#dark reflection of being in smash bros
pocketramblr · 2 years
Just got reminded that TimeLink was in Soul Calibor 2 so guess where our world displaced Link ends up in too.
He really never can catch a break huh
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Something I love about the Mario movie is how is basically squashed any kind of ideas of Luigi being jealous of Mario from the get go that fans have come up/theorized throughout the years.
The whole “Luigi is jealous and tired of living in Mario’s shadow” has no leg to stand on when it comes to this movie.
In fact, Luigi is actively the one singing praises towards Mario, he knows that his brother dreams big and has a big heart, he knows his brother is amazing and he loves him for that.
Does he have low self esteem? Absolutely. But there is absolutely not a single bit of jealousy/envy towards Mario, Luigi loves and adores him far too much to ever be jealous and angry at Mario, someone who means the absolute world to him.
Oh don't you get me started.
Too late, I’ve gotten started. YOU ARE SO RIGHT. The movie did to theories that Luigi's “bitter and jealous” what it did to theories that Mario’s an antisocial asshat.
There are two things I can point to that are to blame for the theories that Luigi is bitter and jealous:
The description of his Negative Zone final smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
"Luigi's final smash. As exotic music plays, he performs a dance befitting a sorcerous incantation. A barrier envelopes him, negatively impacting all in his area. Random effects include getting launched, sleeping, moving in slow motion, tripping, fainting, and losing attack power. This technique is a reflection of the dark side he embraced in his brother's shadow."
2. His characterization in Paper Mario
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But there’s like… almost 40 years of games to glean from. You can literally pick and choose whatever you want to form any sort of theory (like a certain internet man did when arguing that Mario is an animal abusing sociopath). But 99% of the games show about as much evidence that Luigi is bitter as they do that Mario is a bad person– none at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.
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As for Paper Mario, it's the only time Luigi is directly characterized as envious... NOT jealous. He still loves his brother and sees him as worthy of the praise he gets, but he feels bad being stuck at home, and desperately wants to be brought along for the adventure– to have his opportunity in the limelight. But Paper Mario is kind of its own thing, established to be a separate universe from the mainline Mario games. In the Super Mario Brothers RPGs– which delve deeper into the bros character while remaining more aligned with the classic "canon"– the dynamic is quite the opposite! Mario dives headfirst into danger while Luigi desperately avoids it unless there is no other choice. In Super Mario Brothers Superstar Saga he tries his darndest to not be taken along for the adventure, confident that his brother can handle the task.
But one consistent across the Mario games is Luigi being the underdog of all underdogs; unlucky and clumsy, the butt of the joke, and constantly undermined. Naturally this causes people to get defensive of him– get angry for him, and project their feelings onto the character himself.
Nintendo is given a chance to craft Mario and Luigi into fully fleshed-out characters with motivations and backstories, not just plucky videogame personalities for people to project themselves into, and boy oh BOY did they knock it out of the park.
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While Mario is still a headstrong hero with a never-say-die attitude and a heart of gold, everything he does is for his brother. Mario has insecurities about feeling small and wants to prove himself to his father, but in the end his love for Luigi is his main motivator. Mario can handle being threatened, made fun of, and told he’s crazy, but if you want to truly hurt him, tell him his actions are hurting his brother. Try hurting Luigi directly, and Mario will tear you a new one.
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In return, everything Luigi does is for Mario! Lu’s not the willful ball of determination and gusto that his brother is– he has always been nervous, softhearted, and sensitive, which is why he lets his brother lead the way. Luigi’s not living in Mario’s shadow, he’s thriving off of his confidence! He recognizes Mario as his best friend and greatest source of strength, and will follow him absolutely anywhere.
There is no sense of Mario being treated like the beloved star of the show while Luigi gets the short end of the stick. They are both downtrodden, both learning, and both dependent on each other. It's not just Super Mario, it's the Super Mario Brothers, who equally inspire each other to be the best version of themselves.
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iamchaos1234 · 8 months
Some more owl house headcanons lets go-
Witch and demon eyes reflect like a cats when you take a flash picture and it scared the crap out of Luz the first time she saw it-
Amity has an hour long facecare routine she does every morning
King has tiny lil wings on his back that appear around the time of the final episodes ending
The collector and king are really close now, they love sleepovers and playing with kings toys
Luz and Hunter sometimes stay up really late playing video games together. Mostly mario kart or smash bros
Gus is asexual and gay, and he ended up getting together with Matt a year or two after the final episode
Vee is genderfluid! When in human form it's normally she/they and in basilisk form usually she/they/it which she likes them all
Hunter's hair can sometimes grow moss or flowers or mushrooms due to being made up from palistrom wood, which plants can grow on. Willow takes advantage of this a lot
As King's power grows as long as Jean-Luc is close it can be active and work, but once out of range it turns back off
Kikimora's palisman was a fuzzy dark blue spider. She regrets giving it to Belos after everything despite being such an asshole-
Servine's palisman is a dark brown kitten. Also, she deserved more appearances, as like a small supporting charecter just saying-
Thats all for now! Have anyone or anything you want me to do headcanons for? Don't be afraid to ask!
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thenixkat · 7 months
Okay, for the ask game let's go *throws darts at wall* 12, 29, 21, 1, and 17 for *more darts* Frenchfry, Dakari, and Zan
12. What animal would your OC have as their His Dark Materials daemon?
I do not know much about the scifi series with deity assigned fursona souls. So...
Frenchfry- Human? Something intelligent, large, social, and with good stamina.
Dakari- In universe? A draft breed wyvern or furnace breed cattle. Something big and sturdy with a steady and calm temperament. But also something that would absolutely fuck your shit if you do manage to piss it off.
Out of universe? I'm picturing something like a Harris hawk. Something social and intelligent and associated with wide open spaces. But also can fly.
Zan von Drake- Hmmm... something like a bittern or a vampire finch? Something not very large that can decently camouflage or hide. Something flighted to reflect how often he finds himself uprooted and on the move. Something predatory or parasitic.
29. Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
Frenchfry- Thinks the idea of a fursona is a silly human thing. But would have some kind of swan for a fursona. The whole big, powerful, majestic thing plus swimming is neat and not something pigeons really get to do.
Dakari- In universe? A bull firedrake or tarasque. Something big and powerful with a great defense that most animals think twice about messing with. Gentle giant vibes.
Out of universe? A bull bison for the same reason.
Zan von Drake- vampire bat. It drinks blood and is quite cute.
21. What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would your OC be?
Frenchfry- Alien. Especially the strange unknowable super advanced types of aliens.
Dakari- Would be a monster hunter from a long line of monster hunters that turned away from the family calling b/c he's a horse girl and wants to raise horses. Otherwise a giant monster on the whole being big as shit for his entire life and living frequently surrounded by smaller people.
Zan von Drake- He's submitted to his fate of being a vampire but he sees the appeal of the Creature from the Black Lagoon types and Frankensteins.
Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
Frenchfry- On a mix of City Face from Gunnerkrigg Court and the general idea of cute mascots for magical girl teams.
Dakari- Not to my knowledge. But is made in the same mold of the gigantic hot dude archetype that I usually put in my works.
Zan von Drake- Yes. He was inspired by a mix of Hotstreak from Static Shock, Rocco one of the half-vampire antagonists from the Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives books, and the werebat boyfriend from the My Boyfriend is a Monster comic books.
17. Who would your OC main in Super Smash Bros?
I know nothing about Super Smash Bros. I have not played this game. I have been at social gatherings where it was being played by people but I know jack shit about it.
Frenchfry- would try using every nonhuman character at least once. Would like Yoshi best.
Dakari- Bowser. Kirby.
Zan von Drake- Pokemon Trainer. Mewtwo. Ness.
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Pit: Aww, it's Mimikyu! Palutena: That's right! Number 778 in the Pokédex, this Ghost and Fairy type is only pretending to be a Pikachu so it can be liked. Viridi: What on earth for? The thing's imitation is too- ugh, creepy, to possibly be convincing! Pit: Hey! I think it's doing a great job! And its earnest desire to be loved only makes me love its disguise more! You can do it, Mimikyu! Palutena: Mimikyu's attempt to disguise itself as Pikachu even extends to its moves - however, it has its own twists on them. Pit, do you remember Pikachu's Thunder? Mimikyu's Dark Pulse has the same look, but since it's not being brought down from above, it's faster to use. And watch out for when Mimikyu's disguise breaks! It become faster to attack when you do.
Pit: Did this guy seriously shine a flashlight in my eyes?! Viridi: You'd think a servant of the Goddess of Light would be more resistant to that sort of thing. Palutena: Pit, that's Alan Wake! He's a novelist who just released that book I told you to get - "Departure", remember? Viridi: You trusted the one who can't read to go book shopping for you? Pit: Hey, I like book shopping! Sometimes they have pictures. Palutena: It would appear that Alan Wake's light-based attacks can rend shields, so shielding isn't exactly a good idea against him. That includes your orbitars, Pit. Pit: Aw, what?! Then what CAN I do?! Viridi: Quick! Can't your Upperdash Arm reflect those flash bangs? Use THAT to stun Alan and take him down! He may be famous, but he's still a human! Palutena: Oh, and ask for an autograph while you're at it! Viridi: Really?
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snowthedemonfox · 1 year
depends.. would you tell me more about dark pit kid icarus..??
(only if you want, i can always read a wiki page)
well basically dark pit is like. a mirror clone of pit, yknow the main character. he was supposed to be created to work for pandora and to destroy pit, but since the mirror of truth (what was used to create dark pit) broke before the process could be fully complete, instead of being loyal to pandora, hes like "screw this shit, im out of here" and steals pandoras powers to give himself the power of flight after beating up pit
you fight him a couple more times in the game, but he also helps pit out a few times as well. he says a couple of times that he thinks he should be the real pit (iirc), cause the mirror of truth reflects your true self. some story stuff happens yknow, and to recap: dark pit helps pit a bit more, nearly goddamn dies, and all that results in pit nearly dying so dark pit has to go help bring him back. this is the only chapter in the game you get to play as him and im not ashamed to admit its my most replayed chapter. (this is also the part that dark pit loses pandora's powers and now has to rely on palutena and/or viridi for the power of flight)
he is my favourite character in the whole game and it makes me sad when people say he shouldnt have been in super smash bros
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smashlawlai · 13 days
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Here’s a Super Smash Bros. Lawl moveset for Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil series:
Reveal Trailer:
The trailer opens with a scene of Chris Redfield battling enemies on a dark, rainy battlefield. Just as he seems to gain the upper hand, everything suddenly goes quiet. A shadowy figure steps forward, his glowing red eyes piercing through the darkness. The screen flashes: "Wesker Unleashes the Virus!" followed by a montage of Wesker dominating his enemies with superhuman speed and power.
Albert Wesker’s moveset revolves around his superior agility, strength, and the viral powers he gains from the Uroboros virus, giving him enhanced combat skills and the ability to unleash devastating attacks.
Neutral B (Samurai Edge):
Description: Wesker pulls out his iconic Samurai Edge handgun and fires a precise, rapid shot. The bullets are fast but deal moderate damage. Holding the button allows Wesker to aim slightly in different directions, offering a bit of range control.
Inspiration: This attack is based on Wesker’s proficiency with firearms in Resident Evil, particularly his usage of the custom Samurai Edge.
Side B (Phantom Dash):
Description: Wesker dashes forward at blinding speed, becoming nearly invisible for a split second. This dash can be used to close the gap on enemies or to dodge incoming attacks. If he collides with an opponent during the dash, he delivers a powerful, quick punch that launches the enemy.
Inspiration: This move represents Wesker’s inhuman speed and agility, as seen during boss fights in Resident Evil 5 where he effortlessly dodges bullets.
Down B (Uroboros Tentacle):
Description: Wesker summons the Uroboros virus in the form of black, writhing tentacles that strike upward from the ground. The tentacles have a decent range and can hit multiple opponents. This move can also be used for edge guarding as the tentacles rise up from the ledge.
Inspiration: Draws from the Uroboros mutation Wesker controls, where his body starts mutating to use the virus as a weapon.
Up B (Superhuman Leap):
Description: Wesker leaps high into the air with a burst of speed and strength, leaving behind a shadowy trail. He can perform a follow-up dive kick by pressing the attack button, dealing massive damage upon impact.
Inspiration: Reflects Wesker’s ability to perform incredible, high-speed acrobatics and jump tremendous distances, as seen in several cutscenes from the Resident Evil series.
Final Smash (Uroboros Form):
Description: Wesker injects himself with the Uroboros virus, transforming into a monstrous, enhanced version of himself. He charges forward, striking all opponents in his path with overwhelming strength and Uroboros tentacles. The final blow consists of Wesker summoning a massive tentacle that crashes down on the opponents, causing an explosive finish.
Inspiration: This is based on Wesker’s final boss fight in Resident Evil 5, where he fully embraces the Uroboros virus, turning into a monstrous being of immense power.
Up Taunt: Wesker adjusts his sunglasses and says, “You can’t possibly keep up with me.”
Side Taunt: He performs a quick knife twirl before vanishing momentarily and reappearing in place.
Down Taunt: Wesker injects himself with a vial of virus, briefly glowing with power as he smirks.
Victory Poses:
1. Victory Pose 1: Wesker stands over his defeated opponents, adjusts his sunglasses, and says, “A god can’t be defeated by mere mortals.”
2. Victory Pose 2: He teleports around the screen, effortlessly dodging imaginary attacks before standing still, arms crossed, saying, “Pitiful.”
3. Victory Pose 3: Wesker steps out of the shadows, his eyes glowing red as he delivers a chilling laugh, muttering, “There’s no escape from the inevitable.”
Defeat Pose:
Defeat Pose: Wesker removes his sunglasses and, with a cold expression, turns his back to the camera in frustration.
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mysmashultimate · 3 months
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Creating a moveset for Sindel from Mortal Kombat as a character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:
### Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Trailer
#### Trailer
The trailer opens with a dark and ominous arena, where various fighters are engaged in intense combat. Suddenly, a piercing scream echoes through the battlefield, and Sindel, the powerful Queen of Edenia, descends with her flowing hair and formidable presence. With a regal demeanor, Sindel steps into the Smash Bros. arena, ready to showcase her deadly scream and mystical abilities.
**Tagline:** "Sindel: Queen of Screams!"
### Sindel's Moveset
#### Special Moves
- **Neutral Special: Banshee Scream**
Sindel unleashes a powerful sonic scream in front of her, damaging and pushing away opponents. The longer the button is held, the stronger and wider the scream becomes.
- **Side Special: Hair Whip**
Sindel uses her long hair as a whip, striking opponents with swift and powerful attacks that can reflect projectiles.
- **Up Special: Levitation**
Sindel levitates briefly, allowing her to evade attacks and move vertically. Pressing the button again while airborne lets her perform a diving kick.
- **Down Special: Royal Protection**
Sindel surrounds herself with a barrier of mystical energy, reducing damage from incoming attacks and reflecting projectiles back at opponents.
#### Final Smash: Scream of Annihilation
Sindel's eyes glow with mystical energy as she unleashes a devastating scream that engulfs the entire stage. Opponents caught within the scream are lifted into the air and pummeled by powerful energy blasts before being sent flying.
### Taunts
1. **Taunt 1:** Sindel brushes her hair back with a confident smirk, taunting opponents with her regal grace.
2. **Taunt 2:** Sindel raises her hands, conjuring mystical energy around her, and declares, "Bow to your queen!"
3. **Taunt 3:** Sindel floats in the air briefly, surrounded by a shimmering aura, intimidating her foes with her otherworldly presence.
### Victory Poses
1. **Victory Pose 1:** Sindel stands triumphantly with her arms crossed, her hair flowing dramatically in the wind as she surveys the battlefield.
2. **Victory Pose 2:** Sindel performs a mesmerizing dance, showcasing her elegance and deadly grace.
3. **Victory Pose 3:** Sindel holds her hand up, conjuring a spectral crown above her head, symbolizing her rightful place as queen.
### Kirby Hat
When Kirby inhales Sindel, he gains Sindel's distinctive hairstyle and headdress, along with the ability to use **Banshee Scream**.
### Defeat Pose
Sindel clasps her hands in frustration momentarily before regaining her composure with a confident smirk, ready for the next battle.
### Classic Mode Name
**"Scream Queen"**
Sindel’s Classic Mode route involves battling characters associated with power and royalty, culminating in a final showdown against Master Hand and Crazy Hand amidst a mystical realm.
### Stage
**"Edenia Palace"**
A stage set in the grand halls of Edenia Palace, featuring floating platforms and mystical energy barriers as stage hazards.
### Attributes
- **Weight Class:** Medium
- **Height:** Tall (due to her imposing presence)
- **Speed:** Above Average
### Victory Song
A majestic and ominous remix of Sindel's theme music, blending regal melodies with haunting chants that capture Sindel's royal authority and deadly prowess.
With Sindel in the fray, players can harness her deadly screams and mystical powers, dominating opponents in the Smash Bros. arena with her queenly grace and formidable combat skills!
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heartbinders · 4 months
This is a masterpost of headcanons that are most worth knowing on this blog. Seeing as this is a multimuse, I’ll organize it by series and then by character (with general worldbuilding-type meta under the series name and character-specific meta under the character’s name). This will get updated as the blog is around for longer, and none of it is required reading, but it’s helpful if you want to learn more about my take on a character or world!
Series and muse names link to their respective worldbuilding / headcanon tags, while list items link to specific headcanon posts.
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Who were Camille and Cammie’s neighbors? ( link goes to Camille’s blog, run by Aaron! )
Why Camofrog is important to Cammie
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Angels, Flight, and the Mechanics of the Power of Flight
Where do Angels Come From?
Structure of the Underworld
Pit’s reflection after Dark Pit’s appearance
Justifying Pit knowing about other game universes, without godmodding! ( Plus an aside about divine technology )
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Telling Roxas and Ven apart
Misc Sora body headcanons
Sora's parents
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Tazmily after the Dark Dragon
Lucas growing up bilingual
Post-game Lucas and tech
Lucas’s relationship with Flint
Lucas, mind-reading, and empathy
Lucas fighting during-game
Lucas’s feelings about being in Smash
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The world after End of Evangelion
Important people in Shinji’s life / NPCs ( cw: abuse mention, internalized biphobia )
Shinji’s upbringing in the anime and rebuild vs manga ( cw: physical abuse )
Shinji’s scars and body image ( cw: self harm, body image, implied toxic masculinity )
Post-canon Shinji and gender
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Trainer cards
Public vs private knowledge about Red
Noctis ( PKMN verse )
Knowledge meme
Prompto ( PKMN verse )
Knowledge meme
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How Smash works in-universe
How humans can use weapons from the Kid Icarus universe
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Baku / Ren
Important info about Ren’s abilities, general demeanor, and what happens to his victims ( cw: gaslighting )
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madeimpact · 1 year
This is a masterpost of headcanons that are most worth knowing on this blog. Seeing as this is a multimuse, I’ll organize it by series and then by character (with general worldbuilding-type meta under the series name and character-specific meta under the character’s name). This will get updated as the blog is around for longer, and none of it is required reading, but it’s helpful if you want to learn more about my take on a character or world!
Series and muse names link to their respective worldbuilding / headcanon tags, while list items link to specific headcanon posts.
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Who were Camille and Cammie’s neighbors? ( link goes to Camille’s blog, run by Aaron! )
Why Camofrog is important to Cammie
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Tomoe and gender
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Angels, Flight, and the Mechanics of the Power of Flight
Where do Angels Come From?
Structure of the Underworld
Pit’s reflection after Dark Pit’s appearance
Justifying Pit knowing about other game universes, without godmodding! ( Plus an aside about divine technology )
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Telling Roxas and Ven apart
Misc Sora body headcanons
Sora's parents
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Tazmily after the Dark Dragon
Lucas growing up bilingual
Post-game Lucas and tech
Lucas’s relationship with Flint
Lucas, mind-reading, and empathy
Lucas fighting during-game
Lucas’s feelings about being in Smash
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The world after End of Evangelion
Important people in Shinji’s life / NPCs ( cw: abuse mention, internalized biphobia )
Shinji’s upbringing in the anime and rebuild vs manga ( cw: physical abuse )
Shinji’s scars and body image ( cw: self harm, body image, implied toxic masculinity )
Post-canon Shinji and gender
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The world map that applies to this blog
Trainer cards
Allister’s ghostly mannerisms
Kazuya can’t talk about his mom
Kazuya and gender
Kyouhei and Kyurem ( meta in tags )
Public vs private knowledge about Red
Noctis ( PKMN verse )
Knowledge meme
Prompto ( PKMN verse )
Knowledge meme
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How Smash works in-universe
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Rin and Len
The twins and gender
Baku / Ren
Important info about Ren’s abilities, general demeanor, and what happens to his victims ( cw: gaslighting )
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indigovoid · 2 years
Sonic a Hedgehog: Tragedy in the Emerald City
Written as Chang Nguyen
This is the story of sonic a hegehog.
He awake screaming to his alarm clock on reading ”It is very late after work!” Wow! He runs out of his bed and onto his closet to prepare cloths for wearing on his special day at work. ”I have got to be working today!” he screams at the miror and he runs fast oit of the door so much that it falls off the house.
”I am being late!!!!” Sonic shoiuts at his neighbors running past them and they say ”Wow sonic is fast.” On getting to where he works at the City he comes fast into his bosses room and says ”DO NOT FIRE ME.” Boss says ”You do not work for me i am the Eggman and you have come here to die.” ”Oh no!!!!!!!!” says sonic as he realize that he is not at work, he is not at City, he does not have a job, he is at the Eggmaster’s house and he is throwing a party and Mr. Wily is there with balloons and all of his robot friends and he says in a micro phone ”We are here today to do what to Sonic a hedgehog what we are doing to the mega man yesterday!” Sonic syas ”oh no!!!” and he looks onto a wall where a mega man was stuck with big giant nails that stick him onto the wall and he screams ”Conic has com to save me!” ”No i haven’t! But I will try!” and sonic turns into a ball and shoots himself at the egg doctor and on hitting him on the face he goes ”Owwwwww! You punk! You have hit me in the face! If you do it again, it wil have been twice!” Sonic goes ”and I do not care! You go have a fuck yourself Eggmaster, i will not be your wall orniment!”
”OH YES YOU WELL!” He agresively whispered under his mustache, which was long and blowing in the wind. ”I will make you do it with the help of me and Mr. Willy’s new Robot God Nail Man!” Nail man jumps out of the attic from hiding from sonic and when he see him he makes a gasp, ”GASP,” he says ”I did not know it is the sonic hedghog you are expecting me to nail! I can not! He is te powerful hedgehog in the Emerald City!”
He goes ”You are a God Nails you can put him above the fireplace and we will smile on him as we are reading by firelight and having a pipesmoke.” A big exclimation point appears above Nails head (that is shaped like a nail) and he goes ”OK!” and chases after sonic, who is too fast. Sonic is so fast and his spinning ball attack is so strong that he destroys every single robot on the room and the Eggman and Mr. Willy shot ”don’t do it sonic!” but he says to them, ”Willy, Eggmen, ut has been done!” and in his triumfant victory taunt like in smash bros. he is crept upon gently by Nailman who pushes him on the floor and says malecialously ”You will get nailed.” and sonic looks deep into himself and sees tails, and amy, and the mega man, and realizes that for the first time he has not been fast enough, when he thought it was earlier when he was running to work but it turned out it was a elaborate trap by the Eggmaster Robotnick. He told the Mail Man, ”You will have your nails with me now, wont you?” And the Nail Man says to him, ”Yes.”
That happened yesterday. Today Sonic awaken on teh wall above the fire place wherebefore Dr. Willy and MAster Egg sit loungingly and have a pipesmoke, point on sinocs face and having a laugh at him, ”dont have a laugh at me robot men.” one of them says, ”what do you mean robot men> we make robots we are not robots???” and sonic half lifting his head with blood dripping onto his blue fur from his tired mouth with a big giant nail through the middle of his body that should have made him dead says ”i know that you are a robot too. you were made by no other then king Krool because he is too week to kill The Donkey Kong alone and his friends arent good enough at hurting anyone.”
”HOW DID YOU FIND THIS OUT?????” he said, and sonic answers. ”I am Sonic, a hedgehog.” Sooms in on Mr. Eggmen’s eyeball as he has been found out, and a zoom on Mr. Willy’s bald head, reflecting eggman’s eyeball. they are scared and stop pipesmoking by the fireplace, and then it goes out.
”We are in the dark.” willy says, and the egg doctor agrees. ”We most certainly are.” And you can hear sonic softly chuckle through blood in his asofagus above the fireplace but the mega man is already dead, and mr. willy hold his head on his lap and is petting it and would look in his eyes and tell him assuringly ”you are dead.”
”It’s more than dark….” says a deep, stroung voice from the darkness. Eggman’s face looks afraid of the voice, but you cant see. So does willy, but you cant see him either. Sonic has a smile before he is more dead even then the mega man has become. Mr Robotnick says ”Shigeru……” but the voice says ”no that is my father.” and Willy goes ”it’s The Donkey Kong…..” DK (the donkey Kong) jumps out of the shadows and with a bomb he throws it and blows the whole room to pieces, killing everyone and himself. From the balconey where he sits at a marble table looking on his iphone touche King Krool hears the sound of everyone dying and looks up interested. He finishes mine sweeper on really hard mode and he goes to where he heard a sound but stopps in the kitchen to make a glass of drink. When he gets to the Party Room, he spits drink out of his mouth because he is surprised that everyone has exploded, but the Donkey Kong is dead, so he doesnt really care, and feel ok.
out from the fireplace which is all that is left Shigeru, DKs father who witnessed Dk martyring himself the get rid of the robots King Krool built to kill him, and sees King Krool and says ”I will kill you now” with a lot of emotion. And Krool says ”Father??????” And Shigeru says ”Yes” and slices his head off with a samurai sword.
It has been a tragedy day here in the Emrald City. The End.
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danieladkinsblog · 2 years
Big Bang, Multiversity, and the futility of Multiversal Classification
It seems like every few years, there’s a new *thing* that finds itself at the forefront of pop culture. And in 2022, the word you couldn’t escape from was “multiverse.” Marvel Studios’ release of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness led them to officially christening their next saga as “the Multiverse Saga”. The genre-bending indie film Everything Everywhere All At Once became a critical and commercial hit. Dungeons & Dragons released their new Monsters of the Multiverse bestiary. And Warner Bros. tried to get that sweet, sweet Super Smash Bros. money by making a video game where Bugs Bunny and Jon Snow can fight Steven Universe and the Gremlins.
And in the midst of all of this, DC Comics released yet another fucking event comic about a multiversal Crisis. 
To say that the recently-concluded Dark Crisis event (later rebranded to Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths in a move that makes my eyes roll into the back of my head) was underwhelming is generous. Aside from some pretty solid one-shots reimagining various members of the Justice League, the story has been both bloated in content and completely empty of substance. In many ways, it’s a microcosm of the many issues that have been plaguing DC Comics for several years now. And perhaps the best representation of that is this week’s tie-in release: Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1, written by Mark Waid and drawn by Dan Jurgens.
Waid and Jurgens are, of course, longtime creators for DC, with tenures at the company stretching back nearly 40 years, working on some of the defining stories for the biggest superheroes in the world. And while Waid did briefly leave the company due to disagreements with editor/publisher Dan DiDio, he was quick to return following DiDio’s ousting. And I think it’s notable to point out that the series that marked his full return - Batman/Superman: World’s Finest - is a retro-throwback that focuses on the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight in an earlier phase of their career, with Dick Grayson still serving as Robin with the Teen Titans and an overall aesthetic and tone homaging the Silver Age. Don’t get me wrong, the book is excellent, and probably my favorite thing DC is publishing right now. And the fact that it has Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain (aka, the best art team working in mainstream comics right now) doesn’t hurt either. 
It’s essential to keep this in mind when looking at Big Bang. The issue’s story (a word I use very loosely) concerns Barry Allen/The Flash and Wallace West/Kid Flash traveling through the multiverse looking for the Anti-Monitor. As they run (literally) through the multiverse, Barry narrates that he’s been cataloging the various Earths and reflects on their differences. This is accompanied by panels depicting events occurring on each Earth and helpful caption boxes establishing each Earth we see. And that’s the real reason this comic exists. This isn’t a story. It’s a checklist. 
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a nifty checklist. But that’s all it is. Waid even admitted in an interview with Gamesradar that this was part of an overall edict at DC to be more organized with the multiverse, eschewing the more laissez-faire approach of recent years. 
In looking at this, I can’t help but compare it to the last time there was an alternate Earth checklist tie-in to a big multiversal story: The Multiversity Guidebook by Grant Morrison, with art by a murderer's row of collaborators. Like Big Bang, it uses a frame story as an excuse to chart the then-nascent 52 Earths of the DC Multiverse, which had been reintroduced thanks to 52, touched on briefly in Countdown and Final Crisis, and been shaken up once more in the wake of the New 52 reboot. However, rather than being a simple tour through different realities, it uses its descriptor of “Guidebook” to actually delve into the multiverse on a level that hadn’t been explored before, including a map outlining the 52 worlds, short descriptions of each world, some worlds left blank, and small glimpses into not just the worlds themselves, but the people and stories that populate them. It’s crucial to note the ways that Morrison et al are sure to leave lots of openings for other creators to fill in the sandbox and create new worlds, or expand the stories of characters Morrison only briefly outlines. But the most significant difference between Morrison’s approach vs Waid’s? 
One word: innovation. 
Knowing the multiverse was going to be limited to a finite number of Earths, Morrison was keen to not simply recreate worlds from DC’s past, but make sure that each Earth had a distinct vibe and potential for making new things. And even worlds that paid homage to those of the past (Earth 4, Earth 5, Earth 10) were given overhauls to better carve out their place as unique settings in this burgeoning cosmology. Morrison even left several worlds listed as “undiscovered” so that future creators could add their own takes to the multiverse. (In the middle of writing this, I received my copy of the Absolute Multiversity, which also includes even more notes that Grant had for the Guidebook and they absolutely deserve a more in-depth piece at some point. Suffice it to say, it makes the way certain later creators approached this material even more disappointing.)
Waid’s approach, meanwhile, doesn’t really create anything new. Those undiscovered worlds? Filled in with a bunch of Elseworld miniseries that DC released in the past few years. The Earths that go beyond the 52 are the similarly populated with recent additions to DC’s ever-growing catalogue of intellectual property. And if they’re not for recent releases, then they’re references to old Silver Age comics taking their designations from decade-old guidebooks. 
There are no attempts to innovate or elevate or do anything interesting at all, despite the fact that an infinite multiverse should be a gateway to endless possibilities. It’s just reduced to a bunch of numbers on a piece of paper so that nerds - represented on-page by the pre-eminent nerd of the DCU himself, Barry Allen - can check them off on a spreadsheet or a wiki page.
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Pit: Hey, is that Steve? Hey, Steve! Viridi: Close, and yet still so far away… Palutena: That's the Guide, Pit. He's more or less the one who gives guidance to any new Terrarians. Pit: Like you with me, Lady Palutena! Viridi: I don't trust him. Any human that willing to help total strangers HAS to have some dark secret. Palutena: In any case, be sure to watch out for the Torches and Campfires he can place on the stage. They can't be reflected, and are hazardous to you. So unless you want to test that BBQ Angel Wing theory I had… Pit: Got it! Steer clear of fire!
Pit: Aw, this guy's kinda cute. Like a jelly bean! Palutena: That's the Crewmate. Think of them as an elite maintenance worker for run-down space ports. Pit: Woah, SPACE? Viridi: Elite? Ha! I hear those maintenance crews are always being infiltrated by spies and shapeshifting aliens, bent on killing them all. Pit: Wait… So you're saying this one could be an impostor?! Palutena: Impostor or not, the Crewmate can climb into vents to get where they need to in a hurry. If the stage is getting dark, that means someone's Sabotaged the lights!
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I know smash bros tends to oversimplify it’s characters to fit that game better, but I am a little bummed out that so many people only know kid Icarus because of smash bros, so they assume Pit is the classic Shonen protagonist and that Dark pit is just the evil edgy clone when they are so much more and this is shown through their characters designs.
Like you said Dark pit has a very pretty color palette with his teal wings which matches his scarf and it makes for such a nice character design (and it’s a great subversion for the “dark” color schemes that we often see with this type of characters)
In a way his designs also reflects part of his personality, we assume he is going to be just an evil counterpart for Pit and we as the player controlling Pit seek to hunt Dark pit down under Palutena’s orders, but later he is shown to care about Pit and Palutena and I am pretty convinced that he in a way is Pit, just a side Pit he tends to hide (but that’s another topic from another day).
I just think it’s a shame people often tend to oversimplify and misinterpreted their characters (Pit and Dark Pit) so much when in reality they are very charming and interesting and this is surprisingly shown on their color palette, Dark pit is composed of jewel tones not dark tones and although his character has a spunk to him, he is shown to care about Pit and Palutena and even goes out of his way to help them.
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He also smiled when Pit reunites with Palutena
(fun tip: I don’t think the phrase of “two sides of the same coin” was ever said on the jp version so it’s very likely that the reason Dark pit decided to help Pit and Palutenea is because he cared about them and wanted to help them out of his free will!)
the fact that tumblr now allows people to send whole-ass text posts complete with photos in through the ask box is absolutely astounding. increasing the character limit is one thing but come on.
anyway BUDDY i could talk Forever about how dark pit reflects on pit's character. obviously he's his own character who is wonderful and i love so very much but also the fact that by his mere existence he adds implied Depth to pit just by being made from the mirror of Truth. not the mirror of Darkness or Shadows or whatever other edgy thing they could've gone with, the mirror of truth.
and he says it himself! as does pandora! everything that dp is when he's created comes from pit himself, meaning that to some degree pit feels exactly how dp behaves, the only difference being that dp is just those feelings of frustration and rebellion, amplified and bundled into an entire boy.
despite what the characters say i don't buy the idea that he's disloyal to the underworld bc the mirror broke, (tho i do headcanon that that's why he looks so different; his colors got all glitched up while generating a physical form,) he's just Like That because deep down that's what pit wants to be. he loves palutena and he'd never abandon her but you cannot convince me he's never fantasized about suddenly gaining his own power of flight and just taking off, never to be pranked or made fun of or tossed around or fed to hewdraw or treated like an intern ever again.
so you put him in front of the mirror of truth, and the mirror takes a good hard look at all this repressed teenage rebellion and says "yeah i can make a boy out of that" and it makes a boy out of that, and then that boy is the best character in the game, and also does not have black wings because he's not an inversion he's just had a few sliders adjusted.
it kinda reminds me of how there's certain astronomical bodies we know exist because of how they affect the things around them, even though we've never seen the actual thing that's there. like dark matter, which now that i think about it is an awfully appropriate thing to bring up while rambling about dark pit, and i'm gonna stop here because that's Real far from the intended scope of this post. dark pit good, pit is granted extra depth because of the depth dark pit implies, haha funny hole joke, k thanks bye.
and also you can pry iridescent wings from my cold dead hands, go look at pictures of glossy starlings please i don't have long you have to look at them you have to look at birds
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bokutosworld · 4 years
night time activities with hq boys
- the little things and shenanigans that they like to do with their s/o once the world has quieted down and people have gone to sleep zzz
wc: 1.9k words, fluff, sfw. 
characters: kageyama, hinata, yamaguchi, oikawa, iwaizumi, bokuto, kuroo, ushijima, semi, atsumu!
a/n: so this was intended to be a mini hc list but i got carried away in my feels and just wrote mini scenarios for my top ten hq boys. this is self-indulgent ngl mom i love them :’) 
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💌 he always gets asked what's the secret to his clear and smooth skin. well, the answer is you. since the two of you started living together, you've gotten kageyama on board in your nightly skincare routine. he doesn't mind it even if tsukishima and hinata tease him endlessly, something about the 'king of the court' being soft for you. as soon as he comes out from the shower, he positions himself on the edge of the bed, letting you stand between his legs as you wipe his face with a toner, followed by a moisturizer. then you'll get a sheet of face mask and put it on carefully. 'thank you, y/n,' he'd always say with a smile before pulling you to his chest, laughter echoing around the room, as you both fall on the bed.
💌 you thought your relationship with hinata wouldn't survive the long distance. but despite the thousand miles separating the both of you and the difference in timezones, he made sure to always wish you sweet dreams and good night. sometimes, he would call you in the middle of practice or while he's sitting in the train during commute. if he's lucky to have a free day, he'd call you while he's also in bed and you guys would talk non-stop, exchanging stories, saying your i love yous and i miss yous. and when you're the first one to snooze, he'd chuckle in the background, taking a few screenshots of your adorable sleeping face before saying goodnight and ending the call with a smile.
💌 one of the things that made yamaguchi fall in love with you was your love for studio ghibli films. when the topic was brought up among your friend group, he instantly whipped his head to where you were and before he knew it, his feet were bringing him to you. you were already friends so you didn't mind him joining the conversation, he was mesmerized with how you passionately talked about your love for howl's moving castle or how you talked about the nostalgic soundtrack of from up on poppy hill. the rest was history and now, five years into the relationship, watching studio ghibli films every friday night has become a tradition to both of you. oftentimes, you would find yourselves cuddled on the bed, legs entangled and arms wrapped around one another. spirited away was playing on the laptop, the light illuminates the dark room as the both of you slowly drifted to sleep. it was in moments like these that you felt overwhelmed and satisfied with the security and comfort of being with him.
💌 oikawa was spontaneous - it kept you on your toes, always wondering what kind of surprise or gimmick he has prepared for you. the day before a big presentation, you were nervous and you made sure he knew it by texting him non-stop, sending him memes that expressed what you couldn't say in words. he didn't want to say you were overreacting in fear of getting on your bad side, but he has no doubt that after spending weeks in preparation that you can ace your presentation. still, he wanted to be of help to you and he knew just how to lift your mood up. it was 2:15 am when you were woken up by the incessant ringing of your phone. you pick it up, ready to shout at whoever was on the other side when you heard his laugh, 'grab your jacket, we're getting mcdonalds.' you didn't need to be told twice, almost running down the stairs so you can get your fix of your fave happy meal. after getting takeout, he drove you to a park and laid out a blanket. you sat and enjoyed your food in peace before he mentioned something about the stars shining bright tonight, turning to you with the biggest grin on his face, 'but i have the brightest star in the world right now by my side.'
💌 iwaizumi could never see what it was about video games that you loved so much. though after dating you since high school, he's been used to being ignored, put on voicemail, and being the second priority whenever you had a console in hand. but one late night, he got curious about the new title you were playing, super smash bros, and figured he could give it a try. you were surprised when he suddenly sat on the couch and scooted closer to make room for himself. he took your extra controller and asked to play for one round. little did he know that one game became two, which became three until the both of you couldn't keep track anymore as he kept losing and asking for a rematch. when you closed the game, the sun was slowly peeking over the clouds. you kissed him on the cheek before retreating to bed 'thanks for playing with me, iwa. that was one of the best games i've had.' he wouldn't admit it but he enjoyed it too, and he was thankful that he had the following day off or he'd be nursing an insane headache at work due to lack of sleep.
💌 people thrived off of the contagious energy that bokuto radiated, and you were no stranger to that. you were all too familiar with the intoxicating feeling that one can get by being around him. being with him, living with him, there were no dull days or quiet evenings. there would be nights that he'd still be high on the adrenaline that came from winning their game, that before sleeping, bokuto would drag you up your feet and get you singing your favorite songs. he didn't need a mic, his loud voice was enough and it reverberated around the room. you'd both be laughing, stumbling over the lyrics as you danced to a silent beat. jumping up and down, you're worried that the neighbors might report you to the guards in the apartment lobby. but none of it would soon matter as he'd suddenly collapse on the bed, pulling you with him. you fall to his chest and you hear the erratic beating of his heart. he lifts your chin up to look at him and he presses a chaste kiss on your lips, 'thank you for being with me all this time.'
💌 due to the nature of his job, you'd been used to kuroo returning home almost midnight due to doing overtime. often, he'd return to a dark apartment as you'd already be tucked in bed, drifting off to a deep sleep. but tonight was different. it was 11:45 pm and when kuroo turned the knob and swung the door open, he was surprised to see you sprawled out on the floor of the living room. a mess of polaroid photos, printed stickers, papers, and craft items were beside. you greeted him with a smile, he returned it with one of his own and question fell on his lips, 'what are you doing here?' he swears he melted on the spot when you said you were making a scrapbook of your moments and milestones together. something about the idea of you collating everything - from when you went on your first date, your first kiss, your first out-of-town trip - had the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. he loosens his tie and undos the first two buttons of his shirt before joining you on the floor, looking forward to staying up all night reminiscing your memories together.
💌 as soon as you and ushijima got home from date night, he'd head straight to the kitchen to brew your favorite cup of tea while you went ahead to wash up and prepare for bed. he'd bring two cups to the room, placing yours on vanity table and his on the nightstand. when you came out of the shower, you'd go straight to your vanity to do your evening skincare, noticing the tea he had prepared and taking a sip before putting on moisturizer. ushijima would take his place behind your back, a hand resting on your shoulder as the other leaned to get your brush. he'd gently comb your hair, dragging the brush slowly over your tresses. 'is this okay? it doesn't hurt?' you'd look at his reflection in the mirror, catching his eyes and you reassure him that it's fine. silence envelopes the two of you, but it's not the awkward kind. it's the one that puts you at ease, erasing your worries as he continues his action. when he finishes, he returns the brush on its spot, turning you around to give you a kiss, 'i love you.'
💌 semi notices something was wrong when you arrived home all quiet. usually, you'd run to where he was - often in the kitchen where he was cooking food or in his mini studio where he composed songs - but tonight, you made a beeline to your shared bedroom. he follows and observes as you throw your bag on the floor before falling face first on the bed. he swears he heard you take a big sigh and takes that as his cue to prepare a warm bath for you. semi makes sure that the water temperature is just how you like it, pouring your favorite bubble soap and lighting up your favorite scented candles all over the room. when he's done, he makes his way over to you, 'come on, sweetheart. i readied a bubble bath for you.' your ears perk up hearing his words and you get up, letting him take your hand as he brought you to the bathroom. he helps you take off your clothes and assists as you sit in the tub. and just when he was about to make his leave, you grab his hand, 'i'd be a lot more comforted if you were here with me.' knowing what you meant, he nods, ridding himself of his clothes before joining and hugging you from behind. 'you're okay now, i got you.'
💌 the past few days have been unkind to you and atsumu. with him being busy with extended training and you being occupied with an insane amount of workload that came with your promotion, you didn't really have enough time to spend awake at home. and atsumu misses you and your voice. it wasn't enough for him just to cuddle up to you when sleeping as he'd always feel bad whenever he had to leave in the morning. so despite knowing that you'd get mad for getting up before the sun has risen, he shook you lightly, 'hey, wake up, i want to show you something.' you opened your eyes slowly, looking for the source of disruption of your sleep, but when you realized it was atsumu, you simply groaned before raising your arms in request from him to carry you. he complies, carrying you bridal style to the car and he speeds off to a nearby park hill. when he alerts you that you have arrived at the destination, you rub sleep off your eyes and come out of the car just in time to see the sun rising over the horizon. the scene unveiling right in front of the both of you was so beautiful that you were left speechless. atsumu hugs you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder and exhales, 'i missed you so much. let's take our time here, okay?' eventually, the two of you reported sick for work/practice but it was worth it.
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mimicutie · 4 years
Pit is Autistic - A “Brief” Analysis
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Kid Icarus: Uprising is my favorite game of all time, and one thing I love about it is the characterization of Pit. Specifically, I see him as autistic. Of course, this is just a headcanon of mine, but I wanted to write out a little discussion explaining why I see him as such as well as show some of the autistic traits he demonstrates in Uprising (and the occasional reference to the Guidance conversations from Smash).
(fair warning, this is not very brief)
Difficulty Understanding Words and Jokes
It’s made abundantly clear that Pit isn’t the best at picking up sarcasm or jokes. At times, he struggles with understanding words, phrases, and context. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11.
Pit: Good! There are survivors! Palutena: They’re a stubborn bunch hanging on like that. [...] Pit: Uh… stubborn? Palutena: Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.
Here, Pit doesn’t understand what Palutena means by “stubborn.” It’s pretty common for autistic people to struggle understanding parts of speech, such as words being used in different contexts than what they’re used to.
Medusa: Hmm… Now this is a little… bizarre. Pit: I know right? The mouth on that guy! I’d never talk like that! Medusa: That’s not what I meant. Palutena: Sorry. He can be a little… thick.
Once again, Pit is misinterpreting the situation. He doesn’t understand what Medusa is alluding to, thinking that she is talking about Dark Pit’s brash behavior. Palutena’s last comment hints that it’s very common for Pit to misunderstand people like this.
Pit: I’m Pit, servant of the goddess Palutena. I’m here to defeat Dark Lord Gaol. Magnus: So you’re here for a slice of the pie too? Pit: Huh? Pie? Where?
Chapter 2 has several examples of Pit not picking up on obvious jokes or idioms, and here’s one. Pit takes the idiom literally, not understanding what Magnus really means at first.
Viridi: Pit certainly is devoted to you, Palutena. Hades: Only because she squeezes his head wreath when he doesn’t follow orders. Palutena: You mean like… THIS?! Pit: No no no no no! You’ll squeeze my brains out! … (sigh) Why do I always fall for that?
In this example from Chapter 15, Palutena is clearly messing with Pit, but as he stated, he always falls for her jokes. Even though it’s clear she is just teasing, Pit can’t pick up on the fact that she isn’t being serious. He consistently struggles with understanding tone.
Pit: This is so annoying. Lady Palutena, help me out here! Palutena: Deploying the Palutena Super Sensor… Pit: I didn’t know you had a super sensor! Palutena: Hee hee. I don’t. You know I like to make stuff up. Pit: I can’t believe you’re messing with me at a time like this!
This dialogue from Chapter 13 is just another example of Palutena clearly joking while Pit does not pick up on it. Even though Palutena has done this time and time again, Pit still struggles to tell when someone, even a person he is incredibly close to like Palutena, is just messing with him. These are just a few examples. Pit commonly struggles with understanding language and tone throughout the game.
Using Words Differently
We can see that Pit has his own unique vocabulary with his own creative phrases like, “Calamaried!” “Re-defeated!” “Pulverazed!” and so on. Pit also makes LOTS of noises throughout the game, all of his “woohoo”s and “woah”s and whatnot. It’s just how he communicates, even if it's a bit particular or different.
Pit is excitable. Like, really excitable. Sure, he’s a fun video game protagonist, but he’s always very happy-go-lucky and upbeat in a way that reads to me as autistic. Just look at how he jumps in excitement!
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And when he gets the Three Sacred Treasure?! Gifs can’t really do the excitement in this scene justice. (link in case tumblr embed isn’t working)
Additionally, while Uprising doesn’t have a lot of cutscenes with Pit just standing around talking, in the ones where he does he is usually very expressive, using his hands to talk and whatnot. Added with his excitability, I feel that this shows us that Pit is so expressive and emotional because he’s autistic!
Extra Help
Pit needs more help with understanding things in comparison to others. Palutena often goes out of her way to guide Pit, whether it be giving him directions or explaining how to defeat an enemy. While Palutena’s advice does work as a guide for the player, it’s clear that Pit needs the help more than someone else his situation might. The clearest proof we have of this comes from Chapter 22.
Palutena: Watch out for that heart-shaped crystal barrier! You see, it’s— Dark Pit: Reflecting my shots back at me, right? Palutena: Well… yes. Dark Pit: I got it, so stop telling me what to do! 
Palutena is expecting Dark Pit to be like Pit, where she needs to explain to him what’s going on and offer her guidance. However, Dark Pit was able to figure out a strategy to defeat Pandora all on his own. Palutena is very aware that Pit needs a bit more help and prepares accordingly for him.
Accidental Rudeness
Many times throughout Uprising, Pit is shown speaking “rudely” towards gods or characters who have authority over him.
Pit: Oh, great! You’re the guy I’m looking for. Listen, I have a favor to ask you. Would you mind if I borrow your chariot for just a little while? Chariot Master: Your foolishness is matched only by your rudeness. How dare you charge in here, flinging unreasonable requests at me? [...] Viridi: You can’t really blame him for being upset. That was kind of rude.
Here, Pit is talking to the Chariot Master very casually, treating him like a friend despite the fact he is breaking into the Chariot Master’s tower and asking him for a precious artifact. Pit doesn’t see it as rude but Viridi and the Chariot Master clearly do. He is breaking an unwritten social norm by talking so casually to someone of high authority. Autistic people often misinterpret social situations or don’t act appropriately, sometimes resulting in “rude” behavior. There are several examples of this throughout the game, such as in Chapter 24…
Pit: You know, the Three Sacred Treasures weren’t exactly durable. Can you please make sure that this new weapon won’t just fall apart? Dyntos: Palutena, you’d be wise to put a muzzle on your chicken.  Palutena: I apologize for him. Again. Pit: I… I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to be rude.
To Pit, he is just stating a fact. However, it comes off to Dyntos as Pit being rude or even insulting his work. This is something that autistic people often do; they are blunt or honest about something, which is again mistaken as being rude.
Pit is also seen being more blunt when under emotional stress, such as in Chapter 20.
Pit: I trusted you because I knew you were on the side of justice, and… and light! But something is blocking that light now. This isn’t the real you. Viridi: Someone cue the strings… Pit: Would you mind holding the commentary for two seconds, Viridi? Phosphora: There are goddesses you’re talking to here, Pit. Watch your tone. Pit: Butt out, Phosphora! The goddess of light has turned dark. Skyworld is destroyed! Everything is wrong, and it’s up to me to make things right! Palutena: Oh, Pit. You’re just as naive as ever. Pit: I’m not naive!
Phew. This scene is pretty noteworthy to me because throughout the game, Pit is never really that angry or upset. He does show hostility, but he never really snaps at anyone, much less gods, like this. But when his home is destroyed and Lady Palutena is not herself, his emotions get the better of him. He doesn’t even seem to care that he is being “rude” to Viridi. I definitely see this moment as Pit having an outburst because of the stressful situation he is under. 
Scripts / Scripting
The most obvious example of Pit using a script is with his “rally cries” that he prepares before fighting enemies. Look at the idol description for this AR Card.
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He practices his rally cries a lot in order to be prepared for battles with bosses. Pit even mentions practicing his rally cries in a later chapter.
Pit: Cells of Hades, hear my words! And, um… see my actions! Uh… something, something… I’m going to rain death on you! I can’t remember all the words, but that’s the general gist. Hades: My innards have so longed to hear your battle cry. How could you forget the words? Pit: I didn’t have time to rehearse. I’ve been busy fighting evil, okay?!
While some may see the rally cries as meaningless fun, I think it could be seen as Pit having a script that he likes to fall back to when facing enemies. 
His many references and quotes to video games could be seen as scripting, too. There are lots of instances in Uprising, and especially in Palutena’s Guidance, where Pit quotes famous video game phrases or imitates sounds. Which leads me to…
Special Interest
Pit’s special interest is video games. While Pit’s very vast knowledge of video games could just be because of Uprising’s fourth-wall breaking style of humor, I think it could also be seen as Pit having an intense interest in games. He references various video games such as Metroid, Nintendogs, and Super Smash Bros. in-game. He seems to enjoy bringing up video games or referencing video game mechanics whenever he can, which is very similar to how autistic people enjoy bringing up their special interests in conversations whenever possible. Additionally, while the Palutena’s Guidance conversations aren’t 100% accurate to canon, Pit constantly references and alludes to various video games in them, such as quoting Reyn in Shulk’s conversation or Peppy and General Pepper in Fox’s (which ties back to him scripting). It’s clear that he loves video games and talking about video games!
Pit: Those Aurum troops are doing their best Game and Watch impression! Viridi: Check out the gaming IQ on this guy! You’re a regular video game historian!
See, even Viridi is impressed with his video game knowledge! :D
Sensory Issues
Throughout the game, Pit seems to have an obsession with hot springs. It is never outright explained why he loves them so much, but I’m led to believe it is because of sensory reasons. Many autistic people use extreme temperatures to help soothe or calm themselves, such as cold showers or hot baths. It can often help with sensory overload. Hot springs, similarly to hot baths, may be a way to help soothe Pit and keep his sensory issues to a minimum. 
Pit’s habits with his tunic seem to hint towards sensory issues, too. He doesn’t like to be without his robes, stating that he keeps them on even when he’s in the hot spring. When his clothes seemingly get messed up in Chapter 21, he gets upset, exclaiming that it’s his only tunic. Wearing the same clothes or same types of clothes/fabric is pretty typical for autistic people, and Pit wearing the same tunic everyday is similar to that.
Additionally, Pit’s habits with food could be because of sensory differences. He very well could be hyposensitive to food and tastes, which is why he eats a lot and doesn’t seem to care about what he eats (as long as it isn’t vegetables, according to the Revolting Dinner short ;D ) . 
Small Social Circle
Pit doesn’t have a whole lot of people he can rely on. Before Uprising, the only person he seems to have any affinity for is Palutena. Other than that, he doesn’t seem to talk to anyone else. We don’t have a clear picture on what his relationship with the Centurions is like, but based off of the Revolting Dinner short and Chapter 17, he only really talks to them when he’s working as the Captain of the Army and not as a friend.
While yes, Pit is the only angel left in Skyworld, I still think it’s important to bring up that Pit only really has Palutena to rely on. By the end of Uprising, he has Viridi and Dark Pit as well, but his only clear and completely positive relationship is his mother-son bond with Palutena. I see this as Pit struggling to really befriend others. He’s had over two decades between the original game and Uprising to befriend the Centurions, but again, he only really has Palutena. It’s pretty typical for autistic people to have very small social circles, consisting of just one or two friends. Palutena seems to fit the role of mother and best friend for Pit, and she even remarks that he should make more friends in Chapter 4. 
Working Alone
This is a small one, but still something that I think is worth pointing out. Pit seems very adamant on accomplishing his missions on his own, telling Dark Pit on two separate occasions (Chapter 9 and Chapter 21) that he can handle the situation by himself. Similarly, it’s common for autistic people to prefer working by themselves rather than with others. Paired with the previous point about having a small social circle, this just reads to me as Pit not feeling too comfortable in situations with others.
There’s a few other points that I feel I could bring up but overall I think these are my main points summed up (and yes, I said summed up. this used to be over 2500 words) ! Thanks so much for reading! If you have any other traits that you think Pit has that I didn’t mention, feel free to share them, I’d be more than happy to hear! ^_^
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