting the car in forward. She totally forgot that the car had a flat yesterday but she was worried about that. She screeched to a halt again when she saw Casey standing in the road holding onto her stomach. She got out of the car but when she looked in front Casey wasn't there causing her to frown.
Y/N was slammed against the car door causing her to grunt. "You can't escape this place Sweetheart" the person muttered out and Y/N screamed before elbowing them in the stomach. The grip on the back of her neck dropped letting her turn around and punch the person in the face. When Y/N pulled away she winced and looked down at her hand to see blood dripping down her knuckles. She looked up to see the mask fall off the person's face before she gasped. Even in the moonlight she could see the features of the woman that was standing in front of her with a clenched jaw. The woman looked down at the broken hockey mask before looking back up at Y/N. She lunged forwards and wrapped one of her hands around Y/N's neck. She slammed Y/N against the car as she grabbed both of Y/N's wrists and held them with her other hand. "You're going to regret that dear" the woman growled lowly causing Y/N to gulp. The woman's eyes flickered down to Y/N's bloody hand before looking back up. "That was a really stupid move punching a mask that had spikes on it" the woman spat out and tightened her grip around Y/N's neck.
The woman watched as Y/N's eyes started closing and loosened her grip just a little. "You're not gonna die on me" the woman said before knocking Y/N out. She lifted Y/N up bridal style before walking back towards the town.
Y/N woke up gasping for air before she heard a voice. "You're awake" a woman said causing Y/N looked over to see the woman from before sitting down in a dark red chair holding a glass of scotch in one hand and a gun in the other. Y/N got up and stumbled away from the woman who just raised an eyebrow before smirking. "Who are you" Y/N muttered out as she looked around the room to try and find an exit. " Oh I can't tell you or else I'd have to kill you Darling" the woman said as she watched Y/N look around the room. "If you're trying to figure out a way to escape you won't be able to" the woman said as she stood up from the chair while throwing back the rest of the scotch. She set the empty glass down on the glass coffee table before stalking towards Y/N. "Stay back you psycho" Y/N muttered out and the woman fake pouted. "Ouch that hurt" the woman said before laughing. Y/N clenched her jaw tightly as her eyes narrowed. "Now listen if you do everything I say I won't kill you but if you don't you'll end up like all of your friends got it" the woman said as she towered over Y/N. After a couple minutes of silence the green eyed woman grabbed Y/N by the jaw before tilting her head back. "Do I make myself clear" the woman growled out and Y/N nodded her head. "Use your words Hon" she said and Y/N looked at her. "Yes I understand" Y/N said causing the taller woman to smile before patting Y/N's cheek. "Good girl now I trust you not to do anything stupid or reckless" the woman said before stepping back. "Can I know your name then if you trust me" Y/N said and the woman laughed before tilting her head. "It's Leonora Lesso dear" the woman said before she walked away leaving Y/N alone in the almost empty living room.
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d3adp00ls · 2 years
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Bro called me out 😭😭😭
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ciphersonlywife · 2 years
Dark!Lady Lesso x Reader
please check the tags for the love of dovesso 
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riversdarkblog · 1 year
Serial Killer Leonora Lesso Moodboard:
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nohasslecastle · 2 years
#LadyLesso: women in suits rule the world!
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Darky lady lesso x wife reader
Part 2
*summary after witnessing what lesso did you said nothing to nobody about what happened in the doom room you thought lesso forgot about your punishment but she didn't.
Warning* mentions of death manipulation*
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I quickly walked across the halls avoiding everyone as i entered Lenora's room with paper works in my arms I sat them on her desk and turned away to leave. She said to me stop I stopped in my track, turning around to face my wife to only have a strong grip around my throat choking me against the wall. L-lesso!! I held her tight hand that was choking me you think I don't know what you did!? She let me go I coughed as I heard her taking something out of the drawer that was next to her desk and it was a knife. I backed away with my back hitting the wall as Lenora pinned me against the wall while still holding the knife. I know you told Sophie about what I did so now I'm going to have a small talk with her darling and to keep you out of the way. She dragged me to our room tying me to the bedpost. Lenora!! No please don't kill her please!! tugging my body towards her she only kissed my forehead before leaving the room with the knife in her hand. Now here trying my hardest to cut this trip with a piece of glass I had found. Yes! The ropes for free off my wrist I opened the door running through the halls in the school of good. Tedros have you seen lesso anywhere I asked the young prince yeah two guards took her away I immediately ran to the doom room because that will be the only place lesso would take her. I made it in front of the room and that's when I heard a loud thud my blood ran cold heart stopping for a second. No?! Sophie she can't be dead!! Then the door opened to reveal Lenora coat off and a chuck of hair in her hand. W-w-what did you do to her you fucking monster what did you do to her!!! I Pound on Lenora's chest tears coming down my face she grabbed my hands stopping me as I pulled away from her. I didn't kill her dove all I did was cut off her hair I mean besides you can't be a never if you look like a princess. I looked in the room to see Sophie crying about her hair not being injured or anything. Then Lenora grabbed my chin making me look at her with a sadistic smile on her face I didn't want to cause you anymore trauma love I wouldn't want your brain to replay those images in your small little head. I stood frozen in my place, not being able to speak as lesso just takes me in her muscular embrace.
Now let's go back to class we have a lot of teaching to do the days and weeks have passed and I wake up with nightmares with Lenora killing people in the doom room. But I have put it behind me since she would never let me leave her side. Me and are in our room quietly grading students and making up paperwork. Y/n darling what do you think about having kids I looked at her as if she was crazy!? There's no way in hell I want my kids'mother to be a murderer. I-i don't know about that Lenora she stood up hovering over me taking her coat off pulling my hair back and stopping my writing. How about we test that love..
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
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sexymillers09 · 2 years
Loud mouth 🌈
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Disobedient- Lady Lesso X Ever!FemReader (NSFW)
Synopsis: You’re a fun little ever, and Lesso can’t wait to play with you.
Word Count: 7.1k 🫣 (yes you read that right)
Warnings: SMUT, possible trigger warning as there will be blood mentioned, knife play, edging, edge play (cause, ya know, knives), kinda blood play, bratty reader, brat tamer Lesso, marking of many types, denial, coercion of admission of feelings 🤭 read it to see if there’s more😈. Also yes part of it is similar to my one shot ‘Celebration’ but since Ive been writing this for damn near a year I don’t care enough to change it. At least you know I wrote both 🥲
A/n: Everyone thank @pebbleswritessometimes for this oneshot cause literally a week ago I didn’t know when or if this would be finished soon, but they wanted and hyped me so they got it 🥰🫶🏻. Also, If you can’t tell, my motivation has been shot lately especially with smut, so this drags but I hope it’s good for you guys! I was trying to get this out a lot sooner than I actually did, my bad. I ended up getting a second job and been busy with both jobs as well as not having much motivation but then I quit said second job and continued to struggle with motivation, sorry it took so long lol hopefully the smut makes up for it. Also, yes, there’s a difference between edging and edge play!! Enjoy!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved. Likes, comments, reblogs are always welcomed!
You were stuck at the white cloth-covered table, sitting basically by yourself. The table next to yours had a couple of Never girls, Dot and Anadil, but they seemed to be sitting by choice. At least, that's what you guessed after they shoved off two boys that walked up to them.
Sitting at a table by yourself at the first ever, Never-Ever dance was certainly not one of the things you had planned for tonight. You just wanted to dance.
You were looking around the ballroom, finding the drastic change in aesthetics amusing. The school was unified but that didn't mean the students didn't stick to what they know. The dance floor was separated into light colors and dark.
Only a few mixed at the tables, but the students kept quiet. Creating a strange feeling in the air.
Your eyes scanned the room. At first, you were looking for your partner, at least, that's what you told yourself.
But then your eyes landed at the front of the ballroom. The two heads of the once-separated halves standing side-by-side, the Deans. The Dean of Good was dressed in a light, poofy ballgown that made her look like a cupcake. While the Dean of Evil remained in her signature dark suit.
This time, it was accented with a deep royal purple ascot, taking you by pleasant surprise. But you could tell this was one of her nicer suits, it fits her a little better than the others. Not that you would know, of course. This is definitely the first time you've taken more than a second to look over the red-haired Dean.
But gods, the way she holds herself. The way she looks at everyone. The way you can practically see her thoughts as she glared at the Never-Ever PDA. The way she would throw her head back laughing at something you desperately wished came from you.
But that's the thing. You kept wishing for things. But as an Ever, you get your wishes, right?
But now, you wished you could watch her shrug off the blazer. To watch her roll the cuffs of her sleeves up to reveal those toned arms. How you wish her hand would wrap around your-
You cleared your throat as if you've been caught red-handed, and you might've. You caught her eyes on you. They lingered longer than a simple look should've. But you're imagining things, now. Maybe a Never spiked the punch you were currently nursing.
'I think I'm mentally cheating. How could I be so disobedient.?'
She smirked at you, it couldn't be at you, right? Right? There's no way she knows what you're thinking. Her eyes landed on you once again, and she did a once-over on you.
And in that moment, you suddenly wished your outfit choice was good enough. You steered away from the baby pinks and champagne colored dresses that all the other Evers wore. Deciding on a royal blue floor length gown that fit to you perfectly but also complimented your skin tone. You thought you were being risqué with the slit that went straight to your hip, but as Lesso's eyes seemed to linger there for a moment, you knew it was a good choice.
You knew you shouldn't, you have a boyfriend.
Boyfriend! That's right, yeah. What was his name again?... Of course, you didn't forget your own boyfriend's name. Your mind certainly isn't occupied with the Dean, of course not. You definitely weren't dating him only to maintain the 'perfect Ever' appearance, nope.
You couldn't help it, her eyes are oh so enticing.
'I think I shouldn't be lookin' in those eyes. Why do they give mе butterflies?'
You took a second to try to find your boyfriend -unaware your thoughts were heard and the dean was barely biting back a smirk- your eyes rolling as you see him entertaining a group of Ever girls. Unconsciously, your eyes went straight back to the fiery-haired Dean. Who, to your surprise, was walking straight to you.
You wouldn't admit that your stomach dropped a little and you got nervous.
She stopped just a few feet from you, "You can't seem to keep your eyes off me, can you little one?"
You decided to hop onto some suddenly present charismatic boldness, you chuckled a little bit and stood to come face-to-face with her, though she was a couple of inches taller than you.
"It's hard not to when you're the best looking person in this room." It was wrong, you both knew that. She's the Dean and you are technically a student. But if it was so wrong, why does it feel so right?
You were well over age, being late to the start of your own story. It was late enough that you thought you'd not get the chance to go to the school and get your own fairytale.
Your heart skipped a beat as she took another step towards you, you never thought she'd be this close to you, especially in front of everyone else.
"I guess I could say same about you, Dove." Her head tilted slightly as she took the opportunity to examine you closer. Something igniting within her once she saw just how revealing your dress was, never mind the low-cut neckline.
You smirked, "Like what you see, do you?"
A humor-filled chuckle escaped her, and you yearned to hear it again, "My, my, what a bold little Ever. How cute." She wouldn't admit that she was honestly a bit surprised by the dress you chose, or that she secretly loved it.
"What? Haven't met anyone that isn't afraid of you?" You had no idea where this confidence of yours came from, but you didn't mind.
She fully chuckled this time, not expecting these remarks to come from you. But again, she did love it.
She started walking towards you, and you started walking backwards. You weren't afraid, that much was clear, but you did want to be away from the near-center of the room. You had no idea if anyone was watching, but you couldn't care less if someone was.
Luckily, your spot in the ballroom wasn't too far from the edges.
She licked her lips, a move that you wanted to watch on repeat, "Perhaps not, but this is going to be fun."
You only stopped moving backwards once you were sure you were at the back of the ballroom, your back hitting the wall being the dead give away, "Oh? I do hope you're not expecting me to just give in and fall to my knees for you." You spoke softly as her body continued to infiltrate your space.
"Oh, you'll be on your knees, pet."
You pulled her by the lapel of her suit, "You're going to have to make me, if you want anything from me." You smirked, tilting your head this time.
"You, my little one, are trenching in great waters."
"Well, luckily, I can swim."
She smirked again at your antics. Oh, she was gonna have fun.
"You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you?" Though Lesso kept her tone, she was being genuine.
"I'm sure you'll enlighten me." You plastered on the most sickly-sweet smile, one that Lesso couldn't wait to taste.
She remained silent, whether is was to think about what she was about to do or to think about what to say,  she leaned forward and placed her hand on the wall next to your head.
You took this little moment as a chance to show her what you've got, that you're not one to be underestimated, "Tell me where you want us to go. Tell me, and I'll take you there." She raised her eyebrow at this, enthralled by the possibilities.
"Oh? So, if I say, take me to the gardens, you could do that?" She wanted to believe you, but teleportation is unheard of in the fairytale world, and especially from a student.
You stayed silent, looking into her eyes as you swiftly took hold of her other hand that was placed atop her blazer buttons. Lesso hardly had enough time to react, let alone speak, until she realized that you had taken you both to the gardens.
A big part of you was relieved at finally being alone with her. But you watched as she processed that you could teleport.
Before she had the chance to say anything, you spoke first, "It's not all I can do," You were proud of yourself, and you didn't try to hide it either.
She looked back at you, a new look swirling within her eyes and she hummed, "Really, care to share?" She tried to keep her teasing, uninterested tone but she was curious and it showed.
You fake pondered for a second, "Only if you earn it." You finished off with a smirk, knowing that you weren't necessarily hiding anything.
She chuckled again, filling your stomach with butterflies, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
She could see something unknown within your eyes, "You've got no idea."
She took another step closer to you, your fronts almost completely connected by this move of hers, and she used her pointer finger to push your chin up a bit more, "Well, I'm sure I can figure it out."
You grabbed the top of her shirt that was just under the ascot and used the material to pull her down and closer to you, close enough to smell the scent of whiskey that she probably thought she could hide, "And if I'd rather show you?"
Something overcame Lesso at that move, she wasn't sure what it was but her self control seemed to have dwindled to nothing. Excitement continued to do nothing but fill her, and couldn't wait to see just how much innocence you lacked.
Her eyes went to your lips for a moment before they flicked back to your waiting eyes, "Then show me, Dove."
That was all you needed to pull her even closer and connect your lips with hers, it was something that you both had clearly been waiting for. Gods, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't pictured this moment, and it was even better than imagined.
You moved your arms to wrap around Lesso's neck, pulling her nearly impossibly closer to you. In that moment was when her hands went to your hips as well, slightly squeezing once her hands settled in their spot.
You took this opportunity to take her somewhere else, you certainly wouldn't be complaining if she took you bare in the gardens but you'd prefer to not have the whole school witness such a thing. You took the both of you back to your room.
You lucked out, being such a late comer to the school got you your own room. And you were more than thankful you had just cleaned it.
Lesso pulled back from your lips, not only to catch her breath but to see where you've taken the both of you. She hid her impressed features once she looked from your quaint room back to you. She was unsurprised when she saw the proud look on your face being combined with your very obvious lust.
As your tongue peeked out to wet your lips -to taste Lesso once more- you noticed how her eyes instantly followed the action. So, you played into it, slightly pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
Once you saw Lesso swallow the lump in her throat, you knew what effect you had on her. You thrived on the reactions she had to you. The subtle way her eyes narrowed at your smart mouth remarks, the way her pupils dilated every time you did, well, anything.
"You know you can look and touch right?"
Lesso sucked her teeth, "I am touching you, pet." She raised her eyebrow in challenge, seeing as her hands were still on your waist from the kiss.
The corner of your mouth twitched in attempts to hide your smirk, knowing that if you challenged her just enough she'd come to her limit and take you right then and there.
"But not in the way we both want you to," You started. "You're not, holding back are you?" This time you didn't hold back your smirk.
Her grip on you noticeably tightened, "I'll tell you this once, pet. Strip for me. Now." Her face remained stoic but you saw the amusement in her eyes.
You wouldn't admit just how her tone had affected you, causing your wetness to increase tenfold, "And if I don't?" It was redundant to say, you would've done anything she asked, but still not without a little bit of a fight.
Lesso summoned a blade, moving the very tip to the top hem of your dress, right in between your breasts. You knew it was sharp with the way the edge caught the light.
In a flash of movement, she pulled the blade down causing the dress to be cut in half once it connected with the pre-existing slit on your hip and fall right off your body.
"I liked that dress." You spoke near breathless.
"I gave you a chance."
Her other hand slowly snaked from its place on your waist, up across your abdomen. Her hand continued between your breasts, but it didn't linger there.
Her hand went on past your cleavage and up to your neck, her hand moving to wrap around your throat. You managed to hide the whimper that threatened to escape you as she applied pressure.
She leaned towards your ear to whisper her words, "I'm going to fuck that attitude out of you."
"Are you going to do that any time soon, or should I get myself started? I mean, you're making a lot of promises for someone that's yet to prove anything." You very well knew what you just started, and you couldn't wait.
Lesso's jaw clenched at your words.
"Oh, my little Dove, I'm going to break you." She spoke with a wicked simper.
"Then break me." You had the faintest of smirks on your face, eyes half-lidded as you spoke.
She started pushing you back by the hand that was still on your throat. Though it was quiet, it was clear that your chest started heaving from excitement. She moved her hand only long enough to push you down on your bed. A soft 'umph' coming from you at the contact.
The only light in the room was from the moonlight streaming in through your open window, but it was enough light to see her eyes darken as they roamed over your nearly naked form.
You couldn't help but take your bottom lip between your teeth as you could practically see her ideas raging through her mind as her head tilts the slightest bit. You were overwhelmingly ready for her to take you, in any way she saw fit, if the now-ruined panties you still adorned were anything to go by.
You watched with a bated breath as she slowly stalked her way onto the bed with you. You tried to resist the fidgeting of your hands as she took her time straddling you.
Her knees came up to rest by your ribcage, your breathing not resting at all as she practically ignored you as she begun twirling the blade once again. She watched as the edge caught the limited light, only watching you through her peripheral. 
Her signature head tilt returned, "You're so pretty. But, I'd bet anything that you'd be prettier with tears streaming down your face as you beg me to let you come."
"You're more than welcome to find out."
She let her wicked smirk come back to her face, she loved to play the game of cat and mouse, especially with you being her delectable prize.
Your whole body reacted as she leaned over you, lightly tapping the tip of the knife against the bulging artery of your throat. Your head instinctively tilted back to give her all the room she may want.
She slowly began dragging the blade down your sensitive skin, only enough pressure to leave a slightly itchy feeling but not enough to draw blood, yet. Your excitement continued to grow with each inch she dragged the blade.
"My beautiful pet," She started.
"Yours, huh? News to me." Lesso looked to your face just in time to watch you wet your lips.
"Don't think that you won't be mine, not after I'm done with you." She was beginning to get a little irritated with your insubordination, it was obvious in her tone.
You readjusted the strap of the bra that had managed to dislodge itself from its spot on your shoulder while being shoved to the bed, "Is that another promise?"
The blade moved from your collarbone, swiftly moving to the center panel of your bra, and in the time it took for you to blink, Lesso had sliced through it. The fabric was in half and it caused the cups to fall to the side, rendering the garment useless.
"Hey! That was my favorite one... It was expensive."
"Oh, was it? How evil of me. Maybe you can earn yourself a new one."
A displeased huff came from you but Lesso wasn't paying attention, now fixated on your body. The very same body that you couldn't bring yourself to look at in the mirror for too long without finding a list of things you wanted to change.
Her silence while observing you brought forth all the insecurities you had, and you instinctively moved to cover yourself.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lesso gripped your wrists and moved you away from your chest, only once she had your hands pinned above your head did she see the uncertainty in your features, "You don't get to hide yourself from me, this is all mine."
"I am my own, I belong to no one but me."
"Oh, my pet, we shall see how long you believe that."
Lesso bent further over you, her lips connecting to the slight cuts that were only just starting to become visibly irritated on your skin. Her tongue peeked out, causing a delicious sensation once she swiped over the superficial slice.
A breathy moan type noise left you and Lesso just couldn't wait to hear more, to make more come from you.
Her tongue continued down your chest and she latched onto a spot on top of your breast, beginning to leave a mark.
You may fight with her about being hers (for now) but she'll make it clear you're not available. The idea of seeing you covered in all the marks she could possibly leave on you, just had her itching to leave more.
And so she did.
She left another love bite on your sternum beside the now puffy cut on your chest.
Lesso was moving almost painfully slow, but that wasn't without effort. It was originally in efforts to make you writhe and beg. But now? The slow movement of her marks and tongue, it was in efforts to savor you. To get the chance to memorize the taste that's distinctly you.
It felt like minutes before she moved her lips again, only now connecting them to your nipple. Though it was hushed, a proper moan finally escaped you.
Her fingers grazed across your bare torso as her tongue swirled around your nipple, the sensation causing an eruption of chills across your skin which didn't go unnoticed by the redhead.
She finally moved onto your neglected nipple, instantly hardening the moment the tip of her tongue came into contact with it. You fought the urge to tangle your finger into her fiery locks.
You couldn't let her win that easily.
Only once you released a breath did Lesso manage to pull herself from you, before she lost herself.
"Gods, if I had known you look and tasted this good, I would've made you mine sooner." Her nails scraped up your ribcage.
You ignored the butterfly eruption in your stomach, a scoff would've came from you if you weren't so focused on the feeling of her, "I am not yours."
She looked from the marks forming on your skin to your face, "Really? It seems you're convinced."
Just as you opened your mouth to agree that you were, in fact, convinced, you felt the blade drag across your stomach. Instead, a stuttering breath came from you.
"What was that, Pet? I didn't quite hear you." Her words were empty, you both knew what she was doing.
You wouldn't let her off that easy.
But what you didn't know is she knew your refutal would come, so as your mouth opened once more to argue her tongue swiped up the blood that began to bead from the fresh cut above your navel.
Finally, finally, she got to hear a true moan of yours.
Your head pressed back into the mattress and your body instinctively arched towards her and the sensation she was providing.
She peaked up to see your eyes closed with bliss, "You taste addicting on the inside and out."
You looked up to see one of the best sites there is. Lesso's hair was slightly disheveled, her pupils blown wide, a little bit of your blood still present on her bottom lip.
The urge to pull her into a kiss, to know what you taste like on her lips was overwhelming. Almost too compelling...
"I'm still waiting for you to fulfill your promise." Your comment was breathless but you hoped it still held the snap you wanted it to.
Her eyes never left yours as you saw her lift the blade again, slicing off the excuse of an undergarment in a quick move.
You'd be a damned liar if you said you're not entirely enthralled by what's to come.
Her lips continued from your navel, grazing over your hip bones. Of course she would continue to tease the living hell out of you, her lips never quite going where you wanted them to.
Another mark was left on the very top of your thigh, her fingers just slightly brushing against the sensitive skin on the inside of your other thigh.
She was so close, so close to where you were almost quite literally aching for her.
It was almost to the point of begging, almost. Your hips involuntarily thrusted to get her where you wanted.
You knew very well that if anything slightly resembling a beg left your lips, she would win whatever little rendezvous was going on and you couldn't have that.
But to your absolute pleasure, it wouldn't come to begging. Yet.
Just as you felt the slight of her breath on your throbbing clit, your head lulled back entirely too ready for what this woman would do to you.
The moment her tongue met your clit, your bottom lip went between your teeth as not to reveal how desperate you were. Your hand instantly moved to the sheets below you, knuckles turning white as her pace went from torturously slow to almost enough.
Your thighs parted even further to allow more of her to be closer to you.
"Oh, fuck," One of your hands left the bed and almost entangled itself in Lesso's hair, but that was before you caught yourself.
Part of you wanted to believe that this was so you'd win the game. But the part of you that you were ignoring was thinking it was so you wouldn't actually get lost in the redheads presence.
But what you didn't know was that the redhead had felt the way your fingers just grazed along her shoulder, and she wanted to feel more.
You could tell that her repetitive movements were bringing you closer to the peak of pleasure, the tightness in your stomach was starting to become distracting.
Lesso could've sworn she could taste how close you were, if the way your thighs twitched was anything to go by. She gave it just a moment more, another moment for you to think that you were actually about to get what you wanted.
But that moment would soon come and go.
Just as you were about to voice your closeness to the edge, all movements and sensations stopped.
Part of you knew to expect this, but that didn't mean you wouldn't be annoyed.
Lesso was no longer biting back her smirks, especially when your groan of annoyance escaped your lips.
"What was that, pet?" She gave a slight nip to your inner thigh. "I didn't hear you."
"Fuck, Leo," If you weren't so focused readjusting your head on the pillow you would've seen Lesso swallow at the moment her name left your mouth.
She wasn't expecting how breathless and perfect it sounded, leaving her a little bit shocked if she was being honest. But while she was honest, she wasn't even aware you knew her first name.
In her state, she didn't hear what else you said. With the slightest shake of her head, she knew she couldn't dwell any longer.
To your dismay, she moved away from your dripping pussy. Her lips slowly trailing back up your torso.
She left more love bites where there was room, slowly easing herself to hover above you.
She licked her lips as she felt your body erupt with chills as she was finally level with you, choosing to not say anything about it this time.
Another mark left on the spot where your neck meets your shoulder before she moved to speak directly in your ear, "If you want to cum, you know what I want." She said too cool and composed for your liking.
You fisted the fabric of her blazer, trying to pull her closer, "And I've told you, if you want it from me then you make me."
A deep chuckle came from her, as if she knew something you didn't, and she sat up once again.
Her eyes never left yours as she slowly pulled the blazer off, making a show out of it.
The only way you'd be able to describe her movements was entrancing. The way she swiftly undid the buttons of the blazer and tossing it somewhere you weren't paying attention to. You weren't even sure if you blinked as you saw her take off the waistcoat next.
The only thing you were sure of is how badly you wanted her to keep taking things off. To see what she's been hiding from you this whole time. To see if she's as toned as you imagined...
Her smirk returned, "Pet, if you want the shirt off you only have to ask."
Your eyes rolled back once you processed what she said, "Telepath..."
Gods if you could've seen the cocky smirk on her face, you would've been much more turned on. If that was even possible.
You didn't even want to dwell on the amount of times and things she's must've seen in your mind. And none of them were innocent. Luckily you looked up, flushed cheeks and all, in time to see her unbutton her top.
You had involuntarily laid your hands on her thighs, watching her as she's straddled above you. Slowly, more of her was revealed to you, feeling your mouth go dry and the throbbing in your ignored cunt strengthening.
You simply couldn't look away. Her pale skin was toned, each muscle having its own definition. She may not be the most chiseled sculpture but you'd still swear she was one of Michelangelo's works.
"You staring, pet."
"That, is no one's fault but yours." You spoke, still breathless, as you looked back in her viridian eyes.
The game was temporarily forgotten, desire had overtaken all actions from you both.
Her lips rejoined at the base of your neck, adding more fuel to your inextinguishable flame.
You simply couldn't help it anymore, one of your hands finally tangled itself in her fiery locks like you desperately wanted to do ages ago while the other went to her now bare side.
And gods was it diminishing the last of Lesso's control, the sensation of your touch was almost overwhelming. The feel of your breath on her neck was nearly making her head spin.
She once again moved downwards, going slowly as a way to regain her thoughts, but to you it was a way to get you to squirm.
And, it worked.
Your need had built up enough before she took away your bliss.
You may have given into your need to feel her, but you still wouldn't beg.
Your hips lifted from the bed, but not for long before her hand had pinned them still once again. You couldn't help but groan.
Yes, you were antsy. Yes, you desperately wanted to be taken and completely destroyed but you were not about to say that out loud.
You'd fight to win this forsaken game if it killed you.
And, it just might.
Her lips lingered on your hip bone, so close yet so far from where you needed her.
Lesso's eyes peered up your tense body, loving to discover new things about you. She loved how your brow furrowed as you focused, how your fingers fidgeted in place until you could decide where you wanted them.
Lesso simply loved to play with you, to get you to writhe and moan. She had discovered a new favorite thing.
And speaking of moans, a soft one rippled from your lips as her fingertips slightly grazed your clit. A whispered curse involuntarily left you as she finally provided some sensation to your needy and abandoned clit, pausing just as her pace speeds past excruciating to run just along your folds.
A stuttering breath left you this time, knowing that this tease was the ultimate move for her. That this is her play.
"Something you want to say, pet?"
You bit your bottom lip, merely an attempt at withholding your whimper, and shook your head. You were desperate, desperately hoping she'd continue but quicken her pace.
Again, Lesso wouldn't say it out loud but as much as she loved seeing you twist and turn with desperation, she wanted to see what you looked like when you come. To hear the symphony that is your moans. She wanted to know if you'd grip her tight as you came undone or push her and the stimulation away because she knows once she gets a taste she'd never be satisfied by anything else again.
Lesso's thoughts were interrupted as a louder moan coming from you.
Your back arched and mind went empty as her fingers suddenly and easily slid into you, your arousal causing no resistance.
"Oh, fuck-" Your head began to lull back once she finally began moving her fingers.
The pace was just as steady as her previous ones, not trying to work you too quickly, but the new sensations were welcomed.
"More, I need more." Your hand flew to the red locks, trying to get more of something, anything.
Lesso was tempted to have you beg like the desperate little whore you were, but she'll take that, for now.
Her pace increased ever so slightly, only enough for her to see the way your face contorted with desire and need.
Just as you were about to repeat your previous statement, she added a third finger. Stretching you just enough to have a mind fuzzing pleasure start to build.
Lesso decided now was the time she'd like to commit to memory, the way your hips thrusted to keep pace with her fingers, how your back arched off the bed in search of more. How you sound, all. Because. Of her.
Lesso was sure to stay consistent, knowing your desperate self was beyond ready for release.
She merely needed to wait for it.
"Fuck-" Your words came out rushed and desperate.
"Awe, does my pet want to cum?"
"I'm not your pet." You quickly realized and spoke on your autonomy.
Then, it all stopped.
The slow incline to the edge, the glorious way she filled you, the way your body urned for more. All of it. Gone.
Your breaths came out rapid and broken, "Oh, fuck me."
"Well, I'm trying, but you're making this awfully difficult for yourself."
"Me?!" Your head collapsed against the pillow at the audacity.
She moved herself away from you, "You already know what I want from you, pet."
A scoff came from you, knowing you won't give in that easy, "What? Think I can't take it? You think I'll just give in, just like that? Cute." You looked back in her eyes, a glimmer of frustration beginning to gather.
You smirked inwardly, knowing that the game is working in your favor.
Her head tilted a little, "Oh, you can take it, can you? You can handle all I can give you?"
"Oh, do tell me that wasn't your all, now..." Your delicious simper filled Lesso with the need to make you eat your words.
More than joy filled you as her fingers slid back into your pussy, only now she was moving at the fastest pace she's done all night.
A near guttural moan came from you at the sudden move of hers, no building or waiting necessary.
Lesso still hadn't spoken, but as her free hand slowly snaked up your body, only pausing for a moment to leave a quick pinch to your right nipple.
Just as your brain processed the sudden sharp sensation, her hand wrapped around your throat. Your head tilted back as automated response to her touch.
Just as she squeezed, a small mewl came from you as her pace didn’t ease. Her fingers continued to pound into you harshly, causing you to get closer and closer to the edge of pure bliss.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to play with me?” Her voice lowered, no pleasure lied behind it then, it was almost dark. And as you saw her sharpened glare you wanted to be afraid, but something about Lesso makes it impossible for you to be afraid.
She chuckled lowly as your arousal increased at her words, “Pathetic.”
The pure pleasure she was giving you, the delicious look she had, the tone of her husky voice, it was just enough for you to come close.
And Lesso knew it. She could feel it.
But you wouldn’t.
Again, everything stopped suddenly.
Her hand left your pussy, as the grip on your throat loosened enough to hear a pathetic cry escape.
Okay, you thought you can handle it. But when she overloads your senses with nothing but the feeling of her, it becomes difficult to not give in.
Your eyes closed and your bottom lip went between your teeth as an attempt to keep yourself together.
Your hand reached up to hold onto her wrist that was homed around your throat. Maybe as a way of grounding, definitely as a way to keep some feeling of her on you.
Barely a moment passed before Lesso spoke up, "You're mine, say it." Her tone left no room for discussion.
"I belong to no one." Your voice however, was weak and low.
"Then you'll continue to be denied, entirely on you." A beat, two beats. You knew that you couldn't keep denying it, and not just because you wanted to come.
A stuttering breath, then a sigh, “I’m, yours. I belong to you.” It was no question, you both were aware of this fact before this rendezvous started. Something was so delectable about playing the game first.
She had the most aggravating smug smile on her face, and it looked so good on her. Damn you, damn it, damn her. You wouldn't take it back even if you wanted to. You were hers. Irrefutably, irrevocably, undeniably, completely hers.
She didn't have to say anything about how pleased she was with your admission, she knew it all along, her smile said it all.
Your chest was still heaving, trying to catch some of the breath Lesso stole from you, when she crawled on top of you once again. She straddled you like she had many times in the night, lightly tracing her nails over the marks she's made. She admired the discolored hues her love bites started to take on, loved seeing how your sensitive skin reacted to the slight edge of the blade, how your skin is adorned with marks from her nails all over.
She just couldn't get enough of the sight of you. All marked up by her, marked up where everyone can see, marked to show that you've been claimed.
But then, it hit her. You weren't technically marked by her. Oh, that just won't do.
She reached back over for the previously abandoned blade. Unconsciously twirling it once again between her fingers, an unknown habit of hers.
Where to put it? Where-to-put-it? She thought to herself, still silently looking over your tired and marked up form.
You simply laid there, you knew she was thinking of something, but you knew you'd find out soon enough.
And soon it was.
Not more than a moment after your thought, a hum came from the redhead and she leaned over you.
"This may hurt, but I'll make it quick." She spoke just as the tip of the knife cut into your skin.
'Fuck...' You thought as your mouth opened with silence.
The pained pleasure was the most mind spinning feeling you’d had felt to date.
The tip of the blade slicing through your delicate flesh.
And soon enough, a perfect “L. L” was carved right above your left breast.
A perfect marking that left no room for interpretation, you were now and forevermore, hers.
You, belonged to Leonora Lesso.
Both of your hands fisted her hair as her tongue swiped over the wound to clean you of the mess you were making.
Your eyes would’ve rolled to the back of your head at her move had they been opened.
“Please…” The slight tug in her hair was enough to tell Lesso everything she needed to know.
“What, begging already?”
“You’ve already won tonight, there’s nothing else for me to lose but one more thing for me to gain.” Your hips thrusted up enough for her to get the message.
And in that moment, Lesson realized it was time to keep her part of the bargain.
Her lips and tongue slowly moved south once more, exploring every part of you she could on the way.
She skipped past your navel, knowing that this would be the time you get what you wanted.
Gods the moment her lips came back into contact with your clit, you could’ve sworn you could come right then and there.
“Oh, fuck Leo, just like that.” Your hands never left her hair, nor eased on the grip.
Lesso would be a damned liar if she said she wasn’t entranced with the way your voice was breathless, or with the way her name simply rolled off your tongue.
Her pace increased on your clit while she brought her fingers back to your desperate pussy.
“Oh, fuck!” Your back arched off the bed and your grip in Lessos hair was a welcomed pained pleasure for her as it got even tighter.
You both knew you wouldn’t last long with the speed and expertise Lesso was using on you.
You were rapidly approaching the peak of bliss, feeling light headed as it was already and you haven’t even crossed the threshold yet.
“Leo, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
The swirling of her tongue on your clit pausing only long enough to speak, “Yeah? Does my pet wanna cum?”
“Yes! Yes, I wanna cum!”
No other words came from Lesso but her lips once again wrapped around your clit. Along with the swift swirling of her tongue, she pared it with new suction.
The newfound pleasure caused white to appear in your vision, your overwhelming sensitivity becoming known.
Just as Lesso slightly curled her fingers, you were there. A near scream-like moan and the cinching around Lessos fingers told her you were there.
You came, and you came hard.
Lesso’s name fell from your lips like a mantra, being spoken over and over and over again.
Lesso got her answer as you started to use your grip in her hair to pull her from you.
The sensitivity was nearly unbearable and Lesso wasn’t easing up.
She knew you’d have to pry her away from you.
The pure taste of nothing but you was a craving she didn’t know had to be satiated.
Your hands finally relaxed enough to moved from Lesso’s hair to her jaw, now pulling her up to face you.
You still hadn’t caught your breath but you didn’t let that stop you from pulling the redhead in for a kiss.
Her hands moved to be resting on your waist, choosing to deepen the kiss.
Your body was weak but you needed a taste of Lesso too, even if it was a sample.
She was pliant in your hands, moving in any way your slight touch nudged her too. Your lips slowly moved down her jaw, the bliss causing her to briefly close her eyes.
You continued further down, reaching her neck and beginning to leave a mark right on her pulse point, "Only fair if I get to leave my mark too. Wouldn't want anyone else to think they've got a chance, now do we?"
You could feel the way her chuckle left her throat as your lips moved along her skin.
You were sure to make it worth while, leaving a bright large mark where it couldn’t be obviously hidden.
Sure, it was meek in comparison to the marks and cuts she’s left on you, but you like to think it’s the thought that counts.
Lesso pulled back a bit, and just as you were admiring your work, she was admiring you.
Neither would speak of it but this mutual liking, no infatuation, no no love, would be the center of a new universe.
Her eyes glanced down and a proud smirk rejoined her features.
“I’ll get a rag to clean you up, stay here.” She reluctantly climbed off you to grab a rag, finding it surprisingly easy to maneuver in your space.
Your voice was still soft, partly hoarse from the previous activities, “Not like I can go far right now.”
You yearned at her genuine laughter at your comment, knowing you’d gladly get to hear it again.
She came back with a water bottle and a rag, “I’ll be sure to ease up on you next time.”
And with one simple sentence, one small act of kindness, you and your heart smiled.
Next time.
Again, you were hers. Irrefutably, irrevocably, undeniably, completely hers.
Taglist: @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @hxzxrdous @sgelessoanddoveykissing
Lmk if you wanna join the taglist! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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annie-creates · 4 months
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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