#day6 jae slice of life
daysswithyou · 5 years
Picture perfect
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Characters: Jae x You
Genre: fluff, slice of life,
Word count: 2.3k
Description: photographer!jae AU
[Jae POV]
She is beauty.
She is beauty, and grace and everything in between.
She is the soft caress of the morning sun on your skin, warm and bright.
She is the dim glow of the moon through the clouds, hidden at time, but still greatly felt.
She is the calm lapping of the waves against the shore, comforting and cool.
She is everything that is good in this world.
Someone that is too good for me.
I think of all these things as I look at the photo I just took of her during the school carnival event. The sun was shining radiantly on her, making her skin bask with a light glow. Her hair glittered in variations of gold and browns, eyes lightening from their usual shade of chocolate to caramel. In that moment, she was a sight that demanded to be looked at, a picture perfect moment that must be captured.
It was unfair you know, the universe always conspires to make her look so beautiful and lovely. Which makes her seem even more unattainable yet it makes me fall harder for her at the same time.
She catches me staring, and raises a single eyebrow in my direction before marching over.
Oh no she’s coming. Be still heart...be still…
The little pep talk doesn’t work because with each step that she takes towards me, I can hear the pounding of my heart getting louder in my ears, feel the warmness spreading over my cheeks.
“Jaehyung ah, got any good shots yet?”
“A couple!” I answer with a little too much enthusiasm, and I mentally slap myself in the face for losing my cool.
“Let’s see them.”
Hastily, I punch the little knobs on the body of the solid black DSLR camera, quickly showing her some shots I got of the students and teachers. She squints her eyes to take a closer look, and I quickly pull back once she’s done reviewing them.
“That’s all?”
“That’s too little! We’re the only 2 on duty in this area so we need to work harder to take more shots each. Focus Jae.”
She taps me lightly on the head with the body of her camera, scrunching her nose and setting her lips into a thin line. Even though she’s annoyed at me, I still think she’s adorable.
“I’m sorry, I’ll pay more attention.”
“I’ll be watching you Park Jaehyung.”
She shoots 2 fingers at me, trying to act serious but the smile on her lips give her away. She’s not really angry at me, she hardly is at anyone.
Courage surges over me in a sudden wave and I throw a wink in her direction. The corners of her lip lift up just a little bit more, and she’s off to the other side of the field, trying to get some good shots of the Ares House.
Y/N-ah, the more you look at me, the more I won’t be able to focus.  
But the last thing I want to do is make her angry, so I put my focus back on the event, chasing after the beautiful shots that could possibly rival her beauty.
“Ya Jae, you know that staring at her photo won’t make her fall in love with you, right?”
“Shut up and stop snooping on what I’m doing!”
Jae slams the screen of his laptop down, throwing one of his used tissue papers at Younghyun. He doesn't care if it’s unhygienic and filled with his mucus; better for him if Younghyun gets sick too. Only when he’s lost his voice and immobilised in bed will he finally shut up about you and Jae.
Younghyun lets out a high pitched noise that sounds more like a screech than a scream and before gingerly pinching the waste tissue and letting it drop onto Jae’s bed on the lower bunk.
“That was disgusting yucks. Besides, I was hardly snooping. Your laptop screen was on with full brightness, anyone can see what you’re doing it.”
“Basic courtesy Younghyun. You don’t look at what others are doing on their laptop.”
“Couldn’t pass on an opportunity to tease you.”
“As if you don’t do that enough.”
“I wouldn’t have to if you’d just ask her out already.”
“Why are you so concerned with my love life?”
“Because we live together and you’re my friend so your life automatically becomes my life. It’s part of Bro Code. Duh.”
Younghyun narrows his foxy eyes at Jae, raising both hands in a noncommittal gesture. Jae rolls his eyes at Younghyun, settling for that as a retort. He’s not going to what little that’s left of his energy on Kang Younghyun. Jae never wins, and he’s not about to give his roommate that satisfaction again. Younghyun was about to turn and lie down when Jae’s phone rang, immediately catching his attention.
Jae’s eyes widen ten times at the sight of the caller ID, snapping his head to shoot a warning glare at Younghyun.
“It’s Y/N isn’t it?”
“I swear, if you make any inappropriate comment when I’m-”
“Relax I won’t. Just pick up the call.”
Jae has his eyes trained on Younghyun the entire as he swipes the green button; still Younghyun does not give up, mouthing ideas of how to ask you out to Jae from his spot on the top bunk.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hey Jae, where are you?”
“Am I supposed to be somewhere?”
“Yes. And that somewhere is the photography room, editing photos from the school carnival.”
Jae’s eyes blow to the size of dining plates when he realised that he’s forgotten the appointment he’s made with you today, guilt chewing away at his conscience when he realised he’s left you alone.
“Y/N, I am so sorry! I’m rushing over now.”
His saliva rises violently in his throat, triggering a violent round of coughs that nearly tears his throat apart.
Your eyes widen as you listen to him hecking away for 5 minutes over the phone, realising that he was sick.
“Jae, are you ok? You don’t sound well.”
“Yea I’m ok -”
Another round of coughs and aggressive blowing of his nose.
“No mister, you are not ok. Do not leave your room, I am coming over.”
You don’t give him time to protest before ending the call, slipping your phone into your jeans pocket as you dash out of the photography room towards his dorm.
You haven’t even knocked on the door when it was thrown open, a dishevelled looking Jae greeting you. Younghyun waves at you from his spot on the bed and you wave back before he flops onto his bed and proceeds to scroll through his phone. Jae notices, then decides it was better to shut the door to make sure Younghyun does not get more blackmail material. Stepping closer to you now, you can feel the heat radiating off Jae’s body even from an arm’s length away and you instinctively reach up to touch his forehead, moving your hand under his mop of fringe.
“You’re running a fever. Did you see a doctor?”
You move downwards to place the back of your hand lightly against his neck and Jae visibly stiffens, your touch sending shockwaves through his entire body. Jae’s cold body feels hotter now, and it’s not because of his fever.
“I’ll be fine after popping some pills, give me 1 minute ok? I’ll be out in a flash, then we can head to the photography room.”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything about going to the photography room.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest, tapping your fingers against your elbow as Jae gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in an distractingly attractive manner.
“Isn’t that what you’re...here...for…?”
“No Mr Park Jaehyung, I’m here for your camera so I can head back to the photography room to edit the photos, whereas you, are going to stay here and rest.”
“I can’t let you do all the work Y/N.”
“This isn’t open for discussion.”
Both of you engage in a stare down, and you know Jae has relented when he lets out a sigh.
“Alright give me a minute, I’ll bring the memory card out.”
He slips through the door and you catch Younghyun’s smirk from his spot on the top bunk. Younghyun always looks like he knows something you don’t when he catches you and Jae together; just what exactly is up with that guy?
Jae comes back out exactly a minute later, his grip on the memory card not loosening even when it’s in your hands.
“You sure about this Y/N? There’s a lot to go through.”
“Yes I’m sure Jae. Now hurry inside and rest!”
Gently, you give Jae a shove before he can get another word in, closing the door after yourself.
Alright, let’s get down to work.
Slotting Jae’s orange memory card into the reader, you expected to find a bunch of folders from the various school events. Yet there was no mistake; only a collection of photos was found. And the collection of photos all had the same subject:
The very last photo you found dated back 2 years ago, when Jae had just joined the photography club and you were still with the school dance team. You were on the floor holding onto your ankle as your members crowded around you, yet you managed a smile through the grimace. You remember that particular dance - you had landed wrongly during the acrobatic move, causing you to sprain your ankle.
The caption below wrote: It pains me to see you hurt, but you’re so brave for putting on a smile.
The photo later got featured during a dance special for the school magazine, highlighting the strong spirit of the dance team. You always wondered who took the photo; half of you wanted to punch the person for taking such an ugly photo of you, another half was thankful that the person decided to send in the photo, giving the editorial team a good story to work with. Now that you know it’s Jae, you’re definitely going to tackle him first, but hug him later for the good shot.
Scrolling further up, there was another photo of you during orientation camp; speaker in your hand with green streaks on your face. You looked so happy in the photo, and it brings back fond memories of the adrenaline rush you felt when you saw your group working hard on their cheers.
Your smile is so infectious, I found myself smiling like an idiot looking back at this photo.
Upon viewing the other photos, you found the same concept being repeated: it was you in various moods and events, with a small caption at the bottom about how Jae felt about you. With each passing photo, your heart swelled with emotions, in absolute disbelief that you always had a guardian angel watching over you all these years.
The final photo; the one he took at the school carnival last week was the one that sealed the deal.
They say that one takes photos of those they’re afraid of losing, and for me, I hope I’ll never lose you.
You rap on his door thrice, wiggling your toes in anticipation as you heard the sound of foot thumping against the ground on the other end.
The door swings open with a whoosh, revealing Jae with an even messier bird’s nest resting atop of his head now.
Passing the memory card back to him, you confidently said, “All done.”
“A-A-Already? But it’s only been an hour!”
“Well truth is… there was nothing to edit in the first place.”
“Really? But I’m sure I hadn’t done anything yet.”
“See for yourself.”
You hand the card over to him and Jae slots it into his laptop to check, very sure that you had made a mistake. The moment the window pops up, he slams the laptop screen down for the second time in the day, groaning as he squeezes his eyes shut and wills himself to disappear in a poof immediately.
But no such luck.
He cracks an eye open to peek at his side and there you stood calmly, with your hands behind your back, your head tilted slightly to get a better look at his face.
“You saw.”
“Mmmhmm. But don’t you have anything else to say to me?”
What am I supposed to say! You know everything! I can’t confess properly now; the fact that you’re aware of my feelings just makes the bundles of nerves in my stomach grow tighter.
Jae’s conflicting feelings show on his face, and you decide to be nice and not put him in a tough spot.
“I thought someone was afraid of losing me.”
“I am! I just...never knew how to...you know...”
He can’t. He just can’t bring himself to ask you the question; afraid of hearing a different answer.
“Ask me to be your girlfriend?”
A nod.
“Well, you could start by asking me out.”
“How? You’re so...up there and I’m so down here and I just-”
You quickly place a finger on Jae’s lips, stopping him from criticizing himself further.
“Ok then let me demonstrate, alright? For example: Hey Jae, I’m going to the aquarium this coming weekend to get some shots for the marine biology club, care to join me?”
It’s silent between the 2 of you for a while, Jae unsure if you were being serious with your request.
“I mean it Jae, and I’m still waiting for an answer.” You then show off your biggest smile, a clear indication that you were being genuine with him.
“I would love to Y/N.”
His face then lights up with a smile that easily rivaled your own, one that is bright and warm and dazzling.
If you could take a photo of Jae, now would be the time - because this was a picture perfect moment that you want to remember forever.
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
For the realistic one can I have the 'mortal enemies... ' with jae?? Can it be crack? (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
mmm, i’ll think about it 👀👀 jk, i tried to make it crack but... 😬 hope you like it either way
bias: jae from DAY6
prompt(s): mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year (not exactly mortal enemies??? idk, i think i lost it man)
genre: slice of life; fluffish?
warnings: mature language
words: 1.7k
“Why does this shit have to happen every. freaking. year?” you mumble through clenched teeth, staring ominously at the source of your current misfortune. Who looks a little bit more excited than you to see you’re yet again dressed in matching costumes.
You can’t even fathom how this happened. You were extra careful this year to not let anyone else know what your costume would be, as to avoid any unhappy surprises, but it seems luck is not on your side this year as well.
It all started 6 years ago, on your first year of college. You were invited to Wonpil’s halloween party, a guy from your literature course, and since you had nothing better to do than stay at your dorm, binge-watch some halloween movies and reminisce your high school days, you decided to give it a go. Plus you already knew some of the people attending the party (mainly Wonpil’s friends) so it wouldn’t be that bad.
So you put on your best rendition of The Bride of Chucky’s costume and headed over. The thing is once you arrived you realised that one of Wonpil’s friends, Jae, was dressed as Chucky. You had laughed awkwardly then, not knowing too much of him to actually feel comfortable around him or joke about the incident, although he didn’t seem to mind, as people automatically assumed you both were dating.
And that was okay really. And it would have been if it didn’t proceed to happen every single year after that. At the second year he was the Elsa to your Anna, then the rabbit to your magician. At the fourth he was the Gomez to your Morticia, then Vincent Vega to your Mia Wallace, and last year the Mike to your Eleven, making you believe he kind of did it on purpose. And it certainly didn’t help that Jae didn’t actually bother to refute those rumours that had you two dating. It had lost you more than enough dates over the course of 5 years, something that made you scowl whenever you saw the blonde boy in near proximity.
Sungjae sighs from next to you, dressed as an unsuccessful Count von Count, as everyone practically assumes he’s dressed as his evil counterpart, instead of the loveable Sesame Street character.
“At this point, I’m more amazed than annoyed. How do you two manage to pull this every year without it being intentional?” he comments and you groan out loud, wondering how indeed.
“I have no fucking idea. You know at first I thought maybe he knew about my costume each year, and that’s why you were the only one I told about it this time. But I swear to god, it’s like he has mind-reading powers! like what the fuck dude?!” you rant as you glare from the corner of your eye at his matching costume of your 10nth Doctor from Doctor Who. You’re dressed in a matching brown, striped suit, with Chuck Taylors, a tie, glasses and of course the essential sonic screwdriver which was actually made from scratch, using a multi-pen that was lying around your desk.
And Jae is dressed like the Tardis. Like, no kidding, dressed from top to bottom in full blue attire: blue pants, blue boots, blue t-shirt with a tardis print, even his hair is dyed blue with one of those fake spray paints used only on halloween. 
He looks pretty satisfied with his costume as he waves condescendingly at you from across the room and you refuse the urge to groan out loud.
“Is it like his yearly halloween goal to piss me off?” you cross your arms on your chest, turning your back on him to stare indignantly somewhere else.
Sungjae looks at you in thought. “I don’t think he’s trying to piss you off?” he says more like a question, “At least not intentionally,” he corrects once he sees your less than amused frown, “I just think it’s his own way of... having something in common with you?”
Your friend’s words confuse you, the emotion clearly depicted on your face as Sungjae sighs once more before he attempts to elaborate.
“You’re our friend for what now? Six, seven years? You’ve become a part of our group and you’re close to every single one of us. Except for Jae that is,” he explains calmly, and you admit his train of thought makes somewhat sense.
“Yeah, okay but it’s not my fault I’m not close with him as I am with you guys. I tried to at the beginning as you recall and he repaid that by continuously feeding into the rumour of us dating! I haven’t had a normal date in six years because of him!” you counter, knowing you’re right and Sungjae will have no answer to that.
And yet his eyes are looking at you as if you’re the one missing the point.
Which confuses you more. “What?”
He cocks his eyebrows but still says nothing. Okay, this is getting annoying.
“What?” you ask, once more when it finally hits you and your eyes widen comically at what Sungjae is insinuating, a gasp falling from your lips.
“Hey, guys, whatchu talking about?” said man approaches the both of you with an overly innocent smile on his lips, as if he doesn’t know you’re talking about him, although he probably doesn’t know exactly what it was about him that you were talking about.
At the recent information, you find yourself unable to look at him as you normally would, instead sparks flowing into your nervous system as you struggle to speak, only for it to come out as unintelligent gibberish.
Jae chuckles as he turns to a smiling Sungjae, who looks too satisfied over your reaction. “Dude, what did you say to her? You broke her.”
Sungjae raises a challenging eyebrow at you. “Nothing she didn’t already suspect,” he says and you mask your flushing cheeks with your cup as you take a sip of your drink.
“Guess it takes people by surprise when you give them hope,” he adds victoriously and you almost exhale your drink through your nose, as you try to manage your sudden cough.
“Hey, you okay? take it easy...” Jae is quick to pat you on the back to help your choking and once your breathing pipe is clear, you turn to glare at Sungjae, only to see him disappearing into the crowd, leaving you and Jae alone.
And shit. 
You’d like to say Sungjae was talking shit, but the truth is he kinda wasn’t? I mean, yeah Jae did piss you off when he inevitably came up during dates as the guy you were rumoured to be dating, but that’s not the only reason you were pissed at him. Mainly because even though he didn’t do anything to refute the rumour, he also didn’t do anything to help it become true.
“Thanks...” you mumble, looking at him from the corner of your eye, as you take a sip of your drink.
Jae gives you a tight-lipped smile as he waves you off. “It’s nothing, I’m sure you’d do the same.”
Another beat passes where there’s silence, not knowing what to say to him now that you know what you know and it seems your awkwardness spreads to him as well, as he looks anywhere but you.
And yet he doesn’t look eager to leave.
“So... the Tardis, huh?” you make an attempt at conversation, with the only thing that seems reasonable to mention.
Jae chuckles nervously. “Ah, yeah, what are the odds, right? I mean you as the doctor, me as the Tardis? It’s like we’re jinxed!” he jokes with a careful giggle as if he’s not certain about your reaction suddenly.
“Oh, yeah, definitely...” you answer with a chuckle, suddenly very self-aware, not at all as you would’ve answered normally, taking Jae by surprise.
“And, uuuh, I like your costume! It’s pretty cool you made this yourself!” he says with more enthusiasm now that you seem calmer around him.
Although his words send a confused frown to your face. “How did you know I made this myself?”
Your question makes Jae’s eyes widen, making him realize his mistake and he opens his mouth, struggling to find a proper excuse. 
But when none seems believable enough, he just sighs tiredly.
His eyes remain on the floor as he answers you, “I actually have been secretly matching my outfits with yours for halloween.”
Your eyes widen but instead of feeling vindicated for having your suspicions come true, you just feel nervous. Extremely so.
You swallow the lump in your throat. “How long?” you manage to mumble and his eyes are instantly on you, bewildered once he hears no anger in your words.
It seems your expression has him even more confused as he struggles to reply. “I, ugh... Um, for the last three years...” he admits carefully and instead of focusing on why he did that, your mind is trying to figure out how he did that.
“But wait, okay, the last two years it was pretty easy to find out what I was getting dressed up like, but this year I told no one! How did you know?” you ask with intrigue as Jae looks at you weirdly for not yelling at him.
“Um, Wonpil told me.”
You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. “Wonpil?”
“Yeah, it slipped from Sungjae one day and Wonpil told me...” Jae admits and you nod in understanding.
There’s one more question you need to ask, and if Sungjae is right it could change everything. But as you see Jae turning redder by the second you decide it’s not the time yet.
“Well, now I guess everything makes sense!” you chuckle out loud as Jae stares at you like a deer caught in headlights. “I was starting to wonder if you were a psychic or something...” you joke calmly with him, giving him a soft smile to put his worries at rest.
His eyes remain still for a second before an impromptu laugh escapes his lips and he shakes his head in embarrassment. “Yeah, sorry about that...”
You bite your bottom lips to stop the involuntary smile as you look at him. “You know, the next time you wanna dress in matching costumes you can just simply ask...”
Your words have him halt and stare back at you as if not believing his ears. But as he sees the honesty in your eyes and the way you try to stop from smiling, his shoulders relax and an easy grin takes over his lips. “Right, I’ll remember that...”
“For now, how about a drink?”
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
Hotel roommates 8! Coming tomorrow
Tomorrow comes the last part of Hotel roommates! It´s been a long ride but here we are! But don´t worry this won´t be the last time we see all of them. There will be an epilogue coming as well!
Enjoy the last real chapter though!
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kpopchangedme · 6 years
Lady (Client in my shop): "What's playing?"
Me: "Congratulations by Day6"
Lady: "No Way."
Me *jokingly*: "... Yes way!"
Lady from hell: "Weird. Day6' music usually sucks."
Me *lowkey pissed*: "You must confuse them with another band. (it's their fuckign debut song, come on.)"
Lady *highkey bitch*: "I know Kpop. They're the band from JYPE. The wannabes F.T. Island. FNC always has the best bands."
Me *to shame her*: I'm going to see Day6' concert for a 2nd time this Fall. They're my fave band."
Her *shameless*: "Mines are F.T. Island and CNBLUE."
Me *salty af*: "Clearly."
(What I truly meant: I'm not selling you that Hogwarts tee, you can go to hell bitch. Also... You fucking better be stanning N.Flying.)
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madeofdaysix · 6 years
“Come here. Let me fix it,” [Drabbles]
Jae x OC | Slice of Life, Bestfriend!AU | 771 words
Description: Inspired by 100 Ways to say I Love You prompt
“Come here. Let me fix it,”
Note: I’m back with a drabble featuring Jae. It’s been long overdue but I had a lot of things going on lately but this will do. I hope you like it.
Had her task papers wouldn't be left scattered on her workspace if not for Jae, who just broke into her apartment at 6 in the afternoon. He rushed from the tailor nearby with a suit hung around his arm and a duffel bag.
"Thank you for letting me in," he thanked her as if he didn't just push the passcode of his best friend's house and surprised her all the way into her room.
"You let yourself in," she muttered followed by Jae's small giggle. Her heart was at peace every time she heard his giggle, and it's even better when she was the one caused it.  
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he said as he looked at her through the reflection of the mirror.
"Nothing," she said as she held a laugh.
Never had she seen Jae so serious for an event before. His face flashed a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was more of a date rather than formal commemoration. His date turned out to be one of his course mates, whom he couldn't stop gushing about ever since he saw her for the first-time last summer. She was there when it happened. When they bumped into her by the beach. When he first approached the girl during the barbecue dinner after loads of encouragement were given to him. When she wished Jae would look at her the way he looked at the girl. When all the things were to say never came to be true — it was too late, and everything went too fast.
The two friends met when she was a university freshman and Jae was in his sophomore year. At first, they were introduced as mutual friends and the rest was history. Fast forward to present, she got to see Jae getting ready for a formal dinner with his batchmates to commemorate their final year. Never did she expect that their friendship could last and grow closer through the years while they went through each other's dark past, somehow.
The friendship was the more reasons for her to not to do anything that can be considered selfish. She tried to look past her feelings for him — despite cases of not knowing the right way to feel or to say — so they would never be out of each other's worlds or should she say, out of his world.
Naturally, her eyes went to him again as he turned to look at her after he adorned himself in his white dress shirt paired with black trousers. His blazer was placed on the single sofa arm rest. His side swept hair was the complement to his whole look. He turned his body at her while raising his arms mid-air with the how-do-I-look expression. A smile curved on her face.
Had the girl was good enough to be his shoulder to cry, to take away all his sadness, and willingly listen to all his sorrow and joy, to give all the love she hadn't had given to him, she will be more than willing to take a step back as a best friend.
Above all, she wanted him to be happy, and that alone would be enough to make her feel content.
"Come here. Let me fix it,"
Jae took a few steps further as she approached him. There was a sense of novelty every time they decreased the gap between each other. She felt her whole face flushed, and it's wrong of her to feel that way especially to Jae.
"Your tie is crooked," she fixed it but then she untied it and redid it around her neck. When he saw that she had finished, he obediently bent his knees to match her height — waiting for her to put it on.
She was taken aback but she put it, anyway. She quickly fixed the tie around the collar as she sensed herself getting a little tensed.
"There you go," she smiled as she pat both of his shoulders.
"Thank you," he jittered as he checked himself once again in the mirror before he packed his used clothes into his duffel bag.
She sent him to the door after he checked all his belongings. She even offered her car for him to pick her up rather than taking a cab. He was hesitant at first, but she assured him that it was fine if no drunk driving nor did he do any weird business in her car.
He stood up after putting on his shoes, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate everything. Wish me luck,"
And he disappeared behind the door as they bid goodbye.
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warmau · 3 years
love languages x day6
*this post was commissioned | commissioner asked for something loving + warm.....so here is something overly cheesy indulgent and hopefully warm
acts of service 
doesn’t think twice about peeling all of the tangerines himself and sharing the halves with you without a word - just one slice for you, one slice for him
can’t leave you alone when you’re cooking or cleaning. 
you tell him he’s busy from all of the bands schedules and he should just let you do it for once but a moment later
he’s standing beside you and chopping vegetables or he’s snatching the broom from you before you can even get started
you don’t complain too much though, he does look really cute in the kitchen apron
a man of little words he literally does all of this because he wants to say he loves and appreciates you but the words don’t come out easy like they might for other members
so when you’re alone and you tell him you love him you cant really get worked up over the fact that he barely mumbles something into your hair
because he’s shy about it - but he’s not shy about getting up first and bringing the cup of coffee to you in bed
people don’t give him as much credit as they should, which frustrates you, because sungjin is the kind of boyfriend and just the kind of friend who will bend over backwards for the people he cares for
from lugging all the instruments around, helping members with suitcases, or volunteering himself for the short end of the stick in bad situations
sometimes it gets so bad you have to put your hands on his face and steady him and be like sungjin, no. the boys can handle it without you.
and he’s like but im the leader-
and youre like shhhhhhhh before i kiss you so hard you cant breath for the next five minutes
and sungjin stares at you with those big brown eyes and hes kinda like well now im just gonna say something so you do tha-oH 
you and him get like an hour alone before he has to leave on tour and it is supposed to be full of sweet words and i miss yous
and sungjin just comes in with a bag full of groceries and you’re like is that for your tour
and he’s like oh no this is some stuff that i noticed you needed from last time 
and you’re like babe you’re leaving in like thirty minutes stop thinking about things to do for me 
and he just looks at you and says; “i can’t stop, im always going to be thinking about what i can do for you.”
just another way of saying ill miss you and i love you suppose LOL
words of affirmation
will never admit it out loud but if someone isn’t telling him he’s doing a good job. he will die.
and guess who gets that job? you - the second jae fell in love with you (and he do so very clumsily) you have been hired
jae does this kind of little look over his shoulder at you whenever he does something he thinks is cool or fun and you have dated for a while so immediately you’re like 
“that was amazing come here” and he trots over with literal hearts spinning around his head (youngk gagging in the distance)
but if you miss the little beat then jae just looks like a puppy that got left out in the rain until you rush over to do damage control LOL
with work or anything like that it’s this sort of playful thing between you two
where you’re like jae you are the best at skateboarding. singing. playing guitar. all of it. and he’s like am i the best? really? and you’re like YES THE BEST
but the real affirmation he chases from you is the guarantee that you ........ love him
some people like to be close without words, some people can talk with their hands or gestures 
but jae wants it said - and you are happy to oblige 
kiss him all you want and not like he’s gonna not enjoy it but when you say something about how he makes you the happiest person on earth well some things are just better you know?
when you say this stuff to him while you’re ontop of him and jae just - eyes rolling back but let’s move on
when days are really bad or jae is not in a good mood everyone has learned that the cure for him is your voice
so sungjin calls you and even if jae tries to be like IM FINE sungjin puts you on speaker and is like “please cheer him up and be as gushy as possible in front of all of us”
you: “jae you know i adore you and you’re my pumpkin pie sweeti-”
jae skidding across the table to take you off speaker: “I WILL TALK TO THEM IN THE OTHER ROOM-”
he scurries out to listen to you coo to him privately and the rest of day6 is like waiting 
and jae comes back, shining like a sunbeam until dowoon is like 
“so pumpkin pie sweetie are you feeling ok?”
jae about to fling the phone at dowoon before sungjin is like HEY-
quality time 
seems like a total homebody hermit who is like leave me be im ok living in solitude like a monk on a mountain
but the reality is that if he loves someone, and he loves you, if you two cant have that time together - he just feels wrong
like the gravity around everything else he is doing is just off centered 
and everyone can tell because it is like a raincloud just starts following him around
and also - he gets very grumpy
jae teases him and is like awwwwwww do you miss your s/o are you getting all saaaaaaaad 
and youngk is like shuttup no im not im fine
sungjin (who has a brain) is like no he’s literally going through withdrawal and then hits your number on the speed dial
he’s ok with group dates and being around the band and your other friends but there is really nothing like one on one intimacy to him
and that could literally be as innocent as sitting in the back of an empty bus, holding hands and sharing each other as pillows
to locking the bedroom door and falling over onto his sheets
tries to be slick about it though and texts you like “wanna come over?” and you’re like “oh ;)” and he’s like “........jae will be in the other room don’t lose your mind in the gutter”
but plot twist jae is not in the other room actually youngk has bribed everyone to be gone for an hour or two and you well
you pretend not to notice for your easily flustered boyfriends sake
gets the softest when you are alone ........ he puts up a front around others but if it is just you 
running your fingers through his hair and listening to him sigh happily in your neck 
that’s when the tender words like “i can’t live without you” come out
funnily enough he’ll say something so beautiful just for you to hear and when you kinda hear a similar sound lyric in day6s next album you’re like oh? was i inspiration?
youngk getting red down to his neck: NO?
wonpil begs you guys to do more PDA or something because he’s a sucker for love and sometimes he feels like you guys hold back
and youngk is like if you want to live another day-
you just hold youngk’s hand and tell wonpil not to worry, once everyone is gone and it’s just you two, it is actually quite romantic
everyone is like we cant imagine youngk being sweet
but he really is, he cherishes you so much and he needs you to himself far away from the world and all its stress
what im saying is yes he seems like he’d be like leave me alone but like dont leave the room im in and actually just stay right here in his lap
receiving gifts 
and not in a materialistic kind of way but in a “im always thinking about you” way
there is no feeling like seeing wonpil after a long time and the first thing you do after running into his arms is going “i got you something while you were away!”
and as nice as big, expensive, frilly gifts on holidays are - what wonpil really loves the most is when you drop something in his hands and tell him you noticed he needed it 
“oh, i remember you said you didn’t have anymore bandaids at the studio” “you should take sunscreen with you - here i got you some” “you’ve had that old jacket for so long, let’s go get you a new one for the winter.”
everytime you say something so casually to him, it just makes the inside of his heart burst because
you are always listening to him, observing him, thinking about his needs
and if that’s not love then. well.
you staring at a bunch of tickets and receipts in a box in wonpils room: what is this.........
wonpil: it’s from all our dates! they’re the gifts of the good memories!
you trying not to cry because he’s the cutest person on earth: o-oh
lmao jae will sometimes have to stop wonpil if they’re packing for a tour because wonpil could fit a suitcase full of stuff you’ve either given him or he got with you like
wonpil: im taking the blender. me and my love bought it at ikea three months ago
jae: im sure the hotels will have blenders...........
he attributes sentimental value to anything you touch really and wonpil can be overwhelming in all aspects of love
he likes touching you, he likes giving you uplifting words, he likes doing things for and he of course wants to spend every second with you
but something about having things that are shared
or just his because you gave it to him ............ another level
but don’t be fooled. he showers you in twice as much because he wants you to feel that same thing he feels everytime
physical touch
hand is on you. on your shoulder. on your waist. on the top of your head if need be. 
he will try to inch down from your waist when he thinks no one is looking before sungjin is grabbing him by the ear like boy - i taught you better
you: it’s fine i dont mind
dowoon: *:P intensifies* 
but really he is like an overactive puppy when it comes to you because wow you are tangible and you love him and he loves you why cant he touch you every. second. of. the. day.
the funny thing is when you first started dating it was nothing like this - dowoon can be shyer than most and so it took him close to two weeks to gather the courage to hold your hand first
but now that it is comfortable and established it’s like he cannot live without it
kisses? gotta have them, before the set. after the set. when you wake up together in the morning. before you go to sleep.
you pushing his face away like you have morning breath and he’s like i will kiss you if my life depends on it
you also have noticed that if you are in a situation together where touching would be super inappropriate or something
dowoon will find a way to make contact. he will either play with the fabric of something you’re wearing or he’ll bump your hands together when you reach for something
part of you assumes he’s just being cheeky, but the reality is that touching for dowoon does so more than any words or gifts or anything
because you cannot lie through a touch - he either feels your warmth or he doesn’t 
and when he doesn’t, life just sucks plain and simple
youngk: “jesus you’re on each other like a bad rash”
jae: “you sound jealous”
dowoon and you: “true youngk you do sound jealous.”
youngk grumbling: “young people....................”
there probably hasn’t ever been a moment where you’re ordering something at a fastfood place and dowoon is like order for me too and youre like do it yourself and hes like im busy and youre like busy doing what and hes hugging you from behind and hes like idk im busy holding my entire world now can you tell them i dont want pickles  
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mae-gi-writes · 7 years
Who Told You It Was Okay To Stop Fighting? (YoungK & OC) Oneshot
Summary: Twenty-year old Brian Kang has nowhere to run to, no one to turn to when his world collapses. He stands at a bridge, knuckles tight on the metal handrails as he thinks of what might happen if he jumps and erases his existence from his world. But a surprising encounter with a stranger changes his mind and pushes him to try again one more time, one day at a time. 
"People are so focused on what's already past and what's to come that they don't appreciate the present." 
It’s cold.
Thirteen degrees celsius, with a thirteen percent chance of slight drizzle. Clouds hang low in the sky, barely giving the moon any space to breathe. Not that it matters, becaus I feel the same way. Like the moon, I mean.
It’s suffocating and dark, a grey monotone of color that has slithered into my wounds before I got the chance to dab in some ointment.
But that’s okay because I accept my fate.
I know what’s coming for me, the ending isn’t a pretty one if that’s what you’re wondering.
The wind bites at my skin as I slowly climb my way up onto the railing, looking over the river that separates my country into two. The lights are scattered across the city like a million of stars dancing through a galaxy of possibilities that unfortunately aren’t given to me through choice.
It is not a good night. Too cold and too windy. Easy to fall off with one wrong move, one wrong step. If the coldness of the water doesn’t kill me, the impact of the fall will. I don’t know which one I prefer, to be honest. The alternatives don’t seem very appealing and I wish that I have enough courage to back out before it’s too late, to take a step back before I know what kind of mistake I’m going to be doing.
But I’m a coward, and cowards always back out of things.
They like the easy way out and today, this is the easy way out for me. Jumping, that is.
I want to stand up and spread my arms wide, but I don’t. Instead, I look down at the impending darkness and wonder what lies behind those murky waters. Are there monsters ready to chomp onto one of my limbs? Is there a black abyss to suck my body in only to spit it out on the other side?
God only knows.
But tonight I’ll know. Tonight,I”ll figure out the puzzle that is the unknown dark matter that is waiting for me.
I just won’t live long enough to tell the tale.
“What are you doing?”
The unfamiliar soprano almost makes me topple over to the other side. Flustered, my arms scramble for purchase before they catch onto one of the metal bars, ears ringing with alarm.
Slowly, as though I’m a deer caught by a car’s headlights, I look down and almost scream out loud at the girl leaning against the railing beside me.
Her arms are supporting her as she nestles her face onto them, gaze flitting dow to the omniscient darkness before her eyes locked onto mine.
Her brown orbs are dark and intense, intimidating.
They make me flinch.
“What are you doing?” she repeats slowly as though she’s talking to a kid, and her somehow condescending tone makes me snap.
She’s a stranger and doesn’t even know me. I let people trample all over my ego, I’ve been holding the bucket of insults full in my arms for a while and that small comment is enough to make it overflow.
“None of your business.” I say.
“Geez, no need to bitch. I was just curious.” she shrugs, unseemingly bothered by the fact that I’ve just snapped at her, “So, what’s your plan? To jump?”
She hit the right spot.
For a moment, I hold my breath and hear the bustling traffic noise that sounds a little too loud and uncomfortable for my liking. I could lie, I could say that o, I’m just here to admire the view.
But I’m tired of lying. Tired of beating myself up for others and cleaning up after their mess.
“Yes.” I look at her straight in the eye “want to help?”
She sighs before raking a hand through her hair, a gesture that girls do whenever they’re slightly frustrated about something, “See, the thing is, I was told to save you.”
“What?” I frown.
“I’m from your past and your future,” she smiles but her teeth glint with a dangerous light, “I’m your subconscious.”
“Heck no,” I’m horrified. That is definitely not something --someone-- I would conjure up by myself, “if my subconscious was human, she’d definitely not resemble you.”
But it’s then that I focus on her features. Dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, pale skin that reflects the moon’s light, thin lips that stretch wide into a smile, she definitely isn’t my type. But I have to admit that she does have her charm despite the oddity of her face.
“Fine, don’t believe me. Being your type isn’t in my job description anyway.”
I just throw her a pointed look that shows I’m weirded out.
“Anyway, don’t jump.” She continues, “and I’m saying that not because I give a slight inkling of shit about you, but because I’ll lose my job if you do.”
“Are you drunk?” I ask her.  
“Take any drugs?”
“No,” she scowls, and I can’t help but feel amused by the way her features shift her expression. She looks terrifying, “Even if I was, I wouldn’t care about a stranger standing on the edge of the railing.”
“You’re doing that now.”  
“That’s because you’re my responsibility,” the anger pulsates through her voice, “Brian Kang.”
How does she know my name?
She rolls her eyes, “Do you need more evidence?”
“Maybe.” Is she a psychopath? Maybe she just wants my money so that she can run away with it with her lover, have some kind of romantic road trip or something. Or maybe she’s just really desperate to-- “--make someone’s life better because she thinks she’s a saint.” her voice bursts through my thoughts, finishing up the sentence as though I’m saying them myself. One of her eyebrows quirk up when a smug smile makes its way onto her lips.
I stare at her, “How did--”
“--you do that?” she finishes. I glare before I say, “You don’t know--”
“--what I’ve been through and what I am. I’m not your toy nor your puppet, and you can’t just go around playing barbie doll and ken with me.” she finishes suavely as though I’ve implanted my thoughts into her brain, and that freaks me out just the slightest.
Crossing her arms and looking up at me with an expression mirroring content, she continues, “Do you want me to continue? Or is that proof enough?”
“Okay,” I try finding a comfortable position so that I can settle myself onto the railing, knuckles holding on tight to those metal bars when another gust of wind makes me shudder. But I try to ignore the icy coldness biting at every inch of exposed skin at my knuckle, and instead focus on the girl before me.
“Say you’re actually a figment of my imagination, my subconscious, whatever,” I can hear myself speaking and it’s almost as if I still don’t believe her. Up until two seconds ago, I didn’t. “What do you want from me?”
“I want to save you,” She replies instantly without missing a beat.
That causes something in my throat to clog up tight. Emotion.
I press my lips together, “You can’t.”
I thought she’d make a fuss, or scream, or shout at me until I see reason. Any other human being would grab me by the shoulders and shake me senseless until it would get ingrained in my head. But she’s not human and she’s definitely not real, therefore she can’t touch me.
But it’s nothing like that. She shifts a little, rocks from one foot to the other. And then asks the most surprising thing:
I blink, “Why do I want to die?”
She nods.
Because it’s an escape. Because I’m a coward and I want to get away from everything and everyone. Because in the end people just keep using me and using me like a post-it note they can just throw away. I’m useful but only for a short period of time, I’m an option when there are no options left.
And because in the end no one really cares.
In the end, I’m all alone.
I don’t say all that, but I’m pretty sure my thoughts speak louder than my words ever will. I see her expression soften into one of pure sympathy, and although I hate it when people look at me as if I’m just another poor dog on the street without any master, her eyes offer some kind of comfort and understanding, an understanding that I am an equal of everyone else and that she’s sorry to see me suffer for something that I’m not responsible of doing or saying.
In her eyes I see that she understands what it feels like to be knocked out just because you’re the weakest, kindest link in a chain.
“I’m sorry,” is what finally falls from her mouth.
I chuckle, but it’s dry, half-hearted. “Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry that the world was so harsh and unforgiving to you, that you now look at friends like they’re a potential threat and that you think of yourself as the last option that doesn’t seem to be worth anyone’s time.”
“I’m sorry too,” my gaze is glued on the blinking city lights and the permanent black ink that is the scenery beyond me, but inside my mind is roaring and my heart is drowning with choked up emotion as I think back to all those times I’ve been let down and ditched by people, every time I’ve been stabbed in the back without so much of an apology, every time I fell for people’s malicious intentions in hopes of salvaging the thought that people can still be the best versions of themselves.
But everyone has a limit, and I think I’ve reached mine sooner than I’ve expected.
“But it doesn’t have to be that way.”
My head turns slowly. I look down at her, at the bright hope in her eyes and the way her face lights up with an expression that resembles faith. Faith in…
“You don’t have to put such high expectations on people, because that’s exactly what kills you in the end.” she continues hurriedly as though she fears I might jump at any second now, “You don’t have to put so much faith in others, nor do you have to trust anyone but yourself. But that’s kind of a saddening existence, isn’t it? To be alive only to be alone. That’s not why we live.”
Her eyes slide away from mine before she gazes out the scenery, “I’m not telling you to live a lonely life. I’m just telling you that you should be conscious of who you trust and who you decide to trust with all your heart. But that too doesn’t work sometimes. Sometimes, the ones that we trust the most are the ones that wish the worst for us. You’re going to be stabbed in the back again and again after this. Continuing to live means that you’ll suffer the consequences of pain. Human beings are cruel and will do anything to get what they want. So I know how it feels, to be the only option when people run out of them.”
And suddenly, her brown orbs are staring right into mine, deep and dark and serious. It’s a stormy wave of emotion crashing to the shore and I almost flinch back on impulse. But there’s something in her eyes that reel me in, that make me want to look even when I know I’ll probably regret it.
“But if you jump, you admit that you’re nothing, that your life is worth nothing.”
The words fail me. I want to speak but seems like I can’t.
I open my mouth only to close it again.
She continues, “What about your parents? Did they raise you right to throw this life away? What about your family? Are you going to be the problem that breaks them apart? What about the friends that genuinely care? Do you want to see them fight and take the blame for this choice of yours that you’re not even sure is the right one? Because let me tell you, it’s not the right choice. Running away wasn’t not a choice to begin with.”
“I’m not running--”
“But you are. You’re running away from a healthy life while others are struggling to live. Are you really going to sacrifice this just because you’re not strong enough to put people in their place? Are you really going to make everyone’s life a living hell just to satisfy your own wants and needs?”
Her hands suddenly enclose my own. They’re warm and tangible and here. They’re a blessing from the cold, they feel real enough for me to grip onto them with a tighter grasp. She searches my face with a desperation I haven’t seen cross anyone’s eyes yet, and another wave of emotion hits me in the gut, so hard that I have to force the tears at the back of my eyes.
“You’re here. You’re real,” she insists as her grip tightens, “Who told you it was okay to stop fighting?”
I bite my lip so hard I taste blood at the edge of my mouth.
Why is she fighting so hard to keep me alive?
“Look, let’s make a deal.” she says, “Try to live for one more day. One more, one day at a time. What do you say?”
I want to shake my head, “I can’t--”
“You can, Brian,” she says gently, “You can. You just don’t want to try.”
“I’ve tried enough!” My tone rises with frustration and anger, tears prickling the corner of my eyes, “I’ve tried again and again and again and yet it never feels like it’s enough!”
“Try,” she pleads, “try one more time. One more. Please.”
I don’t want to say yes because I don’t want to promise something I don’t believe in. But she grips my hand harder if that’s possible, and I’m obliged to look into her eyes. Brown jewels shining into my own, they’re urging me to try, giving me a strength that I’ve lost in this endless battle.
I don’t know who she is, or what she wants from me. I don’t even know if she’s real or if she’s just a passing stranger that decided to take my life into the responsibility of her own hands.
But she’s trying so hard, and something in her expression causes a surge of faith to leap in me.
It’s burning my chest but it’s not uncomfortable. On the contrary, it feels warm and cozy, just like I’ve settled on a futon next to a fireplace.
And so I say yes.
“One more time,” she repeats like a mantra, “Try one more time.”
I nod.
I’ve never seen her again, but I did try. More than once.
And started living as I should.
Author’s Note: Because YoungK is slowly killing me inside and wrecking my bias list. Have you guys listened to Day6's newest song "I Loved You"? If you haven't, you're missing out on the most important, heart wrecking song in your life. Please go and listen, it's a masterpiece T.T 
Here's another small oneshot inspired by a quote I found recently on Tumblr. People focus too much on the past and the future, only to miss out on the present. So here is the result of pondering and senseless writing in my notebook. I actually freehandwrote this before typing it out and I found that it helps me a lot more than just typing. There's something purely authentic and free about writing on paper that makes it a lot easier for my thoughts to flow. 
I hope you guys like it!<3 <3
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onyourzeus · 4 years
11:48 am | pjh
title: 11:48am pairing: park jaehyung (of day6) & you genre: fluff, bullet style words: 2.1k
author’s note: mmm i’m kind of meh about this but i jus really needed to write so i don’t lose motivation, but this is just a short fic requested by this anon asking for a lazy day scenario with jae. hope it’s still an okay read.
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
once you receive a specific text from jae on a regular day
“whatchu doinnnn” 
you know he’s wondering if you’re not busy, and if you come hang out at his place
which, for the majority of the time, you always tell him “not much. y?”
even though you’re 99% sure of what he wants out of you
you have already made your way to a coffee shop before he had replied 
“same. wanna do nothing together? :)”
so u get two coffees: one americano and one vanilla latte (as much as you want to cut down calories here, there is no way you can drink just water and espresso by itself
you decide on getting two sandwiches as well, it’s close to noon and there’s a high probability that jae just woke up and he hasn’t even moved from the bed
you’re lowkey happy that jae texts you first (assumingly) during days like this because, honestly you miss the 6 foot lanky nerdy soft boy a lot
jae has a habit of keeping to himself during his downtime, especially now 
but with him streaming and having new friends through the platform has helped him socialize and feel a sense of normalcy from the world, which you are really glad for 
he’s mentioned how much he misses doing band activities but doesn’t really elaborate on them
he think he talks about it too much and that you wouldn’t want to hear his repetitive whining
you don’t have the needed bravery in your heart (yet) to tell him you will never get bored or feel burdened by his thoughts, no matter what they entail
so for now, when he asks of your presence in his lovely abode— you make time for him. always. 
even if it’s just a lazy day of doing nothing
you knock on his door and text him at the same time. you look around his neighborhood and enjoy the peace and quiet outside. you wonder if jae’s soundproof walls work well enough for his next door neighbors this time. you had told him multiple times that sungjin wouldn’t appreciate the noise too much, and he if he wanted to play he can do so at your place 
however you never suggested that last thought. it swam in the sea of your thoughts one too many times but it never came to shore. you thought too much about the implications of that idea
besides, what good came out of reminding him of his streamer noises is that he finally has an apartment of his own
and you don’t feel as shy or out of place whenever you came over to the one he shared with the boys 
“oh hey, wasn’t expecting you,” jae had opened the door and you snap out of your wondering
he greets you with drowsy eyes, a full yawn and long strands of hair sticking out everywhere 
you huff out a breath and show the goods in your hands. “you’re definitely gonna need this.”
his eyes light up as he recognizes the contents of the paper bag
“whaaaat you shouldn’t have, i was about to order for delivery,” he tries for an innocent tone but the goofy smile on his face makes that extra trip to the cafe worth it
“you’re welcome, jae.”
lazy days with jae come in two ways
number one: absolutely the title. you crash on the bed, he scolds you for it but then you feel his crushing weight on top of you for revenge or
you hog the couch, splay your legs until jae does the same thing and entangles all your limbs together it becomes a semi wrestling match
number two: he’d end up wanting to do something all this time, either jam on his guitar or play WoW with you in the background, just watching
commenting on things you have 0 knowledge about, and him dismissing every words you say with a random scream from his end
“you’re so bad at this lmao”
“is the riff supposed to sound like that? ew” 
“you want your face to meet my guitar? :)” 
yeah, banter between you can be brutal like this which is why it gets a little embarrassing to be your true self with him when the others are involved 
today, jae seems to just enjoy sipping on his iced coffee while tippy tapping on the floor to sit next to you on the couch
??? how can a grown man do something puppies so effortlessly pull out… just as cute if not even better??? 
usually, silence isn’t how the two of you spend lazy days together. once he’s thought of a topic to talk about, however out of this world or mundane it could be— the conversations you share are what you cherish the most bonding with jae
“you ever think about the first piece of a roll of sliced bread?”
“you mean the weird looking pieces no one ever chooses first and leaves it there until there’s none of the good slices left?”
“the very one” “what about it?”
“you’re that slice of bread”
“well yeah? jokes on you, you’re the OTHER piece. there’s two in a pack dumbass” 
one would mistake this as insulting, but this is how jae shows his affection to you, and you wouldn’t want it any other way
there’s a certain comfort in just.. not deliberating whether you’d overstep a line or say something that would be misconstrued. with jae, you appreciate the candid friendship you mutually benefit from
his sarcastic personality can be a pain at times when not needed, of course, but when you’ve missed him so much it just feels right
“jae your legs are too long for the couch get a new one.” he had taken over the other end of the couch with his legs over yours, and you’re trying your best to make the position comfortable
but being inches close to his socks and noticing that he’s intentionally moving his feet about just to annoy you
“you get me a new couch so we both fit here”
“bro do you know how empty my wallet is rn” 
“as empty as your love life?”
“oh we’re talking about ourselves right now? ok cool”
he scoffs at your comeback, but he remains speechless and gives you room to breathe. you panic for a second thinking maybe, this is the unexplained boundary he has to draw a line on? love? 
but he puts down his already finished americano, and looks back at you a deadpan expression
you sit up as well, nerves creeping up on your arm. you didn’t want to take it too far and in your defense, this isn’t the first time you teased each other about your, well, non-existent romantic endeavors
“jae, i—”
“oh my god did you see your face?? i was kidding chilllll” he starts to burst into a fit of laughter, the kind where he loses air and lolls his head back 
this time you pout, reaching over to flick him on the forehead. his 6th sense had improved a lot overtime being with you as he blocks your hand away from his face, and sticks a tongue out
“you think i wasn’t prepared for that anymore?” he taunt, locking his grip around your wrist
“now you’re just making fun of me” >:(
“you get really puffy cheeks and look adorable when you’re mad” 
eventually he lets you go, pats your head then proceeds to just ruffle it as messy as his, and in an instant your mood changes again
you shouldn’t lie to yourself anymore, you love jae’s company and it would kill you if he’d one day decide he’s too old or too “mature” for moments like this
you get winded up with denial of having a crush on your best friend, and you’re so sure he knows at this point
because he reels you back into the present and challenges you to a game os super smash bros
and when he loses, he does it again. and you win again, and this time he says it was just a warm-up and he shouldn’t go easy on you anymore
and then you win again, and you’re the one cackling in the air at his look of defeat as well as the 6 losses he had endured during the matches
“man you’re getting rusty”
“am not! i’ve just been playing WoW too much i’m not used to switch controls anymore…”
“sure buddy”
“HEY, 1v1 me in league right now, i dare you”
“you only have one desktop, stupid. i didn’t bring my laptop”
“oh so by default I win :D”
nothing can ever get away with jae, he always needs to have the last laugh with you and at times it’s frustrating, but his carefree charisma has grown on you so much that you anticipate what else he has in store to give you a hard time 
jokes on him, you fall for jae just an inch deeper the more he treats you comfortably this way 
it’s only been an hour or two, but jae had decided that he’s done enough productive stuff for the day (read: losing too many times) and invited you over to chill on his bed
it’s not an uncommon sight for the both of you to lie next to each other, taking turns with queueing up music on spotify. songs you and jae love together, and those that are new to your ears 
sometimes, you’d talk over the playlist— it becomes more of background noise as jae asks you about your day, the days before that, and what you’re planning on doing in the future
he doesn’t ask for specific answers, he likes to hear how you’ve been feeling, emotionally so
jae has always been intrigued by other people’s perception of themselves, of the things around them, and of what they think of the universe in the back of their minds
it was a little too much to handle, those questions of his, when you first were just getting to know each other
but he eased into it naturally, confessing about his love for the moon— its beauty in appearance, and the beauty of its purpose
which made you think… you’re in love with the moon too, not just what you see in the sky
but what you see right next to you right now
jae had given you enough time before to open up about your own thoughts, struggles, and share secrets with him. it didn’t take long until you found the trust between you and held onto it for dear life
lazy days with jae can be just that— lazy, loafing around the house, stealing a chip or two from each other’s bag, falling asleep to the sound of lofi music on the speaker
but it can go this way too: with jae explaining how good this one song can be, the metaphors every verse carries with the melody. “you’ve always heard of chocolate eyes or whatever, but blueberry? and to describe the setting sun as strawberry skies? amazing, GENIUS” 
and you laugh, and listen to the same song over and over as per jae’s request until he overpowers the original vocals— and you don’t complain, there’s not a sound you love to hear on a lazy afternoon than his low register, the kind of singing he does just for the heck of it. he’s not exerting too much range, too much work on the words he sings— he’s just doing so to comfort him, to bring life to the room, to dwell on each poetic verse’s meaning
i’m so lost in your blueberry eyes
he finishes singing, and the playlist shuffles to an instrumental lofi track with an upbeat, charming rhythm to it
jae keeps his eyes closed, smiling to himself probably proud for his faux performance
“you done gloating in your head yet, jae?”
“shut up i’m feeling the moment”
you poke his shoulder with yours, and you’re suddenly hyper aware at how close the two of you are.. physically, right now
he turns his head towards you, eyes fluttering, lips slightly open. he catches you staring, and it’s too sudden for you to look away and pretend it’s not awkward at all
“what are you doing?” he asks, a lilt of teasing on his voice but his eyes never leave yours 
“sh..shut up,” you quip in a small voice, looking down on your laying bodies before turning away, cheeks warm
“wait what? what i was asking a genuine question—”
“i was.. feeling the moment, okay? god jae you’re annoying” you mutter under your breath, a lousy response to cover up the pounding in your chest
“this moment feels really nice, doesn’t it?” he says next to you, quiet but gentle
you pause for a second, taking in his words and letting go of the smile you’re trying to hold off on
your heart is still racing, but there wasn’t a need to worry about stumbling with your feelings
if jae himself is enjoying your own company right now 
“it is. if it’s with you, it really is.”
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Randomizer Bias Tag! 💗
So, I was tagged by @smut-wars and @jongin-be-my-jagi and this sounds like so much fun. Lets see how this goes! 
Rules: Go to this website [www.random.org/lists/] and pick 15 of your biases/faves, then fill out the following.
1. Mom/Dad: Jooheon. I... don’t know how I feel about this. Can he take care of someone this way? I feel like I should be taking care of him more than him taking care of me? 
2. Sibling: Taemin. I’ll take this. I think we could be those very goofy siblings that everyone else would find weird and slightly annoying, but we’d be fiercely portective of the other. Only we can make fun of each other.  
3. Grandma/Grandad: S.coups. Yeah... I could see this. After being the parent of twelve rowdy boys, I’m surprised he isn’t gray by now.
4. Haunts you: Kris. Oh Goodness. He’d be that clumsy kind of ghost constantly dropping things on accident and then apologizing for the noise, cracking jokes when I’ve had a bad day, and chasing away any guys he sees as unfit aka a jealous ghost boy because I’m a hopeless romantic at heart and its Kris so I can’t NOT think of it in a falling-in-love kind of way
5. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Johnny. YES!!! That boy is boyfriend material! I will take it! He’d be so sweet, holding hands and refusing to leave the claw machines until he wins the stuffed animal I was eyeing. Late night adventures and arguing over the correct way to chop an onion in the kitchen. Every moment would be full of laughter and smiles and fun. 
6. Your best friend: I also really like this. As much as he still has my heart, I totally want to be friends with Minseok. We’d meet up in coffee shops and see movies we know are going to be lame and be overly competitive at sports and games. It’d be a very platonic love and we’d be a good shoulder for the other to lean on. 
7. Your ex: Jaehyun. Oh. Oh man. That hurts. I feel like it would be the painful kind of break up full of tears and heartbreak. We’d both walk away still loving each other and a sense of longing for the other, but we just can’t look back anymore. 
8. Proposed to you: Changsub. I feel like this wouldn’t be a real proposal. I feel like it would be the kind where he’s joking. Like I cooked a meal that he found delicious or he was amazed that I knew about a subject he was passionate about. So the words would jsut spill out in amazement and I would simply laugh it off. 
9. Your boss: Jaebeom. Never have I been big on the boss aus or the CEO aus, but Jaebeom in a suit? I... I like the idea of that. Roll up those sleeves and loosen that tie, I sense an office!au on the horizon. 
10. Random person you meet at the bar: Young K. Like a karaoke bar? Because that would be a fun time. Young K drunkenly singing along with Day6 songs asking why he hadn’t come up with those lyrics first. 
11. Rival: Jackson. So... I’m doomed. Sports rival? He’s a Fencing Junior Olympian. Sass? He can out do me in 5 languages. Looks? We all know wins hands down. I don’t stand a chance. 
12. First kiss: Ravi. I just melted. He may be a charismatic rapper on stage, but he’s a total sweetheart off stage. I bet it would be a soft kiss, the kind you think about years down the line and sigh to yourself. 
14. Played 7 minutes in Heaven with: Jae Park. That would be the most awkward 7 minutes of my life! I feel like all we’d do is sit there in the closet, laughing and cracking jokes. Maybe, right near the end, there’d be a kiss, but nothing more than that. As we walk away, he’d send a wink and I’d roll my eyes. 
13. Drunk and singing karaoke: Leo. CAN YOU IMAGINE CUTE DRUNK LEO SINGING A LOVE DUET?! I just made myself melt. He’d still be so shy, but so adorable! 
15. Gave you your favorite dessert: Junmyeon. Oh my goodness. I can just imagine him bringing me that slice of cheesecake because I’ve had a bad day or I’m feeling down. Both the sweets and the smile on his face would be medicine enough for me. 
I tag: @vampwrrr @dajung-salang @allofmyfeelsicanteven @xui-n-soowillbethedeathofme
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smileyjaeminies · 5 years
Alex’s Masterlist
 Hello there! This is Alex, I just have to say thank you so much for coming! I’m so glad you found my tiny masterlist. Hopefully you’ll stick around to see it grow! I hope you have fun reading, enjoy~
A few things about my works:
My works don’t fall into an absolute genre. They are more of a slice of life! as I’d like to call them.
My works that aren’t a slice of life! will be mostly au!s.
More groups and/or members will be added as time goes on. 
More works will be added as time goes on. Due to a huge load of work as well as my will to write things I’m proud of, there will not be a consistent uploading schedule. Sorry for the inconvinience!
I do not take requests.
Proud member of kafenetwork
Once again, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to send me an ask/ message if you have any questions or just want to talk! Thank you for all the love! 
Moon Taeil
Help Me Fix It - Hogwarts au!
Nakamoto Yuta
Hey, we’re matching! - slice of life!, boyfriend au!
Lee Taeyong
To make an escape - mafia au!, angst
Jung Jaehyun
Part of the ‘Beneath the daylight moon’ collab --- Chapter 2
Lee Mark
Protect Them All. - spiderman au!
Huang Renjun
Sun & Moon - soulmate au!
Lee Jeno
A chance meeting - Hogwarts au!, fluff
Na Jaemin
Spaces Between Us - slice of life!, boyfriend au!
A new taste of summer- angst
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
My Better Half- best friend au!, side Johnny boyfriend au!
NCT 00z line
Don’t Need Your Love - series masterlist
Can you stay? - camping au!, best friend au!
Xiao Dejun - boyfriend au!, slice of life!
Min Yoongi
Drunken nights- suggestive, roommate au!
Jung Hoseok (J-hope)
One Day At a Time - domestic au!
Jeon Jungkook
Hey, stranger- ex- boyfriend au!, angst
What if there was something more? - friends to lovers au!, angst
Mark Tuan
Drive - boyfriend au!, meet the parents au!
Park Jinyoung
Rocky Waters - best friend au!, side Yugeom boyfriend au!
Jeon Wonwoo
Worth Waiting For - university au!, push and pull dynamic
Xu Minghao (The8)
Overstepping - fluff, boyfriend au!
Park Sungjin
Cookies come from hell- boyfriend au!, slice of life! au, fluff
Park Jaehyung (Jae)
Love Again- childhood friends au!, concert au!
Stray Kids
Lee Minho (Lee Know)
In times of war- narnia au!, Prince Minho au!
To Keep The Peace (sequel to In times of war) narnia au!, Prince Minho au!
Maybe this time- stripper au!, angst
Han Jisung (Han)
Call me friend- fxboy au!, angst
New Beginnings- high school au!, angst, fluff
The Boyz
Bae Jacob
Of point shoes and interviews- ballet dancer! reader x journalist! Jacob 
Ji Changmin (Q)
The Red String- fluff, soulmate au!
Moon Kevin
It’s For My Art- fluff, university au!, artist! Kevin x special needs teacher/ swimmer reader!
Kim Sunwoo
Easy afternoons- fluff, boyfriend au!
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Hugs and Kisses
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Characters: Jae x You
Genre: Fluff, slice of life
Word count: 2.1k
Description: When you’ve had a hard day at work, and Jae is there to comfort you.
Credits: puuung1 on Instagram; do check out their work, the art style reminds me of Jae so much! :)
Pulling into the parking lot, you let out a deep sigh as you sink into the seat. As you twist your neck from side to side, you hear the sockets in your neck pop, bringing some short-lived relief from the tension that’s been in your neck the entire day. You can still feel the tightness in your shoulders, but hopefully a patch would do the trick later. Reaching over to the passenger seat to grab your bag, you wince harshly at the sharp pain from your lower back. You must have hit a nerve.
You catch a glimpse of your lock screen, a wistful smile making an appearance on your face. It was the last selfie you took with Jae 2 months ago before he went on tour, and you haven’t seen him since. Your relationship was sustained through constant texting and late night Skype calls, lasting way into the early mornings. Sometimes you momentarily regret staying up so late with him when you arrive to work dead beat, but for him it’s worth it.
He’s finally coming back tomorrow, another 24 hours without him. You can do this Y/N.
Stepping out of the car, you made the slow walk home to your apartment, taking your time opening the door. Swinging the door open, the first thing you noticed were that the lights were on.
Did I forget to off them this morning? Argh I must have, what a waste of electricity…
You were about the flip the switch before the sound of thundering footsteps drew your attention away from your current task. Turning around, you spot a very familiar lanky figure with a mop of light brown hair charging towards you at full speed.
Your husband was home.
You spread your arms out wide, getting ready to embrace him but you didn’t even have time to give him a proper hug before he picked you up from the floor, twirling you around the entire living room. You were now clinging onto him for dear life, peals of laughter spilling from your lips. Jae finally puts you down after making 1 round throughout the entire living room, not letting go even after your feet has touched the ground. He nestles his face into your hair, deeply inhaling the scent of your peach shampoo that he loved so much. He holds you close by your shoulders, pressing a kiss into your hair. Only then was he satisfied to release you, giving you a chance to question him.
“Aren’t you supposed be home tomorrow darling?”
“Yea but I changed my flight to an earlier one.”
“That must have cost you a lot.”
“A few hundred.”
“You didn’t have to, you know. You could have saved the money.”
“Well, yea it’s true. I do value money but I know I miss you more than I will miss the money and hence the decision.”
You laugh at his ridiculous reasoning, unable to argue with him except to peck him on the lips.
“Welcome home Jae.”
“Hmmm, I miss your kisses babe.”
“Ok, shall I give you one more then?”
“Why are we only stopping at one?”
You chuckle at his cheeky request, but you continue to indulge him with the kisses that he’s missed so much.
“Yea this feels so much better than all the flying kisses you give me over the screen during our Skype calls.”
“Of course.”
You pull back to look at his handsome face that you missed so much, tracing your fingers over the bridge of his nose before bopping the tip of it. However, Jae wasn’t enjoying it as much as you were. He frowned when he observed your face, noticing your pale complexion and darker eye bags. Removing his hands from your cheeks, he gently places his fingers on your chin, tilting it from side to side to get a better look at your face.
“Babe, have you been eating well? You look like you lost a lot of weight, your cheeks are hollower now and they’re not as fluffy as before…”
“Have I? I didn’t notice.” You bring your hands up to pat your cheeks, indeed being able to feel them sinking in more than usual.
“It’s been a rough time at work huh? My poor baby…”
“Yea.. and it’s a particularly rough day today. Tell you about it later. Let me go clean up first?”
“Yea sure babe, go ahead. I’ll run the bath for you.”
Pressing a kiss into your forehead, Jae finally detaches himself from you as he runs to the start the bath, albeit a little reluctantly. His touch lingers at the ends of your fingertips, and you’re already missing being able to hold him.
The bath is nice and warm the moment you step in, courtesy of Jae. You realise he even remembered to put in the lavender scented oil, the loud thoughts in your head becoming quiet as you breathe in the soft scent. Closing your eyes, you sink into the bathtub and let yourself rest.
You had barely stepped out of your bedroom before Jae engulfs you in a warm blanket, hugging you tight through the soft fabric.
“Feeling better?”
“Much~ better thanks to you.”
Jae smiles his smile, the one that has his eyes turning into crescents and shows off his neat rows of pearly whites.
“Alright my beautiful wife, let’s go sit down then you can tell me all about your day.”
“Ok, but honey, you know I can’t move wrapped like a burrito right?”
And that’s how Jae has both of you shuffling over to the couch like emperor penguins, him moving from side to side as he hugs you from behind, taking small steps as you try to keep up with small waddles of your own.
Settling you on the couch, Jae places his hands over your shoulders, pulling you close as he begins to comb through your hair. You, on the other hand, made yourself comfortable by placing your head on his shoulders, removing your hands from the blanket so that you can slip your fingers through his, smiling when he curls his slender fingers around yours, giving them a reassuring squeeze.
“What happened at work?”
“Where do I even begin…”
You honestly meant it when you made that comment, work had been overwhelming so far and you didn’t know how to piece it all together to make it coherent.
“You know Jackson went on paternity leave for 2 months right?”
“Yea, what about that?”
“So I had to cover his duties and truth to be told, it’s not fun at all. Having to do 2 people’s job for 2 months has been insanely tiring. I didn’t even occur to me until you mentioned it just now but sometimes I get so busy that I work overtime and miss dinner entirely. Despite all the effort put in, I still messed up. Sigh.”
“Come on baby, it mustn’t have been that bad right? You’re always thinking that you’re doing a bad job when you did great.”
“No this time round, it’s real bad. Like, even you would agree with me when you hear it.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“So we had a meeting with our suppliers today and usually Jackson’s in charge of it but you know, since he’s away, the responsibility falls on me now. I was supposed to come up with a renewed business proposal, which I did but here comes the worst part: I could not answer their questions during the Q&A session. I did not do enough research on the current market condition and overall, I just made it seem like my company did not know what it was doing. Needless to say, I got a pretty terrible lashing from the boss afterwards and then...there was the really rude intern I was telling you about that just had to make my day worse.”
“What did he do to you?”
“He didn’t say anything to me, he just glared at me and started slamming things down to show his displeasure at me when I corrected the way he was preparing documents. There are certain procedures to follow and things to be checked but he just skipped all those critical steps. He may be the nephew of our duty manager but that’s no way to go.”
As you talked, memories of today’s happenings slowly floated to the forefront of your mind, making all the bitter indignation rise like sour bile in your throat. You push back the tears of frustrations that threaten to fall, and opted to stay silent lest Jae heard your voice cracking and gets all worried. He just got back from a tiring tour, you wanted him to not have any worries for the moment.
“Baby, you did a great job and you did the right thing. No matter what others see, you know how hard you’ve worked for the past 2 months. You might have messed up on a big event, but it was just this once. Look at me, look at us! We make mistakes on stage as a band all the time but it’s ok. Give yourself credit for all the other things that you have been able to accomplish successfully in the past 2 months, alright? As for the intern, it’s just a pity that he can’t see how you’re trying to guide him to become a better person. All I can say is good luck to him, the real world is going to be harsher.”
“Jae, that’s so mean.”
“It’s the truth! You know I never sugarcoat my words.”
“I do… thanks for listening to me Jae.”
“No problem babe. Remember, you did a great job my beautiful, lovely, hardworking wife.”
Jae places a kiss to your forehead with each word he says, and it almost feels like a chicken pecking on it’s grains and you laugh at the mental image in your head. When Jae pulls back, you see a glint on his face and you know he’s got an idea.
“Jae… what are you thinking of?”
“I was just thinking of ways to cheer you up; hey wanna see my baby photos?”
“Baby photos? Where’d you get them from?”
“Mum brought along a bunch of photo albums with her when she came to the airport to see me today. Said she found them when she was cleaning the house recently. You got to see them, some of them are really funny. I didn’t even know she had these photos!”
You settled yourself by the coffee table as you wait for Jae to pick out his photo albums. You watch as he bends to flip through them, choosing which ones to show you. He comes back with an armful of them, proceeding to spread them out all over the table.
“I get to choose any one of them?”
You choose the one that looks the oldest; you could smell the dust that has settled deep within the pages, the cover already yellowing with age. It was your best bet to find some golden photo of Jae as a baby and true enough, the first photo you laid your eyes upon already had you crooning at how adorable he was.
Jae had his feet laid straight in front of him, holding onto a Pooh toy as his mouth opened into a wide “O” shape. Clearly, something was making him very happy.
“Is this the same Pooh bear that lying in your studio now?”
“It is.”
“I can’t believe you kept it for so long! How is it not falling apart after so many years?”
As you continued talking, Jae had settled behind you, pulling you to sit between his legs as he places his chin in your shoulder.
“You did taekwondo as a kid!”
“For a short while. I lost interest after some time and moved on to badminton.”
“That’s so cool though… I got myself a talented husband.”
You turn to nuzzle your nose into his cheek and Jae scrunches his nose at the ticklish feeling.
“Of course you did. Oh wait! I actually have a funny story to tell you about taekwondo, it’s so ridiculous, you won’t believe it!”
Hours pass as Jae continues telling you story after story that has you doubling over in laughter, laughing till your stomach aches and tears are prickling the side of your eyes. As Jae closes the cover of the last album, fatigue envelopes you like a soft blanket, lulling you to sleep right there in Jae’s arms.
“Thank you for cheering me up Jae.”
You angle your head to the side to plant a lazy kiss to his jaw and Jae reciprocates by dipping his head to place a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Anything for you angel. Rest now, you did well today.”
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randomfandoms2004 · 5 years
Screaming about Day6′s “Time of Our Life” MV
anime ass shit here we gooooooooooooooooo
starting with that dope piano
zzzzzzzzzzoooooooooopppp *they’re using a lot of digi/synth effects NICE*
oh my god this so cute
they do like cheering vocals/crowd vocals in their music and it’s so nice
also i can’t comment on the instruments because they’re just so gOOD?
also Jae singing in English makes my heart melt
i love them so much
also the colors in the mv are dope
like the one cut where the lights are rainbow behind them
fdgshjkdhd they’re dorks XDDDDDDDDD
anyway cute song!
It talks about just spending memorable moments with people you care about
and technically it doesnt sound like a love song at all!
I feel like if it were an anime opening this is like sports+slice of life+sweet coming of age
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Survey results
As you know, I made a survey to know what to focus on for the year 2022. And here are the results:
Drum roll please...
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Guidelines/prompts to choose from for requests?
Over 80% chose yes! And you probably noticed I already posted them as well restructured my blog a little with hopefully everything you need to know :)
Series, One shots, Drabbles, Trilogies/Two-Shots?
45% voted to do all and I promise I will do that! After that 36% wanted me to focus on One shot, 27% for Trilogies/Two-Shots, 18% for Series and lastly 9% for drabbles. I totally understand that tendency and I think it is a good thing I have more one shots planned than series and I guess I stick with that for the future as well!
What kind of genre?
I tried to keep that simple and not overwhelm you guys with too many genres. Most of you voted for ROMANCE (perfectly I kind of always involve that in whatever I write). After that genre over 70% voted for Fluff!!
Then there is a large gap cause under 55% voted for Fantasy/Fiction, which can be actually anything. Close to this genre was Mystery/Crime. And honestly? I am so excited to have my favourite genres being voted for so much!!! 
Then we have a tie between Angst and Humour and I am convinced that must be some sort of irony! There is a second tie between Do it all and Smut at roughly 27% and lastly only 18% voted for Horror.
What kind of trope/AU?
We immediately start with a tie between writing everything I offered and Strangers to Lovers! So exciting! Right after Strangers to Lovers we have Friends to Lovers with a little over 36%. The third place is another tie with Enemies to Lovers and Established Relationship/Slice of Life. And with a large gap there is the last place tied between Parent AU and Arranged Marriage.
Which group would you like to see more?
I’ll make this simple: 1. GOT7 2. BTS 3. Ateez 4. Stray Kids, Day6, The Rose and Write for them all.
Someone even told me to write for whoever the story fits to! Thank you for that message! It means a lot!!
I then asked to vote for individual members in the groups above. I will only list the who won the vote for each group to make it simpler. That does not mean I won’t write for the others, no worries!
BTS: Over 55% voted for All, followed by Yoongi with 22%
GOT7: Over 40% voted for All, followed by Jaebeom with 28%
Ateez: Hongjoong with over 80% (sneaky little demon)
Stray Kids: Bang Chan with over 60%
Day6: Jae Park with over 75% (and I’ll gladly do it more than ever now)
The Rose: Write for All and Woosung tied with 40%
I additionally got the comments to write for Johnny Suh (my pleasure), Im Changkyun and EXO’s Lay! I will come up with something! I promise!
And lastly the most important and burning questions :D
What series (that I have on my WIP list) should I focus on?
Wabi-Sabi and Lurking in the Dark tied on the first place! Followed by Mistpouffer only one vote behind! Then there is another tie between Dépaysement, Desideratum and Metanoia. Last place got snatched by Sciamachy.
What One shot (that I have on my WIP list) should I focus on?
6 Wolves and a Fox, Apaixoniar, Anabiosis, Selcouth
Speak Yourself, Succiduous, Arcane, Broken Parts
Orphic, Cantrip, Resfeber, Noctivagant, Faodail, Found Family
Also thank you to all of your lovely messages at the end of the survey!! They mean a lot to me and I am definitely keeping them close to my heart ♥️
So what does all of that mean?!
I will write more one shots than series and probably won’t start other series after the ones I have currently on my WIP finished. And since you voted more for one shots than series 2/3 of a month will be one shots and then 1/3 series. I will change between Wabi-Sabi and Lurking in the Dark and once Wabi-Sabi is finished I will start Mistpouffer. And if everything goes according to the plan I will need new one shots ideas starting September :D Very Exciting!
Some of you might have seen the Schedule, where I already updated the plan. Basically. I showcased on what stories I will work on for each month. So this month I’m going to finish the events and projects I still have open and after that I take your answers from the survey in consideration!
Also the schedule does not mean you can’t send in some requests, cause you can and I will drop them in between the schedule! Also should I write drabbles, headcanons, moodboards etc. I will drop those randomly as well!
If you actually read until here! Thank YOU so much! Let us enjoy 2022 together!
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sanhaclub · 6 years
fic rec list (ao3)
[brackets] = main pairing
For you, anything https://archiveofourown.org/works/8468563 Pairing(s): [Jimin/Taehyung], Yoongi/Jungkook, Namjoon/Jin Total words: 25k Reason: This is pure domestic fluff with some really funny moments and also really emotional moments. It’s just really sweet and they adopt kids and the other members make great uncles.
Golden Boy https://archiveofourown.org/works/8741350/chapters/20040364 Pairing(s): Namjoon/Jungkook Total words: 85k Reason: The tags make this sound really dirty but overall this fic is just amazing. I love sports AUs but this one is my all time favorite. The relationship development is perfect. I adore this fic.
Of Dogs & Men https://archiveofourown.org/works/6204226/chapters/14212852 Pairing(s): Namjoon/Jimin Total words: 20k Reason: This basically takes an angsty and intense theme (mafia) and turns it into an adorable love story.
I’d like “What is Post Hook-Up Etiquette?” for $300 https://archiveofourown.org/works/10933956/chapters/24324711 Pairing(s): [Hoseok/Jimin], Yoongi/Jungkook Total words: 15k Reason: One of those stories where they meet at a club, hook-up and fall in love. But this one is real good.
Shaken Up https://archiveofourown.org/works/9586622 Pairing(s): Hoseok/Jimin Total words: 6k Reason: A little diner AU with waiter Jimin and a whole lot of pining.
Comeback Kids https://archiveofourown.org/works/6752506 Pairing(s): Jungkook/Taehyung Total words: 34k Reason: College fuckboy hockey AU with recreational drug use and tsundere Jeongguk.
I Just Wanna Move With You https://archiveofourown.org/works/12764406/chapters/29120988 Pairing(s): Hoseok/Jimin Total words: 28k Reason: A drama filled fic where Hoseok is a street dancer and Jimin is a classically trained dancer. They go to the same arts school and you can guess what happens next. There are some really good cameos too.
Fermata the Blue https://archiveofourown.org/works/6828316/chapters/15586162 Pairing(s): Jongin/Sehun Total words: 17k Reason: I really loved the realism in this fic and it was really fun to read. They’re both dumb interns at an opera festival and it’s just great.
There Is A House https://archiveofourown.org/works/8715265/chapters/19980586 Pairing(s): Jongdae/Sehun Total words: 26k Reason: This is the first horror fic I read and it was so damn good. It’s so well written and makes you feel all shocked and disturbed like watching a horror film. It also had the perfect amount of emotional back-story.
Smells Like Teen Spirit https://archiveofourown.org/works/9537104/chapters/21565094 Pairing(s): [Kyungsoo/Jongin], Baekhyun/Chanyeol Total words: 53k Reason: Just really well written teenage drama with some really good characterization and a really entertaining storyline.
(Not) Just Another One Night Stand https://archiveofourown.org/works/9458561 Pairing(s): Baekhyun/Chanyeol Total words:10k Reason: Baekhyun is a wedding singer and they hook-up and Chanyeol falls in love like the softie he is.
That Young Love, Immaculate https://archiveofourown.org/works/7784746 Pairing(s): Baekhyun/Chanyeol Total words: 3k Reason: A little smut with band member Chanyeol and track star Baekhyun Sequel: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11835306
Call Me Baby https://archiveofourown.org/works/12778218/chapters/29157129 Pairing(s): Baekhyun/Chanyeol Total words: 19k Reason: Skater Baekhyun is such a good concept and Chanyeol is a fanboy nerd.
Monsta X:
Life’s full of coincidences (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/693843 Pairing(s): [Hyungwon/Wonho], Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 144k Works: 4 Reason: This is such an iconic series that tons of monbebes have read and it’s SO GOOD. It’s very angsty romance movie but it’s also so sweet.
What makes the universe complete (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/751854 Pairing(s): Kihyun/Wonho, Minhyuk/Changkyun, Shownu/Hyungwon Total words: 29k Reason: This series is really funny and entertaining, just a series of cute relationship stuff.
Heroes Wear SCBAs https://archiveofourown.org/works/12106863 Pairing(s): [Kihyun/Wonho], Hyungwon/Shownu Total words: 15k Reason: Single dad Kihyun and firefighter Hoseok = a cute and heartwarming fic
Unfinished Colouring Book https://archiveofourown.org/works/8125756/chapters/18628288 Pairing(s): Kihyun/Wonho Total words: 18k Reason: This is another cute fluffy single dad Kihyun fic that will make you smile.
All of the Ways https://archiveofourown.org/works/13511400/chapters/30989103 Pairing(s): [Changkyun/Kihyun], Jooheon/Minhyuk, Hyungwon/Shownu Total words: 49k Reason: This fic is absolutely outstanding. I love this author’s writing and this was such a good fic, I even reread it (which I do once in a blue moon).
My my my! (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1007610 Pairing(s): Kihyun/Wonho Total words: 27k Reason: An exotic dancer Kihyun fic that’s really sweet with a sad ending (or beginning depending on what order you read the two parts).
Life of pup and bear (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/499468 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 14k Reason: A summer love story that consists of Minhyuk being dumb and a lot of funny moments.
I Bring You the Sun https://archiveofourown.org/works/7746994 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 6k Reason: Actor Minhyuk and OST Singer Hyunwoo meet at the SBS Drama Awards, need I say more?
Simple Matters https://archiveofourown.org/works/10618740 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 10k Reason: If you couldn’t tell by now, I love a good single dad AU. Also kindergarten teacher Minhyuk is everything [flashbacks to mxray].
O Baby! My Baby! (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/863476 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 25k Reason: A classic sugar daddy AU that
Romance Never Smelled So Fine https://archiveofourown.org/works/11771214 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 4k Reason: Lush store AUs are literally the best, this shit is adorable.
Say You Won’t Let Go https://archiveofourown.org/works/12639507/chapters/28801443 Pairing(s): Hyungwon/Wonho Total words: 260k Reason: Another long ass hyungwonho fic from one of my fav writers. This one involves producer Hoseok being blackmailed with his nudes and he hires a sassy lawyer, can you guess who?
Wreak Havoc https://archiveofourown.org/works/7986895/chapters/18276244 Pairing(s): Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 9k Reason: A short fic with hitman Minhyuk who’s target is Hyunwoo. He finds Hyunwoo and then…you decide. There are three endings for you to choose from.
Party Bands (series) https://archiveofourown.org/series/879549 Pairing(s): Changkyun/Kihyun, Shownu/Minhyuk Total words: 52k Reason: I love a good rock band AU and both parts of this series were so good. I especially liked the Showhyuk fic. A lot of shit happens through out it all but it’s such a good read.
One last time https://archiveofourown.org/works/11742396/chapters/26461365 Pairing(s): Mark/Jinyoung Total words: 25k Reason: This fic is based on a book and the concept is basically the main character (Jinyoung in this fic) has to relive the same day over and over again. It’s really thrilling and unique. Definitely a must read.
l.a. (thank you, l.a.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14318877 Pairing(s): Mark/Jackson Total words: 14k Reason: This is a really cute story about Jackson moving to l.a. and finding love unexpectedly.
Cold water https://archiveofourown.org/works/7719520/chapters/17593003 Pairing(s): Mark/Jackson Total words: 57k Reason: As someone who did gymnastics for a long time, I loved reading gymnast Mark and of course fencing Jackson. It’s really slow burn but it keeps you hooked.
Until https://archiveofourown.org/works/6895828/chapters/15733939 Pairing(s): [Mark/Jackson], Jaebum/Jinyoung Total words: 44k Reason: College AUs are always cute and this one’s got slice of life and otaku mark so it’s pretty funny and great.
Been Caught Stealing (Your Heart) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4156527/chapters/9378675 Pairing(s): [Mark/Jackson], BamBam/Yugyeom, Jaebum/Jinyoung Total words: 22k Reason: A thief AU that takes you along a wild thieving escapade meanwhile Markson are crushing on eachother.
Between The Lines https://archiveofourown.org/works/7376557/chapters/16755619 Pairing(s): Jinyoung/Mark Total words: 17k Reason: In which Jinyoung is a late night radio host and loves books and Mark loves him and his voice.
If Looks Could Kill https://archiveofourown.org/works/12299655/chapters/27960159 Pairing(s): Jinyoung/Mark Total words: 44k Reason: Producer Jinyoung is everything and underground rapper Mark definitely agrees. Their relationship develops pretty fast but it’s still realistic and also really wild in some parts.
The Book Club https://archiveofourown.org/works/10900128 Pairing(s): Jinyoung/Mark Total words: 6k Reason: This is just pure filth I apologize.
Stray Kids:
Read my lips https://archiveofourown.org/works/14175642 Pairing(s): Felix/Changbin Total words: 16k Reason: This was my first Stray Kids fic and it’s absolutely adorable. The ending will have you crying in the best way.
Strange magic https://archiveofourown.org/works/14284005 Pairing(s): Jisung/Minho Total words: 5k Reason: A short cute little fic with a really realistic witchcraft universe setting.
생일 https://archiveofourown.org/works/3133379 Pairing(s): OT6 but focused on Junhong/Youngjae, Yongguk/Himchan, Daehyun/Youngjae Total words: 4k Reason: This was so fun and wild. With 4k words the author made some crazy shit happen. Just a fun little fic to read.
It’s All In The Rhythm https://archiveofourown.org/works/1732688 Pairing(s): [Yongguk/Himchan], Daehyun/Youngjae Total words: 7k Reason: 7k isn’t that many words but a really funny love story happens and it’s pretty damn cute.
Let Me Swoon Over You https://archiveofourown.org/works/14104134/chapters/32497092 Pairing(s): Young K/Jae Total words: 15k Reason: A thrilling and wild story in which Brian and Jae are both rebellious catholic school boys that runaway from home and…shit happens.
OCD https://archiveofourown.org/works/1124664/chapters/2266989 Pairing(s): Mino/Jinu Total words: 6k Reason: I love this fic because it’s such a beautiful story but it accomplishes this without romanticizing mental illness. Warning: the ending is pretty heart wrenching so prepare the tissues. Also the slam poetry linked in the notes is really good, I recommend you watch that after.
Magic users (series)https://archiveofourown.org/series/689652Pairing(s): Myungjun/Jinwoo, Dongmin/Moon Bin, Minhyuk/SanhaTotal words: 275kReason: This is a long series of amazing fics all in the same universe with magic and angst and of course fluff. All of these fics are amazing.
Two! Three! https://archiveofourown.org/works/10559342 Pairing(s): Donghyuck/Mark Total words: 6k Reason: A high school band AU with a couple of dramatic teenagers that over complicate things.
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warmau · 7 years
could you do a halloween/costume party scenario with youngk (a.k.a. brian lol) of day6? throwback to his vampire outfit last year. c;
to celebrate their new release, here’s some halloween!youngk!!
youngk has always been popular on campus
from good looks, to book smarts, to talent - he’s one of everyone’s favorite guys and you’re no exception, you’ve known him since forever
but you also know,,,,,,,the real youngk
and you’re talking embarrassing childhood secrets, goofy faces, and 2 am skype calls where youngk does something absolutely silly and makes you swear to never tell anyone
which is why when he goes “i want to throw a halloween surprise party!” you’re not in the least bit surprised
“how are you going to throw a party, sungjin will freak out if you get the house dirty.”
youngk, whose laying down on his stomach in bed frowns on the camera, then looks over his shoulder to see that his roommate jae is fast asleep
“ill just bribe him, or get wonpil to take him out and distract him - but c’mon you have to admit a halloween party would be killer!”
you look at him for a moment, scrunch up your nose but decide that once youngk wants to do something he really wont let it go
“ok, but halloween is like,,,,,,in a week. what about costumes??”
youngk shifts, getting up off the bed and using his long body grabs a bag from the top shelf of his closet
coming back into the camera’s view he pulls something out 
for a second you think it’s some kind of toy but then youngk smiles and you see them - corny, fake vampire teeth
you burst out into laughter and youngk motions for you to quiet down
“i had to mute you, i don’t want to wake up jae”
“jae sleeps like he’s dead”
youngk agrees with a small nod, but grins “keep the party a secret till the day before halloween ok? then tell some friends to come over and we’ll have fun!”
you promise and tell youngk to go sleep, isn’t his first lecture in like,,,,five hours???
youngk gives an unbiased shrug, but you roll your eyes and wish him goodnight anyway
the night of halloween,,,you look down at your costume with a small hint of pride. for a last minute ditch effort, it’s good. bloody nurses are always a classic
a couple of your friends are with you when you ring the doorbell of youngk’s shared house
the outside is decorated with cheap looking plastic pumpkins and a skeleton hangs on the door, but you can hear the loud music and voices from the inside already
youngk opens the door, and to your surprise he looks good. like,,,,really good
dark eyeliner, blood red lips, hair slicked back and a victorian age shirt covered by a long, black velvet cape - for a second you think, did he plan this costume in advance,,,,,like months in advance
but then youngk smiles,,,,,and the mysterious, dark beauty of his costume reminds you of your friend underneath
he steps aside and your friends parade inside to join the crowd, a couple of them stop to flirt with youngk and shower compliments
all of which he answers politely back, but his eyes turn with excitement to you
“sungjin went to visit his family yesterday and won’t be back till after tomorrow night - how lucky?”
you shake your head and come inside too, following youngk through the mass and to the kitchen where wonpil, dressed as a mad scientists eggs wizard dowoon to eat three slices of pizza at once
leaning against the counter, youngk pours you a drink that you take and sniff before looking up at youngk
“sungjin would not approve”
“sungjin,,,,,,,isn’t here”
the party is,,,,,,,crazy. college students allowed to roam free through a house in costumes and dark lighting has never yielded pretty results
which is why you don’t get really mad when some guy dressed up in toliet paper to look like a mummy elbows past you and gets the drink you were holding spilled all over your costume
which happens to be covered in blood spatters, but also,,,,,,,is white
so whatever doesn’t have red on it,,,,is no basically see-through 
and usually, you’d be horrified - but it’s dark and crowded no one can really see or care to see, but the wet stickiness makes you cringe
and when you do catch the eye of some creep looking you up and down,,,you decide ok,,,,maybe you are a little bit horrified
but then you feel something drape around your shoulder, the velvet fabric of youngk’s vampire cape
“pull it around yourself” he leans down to say into your ear, as he turns you away from the prying eyes and leads you up the stairs to the more quieter part of the house
after kicking a couple out of his bedroom, youngk tells you to sit down
you pull the cape around you and shiver, the wet clothing makes you feel colder
“here, change into this.”
throwing down a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and one of his old math olympic shirts, youngk takes the cape from you and motions that he won’t look
you peel the wet clothes off and change into youngk’s,,,,feeling warmer,,,,but slightly embarrassed
“im sorry, you should go back to your party. i can stay up here or sneak out of the windo-”
youngk pulls his fake fangs out and shakes his head “it’s fine, someone lodged a noise complaint so jae is gonna shut this thing down in a couple minutes.”
he sits down beside you on the bed and you look at him again, in profile he really does look like some kind of vampire prince from years ago
regal high cheekbones, mesmerizing eyes, and flawless skin
when he moves to look at you, you drop your gaze to the floor and pretend like you didn’t just stare
“im always dragging you into these things,,,” he says suddenly and you manage to laugh
“it’s fine, you make life fun.” 
youngk seems to be taking a long time to collect his thoughts,,,,he seems more nervous than ever before,,,
downstairs you hear the music shut off, jae’s loud voice shouts something about campus police showing up unless everyone scatters
and you can hear the shuffle of feet, urgent voices till,,,,,,,the party is over
jae passes by the door only to say that he’s crashing over at kevin’s
and youngk and you slowly realize,,,,you’re alone together in his room
“you look,,,,,cute in my clothes”
he states,,,,and you think that after all that silence that’s what he says,,,but at the same time,,,,it makes your heart melt
and before you think that it’s a bad idea, you lean in and kiss youngk’s cheek
he seems shocked,,,but not upset,,,
instead he leans forward, hand on the side of your neck as he presses his lips to yours
you can taste the flavor of whatever he used on his lips to make  them so red and you fall into it,,,,,into youngk
and he pulls you closer, the collar of his costume’s shirt tickles your chin and when you pull back he touches the corner of your lip
“my makeup got on you,,,” he chuckles and you wipe at it with your hand before youngk moves in to kiss you again
“hey,,,maybe get the makeup off first?” you laugh against his neck, but youngk shakes his head as he hugs you close
“i will,,,,but for right now let me have this.”
in the morning, you wake up cuddled into youngk’s chest,,,,,
but also sungjin is at the door of his room like “i see it was wild last night, youngk would you like to explain?”
swallowing, youngk looks to you for support, but you just kiss his nose and shuffle past sungjin telling youngk to call you if he manages to survive sungjin h e l l 
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leftover-noona · 3 years
Yang Nuna Tunggu di Tahun 2021
2021 Annyeong!
Selamat tahun baru yeorobuuuun! Nuna menuliskan post pertama ini dari lokasi karantina setelah menjalani acara kantor beberapa hari yang lalu. Di tengah pandemi ini, Nuna berharap semuanya sehat dan semangat ya. Baru saja lihat di timeline Twitter ada video antrian masuk Wisma Atlet, duh rasanya ngeri gak sih? Ketika ikut acara kantor itu pun rasanya Nuna ingin bailout saja, tapi kemudian sadar diri bahwa Nuna cuma keset ga punya power. Derita kroco seperti ini lah ya. Buat kalian yang punya privilege work from home, please banget di rumah aja ya. Nuna yang masih ngekos ini pun masih berusaha banget tidak keluar kosan meski sudah bosan banget. 
Mumpung masih awal tahun baru, Nuna mau share beberapa hal yang ditunggu di tahun ini. Oh iya, per hari ini, lagi trending GOT7 yang keluar dari JYPE. Sabar ya Aghase, Nuna bakal langsung mengajukan cuti sih mungkin kalau Day6 dan Stray Kids bubar, yes, Nuna adalah My Day dan Stay! Top 5 yang Nuna tunggu banget adalah....
1. Comeback Day6! 
Duh kangen sekali setelah 2020 kemarin mereka hiatus sebagai full team. Awal tahun ini, Jae sudah beberapa kali ngepost spoiler sih. Kalau ada My Day yang baca ini pasti sudah hafal lah ya Jae sering sok sok rahasia tapi luber di mana-mana spoilernya. Tanggal 6 Januari yang lalu, Jae sok-sok ngepost photoshoot, ya meski di tanggalnya sih itu foto lama ya. Dua hari lalu Jae spoiler banget tentang album barunya di video bareng Dave. Duh Nuna sudah terlalu kangen sama mereka :(
Nuna Dandendong juga My Day, ngakunya sih bojo-nya Jae. *nyodorin mic ke Nuna D“
Nuna D: 
*Nuna rekomendasiin kalian untuk dengerin Brian cover lagu ini. Baru 3 hari yang lalu diupload, sebagai pecinta lagu-lagu sedih, bakal Nuna puter mulu nih kayaknya.
2. Album ke-2 Stray Kids
Tahun 2021 ini banyak yang dijanjikan sama Skz nih! Selain ada fan meeting, akan ada  variety show yang dijanjikan JYPE. Mungkin salah satunya ini Kingdom yaa! Sebenarnya Nuna yakin mereka akan perform dengan sangat baik di acara itu, tapi tetep saja deg-degan karena saingannya pun bagus-bagus. Nuna gak siap tambah fandom, tiba-tiba jadi Atiny dan Deobi gimana ini. Nuna juga males banget kalau ada fanwar padahal itu beberapa dari membernya temenan deket. Oh iya, yang paling Nuna tunggu adalah Skz-camp, duh ga sabar nonton mereka bikin lagu! 
3. Kyungsoo pulang dari wamil
Diem-diem Nuna tuh memang ngikutin EXO. Meski bukan EXO-L, EXO tuh ada soft spot tersendiri di hati Nuna karena mereka yang bantu Nuna ngerjain PR matematika pas S2 dulu. Dulu pas SMA dan S1 tuh Nuna ga paham kenapa banyak yang suka KPOP loh. Trus tiba-tiba ketika pusing ngerjain PR, dengerin Overdose semangat banget ngerjainnya. Huhuhuhu makasih banget EXO yang menemani Nuna sampai bisa lulus S2.
*ini salah satu lagu EXO favorit Nuna
4. TREASURE produksi lagu sendiri dan aktif di variety show
Nuna ikutin Treasure sejak mereka pre-debut sih sebenarnya. YG tuh selalu jadi label paling ngeselin buat Nuna, kesal karena mereka ga treat artist nya dengan baik. Termasuk si Treasure ini yang kurang di-eksplor kemampuan produce lagu-nya. Bahkan kemarin ketika tampil di beberapa awards, YG gak kasih mereka baju yang keren banget padahal rookies lainnya gak kalah keren. Yang juga Nuna tunggu banget adalah lawaknya Asahi di tahun ini, semoga lebih banyak konten di Youtube nya ya.
*besok mereka release full album, tapi yang Nuna share adalah lagu favorit Nuna bikinan Asahi ini. Berasa OST drama-drama genre family & slice of life ga sih? Salah satu lagu yang paling Nuna tunggu adalah Slow Motion yang dibuat salah satunya oleh Lee Chanhyuk AKMU!
5. Yang terbaru dari NCT, khususnya WayV
Tahun 2020 kemarin Nuna berprestasi banget rasanya karena sudah hafal 23 member NCT. Trus tumben banget ini Nuna suka grup dari Cina, si WayV benar-benar mencuri perhatian. Duh Nuna leleh kalau lihat Xiaojun. Oh iya, pernah mimpi Lucas juga masa :(
Dengar-dengar sih SM mau nambah anggota NCT lagi tapi buat debut di Jepang. Ya Allah lama-lama anggotanya cukup buat bikin partai kayaknya, trus Siwon yang jadi Presiden Korsel dan geng Yunho, Minho, Suho jadi menteri-menteri. Menurut Nuna sih tahun 2020 tuh SM sudah all out banget promosi NCT, penasaran banget gimana lagi promosinya di tahun ini.
*ini salah satu lagu NCT yang paling Nuna suka, sekaligus jadi salah satu lagu debut paling bagus dan paling sulit dinyanyikan menurut Nuna.
Yang lain masih banyak sih sebenarnya yang Nuna tunggu, comeback nya AKMU dan artis-artis YG lainnya juga Nuna tunggu banget. Soloist semacam Park Hyo Shin, Zion T, Sam Kim, Dean, dan K-R&B lainnya juga sudah kangen banget nih. 
Jadi, siapa saja yang kalian tunggu comeback nya di tahun 2021?
- Nuna Yunamseng
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