#dark maeglin
overlord-of-fantasy · 4 months
Maeglin looks (kind of) like an orc
So I noticed, that a part of the silmarillion fandom aperantly doesn´t konw, that Maeglin looks a bit orcish! So I just wanted to put it out there again. In the "The fall of Gondolin" book he is described as having dark skin, like an orc.
Here come my thoughts on that:
So I am pretty sure that this doesn´t simply mean that he is black, but that he has some grayish color going on. Why else spesificly say, that that makes him look like an orc and not litterly anyone else with dark skin. I am pretty certian that this is because Eöl himself was already a bad person and messed up due to his dark spells, but also, that the rape might have played a part. I mean, orcs are made from torturing elves, and I am sure, that we all can agree, that rape is a form of torture.
So Maeglin, beeing born from rape and having an evil father, is something between an elf and an orc. This is also why I think that it was so easy for Morgoth to mindcontrol him. Poor boy.
I hope you can follow my train of thought XD
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foedhrass · 6 months
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From left to right: a Teleri OC, Aegnor, Amras, Annatar, Caranthir, Gil-galad.
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From left to right: Irmo, Eöl, a Nandor OC, Maeglin, a Mirkwood OC, Thranduil
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And of course Thingol.
Welcome and thank you to all new followers! The Thingol cloak post brought you here, but I have several more Middle-earth cosplays, most of them own designs for Silmarillion characters.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 days
Hot Eöl Take
I'm going to preface this by saying you're probably a grown adult, so don't be rude just because I have a different opinion.
Eöl and Areðel's wedding was consensual. He thought she was beautiful and smart, even if she was a Noldo. She though he was handsome and clever. He didn't purposely get her lost in Nan Elmoth - Melian's residual magic does that to those who aren't used to it. They did truly love each other.
Areðel gave birth to Lómion. Eöl didn't understand the big deal about names (the Avari tribe where he grew up, far in the east, parents called their children Minyien (first son), Tatyien (second son), Minyida (first daughter), etc. until they were inspired to give them a name. Twelve years? Eöl was Nelyien for a thousand of these newfangled Sun years. But Areðel kept pestering him about it, so he spent a week figuring something out for his Minyien's begetting day.
(That was a strange thing as well, the concept of a begetting day. It was difficult to track such a thing before the Sun and without the Trees, so the "dark Elves" just didn't.)
Eöl taught Maeglin smithing, but he saw his son's heart was more in the mining, and frequently took the family to Nogrod. Areðel got along famously with the Khazad; she quite liked their fuzzy beards. For a long while, they were happy.
But as time passed on, Eöl grew paranoid. He refused to let his family leave Nan Elmoth without him, and eventually refused to leave at all. He tossed Maeglin into trees to learn to climb.
(He thought of Maeglin torn apart by yrch, begging for his mother, his father, anyone, all because of his fear of heights. Eöl needed to teach his son to get over it, or he would die.)
He grew possessive and distrustful, and Areðel couldn't take it anymore. She and Maeglin fled. Eöl, with a sear coated in spider venom, followed.
Remember, the writer of The Silmarillion was a Gondolindrim Noldo who would've had a bias against him.
(I have the word for "son" and "daughter" in Eöl's language as "ien" and "ida", respectively.
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salomedebeaurepaire · 5 months
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Eöl the dark elf by Soni Alcorn-Hender, 2016
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Maeglin as a child
10$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
15$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
20$ TWO  characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
25$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
50$-TWO characters  FULL BODY   with COLOR
60$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol  + COLOR + FULL BODY  
i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated
*only paypal
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eri-pl · 21 days
Another Eol poll
There's no "yeeted into the void because he deserves it more than Morgoth" option, let's keep it canon-compatible.
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Hey Mairon, can I keep the little elf you captured lately? What was him name again.... Maeglin? Yes that one - he's so adorable - please let me keep him?
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Mairon arched a quizzical brow. "Maeglin? Who is... Oh." He smiled and shook his head when he finally remembered. "Forgive me, my jewel. There are so many elven captives here, that it is nearly impossible to know all of their names. I know of this Maeglin. He is, as you say, adorable indeed. And yes, you may keep him."
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lavanfalas · 6 months
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anghraine · 28 days
First of all congrats on nearing the end of your PhD program!!! Woohoo!!!
Second of all, I’m muy late to the party here (been off tumblr for a bit) but WRT these tags ( https://www.tumblr.com/anghraine/749212904253947904/khazzman-tolkien-elendil-was-called-the ) what do you mean the pregnancies were strange lol how strange can they be…?
As for the first point: Thank you! I'm really looking forwards to being done, lol.
As for the second point: anon, I delight in your innocence. In fact, I delight to such an extent that I wrote a long and rambling explanation over on my Dreamwidth account. It's here.
An excerpt:
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hirazuki · 9 months
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I'm an idiot and completely forgot that the only thing I was waiting on for a Maeglin cosplay was a longsword, which... I've now had for a month ^^;
SO threw together a quick costest for the lad today. Mostly pleased, though there are a few things I want to adjust; and I need to figure out if the reason his eyeliner/eyeshadow color isn't showing up properly is because it's too dark or because of this particular lighting/phone camera setup (I decided on dark blue for him, but it's not showing here the way it is in person).
Also, with thin clothing like this, compression bra/binding doesn't cut it for me, and I wear my silicone torso to change up how the fabric drapes on me -- so I wore it today, to make sure my clothes still fit with it on (as these are just my daily clothes lmao). Aaand, since I already went to the trouble of wearing it (it is a huge pain in the ass to take on/off), I figured might as well take some fun photos too -- enjoy, under the cut! XD
. . .
[Well, there were fun photos but tumblr won't make this post visible to y'all if I include them so T_T It was literally just shirtless + sword, good grief.]
Edit: I added them via a reblog, which you guys should be able to view below!
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elentarial · 1 year
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Then he called him Maeglin, which is Sharp Glance, for he perceived that the eyes of his son were more piercing than his own, and his thought could read the secrets of hearts beyond the mist of words.
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bilbo-babe · 2 years
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tanoraqui · 1 year
as a secret fan of the trope “immortal being imprints on family but is initially 1 or more generations off from their actual Destined Romance in it, leading to tragic problems”, and an even bigger fan of relationships (romantic or otherwise) which are wildly awkward for everyone except the happy couple, I think it’d be great, actually, if:
Idril and Tuor decide to have another child at some point, really any time in the Second Age or later (just one, though—living in Aman is already kinda straining Tuor’s fëa; he’s fine, but parenting a half-elf is…a lot)
The Choice of Peredhil is innate, actually, though only for one generation out unless complicated by Maia blood. Their daughter (Name TBD) chooses to be an Elf with no hesitation—save 1 Man kept alive by dint of Ulmo being clingy a loyal friend and patron, everyone she knows are Elves, or Ainur! Why would she want to leave her family, friends and home?
Shortly after Maeglin gets out of Mandos (which takes longer than anyone in the family but the Fëanorians), they meet in circumstances wherein neither realizes who the other is, familially speaking, and nor does either introduce themselves properly
They almost just straight-up elope, but NameTBD Idriliel decides at the last moment that she really would like to introduce him to her parents first, and she to be introduced to his. Possibly all at once?
(Maeglin either genuinely thinks she knows who he is or by some contrivance fails to tell her between the proposal of this meeting and the meeting itself. Either way, he fully intends to introduce himself fully to her parents, and he has no intention of marrying this maiden whom he loves without her knowing his identity and dark first life.)
Absolutely nobody, including Maeglin, is adequately forewarned
Chaos ensues
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i-did-not-mean-to · 4 months
Lace & Attention - Idril x Meleth
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Written for @jaz-the-bard...a pairing I had never written before (which usually doesn't stop me).
Please, have a bittersweet slice of wlw from me!
Lots of love!
Words: 1 030
Characters: Idril x Meleth
Warnings: Sadness, longing, jealousy, disrobing, relative nudity, sexual innuendo
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Meleth frowned as she left the boy’s room; she had not sought to distress him, but her heart oft misgave her, and she found herself helplessly afraid of the lingering shadows beleaguering their once fair city.
It surely was better that he knew, she thought frantically, and yet she couldn’t shake the memory of his innocent face, marred by fearful, uncomprehending tears as he listened to her paralysing, terrifying tales of woe and warning.
“Is he asleep?”
On some nights, Meleth would have preferred to be addressed with the absent-minded politeness her Lady displayed when dealing with other servants and helpers, and she resented herself for her weakness.
The one who had been named after a love she would never fully call her own nodded demurely, avoiding Idril’s gaze in the polished mirror like a coward.
“Have you seen Lómion tonight?”
Stiffening, Meleth now shook her head.
Yes, at times, she wished to be invisible and unheeded so as to be spared the searing heat of that luminous gaze, and the reference, no matter how passing, to her Lady’s cousin always made her flinch.
“I wonder what preoccupies him so,” Idril mused aloud. “He’s seemed distracted of late.”
I care not, the handmaiden wanted to scream. Why should I waste a single precious thought on that sneaking thief?
She knew that she was being unfair to the King’s nephew—a pitiful orphan who had found refuge in Gondolin like so many others—but she couldn’t help the burning resentment and spite, rising like acid within her fair throat every time her mind but brushed the mere shadow of that untrustworthy creature.
“Do you require my aid?” she asked hastily, moving deftly to Idril’s side to help her unpin the golden coils of her hair and undo the many intricate fastenings of her lavish gown before the other could either accept or refuse her offer.
Once upon a time, Meleth remembered, she had been the only one to gaze upon the delicate lace of Lady Idril’s undergarments, and she bemoaned the loss of that privilege more often than she wanted to admit.
Of course, she had always known that their love—self-evident and tender as the clean river water in summer—had been inevitably doomed to run dry before long. Idril was the king’s daughter and heir after all; matrimony and motherhood were her hallowed duties, and not even she could outrun her fate.
Thus, Meleth had made her peace with Tuor for it made no sense to begrudge one who had been foretold by every sign—he and Idril had been fated, and all the desperate devotion in this marred world could not have altered the course of destiny.
“Do you remember this one?” Idril hummed, letting her long, slender fingers travel along the beautiful filigree of the fabric hugging her firm breasts.
“How could I forget?” Meleth whimpered. The intimate garment had been made by a true master, and, upon picking it up for her beloved, she had caressed the impossibly fragile web of silken threads with wide-eyed wonder for much longer than was appropriate or commendable for one of her station in life.
Back then, before the arrival of those accursed males who had depleted and polluted the source of her joy, Idril had chuckled that she had commissioned the underwear as a gift for Meleth.
“To be beautiful for you,” she had said, her eyes as radiant as the midday sun, cutting through the endless blue of a cloudless sky.
Meleth recalled that she had wept, confessing fervently that Idril would always be the most gorgeous to her. Every movement, every kiss, every sweat-stained embrace that had followed were burned into her memory indelibly, but she was too proud to repeat words that had lost their weight and meaning by being reduced to a faint echo of the confessions and declarations Idril now heard every day.
“You’ve always taken such great pleasure in lace,” Idril went on, blissfully unaware of the turmoil ravaging her former lover’s heart and soul. “And you take such good care of my beloved son—I wondered whether…Do you ever miss me? Us?”
At that very moment, as all the dams broke, Meleth realised that the torrent of her ardour had not been quenched by having to share Idril with those whose attentions were so much more legitimate and welcome than her own.
“Always,” she admitted tersely. “Nevertheless, I completely understand…”
You are married now, and you’ve given him a son. You are bound to them and to that miserable miscreant by blood, which is so much more powerful than wisps of lace and a steady stream of earnest, unpretentious love.
She didn’t speak those words, though, for she knew only too well how little they would change, and she wanted to spare both of them the pain and humiliation to recognise their own helplessness in the face of Powers far greater than their own.
“You cannot give back what you didn’t take from me,” she added softly, folding Idril’s rich, luxurious garments with meticulous care to distract herself from the raging storm of unadulterated pain lancing through her whole body.
“You’d rather lose me than share me?” Idril asked sharply, and Meleth sighed. How she adored Idril when her gaze grew fierce and gleaming like an unsheathed blade!
“I’d take anything you’d grant me—I am not beyond being selfish and proud. However, many are vying for your attention and goodwill nowadays, and I am woefully aware that I could never compare to the glory of their births and deeds!” Meleth spat, ultimately unable to contain the poison of envy and hurt flooding her dry mouth and drowning her from the inside.
Instead of answering, Idril rose in a cloud of fragrant warmth and slung her soft arms around the stiff frame of her friend and eternal paramour. “Don’t be silly,” she whispered, letting her full lips espouse the curve of Meleth’s flushed ear. “My husband will not join me tonight, hence why I asked whether my wayward cousin has been sighted. Either way, why don’t you join me? After all, I am wearing your underwear to entice you! Did I succeed?”
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@fellowshipofthefics And another one!
As ever, devotedly yours!!!
Lots of love and well-wishes!
-> Masterlist
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0ynes · 2 years
Adar looks exactly like I always imagined Maeglin/Eöl would look like. So what I mean is, Maeglin might have survived.
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And if it is Maeglin, ooooh I hope Elrond beats his asssss
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Ëol: Lómion?
Maeglin: That’s right. It’s me. Your son.
Maeglin: And it’s Maeglin, dad
Ëol: No. L-Ó-M-I-O-N . I named you…
Maeglin: You ruined my life!
Ëol: How could I ruin your life? I wasn’t even there!
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