#daryl's deer
artemis-b-writes · 4 months
Wandering-Part Two
Tw: slight gore, violence, Merle Dixon being Merle Dixon, Andrea
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Chapter Three: Change
Victoria woke up pretty early the next morning, thankful to have somewhat of a peaceful night in the ‘camp’. She was amazed how quickly everyone had set up the small barrier they had. So far she’d met: Dale, Andrea and her sister Amy, Carol, Sophia, Ed (Carol's nasty husband), Daryl, Jerry and Jaqui. Everyone seemed to get along for the most part. Poor Sophia was still pretty shaken from the day before and kept to her tent. Carl either stayed with Victoria or their mom. 
Shane did want to talk about what happened but he was giving Victoria time to process on her own, which she was grateful for. But she wanted her dad. Rick wouldn’t have let them get separated, it wasn’t Shane’s fault but she knew that if he was there too they would’ve all stayed together. Her chest ached just thinking about him being gone. 
The screams of the Carter family were still rattling around in her head and it was almost unbearable. Victoria needed some time to herself and ended up hobbling down to the lake. She hated being injured, she was vulnerable if she was injured. 
One of those things (She’d heard different names thrown around at camp for what to call them: Lurkers, roamers, biters) could come out and she wouldn’t be on her defensive game. But she had to do something so she ended up finding Carol and Amy doing laundry.
“Can I help Y’all do laundry?” She asked sheepishly, “I was getting stir crazy sitting around Dale’s RV.” 
“Oh of course you can, how are you holding up honey? I never got to thank you for taking care of my Sophia. I can never repay you for that.” Carol helped Victoria sit down, softly rubbing her back. Victoria just looked at Carol and smiled softly, there was really nothing she could say. She wanted to forget it all, process it alone and just pretend it never happened. 
“Well when I’m struggling with something, singing always helps!” Amy piped up, honestly just trying to help. She seemed like a very sweet girl and she wasn’t much older than Victoria, and she hoped they would become friends. And they spent the afternoon laughing, Amy would take the clean clothes back to camp to dry.
Amy kept pestering Victoria to sing but she kept making the excuse that she wasn’t a very good singer. The truth was just that there was only one song that immediately came to mind and she did not want to sing it in front of Carol. 
She was a sweet older woman and Victoria didn’t want Carol to think that she would be a bad influence on Sophia. She did always sing Nirvana to Carl but he fully believed she made up Come as You Are and she didn’t have the heart to tell him or the interest to show his small mind to the band. 
Carol decided to take the clean clothes up to camp and Victoria saw this as her moment. “Okay Amy..I have a song but you cannot repeat this shit to anyone.”
“Okay?” Amy’s eyebrow twitched as she gave Victoria a curious look.
“Promise me Amy I fucking mean it.”
“Okay! Jeez yes I promise!”
Victoria scrambled up from her place on the lakefront, using her core to balance on one leg. She took a deep breath in and began singing the lyrics to No Hands.  “Girl the way you moovin, got me in a trance,” Amy fell back onto the ground, laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Victoria rolled her eyes, it was a popular song and she and her friends liked to party. It just always made her think of fun, easy times. 
“Yeah, yeah get your laughs up Amy. It's time to get back to camp, help me up the hill. I don't need another tree root to jump out at me and take my other ankle out.” 
The girls giggled about various things as they came up on the camp. Victoria’s mood immediately changed when she could feel tension among the group. Lori and Carol were holding the kids, she assumed everyone had seen this little entanglement. Shane was on the ground and standing over him was a tall man with a grey buzzcut, he wore a dirty wife beater and jeans, and it looked like he’d just fought Shane. Daryl was standing behind the man with a look of confliction. 
“Merle, cut it out now.” Dale got in the middle of the two men. Victoria held onto Amy, trying to shield her without realizing it. This Merle guy and Shane butting heads two days into establishing camp was not a good thing. Victoria had people to protect, and she wasn’t going to let some dumbass risk their safety. Merle mouthed off to Dale about how there was no leader and it certainly wasn’t going to be some big city cop, and something about that set her off. 
“Hey! Take your shit somewhere else there’s kids here!” 
Merle directed his attention to Victoria who was standing just at the edge of the camp, still holding on to Amy as a crutch. He was in Victoria’s face before anyone could move to stop him.
But she didn’t fear him. Victoria had always been strong willed- or dangerously stubborn depending on who you asked. She was always the girl going toe to toe with bullies or jocks or anyone she thought needed to be taken down a peg.
And she wasn't weak either. She was quite tall and had more than just a track star build, she would spend a lot of time building adequate muscle to back up her loud mouth. And an added perk of your dad and godfather being cops is they do teach you to fight properly. “Never start a fight…but be ready to damn well finish it.” Shane would always say. 
“Can I help you?” Victoria asked, quirking up a brow. Shane laughed in the background knowing that this was a common move for her to make. 
“What did you say to me, girl?” Merle snarled, his breath hot in her face. Victoria held her to gag in the back of her throat. Merle seemed like one of those backwoods who’d let his hunt marinate on his clothes in order to bait more of his prey in. Victoria knew many hunters like that working at the local Stop and Shop, they had the same rancid smell.
“I said that you’re a grown adult, act like it,.”Victoria stepped further into his space. “We’re all trying to survive together, so we can make nice or you can keep to yourself at the edge of camp.” They stood there for quite awhile. Victoria could tell by his body language and the hatred in his eyes, that Shane was the only reason he hadn’t laid hands on her. 
Merle indeed stormed off to the edge of camp, Daryl following behind him like a lost puppy. Victoria understood that they were brothers so he had to follow him, but part of her wished Daryl would stay. He had the potential to be so much more than Merle Dixon’s little brother. “Are you okay?” Victoria looked back at Amy, just now remembering she’d been using the girl as a crutch.
“That was so awesome,” Amy breathed out with a wide smile. Shane and Carl seemed to be the only other people amused with the antics that had just unfolded. Victoria and Amy limped over to Lori. 
“What were you thinking with that stunt you just pulled?!” Was her mom’s response. Victoria rolled her eyes. She and her mom had always butted heads when it came to the way Victoria “handled herself”. Before she could snap back, there was a rustle in the trees.
Everyone turned to the noise ready to fight whatever was coming at them. But instead of a threat jumping out at the group, it was a white tail buck. An 8 point, beauty of a buck. Carl peaked around from behind his mother, his eyes as wide as saucers. 
“Look at the deer!” He whispered excitedly. “Can I pet it?” He looked up at Victoria, she nodded and took his hand. They walked slowly hoping to approach the deer. Everyone stood still hoping to see some sort of sweet moment between the child and nature. The buck even cocked his head to the side, like he was trying to study Carl, he held his hand out straight hoping to even just graze the buck's nose. 
And as the buck straightened his neck, approaching Carl’s hand, an arrow pierced clean through his head and he dropped to the ground. Carl yelped and jumped back, gripping onto Victoria. She held him tightly as she searched for the owner of the arrow and laid eyes on Daryl and his crossbow. 
“Could that not have waited?” She frowned.
“Well we need dinner tonight don’t we? There’s dinner.” Daryl came up and picked the buck up, dragging it away from camp so he could dress it and get meat for dinner.
Victoria bit her tongue because she couldn’t argue with the man, but it still pissed her off. She rubbed Carl’s back and took him to sit by the spot where they’d light the camp’s fire as it got darker.
“Did he have to do it?”
“Well we do have to eat baby…but yeah he probably could’ve waited.” Victoria frowned again, fiddling with the wrappings on her ankle. How could she be so stupid, an uproot was the reason she was almost killed. A root. She could still feel the sensation of that roamers bite near her jaw, it made her shudder.
 She always knew death was not one to stray away from children, but that feeling: her chest and throat closing up, her muscles somehow tensing while being fully relaxed at the same time, she was absolutely terrified. But she would keep as much of that terror to herself that her body allowed. 
“Honey?” Victoria flinched, grabbing her mothers hand before she could place it on Victoria's shoulder. 
“Mom..you scared me.” She let out a shaky breath, which her mother also frowned at. Lori cat next to her daughter and pulled her in close without saying anything. Instead of talking she just rubbed Victoria's shoulders like she would do when her children had night terrors. 
Victoria tried to sink into her mothers hold so that no one would see the tears welling in her eyes. This was a new world and she had made the decision last night that she would not be seen as prey. But as predator. It was a lot to put on her own shoulders but she felt comfortable carrying the weight. 
After quite some time of sitting in silence, Daryl approached the women with a knapsack. He held the bag out for Victoria to take.
“What’s this?”
“Half a deer, you better cook it fast before it goes bad.” Daryl was trying to seem stone cold. Like he didn’t like them but they had to stick together. And maybe that's how it was but Victoria couldn’t help but smile. She nodded and took the bag.
“Thanks Dixon.” 
“Whatever Grimes.” 
Victoria and her mom started a fire and started to cook the deer meat they’d been given. Andrea joined them with a bucket of descaled fish, ready to be cooked. Andrea quirked a brow at the deer meat, she must’ve seen Daryl with the deer earlier and made a face as she started to connect the dots.
“If you got that meat from those Dixon brothers you might as well toss it.”
“Oh stop Andrea.” Victoria huffed “I didn’t get it from the Dixon brothers I got it from Daryl. He may act like a piece of shit but it's just his walls.” Andrea rolled her eyes and started to cook the meat. Jacui came up to join them and they sat and cooked and laughed. It was a wonderful distraction honestly.
The sun set and the group gathered around the fire to eat roasted fish, deer meat, and corn. They all shared a moment of pure peace and uninterrupted joy. 
For the first time in the last few days things felt…normal. Victoria watched her brother and Sophia laugh over some stupid dad joke that Dale had made, and just seeing her brother laugh confirmed that everything would be okay. They were going to make it.
After supper everyone cleaned up and the group split up for the night, going to their separate camps. Victoria couldn’t help but notice that her mom and Shane were sharing a tent. It made her stomach churn. As far as she could tell they weren’t doing anything.
Even if her dad was dead, Victoria felt that her mother should still hold some kind of hope that he would come back. That hope is what kept Victoria going everyday.
 Victoria stayed with Carl until he fell asleep and then she snuck out of the tent. She needed some cool, fresh air for herself. She sat back at the campfire and tried to just let herself relax. She was safe. Even if it didn’t last forever, she was safe for now. There was a light breeze in the air, bringing a soft rustling to the trees. 
Victoria couldn’t help but flinch everytime the rustling sounded like anything more than that light breeze. She couldn’t tell if the goosebumps that pricked her skin were from the cool air or the result of her own taunting mind. Breathe. You’re safe, just breathe.
“Everything okay?” She jumped to her feet in an instant forgetting that she had a sprained ankle. Her hand flew to her mouth, as to muffle the string of curses that demanded to flee from her mouth in a protest of pain. Shane caught her and gently helped her sit back down. “I didn’t mean to scare you but you should be getting some rest.”
“I was resting Shane,” She signed through grit teeth, pinching the bridge of her nose in hopes to regulate her pain. 
“You should talk about what happened yesterday…bottling that shit up ain’t good for you.” 
Victoria let out another exasperated sigh, she didn’t want to talk about it with Shane. Actually he was the very last person on the list of people that she would talk to about almost dying. They sat together in silence.
“I already talked to my mother about it.” Shane silently nodded. Victoria hopped up and started to limp back to her tent, leaving Shane alone to think. So she decided to leave him with a parting gift to mull over.
“Leave me alone shane. As a matter of fact leave my family alone. We aren’t yours. And If you touch my mother and she wants it…well she's a grown woman. But if you ever lay your hands on my mother and harm her, I’ll kill you.” 
Taglist: @ebodebo @starsofang
9 notes · View notes
ssvnriseya · 1 month
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summary - he wants more of you day by day as if he was being seduced by the forbidden fruit.
warnings - MDNI 18+ mentions of attempted rape, violence, language, dark!daryl, unprotected p in v (wrap it up), age gap ( reader is 18, daryl is 30. he has no weird feelings before she was 18 ), breeding kink, panty sniffing, intended lowercase (let me know if i missed anything)
request - keep a secret was amazing! i have a request for you, can you do a dark daryl fic set in prison era. where he keeps tabs on the reader, stalker stuff (steals her undies) and fucks her in prison showers. please include age gap (reader is 18, daryl is 30) and a breeding kink, please! - 🎀
note - okay, the characters deserve a happy ending at the prison, no one can change my mind!
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it was a hard year for you, you've lost too many people you cared about and gained more to care about.
your mother, lori, she died after giving birth to your baby sister. your little sister and brother were your angels.
they were the reason you still kept going, along with your dad, and the memories of your mom.
you had grown to care about the people of woodbury that now resided at your home, the prison.
whether it be the children, elders, teen, and adults. you absolutely love sasha, tyreese, and mika.
"hey, honey." carol smiled at you as she continued stirring the pot where all the people and your meals is being cooked.
"hey, carol. you didn't wake me up." you groaned at her as you walked to stand by her side.
"you were tired from the run yesterday, rick would kill me if i exhaust you too much." she smiled at you as she cut onions.
"i'll cut them." you smiled at her as you took the knife and chopping board.
"thank you. and i didn't wake you up because everything here is handled." she assured you.
it was early morning and no one was up yet, it gave you both the time to cook and chat freely.
"but, i woke up anyway." you teased her and nudged her as she stirred the pot and you chopped the onions.
"what are we having today?" you asked as you peered inside the bowl.
"just soup again with deer meat." she told you and you nodded, giggling.
"watery soup because we're lacking ingredients." you told her with a groan as you pour the onions in the soup.
"please, carol, remind me when i go on runs to pick up spices." you added.
"alright, young lady." she teased and you smiled, you both had been close ever since lori died.
she had been the mother figure, but not romantically to rick, she also stood as a mother to rick, if that was possible.
"who caught the deer? daryl again?" you asked as you frowned at the chopped meat.
"who else? he's our only hunter." she smiled at you, knowing that you utterly despised the man.
"okay, maybe i won't eat." you joked with a huff as you crossed your arms.
"then don'." someone told you from behind making you gasp in shock.
"daryl! don't sneak up on people like that!" you told him as you looked at him with disapproval.
"if ye' don't like m' deers, don't eat!" he sneered at you making you let out a small smile.
"okay, i won't." you told him and leaned in to carol, to gossip with her. daryl is in a fair distance.
you took over stirring and whispered something to her, "i'm fucking missing one again."
you groaned as you frowned, it was very hard to loose a pair of panties.
it was very hard to find one on runs and you will suddenly loose some?
"if one of the women are stealing them, it's very unhygienic." you shook your head.
"it would disappear only to appear two days or a day after, you'll get it back." she reassured you.
"what the fuck are they doing with my knickers?" you told aloud making daryl look at you.
you rolled your eyes at him and stared into the pot, it was boiling and the delicious smell of it was making you hungry.
your pride was high so you went right back into your cell block once the woodbury people came out into the courtyard.
it hadn't only been half an hour before daryl came knocking at your cell.
"ye' can eat, was jus' jokin'." he told you in a quiet voice, you smiled.
"okay!" you stood up from your bed and placed your book to the side.
you were never the first to apologize, if you knew you weren't in the biggest wrong.
"carol told you to apologize?" you smiled as you stood in front of him, he was a lot taller than you.
"nah." he responded and you nodded, smiling. you stepped out of the cell, brushing past him.
"i'll follow ye' back, 'm jus' gon' do somethin'." he told you with a nod.
you gave him a thumbs up before going down the stairs and out the cell block.
daryl waited for a few minutes before going into your cell, he went to your basket full of clothes.
he quickly placed the panty, that you were missing, back into the basket. he grabbed another one and stuffed it into his pocket.
he wasn't usually like this but you made him crazy, with you scent and the way you acted around him.
you despised him sometimes, yet you could tolerate him enough to flirt with him.
he hated how you made him feel, he wanted to stop what crazy shit he was even doing.
but the thing is, he can't, he's in too deep in the situation. he's fucking addicted to your natural smell.
he fucked your underwear every night, imagining that it was you. he absolutely loved those moments.
call him a creep and whatsoever but he's obsessed with you. so fucking obsessed.
he loved the smell and heat in the shower when he got in right after you finished bathing.
he loved your hair, the way it flows smoothly whenever you ran your fingers in them when frustrated.
don't get him started in your smile, he can fucking kill an entire herd if that means he gets to see you smile.
he loved your skin, your soft milky skin and how they easily turn red when being gripped to tight.
he wondered if he gripped your wrists to tight when he was fucking deep balls into you, would they leave a fucking bruise? he loved that idea, meaning everyone would see that someone fucked you that night.
he loved your body, every curve, every form of you from head to toe.
he went crazy on every teenagers from woodbury who even tried to go near you.
he did it in private, just to not have him scare you off. he almost killed for you, he would do anything just to protect you.
it was when you were on the road, right after the farm fell. you, maggie, glenn and daryl encountered a group of men when you were on the run for the group.
the men was obviously stuffed full, having the weapons and foods that you all were desperately trying to find.
they were obviously a whole lot bigger, not starved during the months that the whole apocalypse started.
glenn and daryl tried to talk to the men, in hopes of escaping the men.
they failed and two of them went to beat up glenn and daryl, making you pull out a gun.
it was a very ugly fight, glenn received a broken nose and multiple bruises in the face and stomach.
daryl was worse, he tried to punch back just to get to you, but to no avail it only made things worse.
that left two other men that was onto you and maggie, you fucking tried to fight him off, he was too big.
he tried to rape the both of you, and that made daryl see red, he was on full adrenaline that he fucking killed the four men single-handedly.
it ended with glenn almost passed out cold, you and maggie shaken up and lastly daryl who was still gritting his teeth in anger.
he fucking swore to himself not to let any other dirty men touch you for their own pleasure.
"daryl!" he was cut-off in his trance by a small voice calling out to him.
he stood up immediately from his crouched position and turned to face the door.
carl stood there with a smile on his face as he nodded at daryl.
"what are you doing here? anyways where is she?" carl asked, looking for you as he inspected the room-cell.
"out in the courtyard... ye' eat already?" daryl asked the little boy as he stepped out from your cell, closing the gate behind him.
"no, i was just going to call her so we could eat together." carl said in a small voice, he wanted to spend more time with you, he felt as if everything that's been happening has been pulling you away from him.
"let's go 'ere together." he put a hand on the little boy's shoulder, giving him a thin smile.
"she's probably eatin' with andrea and carol." he said referring to the older women you hung out with.
"yeah, i'll run so i can see sophia." carl told daryl as the little boy beamed.
"ya..." daryl nodded at carl, and the latter took it as a sign to ran out to the court yard.
when he arrived at the courtyard it was busy with people and their own conversations.
he looked for you and didn't see you, he was worried that maybe you were off with some boys.
he would definitely fucking beat the shit out of the boy who ever tried to take you from him.
his thoughts were proven wrong when a small bunch of people were by gate.
he immediately spotted your hair that made him crazy but not as much as you made him crazy.
he walked towards you with a frown, his frown falling and replaced with a small smile as he heard you laugh.
michonne was there, looking proud and almost eye-teary. you hugged her as you also sobbed with joy.
he was confused why but his smile also grew bigger once he saw what was inside the box that michonne brought back.
the head of the governor was sitting there, eyes in shock and lifeless.
they had spent months hunting for the governor and now they found him, they can finally breath in peace.
the governor looked dirty, his beard and moustache was grown, wildly. like he doesn't have a place to stay and clean himself up.
"we're free, daryl." you whispered to him and you also hugged him, cheeks stained in tears.
he pulled away and wiped your tears away, just like he's always wanted to do.
he looked behind michonne to find a small group of people. they looked relieved to see a sanctuary ahead of them.
"oh, this is the family i found with philip. they didn't know who he truly was, so i explained it all." michonne pointed to the three people standing at the corner.
you gave them a slight wave as you smiled at the little girl, "this is tara, lilly and her daughter, meghan." michonne added.
they smiled awkwardly and gave a little wave back, glancing at daryl, rick, michonne, carol and you.
"and this is eugene, he pretended to be a scientist who knows the cure to all but all is well, rosita, and abraham." michonne pointed to the other three standing at a fair distance from tara's family.
"hi!" you gave rosita, eugene and abraham a small smile and a wave.
you walked to stand beside your dad, wrapping your hand around his arms as he inspected the strangers.
"you sure they could be trusted?" rick looked at michonne, she nodded and glanced back at the six.
"alright." rick said with a smile at michonne, he trusted her and would listen to every thing she said.
"welcome to the group!" you greeted them cheerily, you went near meghan and took her small hands into yours.
"i'll take her to meet the kids." you told lilly and she nodded, she can't believe that there's a sanctuary for them to live in, for her daughter and sister to live in peacefully.
you walked with meghan, hand in hand as you took her to the field where the kids played.
"join them, okay? if anyone bullies you, tell me. i'll kick their ass." you smiled at the young girl.
you instantly warmed up to her innocent eyes and warm heart, listening to whatever she was told.
you turned around and jumped back, looking at daryl in shock as you held your hand to your chest to calm your breathing.
"you scared me, dixon!" you told him with a shark glare as you walked past him.
"ye' makin' threats to lil' kids now?" he joke half heartedly, you giggled.
"i like her, she's sweet." you told him with a small sigh as you walked side by side with him.
"wha' s'wrong?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows as he scanned your face.
"nothing, i just really wanted a baby before all this. they're cute and really sweet." you ranted as you puffed your cheeks.
"ye? baby?" he asked like he couldn't believe it, you pouted at him and rolled your eyes.
"sorry, was kiddin'." he told you with a small smile, you only frowned in response.
"yes... but it's hard, and i don't think i'm ready again as i was before. there's an apocalypse now and there's hardly anyone my age around here, and if there is... t—they just avoid me like plague!" you said with an unreadable emotion.
"who told ye' anything about boys yer' age?" he asked as he walked with you into the cell block.
"i don't get it..." you told him as you walked up the stairs and stopping right outside your cell.
you walked inside and he followed in suit, you smiled and gestured for him to sit on the bed.
"maybe ye' can try wit' someone younger or older." he said with a grunt.
"what are you suggesting, dixon?!" you teased him as you stopped pacing.
you wiggled your eyebrows at him when he started stuttering and turn a bit red.
"nothin' forget it." he told you and he stood up but you immediately were in front of him and held his shoulders to get him back to sitting.
"i was just teasing you, daryl. but, no kidding, i really should try with someone older?" you asked with pure innocence that daryl couldn't face.
"y—ya..." he stuttered and scratched the back of his neck as he looked at his lap.
"well, there's johnny, he's five years older." you told him as you sat beside him.
"nah... he's been wit' almost everyone 'ere." he told you as he shook his head.
"okay... i really need to take a bath, do you mind if we talk later?" you asked him as you stood up from the bed.
he shook his head and also stood up, "also got somethin' else t'do."
"okay, bye!" you waved at him and ushered him out of your cell.
you groaned and went to your clean basket, in search of clothes to wear in the sunny day.
you picked out your clothes and took a glance at the dirty pile.
your underwear, was already there. you picked it up carefully and examined it.
you dropped it with a groan, you had to get used to someone stealing your panties just to bring them back.
but it's creepy as fuck and totally unhygienic if they're wearing it or what ever.
you stood up from your crouched position, your towel and clothes in hand.
you walked out of your cell and closed it behind you, it was quiet inside as almost all of the people living in the cell block was outside.
it was a good time to shower, considering there's a population of a hundred in the prison.
it really was hard to shower with that many people, there were many showers but it looks like the time people wants to shower is whenever you wanted to.
you entered the room where a dozen of shower was, you and your original group shared this shower.
you didn't have to worry about peeping tom's or creepy men spying you.
you placed the towel on the hanging bar and your clothes on the table outside.
you stepped in, undressing yourself as you placed your dirty clothes on another rack.
the fucking cold water was refreshing, you really needed it, considering that it was a hot day in the prison.
you showered very quickly so your group can still have cold water, you felt bad because they've been spending all day in the sun ever since summer.
you pulled on your towel and wrapped it around your body, stepping out on the shower.
you went to the table and grabbed your clothes, going back inside the shower to change.
the clothes you wore were just a jeans short and a camisole, perfect wear for a sunny day.
besides you will be working on the fence today, so you still had to shower later.
work on the fence was exhausting, imagine that you will be standing outside for a few hours just killing walkers with the sun glaring down at you.
but it's worth it because by the end of the day there weren't walkers anymore by the fence.
and when you wake up the next morning there is walkers, and you kill them again.
that was your routine but sometimes you're on babysitting duty with beth, a girl just your age.
she was the sister of maggie, innocent just like you, just more shy and she's not as open-mouthed as you.
you stepped out of the shower again, dressed in clean clothes. you went to the rack that you found on a run a month ago and placed your towel there along with a few others.
an old lady was kind enough to stitch your name on the towel so it doesn't get mixed with the others.
it was a very sweet thing to do, she also was one of the elders you absolutely adore.
you went back to your cell and brushed your hair, it has grown longly, it wasn't the same mid-hair length when the apocalypse started.
instead it reached just above your butt, you smiled as you braided your hair and put little clips on it.
you shuffled on your make-shift drawer and looked for the sunscreen that thankfully michonne found on a run a week ago.
she found a full box of sunscreen and gave it to those who were on fence duty which was twenty people or so.
you don't get bored as much in fence duty when you had karen to gossip with.
she's always telling you how romantic tyreese is, how their dates always end with a sweet kiss.
it makes your heart flutter that your friend found love amidst all this.
you applied sunscreen on your exposed skin, you even went about thinking that you should just wear long-sleeves and pants.
karen would kill you, ranting about how you might faint again like you did once on fence duty.
it worried the hell out of everyone and you were on cooking and babysitting duty for a month after that.
you kind of don't want that to happen so you decided against it.
you placed the sunscreen back on your drawer and went out the cell, after slipping on your cowboy boots.
you walked past cell's when you heard grunts and moans in a particular cell you know too well.
you walked near it with cautious step, "daryl?" you asked him, you can't see anything because of the white sheet that covered the gate.
you opened the cell and found daryl flustered, "you okay, old man? are you having back pain?"
asking him was kind of you, considering you were starting to warm up to him.
"i can massage you if you want, i'll just skip fence duty." you offered to him as you walked by his bed.
your brows were furrowed in worry, he felt bad for making you worry when he was just jerking himself onto your underwear, smelling it like a creep.
"i do it all the time with dad, when he's having back problems." you explained as you sat beside him.
this was one of the reasons he fell for you, your kindness and no hesitation to help.
he didn't know why he started liking you when you all found the prison.
he hated himself at first, for falling for you who's almost half his age and you're most importantly, the daughter of a man he considered his best friend.
he felt sick but he can't do anything with it, his feelings for you grew deeper especially when the woodbury people arrived.
he didn't know what to tell rick. “hey man, i like your daughter.” was that what he's supposed to say?
"nah... 'm fine. ye' should go before yer' late f'fence duty." he told you.
you shrugged but nodded, "okay..." you st oppd up from his bed.
"if you feel sick, tell me." you smiled at him and went out of his cell, continuing your walk down the stairs.
it took a good minute before you were out of the cell block, you walked in the hallways before you managed to exit the prison.
"hi, karen..." you waved at the said woman and walked to approach her.
you also greeted tyreese who kissed his girlfriend good bye and waved back at you.
"that was a sweet kiss, i'm jealous." you teased her and then pouted, you wanted to experience loving someone.
beth have zack and she's your age, carl have sophia and they're younger than you! how was it fair?
you even asked rick if he would allow you to have a boyfriend over dinner the other night.
the rest of the group laughed while carol, michonne and andrea teased you.
you didn't notice how daryl's mood was down the whole night after that.
he wanted you to notice him, he tried to argue with you every chance he got just to have you notice him.
"you'll find them someday." karen knew what you were thinking and you gave her a small nod.
she handed you a sharp spear and you both walked to the fence where the other's are working now.
you worked for hours along side karen and by the time you were done, the sun was almost setting.
it made every sweat worth it because there's not a single walker in sight.
it was really a good setting, with the council and how they handled every thing.
you all were working to make the prison a home, the crops had grown and are ready to harvest every three weeks.
it was all because of the fertilizers you all try to find every run, and the pigs and chicken had more babies.
it was a good life and it would stay like that forever. you said goodbye to karen and placed the spear on the basket just outside the prison doors.
you went to your cell and picked out a set of sleepwear for a quick shower before dinner.
"hey, daryl... you going to shower too?" you asked when you met him down the stairs.
it's been a weird day, you've been seeing more of him ever since today.
you felt like you've seen him a lot more today that you ever did before the prison.
"mhm." was all he responded, you nodded and walked with him towards the bathroom.
"daryl, have you been talking to dad?" you asked him as you synced your footsteps with his.
"ya, why?" he asked as he glanced at your face, he quickly looked away.
"has he been doing better? maybe he wants to step-up again soon, the governor's gone now." you said lowly.
"he's yer' dad. why're ye' askin' me?" he groaned as he tried to not respond.
"we've all been busy, i don't even have time for them anymore." you said sadly, referring to your dad, carl, and judith.
"he's been better, improvin' since lori." he nodded, his southern accent thick.
"do you miss the people we've lost? like jacqui, mom, jim, and dale?" you asked him.
he shook his head, "they were never important t'me." he shrugged and you nodded.
"you must felt absolutely relieved when you found out merle's alive." you nudged him with your elbow.
you were happy for him that he's doing good with his brother, who was a jerk at first.
merle was starting to adjust to the prison and found a woman he love, he's in the council along with a few others.
"what about shane, ye' miss him?" daryl teased you, nodding to your words about merle.
"ew, no! he's a fucker." you groaned in disgust as you imagined the things he did to your family.
"did a number on ye' didn't he?" daryl smirked and you can feel your cheeks heat up just by his smirk.
"but i can't say that he shouldn't have done the things he did, 'cause jude wouldn't be here." you smiled sadly.
"ye' little ass-kicker is growin' fast." he shook his head with a smile.
"i heard that maggie is pregnant." you beamed at daryl, your eyes glinting with happiness at a new baby in the prison.
"ye', glenn told me earlier." daryl nodded, also happy for the couple since the farm.
you both stopped at the entrance of the bathroom, the sound of water droplets is the only thing that could be heard.
you looked at him as you bit your lip, analyzing his brows, his lashes, eye color, and his lips.
you gulped when he leaned in closer, you couldn't deny that sometimes there's that attraction for him deep down.
the attraction you kept hidden down in fear. he was a very closed off man, you were just scared of rejection.
how can you resist him? now that he's leaning in to place his lips onto yours.
you also can't deny that he's a very attractive man, with a shoulder that could make you swoon, and his arms that you wished to hold.
he has tattoos and you found them pretty and meaningful, he had a tattoo on his collar bone.
you didn't know what it meant but it's just a letter, a simple letter placed there.
it was an x.
you closed your eyes when you felt his lips touch yours gently, as if they were just tasting.
he tasted like cigarettes and booze. you can feel yourself getting drunk on his mouth.
you let out a small whimper when he squeezed your ass, he pulled away and took of his shirt.
he placed it on the laundry basket and kissed you again. you took a step back and he pulled the curtains out of the way to enter the bathroom.
"we shouldn't be doing this." you told him, pulling away as you shrugged of your own shirt.
"ya." he agreed and started attacking your neck, making you release small moans.
the clothes and towels you both had were left scattered on the table when you have thrown it.
he gently guided you, taking a step forward as you took a step back.
he guided you to the nearest room to shower, pressing your back against the wall.
he fumbled with your bra as you grabbed onto his hair, keeping your moans at bay.
you helped him slip it off, and he immediately attacked your breasts with kisses.
he turned on the shower and it made you smile at him as you got wet by the water.
you brushed your fingers through his hair, fixing it and moving it out of his face.
placing your hands on his neck, you leaned in and kissed him once again.
you can feel his erection on your stomach and that made you groan.
he held you by the waist and leaned down to meet your kisses as he was taller and bigger than you.
you slid off your panties slowly and you can feel the wetness on your thighs, not by the water but because of him.
he groaned as he rubbed your clit when his hands found it's way there.
you burried your face on his shoulder as you stopped yourself from moaning.
you heard the water stop running on the other stall and a few shuffle here and there.
and finally the moment you were waiting for, the shuffle of the curtains, indicating the person has left.
he lined the tip of his cock onto your entrance and you gripped his shoulders, you weren't sure if it would fit.
he pushed in with one deep thrust making you cry out in pain, you didn't expect him to be that rough.
he started thrusting in and out as you bit your lip you can taste the metallic taste in your tongue.
you moaned, as your hips met his desperately. all the pain was gone now and was replaced by bliss and pleasure.
"s'fuckin' tight, princess." he went deeper and faster with each thrust making you moan loudly.
you were scared to get caught but you couldn't stop the sinful moans that were leaving your mouth.
everyone was probably at dinner already.
you would be disgusted when someone told you that you'd be having sex with your dad's best friend a year ago.
it was so sinful, he was much older and also your dad's best friend, you want to stop but he felt so fucking good.
"daryl, mhm..." you moaned as he kept his thrusting, you can feel the tingling on your lower stomach.
a sense of sign that you were about to cum, it was quick but you can't help yourself.
he felt so good and it was too long ago that you've done this and felt pleasure, the only good thing was that this was better.
"i—i'm about to... c—cum." you moaned as you met his lips for a passionate kiss.
"cum 'round daddy's cock, baby." he groaned into your ear once you pulled away from the kiss.
he can feel your velvety walls clench around him, if he kept going on like this he would also cum.
"yer' so warm." he praised you making you whine, you were so turned on by the sound of your skin slapping together.
"i—I'm cumming." you informed him as you closed your eyes in pleasure.
stopping your hips from meeting his as you came. you moaned from the high feeling.
he kept thrusting into you with force, into your wet, tight and sensitive cunt.
"i'm gonna cum inside you." he looked into your eyes with a dark look.
you shook your head, "i—i'm not on birth control..." you whined as you shook from another orgasm.
"don't care." he shut you up by kissing you with much domination and force, he bit your lip and you pulled away.
"daryl... i—i'm not ready." you whimpered as you pushed on his shoulders.
he ignored you, "i'm gonna fill you up with my babies." he said once again, ignoring your total protests.
"you'd look so pretty carrying my babies." he kissed your jaw and sucked on your sweet spot.
you felt his cock twitch before he finished up inside you, you moaned.
"y-you came inside me!" you looked at him with anger as you unlatch yourself from him.
your legs giving out from intense orgasm, he held you to support you up.
"i love ye', we can have a happy family, you'll have a baby like you've always wanted." he assured you.
you shook your head as you wiped your tears, "w-what would dad say." you whisper to him as you pout.
"i'll worry about him, just be a good girl for me." he grabbed the shampoo as he put some on your hair, washing it for you.
"ye' feel good, so fuckin' good. better than yer' panties." he said with a smirk
you gasped and looked at him, there were a million questions running around your head.
"you're the one who's been stealing them?!" you asked in anger and embarrassment.
"hm, ye' smell so fuckin' good, baby." he praised you, making your cheeks hot again.
"that's embarrassing." you said in a small voice, looking away from him.
"i'll take care of ye' and in just a few months you'll have a baby bump." he kissed you once again.
you shivered and couldn't help but look at your stomach, caressing it.
you can feel his warm cum inside you, it was probably getting to work now.
it was too late for you to take pills, you felt like crying. you weren't ready for a baby, you were before, but you weren't sure now.
he promised to take care of you, he should. what if your dad gets angry if you tell him?
you can't bear the thought of your dad or carl ever being mad at you.
it would ruin you and you can't even think about the people at the prison, the people you love hating you because of your relationship with daryl.
"ye'll look good with m'babies, trust m'." daryl whispered to you, sucking on your neck.
what have you gotten yourself into?
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Carol: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed the bike?
Daryl: Finally let ‘er drive an’ there was a deer in the road, so I said "Y/N, deer!"
Carol: And what did Y/N do?
Daryl: ...she said "Yes, Honey?"
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You were carrying the fawn in your arms as Daryl walked beside you, one hand on the strap of his crossbow. He couldn't stop himself from glancing sideways at you, taking in the way you were cradling the baby deer that had already fallen asleep in your arms.
Finally, you looked over at him as he stole another glance and you laughed lightly, the smile lighting up your face. "That's like the fifth time I've caught you glancing over here! What is it?"
He shrugged, ducking his head. "Nothin'... s'just... I dunno. Ya just ain't like anybody I've ever met," he said nervously. He hazarded a furtive glance in your direction to see one of your eyebrows cocked up in a question.
"Because of this baby?" you asked, looking down at the sleeping fawn. "What was I supposed to do, just leave her to starve? Those walkers killed her mom." You lifted a hand and ran your finger gently over the soft fur down her back.
Daryl shrugged. "A lot of people would've left it... or—put it down," he said. "Ain't gonna be easy to keep her goin'."
"We'll figure it out. I'll find some formula or something somewhere. Besides, she's not a newborn. Eventually she'll start grazing."
Daryl smiled at you again. "It ain't just this. Yer just—different, I guess."
You laughed again. "Okay... Hopefully in a good way."
He ducked his head again. "Yeah. Ya just—despite how the world is now, ya do little things that make it... better."
You hummed a thoughtful noise. "Well, you do too. A lot of us do, to keep each other going."
Daryl scratched thoughtfully at a spot on the back of his neck. "Yeah, but—it ain't just that. I—I ain't good at tryin' to explain it..." he trailed off. In truth, he could have, but his nerve was rapidly diminishing. You were the person that treated him with the most softness, the most kindness, the most steadfast belief in him as he was and you were strong at the same time. He didn't understand how you did it... and he was quickly figuring out that he'd fallen for you a long time ago. "Let's just get that little one home and warm, yeah?"
Prompt: "You're not like anyone I've ever met."
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emswritingsstuff · 3 months
Home at Last (Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader)
another request from @caseylicious !! i love your daryl ideas so much!! hope you enjoy!! 🫶🫶
Summary: After being left on the roof with Merle, you're separated from Daryl.
WC: 2.7k
“Merle was a danger to himself and everyone else, your husband did the right thing.” Andrea looked over at Lori, she just looked up at Rick and nodded, still looking unsure about the whole situation. “What about (Y/N)? I mean she definitely doesn’t deserve to be left with him.” Dale inquired. Glenn shook his head and held it in his hands, just dreading the conversation they were going to have with Daryl. “It's not our fault she wanted to stay; she wasn’t listening to us. What more could we have done,” Rick said matter of factly. Head nods and sighs were a sign of mutual agreement with Rick. They all knew you, but they also knew Daryl. 
It was clear to everyone that you and the Dixons were a package deal. Daryl and you were together for a while before everything had started. Making Merle practically your brother at that point, meaning you weren’t just going to sit around and let a random cop handcuff him. You did agree Merle was out of line but keeping him tied down the roof was not the move. Determined to make them let him go, you stayed with him. Without a second thought too. But that plan failed, as they did actually leave you. Ironically, without a second thought. But they all knew once the news got to Daryl, Hell would certainly break loose within the camp. 
The morning sun casted over the camp, everyone doing the daily routine with their chores. Shane had just brought in the water when screams were heard, the children screamed. Everyone ran to action seeing a walker had made its way onto the camp, eating a deer with a bunch of arrows in it. After disabling the walker, rustling was heard in the bushes, all of them breathing in sighs of relief when it was revealed to be Daryl. But the sighs of relief turned into stressful breathing when they realized what they were about to have to explain to him. 
Daryl was ranting on about the loss of venison, shooting the brain, and whatever else as he marched his way back into the camp. Everyone was keeping their distance from him, not wanting to get too close in case he exploded. Daryl had started yelling for you and Merle, completely unaware of what he was about to find out. 
“Daryl, I need to talk to you about them,” Shane spoke. Daryl looked at Shane with a questionable look, not so sure about what Shane was about to tell him. “Something happened on the run-” 
“They dead?” Daryl looked more tense now, ready to take his anger out on whoever got you both killed. The more Shane and Rick spoke, the more angry Daryl grew. FInding out they had stupidly left you both there threw him off the tiny edge he was standing on. 
“Lemme process this, ya handcuffed my brother to a roof? And left him and my girl there?” The anger was obvious, he was pacing around Rick. Nothing could be said in that moment to make him feel better. 
“If it makes anything better, I chained the door shut so geeks couldn’t get them,” point proven right there. Right as Daryl went to throw a punch, Shane put him in a headlock, pinning him to the ground. “Chokeholds illegal,” he mumbled as he caught his breath still in the group. Rick crouched down to Daryl’s level and told him how it is. That it just had to happen in order for the group to be saved, but he wasn’t buying it. 
Just like how they knew how much he meant to you, they knew how much you meant to him. You were the rational part of him, the part of him that kept him level headed, the part of him they all missed right now. But it was their fault you were gone, at least to him. He had started to break down, just enough to where it was noticeable. 
Rick had made the plan to go out with Daryl and Glenn to retrieve you and Merle, but also the guns. T-Dog soon made the choice to tag along as well. Though, Daryl knew everyone just wanted the guns and could give less of shit about the people he cared about. A nervous gut feeling hit Daryl, he didn’t want to show it, but he was scared shitless. If neither of you were there, he didn’t know what he would do. 
Daryl was getting antsy with Rick and T-Dog taking their sweet ass time getting into the truck. He was pacing again, nervous habit, just needed to see you were okay. Merle could defend himself, he knew that. You could as well, he taught you to, but he couldn’t let go of you no matter what. His leg was bouncing like crazy, the eventual drive feeling like it was taking forever. T-Dog looked at Daryl, just watching him. The tension was high, and he wanted to try and ease the air. 
“So, you and (Y/N), how’d that happen,” Daryl shot him a glare. T-Dog looked away, regretting what he had said instantly. Bringing his rag to his face, Daryl wiped it off and proceeded to speak. “None of yer business, just needa know you messed up leavin’ her there,” Daryl's eyes darted down at his hands not even wanting to engage in anymore conversations. 
Once finally getting to the department store, Daryl hauled his ass through it. Getting to the roof faster than everybody else. Getting the door open, the bright light threw him off. As soon as his eyes adjusted, he was devastated. It was empty.
Blood was all over the floor, Merle’s hand was on the ground and both of you were nowhere to be seen. The only thing of yours left behind being a necklace, intentionally placed where it would be seen. It was a sign that you were alive, but also a sign you were gone. Like you wanted to leave something of you for him. He lost you, he fucking lost you. 
Ever since that day on the rooftop, he swore to himself that he would look for you. No matter what, he looked. Tracking anything he could, any sign of you, just anything. The group had tried to convince him you were gone, to make him stop risking himself out there. Which never worked, he didn’t believe for a second you were dead. When on the road after the farm, he still looked. Going into the woods constantly, claiming to hunt, but in reality just putting up a front so he wouldn’t get chewed out for still looking for you. 
Daryl didn’t want to admit it. He really didn’t want to admit it, but he was starting to lose faith in ever finding you again. As the days went on, the tracks were growing cold. The faith he had rapidly dying with it. “She’ll turn up, she’s like you,” looking beside him, Glenn had snuck up on him. He didn’t blame Glenn for the rooftop, Hell, he couldn’t blame anyone for it. Daryl just shook his head and put it down. Glenn spoke up again, just trying to make him feel better. 
“She’s stubborn, should’ve seen her that day. Thought she was going to kill Rick herself for Merle.” Glenn giggled to himself, Daryl just huffing. Not an angry huff though, it was something more lighthearted. The idea of you defending Merle was amusing. “Her ass was probably more pissed at Merle than anythin’” Daryl had gotten used to thinking back on memories with you. Merle and you had never gotten along, ironically it's what he liked about you. Never scared to put him in his place. In return, Merle gave Daryl his approval about you, which was really unneeded in Daryl’s opinion. 
Unfortunately for him, once the group got to the prison so much was happening that he didn’t have time to look. He felt horrible about it, surely feeling like the biggest piece of shit to walk the earth. Everything that had happened became a blur, trying to keep the prison up, the multiple losses, the birth of Judith, just so much going on he could barely keep track. The thing that brought him back to reality was the ambush on Woodbury, and the reunion with his brother. 
But still no you, still nothing. He had to hold back the tears the minute he found out Merle hadn’t seen you in ages. Apparently you had run off when you Merle got with the Governor. When the brothers branched off from the main group, Daryl was silent. Part of him was mad at Merle for letting you go, but the other part was dealing with the fact you were gone. Probably for good. 
Walking through the woods, Merle was talking his ass off. Just saying shit and Daryl couldn’t care to listen to any of it. “Lighten’ up brother! The Dixons are back!” He roughly pat Daryl on the back. Daryl was quick to grumble and shrug off Merle's sorry attempt at making a joke. “Now, what's wrong Darlina? Gotten soft?” Daryl stopped and let Merle keep on walking. It took a minute for Merle to realize he stopped, which made him stop too and look back at his brother. 
“Why’d ya let her go.” Daryl's words were harsh but quiet. Just enough to wipe the smirk off Merle’s face. Stepping up to Daryl, Merle was trying to intimidate him. But Daryl wasn’t going to budge, he was never going to let himself do that. Not with Merle. “I didn’t let her go, the bitch got scared. Didn’t trust the Governor, chose to fend for herself. Like the dumbass she is,” Merle was quickly cut off with a swift punch in his face. Getting knocked on his ass by Daryl. 
He crouched down to Merle’s level and got in his face. “Speak about ‘er like tha’ again, I’ll kill ya next time.” Daryl jerked forward to imitate a punch which caused Merle to flinch. Scoffing, Daryl moved forward through the woods. Just those few interactions made him realize staying with Merle was a mistake, he needed to get back to the family that cared about him and that he cared about. 
It had felt like ages since they had seen anything other than the woods, when it was actually a few hours. When Daryl had spotted a small shed, he was grateful. Maybe there was something in there that could be useful. Daryl whistled to get Merle’s attention and make him see what he saw. Inching closer and closer to the shed door, crossbow at the ready but no finger on the trigger. If something was in there he could act quickly, but he didn’t want to be irrational. 
Throwing open the door, there was nothing there. Putting down the bow, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked some more. There were signs of life but nothing that alarmed him. Water bottles were scattered around, some still filled. Jackpot. Snatching them up Daryl put them with their other belongings. If the person living there showed up, he’d give them back no problem. But finders keepers for now. 
The brothers decided mutually that they were going to camp for the night in that spot, just creating a small campfire outside the shed before turning in. The night dragged on, heavy tension filled air filled the brothers atmosphere. Merle had walked off to look for “food”, leaving Daryl by himself. Just him and his thoughts. He had found himself sitting around the fire just staring at it. The memories came flooding back to him, he just missed you so much. He hates himself for not continuing to look for you. He’ll never forgive himself for giving up, but more could he really do. 
As if the universe was giving him a sign, he heard twigs snap in the distance. His head snapped in the direction of the sound, instantly on edge about the whole ordeal. Standing up slowly he equipped his crossbow but before he could raise it up, an arm wrapped around his neck bringing him down. This wasn’t a walker, this was a person. And a pretty strong one at that. 
Making quick work of getting out of the chokehold he separated himself and the attacker in question. A bandanna was wrapped around their face to cover it, they were wearing a heavy jacket with a hood up. Daryl could barely make out who this person even was, which made it all the more weird when the attacker said his name. Quietly of course, but he heard it. Trying to figure out what was happening he was lost in his thoughts. He never even saw the attacker charge at him again. 
Standing his ground he fought them off as best as he could, just trying to figure out how this person knew who he was. Pushing down harshly, the attacker fell on their back almost knocked out. Daryl took this as his moment to get rid of the disguise the attacker had on, and almost broke when he took the bandanna off. 
It was you, it was really you. He could barely believe it himself. 
Daryl stepped backwards and fell to his knees. Hurting you was something he never once wanted to do, and he just did that. He was defending himself, sure, and you attacked him. Guilt started to weigh on him, causing him to go crazy a bit. The whole situation didn’t feel real, which was a shared feeling. You weren’t in your right state of mind, he knew that. But Daryl was focused on the tears and the emotions he was feeling that he didn’t notice you get up and pounce on him again, successfully pinning him to the ground.
He was trying to explain himself, trying so hard to make you see reality. It surprised him how strong you had gotten after all this time, fighting so hard against your strength. “You’re not real. If you were, you would’ve found me sooner,” you said holding a knife up to his throat. Having him in such a bad position. Daryl acted quick and knocked the knife out of your hands and flipped you over so that he was now holding you down. His strong arm was across your chest and his legs held down yours. 
Tears streamed down his face as you thrashed against him, begging to be let go. Daryl could barely speak, hating to see you like this and him being the reason for it. “I tried, I looked everyday, I never wanted to give up. Please, it’s me.” Daryl’s head fell with his hair covering his face. A few more hits flew from you, definitely going to leave marks, but did not care. He needed you back. 
Surprisingly for him, the thrashing stopped. Just to make sure it wasn’t a fake out, he didn’t look up. But once he did look, he saw your face was softened. Moving his arm off your chest, he freed you a bit. Still weary on if you were in a better space or not. Your arm snaked up from your side where it was held down, taking the necklace Daryl had on in your hands.
“It's my necklace. It is you. You looked for me..” Your voice was breaking and soft, like the regret had set in. He had always kept the necklace tucked under his shirt so it wouldn’t get caught on anything and risk losing it, must've slipped out during the fight. Wiping his face, Daryl looked in your eyes, “Course I looked, never wanted to lose ya.” He eased up and stood up off of you, helping you up in the process. The minute you were up and stable, his strong arms were around you, this time in a loving embrace. 
Tears were falling like they never had before, the both of you just living in the moment in each other's arms. “They left me,” you silently whispered, voice breaking even more., Daryl just shushed you softly and put his hand in your hair. “I know, but now I got ya. Never leavin’ ya again.”
btw if anyone has s1-s2 daryl request pls, send them i love him
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cultofdixon · 9 months
Only you understand
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • There’s only one person on Daryl’s good side and it’s not even his brother. So when certain decisions led to leaving Merle chained to a roof, you were the one to talk to the youngest Dixon • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Unprotected Sex / Groping / Grinding • TW: Canon Violence
Requested by: Anon
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She’s heard it all
Y/N I could use a favor?
Got a second Y/N?
Mind talking to them, Y/N?
Sweetheart, can I pick your ear about something?
It all falls around the same thing. Asking the Dixon Brothers for anything…mainly for help acquiring food within the woods that the sickos haven’t taken for themselves. But they did everything she asked. Some thought it was because Merle would do anything and everything for her attention even if she doesn’t give him an ounce of anything.
But it’s really Daryl. Y/N is the only one that the youngest Dixon brother tolerates and some, more like Glenn alone, believes the Dixon likes her personally.
“Y/N…we need yea for something” Dale didn’t mean to disturb the girl when she was in the middle of another batch of squirrels she was skinning to prepare for the stew.
“Dale. This must be serious” Y/N half jokes as she wipes her knife off with her rag. “You’re usually not the one to ask me for help”
“Right well, you know the drill” Dale frowns removing his bucket hat and squeezing it out of nervous habit. “This isn’t gonna go well”
“If it’s anything like Daryl and Shane fighting over a little dispute about hunting grounds, I think I can handle—-“
“Lori’s husband came back with the Atlanta group, but they left Merle behind hand cuffed to roof” Dale stated without hesitating or letting Y/N process as she drops everything to go check on Lori for another personal matter that almost everybody knows about before thinking of the words to tell Daryl when he returns from his hunting trip.
When Y/N made herself known to the man that left the eldest Dixon behind as she felt a sense of warmth with the family reunion. But she knew that was going to be cut extremely short if Daryl gets his hands on him.
“You’re the Rick guy?”
“You must be Y/N, the resident Dixon whi—-“
“If you call me that stupid fucking shit that Shane came up with, I will hit you in front of your son” Y/N frowns watching Rick zip his lips to let her get to it. “What’s your plan here?”
“I don’t think I get what you mean” Rick laughs slightly only to immediately stop when it wasn’t getting anywhere with Y/N. “Are you talking about getting Merle back? I think we can do a bit of justice without the racist son of a bitch”
“Oh believe me, I agree wholeheartedly with that. But he’s not your family. I think you can agree that if it were you that got left behind, that you would want someone to come and find you” Y/N watches his expression fall making her cross her arms and stand her ground. “Right. You understand that completely and no one came to bring you back”
“Now that’s uncalled for, Y/N” Shane interrupts only for Y/N to take her leave on that note, picking up her axe from beside the put out fire pit.
“Sit with it, Shane. Call me when you have a plan, I have to try and keep his ass from being killed by the man who’s brother you left on that roof” as Y/N leaves the group to follow a familiar hunting ground to find the archer, Rick was left thinking about what she said.
No one came back for him.
The next day came around and the woods were quiet until they weren’t…
“Stupid fucking shit” Daryl curses under his breath over another deer being eaten by another walker.
As he knelt down to get a look at the damage to see if he could take any of the meat back, he heard a shift in the woods. The archer quickly rose to his feet aiming his crossbow and when the figure didn’t make themselves known, he fired.
Daryl instantly tensed when Y/N made herself known with an annoyed expression at him and the arrow in the tree beside her head.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I should be askin’ yea the same thing!” Daryl scoffs taking the arrow from her hand once she pulled it out. “I could’ve killed yea”
“Yeah well you’d do me a favor” The one thing he hated about her was her joking about death. “You gotta head back”
“Yeah?” Daryl scoffs putting his arrow away. “Ran out of food?”
“No, I’ve given them my squirrels to make a stew out of. But this is more of a matter regarding your idiotic brother”
Why did you give them the food I caught for—-“Wait. Merle? Is he back?”
“Daryl no he—-“ Daryl brushes past Y/N causing her to quickly deflate and follow him back to the campsite.
“Swear, yea think I don’t know they get yeah to talk to me about my idiot brother”
“I mean would you rather have Shane talk to you about Merle? Now Daryl come on. I gotta tell yea—-“ Y/N stops herself when he rose his hand indicating he heard something.
Daryl gave her a quick sign that it was another deer and then Y/N decided to take a second to put the Merle conversation on the back burner.
“They never make it this far up the mountain” Dale frowns staring at the walker that Jim had finished off once the group addressed the children’s screaming.
“They are running out of food in the city” Jim states stepping away from the carcass and the undead beside it.
Before any of them thought of walking back, that’s when the bushes started to rustle some more. Shane instantly readied his shotgun aiming toward the sound until he lowered it along with the others doing the same with their weapons of choice when their resident hunter popped out with the “Dixon whisperer” following behind him.
“Son of a bitch” Daryl scoffs bringing himself over to the deer. “That’s my deer…look at it. All gnawed on by this—“ he quickly kicked the walker out of anger. “Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless proxy bastard!”
“Daryl, come on” Y/N elbowed him when she brought herself close, giving Rick a certain look to watch his words.
“Think we can—-“
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Dar. It’s not safe” She pushes him carefully away from the tainted meat as Shane couldn’t agree more but when his voice spoke up, both gave him an annoyed look.
Then it was time.
“Merle!” Daryl calls out brushing passed everyone as both Shane and Rick gave Y/N a confused look.
“What?! You think I can instantly get through to the guy? It’s a conversation not a “oh by the way” type shit like you pigs are used to” Y/N scoffs shoving Shane to catch up to Daryl.
“MERLE! GET YOUR UGLY ASS OUT HERE” Daryl shouts once more, surprised slightly that his idiot brother didn’t instantly come. “I got us some squirrel! Gotta help Y/N skin’em for the stew!”
“Daryl, hold up. I need to talk to you” Shane caught up pushing Y/N aside as that lead her to give Lori a glare on the matter given she knows her hatred for the man. Not that she fully expresses it given what she’s walked on in the woods.
Daryl slowed his movement turning around to the pig watching him hesitate before getting to it.
“There’s been an incident in Atlanta…about Merle”
The tension grew in the space making the archer give his only close friend there a blank expression that she wasn’t giving him any answer from hers.
“He dead?”
“We’re not sure” And that caused the emotions to rise.
“He either is or he ain’t!” Daryl rose his voice watching the unfamiliar man bring himself over.
“No easy way to say this so I’ll just say it—-“
“Who are you?”
“Rick Grimes—-“
“Rick Grimes” Daryl mocks watching Y/N get closer to the situation. “You’ve got something you want to tell me?”
“Your brother was a danger to us all” Okay… “So I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He’s still there” Rick states watching Daryl’s rage grow on his face as he takes a step back scoffing slightly with a hint of a chuckle.
“Hold on, let me process this—-“ Daryl laughs with the venom in his tone of voice. “You saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and YOU LEFT HIM THERE?!”
The silent “yeah” that came out of Rick made Y/N wince ahead of time for what was about to happen next. Even if Daryl didn’t land a punch on either ex-cops. It wasn’t until Shane started to get Daryl into a chokehold that she brought herself over clawing at him to let go.
“Nah he’s gotta calm down before I—-“ And without another thought, Y/N punched Shane square in the jaw to let go of Daryl. She quickly caught his knife under her foot to swipe it away from him trying to get a shot on the new comer. “You crazy son of a bitch!” He barked at her as Y/N quickly stood in front of Daryl blocking him from either of the two.
“Chokeholds illegal asshole” Y/N barked back getting up in his face to have him stand back and away from Dixon. “Seriously. You fucking morons”
“You clearly didn’t prepare—-“
“Oh and you fucking did?” Y/N scoffs at Rick bringing herself to Daryl. “You need to let me fucking tell you next time so this wouldn’t happen. Can’t have them being fucking entitled dicks to the only motherfucker that understands me! Jesus.”
The tension only grew within the group as Daryl couldn’t calm the pounding in his chest when she said such.
“He listens. Rick’s gonna go and get him” Lori was quick to add crossing her arms as she wasn’t exactly happy about the situation. “He’ll listen to about anybody but his wife.”
Daryl waited for the group to disperse before bringing himself over to Y/N, taking her by the arm and dragging her slightly to his tent.
“You’re hurting me—-“ Y/N frowns as Daryl lets go quickly giving her a stern look before taking her hand into his to check the bruising from punching Shane. “It’s nothing.”
“Okay—-Sure” Daryl scoffs. “Yea ain’t coming”
“Seriously? How the fuck—-“
“YOU JUST AINT” He snaps a bit too close to her face resulting in a flinch coming from her as Y/N puffed up. “I don’t trust that Grimes guy and I ain’t letting yea near him after the fucking stunt he pulled with Merle”
“I can handle myself, Daryl.”
“Yeah. No shit. But you don’t have’ta” Daryl frowns feeling her presence grow closer to his person as he towered her slightly. “You didn’t have to stand up for me”
“Little too late for that. I just…wanted yea to know what happened from someone who gives a damn.” Y/N took a step back keeping her attention on him as the look in his expression seemed to want more and that drew the pounding in her chest to get louder. “Well find Merle, and whether you like it or not. I’m coming with”
I can’t lose you. Daryl frowns followed by a nod deciding not to argue further with the woman.
But nothing went their way since returning back to Atlanta, even when returning back to the quarry empty handed…
After taking out the herd that swept through the quarry camp, Daryl didn’t hesitate to shove T-Dog out of the way of getting to Y/N. She strayed from the group when returning to take out a few walkers by Carol and her daughter, he didn’t see her until the dust settled and wasn’t about to lose his mind all over again.
“You bit?!”
“No! Are you?” Y/N went to check his person as Daryl tugged her aside from everyone else back to their secluded corner. “Daryl please just answer—-“ she was instantly cut off by his lips smashing into hers, making her drop her axe to bring her hands onto either side of his face. In her mind the timing could’ve been better but neither of them was going to interrupt the moment. “Dar—-“ she breathed when their lips parted a moment.
“Ain’t bit.” He quickly responds with while returning his lips to hers as he drops his crossbow to his side bringing his hands to her hips gripping them.
Y/N tugged back a bit receiving a concerned look from Daryl until she brought her hands to his belt and he got the idea. He helped her get the belt off that led her to work at the buttons while he slipped her shirt off quickly bringing his hands back to her hips tugging her jeans down steadying her to finish removing them. Daryl brought his lips to hers once more before moving to her cheek down to her neck and then her collarbone working his way down while helping her descend along with him.
“Can’t—-“ He exhaled suddenly making Y/N stop her actions until he pressed his forehead against hers. “Can’t lose yea” he sighs feeling her arms snake around his neck while he positioned himself in between her legs towering her on the dirt.
“I’m right here, Dixon” She returned her lips quickly to his as he feverishly kissed her while bringing his hands below the belt to remove her panties along with pushing his pants and boxers further for his cock to spring out.
While Y/N found purchase on the back of his shirt, Daryl started to push his length in inch by inch listening to her gasps as she dug her nails into the fabric bringing her legs around his lower back. He didn’t move right away and waited for her to adjust once he was fully sheathed.
“Please” Her voice shook with anticipation wanting him to move but there was more to it as she brushes her face against his feeling his lips graze her features. “Please tell me it ain’t just me”
“It ain’t just you, sunshine” He exhales, starting to move thrusting inside of her warmth listening to her quiet sounds wishing he could drive them out but didn’t want anyone to interrupt them.
As he picked up the pace, Daryl felt her tighten around him drawing a low growl to escape his lips feeling her bring themselves to his shoulder and bite down when she felt the cord begin to snap.
“Let go for me, sunshine” Daryl begged bringing his lips back onto hers listening to her hum while bucking her hips against his as he moans into her mouth at the feeling of her unraveling. “Fuck—“ he pulls out quickly before he could climax inside of her.
The archer carefully lays on top of her feeling her death grip on his shirt weaken and flatten her hands against his torso. Slowly bringing one of her hands to run through his hair as they both panted softly remaining in the other’s embrace.
“I can’t lose yea” Daryl frowns feeling her tighten around him for reassurance.
“You’re stuck with me, Daryl” She laughs softly feeling him shift to rise above her to look at her as she couldn’t help the littlest head tilt wondering more of what’s going on in that mind of his. “What is it?”
“Guess this uh…explains a lot of what I’ve been feelin’ lately” He laughs slightly with her joining.
“Truly, and uhm. I hope this…isn’t the only time and—“
“You’re mine, sunshine. We’re something”
“We’re something” Y/N smiles catching a glimpse of his smile before he started to clean themselves up.
It took them long enough.
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dixonzzgirl · 1 year
right after daryl completely fucks you out, he dips down to nuzzle against your face, bringing you back down to earth. the feeling of his rough stubble against your flushed cheek was enough to send a quiver down to your sore pussy.
“ya’ alright, sunshine?” his accent was like honey. a cockdrunk smile spreads across your face.
“i’m gonna walk all funny tomorrow.” daryl's cheeks flush and he shows a small smile, dipping down to pepper your cheeks some. “like a baby deer,” you exhale, picturing a small wobbly fawn fighting to stay upright. he pictures it too and immediately shoves his face into your neck, feeling hot again.
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
Holding On To You | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Despite not being too keen on PDA, Daryl craved comfort too. He got that comfort by holding your hand in his. It wasn't always that simple, though. He had to work his way up to being comfortable with that. Luckily, you were a patient person.
Or, three different scenarios in where the archer shows progress in his comfort with you.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre-prison (on the road); pre-Alexandria; Alexandria, pre Saviour arc.
Warnings: Swearing, migraines, mentions of injuries.
Word count: 2.1k
A/n: @louifaith, the muse you are, feeding our Daryl obsessed minds with your beautifully crafted scenarios. I wasn't feeling well today (a migraine and I was pretty dizzy) and didn't get much writing done, but this idea deserved to be written. There's a bit of Eugene slander in this but it's because I don't really like S5 Eugene. He's way better in the other seasons imo. Anyways, I hope you like this!
The cruelty of life seemed endless. With the stability and safety of the farm being something of the past, having to scavenge for scraps and having to move from house to house every few days, and with the impending arrival of Lori's little baby, everyone's spirits were diminished. Everyone longed for the comfort the farm brought for those few weeks you had all been looking for Sophia, everyone wanted a decent meal to satiate their hunger and although Lori's unborn baby was a reminder that innocence still existed, it was also a cruel reminder that you all needed to find someplace to plant some roots, and fast—especially if you didn't want to attract the dead with the baby's loud crying.
You sighed softly as you quietly followed behind Daryl, yours and his boots making clear tracks in the deep snow. The archer, as observant as ever, noticed your shift in mood and turned his head, eyeing you carefully.
“Ya alrigh'?” he questioned, turning his attention back to the tracks in front of him. Your relationship was pretty new, only having been "officially" together since the two of you had shared a kiss back after the fall of the farm.
You nodded, although he couldn't see you. “I'm fine.”
Daryl hummed, unconvinced. “Yer not fine. I know ya better than tha'.”
Your lips twitched up into a smile, walking a little faster to walk next to him. Daryl slowed his pace slightly to allow you to walk next to him at a steady pace, eyeing you as you adjusted your compound bow over your shoulder—a gift he had gotten you when you had mentioned wanting to learn how to hunt.
“I'm fine, I promise. I'm just tired, that's all,” you replied reassuringly, walking almost shoulder to shoulder with your partner.
Daryl shot you a worried look, fully prepared to head back. “If yer tired, we can go back. This trail ain't leadin' us anywhere, anyway.”
“I don't mean tired in the literal sense,” you corrected. “I'm just tired of all this moving around. Not knowing what our next meals going to be, if we even eat at all, not knowing when our current camp's going to be overrun with walkers, not knowing when Lori's baby's going to be here... It's mentally exhausting. We all need a break.”
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod. “Yeah,” he agreed. “We could do with a couple' of days where we ain't gotta worry.”
Before you could respond, there was a snap of a twig ahead of the two of you. Instinctively, you and Daryl raised your respective weapons in the direction of the noise, expecting to find a walker staggering towards you. However, instead of coming face to face with danger, you saw a small deer walking over to something in the distance.
Daryl raised his crossbow, aiming to take the shot. However, your hand on his arm halted his intentions. He shot you a questioning look, but you only hushed him and beckoned for him to follow you. The two of you slowly crept closer, the scene before you becoming clearer. The small deer made its way to what was presumably its mother, nuzzling against her legs.
You smiled softly at the sight. Despite the fall of the world, beauty still remained. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl was thinking the exact same thing at that moment, but he wasn't looking at the deer. He was gazing at you, taking in your radiant smile, the sparkle in your eyes, just everything about you. You truly were beautiful to the archer.
Hesitantly, Daryl brushed his hand against yours. Your smile widened but you made no move to grab his hand, not wanting to scare him off. You moved at his pace, and whether he held your hand at that moment was his decision.
In the end, the only thing he did was link his pinky with yours, and it was a perfect moment for you. In your mind, that was really good progress for a man who wasn't familiar with giving or receiving comfort. You'd wait as long as you needed to for Daryl to be comfortable around you. You'd never push him, never.
The road seemed endless. You listened to the incessant yapping from one of your newest companions in your group of ragtag survivors, Eugene Porter, and had to resist the urge to tell him to shut up. Despite the euphoria and relief that came with reuniting with your group and having new members that could help you all, you were tired. Not just physically, but mentally, too. It was so much worse this time around than when you were initially on the road two years back. You were sporting a bruised cheek with deep cuts and scrapes littering the rest of your body, and you had a raging migraine.
And Eugene's droning wasn't helping matters at all.
As if sensing your deteriorating resolve at not biting the poor man's head of, Rick finally called for a break. “We rest here for now. We'll get moving again in an hour. Everything you want to do, do it now. Once we move again, we're not stopping until nightfall.”
Everyone soon dispersed, some heading to a nearby creek to refill the water supply, some starting a small fire to heat up some food and some even laying down on the hard ground to get some much needed sleep. You walked over to a tree and slid down against it, resting your head on your knees, willing the migraine away.
You soon heard a rustling next to you, before feeling a body sitting down next to you. You didn't even have to look up to know it was Daryl—the archer's presence was something you had grown used to and you could identify him anywhere.
“Hey,” he greeted you quietly, loosely hugging his knees. “Ya alrigh'?”
You hummed, lifting your head to look at him. “I'm fine,” you replied. “I just have a migraine.”
Daryl nodded, his face showing sympathy for you. “M'sorry we dun' have anythin' fer yer migraine. I know how bad they can get.”
You smiled and shook your head, placing your hand on the ground beside you, right between you and Daryl. “It's okay. It'll go away eventually. It's not that bad, as long as Eugene's quiet.”
Daryl chuckled, eyeing the aforementioned man who was sitting near the campfire. “Yeah, he's quite annoying, ain't he?”
“No, he's alright. He just needs to learn to be quiet from time to time.”
Daryl hummed and quieted down, simply basking in the early afternoon heat under the shade of the tree while the two of you observed the survivors going about their chores. However, Rick soon called for everyone to regroup, and you and Daryl got up to follow behind him.
You and Daryl walked at the back, giving you some semblance of privacy, and some semblance of relief from Eugene's rambling as he was at the front with Abraham and Rosita. Slowly and hesitantly, Daryl moved closer to you and brushed his hand against yours, before slowly interlacing his fingers through yours.
You smiled up at him, and he returned the smile with a small one of his own. It may not have been the first time that you've held hands with the archer, but it was the first time that you've done so with people around. Although Daryl slightly manoeuvred the two of you in a way that your locked hands wouldn't draw attention if people weren't directly looking at you, it was still a big deal for you. He was starting to show you off publicly. Although people back at the prison knew you as "the hunter's girl" because of an incident where a guy flirted with you and Daryl put him in his place, PDA wasn't something they ever saw from the man. He preferred to keep that part of your lives private—so this simple gesture was a big deal.
You squeezed his hand, a gesture you and Daryl had come up with to quietly tell the other "I love you". Daryl smiled softly and squeezed your hand back.
You truly loved this man, and he had shown countless times that he loved you, too.
“You guys should come over again. This was nice,” Eric told you with a smile, him and Aaron walking out onto the porch with you and Daryl.
You smiled at him and nodded. “We will, especially if you're going to be serving that spaghetti you made again. It was delicious. Seriously, thank you. It's the best meal we've had in a while.”
“No thanks necessary,” Aaron replied, waving you off. “It was our pleasure.”
Daryl nodded, moving to shake Aaron's extended hand. “Thanks. This was a hell of a lot better than tha' party at Deanna's woulda been.”
Aaron nodded and withdrew his hand again, allowing Eric to take his place before moving over to give you a hug. You returned it before giving Eric a hug too, and then pulled back.
“We should get going. Once again, thanks for tonight.”
“Once again, it's our pleasure,” Eric laughed. “Goodnight, guys. We'll see you around.”
“Goodnight,” you greeted them.
“Nigh',” Daryl responded, turning to you and subconsciously extending his hand to you.
You smiled at him but didn't say anything, not wanting him to change his mind about it. You slipped your hand into his and walked with him down the porch steps and into the relatively quiet streets of Alexandria, music from Deanna's party playing very faintly in the background.
You and Daryl didn't instantly go home. You simply walked through the streets, familiarising yourselves with the community. Daryl never let go of your hand; he had even brought your hand up to his lips once to kiss your knuckles, and your heart swelled with love for the man.
The two of you had run into a couple of the people in the community who were returning to their homes after the party, and you had suspected that Daryl would pull his hand from yours, but he never did. His grip on your hand seemed to tighten slightly during your interactions with those people, seeking your comfort around people he didn't know. It made you feel special, important. It made you happy to know that the man you met back at the quarry trusted you enough to bring him comfort.
Later that night, when the two of you returned to the empty house and retreated into the sanctuary of your shared basement, snuggled up together under the covers was when you finally addressed what he had done. Daryl was laying with his head on your chest, absentmindedly tracing shapes and figures onto your hand.
“You held my hand today,” you told him, softly threading your fingers through his freshly washed, brown locks, the shower having been courtesy of your skillful convincing.
“Mhm,” Daryl hummed absentmindedly, nuzzling his face deeper into your chest.
“In front of people,” you said, eyeing his reaction carefully.
Daryl simply glanced up at you, his face not revealing anything. “Ya want me to stop doin' tha'?”
You shook your head. “No, I like it. It's just a little out of the ordinary for you, and it took me by surprise.”
Daryl was quiet for a few moments. “I always wanna hold yer hand when we're walkin' together. I jus' never had the courage to. Dun' want people to overreact when they see it. But, I dunno... I love ya and I'll be damned if I dun' hold my girl's hand 'cause of wha' people think.”
You giggled and kissed the top of Daryl's head. “So I can expect an increase in handholding?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah.”
You smiled at him. “Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I love you, Dar.”
Daryl placed a kiss to your chest, before laying his head back down. “Love ya more, sunshine.”
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hidtired · 5 months
Unfortunate Timing [Part 2]
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: You found out your pregnant early into your relationship with Daryl Dixon. To make matters worse? The apocalypse happens a few days later! (not fully canon)
4.2k words
Warnings (Pregnancy, gore, abuse, violence, fluff, walking dead stuff, ect.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 etc.
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A single moment can change your life, change the world. Everything only seemed to get worse. The quarry was a group of survivors that had formed. You and the Dixons were outcasts, at least it felt like it. The girls seemed to see you in low regard being pregnant. The men were no better. They saw you as a burden. The feeling of people talking behind your back stressed you out. Being pregnant also didn’t help. You felt tired all the time, also being plagued with morning sickness. Which is a stupid name when it happens all day. Throwing up in a world were food is now limited also leaves you uneasy.
You also see that stress weighing on Daryl. It wasn’t long ago he struggled with the fact of having a kid. Now seemed even more terrifying. He was becoming short tempered, to his credit only snapping at you once but regretted the way he almost made you cry. “No! I won’t take a break I have to keep going out there for food! You’ve been throwing up half the shit I’ve already gotten for you!”
He didn’t mean for it to sound like your wrong for doing so, he knew you couldn’t help it. He saw the glassy film come to the corner of your eyes. His heart tugged. You were in your tent you shared, sat on the sleeping bag with your head shamefully down. “No, no. Come on…” he angled your face back up to met his. He sank to his knees in front of you. “I know you can’t help it. M’ just trying to say you need more. I just want to make sure you’re gettin enough.” You had asked him to stay because he was rarely around. He was out alone looking for food and you couldn’t help but see every time he came back a little more on edge. He was getting into his head to much out there.
He knows you’re having a hard time. With being pregnant at this moment in time how could you not. You had tried to talk to the mothers of the camp for advice on anything, they didn’t bat an eye to you. You had looked for support and were denied it. He saw that you were being treated like a Dixon. Something he was familiar with, and something Merle also understood. Merle became more chill around you. No more sexual comments or sexist remarks. Doesn’t mean he is any less better to be around. He treated you like a sister you thought. He still was an ass. Making mean comments or complaining about something you did. But he had become family.
Andrea was your biggest pain. She seemed like she had something to prove. She hated the traditional female roles that had been pushed onto the girls. You understood her disliking for Merle but she attached that to Daryl and you as well. She didn’t say outright mean things but subtle jabs. Week after week it was chipping at your demeanor.
So here you are now, you think almost 3 months pregnant. Seeing Daryl was the highlight of whenever he appeared. You sat in your tent with him getting ready for his 2 day hunting trip for a deer he knew was near by. He sighed feeling your eyes on him, “Yer breakin my heart with that look.” Your smiling face replacing your sulking one, “I’m just missing you already.” You stood up, “You should see something before you go.” He turned to you questioningly. You pulled your shirt up over your stomach and turned to the side, “I know I haven’t seen myself in a mirror for a while but, I think I’m showing?” You looked up from your little bump that you could see spotting the surprised face he was making. He gulped before talking, “Ya sure are…” he walked closer placing a hand to your tummy. You saw his teeth were clenched. He felt the weight of pressure crushing him,
“We are doing are best, that’s all I could ask from you.”
He left for his hunt a little less stressed. You also saw Merle off later into the day with the first group run to the city. “Hey do me a favor and don’t get yourself killed.” Merle turned to you, “And have those freaks naw on m' sweet ass?” You chuckle as you walk away, “Let’s just hope you remember your ass from your elbow!”
The day progress like any other. It had just become the afternoon when the sound of the radio chirped on. It cause some disagreement about making a sign to warn others about the city. You just went back to minding your own business. You helped boil water taking notice of Lori trimming her son’s hair. You spoke up noticing the displeased look on Carl's face, “Going for a mohawk Carl? Or maybe you’re thinking bald.” His nose scrunched up at the thought. You laugh at the reaction, “Bald people run faster.” Carl smiled, “Nuh-uh!” You shook your head and shrugged, “How do you know if you won’t try.” He looked to his mom, “I’d rather have hair than be faster!” He said it to his mom like he tried convincing her to not make him bald. Lori smiled at her son, “Ya me to, but if you keep moving you might be bald at the end of this.” He straightened and stilled, but he still spoke, “I hate haircuts…”
Shane came and sat down looking at you briefly. “One of these days you’ll be missing your mother’s hair cuts.” Carl rolled his eyes, "I'd like to see that day!" It had initially shocked you that Shane wasn’t Carl's dad. You always assumed for how close they were and how often they would walk into the woods together. Then it put a gross feeling into your mouth that his father had only recently died. Shane was his apparent best friend and coworker. But it wasn’t necessarily wrong, you just didn’t like to think about it often.
After finishing with boiling water you handed it to Carol. You felt sweaty and all around unpleasant. You needed a nap. You said to Carol that you were going to lay down if they needed to find you. You woke up to arguing. The group that went out had radioed saying there was a problem. Everyone was scared for their respective family that had gone to the city. You felt a pit form in your stomach. The hormones in your body already swarming causing you to be unable to control them. You picture what happened to your Aunt in front of you. Sometimes it still feels as if the blood was still on your face. The thought of knowing she was one of those things walking around somewhere. Maybe they all were already dead like her. You weren’t exactly thrilled about Merle as a person but, you knew deep down he was another person to help protect your baby.
You decided there was no use in stressing yourself, so you went and distracting yourself with chores. Laundry, moving fire wood to our fire pit, took a walk near the perimeter, which now leaves you here at the waters edge. You used the cool water to help with the swelling in your feet and ankles. Week after week you had the sense that being pregnant is going to really suck farther down the road. You fiddle with your knife while swaying your feet in the water. Lost in your own world when an echo starts to ring out throughout the quarry.
The car alarm got louder so you slipped your shoes on and walked back up to the camp. You saw a red car and Glenn standing outside of it. Shane opening the hood and pulling something to stop its beeping. People were yelling at him for answers when a van appeared, ‘so everyone made it back.’ It was a relief to stop the constant thought of the worse. You couldn’t help but notice Merle nowhere to be seen. But that thought was pushed aside when you heard Carl scream,
You watched with a smile at the reunion of the Grimes family. Also taking notice of Shane making a weird face. He probably was feeling sick to his stomach and you thought it kinda deserved. He did persuade his grieving wife. The thought was interrupted by T-dog coming toward you with a concerned face. You clicked something was wrong, then started to look around. Merle was still no where. The sinking feeling of realization hit you. T-dog watch as understanding washed over you. A hand over your mouth, “W-where is Merle?” A few others turning at the mention, Lori’s husband taking the most notice. T-dog spoke first, “He was putting all of us in danger. He was cracked out of his mind.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, ‘I told him to behave.’ You inhale trying to calm yourself, “He dead?” T-dog shook his head. You nodded looking at all the pears of eyes on you. Your eyes were shiny but nothing fell. You huffed and walked back to your tent. While you were upset about Merle being gone it wasn’t about that. It proved how fucked this new world was becoming. A world your child would have to be in. Suddenly being pregnant with them seemed like the safest place for them. Your thoughts of how it would suck later in pregnancy and 'couldn’t wait for it to be over' stopped. Your child is the safest it will ever be in its life. That terrifying thought scared you.
It wasn’t until later when the sun began to set that you had calmed. It was cold and you wanted to sit by a fire. People were surprised when you appeared and sat with them. You had over heard parts about what happened to Rick. But at the sight of you got them talking about Merle. It was Dale who brought it up, “Who is going to tell Daryl Dixon about his brother?” Rick glanced to you then back to Dale, “I will. I’m the one who handcuffed him.” Then T-dog shook his head, “Nah I dropped the key, makes this one mine.” Based on that information you started to piece what happened on the run. That thought stalled to a stop when Glenn stated, “Not to make it about race but maybe a white guy should tell him?” Is that what they thought about Daryl? They just assuming he is like his brother? You huff in anger, “Really Glenn? He is not racist. He’s only the person that, you know, been feeding all of you.” Glenn turned sheepish at your harsh tone. You stood, “But you know, leave his brother for dead seems like a good trade for how much he has been doing for all of you people!”
You visible deflate mood switching on a dime. You move a hand to your small bump, “Sorry I know you probably had a good reason, Merle is a hard ass.” You sunk back down enjoying the fire too much to go to bed. Rick’s voice spoke calmly, “Your pregnant.” He stated it more as a realization. You look to his shocked face, clearly thinking of how unlucky a timing it was to be. You chuckled speaking sarcastically, “Keep up with those observations and you’re sure to make detective.” His eyebrows drawn in by thought, “Merle was the father?” Disgust washing over your face, “Ew. God I take it back.” Everyone was surprised at your blatant dislike for Merle. They knew Daryl was the dad. You start to clarify, “Daryl is the dad.” You took notice of there original reaction, “Look I don’t like Merle anymore then you probably do. Half the time I don’t think Daryl does either! But he is still at the end of the day my family now.”
Peoples lack of trying to talk to you has put there own version of you in there head. They thought you were quiet and jumpy. Questioning if they did talk to you they would do more harm then good like with Carol. Now the few talks they’ve had or heard from you made sense. You were out spoken and just tired from being pregnant. You stood up again feeling awkward. “I’m going to bed, figure out what to say to Daryl. Maybe watch out for a punch or two.” So you walked off to bed. You were happy you could see Daryl in the morning, but the thought of him learning of his brother broke your heart. You tossed and turned most of the night with the thought.
The light shining through your tent lead you awake. Still trying to cling to as much sleep while feeling drowsy. Then you heard Carl and Sophia screams. You sat up and tried to get to your feet causing a wave of dizziness. The shuffling of stomping feet telling you people were running over there. You slip on shoes taking a moment to become alright with gravity again. Amy and Andrea walked away when you walked over a voice caught your attention, “Its gotta be the brain, don’t youall know nothing?” You smiled glad Daryl is back. When you turn the corner however you weren’t expecting a walker and deer to be sprawled out dead on the floor. You made eye contact with Daryl when the smell of the walker pulled a gag from you. The smile being wiped from your face as a hand comes to your mouth. You immediately turned back around and walked away.
Daryl was well aware of how sensitive your senses have become. You can’t handle anything raw at the moment. He noticed a week into the quarry how you would look at something raw, something that never bother you before, and it would make you queasy. Speaking of raw he should probably get the squirrels ready. He sighed watching you walk away with a love sick hopelessness washed on his face. Something that people have never taken notice of before. So he called for his brother to help, so he could get to you sooner. That's when all hell broke loose.
You heard the calls for Merle hearing Daryl walk back. Then you saw all the guys surround him. Then you watched him pace back and forth. You knew that was a coping thing he did so you decided to stand closer. By the time you had walked over he threw the squirrels he’d caught at Rick. You didn’t even have a moment to yell his name when the former policemen jumped him and pinned him. Shane putting him in a headlock and Rick getting in his face. You yelled in displeasure,
“Get the hell off him!”
It was the loudest anyone has heard you, also the angriest. Shane had glanced to you before releasing his hold on him. Daryl sprung back up frustration clear on his face. When he turned to make sure you were behind him you caught a glimpse of his eyes becoming glassy. T-dog chimed in from the earlier conversation you didn’t hear, “It’s not his fault, I dropped the key.” Daryl’s voice strained, “You couldn’t pick it up?!” T-dog looked down guilty, "Well, I dropped it into a drain. But before I left I chained the door shut." Daryl shook his head and started to back up, "That supposed to make me feel better! Hell with all of y'all, just tell me where he is so I can go an get him." You hated to see him upset. You weren't expecting Lori to pipe in and volunteering her husband to take Daryl there. Rick said he was planning to go back anyways saying it was wrong for anything to suffer like that. Shane being the typical hard ass and self employed leader strongly disagreed. With a few others joining it was decided, they were going to get Merle back.
You were finally alone with Daryl again. He still seemed riled over everything but also you could see he was getting emotional. He was turned around facing away from you. You slowly wrapped you arms around him, holding him from behind. He slowly turned into you resting his chin on your head and arms going over your shoulders. You felt him release air, sinking into you. He try's to hide it but you see he is exhausted. You saw he felt like he had to prove something to you, or maybe just to himself. He released you with avoided eye contact. He took a moment with you and collected himself but, he was still a man on a mission.
You watch as Daryl throw things into a bag and refusing to met your eye to avoid whatever look that would break his heart. They were about to take off back to the city and into danger, so you stopped Daryl by putting your hands to his chest. He spoke before you could, "Look I have ta go get him, I know you don't want me goin-" You cut him of by grabbing his face, "When you see him again you tell him I warned his dumb ass, and when you get him back here I'm going to chew him out for this!" He looked at you stunned. You use your grip on his face to drag him into a kiss, "And you better comeback here without a scratch!" He smiled at you, eyes soft, he kissed you again.
"Yes Ma'am."
They had left hours ago and you had that uneasy feeling again. You respected Rick more then anyone else at the camp and he just got here. He was a decent guy but feel bad watching Carl's worried expression. Lori even flipped that he was going right after she herself said he was. Mood swings on that girl, and your the one whos supposed to be pregnant. Jim was off digging which concerned a few. It led to him tided to a tree for his own safety. Granted it was the only eventful thing that would probably happen today. Unless a swamp monster dragged itself out of the water you and all the girls were doing laundry in. Although Ed was a close to one. It was a welcome distraction all the same. To have girl talk again was essential to any girl and none can say other wise. Most of the girls seemed like they could now talk to you and it was a relief.
Although Andrea kinda still sucks the life out of fun, "So how did you end up pregnant?" Most girls look over to her wet laundry in hand and displeased looks by the question. You tightly rung a shirt and looked at her in the eye, "Well, I think your a little old for the birds and bees talk." That gained an eye roll from her but chuckles from the others. You smiled before giving her the answer you are sure she was trying to dig for, "I found out a day before the fall." The thought making you think of your Aunt. You continued on anyways, "Daryl and I hadn't been dating that long I'll be honest, so it wasn't exactly planned. Then I thought it was the end of the world." You look around to the thoughtful faces around you and shrugged, "Turns out I was a day off on that though." It was lighthearted from there, mentions of things that they missed from before. Carols unexpected and less then innocent choice sent waves of laughter throughout the lady's. That fun was crushed by the swamp monster known as Ed.
It lead to something you didn't expect. His sexism rubbing everyone the wrong way. Making Andrea questioned what he did instead of sitting on his ass doing nothing. Which while true and agreed with it lead to him to try to take Carol away and most likely go hit her. When Andrea challenge Ed in doing so it left a sinking feeling in you. You were uncomfortable with confrontation, probably do with the way your parents had treated you. Even with the sinking feeling you try and pull Carol behind you. The exaltation of his action were unpredictable, "Think I won't hit some pregnant whore?!" That was the first swing. It almost fully landed grazing your cheek. Carol had used the arm you had on her to tug you back before he swung. The frightened yelps and yells grabbing the attention from those farther. Carol now stood slightly in front of you, your cold damp hand moving to your warmed cheek he clipped. Ed now focused on his wife slapping her and trying to drag her away but the other girls now stepping in and clung to her. You didn't even see Shane before he pulled Ed backwards and began to lay punch after punch into him. Everyone but Carol were stunned into silence. Carols cry's and the grunts coming from the men filled the air. So maybe Jim wasn't the only thing that was going to happen today.
Everything was tense after that. With the amount things gone wrong and the still missing members that went to the city, moral was low among the group. Later in the evening Amy and Andrea had gone fishing catching dinner. The sun drifted closer to fully set as the fish was cooked with one question still in there minds, 'Where were they?' The smell of the fish left you gagging and need for fresher air. You found you way back to the water to dip your swollen feet in the water again. It wasn't a unusual thing you did, you did it often. Knife in hand and legs swaying in the cool water. The light dissipated making you aware you should get back soon. You had heard laughs by the camp so moral was rising from the stressful day. You used your cold hands to press to your reddened face from almost getting flattened out by Ed. Daryl would will not be happy about that. You had pulled you feet from the water shaking the water off them to put your shoes on. Then the day got even worse. A scream ripped threw the air making you turn to the sound. You see outlines of figures in the dark. You feel fear crash into you.
There were even two coming closer to you from the woods to the side of the water. They had almost snuck up on you if you hadn't looked around because of the scream. A tremble was in your hand as you gripped the knife you had. You slowly back away, hearing gunshots off in the air. Daryl had taught you this for this moment. He had grilled this into you in fear that maybe he wouldn't be around to protect you. The first walker was a thin women, the other a male missing its arm and limping. You lunged the knife into the women's eye. Your knife breaking by the blade as the women fell over dead. The snapping of the metal was like slow motion, the other walker steps away from you. You step back bare feet getting hurt by the jagged rocks. You had looked down spotting a larger rock and hurriedly pick it up.
You remember the motions Daryl had showed you for self defense but had never practiced them with him. He didn't really like the idea of rough housing with his pregnant girlfriend even if it was for your defense. You reached and tugged the one arm the walker had and tripped the thing in the motion. It was flat on the floor about to get back up and grab at you. However, rock in hand you threw downward blows one after another even after the thing stopped moving. Blood splatting all over you shirt and down your arms. The buzz of adrenalin causing your hands to violently shake when you stopped swinging. The urge to cry was strong but you notice the now slue of gunshots that had increased stop. The silence broken by the yell and worried cry for your name.
Your body fluttered at the sound of Daryl. Still bare foot you ran up the gravel hill and yelling back to him with emotion in your voice, "DARYL!!!" You had made it to the top getting to see him wipe around to your voice. His crossbow dropped to the ground as you both booked it toward each other. He didn't know what to think when he couldn't find you after the last walker fell. The inability to find you cracking a desperate hole into his chest. When he heard you and saw you running to him relief flooded him. As he ran panic rose again seeing you dripping in blood. Inches apart he heard your desperate sobs before crashing into one another. He pulled you off your feet lifting you into him. His voiced stuttered out, "Are you bit?! Are you ok?!" You voice quivering as you sucked in a breath. "I'm alright-t." He felt you shaking like a leaf and whispered into you, "I've got ya, nothin is gonna hurt ya." You had barred your face into his neck now crying in relief. Daryl helped you get cleaned up, that night you clung to him while everyone 'slept'. A moment can change everything, and it was clear to everyone after today.
They were no longer safe here and things were only going to get worse.
Part 3
Feedback welcome and requests open!
@daryldixmedown @aureolinb @the1eyedmonster16 @lettersfromyourlove @felicisimor
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heathermason6060 · 2 months
Serial Killer!Daryl Dixon x f!Reader Smut: Teeth and Pearl earrings
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Warnings: serial killer daryl, rough smut, inconsiderate smut, NO noncon, stalking, stealing, mentions of killing
Summary: Daryl can't decide if he wants to kill you, or fuck you. Switches between Daryl's and Readers POV.
Notes: SO SORRY ITS LONG This was really fun but really challenging to write, I tried to keep him as in character as possible, but that's hard when making him a serial killer lol! I'm making this a two pt, with the reader finding out in the next part.
Some days Daryl thought his luck might run out. He'd been lucky for too long. As far as he knew, no one suspected a thing. Every time he'd go out “hunting”, no matter how long he was gone for, he'd always managed to bring back something. Deer, rabbits, squirrels when prey was scarce. 
It was easier now that the world had ended to keep it a secret. No threat of cops catching on, no more cameras on every street corner, no need to try to erase every possible trace.
The only thing he found to prove difficult had been finding a place to keep his trophies. He didn't really have a preference, hair, a tooth, or a piece of clothing, it was something he didn't understand the meaning of but something he did each time. He kept it in his room in the vent above his bed, behind a few boxes of books. The week prior he took it down to put the wedding ring of a man who tried attacking Rick out on their supply run, he’d had to restrain himself and keep the stabbing to a minimum because of Rick's presence. 
He found himself growing uncomfortably interested in you. A revelation that he really, really didn't like. You were off limits, you were one of Rick's closest friends, you'd been there way too long. And you clearly hadn't done anything deserving of the things he daydreamed about doing to you, unlike the victims he’d killed before.
The more he tried to push those thoughts away, the stronger they came back. His hands around your throat, the way your eyes would tear up as you struggled against him and the fact someone you trusted so much was the one ending your life. 
His eyes followed you over the flames of the campfire as you took your plates and went inside. Aaron had hosted a little get together in his yard in Alexandria, cooking dinner for everyone in celebration of the newest addition to the town. Some nobody he found out there on their own, who jumped at the idea of joining a large group of people. 
If Daryl had to kill you, he’d keep a lock of your hair. 
He couldn't stop staring at it as you went inside. His mind flooded with flashes of pictures of it, his hand in it, stroking your soft locks before grabbing a fistful and putting a knife to your throat. The way you'd squeal and beg, squirm against him as he presses the edge firmer into your skin. 
He bit the inside of his cheek and looked away after you disappeared in the house you shared with Maggie and a few others. 
It was like you were practically begging him to follow you. 
Five different times that week you'd gone out on your own to ‘clear your head’, whatever the hell that meant. 
First time he heard Glenn mention to someone that you'd just gone out beyond the walls, he wanted to follow you. The idea was far too tempting. But he didn't, he knew damn well he couldn't trust himself with you all alone, no one to hear you scream. 
The fantasies he had begun to form disgusted him. He didn't just go out and kill any random human he felt like, he had to have some sort of rules or else things would get out of hand real fast. If he were to get caught, it needed to be someone Rick wouldn't think twice about him killing. Some raider, or any kind of piece of shit who'd be a threat to their group. He needed to have a fallback, worst case scenario one of Alexandria caught him. 
Second rule, none of his people. Ever. His morals were questionable, if he had it his way he'd go out and hunt down any human he came across outside those walls.
But never his people. In a hypocritical way he did care about them, in the same way that any normal sane human being would care about their family. He could never even dream about hurting any of them, he’d rather die. But they had to earn that place in his heart. 
It was a wonder you hadn't been killed by anyone else yet. The way you walked through the woods with your light pink sweater, leaving tracks in the leaves that a blind man could follow, and that fucking humming. He could easily track you with his eyes closed for miles with the way you kept humming. 
You'd gone into an old shack in the backyard of an abandoned trailer.
A part of him felt angry then, how were you so stupid? If it had been someone else following you, and not Daryl, who knows what they'd do to you? And you'd have no idea until it was too late. 
He paused at the thought. If he wasn't careful, that's exactly what would happen. 
He followed you home about half a mile behind the entire time. When you were at the road that led to the gates he turned back, deciding it was the perfect time to go hunting. 
The crossbow on his back weighed heavier than it normally did as he slunk down into the underbrush at the forest's edge. He hadn't decided on what animal yet, but the frustration and confusion alone caused by you made it pretty easy to guess. 
He wiped the blood from the molar before he tucked it in the box in his vent, and decided to pay Maggie and Glenn a visit.
The house was completely empty, so he let his curiosity get the better of him.
Your room was pretty. 
Your bed, a whopping full size mattress, made his pull out look like a military cot. You had an array of paintings on your walls, he remembered some of them. As soon as you got your own room in Alexandria you went out on runs with Glenn and Maggie just so you could decorate it. 
His eyes went from painting to painting, then to your dresser. You kept it unexpectedly neat for someone who behaved so sloppily in the woods. Your journal, a small glass box you kept your sentimental jewelry in, a few makeup products. What drew his attention was the jewelry box, he could see the pair of pearl earrings you used to constantly wear. You never took them out back then, not even to sleep. 
Orange bled into a dark purple against his face and he blinked, coming back to himself in front of your bedroom window. A strange confusion twisted in his gut when he realized he'd just been standing there, staring out your window for so long the sun had set.
You weren't stupid, or blind. 
You'd have to be a fool to not notice the way Daryl had been taking interest in you. 
There'd been several times in Alexandria where you'd be busy doing something, turn around and see him standing off in the distance, staring at you like fuckin’ Michael Myers. 
If you'd go on runs and he came with you, you'd often glance at him to see him already looking. He'd always look away, pull out a cigarette and act like he wasn't just burning holes in the back of your head. 
You'd come to the obvious conclusion that he had a crush on you. 
What else could it be? You'd always thought he was really hot, men like that were hard to come by. Quiet, observant, strong as hell, he’d do anything for the people he loved and he wasn't an annoying pervert who'd suddenly turn into an asshole if you rejected him. Not that you'd ever reject him. 
Each time you caught him staring your heart would race and you'd try to give a friendly smile, but apparently he was too shy for that. Which sucked, because of all the men you could have the hots for, Daryl was the most unapproachable and intimidating. 
“Hey, have you guys seen an earring laying around anywhere?” You asked at dinner, glancing around the table. Carol had invited the inner group over for dinner, she'd made pasta and cookies. 
You could never get enough of Carol's cookies. 
“What's it look like?” Maggie asked beside Glenn, the two of them looking at you thoughtfully from across the table. 
“Just a pearl earring. The one's I always used to wear.” You took a sip of your sweet tea, looking at the other faces to see if any of them had a split second look of recognition. 
“Not that I can remember.” Glenn cleared his throat and shook his head after swallowing a heavy mouthful of alfredo pasta. 
“I'll keep an eye out for it.” Rick tipped his head to you, nodding slightly before continuing eating. You smiled in return, knowing if anyone was likely to find it, it’d be him. 
He'd grown very fond of you recently, the image of you had shifted in his head from another person he was responsible for, to a dear friend he could trust with his life. Mostly due to the way you were with Carl, always doing your best to be a figure of comfort to him. Not as close as he'd grown to Michonne, but more of a young aunt who takes too much interest in art and jewelry.
“I haven't seen you wear those in a while.” Carl spoke up. 
You sighed when no one had any leads. “Yeah, I know. Just been worried about losing them, they're pretty important.” You took the last bite of your cookie, dusting your hands together before speaking again. “It's really weird, they were both in my jewelry box last time I checked, but this morning there was only one.” 
“You think someone stole one?” Carol's voice held a tight tone of suspicion, her eyes narrowing so slightly you could've missed it if you blinked. 
“No, I mean, no one goes in our house besides you all. And I know none of you care about a single earring.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek in deep thought. 
You felt that familiar sensation of warmth on your cheek, like someone had a hot iron near you. 
You turned your head to your left, met with Daryl's eyes from his spot at the end of the other side of the table. 
To your surprise he didn't look away like he usually did. He kept his gaze steady, his elbows propped on the table and his hands clasped together in front of his mouth. 
You didn't feel butterflies like usual, and your cheeks burned for a different reason. For the first time you were the one to look away. 
Rick had put together a group to scout out further into town for more resources. The usual suspects, Aaron, Sasha, Rosita, Abraham, Daryl and of course, you.
He hadn't made up his mind on if he was glad or not. He'd been stupid, feeding the sparks of his mild obsession, and that pretty little pearl earring he kept in his jeans pocket felt like twenty pounds of red-hot metal.
They'd set up camp for the night in the woods right on the outskirts of town. Abraham had set up mediocre sound traps around the small clearing, and Daryl couldn't help but snort when you walked right into one and the cans failed to clash together. 
Fire was a dumb idea too. 
Daryl had started to remember why he preferred being alone. Aaron was too used to the safety of the Alexandria walls. 
Abraham told him he'd better put it out after dark, also throwing in a passive aggressive insult, and Aaron stuttered out an agreement. 
It was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes off you. He sat across the fire from you, watching you smile and laugh and joke with Rosita like you were two young girls in summer camp.
As the flames of his fixation on you grew, so did his confliction. 
He had no problems with you. He'd barely even paid attention to you before you'd arrived at Alexandria, you were just another background character in his story that wouldn't make a difference if you died or not. But you'd grown close to Rick and Maggie, two people he cared about. So by extension, he cared about you too. 
He wasn't sure when it started. It kind of just happened over time.
He was always an outside observer, keeping details of each person he knew on a list in his mind. 
But you, he couldn't think of any reason you'd be so special. It was obvious you were smoking hot, he wasn't blind. But he'd seen his share of beautiful women. Maybe it was the fact you seemed to always have luck on your side, you could go out singing in the woods and never run into any trouble. 
If the two of you weren't careful, that luck might change tonight. 
Abraham and Aaron were busy looking at a map of the town and figuring out what pathing they'd take in the morning. Sasha and Rosita were sitting on their bedrolls cleaning their guns and talking about meaningless things, he didn't care enough to listen. 
You were the odd man out. Just like him. 
Sitting in the dirt on the other side of the fire, fidgeting with a stick in front of you while you thought. 
He could tell you knew he was staring at you again. And judging by the way you were forcing yourself to keep your eyes on the stick you were drawing circles in the dirt with, you were trying your best not to look up. 
He didn't expect you to look up. He almost let the confusion show on his face, caught off guard by his incorrect prediction. He saw the way your cheeks flushed even though the light of the fire made your face glow orange. He flared his nostrils at the sight, why'd you have to make it so damn hard?
His heart dropped when you suddenly stood and walked off into the woods. 
No one had even noticed, too wrapped up in their conversations. Another thing that succeeded in his self restraint slipping away. 
Daryl followed after counting three minutes in his head. He'd really hoped you'd come back before then, praying you'd be lucky enough to slip back through the trees before he got to his feet. 
It was dark in the woods away from the campfire. 
He could hear you a few yards ahead, your boots crunching lightly on leaves despite your attempts at being quiet. 
He kept his distance, just following the sounds of your footsteps and the slight silhouette of your body, the moonlight seeping through the treetops barely grazing your hair and shoulders. 
This was way too natural to him. 
Now out here you were just like any other victim, but it brought him comfort knowing there'd be no way he could hurt you and get away with it. The two of you disappear off into the woods at night and only Daryl comes back? He might think the people around the fire made stupid decisions sometimes, but they weren't stupid enough to not be suspicious of him. 
Maybe he could say walkers got you. 
He clenched his jaw when he realized he was at such a desperate point that an idea that stupid even crossed his mind. 
The sound of your sweet voice made him physically recoil, his hand falling from the knife in his belt that he didn't realize he'd been gripping. 
He could barely make out your figure in front of him. You were facing him, maybe six feet away, standing underneath a large pine tree. 
There was no use in hiding. Your eyes would've adjusted enough by now to see the shape of him. 
Finally, he answered, his voice coming out in more of a growl than a human speaking. “Shouldn't be out here alone.” 
There was silence before you filled it with the crunching of your footsteps moving towards him. 
His body tensed as you drew closer, now able to make out the pretty features of your face. An image of you flashed in his head, blood running down your nose and lips, tears in your eyes, your fingernails raking down his wrist. 
“I just needed a minute to clear my head.” You said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, like you weren't out in the dead of night stomping around loud enough for any walkers within a five mile radius to hear. 
Daryl said nothing, his eyes fixed on your face as you slowly crept near. Although he hated not being able to read your expressions, he was thankful for it, because he was hanging on by a thread and if you even showed the slightest hint of fear, he'd snap. He wouldn't be able to resist if your lips trembled, or if your eyes widened and you stuttered a single apprehensive syllable. 
But as his eyes adjusted even further, his mouth ran dry and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He felt like he'd been slapped in the face. That would've been less of a stun than the look you were giving him, standing only a few inches away from him. 
Your plan had worked. You'd been plotting it ever since Rick paired you up in that group, the silent attention Daryl had been giving you ended up driving you mad. You found it absurd that all it took was a few stares to make you feel like he was some A list celebrity giving you special treatment.
Maybe it was a little stupid the way you went about it, but the curiosity eating you up inside didn't have you thinking straight. Walking off into the woods was one thing, but at night? In woods so thick you could barely see your hand outstretched in front of you? Blindly trekking through the leaves in the mere hope that he'd follow you and make a move? 
You hadn't had sex in way too long. 
Yeah, that was it.
That's why you were making the decisions of a dumb bitch in a horror movie. But at least it was Daryl you were after, you knew you'd be fine if you ran into trouble. 
You thought you'd be fine.
Emboldened by the darkness and privacy you'd secured for yourself, you approached him. Your heart hammered against your chest, and you had to bite your lip to keep from panicking, the fear of rejection or a humiliating scolding almost made you change your mind. 
Your eyes strained in the dark to make out the features of his face. 
He looked almost expressionless, but there was something in his eyes, something that had your steady breathing turning into shuddering breaths coming from your mouth. His gaze looked like a textbook example of ‘dark’. Your heart felt like it was literally about to explode, and when you saw his upper lip barely twitch, you let out an accidental sigh, too exhilarated to feel embarrassed with yourself. 
He was right in front of you then. You'd crossed every single inch of ground that separated you, and you could smell his signature scent of cigarettes, smoke, those spicy little mint leaves he'd chew on for his oral fixation. There was a hint of male musk as well, just barely there after a day walking outside in the woods. 
You could see his chest rising and falling more dramatically now. 
He was still dead silent, his eyes never leaving yours, even as you looked over every inch of him. You'd been biting your lip so hard it started to ache, and so you released it, your mouth opening to speak, you yourself unaware of what you planned to say.
The sound of Abraham’s whistle signal breaking through the thick silence had you feeling like you fell out of a plane. You sucked in a gasp and pulled your hand back from where it hung inches away from Daryl's chest. 
Daryl's posture snapped into something so different it gave you whiplash. He was Daryl Dixon again, the sight so drastic you couldn't help but feel unnerved. 
He whistled back before looking at you once more. It was still too dark to tell if he looked relieved or disappointed. “C'mon.” 
Keeping his distance from people had never been a problem for Daryl. But what you did that night had permanently altered something inside him. 
He didn't know if he wanted to fuck you or kill you. Maybe both. 
You became his new favorite pastime. 
When everyone fell asleep that night, he sat with his back against the same tree he'd been sitting under for hours, his eyes keeping their unwavering stance on your sleeping form. All the while he imagined hundreds of different things to do to you. 
His mind kept going between strangling the life out of you, watching it bleed from your eyes. Or the other one, the image where he was burying his face between your legs with his tongue and teeth sucking and nipping, licking till it became too much and you begged him to stop.
He carefully planned out his next encounter with you over the course of days. He acted it out the night of a “party” at Aaron and Eric’s house, so focused on his plan he didn't even know what they were having a party for.
Daryl didn't care if you caught him staring anymore. That night in the woods he could practically smell how bad you wanted it, it didn't matter to him anymore if he disregarded all basic manners.
The last time there was a party in Alexandria was when Rick's group joined. Daryl hadn't gone to that one, the feeling of being an outdoor cat watching indoor cats eating their fancy wet food too much for him. 
But he'd do anything to continue this little game with you. It was new, and there were no rules. 
For the most part he was his usual self, sticking to the side and keeping enough casual conversation to blend in. The perfect balance between himself, and the part of him that imagined in great detail all the sounds you'd make. 
He took a sip of the beer Aaron forced in his hands, his eyes looking back to you. 
You looked like a fresh cut of meat just waiting for him to sink his teeth into. 
The dress you wore hugged every single piece of your body, fitting you in a way that was almost poetic, but it was modest enough that it didn't draw unwanted attention. You were beside Rick most of the night, happily chatting and drinking champagne in a way that oozed confidence. 
Every now and then you'd look at him, and he'd savor all the details of the way your confidence faded into something he didn't have a word for. You looked nervous, but hungry, like someone reaching out a hesitant hand to stroke the pelt of a tamed predator. 
Daryl wanted to bite that hand, hold it in his harsh jaws while your other one stroked his fur. 
You played your part well, after most of the formal greetings and casual conversation had been taken care of you slipped out the back door. 
He counted three minutes in his head before making his exit, which was stopped by Carol.
“Leaving already, huh?” She gave him a knowing smirk, unaware that her assumption he was just bored was incorrect. He'd never been more entertained. 
“Yeah, shit ain't for me anyway.” He played along with a nonchalant shrug, pulling a lone cigarette from his shirt pocket. “Done enough already just by comin’.” 
Carol nodded, that smirk still on her face as she looked at the people standing around making friendly conversation. “Don't get into any trouble. Don't wanna help you hide bodies again.”
Daryl snorted, the cigarette bobbing between his lips. If there was anyone he'd come to for help hiding bodies it definitely would've been her. “Yeah yeah. Night Carol.” He gave her a pat on her shoulder before turning sideways to fit through the cracked door. 
He hadn't expected you to be so good at this. He'd been prepared to walk down the steps of the porch and see you standing down the sidewalk, waiting for him like he was your prom date. 
You weren't too good, though. He found you rather easily. The bottom of your heels left slight little indents in the dirt, leading between the houses, down the street, and right up to the sidewalk in front of your house. 
His heart rate sped up a little when he remembered that house was completely empty, all but you.
Or so he thought.
You weren't anywhere to be seen. He checked every room, growing increasingly irritated when each one turned up nothing. He was about to give up and just head home when he checked your room one last time. 
Something caught his eye, a blade of grass, his eyes followed the bits of grass to see those black heels sitting under your dresser, taking the place of your boots.
You tried to keep from anxiously picking at your fingernails as you stood behind the thick underbrush at the woodline, watching for any sign of movement along the outside walls. 
There was a spot at the back wall near a platform no one really watched anymore, which is where the both of you had gone to leave without being seen. 
You were beginning to think maybe you'd read him wrong. Your heart skipped a beat as you remembered that look he gave you at the party, it was impossible to describe. He was lacking any sort of expression, but in his eyes held this darkness that made swallowing your champagne hard when you'd seen it. The way he leaned against the wall near a group of people, his eyes steady and fixed on you, you could only decipher that as a look of craving for something he'd been wanting for a long time.
If you hadn't been looking at the Alexandrian walls, you would've missed it. For a split second you saw a flash of dark clothing, even darker hair, and you darted from your position behind the thickets.
Thankfully it wasn't as dark as that one night. 
The sun had dipped down below the trees and out of sight, but it left just enough light for the sky to be a dark blue. The full moon made it even brighter, and soon you were in one of the houses right outside Alexandria. 
You stood in the living room and waited. You'd already checked the house for walkers before this, not keen on the idea of a growling monstrosity of green and purple flesh ruining whatever might happen there when Daryl arrived. 
If he arrived. 
You were beginning to think maybe he wasn't coming. The heavy front door was open just a few inches, you'd wanted to be able to see him approach the house, to take him by surprise, maybe giving him the same fright he'd given you countless times.
Suddenly, the air grew heavy. You felt that feeling again, like you were in danger, the feeling you might get being stalked by a large cat. 
There was a breeze behind you, and you recognized it as a draft from the back window being opened. 
Although it was happening behind you, your mind raced as you played out the scene. His hands bracing against the walls on either side of the window, his first leg dipping over like a spider emerging from its tunnel. 
The tap of a boot meeting the wood floor under the window, so light and careful you almost didn't hear it. A second foot, he was in the house, only across the room from you. You held your breath as the footsteps drew near, slow, deliberate, you could tell just by the timing of his steps he was approaching you like a leopard closing in on a wounded deer. Confident, patient, nearly sadistic.
The feeling of his breath on your bare shoulder sent chills through your body and goosebumps down your arms. It was cold and barely there, you felt like if you turned around you'd be met with an empty house.
His fingers were just as light as his breath, tracing the thin dress strap over your shoulder, down and to the middle of your spine. 
Never in your wildest dreams did you think Daryl could be this confident in this way. He acted like every antagonist in a romance novel, dark and self-assured with every move he made. 
You felt yourself relaxing as you leaned your back against his chest, feeling the leather of his vest on your skin, as well as the buttons on his black shirt. 
The feeling of his hand snaking over your shoulder and up to your neck succeeded in sending every last drop of blood in your body down between your legs. You were fully prepared for the best slow, deep, mind-blowing sex of your life, but that quickly changed when his hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed.
It wasn't a firm and sexy squeeze, it was a ‘wait that's actually way too tight’ squeeze. 
Your eyes shot back open but you tried to keep your cool, your hands instinctively reaching up to grab at his wrist.
Apparently, Daryl didn't like that. 
He suddenly had your back pressed against the wall of the living room with movements so quick and precise it made your head spin. You looked up at his face, lit with a dim blue light from the windows, searching for any signs that would be cause for panic. 
He decided to give you that reason you were looking for, and wrapped his hand around your neck again.
For once, Daryl wasn't fighting some internal battle on if he should kill you or not. 
He'd made the decision as soon as he crept in the window and saw you standing in the living room, facing the front door and biting at your nails. 
That decision wasn't final, though, you had the power in your hands to change his mind. 
Hopefully you'd be as lucky as you always were. 
He looked down at your face as he kept his one handed grip on your throat, burning the image in his mind. Your eyes were wide and full of this otherworldly beautiful fear, so much uncertainty it made his already hard cock twitch. 
Your hands were still on his wrist, as if it gave you some sort of control, something he found endearing. You still trusted him, you still thought you had a chance to regain the control you thought you had this whole time.
“This what you wanted?” He breathed, looking from your eyes to your lips. Your face had turned a shade darker from his grip, your lips turning a pretty hue of red. “Wanted me to hunt you down, and then what? Huh?”
He watched for your reaction, waiting to see how you'd play the hand you'd been dealt, and to his pleasant surprise you managed to nod. 
Daryl's hand loosened just enough to send the blood back to your head and you sucked in a deep breath, before letting out a trembling whimper. 
His lips twitched into a soft smirk, and he dipped his head down to press his lips against yours. You kissed him hungrily, swallowing the growl from his throat as your bare knee pressed against the aching bulge in his jeans. You moved it in firm circles, and he decided that earned a returned gesture.
He used his knee to roughly spread your thighs before giving you the same treatment. The whine that drew from your lips, and the way your eyes rolled back in your head, had him letting out a deep groan. He ground his knee up between your legs, long enough to feel the wetness seeping from your panties and through his jeans. 
You didn't get a chance to tell him about the bed you'd cleaned upstairs for this. Which was unfortunate, given you'd gone out of your way to do so, not that he would've cared anyway. 
He grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, fingers finding the zipper of your dress and unceremoniously pulling it down to your ass. Your heavy breathing fueled his desire and he grabbed a fistful of your hair before yanking your dress down with his other hand so fast it burned. 
With the grip he had in your hair he forcefully guided you onto the floor, releasing you only to settle between your thighs and slide his hands up your bare chest to his favorite part of you. 
You got that look on your face again. Lust blown pupils, breathing softly through your mouth. You still hadn't figured it out yet, that you could very easily be in danger. 
This time he used both hands. 
A yelp got choked from your throat as he squeezed, allowing himself a few seconds to please himself. The white of your eyes turned a light pink at the edges, a few beads of tears forming there as well, the sight making his dick throb. 
He released your neck and you gasped, sucking down lungfuls of air as your head spun. You felt like you were on a carousel the way you got so dizzy. 
While you regained your bearings he unbuckled his belt and took out his dick, his right hand wasting no time in giving himself relief. You took the opportunity to slide off your panties, and when he saw the glistening of your wet folds in the deep blue lighting he growled. The sinful sound earned a whimper from you, and he refocused on your face to see a pitiful look of impatience.
Daryl switched to stroking himself with his left hand, and guided the tip up through your slick folds. He savored the way you looked then, biting your bottom lip as you prepared yourself. 
Instead of giving the satisfaction he pulled his tip back and carried on fucking his hand. As soon as your eyes opened and you went to protest, his free hand went right back to your neck.
He loved the way you looked then, desperate and pathetic, so full of frustration it leaked out through tears in your eyes. He squeezed hard, completely cutting off blood and air to your brain, tugging his dick faster as you squirmed.
Daryl lifted up his knee to pin one of your thighs to the floor in an effort to keep you still. He took his hand away from his cock and spit in his palm, wasting no time in getting back to touching himself. 
He could've easily come right there. If he wanted to, he could keep squeezing just a few more moments, and your squirming would've stopped. He could spill his load on your stomach and effortlessly slip into his cleanup routine, but aside from the fact that part of him didn't really want to kill you, the way you orgasmed had him fucking frozen.
He hadn't even touched you, but you came. 
Your eyebrows scrunched together and the leg he didn't have pinned down wrapped around his waist, your hips rolling in a desperate attempt to get friction against your clit. He relaxed his hand from your throat and you let out this bubbly whimpering sound that made his hips instinctively jerk forward. 
Daryl watched you, holding his breath without realizing it. She just came from you chokin’ her. The words repeated over and over in his mind as you rode out the last waves of your orgasm. 
He had to snatch his hand away from his dick to keep his own orgasm at bay. Not yet, not a chance in hell, not after you just did that. You deserved something for showing him the hottest thing he never would've thought possible.
His body went on autopilot. He slid down from your body, planting kisses in a trail from your neck to your naval, down to your thighs, then back up again. He buried his face between your legs, not giving you a moment's notice or time to recover. He swirled his tongue around your clit, grazing his teeth against it before sucking it between his lips.
You bucked against him like a wild horse, the stimulation so much your body didn't know how to react. It was desperate, finally getting some stimulation, but you'd just had a world shattering orgasm only seconds before. He wrapped his arms under your thighs and pulled you down against his mouth again, his grip tight to keep you from squirming away again. 
The only control you had was your ability to choose what to do with your hands. Your fingers wrapped around clumps of his hair, winding up so tight it made his scalp burn. 
He growled in response and took your clit between his teeth, holding it there as a stern warning, only letting it go when you stopped pulling so damn hard.
If he had the power to freeze time for everything but the two of you, he would've eaten your pussy for hours. But he settled on just long enough to pull another orgasm from you, sliding the tip of his tongue from your throbbing clit to the new trail of slick cum dripping out of you. 
Daryl didn't give you time to recover from that one either. As soon as your cry faded out he flipped you on your back, ignoring the yelp of protest you made when your hip bones dug into the hard floor beneath you. 
The only warning he gave you before shoving his cock into you was a quick slide of his swollen tip between your puffy folds. Just right enough to lubricate the head, and then he drove it in.
The way you groaned in pain from the stretch almost made him cum right there. He stilled inside you, not for you to adjust but for him to fall back away from the edge. The benefit to you was just lucky. 
“Fuck.” It was the first time in a while that he'd spoken, and it was solely due to the way your hot plush walls squeezed his dick like a fist. 
He should've known you'd feel like that, he hadn't seen you with a man the entire time he'd known you. His chest shuddered with his ragged breaths, and once he was ready he put both hands flat on your upper back. He put his weight there, keeping him upright so he could lift his hips and fuck his dick into you with all his weight.
Your arms slid out in front of you, your hands grasping for something, anything, you needed something to hold onto.
He wouldn't grant you that kindness either. He rested his knees back on the floor on either side of your thighs and grabbed your arms, bending them painfully behind you. When he held your wrists together at the base of your spine he started fucking you again. 
Each rough snap of his hips drove a whiney moan from you. He liked that a lot, it sounded similar to a different type of crying, and he slowed down to keep his dick from getting friction burns. While you used the opportunity to squirm under him in an attempt to get more comfortable he spit on his fingers, letting it drip onto the base of his cock before changing positions once again.
He moved your arms up over your head and laid down on top of you, the weight of him pressing down on your back pushing all the air from your lungs. 
Your check rubbed against the floor as he started thrusting again, this time settling on a new pace, rough and fast despite the fact he barely drew his dick out. If he wasnt fucking you so roughly, the feeling of his head resting against yours would’ve given you butterflies. You became acutely aware of the closeness, there wasn't an inch of space between your bodies, and every grunt and groan he made had his lips brushing up against the side of your ear.
He used his hips to grind his dick inside you, the new motion drawing filthy gasps and whines from you from the way his tip seemed to roll and dig into each and every crevice inside you. You'd never felt anything like that before, so used to the normal thrusting. He only pulled back about an inch, rolling his hips in a way that had you shamelessly moaning. 
Daryl moved your hair from the back of your neck, pushing it up and away before leaning down to dig his teeth into the skin right at the base of your neck. He bit hard, something you didn't expect, and you cried out in pain, your body jerking under him. 
It was hard for you to breathe with his full weight on your back. The heat of his body gave you uncomfortable hot flashes, adding to the sweat you'd already made. Your hair stuck to your forehead and you made an attempt to push it off, which was made difficult when he changed paces once again.
He started drawing out further now, but he'd just drive back in harder, faster, causing your body to grind roughly against the wood floor. The skin over your hip bones started to burn as well as your nipples, something you found almost agonizing but shamefully pleasurable at the same time. 
He fucked you like that until you came for the third time, now around his dick. He pushed himself off your back and used his hands on your shoulders to keep you pinned down, watching as he breathed through his mouth at the way his cock disappeared inside you. 
You were lucky he felt like a new position. 
He waited until you stopped writhing under him from your orgasm before grabbing your thigh to turn you on your back. 
Relief washed over you as the pain in your hip bones faded, only to have that relief taken from you when he grabbed your waist and yanked you up and off the floor. 
Your feet didn't even touch the ground, your body swaying as you tried to get a sense of gravity, Daryl's hands tight on your sides as he took you to the couch. 
All you could do at that point was relax and let him move your body for you, your hands shaking against your chest as he sat you on the arm of the couch. You let him push you down on your back, your ass and legs dangling over the arm for a few dizzying seconds before he grabbed your legs and held them around his waist. 
Daryl pushed his dick back in your abused pussy and groaned, gripping your thighs tighter so he could pull you closer to him.
Your back arched almost uncomfortably, your hips angled up against his pelvis, the only part of your back that touched the cushions of the couch ended up being your shoulders. You were thankful you could at least breathe now. 
Daryl was skilled at taking small bits of relief like that away. 
He leaned down and bit your already sore nipple so hard and so suddenly you nearly shouted. Your hands instinctively went to grab his hair for support, but he leaned back and your fingers fell from his face. 
He was proud of the new angle. Your pelvis tilted up and him fucking down into you sent him as deep as possible, and soon he began fucking you rough enough that it bordered closely on too painful. 
Lucky for you, you liked it. Your walls burned pleasurably from the dragging of his dick, and he started speaking again. 
“Look at you, dirty little whore.” He teased as he looked down at your abused body with a grin. Your nipples and hips were red from him fucking you into the floor, your neck equally as red from the force of his hands. 
Your sweet, sweet pretty face, twisted up in a mix of pleasure and pain, your cheeks red, your lips swollen, streaks of black makeup running down your face. The sight made him seriously consider picking up drawing, because that look was, without a doubt, the best thing he'd seen in his entire life. 
“Daryl,” You finally plucked the courage to speak to him and he raised a brow, impressed, he'd gotten used to you taking it so well without any complaints. “Too much.” Your voice broke as you whined, another orgasm bringing you to shambles. 
He snorted as he watched you come around his dick yet again, your words asking for mercy but your body clearly asking him otherwise. 
“You can take a little more, yeah?” Even he was becoming spent, his heart banging in his chest so hard he could hear the blood in his ears. He slid his hands down your sweaty chest to your breasts, his dick twitching inside you at the way you cried when he pinched that same sore nipple. 
“I don't know,” Another wave of shivers overcame you, eliciting exhausted, long and shaky whines. Your body couldn't process going a little under two years with little to no sexual activity, and then suddenly being mind numbingly overstimulated with the most exhilarating sex you'd ever had in your life. Each time you thought you'd gotten used to it he'd pull the rug out from under you, either by causing pain or giving you more pleasure that you knew what to do with. 
As if on cue you felt his flattened hand smack the side of your face, demanding your focus. Your eyes struggled to find him, your vision fuzzy and wobbly, but when you looked up and saw him your heart fluttered. 
“Look at me. C'mon.” He didn't want you passing out on him, that took all the fun away. 
Despite the obvious fact he had a clear disregard for your comfort or discomfort, the way he was looking down at you sent butterflies through your stomach and chest. His pupils were so blown with lust that you couldn't see the pretty color of his eyes, and his eyelids were heavy with the approach of his orgasm. His lips, glistening from the way his tongue had darted out to wet them, parted as he huffed in ragged breaths. 
You could tell if he had a picture of you like this, he'd be reacting the same way with just his hand. The thought had a moan bubbling past your lips. 
“C'mon.” His hips snapped forward roughly, jerking in a break from his steady aggressive rhythm. You cried out from that, your hands finding the sides of his dangling belt to grab onto like the reins of a horse.
He'd held back his orgasm as long as he could, but the sight of you shaking and trembling under him, exhausted and overstimulated, he couldn't last much longer. Your face twisted in discomfort as he fucked you faster again, your hips suddenly doing their best to wiggle up and away from the frenzy of his dick. 
You'd managed to get a few short moments of relief, sliding backwards until his dick nearly slid out.
His upper lip curled in disbelief, and he shook his head, scoffing at you. “Don't be a baby, you can take it.” You were yanked back down on his dick, the sensation of being forced back into overstimulation had you moaning in distress. 
You nodded your head feverishly, setting your jaw as you looked up at the ceiling, trying your best to keep it together. But each time his hips would ram into yours it made his crotch slam against your clit, and it got too much, your breathing sped up as the panic of overstimulation set in. You really tried then, actually tried to wiggle away, and to your surprise, and much needed relief, he stilled his hips. 
You were expecting him to maybe find a better way to restrain you, or put you in a position you couldn't move from, but he just used the moment to catch his breath before his demeanor changed completely.
“Hey, hey, shh.” The sweetness in his tone made you whimper, your eyes falling closed as he comforted you. It felt so fucking good, you found yourself willing to do anything and everything to feel that tenderness some more. “Yeah, that’s it. Good girl.” He cooed as your breathing slowed and your fingers stopped shaking.
Daryl released your thighs and with unexpected ease, he slipped his hands under the arch in your back, picking you up and moving so he could sit down on the couch, keeping you stuck on his cock the entire time. 
The new position of being on top sent a fresh wave of pleasure flipping in the bottom of your stomach, the tip of his dick pressed right at the end of your walls.
It wasn't painful like you'd felt before when your cervix was accidentally hit too hard, quite the opposite, the feeling of pressure was so strangely good you found yourself pushing down with all your weight, desperate to feel more. 
Daryl tossed his head back with a grunt at the feeling, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and biting it. His hands took their place on your hips, his fingers digging deep into the soft skin there. 
He'd only switched to this position because his legs were getting unsteady, but the way you looked above him was something he didn't expect to enjoy as much as he did. 
He took a second to catch his breath before he planted his boots firmly on the floor, pressing his back against the couch, and when he was perfectly leveraged he used his hands to keep your waist hovering above him, using the angle to fuck his dick up into you so hard you immediately came again. 
The way you came for the fourth time made his jaw drop. 
He watched you through heavy lidded eyes, taking in every second of it as he breathed through his open mouth. The way your face tensed up in twisted concentration, and then the way it dropped as you fell apart, your mouth falling open with a guttural moan that put every single goddamn porn video he'd seen to shame. Your eyebrows scrunched together, your mouth hung open in such a beautiful ‘O’, he broke. 
He let go of your waist so your full weight would slam down on his cock and he came, his head tilted back against the couch, his dark hair falling away from his face. 
You watched his face the same way he'd watched yours, rolling your hips down against him as you drew out every wave of the strongest orgasm you'd ever had. He looked fucking beautiful. You'd do everything in your power to get him like this again, but this time with your camera. 
His orgasm literally shook him. He clenched the skin over your hips in a tight grip, using it to keep you as tight as possible against him. In those few seconds his mind went blank, almost devolving him into an animal. Those instincts wanted to keep you there on top of him, so he did, rolling his pelvis to fuck his cum deeper into you. 
Daryl held you there until way after he came down from his high, only releasing his grip on your skin when he felt his dick grow soft. 
You couldn't move off him if you tried. Your legs felt like you'd lost all muscle mass, same with your arms. Your body slumped forward and you fell against his chest, your nipples burning as they rubbed against his shirt and vest. 
His arms wrapped around your torso, squeezing your body tight against his, his hips giving a few last weak rolls up against you. 
It took you both a while to catch your breath, the mouth breathing leaving the two of you uncomfortably thirsty. 
He made the first move when he realized you couldn't, and he slid your body off of his into the seat beside him. He sat there for a few more seconds before he carefully put his tender dick back in his pants. 
His belt buckle clinked noisily as he fastened it, his fingers shaky and inaccurate.  He watched as you slowly rose to your feet and grabbed your panties, the rising and falling of his chest gradually slowing. 
The sight of you struggling to climb into your dress had him feeling a smug sense of satisfaction. He chewed on the skin around his thumb, watching you slip your feet into your boots before you leaned against the wall next to the front door. 
You looked at it and faltered, realizing that the two of you had been pretty loud. When you looked back to him with a concerned expression you were just met with an uncaring smirk, the man now on his feet and wiping the sweat from his face with the top of his shirt. He grabbed his crossbow from the floor and flung it over his shoulder before leading you back home.
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grimespial · 3 months
Same Differences.
Daryl Dixon x Younger Male reader who has the opposite coping mechanism
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At first he thought you were just some kid like Glenn, uncomfortably positive
Probably a good family, good education, friends and a girlfriend
All he knew was you always wanted to help. The task didn't matter really, as long as you could help it was good.
And you could talk. No amount of glares or one sided conversations could get you to leave him alone.
But then he sees your scars, theyre like his, but clearly not as old, they almost mimic a rib cage with how they wrapped onto your chest.
They could almost be played off as some sort of purposeful scar, but he knew how scars aged and healed.
The physical ones that is. The emotional ones weren't something he knew how to deal with, but you seemed to do fine with that.
He was jealous. You looked happier, healed, better than him.
Until you just broke down in front of him.
You asked to help with cleaning his bolts, or his clothes, you could even skin whatever he caught
He snapped at you, everything was piling up on him and you just kept talking, he couldnt tell you to go away but he needed to stew in his feelings, even though it never helped in the long run.
Tears just pooled and you still tried to pretend they weren't there, before smiling and leaving.
It took Daryl a while to put it together that you wanted to feel useful, help people, and it made him feel shit.
He never realised how used to your presence he was, it was part of the routine, you would both just do tasks in eachother's presence
Daryl ended up apologising, and was not very subtle with looking at your scars
When you told him the story, it was suprising how similar you both were
The relationship just came along by itself, you two were practically stuck together, if one of you were going somewhere, the other would end up being brought along.
Daryl was sitting closer than usual when you just went for the kiss before leaving thinking you ruined it.
And when you avoided him, Daryl realised how he felt, he found himself looking for you without realising
When you're dating, Daryl gives you tasks to do, if hes skinning a deer, he'll ask you to clean his bolts
He takes you on runs, finds anything you can do because he knows you want to be useful, and praises you
But when it comes to kissing, you're in control, a complete opposite of your normal behaviour, making Daryl feel good is plenty enough
Daryl is practically ready to fight anyone who insults you, it's worse for him when you dont even realise that someone was insulting you
He's almost like a guard dog when it comes to other people, he just wants you to be happy instead of ending up like how he was.
You clean his hands and face if there's any blood on it, he tells you it doesn't make sense, he's already dirty, but you insist to do this little thing for him
Before the apocalypse he would've scoffed at acts like this, but it was something different with you, close to eachother while you hold him and clean him like he's some sort of doll
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fluffy-dixon · 6 months
Imagine Daryl holding your hand for the first time.
The woods were quiet, the only sound being the crunch of leaves underfoot as you and Daryl followed the tracks of a deer. The air was fresh with the scent of pine and earth, a peacefulness that belied the tension simmering just beneath the surface.
Daryl, usually so sure and steady, seemed out of his element. His eyes darted to your hand, then away, as if the very thought of reaching out was a battle with his own instincts. You could almost hear his thoughts, a series of ‘what ifs’ and uncertainties that held him back.
The silence stretched on, punctuated by the occasional call of a distant bird or the rustle of wildlife in the underbrush. Daryl’s hand hovered near yours, a hesitant dance of shadows in the sunlight. He was a warrior, a survivor, but in this moment, he was also human, vulnerable.
Finally, as you paused to examine a broken twig, Daryl managed to build enough courage to make a move. His hand moved closer, slowly, deliberately, until his fingers brushed against yours. It was a fleeting touch, but it spoke volumes. And then, with a quiet determination, he laced his fingers through yours.
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the-dixon-effect · 1 year
Daryl Dixon - idiots in love headcanons
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Daryl's never known anybody like you before. for the first time, a person has chosen him. you can make him feel loved just by talking to him, Hell, you can make him glow just by standing in the same room.
he thinks you're so beautiful. if love at first sight exists, which firmly believed it didn't before he met you, then this apocalypse was the best damn thing that ever happened to him.
it took Daryl a considerably long time for him to realise that his uncharacteristically affectionate feelings were love.
before Daryl realised he was in love, his brother used to constantly tease him about the way he was looking at you. he didn't even know he was doing it - "Whatchu givin' that girl puppy-dog eyes for, lil' bro?"
you two were definitely best friends before he confessed his love for you. you grew close during the prison era, and you were the first person whom he let his guard down in front of.
he can't stand to be apart from you. "If she dun' love me back, I can either be her friend or drive a thousan' miles west, an' never see y'all again," he had told Carol once.
his eyes inadvertently follow your movements, as if his subconscious felt like he needed to protect you.
everything somehow always comes back to you. a piece of jewellery he found on a run? Y/N would love that. the heating system in her house at alexandria's broken? he's fixing it tonight. in the meantime, he's at your door delivering a pile of woollen blankets. he spots a deer outside the walls? he's tracking it for days because he knows you love venison.
you love the way Daryl always steps into a situation to protect you. especially if it's another guy bothering you. he gets jealous so easily, and he doesn't even know it, like defending you is instinctual.
God forbid another man lays his hands on you. that motherfucker is already dead before you can object in the slightest.
Daryl is the only man you trust to talk about your issues with. he'd never pass up an opportunity to listen to your voice, but some of the things you tell him break his heart like nothing's ever done before.
you'll sweetly ask if he'd just hold you. and he wraps you up in his big arms and lets you cry softly into his chest while he places a hand in the back of your hair. rubbing sweet circles into the back of your neck. nothing could make you feel safer than Daryl's embrace.
after countless intimate moments like these, you start to wonder if he's like this around anyone else. surprise, surprise: he doesn't. and a part of him wishes you knew.
oh, but how much you adore him. you wonder if he knows how pretty he is; and how much you want to show him. his unkempt chocolate waves that perfectly frame his face, how much you'd like to tangle your fingers in them and kiss him all over.
you feel as though you owe him for all the times you've cried into his large, comforting figure. he occasionally brings up his past, his brother, his parents, and how much you want him to let it out. to hold him and wipe his tears away while you press soft kisses over his eyelids and cheekbones.
maybe one day, underneath some lucky constellations, you'd let each other.
taglist: @alldevilsarehere90 @poisonmenegan @radcollectivesoul @emilykolchivans @pinchoftheoutsiders
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Chapter 1 of the Blood Ties Series.
When Your Line is Crossed, I Get Off
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: The Quarry
Warnings: Poorly written smut (p in v), slight mention of injuries
Summary: Sometimes, you just need to let off some steam and you have your very own ill-tempered, complicated redneck to help with that goal.
A/N: Help, I’m stuck on Quarry/CDC/Farm Daryl and he’s got me in a chokehold. I like it.
Moodboard by @dannyo000 💙
*gif is not mine
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It should have made you feel ashamed; guilty, even. You were putting your family at risk. You had been for weeks. The Turn had brought out the worst in humanity. Rapists, murderers, plunderers. You had heard at least one story of each every single run into the city you made. 
You despised the city, even before the world went to shit. You had grown up in the woods. Being from a small no-name town meant sometimes it was necessary to find your own food. You helped your dad with a small garden, helped him hunt. You took over doing both when the car accident took his leg. Your mom had split when you were a toddler, so your dad was everything. You made sure he knew that by stepping up when the time came for you to care for him. 
You had made sure everything he needed was packed before grabbing anything of your own. The two of you had left to meet up with your aunt and two uncles in the mountains. The further from strangers you were, the better. Family came first. 
That’s why the tree bark scraping your back while eight inches of redneck from a nearby camp slammed into your pussy should have made you feel all sorts of bad. 
Daryl was everything your father had told you to stay away from, but when you stumbled across one another while tracking the same deer, you felt drawn to him in a way that was unfamiliar. He had slung several insults at you that you had boomeranged with some clever ones of your own. You had relented that day, retreating toward your own camp with a watchful eye over your shoulder to ensure you weren’t followed. 
You met him twice more after that. He never seemed to hunt in the same area, which made sense. It also meant that you were bound to run into one another again. It was the second meeting when it changed. He was more tense and you could sense something was different. Even after only a couple of chance encounters, you didn’t feel threatened. So, you did what any girl in your situation would do. 
You offered him a blow job. 
Given your current position, he had obviously accepted. The two of you met up regularly now to “destress.” You never really found time for conversation but you knew two things for certain: 
Daryl Dixon was an excellent hunter. 
Daryl Dixon knew how to fuck.  
“Right there! Fuck, harder!” You clawed at his shoulders, angling your knees outward while your ankles remained locked against his ass. The angle pulled him deeper, his tip pressing even harder against that delicious spot inside you. 
As per usual, you were utterly bare. Daryl had an obsession with being able to touch every inch of your skin. Licking, biting, kissing with an eagerness that made you feel worshiped. He would leave marks that— like your abused cunt— pleasantly ached for a couple of days, only leaving you yearning for the next encounter. 
Daryl, on the other hand, remained clothed. You had never seen more than his cock and a patch of his lower stomach. It was odd and he had snapped at you to stop being a nosey bitch when you had questioned. If it hadn’t been for the shame you could see in those striking blue eyes, things might have gone much differently. You had yet to bring it up again. 
“Takin’ me so well. Can’t get enough’a this, can ya?” He panted against the shell of your ear, dragging his tongue over to your jaw before claiming your mouth. He was swallowing your moans, knowing how loud you could be, especially when you were nearing your end. 
“You feel so good—mmm, ah—inside me.” His grip on your ass tightened, his thrusts becoming harder, more desperate. 
“Yeah? That’s cause this pussy’s mine, ain’t it? Made just for me to fuck.” You could feel the heat churning in your lower belly, your walls fluttering around him as your orgasm crept closer. His words only made you burn hotter. “Say it. Tell me s’mine.”
“It’s yours, Daryl, it’s yours.” You whined, grinding your hips in time with his thrusts, desperate to feel that spiraling pleasure. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Do it then, woman. Cum for me.” Daryl breathed, already feeling you begin to clamp down around him. He knew from experience to place a palm over your mouth, your screams loud enough to scare the birds from their perches in the canopy. You cried out against his hand, clawing at his back before settling for gathering fistfuls of his tank top as you spasmed and shook in his hold. “Ah, fuck!” 
He followed you over the edge, his warmth emptying into you with each lazy pump of his hips. You both gasped, the feeling too overwhelming for either of you to fully grasp in the midst of the pleasure consuming you. Your walls continued to contract, milking every drop and pulling it further inside of you as the world went from a kaleidoscope of colors back to the quiet greens and browns of nature. 
The redneck was always surprisingly gentle when separating from you. He pressed one last kiss to your mouth, chaste and uncoordinated, as he pulled out and lowered your legs. It was almost intimate. Not something either of you had ever verbalized wanting, but it comforted you. It made you feel less guilty, less dirty, so you never corrected him. 
However, a line was crossed that needed confronting. 
You watched him tuck himself away, already inspecting the area for tracks, while you redressed. You had slipped on your jeans and panties, fastening your bra before you decided he wasn’t going to speak on it first. 
“You came inside me, Dixon.” He gave you a sharp look. He knew exactly what he had done, whether it was intentional or not. 
“Yeah, so?” He shrugged a shoulder and began gathering his weapons and supplies. You weren’t stupid. It had clearly been an accident, but Daryl wasn’t the kind of man to apologize easily. 
“I’m not sure if your parents ever had the talk with you, but what just happened more often than not leads to the creation of these things known as babies.”
“Ain’t stupid, Y/N. I know what it means.” He snapped, his body angled toward you but his gaze off toward the direction of his camp. 
“And if that happens?”
“Humor me.” You deadpanned, your own bag now snug against your shoulder and your rifle balanced on your hip. He began to gnaw on the side of his thumb, something he did when he was uncomfortable, you had noticed. 
“We’ll handle it.”
“We?” You smirked, earning a quick lift of his middle finger. 
“Didn’t stutter, did I, Sunshine?”
“Holy shit. You breed me like a rabbit and then give me a nickname? You got a ring in your pocket for me?”
“Fuck off.”
“Three days, midday.” You were nervous, but there was nothing you could do about it now. Daryl was acting like he wasn’t feeling it but his body language screamed otherwise. Maybe he wouldn’t even show up next time. Something about that thought made your heart a little heavier but you wouldn’t linger on that. 
“Alright.” He drawled, taking the first couple of steps away from you. It seemed he had something else he wanted to say, but in the end, he chose to keep walking. 
“Dixon.” You called after him, smiling when he looked back over his shoulder. “Bring condoms.” You were pretty sure that jerk of his head was a nod before he disappeared into the trees. You turned back toward your own camp, grabbing your string of rabbits. 
Your thoughts were consumed by Daryl the entire way back, wondering if you’d ever see him again after that day. Little did you know that he forewent returning to his own camp, making a single run to the outskirts of Atlanta to grab every box of rubbers he could get his hands on. 
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Chapter 2
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 3 months
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It was still dark out when you heard Daryl moving softly about your little camp. You shifted on your bedroll and smiled when his poncho slipped down off you as your propped yourself up on your palm. You rubbed at the sleep still keeping your eyelids heavy. "Daryl?" you called softly.
"Yeah, 'm righ' here," he drawled quietly, materializing in the low glow of the coals.
"Is everything okay?" you asked, your breath rising in a translucent cloud in the cold air.
He nodded. "Yeah. I heard somethin'. S'just a deer. Go back to sleep."
You studied his broad shoulders for a moment and a flame of heat wicked up suddenly in your chest. "Are you?"
"Uhh—" he shrugged. "I dunno. Not sure if I can. I ain't much good at goin' back to sleep once 'm up."
"Mmmm," you hummed, nodding. "Well," you went on, sitting up, "we can get warm again now and maybe that will help." You leaned forward and Daryl watched you throw some small sticks on the coals and stir them around, blowing the ash away. The sticks caught and soon you had fed the fire back to life.
Daryl sunk down a short distance away from you, chewing on his bottom lip. It was a nervous habit of his that you knew well. "Are you alright? Something on your mind?" you asked.
His blue eyes shot up to land on your face again. "Yeah... kinda..."
"You wanna talk about it or no?"
He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and ducked his head for a moment, trying to heave up some courage like an anchor from the depths. "Could—" he gulped, "—could you be happy... here with me? I mean," he suddenly became very interested in a loose string on his pants, "if I asked ya to—to stay? I know that would mean ya can't go back to Hilltop with Maggie. I know that... ya can't be in two places at once. But—"
Your face suddenly grew into an elated smile, and you seemed to brighten with a glow as it did. When Daryl hazarded a glance at you again, he couldn't look away. "Are you asking me to?"
He gulped again, but nodded. "Yeah. I am. I just—" his brow furrowed for a moment as he tried to figure out how to voice his feelings, "—I feel like part of me is missin' when ya ain't here."
Your expression softened and Daryl's heart raced. "I feel the same way. Exactly the same."
A cool rush of relief passed over Daryl. "Ya do?"
"I do," you said, nodding again.
Daryl thought he was about to burst he was so happy.
Prompt: "Could you be happy here with me?"
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lazyneonrabbitt · 7 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Requested : "Could you do a Daryl x reader where at first he doesn’t like her, and she tries to get to know why hes so mean to her? Maybe he yells at her and then some comfort after?" EDIT: I saw this same request being written by another writer and I want to say, don't send multiple writers the same exact request. I find this super disrespectful.
This one took some turns of its own while writing, I hope it's to your liking!!
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When his group first came to the community you were excited. Finally you'd have a real huntsman around to share experiences with, you had missed it so bad.
Before the fall your family owned a shop, your father a butcher and your mother a taxidermist. You and your siblings learned every skill from hunting to skinning, prepping and using each part of the animal so none would go to waste. You hadn't hunted in so long, you weren't sure if you still could hunt succesfully. Even now you'd donate large, strong antlers and bones to the blacksmith in Hilltop to use in weaponmaking. You donated the furs you didn't fashion into items yourself to the seamstresses and prepped each type of meat for meals.
But somehow the new hunter didn't take the shared interests as something positive.
He brought you animals, yes. But never without throwing a judgy look around your workplace. Even when he came in with someone else who'd compliment your clean work he'd only scoff, dump his kills and head back out.
"Sheesh, what crawled up his ass?" The large moustached man laughed. You only shrugged as you lugged the deer behind your counter. "Hell if I know. Ain't digging it out tho. He seems to be doing okay with everyone except for me.." You returned the laugh while the man who's name slipped your mind helped you put the deer on your workbench, only to quickly drop the fake smile and leaning against your workbench.
You thanked him with a sigh and he gave you that look that told you to spill your thoughts.
"Fine. It sucks he's so weird. It'd be awesome to have a partner to do all of this with and to go hunt with." You busied yourself sharpening yuour knives, clearly still annoyed by the whole ordeal. "And..?" The long winded drawl made you roll your eyes at the man's persistance.
"And he's drop dead gorgeous, okay? There. I said it. I have a crush on the man. Happy no-- Ah fuck!" Your knife hit the floor with a clatter as you grabbed at your bleeding hand.
"Alright, up and out withya. To the doc we go." You were led to the infirmary and passed the source of your annoyance on the way.
Not that you were listening, but you still caught his voice in passing. "Damn folk 'ere don't know how ta do shit." You caught his glance in your direction and if you weren't busy keeping yourself from bleeding out you'd confront him.
It was a clear message that you weren't allowed to use the injured hand for your work and risk pulling the stitches, and honestly it just hurt too much to do anything with it. It sucked even more than having to leave your old home behind. There were people counting on your work so they'd have food.
It didn't stop you from going to work and doing as much as you could one-handed. You got there extra early to make up for the extra rime everything would take now, and by the time you'd normally open you found Deanna on your steps, greeting you with her usual smile. "I knew you'd be here stil working, but I brought someone to help until your hand is better. You shouldn't be overworking yourself."
As quick as she had entered she had left again as well, leaving you with your new work companion.
The hunter.
"Good morning." You gave him the kindest smile you could, but were only given a grunt in return as he tossed a bundle of tied up small game on your desk, rounded the corner and fished for a knife to start taking them apart.
Besides you explaining where to put all the different parts of the animal you two barely spoke, until the snap of bone pulled you away from your focused work of skinning yesterday's deer. "The hell?" You turned around to go see what he was up to.
"What are you breaking bones for?" His station was a mess, he pointed at the difficult point he was cuting along. "Easier ta reach without the bone in the way." Without even looking he continued. "Ya should know tha'. Damn city girl doin' mah work."
Again with his snarky comments. You shrugged it off and went back to your own station. Yiur bkood bloiled but you weren't gonna let him get to you, you had work to get done. "Try not to do that, we can still use the bones if you keep them whole."
You tried so hard to focus on your work, skinning the deer with only one functional hand was so difficult and even though you were having extremely conflicted feelings about it you still had to ask him for help.
"Can I borrow your hands for a minute? Can't do this on my own."
You held the large deer up and moved it as Daryl cut away the skin in the most choppy manner, creating a clear line where you stopped and he started. "Can you please work a bit mote delicate? That's gonna take me ages to clean up." You huffed from keeping the deer in place, but also annoyance. Why didn't he work like a hunter? He must know the code, right?
"Why're ya so on mah ass 'bout how I work? Gon' toss it out anyways. Just need the meat, tha's it." He got snappy at the end and you just stared at him, anger clear in your eyes. "Seriously?"
You let go of the deer and stepped away from the counter. "You're sent to MY shop. To help me because I happen to fuck up my hand for the first time ever since I got here years ago and all you can do is talk shit about me?" The knife that laid on the desk before now in your good hand and pointed at his chest. "God I can't believe I even fell for your hunting woodsman charms. You're just an asshole who doesn't give a shit about these animals or the hunter's code." With a clatter the knife hit the floor as you tossed it to the side with shaking hands.
"Get the fuck out of my shop and go find me someone who cares." With angry steps you turned around and headed out of the room, needing a break to gather yourself first if you wanted to get anything else done.
Now alone in the workstation, Daryl snatched up his catch from this morning and headed out.
"You did what? Pookie you gotta listen to the girl." Carol sat down next to him and snatched the cigarette from his fingers. "You know you disrespected her life's work by now following her rules in her own shop, right?"
"I'on get why tha's even important anymore. We gotta eat, tha's all." Daryl's annoyed grumbles did nothing good it seemed as Carol continued to scold him like he was a child. "Did you for one second maybe think this work is all she has left to hold onto her old world self?"
"Cept this ain't the old world no more. She's waistin' time doin' all tha extra shit."
Carol was up and at the front door by now, putting out the cigarette in one of many ashtrays there. "Alright, up with you. You're apologizing with me right now."
The two took off to your shop but found no one there. Daryl's half finished rabbit still out in the open on the table while the deer was gone. "Ain't here. I'll head back tomorro--"
"No we're not. I know where she lives, come on." Carol practically pulled him along on the way to your place despite Daryl's protests.
You were working in your basement area when you heard a knock on the front door. "Come in!" Everyone who came to your place knew the door was unlocked and was free to come and find you, seeing you were either cooking, working on lounging when you kept the front door open.
"Hey, it's Carol! Heard about your hand, need some help around the house?" She needed an excuse to get an answer and find out where you were, so when you called back she knew to head downstairs.
Meanwhile Daryl just stared around to keep his mind busy. He found rabbit skins from prey he brought in wrapped around a pair of boots. He recognized the fur seeing it was a rare color. Further into your livingroom there was a deer pelt draped over the back of your couch. Also caught by him. The white spots over the back had one small flaw from where his bolt had struck right on a white dot. He remembered being proud of his aim for a minute that day.
"Daryl, come on." Carol's whisper-yell had him roll his eyes and as he passed your coatrack he noticed the hooks were all antler parts and the knives laying in the basket on the hallway table had bone handles.
So that's why you were so angry when he snapped the rabbit's leg and skinned the deer so carelessly. You did really use everything.
The two walked down the stairs to your workshop, Carol up front with Daryl following.
"Oh wow," Carol's exclaimation had you laugh. "Yeah, I get that a lot." You stood with your back turned, struggling to hang a piece of skin.
"Here, lemme help ya." Daryl's gruff voice was suddenly right behind you and you spooked, letting go of the pelt but Daryl caught it just in time, draping it over the wire. "Like tha?" His hands stayed up there and adjusted it to your liking, having stepped back to watch him and give Carol a questioning look. She just shrugged and gestured at the man who was again staring around the room. "What brings you here?"
Daryl looked at everything except you, he knew he'd lose all ability to speak if he did. Hell, he already had a difficulty getting his words out now seeing how wrong he was for not listening to you. "Came ta say sorry." He stared at the basket of furs labeled 'Donate'. "Shoulda known better than ta get angry. 'N I get why ya work thr way ya do now." Next to the basket sat a crate filled with thick, sturdy bones labeled 'blacksmith'.
You nodded and gave him an option. "Come back to the shop tomorrow. I'll have tou clean up that deer skin you almost ruined and you're following my teachings. I'll forgive you for wasting the rabbit."
Daryl chewed at his thumb, the other hand stuffed in his pocket and fidgeting with the fabric inside. "Yeah, alright." He nodded and looked over at Carol who had the brightest smile on her face. One that screamed victory.
"We'll get out of your hair, I'll bring by some lunch tomorrow at your shop." Carol waved on her way up, and just as Daryl was about to follow her you quickly spun around to grab something. "Oh, here." You held out a thin knife wrapped in leather, a small engraving of Hilltop's blacksmith on the handle. "I saw you took the rabbits, so if you haven't prepped them yet you can try this one. They're great for smaller animals."
He stumbled over his thanks as he accepted the knife and quickly headed out after Carol.
You were back at work early the next morning, painkillers and a small breakfast in your system already and hoping to finish that damn deer. It still proved a challenge to get it from the cooler onto the workbench but you managed eventually, just before Daryl came in.
"Mornin'." Hid gruff voice sounded through the workplace as he rounded the corner and placed the knife from yesterday on the table. "Thanks fer lettin' me borrow it. Worked like a charm."
You picked up the knife and held it out to him again, only to recieve a questioning grunt in return. "It was a gift. To keep."
Daryl never got gifts. Everything he had was scavenged and well taken care of for longer use these days. It felt weird to keep it but he thanked you again and pocketed it.
Meanwhile you had grabbed the deer skin and laid it out where he'd be working. "Look here, I'll show you how to clean this up and you'll go fix the rest, okay? It'll take a while but it'll be worth it." Daryl stepped up to you and observed the way you took the knife to the uneven spots of skin and carefully smoothed it all out. The precision in your work was impressive to say the least. "How long've ya been doin' this?"
You dropped a cut off piece of meat into a plastic container and thought back to the old world. "I guess ever since my parents thought I was old enough to handle knives." You held the tool out to the hunter and watched him take it from you. "Your turn. I'll be hopefully finishing that deer so just ask whatever, whenever."
You were lucky a lot of the cutting could be done onehanded, and holding back pieces was okay enough to do with your wrist or hold something down with your elbow. But now that you had all the easy access meats off and seperated you ran into a problem.
"Fuck.." You needed help. The same kind of help that had you kick him out yesterday.
"Sup? Need hands?" He was at your side in a second, waiting for your instructions.
"I need to take off the ribs but I can't." You leaned aside to point around the carcass. "If you can press down here, and there." Daryl followed your instructions and put pressure on the spots you pointed out. "Then I can take this here apart." Your movements were followed and suddenly it was way too hot in your always cold workplace. Yesterday you'd be happy if he decided thr Kingdom was a better home for him but now that he apologized and proved to better himself after your misunderstanding you were back to being the lovesick puppy Abraham had made you out to be when he brought you home after the infirmary visit.
With how Daryl held the spot clear and open you had to get close to chop through the bone and separate it all in workable bits.
"Can I take one a'those later? Michonne asked ta cook fer her kids cuz she's out 'n Carol's off ta Kingdom--" "Throw the kids an old world barbeque! I'll come help. I'm sure you're skilled in roasting over an open fire with how much you traveled." The excitement was clear in your voice, and the sudden compliments and offers of gifts and assistance had him nervously fidgeting. But thinking about having a fun experience with the kids instead of just cooking and having dinner sounded way better than his original plan, so he agreed.
"Ya got supplies ta fix tha' in half a day?"
The two of you cleaned up after finishing thr needed work and while you carried the prepped meats, Daryl had the bowl firepit on a kart together with the metal rack to hang over it. Yeah, he lived in a community now but he never guessed he'd be carrying around a whole barbeque setup like he was getting ready to throw a party in the old world. "Gotta drop by tha' house fer a sec, get Jude 'n RJ."
After he got the kids and you had everything set up Daryl got the fire started while you made a quick pantry run and dug through Daryl's kitchen for anything to add to the meals.
You brought whatever you found and set it on the side of the porch steps, keeping a path to the house cleared and sat yourself down in the front lawn as you watched uncle Daryl in action, letting the kids toss wood onto the fire and poke at it with a stick but making sure they kept their distance and wouldn't touch the hot metal.
It was heartwarming to see him laugh and have fun with them and watched him speak quetly to the kids with a finger pointed your way before the two came running towards you.
"Daryl says the fire's good for food! Can we put some on the thing?" Two pairs of big, begging eyes stared at you and saying no would be the worst so of course you allowed them, under surveillance and with an assisting hand. "Alright, pick something you wanna eat first and put it on a plate, Daryl will take it to the fire and I'l helf you put it on the rack, okay?"
A chime of "Okay!" baely left them before they were at the collection of prepared meats where you and Daryl joined them in picking.
While Daryl roasted the food over the fire you were tasked go keep the kids busy, but wirh hoe much they loved chatting about everything and anything it was an easy task.
The whole evening was fun and food and family and it reminded you of everything you missed in this new world.
Everything was good in this moment, especially when you heard a little exchange between uncle and niece.
"Uncle Daryl? Can we have more dinners with her? But also mom and aunt Carol next time." You watched Daryl look towards you for a moment before turning back to Judith. "'Course, she's teachin' me ta prepare food so we can do this with e'ryone if ya want. But!" He raised his hand and pointed at RJ, who came over to him too now. "Yer gonna be the ones askin' folk ta bring food too, so e'ryone has somethin' ta eat, 'kay?"
The two happily nodding kids proved that your time in the community just got a lot more fun.
Now, after the kids were long brought to bed you and Daryl stayed around the fire. Having taken the meat rack off and set asidr you were just relaxing and picking away at the leftovers.
"So," you started, watching the flames in front of you. "That community barbeque plan of yours, it sounded amazing especially how you brought it over to the kids. But, aren't you afraid it'll drain recources too quick?"
Daryl shrugged it off. "Maybe. But those kids'll make folks keep stuff aside fer it." The idea of those two running around the place collecting people brought a smile to his face. "'Sides, I ain't wastin' meat no more with yer lessons tha' I hope ya will keep givin' me."
Oh. He wanted to stay? At the shop? With you? You were pleasantly shocked with that news. "What? Ofcourse I'll teach you. But only of you promise to take me out hunting when my hand's okay again."
He let out a breathy laugh and nodded. "Yeah, I'd love ta have ya around."
You stretched and laid down in the grass, looking up at the night sky.
"S'gonna be fun."
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