klarion-the-witch-boy · 10 months
I was just doomscrolling, as you do, and saw this comic panel:
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Context is irrelevant. I don't even know what the context is.
But I'm struck by this comic panel because it mirrors a moment a wrote in a fic (Perfect Nightmare / Flawed Dream) where Jason (as well as Dick, Tim, and Damian) wake up in an AU where everything is "better" (but is it really? maybe).
Anyway, I just think it's funny that Jason has also woken up in swanky digs, in a relative state of undress, in the comics too.
For Prospective Readers:
fic ships: Birdflash, JayRoy, TimKon.
(current) series ships: the above, DamiJon, future SuperBat (I only just realized I neither finished nor posted that bit tho)
warnings: not Talia friendly, not finished, dubious consent by way of sudden au shift?, unreliable writer who doesn't update as much as he'd like (but each part of the series is pretty self-contained).
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lesbianchemicalplant · 2 months
young upwardly-hypermobile professional
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bradenthompson · 2 years
Bionicle: The Dream
So ik adult Bionicle fans talk a lot about "The Dream" and while I can say I too have had The Dream a couple of times, last night was my first attempt at controlling it. Which is when something fishy happened.
In case anyone doesn't know, The Dream is a sort of shared memory amongst the Bionicle fans of yore and the Bionicle diehards. Tell me, have you ever had a dream that went something like this:
You are in a Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, Lego store, etc. There is a wall of Bionicle toys, all original packaging, exactly how you remember it being all those years ago. This is the backbone of The Dream, with some variance from person to person. Here's how mine went, last night.
So, it's me and my brother. We walk inside the Toys R Us that used to exist where we grew up but no longer does (goes without saying). Right when you entered this store, there was a rotating display of popular toys, which would change periodically. This time it was Bionicle. My brain did not make up any Bionicle packaging. I've done some google image searches, everything was dead on. Here I will mention that The Dream is an extremely vivid one, bordering on lucid.
I pick up this set, Vezon & Fenrakk:
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For a lot of people, this is where the dream ends. But mine keeps going. We pick up more sets, but this one is the focus. I can feel the hard corners of the box under my arm. I look to my brother and tell him this:
"I'm not going to open this box. I am going to stick this box in my closet. We will move houses between now and then. Wherever I go, this will go with me. On November 30th, 2022, I will open the box. By then, it will be in my dresser at my college dorm room."
And it's set. I buy it, bring it to my childhood home, place it in my closet. At this point, I started feeling heavy. Like Frodo bringing the ring up Mount Doom. The air felt dense, like some force was trying to prevent me from doing this. I get to my closet and fall backwards, stand up, try again, fall down again. Nevertheless, I get the box in the closet.
My life flashes forward. I see myself moving houses, the box coming with me. Closet to closet, it moves. The end of this montage is me moving into my aforementioned college dorm room and, yes, putting the box in the bottom drawer of my dresser. Here, the dream ends, and I'm in my bed, staring at the ceiling.
Here I will mention that I am not a superstitious person. I'm not entirely convinced by ghosts or spirituality, I don't believe dreams are indictive of anything serious. It was a combination of things. The verisimilitude of the dream, how tactile it was, how accurate its details were, how much I wanted this set as a kid. As I get out of bed, my eyes go to my dresser, and I wonder: did this work?
And if it did work, what does that mean? Have I stumbled upon powers not meant for mortal man, motivated by Bionicle toys? If I can do this, what else can I do? Can my dreams very impactfully transport me to the past? Can I fix mistakes? And what force was trying to stop me? Something greater than I, fully aware of what I was trying to do, trying to unplug me before I unlock abilities no man was meant to possess? Hands trembling, I open my dresser.
aaaaaaaaaaaand it wasn't there. Fuck you, simulation. Anyway, what did y'all dream about last night
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danispookypumpkin · 1 month
Would you still love me if I was Lasagna
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meowizard · 1 year
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>about a clue that took me 20 minutes to find
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armoryamor · 4 months
noticed objectum tumblr is particularly active at night. poll time!
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figula · 1 month
ben got a bit sad this eve (social anxiety about upcoming thing) and i said to him i love u but i dont really have the emotional resources to suppor you rn but we can hang out and cuddle and stuff and he was like yeah no i know i was just warning you so you didnt feel ambushed by sad vibes when you came in our bedroom HAHAH i felt slightly like a monster but honestly? i would have felt ambushed :) so honestly it makes me happy we are good communicators on teh whole
i dont actually have the emotional resources for anything rn lol it's been quite a bad time lately, i dont think its worth going into its just the same old stuff (body problems / stressors / work / money / of course the additinoal curveballs like ben getting ill a few weeks ago, ana being in the fucking hospital yesterday, lot of random expenses, my birthday this fucking weddign part yat the weekend just everything feels a bit 2 much atm)
ana basically back to normal today tho. thank god! i didnt think a heart attack was particularly likely but i think we all understandably felt the tension until it was ruled out lol. ana is literally hte best friend ive ever had and i love them so so much!! i got teary thinking about the possibility of life w/o them lol it was such a horrific thought (and still is!!)
i conducted the emails training which went fine + i linked him to the document i made with all necessary info. i do become a slightly different person on zoom like my accent automaticallybecomes several degrees more posh, suppose it's a subconscious effort to be respected lol which is a bit sad but not unusual i imagine
anyway i went through me and anas dm and observed it and here are some snippets. bc i love them
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(one of my more or less charming habits depending on who you ask is requesting "elbow :)" which is when people just stroke my elbow nicely)
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("could you eat your age in eggs in a day")
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i better stop there
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awesomehoggirl · 1 year
things im convinced are connected to my cycle i wish i could track via my tracker app 1. desire to share music and playlists online 2. desire to peg 3. poetrys all bad 4. caffeine shakes 5. dayblogging
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eelness · 1 year
who up dayblogging
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thisismyrocket · 2 years
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klarion-the-witch-boy · 11 months
The more I learn about the latest ""writing" the edgelord dudebros at DC have been doing for Batman, the more disappointed I am. And, man? I thought I stopped being able to be disappointed by those dumbasses back during the Ric thing. Man was I wrong. Haha lmao. MAN was I wrong.
This. This right here. This is why I don't keep up with comics. If I'm always behind, I can binge past the shit I don't like, whenever I like. If I'm caught up? I'm stuck with stupid ass bullshit like psychic lobotomization. Done by Bruce. To his son. Haha. Hah. Fucking HELL. Big nope.
No one tell me the writers of these. My shit list is too long already. (half a joke, half serious)
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lesbianchemicalplant · 9 months
🎵 emojis killed the reaction gif / emojis killed the reaction gif
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lechusza · 17 days
Don't miss it!
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Don't miss it! https://www.bloodsweatpray.com/post/track-4-d-dayalanlechusza/track-4-d-dayblog/track-4-d-dayapologetics www.alanlechusza.org www.bloodsweatpray.store #hiphop #rap #rapmusic #christianrap #christianhiphop #culture #social #media #writing
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"Oh! You startled me! Eheheh I didn't expect to see you here so soon!"
Hi There! This is my Respawn/Restart Sideblog! My main is @lynnsaster
I go by It/Its! My names are Jayden/Lynn/Aerie/Squeak. You can call me by whichever you like the most!
I made this blog designed around Daybreak because I'm the number 1 Daybreak ever! Daybreak is my favourite Respawn/Restart character, so I felt like it made sense making this blog's aesthetics based around Daybreak!
Don't be surprised if you see me copying Daybreak's speech patterns! /silly
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Tags and Stuff!
Here's all the tags I use:
#Dayposting - Text Posts or rambles
#Dayblogging - Reblogs
#Daybreaking - Daybreak related posts
#LoreDreaking - Discussing Respawn/Restart lore
#NiceLittleFlowerField! - My art!
#BeyondNamulia - My Fan OCs!
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Image by SurohHorus!
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buzsuaritma · 1 year
💧 Suda Kurşun: Tehlike ve Çözüm🧪
🪨Suda kurşun, sağlığımızı tehdit eden sessiz bir katil olabilir. Zeka kaybı, sinir sistemi sorunları ve çocukların gelişimine zarar verebilir. Ancak, çözümler de mevcut!
🔬Suda kurşun testleri ile ne kadar güvendeyiz? Kabul edilebilir kurşun seviyeleri nelerdir ve suyumuzu nasıl temiz tutabiliriz?
🌐 Bu konudaki detaylı bilgi ve çözüm yolları için aşağıdaki linke tıklayın: [www.buzsu.com.tr/suda-kursun-var-mi--etkileri-neler-/]
🩺🫥Sağlık ve çevre konularında bilinçli hareket edelim. Profesyonel çözümlerle geleceğimizi koruyalım! 🌎🏞️🌲💪
#SudaKurşun #SuKalitesi #ÇevreKoruma #Sağlık #ProfesyonelÇözüm #BuzsuBlog #kurşun #instagram #dayblog #blog #haber #teknik #analiz #suaritma #temizsu #sağlık
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thehealingchic · 3 years
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Today, I have started an Experiment on myself for increasing my focus and productivity. 
Starting from today, I will be spending only 30 mins on my mobile, I will not be streaming any entertainment videos, no facebook and no instagram. End of the day, I will blog how I felt during the day, what did I do, some of my key achievements of the day and most importantly the answer to the question - “ Am I Productive? ”
Day 1/7
I woke up at 5 AM :) ! But, felt a kind of sprain in my back. So, I was feeling numb and disorganised. 
I safely kept my mobile away and started aimlessly roaming inside the house till 6ish. Used my mobile in a minimal way only to answer important calls and messages,
Then I applied some pain relief balm and slipped into my blanket and slept till 9.45. Phew!!! ( 5 AM didn’t work today!)
I got up feeling better, did my house chores till 11.30, had an avocado for breakfast, finished my shower.
Then, I meditated along with some physical exercises, for almost an hour and started my work.
I took many breaks in-between trying to make my favourite lemon-chilli pickle and eating when am hungry. (I have been planning to make this pickle for weeks now)
Inspite of all the breaks, I still could complete my work by 6.30, then I have done little more meditation, my prayer and some healing.
Finally, had my dinner and started blogging this. Right now I feel that my head is heavy and I really want to sleep.
Coming to the answer. Am I productive Today!! Yeah I am kinda... but not up to my expectations!! Hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
Good Night Everyone! Sleep well.
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