#dawn of fire updates going crazy this year
ZUN's Music Collection vol. 10: Mugen Noh of Tanabatazaka ~ Taboo Japan Disentanglement.
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Getting a new Hifuu CD after so long is extremely exciting, especially when the cover looks like this (Maribel's design getting ever so slightly closer to her completed Yukari appearance) and especially when one of the arranged tracks is fucking AoCF Necrofantasia. The CD was fully uploaded and translated within 24 hours of the Reitaisai release — never change, RenMerry shippers — so I immediately went to check it out.
Track 1: Dawn Breaks on Tanabatazaka (Original)
Not very much to say about this one other than that it's nice and the soft instrumentation lends it an interesting tone.
Track 2: Tinkerbell of Inequality (Original)
Surprisingly heavy percussion and bass here. Unlike the minimalist Fires of Hokkai, though, this track has a complex "mechanical"-sounding drumline that feels more like something you'd hear out of Len'en. I like this a lot.
Track 3: Does the Forbidden Door Lead to This World, or the World Beyond? (HSiFS)
A hard downgrade over the original. I get what ZUN was going for — stage-1-ifying the song makes it more of a tonal fit with the album — but making it less punchy and softening the drums in the mix makes it sound kind of generic.
Track 4: Smoking Dragon (UM)
Mostly the same as the original but with a key change and a more complicated piano harmony. Not much to write home about.
Track 5: Mugen Noh ~ Taboo Marionette (Original)
ZUN rarely writes in 3/4, so this was pretty surprising. I like this a lot; the mood is tranquil but with plenty of drive at the core, and its instrumentation gives it DiPP/PCB-era vibes while still being unmistakably modern Touhou.
Track 6: Crazy Backup Dancers (HSiFS)
Woah. I like this a lot better than the original from HSiFS, the updated arrangement does a great deal here and the new section in the second half makes the track as a whole a hell of a lot less annoying.
Track 7: Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia (AoCF)
Opening right off the bat with an original intro (is that 12-string guitar(?) patch a new instrument???), the long-awaited AoCF cover sounds fucking awesome in the newer style! Cutting down the mix to just the ZUNpet and one or two other patches for percussion texture is a fun technique and it's cool to see it deployed so well here. My only real complaint is that it feels like it should be longer.
Track 8: The Lonely Road of Hitachi (Original)
3/4 swing melody over an unswung 3/4 beat (with occasional 4-tuplets?), neat. The heavy arpeggio delay on the piano gives the track an "asynchronized" feeling that I like a lot.
Track 9: The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo (WBaWC)
The addition of the choir layer is a good choice imo, and the tone overall is more melancholic which fits its context in this album. Feels a bit space-filler-y but it's still solid.
Track 10: The Concealed Four Seasons (HSiFS)
This sounds pretty much the same as the original. Don't get me wrong, the original was a good song (if atypical for a stage 6 boss), but it's kind of disappointing that the arrange isn't very distinctive.
Track 11: Ghosts Exist Even When It's Not Night (Original)
A slowly-building staff roll-ish track that works nicely to cap off the album. I like it.
Overall thoughts & story
Eight years since the last Hifuu CD, ZUN still has it. The worst it ever gets is "well that was disappointing" and the best it gets is fresh and exciting. The story is an interesting development while leaving plenty of room for future exploration — it explicitly connects the shared features of Okina and Yukari's abilities to Merry's use of time travel in CoSD, for one thing — and the choice to include Okina's narration stands out and has me curious what volume 11 is going to be like.
9/10 definitely worth it.
11 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 2 years
Galactica, Chapter 104 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: We know that it’s been a long time in between updates, and we’re so grateful to everyone who’s stuck with the story. XOXO! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Courtney scored a record deal, Shea met her newest subject, and Adore vowed to keep things casual with Alaska. 
This Chapter: Courtney works out, Fame searches for stress relief, Shea has a theory, Jinkx tries to forget the past, and Violet gets a late-night visitor. 
“Okay, five more,” Kameron said, “Come on! Five…four…almost there…”
Courtney groaned, abs burning as she pushed herself to do the last few crunches, before collapsing backwards onto the mat. 
Kameron wasn’t having it though, and slapped her hand on the mat, right by Courtney’s ear. 
“No way! No rest yet! Turn over and give me sixty seconds of Mountain Climbers.” 
Courtney’s only response was a pathetic little whimper. 
“Come on, lady. I’m not starting the timer until you’re in position…” 
She hauled herself off the mat with another groan, getting into a plank position as she started doing the Mountain Climbers, eyes squeezed shut. 
“Good girl. Keep going…only 55 more seconds to go…” Kameron said. 
“I…hate…you…” Courtney panted, and Kameron laughed. 
“Perfect. That means I’m doing my job. Fifty seconds.” 
Courtney had been in the gym with Kameron since 6 that morning. It was barely past dawn now, and they’d already been working out for over an hour. However, with the recording schedule, this seemed like the only reasonable time she had to work out. 
When she’d first learned of the exact timeline for recording her EP, she was shocked. They were supposed to write and record six songs in five weeks? Sure, one was a cover, but still. It didn’t seem possible, but time in the studio was apparently already booked. Yesterday, she’d listened to tracks from a bunch of different producers, and chosen her top 10. Today, she was supposed to have Skype meetings with all of them and then she and the label would choose 3 or 4 to move forward with. (It was already decided, much to her relief, that Olivia would be producing at least one of the original tracks in addition to the cover of ‘Crazy.’)
“Come on girl, pick up the pace!” Kameron called out, “Make these last 30 seconds really count.” 
Kameron was, at this moment, Courtney’s worst enemy, but she was grateful for her too, whipping her into what promised to be the best shape of her life. Courtney was already starting to see muscles that she never knew existed. At least it would build up her strength and endurance, and hopefully her flexibility too, so that when she needed to get into the studio with a choreographer, things would come easier. 
“Ten seconds! Double time! Right! Left! Right! Left!” 
“Auuuuuugh!” Courtney pushed through the last ten seconds, sweat pouring down her back, every muscle on fire. 
“Time!” Kameron said with a chuckle, as Courtney dropped onto the mat, gasping for air. “There ya go, excellent.” 
She knelt down, handing over a bottle of water, which Courtney barely managed to take from her. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” 
“You’re the Devil.”
Kameron laughed again, then clapped her hands. “Okay, one more minute of rest and then let’s hit the elliptical!” 
“Oh,” Fame bent down, touching the edges of the skirt, a backstage assistant practically taking it off the model to show it to her. “This is great.”
Fame had only meant for a brief drop in at the Marc Jacobs show, Marc's tendency to incorporate elements of streetwear so far from her own design aesthetic, but this year, as the last few pieces of the collection hit the runway, she had been captivated. 
Marc had made the most fantastic geometric white skirt, the stitching in the layering forcing it to keep its shape when it moved. She showed one of the seams to Shea, who seemed equally impressed. 
“Isn’t it lovely?” 
“Absolutely. Are you going to buy it?” Shea asked. 
Fame didn’t usually shop during fashion weeks, didn’t show such direct respect to other designers in public, even when she knew them personally, at the risk of cracking her tough exterior, but she needed to own this.
She looked around, trying to spot someone, anyone, who wasn’t some wet behind the ears intern or assistant with a clipboard and actually had a say at Marc Jacobs, when she saw her.
Bianca had just entered the backstage area, an inescapable vision in a bold red, black and white, the graphic prints and sharp lines drawing every eye to her.
At first, Fame felt ice cold, and then burning hot, her fingertips tingling, her throat dry, her heart hammering away in her chest.
Bianca’s brown hair was up in a bun, sparkling clips holding the neck hair that never managed to grow long in place. She was so achingly familiar, one of her favorite pairs of earrings dangling from her lobes, her ruby red lips parting in a smile as she spotted someone she knew, Bianca’s laugh breaking her heart. 
Fame didn’t even notice the skirt slipping from her fingers, didn’t hear it hit the floor, didn’t think as she turned around and walked away, even the thought of having to interact with Bianca making her stomach churn.
She needed a distraction, and she needed it now.
“Bob!” Maxwell groaned, reaching in front of his boyfriend, turning off the coffee machine and stopping the overflow of Bob’s cup, the machine gurgling as it swallowed up the excess liquid. “Watch what you’re doing!”
“What?” Bob looked up from his phone, only now noticing his cup. “Oh!” He smiled, taking it from Maxwell’s hand. “Thanks babe.” 
“Just pay attention.” Maxwell sighed, though he couldn’t hide his amusement completely.
“You two are being ridiculous.” Jovan took a sip of his coffee, the three of them having one of their unofficial morning meetings by the coffee machine, all of them gathering their strength to  go see the venue where the Galactica show would take place tomorrow.
“But the V List just updated!” Bob waved his phone, the signature pink of his favorite gossip blog visible in the browser. “Don’t you care?”
“About what the rich and famous are up to?” Maxwell smiled, this discussion one Jovan and Bob had had a bazillion times. “I doubt it.”
“Come on…” Bob said, “You’re a designer, you care about Fashion Week.” 
“Everything I’ve ever learned about Fashion Week gossip has been against my will,” Jovan said. “I literally could not care less about the glitterati.” 
“You literally work in the fashion industry.”
“Fashion just happens to be my chosen medium of artistic expression,” Jovan said. 
From anyone else, a statement like that would have sounded incredibly pretentious, but for Jovan, it was just the truth. Bob rolled his eyes, but Jovan continued undeterred. 
“It’s true! I don’t make clothes so that millionaires will like…” Jovan changed his posture, putting a hand on his hip and speaking with an affected, Valley-girl accent, “Oh my god, buy them and wear them and use them as a status symbol on social media because late stage capitalist decadence is like, so cool!” He finished by blowing a raspberry to show how he felt about late state capitalist decadence.
“Werk,” Bob deadpanned. “But, your ‘artistic expression’ is clothes for millionaires. Like…that’s literally what you make.”
Jovan wrinkled his nose and Maxwell put a hand on Bob’s arm, saying, “Bob. Please. That’s not fair.”
“Thank you!” Jovan said, clearly happy to have Maxwell on his side, while Bob bristled. 
“Are you seriously-” Bob began, gearing up for a full-on debate. 
“Yeah,” Maxwell continued, cutting him off, “I mean, some of them are billionaires.” 
Bob burst out laughing, pulling Maxwell in for a hug so tight, it practically lifted him off the ground. For a few seconds, Jovan looked annoyed, but then a smile began to creep across his lips and soon, he was laughing along, the braying sound of genuine delight that they probably heard all the way in Connecticut. 
After Fame fled from the Marc Jacobs show through the back exit, not caring that she probably looked insane, she beelined straight for the pickup area on 6th, praying that her driver from the morning would be there so she could get the fuck away. Shea was close on her heels but quickly losing ground. 
Of course, when she got there, he was nowhere to be found. Fame whipped out her phone to call Violet, her assistant somehow not picking up by the third ring, which was an unforgivable offense.
Fame was about to burst with frustration, the task of keeping it off her face killing the very last ounce of her self control, the only reason she hadn’t lost it completely the fact that she was imagining firing Violet in great detail.
“Um…” Shea managed to catch up by then, breathlessly jogging alongside her, the journalist apparently not used to running in heels. “Is everything alright?
“Yes!” Fame snapped, then took a deep breath, pausing to slow her stride.
“Miss?” Violet’s voice sounded from the phone, her assistant finally picking up now that Fame no longer needed her, this short spurt of insanity not an image she could project to Vogue.
This was exactly why she never talked to the press, the pressure too much, the charade unbearable.
Fame hung up the phone without answering, shoving it to the bottom of her purse before turning to Shea, the smile she usually reserved for her mother-in-law plastered on her face.
“I apologize. I tend to get, some would say, a little unsettled-“ The word burned in her mouth, even saying it causing her anxiety to rustle, “the day before a show, and I simply…lost my head a bit. There I was, dilly-dallying and enjoying myself. Admiring a fellow designer when there’s so much to do.”
The thought had thankfully taken a somewhat coherent form, Shea clearly believing her, giving her an understanding nod. 
“Loose ends to tie up, lists to go over. I’m a bit of a…” Fame had to force the final words out, the truth of them making it so much harder to say, “...control freak.”
“So I’ve noticed,” Shea said, giving her a friendly smile, the two of them now just standing on 6th Avenue in the pickup zone with no chauffeur, like a couple of impoverished Dickensian urchins about to hail a taxi. 
“Exactly.” Fame smiled, her cheeks starting to hurt. “I simply realized that the list was a little long, and I had a bit of a… panicked moment. Sorry if I came off as….somewhat unstable.”
Fame turned her head toward Pearl’s familiar voice as it rang out down the block. She was strolling towards them in what looked suspiciously like last night’s party clothes: combat boots, painted-on leather pants, a white crop top, a shaggy black fur coat falling off her shoulders. She was a sloppy mess, and on anyone else, Fame would have found the whole ensemble appalling, an insult to Fashion Week, but the annoying thing about Pearl was always her effortless, just-rolled-out-of bed beauty, her thick blonde curls and smudged eyeliner just as stunning whether she was fresh from the salon or rolling up after a week-long bender. Which she might have been at the moment, from the look of her. 
Fame straightened her spine. Just because she personally found this disheveled party girl infinitely charming did not guarantee that Vogue magazine would. It was time for a bit of damage control. 
“Hello, Pearl,” she said, using a firm, ‘Be on your best, professional, big girl behavior’ warning voice. 
“Heyaa,” Pearl drawled, her sleepy smile growing, absolutely not catching the hint as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. She wasn’t wearing a bra—though the camera strapped across her chest made it clear that she probably needed one. Fame tried to avert her eyes. “You headin’ uptown? Can I get a ride?” 
“Perhaps, if you behave,” Fame said sharply, daggers in her eyes, an icy smile on her lips trying to play it off as a joke. Pearl blinked, not picking up on the clue, and she groaned internally, pushing through. “Have you met Shea? She’s spending the week with us while writing a feature for-” 
“Oh yeah. We go waaay back. Hey there, Shea,” Pearl grinned, giving Shea a wink, which Fame absolutely did not like. “Been awhile.” 
“Hi Pearl. Nice to see you again,” Shea said, her smile dazzling.
Pearl leaned in for a hug, sliding her arm around Shea’s lower back and up under her jacket. 
Fame’s breath got caught in her throat as she watched the way Pearl pressed a kiss against Shea’s cheek that lingered—far, far too long. Her breathing still hadn’t recovered when Pearl turned back to her.
“So, how about that ride? I’m sure I saw Nicky-“
“I need to talk to you about the press release for the party,” Fame said quickly. “You forgot to add that thing we discussed. And we need to get it done. ASAP.”
“Oh?” Pearl paused, her eyes widening. It was one of their old codes for sex, so to speak—Fame demanding to speak to her alone, about an urgent but nonexistent work situation. 
Fame wondered for a moment if Pearl would turn her down—if she even felt like she could. 
“I thought you changed your mind about that…” Peal said slowly, eyes bright, “but of course, I’ll happily add whatever you want. My only goal is to make sure you’re happy.”
Fame nodded, secure in the knowledge that Pearl still wanted her. She turned to Shea with a slightly exasperated eye roll. 
“Shea, I’m so sorry, this is a bit of a sensitive internal issue, so…do you mind if I stepped away for a few minutes to speak to Pearl, off the record? Publicity can be a bit of a minefield, you know.” 
“Right, of course. I completely understand,” said Shea. 
“Thanks. We shouldn’t be very long.” 
“Take as long as you need.”
Wearing sneakers to work was its very own, special kind of luxury, and one of the few perks of not attending fashion week.
Even though Kiara worked in design, it was common knowledge at Galactica to never come into work looking less anything than your absolute best, if there was the slightest chance of bumping into either Fame or Raja.
She didn’t know if she actually believed it, but Bob swore that Raja had once fired an intern for wearing a backpack, Alexis getting dismissed from a meeting with Fame because her manicure was chipped and it had been ‘too distracting’.
Kiara pushed the door to design open, having just returned from tailoring. Tailoring had been as close to chaos as it ever was under Dela’s firm grip, everyone working on the final details and rushing to meet their deadlines, while the design floor was fairly chill, everyone either twiddling their thumbs or biting their nails while waiting for the Galactica show to happen.
Everyone, except one.
As Kiara walked over to her and Aurora’s station, she was greeted by the sound of a sewing machine. When she had left for tailoring to check up on her pants, Aurora had been running ruffles through her machine. Now, she had an insane couture jacket almost fully completed, her pitches for Raja’s Met Gala look coming to life through some of the fastest working hands Kiara had ever seen.
It had been the talk of the department when Trixie handed over the folder of Violet’s sketches to Aurora, everyone talking in hushed tones as they flipped through it, Maxwell even gasping at one particular page when he saw how harsh Raja’s notes were.
It didn’t sit right with Kiara that they had essentially done it behind Violet’s back, but it wasn’t like she and Violet were friends, and this was a major opportunity for Aurora.
“What the fuuuck.” Kiara stepped up behind Aurora, hands on her shoulders, leaning over her, unable to understand what she was seeing. “How long was I gone? Did I fall into a wormhole?!”
“Excuse me?” Aurora looked up, letting go of the sleeve she was making to focus on Kiara, the hum of the machine stopping.
“You did all of this in an hour?” 
“Oh my god,” Kiara bit her lip, swallowing the outburst that was threatening to erupt, the rest of the department for once thankfully minding their business. “This is insane.” Kiara’s finger dug into Aurora’s shirt, “It looks like you’ve been working on it for 3 days.”
“Oh,” Aurora’s lips curled into a smug smile, and Kiara couldn’t help but focus on the plumpness of them, a delightful sprinkling of pink settling on Aurora’s cheeks. “I’m fast.”
“No shit.” They were so close, Kiara only needing to lean forward the slightest bit to get the kiss she was suddenly longing for.
“Do my nimble fingers make you horny?”
“Let me finish this sleeve.” Aurora grinned, “and I’ll get right on you.”
“Mmh,” Fame moaned, the sink digging into her lower back. She shivered as she felt Pearl’s familiar fingers on her inner thigh, her blunt nails dragging in the most delicious way. Lips touched her neck, Pearl’s mouth on the sensitive skin.
They were in a handicapped bathroom, Fashion Week thankfully full of enough wardrobe malfunctions that no one had looked twice when they disappeared together. 
“Ah!” Fame’s tightened her grip on Pearl’s hair, the thick blonde locks between her fingers. 
“Shhh,” Fame could practically feel Pearl’s grin, her lips curling into a smile, her breath hot on her neck. “I didn’t wipe off my lipstick for you to make noise.”
“Oh please,” Fame whispered, snarling a little. She didn’t want to have sex in a bathroom stall, didn’t exactly enjoy the knowledge that her clothes were touching unsanitary surfaces, but she hadn’t been able to keep her hands to herself. “You wiped your lipstick off so that you wouldn’t make marks.”
“I know,” Pearl pulled back, their eyes meeting, a smug expression on her face. “Discretion above all else.”
Fame hadn’t expected to be so completely seduced by Pearl, but there was a reason that they ended up in this position again and again and again.
Pearl was annoyingly charming, and she knew it. 
“Shut up,” Fame used her hand in Pearl’s hair to push her down, her pussy throbbing the second Pearl’s knees hit the floor.
“Yes ma’am,” Pearl took hold of her thigh, lifting it over her shoulder before disappearing under her skirt.
Fame braced herself, tilting her hips forward, the porcelain of the sink cold under her fingers.
“Hurry up,” Fame hissed, Pearl’s teeth grabbing the edge of her panties. “Everyone is-“ She yelped as Pearl released, the fabric snapping her skin.
“Fuck,” Fame groaned, using her thigh to trap Pearl’s head. “I’ll strangle you if you don’t move.”
“Well…” Peal paused, and Fame felt hot lips against her hip bone before she continued, “Death by pussy would be a glorious way to go.”
Fame laughed, Pearl so utterly ridiculous, her heart aching with how much she had missed their sex life. “Good girl.”
“Where is she?” asked a sharp voice. 
Shea turned around. Violet and Nicky were hurrying down the block, and as usual, Violet looked tense and high strung, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. Nicky attempted to calm her by putting a hand on her upper arm, but she shrugged it away. Yikes. 
Obviously, Shea didn’t know anything for sure. Nor did she know what Violet and Nicky did or didn’t know, but she certainly wasn’t going to be the one to bring up any suspicions. After all, it was a feeling more than anything. 
Everything Fame and Pearl said sounded completely plausible. Pearl worked in publicity, and revisions to a press release for a party the next day would be a timely and sensitive matter. It would also be something they wouldn’t want in a magazine article, or even known to someone outside of the company, if there was something particularly sensitive to consider. 
All of it made perfect sense. 
However…there was just…the look in Fame’s eyes when Pearl first strolled up. And the note in Pearl’s voice when she said ‘my only goal is to make you happy.’ After all, there had to be some reason that Pearl had such a plumb position at her age and with her reputation—she wasn’t exactly the picture of responsibility. And sure, she was a perfectly decent PR person, and savvy about social media, but this was New York. 
You couldn’t walk three feet without bumping into PR cunts of every level of experience, and the city was just swimming with all kinds of social media experts. 
Fame was obviously on edge today, obviously desperate. And Shea had known Pearl for a long time—if there would be anyone at Galactica who’d be an obvious ‘connection,’ she’d be it. Would it make more sense for Fame get some kind of prescription from her doctor like all the other Upper East Side ladies? Yes, maybe, but if Shea had learned anything about Miss Fame in the short time she’d spent with her thus far, it was that she didn’t trust people very easily. 
But…it was all conjecture. And honestly, truth be told? Shea didn’t give a rat’s ass about drugs, prescription or otherwise. Or who did them, or why, or when, or how. That wasn’t the point or focus of her story. So instead of saying anything that could cause a problem, she just gave Violet and Nicky her most winning smile, saying, “Oh, she and Pearl needed to discuss something. They’ll be right back. I also think she might want to skip the Carolina Herrera show and go back to the office for a bit? She mentioned something about loose ends for tomorrow. She seemed a little stressed when we left Marc Jacobs; I think that’s why she left through the back.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
“Maybe she didn’t even see her,” Nicky said. “You don’t know when she left.” 
“Her?” Shea asked. “Who’s ‘her’?” 
“Nothing,” Violet said sharply, giving Nicky a look as if she could murder her, effectively shutting her up, then turned to Shea, her voice as sugary sweet as Shea had ever heard it. “I’m sure you’re right. Just some pre-show jitters.” 
“I’ll check on the car,” said Nicky. 
“Thank you.” Violet took a deep breath as Nicky stepped away, and Shea gave her another kind smile.  
“To be honest, she actually already seems calmer.”
“Okay,” Violet sighed. “Okay.”
“So…are you gonna tell me who ‘her’ is now?” Shea asked, her interest piqued.
“Well. Alright then.” 
“This is so stunning,” Jinkx commented, flipping through the color charts that Alaska was showing her of looks for the Galactica show. “I can’t wait to see the photos.” 
“I wish you’d come see it all in person,” Alaska said. 
Jinkx sighed, shaking her head. She’d never really talked much about how her friendships had fallen apart all those years ago, how Sutan breaking their engagement had been a catalyst for one of the worst downright spirals of her life.
Without all the disgusting, shameful details of the story, Alaska was probably imagining something a lot prettier and less painful than what really happened. Jinkx was still deeply scarred from what a horror show she’d been, what a mess she’d made, how she’d alienated everyone with the unfortunate luck of being close to her, destroying almost every relationship that mattered in an absolutely spectacular shit-show. 
Her only consolation, the only thing that allowed her to sleep at night, when it came down to it, was that for the worst of it, for the most humiliating moments and deplorable behavior, she didn’t remember it. The upside to blacking out for months of her life, she supposed. 
It hadn’t been her first stint in rehab either, but it was the first time she took it seriously, staying for the better part of a year and then coming back to New York to rebuild her life from the ground up. She only relapsed once after that, and caught it quickly—that was the one Alaska saw, pretty early into their friendship so all she really knew was that Jinkx was a Good and Responsible Addict who checked herself into rehab after a few weeks of drinking, before any hard drugs entered the picture, and had been sober as a fucking Mormon ever since. 
So Alaska didn’t know—couldn’t know. And Jinkx didn’t want her to. Jinkx didn’t want to risk her finding out what a terrible person she’d been, why her friends giving up on her wasn’t just understandable, but actually smart. She thankfully didn’t remember when or what, but she knew something had happened at one of Kelly’s dance recitals, and to this day, looking Juju in the eye gave her the sickest feeling in the pit of her stomach, even though she was the least stand-offish of all her former friends. And sure, Bianca had stuck around, but Bianca was crazy, so that didn’t count. 
Jinkx closed the leather portfolio, swallowing hard. Sure, she was used to seeing everyone around, at parties and events. New York was a small town, when it came down to it. But Galactica was Raja and Fame’s turf, and even Jinkx, with all the chutzpah she’d always had, wouldn’t dare show up uninvited. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said simply, handing the portfolio back to her, and Alaska nodded. She looked disappointed, but didn’t push, and for that Jinkx was grateful. “But I do want to see the pictures.” 
“Of course.” Alaska gave her an understanding nod and then slipped the color charts back into her handbag, glancing quickly at her phone in the process. 
Jinkx watched her face, seeing a hint of a smile pass across her lips before putting her phone down again. 
“Do you need to answer that?” 
“No,” Alaska replied, looking back up to meet Jinkx’s eyes, that smile still pulling on her mouth. “It’s just a friend, I can reply when we’re done.” 
“Hmm.” Jinkx found herself wondering about this friend, who seemed to be texting her constantly. “Is your friend…anyone I know?” 
Jinkx was a great actor, but even so, she was too neurotic to pull off the faux-casual tone she wanted. The result was a little shrill and she cleared her throat, covering with a shaky smile. 
“Yeah, actually,” Alaska said, taking a sip of her latte. “Adore Delano.” 
Bianca had warned her, of course, that this was still going on. But even she didn’t know whether things were serious, since her sister was keeping a tight lid on things (for once). She was also admittedly distracted by her own relationship, and her job, and didn’t exactly seem to appreciate Jinkx’s repeated requests to play detective. Alaska’s use of the word ‘friend’ indicated maybe not so serious, but her face…there was a brightness to her expression that Jinkx knew all too well, although she hadn’t seen it in years. 
“Ah. Are you two, um…” Jinkx faltered. She didn’t want to be a bitch here, or say anything to indicate that she disapproved. Lord only knew that Alaska deserved to be happy, and if she was honest with herself, Adore was the perfect match for her. Fun, sweet, sexy without trying too hard—sometimes without trying at all. (Jinkx wasn’t ashamed to admit that Adore’s posts on both Instagram and Facebook often popped up first for her.) Things with Adore would be easy, and that was something that Jinkx knew she could never offer. Something she knew Alaska would appreciate. 
“We’re having a good time,” Alaska said, that smile growing ever so slightly before shrugging and adding, “It’s nice to have such a no-pressure situation, you know?” 
“Right.” Jinkx sipped her own coffee, trying to buy herself some time to think of something supportive to say. She landed on, “Sounds like exactly what you need.” 
“Violet!” Sutan knocked again, trying not to wake Violet’s neighbors up, but also feeling sillier and sillier, and like he had made a mistake just showing up in the middle of the night.
He was just about to give up, order a cab and go back home, when he heard the rattle of a door latch being pulled back, and there she was, peeking out, his girlfriend in all her glory.
“Sutan?” Violet opened the door fully, a concerned expression on her beautiful face. “What are you doing here?” She reached out, touching his arm and pulling him inside, closing the door behind her. “It’s like, 3:30? Is everything okay?”
“Do you always wear that to answer the door?” Violet was wrapped in her robe, the knot barely tied, a sheer negligee and bare breast visible underneath, a weird flare of jealousy rumbling in Sutan’s stomach. Who lived in the building besides his girlfriend? Did they ever come to visit? Had her neighbors seen her like this?
“I don’t usually have someone knocking at this time.” Violet crossed her arms, looking up at him, the only light in her apartment coming from the bedroom. “You didn’t answer my question.” She took a step forward, coming into his space. “Are you alright?”
“You didn’t answer my text.” Sutan knew he was being petty, knew he was being stubborn and ridiculous, but Violet hadn’t answered his goodnight text. Sure, he had sent it after midnight, and he knew she had the Galactica show the next day, but Sutan had been at a party, his phone burning in his pocket, a nagging voice in his head forcing him to check it again and again and again.
“I was asleep. I have to get up at 5. Are you drunk?”
“... A little.” Sutan scratched his chin, realizing that he really wasn’t drunk enough to pull off behavior like this. He had no idea what was going on, had no clue why he was acting like every jealous girlfriend he himself had hated. “Maybe a lot.” 
“You ridiculous man.” Violet smiled. “Come here.” She got on her toes, giving his cheek a brief but sweet kiss, reaching for the buttons of his jacket. “You’re chugging a lot of water before I’m letting you into my bed,” Violet pulled it from his shoulders, throwing it on the couch, taking his hand to take him to the kitchen, “and don’t you even dare think about hogging the blanket.”
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gloomykame · 3 years
First TMNT One -Shot
Hi beautiful people of Tumblr. After much deliberation, and a bit of encouragement, I’ve decided to finally post some of work. Is it amazing? No. Will it do well? Uh... No idea... But I really love writing, especially within the TMNT universe -- and figured... Why not?
I hope some of you like this. This wasn’t a pre-exisiting piece, just something I made to get my writing out there -- but I like it all the same. I would love to hear from you guys if you’d like anything in particular, as I love other creative people bringing ideas to the table. 
My asks are open, so if you’d like to give me a chance -- go on over to my profile and shoot me one. I don’t have a particular timeframe as for when they’ll be ready (if I get any), so bare with me -- but I’ll keep said person update via message.
I did use an OC for this, but I can do one for particular readers, etc. in the future. Like I said, just a starting point for this whole journey.
Please feel free to leave feedback, that lets me know if you guys like this sort of stuff or not. 
Hope you guys like it!
A big thanks to:
This is sort of 18+
Nothing too crazy, but... Never know what the future may hold. I’m definitely well-versed in smut writing lol.
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All these years, Leonardo Hamato has hidden a very important fact away from Natalia: she’s his mate. He wants nothing more than to make her his, in every sense of the word – but he’s determined not to give in to his base instincts. He wants things to happen organically and wants to ensure she has feelings before taking things any further. But after one fatal incident… He snaps.
Natalia blocked one of Mikey’s playful swings with her forearm as a certain blue-banded terrapin watched. Of course, he’d slowed down long before he made gentle contact with his fist. Leo would have him skinned alive if he hurt so much as a hair on her head. It was painfully obvious to everyone, but her. Though given the fact the others were mutants who picked up on slight scents, sounds and emotions – they all wondered how the leader ever thought he could get it past them.
He’d been reluctant (meaning absolutely no chance in hell), about telling his brunette best friend about his feelings for her – but it had never felt like the right time. He’d be lying if he said there hadn’t been plenty of openings for him to just come out and say it, but he feared what that could mean for their friendship. But he knew it, down to his bones – it was more than just some silly schoolyard crush.
She was his mate. As sure as the bandanna he dawned every morning was blue… He knew. He’d known since the very moment they met. It had now been years since that day, and yet every time her sweet scent tickled his nostrils – he felt that very same fire in his veins, urging him to take what belonged to him. What he knew well enough was already his.
But he’d never seen her look at him in the way he always saw in movies. Sometimes, he figured that was for the best. He didn’t know if he’d be able to help himself if her eyes were to one day glaze over in that way he’d only seen in porn. If Raph ever discovered that fact, he’d never hear the end of it.
Did he have desires that plagued him endlessly? Yes. Was he always able to control them? Unfortunately, no.
So, occasionally… He just found himself needing the smallest of releases. Letting himself imagine, if even for just a moment – that it was him and Talia performing such dangerously sinful acts.
As night fell, Natalia sighed – fully indulging in her nightly shower. She’d never been one to shower in the daytime, and had been that way ever since she was just a kid. She preferred it to be a relaxing experience to wind down from her day, rather than a jumble of anxiety – knowing she would soon have to be elsewhere. But this? This gave her time to truly let the day just melt away, rolling right off her shoulders and down the drain.
Figuring it best, she got out before she decided to take up residence right there – she shut the water off. But she sighed as her wet feet hit the bathmat, courtesy of her of course – even though Raph had adamantly voted against it. Though she had a feeling even Mr. Grumpy was enjoying the small luxury.
Raph’s asshole tendencies aside, she’d forgotten her towel. She’d heard the brothers get back from patrol not too long ago, but knew most of them were likely out for the count by now. Not to mention she didn’t have her phone, so this wouldn’t exactly be an easy situation to get out of – much less explain.
Turning her head, she whispered a ‘thank you’ to a certain leader as she reached into the laundry basket. While a used towel may not be ideal, he clearly threw it in there after a shower – so it was practically clean. Right?
She was gonna go with ‘right’. Besides, taking said towel definitely beat the alternative. Scooping it up and securing it around her cold body – she took a small bit of comfort in the faint smell of him that lingered on the fabric.
Heading down the hall, she felt a large figure bump into her. Oh, for the love of-
Please don’t be…
She glanced up, relieved to find it was only Leo. Not only was Raphael a major pain in the ass, but he surely would’ve had some sort of snide comment about her walking around almost naked.
The terrapin before her had another one of his towels, in the very same shade, draped across the back of his neck – seeming to have just gotten done with his solo training in the dojo. His body was slick with sweat, breathing just a bit more labored than usual. But she knew that didn’t mean much. He could’ve put himself through the wringer, and still have felt little to no effect.
That likely had to do with the fact they’d been training their whole lives. Their stamina was absolutely insane, and it took more than just a few katas to take their breath away.
“Hey,” she said, a small smile on her face.
She hadn’t seen much of her friend today. It felt like he was always so busy, especially lately. It wasn’t entirely new or anything, but she remembered when they’d first met. Maybe she was crazy, but… It almost felt like he was avoiding her?
But that wasn’t something he did… Was it?
“Uh… I’m just heading to bed. Are you… Gonna stay up and train a bit longer?”
Part of her hoped to strike some sort of conversation, even though it may have very well been in vain.
He reached to wipe off the back of his neck with the towel before grabbing it and tossing it into a basket a few feet away. There was a certain flicker in his eyes as he looked at her. It felt foreign, and she couldn’t quite place it – even if she had to. His nostrils seemed to twitch, a sort of scowl on his face as he registered something.
Though he wasn’t being particularly communicative about what it was.
He sighed, placing a finger underneath her chin – gently lifting so that their eyes met.
“I thought I could beat it, you know?” he murmured, his voice taking on a husky quality that sent shivers down her spine. “But you just had to wear that, of all things.”
He captured her lips with his.
Talia felt all of the air leave her lungs, her mind going fuzzy as he kissed her. It took her several moments to even register that fact, and she was left staring at him like an idiot. Something flickered in his eyes, and he almost looked sad.
Shit! She hadn’t kissed him back. Obviously, he thought she’d rejected her, or something.
Before she could think, or manage to form any sort of coherent sentence – she pulled his katana strap so that he was back down at her level, kissing him as if her life depended on it. He smiled against her lips, hoisting her small body up. Her legs clumsily snaked around his waist, begging him to be closer.
It wasn’t long before they were back in his room – Leo kicking the door shut on his way in. Clearly, whatever training regimen he’d been in the middle of had been long forgotten.
But as he eased himself back on the bed, the willowy brunette straddling him – he couldn’t imagine a single place he’d rather be.
There was no ignoring the desire straining against his shorts, pressing dangerously against her bare sex.
“Sorry,” he muttered, rather embarrassed that his instincts might’ve been messing up a nice moment. They’d just kissed. There’d been no discussion of sex, or-
“It’s ok,” she whispered. “I want this. If you do, that is…”
Well, hell… She might as well be a salesperson, because he was sold.
He slipped off his shorts but decided to leave the boxers – at least for now. He’d already rushed things enough, maybe just a little more time…
Their lips reconnected as the brunette’s hips started rocking slowly against his, eliciting a mind-numbing groan from the leader – and a small whimper from the woman. She could feel her slick folds making a mess of his boxers, which now clung deliciously to his hard-on.
Suddenly, he flipped their positions – one hand holding her wrists above her head – the other wandering carefully down her smooth skin.
“Alright, my turn.”
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The Wolf & The Hound
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Chapter 4: Blessed Name Day
Summary: Ever since your conversation with Sansa, Sandor has disappeared. Was she right?
Notes: First update on the new blog!
The next two weeks were so crazy preparing for Sansa’s coronation that you barely noticed that Sandor wasn’t around as much as before. It crossed your mind as you lied down in bed at the end of the night, but you were so exhausted from the day that you fell asleep before your mind could begin to panic. 
But it was felt, on a subconscious level. Your protective shadow was not there and it left you cold. Maybe Sansa was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t you that he wanted to court, but he told Sansa that to hide his true motives. 
The morning of the ceremony, you were up long before dawn and dressed so you could race to Sansa’s room to help her. As Brienne was the only woman of the Queen’s Guard she met you at the door and entered a step behind.
“Good morning, my lady. Are you ready to begin your day?” You curtsied shortly after you entered the room, Sansa standing next to the window to look out over the courtyard. 
“Good morning, ___. Yes, please. We have a long day ahead of us. Ser Brienne? While ____ tends to me, can you please have the kitchen bring up breakfast for all of us?”
“Yes, my lady,” Brienne bowed and left the room.
While Brienne was gone, you went to work filling Sansa’s bath with hot water, bathing and dressing her, and finally brushing her hair as Brienne returned with a member of the kitchen staff carrying a huge tray of food. Sansa wanted to wear her hair unbound as she wanted all the attention on her new crown and gown. So you gently curled the ends.
You then helped her dress in her dark grey dress that had many representations of the North. From the red leaves of the Weirwood Trees to a sleeve made of crow feathers to the metallic bodice that was a mirror of Weirwood branches. One sleeved looked like fish scales to represent her mother while the collar looked like a dire wolf for her father. She was beautiful.
If she was nervous, Sansa never let on. Holding her head high as you busied yourself getting her ready for the ceremony. You then stepped back so Brienne could escort her to the Great Hall. Normally, you would follow Sansa everywhere, but you wanted to quickly get her room ready so it was more fit for a queen.
You raced to change the sheets on the bed, clean her bathroom, douse the fire and clean out the ashes before creating a fresh fire. The floors were swept and cleaned and windows opened to air out the room. The last thing you did was dash down to the kitchen to make a small bundle of cinnamon and rosemary and ran back to place it in the fireplace to burn, so her room would smell welcoming when she returned.
Then you went to your room to bathe and change into clean clothes before you raced to the Great Hall. The room was packed with representatives of the remaining Northern Houses, her brother, Bran Stark, as well as Sansa’s uncle, Edmure Tulley from Riverrun, and Robin Arryn of the Eyrie. You tucked yourself into a back corner where you could easily see the dais. The normal high table had been removed and replaced with a new Throne of the North, with dire wolves on each end on the back. 
Sansa entered the room and was trailed behind by her new Queen’s Guard. You hadn’t had a chance to admire the new armor this morning. The current five members wore black armor with a grey dire wolf head on the chest plate and grey capes trailing behind them. Sandor looked amazing in the new armor. He had even trimmed his beard to appear less scruffy for his new queen. And like the other guards, he kept his eyes ahead as he escorted Sansa to her new throne.
Once there, the maester placed the new crown upon her head as he announced the new Queen of the North. It was a simple band, molded to look like the Stark pattern with two dire wolves meeting at the front. 
The moment the crown touched her head, the North chanted: “The Queen of the North!”
You could not be more proud of the young woman you had helped raise. She looked every bit the queen that she had planned to be when she was a little girl and promised to that monster, Joffrey.
That night, all of Winterfell filled with loud voices, music, and the distant howling of wolves as everyone celebrated their new queen. You took a moment here and there to drink a glass of ale or wine, but mostly you tried to busy yourself so you wouldn’t focus on the fact that Sandor and Sansa were talking once again.
Yes, Sansa told you that Sandor really wanted you. But seeing them together made it so hard to believe those words. Especially when Sandor had yet to confirm them.
So that night you went to bed early to save your heart.
The next morning you were up early again and off to Sansa’s room, where you got a surprise from Arya in the hall.
“And where are you going?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “To Queen’s Sansa’s room? I have to get her grace ready for the day.”
“Absolutely not! We know you’ve been lying to the staff about when your name day is, but you forgot we grew up with you. You have today off while the feast is prepared. Now head back to your room, a bath is being drawn and food is being brought up.”
Your jaw dropped in shock. “But Ser, I’m just a handmaid.”
Arya wouldn’t hear it. “You kept by my sister’s side, especially in King’s Landing when I couldn’t. You are family. Now go.”
Confused, but slowly growing happy at the sisters’ insistence of taking care of you, you went back to your room to enjoy a quiet morning. A brand new dress was awaiting you on the bed, no doubt a gift from Sansa and you couldn’t wait to change into it. You took your time, enjoying the warm bath, the good food, and then sitting in front of the fireplace in your room in a towel as you gently dried your hair, using your fingers to break up any tangles. 
After you finally put on the new dress, you left your room to walk the grounds. Fresh snow had fallen during the night and your footsteps were muted as you made your way to the Gods’ Wood. For once, Bran was not parked in front of the giant weirwood tree and so you took a seat at the stone by the trunk. 
You were quietly praying to the Old Gods when a deep voice interrupted your thoughts. 
“Forgive me, Little Wolf. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at his voice. A voice you had not heard in weeks. Raising your head, a small smile graced your face as you answered. “No. I was merely speaking with the Old Gods. Thanking them for another year and for watching over me so I was able to return home safely.”
Sandor frowned at your words and you wondered what his relationship with religion was. He was from the South, but he never seemed the type to visit the Great Sept while in King’s Landing. 
“You believe in all that?” He slowly approached you.
“I don’t know,” you looked down at your hands as he stopped at your feet. “I did when I was a child, but much of that changed when I traveled South. But I know I cannot turn my back on them completely.”
“And why is that?” Sandor questioned.
“I believe they kept me alive. No one taught me to fight like Arya, no one taught me how to scheme my way to safety like Queen Sansa, and no one was by my side to fight for me. And yet, I not only survived King’s Landing but getting home as well.”
Sandor crouched until he was in your line of sight. Snow was drifting down from the deep red weirwood leaves, dotting hit hair and beard giving him a soft look to his tough face. 
“I believe you are not giving yourself enough credit, Little Wolf. I saw with my own eyes how you can take down a man when cornered.”
Your face grew warm at his praise. “Thank you. But I hope to never have to do that again.”
He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. “You won’t. Not while I’m here.”
“You promise?”
A small smile graced his lips. “I promise, Little Wolf. I will never leave your side until you command it.”
You let out a shaky breath. “That’s unrealistic. You’re Sansa’s guard.”
“Aye, I am. But you are her handmaid and where she is, you are. I will protect both of you.”
“Thank you, Sandor. That means a great deal to me.”
“Does it?” Doubt crept into his eyes. “Most might be scared off by the idea of my following them around.”
“Aye. There was a time you frightened me as well. But that was before I truly got to know you.” You held a hand up to stop him from interrupting. “Now, that is not to say I don’t know your past. I am well aware of you who were. But any fool can clearly see you are no longer the man who left King’s Landing during the battle against Stannis.”
“I’ve tried. After my fight with Brienne, I was saved by a Septon. He taught me a few things. And before you comment - I can see your curiosity - he was once like me. So he would be the only religious fucker I’d listen to.”
You gave a small laugh. “Yes, that makes sense.”
His face grew serious. “There is something I’ve wanted to speak with you about. Something that has been on my mind for a while. But with the coronation, I haven’t had the time.”
“Well, you’re here now and I have the whole day to myself.”
“Aye, I know. Sansa told me where I could find you.” He ran a hand over his beard, trying to find his next words. “Little Wolf, I know who I am. I’ve done horrible things, things no one should be proud of. I’m no knight and I’m not a rich man. But I’m trying to change so I don’t- so I won’t be someone so frightening. You are a beautiful, quick-witted woman who can survive, even if she may not believe so. Any man would be lucky to court you.”
You took a shaky breath as he forced himself to meet your eyes.
“Would you...allow me to court you?”
The God’s Wood became still at his words and you tried to comprehend what he had asked you. Did Sandor really ask to court you?
“You...want to court me?”
Sandor tried to hide his face falling, mistaking your words for a no. “I know that may not seem something I would do, but I wanted to do right by you and our queen.”
You reached over and took his hand. “Sandor, I would love to court you.”
While his face did not betray any emotions - as was standard for this stoic man - but he reached up with his other hand and cupped your cheek. You placed your free hand over his as you felt yourself smile. Sansa was right! He really did want to court you.
He shifted on his feet and leaned in, the question in his eyes. And the answer was on your lips as you leaned in the remainder of the way to close the gap. It was the first sign of affection Sandor had ever given and he felt no place was more appropriate for a Northern girl than under a weirwood tree. So you would know how serious he was about you.
His large hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head to hold you closer to him and you moved both of your hands around his neck. Sandor pulled away after a few moments and you could feel how warm your face was, despite winter flowing all around. 
“We should get you back inside, Little Wolf. The Queen will have the feast ready soon.”
“You’re right, we shouldn’t keep Her Grace waiting.”
He climbed to his feet and held out a hand to help you up. Then after tucking your hand into the crook of his arm, he lead you out of the God’s Wood and back to Winterfell. You could tell he felt a bit awkward at the formality of courting so you squeezed his arm.
“Sandor, I know you are worried about doing things right for me - for us - with our courting. But perhaps instead of doing what others would expect, we do what truly would work for us?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know you are trying to change yourself, but we both know you are not a romantic man. There will be no vase of Winter Roses awaiting me in my chamber. So instead, let us move forward as us. You will show your affection your own way. And I will do the same.”
You looked up at him and could see the smirk forming. “Aye, that sounds like that path may suit us better.”
Inside the Great Hall, many of the lords and ladies who had traveled for Sansa’s coronation were there and the feast was already set up. All that was missing was you.
Sansa looked up from talking to Arya, a smile growing on her face. “There you are! We were afraid we would have to begin without you two.”
Arya snorted. “Looks like the old shit got some words to share.”
Sandor growled. “No one asked you.”
Sansa smirked. “Are we celebrating two things today?”
Your face grew warm. “Yes, Your Grace. Sandor has asked to court me.”
Arya rolled her eyes. “About damn time. You haven’t kept your eyes off her since we found her in the woods.”
“Shut your mouth, you little shit.”
“Whatever. Let’s get the drinks going.”
“Good idea, Arya.” Sansa turned back to you. “If you wish to announce your courtship tonight, just say the word. Otherwise, the kitchen has made your favorite tonight. Blessed Name Day, ____.”
“Thank you, Your Grace.”
Sansa stepped forward to give you a quick hug before she continued around the room to speak with the other lords. Sandor took this cue to lead you to a table where he poured you a glass of wine. Plates of food were brought over and Sandor took a seat across from you.
“So what will you do?”
A smile graced your face as you picked up your fork. “Tonight, I will just enjoy the food and wine. And perhaps, a few moments alone with you. Tomorrow, we can worry about expressing our news.”
“Moments alone?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“If you feel up for it later.”
“Anything for you, Little Wolf.”
Tagging Crew:
The Wolf & The Hound
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hansolmates · 4 years
cherry contact |🍒
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summary: jihoon has access to all versions of you - your credit score, shopping habits, work emails, even your terrible tinder history. pairing; fbi agent!jihoon x civilian!reader (f) genre/warnings; fluff, crack, it’s really just that “your fbi agent” meme that caused everyone 8 years ago to put tape over their webcams, questionable viewing habits for an fbi agent, language, dick talk, mentions of sex, jihoon has feelings and is confused, he is a PINER, tw—sexual harassment  w/c; 3.3k  a/n; i can’t believe i finished this😭😭 part of meraki’s job collaboration and i’ve been dying to do a svt collab since the dawn of time and finally today’s the day! it’s been a hot moment since i’ve written for jihoon, glad i managed to get those svt writing muscles going! a huge thank you to @merakiiverse​ and @woozisnoots​ for putting this together. readers pls definitely check back on the masterlist linked above to see more of the other talented cwc writers and their rendition of the job prompt!
if you like this fic please consider giving it a like n’share!🤓🖥🤓🖥
“Kevin, 32, works at Kodak,” you scroll further to the description, “I love being tied up and need a dominatrix, have swing at home—no.” Swipe right. 
“Lisa, 24, works at Infinity Dance Studio,” you definitely are weak for athletic ladies, “My hobbies include cuticle care and online shopping! Looking for a sugar daddy or mommy that can spoil me rotten—definitely can’t afford that kind of relationship.” Swipe right. 
“Hansol, 26, works in an art museum,” sounds promising, you love art, “wait, why are all his pictures of him holding fish? Is he inside a fish? Who the heck finds that attractive?” Swipe right. 
“Billiam, 31, works in finance. Needs a bratty baby girl who can triangle,” you grimace, “what is with these guys and stating their kinks from the get-go? Gotta take a girl out to dinner first, and the fuck is a triangle?” 
You swore off Tinder since the dark ages, also known as senior year of college. However you’re in a particular slump, thirst-trapped between needing some serious dick and a committed relationship. You’d prefer the latter, but after a stressful day at work and the fact that it’s the ass crack o’dawn, you’ll take what you can get. 
“Bye Billiam,” you sing-song into your phone, moving to swipe right. 
Except you accidentally drop your phone between your sheets, and when you pick it up you accidentally swipe left. 
“Fuck fuck fuck me with a fuckin’ fuck nugget!” you cry out into oblivion. You’re so glad you live alone at the very least, it stops you from looking like a crazy person when you talk your potential sexipades out. 
Billiam has Super-liked you! 
“No. Nononono—” you bludgeon your head against your pillow, frowning when your phone opens up a chat for you and Billiam. 
Billiam: hi can u check if my dick is too small
You: please, don’t send me a picture of your dick. 
Billiam is typing… 
You: for fuck’s sake—
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“—that’s disgusting,” Jihoon curses, and immediately sends out the screenshot for sexual harassment. 
“What’s disgusting?” Mingyu chimes, swiveling in his spinny chair from his side of the room.
“Don’t look,” Jihoon gags, reaching for a bottle of Coca-Cola from the mini-fridge. “You’ll throw up your fried chicken.” 
“My person is a twenty-one year old nympho who also happens to be a incel,” Mingyu chastises to his screen, closing up the eighth tab of BBC porn he’s seen this week, “he doesn’t know how well he’s avoiding the FBI’s eyes,” Mingyu shakes his head, “so I’ve seen some pretty bad shit, but I’ll take your word for it.” 
“No,” he echoes your name like you’ve done the most heinous thing in the world, “no, no! Why would you swipe left on Jackson? You’re way out of his league! He literally looks like he has a pea-sized brain!” 
“He does look like he has half a brain cell,” your voice reverberates through his noise-cancelling headphones, unknowingly agreeing to Jihoon’s passionate throw of anger, “but I’m deprived and desperate, so!” 
It’s like you can hear his sentiments exactly. 
“Literally, you could have any person you want,” Jihoon chastises through his desktop, glaring heavily at your bedroom camera, “you’re wasting your time with these losers!” 
Oblivious, you let yourself dangle across the bed. The camera isn’t the best quality, but Jihoon watches intently at the rise and fall of your chest as you attempt to fall into a fitful sleep. 
“Some yell at screens for soccer,” Minghao says to the air from his cubicle, “some yell for Starcraft, but Jihoon yells for Tinder like it’s an Olympic sport.” 
“Jihoonie,” Mingyu rolls around his chair, resting a long arm over the backrest, “do you have a crush on your civilian?” 
Jihoon immediately swivels around his hair, meeting the amused eyes of Mingyu. “No,” he says sharply, whipping around to glare at his screen. 
He glares harder the longer Mingyu’s simple question sinks in. He doesn’t have a crush on you, he likes you. Jihoon swallows his sigh, wondering why you would want to go as low as Tinder to look for a potential tryst. From your profile, you’re absolutely beautiful and intelligent. You have simple pleasures that match his—a hot cup of tea right after dark, snuggling under a weighted blanket while watching anime, and sleeping in on Sundays.
Unlike him, you don’t see the world through half a dozen lenses and a plethora of information right at your fingertips. No, you’re lucky. 
“Hey can you grab me my water bottle?” Mingyu asks over his shoulder. 
Jihoon thinks nothing of it, leaving his post for the thirty seconds it takes to get to the mini-fridge and grab Mingyu’s Hydroflask. 
“You got a call,” Mingyu says when he plops the bottle on his desk, indicating to the red blinker on Jihoon’s computer. 
It isn’t until he puts on his headphones does he take care to see why his blinker is going off. 
He’s getting an incoming call. From you. 
You’ve been waiting on the line for about two minutes. He lets two additional minutes breeze by because Jihoon is internally screaming. You’re calling again. There’s a fire blazing in his brain, his fingers hot as he twitches against the spacebar of his keyboard. 
From the monitor he can see that you’ve given up on sleep, hands pawing through your drawer so you can take a final swipe at your magenta-tinted lip balm before nesting yourself in the sheets. You’re kicking around as if you don’t have work at 9AM, smacking your lips to apply the shiny salve while you wait for your call to be picked up. 
“Why is my civilian calling me,” it isn’t a question, it’s a thinly veiled indication that Jihoon is ready to fight whoever compromised him like this. 
Mingyu and Minghao fail to answer. That’s okay, he isn’t opposed to killing both if neither fess up. 
It would be so easy for him to ignore the call, or redirect it to another part of the office. Yet he aches to talk to you, for real talk to you. As if you’re just two regular plain-old human beings with normal lives, and as if he didn’t know every nook and cranny about your daily routine and your favorite breakfast foods.
Call it pride, call it confidence, but Jihoon’s been pretty good at games and he hopes prior experience helps him get over this hurdle. Slipping on his headset, he accepts the call and answers in a controlled voice, “This is the local hotline for sexual harassment reports, are you here to report a case?” 
Okay, so this is the closest thing he can get to having a full-fledged conversation with you, so he’ll take it. 
“Hi,” you mumble your name into the phone, and he nearly disintegrates right then and there. It’s different when he can hear your voice directly in his ears, definitively reaching out to him as opposed to being a fly on the wall, “I received an email that a report was sent out for my previous chat as sexual harassment, but I didn’t send out a report.” 
“Yes,” Jihoon replies smoothly, tapping his nails against his thighs, “it’s a new update.” 
“Oh, well thank you,” you reply, and Jihoon sees from the camera that you’re staring at your phone in curiosity. 
“It’s my job,” he says, and the words hold more weight than you think, “are you okay?” 
“Is it also your job to ask how I’m doing?” 
He smiles wryly, and he looks up at the monitor to see how you’ve considerably relaxed on your bed. Your legs dangle in the air, and you’re hugging a mango plushie with all the love in the world. “Not really, but I figured I’d ask. I don’t think I’d be able to recover from a dick that looks like an unhinged toenail.” 
Your laugh flutters in his ears, and his stomach is flip-flopping with more than just his shitty ramen lunch. Your face curls and wrinkles into happiness at the lewd joke, and you rest your chin on your stuffed fruit. 
“I’m okay,” you finally answer, “it’s not the first time I’ve seen subpar dick. But thank you… what’s your name?” 
“Uji,” he says, a codename that he considers as precious as his actual name, “feel free to call or text this number if you’re ever feeling uncomfortable and in distress.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind, good night Uji.” 
“Good night.” 
That wasn’t so bad, Jihoon thinks as he hangs up the phone. He dims the monitors to let you freshen up and get ready for bed, as per your schedule. After tonight, he hopes he can be sated with his curiosity of you. Maybe he needs to follow your plans and open up a dating account or something, he feels that he’s starting to get a little too engrossed in your presence. 
The waning starts today. 
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You: help, i’m feeling uncomfortable and in distress
Uji: what is it this time? 
You: i can’t decide which weighted blanket i should get. Will more weight make me feel more comforted or will i accidentally suffocate myself in my sleep? 
The waning of you did not start that night, in fact it never began. Jihoon’s been on edge for weeks, simultaneously teetering between what he calls the high-school equivalent of the talking stage and an absolute catastrophe. 
It started as an accident, you meant to call your friend’s number for cooking help but since the last call before your friends was his, you called Jihoon instead. To your surprise, he knew how to roll out homemade pasta without a pasta machine. You kept him on the call for the entirety of dinner preparation, and he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride when your pasta turned out perfect and you were happy and full for the entire night. 
Weeks later, and you’ve been texting each other for shits and giggles. At first you chalk up your insistence that he’s basically Human Google and has the answers to seemingly anything and everything, but over time it seems that you enjoy your daily interactions with him. Whether it be a simple phone call asking how to unclog your drain or a screenshot comparing two different KitchenAids, he’s at your disposal. 
The burner phone he’s been holding as of late is on silent, but he’s able to pick it up immediately. It’s almost intuition, coupled with the way he notices whenever you seem in a pickle and you need to contact him. However he does not have a chance to formulate a reply, as you’re now calling him.
“Couldn’t wait?” he speaks as if you’re familiar with each other, as if you’re friends. Jihoon longs for that so much, he would love to be upgraded to someone other than the IT guy you text for funsies. 
“Yes,” you say, voice laced with determination, “I’m deciding on whether to just like or Super-Like this guy on Light a Flame.” 
Jihoon deflates a little, but steels himself. You’d never want to go on a date with the IT guy, it seems that you enjoy the anonymity of your recent communications. Your conversations are definitely meme-worthy. 
“Who is it?” 
“His name’s Lee Jihoon, 25, works in the FBI.” 
He chokes on his coffee, precious beans from Argentina, and the liquid is flying across his keyboard. 
Pulling up your phone view, it confirms the worst. In a moment of Weakness with a capital W, Jihoon had caved and made a Light a Flame profile the other night. It’s an app reserved for more serious relationships, which means you’ve finally graduated from Tinder. 
“Are you okay?” he wants to cry when he hears you on the other line, genuinely panicked. “Do you need me to send you his profile?” 
“N-no,” he sputters, rubbing a rough napkin from McDonalds over his dripping chin. He thought he privated his profile last week after he realized there was nothing he could do to let loose of you. Turns out that isn’t the case, because you’re currently pursuing his profile and actually kinda-sorta considering him for a potentially serious relationship. 
“C’mon, Uji,” you tease lightly, “you always seem to know what to do. This is your area of expertise after all, since you work for that kind of department.” 
What should he do, scratch that, what can he do? It’s a complete violation of policy to be fraternizing with his civilian life. Sure, there has been episodes of civilians and agents meeting each other, but only minor violations that both parties forgot about shortly after. He’s so far deep at this point, he can risk being relocated or losing his civilian—losing you. 
“Do you think he really works in the FBI?” you say when he doesn’t reply immediately, “he’s really cute, though. Totally looks like my style, and he likes My Hero as well! C’mon, I just need for you to check as to whether he’s a homicidal maniac or a compulsive liar.” 
Liar. He’s a liar. 
That self-accusation prompts him to slump in defeat, and he mumbles in the phone, “I don’t think he’s worth it. I’d say pass.” 
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“Hey, Coups has seniority,” Soonyoung pats Jihoon thoughtfully on the back with one hand, and grilling meat with the other. Barbeque always lifted up Jihoon’s spirits. “Why don’t you give it a chance and meet her for real? And then he can give me your super cute civilian and then he can give my shitty civilian to some newbie.” 
“And if it doesn’t work out, I just lose her,” Jihoon’s eyes are watering, most likely from the excess smoke around their grill, but it does align with his current state of sadness. It was the right thing to do, he thinks over and over as he replays that phonecall from last night. “Hoshi, if you were in my situation, would you have done the same?” 
“Like I said–” Soonyoung—codename Hoshi, waves his tongs around like a magic wand, “your civilian is super cute, so I would be making a beeline to her house and—” 
“Okay, don’t finish that sentence,” you’re his civilian, not Soonyoung’s. 
“Cheer up, c’mon,” Soonyoung’s filling his bowl with all sorts of delicious things, charred vegetables, mixed rice, and pork belly. Jihoon’s favorite is pork belly, so eventually he relents with a timid smile, taking out his chopsticks to appease his friend, “there it is, Uji. Food always makes things better—” 
Both off-duty agents freeze, hearing the familiar ting of your voice as it glares holes into Jihoon’s back. It’s you. Since they’re off the clock, he would have no idea you’d be here. Usually that’s fine, it’s early morning and it’s pretty unlikely that you’d run into your civilian considering you’re supposed to know every second of their schedule. It seems that tonight you’ve varied from the norm. 
“Uh, hey?” 
His back is still facing you, and he’s side eying Soonyoung in a panic. He’s wearing a cap and a nondescript hoodie, feeling like a shlub as your familiar voice pings back at him with excitement. 
“I knew I recognized your voice!” you’re unfazed, definitely not realizing the distress the two men are currently going through. “What a small world, I didn’t think we’d ever actually run into each other!” 
“Talk to her, you ass!” Soonyoung hisses, and immediately swivels his chair so he has no choice but to face you.
You’re so, so pretty. Prettier in person, prettier than any crappy 480p screen can give him. You’re definitely not dressed for barbeque, in fact you look like you’re just passing by to pick up a to-go order after a night out. You’re dressed in a silky looking velvet off-the-shoulder top, the cherry red color practically melting onto your skin. The black skirt paired with it has Jihoon salivating for more than just barbeque, and he has no idea how to look away. 
The smile is wiped clean off your face however, and you recognize him almost immediately. “Jihoon?” 
This should be a moment of joy for him, after all it’s far too late to go back at this point. You look a little hurt, your face twisted in confusion as you put two and two together. 
Soonyoung excuses himself to go to the bathroom, although neither party seems to care. The lame, over-distended EDM music that plays over the cacophony of the barbeque place seems to melt in the atmosphere, much like how the smoke hits the fan, and it’s just you two in the room. Jihoon gestures a pale hand to Soonyoung’s seat, and you take a beat to reluctantly sit yourself down. 
You clutch your skirt with both hands, thumbs ringing against the pleats and ironing them out. “So, you’re also Jihoon?” your voice is tiny, small and sad. Jihoon feels liquid guilt inject in his veins, and he wishes he could reach out and pat your shoulder, hold your hand, something. However no matter how much he knows you, he’s a stranger to you. “Why did you lie to me?” 
“It’s… complicated,” you shake your head at his pathetic reply, and Jihoon hates this. He feels like he’s drowning in smoke and mirrors and the cloying scent of pork belly is now sticking to all his senses, immobilizing him. 
With a cross of your arms, you scoff, “It’s always complicated.” 
“Please don’t think I said those things the other night because I don’t want to date you,” Jihoon tumbles the words out like a hamster wheel, wanting to speed up to your pace as fast as he can, “I want to, I really do, but it’s—”
The two of you sit in silence, letting the noise back into your little bubble. Jihoon feels his stare on you, akin to how a teacher looks over your shoulder during an exam. He robotically eats rice, grain after grain as he lets you have your look. 
The slope of his nose, the cotton smooth skin, the lean yet strong stature. You can’t believe he matches the Light a Flame profile perfectly. Other than the frumpy clothes, he matches the man on your phone, a simple picture in a black suit that reminds you strangely of the movie Kingsman. You mentally roll through what you remember from his profile, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes, his occupation—
“Wait,” you pause, your brows knitting together, “so the FBI thing on your profile… is not a joke?” 
Jihoon forgets to chew his last bite, and he swallows a whole two centimeters of meat down his throat. Ouch. 
The adjective has a whole new meaning now. It’s crazy how in so little words, so much is exchanged between you two. You might not be realizing it, but Jihoon’s so attuned to you he feels like the pick to your guitar, strumming and humming along your chords like it’s second nature. It really isn’t fair, but anticipating your reactions helps greatly. 
“There’s things you’re not telling me.” 
“And things you can’t tell me,” you add. 
“Then what are some things you can tell me?” 
“I’d… rather not here,” Jihoon’s eyes dart around the room, looking for all the pinholes and micro cams attached to the restaurant. By the bonsai, under the table, in the koi tank, “I need to work out some paperwork before anything.” 
Jihoon nods mutely, but he looks at you with a litany of emotions in his eyes you’re reeling back in your stool. Why do you feel like this man knows you from a simple five-minute interaction? And why do you feel like you can trust this man with your life? 
“Okay,” you finally say. 
“Really? Okay?” you think he’s cute, the way his eyes perk up and his back straightens. 
Silence fills the space once more. This time however, it feels more at ease. 
“The only reason why I’m saying yes,” you pretend to nonchalantly play with your fingertips, a manicure reserved for a date you’ve long abandoned for this evening in favor of a new flame, “is because I think FBI agents are kinda hot.” 
A flush blooms on Jihoon’s cheeks, and you can’t help but giggle. 
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it-was-summer · 4 years
Video Killed The Radio Star - Chapter 6 (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Hello! I’m sorry for being so inactive, I just started up college again this semester and it’s been a long week and it’s only Wednesday. I think I might try to update Sunday every week starting next week so we will see how that works out!
Warnings: Soft mention of drugs once again, They are just talking again and things are being put in motion. 
Plot: Spencer and you have conversations and make some plans. You have a certain kind of dream. 
Word Count: 2.1K
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Spencer could feel his cheeks grow warm, a grin creeping its way onto his face. There was the pesky idea of fate repeating in the back of his mind. Spencer suppressed the idea, not wanting it to ruin the moment. He was too busy zoning out, thinking about how easy the smile on his face appeared when he heard your voice, not noticing the growing silence over the line. “Spencer?” your voice called through the phone.
“Yes, I’m sorry, I’m here!” Spencer laughed quickly, clearing his throat nervously. “Why are you up?”
He heard you laughing over the phone, nervous knots twisting in his stomach. “Spencer, it’s seven o’clock.” You giggled, feeling lighter than you had all day. You heard him laugh nervously at himself as he muttered an embarrassment, “Right.”
Spencer licked his lips, “Why did you call?” he questioned, trying his best to relax on his couch.
You felt the weight in your chest replace the butterflies, swallowing hard. You had kept it all in, it was hard to pick the reason for your call. You took in a deep breath, blowing it out slowly. “Things have just been piling up, and I feel like I need some help.” your fingers pinched the comforter between your thumb and index.
“What kind of things have been piling up?” Spencer asked, straightening as he listened.
You pinched the comforter tighter, jaw clenching down. You didn’t want to cry with Dr. Spencer Reid on the phone. Maybe it was because you hated feeling vulnerable. You tried your best to relax and remember that he wouldn’t judge you, he said to call if you needed anything, and you did. “I don’t want to say something stupid,”
“You won’t,”
“Well, it kind of started when I left the hospital. I had a dream, a memory, one night. I could feel her, she wasn’t there, because she’s dead! Then,” you let out a calming breath, “Then, I was in my mom’s kitchen, and I saw this pink light. I was back there, like in the room, I could feel it, smell it.” You shivered, overwhelming anxiety dawning on you.
You felt safe with Spencer, you couldn’t explain why you did, but you did. Was it because he was the first face you saw that day? Or because he had come to check up on you in the hospital?
Despite your overwhelming feeling of trust towards Spencer, you couldn’t stop the tiny voice in the back of your mind that told you he thought you were crazy. Clammy hands rubbed against your pajama pants in a desperate attempt to dry them.
Spencer wanted to spew statistics, say something about how many victims experience post-traumatic stress disorder, but he stopped himself. He wanted to dig deeper, he wanted you to know you weren’t alone. He cleared his throat, trying to sound calm. “I know what it’s like, to feel like they’re still around. It seems irrational to think that a dead person is around, that getting saved was all a dream, but I know what it’s like.”
Your heart rate slowed at his words, closing your eyes as you chuckled gently. “You just have to say that because you're my federal agent,” teasing him softly over the phone.
“Hey, that’s Doctor federal agent to you.” Spencer joked, a tiny chuckle building up in his throat. “I’m saying it because I know,” he ruffled his hair as he tried to think about what to say, falling back into a silent panic. He wasn’t used to talking to people about it, especially people that he didn’t know. He tried to recall his emotions, trying his hardest to remember. He wanted to be a beacon of light for you, something to follow, something to trust. He swallowed hard, “About two years ago, I was kidnapped,”
“Spencer,” your tone was so soft, so sweet, he felt his chest pound. “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” You heard a gentle protest on the other line, shushing him. “Spencer, really, it already means the world to me that you gave me your number. You didn’t even have to pick up and yet, you did.”
Spencer hesitated, wanting to insist that he was fine with talking about it, to insist that it didn’t bother him, but he kept his mouth shut. He knew that it wasn’t something he was comfortable with talking about and you were right. He didn’t even know you, but here he was trying to convince you that you were safe. That you weren’t alone. “I’m sorry,”
“For what?”
Spencer grinned, feeling lame as he searched for an answer. After a few moments of silence, you spoke up again, “Spencer, I’m not working right now and I’m always alone,” you trailed off, your cheeks flaring, “Well, I was wondering if I could keep calling you. As long as you aren’t busy,”
You were waiting to hear Spencer’s calming voice reject you, but you could hear the excitement in his voice as he answered with an enthusiastic “Yes,”
You felt your chest tighten, “I’ll call you tomorrow at eight?”
“Eight sounds good,”
You quickly said a nervous goodbye, hanging up after hearing Spencer bid you farewell.
It was night, cool breezes blew through your hair, as you looked up with a smile. Your arms wrapped around his neck, large hands holding your hips. You ignored the excitement shooting down your spine, your body feeling nuclear under his touch, your emotions being the bomb and his touch was the impact. You felt so wonderfully warm if something touched you, you were sure it would heat up in a second.
You felt his hands move away, pulling at his neck for a thick scarf, wrapping it around your neck delicately, pulling you closer by the ends of it. He laughed, peppermint filling your senses, leaning down quickly. You caught a glance of hazel eyes before you woke up in your lonesome bed.
A pit formed in the bottom of your stomach as you push yourself up on your bed, blinking as you registered who you were just dreaming about. You let out a whisper of a desperate no, dramatically falling back down onto the bed with a groan. Your hands rubbed your eyelids, trying not to picture Spencer leaning down, trying not to remember how he smelt of peppermint. How did you even know that? You scolded yourself as you got up, throwing on some semi-appropriate clothes and heading for the door with your crutches.
You needed some air, you knew he was in your dreamland of romance because he was the last person you talked to last night. After the phone call, you spent the rest of the long night on your bed with a copy of The Picture Of Dorian Gray. Why couldn’t demonic Dorian Gray live in your dreamland? You limped into the coffee shop, holding back a giddy smile as you gave Spencer Reid’s lips one last thought.
You had spent the rest of your day, doing mindless tasks; you read, you cleaned, watched mindless television, anything to keep yourself distracted. Your mind kept drifting towards darker ends, today seemingly worse than the last. Your body yearning desperately for numbing bliss, a gentle reminder that despite all of your romantic dwellings you were still living in an unbearable existence.
You were about to endure another episode of staring up at the ceiling when there was a gentle knock at the door. You welcomed the distraction with a grin, hobbling as fast as you could, over to the door. You opened it to see a delivery woman smiling back at you as she handed you a tiny package, you signed for it quickly and politely shut the door. You sat at your kitchen table, opening the package with a tiny struggle.
It was free from all the tape now, but you couldn’t stop the sick feeling from eating at you. What if you had another stalker? How stupid were you to just bring a package into your house? After everything that had happened, you cursed yourself for your carelessness. You swallowed a quick gulp of air, opening up the package slowly. You let out the air with a tiny gasp, seeing a tiny card on the inside that read Spencer. The note was right next to a box of peppermint tea and a small copy of Oscar Wilde’s The Nightingale and the Rose.
You tried not to let it get to you as fire decorated your cheeks, you opened the note quickly, reading messy handwriting.
Since you said you were always alone, let this keep you company.
You bit the inside of your cheek, heart racing as your stomach filled with the fluttering wings of butterflies. Before you could let your mind go any farther, you suppressed them, choking the life out of beating wings in your stomach. It wasn’t fair to him, to Spencer. He was too good and you were here in your apartment, yearning for a drug to satisfy you. He didn’t need that. He shouldn’t have to fix you and he wasn’t going to be your coping mechanism.  
You stood up, grabbing the peppermint tea, slipping it into the cabinet with a dramatic huff. On your way back to the couch you grabbed the book, sitting down and letting it do the job of keeping you company.
After a cup of peppermint tea, you called Spencer’s phone. You felt a very familiar lump grow in your throat as you heard the first ring. Despite being in the good company of a good book, you couldn’t stop thinking about Spencer. It seemed that thoughts of him kept you more company than anything Oscar Wilde could produce. You let yourself be convinced that he was just a friend, that he was just someone trying to help you get through a rough patch. He was just someone who understood.
Another ring. You squeezed your eyes tight, the sudden urge to hang up the phone was becoming slightly overwhelming. You were about to hang up the phone at the third ring, but then you heard a very breathless “Hello?”
Anxiety exited your system, warmth replacing the void effortlessly. “Hi,” you chuckled, hearing a heavy pant on the other end of the line, “Did I interrupt a workout  routine?”
“No,” Spencer let out a breathy laugh, relaxing at the sound of your voice. It was a welcome distraction from his day, they didn’t have a case, it was just a long day. “I was just cleaning up,”
“Is the doctor dirty?” you questioned, the word choice setting in as your cheeks became a light pink, stuttering to fix your mistake. “I mean, messy! Are you messy?”
Spencer didn’t think the question was all that odd till he realized that it could have been taken out of context and then he let out a tiny chuckle, shaking his head slowly. “No, I’m not dirty, just cluttered,” he answered, a smile on his lips. “Did you get the package?”
“Yes,” Your voice rising in volume with excitement, “I did, it was perfect. Thank you so much.” A tiny piece of guilt slithering into your mind as you stole a glance over at the book next to you. You were about to speak when Spencer cut you off.
“I was just thinking about what you said last night and thought it would cheer you up,”
Your guilty thoughts came to a halt, a blush creeping its way towards your ears as you let out a gentle, “It did,”
“I’m glad it did,”
You let out a soft hum, trying to come up with something to say. You wanted to ask him how his day was, or ask him how he was feeling. But all of those questions seemed weak. You could’ve told him that you wanted to be friends, but your emotions decided for you. “Would you be alright with going out, like as friends?”
“As friends?”
“I would like us to go out as friends, yes.” your voice shook slightly with anxiety as you waited for his response.
Spencer couldn’t fight back the laugh bubbling in his chest, chuckling at how nervous you seemed. “I would love to,”
“Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, you might think I’m weird or something?”
“I would want nothing more than to go out with you, as a friend, that is.”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from Grace ) Jungkook x OC
Summary : Friends with benefits? Or maybe Enemies who just happen to fuck? Areum and Jungkook love driving each other crazy, but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  
Chapter 7
Author’s Note : This isn’t a chapter update. Just a snippet of how they met ;) 
Two Years Ago ~ How they met. 
“So, first day at work?” My sister gave me a bright, vibrant grin as she watched me shimmy into my slacks , struggling to yank the skin tight fabric up my legs.
I was half tempted to just choose something a little less form fitting but, Jung Hoseok, my soon to be boss was a hot piece of ass and I wanted to make an  impression. 
The kind of impression that would end in me , under him , horizontally. And him well, inside me preferably. God , he looked so hot in those fitted suits of his , dark hair falling into his face . That sharp as a blade jawline and that beautiful damn smile. He was so humble and friendly, which meant that he had a gorgeous daddy dick and knew exactly how to use it. 
My sister, so attuned to my thinking , read my mind like a book. 
“Don’t even think about sleeping with your boss again. That's how you got fired the last time remember?” She said sharply.
I rolled my eyes.
“I quit. Because he lied about being divorced. There’s a difference.” 
“Still Hobi is a stickler for rules , don’t do anything stupid.”  She warned. 
I grinned a bit. 
My perfect, holier than thou sister would never understand the thrill of good sex, I thought . And one look at Hoseok told me that he had bomb dick game. And men didn’t really care about rules when they saw my ass in this particular pair of pants. It was a theory tested and proven. 
“Its not stupid to want to ride a gorgeous man into the sunset. It’s the only fairytale ending I believe in “ I said loftily. 
“Well, I’m only looking out for you , Areum. I am incredibly proud of you for landing this job. Jeon Inc., is one of the biggest conglomerates in our country. You did well.” She looked annoyingly bright and cheerful for someone who had actually got up at the ass crack of dawn to make me breakfast and had then driven half way across Seoul to deliver it at my apartment. 
I loved her with my whole entire heart but my sister had a tendency to sometimes treat me like I was still five years old. 
Which I loved, most of the time. 
But not when I was already running late for the first day of work. 
“unnie, i love you but you need to go suck Seokjin’s dick and leave me alone.” I grinned wide at her and she turned an alarming shade of red. 
“So, you’ve familiarized yourself with all the Office policies, right?” Hoseok narrowed his eyes at me and I groaned.
��Yes.”  i muttered, morose.
“Yes sir.” I groaned. God, he made me want to kneel down and suck his dick but also made me want to knee him in said dick, at the same damn time. 
“Especially the clause on interpersonal relationships in the office and the dress code.”
I gritted my teeth. 
Ugh, no amount of daddy dick was worth putting up with being talked to like an errant school girl , 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Good. Now, we have a well stocked wardrobe department in the fifth floor. I would suggest you go change into a more suitable pair of work pants “ He waved his hand, dismissing me and I turned around, trudging back to my desk. 
So much for nailing the boss.
I was a little awed that the company had a bunch of things for the employees . Things I’d never heard of before. There was an actual ‘nap’ room where you could take a twenty five minute nap , once a day. A wardrobe department for when you needed to change your clothes and  a whole garden out in the terrace for team meetings that were informal. 
Apparently, the entire set up had been designed by the younger Jeon kid, Jeon Jungkook. The whole thing was patented in his name and he was also a super talented digital artist, evident in the bazillion gorgeous murals mounted all over the office,  all of them signed with a beautifully scripted “JK”.  
 I hadn’t met him yet but he was apparently incredibly smart, incredibly handsome and also the biggest man-whore in the entirety of Seoul. 
Which fair enough. i didn’t begrudge good men the right to pussy. And if he was getting so much of it, he was probably good at what he did. That was cool. 
What wasn’t cool, was him apparently leaving his cum stained fucking pants in the  closet in the Women’s section . The same closet i had dug into five minutes ago looking for appropriate clothes , only to have my hands met with a damp, sticky white mess that clung to my fingers like ...well like cum. 
“What the fuck....!!!” I screeched in disbelief, stumbling back and landing hard on my ass, shaking my hand in despair like that could get rid of the grossly disgusting mess that now coated my digits. 
Completely out of it, I wiped the mess on my blouse of all thing, realizing a split second too late , what a bad idea  that  was. 
“Oh, gross!!” I sobbed out in disbelief .
“You alright, angel?” 
The words came from right behind me and i whirled around, surprised. 
I got the wind knocked out of me as i stared at the fine , fine specimen standing in front of me. ‘
it was a face that looked like it was straight out of the most luxurious fashion magazines in the world. Beautiful ebony black hair that fell into deep, almond shaped doe eyes. Eyes that fairly glittered with mischief. He had a nice strong nose and a beautifully red pair of lips , quirked up in a wide smile. 
“You alright?” His voice was perfect, not too deep but with a masculine cadence to it. 
He was completely shirtless, grinning like it was going out of style,  as he pulled on pants over his gloriously muscled thighs. I watched him carefully tuck his underwear in, before buttoning  the pair of jeans up. 
He was tall, just a little shy of six feet and had the body of Adonis, with broad shoulders, beautiful pecs and drool worthy abs that tapered to a ridiculously tiny waist. 
I stared down at my hands and his eyes followed mine. 
“Oh, my bad. I thought that was the closet for the used clothes.” He grinned unrepentant. 
it took me a second to realize that it was his cum.
I was covered in his cum. 
“What?!” I hissed in disbelief , staring at him in pure horror. 
He held his hands up. 
“This is not my fault. The girl told me she’d swallow every drop of it and then choked half way through-”
“Oh my fucking God...” I groaned in disgust. 
“Although I’m not complaining now... Wouldn’t have met you if it weren’t for her... What’s your name, pretty?” 
I stared at him, slightly slack jawed. 
What kind of a man whore-
I froze. 
No way. It can’t be.
“Jeon Jung Kook.” I said drily. 
His eyes widened. 
“Well now you have the advantage ....i don’t know your name.” He pouted. 
“You should be in a cage.” I snapped, turning back to grab the nearest skirt. I moved to leave but he stepped in my way, blocking the path with both hands held up. 
“What are you doing?” I narrowed my eyes at him. 
Jungkook chuckled.
“Come on baby..Don’t be mad.. Its just a little bit of cum. Granted you did not get the pleasure of getting it out of me yourself but that can easily be remedied if you just-” 
“You will not have a dick to cum out of , if you don’t move right now.” i warned him. 
Jugkook’s eyes widened at that.
“Um... you do realize who I am?” He smirked. 
“A man whore with bad taste in hook-ups? A girl who can’t even swallow? Really Jeon, how desperate were you  ?” I smiled. 
His eyes danced at that.
“ Not as desperate as I am now.... Go out with me.” 
I laughed, shaking my head.
“Not happening. Get out of my way.” 
Jungkook let out an actual groan at that but he moved aside nonetheless. 
“What??..come on, please , angel, just one date.....” 
I shook my head. 
“ I’ll send you the bill for my dry cleaning Jeon.” I flipped him off before stalking right out of the room. 
“Gonna make you fall in love with me, new girl.” He called out from behind me. 
I scoffed at that. 
Yeah right.
Author’s Note : I had to write their first meeting okay???? I’ll update tomorrow or the day after . 
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amer-ainu · 4 years
by Chetanya Robinson | December 9th, 2020 Visitors to the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center in West Seattle have to navigate poor sidewalks and a treacherous stretch of West Marginal Way that lacks a crosswalk and pedestrian signal.
“People go up and down West Marginal Way at 60 miles an hour — it’s like a freeway,” said Jolene Haas, director of the Longhouse.
Visiting the Longhouse might become safer next year. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will build a temporary pedestrian crossing by the Longhouse in summer 2021, followed by a permanent one a year later. The department will also build a new sidewalk — meeting Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements — and fill a gap in the biking trail there.
“I was delighted,” Haas said of the new improvements, which the Duwamish have long requested. “We just never thought this was going to happen in a million years.”
The Longhouse, which was constructed in 2009 from Western red cedar with traditional Salish architecture, is the centerpiece of the Duwamish tribe’s efforts to survive culturally and economically. It includes cultural objects, a space for performances and a kitchen for preparing traditional foods. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it hosted regular events, educational programs for children and walking tours of the history, geology and biology of the Duwamish river. Limited tours are still available.
The Longhouse stands across the street from an archeological village site and the Duwamish river. “We’re so happy to be here, to be close to the river and close to one of our sacred sites,” Haas said. “There isn’t any other place we’d want to be. But we just feel like the city should help us create equal access and safe access to getting here.”
The hazardous traffic along West Marginal Way has created financial barriers for the Duwamish. “People don’t want to rent our facility or come here for a workshop, because the access to get here is so difficult,” Haas said. “Then how are we supposed to survive in this economy and in this city?”
In March, the city closed the West Seattle bridge after an inspection found alarming cracks. As traffic was diverted toward other bridges, it increased along West Marginal Way. SDOT lowered the speed limit on the road to 30 miles per hour in May and installed radar feedback signs in September to control speeding.
Ironically, the bridge closure probably ensured the crosswalk and other projects were funded and installed more quickly.
The Longhouse pedestrian safety improvements — the sidewalk, crosswalk and bike lane — already had $1.25 million in funding for planning and design from the 2020 budget. With the closure of the bridge, it became important to quickly mitigate the impacts of detouring traffic along West Marginal Way, said Dawn Schellenberg, spokesperson for SDOT, in an email.
“It’s sort of a glass-half-full outcome of the bridge closure,” said Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who represents West Seattle. “This year, we leveraged the fact that we have this crisis with the bridge closure to get the city to fully fund the project.”
Herbold has supported the Duwamish tribe’s efforts to get a crosswalk built for years, starting when she worked as a staffer for Councilmember Nick Licata. She lives nearby and has frequently visited. “You go to a meeting at the Longhouse and have to cross that crazy road,” she said.
It’s taken so long to build the crosswalk and implement other improvements, Herbold said, because of the City Council’s lack of “prioritization around the need.”
According to Schellenberg of SDOT: “Unfortunately, up until recently, a lack of funding for these improvements in that location did not make it feasible for us to provide them.”
That didn’t stop the Duwamish from advocating for the improvements, including recently seeking funding through SDOT’s Your Voice, Your Choice participatory budgeting process for street improvements. The tribe’s proposal received wide community support in West Seattle.
SDOT has narrowed traffic into one lane on either side of the Longhouse and installed paint and posts. But at first, the city said there wasn’t enough funding for the crosswalk, and the industrial location was a challenge, Haas said.
“It wasn’t going anywhere, so we basically held everyone’s feet to the fire,” she said.
After the bridge closure, Haas feared the Longhouse safety program would get pushed aside, and she joined the West Seattle Bridge Task Force to keep the project alive.
In the end, the project was fully funded through SDOT’s Reconnect West Seattle, which is intended to mitigate the impacts of detour traffic in Duwamish Valley neighborhoods.
SDOT will build a temporary pedestrian crossing signal by the Longhouse in summer 2021, followed by a permanent one the next year. The permanent crossing will take a year because it requires reconstructing the BNSF rail crossing at that location, and the company needs “a long lead time” to review designs, according to SDOT.
In spring 2021, SDOT will install a new asphalt sidewalk on the west side of West Marginal Way where there’s now an overgrown path.
SDOT will also build out 0.4 miles of biking trailway to create a full path for cyclists getting to the Longhouse. The department is considering design options for the southbound curb lane, which extends from the existing Duwamish Trail Crossing signal to the Longhouse, and will have discussions with the public and stakeholders about options.
Haas is happy the pedestrian safety projects will soon become reality. Next, she hopes King County Metro will create a bus stop near the Longhouse; the closest one is about a mile away. “That would just be, to us, a dream come true,” she said.
“With the billions of dollars that’s being dumped into the city by all the tourists that come here, they can’t get on a bus and get here,” Haas said. “So we’re sort of being left out in the cold, we feel.”
The Longhouse receives an estimated 10,000 visitors per year on average, and Haas wants to make it easier for more people to visit.
“There’s no other place in the city of Seattle that represents the first people of Seattle but this longhouse, and tells our story,” Haas said in reference to Duwamish representation. “I just feel like people should have access to get here.”
A bigger dream in sight
An even bigger dream for the Duwamish is the possibility that the new Joe Biden presidential administration will grant them federal recognition.
In 1855, tribal leaders in western Washington, including Duwamish and Suquamish leader (and Seattle’s namesake) Chief Si’ahl, signed the Treaty of Point Elliott. In signing the treaty, the Duwamish gave up their homeland of most of King County in return for a reservation and fishing and hunting rights. Several Washington tribes were granted land and federal recognition as sovereign tribal nations, but not the Duwamish.
Federal recognition would allow the tribe to create their own laws, be exempt from taxes, and receive services from the federal government, like healthcare and subsidized housing.
The tribe has pursued federal recognition since 1977, which it almost received in the last days of Bill Clinton’s administration, but then President George W. Bush swiftly took it away because of a technicality based on stricter criteria from 1978, which have since been updated twice.
Haas believes there’s a greater chance it could happen under a Democratic administration, and the tribe is preparing to petition the Biden administration. That said, the tribe had high hopes for recognition under President Barack Obama, and it never happened.
“We always have hope,” Haas said. “It’s never going to be over for us until we are granted our rights under the treaty that the tribe signed.”
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shrimpngritcakes · 3 years
Buddie prompt #3: 9-1-1 & Lone Star crossover idea
I’m putting this idea here for someone to claim if they wish. It was originally posted on Ao3 (now with additions), but deleted it due to ToS. If anyone wants this prompt, please comment below so I can delete it after you copy it to prevent similar stories.
His breaking point was a kiss.
One he knew he wasn't supposed to see. With anyone else he would feel like a voyeur, but all he could feel was a dark emptiness opening in his chest.
With Eddie’s truck being in the shop for a tie rod that had broken while at work, sending Eddie into a storm of cursing in Spanish, Ana had picked him up for their latest date.
And dropped him off.
If was a horrible fluke that Buck had stood up to look out the window at just the wrong moment. He should have been in the spare bedroom asleep after a grueling 24 surrounded by all the things he had brought with him when he moved in all those weeks ago.
Buck makes his excuses to leave while Eddie is completely confused and trying to get him to talk. Eddie tries to call Buck but he doesn't pick up.
Buck goes to see Bobby and Athena. It all spills out, including not feeling wanted by his parents. Bobby thinks Eddie is being an idiot but keeps this to himself. He suggests a leave of absence for mental health. Bobby receives permission from his superior to place Buck on open ended leave after giving him a brief explanation of the situation. Ending with him saying to Bobby, “That poor boy. If I ever meet that boy's parents…”
Bobby answers, “Get in line, but there may not be anything left after Athena gets them first.”
TK is surprised to find a sleeping Buck in his Jeep in the parking lot of the 126. An off duty Carlos takes him back to his place where he crashes on the couch. Buck has a nightmare and Carlos talks him down.
Owen calls Bobby saying he has his boy and they'll take care of them. He has a plan and discusses it with Bobby. The whole absence makes the heart grow fonder concept.
“Is it mutual?”
“I’m not 100% sure, but…”
“You can't tell Eddie. Even if he begs for answers for his son, you need to stand strong. It needs to be him asking for himself. If this goes wrong… We'll take Buck in here. He'll have a home with the 126. It will take a while, but we'll help put him back together as best we can until he's back on his feet. He won't be alone.”
Bobby wipes at his face, “Thank you."
“Let's hope this works.”
Eddie is worried and confused why Buck never came home. His phone is going straight to voicemail. Now he isn't there for his shift. Another man comes in and introduced as Buck's temporary replacement. Eddie asks Bobby where Buck is, but he won't give him a straight answer. Eddie is shocked as Bobby's tone is harsh and he glaring at him. Bobby later apologized and explains that Buck requested that only he and Maddie know where he is. Eddie tries to dig, but Bobby just shakes his head with a, “I'm sorry, Eddie. I can't tell you.”
Eddie asks Maddie, but she just slams the door in his face. Chim doesn’t know as she's refusing to tell them where Buck is. Chim delivers her handwritten apology the next day to Eddie. It states Buck needs space from everything, but mostly leaves out the part about Eddie (only one or two things that hint, but it goes over Eddie's head).
Athena almost breaks down and calls Eddie a fool before storming away to her police cruiser. She doesn't know where he is because Bobby refuses to tell her (which she finds annoying yet commendable), but she was there for the why when Buck broke down. She'll apologize after Buck and Eddie return. Hopefully together.
Filler with Buck and the 126 and Carlos. Judd takes him out on a horse like he did Capt. Strand. Fill a pothole on how Grace and him are so accepting of TK's sexuality despite being religious.
A Facetime therapy session where Copeland assures him its okay to get away for a while.
Eddie doesn't quite realize yet that he's slowly losing it, but the others can tell.
Paul and Buck have a conversation.
Christopher asking where Buck is because it's movie night. Eddie doesn't have an answer.
Eddie rages in the station gym trying to understand. He almost gets it, but he thinks Buck is jealous of Eddie, not Ana. Cue Hen groaning under her breath, "You almost got it, Eddie. Come on. Keep thinking."
TK, Carlos, and Paul take Buck out to a club. TK talks absentmindedly to the bartender, even showing him/her a picture of Eddie from Insta. Word spreads about the "new guy," Buck. Others keep the “creeps" away from Buck. Buck loosens up a little while there.
Buck Facetimes Christopher on Carla's phone, only for Eddie to walk in just as Buck is hanging up. He sees Buck's panicked/sad face right before he hangs up. He tries to call back, but doesn't get an answer. Carla huffs and shakes her head. "Figure it out yourself, hun. I can't give you this answer. You need to find it for yourself." Cue Eddie even more confused. This is all just about Buck's parents and jealous over Ana... Isn't it?
Roller derby to cheer on Marjan with the bartender flirting with Buck, who is all kinds of flustered. Carlos, TK, and the others tease him mercilessly.
A massive fire where Buck offers his help. Paul gives Buck as sidehug in gratitude.
Eddie almost punching the mechanic because his truck still isn't done.
Marjan takes Buck out to do something crazy because she's Firefox. (Buck is still starstruck). Maybe skydiving or they race each other at wall climbing? Cue competitive banter.
Owen keeping Bobby updated on Buck.
Buck eventually asks for a transfer. Owen asks if this is what he really wants. Buck just shrugs and asks helplessly what other option he has.
(Optional: Bucks gets up quietly at night for a glass of water and stumbles onto Carlos and TK having sex/making out in the kitchen. Buck either flees in embarrassment or is stunned into watching with Carlos and TK aware that he's there. All parties awkward and/or embarrassed the next morning until TK bursts into giggles and laughter.)
Eddie's relationship with Ana is rapidly deteriorating. Christopher has a full on tantrum. Eddie has to koala hug him on the floor, after Ana brings him back home from a not very good date as Eddie's thoughts were on Buck. Ana tries to help calm him down but Chris screams at her about Buck not being around as much as soon as she started dating his dad. “I hate you! I hate you!” He yells her to get out. Ana still tries to talk. Carla snaps at her to leave. She still tries.
Eddie is spiraling. Flashback of that kiss he really wasn’t ready for, but Ana had asked. It dawns on him that that was the night Buck disappeared. Why would Buck leave because of that? Chris is repeatedly asking her to leave, but she's not listening. She's not listening to his son. He finally snaps and demands that she leaves. She storms out. Relationship dead in the water.
Carla can only watch as Eddie breaks from it all.
The original plan has failed, so it’s time for the final attempt. A blatant hammer strike to Eddie's head to knock some sense into him.
Bobby calls Eddie into his office. He shows Eddie transfer papers from Buck along with a list of Buck's possessions to be boxed and shipped. Eddie is speechless. Thoughts of Christopher and losing Buck. He's losing Buck.
He shows Eddie an email he received and Eddie slowly scrolls through, It's full of captioned pictures. Such as:
-Buck staring off into the distance on a horse.
-Buck curled on a couch looking lost.
-Buck looking drool-worthy in club clothes. The caption: “Holy sh@t! If I wasn't already happily taken…”
-Showing Buck blushing as someone talks in his ear.
-Smiling yet not reaching his eyes while dancing.
-Sitting with his head buried in his hands on the engine’s bumper.
-Helping man a hose at a large blaze captioned with “Yes, we had permission for him to be there.” Followed by a picture of someone (Paul, but Eddie can’t see his face as he’s looking at the ground and hidden by his helmet) sidehugging a sweaty dusty still geared up Buck around the neck with a hand resting on his head.
A video. It's Buck spilling everything curled up in someone's arms (maybe Carlos or Grace). “Why am I always alone! What about me?” Mentions of Abby and Ali. His failed dates. Everyone pairing up. Losing part of his sister to Chim after finally having her back in his life after so many years apart. “And Eddie! Eddie… Why does love hurt so much?” mentioning Chris. Etc.
Eddie is shaking. It finally clicks why Buck left.
One more video. It's Capt. Strand and the 126 facing the camera. He knows where Buck is now - Austin, Texas.
“Buck doesn't know we're putting all this together. He’s asleep. We may or may not have knocked him out with sleeping pills.”
They all lay it out for Eddie. Eddie feels all kinds of stupid and blind. “Now, you have a choice here, Edmundo Diaz…”
“Why… Oh my god. This entire time… ”
“Do you love him, Eddie? As more than a friend? Or am I signing these papers?”
A few seconds after Eddie runs out of the room, a sigh comes from the speaker phone. “I'll get things set up.”
“Thank you, Owen. For everything.”
“You're welcome.”
The whole firehouse going up in a cheer after Eddie floors out of the parking lot in his thankfully finally fixed truck. Hen is shaking Chim or vice versa.
Carla agrees over the phone to keep Christopher after Eddie blurts everything out to her, ending with a “Go get him, Eddie.”
“Did everyone see this but me?” Carla is laughing as she hangs up.
Buck sees Owen call TK over and whispering in his ear. Tk has an interesting reaction before running out of the room with his phone already to his ear.
Flashbacks as Eddie is scrolling through his pictures on his phone while on an airplane. How he missed it. How he didn't understand himself. His fall had been so slow he hadn't even realized it until it was almost, or maybe is, too late. His seatmate makes a comment on his happy “family," and it’s a kick to Eddie's already flayed emotions.
Judd is there to pick him up at the airport, which surprised him.
He's dropped off at a club. Judd makes a snarky comment after handing Eddie a hotel room key card through the window. Eddie rolls his eyes as Judd drives off laughing. The bouncer, having seen the Diaz blazoned on the back of his LAFD shirt, waves Eddie inside, skipping the line. The whispering starts as soon as he enters. Word had spread and they had been hoping for Buck. “Is that…”
“I think so.”
He's shocked as the crowd starts to part for him. The music lowers in volume. People are staring and he's embarrassed, etc., but he sees Buck, who TK has made sure looks phenomenal. Taking a deep breath, he squares his shoulders and walks forward.
Buck is dancing between Carlos and TK. He feels Carlos start smacking TK on the back before they pull away from him. They’re both grinning so wide he suspects their faces are hurting. TK is not so quietly squealing in excitement.
A hand covers his eyes from behind. He immediately recognizes the body wash smell. “Eddie…”
Mini conversation/argument, neither realizing the club has gone dead silent, with Eddie yelling “Because I love you, you idiot!”
The entire club loses it with TK whooping, jumping with a fist punch, and laughing.
End there with a kiss, at the hotel room which may or may not get steamy, or Buck telling Christopher he's home with Chris tackling him to the ground.
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kingleedo · 4 years
Before The Dawn [ The Purge Game ]
Characters: Leedo/Kim Geonhak; Xion/Son Dongju; Dongmyeong/Son Dongmyeong; Seoho/Lee Seoho
Genre : Purge AU; Angst; Thriller
Word Count : 409 for teaser || 5468 in total
Triggers/Warnings : Swearing. Mentions of guns. Mentions of knives. Mentions of blood. Torture. Death. Murder. Violence. [if I didn’t mention anything that is a trigger/makes you uncomfortable, let me know. I will adjust the list.]
Taglist: @neo-shitty
21st of March, 2021 || 4:58 PM
Dongju was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His twin brother was sitting by the table, loading another gun. They had a few more hours before the annual massacre would take the place. They were well prepared, it was just Dongmyeong getting his favorite guns ready. There was this particular one, on which he made small engravings for every year they made it through. Even though it was only their third year. 
Ever since the Purge was introduced, their family avoided participating in this unholy event at all costs. But everything changed when the boys were left alone. The first year since their parents’ death was tough, they were forced to hide to survive. Even though they weren’t allowed to participate until they turned eighteen, they were still an easy target for other players. But as soon as they were allowed to become the hunters themselves, the game was on.
If one would ask who out of two was more into it, the answer would be Dongmyeong. Though, Dongju enjoyed it just as much. Though they had different reasons behind their liking of the event. While Dongmyeong enjoyed the thrill of seeing fear in his prey’s eyes, it was mostly about the revenge for Dongju. He hated the game, but he hated the ones playing and participating even more. Some days he even hated his twin brother and himself, but they were a team. And it was them against the world.
21st of March, 2021 || 6.15 PM
Geonhak was on his way home. He rushed to the market to get some stuff, as Seoho asked for some snacks and some other stuff for his experiments. He recently improved their safety system. They found the whole Purge event stupid and inhumane and they had no desire to participate in it. But they had to survive the night and stay alive.
Every year on this day all crimes were legal and the paramedic, police, and fire department services weren’t available. This chaos lasted for 12 hours straight, but usually, it felt like it lasted way longer.
Geonhak was relaxed, as he still had enough time until the start of the event. He sent Seoho a message, letting his roommate know that he was on his way home and he would make it in time. He didn’t want Seoho to worry, so he promised he will update him throughout his way home.
Once in the market, he called Seoho via face time, as he didn’t know what snacks the other wanted. Not that he cared, but listening to Seoho’s nagging for the next 12 hours sounded even worse than the Purge itself. So, he wanted to be sure he got everything the other needed and wanted.
As he was done with his shopping, he wished a cashier a calm night or a fun game and left, heading toward their apartment block. On his way he saw some guys already running around in masks, probably getting ready for the game. Some folks used to go out earlier just to meet with their friends or other gangs, so it was nothing strange. He sent another message to Seoho, letting him know that he left the shop and was heading home now. Their apartment block wasn’t that close, but he decided it would be faster to take a walk. As waiting for the bus would probably take longer. The sun was already setting and the sky was getting darker with each passing minute. He enjoyed the chilly breeze of March, if not for the stupid event, he would offer Seoho to have dinner outside.
21st of March, 2021 || 6.50 PM
He had a few blocks left and he would be home; when suddenly he heard someone calling for help. He hesitated whether or not he should check up on the person calling, as he was running out of time before the siren would go off. In the end, he decided he can’t ignore the pleading cries and he turned into the dark alleyway, looking for the one who was asking for help. It took him a few minutes to realize that there was a guy behind the dumpster. He was sitting on the floor, holding onto his leg that was bleeding. 
“Hey, you alright?” He asked as he kneeled next to the boy.
“No... I-I was going some when someone stabbed me in the leg. I’m scared I won’t make it home in time.” The guy whined and looked up at Geonhak.
“Hey, I know you.” Geonhak’s eyes widened when he realized that the guy was his neighbor. “Can you stand up? I will help you get home.” He grabbed the other’s waist, ready to help him get up. However, the other didn’t seem to be able to bend his knee, which made it difficult to stand up.
The younger boy let out another cry, as he tried to get up one more time. Geonhak put his bag on the floor, so he could support the other better. He put one of the boy’s arms on his shoulder, as he grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. Finally, the hurt guy was on his knees. Geonhak grabbed his bag, before once again hugging the other’s waist for better support.
“We won’t make it…” The younger boy stopped, looking up at Geonhak.
“Come on, don’t say that. The street seems to be calm and our apartments are around the corner. We can make it.” He nodded, reassuring the other.
“You won’t make it…” Dongju whispered, right as the siren echoed in the city. Geonhak was about to say that they still can make it to the apartment and hide, but his mouth fell open when the other took out a gun from his back pocket.
“I- What is this about?” Geonhak stared at the boy who was pointing a gun at him. He then realized some other guys walk out of the dark corners, all holding various weapons. One of the boys approached Dongju with a creepy smile.
“Good job, brother.” He grinned even wider, patting the other’s shoulder. “It’s been a while since I wanted to play with our strong Geonhak.”
“That’s cheating! What the hell is on your mind, freak!” He shouted. He honestly was lost. He wondered if there was a chance he could run away from them, but the alleyway was too long and most of them had guns. They could kill him in a matter of seconds. Fighting them was useless, too. He was alone against at least 7 other men.
“Go on, shoot me. Isn’t it what you got me here for?” He stared at Dongju, whose gun was still pointed at him.
“No.” Dongmyeong approached Geonhak, walking to him from behind so that he can whisper into the other’s ear. “I want to play with you. Would you mind joining us?” He caressed Geonhak’s cheek.
“Pff, never!” Geonhak scoffed, as he pushed Dongmyeong’s hand away. “Don’t touch me. I’d rather you kill me right here and right now than run around killing innocent people.”
“No one is innocent, my dear Geoonhakkie.” Dongmyeong walked over to Dongju, now standing in front of Geonhak. They both were wearing all black. A long black coat and the black turtle neck made Dongmyeong look like a villain. The coat was unbuttoned and his figure seemed way bigger, as he stuffed both his hands into his pockets. Dongju on the other hand was wearing clothes that seemed to be more fitted and comfortable for the activity they were about to do. He was in black, skinny jeans and a leather jacket. Geonhak has also realized that the blood on the younger’s leg was probably fake, as he didn’t seem to be hurt at all. It was all a stunt to get Geonhak in their trap.
21st of March, 2021 || 7.15 PM
“Fuck it!” Dongmyeong sighed and turned to face the men in the back. “If he doesn’t want to join the fun. Get him!” He turned to face Geonhak again, a devilish smile on his face. “He will be my pet for the night. I will leave him for the dessert.”
Before Geonhak could do or say anything, two men grabbed him by his arms and forced him down. One of them immediately secured his hands with a zip tie. Dongmyeong took the roll of scotch tape from one of the men and approached Geonhak once again. As hard as he tried to move away, the men holding him were stronger. His mouth was taped shut. His glare was glued to Dongmyeong who seemed to enjoy this too much. He winked at Geonhak and moved away. Someone from the back put a cotton bag over Geonhak’s head and suddenly his vision was lost. The sounds were the only things he could use to more or less identify his surroundings. His head was pushed down and as they dragged him along and pushed into the car. He wondered where they could take him.
They talked about their plans for the night. Based on the voices and where they came from, he realized that he was sitting between two brothers. Suddenly he felt a vibration in his pocket and if his mouth wasn’t covered, he would curse. It must have been Seoho. Geonhak moved a bit, hoping that the brother sitting on his right didn’t feel or hear the vibration.
“What is it Geonhakkie? Are you uncomfortable?” He heard a voice, turning his head to the source, even though he couldn’t see the one’s face. Though he knew it was Dongmyeong. He moved in his spot, trying to get away from the other, but Dongmyeong grabbed him by his neck and pulled him closer, making Geonhak’s heart beat faster. 
Geonhak let out a groan, as that was the only thing he could let out. He wished Seoho would stop calling him now. He also hoped that he was smart enough to stay at home. Geonhak wasn’t sure how the night would end, but as long as Seoho was safe, nothing else mattered. Even if the crazy twins decided to kill him, it didn’t matter. He just wanted Seoho to stay out of this.
“Don’t worry, we are almost here.” Dongmyeong patted Geonhak’s thigh. “We just gonna pay a visit to someone special.” The last sentence sent shivers down Geonhak’s spine. It was hard to tell if they rode for a long time or not. Without his vision, he was highly disoriented in his surroundings. He heard some distant screams coming from outside, but the sounds were so quiet, as they were blocked by the car windows. He didn’t know what the other was talking about, but he hoped it had nothing to do with his roommate.
The car finally stopped and the gang jumped out, leaving Geonhak alone in the car. He wanted to get to his phone, but it was impossible, as his hands were tied behind his back. He thought that the fuckers were smart to use a zip tie, as it wasn’t that easy to get rid of. He sat there still, trying to focus his attention on the sounds surrounding him. He wanted to know where they took him and what were they planning to do with him next.
He thought of the day when the twins moved in. It was around 7 months ago. They always were so sweet and polite, one could never think that they would be the ones running around the streets on this crazy night. But then again, they didn’t seem like the ones who were eager to get to know their neighbors. They never left each other’s side. He also never seen any other relatives around. He wondered if they were orphans or did their family simply lived in another city.
Suddenly he heard the door of the car being opened again. Someone grabbed him by his arm and pushed him out, throwing him on the cold ground. It was sand mixed with small rocks, so he wondered if they were somewhere out of the city. He tried getting up to sit on his butt, but the man forced him up. Once Geonhak stood on his feet, a strong kick met his back and he fell on his face. He let out a muffled scream. He felt someone grab his hair, pulling his head up. The pull wasn’t that strong, so he was sure it was one of the brothers. Perhaps Dongmyeong, as he was the one who wanted Geonhak around, for whatever his reason was.
“This is your last chance to change your mind.” He said. His voice was so close and Geonhak realized that he must be squatting down right in front of him, as he still held Geonhak by his hair. Suddenly, Dongmyeong let go of Geonhak’s hair. The next thing Geonhak knew, the bag was finally off his head. He closed his eyes and scrunched his nose, as the sudden bright light of the fires around them blinded his eyes. The man behind him lifted him, putting Geonhak on his knees. Here he was, kneeling in front of the big boss, even though the other was the same height as Geonhak.
Geonhak glared at the boy and let out another groan. He then stared at Dongju who was standing behind Dongmyeong. Somehow, the other twin didn’t seem to be into this massacre as much as the older one.
“Oh right. Sorry, my love.” Dongmyeong leaned over, ripping the tape of Geonhak’s lips.
“Do you think it’s fucking funny?” Geonhak growled.
“You think it’s not?” Dongmyeong tilted his head to the side. “Look at you, you’re so strong. You could crush their skulls with your bare hands. I saw you in the gym. I know what you’re able to do.” He smirked, as he squatted down next to Geonhak again.
“I’m not killing people. I told you, you can kill me if you want. I don’t care.” Geonhak breathed out.
“That would be boring.” Dongmyeong pouted his lips and looked over at Dongju. “I have a better idea. Why spend the night running around when I can have plenty of fun with you.”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Geonhak’s eyes widened, as he watched both twins.
“You will see.” Dongmyeong smiled, standing up. He then motioned for the men to take Geonhak away.
21st of March, 2021 || 9.05 PM
Geonhak spit out blood on the ground and laughed. Even though the situation he was in was anything but funny. His hands were still tied up, only this time he was tied up to the chair. As two men beat him up for what seemed like an eternity. He tried to think of a reason as to why he was so lucky to end up in this situation. Did he ever insult one of the twins… No, he was always polite. His head was empty and he couldn’t think of any logical reason. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Maybe the trap wasn’t targeted at him and only if he ignored the cries, he would be at home with Seoho. Fuck, Seoho! He licked the blood off his lips and moved his waist a little to the side, trying to feel the phone in his pocket. A whine escaped his mouth, as his ribs hurt from all the punches and kicks he received. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t feel the phone in his pocket. He didn’t recall anyone taking it from him. Maybe it fell off in the car.
Suddenly a door to the room they were in flew open and he saw a familiar figure. Dongmyeong entered the room, followed by Dongju. Did these two ever spend at least a minute away from one another? Geonhak was pissed, mostly because he hated the fact that he was here for no particular reason.
“Will someone explain to me why am I here? Why won’t you let me go home?” Geonhak groaned once Dongmyeong was close enough.
“Home? Why? Is there someone waiting for you?” Dongmyeong patted his lips with his index finger. “Ahh, right. Your roommate. What was his name..?” He turned over to Dongju, hoping that he remembered the other’s name.
“Lee Seoho.” Dongju smiled, nodding his head. “This nerd thinks his stupid system is going to protect him. I bet he is dead already. Now that he doesn’t have his strong boyfriend to protect him.” He laughed out loud, though as soon as he noticed Dongmyeong’s stare, he stopped.
“He is not my boyfriend,” Geonhak whispered. “We are just friends.” His voice was calm, but deep down he was scared. If something was to happen to Seoho, he would never forgive himself. 
“Should we pay him a visit?” Dongju tilted his head, as he pressed his gun against the other side of his head.
“Nah, I don’t give a shit about this loser Seoho.” Dongmyeong stood up, bending over Geonhak. “I’d rather stay here with you. I see the boys introduced you to the rules of the game we are about to play.”
“As if you could keep up with their level.” Geonhak laughed, his teeth still covered in blood. The phrase didn’t sit well with the other, so he didn’t hesitate to land a punch to Geonhak’s jaw. 
“It would take more punches to shut me up,” Geonhak said after he spat more blood in front of the other’s boots.
Dongmyeong first gave him a stare, but a second later his expression changed. Now he was grinning widely. He grabbed Geonhak’s chin and leaned in closer, leaving almost no space between their faces. 
“Then let me introduce you to my friends.” He winked, pushing Geonhak’s face away before he walked over to the table. Geonhak glanced over his shoulder, noticing various knives and other rather sharp weapons laying there. As Dongmyeong’s hand ran over the weapons, he hummed to himself. Everybody else was quiet, so it was just a soft voice of the boy and the loud thumps of Geonhak’s heart. 
Finally, Dongmyeong took a butterfly knife and approached Geonhak again. Dongju’s eyes followed his brother and so did Geonhak’s. His eyes widened at the boy and he knew that asking another question was pointless. A part of him knew well enough what was about to happen.
Dongmyeong pressed the button, making the blade pop out. He looked at the knife, his eyes shining bright, as a creepy smile only grew bigger. He admired the cold weapon in his hand and then he carefully dragged the tip of the blade along Geonhak’s cheek. Geonhak closed his eyes and held his breath, his teeth pressing hard against each other. As Dongmyeong’s hand moved lower to his neck, Geonhak opened his eyes and looked down, trying his best to follow the other’s hand. The blade stopped at the collar of Geonhak’s white T-shirt. Dongmyeong grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it a little from the other’s body, as his blade made its way through the fabric, tearing it apart. As soon as Geonhak’s chest was exposed, Dongmyeong ran his fingers against the warm skin, tracing his finger down to Geonhak’s belt. He gave him one last look in the eyes before he pushed the blade into the other’s skin with a smug smile on his face.
Geonhak closed his eyes once again, as he gritted his teeth to avoid any sound leaving his mouth. Dongmyeong noticed that and pushed the blade even deeper, moving it across Geonhak’s chest. He watched crimson red blood run down the wound, smiling to himself, as he enjoyed it so much. Geonhak let out a small whimper, which made Dongmyeong’s grin grow even bigger.
He moved the blade away, wiping the blood off it with his finger and then licking it off. Dongmyeong waited for Geonhak’s reaction, but as he didn’t receive any, he continued. Cutting the flesh of the older guy.
22nd of March, 2021 || 12.43 AM
The torture with knives lasted for another few hours. Dongmyeong tried a few different knives and different spots on Geonhak’s body. Geonhak was left shirtless, as in the process his jacket and ripped T-shirt was taken off of him. They also found their phone that was in his jacket’s pocket. However, the phone was long dead. The battery must have died, as Geonhak forgot to charge it during his work hours. With his phone off, he got even more scared for Seoho. He prayed to God that Seoho was smart enough not to leave the house.
Geonhak’s head dropped, he lost a lot of blood and was overall exhausted. He also wouldn’t mind getting some water, as he was getting thirsty and the blood in his mouth didn’t help.
“Can I--- Can I get some water?” He gathered his remaining strength and looked up, catching Dongju’s eyes and begging him for at least a drop of water. Dongju was about to offer him a bottle of water when Dongmyeong kicked it out of Dongju’s arm.
“Don’t you dare give him anything to drink!” Dongmyeong grabbed Dongju by the collar of his jacket, literally growling at him.
“If you plan on playing with him all night, you’d rather reconsider.” Dongju pushed his twin away and turned on his heels. “You keep on playing, I’m bored. I will take the boys and go to the city.”
“So you’re going to leave me, huh?” Dongmyeong tilted his head, as he stared at Dongju.
“You seem to be the only one enjoying this. What’s about him that makes you go this crazy?” Dongju motioned his head toward Geonhak, who seemed to have passed out from the exhaustion. “When we started doing this, we promised we will do it for our parents. No one was after us, but you decided to move to another city as if someone was after your ass.”
“You don’t understand it, Dongju..” Dongmyeong whispered.
“I don’t! And you never explained it. So here, have fun with your new toy. I’m leaving.” Dongju opened the door, taking one last glance at his brother.
“If you leave now… Don’t dare come back!” Dongmyeong growled through gritted teeth. Dongju simply let out a sigh and left, slamming the door behind him. Dongmyeong let out a loud groan, punching the metal door. He then pushed his back against the door and slid down. He felt his heart clench and tears build up in his eyes. He ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip. He couldn’t believe that they got into an argument because of some stupid boy.
Geonhak regained his consciousness, letting out a loud groan. The noise made Dongmyeong come back to his senses and he finally got up, wiping his tears before he went to pick up the bottle that fell earlier. He opened the bottle and poured all of its substance on Geonha’s head. He watched the other lick his lips and face greedily, as he tried to get at least a few drops of water.
“Look at you, so helpless.” Dongmyeong laughed. “Not the typical cool guy I know. The one who looks good no matter the part of the day, be it early morning or the middle of the night.”
“What do you want from me?” Geonhak whispered, his body almost lifeless, his voice coming out as a painful moan.
“You know…” Dongmyeong sat down on the floor, resting his head on his palm. “When they killed our parents in the middle of the night, I held Dongju in my arms, as we hid behind the closet. That night I promised that I will do all in my power to end this stupid game. We tried protesting, we tried signing petitions. But we were helpless against this system. People enjoyed the fact that there was one night in the year when they could do anything and avoid responsibility.” He looked up at Geonhak, catching the boy’s tired gaze.
“So that’s when I told Dongju we should participate. If we can’t stop the game, we should take advantage of the system they have created.”
“Isn’t it stupid?” Geonhak whispered. “Killing innocent people just because someone killed your parents.”
“You don’t understand it!” Dongmyeong jumped to his feet. “They are all at fault. Not just the ones who killed our parents. They are all a part of this mess. So even if I have to kill every living person in this country, I don’t mind!”
“Do you realize…” Geonhak coughed up some dried blood, catching his breath before he could finish his sentence. “You may also be killing someone’s parents. That way it will never end…”
“You think I care? The only person I care about is Dongju.” He nodded his head.
“Then why the fuck did you let him leave? What if he gets killed?” Geonhak screamed as he moved in his chair, regretting the action immediately, as he was still in so much pain from all the punches and cuts.
“Fuck!” Dongmyeong looked at the door and then back at Geonhak. Before he said anything, he grabbed his gun from the table and simply left.
22nd of March, 2021 || 3.15 AM
Geonhak wasn’t sure how much time did he spent in the building alone. He kept on losing and regaining his consciousness, as his body was lacking so much blood. As weak as he was, he couldn’t allow himself to die in this place. The temperature in the room was getting lower and he was cold. To try and at least warm himself a little bit, he started moving in his chair. The pain in his body would make him scream in agony, but he knew he had to try. He let out a few breathes, taking in one long before he tried to jump with his chair, moving toward the table where all the knives were. Who knew, maybe if he got a grip of one of them, he could free his hands.
Some time passed by and he had managed to make it halfway through. The table wasn’t that far, but in the state that he was in, it would take him another hour or so to reach the table. If his body wouldn’t give up earlier. 
22nd of March, 2021 || 4.51 AM
He woke up with a loud groan. It seemed that his body has given up and he passed out again. He was thirsty and weak, his body was also shaking as he wasn’t able to produce enough body warmth to keep himself warm. The temperature must have fallen below zero, or maybe it was just his weak body giving up. 
He gathered all his strength and was about to jump with the chair again. Then suddenly the door opened and he saw Dongju. His jacket was dirty and the hair was messy, Geonhak wondered if he got into a fight with someone. His gaze froze on the boy and he waited for the other’s reaction. Dongju looked around, raising an eyebrow. He was surprised not to find his twin in the room with their hostage.
“Where’s Dongmyeong?” He asked as he walked over to Geonhak.
“He probably…” Geonhak found it difficult to speak and to keep his eyes open or focused on the other. “...went looking for you.” His head fell once he finished his sentence. He thought that Dongju would leave again, to go looking for his brother. But to his surprise, the younger grabbed the knife from the table and freed Geonhak’s hands. His arms became numb, so as soon as they were freed, they fell to his sides. He simply couldn’t bring himself to lift them or do anything with them.
“Come on, we need to get you out of here.” Dongju grabbed Geonhak’s waist and tried lifting him.
“I’m cold.” Geonhak let out a whine, as his head fell on Dongju’s shoulder.
“Right. Here.” Dongju helped Geonhak to sit down on the chair. He picked up Geonhak’s jacket and helped him put it on. Geonhak let out loud groans again every time Dongju accidentally touched one of the wounds. He felt dizzy and he thought he might pass out from all the pain again, but Dongju didn’t let him. He got another bottle filled with water, opening it, and helping Geonhak drink. “Come on, we need to get you back on your feet.”
“Why are you helping me?” Geonhak licked his dry lips, as he looked up at Dongju.
“Because you’re a good guy, Geonhak. And you don’t deserve it.” He offered a soft smile to the other, holding his waist carefully. He didn’t want to cause any more pain, but he needed to offer enough support. 
They slowly moved toward the exit. Dongju had a car outside, ready to take Geonhak anywhere that would be safer than the place they were in right now. A few more hours and Geonhak could call the ambulance for the doctors to take care of his wounds. All he needed was to hold on for two more hours. But sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.
The door opened in front of them and they met Dongmyeong’s surprised gaze. He looked over at Dongju and then at Geonhak that was leaning against Dongju’s body. He raised an eyebrow and in a matter of seconds, his expression switched from surprised to furious. He grabbed Geonhak by the collar of his jacket and moved his body away from Dongju. He then pointed his gun at his twin brother.
“What the fuck, Dongju?!” He shouted, moving the gun barrel even closer to Dongju’s forehead.
“Dongmyeong, stop it. It’s insane. He did nothing wrong. You can go on killing all these other people who you think are responsible for the death of our parents but don’t harm innocent people.” Dongju tried to push his twin away from Geonhak, but before he could do it, Dongmyeong threw Geonhak’s body on the floor. 
“Since when do you care about all the people? I thought it was us against the world.” Dongmyeong put his gun into his back pocket and pushed Dongju further from the door. “But here you are, trying to betray me!”
“Listen to me…” Dongju tried to calm down his twin. Geonhak pulled his body against the wall, watching two brothers get into the fight. His head was spinning, either because of the blood loss or the fact that he hit his head when the older twin threw him on the floor.
22nd of March, 2021 || 6.32 AM
Geonhak heard a scream. He tried opening his heavy eyelids, looking around the room. The twins were punching each other. Dongmyeong has pushed Dongju to the table and was beating him up. For some reason, Dongju wasn’t returning the hits, maybe because he didn’t want to hurt his brother. Dongmyeong let out a loud groan, hitting Dongju’s chest one last time before he let go of him. 
“Fine... “ He let out a sigh. “You can choose who you want to be. A hero for him… or my brother?” He looked down, as he moved away from Dongju. Dongju wanted to pat his shoulder, but he hesitated. He looked over at Geonhak who was holding onto his stomach and in his head the answer was obvious. He rushed over to Geonhak, helping him stand on his feet so that they can leave.
Once Geonhak was on his feet, Dongju placed one of his arms around his neck and was about to help Geonhak walk out of the building. Suddenly Geonhak heard a loud gunshot and he jerked his head to look behind him. Dongmyeong stood there, holding a gun, as tears streamed down his face. Before Geonhak knew it, Dongju’s body leaned against his, resulting in them both falling to the floor.
“No! What have you done, you freak!!” Geonhak screamed as he tried to press his hand to Dongju’s wound. But he was too weak to apply enough pressure to stop the blood. He laid Dongju’s head in his lap and caressed his cheek, as he felt tears running down his cheeks.
22nd of March, 2021 || 6.59 AM
Dongmyeong froze in his spot, as he quietly sobbed, watching his brother dying in the stranger’s arms. He pressed the gun riffle to his head and pulled the trigger. 
22nd of March, 2021 || 7.00 AM
The siren sounds echoed in the city. The announcement stating that the Annual Purge has ended and the services will continue their usual work was made. Geonhak looked over at Dongmyeong’s lifeless body and then down at Dongju that just let out his last breath in his arms. He screamed, deep down wishing that the events of the last night were just a bad dream.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
The Duke - Chapter 5
I took a while to update, I thought about quitting sometimes, I won't lie, but, I started reading fanfics and books about Monarchy and regency era theme, and all my creativity came back.
Thank you as always, @theroomofreq who is very kind to me and helps me beta this story And to all my friends who need to listen to my crazy ideas
AO3 | FF.NET | SIYE (soon) 
| G. W |
It was barely dawn when that newspaper fell on the Weasleys' door and the elf caught it. It was like every other day, well rolled, with the ink still fresh, full of gossip, important news, and political speculation, in addition to that malicious hint that they introduced in the news, to be just mean to some stupid Viscount that was stolen - and deserved it - or a newly decorated Marquis who married a woman who struck him - and who also deserved it.
It was just another normal day.
Or so it was meant to be.
As soon as Ginny came down to breakfast, she felt that something was different in the air, or maybe it was the fact that her brothers and mother were on top of her father to be able to read the newspaper page too.
‘’Good morning.’’ She called, but no one paid any attention to her. ‘’What’s so important? Did we find a gold mine?’’ Ginny stood next to Ron, needing to tiptoe to read the main and most eye-catching story on the front page of the newspaper.
'’The - yet - Duke and Duchess of Godric’s Hollow, James and Lily Potter, open the doors of their country house, for the first time in 20 years, for the fiftieth Dueling Party.
Check out more information, and the guest list so far, on page 13.’’
‘’Were we invited?’’ Ginny asked, wanting her father to leave that page right away where showed a picture of the couple in front of their huge country house, with the two of them not looking so happy to pose for the camera.
‘‘We were.’’ Ron confirmed, still looking at the newspaper. ‘’I think… Did Mr Potter go crazy?’’
‘’Ron! Don't say that!’’ Molly slapped his son on the arm, scolding him. ‘’Arthur dear, do you know why… this? Lily's authorizing something like this to happen?’’
''James had talked about applying some measures at Godric's Hollow and some changes but ... I didn't imagine he would host the Dueling Party ... I mean, they have a pretty big list of guests.'' Father said, still standing at same page of the newspaper.
‘’I heard they think they know where their son is.’’ Fred said, a little quietly, as if saying something terrible.
‘’Lily will die looking for that son.. I don’t blame her, of course, but… It’s been almost 24 years, how does she think she can find the boy? Only Merlin knows who took him, where they took him…’’ Her mother put her hand on her chest, facing Ginny. ‘’We need to find you with a new dress.’’
‘‘No mom, please.’’ Ginny denied, looking back at the newspaper. ‘’But what if he’s really alive? How will they find him? Is that why they’re having the party this year?’’
‘’James says the boy was born with a brand.’‘ The father clarified. ‘’But I don’t know if that’s why they decided-- ’’
‘‘-- I’m sorry.’’ Henry’s voice interrupted Arthur’s, and the man bowed to everyone in the room. ''Mr. Weasley, I think you would like to accompany me.'' The man did not look at Ginny, as if he was afraid to show too much, holding a torn piece of paper tightly and having his left forearm grated and dirty. Had he fallen?
'‘Of course, Mr Figg. Excuse me, love.’’ Arthur kissed his wife respectfully and then followed Henry out of the dining room. Ginny almost ran after them, knowing it seemed to have something to do with her, just from the way Henry avoided looking at her.
She hated it when they made her look like a damsel in distress who couldn't distinguish fire from ice.
''Ginny, we will see this afternoon about your dress, and Ron, we also need to decide on new clothes for you ...'' Her mother continued to talk about the duties they would have for the next few days, but all Ginny could pay attention to was in Henry walking away. His cloak was torn in the back and it looked like he had just arrived - which was strange, because he never left in the morning, always preferring to go out in the afternoon when Ginny was at tea time with her mother, or at night, at dinner time. Henry always said that in the morning, it was the time that crazy people wake up and make a mess.
He looked over his shoulder after her dad turned the corner of the hall and disappeared towards the office, but he also followed the path before Ginny was able to have any appropriate reaction.
After his intrusion, and the delay for her father to return, Ginny had to be taken care of by another Auror (she was told that Henry needed to go to his office), and nowhere was Thomas as gentle and nice to her as Henry was. 
All morning, Ginny felt like she was being followed by a ghost, in silence for all the hours that passed, a little disconcerted that Thomas didn't like talking to her like Henry did - even though sometimes it was just yes and no - and when she had to leave the house to keep her mother company on the way to the center, Ginny was excited to at least hear different voices.
''Does Mrs. Potter know that I need to bring Mr. Figg?'' Ginny asked, looking at the windows they passed, daydreaming about those colorful and well-sewn dresses.
Even though her father was a Viscount, Arthur had been decorated one after the other 10 in front of him died, so there was not much inheritance for them to benefit from. They weren't really poor, Ginny could still choose a dress sewn by a top dressmaker on special occasions, but she knew that the family had far more limitations than other families who had a wardrobe all made just for them.
‘’I wouldn’t like you to bring him,’’ The mother started, raising her gloved hand as if she already knew that Ginny was going to interrupt her. "It's always quite threatening when he stays behind you wherever you go, and maybe that's what limits gentlemen to ask you out." The younger redhead bit her cheek, swallowing the urge to say what prevented men from getting close to her was that she was seen as crazy. ‘‘But your father would never let us leave the property without him following, so… Yes, Mrs. Potter already knows that Mr. Figg will be with you.’’
‘‘I thought they didn’t throw parties anymore.’’ She commented quietly, smiling at a lady who was looking at her a little terrified, pulling her little daughter aside when Ginny passed.
Ah, London hospitality, always so pleasant.
‘’We all thought so.’’ Molly spread the fan in her hands, fanning herself because of the heat that seemed to be almost deadly. ‘‘But it looks like Mrs. Potter is tired of leaving the doors closed.’’
‘’I don’t remember visiting their house.’’
‘’You first came right when you were born, we introduced you to them. We have a picture of you and little Harry in the crib.'' Her mother sighed, stopping in front of the shop for hats, gloves and other accessories (not as chic as the one on the top street where jewelry was sold) and smiled at Ginny . ‘’Let's go in, I want to see if we can find some hats for you. Maybe there is a suitor who captures your heart during the Dueling Party.’’
‘'The Dueling Party …’’ Ginny repeated, rereading the news for the tenth time. ‘’Do you know what they say about this party?’’ She asked, looking over her shoulder at Thomas, standing behind her, while she was dining alone.
He denied. Ginny snorted, annoyed by the silence.
‘’Do you know where Mr. Figg is?’’ It was a lot more fun to have dinner with his company.
‘’No, Miss.’’
‘’Do you know when he comes back?’’
‘‘No, Miss.’’ Ginny turned to the untouched plate in front of her. Her father had spent the day outside, just like Henry, Ron had gone out with Fred somewhere, and her mother had already gone to bed, saying she was having a headache from the heat. She sighed, alone.
Thomas was married, not that he told her, she had seen the ring in his hand, and Ginny hoped he would be more talkative outside of work, or she would send her condolences to the poor woman who was married to a ghost.
The day had been quite boring, even after going out with her mother - which resulted in her buying a new hat - her father had sent a Patron with strict orders not to leave the house. Not even to fly. So Ginny spent the afternoon reading, knitting, and even pruning some flowers. All without saying much, since Thomas seemed to hate any human interaction.
At first, Henry was like that, too, quietly, until he seemed to feel sorry for Ginny's loneliness (and his own, since he was 24/7 by her side), and they started talking and she was even able to convince him sit at the table with her when no one was attending dinner.
But today, even after Thomas has been with her a few times, he still seemed to completely ignore the warmth and preferred to remain silent, leaving Ginny talking to herself.
When she thought about starting dinner - even though the chicken looked pale and the potatoes didn't look so appetizing - she heard footsteps toward the dining room, and before she could understand who was coming in, his voice boomed through the quiet room; ‘’Mr. Thomas, you can go to your home. Thank you very much.’’ Henry bowed to her a little. ‘’Good night, Miss Weasley, forgive me for being late.’’
‘’Good night, Mr. Figg.’’ ’Ginny had to bite her cheek to avoid the smile that wanted to break her face. The other Auror bowed to her and left the room, looking even relieved of an unknown tension that weighed on his shoulders. ‘’He doesn’t seem to like me very much.’’ She continued to look at the door through which the man had disappeared.
‘’If you want to know a secret,’’ Henry spoke softly, and approached her a little. ‘‘I don’t think he even likes himself.’’ Ginny laughed, her chest seeming to burn with that feeling of comfort that the man gave to her. It was always so simple to be around him, even when they were around several people and Henry was not allowed to give his real opinions (he would never give them, anyway, but Ginny knew that when it was just the two of them, he could be one little less judicious)
‘’May I know where you and my father have been?’’ She gave up on dinner, turning entirely to Henry and putting her arms on the back of the chair, resting her head there and staring at him curiously. ‘’It was a very boring day.’’
‘’Sorry to leave you, Miss.’’ Like a great gentleman he was, he nodded politely. ‘’But unfortunately I can’t tell you where we went. You’ll have to ask your father.’’
‘’And will he tell me?’’ She tried hopefully.
''I do not think so. Sorry.''
‘‘It’s not your fault.’’ She shrugged, only then really looking at him. Henry was still as he was yesterday; his slightly old and crooked glasses made his green eyes even bigger, Auror's clothes were so tightly buttoned and without any wrinkles that Ginny was embarrassed about her dress, which had a slightly worn hem. But unlike yesterday, she realized that his left hand was bandaged. ''What happened?''
‘’Ah… problems.’’ Henry shrugged. ‘’Another time we can discuss this, but I don’t think it is an issue for a lady who… still needs dinner.’’ He looked over her shoulder at her untouched plate - which now seemed to have gained color and life.
‘’Have you eaten yet?’’ Ginny turned around, slicing the chicken and smiling eagerly for him to sit with her.
''Already, Miss. Sorry.’’ Ginny could even hear his sad smile.
"But sit still, you know I hate to eat alone." She helped herself to the wine, having to bite her cheek again to keep from smiling and bursting into words she swallowed all day, when he sat in front of her. ‘’Can I ask you just one thing?’’
‘’For sure, Miss.’’ Henry seemed to want to disagree when Ginny spilled wine in his glass, but said nothing.
''Your bruised hand, the disappearance for the whole day, and the bloody story... has to do with me?'' She said, filling her mouth with a good forkful of chicken, peas and puree, staring at Henry with a pink color on his cheeks and he looked away from hers for a second.
‘’Yes, Miss.’’ He sighed, looking tense. ‘’But I’m not allowed to say more than that.’’ And then Henry pointed his finger at the walls around them, silent, and then at his own ear.
The walls have ears.
Ginny could not contain the reaction of bulging her eyes and looking at the large window beside them, which showed the entire backyard of the dark and lost yard in the darkness of the night, the trees making a lot of noise, as well as the wind whistling in the small openings of the glass and some old wood.
Henry was still staring at her, his green eyes almost seemed to enter her mind.
‘’What was I doing when I got the scar on my leg?’’ Ginny was alarmed, placing her hand on the wand at her waist, and the other holding the knife even stronger.
‘’You went up on the roof to save a cat, and when I thought was safe and tried to go up too, you slipped and cut your leg on a loose tile.’’ She blew out the air she seemed to be holding. ‘’I’m glad you remember to ask this, but it would have been too late,’’ Henry said, without taking his eyes off her. ‘’You have to do this when I arrive, not after inviting me to sit.’’ He warned her, his eyebrow dark and cut in half by the scar, rising and arching.
‘’I would know if you were an impostor.’’ For some reason she couldn’t take her eyes off him, feeling her chest burn and her hands tremble. And unlike any other time this happened, it was as if her magic was more controlled rather than totally insane inside Ginny.
‘’Miss didn’t seem so sure of that.’’ Henry didn’t seem bothered to look her in the eye either.
‘’I just doubted it. But I would know.’’ She didn’t know how, but something inside her said she would know.
‘’I’m happy that no imposter would take my place.’’ Henry smirked. ‘’I would also know how to differentiate you from an impostor.’’ And then he looked away at the window, and Ginny’s chest seemed to almost break without the pressure that was building there.
She even managed to fill her lungs with air.
| H. F |
‘’If you allow me to ask..’’ Ginny started, as they walked to the place where they were training duels. A place that Mr. Weasley had built after the clearing, where no one would get hurt or end up drawing much attention. It was not respectful for girls born in good families to know the art of dueling.
It was another day, nearly seven in the morning when Henry had to wake Ginny up so they could train the duel. After yesterday's threat, it would be necessary for her to be more than prepared if he could not defend her alone - but he was training even more so that it would not happen.
‘’Where do your scars come from? The one you have on your forehead. I mean.'' She pointed with her gloved hand at his forehead, almost touching where the lightning-like scar was marked on his skin.
‘’It’s too bloody a story for seven in the morning. And for a lady like you.’’ He kept up his education, already seeing the hut they haven’t visited in a few months, trying to ignore the feeling of failure due to having to make a woman like her, needing to learn the art of dueling. Dueling with an auror, to top it off, and not with figures he would transfigure, as he did for the boys who had been a tutor a few years ago.
No Auror learned to duel as Ginny Weasley needed to learn.
Women usually - if they learned to duel - did it with transfigured birds, wooden figures, and sometimes, if it was very necessary, the teacher would participate or call another woman who also trained, so that they would duel.
Ginny was dueling with an Auror who could do this even with his eyes closed, and who had already killed so many men that he almost needed a third hand to count how many.
''Well, if I'm asking for the story of your scar, I'm wise enough to know that I'm going to hear a bloody story.'' Henry opened the wooden hut door for her to enter first, and the smell of damp wood and dust entered their noses. Sunlight passed through broken planks and windows, and the lack of furniture (or what was left over and already broken) caused their voices to echo.
‘’They tried to kill me when I was a kid.’’ He didn’t have to look at her to see her eyes bulge, instead he walked to his usual place and started getting ready for them to start dueling.
‘’Who would do that ?! This is ... This is horrible!’’
‘’I know, Miss.’’ Henry never doubted that. ''But you would be astonished at how many crazy people there are.'' He saw her getting ready across the room, taking off the cloak, gloves and hat that her mother insisted she really wear, even inside the property.
‘’How did you get out alive?’’ Her brown eyes looked a little horrified and a little angry, as if she wanted to protect him. Henry wanted to laugh at the concern of a Viscount's daughter, at a poor man like him. In no dream or hallucination would a woman so above him look at him and speak as she did, always so friendly, seeming not even to notice how foolish she left him.
Henry was only above the bourgeois and, obviously, the miserable and squib (a class that his mother, unfortunately, belonged to), and by very little yet. If it weren't for sheer luck and being in the right place at the right time, Henry would never know what it was like to step inside the Auror Department.
‘‘My mom saved me.’’ He said, simply, but Ginny was still staring at him absurdly. ‘’In fact, she’s not my birth mother… My birth mother died at the hands of the Death Eaters. But she has looked after me since one of the Death Eaters tried to kill me, and here I am, safe and sound.’’
''I've never seen a spell that left a scar.'' She approached, eyes fixed on Henry's forehead, and her bare hand touched his skin, making him shiver and make him walk away in fright, as if her touch burned his face. ‘‘Sorry.’’ Ginny blushed furiously, still looking more scared, withdrawing her hand.
'’It's okay, Miss.’’ Henry swallowed, the wand in his hand shaking slightly, as if the magic wanted to explode out of it at all costs. ‘’And, I don’t know how I came out with just a scar. Maybe my magic saved me.’’
‘’Yeah… maybe it is.’’ Ginny now looked into his eyes, looking a little too serious, the brown eyes that Henry thought were so beautiful, seemed to carry a mountain of feelings that she would never let out. At least, not for him. ‘’Come on… let’s train.’’ And then she turned her back on him, the purple robes making her look like a witch from a Muggle fairy tale. Her hair tied tightly in the braid made her look a little more challenging than she usually was.
Henry knew he would never find a woman more beautiful than she was, and he cursed himself for thinking of her that way.
‘’We’re going to start.’’ He had to breathe deeply, before getting back in line and starting.
They bowed to each other in a sign of respect - if there was any respect in a duel - and then raised their wands.
Ginny and Henry had already dueled a few times, much more than a lady should, and he knew that she was really good and that if they accepted women at the Auror Academy, she would be even better than most the men who worked there. But whenever they dueled, Henry felt that electricity running in his wand, making it difficult to keep the spells for a long time, as if his wands refused to duel.
The magic was out of control - that's why Mr. Weasley had a hut built away from everyone and empty - and he could see the intensity of her magic almost greater than his. There always seemed to be something missing to make his strengths equal, and Henry thought that maybe it was the fact that he always feared for hurting her, while Ginny was instructed to use all her strength.
‘’Expelliarmus.’’ He whispered to himself
‘‘Estupor.’’ Ginny also spoke in an almost lower tone than Henry, and then the spells dueled, and the electricity almost looked like it was about to kill him. His arm was shaking, and the strength of the spells facing each other made the boards tremble and the rest of the entire furniture began to want to dismantle.
But for some reason Ginny lost her focus, and then Henry's magic won and her wand flew into his hands, just as her body stumbled over the furniture behind her.
He also lost his balance, and had it not been for the table well placed behind him, he would have been shamefully thrown back.
‘’I heard a noise.’’ She said, startled. ''I saw someone passing by, behind the house.'' And as if all the strength was suddenly recovered, Henry stood up and looked behind him, through the gaps in the wood where all you could see was the forest.
‘’Are you sure?’’ He asked, already casting a protective spell around them and throwing her wand at her, walking towards her and keeping her behind him - even though she insisted on going to his side.
''Yes. I saw someone. It wasn't a deer or anything. It was a person.’’ Henry’s magic trembled again, and just for safety, he cast three more protective spells around them, and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the house. ''Don't let me stay behind, someone can hit me from behind and you won't even see.'' She complained when he once again put his body in front of hers, stamping her feet next to Henry, who was looking at the forest silent around them.
‘’Miss, you will stay in the circle of protection, while I will see if there is anyone, understood?’’ He stared at her, the taste of blood dominating the palate with the idea of ​​yet another crazy men trying to kill her.
''But I--''
‘’--Don’t make me petrify you. And I will. ’’ Henry didn’t even give her time to complain, throwing more protections around her, stepping out of the circle and preparing to grab another idiot who tried to get close to Ginny.
Yesterday morning Henry had found a miserable boy, doing the dirty work for wealthy people, bringing with him a cursed Ginny doll and a letter detailing exactly what they would do when they caught her. Henry didn't even like to remember the fury that surrounded him when he read what they intended to do. Not even over his corpse, would anyone touch her.
They were starting to be more creative now. It was the second cursed item they tried to get to Ginny.
Making sure she was still safe - and she looked furious in the circle Henry had created - he started walking around, looking at the sides of the house and a little way through the trees, but never losing sight of Ginny, who was so well protected that he could barely hear her voice.
But maybe Henry should have paid attention to what she was screaming, or trying to scream, because when a spell tried to hit him and ricocheted away, he knew it was she who was protecting him, and that they were with visitors. But he saw no one.
Turning to her, even more furious, Henry felt protected once again, seeing that Ginny was also surrounding him with protective spells, and he made the sign that she needed to leave. He told her to Apparate, but Ginny stayed there, denying it while Henry felt his protective sense scream inside him.
Better him than her.
He hid behind a tree, still feeling protected, and concentrating on the image of Ginny and her mesmerizing eyes, Henry struggled to enter her mind, as they had trained exhaustively. But it always seemed easier with her.
''Apparate out of here.. Now.''
He ordered, even though that part of the Forest was strangely quiet. Had they given up?
‘’Not without you.’’ She snapped in his mind, and Henry wished he could shake her shoulders.
‘’You are more important than me.Get out. They won’t see you, you’re protected.’’
''Not. Without. You.''
Henry took a deep breath and looked behind the tree, looking for whoever it was, wondering what he would do with that stubborn woman. There was no more noise, no spell shining, everything was silent. Which was even more dangerous.
They wouldn't come and just shoot Henry and leave without even fighting. But he was not staying to see.
And if he could bet, he knew it was more dangerous for them to stay there, waiting for them to come back. They had done this once, killed a deer as a threat, so Henry knew there must be a dead animal somewhere nearby.
He would send a patronus to Robards.
'’Apparate to our safe place. I will meet you there.’’ He spoke to her, still in mind.
‘’Do you promise to go?’’
‘’I’m right behind you, Miss.’’
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ficsnroses · 5 years
I Miss You - Keanu Reeves x Reader Oneshot
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Word Count : 8639
Warnings : Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Smut. 18+.
Summary : Keanu and reader are a happily married couple, madly in love. However, an argument breaks loose when Keanu feels Y/N’s work is getting in the way of their physical, intimate and emotional relationship.
A/N : This just got away from me and ended up being way longer than it should have, and I apologize. Please be nice to me!
With an incoherent groan, you unlocked the door to your home shared with your husband. With the end of the year approaching, most people were indulging in the holiday season, leisuring, and getting much needed breaks from work. Much to your despair, your job required you to work harder approaching the New Year, updating files and reviewing contracts.
The icy winter breeze in the atmosphere wasn’t helping on this particularity frigid night. The frost speckled grass had glimmered in the moonlight, crisping under your feet the entire way up to the front door. All you wanted right in this moment, was a nice, long, steaming bath to warm yourself up. Maybe you could use those expensive lavender bath salts your friend gifted you for Christmas, and that rose petal infused bath bomb. Yeah, that sounds good.
Stepping into the house, you kicked off your heels and shimmied off your coat, throwing your keys in the bowl. Walking into the kitchen, your lips curled into a small smile seeing your husband, Keanu, sitting on an island stool, a heating pad propped on his shoulder, browsing his tablet. He was wearing his reading glasses, which always managed to make him look even cuter than he already was.
“Hey, baby.” You hear him greet, as he sets down the tablet with one hand, his other removing his glasses to follow. He stands to receive you, meeting you halfway.
“Hi.” you smile, immediately wrapping your arms around his mid, snaking your hands under his shirt to warm them. With his arms wrapped around your smaller frame, he playfully squeals.
“Hey! I thought we talked about this.” He laughs. You always warmed your hands under his shirt, much to his dismay.
“Mhhhhmmmm I’m so cold, stop whining. You signed up for this when you married me.” You giggled into his chest, stealing all the warmth. “Wait, are you hurt, babe?” you ask, pulling away slightly to eye the heating pad on his shoulder.
“Not hurt, but I do have a tense shoulder from training today.” He explains, lacing his right hand with yours, bringing it up for a kiss. “Woah, they are cold.” He gasps after his lips grazed the skin of your icy palm. Immediately, he engulfs your smaller hand between both of his and begins rubbing, trying to ration all the heat he can onto you.
“Right! Ugh, all I want right now is a long, hot bath. And maybe some takeout?” you propose, tapping your chin.
Keanu’s eyes lit up at the word “bath”.
Truth be told, Keanu was hoping they could get intimate tonight. With Y/N’s increasingly busy schedule and heavier workload, equipped with Keanu’s 5 days a week, 8 hour sessions of training, they hadn’t gotten the chance to get physical in 3 weeks. Keanu missed her, and he hoped she missed him just as much. He loved her more than anything, and he needed to feel her soon, or he may just go crazy.
You saw the glint in his eyes as she spoke of a bath. Cupping his cheek, you smile. “Care to join?”
“Absolutely.” He smirks, kissing your forehead.
“Great! Meet me upstairs, I’ll get it ready.” You say cheerfully, already disconnecting yourself from him and starting up the wooden stairs.
Relaxing into the almost sizzling water, you felt a wave of tranquillity cast over your body. The lavender scent of the soothing bath salts only added to the ecstasy like state you were feeling. You had begun to play with the bubbles as you waited for Keanu.
As he walks in, Keanu’s eyes immediately set on his beautiful wife, nude, on display right before him. He could see her plump breasts resting just below the bubble dusted water, shining with the thin layer of soapy bath aqua covering them. He bit his lip, feeling a small bulge grow just at the thought of her body, free under the water. He had to sigh and collect himself, before removing his clothes as well, discarding them along with hers scattered on the marbled tile floors.
“Ooo yay, I was wondering what was taking so long.” you smile, seeing him in just his boxers. “Come on in.” you say, gently propping yourself forward to allow him room behind you. Keanu removes his boxers, and climbs in, setting himself down before pulling you closer, wrapped in his giant, broad arms. He presses a kiss to the back of your hair before you trickle back, relaxing your body into his chest, your back pressed to him. You close your eyes and rest your hands on top of his that rest on your stomach.
You always loved the idea of taking a bath or shower with your lover, you loved feeling his bare skin so close, connecting you to him. Made you feel special to know you were the only lucky girl that got to see him this way.
Keanu’s hands move to start massaging your hips, his stocky fingers rubbing circles into the delicate skin. He wanted to initiate sex in a subtle way, it had been a while and he was already beaming at the thought of having you soon.
You close your eyes, sighing in contentment. The subtle sound of bubbles fizzing, and Keanu’s light breathing was providing the upmost state of serenity. You could feel his chest rising and falling, the gentle thud of his heartbeat on your back. Every now and then, he would press a tender kiss to your temple.
After a few minutes of priming, Keanu moved a hand from your hips, down to your bare thighs. He began running a thumb over the skin, slowly trailing, inching closer and closer to the inside, barely close to your womanhood.
“Ugh, isn’t this so nice, babe. Gosh, all I want after this is to go straight to bed and get a full nights sleep.” You sigh, smiling, reaching up to cup his bearded cheek with hand. You relax further into his arms and chest, feeling yourself nearing dozing off by the second.
Keanu’s hand movements stop immediately, and an unintended frown plasters his lips. It dawned upon him that you weren’t really in the mood tonight, and just wanted to have a laid back evening in, catching up on much needed rest; not doing more tiresome stuff. He moves his hands away from your thighs, bringing them up to soothingly run up and down your arms. With a kiss to your shoulder, he rests his chin on your head.
“It sure is, baby. I’ll order us some delivery and we can head straight to bed after that.” he says lowly, in a hushed, gentle tone. You smiled in response, your eyes closing again as you feel his beard softly graze your skin, as he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.
The next day, Y/N worked from home, while Keanu was out for the majority of the day training for his upcoming projects. Keanu was out of the house around 9:00am, just after they had finished their morning coffee together. Y/N would have liked to get a few more moments in with him before he had to leave, however, his schedule was tight and the team was waiting on him. She kissed him goodbye, before letting him go, settling herself back into her office for another day of dreadful documenting.
Around her scheduled allotted break for lunch, she decided to shoot Keanu a text asking how the session was going. They often called or texted each other through out the day, checking up on one another. Often, people say your love life becomes weaker and romance slowly begins to decline after marriage. That definitely wasn’t the case with Y/N and Keanu, however. They had been together for 6 years before tying the knot 3 years ago, and their relationship had never been stronger. She felt herself fall deeper and deeper for him as time went on, he truly was the most important person in her life, and she was sure she was the equivalent for him.
Each quiet laugh shared in the dark, each devoted kiss wishing him goodbye, each cradle of his hand when all else seemed wrong in the world sent her farther and farther for him. Its hard to find someone who unconditionally loves you through your best and worst. Y/N felt gratitude each day she woke up to Keanu, that she had found her someone, in him.
Y/N’s phone rings, and she sees Keanu’s name pop up on her screen. Smiling, she holds it to her ear, wiping a few crumbs from her mouth. She had made herself lunch in the process, and had just settled down on the kitchen table.
“Hi, baby.” Keanu’s gruff voice chimes in through the speaker. He sounds slightly out of breath, understandable.
“Hi! How’s the session going?” she cheerfully replies. Just hearing his voice was really the same as having a haze cloud her mind.
“It’s great! Everyone’s all fired up, getting some good action in. How’s your work coming along?”
“It’s okay. So boring and dry though. I just made lunch. By the way, we are now officially out of strawberries and I may have possibly, maybe, potentially got to the last of those fresh blueberries Nancy sent us..” she giggles, biting her lip.
She heard Keanu laugh over the other end, before he dramatically speaks in response. “Not the blueberries! You could have spared the blueberries.” He chuckles. To anyone else, this conversation may have seemed so lame, but to them, it was full of love, and a sense of complete contentment. They were happy, being lame and domestic together.
They talked briefly for a few moments before Keanu was due back on the floor. He hated having the say goodbye to her, even though he’d see her later that day.
Y/N sets her phone down, devouring the rest of her meal. Listening to Keanu’s voice made her realize how much she was missing him today. She always missed him, but today, being home alone, when usually Keanu would be there on a day like today, made her upset. They hadn’t exactly got to spend as much time together in the recent few weeks due to their loaded schedules, but she understood it wasn’t either of their faults. Work was just getting the best of them currently.
That evening, Keanu enters the house to complete silence, the hallway lights still turned off, the pillows on the sofas and remote controls completely untouched. Y/N was no where to be seen. Keanu sighs, realizing she must have spent the entire day over working herself. He hated when she did that. Although he admired her work ethic, how independent and resilient she was, she often overworked, and forgot to give herself an adequate amount of mental breaks.
Kicking off his shoes, with his gym bag slumped over this shoulder, he begins trudging towards her office. “Y/N?” he calls out, gazing down the hallway. “Babe?”
As he opens the door to Y/N’s home office, he sees her fixated on her computer, her brows kitting together furrowed, with her phone set in front of her on speaker. She was on the phone with a client, discussing contracts. She gives him a small smile, and a tiny wave before reverting her attention back to the computer screen, a pen twirling her fingers.
Setting his bag down, Keanu walks over to her chair to place a gentle kiss to her temple, before propping himself down on the floor beside her. Turning her chair to face him, she mouths “one minute,” to him. He gives her a nod, before taking her hand in his to fiddle with it. Her fingers were so much smaller, so much more delicate, softer than his. He ghosted his finger over her ring, remembering the night he gave it to her, along with his entire heart and being. The stars aligned perfectly that night, and his life became the dream it was today, shared forever with her.
“Alright. Thank you, Mr. Smith. I’ll be in touch.” She asserts, before setting the phone down with a loud sigh. “Hi, babe. Sorry, client call.” She says, leaning back in her chair, slumping.
“You didn’t leave the office all day?” Keanu frowns, making direct eye contact.
“No, I just had so much to do. I still have so much to do.” Y/N says, before gazing out the window. “When did it turn night?” she gasps lightly, running a stressed hand through her hair.
“Bout’ an hour ago. You okay?” Keanu asks lightly, standing up now. Y/N stands off her chair as well, eyeing the door.
“Yeah. Just tired.” She says her voice laced with a yawn.
Keanu had an incredibly demanding day training, and he was in much need of some relaxing today as well. Only difference, was that he was craving something other than a good nights sleep and some affectionate cuddles. He was yearning his Y/N, and the sweet relief he had been deprived of for weeks now. He wanted so bad to feel her body connected with his, to please her in all the right ways, and allow her to please him. He missed her like crazy.
“Baby?” Keanu asks, lightly grabbing her wrist as she was about to walk out the door.
“Yeah?” she questions, turning to face him. Keanu smiles, and stares at her lips, before placing a hand on the small of her back, and pulling her in, catching her lips in a searing kiss. He feels her lips smile to the touch, her arms subsequently moving to wrap around his neck, pressing her body to his.
“I’m all sweaty and gross.” Keanu points to his head, warning her, where select strands of his dark, raven toned mane stuck to his forehead. He probably smelled rather…musky…to say the least, after the long hours of physical endurance he had partaken in.
She pulls away briefly, laughing. “I don’t care. I’m sorry babe, I’m just so caught up in work, my head is everywhere. I promise, I haven’t forgot about you, though.” She grins, before pressing her lips to his again. Keanu and Y/N undoubtedly, always shared hello and goodbye kisses. They had unmistakably been doing them for years, they had practically become routine at this point.
Keanu deepens the kiss, taking this moment as his gateway into taking her to bed. It had been so long, that his pants had already started to tighten, anticipating the sweet, sweet release he needed. He beings to run his hands over her back, feeling her skin as he snakes fingers under the hem of her shirt. He moans into the kiss ever so slightly, his tongue sneaking past her lips. She gladly allows him entrance, meeting him halfway. She ruffles his hair lightly, feeling the lingering dampness of sweat on his head.
Keanu places a kiss to the corner of her mouth, his lips slowly trailing down to her jaw, kissing the satin like skin, moving further down to connect his lips with her neck. He places a few open mouthed kisses on her sensitive area, he knew how much she loved them. He heard her moan his name nonchalantly, her silky eyes closing into his touch, fingers lightly scratching his scalp. Keanu only pulled her closer, trying to feel as much of her as possible.
“I think I’m gonna call it an early night today. I’ll see you in bed?” she says just above a whisper. Keanu immediately stops kissing, to look at her and connect their gaze once again. With his arms still secured around her, he tries to hide his disappointment.
“Oh…yeah. Sure. I’ll be up later.” He tries his best to mask his dissatisfaction. He really did think Y/N wanted to make love tonight. He thought he felt it in the kiss they just shared. But she had worked all day, and she was clearly tired. He decided he wouldn’t try tonight, and he’d let her rest. He wouldn’t want to make her do anything if she wasn’t in the mood. As much as he wanted to have her, to be with her, he loved her more by a large margin. It needed to be enjoyable for both of them, needed to be something they both wanted, not just him. He respected her too much to make her take him if she wasn’t feeling it.  
“I love you.” Y/N says, cupping his cheek, placing a final kiss to his jaw, before disconnecting herself from him.
“I love you.” Keanu reciprocates, watching her pad out of the room. With a deep sigh, he picks up his gym bag, throwing it back over his shoulder, deciding to settle for a quick shower and joining his love in bed, for a good night’s sleep, and nothing else. Unfortunately, again, nothing else.
After a steamy, hot shower, Keanu stands shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, drying his hair with a cotton towel. The warmth of the almost sweltering water cascading down his tense muscles managed to provide him with a bit of relief, however, nothing close the way Y/N could make him feel. Everything about her, so alluring, the way she loves him, the uniqueness of her entirety, the way she made him feel loved, made him feel wanted.
It had been close to 10 years, but each time Keanu watched Y/N, whether it had been as she casually worked around their home, or as they went out around town for a date, he swore she only got more beautiful with age, and the longer they had been together. Everything about her, the way her silky locks fall perfectly, shaping her face, draped over her shoulders, the way her captivatingly beautiful, golden eyes, the way they’d gleam, finding no one but him in a crowded room, the way her honeyed voice would coat his ears… the way it sounded, softly, quietly gasping his name under him, the way her perfectly plump hips looked, moving in his favour.
Keanu hadn’t realized just how much he wanted her in that moment. With his large hands placed on either side of the bathroom counter, he leans down on his own weight, sighing. He could always…relieve himself. But he didn’t want that. He wanted his Y/N. It wasn’t even necessarily the physical act of the deed he craved, he valued the emotional connection just as much. There was no place on earth he was more vulnerable, more exposed, more completely at mercy of another person. There’s no one else in the world he would rather share that bond, that pledge with, besides her.
Part of him almost felt guilty for wanting it so bad, when she wasn’t in the mood. Was he being selfish, letting these thoughts clog his rather, restless mind? Perhaps he was. But this was his wife, he loved her, and he just wanted to show her, let her show him.
With slight contemplation, Keanu shakes his head, hanging up the towel on the holder, before shutting off the lights, & exiting the washroom. He delves into his closet in search for one of his gray Arch T-shirts to sleep in, yawning in the process. It had been a few days since he last got a chance to ride his motorcycle along the sunshine coast. The windy breeze in his hair, the tuneful hum of the bulky engine was an ecstasy in its own. Maybe tomorrow, he’d ask Y/N to accompany him on a quick ride in the evening.
Y/N is already tucked away on her side of the bed, her back turned towards the center. On the very first night that they shared a bed, when they first started seeing each other, Y/N had established that she can only fall asleep on the left side of the bed. Keanu thought it was strange, but adorable. He’d let her have the left side for a million lifetimes, if it meant she would always be his.
Keanu lifts the duvet, and climbs into bed beside Y/N. She hasn’t moved, or said a word, not even the tiniest squeak has left her lips. She must have been sound asleep for a while now. Leaning on his side, Keanu reaches an arm out to place on her blanket covered hip.
“Baby?” he says, very low, barely above a whisper.
No reply.
Y/N was definitely asleep. He couldn’t disturb her now, she was already so worn out and tired. Besides, she deserved to get some quality rest, she had a jam packed day. Turning onto his back, Keanu fluffs his pillow, before turning off the bed side lamp. He makes himself comfortable by placing an arm over his forehead, his other resting on his stomach. With heavy eyes, he finally succumbs to his tranquil mind, preparing to drift to sleep.
Just as he was nearing a snooze off into dreamland, Keanu feels the bed shift beside him, waking him out of his doozy trance. Y/N had shuffled in her sleep, turning sides. Out of habit, she had cuddled closer and securely tucked herself into his side, draping an arm over his stomach. Keanu happily pulled her closer, leaning down to place a warm, goodnight kiss on his sleeping beauty’s head.
After the next few days, the weekend came, meaning Keanu, had time off from training. Y/N still had work to catch up on, although it was doable from her home office. Keanu would rather have her work from home than out. Usually, it meant he could distract her every now and then, and have her to himself for a few brief moments.  Lately, however, she had been working a lot, and going to bed before Keanu even got to the room. He felt them growing apart a little, a small barrier being built between them. He didn’t like it.
Unfortunately, Y/N had been having an off day today as well. Keanu sensed it from the second she stepped down for breakfast. She hadn’t been her normal, sprightly self. She seemed grumpier, more stressed than yesterday. She kissed him good morning, as they always did, but she didn’t engage much in conversation as they normally would. Y/N seemed exhausted, Keanu hated to see her that way.
“How about a morning bike ride?” Keanu proposes, picking up both his and Y/N’s finished plates from the dining table. They had resorted to a lighter breakfast and some freshly pressed coffee.
“Can’t, swarmed all day.” Y/N replies, reading an email on her phone. She had been so invested in work lately, that it had been following her in everything she did. Keanu usually didn’t mind, he knew how much her work meant to her, and he not only respected that, he admired it. But lately, it had been cutting into their time together. Sure, they lived together, but that didn’t always mean they were able to spend time together.
Of course they loved each other more than anything, they were both sure of it. But spending time together, making time for each other was still absolutely crucial. He couldn’t help but feel like Y/N hadn’t been doing that too much lately.
Y/N saw a frown plant itself on Keanu’s lips from the peripherals of her eyes. She finished typing up the email response, before setting the phone down, and diverting her attention back to him. She could tell he was getting upset, but she also needed him to understand that she had to work, she didn’t necessarily want to.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked, closing the lid of her laptop, watching him stood by the kitchen counter, flipping through a newspaper.
“No, of course not.” He replies, not making eye contact.
Y/N shifts off her chair, walking towards the other side of the counter so she’s faced across him. “Okay. I don’t know, just wanted to make sure. I know we haven’t got a chance to do something with just the two of us for the past few days.” Y/N says, trying to get him to make eye contact. She knew him like the back of her hand, and she knew the little things he did when he was getting upset, or had something on his mind. Avoiding eye contact and diverting his gaze, was definitely two of them.
“It’s alright, you’ll be done with work soon. I get it.” He replies, giving her a small smile. She sighs in relief, before starting to walk towards him.
“Can I have a kiss?” she asks, smiling one of her beautiful smiles for him. The last thing she wanted right now was tension between them. She could endure any form of stiffness, but her heart couldn’t bear there being a rift between her and her husband. This was the one relationship that meant most to her, and the one person she needed most. She felt like her entire world was put on pause each time they had a fight. They didn’t fight often, but hey still did had disagreements here and there, as all healthy couples do.
Keanu leans forward, cupping her cheek in his hand, before connecting his lips to hers, as she places either of her hands on his shoulders. Keanu was still being quiet, however, and that didn’t sit too well with her. But she decided she’d just give the situation the benefit of the doubt. The kiss was brief, but it was enough to assure that everything was alright between them…for now.
“I’ll see you in a few hours, okay?” she proposes, a hand cupping his cheek. Keanu nods in response, offering a small smile. “I love you.” She says, placing a final kiss to his chin, before disconnecting herself, and retrieving her laptop and phone to heading to her office. Keanu sighs, once again. He really wanted to spend time with her, and he couldn’t help but feel saddened. He decided a few hours alone wouldn’t be the end of the world. He could polish up his motorcycles in the garage, or maybe mow the lawn.
A few hours later, a worn-out Keanu enters the house, the smell of motor oil sleek on his skin, and a few patches of charcoal dust peppered on his face. He had resorted to maintaining his bikes and cars while Y/N worked. It turned out to be quite therapeutic, he hadn’t had time to work on them for a few weeks recently. Part of him had forgotten how immense his passion for the art really was. Pouring a glass of water for himself, he sets himself down on one of the counter stools, for a much needed moment of down time. Working on the bikes could be quite the task, exhilarating, yet exhausting.
As he pulls out his phone from his back pocket, he hears the thud of Y/N’s footsteps down the hallway. As her face comes into the light, she doesn’t look too pleased. She doesn’t even acknowledge his presence, as she walks to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. Her eyes dart to the kitchen sink, which is still packed from breakfast earlier. She rolls her eyes in response, looking his way.
“You couldn’t have at least cleaned the dishes?” she asks, annoyance evident in her tone.
“I was working. On the bikes.” Keanu replies.
Y/N huffs, rolling up her sleeves, moving towards the pile in the sink. Keanu notices, immediately standing. “I’ll do it.” he half sighs, half declares. She doesn’t reply. “I got it.” he reiterates.
“Why don’t you go clean your bikes some more, Ke.” She says lowly, her tone flat.
Keanu crosses his arms, leaning against the counter, his eyes fixated on her. She’s focused on cleaning the dishes, avoiding him. A loose strand of her hair that has been abandoned from the bun on her head falls in her eyes every now and then.
There’s tension, neither of them know why, once again. Perhaps she’s just tired, stressed and set off by a task undone. But Keanu misses her, and he can only keep his feelings at bay for so long. He moves closer to her, his large hand moving to tuck the loose stands behind her ear. She raises her right shoulder, scrunching it up to her ear, trying to avoid his touch. There’s definitely tension.
“I’m sorry. I should have done them before I went.” Keanu sighs again, apologizing. He didn’t want to get into an argument with her right now.
Something in Y/N snaps, and she throws a mug that rest in her soap covered palm into the sink, the sound of dishes cackling together makes Keanu jump slightly. There was no turning back now.
“That doesn’t help. Why don’t you think of this stuff before it upsets me? You know how much I hate a filled sink. God damnit, Keanu. It’s like you’re freaking trying to make me mad.” She tempers, her fingers snapping.
“I said I was sorry, Y/N. Let it go.” Keanu rolls his eyes, gently nudging her away from the sink, trying to take control of the dishes.
“Let it go?” she emphasizes. “Why? You clearly don’t care enough anyways.” She mocks, her eyes filling with anger more and more by the second. Keanu only connects his gaze with hers, silently pleading for her to stop, but a glint of irritation still visible. He feared that this would get bigger than it needed to.
“Leave me alone. Please Keanu.”
That stung. Leave her alone? What else had he been doing?
“What do you mean, leave me alone? Y/N, as far as I know, I haven’t been intervening with your work. I’ve been giving you space. But forgive me for wanting to fucking spend a little time or ask my wife how she’s doing once in a while.” He says, louder than he intends.
“Keanu, I have to work, okay? I can’t quit my job and sit at home with you all day. You’re not the only one that puts in an effort to make this relationship work.” She gestures between them.
“Y/N do you hear yourself? You’ve started an argument out of nothing. Why are we doing this? Why the fuck are we doing this right now?” he throws his arms up. He’s hurting.
“Y/N, I know you love your job. I know you’re passionate about it. But I need you sometimes, okay? Sure, I was off this morning. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be. But I was feeling like you were choosing your work over me lately.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Keanu, I’m trying. I’m sorry I can’t put my full attention into two things at once. I just can’t do it, okay? I’m not that talented.” Her voice cracks. “Do I really need to prove to you how much you mean to me now? Is that what our relationship is coming to, Keanu?” she exclaims.
“Y/N, you know you’re not hearing me out properly. I know you, and I know you don’t feel that way. I’m not asking for a lot. I just…I don’t even know what to say to you right now, Y/N.” he trails off, sighing. “I miss you, Y/N. Who else do I have besides you?” his voice was getting sadder.
“Y/N, I come home and you’re still working. You say you want to go to bed as soon as we have time together. How do you think that makes me feel? I understand, you’re tired. But don’t I deserve to just have a conversation with my wife sometimes?”
Y/N stares at him for a moment, before her eyes soften. It’s like something in her had snapped again, except for the better this time. She brings her hands up to her face, covering it, with a loud exhale. Keanu only watches her, his face still flat now, assessing the reaction.
“I’m sorry. I had no right to talk to you like I just did.” Y/N’s muffled voice echo’s through his ears. There was obviously something else on her mind. He moves closer, placing a hand on her shoulder as pulls her in. “It’s alright, Y/N.”
“No, its not. Who the fuck do I think I am? I’m hurting you because I can’t deal with my own shit. I’m such a horrible partner.” she half chuckles. “Way to fucking go, Y/N. I can’t do anything right today.” She sighs again, mumbling.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m okay. Tell me what’s on your mind. I know you didn’t mean it.” He also knew her like the back of his hand, and he knew something was up.
Y/N sighs again, her face now buried in his chest. “First promise me that you forgive me. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You didn’t do anything, the dishes undone aren’t even a big deal I’m just…so fucking annoying sometimes. I’m sorry. Please don’t forget how much I love you. You’re so good to me, I know I’ve been off.” Keanu only wraps his arms around her tighter.
“I know, baby. I should have taken initiative, I’m sorry too. Tell me what’s up? I promise I’m over it, I know your heart was never in the wrong place.” he almost whispers, a kiss embedded in her hair.
Y/N stays silent for a moment, before her broken voice whispers. “I lost a big client today. I tried so hard but they just wouldn’t budge. I’ve just been doing worse than I’m used to lately and I’ve been working harder to cover it up and I don’t know where it all stops…” Tears have been escaping her eyes, he can feel his shirt growing damp.
“Baby…I’m sorry.” He rubs her back. She had been trying so hard recently, he knew this must have broken her heart. “Baby, you tried your best and you’ve been giving it your everything. This isn’t your fault okay? You’re not the only rep at this company. Its gonna be okay. I’m so proud of you and how dedicated you’ve been. This is gonna pass, okay?” he assures her, his hand soothingly rubbing her back, never pausing.
“Its just such a slap to the face. I really tried so hard.” She sighs, rubbing her sleeve over her eyes.
“I know, angel. I know.” He kisses her forehead.
“And over that, I have the worst fucking cramp. I’m definitely getting my period.” Her raspy voice grumbles.
Great. She’s getting her period. There’s no way they can do anything until she’s off it now. Y/N had made it very clear, multiple times, that period sex was a no go for sure, and Keanu wasn’t selfish. He’d never make her do something she didn’t want.
“Okay, you’re done for the day. I’m putting my foot down.” Keanu emphasizes, pulling away from her. “And I am not taking no for an answer. I’m going to grab the heating pad, and some warm tea, and you’re going to relax on the couch for the rest of the day, okay?” He says, already moving towards the kitchen exit.
“No, Ke its okay, really. I can pull through.”
“Absolutely not. I can’t watch you do this to yourself anymore, I need you happy and healthy. You’re taking a break and that’s final.” He says, putting the kettle to boil.
“I love you.” A whisper is all that escapes from Y/N’s lips.
She truly had her knight in shining armour.
Y/N had ended up getting her period later that night, leaving Keanu hopeless for another 5 days. At this point, he almost felt like not having had her and getting the love he needed was driving him insane. Y/N seemed completely oblivious, which did shock him. Did she not miss having him as much? Did she not even realize how long it had been since they last made love?
On the night that Y/N had finally got off her time of the month, she had also completely finished her work, leaving her free to celebrate the New Years weekend, completely care free. Keanu was hoping tonight, they’d be able to get some “us” time in, finally.
But his plans go soiled, once again, as he steps into their bed, finding Y/N fast asleep already. He sighs, disappointed, once again. He knew she was so happy to finally be free from work, that’s probably why she crashed so soon. She deserved it, though. She deserved to get rest. Perhaps that’s the way she’d get to celebrate tonight, not the way Keanu had in mind.
Turning to his side, to wrap his arm around her waist, he pulls her into his chest, her back facing him. He tries his luck, just to be sure. “Baby?” he whispers. No response. She was definitely asleep, and he definitely wasn’t going to wake her up to fulfill his needs. But he was getting to fall asleep beside her, with her in his arms. That was just fine for him, having her close.
The next morning is a special one. The rain outside is quietly falling, showering the greenery, bringing a fresh burst of life to all that need it most. The drumming on the roof is calmative, relaxing, promising an easy going day. Just what Y/N needed, as her revitalized eyes awaken to the pitter patter filling her ears. Laced with the beautiful melody of the rain, is one much more familiar.
The sound of her lover’s gentle snores, his breathing steady and even, as he slumbers away, his eyes gently fluttering every now and then, the rise of his chest up and down, up and down, up and down.
He’s on his back, with one of his hands lightly grasping Y/N’s arm, almost as if he’s keeping her near, watching over her as she sleeps. Y/N moves slowly, and gently, trying her best to not wake him. As she turns to her side to face him to get a better look, she swore she felt physical butterflies swarm around her heart. She hadn’t been able to really get a good look at him in these past few weeks. They’d both been busy. She might have forgot for a second, just how beautiful he really was.
As he lay there, unaware, whisking away in his own nirvana, his brunette dusted locks falling ever so slightly in his eyes, his lips slightly parted, his beard untamed, she couldn’t bring herself to look away. She found herself thanking the forces for allowing this to be her life, allowing this to be what she has the pleasure of waking up to every morning. The man of her dreams, who loves her more than life itself, and she loves him back just as much.
She can’t help herself, she finds herself moving closer in, slightly hovering over him. She rests a hand softly on his chest, as her other comes up to cup his cheek. She smiles sheepishly, before placing a kiss first on his forehead. She moves then to his temples, both his cheeks, his nose, his chin, and finally, a very small one, just on his lips. She was quite literally kissing him awake.
Keanu stirs, before his eyes flutter open to the sight of his love, facing him. He smiles, seeing his favourite thing first thing in the morning. She tucks a stray hair behind his ear, grinning.
“Morning. Sleep well?” she whispers, staring his lips.
Keanu nods, unable to control his wide grin, still yawning away his sleep. He brings both his broad arms to wrap around her, pulling her down to his body, as she half lays on him with her head resting on his chest. As she glances down, however, she notices, a slight hike in the blanket.
Keanu had a morning erection.
Her eyes widen slightly, realizing he had woken up this way. Had he had a dirty dream? Or had the way she kissed him awake turned him on? She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she found herself growing excited.
It had been a while since she had last had him. A few weeks actually. She hadn’t realized it until now. She almost couldn’t believe it. They used to always make time to get in some action, they loved the strength it gave their bond, being so close and connected.
She moves her hand down, lightly grazing her fingers over the blanket covered bulge. Keanu’s eyes snap open, feeling her touch him. He moves his hand to rest on her back.
“What’s this?” she asks innocently, her voice quiet, but suggestive.
Keanu thinks for a moment, before he speaks. “I’m sorry, its just been so long since we…you know.” He sighs.
She moves to face him again. “It has, hasn’t it. I miss you.” She admits, lightly scratching his beard.
Keanu chuckles quietly. “Yeah. God, I’ve thought about having us time every single day these past few weeks, but you just seemed so busy I didn’t want to intrude or upset you.” He says, trying to avoid eye contact.
Y/N’s eyes grow confused for a moment, before she cups his cheek again. “Wait, why didn’t you tell me, babe? We had that talk about how we were both feeling.”
“I didn’t want to seem like I just wanted you for sex. I don’t, Y/N. I didn’t want to make you do anything if you didn’t want to. I didn’t want to distract you, and then you got your period last week and all, bad timing I guess.” His low voice explains.
“Tell me now, then.” She says, making eye contact, holding his gaze.
Keanu considers for a moment, before starting. “I miss you, Y/N. So much. Not just physically, not just your body, I miss all of you. I just feel like with your work we haven’t got the time we need together. And yeah, I did want us to do stuff for the last month, so bad, every night. But I didn’t want to do that to you if you didn’t want it. But god, Y/N. I miss you so fucking much, baby.” He says, lowering his hands to her hips.
Y/N begins kissing his jaw, lacing her hands with his as she hovers over him, straddling. In between kisses, her lips speak sweeting nothings into his ear, into his tender lips as she kisses them.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I should have known; you have needs too.” She says, lips pressed to his neck. She runs her hands over his chest, whispering. “Baby, you should have told me. I could never say no to you, and you know that. I’ll always want you.”
Keanu feels his boxers growing tighter and tighter by the second as Y/N’s hands explore his body, for the first time in so long. As she snakes her hand under the blanket, reaching down to slip it into his waistband, his breath hitches, and he finds himself unable to look away from her hand so close to his member.
Y/N begins trailing down, pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. Her lips now travel his chest, kissing each and every inch as she trails further and further down, making him feel every inch of her love. “What kind of wife would I be if I can’t take care of my man?” she smirks.
Keanu brings his hands to tangle through her hair, his lips parting already at just watching her. The way her ass looks in the air, swaying as she moves, she way her plump lips move in perfect proximity, the way he small, soft, gentle hands are grazing his skin. He feels his bulge growing so big, to the point it may just erupt at and second. “Y/N…” he breaths, heavy.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby. You deserve it. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.” She frowns, mid sentence. She was really feeling bad, and Keanu’s heart was breaking knowing that.
“Hey, you don’t need to apologize. I should have said something, its not your job to be there for me.” He says,
“Yes it is, baby. It’s always my job to be there for you. That’s what we promised.” She smiles. They had a moment, a silent appreciation for each other as they looked each other in the eyes for a brief flash. Y/N gets lower, and slips her hands into the waistband of his boxers, watching his now throbbing cock spring out, so close to her lips. The smell of him turned her on so much more, she could feel her own arousal drenching her panties. She pumps him a few times with her hand, before taking him half way down his shaft, all into her mouth. She hears him groan, low and grumbly, his eyes fluttering closed, blood rushing down to his member.
She bobs up and down, her throaty slickness coating him perfectly, drenching him, preparing him to take her whole. She swirls his tip a few times with her tongue, she could feel each vein in his cock around her mouth.  “Feel good, baby?” she asks, one hand massaging his balls, while the other twists and jerks the remaining length she can’t fit. Keanu only nods incoherently, moans of praise falling off his lips for her as his hand stays tousled in her hair.
She begins bobbing faster, taking more of him, hallowing her cheeks. She’s always been so good with her mouth, she could have Keanu come faster than any other women ever had before, or he could even dream of. Her gags sound so sexy, and it only arouses him more knowing she’s gagging on his cock, shoved deep in her mouth. As he’s nearing release, he gently tugs her hair, not to hurt her, but enough to get her attention. “Babe, stop. I’m so close” he breaths, voice raspy.
“But why? You’re close, come in my mouth baby, let me taste you.” She says, diving back in.
“No, princess. I’ve been craving you for weeks, I need you.” He darts his eyes to her still clothed modesty. She only smirks in response, shifting now to pull of her short and panties, throwing them somewhere near his clothes. Keanu takes in her lower half, completely exposed, on display for him. He’d be buried balls deep in there soon.
“Will you show me what’s under your shirt, princess?” he asks lightly, tugging at the night shirt that still rests over her breasts. Her nipples are hard, outline prominent on the thin fabric. He swirls his thumb over one, before she reaches down to pull it over her head. Keanu stares at her breasts, so perfectly round and firm. The way they would soon look, bouncing up and down as he rocks her entire body.
“So beautiful, just for me.” Keanu whispers, leaning up, to place a few wet kisses over them. He brings his large hands up to cup them, gently massaging.
“Just for you.” She smiles, biting her lip. She brings her hand down to stroke his cock, her head leaning back. “Fuck, you’re so hard for me baby.” She gasps. “I need you, Ke. Now.” She places her hands on his chest, gently nudging him back to lean against the headboard as she lines herself up with his cock, straddling him. She rubs his cock against her clit, preparing herself for the sensation. She’s got him in her hand, she can feel him so warm, so big, ready to take her. As she sinks onto him, they both sigh in relief, both their eyes shutting closed, moans and groans escaping their lips.
“You make me feel so good, Keanu.” She gasps, biting her lip as she rolls her hips up and down on him. She knows how much the combination of rolling and rocking gets him. She feels proud at herself at the way his hands are digging into her hips, sure to leave a bruise. He’s holding her so hard, almost as if she’ll disappear any second.
Keanu begins pumping up into her slowly, meeting her hips as he bounces her on his cock, watching himself slide in and out of her tight core. “You sound so fucking delightful, taking me the way you do. So fucking wet, baby.” He moans, his voice perfectly course.
“Just the way you like it.” She smiles, leaning her hands onto his biceps for support. She feels her knees growing weaker by the second.
“I won’t last long. Y/N. You’re making me feel so good.” He moans, eyes closed, head tilted back.
They’re both panting together, and she lets out a particularly loud moan of his name. Thankfully, they don’t have neighbours. “I love how you fill me up, Ke. You fuck me so good, every time. I can’t believe we went a month without this.” She almost cries. “Can you go harder, baby? Please?” she yelps, ecstasy taking over.
“Harder, princess?” Keanu moans, thrusting up into her faster and rougher now. He’s hitting her special spot just the right amount of times to make her last, but keep her on edge. He’s a master of pace, he knows exactly how to treat his lady, make her weak for him. “You’re so good to me, Ke. Why are you so fucking good to me?” she moans, over and over, unable to control herself longer.
Keanu is close as well, barely holding off. He could feel he would come incredibly big, loud, and heavy. He’d held back for weeks, and he was so ready to let go. Especially when Y/N felt so good, was taking him so good. She felt like a goddess sent from the heavens, just for him. Y/N is gripping at the bedsheets, her toes curling as her and Keanu pour themselves into each other, meeting halfway in thrusts, both giving it their all. They feel so emotionally and physically connected in this moment, as if they’re the only two lovers on the planet, their entire souls invested into each other in this moment.
“I’m gonna cum, Ke. I can’t hold it any longer.” She squeals, burying her face in his chest as he continued to pump up in a fast and hard pace.
“Come for me baby, I’m close too.” He pants, a layer of sweat prominent on his forehead. The sound of the bed creaking and the headboard hitting the wall fills the room, they were sure they’d be leaving marks on the wall behind the bed.
With a particularly intense thrust, Y/N cums, her orgasm taking over her entire body, toes curling, his name screamed from her lips. His name off her lips was enough to send Keanu over the edge, knowing that he was the one making her feel this way, the only man that had the pleasure to make her feel this good, to be felt by her.
“Y/N…oh Y/N, baby. You’re too good to me. So fucking good for me.” He gasps, spilling his creamy, heavy, ribbons of cum deep inside her. She could feel him filling her up inch by inch, her eyes widening at the amount of seed he was setting in her. Her lips still moaned his name.
With a pant and a sigh, she falls into his chest, unable to support herself any longer. Keanu wraps her up in his big embrace, tucking her head under his chin. They’re both breathing loud, huffing and puffing, their skin sticking together. Y/N tilts her head up to cup his cheek, and press her lips to his forehead. The saltiness from his skin and the sweat lingers on her lips, but she doesn’t care. This was the love of her life.
“I love you. Thank you for always treating me like a queen, even when I don’t deserve it.” She says, sincerely, never breaking eye contact.
“You are my queen, always.”
I hope you enjoyed it, and feedback is so greatly appreciated so I know if you guys like these longer fics for the future. Thanks!
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ressyfaerie · 4 years
Do you still take any requests? If you mind... since you've asked about crack pair, how about Tyson x Raul? I'd like to request Tyson and Raul as backpackers and traveled around the world. Imagine if they get lost in the jungle and meet Blitzkreig Boys when in their lost.
I prefer sub version, but you can choose as long as you comfortable 😄💕
(Btw I'm @circus-and-roses but I requested with this account since I've planned to move into this blog)
I love me a good crack ship, honesty Tyson and Raul sounds dope af I can see them totally vibin. This is a prompt with SO MUCH like how do I get the demolition boys in the jungle? How gay can I make Tyson and Raul? Are they campers who can survive a jungle? How am I going to tie this together? Writing all of this in a short fic will be the ultimate challenge, you better be prepared, if i can pull this off I will be the most amazing fanfic writer/ detective genius (UPDATE I got really into it! And I accidentally started using dub names I’m sorryyyy this turned into a FULL FIC LOL) so I’m popping it into a read more: 
Tyson couldn’t stop staring at Raul. 
They had been dating two years and Tyson still felt head over heels. He would be the first to admit they were an odd pair, but after talking for hours over two meals after the championships, it just clicked, and here they were. 
Except not really, because here, was the Amazon, yeah the jungle? In Brazil? You know the one. 
The sweat rolled down Tyson’s neck and Raul almost tripped staring at it. 
“Raul stop staring at your boyfriend and focus on where you’re walking.” Hiro scolded him.
Raul and Tyson had been traveling the world for a few months, However their trip was cut short when they were called on this expedition immediately, they had to drop everything in Venice and jump on the first plane. 
Bit beasts of course. 
Raul leaned over Tyson’s shoulder grasping his bicep and feeling it up juuust a little bit. 
“How is Dragoon?” He whispered it to Tyson, he didn’t have to whisper, honestly he just wanted the attention. 
Tyson rubbed his forearm over his forehead wiping off more sweat. He made sure he wasn’t too aggressive, he didn’t want Raul to let go of his arm, he pulled out Dragoon with his open hand. 
“He’s not as active as he was an hour ago.” 
Hiro heard Tyson clearly and gave a hand signal to the rest of the expedition team behind him who all sighed and stopped. Hiro made his way to Tyson. 
“Show me dragoon.” Hiro demanded. 
Tyson showed him his blade which was glowing with a faint blue hue. 
Hiro groaned, “With Dragoon changing it’s mind this much we’re never going to find the rock before any of the other teams.”
Tyson shook his head, “I wonder if any of the other guys are having this much trouble.” 
Raul comfortingly patted Tyson’s head. “It’s going to be fine Tyson, if we don’t find it someone else will-” 
“No Raul.” Hiro growled, “Don’t you get it? We need to get it first for the BBA.” 
Raul was too pure, he didn’t understand the companies rivalry, “But- we’re all friends-.” 
“No, not right now. Max is with the PPB they already have a bitbeast rock. Ray is with the white tigers and they want their own rock for their village, and Kai-” 
“Kai is with the Demolition boys.” Tyson grumbled. 
Hiro interrupted. “And they want the rock for themselves. Don’t you get it Raul? We have to get it first.” 
Raul sighed still holding on to Tyson, “I just don’t understand why we can’t all just- Share.” 
Hiro laughed and rolled his eyes, “Tyson you need to teach your boyfriend a thing or two.” 
“Don’t worry,” Tyson winked, “He’s gonna get it later.” 
“Hey!” Raul smirked more than happy to receive his punishment later. 
Tyson looked down at Dragoon again, still glowing the same hue. 
“You have to do it again?” Raul asked Tyson. 
“Yeah.” Tyson began to walk around the section of the jungle in circles, surveying dragoon the whole time waiting for any change in energy. He shook his head. 
“Nothing?” Raul felt bad, his boyfriend never looked so disheartened. 
Tyson shook his head again. Raul approached him and gave him a tight hug around his neck. 
“Oh my god stop I’m so sweaty!” Tyson giggled. 
“Tyson can you get serious for a second?” Hiro yelled to him. 
Tyson knew if Hiro could take Dragoon and do it himself he would, but they needed Tyson’s energy to fuel Dragoon, it wouldn’t work in the hands of anyone else. 
“I wonder how the other guys are making out…” Tyson closed his eyes and swayed his head back and forth thinking and calming himself in Rauls embrace. 
“I’m sure they’re having just as hard of a time as you are.” Raul kissed his ear reassuring him. 
“No, I’m doing better.” Tyson smirked. 
“Really? How come?” Raul didn’t believe him. 
“Cause none of them have a boyfriend as amazing as you.” 
Raul buried his red face in Tyson’s neck embarrassed. 
“You’re cute.” Tyson reached up and ruffled his hair. “Come on, let’s set up camp.” 
The expedition team set up their camp and elevated tents. Neither Tyson or Raul were fans of camping, especially not in a deadly jungle. Tyson remember Raul’s reaction when he told him he was going: 
“You know there’s birds that kidnap BABIES there right!?” 
Tyson laughed remembering his terrified expression. 
Tyson couldn’t sleep. He hopped out of bed and pulled out Dragoon. 
“Damn.” It was still the same hue and glow as before. He put on his shoes and left the tent. 
He stood in the jungle just outside camp holding Dragoon. 
“Come on! It makes no sense- One moment you’re glowing like crazy and now nothing?” 
“Tyson?” Raul appeared from behind a tree, “you can’t be away from camp like this.” 
“Raul it’s been days since Dragoon had that glow. Apparently no one’s found the rock yet. So what is happening?” 
Raul could sense his boyfriend’s frustration bubbling over. He grasped his hand and smiled at him. 
“We will figure it out.” 
Tyson let go of his hand fast. 
“Tyson?” Raul was surprised, but also slightly offended. 
“No- It’s not you- Dragoon.” 
“He is kinda glowing a bit more huh?” 
At that moment Dragoon emitted a radiant light. 
“Raul!” Tyson moved Dragoon side to side, pinpointing the location he was pointing him in. 
Tyson started in that direction.
“Tyson! You can’t just go wandering the jungle in the dark!” Raul yelled after him, “We have to go back to camp and get Hiro-” 
“Raul if I do that Dragoon might stop! I need to go now!” Tyson whined, he could already feel the power from Dragoon fading, Raul hesitated biting his lip. 
“Are you staying or going?” Tyson didn’t mean to sound so intense, but he knew time was running out. 
“I’m coming, I can’t let you go alone-” 
As soon as Tyson got permission he took off, Raul following closely behind him. 
He used Dragoon to light his way and kept increasing his pace as he felt Dragoon’s power increase. 
“Tyson slow down! Please! You’ll hurt yourself-” 
“AH!” Tyson screamed as he slid down a gully and rolled over into a stream, Raul fell behind him and collapsed against him.
Or not him? 
“What! Who!” 
The other boy got up, he had just fallen as well. Raul couldn’t see anything but feel, he grasped his arm, “Who are you!?” 
“Mff- get the hell off me Tyson-” The boy cursed. 
Tyson used Dragoon to light up the boy’s face, at the same time the boy shone a red light in their faces. 
“Kai!?” Tyson and Raul shouted in unison. 
“Don’t act so surprised, you knew I was around here after all.” Kai grumbled. 
“Why are you out here this late alone?” Tyson asked worriedly. 
“I could ask the same thing about you two
“We have each other-” 
Kai laughed, “That’s just about as useful as a Beblade without a ripcord.” 
“Shut up Kai.” Tyson shot back. 
“So why are you out here Kai?” Raul asked, clearing the tension. 
Kai’s eyes shot side to side, he was debating on telling them or not. 
“Dranzer. She hasn’t had any activity in days, and finally tonight, she was like fire.” 
“Same with Dragoon!” Tyson chimed in. 
“Odd.” Kai responded. 
The three sat in the muddy area conflicted on what to do next. The two ancient bit beast wielders stared at their blades which had mysteriously stopped shining brightly. 
“Where’s your camp?” Kai asked.
“Um-” Tyson hummed. 
“You’re lost? Morons.” Kai laughed in disbelief, they were really a lost cause. “The demolition boys camp is just on the other side of this ridge. You can stay there the night before heading out.” 
“Wow really! Thanks Kai!” Raul thanked him, but Tyson squinted his eyes wondering if Kai had secret intentions. 
Once they got to camp Tyson and Raul discovered the Demo boys were really not in their element. Kai didn’t seem to mind the heat in the rainforest, but the humidity was killing him, the rest of the boys, well they looked like icicles on a hot beach. 
They barely talked to the boys, they didn’t seem interested. Kai’s tent was the biggest so they all squished into it. 
“Don’t be weird.” Kai scolded them before rolling over to head to sleep himself. 
Tyson jabbed Kai in the stomach, “what do you think we’re going to do jerk?” 
Kai shook his head. 
Tyson glared at him, “I haven’t seen you in ages Kai and you think I’m going to do weird things with my boyfriend while sharing a tent with you in the jungle-” 
Kai placed his hands over his ears, “I’m not listening! Stop being weird-” 
Raul shot a look at Kai and coyly addressed Tyson, “imagine if we just made out right now-” 
“I will kick you out of my tent back into the jungle immediately.” Kai said deadpan. 
Eventually they all fell asleep.
Dawn broke and Tyson blinked trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He rolled over and saw Dragoon.
Glowing bright. 
Tyson ripped the single blanket off himself and shook Raul. 
“Raul get up! Now!” 
Raul made a disinterested sound, Tyson shoved Dragoon in his face and he forced himself awake immediately. 
Tyson started to put on a shoe, but his eyes lingered on Kai’s sleeping silhouette. Dranzer glowed red like flames beside him. 
Tyson could get to the rock before him. But that wouldn’t be fair. 
Tyson made sure Raul was ready to go, he held his shoe that wasn’t on in his hand.
He threw it at Kai. 
Kai sat up startled and cursing at Tyson. 
Tyson pointed to his blade while shoving on his boot. 
“Looks like we got a head start!” 
Tyson and Raul leaped out of the tent while Kai’s yelling faded behind them. 
They followed the glow through the jungle for hours and finally found a rockface. 
“Tyson we have been scouting around this mountain for days. It can’t be in the mountain, we would know.” 
Tyson held out Dragoon, the glow was so bright it hurt to look at. 
“It has to be around here somewhere Raul-” 
Raul had started climbing the rockface. 
“What are you doing that’s dangerous!” Tyson hollered at his boyfriend, but Raul didn’t seem to care. 
“It has to be on the mountain Tyson! It’s the only explanation!” 
Tyson viewed the cliff from a few steps back. It could be scaled, but it would be sketchy. He decided to follow his boyfriend’s lead. 
“Here comes my dragon.” Raul called Tyson his nickname in a cute voice. 
Tyson laughed, “You better not let this dragon catch up with you-” 
“Oh no-” Raul giggled. 
“Hey hey don’t climb too fast!” 
At the top they stopped and laid down catching their breath. 
“That was awesome.” Tyson smirked and reached for Raul’s hand. 
Raul got up on his feet and held out his hand to Tyson, Tyson took it, Raul pulled him up dragging him into a kiss. 
Tyson pushed himself away first. “That was amazing.” 
“What does Dragoon look like?” 
Tyson pulled out Dragoon again which was pulsing. 
“That’s different?” Raul knit his eyebrows.
“We must be close.” 
They continued into the dense forest on the top of the mountain. 
“Ugh!” Tyson kept throwing vines out of his face. Raul followed behind him, until finally, they reached a clearing.
Tyson saw a familiar face on the other side of the clearing, it was Ray. 
“Ray!” Tyson was happy to see his friend, he noticed Driger in his hand, glowing brightly. 
Behind Ray, Max popped out from behind him, “Tyson!” 
Max ran toward Tyson throwing out his arms and giving Tyson a massive bear hug. 
“Ah! You’re killing me!” Tyson groaned but wore a huge smile.
Max pulled out Draciel, “Is Dragoon pulsing too?” 
“Yeah.” Tyson showed Dragoon to Max and Max showed him Draciel in return. 
Ray approached them with Drigger as well. 
“Did you guys have as hard of a time getting them to show the way as much as I did?” Tyson laughed and scratched the back of his head. 
“Oh yeah.” Max sounded exasperated, Ray nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah me too.” 
Another familiar voice.
“Kai!” Max screeched and approached Kai with his bear hug embrace. 
Kai tried to shrug him off but gave up receiving a light hug. 
“Okay. So now what?” Ray questioned. 
“Um…” Tyson looked around the clearing hoping for an answer. 
“We’re on top of a mountain, and this is where our bit beasts are strongest.” Kai pointed out.
“Let’s try putting them in the middle of the clearing.” Max suggested. 
They all shrugged, no one had a better idea. 
They all piled their beyblades in the middle of the clearing and sat in a circle watching their blades pulsate. 
“Well. It was worth a try.” Ray pointed out awkwardly. 
Raul kept scratching at the ground and messing with the rainforest substrate. 
“If you keep doing that you’ll dig to the other side of the earth.” Tyson joked. 
Raul laughed but frowned when he touched something hard in the ground. He started to dig away the moss and dirt revealing a perfectly smooth rock underneath. 
“There’s no way you found it just like that.” Kai was mildly pissed off. 
Max started to pull away moss and dirt, then Tyson and Ray joined it. They had cleared half the clearing revealing the smooth rock which also seemed to have designs engraved into it. 
“Come on Kai help us!” Tyson yelled at Kai. Kai uncrossed his arms reluctantly and got down and started digging as well.
“Wait.” Tyson stopped.
They all stopped to look at him. 
“What if this whole mountain is the rock?” 
They surveyed the clearing, they had almost unearthed all of it and the smooth surface just kept going. 
“I think you’re right Tyson.” Ray laughed. 
“So-,” Max stood back up awkwardly, “Who found it first?” 
You could cut the tension with a knife. 
“The bigger question is, who can transport an entire mountain?” Ray laughed thinking how absurd the situation was. 
“How about, the bladebreakers found it.” 
Tyson suggested it but was met with different expressions. 
“It’s really the only option.” Kai stated bluntly.
“We will all have to share the discovery.” Ray grinned, knowing it was for the best.
“Oh!” Raul jumped. 
“What?” Tyson couldn’t stop admiring his cuteness. 
“So we’re all sharing then?” 
Tyson blinked realizing Raul was right. “Yeah! Ha! I guess we are!” 
Raul drummed on Tyson’s arm excitedly. 
“Oh I can’t wait to see the look on Hiro’s dumb face!” 
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itsthegameilike · 4 years
Just some fic recs (part 2)...
It’s been a while since I’ve made a rec list and that seemed tragic to me as I’ve spent most of my quarantine surviving off fic. So here we go! The popular fics are hidden away for today and there is more Wangxian on here than I’d care to admit, but I Hyperfixated. Still, the ships are numerous and various.
Promises We Make -- Mayarene Rose; Wangxian Lan Zhan has taken to visiting the Yiling as often as he can, bringing as many rabbits as he can carry. It is not against the sect rules so there's no reason for him to feel guilty about it. And after all, he made a promise. Or the one where Lan Zhan sneakily moves into the Burial Mounds and this may or may not have helped stop a lot of bad things from happening. **If you’re feeling sad, this is the fic for you. It can take any bad day and make it better. Lan Zhan brings every goddamn rabbit in Cloud Recesses to the Burial Mounds a few rabbits at a time just as an excuse to visit Wei Ying. Then he kind of just stays? And everyone loves him? And Wei Ying is an absolute dumbass about the whole thing? Which tracks.
Screw Poetry, It’s You I Want -- intertwiningsouls; Pynch Adam tries to navigate a crush on his best friend, his first time having a group of friends during the holidays, and the mysterious notes that keep showing up in his locker. **Fair warning this fic is not finished and on hiatus, but I still think it is absolutely worth reading anyway. I reread it often and then get sad it’s not updated, but, you know, fic writer’s lives are hard. I know this deeply. Anyway, it’s soft, it’s cute, and Ronan is perfect.
apastron -- kissmesexybatman; Shatt "This was the mission: three people were set to travel half a year out to the edge of the solar system, traversing space no human eyes had ever seen, to explore the possibility of life in the most extreme of conditions." The first six months of the Kerberos Mission. **This fic is quiet and meditative and a little lonely, but it is so, so beautiful. I loved it the first time I read it and I love it now. There’s some very good ace representation and love just pours from this fic. Love for people and love for space.
How Fragile We Are, Between the Few Good Moments -- nineandthreequarterrs; Wolfstar By the time it’s dark, there’s a fire crackling before them. The tent is set up. There are two chairs propped up by the fire. They have cooked and eaten dinner, and they are sitting in silence. It reminds Sirius of the dinners at home after he got sorted into Gryffindor, or after his mother found the letters from his friends, or lately, whenever he dares to show his face around the house at all. What lives in that space isn’t actually silence. Silence is absence. This thing that hangs between him and his mother, now between him and Remus, is the presence of something suffocating and cutting. It doesn’t serve as a placeholder for noise, it serves as a punishment. It cleaves him to the bone, flays him until he wants to cry. The soft, knotting feeling in his chest he feels when he wants to let tears out but can’t is rising in him. Sirius doesn’t know how to kill except to hiss, “Well if you’re mad at me just fucking say so.” **This takes the moment where Sirius lures Snape to the Shrieking Shack and nearly gets him killed by Remus in his werewolf form-a scene that should be utilized like this more frequently-and creates something absolutely lovely with it. The fic is quiet and subtle and deals with the abuse Sirius suffers and Remus’ rightful anger in a delicate and true way. I adore it.
Likewise Variable -- ssstrychnine; Wolfstar James has plans, Peter is the nurse, Sirius keeps fake blood up his sleeves, and Remus just tries to stay alive. **One of those classic Marauders fics where everyone is batshit crazy except Remus, who ends up doing batshit crazy things because he loves his friends. And Sirius. Especially Sirius. He ends up playing Romeo and Sirius plays Juliet and the pining and angst is unreal. A trope I’m trash for and very well executed.
flowers boldly blossoming over withered grass -- LilyMaxwell; Wangxian It’s in the dawning years after Jin Guangyao’s death that Wei Wuxian learns what it’s like to live and love without a second thought. **The first fic I found in my endless search through pages and pages on ao3 where I saw a characterization of Lan Zhan that resonated with me in the same way he did in the show. I have a thing for soft and quiet fics and this one is no exception. Lovely and beautifully written. 
Like Knives -- All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; Bakushima Bakugou was disappointed in him. Bakugou thought he was weak, thought he was useless. Bakugou knew he’d broken, and Bakugou was mad at him for it. **I love this fic a lot. It takes Bakugou’s anger and uses it to full angst advantage. Kirishima overhears Bakugou and misinterprets Bakugou’s intense worry for anger. And then emotions happen.
Garden War -- Cibee; Drarry Harry and Draco are quarantined in their houses, a lake across from one another. What better ways to spend this time than to annoy each other with letters and attempts to prove that their garden is better? **I did my best to avoid quarantine fics, but you know, easier said than done. This one is super cute. Mostly epistolary, Harry and Draco just make fun of each other and garden and then get together. Like, what the hell else do you want?
light fires at night (to push back the void) -- inthesea; Andreil The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew. (Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.) **One of the two truly popular fics that shows up on here. This fic changed my life. It killed me and then brought me back to life. It’s essentially a series of vignettes starring Andrew and Neil and like...it hurts and it heals and it loves. I would die for this fic to continue existing even when I don’t.
the hidden source is the watchful heart -- sombregods; Wangxian Wei Wuxian comes back to the Cloud Recesses for the winter months. He and Lan Wangji learn that emotional intimacy and physical intimacy are not (yet) quite synonymous.They have time to figure it out. **I have the biggest soft spot for relationships where sex and romance aren’t intrinsically intertwined and take some time to navigate. And in my mind, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying have exactly that kind of relationship, so this fic was all I ever needed. If that’s your thing, this is a must read.
A Heart’s a Heavy Burden -- idratherhaveyou; Wangxian There was fire and magic and death, screams and blood, but rage was Wei Ying's song at night, the beast he became taking control, protecting what it could and destroying those that did harm.Years ago, when Wei Ying had newly discovered this particular power of his, when he’d picked his side—to simply fight everyone who didn’t fight for those weaker than themselves—he’d remembered more.To him, this was better. Better to forget things best forgot. **A Howl’s Moving Castle AU **A shameless self-promotion, but I love this fic to pieces, so I thought it seemed fit to add. Not quite finished, but I promise it will be. I just take two of my favorite pieces of media and have a real good time. There’s magic, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying love each other a lot, and A-Yuan does god’s work.
Siren Song -- Becky_J_1022 When Damen is cursed by a Siren in exchange for the revenge his heart desperately desires, his life is thrown into chaos, and betrayal lurks around every corner. Despite his better judgment, he allows a beautiful young man to seek berth on his ship, not knowing that he has granted refuge to the one man who has every reason to want him dead. Laurent may be the key to breaking Damen's curse, and Damen could help restore Laurent to his throne—but if they have any hope of helping each other, they will have to untangle their bitter pasts first. **Listen, man, this fic is balls to the walls fun and also everyone should read Becky’s fics. Not enough people do. She makes sentences beautiful. Just so beautiful. And she loves to and you can tell.
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
I must admit, sometimes I do feel like a ye olden solider, sending letters to my beloved across the waves during wartime. Oh my dearest Lydia, I hope the kudos and comments crops have been plentiful this season. Your last letter left me weeping. Why must you put poor Reginald through such pain?
(I gotta admit, I still can't believe that I'm talking to you. I've been looking up to your work for so long...it just feels a bit surreal, even now! Glad you like hearing my ramblings! And that you liked my vampire prompt! Did not realize you'd write back when I sent that in. Look at us now, huh?)
(Speaking of prompts, I sent those jukebox and willex ones too. And I loved them both so so much, I shall scream about them more when it is not 2 am because I need sleep)
(Oh and the update of If I Was You!!! Amazing, Stellar, Incredible, Reggie, Carrie, Julie shenanigans is my new favorite thing, DID YOU JUST DOUBLE THE CHAPTER COUNT, and I'm like 90% sure Trevor is in deep trouble with a certain angry jazz ghost. Seriously loving it)
I actually do not remember what it was like to send in 1/5 asks, because I did not get a Tumblr until very reccently! I've always been a nerdy person, but Jatp is my first time being really in a fandom. You gotta do something new in quarantine, right?
Ah yes. Luke and Emily. To me, it just seems obvious that there's so much love between them. Even with all the pain. You get it. You put it down so eloquently.
As for what kind of stories I like to read...it seriously depends on my mood.
I like niche aus, passion projects. Stories where you can just feel the author's love for the world they're inventing. But I tend to lean towards cannonverse. I like ghost stories, it's what drew me to this show in the first place. And I love exploring that concept. (Being forever gone, and always the same...it's just fascinating to me)
Platonic goodness is just WONDERFUL for this show. I will read anything with cuddles. I am touched starved and these kiddos are too, and I will cry about them puppy piling every damn day. Plus there's just some much POTENTIAL for future friendships! I love ones where Flynn and Carrie get to interact with the boys as well. And 90s content, from before and after the orpheum, just hits hard.
I really wasn't expecting to get invested in the couples on this show, but something about them is moving to me. So I do love to read about them. Watching two queer kids who lived during incredibly important areas of queer history find love together after death really hit hard for me, and there's just something so bittersweet about a girl and ghost deciding to love each other for the little time they're given.
I love family dynamics too. Anything with Ray and his seven disaster children, the band and Trevor.... I think Julie and Emily is one of my favorite dynamics to explore. A girl who lost her mother and a mother who lost her son, both grieving but with one able to speak to the dead...it's just very powerful to me.
(And of course, Luke and Emily, but I figured you already knew that)
Mostly...I like seeing the messy stuff. The unexpected consequences, the baggage. I want to see the messy emotions, the grief and anger, the jealously, the disorientation. I look for those glass shards, that might be too sharp to ever be addressed on the show. Not even the big, monumental plot lines just... the harder pieces of life, the little moments that don't fit neatly into a nine episode arc.
I just want to see them live you know? Love, laughter and loss all mixed together.
(One of my all time favorite tropes is "found family gets broken apart by trauma, only to find each other again and come back stronger than ever." I feel like this explains a lot of my taste in fiction)
Thank you for the writing advice. Your words were very motivating. I am trying to begin! I got up the nerve to start working on a little piece. Who knows if it will go anywhere. But it's been nice, to finally put some words on the page.
The POTC au is so freaking good man. The character dynamics are just on FIRE. Everything is broken and messy and the relationships genuinely tug at my heartstrings. It's such a fascinating story. Highly recommend, even with the cliff hangers.
OH HOW COULD I FORGET PAWPRINTER? Man oh man I love all her work. The wheelies art and steals universe is freaking amazing, not an avacado had me in tears (of laughter, till things got surprisingly sad). And All that Remains...slow burn Willex perfection. Jedi Alex and Pilot Willie have my HEART.
I don't think I've read firefall and weneedglitter (or if I have, I'm just not connecting the names to their pieces. I don't always remember author names. it's a problem). I will go look for them though! Cannot wait!
For more recs, I recently binge read We Found Wonderland. I was not mentally prepared for the sheer amount of feelings that gave me. Highly recommend, if you ever want an emotional rollercoaster with an incredibly satisfying end.
Going on to more serious subjects...I'm sorry your family doesn't see your grief for what it is: honest. Better to feel everything quietly, than make it an easily understadnable performance. Fake grief is so easy to spot.
I think of that scene from "Forever," when Buffy breaks down and tells Dawn that she has to keep busy, because if she stops, it means Joyce is really gone. There's a lot of truth there.
On a tangent here but.. there was a very long period in my life when I was told the ways I expressed my emotions were "incorrect". And I found that sometimes, no matter how you show your emotions, you'll always be criticized. Numbness can be called disinterest, but sobbing can be called attention-seeking too. Too big, too small: that jury was impossible to please This may not apply in your situation but...it's okay to feel however you can. It's the only think you can do, really.
As I've said before, Grief is such an odd trickster.
Don't you ever get tired of missing people... This past year, I've been so weary of grief. Sometimes it can be so sharp, but it's that dull ache. That ball and chain, no longer cutting through your skin, but rubbing it raw, weighing you down.
And people don't like to talk about that part, because it's long and tiresome, but oh, is it there. I find it hard to talk about my grief, because sometimes there's just so much of it. I could drown in it, and that fear keeps me from looking to close. To incorrectly quote Jane Austin: "If I missed you a little less, I might be able to talk about it more."
(Sometimes it's faceable. But sometimes you just can't bear it. And that's okay.)
But what you wrote in that eulogy...the love is there. It's in every word you write. I cried reading that section. I feel honored once again to see some of your jagged pieces. You're sharing your heart, and there's just so much love.
In the wise words of an author I know, "Love is like the snow Reggie. It never goes away."
And don't worry, I'm always with you.
Sending Love,
-LydiaStan7845 (aka Vampire Anon)
So...that Reggie and Nicky prompt
my god
my GOD
I think it's safe to say congrats, you've officially destroyed me! I was not prepared for that at ALL. I should know better by now I guess.
I can't get over that even though they all take place in very different universe, all your stories just feel so connected! The way this talked about those headphones, which you mentioned in the first chapter of Kill Your Heroes...it's just so cool. All the characterization and backstory is just so well thought out, and it genuinely blows my mind.
I didn't think I could love Nicky Peters more. I was wrong. The way you write about him...even though you never go into exactly what happened to him after Reggie's death, you can just feel how much it's shapped him as a person. And the trauma around his father, and how he fears becoming like that, was just so beautifully written. He's just so lovable and flawed and trying so damn hard and you made my heart ache for him. Again.
You always take these genuinely crazy situations and...you just make them feel so real. I love you explore the strains such a revelation would put on Nicky's own life, it just makes everything so compellingly messy. It seriously feel like I was watching a real-life account of a family trying to deal with such a massive complication.
That porch scene had me in tears both times I read it. Reggie's just always a big brother, even though Nicky is more than twice his age now. My heart was shattered, and then you slowly mended it, piece by piece. And for absolutely no reason at all, you wouldn't happen to have a reference for the porch, would you?
Just wow. Hope you're doing well. Sending love and applause
-Vampire Anon
i’m not even gonna reply, but i want these documented... on my blog... for posterity.  ( for any curious onlookers, i’m dating this anon now!! )
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galacticempiress · 4 years
trespasser (5/?)
star wars x mcu x fem!reader
summary: while the resistance and the first order are busy with each other, leia senses rey and kylo, realizing they’re on earth. meanwhile on earth, the avengers try to make rey feel safe.
introducing...superherodisguise!kylo! i thought it would be kinda cool to add that in. this chapter is inspired by @spideyanakin​! they also have an amazing star wars/marvel au if yall wanna check it out!
warnings: cussing, violence, mention of sex.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Why can’t he see me...” Leia envisions Kylo in a diner but he wasn’t wearing his dark robes anymore. He was wearing cuffed light blue jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, white shoes that had an arched logo on them, and a black cap. Kylo tilted his head towards Leia, sensing her but quickly turned back to the waitress heading his way. 
“General, we just received news that Kylo Ren is nowhere to be seen. Along with Rey and the outsiders.” Poe informs Leia, interrupting her moment. Leia pauses and looks up at the commander.
“I know exactly where they are, Dameron.”
“Do you guys have an Alderaan Twist?” Rey shifts uncomfortably on the sofa. Rey didn’t know what to expect but she was surprised at how Earth was not under complete destruction. She had wondered why no one had bothered to do anything with this planet
“We...don’t have that here.” Tony sighs, taking out a bottle of alcohol (which (Y/N) quickly put away). Tony had thought he had overcome his fear of the Dark Jedi but once he saw him, his whole body shut down on him. The feeling of anger wavered on Tony which caused him to snap. “You know, this is my fault. If I hadn’t bothered Thanos’ escape plan, I wouldn’t have gone through that hole!”
“Tony, don’t be so hard on yourself-” (Y/N) started but was interrupted.
“I’m not! I...I...” The billionaire started to crack and put his face in his hands. I don’t want to be seen as weak. “Y’know what, you guys start making Rey feel comfortable.” Everyone started to speak against Tony but he raised his voice, “I just need some time to myself.” With that, he went to another part of the building.
Moments of silence passed. Everyone knew that wasn’t Tony’s first time out in space. When he brought the explosive to space, no one knew exactly what happened but it made him cut off everyone for a bit. What happened recently was much more worse than before. “Is he uhm...usually that dramatic?” Rey spoke up, breaking the silence. 
“He’s been through a lot of things. Things that we have never encountered until extraterrestrial beings came 11 years ago.” Steve then later explained about the Battle of New York City, Rey seemingly fascinated by this but also upset.
“...It wasn’t common knowledge here - on Earth - that people like me were out there?” 
“We knew that Thanos and Thor’s galaxy existed and no one bothered to think about the other galaxies that could have even more living beings. Then Tony got sucked into that wormhole a couple years later.” 
Rey was left speechless. People didn’t know about us? Her thought process was interrupted by Peter, seemingly nervous. “I’m sorry Ms. Rey but uhm...does your lightsaber still work?” Peter mutters, a shy smile plastered on his face. Rey smiled.
“Let’s see!” She smirked before raising her arm but nothing happened. “What?” She moves her arm around before the lightsaber finally reached her hand from afar. “It usually doesn’t take that long...” Rey ignited her lightsaber, a glowing blue radiating from it. Peter silently fangirled at the glowing weapon. He couldn’t wait to tell Ned. 
The rest of the Avengers weren’t as ecstatic as Peter but they were still amazed. Their mouths were slightly agape except for Thor, who coughs. “Can uh- anyone do that?” The God of Thunder lets out a small laugh while Rey turns her attention to him. 
“Not everyone, only those who are strong with the Force.” 
“Well, let’s see!” Thor grunts out the last word and stretches his arm out towards the lightsaber. It shakes slightly in Rey’s hand until it eventually stopped. Thor sighs, “It was worth a try.”
Everyone chuckles at the embarrassed Thor. (Y/N) felt her phone buzz in her pocket, taking it out while chuckling. Her face turned stern as she looked at it. She walked out of the room, unbeknownst to the group. Her heart dropped at the text.
Matt Murdock: I know I’m the last person you want to text but I think I’ve encountered something that’s Avengers level.
(Y/N) scrunched her nose in disgust. She remembered she met Matt as Daredevil when she was dealing with street level threats. Matt never killed as it was his number one rule but (Y/N) absolutely hated the way Matt took care of crime. There was no such thing as second chances. Of course, they’ve encountered each other before. (Y/N) remembered the times in the bedroom with him. It was just several hookups with tension waiting to be released, nothing more. She was then given the opportunity to do something good for not just the streets, but the world. The (H/C) haired woman thought process was interrupted by another text.
Matt Murdock:
This is something serious. Hudson Yards.
Sighing, (Y/N) turned off her phone. Siri can say the read receipt. Grabbing your things, you walked past the group and towards the door. “Where are you going?” Natasha grabs (Y/N)’s wrist, making her shake her grip off. The redhead’s eyes widen in surprise and she quickly apologized.
“Have to take care of some old business. I’ll be back.” (Y/N) sighs stressfully while quickly heading to her car. As she drove away, Natasha couldn’t help but question. 
“Out of all places, fucking Hudson Yards?” (Y/N) muttered under her hoodie. Parking her car next to a fire hydrant, she walked towards the tourist attraction. How the hell am I gonna find Matt here? Her eyes darted around the tourist filled area.
“Hey.” She felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly reacted. The long time friend blocked her fist. “We’re around a lot of people. I wouldn’t do that.” The brunette warned while the former assassin slapped his hand off.
“It was a reflex.” (Y/N) huffed, crossing her arms. “What did you want to tell me that was so serious?” 
Matt lowers his voice, loud enough for only her to hear. “You been outside of Earth recently?” As soon as Matt said that, the color drains from (Y/N)’s face. “I couldn’t tell if it was a genuine threat to Earth or some crazy guy...” The brunette awkwardly chuckles before he hears her heartbeat increase dangerously. The smile on his face disappears when he didn’t hear her say a word.
She grabs his shoulders, “What did he say to you?” Matt sensed her fear and it was nothing compared to the fear she had on the streets.
“He asked me what planet he was on and called me uh- rebellious-”
“Rebel scum. Tony mentioned that...” (Y/N) trailed off on the last part before regaining focus, “That’s enough. T-Thank you, Matt.” (Y/N) starts to wonder off back to her car before Matt grabbed her again. An old spark of tension came back. Both of you knew better than to continue it.
“If you need anything, just call me.” (Y/N) gave him a small smile before letting go. She walked further away from the attraction and onto the somewhat quiet street. The more (Y/N) walked, there were less people on the cold dark street. Instantly, she had the feeling she was being watched. “Show yourself.” She waited for a few seconds until she heard footsteps behind her. Running. Turning around, she saw the man she saw earlier today. Kylo let out a yell before trying to behead the (H/C). She caught the hilt, trying to push it away.
“Outsider.” Kylo spat while he applied more pressure onto his weapon. The lightsaber was just inches away from singeing her neck. (Y/N) struggled and applied more pressure towards Kylo. They continued to struggle but something inside (Y/N) snapped.
“Fuck. Off!” She yelled before applying even more pressure. The raven haired man looked at the lightsaber that was now shaking. He wasn’t using the Force, he couldn’t be. He slowly looked up at his enemy, who was absolutely enraged. A dark smirk appeared on his face before Kylo completely stopped pushing his lightsaber. Kylo ducked as the lightsaber flew past him and landed on the sidewalk in another block. 
(Y/N)’s face went from confusion to, slowly, into shock. She looked at her shaky hands, realization dawning on her. She was supposed to be happy with these newfound abilities but honestly, she didn’t know how to feel. Kylo stretched his arm out towards the shocked women. “Join me. I can teach you how to control it.” “I’ll never join you.” (Y/N) spat yet she didn’t completely understand what he was saying. Kylo grimaced at this. He took a step forward. He couldn’t understand how he couldn’t access the Force on Earth yet she could.
“You don’t understand the honor of having this abili-” (Y/N) cut him off by using the Force, pushing him to the other block where his lightsaber was. Slowly, (Y/N) lowered her arm down and stared at her hand. “This is some Supernatural type shit.” She breathlessly chuckles before she spots Kylo running towards her with rage in his eyes. 
“Shit!” (Y/N) started to run as fast as her legs could give. Slamming the car door, she barely escapes as Kylo nearly breaks the rear window. (Y/N) watched her center mirror as Kylo stood there, watching the car speed away. “Jesus.” She exhaled as she entered the highway. Even though Kylo was nowhere near her, she checked her mirrors every second on the way to base.
(Y/N) had to tell Rey.
im so sorry for not updating sooner!
@multi-madison @treestarrrrrrrr @holybatflapexpert @bonza-bear @ren-ni @reejero @bitch-imma-head-out @1-800-starmora @infinity-star-wars @tachibubu @kingbouji3
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