#darke septimus au
fisshontoast · 2 years
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ID: a traditional drawing of a young marcia overstrand. She has short, curly black hair and bright green eyes. She is wearing a green dress and darker green capelet tied at the neck with a gold bow, as well as gold earrings. Her belt has pockets and she is wearing brown shoes. Her right arm is by her side and her left arm is holding onto her right. She is looking nervously to her left. /end ID
Darke apprentice au designs again,,,,
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mrsometimes11 · 1 year
Dark(e) AU
Okay, so in Fyre we are introduced to the characters of Edmund and Ernold Heap, a pair of identical twins who are Silas' brothers. The most important thing about them, from a plot perspective, is that they are identical twins; because they are twins the Ring Wizards are able to Consume them, because they are identical it takes them longer to be Consumed. This gets me to thinking, what if, instead of introducing two new characters at the last minute, Angie Sage had placed the identical Heap twins we are familiar with, Ed and Eric, in the same situation. It would have been a heck of a lot darker, having characters we've known for seven books forced to fight their family and play the the villains, and probably a lot more traumatic for Simon, Sep, and Jenna, confronting the brothers they've known for years rather than the Uncles they've just met. I also wonder if this might have been Angie Sage's original intention, she seems to go out of her way to get the Forest Heaps back into the Castle, and even has Silas suggest they train as Wizards. Everything is set up for Ed and Eric to be at the Wizard Tower, on Seal Watch, ready to be consumed, but instead these unknown Heap Uncles appear at the last minute. Not to mention the fact that Ed and Eric, and Edmund and Ernold have similar names, both starting with 'Ed' and 'Er' respectively, the sort of similar names that might easily have been changed quickly using the 'Replace' tool on a Word document. Maybe she wanted it to be Ed and Eric, but the publishers asked her to tone it down, to avoid traumatising her mostly child audience.
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relax-and-read-on · 9 months
2024, Hello!
What a year it has been, right?
I usually try to talk only about warhammer 40k on this blog. I don't like mention if my personal life, or politics, or even other fandom, really. That said, this year was... Far from easy for me. Health problem, job problem, finances, politiques, (shout out to all the queer french canadian who are also scared shitless!), moving in a new place, insane inflation....
I had given myself the huge objective to publish 200k words for 2023. At the end, this is the result:
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108k words. You can also add about 50k of unpublished original work. Here is the list of fic that I have published/updated in 2023 (by view count), and some little thought/insight on them:
Agency - My big fem primarch au. You can really see me grow, if you read it from start to finish. It's been *years* since I started this fic, at this point, the ending that I have planned is like my white whale. One day.... One day, I will defeat it. Terribly hard to write but SO satisfying
Tales of different lives - if Agency is my dark nemesis, than my planet swap is coming home to a soft bed. It's so easy and FUN to write that au. I know not everyone like the lighter take toward the world this one take, and that's ok. Sometime... It's just nice, to have softer things, especially after such a year.
Phantom of the (warhammer?)-pera - I am begging you. On my knees. Read this one. It's my fav thing I have ever written. It's so much fun. It's totally INSANE and I loved every moment of it. I want to go back and fight the formatting again, to finish implanting all the notes. They are SO much fun. Also has AMAZING cover art by @skrankku !
Five times People tried and failed to Seduce Roboute Guilliman to Chaos... - Absolute surprised to me how people loved that fic. Ngl, I was actually sick/very depressed when I wrote it, but it warm heart that other enjoyed it.
This Once Nearly Was Mine - This one does not count, it's @kingwithpaintedfingers AMAZING Vulkan's POV to Castle of Glass, my Mortarion/Vulkan soulmate au. I am amazed and humbled to be able to work with such a great writer, and be able to call you a friend. I HIGHLY recommend all their work.
Trust - I had to actually check that one, and turns out, it was the update to my Talos/Septimus fic! Can you believe that I forget my own fic?! I am silly. Surprisingly delightful. I need to write more of this ship.
Birdcage - written for an exchange, specifically for @funboxsupreme , another criminally good writer. This fic, in my humble opinion, is some of my best writing. Extremely dark, I also SOMEHOW managed some really cool "special effect" in it, and I am PLEASED with myself.
In the Garden - a VERY quick and horny piece for Nan, a PROLIFIC writer whom I cannot help but be in awe of (also heeeelp I don't have your tumblr, poke me and I will tag you!)
Old Crows and Young Cardinals - This is an interesting one! This fic seem barely started, but it's mostly because the rest of it require MASSIVE planning and careful writing, as it deal with time travel and has a stupidly complex plot. I cannot wait to unveil more of it.
By proxy - hehehe, another really cool gift for a friend, this time for Lieara/Allyria! Even if this list is making me realise how many of yall tumblrs I don't know. I feel like an Old man trying to remember phone number lmao.
Day 2 - Bootworship and Sister of battle - a fun little fic part of the "40 kink for 40k" challenge that I NEED to continue, started by the wonderful @iapetusneume . Also.... Lesbian. Need more Lesbian.
The only way - A other fic that I had completely forgotten that I wrote. It's such a strange feeling, to reread your own words and go "I did this??" It's not bad, but it was written during one of those hard period of the year, and as such feel extra alien to me.
Day 1 - Geneseed, but sexy and Homeworld - another 40k for 40 kink fic, this one was a LOT of fun to write! Amd kinda specifically made for @bobthebobhere , another good friend in this fandom!
The miracle of science (and children) - a gift fic that was supose to be part of an exchange, but took too long! This one is for @shootertron-stuff , an artist that I highly respect and love! If you like it kinky, go tead their stuff, they are an inspiration.
In the Lion's Den. - Hahahahahaha lmao. So, fun fact: On reddit, there is a user who post horribly misogynist/homophobic Tau torture porn with his OC chapter. I got mad, and wrote a spit gay porn fic of his OCs. To his credit, he rolled with it and was amused at it. I still don't like him, and never will, but I have his blessing to keep it up, so!
The Bird, The Wolf and the Keeper - a little experiment, in poetry format fic. I liked it well enough, and will attempt some more in 2024 I think :)
(A secret fic exchange, yet to be revealed)
(another one!)
So.... 18 fics total. I think there should be pride in that. I like the variety of them, even if I want to push out more, do more unique and stranger fic, for 2024. It was a difficult year, but creating so much made it easier, made it more worth it. I am... Happy, with it all.
If you have questions about my fics, now is the time! Otherwise, I will see you soon, with more writing, and more joy in sharing.
I wish you all a wonderful year 2024, better than the last, safety, comfort, and peace. May we all had fun in this fandom!
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geekyzelda · 1 year
Sending u this ask because I desperately want to hear about your post-apocalyptic septimus heap au 👀👀👀
OK. It's been forever but I finally went back through the draft and here is a rough summary.
I was initially calling it the Film Noir AU because I wanted that context to flavor the tone of it. I had 23 pages written out and no outline. Whatever is left has long been lost in my brain.
Here we go:
Picture this: The castle is in ruin. The walls crumbled, people evacuated, and a Darkeness settled over the place like none have seen before.
The Darkeness is controlled by the (slightly more competent than canon) Custodians and is inhabited by all kinds of ugly, creepy creatures.
Our Main Character: Toddhunter Moon, around age 15, arrives at the abandoned ruins of the Castle searching for answers.
Her whole village fell pray to a smattering of Darkeness and she followed rumors and stories south to this place. All she knows is she must find a man named Septimus Heap to help her. Some shop owner along her journey planted the idea in Tod’s head that Septimus is hiding in the Ice Tunnels.
Todd slips into the Darke Castle ruins and is immediately attacked at the hands of a group of Things. They’re making plans to eat her when a young, blonde, green eyed man steps in to save her. He calls himself Sum.
Todd begs Sum to help her find Septimus Heap. After he says no too many times, he agrees to help her find the ice tunnels on the belief that anyone who’s still willing to save the Castle from its downfall will be hiding in the tunnels.
On their way to the ice tunnel entrance, Sum explains the Castle is under a Darke Domain. No one’s positive how it started, but people speculate it was through the actions of a dumb kid. Tod explains she knows absolutely nothing about Magyk.
They reach the Tunnel entrance inside of an old row house (It was Marcellus’s house. In the actual writing I was trying to be clever and imply Marcellus died when the domain took over by saving Sep’s life somehow).
Sum takes Tod into the Ice Tunnel, they stand under the entrance, see it’s uninhabited and mostly caved in and Tod agrees to leave because she’s skeeved out. As she goes to climb the ladder out with Sum behind her, something grabs her ankle and pulls her deeper into the tunnels.
Sum chases after Tod and finds a ghost sucking the life out of her. Sum threatens the ghost but it doesn’t stop feasting on Tod. Half-conscious, Tod watches an incredible amount of purple power flow from Sum. As she passes out, she hears him say something about “angering the seventh son.”
More under the read more
Some time later, Tod wakes up wrapped in blankets. Sum and a new person, Beetle, are arguing about whether or not Sum should have saved her life at all. Beetle is Upset at the amount of power Sum used and is concerned the Custodians will find them.
When Sum sees Tod is awake, he makes her eat a bowl of bland soup and leaves her in Beetle’s care while he leaves for the vault to search for something. (“Why are you going to the vaults?” Beetle asked with suspicion in his voice as Sum stood with a puff of dust. “To search for my long-lost love for you.” Sum winked at his friend.)
Alone, Beetle tells Tod they’re in an office in the old Manuscriptorium. Beetle’s known Sum for years, but befriended his brother first.
Yes, Sum has family, a few brothers. No, he hasn’t known where they are since the Domain began. Me? My mum lives in the port. Far as I know she’s safe. Dang kid, you really know how to endear yourself to a person through a single conversation.
“Can you do Magyk like Sum?”   Beetle snorted and said, “No one can do Magyk like Sum.”   “What do you mean?”   “I mean, no. I can’t do Magyk. It’s an acquired skill.”
Beetle and Tod are bonding when Sum bursts into the room yelling that he’s going out. He won’t answer questions of where he’s going and won’t let either of them come along.
When Sum’s gone, Tod suggests they follow him. Beetle protests saying he is here to protect the manuscriptorium. “If I go down, this place, and most of the Castle’s history, goes down with me!”
Tod leaves the office, meanders through a dusty and decrepit Manuscriptorium and finds the front door. Outside, she realizes she has no idea how to follow Sum when Beetle opens the door behind her. He hands her a tracking charm and says he’s going with her. The tracking charm works for Tod (Obligatory Wow she’s got Magyk! moment) and they’re off!
We switch to Sum’s POV. He is running around the Castle towards the Palace. Dodging custodian guards, he is searching for Dungeon number one on the hope that the answer to the Darke Domain will be in the dungeon.
Fortunately, Sum finds the door to the Dungeon using Magyk. Unfortunately, the Magyk tips the guards off and they catch Sum outside the door and march him off to a meeting with the Supreme Custodian.
I deadass used the phrase “Take him away boys.” I assume I was tired when writing this.
Beetle and Tod happen to be watching from a rooftop above when Sum is captured. They make a plan to follow the guards and see what they can do to free Sum.
Sum is taken away to the Supreme Custodian in the palace. Beetle and Tod manage to sneak in and are listening to the conversation through a crack in the crumbling wall.
The Supreme Custodian threatens Sum for messing around in a place he doesn’t belong. Sum says the custodian is the one who doesn’t belong and the custodian fires back, “Funny for you to say seeing as it’s your fault we’re here, Septimus Heap.”
Tod leans too heavily on the brick wall they’re hiding behind and crashes into the throne room with Beetle tumbling in behind her.
A fight breaks out. Septimus uses Magyk to break his manacled hands and teleports himself, Beetle, and Tod out of there.
This is where the writing I had ends but I had a little bit more planned.
Sep takes them back to the Mauscriptorium where Tod confronts him about lying to her about knowing Septimus Heap.
Sep comes clean and admits to letting the custodians into the Castle and allowing/causing the Darke Domain to settle in.
At some point in this conversation, a sound comes from outside the building. They look out to see a knight of some kind walking unnaturally down the street.
The knight stops in front of the Manuscriptorium and Sep is called out to battle.
An ~intense Magykal battle~ ensues and Sep manages to take out the foe. In the fight, he realizes there’s a person under that armor but they’re moving unnaturally like a puppet.
Sep knocks the helmet off and realizes he’s battling Marcia. Right as he makes a killing blow.
She comes to her senses after the final blow and says something dramatic. “You better save us. I’m proud of you. It’s not your fault.” All that good stuff.
Somehow, the story *resolves* (This is where my draft ended.)
The crew finds Jenna in Dungeon #1 and her release helps fend off the Darkeness.
Merrin was the one who brought in the Darkeness, not Sep, which the audience would learn through some form of dramatic irony.
The Heap family has been hiding out at Draggen island all these years and are alive and well
The Darkeness spread to Tod’s home via the tunnels and when it’s banished from the Castle, Tod’s home is saved too.
Spitfyre was in there somewhere?? Controlled by the custodians maybe? I’m not sure. All I have is one vauge sentence and a 5+ year old memory of wanting to include him.
Funny quotes:
Tod: “Fine. I may be young but I have sailed on my own to another country. Can you say that?”  Sep: “No.” Tod: “That's what I thought.” Sep: “I can say I've flown to another country though.” Tod: “What?” Sep: “What?”
Tod: “I'm 15. Would you stop treating me like I don't know anything, please!” Sep: “Well, I'm older than 15 and I do know everything. So, compared to me, you really don't know anything.”
Tod:  "It’s not every day you have someone save your life.”  Sep: “With the way you act, I’m surprised I’m the first person today.”
Beetle: “By the sound of it she was going to get herself killed before you intervened.”  Sep: “What else was I supposed to do, let her die?”  Beetle: “No-” “Because that’s where she was headed, Beet. Death.”  “I understand that, but-” “I couldn’t just let another kid die, Beetle. I couldn’t.” “I know-” “I can’t believe you would even suggest-” “Are you done with the guilt trip? Yes, I am glad she’s alive, sheez.” 
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heaptober · 2 years
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ID: a list of heaptober prompts, titled "heaptober". The prompts are arranged in 3 columns, starting the 1st, the 11th and the 21st, which are also all double prompts. The last prompt is on its own and large in the bottom centre.
The Syren
ExtraOrdinary wizard
Beetle day 2 (electric boogaloo)
The young army
Seventh son
The fae (AU)
Time travel
Mythical creatures
The hunt
The darke
The forest
End ID
Thank you to @hermit-scribe-vibe for the image!!
Heaptober 2022!! Details under the cut
Welcome to the second ever heaptober!! Its one of those events where you can make anything - moodboards, fic, fanart, pottery, poetry, do whatever you want. As long as it fits the promt well enough that you can explain it then you're all good.
Feel free to mix and match prompts!! There's no pressure to do every day or even most days, and if you want to combine some then thats totally your decision :]
Please tag your posts with "#septimus heap" "#heaptober 2022" and "heaptober" so that I can find them and reblog them here (and on my main!!) there's no real limit to how late you can post after the event ends but I'll probably stop checking the heaptober tag after a week or so. Images without an ID might not get reblogged so please describe your images. DM me here or on my main (@septimus-heap) and I'll either describe it for you or link you to a discord that will do that
That's all I think? I don't know if anyone wanted to be tagged so I'm only going to tag @septimusheapheadcanons in hopes of attention since this was posted so late but anyway!! I hope people actually participate in this and I hope anyone who does enjoys it :]
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chaos-has-theories · 8 months
Last Line WIP game
Thank you, @trainsinanime - I haven't gotten to properly write in a bit, so I had to go digging, and. Oh. It is neither the SEp Heap Timtravel AU I'm working on in a google doc, nor my very long Merlin AU I expected it to be. It is, instead, a single paragraph egregiously titled "Zander's Side", because sometimes I fancy myself a comedian.
Of course he would have - his dark eyes had an odd spark to them, and his face, at least, was unmarred. Or it had been.
It's POV swap for "Transformation", a book series with no more than 15 fics in all of Ao3. A friend got me to reread it recently, and they have been aiding and abetting me into writing down my many thoughts of "THIS IS GAY YOU CAN'T TELL ME THIS WASNT MEANT TO BE GAY"
Yes I cheated by putting the last two lines in here. I will still just tag for the four words actually in the last line :D
Tagging @echo-has-queries, @septimus-heap, @lovelyisadora and hmmmm @liesmyth maybe? But if YOU who is reading this writes occasionally I desperately want to know what it is you're working on sooooo please do share with the class!
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septimus-heap · 6 months
U ppl r not ready for my au where I just remove the castle from existence. Everyone forgets abt it. Our beloved septimus gets to be the only one who remembers it and he is 11 and all alone. This happens during the darke toad btw so he's not In the castle and he's not currently With anyone else. No one knows who marcia is so he can't find her. No one knows who HE is so they just see some random kid and don't take him seriously. Eventually he leaves the country (by boat) bc the Forgetting is spreading towards the port and by the time he's reached land again no one remembers the port either. This is sort of vaguely a [REDACTED] inspired au but I can't say that for reasons
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dracomort · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @duplicitywrites and @cindle-writes!
Tagging @laeveteinn and @kazuza-art
1. Post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
2. your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year,
3. your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
4. your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
5. and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works
So, um, I don't actually have five fics written in 2022 up on my AO3 at the moment. I did finish a fic in the last 2 weeks of 2021 though so I'll just chuck it in.
Bluebeard (34,850 words) | Complete
Secrets, old and new, threaten to shake the very foundations of Draco's fragile new life in the 1940s.
This was the sequel to the Travelling Cabinet which I told every commenter I wasn't going to write and then went ahead and wrote anyway. Very much in reference to the Bluebeard fairytale, only instead of dead wives it's dead... everyone else 🤣
Definitely was a bit of a challenge—in relationship conflict, morality and emotional complexity. I rewrote the last 10k... many times. It also kinda has a plot 😲
Blood (8,216 words) | Complete
Outside, the world burns. But Draco isn’t watching.
Dipped my toes into heavier angst with this fic as all my previous works are predominately light-hearted, even if they have serious elements. I intended it to be Dracomort but it ended up gen to preslash at most because anything else didn't feel right.
Alley Cat (31,707 words) | WIP
In which Draco attends Hogwarts with Tom Riddle and inadvertently saves the world.
This is my current WIP, a Draco & Tom same age AU. Fun fact: this actually started as a fem!Tom fic lol, but it felt like too many twists away from canon to serve any particular point, so I figured it had to either be Abraxas/Fem!Tom or Draco/Tom generation mash.
A Generous Minute (6,975 words) | Complete
Abraxas Malfoy is in love with himself. Tom Riddle is planning a murder. Possibly ten.
Or: when one walking red flag meets another
My one fic without Draco (so far). Named for Abraxas's impressive bedroom performance, of course. Had a lot of fun writing Brax here in all of his oblivious, unredeemed narcissism. Probably would've killed him off if that wouldn't have consequently led to erasing Draco's future existence.
Edible Horcruxes (2,913 words) | Complete
Poor decisions from meddlesome grandfathers leave Lord Voldemort acting as nanny for Draco Malfoy, a cherubic baby with a taste for dark artefacts.
Technically published in 2021 but who's counting? Another gen baby-focused fic entirely written because I wanted to write baby Draco chewing on the Locket Horcrux.
Hmmm honestly, I can't promise to actually release any of my WIPs. However, these are the most recent projects I've been working on:
Secret Garden AU | Tom Riddle & Draco Malfoy
Tom as Mary and Draco as Colin (except they aren't cousins).
Vampire AU | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harry is a seventeen-year-old vampire pretending to be seven-hundred. Draco is a would-be victim who thinks his blood is too expensive to be spilt.
The Travelling Cabinet III | Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Tom and Draco go on a camping trip in Albania. Septimus and Cedrella tag along. Not especially plot heavy. Inspired by a commenter on Bluebeard.
Pinocchio | Voldemort/Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Set in the early 2000s in a Britain that has been conquered by Voldemort. Features Horcrux!Tom, Death Eater!Draco and a Voldemort who has gone missing without a trace.
I WISH I could write this fic but it just does not want to be written lol. POV issues, for the most part, as well as it being heavier on plot than I typically write. I might get stuck into it in the new year before my grad job starts but I'll probably be writing Alley Cat or the TTC sequel then.
3 Improvements
Writing emotions - when I wrote the last chapter of Bluebeard I realised that I was tackling several emotions that I'd never written before. When left to my own devices I tend to write detached or callous POVs, which is helpful in certain cases (Tom's POV in The Travelling Cabinet or Draco's in Blood) but not in this one.
Completing work - I've been putting a concentrated effort into finishing my work, something I've struggled with in the past. Am easily distracted by shiny new plot bunnies 🐰
Writing consistently - needs no elaboration.
2 Resolutions
Cure my white room syndrome - I tend to be a very economical writer and while I don't see myself ever changing that much, I should like to put more effort into scenery description going forward
Write Drarry - given the amount of this ship that I've read over the past few years, you'd think I'd manage to write for it but that has not been the case lol
1 Favourite Line
"Even if he understood on an intellectual level that the war was over, it continued in a dark, secret place buried deep within him." (Bluebeard, Chapter 3)
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wilygryphon · 2 years
Profile Masterpost
Hi. WilyGryphon here. How is everyone doing?
What you can expect from me: I write fanfiction and I draw, and I will reflect and provide commentary/reblog commentary and gags that I particularly like on fandoms that I am involved in.
I also stream video games on Twitch. Come check me out: https://www.twitch.tv/wilygryphon
My YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/@WilyGryphon (most of my media right now is stream VODs)
My ask box is open, and I would love to hear from you!
My Works:
Kingdom Hearts - Destiny Vault
My first fanfic. Ongoing. Tells an all new, all different adventure that diverges from canon after KHII. Upon learning that Maleficent and a new foe have gathered an assortment of villains to seek a great power that would change the balance of power—and will cause untold destruction in order to get it—the heroes unite and go on a quest to thwart them. Along the way, they learn of and work to solve the problems faced by friends old and new.
Fic: FFN AO3 Tags: X
Heart of Steel
Fusion Fic Crossover Saga between Kingdom Hearts and the Arrowverse (will ultimately expand into greater Disney and DC Comics lore). Sora and Kara Zor-El are adopted siblings, and they journey together with Donald and Goofy to save the worlds from the forces of Darkness.
Fic: FFN AO3 Tags: X
Non-Penned AUs
All Miraculous Ladybug AUs linked on the sub-masterpost Here
Miraculous Ladybug Rewrite
How I would redo the story of Miraculous Ladybug if I were to do so. Notable details would be: Chloé gets a redemption that sticks; Gabriel is more consistent in terms of his standards and what he is willing to do for his goal; Season 3 finale identity reveal; and Adrigaminette endgame. Here
A massive multimedia multi-fandom Crossover which I am currently outlining. Includes several different works that take place in the same world (and some that are in different worlds but tie in with the others; they all share the same continuity). Here
The Key to the Miraculous (KH + ML Crossover)
Sora winds up in the Miraculous Ladybug universe after the events of KH3, and he ends up befriending the cast and joining forces with Ladybug and Chat Noir. Here
Ragnarok de Dies Irae
Post-KH3 Epic where recent crises have destabilized barriers in space-time, resulting in sealed gods returning to threaten the worlds. The Guardians of Light work to stop these entities and restore order to the worlds. Meanwhile, Sora works to protect the stability from a different plane of existence while searching for a way back home. Here
My Fandoms:
TV Series:
Arrowverse (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Batwoman) Stargirl Superman & Lois The Owl House Amphibia Gravity Falls Miraculous Ladybug Warrior Nun Avatar: The Last Airbender Once Upon a Time Tangled: The Series Young Justice Spongebob Squarepants Danny Phantom Fairly OddParents Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Scooby-Doo The Mandalorian Teen Titans Wednesday DC Animated Universe Ben 10 Veronica Mars iZombie Generator Rex Galavant Kim Possible Phineas and Ferb Sleepy Hollow (2013) The Secret Saturdays The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Marvel Cinematic Universe DC Extended Universe Star Wars Disney Shrek How to Train Your Dragon Indiana Jones Nimona
Video Games:
Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy The Legend of Zelda Professor Layton Ace Attorney The World Ends With You Sly Cooper Nicktoons Unite Super Mario Bros Super Smash Bros
Harry Potter Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo The Kane Chronicles Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel The Bartimaeus Sequence The Savior's Series The Powers (Haven's Secret) The Sisters Grimm Septimus Heap Land of Oz The Maze Runner
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Unspeakables Dark Lords and Time-Travelers Oh My! (Podfic)
Unspeakables, Dark Lords, and Time-Travelers, Oh My! (Podfic)
by J_L_Hynde
“I can’t believe I’m giving you advice,” Rowle muttered to himself, running his fingers through his short, sandy blond hair. His blue eyes met the Slytherin Head Boy's stormy gray eyes across the library table that they sat, and a grimace crossed Ravenclaw's face. “Look Riddle, Evans isn’t someone to mess around with. I know he looks nonthreatening, being so short, and thin, like a gust of wind could blow him over; but if you keep fucking with him it’s your funeral.” Tom arched an incredulous brow. He looked at seventeen-year-old Theodore Rowle, all six-feet and two inches of him, and compared him to the five-foot-five fifteen-year-old Henry Evans in his mind. The fact that the Ravenclaw was in any way frightened of his small, sylphlike housemate was laughable to him when Theodore was so large and broad-shouldered in comparison. But he was. Noticeably so. Tom didn’t need to use legilimency to see it. “Why are you so afraid of him?” He wondered aloud. “Because I’m not stupid,” Rowle scoffed. “We’ve known each other a long time. I know what he’s capable of.” Tom leaned forward in his seat, interested. “And praytell, Rowle, just what is Evans capable of?”
Words: 406, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of UDLTTOM AU VERSE
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Augustus Rookwood, Cygnus Black III | Walburga Black's Brother, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black, Teddy Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Oliver Wood, Seamus Finnigan, Druella Rosier Black, Ignotus Avery (oc), Lyra Burke (oc), Alyxander Mulciber (oc), Abraxas Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Delphi (Harry Potter), Augusta Rookwood (oc), Septimus Weasley, Galatea Merrythought, Casandra Trelawney, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Andromeda Black Tonks, Original Hogwarts Professors, Thaddeus Nott (oc)
Relationships: Theodore Nott & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott & Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott/Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley, Gellert Grindelwald & Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore/ Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore & Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan & Oliver Wood, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Teddy Lupin & Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Podfic & Podficced Works, podfic length to be determined, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel, Tomarrymort, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Slow Burn, Auror Harry Potter, BAMF Harry Potter, MoD Harry, Age Regression/De-Aging, Unspeakable Theodore Nott, Slytherin Harry Potter, Ravenclaw Theodore Nott, Department of Mysteries (Harry Potter), Knights of Walpurgis, Dueling club & competitive dueling, Necromancy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47971267
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fisshontoast · 9 months
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ID: a digital drawing of septimus and marcia. They are both stood in neutral poses with neutral expressions.
Septimus is wearing a blue tunic, grey trousers, and brown boots, one with a small purple star and the other with a crescent moon. His hair is past his shoulders, and black. He has a small scar on his cheek and one on his neck. He is wearing a teardrop shaped earring in his right ear and a dangly star shaped earring in his left.
Marcia is wearing a dark red shirt with loose sleeves and gold buttons, pink trousers and pink-purple fur lined heels, with pointy toes that curl up slightly. She has a purple eyepatch over her left eye, with several scars showing from underneath it, one going across her nose. She has a crescent moon shaped dangly earring in her right ear. Her left ear is missing a chunk where another earring might have gone.
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Have been making an AU with @chaos-has-theories and here r marcia+seps designs in it <3 PLEASE ask abt the AU it's so good I'm having so much fun
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brightgoat · 3 years
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lovelyisadora · 2 years
OH YEAH THE DARKE APPRENTICE MARCIA she's going in ur inbox bc this is where half the darke apprentice stuff goes <3 u can feel justified tagging this one as sep heap
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I'm still not the biggest fan of the outfit but hhh the teeth I love it when fangs
high necked clothing for marcia gang!! except for when i decide to give her dangerously low necklines. she looks feral and unhinged and I would NOT want to be in a room with her
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darke but it’s a complicated game of d&d
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zinnathe · 2 years
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My piece for the @septimusheapevents 2022 Big Bang! This is Marcia Overstrand from @hermit-scribe-vibe's awesome daemon AU, Our Souls Made Manifest. Go give it some love on Ao3!
[Alt Text: Marcia Overstrand sits in a dimly-lit ship's hold, leaning against a wooden wall of planks. She seems somewhat dishevelled, and some of her curly dark hair falls over her forehead. Her dress is silky purple with a pattern of towers, amulets, and shoes on the skirt and bodice. The neckline is bordered with gold. Her shoes are very pointy, made of scaly purple leather. In her right hand she holds the Dragon Ring of Hotep-Ra, which glows with a vivid green light that reflects off Marcia's dress, shoes, and hair. Her left arm rests on her knee, and a small white mouse is climbing over to stare at the ring: this is the daemon of Septimus Heap, in an unusually small form. Marcia's eyes, catching the eerie green light of the ring, are staring out of the art and seem to be fixed on the viewer.]
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rebelpeas · 2 years
“Hey, little man,” Phil coos. “What are you doing all alone out here, hm? Bit cold for a walk, isn’t it?”
The baby does not laugh at his joke, because he is a baby, but his eyelashes flutter at the sound of Phil’s voice and the motion of being picked up. Dark blue eyes gaze up at him with a strange depth to them. A shiver runs inexplicably down Phil’s spine, and he doesn’t believe it’s from the cold. Something about the baby’s eyes pins his Magyk still inside of him. Phil has the uncomfortable feeling that whatever it is that this bundle has seen in his short life, it’s something no baby should ever see.
( or, the septimus heap au nobody asked for but i am delivering anyway! )
status: chapter 1/? posted may 18, 2022
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