#daughter! riri
neptoons1998 · 1 year
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Swimming Lessons
Part 1/3
A/N: Soo I did it thanks to @mal-urameshi for the idea.
Summary; Okoye puts Riri in swimming lessons. Okoye meets er daughter's swimming coach Attuma. Okoye isn't going to do anything except look at him that's all.
Tag gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty
Okoye would say she is a pretty okay mom. The greatest but enough that her daughter wouldn't die by her negligence. And like any helicopter parent Okoye put her three-year-old in swimming lessons. As much as she loved her daughter, Riri was a menace in a loving way. Riri couldn't sit still when she gets her hair done or sitting her car seat. So what does any parent do when they have an active child putting in classes.
Okoye had her daughter in ballet, karate, and piano lessons. The young mother was doing everything to keep miss.busybody from being too busy in her room. Plus on some mommy blog it said it was important for Riri’s age group to socialize with their peers. And her daughter was a genius but she just read the room incorrectly sometimes.
“Oh Riri,” Aneka greeted as she wrapped her arms around the young girl. Aneka took her job as the fun auntie very seriously always trying out for her niece.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you,” Aneka commented as she glared at her sister,” It’s almost like someone is keeping you away from me.”
"She needs to run this energy," Okoye reasoned to Aneka as she rolled her eyes. Her sister squahed down to Riri's height as she gave her a piece of candy.
"Thank you, Auntie!" Riri shouted as she hug her aunt. Okoye rolled her eyes, "That's why she is in so many classes."
Aneka scoffed at the insult, "Hey she's needs some fun in her life. And it's not like you and Ayo are going to do it?"
"She's needs structure-“ Okoye started.
"in her life. This is the foundation she needs and going to rely on when she gets older, I know I know," Aneka finished her sister's statement.
"It's good to know you listen to me every once and while," Okoye responded. Aneka waved her hand not taking what her sister was saying to her seriously, "So what's the next class that my Riri have to go to now? How to detonate a bomb?"
Okoye rolled her eyes before she can tell her sister about her daughter's next class. Riri jumped up and down, "I'm going to learn how to swim!"
Aneka's lighten up around her niece, "Really? That sounds like fun."
Riri nodded, "Yeah and I'm learning how to swim like swordfish because they swim really fast."
"Really where did you learn about that?" Aneka asked Riri puffed her chest loving the special attention that her aunt was giving her, "Mama and me went to the library today."
"Can you show me the book you got from the library?" Aneka asked Okoye inwardly groaning knowing her sister was going to give her unneeded advice from the peanut gallery. Aneka stood back up to her normal height, "I'm just saying I find it funny how you're the only one entertaining and taking care of her while you know who isn’t doing his share of the work.”
Okoye could only pressed her lips together as she waited for her sister to finish with rant with her good for nothing ex-husband. From Okoye’s view they went into marriage too fast and were pressured by their parents and traditions that their relationship just frizzed out.
“I mean the only good thing that happened from that relationship was having Riri,” Aneka commented as she was finally getting to the end of her rant. Okoye just nodded along letting her sister finish her ranting about her ex-husband. Okoye's eyes followed her daughter's movements between her bouncing on her toes while reading.
"Thanks for your unneeded advice," Okoye said as she moved closer to take her daughter's hand quickly leaving her sister's apartment.
"Are you ready for your swimming lesson?" Okoye asked her pebble as she buckled her in. Riri nodded, "Yeah, I can't wait to tell VIv and Miles about it."
Okoye went to the driver's seat. She looked through the reflection mirror at Riri, "Let's go, swordfish."
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st4rking · 11 months
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Happy FNAF Friday!
Trying to do more comics
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mal-urameshi · 1 year
I want some more step dad attuma for mama okoye and daughter riri 😭😭 maybe even baby riri !!!!!!!!
Chronicles of Mama Okoye and Riri! XII
Yuum Attuma!
Even though in the past Riri had tried to set her mother up with someone, albeit unsuccessfully, she never really thought of how another addition to the household would affect her. It had been just the two of them her entire life. Mama and Intombi.
And given that her mother always had an aversion to getting into relationships, she never dwelled on the possibility.
Until now. Riri couldn't complain though. Attuma treated her mother really well and she couldn't help but enjoy the big blue guy's company as well.
Attuma was currently at their house and her Mom couldn't stay off of his lap. Every time Okoye had to go check on something in the kitchen, she hopped off his lap, did what she had to do and then found her place nestled against Attuma's chest once more. They were cuddled up on the couch as they were watching one of the local TV stations after Riri insisted her mother stop being such a busy body and stay cuddled up to her mans.
Riri walked out the kitchen with a tray of Koeksisters her mother had promised Attuma she'd make for him to try. She carefully set down a tray of the golden-brown plaited dough and her mother quickly plated one of the pastries after dunking it into the dip.
"Here Attuma, try this." Okoye offered as she placed it near his mouth to feed him.
Attuma carefully removed his rebreather and opened his mouth to be fed by his woman. He took a big munch out of it and closed his eyes with a grunt in appreciation of the flavour.
"It is sweet like you, In yakunaj." Attuma complimented before biting the rest off of Okoye's hand, licking her fingers in the process.
Riri grinned as she cracked open a can of Coca-Cola before handing it to Attuma, "You ain't never had none of this before, right? Why don't you try it?"
Attuma accepted the drink from Riri and scrutinized the red aluminum, "What is this called?"
"Coca-Cola: it's a brand of soda. It's like water...you drink water right? Breathe it? Huh." Riri rubbed her chin, "It's not like we eat air, so it's not like it'll translate the same for you since water is your air. You know....diffusion and all."
Attuma stared at Riri as she rambled before she loudly clapped, "Ah ha! It's like the juice from the fruits you eat but it's in a can! Boom!"
Attuma dripped some of the liquid into his palm to inspect its colour, "This is black, like the oil that pollutes the oceans."
Riri waved him off, "Well that ain't oil. C'mon! Just drink it already so I can see how you like it."
Attuma looked at the can again before taking a gulp of it, but the immediate burning sensation in his throat had him coughing and sputtering, which made RIri double over with laughter.
"It burns like acid!" Attuma smacked his chest to try to alleviate the sting.
Riri pulled up a chart on her Kimoyo beads and adjusted the data, so you like Arizona, think Perrier is absolutely disgusting, Chocolate milk made you get diarhhea..."
Attuma stomped his foot down, "No, it was clearly poisoning. A child's drink can never affect me in such a way."
Riri side eyed him before laughing as she finished inputting her data, "Suuuure big guy."
Okoye clicked her tongue as she caressed Attuma's cheek, making him face her again before she pressed a loving kiss to his lips. "Don't terrorize him like that, Riri. I don't want him going belly up in the river should he try to return home."
Attuma scoffed and haughtily puffed his chest out, "I have faced almost every danger the deepest bowels of the ocean has to offer. Land-dwellers' food shall never do me over."
"Attuma, how are you with spicy food?"
"He likes a challenge, Ma! Let me give the man what he wants! You agree, right 'Tuma?" She held out her fist.
"I am no 'Pussy' as Riri says." Attuma fist bumped her before transitioning into the handshake she taught him.
"That's what I'm talkin' bout!"
Okoye rolled her eyes before playfully glaring at Attuma, "Don't come whining to me when you have bellyaches."
Attuma pressed a kiss to Okoye's lips, "I would never succumb to such a thing. But should a fate like that befall me, I trust that you won't allow me to suffer."
Okoye blushed and hid her face in Attuma's neck.
"Ohhh, Mom you folded so hard!" Riri taunted while Attuma peppered kisses to her neck.
Riri trailed behind her mother and Attuma as they walked hand in hand. Riri set her kimoyo beads to start recording as she cleared her throat, "As you can see, I am third wheeling on a date under the guise of a 'family' outing. I'm being left out while these two love birds can't stop making googly eyes at each other." Riri dramatically sighed as she flipped the camera to her face. She pressed the back of her palm to her forehead and sighed again, "Woe is me, having to witness my mother's escapades- AHH!"
Riri was swiftly hoisted off the ground and seated onto the crook of Attuma's arm. Riri had wrapped her arm around his neck for extra stability.
"Nobody is being left out on my watch." Attuma loudly proclaimed.
Riri giggled and flashed her kimoyo beads on Attuma, who gave the bead a wink, as they continued walking, "As you can see, my Mama's boyfriend is an amazing family man. Out here making me feel included and shit!" She pressed a kiss to Attuma's cheek as he kept her in his grip while he simultaneously had his free arm wrapped around Okoye's waist.
Riri flashed her beads over her mother, Attuma and then herself, "Don't mind us, just a regular shmegular family having a nice family outing."
Okoye hugged Attuma tighter as they walked while she observed her daughter telling Attuma a joke to which he let out a gutteral laugh.
"Bruh! You fake as hell! Laughing at the chicken going to the other side?"
"I am genuine! Those feathered things walking when they have wings? It sounds idiotic." His chest vibrated as he laughed again.
Riri rolled his eyes, "Man, you mad corny."
"My two favourite people getting along." She rubbed Attuma's arm affectionately where he gently squeezed her side in return.
When Attuma found out that Riri often sparred with her mother, he excitedly queried Okoye if Riri would be be interested .
"Do you think Riri would like to spar with me? She usually makes technology, I never guessed that she fought in the same style as you." He held Okoye's hand firmly as he was practically buzzing with excitement.
Okoye smiled and softly nodded her head, "Riri wouldn't mind, I'm sure she would be glad that you have an interest in bonding with her in that way. "
Attuma scooted closer to Okoye on the couch, "How did she start off training?"
Okoye crossed her legs, "Hm. She was about four years old. I was a Dora for quite a while and had seen a lot of things in my profession. Children being abused. Sex trafficking. And so, so much more. I didn't want that for my baby. Bast forbid." Okoye took a calming breath, "I know that she'd always be safe in Wakanda, but you never know and I like to be prepared. I may not always be around to protect her forever, so I figured I could train her from young to be able to defend herself."
Attuma slowly nodded along as Okoye explained herself. He loved that way of thinking, "Warrior offspring is only natural when you are one."
Okoye chuckled and patted her hands, "Not a warrior, necessarily. Only if push came to shove. I never expected her to follow in my footsteps to be a Dora Milaje. I always allowed her to do her own thing, whatever her calling may be. And it so happened to be engineering."
"And how did she first react to you deciding to train her?"
Okoye chuckled, "She was very excited. She swung around the wooden spear like a sword at first, mimicking one of her cartoons, then immediately challenged me to a duel to the death."
"Ah, so she's always had a valiant spirit."
Atttuma closed his eyes as he envisioned Riri's fighing style, "Does she fight like you?"
Okoye took a deep breath, "You should find out for yourself, darling."
And find out Attuma did.
"You ain't all that, Big Blue!" Riri circled the Talokanil General with her spear in attack mode, "You gon' be fish fry when I'm done with you."
Attuma chuckled, this was not what he was expecting, "You definitely speak more than your mother."
"Oh, what? You saying I'm not about that action?" Riri charged but tripped over nothing, falling in front of Attuma with a groan.
Attuma, caught off guard by the display of clumsiness didn't react fast enough to Riri's foot hitting him square between his legs. The attack swiftly brought him to his knees before Riri stuck her fingers between his gills which caused him to yelp in pain.
He cupped the offended area while wincing, "You cheater..!"
Riri smirked and crossed her arms, "Man you're just a sore loser. You call it cheating and I call it strategy."
Attuma turned to Okoye who was sitting on the porch and pointed at Riri petulantly, "Dishonor!"
"Nah! Nah! You just hating, man! Anything goes in battle!" Riri grinned as she braced herself on her spear while Attuma found the strength to right himself.
"Not only are you large and powerful, you're super fast too. A triple threat! So I had to catch you off guard to end things quickly. You lucky this ain't for real. You woulda been toe-tagged already."
Attuma walked over to Okoye and plopped down beside her, sulking.
Okoye harumphed, "No no. Don't do that. You're the one that wanted to spar with her. She gets very creative when she wants to win. You brought this upon yourself."
"I didn't even get to trade blows."
Riri raised an eyebrow from where she was standing, "I never said I was done. You're the one that ran to Mama to lick your wounds. She can't save you! Let's go!" She picked up her spear and twirled it. "Unless you're scared."
Attuma silently stood again, "This time I shall show you no mercy, Shrimp."
"Bring it, A'Tuna!"
Attuma squatted next to Riri as she messed around with her latest suit, which she dubbed the Mach 5. Attuma quietly observed as she tinkered with the suit's legs, "Pass me the pliers, please."
Thanks to spending time with Riri, Attuma had learned quite a bit about the tools the land-dwellers use.
Riri gestured for Attuma to come closer to her as she pointed at the sole of the Suit's feet, "See, I've applied a graphene-infused composite matrix to reinforce the exhaust drive's structural integrity, enhancing its thrust capacity while minimizing energy dispersion."
Attuma nodded along, "I see."
"Additionally, I've fine-tuned the plasma ionization frequency to maximize propulsion efficiency, optimizing the balance between power output and thermal dissipation."
Attuma strokes his chin at the explanation, "How does the incorporation of the composite matrix contribute to the reinforcement and improved performance?"
Riri's eyes lit up, "I'm glad you asked! Basically it makes it more resistant to stress and impact. It improves the thrust capacity of the boots, allowing greater propulsion while minimizing energy dispersion, resulting in more efficient and controlled movement. Because trust me. You're gonna be flying into walls if shit ain't in order."
Attuma nodded again, "Soar high, Plankton."
Riri patted his shoulder, "Thanks, A'Tuna."
Riri covered her face as Okoye and Attuma were quite literally trying to eat each other's face off not even five feet away from her. She didn't expect to walk in on her mother straddling Attuma while he was palming her ass.
"Bast, can't you guys get a room? You're like horny teens. Is this how you felt with me and Shuri, Mama?" Riri couldn't help but laugh.
Okoye huffed and made a shooing gesture to Riri, "I thought you and Shuri were going out?"
"Oh, oh! Man, I didn't mean to cockblock. I ain't wanna ruin the mood. I just came to get something." She gestured to her bedroom.
Okoye whispered something into Attuma's ear and he quickly stood up, swiftly making his way to Okoye's bedroom.
Riri sighed as the door was practically slammed behind them, "Ah, young love." She wiped a fake tear before going to get what she came for.
"I'm telling you, Shuri! I never thought I'd have lived to see the day where I'd hear my mother have sex! That's trippy as fuck. I never wanna hear that shit again."
Shuri pressed a reassuring hand on her stomach, "You're getting normal child experiences. Welcome to the club."
Riri laughed, "Nah, that shit ain't normal man! I don't need to hear that."
She slowly blinked her eyes as she looked at the drifting clouds from her resting place on Shuri's lap, "But I'm really happy for her, you know? Attuma treats her really well. And even though he ain't my Dad or nuthin', he treats me like I'm his kid. And I really like that. It's comforting."
Shuri hummed while looking at Riri, "Well, if things keep going at the rate they are, you might have a little sibling." She teased.
"Ha, who knows. Maybe." She grunted while getting more comfortable on Shuri's lap.
Over a year into Okoye and Attuma's relationship had passed and he had popped the question during a quiet picnic with the Mother and Daughter.
Riri's jaw hung open as her mother had nodded as tears danced in her eyes. She looked on as they both had hugged each other and shared a kiss.
Riri pulled her knees to her chest as she looked at the exchange, making sure her beads were still recording.
It was sweet and she was happy for her mother. She found love and she's going to spend the rest of her life with a man who adored her more than there were grains of sand on the beds of seas and shores of beaches alike.
Riri swiftly wiped a stray tear that had slipped down her cheek.
Attuma then turned to Riri and closed the distance between them, "Because I'm marrying your mother, I now have an official duty to uphold to you. I love you just as much as I love your mother. And I am very happy that I had the honor of getting to know you, Riri. I'm grateful to you for allowing me to be in your mother's life as well as getting to know you on a personal level as well."
Riri sniffled and pinched her her arm as Attuma continued, "I see you as my own child and I care for you as such."
Attuma looked over at Okoye for reassurance and she gently nodded.
"In my culture, one refers to their father as Yuum."
Attuma held out an open palm to Riri, "I know that I'm not your real father, but if you are comfortable, you can call me Yuum." He glanced at Okoye again before making eye contact with Riri again, "I'd like it if you called me that."
Riri's eyes prickled all over again, she licked the corner of her mouth as she looked at his open palm and then at him. He really wanted her to call him Baba? Dad? Was this real life right now?
"Are you sure, Attuma?"
Attuma nodded, "Yes, I'm sure, Riri."
Riri threw herself at Attuma and crushed him into a hug, "Yea, I'd like that...Yuum."
Attuma grinned as he returned Riri's hug and pressed a kiss to the side of her head, "I'll do my best to make you and your mother happy."
Riri chuckled and squeezed her arms tighter around his neck,"You already make us happy."
Okoye held her heart to her chest as she watched the interaction between her two loves, "Bast, the both of you are so precious. I'm so happy to have you both in my life."
Attuma dragged Okoye into the hug with the two of them before he dropped backward onto the blanket, puling them down with him, which caused mother and daughter to laugh.
"To the first day of forever." Riri mumbled.
"To the first day of forever." Okoye repeated.
"And many lifetimes after that," Attuma concluded.
A/N: Hm. Dunno how to feel about this, but Attoye n Baby Riri compels me now, haha.
Taggies: @somethingcleaverandwhitty @karimwillia @neptoons1998 @pantherheart
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mickimomo · 2 years
When They're Jealous
The Sun & The Sky AU
Some things are censored with a multiplication sign, so it's not too explicit.
p.s. @sphinx81 he got punched here. I'll see what kind of pandemonium I can cook up in Storm for M'Baku to get punched by Namora there too. 🤣
Attuma × Okoye
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When Attuma is jealous, he makes it extremely clear to everyone that Okoye is his. Whether that be him randomly shouting "Has anyone seen my wife, Okoye? Oh! There she is!" To scooping her up, tossing her over her shoulder and announcing that he's going home to make love to his K'iin. Okoye is always extremely careful to not make him jealous to avoid this, unless she's intentionally trying to make him jealous (when they had a bad argument and he won't apologize first) or when she's tired of someone who's persistently trying to flirt with her despite telling them she's happily married.
If Attuma suspects that she's intentionally flirting with someone, he will not hesitate to lay her out on a table to blow her back out.
In public.
Attuma: *ignores Namora as he speaks to Okoye in Xhosa*
Oni: Why don't we ever do that, Amora?
Namora: In yakunaj, if you need to be pleasured, we will do it at home.
Oni: *bows her head in prayer* Why couldn't it be me, Bast?
Namora: Oni!
Namor: *still eating his food*
Shuri: *has a waitress screen off the area while Okoye curses back at him in Xhosa before she began to frantically apologize and moan*
Aneka: Why would she flirt with the waiter?
Ayo: I don't know, but that's none of my business.
Ross: *minding his business*
M'Baku: *also minding his business*
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Okoye does her damn best not to be jealous. In fact, Attuma is such a faithful man. It's rare that she does feel jealous. The only times she's ever felt jealous was when she saw a beautiful warrior talking to him in Talokan. (She really was beautiful, but to her surprise, she was into women... and Attuma was actually telling her that Okoye was his wife... because she was interested in her. 🥴 His jealous ass.) And the second time was when she saw him helping a woman carry some things home because she was pregnant. He just looked like he belonged with her, despite it being an innocent act of kindness. She felt so bad about it that she cried. But it was just the pregnancy hormones. 🥹
Attuma showered her in kisses and fed her chopped pieces or melon to lift her spirits.
Attuma: I was only helping because she was pregnant. My sweet wife is pregnant, and I would want someone to help you if I wasn't around. *feeds her a piece of fruit*
Okoye, trying her hardest to stop crying: I know. But she's so pretty.
Attuma: Okoye, you are the sun in the sky. What could outshine you?
Okoye: *starts sobbing again*
Attuma: K'iin?!?
Okoye: What about at night!? *wails* Doesn't the moon shine bright too?
Attuma: *shocked Pikachu face*
Namora x Oni
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Oni is a literal demon when she's jealous. It's never truly Namora's fault. The warrior is completely oblivious to flirting now that she's married and her rest face still scares people off. Despite that, some people are super persistent, and Oni has no issue making it very clear that Namora is married.
She'll watch things unfold quietly and watch how Namora reacts. Then she'll step in and drag Namora away to do some very explicit activities until the only coherent word she can say is 'Oni'.
Oni tilted her head as she kneeled before the dazed warrior and grabbed her jaw.
Oni: Who do you belong to, Amora?
Namora, panting and sniffling from overstimulation: Oni.
Oni: *smiles sweetly as she cupped her flustered cheeks* I don't mind reminding you. Forget as much as you'd like. You will always end up like this when I'm done with you.
Namora finds it very hot but is always careful not to let Oni get jealous too often. Oni has no shame and will definitely do something freaky in public to remind everyone who she belongs to. 🫣 She has literally climbed under a table to eat her out before. Don't ask for the specifics. 🥴
Oni is the type of girl that will finger a grapefruit to get her point across, so I'll let your mind go wild with what else she's capable of. (Yes, she can tie knots with cherry stems. 💀)
Oni: Amora!
Namora: Mm? *looks up at her wife*
Oni: Watch this.
Namora: *watches her wife toss a cherry in her mouth and close it with a super focused look on her face before sticking out her tongue to reveal a sparkling clean cherry seed and a knotted cherry stem*
M'Baku: That is the skill of a woman who has conquered many men.
Shuri: Don't start.
Namora: Oni is a skilled warrior. *furrows her eyebrows* I do not understand the offense.
Aneka: He just called your wife a hoe.
Ayo: Aneka.
Aneka: I'm not gonna lie to her.
Ayo: *shakes her head*
Namora: A hoe?
Namor: *translates before taking a casual sip of his drink*
Namora: *gets up and beats M'Baku's ass*
Ross: *still minding his business*
Oni: *looks at Shuri* Can you do it?
Shuri: Let me try.
Okoye: *eating her food and watching M'Baku get beat up* This salmon is delicious. You wanna try it?
Attuma: *also watching the Namora win the fight* Sure. *eats her offering off her fork* Wanna try my food?
Okoye: Sure.
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Now, when Namora gets jealous. You better run. Namora will more than likely send you off to meet your maker or catch and release you into the wilderness, halfway across the world.
Oni is a beautiful woman, and she's usually very friendly until provoked. So it's natural that honey would attract bees. She appreciates those who back down after learning that Oni is married.
What Namora won't tolerate is when you continue to flirt with her wife after Oni informs you that she's married. Provoking and upsetting Oni will get you on her list. And with heightened senses, she knows when it happens whether Oni tells her or not.
Over 15 people have gone missing after flirting with Oni. And Namora being Namora, she always gifts Oni something that they were wearing. Like a watch or blouse. To make it abundantly clear that she did something and will not hesitate to do it again.
Don't worry. These people found their way home months later, absolutely terrified of the couple.
Well. One guy never made it back because he slapped Oni's ass, but Namora won't tell Oni what she did to him. She simply gives her a kiss and pretends she never asked anything.
Namora earned herself the title Sea Demon, because she has been spotted dragging people out to sea a few times.
Just don't bother her wife, ok? 😮‍💨 Leave Oni alone.
p.s. Oni doesn't flirt with people, so it's their fault if Namora has to get them. Bast doesn't mind it either. Namora is the best protector her vessel could have ever had.
Namor × Shuri
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Namor does not enjoy feeling jealous and things will always boil down to three options:
1. He'll do something explicit in public to Shuri in a discreet manner, where no one knows what's happening but the two of them.
2. He'll punish her for entertaining someone by edging her for a few days.
3. He ends them. (A last resort option, because Shuri doesn't like it when he does it.)
Not a single soul in Takokan or Wakanda would be bold enough to flirt with Shuri. (They don't want to die, and they know he would end them. 💀)
Shuri: You know what sucks about marriage?
Oni: What?
Shuri: People don't flirt with me or compliment me anymore.
RiRi: You married the King of Talokan.
Shuri: So?
RiRi: Did you forget what he did to Wakanda? If he caught anyone flirting with you- not a single soul would survive his wrath.
Oni: I agree with RiRi. Namora makes people disappear. Namor would definitely make a country or even a continent disappear if someone dared to flirt with you."
Shuri: But what if it was one of you guys?
Aneka: Girl, what?!
Okoye: She wants to watch the world burn.
Shuri: Well, if I kissed one of you, he wouldn't get mad.
Oni: You can't be serious.
Shuri: It's a hypothesis.
RiRi: That shouldn't be tested, genius.
Okoye: We're all basically sisters to you anyways. It wouldn't work out. Especially since everyone's married, but Ri-
RiRi: -it doesn't even matter that I'm single. That man barely forgave me for my invention. He will never be given another reason to want to kill me, God willing.
Shuri: But what if we pretended we did and pulled a prank. Like a joke. A lil jokey joke.
RiRi: That man doesn't play about you. I'm not using my life as bait.
Shuri: You guys don't get it. It's exciting to see him jealous.
Okoye: How hard do I need to hit her to help her think properly?
Aneka: *rolling up a magazine* I got it. *gets up and chases Shuri around*
For this reason, it usually happens on missions when they're in another country, and no one knows who they are because they're undercover.
Shuri handles it pretty well, and will sometimes flirt with random people to set him off because she finds it fun. (Sis is playing with fireworks in a bonfire. What did J. Cole say in that one song about not wanting to be saved? 🫣)
Unlike Namora, Namor doesn't have a partner with unhinged blood lust. So, people can't just go missing without Shuri getting upset. Unless it's to the point that Shuri feels extremely uncomfortable or unsafe.
They have a safeword for when she's fine with him taking them out, and it centers around his real name.
It's only been used twice, so far.
Random guy: Why are you playing so hard to get? *grabs her wrist roughly* We were dancing and everything, and now you're trying to leave.
Shuri: I was trying to be nice, but you're making things difficult. *snaps his wrist like a twig before walking off*
Random guy: *follows after her, reaching for his weapon* Why you-
Shuri: Ch'ah Toh, in yakunaj. Áantení. *hurries outside as she whispers into her kimoyo beads*
(Ch'ah Toh, my love. Help.)
The sound of bullets firing made her panic as she looked around for her husband. Just as the man came outside and grabbed her by the back of her neck, a spear went zooming past the queen's head and into the man's skull. He dropped to the floor, his touch no longer contamininating her skin.
Namor: Are you hurt? *looks her over frantically*
Shuri: I'm fine.
Namor: You didn't fight anyone, right?
Shuri: No. I'm fine. *gently touches her stomach* We are fine.
Namor: *exhales softly* Good. Did you get what you needed?
Shuri: Yes. *holds up a tube of vibranium*
Namor: Then we can go?
Shuri: Yes, my king. *smiles as he peppered her face with soft kisses*
Namor: *scoops her up* Great. You did well, my queen.
Even before she's expecting, they had this safe word prior to in the event Shuri is fighting someone she can't beat on her own. And no, she's not expecting in Storm, lol. Shuri and Namor have kids somewhere around Okoye and Attuma's fourth kid.
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Shuri doesn't handle jealousy any better than Namor. Namor, however, doesn't entertain it or initiate it. Even while on missions, he's very dismissive to people who flirt with him.
Drunk Namor however may fuck up if he sees a woman who is slightly reminiscent of his beautiful wife. Although Shuri finds it a little endearing, she will not hesitate to use PDA to make it very clear that Namor is taken. She'll kiss him. Sit on his lap. And in a few extreme instances, she's literally warm his c×ck or given him a h×ndjob. 😳 Do with that, what you will.
Alexa, please play Partition by Beyoncé.
Shuri: Aj K'uk'ulkan. You should be able to differentiate me from other women. *bouncing on his lap in the corner of a restaurant that is slightly screened off*
Namor: I am sorry, my Queen. *grabs her hips as he struggled to stay quiet* I was only confused for a moment.
Shuri: I don't like it when you gaze upon other women. You should only look at me like that.
Namor: I thought she was you for a moment. I looked away once I realized she was not.
Shuri: You tend to struggle when you are drunk. *grabs his jaw and pulls him closer* Let me help you remember exactly who your wife is.
Namor finds Shuri absolutely enchanting when she's jealous. She's so needy and affectionate, yet demanding and dominating- and he can't help but melt under her every single time. Seeing her uptight facade fall while she's making a very public scene makes him very h×rny.
I would type out these scenes in deeper detail, but I'm not trying to get yeeted. I might crank something out and toss it up on AO3, if I have some free time. 🤷🏾‍♀️
What are you thoughts? Am I missing anything?
I contemplated doing something for Aneka and Ayo, but Ayo does not play those types of games with Aneka. And Aneka knows Ayo would get upset if she saw her entertaining someone. So they don't. There's rarely any jealousy between the two because the boundary is extremely clear.
Ross minding his business
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eluxcastar · 5 months
I briefly mentioned Quintil in the tags of one of my posts but like some of my OCs strike the right part of my brain and he's one of them. I literally made this dude on a whim but I love him to death. What ISN'T there to love about a vampire dilf and his adopted daughter who acts like a feral cat not to mention Quill being a PRIME CANDIDATE for angsty old man yaoi
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telltalesonline · 5 months
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Rihanna and her beautiful mom shine together in this side-by-side snapshot. Cheers to strong women raising strong women!🤩
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moonsbijou · 2 years
when riri said “for the queen” i sincerely felt that.
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lume-nosity · 2 years
hi dad !! i am going to jump on the ceiling
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happy happy happy?
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azurecanary · 2 years
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No, absolutely the fuck not.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
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New kind of family
A/N: I wanted to do a headcanon to get out of this writing slope I'm in right now. and I wanted to write a modern AU! with step-daddy Attuma cause why not. Here you go!
Tag Gang: @somethingcleaverandwhitty @pantherheart @mal-urameshi @xblackreader
When Okoye and Attuma finally realized that they wanted to take their relationship to the next level. They knew they would have to do it slowly because Fourth grade! Riri.
Riri was pretty cool with Attuma and viewed him more as Mama's "friend" like her Auntie Ayo would say in passing.
Riri is a nosy girl, hearing things she shouldn't be hearing. Then repeating it not knowing what she just said. She would be the one confronting her mama about her "friend." "But do you like like him?" Riri asked following her mother around. Okoye was trying to avoid the question because she had a certain way she wanted to tell her daughter, but Riri wouldn't be Riri if she learn to let things go. "I- mean he's okay, "Okoye would answer, Riri gave a groan at her mother's response she should be in love like all the Disney princess movies she watched with Shuri. "But do you like like him?" Riri repeated as she came closer to her mother, "Like you want to kiss him and get his cooties?" Okoye quickly shuts this conversation down, "Did you finish your Lego set yet?"
Attuma would try to be the best stepdad and young kid could ask for. Attuma quickly learns Riri's likes and dislikes.
Attuma definitely loved helping Riri in building Lego sets.
they also bound over swimming.
Youtube would be his friend when he wanted to learn how to take care of Riri's hair when Okoye sprain her wrist.
Attuma would be extra gentle when doing Riri's hair and though the parts would be wobbly Riri loves it because he would put beads in it.
Riri would be interested in Attumas culture. Attuma was more than happy to teach her about it.
When Riri and Okoye went with Attuma to visit his family. The family accepted them like their own.
The only rough path was Riri and Namora. Attuma was not really sure why the pair hated each other but it took some years for the pair to stop being snappy at one another.
When Riri showed interest in going to college outside of New York, Okoye wasn't having it.
"There are great colleges here," Okoye argued. not liking the thought of her only daughter going somewhere she couldn't be there if something happen.
When Okoye and Riri argue, Attuma learns quickly to stay out of it. He would rather be a fence sitter than pick a side between them.
But Attuma was able calm down Okoye's worries and Riri was able to go to MIT.
Attuma loves being a dad, something about loving his child in always but blood.
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mal-urameshi · 1 year
Chronicles of Mama Okoye and Riri! III
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Saving All My Love
For as long as Riri could remember, her mother never had a special someone in her life. Now, Riri definitely knew that she would always be #1 in her mother's heart, always. But that's not what she meant! As far as Riri knew, at least, her mom never entertained anything romantic with anyone. Riri recalled one time when she was like 10 that she asked her about it, curiously picking her mom's brain.
Riri: Mama, why don't you have a boyfriend? *she asked from where she was perched on the rails of the porch, swinging her feet* Okoye: *caught off guard* Small girl, where is this coming from? Riri: *shrugs* I see a lot of other people going on dates and stuff. And holding hands. And kissing. *fake gags* But you don't do that. Okoye: And what makes you so sure that I don't, hm? I probably have a boyfriend that you don't even know about. Riri: *makes a face* Nah, you're either on missions or you hang around Aneka and Ayo or one of your other friends. Other than that, you're stuck with me. Okoye: *walks over to Riri* There isn't anything wrong with that. *boops Riri's nose* Besides, I don't think you'd be very fond of me having to share my attention with someone else. Or not being able to cuddle with your Umama like you always do when someone else is taking up space. Riri: *boops her mother's nose in retaliation* But don't you want love, Mama? Okoye: *kisses her forehead* I already get enough love from you, my Pebble. Riri: *blushes at the affection*
That didn't stop interested men in making advances though. There were a few times where Riri had been approached by men who had hopeless crushes on her mother, asking them to pass along their Kimoyo bead ID so they can talk to her mother. Or pass along letters of confessions for them.
That pissed Okoye off to no end, though. She would find the men that gave Riri the notes and rip them a new one, threatening them with a slow, painful death should they approach her daughter with their pathetic attempts of making advances on her. Nobody was to use her child like that. Nobody!
Okoye then made sure to reinforce that Riri use her discernment and enforce strict boundaries with strangers because what they did was not okay. She wasn't too hard on Riri, though. She just made sure that the child knew that what they did was out of pocket.
Riri wasn't taking those bullshit excuses from her mom nowadays though. Her mom was going to get someone if it was the last thing she does. Riri stopped to think, though. Her mom wasn't interested in guys as far as she could tell. What if she was into women? That had to be it!
Riri: *resting her feet in Okoye's lap while staring at her* Okoye: *still looking at the TV* Yes? Riri: *hugs the pillow closer to her body* Ma, you like girls? Okoye: *looks over to Riri* Where is this coming from? *raises an eyebrow* Riri: I mean, they're really beautiful right? It's just that, I ain't never seen you with no guys or nuthin'. So I thought, "Oh shit, Ma probably likes women!" But because of your hectic work schedule you can't get down like you want? I can probably ask Aneka and Ayo for some links for you. They can hook you up! Okoye: *pinches her brow* Riri: I just know you pull so many baddies! Okoye: Baddies? Riri: *throws herself back on the sofa with a whimsical sigh* And them vibranium straps, oh damn. Okoye: *pinches Riri's knee that causes her to yelp* Have some decorum young lady! Riri: *covers her face to stifle her laughter* Okoye: *rolls her eyes with a mischievous smirk* No, I am not into women. I learned that a loooong time ago. Riri: *shoots upright and has a shocked smile on her face* Ma! You got down like that for real!? Okoye: *ignores her* Riri: *crawls over her mothers lap and shakes her* Ma! Ma! Umama! Don't ignore me! Are you being for real?! *shakes Okoye's shoulders* Mom! *crushes her in a hug and slides off of her, onto the floor* Ma, don't ignore me!
It wasn't long until Riri decided to be proactive with finding her mother someone! She employed the help of Shuri who was more than happy to oblige.
Shuri: You seriously asked Okoye if she was strapping women? *puts a fist to her mouth to stifle her laughs* Riri: I never said that! *lightly smacks her arm* You never know! Mom probably tried dick once... or more and was like: Nah it ain't for me. *gives a half-hearted shrug with a sullen face before lighting up again* But since we ruled out her being Bi, at least. We can move on with Operation Get Ma A Man So She Could Get The Loving She Deserves. Shuri: That was a mouth-full. Riri: I'm working on the name still, but it'll do for now! You think Aneka and Ayo would be down to help too? Shuri: I'm pretty sure Aneka takes bribes from potential suitors but never passes the message along to Okoye. She definitely has a list of prospects. Riri: *grins* Okay! Great! Operation Get Ma A Man So She Could Get the Love She Deserves is a go!
Okoye definitely felt her heart flutter when she saw a note from her beloved daughter, telling her to dress nicely because she planned a surprise for her at one of the nearby restaurants at 7pm. This wasn't particularly new. Riri loved to shower her mother with affection as Okoye does to her.
Okoye wasted no time dolling herself up for an impromptu Mother-Daughter date and headed to the venue. Okoye gave her name and was lead to a table in the back. Okoye was grinning from ear to ear, expecting to see her beloved Riri, but her countenance fell when she saw a stranger instead. Not necessarily a stranger. He was one of the Border Tribe members. However, Okoye never interacted with him much. Okoye: There must be some mistake. *she turned to the host* Man: *smiles* Good evening, Okoye. I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Lerumo. *holds out a hand* I'm happy you could make it to our date. Okoye: *tries to contain her eye twitch* Date? Lerumo: Yes, your daughter said you expressed interest in me courting you. Okoye: *holds up a finger* One moment please. *walks off and calls Riri on her Kimoyo beads*
Riri wasn't expecting her mother to call her so fast and she quickly took off her beads and threw them across the room onto the bean bag.
Shuri: Dramatic much? *she asked as she re-entered the room just in time to see the scene go down.* Riri: Ma is calling already! I was hoping she'd have at least sat down and talked to the guy! It's only 7:04 for Pete's sake! Riri's beads start chiming again. Riri: *throw's Shuri's blanket over her head in hopes to escape the sound* Shuri: *climbs under the blanket with Riri* Riri: *snickers* On a scale of 1 to 10 how much trouble do you think I'm in? Shuri: *sing-songs* If this guy has any sort of charm, like me, I can see her forgetting about chewing your ear off. Riri: Oh, you have charm? Shuri: Yes, I do. My charm-factor is so intense, you zone out like this *pulls blanket down and makes a dopey-face* Riri: Stop lying, you wish. *covers her face to hide her fluster* Riri's beads chime again Shuri: *looks across the room* The odds are not in your favor.
The talking-to Riri got wasn't so bad. And that definitely didn't deter Riri from setting her mother up on dates three more times before she called it quits. Okoye was quite literally, tearing up the back yard with her spear because of the pent up frustration. Aneka, Ayo and Shuri watched in silence as Okoye pierced her spear through one of the training dummies.
Aneka: Did you tell her we were...involved? Riri: *looks over to her* The heck do I look like? I ain't no snitch. Besides, you know she would have run up on you if she knew, Aunty. Ayo: I told you it was a bad idea. Shuri: Oh, was that what that was when you were grinning while making the phone calls to the suitors? Ayo: *shrugs* It was entertaining to say the least.
Riri just figured that her mom had closed off her heart or was just genuinely not interested in having a partner like that. That was okay and she respected her mother's decision. So she deadened the hunt for a boyfriend for her mother.
That was until a few years had passed. And a particularly, large, blue, Talokanil General started frequenting the Golden City.
Riri didn't think anything of it at first. The Blue General had been hanging out with her mother every chance he got, but she figured it was because he was most familiar with her mother. He was most comfortable around her, nothing out of the ordinary, Riri presumed.
But then she noticed that the Blue General always stood a little too close to her mother for it to be...socially acceptable in the realm of not-quite-friendship?
Riri also noticed that the General, Attuma, always seemed a bit too eager to be pinned beneath her mother, basically at her mercy during their sparring matches. But her Mom's expressions too..! Man.
Riri: Am I trippin'? Nah, I can't be.
Then, she noticed that Attuma would bring gifts from Talokan for her mother. Initially, Okoye had refused them. But Attuma insisted that it is a peace offering and an act of appreciation for all the training she provides for him and his warriors. Eventually, Okoye relented. Interesting.
Whenever Attuma spotted Riri out and about, he always made sure to greet her. He would come bearing gifts for her as well. Nets of seashells and ancient doubloons, long since forgotten at the bottom of the ocean floor. Colorful trinkets and treasures the Blue General assumed the girl would like. Riri appreciated the gifts, admiring whatever was brought to her.
Attuma: Your mother. Where has she gone? Riri: She's on a mission right now. Two weeks. *she noticed the slight drop in his shoulders at the information.* Attuma: Well, whenever you talk to her, give her my well wishes. *turns and walks off* Riri: Sure...
The first time Riri saw Attuma at her house completely took her off guard. Her mother was rubbing his back while he looked like the cat that ate the canary. Okay. Granted, it was because her mother had inflicted a particularly nasty wound to him while they were sparring and she was rubbing some healing salve on him. But still!
Riri: *gestures between the two of them before folding her arms* So uh, whats going on here? Attuma: Plankton, your mother tried to kill me, but was unsuccessful. Okoye: *smacks his shoulder* Sparring session gone wild. Riri: Oh, wild, huh? *eyes the scratches along his back* Okoye: *side eyes Riri* What are you implying? Riri: *raises her palms* Aye, I ain't say nothing. Okoye: Mhm.
It wasn't until a few months later, Riri had caught wind that Attuma was asking around if her mother was single. Straight up traipsing about the marketplace asking the aunties who like to gossip about if there was a man in Okoye's life.
Riri: *curiously follows Attuma around at a safe distance* Attuma: She has a daughter, but I have never observed the presence of a man the few times I was allowed entrance into her home. Riri: *taps on her Kimoyo earrings to get better audio of the conversation* Gossiping Aunty: Oh, no! Koko doesn't have any man in her life. At least I haven't gotten any word from the others of such an occurance happening. Attuma: So she was married? Gossiping Aunty: *looks around* No, she has never wed. Attuma: *rumbles in understanding*
After that, Riri noticed that Attuma's gifts were becoming more extravagant with every visit to her mother. Black pearl necklaces. Hand-crafted gold bracelets. And the crazy part is, her mother took them with no objection. Nah, she had to get to the bottom of this!
Riri: Ma, you got some really nice jewelry here. *plays with the necklace Attuma brought her* Okoye: Thank you. Attuma got them for me. Riri: He's been real friendly. And you've been real friendly back. Okoye: I am just being courteous *clasps her hands together* Riri: *walks over to her mother and joins her on the floor* Oh, is that what you call it? *gives her a sly smile* Okoye: *struggles to hide her smile and fiddles with her fingers to occupy her mind* Riri: Attuma's really nice, isn't he? Okoye: As nice as that brash, Blue buffoon can be at times. Riri: Do you like him? Okoye: What? No! Riri: Oh my God! Mom! You do! *pokes her side, causing her mom to laugh* Okoye: Bast! Stop it! Riri: Ma! Admit it!! All the guys in the past that wanted your attention, you never gave them the light of day. But in comes the Big Blue General and you're cheesing!!! Every time he visits he brings you gifts! ...Are you two dating? Okoye: Wha-? No! Riri: Then what do you call the trips to the Golden city and all those gifts!! He's courting you! Admit it! Okoye: Attuma and I are not courting. Riri: *laughs* Ok, ok. I know he ain't but he has been asking around if you're single, though. Okoye: *eyes widen* He has? Riri: Omg Mom! Look at you!!! You're so down bad! Okoye: I never go down bad! *points an accusatory finger at Riri* Riri: *holds her mother's hands* Ma, it's okay if you like him. *happily kisses her knuckles* I'm excited for you! I've never seen you like this! You're all googly eyes around him! He has you resting so hard in your feminine right now! Okoye: *sighs and rubs a hand over her scalp* Okay. He's a nice man. Somehow, despite his size, he was able to slither his way into my heart. Just a liiiiitle bit *she pinched her fingers together* Riri: *tackles her Mom into a hug* Holy shit! I really never thought I'd see the day! And I didn't even have to do anything this time around!! Okoye: *holds Riri's head to her chest and rests there for a few moments* Riri: *listens to her mother's steady heartbeat* So are you going to give him a chance, Mama? Okoye: *Caresses Riri's temple* Yes, I'm going to give the brute a chance. Riri: *wiggles in happiness and looks at her mother* I'm really happy for you Mom. *kisses her cheek*
It wasn't until maybe a week later Attuma approached Riri while she was walking about the city. He walked up to her with what seemed to be...coral? In the shape of a rose!! In hand.
Attuma: Tiny shrimp. Riri: Aren't shrimp already small? It sounds kinda redundant. *grins* Attuma: It is to emphasize that you are so minuscule. *chuckles* Riri: Those for my Mom? Attuma: *gives one nod* I have come to receive your blessing. Riri: *raises an eyebrow* My blessing? Attuma: Yes. I plan to properly court your mother and I would like to have your blessing. Riri: *looks around* Alright. Kneel for me. Attuma: *does so without question* Riri: *extends her arm and taps each of Attuma's shoulders* I give you my blessing to date my mom. Just make sure you treat her right, okay? Attuma: She is the radiant Sun to my sky. The moon to my tides. I would never treat her any less than she deserves, so long as she shall have me. Riri: *shakes her head with a smile* Alright, Romeo. Hurry up unless you wanna be late for your date! Attuma: *smiles* Thank you, Riri.
Taggies: @somethingcleaverandwhitty @karimwillia @neptoons1998 @pantherheart @xblackreader
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mickimomo · 1 year
Namor: Ok, cool.
Shuri: Hey. *gently grabs his hand* Be safe. *looks at him with soft eyes as he met her gaze*
Namor: *smiles as he gently squeezed her hand* I will.
Shuri: *smiles as she watches Namor retreat*
Oni and RiRi watching quietly, a few feet away before they looked at each other.
Oni: Be safe.
RiRi: I'll be so safe.
Shuri: Can you guys stop?
RiRi: I'll be safe for you.
Shuri: Stop.
Oni: For you. *pulls RiRi close and makes fake kissing sounds*
Shuri: *narrows her eyes before activating her panther claws* I'm going to kill you.
RiRi: but how will that keep us safe?
a/n: Quote from Season 1, Outer Banks. This is a little peek into Oni and RiRi's friendship that will be debuting soon in the sun and the sky au. Haha.
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Watching Winx Club in the original English dub is so weird when I grew up watching the 4kids dub but also why is this show so much more out of pocket than I remembered 😭
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kissitbttr · 4 months
So like what’s frat!miguel and the rest of the boys’ reactions to the Kendrick and Drake beef. Cause fuck Drake ofc.
“oh god here we go” gloria sighs exasperatedly, throwing her head back while groaning as muñeca giggles,
“drake is fucking. cooked! yall seeing this shit right?!” carlos points his phone with a finger as he all but wide eyed,
“man i know! certified lover boy certified pedophile?? jesus he’s out for blood!”
“can’t disagree with the man. drake’s been weird since 2015. icky bro”
“remember when he tried to make a move on my girl riri?” carlos asks as if it truly what happened. “ticked him off the box”
“they did date, idiot” chang corrects, “and weren’t you the one who had his album needed to be played for every weekly party we have on?”
“i’m a changed man!” carlos exclaims. “he is sooo lucky he’s not making a move on my babe though—or imma need to beat his ass”
“sza, chang! damn it bro, keep up!”
the boys all gathered in the living room, muttering bunch of ‘drake is a piece of shit’ and how ‘kendrick is the goat’ to each other,
“motherfucker really has another kid?? a daughter?! bro what the fuck!”
“man really took the cum and dump too literally”
“i don’t think anyone says that, mayback”
“didn’t he try to flirt with the kid from stranger things?”
a collective of ‘ews’ and gasps filling in the room as they all beginning to get intrigued. carlos even props himself on the stomach and legs kicking up in the air as he watches his frat brother explains the timeline,
it’s like watching girls gossiping at a sleepover
“i don’t see your man joining in” gloria nudges your side who’s munching away on your banana bread. “sucks because i’d love to see him act like a childish. grown up!” gloria speaks the two last words a bit louder so beck could hear,
yet the man only spares a quick glance at his girlfriend and sends a wink,
“jesus” her head shaking in disbelief. “I’m surprised o’hara is the one with a brain”
you disagree by putting a hand on hers, “don’t speak too soon. he’ll be here any second—“
a familiar booming voice coming from upstairs, and both of your eyes are quick to look up. seeing it’s miguel with a towel wrapped around his hips and hair wet with a large smile across his face.
you’ve never seen him look so cute.
“now” finishing off your previous sentence as your eyes refuse to leave his while giggling when he nearly trips down the stairs,
“children. all of them” gloria rolls her eyes, sipping on her drink as she glares at beck,
“oh come onnn, they’re happy” you try to change her mind but she simply just glares you too,
the boys cheer at miguel and wave at him to come huddle, wanting him to join all the hip hop gossip that’s been taking a toll on internet.
but not before he runs towards you first,
miguel basically sprints to you, grinning from ear to ear “hiiii mi amor” he squeals before stealing a kiss off your lips, hand gripping on the towel to secure his lower body,
a frown painted across your features. “are you not wearing an underwear or something?”
“i am” he says. “what, does it not look like i am?”
“kind of. i could see the print”
“shit my bad—guess it’s too big” he shrugs, saying it too casually that earns him a look of disapproval from you. one that says ‘i hope you’re not saying that shit in front of girls’ “kidding baby, kidding—hi gloria”
“put some clothes on dumbass”
“damn, i’m doing well, thanks for asking.”
“yeah yeah” she waves him off, not paying anymore attention to your man,
“you seem happy” a comment you drop soon as the grin on his face isn’t washing off,
“of course! drake is getting his ass dragged. who’s not happy?”
“just that?”
“just that” he confirms, grabbing an apple from the counter. “me and the boys were talking about it during class. apparently they all agreed with what i had in mind”
“oh? and that is?” you find this so amusing, you have to indulge,
“drake is a piece of shit!” he yells with a mouthful of an apple, earning another cheer from his brothers. “had his song on repeat during class, practice, work—kendrick’s insane”
“tell your man that he’s exaggerating. why is he participating on this damn beef” gloria mentions, “idiot”
“your man is in it too!” miguel defends,
“then you’re both idiots! he hasn’t shut up ever since euphoria dropped! can’t even suck his dick without him mumbling the lyrics non-stop”
miguel furrows, glancing at beck for a second before moving back to look at gloria. “okay that’s weird—you’re staying tonight, muñeca?”
head shaking, you almost feel bad at the deflated look on his face. “can’t baby—i’ll sleep over on a thursday, okay?”
“but whyyy” he whines, unbeknownst to gloria wincing in disgust before she moves away from the two of you. “you never say no”
“finals week, handsome” you move a piece of dampen hair that clings against his forehead. “i have to study and i’m tutoring too now, remember?”
“why can’t you study here then?” he moves closer to you. “in my room—together”
“miguel it’s for my english lit class, not sex ed” you roll your eyes. “you have me any other day, aren’t you bored?”
“blasphemy—again” he disagrees. “i get bored without you” a pout form on his lips in which you admit looking awfully cute that you almost cave in. “plus what am i supposed to hump? my pillow? i need sex! with you!”
you grimace. “you need a therapy, miggy”
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
StreetKid!Hobie x Fem!Reader
I recommend you read Part 1 HERE so you understand the story better <3
I posted these earlier on wattpad, the link is in my pinned post
~4.5k words
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Hobie's POV
Hobie opened one eye and groaned at the sight, his alarm clock shattered on the floor. 5th one this month. It wasn't his fault that he kept accidentally breaking them. The loud noises just always triggered his reflexes so this wasn't the first time he'd broken his clock on accident and it definitely wouldn't be the last.
He sat up, shaking his head and groaning, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes as he looked around, sight adjusting the bright light seeping in through the window. Well, it wasn't really a window. More of a large crack in the wall of the abandoned warehouse he was squatting in, but it functioned like a window.
He stood up right as the door opened, stretching his arms and back out before he greeted Riri Williams, his roommate and fellow superhero. "Mornin'"
She nodded at him in response, fidgeting with her watch in an attempt to show Hobie something. Suddenly, it made a beep noise and a small map appeared which she promptly shoved in Hobie's face. "Here's the route Karl said we should take."
"Huh?" Hobie looked at the map and then back at her, still half-asleep. "Wot route?"
Riri blinked. "The route? For the riot today?" Hobie blinked.
"Oh! That riot! Yeah, sounds good Ri'" He said, smacking his forehead as he remembered what they'd planned yesterday. In his defense, he hadn't really been paying attention to what they'd been talking about. He'd been preoccupied thinking about other things. Thinking about her.
The girl he'd met exactly 9 years ago. He remembered the date perfectly. December 24rd, the day before Christmas morning. The streets had been full of people shopping and laughing, spreading Christmas spirit. At least, they spread Christmas spirit among themselves. Hobie definitely wasn't on the receiving end of this morale boost that day. Until of course, he met her.
The girl that'd given him her jacket and sent him towards F.E.A.S.T. shelter. The girl who looked like an angel and had a smile like one, with flowy hair and gorgeous eyes. The girl who helped him up, pointed him in the right direction and given him a kiss on the cheek on one of his darker days. He'd been on the brink of starvation and she'd saved his life without a second thought.
But he never saw her again.
"Dunce." Riri replied, zooming into the map. Her harsh words snapped him out of his trance and he rolled his eyes at her, peering at the watch's image. "Right then. Let's grab Karl and Kamala and figure this whole plan thing ou'"
Two hours later - Hobie's Canal Boat/Headquarters
"Alright gang, today is the day Osborne's right-hand-man, Captain Stacy, 's daughter comes back from her posh boarding school! They're having some sort of fancy ball in one of Osborne's mansions for it and that's where we strike!" Kamala Khan slammed down her mini figure onto the map Riri had printed out for them to use. "Sound good?" She asked, looking amongst the squad.
Karl nodded. "The rioters will start off in front of the house and after a little bit we'll let them in. Maybe even web up a couple of cops, eh Hobes?" Karl asked, nudging Hobie's side.
"Huh?" Hobie stuttered, standing up straight, his arms falling to his sides. "Uh. Yea, sure." He said quickly, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Man, what's going on with you? Something up?" Karl asked, leaning in towards him slightly, as if inspecting whether or not he was sick.
"No, no. Nothin's up."
"You gotta keep your head in the game, 'Bie." Riri shook her head at him before putting her own mini figure down onto the map. "I'll turn off the security cameras."
"I'll lead the crowd." Karl added, gently putting down his figurine.
Kamala put her elbow on top of Hobie's shoulder, which was fairly difficult considering how tall he was, and grinned at the group. "And the two of us'll deal with the insiders!"
Hobie looked down at the map and smiled, placing his own figurine down. "Kamala'll take care of the pigs doing security. I'll take care of the ones inside the ball"
"Wait." Karl looked at Kamala and Hobie curiously. "There's gonna be a lot of civilians. One of you is gonna have to take care of them too."
Kamala groaned, "All those civilians are fascists too. Besides, it's not like the riot is gonna turn violent."
"Unless Osborne gets violent first" Hobie added, a thoughtful look appearing on his face. "Y'know what? I'll take care of the civilians then. But I'm not gonna put m'whole focus on 'em, aye?"
The three nodded at him.
"So, Hobes..." Karl asked, his tone sounding slightly more somber. "You gonna be okay if those symbiotes are there?"
"Yeah..." Riri added, glancing at Hobie nervously. "I mean last time...you didn't really take them very well."
"I'll be fine." Hobie said quietly, giving them a glance that said I know what I'm doing. "Last time was a freak acciden'. Nothing more." During a riot only a few weeks ago, Hobie had been fighting Osborne's goons as per usual, when a new type of bad guy showed up. They called it a symbiote.
Hobie had known about Osborne finding some sort of weapon that he was planning on using for his military, but the gang had never expected it to be so...weird. It was like it had a mind of its own. The V.E.N.O.M., Oscorp's name for it, was a kind of gooey substance that would engulf its host, using and protecting their body while they fought.
These symbiotes were notoriously hard to kill. Hobie had run out of webs at some point during that riot and had been cornered by multiple of them, only barely escaping thanks to Kamala and her shapeshifting powers, which she'd used to pull Hobie out of the situation and shield him while he fixed his webshooters.
"Fine." Riri said, taking the map of the mansion off the table and folding it up. "Let's head out."
Your POV
"Harry!" You exclaimed as you practically collapsed in the young man's arms, pulling him into a hug. "Hi-" he gasped out, struggling to breathe as you squeezed him with all your might.
It'd been nearly two years since you'd seen Harry, your best friend, and four since you'd been back in London. In those couple years, you'd been at a boarding school situated in France, which many of the higher-class girls went in their teenage years in order to learn how to become 'proper ladies' as they called them.
At first, it'd felt like a waste of time to you, but over time you'd made many friends at that school and now that you were returning, you couldn't help but feel a little sad to leave. But this sadness was quickly eliminated by the sight of your best friend and the beautiful city.
Although beautiful was definitely an overstatement. In fact, the city looked to be getting progressively worse, with more and more giant consumerist signs and more and more smog filling the sky that had used to be a beautiful, clear blue. You wrinkled your nose at the smell, the air filled with smoke and dust.
"Its been a while" Harry said with a smile, looking down at you, his hands shoved in his pockets. "That it has. I'm so excited to be home!" You said with a grin, following him as he led you toward the cab, pulling your suitcases for you.
London wasn't what you remembered. Even if you disregarded the changing environment and the pollution, there was still something so different about the place. Maybe it was the abundance of crime that overtook the city after Osborne's presidency. But you couldn't say anything negative about him, especially considering the fact that Norman Osborne was your father's best friend. He'd practically raised you and when you were young, most of days of the week, he and Harry would come over for dinner to eat with you and your father.
Those were the days.
But there was something even more distinct that was different about London. You didn't realize what it was until you saw him swinging through the air in the distance, followed by a flurry of flashing cop lights. Spider-Man.
Or as the higher-ups called him, Spider-Punk. Even those in France knew about him and his strange powers and his even stranger suit. There were plenty of superheroes in London, like IronHeart, a young woman who wore a suit made out of metal, Captain Anarchy, a man with an unbreakable shield and Ms. Marvel, a girl with a very flashy suit who's limbs would elongate in a way no human's ever should.
But Spider-man was definitely a fan favorite.
With his snarky attitude, those quips he'd make around thugs, the way he fought, even his style were all very popular subjects among the inhabitants of Western Europe, his cries against the fascist dictatorship Osborne had implemented in the UK even more popular.
Most called him a hero. Some called him a vigilante.
But your family? A family full of cops and businessmen? A family built on consumerism and fascism? Spider-man was a villain.
But not to you.
No, to you, Spider-man was fascinating.
You hoped you'd get to meet him eventually.
Later that evening
Your POV
"Hold still, girl!"
You sucked in your breath as the maid tightened your gown even more, making it nearly impossible to breath. "I can't brea-" She began to tie up the silky lace quickly, ignoring your pleas for air. When she finished, she ran her fingers through your hair gently, moving it over your shoulders and turning you to face the mirror. "What do you think?" She asked kindly, smiling at you.
The gown was a beautiful baby blue, coming down to your ankles in a flowy manner. The neckline was shaped like a 'V' but wasn't too deep, with fluffy straps hanging onto your shoulders. "It's beautiful." You said with a smile, looking back at her before you looked at yourself in the mirror again.
Mr. Osborne had been insisting on throwing a celebration for your return to London, stating, "my son's best friend needs a proper welcome." After all, you'd been gone nearly four years and you were sure there would be plenty of people who'd want to meet you after all this time. Although it seemed Harry was more excited for this ball than you were. 
He'd always been such a rich boy, with absolutely no regard for anything that wasn't his. It wasn't his fault he was so materialistic though, it was his father's. Mr. Osborne wanted the best for his son and although you respected him for it, he would often go overboard. He never let Harry go to anything less than a well-respected private school and wouldn't even allow him to go near any middle-class neighborhoods in fear of him joining a gang or worse.
But then of course, there was plenty in London to be afraid of. If you didn't count the thugs and criminals constantly patrolling the streets, there were also villains like the Green Goblin who were out to get you. The Goblin was a particularly nasty villain who was known for his horrific bombs and grenades.
Mr. Osborne himself could be considered a villain by many. After all, he ruled London like a dictator, with an iron fist protected by his army of super-soldiers powered by organic compounds called V.E.N.O.M., designed to protect their hosts and grant them extreme levels of endurance and strength. The V.E.N.O.M. soldiers were supposed to protect the streets of London, but really they just made everything worse.
And then there were the cops. Your own father, Captain Stacy, was a cop himself but you couldn't help but dislike the force. They were all shoved into the palm Mr. Osborne's hand, eating money out of it like filthy pigs while the rest of the civilians lived in complete oblivion. Disaster after disaster struck the streets of London and the cops did nothing but add to it.
But it wasn't all bad. London had Spider-Man to protect them, right? With his gorgeous guitar, that spiky leather jacket, and that snarky attitude, he was a proper hero. 
"Harry's here!" your maid called out to you from outside your room. You grabbed your things and quickly left the room, fixing your hair in the process. Harry was standing waiting at the bottom of the steps for you while impatiently tapping his feet, wearing a sleek black suit. When he saw you, he smiled and gestured for you to come down.
"Long time no see" You said to him with a grin.
"I saw you a half hour ago." He rolled his eyes before reaching behind his back to hand you something. He pulled out a beautiful white rose, the thorns plucked off as to not prick you. You shook your head and smiled at him, taking the rose from him. "You shouldn't have."
"You're right. I should've given it to someone prettier." he quipped, giving you his hand. You took it with a scowl and the two of you walked outside towards the car waiting for you outside. You and Harry both sat in the back while the driver got ready to take you towards the function. 
"God, it's been forever since I've been to a ball."
"Oh, father's made sure to make it as grand as possible. Honestly I think he's put more time into this return than into my own birthday." He said with a groan, looking out the window as the car began to move.
You gave him a kind smile. "I'm sure thats not true."
Harry tended to get bitter whenever his father planned something for you. It was obvious that Mr. Osborne liked you more than his own son, always being willing to host your birthday parties, buy you things and just acting more like a father to you than he did to Harry. Harry hated it. He hated being put second to someone who wasn't even related to him. Although you tried your best to play it off, it became difficult at times.
"Yeah yeah." Harry said quietly, still not making eye contact with you as he looked down at his hands, fidgeting in his lap.
Hobie's POV
Hobie was standing on the glass top of the room where the ball would be happening, his clunky combat boots leaving marks on what had been crystal-clear before he'd arrived. This was one of Osborne's multiple mansions, each of which he used to throw different parties and get-togethers. These parties were very exclusive, only being offered to Osborne's closest friends and business partners, and Hobie knew that by having a riot here, they'd be able to hit Osborn where it hurt. Maybe even cost him a couple partners or friends. Hobie's eyes glinted slightly as he smiled to himself, thinking about just how badly he wanted Osborne broken. He was everything that was wrong with this city.
A small crackle noise came from the earpiece embedded onto his earlobe. "Y'all ready for this?" Riri's voice could be heard from the microphone. "Protestors are gathering." Karl replied.
"I'm almost there! Just give me another second" Kamala said, her voice slightly muffled. It seemed like she was running late. "Where were you?" Hobie asked, searching around for where she would come from. "Oh...nowhere." She said quickly, brushing it off. Hobie could just barely see her coming in from the distance. She enlarged her fist to help herself swing up onto the rooftop, landing with her arms out in a t-pose before giving Hobie a cocky salute. "Reporting for duty!"
Hobie snorted and rolled his eyes at her, putting his hands on his hips. "A'right soldier. Let's get this party started." He and Kamala both began their entrance, searching around the perimeter for any way to get in without being noticed. Kamala pointed to a large vent on the outside of the wall and Hobie swung toward it, pulling it open and climbing through with Kamala behind him, closing it before she followed.
The vent led them to what seemed to be an empty dressing room. Everyone else was already out at the party, enjoying themselves. Kamala bade him goodbye as she left to go take care of the cops on the outer perimeter while Hobie launched himself onto the ceiling and began to crawl towards the ball. As he left the kitchen, he tried his best to stay inconspicuous, staying above the partygoers.
There were so many people that he knew. Mainly people that he absolutely despised. He recognized Otto Octavius, a famous scientist who, although at first had been a good, kind man, had been morphed into another one of Osborne's goons after being introduced to riches that no one but Norman could offer. That was how Osborne made allies after all. He paid them.
He also recognized none other than Captain Stacy. A man who he hated with every part of his soul. The man who'd shot at him numerous times when he was doing nothing more than peacefully protesting. The man who'd killed tens of rioters and innocent civilians while preaching that he was 'London's Protector'. Pathetic.
Hobie began to pick off the many cops standing near the doorways one by one, webbing them to ceiling to shut them up while he moved on to the next one. He badly wanted to give Captain Stacy a taste of his webbing, but he was in the middle of the crowd and Hobie wouldn't have been able to grab him without getting caught. So he stuck to the smaller officers that were farther from the rest.
"I've gotten all the one's on the outer perimeter. I'm gonna go join Karl. Let us know when you're ready" Kamala's voice could be heard on the other end of the ear piece. "Yes ma'am", Hobie replied quietly, keeping his eyes on the last cop near the doorway. He shot a web towards him, quickly pulling him up and slamming him into the ceiling, webbing him up before he could say a word, or worse, fall. 
Thats when he noticed Osborne getting ready to go stand in front of the crowd, dressed in a black suit that was noticeably nicer than everyone else's. Hobie hung down from the ceiling, watching silently as Osborne walked towards the stairs and quickly walked up them, microphone in hand. "Hello everybody!" Cheers erupted from the half-drunk people at the bottom of the makeshift stage. "I hope everyone's been having a grand time!"
Hobie moved to a more discreet area in order to watch the rest of the speech. Once this was over, he'd be able to call the rest of the gang in with the rioters. "Now I'm hoping most of you know what this whole get-together was about. We're here to embrace the return of Captain George Stacy's lovely daughter from her long period of time spent in none other than the beautiful city of Paris. Everyone welcome back, Y/N Stacy!"
Y/N Stacy? Now who could that be? Hobie searched through the crowd, wondering who one of his rival's daughter could've been. And then he saw her. Long, flowy hair, her skin perfectly complimented by that beautiful dress...and those gorgeous eyes. How...? Hobie was awestruck. Could it be? That girl he'd met all those years ago. He felt his hand subconsciously go down to touch that patch on his vest where he'd sewn a piece of that jacket she'd given him all those years ago. It was her.
Your POV
"Thank you everybody!" You said with a smile, nodding as Mr. Osborne handed you a glass of red wine. "I'm so glad to be back! I've had a wondrous time in Paris, and I'm so excited to share it with you all!" After you gave a quick little speech and proposed a small toast, you returned to Harry who'd been waiting for you with a sly smile. 
"Did you even prepare for that?" he asked with a laugh, eyes looking over your face as you returned. "Of course not." you replied nonchalantly, taking a sip from your glass. "Load of tosh anyways, half these people are only here for the food. I don't think I recognize more than four or five faces in that crowd."
Harry chuckled. "Well at least you're paraded around. Father doesn't mind nobody knowing who I am."
"Lets not get all gloomy now, Harry." You said, patting his shoulder reassuringly. "Enjoy the night!"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go grab more bread." He said with a shake of his head before he disappeared into the crowd, leaving you behind with your glass. You were in the process of mustering up the courage to go introduce yourself to everyone when you heard a noise from behind you.
You turned your head around and strained your ears to see if you could hear that noise again.
The box a couple feet in front of you was knocked over. You looked at it in shock for a moment before you slowly began to approach it to check what'd happened. Maybe it was an animal of some sort?
The noise came again, farther away this time. It was coming from the balcony a few yards away from you. Curious, you began to approach the balcony cautiously, eyes scanning over your surroundings in an attempt to see what could've been making that noise.
"Hello?" You called out quietly. The balcony was empty, as everyone else was busy talking with Mr. Osborne or eating something. As you stepped onto the balcony, you glanced over the edge for a moment. It was a calm night, the breeze just barely chilly and the stars gleaming down onto you, making your skin look like it sparkled. 
Suddenly, it felt like something passed right by your head. What looked like a string of spiderweb had shot past your right ear and landed on the edge of the balcony, right above where your arm was leaning against. "What the-" you were cut off by another thwip noise.
This time the web was shot onto your mouth. "Mmm!" You exclaimed, trying to pull it off. Then more web was shot towards you, pinning your arms to the railing. You watched in horror as a masked figure approached you, unable to escape due to the strength of the web holding you down. 
"MmmMmMm!" You said, trying to convince him to let you out of this situation, although there was no way he'd be able to understand what you were saying.
"Calm down, darling. 'mnot gonna hurt you." His voice was deep, with a cockney accent to it. Very different from the posher accent you were used to hearing. As he stepped into the light, you felt a quiet gasp leave your mouth. Spider-man.
"mmMM?" You asked, leaning back slightly as he approached you. You flinched as he reached his hand out toward your face and you watched as he hesitated for a moment before he ripped the web off. "You-you-you" you stuttered, in shock at the man in front of you.
He stayed silent for a moment, as though he was in shock himself. "Hi. I'm Spider-man." 
"I-I know." you said your eyes locked onto the white of his mask.
He stared at you for a moment longer, obviously wanting to say something. But then he shook his head slightly and looked away, hands shoved into his vest pockets. "Are you going to kill me?" You asked, eyes wide.
"Wot?" He looked back at you, taken aback. "o'course not! I wouldn't kill a peng like you."
You looked down at your tied up hands, prompting him to do the same. "Sorry about the webs, but t'was the only way for m' to make sure you didn't run away"
You nodded, still scared out of your wits. "You don't remember me, do you? Well o'course you don't remember me, I have a bloody mask on" he said quickly, turning away from you again. "dumbass" he muttered under his breath.
"excuse me?" You asked, feeling yourself calm down a little bit. He definitely wasn't acting like he was going to kill you. "Not you!" He said quickly, putting his hands in front of him. "Just uh-hi."
You raised your eyebrow at him. He shook his head, "y'know what? Lets start over."
He made a beckoning motion with his hands and approached you again. "What do you want from me?" You asked, looking up at him. He was intimidatingly tall, probably over 6 feet tall, but he was skinny, as though he rarely ate.
"Nothing. I don't want nothing." He said, looking at you. Suddenly, you heard a small crackling noise come from his ear. He placed his palm over his ear and took a step back. "Yeah, yeah I'm ready for you. Just give me another second." He said under his breath.
"Look, listen to me, a'right? Get out of here. Before you get hurt." he told you, leaning in more. "What? Why? What's happening?" You asked, a scared feeling beginning to brew in your stomach. "It doesn't matter. Just trust me and get out of here."
The same crackling noise came from his earpiece. The eyes of his mask widened slightly and he put his hand near yours. He ripped off the web holding you against the railing and took a few steps back. "Just trust me."
You were about to ask him something when he suddenly pulled himself over the railing, leaping off towards the ground. "Wait-" You started to say, but he was already gone. 
Get out of here.
That couldn't be good. You walked back towards the crowd of people, unsure what to do. Should you warn everyone? Should you tell Mr. Osborne? Should you tell Harry?
"Hey, Y/N!" you heard a voice call your name. Harry. "Where were you? I've been searching all over for you-" You grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer. "Harry, we need to get out of here!"
"Woah-" he put his hand on top of yours, pulling you off of him gently. "What? What's going on?" he asked, looking down at you concernedly. "Somethings going to happen and I don't know what but I know we should leave-" you started to ramble, practically begging for him to believe you.
"Alright, alright" he said, putting his hands on your shoulders to calm you down. "I'll call up a cab. We can go."
"But everyone else-" you started to say.
The entrance doors opened abruptly. Standing in the entrance was a large group of what looked like protestors, holding signs and whatnot, slowly entering. They were led by a man in a red white and blue suit, not the Spider-man suit, but one that made him look more like a soldier. Captain Anarchy. 
It was a riot.
You were about to repeat yourself to Harry when you felt him grab your arm and start pulling you towards the exit. "We gotta get out of here" he said quickly, gently gripping your hand. As the rioters poured in, the few cops left began to try to deal with them, pulling out their guns and their batons. "Oh god I can't watch" You said under your breath, looking away as you and Harry joined the group of people scrambling towards the exit.
You caught a glimpse of Mr. Osborne, calling for backup. He looked livid.
As you were pulled along with the rest of the crowd, you could hear shouting and screaming coming from behind you. The rioters and the cops were fighting furiously, the protestors being accompanied by numerous 'superheroes' and the cops being joined by the backup Osborne had called for. V.E.N.O.M. soldiers.
When you left through the exit with Harry, the last thing you saw was one of those 'soldiers' being smacked in the face with a certain guitar, catching sight of that same flash of red and blue, that same leather vest, that same mask that had had you tied against the balcony railing before.
Your not-so-friendly neighborhood Spider-man.
@s6onder @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @@vileviale @bubble787635 @hows-my-handwriting @puff-hugs
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soulwrit3s · 10 months
when i come around
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A/n: no Bc i had no idea where this story was going but it’s a cute little oneshot. Lmk what y’all think!
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Riri is capable of so many things, she can create suits from metal scraps and fix cars at the speed of light. She’s fit, so much so that she always grabs you to move you instead of speaking. She’s a great cook, an outstanding mother but you don’t seem to be the only one impressed with her abilities.
You don’t know how to manage being a hero, a mother, and working as a mechanic. But you do your best to help and to do so, you always try to drop Riri off some lunch at her garage. Once you do get there, you can tell she’s been busy.
You watch Riri lean back against the detailed Honda Accord, you can tell by the grease on her overalls and the towel over her shoulder that she just finished it up. She’s chatting up a customer with a look that you’re trying to put your finger on. She’s never been flirtatious and you can tell by the genuine smile on her face that she’s interested in the topic of the conversation.
You feel a tug at the sleeve of your hoodie rather, Riri’s MIT hoodie on you before looking down.
“Who’s that mama?” Amira questions, big wide eyes meeting yours. You look back at the woman your wife is speaking to, she’s dressed in a black pencil skirt and a blouse, and all you can see is long black hair cascading down her back.
“Ion know, a customer.” You shrug. It’s been a long day and you wanted to see Riri since you were bored at home today.
You watch her stretch mid-convo, revealing a strip of her toned abdomen. Oh, she doesn’t put in any effort to be a flirt but she somehow does anyway.
As you get closer you hear more of their conversation.
“Yeah no, this was lightweight, she’s as good as new.” Riri compliments, smoothing a hand over the top of the car.
Her and her detailing.
“Thank you, I’ll definitely be here more often.” The woman’s voice is sultry and her vowels drag out for longer than they should.
“Right.” Riri mumbles, the smile slowly fading off her face as she turns around to begin working on another car. You watch the woman call her again and slip a card in her hand, Riri begins squinting at her and the corner of her lip curls up in irritation.
“I’m cool, I’m married.” She shrugs, her voice monotone as she hands the card back.
You don’t want to admit it but it gives you the ego boost of a fucking lifetime. That doesn’t stop the woman though and you watch her reach for Riri’s shoulder all for your wife to clutch her wrist.
“I said I’m cool, I have a wife…You ain’t welcome here anymore, aight? Get in your car,” She orders. You can’t see the woman’s face at all but she slips into her car quickly and drives off.
You watch Riri sigh in irritation and roll her eyes before turning back around and working on the car she was working on before being interrupted. While she’s underneath it, Amira’s little red crocs catch her eye and she slides out with a tired smile on her face and immediately greets your daughter.
“Hi, Mira baby.” She smiles as she lifts Amira up into a hug. She spends some time asking about your daughter about her day which makes Amira begin to babble and go from one subject to another. While your daughter is off talking about school, Riri sneaks in a kiss on your cheek.
“Good day?” You question as she holds Amira in one arm and uses the other to squeeze your hand.
You ponder on bringing up the previous client. You’re nowhere near bothered by it, if anything you’re amused. But you can’t possibly ruin the moment when Riri’s watching Amira so attentively.
“Yeah, great day.” You smile. You watch Riri put your daughter down.
“Get started on your math work, so we can knock it out before your mom gets on you.” She says as Amira aims for the corner of the garage. It used to belong to you, at first I was just a hangout spot for you and Riri when you first became a couple. It had a simple carpet, a grey but large beanbag, and a mini fridge. Then you added more of your own stuff to pass time with Riri while she worked on her suit. You added posters of your favorite bands and artists, a small table, and a couple of books.
Over time, it’s transformed and the space went from what it previously was to two pink beanbags since they were Amira’s favorite color, the smallest mini fridge so she can reach it, and a table full of toys for her to play with.
“What’s up with you?” Riri questions, noticing that you’ve zoned out. You look into big curious eyes that happen to match your daughters.
“Nothing’s up,” You shrug still holding onto her food in one hand. She puts a hand on your waist beneath her hoodie to pull you in for a kiss to the jaw.
“Girl, you told me you don’t steal my clothes.” She murmurs, mocking your words from earlier this week.
“I lied.” You admit. Despite her smelling like motor oil and her body being slick with the sheer heat of being beneath a car, you wrap your arms around her broad shoulders.
“I missed you today.” She confesses as she kisses your jaw again.
“Yeah, I did too.” You pull up the container of food you’ve brought for her. The mere thought of food makes her lick her lips.
“I need to eat-“ She begins.
“Mama, does six plus five equal twelve?” Amira hollers from her corner of the garage. Riri turns around, doing her best not to laugh at her daughter’s genuine frustration before looking back at you.
“It’s fine, I didn’t know that shit till I was like five.” Riri shrugs, kissing your lips and tending to your daughter. You watch Riri lift her up into her lap and gently kiss her temple to aid in calming her frustration.
“Listen, baby. Count with your fingers when you’re stuck, you’re real smart but don’t try to do it in your head.” Riri suggests. She’s always been so good at calming a person down, whether it’s you, her mother, or your daughter.
“Or, we can do the tally marks like your mom taught you. She’s real smart too.” Riri continues, briefly looking up only to find that you’ve been gazing at her this whole time.
“I wanna do the tally marks.” Amira sighs. She looks just like you when she huffs like that.
“Yeah, that’s a good pick. Put five down and then do another six.”
You walk over to the plushy pink beanbag that’s across from them and continue to watch them. Her food will be cold by the time she’s done but it’s worth it.
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@xchoxix @pvnks0ul
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