#dark lord oneshot
Tom Riddle X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: Mild language, Graphic, Smut, Toxic, Possessive, Protective, Angst, Fluff, Suggestive, Anger…
Prompt: Y/N Black is a mystery to many. She isn’t interested in making friends, only her studies. However, unbeknownst to many, one boy has piqued her interest——Tom Riddle. Little did she know, he had an obsession with her.
Sidenote: I did use some spells from the vampire diaries just for the heck of it. I may do a part two, but I’m not sure if it really needs it. I’ll leave it up to you guys!
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Everyone seemed more chattier than usual. Maybe it was the upcoming Yule Ball or maybe it was because holidays were approaching. However, you hated the buzzing chatter, the obnoxious shouting, and all of the crowded halls. You had tried to go to the library as an escape from this madness, but everyone had infiltrated the library even.
You were the Scrooge that everybody was painfully aware of as you stormed through the halls with your books clutched to your chest. If you were a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor, they would have laughed at the irked expression on your face. However, knowing you were a Slytherin strikes fear in many.
Not to mention you were a mystery to many. You were oh so quiet, along with a freakishly amount of smart, and an unearthly amount of beautiful. You chose to stick to yourself, choosing to not make any friends. You instead chose to have acquaintances in case a group project popped up, however you normally managed to worm your way out of that so you could work alone.
That was how you preferred doing things, alone. Other students have given up on trying to befriend you, seeing it as pointless. Guys would still try and ask you out, but their advances failed. They hadn’t noticed that your interest was piqued by a boy already. However, it seemed that he was just like you.
Tom Riddle was a handsome young man with jet black curly-ish hair and dark brown eyes that looked almost black from afar. He was fairly tall and had a lean look. His face was always blank…passive as he studied or walked through the halls or even when he was with his group of “friends”. They were his followers in his mind, not his friends. To anyone else, they saw them as a happy friend group.
You had noticed the things that anyone would pick up about Tom from afar, like his intelligence. Tom excelled in all of his classes, in fact he was tied at the top of the year with you. He too was introverted, preferring to be alone and in silence. For someone as passive as Tom, you noticed things he did. When he was judging something, he’d lean back in his chair, occasionally quirking an eyebrow as if he was impressed or annoyed.
When he was in a rather intuitive or creative mood, his eyes seemed to be a lighter shade of brown and he would get carried away in his journal. When he was thinking, he would zone out on his journal or something in the room.
You noticed that he’d clench his jaw until a muscle there ticked when he got angered. When he was annoyed, he had a tendency to sigh.
“Y/N!” Narcissa calls.
She stood among Tom Riddle and all of his “friends”. Tom’s eyes find you who was clearly irritated. You had made your way through the crowd and head towards her.
“Yes?” You ask.
“Hey, that is no way to talk to your favorite cousin.” Narcissa scolds.
“Who said you were my favorite?” You ask.
“It’s because it is me.” Bellatrix grins.
“Not you either.” You mutter.
“Moving on, have you seen Sirius or Regulus?” She asks.
“I’m not their keeper, Narcissa.” You mutter.
“They said they were meeting up with you.” She says, sighing in frustration.
“Well they didn’t. I need to get to class.” You mutter.
Before you could go, Bellatrix grabs your upper arm in a tight grip. You turn back to her with a clenched jaw as Narcissa steps back, muttering an “Uh-Oh”.
“Leaving so soon, cousin?” She mocks.
“Bellatrix, I’m warning you now to let go or you will regret it.” You warn calmly.
“What will you do? You're all goody two shoes, yet your in Slytherin. I think that dumb hat sorted you into the wrong house.” She says.
You pull your wand free, pointing it at her as you mutter “Stupefy”. You roll your eyes as she flies backwards through the crowd.
“If I wouldn’t get expelled, I would definitely crucio you or use the killing curse on you for your information. However, nothing is stopping me once we graduate.” You say, before turning and leaving the group stunned.
Tom smiles slightly as he watches you walk away, finding himself even more intrigued with you than he originally was. Call it an interest or maybe an obsession at this point. He liked to watch you when he could. He noticed things about you that he was sure no one else noticed.
He knew you were a quiet and mysterious girl, but underneath that “innocent” mask you wore, he knew there was a strong woman with a dangerous mind. You were far from innocent and today proved that more so to him. To anyone else, you were that innocent girl. However, when you let your guard down if you were stressed or angry or irritated, he could see the danger swirling in your (eye color) eyes.
He lets his smile fall, regaining his composure before turning back to his group. Bellatrix was back on her feet, a scowl on her face as Narcissa helped hold her up. He watches as Sirius and Regulus join them.
“What is wrong with you?” Sirius asks.
“Your bloody sister is what is wrong! She used stupefy on me!” She snaps.
“How pissed off did you make her?” Regulus chuckles, shaking his head.
“You both told me you were meeting with her about becoming a follower. Yet, she hasn’t seen either of you all day. So, where were you both off to?” Narcissa snaps.
“Have you seen how mad she can get? We learned not to mess around when she gets mad, Issa. When she is mad, she will take down anyone in her path. We’ve learned how to avoid making her mad. So, you go have that conversation with her because I rather not get crucio’d again.” Sirius says.
“Wow.” Avery mutters.
“She may be quiet and keeps to herself, but Y/N is a ticking time-bomb when you make her mad. She is intelligent, and maybe too intelligent for her own good. She also liked being stronger than others in magic, so that is why she studies so hard. However, because she is so antisocial and introverted, even as a child before Hogwarts, she took her studies serious, so she doesn’t understand fun. She is boring.” Sirius says.
“I bet she hasn’t ever shagged anyone, or snogged! A sixth year and a virgin! That is embarrassing.” Bellatrix cackles.
That further piqued Tom’s interest about you.. He found himself having more thoughts about you, both innocent and sinful thoughts. However, his sinful thoughts changed to the exception of you being a virgin. That made him feel a possessiveness over you he wasn’t quite sure how to feel about. However, he knew that the idea of you being with anyone else was sickening to him. You were his, you just didn’t know it yet.
Your studies past fairly quickly and you were heading towards the Great Hall. You sit at your normal spot, Regulus sitting next to you. Tom sat a table down with his “friends”, however his focus was on you. Regulus gently closed your books, pushing them away.
“Eat, then study.” He stresses softly.
As irritated as you were about him taking away your books, you listened. Tom quirked a brow, finding himself wondering if it was often you got so distracted by your studies that you didn’t take care of yourself the best. His eyes roam over you slowly, noticing the dark circles under your eyes along with the thinning face of yours. So, it was often, he thought.
“Y/N! My favorite sister! How has your day been?” Sirius asks as plops down across from you.
“What do you want?” You ask, sighing as you pushed your food around on your plate.
“Nothing to do with studies I hope, she is taking a break to eat.” Regulus stresses.
You close your eyes as the two start to argue, resting your chin on your hand. You open your eyes when Regulus stands, his voice getting louder.
“Enough!” You snap, the two instantly quieting.
It had gotten the attention of those around your table. You take in a slow breath before letting it out, regaining your composure before looking between your brothers with a blank look.
“You two bicker like a bunch of children. This is our brief moment to be able to hang out, however you both don’t know how to push aside your differences because you both are too hot-headed and irrational.” You rant.
You snatch up your books that Regulus had pushed away from you earlier and stood from the table as you left the Great Hall.
Tom watched you leave before looking between your brothers, before his eyes fell on your plate of untouched food. He puts some food in his bag, going unnoticed and decides to leave himself. He made his way to the library, heading to the forbidden section where he assumed you’d be. He feels a brief moment of pride flare in his chest, right about where you had gone. He clears his throat and you look up from your notes.
“Here. I noticed you didn’t eat.” He says.
His voice surprised you. It was deep, soft and mysterious. He pulled out some food he took from the Great Hall and handed it to you.
“Thank you.” You murmur.
He nods, going to leave and you begin working on your studies again. You sigh as a loud group comes into the library.
“Would you allow me to show you a place I like to go?” He asks, looking back down at you.
“I don’t see why not.” You admit, gathering your stuff before standing.
You follow behind Tom, not quite sure where he was taking you. You knew of his quest to become the Dark Lord. Some of his followers had big mouths, so you heard more than everyone thought you knew. They assumed you were clueless about his current quest and they all were tip-toeing around who would be the one to break the news to you. However, you knew. You knew more than them in fact.
He looks around, making sure there was no other students or professors in the hall before a door appears in the wall. Your lips part from surprise as he ushers you in, following behind you. You looked around the empty room in awe.
“The Room of Requirements…I’ve heard of it and I’ve looked everywhere for it.” You mumble.
“Yes, I searched for this room for awhile myself. I later learned that the room only will appear in great need.” Tom explains, seeming rather smug about finding it.
“The room seems to know you quite well…and you seem to know the room quite well too. Otherwise, the door wouldn’t have appeared because I’m sure my studies are not in great need.” You say, turning back to him.
You feel a heat spread across your body as you catch his eyes on you. The dark eyes slowly trail over you, mapping out your body. His eyes stop on your blouse where you had a few buttons undone since you were alone and had started to get a little hot in the confined aisles of the forbidden section in the library.
He steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you. You look up, not realizing that he was this tall. He puts a hand out and gently grasps your hip before trailing it up your side. He tugs on the middle of your blouse, revealing more of your cleavage, before he starts undoing the remaining buttons.
“That and maybe because I am in great need of you.” He murmurs, leaning down to trail his lips along your neck.
You shiver, feeling a trail of goosebumps being left behind from the ghost touch. His hands find your shoulders where he pushes the robes off before pushing your blouse off along with it. He leaves a soft kiss on your racing pulse, before he pulls back to look down at you.
You were left in a dark green lace bra, and he tsked quietly, approving the way they made your breasts look. The bra seemed to work as a push-up bra, but really Narcissa had gotten you the wrong size this year.
His eyes trail over your stomach, noting the soft curves he would be sure to feel later. His eyes focus on the short school-girl skirt, also Narcissa’s doing. You didn’t fret much about it as you knew you’d wear your robe more often than not. You were wearing knee high stockings with a pair of mary-janes.
“The school girl skirt, hmph, your just asking to be fucked, aren’t you?” He asks, a smirk slowly spreading across his face.
“Tom.” You say breathlessly.
“Leave the skirt on, but take your panties off.” He orders.
He begins unbuttoning his own shirt, watching you. You were frozen in place before you start to work the panties down. He held a hand out, looking at you expectantly. Your shaky hand places the matching dark green lace panties into his hand.
He balls it up and sticks it in his blazer pocket. You watch as his long, slender fingers work his belt off. Your eyes focused on his veiny hands.
“Hands and knees.” He says.
You slowly drop to your knees, turning over, no longer able to watch his next move. You get on your hands, moving so you are on your elbows. You arch your back down, sticking your ass out more.
Tom licks his lips slowly, swallowing hard as he watches you get into the position. He inhales deeply, watching as you arch your back. He puts a clenched fist to his mouth, lightly biting himself, not quite sure if this was really happening. The skirt hid nothing. He could see the big globes that he found himself really attracted to. He never would have taken himself as an ass man.
His eyes trail further down to see your glistening entrance. He pushes his pants off before he gets on the ground behind you. He brushes your hair over your shoulder, before he finds himself tracing down your spine lightly. You shiver unintentionally, however he enjoyed the effect he on you.
“How bad do you want me?” He murmurs into your ear.
“Please, Tom.” You whisper as you push your hips back.
“Pathetic. Do you want my cock or not?” He asks, grabbing a fistful of your hair and roughly jerking your head back.
A breathless moan fills the thick air in the room as a heat spreads across your scalp. He clenches his jaw, feeling himself twitch from the sound he heard. It was the beginning of a beautiful symphony, one he didn’t realize how much he’d become crazed for.
“Tom! Please! I need you!” You cry, feeling frustrated that he wasn’t touching you where you wanted to be touched.
He smirks, gently grabbing your hips. He uses his other hand to guide himself into your dripping entrance. He groans, your walls immediately grasping onto him, suffocating him. You moan lowly, your hands grasping at the stone floor as your eyes flutter shut.
“Fuck.” He curses, working himself in and out of you slowly.
“Tom, please.” You plead, pushing your hips back.
“Is my cock the first one you’ve ever had?” He asks, his eyes burning in the back of your head as he awaited your response.
“Yes! Please, Tom!” You cry.
He couldn’t help the grin across his face. He heard it, but he wasn’t sure if maybe you just kept them out of the loop. But, knowing he was the one to take your virginity was exhilirating to him.
“I better be the only cock you have here. You are mine.” He warns.
“Yes! I-I’m yours, Tom!” You moan as he starts to move at a faster pace.
“I’ll kill any boy who dares to be with you, because you are mine! I’ll punish you if I see you talking to some boy.” He growls, his hips now savagely moving.
You cry for more, your soft and loud moans were music to his ears. He breathed heavily along with you as held onto your hips tightly. Skin smacking echoed in the room and you heard his soft groan which sent you coming. He groans louder as you clench around him, coming around him.
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You stood on shaky legs, buttoning up your blouse and grimacing as you feel your shared climaxes slowly leaking out of you. He grasps your chin, looking at you with a stern look.
“Keep it in. I want you to know who fucked you.” He says.
“Tom, I need my panties.” You say as your cheeks flush.
“Find another way to keep it in.” He says, before focusing back on straightening himself out.
You pull your blazer on along with your robes before grabbing your books and hurrying out. You reach the Slytherin common room, Narcissa and Bellatrix looking up from their game of cards. Sirius and Regulus’s backs were to you.
“Oh my god, you got shagged!” Narcissa exclaims with a grin.
“Who was it?” Bellatrix asks.
“Yeah, I’d like to know.” Sirius seethes, taking in your disheveled hair and the hickeys on your neck.
Narcissa looks at your knees to see that they were scraped up, but you choose to ignore your brothers and cousins as you make your way past them. Regulus laughs, yelling “Atta girl!”
A small smile graces your lips at your little brothers comment. He too was protective of you, but he knew you inside and out. He and you were far closer than you were with Sirius. You get to your dorm and think of showering, but then your mind wanders to Tom. Keep it in…
You pull on a pair of fresh panties as you change into your nightware. You found yourself tossing and turning for a long while before you fell asleep. By the time it was time to wake up, you were exhausted. You could sleep in, but that ruins your morning routine.
You go to the shower, grimacing at the burn in your stomach. It was now that you realized you didn’t eat once yesterday. You finished up in the bathroom before pulling on a black lingerie set. You gasp as your door opens and Tom walks in.
“I knew you’d be awake.” He says, his eyes slowly roaming over you and some of the bruises he had made from where he held you still.
“Tom, what are you doing here?” You ask, grabbing a random robe and pulling it on.
“I’ve seen it all, darling. I wanted to tell you no more skirts.” He says and you look at him confused.
“I…Is it because how short they are?” You ask.
“That and the school girl skirt should be meant for my eyes when we are alone. Do you understand?” He asks.
“I…yes, Tom.” You say quietly.
He grins, looking at your neck where you had several hickeys before he leaves. You frown and look at the outfit you had prepared for this morning. It consisted of a school girl skirt.You sigh, grabbing a dark green skater skirt that ended a little about mid-thigh. There wasn’t much you could do about the length of your skirts until you went shopping again.
You grab your button up blouse and your Slytherin tie. You grab the blazer and sigh when you see dust on it. You hang it back up, deciding you will have to clean it later because you don’t have time now.
You pull on your knee socks and mary-janes when there was a knock at your dorm door. You open it and see it was Narcissa.
“I came bearing gifts.” She says.
You open the door and she guides you to the small vanity as she begins to help you cover the hickeys on your neck and jawline.
“So, who was it?” She asks.
“I’m not sure if I’m ready to say who it was yet.” You murmur.
“Did he force you? I’ll make him suffer the worst ways imaginable.” She says seriously.
“No, no, he didn’t force me. I’m just not sure what is happening yet. I don’t know if it merely was just another shag to him or if it’ll turn into something. However, he’s being a little controlling of what I wear, mainly my skirts.” You explain.
“I feel like I already know who this is.” She says, sighing.
“Who?” You ask.
“Tom Riddle?” She asks.
“Oh…how did you know?” You ask.
“Tom is…many things. I don’t know if he is capable of love and a relationship. He is a very possessive man. And I mean to the extent that it isn't healthy. He is ill-tempered and easily jealous. Not to mention he can be obsessive too. I personally think you should put some distance between the two of you and let things die down. I don’t know what his intentions are, but I’m sure they aren’t good.” She explains.
“Alright.” You say quietly.
You were quite sure how to feel. But, you knew Narcissa meant well and you also knew that she knew Tom better than you. You trusted her advice almost as you trusted Regulus’s.
“All done.” She says.
“Thank you, Issa.” You murmur and she nods.
She leaves you to your thoughts and you realize you need to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. You gather your books and make your way out of your dorm in a daze. You head to the Great Hall and see everyone was already there. You ignore the burning stare that you knew belonged to Tom Riddle.
“Hey, you okay? You seem out of it? And your running late.” Regulus says.
“Oh, I’m fine. I think I’m just in need of food. I realized I didn’t eat once yesterday.” You explain.
“Y/N/N, you’ve got to take better care of yourself. I will start treating you like I did the first year.” He warns.
“I know, I know, and I promise I’ll do better.” You sigh.
“Why is Riddle staring at you? He seems pissed.” He whispers.
“Oh, who knows.” You sigh, briefly glancing at Tom.
Tom was staring at your neck where your hickeys would be, but thanks to Narcissa, they were no longer there. You managed to eat some of your food before it began to make you feel sick. You felt suffocated with Tom glaring daggers into you and Sirius was no better.
“Stop it.” Regulus warns Sirius.
“I want to know who it was.” He snaps, looking back at you.
You clench your jaw, narrowing your eyes at him as you take a slow breath in and let it out. You pull your wand out and keep your hand rested on the table, so you don’t draw anymore attention to you.
“Keep glaring, brother and watch how fast you end up in the hospital wing.” You warn lowly.
“Guys.” Narcissa warns.
“Who is he?” He growls lowly, leaning closer to you.
“Oh shit. Take cover!” Regulus says, going under the table.
You reach forward, grabbing Sirius’s tie and pull him closer as your face heats from anger.
“Astronomy tower, now.” You grit out.
He stands and storms out and you stand as Regulus pokes his head out.
“Don’t kill him please.” He pleads.
You storm out of the Great Hall, wand in hand as you make your way towards the Astronomy tower to see him already there and waiting.
“Who is it!?” He snaps as you both circle each other.
“Sirius, it’s none of your business. Stop trying to act like the older and protective brother. Stop acting like you care!” You snap.
“I do care! You're my sister.” He snaps.
“Guys. Let’s try to keep calm.” Narcissa says as she walks in with her group.
“Yeah, let’s just hug it out and make up.” Regulus says.
“I want to know who has my sister acting like a tramp.” He snaps.
“Oh no….oh no! Oh no! Back up, back up, back up!” Regulus says as he pushes everyone back.
“Bombarda!” You fast and Sirius curses as he tries to dodge the mini explosion you casted his way.
“Confundo!” He shouts, but you dodge it.
“Everte Statum.” You cast, watching as he flies back against the wall, his wand falling in the process.
You walk forward, grabbing his wand before looking down at him.
“Impulsa Animositas!” You snap, gaining confused looks from around the room.
“I…Y/N, have you been creating spells again?” Regulus asks cautiously.
“Again?” Narcissa asks alarmed.
“What did you do to me?” Sirius snaps.
“Say something mean. To any of us.” You say, smirking.
“What the hell did you do to me you crazy bi—ow!” He exclaims after feeling a jolt of electricity go through you.
“Just as I assumed. This spell will zap you everytime you try and say something mean.” You say.
“That’s child’s play you idiot!” He snaps before groaning.
“Hm. This isn’t. Lihednat Dolchitni.” You cast.
His hands find his throat as he try’s to breath. You clench your fist tighter, watching how he struggles more before you wave your hand and it stops. He leans forward, breathing heavily.
“Tread carefully, brother. I have far more up my sleeve than you wish to believe.” You spat.
“You…you will get in so much trouble for creating spells. Regulus and I told you that you need to stop.” He breathes heavily.
“Then keep your mouths shut otherwise I’ll make you suffer in the worst unimaginable ways.” You say.
With that, you turn and walk past the group who seemed shocked. You head back to the Great Hall, gathering your items before heading back to your dorm. You were too upset and riled up to do anything. So, instead you hurry to your dorm and lock the door.
You pace frantically, running your hands through your hair. You let a breath out that you hadn’t noticed you were holding.
“You’re okay. You’re okay. Everything is okay.” You mumble to yourself.
The lock on your door clicks, so you turn and see Tom. He closes the door back and turns to you with that normal passive and cold look.
“That was…impressive.” He says.
“Tom, I really rather be alone right now.” You mutter.
“Why cover the marks I left? I left them for a reason.” He says, his voice hardening as his eyes turn several shades darker.
“I didn’t want to walk around with them showing. People would have said something and I don’t want to deal with that. Plus, I rather the school not know I was your play thing.” You mutter harshly, turning your back to him.
“Who said you were a play thing because I don’t recall ever telling you that?” He snaps.
“Tell me this, Tom. Are you one for commitment? Would you be in an exclusive relationship? Huh, tell me that!” You snap harshly as you turn to face him again.
“I can do commitment. Before, I’d say no. However, for you I am willing to do it. I’m willing to be in an exclusive relationship as you call it. Because I can’t ever get you out of my head! You are all I can focus on! It’s so…so irritating, yet I love it at the same time.” He growls.
“Tom, there are going to have to be some rules set in place if we are to do something. Like the skirt thing this morning. I only wear skirts.” You say.
“Fine. Wear your skirts, well not the school girl ones, however I can’t promise that some asshole won’t end up dead for looking. You are mine.” He snaps.
“Okay, and what about the marks?” You ask.
“You shouldn’t care what anyone says. You never have before, so why care now? I want people to know that you belong to me. I want the guys to realize that you aren’t a possibility anymore. You are mine.” He says, closing the distance between you both.
You look up as his hand wraps around your throat. He tightens his hand and you let a shaky breath out as you clench your thighs.
“You barely know me.” You mumble.
“I know more than you think, darling. You piqued my interest. When that happens, I tend to learn everything I can.” He murmurs, brushing his nose against yours before kissing you softly.
You hum, moving your hands to his hair. You whine when he pulls back, a smirk on his lips.
“What does that mean? How have you learned about me if you just started speaking to me yesterday?” You ask.
“Because I might be a bit obsessive when it comes to learning of the things that interest me. I won’t stop until I know everything.” He says.
There was banging on your dorm door and you sigh, going to walk past Tom, but he loops an arm around your waist.
“Who is it?” Tom asks, annoyed.
“It’s Bella, me and Regulus. Is Y/N in there?” Narcissa says.
“Well go away. I’m about to fuck my girl.” He snaps.
Your face heats up as you cover your mouth to hide your gasp. Narcissa gasps, Regulus laughs and yells for you to get it while Bellatrix throws a fit.
“We are not doing anything! We are just talking!” You exclaim.
“Talking, huh?” He says, quirking a brow at you as he slips a hand beneath your skirt.
You let a shaky breath out as he trails his hand up your thigh. He gets to your underwear, sliding two fingers beneath the lacy fabric.
“Tom.” You mumble.
“Talking and yet you're so wet for me. Do you want my cock again?” He asks, sliding a finger in you.
Your eyes flutter close and he grins widely, loving the way you reacted to his touch. You were the violin and he was the violinist. He played you so gracefully and loved the beautiful symphony that came from your mouth. It was his greatest obsession.
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atypicalamortentia · 11 months
Agreement || Lord Voldemort
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Synopsis - Your family and the Dark Lord were very close, so close that an agreement had been made on your behalf when you were just a little girl: you were to be married to Lord Voldemort.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 3.2k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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You’re the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. You had recently graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with some of the best scores the school had ever seen. You’re a powerful witch and you know it. 
You were aware that your family had dealings with the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort. However, you had yet to be involved. If you were home when the Dark Lord came to visit, your mother told you to go upstairs and stay quiet. You wondered if Voldemort knew your existed, and if so, why you hadn’t been drafted to be a Death Eater like your brother Draco. 
Today started like any other day. You woke up, went downstairs for breakfast and washed up when everyone was finished eating. As you put the dishes away, your mother approached you and whispered in your ear, “the Dark Lord is coming. You know what to do.” You nodded in response. You quickly finished putting away the dishes and turned on your heels. You walked to the large staircase at the entrance of your home and swiftly walked up them and down the long hallway leading to your bedroom. You were to keep yourself silent until you were called for. 
As soon as you reached your bedroom, you closed the door and lay on your bed. For a few moments you stared at the ceiling, listening out for the arrival of the Dark Lord, however all you heard was your brother and father arguing.   
“It’s not time yet father,” you heard Draco murmur. 
“I think it is time Draco,” your father hissed in response. “Do you dare question my actions?” 
There was a moment of silence before Draco responded. “No father.” 
You heard two pairs of footsteps walk down the hall and suddenly you were alone with your thoughts again. You couldn’t help but want to know what it was your father and brother were arguing about. What wasn’t it time for? You weren’t sure but you’d ask Draco about it later. You continued to lay on your bed and stared at the ceiling as you heard the chatter begin downstairs signalling the arrival of the Dark Lord. You closed your eyes and soon fell into a deep slumped. 
A significant time must have passed while you were asleep. You woke up to a dark room, the only light being from the moon outside of your window. You sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes with a yawn. You stood up from your position on the bed and moved to the door, listening out closely to hear any signs of life from downstairs. 
You had assumed somebody had called for you while you were asleep which is why you had never heard so you made your way out of your room and down the hall. The stairs seemed never ending in the dark as you walked down them, being careful so as not to trip on the way. You made your way to the closed dining room door, still listening out for conversation that wasn’t there. You took that as a sign the Dark Lord and all the other Death Eaters had all left so, slowly, you opened the dining room door and peered around. 
Your eyes widened. 
“There’s my princess,” he said. At the head of the table, where your father would usually be at dinner, Voldemort sat. An extremely pale being, adorned in deep green robes, the Slytherin house colours. You looked at the table top to see a huge serpent, the biggest serpent you’ve ever seen, making itself at home. Around the table were the Dark Lords loyal followers including your mother, father and brother. You were overcome with fear, unable to move as Voldemort beckoned you towards him with a pale finger. “Come, princess,” he spoke quietly. 
You wanted to run, but you knew in your heart it was futile. He would catch you, no matter where you fled. You looked to your father who nodded to you, signalling that you should do as the Dark Lord said. With wide eyes and shaky steps, you made your way over to him. Once you reached his side, Voldemort grasped your hips and dug his long fingernails into the jumper you were wearing before pulling you down to sit on his lap. Your eyes widened even more, if that was even possible, and numerous thoughts spun around in your mind. “My lord-” your father started, but was quickly silenced. 
“Now now Lucius,” Voldemort hissed. “This is all part of our agreement.”
You looked to your father and mother in confusion but the two avoided your gaze, eyes fixed on the Dark Lord. “What’s the matter princess? You’re trembling,” Voldemort whispered in your right ear. His breath was hot against your skin, but despite that you felt the goosebumps rise on your arms. “Did your parents not tell you? They really thought keeping you away from me would stop what was meant to be.” 
“E-Excuse me?” You asked, a slight stutter on your tongue. 
“Dear dear,” Voldemort tutted, shaking his head before looking at your father. Then, Voldemort turned his attention to you, his fingers grasping your chin and forcing you to look at him. “My princess. We are to be married.” 
“Married?!” You yelped in surprise. You attempted to jump off the Dark Lord’s lap, but he kept you planted firmly where he wanted you. “I-I can’t get married.” 
“My dear Y/N,” he whispered. “You have no choice. You will learn to love me.” 
You couldn’t help but shiver at his words. How could you love him? He had sounded so sinister in that moment and it clicked in your head, this is what your father and Draco were arguing about earlier before you had fallen asleep. You looked around the table at the Death Eaters. “But why me?” You asked. 
“My princess,” Voldemort spoke, his tone soft. “You are the most powerful witch I know and if anybody can help me, I know it’s you.” His eyes held a raw determination you had never seen before. “We will have powerful children.” 
“Children?!” You yelped again. 
Your father seemed to stiffen at the mention of you having children and this didn’t go unnoticed by the Dark Lord. Voldemort looked to your father with a smile on his face before looking back at you, “should we start now? You have a free bedroom, do you not?” His tone was mocking as his hands rubbed at your hips. Your father couldn’t help but stand up, slamming his hands on the table in front of him. Voldemort simply chuckled. “Is there a problem, Lucius?”   
Your father pursed his lips and sat back down again. Gritting his teeth he shook his head. You could tell he was desperate to say something but feared what would happen to him if he did. Your mother placed her hand on his arm in an attempt to keep him calm. “Lucius,” she whispered, a warning almost. 
Voldemort turned to you once more once your father had backed down. A sickeningly sweet yet twisted smile lay on his lips. Your heart was pounding in your chest, whether it was from fear or embarrassment you weren’t quite sure. Voldemort brought his hand up to stroke your hair and admired the glint of fear that burned in your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak but were unsure of what to say, so, you closed your mouth. Your head was spinning.
“What’s wrong, my princess?” The Dark Lord whispered in your ear. You opened your mouth to speak again, but no words came out. “My pet, these are all your loyal servants. They will do anything you ask them to do. All you have to do is be by my side.” You turned your attention from the Dark Lord to the Death Eaters sitting around the table, but none of them looked your way. None of them would help you in your current situation, not even your family. You gulped hard as Voldemort's hands moved along your hips, nails digging into the fabric of your shirt ever so slightly, almost as if it was a reminder of who he was and the power he held. You felt trapped, powerless at this moment in time. You felt his lips ghost over your neck, licking at the soft flesh covering your jugular vein. “All of this will be yours and so much more.” He pushed you off his lap and stood up. He towered over you, his presence felt threatening. “Come, my dear.” 
“Where are we going?” You ask, a slight stutter in your voice. 
“Back to my home,” Voldemort grinned. “You will be living with me from now on. All your belongings will be brought back to our home.”
Your eyes widened with surprise and you immediately began to shake your head with defiance. “I-I can’t!” You cry out, looking to your father and mother for help. Neither of them looked your way. “Mother! Father! Tell him!”
Your father finally looked at you. There was sadness in his eyes. “Y/N,” he spoke softly. “You have to go.”
“You cannot be serious,” You snapped, eyes filled with fury. You turned to see Voldemort standing next to you, his hand outstretched. 
“Come my dear,” he whispered, beckoning you. You looked to your family in one last attempt for help, but to no avail. You sighed silently, and slumped your shoulders in defeat. You knew you had no choice. You stormed past Voldemort and out of your now previous home. 
A few days had passed since that day. You were still getting used to this whole arrangement. You missed your family, though. You missed your gentle mother, stubborn father and obnoxious brother to no end. You jumped as the bedroom door opened, revealing The Dark Lord himself. You hadn’t seen him since that day so you were shocked at his presence. “What are you doing?” You shrieked. “I could have been naked or-or anything!” 
“It’s only a matter of time before I see you naked, my princess,” Voldemort grinned. You squirmed at the thought of having sex with him. “I came to announce that your family will be arriving shortly for the ceremony.”
“What ceremony?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Our wedding of course,” the Dark Lord responded. He held his hand out to you like he did that day, beckoning you to come to him. “You should get ready. Your dress is this way.” 
You stood up off of the bed and made your way over to him cautiously. This was all moving really, really fast. “Wedding? Already?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s only been a few days…”
“There is no need to wait, my princess,” The Dark Lord spoke, ushering you to the spare bedroom. “In here, everything is waiting for you.”
You walked into the bedroom. Your mother was sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. As soon as you entered, she shot up, a smile on her face when she saw your form. “Y/N…” She whispered, automatically pulling you in for a hug. 
“Mother,” you whispered back. You looked back to see Voldemort was nowhere to be seen, you closed the door quickly, looking at your mother. “I don’t want this…” You shook your head to the side. 
“But you have to, my dear,” your mother replied back. “For our family.” 
“No buts,” she said. “This has to be done.”
It made no sense to you. None of it was making any sense. You knew of none of this before the other day and now it was your wedding day! Your mother moved to the side, revealing a beautiful deep green wedding dress. “Your dress,” your mother smiled. 
Your eyes widened at the sight of the dress. It was beautiful, not your traditional wedding dress but it was still beautiful. “When was all this decided?” You asked, your fingers trailing the seam of the dress. 
“When you were a young girl,” your mother responded. You looked at her with shock, but didn’t say anything else. “Come now. Let’s get you ready.” You nodded, remaining silent. Your mother did your hair and make-up before helping you with your dress. You felt like a princess, but this isn’t the way you thought your wedding day would go… Or who it would be with. There was a knock on the door as your dress slipped on. “Come in!” Your mother called. 
It was your father. He walked in, his eyes widening when he saw you. “You look… Beautiful…” Your father whispered as he walked into the room. He looked you up and down with a slight smile on his face.   
“Thank you,” you mumbled, not looking at him. 
Your father nodded before speaking again, “he’s ready for you now.” 
Your mother nodded and grabbed your arm, your father grabbing your other arm as they led you out into the room and into the main hall of the house. You looked around at the ceiling adorned with fairy-lights and vines, they contrasted perfectly with the dark walls. At the end of the makeshift wedding venue, Lord Voldemort stood. His face twisted into a grin the second he saw you. It sent a shiver up your spine. Your mother and father walked you down the aisle as the music played. Your heart was racing. You spotted Draco sitting at the front, his eyes full of sorrow. He didn’t want this for you. When you reached the altar, Voldemort took your hands in his immediately, his long fingernails cutting your hand slightly. 
“You look simply delectable my princess,” he whispered to you. 
You remained silent again as the priest began the ceremony. It was over quicker than it began, nobody in the room objecting to your new matrimony. “You may now kiss the bride,” the priest spoke, closing the book he was holding. 
The Dark Lord looked at you, before quickly cupping your face in his hands and pulling you close to him before you could even reject him. His tongue licked your lips desperately, almost as if he was begging for entrance into your mouth. You shook your head ‘no’ but his hand snaked down to your waist, squeezing lightly. You squeaked and opened your mouth involuntarily, Voldemort's tongue invading your senses. There were cheers from the Death Eaters around you, but you felt sick to your stomach. You were now married to the Dark Lord. 
“Come, princess,” Voldemort whispered to you as he pulled away. “Let us seal this marriage.” 
He grabbed your hand and led you up the stairs. Your mother and father watched as you disappeared up the stairs. You gulped, knowing what was about to happen. The Dark Lord shoved you into your room before grabbing your hand once more and leading you to the bed. “Let’s make this a night to remember,” he whispered into your ear before slipping his hands up your dress. You squeezed your eyes shut tight and felt as his fingers danced around the top of your underwear before he quickly pulled them down. You already felt exposed despite nothing being on show to him. With one quick swipe, your dress was down by your ankles finally leaving you exposed to the Dark Lord. 
“I…” You mumbled, unsure of what to say. 
“You look so beautiful,” the Dark Lord said to you as his hands trailed down your soft body. “It’s as if you were made for me.” 
His hands grasped your hips, pulling you down onto him. You let out a little squeak as you fell onto him causing the Dark Lord to let out a soft chuckle. His fingers made their way to your clit, stroking slow circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves. You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. “Does that feel good?” He whispered into your ear, licking a stripe up your lobe. You let out a slow nod, nerves suddenly filling your stomach. He continued his motions on your clit seemingly desperate to please you. He flipped up his robe, revealing his pale and veiny cock, throbbing for you. Your eyes widened and the cliche thought of ‘will it fit’ ran through your head. “Don’t be so scared princess,” The Dark Lord continued to whisper to you. “It’ll be okay.” 
“You’re… You’re huge,” you mumbled. This seemingly stroked his ego as the Dark Lord simply nodded, a smile on his face. 
“I know my precious thing, I know.”
Voldemort rolled over so he was hovering above you, eyes boring into your own. The smile on his lips never faltered as he slicked his dick up your folds slowly, coating himself with your wetness. Without warning, he slammed inside of you. You let out a scream and waited for him to move, but he didn’t for a few seconds. Instead, the Dark Lord gave you time to adjust to his length, cooing into your ear as he did. It felt like a lifetime before he slowly started to thrust inside you, his lips moving to your neck and sucking at the sensitive skin. You bit your lip, trying not to moan as he slipped in and out of you with ease. It didn’t take long for his movements to speed up, his hips smashing into yours relentlessly. Against your will, a moan finally slipped past your lips, and it was loud. Voldemort used this as fuel to continue his pace, his lips still working at your neck as if it was the tastiest meal he had ever had. You continued to let out a variety of whimpers as you felt your orgasm nearing. “I-I can’t!” You cried out, arms wrapping around his neck to steady yourself. 
“That’s it, my pet. Let everyone know how good I can make you feel,” he whispered into your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut once again as your orgasm finally washed over you, legs shaking violently as your cunt spasmed around the Dark Lords cock. “That’s it,” he cooed. “I can feel you pulsing around me.” You let out another cry of pleasure, nails digging into his robes to ground yourself. When your orgasm finally subsided, your brain was in too much of a haze to fully comprehend what happened next. Voldemort’s hips thrusted against you a few more times before he came inside of with, a sound comparable to a roar leaving his lips. His hips stuttered as thick ropes spurted from the tip of his cock deep inside of you, finally claiming you as his own. 
There was silence for a few seconds as you caught your breath, your mind catching up on the events that had happened over the last few hours. You were married now, and to the Dark Lord of all people. “Such a good girl,” Voldemort muttered as he cupped your face in his hands. “We will have powerful children, my love. Just you wait.” 
Before you could say anything he got off of you and fixed himself, and left the room leaving you all alone. You lay on the bed, naked, staring at the ceiling as you processed his words. Your heart raced at the possibility of getting pregnant. You weren’t ready, but you knew that didn’t matter to him. Now, all you could do was wait.. Only time would tell if you would get pregnant to the Dark Lord.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
25. “This might sound weird, but I like it when you’re sick. Because then you let me take care of you.”
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¡Yandere! Raiden x reader
A/N: y’all be neglecting yandere mk1 Raiden so I had to whip something up (tbh mk11 dark Raiden reigns superior. I love papa) but there’s so much you can do with his “sweet” personality wink wonk
Requests: always open
Raiden was more than desperate for your attention/affection. It has been a few weeks since he’s captured and taken you away for himself, yet you still haven’t come around to him.
You ignored most of his questions and attempts to talk with you. Even shunning away when he’d try to touch you, even if it was a light tap on your shoulder to get your attention.
He knows what he did was wrong. He shouldn't have taken you like that but you were slipping away from him. Your interest in him was depleting and someone else had your attention. He was guilty of letting his sinful desires rule over him.
That guilt wasn’t enough to stop him though. Raiden couldn’t help himself from manipulating you, playing up his innocent side to get what he wanted . He loved being the shoulder you cried on even though he’s the reason your lover was now gone and how soon, you’d be taken by him and locked up for his ownership. It was all so sick yet it filled him with a certain level of joy nothing else could replicate .
He manipulated, stalked and killed his way into your heart. You hated his guts for what he’s done to your life. Just thinking back and putting the pieces together is enough to make you feel nauseous.
You tried your best to not give him anything else he may have wanted from you. You never asked him for items and reluctantly took the necessities he offered. You knew any positive interaction, no matter how small, would just fuel his delusions more…but that all changed after you became sick.
When the virus first hit you, Raiden asked if you were doing okay because of how sickly you appeared but you denied saying that you were okay. You told him how he should just leave you alone and let you handle it yourself.
Deep down you prayed that it was just some common cold with a little fever but each day it became worse. Your entire body ached, your head spun and your throat was sore. You could tell without a thermometer that your fever was through the roof.
Your pride wanted to stop you from calling out your captor’s name but staying in this worsening condition was agony. You couldn’t handle yourself, you couldn’t even stand up to go to the bathroom. You unfortunately needed him.
“..raiden..?” You hesitantly called out
A few moments later he opened your room door, a bit confused to hear his name being called by you. That confusion quickly turned into concern when he saw you curled up on the ground with tears in your eyes.
“Y/n? Did you call me? Are you okay, you seem so unwell.”
Using a bit of your strength to sit up, you reached up your arms out towards him and cried
“Everything hurts, Ray. P-please make it stop.”
Hearing your voice crack and beg for him made Raiden even crazier for you. He knew it, he knew one day you’d come around. It just sucks you’re so sick when it finally happened though.
Without much hesitation, he picked you up and carried you in his arms to the master bedroom, the one you were supposed to be sharing with him.
There, a close eye would be kept on you around the clock and he could wait on you whenever you needed. It was an honor to be needed by you like this. Regardless of how often you asked for something or how tired he was, he did anything you asked without any complaints.
He brought you soups, medicines, food and whatever else you desired. He was so caring and generous to you, even despite how cold you’ve been towards him. It might’ve been the medicine or the feeling of guilt but you started letting up on him. Maybe he wasn’t the worse, besides lifeline at the moment. You found yourself cuddled up to him and craving his affection while you got better. Even pouting when he had to leave for something.
He ran his fingers through your hair and hummed. This moment was so perfect. This was all he ever wanted from you. He could take care of his darling like this forever. Your pouts, whines and clinginess sends him into overdrive every single time.
“This might sound weird, but I like it when you’re sick. Because then you let me take care of you.”
A chuckle escaped your mouth and you sarcastically spoke, not thinking much into your words…
“Yeah, you should savor this. It’s probably the only time I’ll ever be this cuddly towards you again.”
Suddenly, Raiden stopped massaging your scalp and grabbed a fist full of your hair. He you pulled up to his face. His eyes narrowed and he shifted his position yet his signature sweet smile was plastered across his face.
You could feel the light energy in the room switch and become heavy. An uneasiness in your chest raced through your chest as you waited for his next move.
Raiden didn’t appreciate your answer, he’s been so good to you. You’re going to take all this away from him after you get better?! He’s proven his love and devotion to you. He needed this, he needed you.
“Well then, maybe I should keep you sick like this so you’ll always need me. You’re just far too precious like this.”
His voice had a hint of playfulness to it, but it was overshadowed by something far more sinister than that.
“You’d let me take care of you like this forever, right?”
His smile dropped a little bit, his head tilted to the side and his eyes widened, almost like a tiny puppy waiting for its owner to accept its invitation to play with them.
You could tell that he genuinely wanted an answer. Not an honest one, but a sweet one he could replay in his head over and over.
You nodded and agreed.
“Who else would take care of me if you didn’t?”
The biggest smile came across is face as he almost exploded with joy. Cupping your face in the palms of his hands, he pulled you close, smashing a loving kiss on your lips. A soft nip of your bottom lip beckoned you to kiss him back, fearful of where another rejection might lead you complied
You were foolish to let your guard down and to not choose your words more carefully. He’s now gotten a taste of your love and he’s never going back from it.
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calo-wav · 2 months
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because i’m still in love with you / i wanna see you dance again
something something post-canon exes who can't love anyone else because they're still in love with each other but one is rooted to the earth in terror and the other one only finds peace in the stars
fic im writing transparent ver (looks really cool against a dark bg!) + sketch ⮕ final process below
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daemon-in-my-head · 4 months
Sorry I just watched something so:
Gortash needs to survive. And Durge needs to embrace Bhaal. Because together they can be glorious, they can return to the past. It's still possible if they try. They're convinced they can. After all, everything that has happened was orchestrated by them.
Except now, on top of the brain waiting for their final command, something isn't quite right. They were always meant to be equals, but this way to rule, this way to achieve their goals would render that most cherished delusion they've held onto false. If Durge does what their god demands of them, what their sister has died for, what so many others have been killed for, they will ruin the dream of that person who must've been so important to them once. More important than their own life.
So Durge struggles for but a moment. Incapable of telling right from wrong. Unable to determine their next move. Losing control of the situation they've sacrificed so much for, handing the final decision to someone else in the end. Failing at this one task they should've never failed.
And this split second of indecisiveness would spill their blood and ruin. The last bit of sanity was sacrificed to the father they refused to escape, and their body surrendered to the man with a will of iron.
The very same tyrant who had just doomed himself, using the dagger that had just taken an illithids life to take the life of yet another monstrous creature. Cutting the thread of the life he'd once lost alongside his one chance of salvation. And all of it simply to save whatever small bit remained of the treasure he had lost, the dearest he was about to lose again.
He was damming himself to make the impossible choice they couldn't. Ruining himself so his equals long lost, one true wish wouldn't have been for nought. Embracing his damnation so that the one he treasured, the one who had gained a chance to break free, may yet find a way to return to the arms of the gods they'd long forgotten. So that they may yet rest with the remains of those they had treasured and been treasured by in days long past.
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Hello! My name is Lilian the Banana(Lilian not my real name though) and you’ve tumbled across my blog! I am writer who specialises in X Readers, especially for the anime game Twisted Wonderland. I can write for other fandoms if requested, although my requests are closed as for now. The fandoms I write for other than Twst are:
🌻 Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba 🌻 Obey Me! 🌻 Link Click 🌻 Nevermore(on webtoon) 🌻The dark Lord's confession(also on webtoon) 🌻Revolutionary girl utena Now this is what i will write about mainly: 🌻 Angst, fluff 🌻 Yandere 🌻 Male and female characters, although mainly male characters 🌻 crack fics And now what I won’t write under any circumstances:  🌻 NSFW, smut(please keep in mind I am a minor) 🌻 Some specific characters in the fandoms listed(ex: Zenitsu or Rollo Flamm) 🌻  Characters under 14(unless it’s platonic) 🌻 Male readers (as I am a female, i always write with f!reader in mind, even though I mostly write gender-neutral reader to include everyone, but writing a specifically male reader is not possible for me) Here is my masterlist, containing everything I’ve wrote. I’m also running a long term Dracula x F!Reader fanfiction on Quotev moots list Lilian and Mallilian Aus masterlist Oc Masterlist Drawing box Where to find me on various platforms
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Current event(s):  
Fall Season event // Winter season event // Spring season event // Summer season event
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side blogs:
@the-banana-0verlord-reblogs -- reblogs blog @the-lord-of-malevolence --malleus roleplay blog @the-king-of-thorns -- overblot malleus roleplay blog @bestutenacharactertournament --tournament blog for the best revolutionary girl utena character @lilian-draconia -- for self-shipping
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#bananawrites --For fics  #bananadoodles --For my art #heoverlordmonologues --For anything random #mallilian --Self-ship tag with Malleus #bananareblogs --Self-explanatory  #banana’s moots --My mutuals <3 (might do seperate tags for each of them) #bananaanswersasks --also self-explanatory 
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About me:
🌻 My pronouns are she/her/they/them and I’m aroace 🌻 I am a scorpio 🌻 I am a French Canadian from Quebec 🌻 My hobbies other than writing are drawing and making puzzles 🌻 My favorite character in Twst is Malleus, with Deuce and Jamil following closely 🌻I’m fifteen 🌻My favorite aesthetics are light and dark academia + cottagecore
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My requests are currently closed but if you simply want to talk my askbox is open, anon or not!
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dynamic-k · 5 months
The Lord of corndogs
[Brand new oneshot go brrrrr~!]
(3,188 words)
"The Dark Lord finds Second by himself in Stick City.
Things happen."
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zutraeumen · 2 years
Materialistic Seduction
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This is a part of my one-shot book about Raiden called: Ceraunophile. You can find the whole book on these platforms: FanFiction, AO3, Wattpad or Quotev. Mortal Kombat belongs to its respectful owners.
Ceraunophile 🌩 Masterlist
Materialistic Seduction [+18]
"Do you think this looks better than the mustard one?"
Sonya asked you as you turned around to give your opinion on another dress your friend tried on. For what occasion one might ask? Well, answer that for yourself- just kidding. Johnny had asked Sonya to be his date for the premiere of his new film, and Sonya (not surprisingly) had no suitable dress in her closet. Not for a red-carpet event at least.
Hell, you didn't possess one either, so who were you to judge?
As a true best friend should, Sonya had asked for your help, and you, as a best friend should, didn't even hesitate to accompany her on a trip to the mall. You saw no harm in helping out, to be another pair of eyes here for you to find the best fit.
Only then did you realize just how bad of an idea taking you was.
You had literally never bought a dress for yourself IN YOUR LIFE! How were you to know what colours would match your best friend?!
"It does, but I have a feeling something blue would make your hair stand out more. Hmm..." trailing off, you perused the different articles, acting as if you had any real idea of what specifically you were looking for.
Admit it, you were just trying to sound a bit helpful even though you were doing most of the research on the spot. Behind your friend's back while the blonde was changing, googling as a woman possessed for articles that gave you an incentive on what colours to look out for.
Elder Gods, your inner woman felt pathetic.
Okay, enough self-pity, get over yourself, this shouldn't be that hard! Just turn on your brain and make logical connections!
You stood by your belief that a turquoise blue would most brilliantly stand out against Sonya's blond tress and matching blue eyes. Plain was off the table, it HAD to be something glamorous so it matched with her date's personality as much as it would shock him once he would lay eyes on her. You were convinced that with Sonya's level of confidence and sculpted body, she had what it took to rock any dress.
Your mind was running seven miles per hour at this point as you searched for a worthy candidate for what you had envisioned and- OH MY GOD THAT DRESS THERE WAS PERFECT!
It didn't take much for you to imagine your best friend in this piece of art. With gentle fingers, you took it off its hanger and presented it to the Commander.
"This Sonya, trust me, this is the one we've been looking for."
You tell her, sounding positively captivated by your choice, your friend noted discreetly as Sonya made her way to the changing room. She emerged after a short amount of time, slowly falling in love with the magnificent piece herself as you stood by her side against the massive mirror.
"[Y/N], I have to say, you might be right. It does look kinda good on me."
Your head almost unscrew itself from your spine so fast did you turn to your friend, unbelieving of what you were hearing, "Kinda?! Girl, don't tell me no bullshit, you look positively ravishing! Johnny's jaw will be hanging on the floor for the rest of the evening, you'll see!"
Sonya simply stood still as your verbal charade ended, arms crossed and one brow raised, questioning.
"Is that tone I am hearing, soldier?"
"Noooooo, but seriously, if I were Johnny, I wouldn't hesitate to jump your bones."
"Like those guys sending you bedroom eyes at the gym?" She retorted and a frown settled on your determined face before it morphed into disgust. You said it before, you didn't appreciate any other eyes on you than Raiden's.
"Ew, no, I pass."
"Thought so, not when you have caught yourself a god."
Thoroughly shocked, with words caught in your throat, you made an incomprehensible indignant sound to fill the space with your confusion. A furious blush has taken over your face while you sputtered questions along the lines of 'How', 'Why' and 'When'.
Sonya, with a soft quirk of lips, supplied, "You didn't think I wouldn't notice my best friend suddenly disappearing with the Thunder God in the middle of the dancefloor?"
"Uhm, yes?" You reply, trying not to act too guilty about being caught red-handed by your best friend, who should have been the first to know.
"You are right, I didn't make the connection at first. Johnny told me."
Now you were sheepish and embarrassed in equal measure. How did a harmless conversation turn this uncomfortable? Well, someone outing your secret and then being confronted about it wasn't going to be pleasant for anyone, but alas, you were at fault for not sharing.
You only hoped your bestie would understand why you had kept it from her.
Disapproving, you shook your head, muttering a 'Fucking snitch!' under your breath. Sonya couldn't help but laugh at what you said. You looked into her eyes and then let them drop.
"I am sorry for not telling you. You must angry at me."
Gowns and events forgotten, Sonya put a comforting hand on your shoulder, "You don't have to be and anyways, would I have asked for your help if I were truly mad at you?"
Most likely not, you nodded knowingly at her, beyond thankful that your little secret hadn't created a rift in your friendship.
"Does he make you happy?"
There wasn't any need to answer as the gratifying smile that broke out on your lips showed your friend the true extent of happiness your boyfriend - Sonya never thought she would come to associate the stoic Thunder God with that word - caused by simply being your significant other.
"Anyways, let's wrap things up here so we can grab a cuppa, don't you say?"
Glad to shrug off the tension, the idea of a hot cup of sweet tea sounded appealing, "Sounds good to me."
And after a quick visit to the cashier, Sonya's purse felt lighter than before as the two of you enjoyed your warm beverages with a dose of light-hearted small talk. Although you could tell that your best friend became curious pertaining to the details of your romantic liaison with Raiden.
I mean, who wouldn't be?
The air felt light around you two, having achieved all that you came to the shopping centre for. The day seemed to be concluded, you figured as Sonya finished her coffee, and you would soon part ways amicably.
That was how you thought it would play out.
Sonya had other ideas. Terrible ideas. Why in the Elder Gods were you going into a fancy lingerie shop?
Let me rephrase that.
"Umm, Sonya?" You waited for her gaze to settle on you, "What are we doing here?"
"Spicing things up for you."
Confused, you asked, "Why?"
"For the bedroom."
Offended, you asked again with a slight shrill in your tone, "WHY?"
"Dunno. We can't call it a shopping trip if only I get to buy something. We have to get you something too!"
"But why lingerie?!" You hissed through gritted teeth.
"Because you need it!"
"Do not!"
"You do!"
"Oh for Christ's sake [Y/N], you're running around in sports bras long enough! Just imagine the face Raiden will make once he sees you in one of those. You will have him salivating like a dog."
This wasn't how you imagined him to react at all, he wasn't some prude after all. But the intensity with which he would look upon you, you could picture in your mind. With relative ease, you could see the last tethers of his self-control snapping within seconds before he would strike and ravage your alluring body to new heights.
The thought made you impossibly aroused, and say what it may about you, that was all it took for you to follow through with Sonya's idea.
So this was how you ultimately ended up posing in front of your bathroom mirror a few hours later, in nothing but your freshly bought underwear; a matching chemise discarded on the toilet lid. After one last contemplating glance at your reflection, you splashed your face with water for refreshment and jumped into bed.
Though with no intention to sleep as you waited for the return of your Thunder God.
Raiden came to you sooner than you expected, and you nervously adjusted your position to look as seductive as possible. You know, like those playboy models that some boys in your high school seemed to hinge on during the breaks.
But the fantasies and possible scenarios kept you wanting and desperate. More than you ever have been.
Your heart picked up as you heard the bedroom door open, rusty hinges squeaking with the movement (you'd have to oil them soon). The darkness of the room hid your nervous silhouette. A short silence followed that had your body itching in anticipation and impatience, close to being unbearable when a rustle of cloth permeated the room's silence.
Raiden was taking his clothes off, you could tell, and none the sooner you felt your mattress dip with his weight. Any time soon, he would notice and confront you about it, only...
He did nothing. Simply continued to lie on his side of the bed. Feeling lost, your mind ran on overtime as you drummed over other solutions to your small problem. Perhaps you weren't as straightforward with your intent as you imagined.
In an attempt to catch his attention without blowing your cover, you shuffled closer with some made-up noises. Once you were skin-to-skin, enough to invite him to touch you and discover his surprise, now you were positively thrumming energy.
Yet it still amounted to nothing, no reaction at all, and even your sexual drive slowly receded with the lack of interest. It left you disappointed in him and most importantly, yourself, as you couldn't have failed more spectacularly than this.
With that in mind, you disregarded any possible option of continuing and prepared yourself for a frustrated attempt at falling asleep. In the end, you did somehow end up falling asleep but you don't even remember how long it took you as you found yourself slowly awakening within the next moment.
Not to the morning light shining through the gasp of your drapes.
Not to the hooting of cars in a faraway street.
Not even the barking of that Rottweiler your neighbours kept walking in the morning hours.
It was a tender sensation, not quite like a touch, but soft to be misjudged as one. A faint humming gave the atmosphere a warmth that made a smile blossom on your face. If only every morning with Raiden could be like this. Warm and sweet, like a fine tea to get rid of residual sleepiness.
Raiden had other ideas though, once his eyes drank the utterly sensual sight of you. The silky sheets pooled messily around as you rested on your side, away from him, with a pillow tucked underneath your head. You embodied the epitome of peace. It was, however, not the only thing he noticed in his visual venture.
He had never seen you in such revealing clothing before and he particularly liked the light blue chemise that looked, against the few rays of gold, like a holy veil. And your body an altar to be worshipped. In that case, he would gladly adhere to the role of a devoted believer.
However, your innocence certainly conjured the most sinful ideas in his imagination. Devoid of ill intent, but full of lust and desire. The images came to him easily, seamlessly transitioning and overlapping into a vision so pleasurable, he got hard in no time.
About how he could take you. How he could elicit in you the greatest heights of ecstasy. In different positions. Through different touches. Through...
At first, it had him taken back. Fantasizing was an entirely new thing for his virtuous self after all and for a second, he reprimanded himself. That he shouldn't be thinking of you with such depraved thoughts. Especially not while you were SLEEPING! But you had a way of sweeping away the very foundations his being stood on.
And this time was no different.
He decided, in a valiant effort to calm down, to listen to your periodic huffs of small breaths. His mind wouldn't pounce on that, surely. But it did, viciously, as he thought about how it sped up during your shared passion and he resisted the urge to grind his aching need into the sheets, or worse, you.
He would have no words for his actions if you woke up to him rutting against you like some sort of animal, not the dignified individual that he presumed himself to be.
How could he want you this strongly by only gazing at you? By this point, he was getting desperate for you. For your warmth. For the way you sometimes whispered his name lewdly into his ear, or screamed it when Raiden brought you to peak-
"Hmm... Raiden?" you called out sleepily, a lilt of confusion to your small voice that had him repressing his befuddled state even more. But a roaring fire once stoked, could hardly be put out by the wind. It only served to enhance the frenzied flame that churned inside of him.
He wanted to greet you into waking up to a new day, but he feared his voice would give him away, if his inappropriate actions haven't already.
The god's silence gave your time to sober up a bit. The sleep-induced grogginess gradually faded with the realization of space and time. It was morning, not too early but not yet noon as well. You felt rested, despite the disappointment from yesterday.
However, as you turned to catch a glance of Raiden, you realized something was wrong. He was frowning, like when he was in deep thought, but it looked as if he was particularly conflicted this time around.
It couldn't have been of the positive kind, as his body appeared tense, muscles tightened like a bowstring, "Honey, talk to me, what's wrong?"
His eyes flickered to yours hurriedly, as if he was deliberately concentrating on anything that wasn't you. That was when you saw just how much they had darkened, glazed over with unbridled desire, and the sight alone debauched you in ways only your Thunder God could.
Unlike other times though, you had no intentions of giving in easily this time. You'd act cross with him since he had, unknowingly mind you, denied you release yesterday. Sly wasn't a trait one would associate with you in any concept, but that was before Raiden became part of your life, and before you experienced the infuriating feeling of sexual frustration.
Teasingly, you ran a hand across his feverish skin, and as expected, it elicited a violent shudder from your lover, "Gods, Raiden, you are shivering! Should I get you something to warm up?"
At loss for words as he seemed, a simple 'no' made it out of his orifice. You yourself had no words to describe the empowerment you felt, but you would indulge in such depraved thoughts once you were done with your mission.
Feigning the notion of not knowing better, you continued with your charade of concern, "Should I fetch you another blanket or? Oh, tea! Right! I'll go and make you some oolong tea. That will surely warm you up!"
Just as you were about to let him be on his own, a sturdy arm came around your mind, momentarily robbing your breath due to its force as Raiden brought you to himself. Your instincts tingled with danger as you felt him exhale against the shell of your ear.
"I... I need you."
Gosh, you might as well have died right there, right now. You could swear his baritone had never dropped this low. Coupled with those sensuous syllables dripping from his mouth like fine silk, well, it left the empty walls of your channel to clench around nothing. He had you right back to where you were yesterday, and from this standpoint, it seemed that what you had in mind seemed far crueller than initially thought.
But you would not let him have his way quite yet, as sorely tempted as you were.
Like a cat that got the cream, you cooed with barely constrained amusement.
"Are you running a fever as well, my dear?"
A hand of yours, tingling with residual needles, swept across the smooth skin of his forehead to find it absolutely packed with heat (as if you weren't burning up from the inside out). You were curious to see how far you could push him with this. If you could manage to coax out his rougher - no, hmmm, how should you put his - primal? - side of him.
You simply wanted him to explore those intimate parts of himself that he had yet to discover.
"Nay, my love! I-"
Taking his hesitation into an advantage, you rushed out of his embrace to saunter off into the kitchen like a feline that got her way, with a pronounced sway to your hips, enticing him further. Fighting to keep the Cheshire grin off your face, the hungry gaze of his would have pulled you back to him like a string.
Once you have passed the door and out of sight, your palm moved to your heart almost immediately, overwhelmed and unbelievably shaky. You actually pulled that off! With your timid nature no less! Willpower next to none!
It was hugely out of character, ESPECIALLY for someone like you, who most jerks would call a good girl. Complaisant and obedient. But your actions spoke louder than words. Denying him once inspired some braver parts of you to poke the dragon doubtlessly hidden inside of him.
Whether you would come to regret it was up to the upcoming minutes.
Although seriously speaking, the god would have to approach with some unconventional tastes to truly scare you off. But you were confident that wasn't to be the case with him. You simply didn't peg him as an overly kinky guy.
Lost in your musing, the lurking giant behind you totally escaped your notice until you felt him against your diminutive frame, touch scorching as he, with all the time in the world, caressed your curves as one would touch something delicate.
And indeed, for him, that was the bottom line of words that were worthy enough of your person. Sometimes he wished to study more words to bequeath you with, for he feared that he had already exhausted every vocable there was, and it felt shortcoming. A shame it may be, the Thunder God preferred to be a man of actions than words, he felt most strongly compelled to do such when all coherency has fled his mind. Which, often not, happened the moment you injected him with desire.
A craving which, the longer your romantic relationship went on, became more defined and pronounced to a point where the god had fewer inhibitions in expressing yearnings that his responsibility to Earthrealm prevented from being realized before.
With the shackles that he so willingly imposed on himself, there was no remedy from their weight before you entered the picture. In truth, he hadn't been all that aware of it. How much depended on him. In the midst of all of that, the importance of free time never crossed his mind.
There wasn't really much to him as a person other than his onus. On some days, he liked to entertain the idea that he might have been born BECAUSE of this purpose. Consider it his own little pep talk for the harder days.
He thought that was part of being a God.
But you showed him that was no at all there was to it.
Alas, were he of clear mind, he might have waxed poetry the likes of the greatest poets of human history. That privilege, however, Raiden would leave for another day when your pliable body wasn't giving him ideas that would make the devil blush.
And he had every intention of going through it... only with your consent.
"My love," he rumbled so deliciously into your ear, "my goddess, let me adore you."
You gulped as you felt his member prodding against your lace panties, hell might have felt cooler than your core. His words quickly chased any form of teasing you might have planned. The poor tea was discarded and forgotten in an instant.
Rationality was exchanged for the unbearable ache for him. A wildfire was sparked between the two of you and your arm reached behind you, to tangle your fingers into his uncombed hair, inching his head closer to the neck that you have craned in response to his desire. Following his lust, he wasted no time skimming his velvety lips against the exposed patch of skin; it smelled like vanilla (or so his nose tried to convince him) and it made him bury his nose into you with greater fervour.
The open-mouthed kisses meant to devour you had you lapping for breath, leaving you with a feeling of being drowned, and yet not. His passion was difficult to put into words, but you felt how it challenged you to match it, mirrored by the way you tightened your grip on his strands. He growled against you and a girlish yelp left you as he spun you around to effortlessly lift you onto the kitchen counter. A fleeting image of this one time when he had tried to make you something to eat flitted through your mind, how adorably sweet he had been caked in flour.
Now it had become a stage that resembled another porn video. Cooking, from this point on, would become rather interesting after the two of you were done.
Fuck, look at him! What a sight he makes!
Positively BURNING for you. Thrumming with sexual tension that was about to explode into something so mind-boggling that you almost couldn't contain your excitement. Gone were those days were such activities scared the hell out of you. It was so easy to give yourself over to him without a second thought. To fall into him, figuratively speaking.
His presence resonated a signal of security, inviting and welcoming anything and everything. You have never felt such with any other person of the other sex and it liberated you in your actions immensely. There was a tightening sensation in your chest, a sort of vigorous tingling with each touch of your lover, so positively possessed to be part of your very being by the way he latched himself to you.
You never needed anyone so much as him at this moment, and it didn't terrify you to act on your desire.
"Damn, t-touch me, Raiden. I need to feel you."
You never heard yourself beg for something this desperately, and blushed at how it sounded to your own ears. You would have cared, but the god's hands were already working on unwrapping you from the set of lingerie you had bought yesterday specifically for him. Sonya's idea appeared so brilliant to you now, that some part of you regretted fighting against it in the first place.
The god's mind was bereft of words as he took a moment to gaze at your form, gloriously naked and within range for him to revere. Focused on fulfilling his word of practising worship upon your body. He made you the centre of his universe, and his intentions were clear when he spread your legs - when did he take off your panties? - and got on his knees, levelling his head with your dripping folds. His eyes could have burnt another hole in you by their vehemence and most surprisingly, there was no urge for you to close your legs out of shyness.
You felt POWERFUL, to have a literal god on his knees for you. Despite his masculinity that screamed dominance in this instance, you felt like the one who held the reins, so you arched your back a little and further opened those hips for him. A look flashed between the two of you as you offered your most intimate parts to the Thunder God. There would have to be found a new word to describe the level of wetness you achieved when he lowered his face to your crotch.
You couldn't help but hyperfocus on his lips, and he couldn't look away from your petals, surrounded by a soft patch of hair. There was a bit of a warm, coiled tension, your muscles started to tense up in anticipation, expressed in the way you let out a shuddering moan once his lips made first contact.
"Oh my God, Raiden."
You were thankful that although you were both heavily drunk on longing, he didn't dip his feet too deep into the uncharted waters, and paused at times you needed him to. He began with kisses and licks that did a wonderful job of letting you adjust while also prepping you for the next steps. You prayed he would discover that he could use his tongue on his own because you mistrusted your ability to create any semblance of a sentence-
Oh! He did!
And it told you exactly what you've been missing out on. The sensation of an active, slippery tongue was foreign to your groin. It felt gratifying in the most unexpected ways, soothing an annoying itch you had since you felt his rod pushing against your rump. It was a different kind of penetration, not as invasive or linear. By the time you grew fairly accustomed to this squishy feeling, waves overlapping waves started building somewhere in your belly, the heat impacted you as much as his member would, but what really stood apart was the phenomenal texture and the way it inquisitively searched out every untouched nook and cranny of your channel. It was a good thing you showered before going to sleep.
The god in return, fuelled by basic instincts and youthful energy, intrinsically concentrated on his strenuous efforts as much as he tried to catalogue the new territory he had read about while doing research. The outer labia were plump and soft. He noticed as you become more and more aroused, the inner labia became engorged, wet, warm, and smooth to the tongue and lips.
They felt incredibly soft and squishy as the god alternated between kissing and licking, and he couldn't help but gently suck on them occasionally as well - you responded stronger to that. The pubic hair pleasantly rubbed on his cheeks, enriched by the rapturous smell he had yet to decipher. The vaginal opening had smooth, rounded edges that Raiden could feel with his tongue once he slipped it inside you as deep as it can reach. In and out, faster then slower, he could feel the slippery vaginal walls firmly around his muscle, beginning to constrict.
It happened instinctively, that you arched your back in response to a particularly precise stroke of his tongue, that you almost slipped off the kitchen counter weren't it for Raiden hefting his strong arms around your twitching thighs. Scrambling for purchase, which you found in his hair, sounds of delight freely flowed through your gaping mouth as he ate you out like a man starved. He also occasionally responded with a grunt or muffled groan that vibrated oh-so-deliciously against your sensitive skin.
Drunk on your pleasure, enraptured by your musky scent and most of all, ravenous for your marvellous taste. He gulped the cocktail of hormones, this nectar of life as if it were his sole purpose. Completely oblivious to his own mounting pressure on his purposefully neglected member. It was as he had exclaimed many times before - your pleasure was his pleasure.
The unabated truth came, you were close. Very, very close to finishing. Breath laboured despite not doing anything than grinding wantonly against his face, you miraculously chanced a glance at your lover and found him staring right back... and that had done it for you. His head between your legs, eyes deliberately keeping eye-control on your unravelled form would sear its way into your memory.
His name echoed in your ears even after you tried to collect yourself. Recovery was a slow process. A pleasant haze dizzied your vision as your breath eventually evened out. Any perception of time eluded you, but the buzz in your bones did not. Boneless, would describe it better.
"Raiden, honey," you started after regaining some sense, "that was absolutely amazing!"
When he didn't answer you, concern made its treacherous return to your mind. Had something happened during your climax?
Pushing your hunched upper body forward, you narrowed your eyes enough to analyze the state he was in, and within seconds you came to the sudden realization that it wasn't only you who had achieved completion.
You had come together.
Raiden servicing you was enough for him to get off with you. Would you possess an ego, it would have been on the roof by now. But being frugal suited you better, and you savoured the sight of his handsome face, from the nose down, soaked with a combination of your release and his own saliva while stroking his shambolic long hair.
That was one heck of a morning.
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years
Ok but what if I said I wanted to see more of the vulnerable side of Jack Merridew. The side that's still just some nerdy Catholic school kid. The side that got ripped from his home and family and stranded on an island when the rest of the world is presumed to be a nuclear wasteland. The side that he let go in order to stay in power. What then.
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undeadlordie · 2 years
Dress up (Dark Lord & Purple)
This oneshot is based directly on the event of my original story "Learn to love, learn to be loved".
Not ship, just platonic
Dark sighed loudly when the black figure walked by, going directly to the door and leaving without a word.
─ See? That's him everyday! He doesn't even look at me.... ─ He groaned quietly, receiving a sympathetic grimace from Purple.
─ You telling me he doesn't say a single word to you? At all?
The red figure yanked the fridge open, grabbing a tub of icecream. ─ He says yes or no when i ask him something but other than that... total silence. ─ He slammed the tub on the counter, making Purple jump in his seat.
─ I mean... You will have to give him time to adjust to you being around again...
─ Yeah well, I've apologized hundreds of times, it's been 3 weeks and he hasn't even looked at me.... ─ He grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cabinet, drinking some before dumping some inside the ice cream tub.
Purple rolled his eyes, grabbing one of the two spoons his friend offered to him and taking a spoonful of the spiked ice cream. ─ You have been away for almost 5 years...  It's gonna take more than a few weeks for him to go back to the way you guys were....
─ I know....─ Dark whined loudly, putting his head against the cold kitchen counter. ─ Fuck... I don't know what to do...
─ Have you tried apologizing for the 500th time?
─ I will beat you into a pulp.
Purple chuckled at his frustrated friend's tone. ─ I'm not the best at relationship advices but...maybe he's waiting to make sure you mean it.
─ Say what now?
─ You did a lot of shitty stuff ..maybe he just wants you to do something that shows you really sorry, not just a apology because everyone can apologize, you just have to show that you mean it...
─ I gave up my bracelet... ─ Dark mumbled, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
─ Maybe something more personal? I'm sure giving up the bracelet was hard but... That was more of a "I'm not evil anymore" case instead of "Please love me again" case...
The red figure huffed, straighting his back again. ─ Why am i about to accept relationship advice from your lonely ass?
─ You asked for it.
Purple quieted down when the door opened suddenly, Chosen walking inside once again, straight to his own bedroom and soon locking the door behind himself.
The moment the lock was heard, Dark groaned loudly. ─ I need to distract myself from this, come on.
Purple grabbed the icecream tub, following his friend to his, now unlocked, bedroom.
Dark had been back home for only a few weeks, not enough to redecorate completely but enough to clean up the many spider webs that called the place home since his departure.
A bed now with new sheets, a desk for his laptop, a small window, a wardrobe and a bean bag were all left in the big room.
─ Nice decor, i love the "absolutely nothing" you got going on. ─ Purple said before scarfing down more icecream.
─ Are you the one buying furniture here?  No, so you can't complain. ─ Dark grumbled, throwing himself in his bed and rubbing his face.
Purple took the opportunity to explore, putting the tub of icecream on the desk and yanking open the wardrobe.
─ How old are this clothes?
Without taking his hands away from his face, Dark shrugged. ─ Old enough to catch dust, most of it is there long before I left...
One jacket caught Purple's eyes, a black leather jacket with red details going down the sleeves.
The took it off it's hanger and patted a few times to take away the specs of dust it had collected. Still looked in good condition. ─ Old you had style.
─ If you say so, most of the stuff in there don't fit me anymore.
Purple quietly slipped the jacket on, staring at himself in the mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door, he had to admit he looked pretty good on it.
He quickly took his own shoes off, putting on a pair of black and silver boots he found. It gave him a good inch and a half.
Dark finally opened his eyes again when his friend went too quiet, turning his head at the figure who was basically playing dress up with his wardrobe.
─ What... Are you doing? ─ He asked with a confused but amused expression, Purple simply smirked, opening his eyes and giving a turn around.
─ Looking damn hot, that's what I'm doing!
─ Is my wardrobe your new clothing store?
─ It depend, you said it doesn't fit you anymore so, does that mean i get to keep it? ─ Purple hugged himself gently, the jacket making a satisfying crinkling sound.
Dark watched him for a moment, Purple looked so happy with the clothes he found, digging into the wardrobe and finding a black shirt that went beautifully with the jacket.
Then he softly shrugged. ─ Keep it. I'm gonna have to buy new clothes anyway.
Purple gave a loud squeak of excitement, marching towards Dark and squeezing his torso in a hug.
The dark lord froze in place with a surprised look before shaking his head aggressively.─ No, no, no, no, stop, stop now. You're touching me, Purple!
─ Right! ─ The purple figure flinched away with a apologetic look. ─ Still get to keep it?
─ Yeah, yeah whatever, just don't hug me like that...
Purple stepped away from him, going back to admiring his new look in the mirror, being so happy about it he couldn't even stop smiling.
Dark rolled his eyes and sat on the bed again, staring at his friend as he dug deeper into the wardrobe trying to find more entertaining items, but the red figure's mind slowly wandered away.
Truth be told, he needed to find a good way of making up to Chosen or at least a way of making him talk to him again, perhaps a gift... Or maybe cooking him a meal since God knows how long it's been since Chosen had eaten a actual healthy meal.
Speaking of meals, Dark's mind snapped back to reality to reach for the tub of ice cream again, but then he froze.
He could forgive Purple for his unnecessary affection towards him, or the fact he's stuffing his brand new old shirts into his bag and has turned his bedroom into a hot topic dressing closet.
But he couldn't forgive one thing...
─ Did you ate all the fucking ice cream???
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abraxas52 · 2 years
Master of Shadows
A short Dramione one-shot, available now on Ao3.
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gamingforeternity · 2 years
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and finally to end off the posting spree, I give you my master post of AVA/AVM characters as other people in video games!
jesus christ, these ones took like 3 days to finish before i got this app. it was TIRING. but worth it
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 months
“Did you sleep well? Don’t lie to me, I watched you.”
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¡Yandere!Dark Raiden mk11
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy. I’m sorry I haven’t ever written Raiden and so if it’s a little off…no it isn’t. Lollll I’m going to replay mk11 so I can get more into his character. But there’s a serious lack of mk11 Raiden fics??? Like what is going awn??? Y’all don’t like granddaddy??
Warnings: Yandere/Toxic themes, mentions of kidnapping, violence, threats, sleep watching…
Requests: open 24/7
Raiden isn't someone who finds himself resting much of his own. There’s too many things that he has to attend to and so much of his time would be wasted if he slept most nights.
Besides who would watch over earthrealm and you if he was fast asleep…
Actually he just prefers to watch over you at night. Someone else can handle the latter but..you are far too precious for him to not protect.
Usually he’ll wait a few hours or so after you’ve finally dozed off. Giving you plenty of time to drift into a deep slumber so you cannot be disturbed by him, creeping into your bedroom.
It’s fairly enjoyable for Raiden to watch you rest. You are a very delightful sleeper. You don’t often move around or snore much. When you do make noise it is usually a sweet mummer or giggle.
It’s a huge contrast to during the day when you would be by his side. You were a very timid person and rather fidgety. Raiden understands just how intimidating he can be, but he had hoped you’d come around to it. That you’d understand his demeanor wasn’t personal against you.
He craves your affection and he’s seen how you truly are with others. He doesn’t mind your real personality, any more than the next man would. So if you’re worried he may think lowly of you for being energetic, he won’t. On top of that, he just doesn’t know how to be more inviting.
He absolutely despised how comfortable you were with other people compared to him. You’re not even this shy with his brother, Fujin.
Eventually Raiden had enough of it and decided to forcefully make you comfortable with him. No longer are you allowed out of his home or to socialize outside of him.
(Yeah that made you waaayy more comfortable 🙄)
He now has you all to himself and no one else has the right to your smile anymore.
Unfortunately though the only times you smile at now is when you are fast asleep, dreaming up your own perfect world.
Raiden didn’t mind this too much, it was enough for him just to watch over you. A little while longer and he’s sure you’ll get used to him.
The only thing that could make this any better is if he had the ability to see into your dreams.
What exactly were you dreaming of? Him? Tonight you seemed to smile more than usual, so delusionally he figured it had to be about him. Or maybe you’re thinking of the children you’ll have with the thunder lord.
He almost chuckled to himself as he proudly pondered the idea of the two of you teaching your children how to safely wield their powers. How cute it would be when they'd play tricks on you, of course he’d scold them but it would be kind of cute…
Before he could go any further into thought, your beautiful voice broke the silence—
“Heh…I wish we could have fun like this all the time..”
Could you read his mind? Were you dreaming about what he was thinking of?
The lord, becoming increasingly more intrigued by your dream, leaned in closer. Hoping for you to speak once more..hoping that it was true.
It would be just the confirmation he needed. You dreamt about a life with him, which means all of this was the right choice. You’re finally coming around sooner than he’d previously thought.
What did you just say..?
Is that why you’re so happy tonight? It’s because of that imbecile??
Hearing you flirtatiously coo the other man’s name ‘Johnny’ was like poison to Raiden’s ears. Something sinister entered his body and before he knew it a fierce thunderstorm of emotions began to brew deep in his veins. Electric red currents started circulating his body as he stood up and towered over you. He tightened his balled fists until his knuckles grew pale white. With a tense jaw and a scowl that omitted a pure crimson color, he remained still. Not wanting to act out just yet in the height of his anger.
As much as Raiden was furious, he was also a devastated lover. You’ve betrayed him. He’s given you so much of himself only for another to occupy your mind…do you know just how much he’s put aside for you?? He’d risk all of earthrealm if it meant an eternity with you.
How DARE you…you will be punished for this. There was no way that Raiden would ever let these trifling feelings go without such.
And for that Johnny…..”Cage volume iii” isn’t going to be coming out anytime soon…
It was as if you could suddenly sense the shift of energy in the room. The warm, cheeky smile ran cold and a bolt of terror struck your core.
Tossing and turning, trying to get away from the darkness that started to overwhelm the dream, you cried out.
“….j-johnny…please help me. He’s going to find me and take me away. Please- that monster is going to get me—”
Jolting up in a cold sweat, your heart sank deeper into your chest after you noticed the narrow, crimson eyes above you.
Frantically you began to speak..
“R-Raiden?! What are—-“
“Did you sleep well? Don’t you even think about lying to me, I watched you.”
Raiden’s voice is as low as it was venomously commanding.
A beat, which felt like years, passed as you mustered up an answer to him. You were currently still too tired and distraught to even know what exactly pissed off Raiden.
“…I-I’m sorry Lord Raiden but I don’t really know what’s going on—“
“BE SILENT, Y/N!.” Raiden’s voice boomed throughout the entire tower, followed by a rumbling of thunder from outside.
From what was just a minute ago, a nice cool night turned into a heavy thunderstorm with heavy winds.
“You think of me as some kind of monster?!…” Raiden scoffed, his once balled fist turned into a sharp point of the finger.
“I understand that your feeble, human mind cannot even comprehend all of the things that I’ve been protecting you from…all of the devotion I’ve dedicated to you. But for you to blatantly disrespect your master is something I never expected from you.”
“ You’ve committed such disgusting sins….you need to be cleansed.”
“Wha- Raiden? I-I don’t understand. What did I do?.” Your eyes began to swell with tears and your voice became an unsteady mess
Raiden sneered down at you.
“Hmhp. Your pleas will not save you, my love. When I’m done with you, Johnny’s name will be scrapped from your memory and you will learn how to become properly devoted to me….and only ME.”
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Fall from the Heavens Universe Series Masterlist
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, fingering, smut, angst, arranged engagement, obsession, violence, swearing, bullying, chauvinism, mention of injury, character's death ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
Author's note: The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them. I have decided that both Rhaenyra and Viserys' children are titled My Prince/Princess/Your Grace, and Baela and Rhaena are titled My Lady. For the purposes of this story, Lord Arryn has a son, to whom the female protagonist was later betrothed.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Rhaenys's Letters | The Song of Lonliness (Memories) | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part 37 | Part 38 | Part 39 | Part 40 (End) | Aemond & Rhaenys's Children | Duty and Desire | Epilogue | To please, to serve (Years Later)
All Series & Scenes Moodboards The Lost Haven (Modern mafia AU) Play with my heart (Modern actors AU)
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kisses4reid · 7 months
convenient pt. 2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
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pt. 1 (you cannot read part 2 with no context).
summary - he totally just cares if you pass your exams, nothing else. there is no other reason he keeps coming back to your convenience store.
genre - fluff, fem!college!reader x early season!spencer
warnings - school work, incorrect science stuff bc i’m just a girl
a/n - thank you all for the love on the first part!!! it was so surprising, especially since it was the first fic i’ve uploaded on this blog, i love y’all so much 🫶 thank you to those who suggested to make this a series, i would’ve totally made this a oneshot if not for y’all.
“you got any plans tonight spencer?”, morgan asked, taking his jacket off the back of his chair, passing spencer’s clean desk.
“uh, yeah actually.”
“really?” morgan stopped beside him, looking over his shoulder, a smirk crawling up, “with who?”
“moby dick.” spencer lied, morgan rolled his eyes.
“you’re no fun man.”
the doorbell rang, but after not seeing a certain skinny man for two nights, you’re mind starting to reset into the ‘studying grind mode’ it had been on before meeting spencer. stop thinking about spencer, keep studying.
three ladies dressed in short skirts, a white man with dreads (yikes), and a boy around 8 years old checked out with various items before a 3 minute cannelloni, bag of coffee, and an apple landed in front of you. before you could look up he spoke,
“how did your assignment go?” you jumped in your seat, nearly punching the man in the face before you placed a hand over your heart and sighed,
“good lord, you need to learn how to walk louder.”
spencer grinned. you scanned the cannelloni, he glanced at your hand still over your heart.
“bless you?”
“the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.” you glanced up and saw him looking at your hand with a thin lipped awkward smile. you quickly put your hand down and continued scanning, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“we all know words. like… vellichor.” you spoke, packing his things in the same plastic bag he brought just little of a week ago. he tilted his head,
“the love of used bookstores?”
“i saw old books in your car.”
“you were looking in my car?” he put his hands in his pockets, as he looked out the window to his parked vehicle, not planning to pick up his bag of ‘groceries’ anytime soon. only then did you notice his tie was askew, his hair a little disheveled, his eyes a little sunken. the doorbell rung, a middle-aged balding man walking in behind spencer.
“i’m observant. $12.98.” he whipped out a slim wallet from his back pocket, flicking through some notes to pull out a $20. you ruffled through the register for his change as he remarked,
“you didn’t even look at the register.”
“don’t need to, you’re predictable.” you reply with a sneaky smile, causing spencer to copy reluctantly.
there was an awkward cough from behind him, the middle-aged man. spencer turned back to you after realising that he was in fact in a convenience store, and you were in fact the only worker there. “sorry sir, um. bye.” he took his bag, the thin lipped smile becoming nearly as predictable as his late-night groceries.
the tall, awkward, superbly smart man who smelt like wood didn’t show up for 5 nights. you thought there were only three possibilities at his absence: sickness, death, or he’s learnt how to cook.
you thought the next time you saw him you would ask more about him. in between studying, classes, and working, there wasn’t much time for a social life in your day to day. or maybe you wouldn’t. maybe he wasn’t showing up because he wasn’t really a regular, just a guy who needed quick meals, coffee, and apples on those specific nights. that’s insane, you are insane, get back to studying.
you almost didn’t recognise him the next night. same clothes, same height, same cologne, different face. dark circles under his eyes, permanent lines between his eyebrows, and a purple bruise on his left cheek. it was silent, he was the only customer at 11:30pm. you both made eye contact while you scanned his items, (same things plus a travel first aid kit) silently observing his expectant expression before you broke the silence.
“i’m not going to ask.”
“i got hit with the butt of a gun.” he said matter of factly.
you halted, coffee bag in hand, and stared at him, squinting. “…okay. actually i am gonna ask. who would hit a librarian with the butt of a gun?”
he scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head, blinking, “i’m not a librarian. why do you think i’m a librarian?”
you packed his things, “smart, dressed posh, just general mysterious good looking librarian vibe,” he handed you a $20, “you remind me of a pipe cleaner with eyes.”
he raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact, “not the first time i’ve heard that.”
you laughed, thinking it was a joke. his shoulders relaxed, the lines between his eyebrows softening. he grabbed his things, “bye, y/n.”
“bye, spencer.”
you were so close to finding out more about him. how the hell does a man that looks like that get into so much trouble?
you finish your shift, packing your textbooks and now flat laptop, locking everything up and turning the lights off. it was 1am. and, spencer was asleep in his car.
you looked around and put your jacket around your shoulders before jogging up to his driver’s window. his head was lulled to one side, mouth closed, chest rising softly. you knocked, and suddenly he was wide-eyed and searching for something.
“spencer? what are you still doing here?” you speak just loud enough for him to hear behind the window, which he promptly put down. you had a split second realisation how crazy this was. checking in on a regular, watching a regular sleep, feeling safe enough to approach a man’s car just because he buys the same thing every night he comes to the convenience store.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to fall asleep. i- uh,” he wiped his face, “sorry.”
you look at him with concern, “it’s okay, just.. try not to look like you were waiting for me to finish my shift to kidnap me next time, okay?”
he sighed and nodded. waving goodbye, you started down the street, your apartment only being a block away. over the music now playing in your ears, you heard a car drive away, mixing with your confused thoughts about who this regular really is and what he does for a living. and how does he look that good.
he was back the next night, same black slacks, with a purple sweater a shade darker than your own.
“hey spencer, before i scan your 3 minute bolognese, coffee and bag of apples-“
“how did you get that perfectly-“
“i’m going to ask this and you’re going to answer, okay?”
you know nothing about this man, but talking to him like a good friend felt natural now. though, you still tried to avoid over stepping it.
“-though you don’t actually have to answer it. you are a customer and i can’t force customers to do anything but- seeing as though you know i’m a college student and that i work at this convenience store and that i sort of suck at biology- sorry i’m rambling,” you take a breath, “where do you work?” you finish, spencer smiling slightly. you were surprised he didn’t cut you off to stop you, like everyone else did. he didn’t answer at first, the squeak of your shoe against the floor displayed your anxious tell.
“i can’t tell you.”
you sighed, rolling your eyes and packing his stuff, he already had a $20 ready in his hand. you took it, fingers brushing slightly against his. “you suck, and your so suspicious. i should just call security.”
he looked around, fiddling his fingers together, “you don’t have security.”
you pointed to a dead cockroach outside underneath the warm street light. “yes we do. why do you think he’s twitching? he’s insane, he’ll hurt you.”
he chuckled, the sound bringing a shade of pink to your cheeks. “you don’t work on weekends.”
you squinted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and maybe a bit of fear. “what.”
“i came in on a weekend and a man was here.” he explained as you nodded.
“yeah, no i don’t. why?”
spencer gulped, taking his bag, and smiling awkwardly, “nothing, bye!”
you waved, confused. also stressed, you hadn’t worked on your psychology assignment while waiting for him to show up.
pt. 3
taglist- @jeffswh0re @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @wannabewolf @evysian @trashmonstersara
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back2bluesidex · 10 months
J-Hope Fic Recommendations (18+)
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If you are already following me for quite some time then you should know that I am a massive masochist and I like to torture myself by reading and writing angsty stories. So, most of the stories that I recommended are angsty as well (might as well have sad endings). So please carefully read the warnings before proceeding. Have a happy reading.
And please don't expect much from me. There are several other rec lists far better than mine. The only motive I had behind creating this list to promote some of the stories, which I think are very underrated. especially angsty ones. These stories are beautifully written so.. I just wanted to let the authors know how phenomenal of a job they have done (As a writer myself I know how much this actually means). Thanks to these amazing writers and I am grateful that they decided to share their work here with us.
[Minors please stay away from my blog!]
Key: F - Fluff, A- Angst, S- Smut, Y- Yandere, *- Personal Favorite
1. Ash from his fire by @filmcrystal - A, implied S, cheating au
It will break your heart so please proceed with caution.
2. Forbidden Fruit by @deepdarkdelights - A, Y
This one deals with several triggering topics. Hence, read the warnings carefully. But I can say that you will love this twisted mafia Hoseok way too much!
3. Shadows by @borathae - A, exes au
One of the most underrated stories I have ever read! Yeah, it is very angsty and Hoseok is so cruel but... we all are masochist here. lmao!
4. Heaven sent by @aquagustd - A, F, S, f2l au
Sexy soccer player Hoseok is just another name for perfection.
5. Bound by @explicit-tae - S, kinda f2l
Talk abut BDSM! GOOOD Sweet Lord!!!
6. Jigsaw by @sunshinejunghoseokie - A *
I remembered crying after reading this one. So damn underrated that it physically hurts me!!
7. Delta Disorder by @bangtanintotheroom Y, S, Supernatural au
I don't usually read supernatural stuff but this demon Hoseok is way too sexy to skip!
8. Systems of Touch by @yeoldontknow - S, F, tiny A, S2l au
Beautifully written! The author used 100% of their capabilities to write this one. Perfectly drawn Professor Hoseok with a very attractive character of reader. Certainly a treat to read.
9. 2:00 AM by @likeastarstar - A, fuckbuddy Hoseok
Part of a series but can be read as a standalone. and Hoseok is a dick in this.
10. Love Quarrels by @mirahuyooo - A, F, mafia au
A cold yet soft mafia husband Hoseok chases behind his angry wife... could there be anything better than that?
11. The Hook Up ft. JK by @minisugakoobies - S
A little bit of a triangle.. but not love? if that makes sense.
12. Entelechy by @drmflm - suggestive (I believe)
Can't call this one angst and neither is this about Hoseok (he is there, don't worry). This one is more about the reader and her growth and it's beautiful.
13. Orgasms on the verge of a nervous breakdown by @sluttyandere - S, Y *
This is very dark and quite triggering, so please don't read unless you can handle those stuff.
14. For the night by @aseaofyoongi - A, S
I cried. that's all.
15. We Shouldn't by @beahae - S **
Hands down to one of my most favourite Hoseok smuts ever!!! This one has a Jimin follow-up so make sure to read that too.
16. Real or not real by @nmjoo-n - A, S, F **
Again one of the most exquisite Hoseok fics I have ever read!
17. Checkmate by @sunshinejoon - A, S
This was supposed to have a sequel but it is perfect regardless.
18. Do I wanna know - @yoongiphoria - A, f2? ****
Now, MJ knows how much I love this one. I often read this story and I never ever get bored of it! I love this to the core and you should too!
19. Scrap - @silv3rswirls - A, Y, S
Dark and sexy. Read the warnings carefully please.
20. It's a Promise by @sahmfanficbts - S, A, Arranged marriage au
Just read it.
21. Three by @hamsterclaw - S
22. Wonderwall by @kiara-ish - A with an open ending
Might not be for the faint hearted.
23. Infatuated by @bangtanfancamp - F
If you like high school love au then this one is for you.
24. Constellations of You by @persphonesorchid - S, F, established relationship au
This is so domestic that my heart almost exploded while reading!!
25. Burning flames or paradise by @/yoongiphoria - A, tiny f ****
MJ does magic.... that's all I can say.
26. Alone again by @archivedkookie - A, F
I loooove these kinds of stories. Just the right amount of despair with the right amount of hope... beautiful.
27. Feeling Good by @bonvoyagenoona - A, S
Everything I write about this will fall short.. so I will just shut up and let you enjoy the goodness.
28. Distracted by @dilfhoseokie - S
29. Drink Champaign in my airplane by @/bangtanintotheroom - F, S, F2l
Perfectly embodies a rich hot CEO friend Hoseok... a fun read.
30. Keynote by @missgeniality - S **********
MY MOST FAVORITE HOSEOK ONESHOT TO EXIST IN THE PLANET. yeah.. (this has a follow-up but I like this one better)
The thing is that I don't usually read series. I just don't have that patience. So this list is pretty small and forgive me for that.
1. Transference by @dark-muse-iris - A, S, F, S2l *********************
I wasn't the same after reading this. I can't talk about this trantric therapist Hoseok, 'cause I will never shut up if I start.
2. Kanalia by @xjoonchildx - A, S, f (?) *********************
Honestly, who isn't a sucker for Lord Jung? You must be sick if you are not. (On a side note.. Kanalia is keeping me alive from jumping off trains on tough days)
3. Guarded by @/xjoonchildx - A, S, F, S2l
Mafia Hoseok with dogtags. I think that's enough of an introduction.
If you want to read the Hoseok stories I write, you can checkout my Masterlist.
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