#de la Danse
illustratus · 10 months
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Le Roy Soleil (The Sun King) illustration by Maurice Leloir
Louis XIV in costume as Apollo in the Ballet de la Nuit
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emaadsidiki · 2 months
The Exterior Artwork on The Opera House
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The Dance by Carpeaux —&— Lyrical Drama by Perraud
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The Dance of the Witches' Sabbath: illustration from History of Magic by Jean-Baptiste Pitois —By Émile Bayard (Paris, 1870)
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puuta-heinaa · 6 months
Joker Out, Paris (Café de la danse) 22.3.2024
I arrived at the venue around 14ish, and was third to last in the EE queue. However queueing is part of the party! I exchanged sooo many bracelets and met amazing people, some of which I just met that day, some I knew from Discord or tumblr or earlier gigs, couldn't have been happier. Got selfies with Bojan and Jan?? Hug from Bojan??? HELLO. That would never happen in Finland. I described his hug as jämäkkä and turvallinen, which roughly translates to sturdy and safe.
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Some of the bracelets I made for the concert!
Met someone in the queue who had hawk's eyes and who encouraged me to go and ask for a selfie with Jan, and later on she spotted Bojan on the street 100 m before everyone else did. I had a chance to give Bojan 3 2 ananaslonkero -bracelet that I'd made, with a tiny drink charm. If the main joke in fandoms is that a hug from your blorbo would cure you? well it's true. Getting a hug from Bojan removed some stiffness between my shoulder blades that I didn't even know was there. It was literally easier to breathe after the encounter. I also kept vigorously shaking for 3-5 minutes afterwards, so much that some people asked if I'm ok. Just released years worth of trauma ig. Also LOTS of happy hand stims throughout the day, my autism was showing lol.
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Jan was outdoors SMOKING!!! And Bojan had charmingly dirty hair! He was taller than I had thought.
ANYways the gig !! I ended up on Jance side, which was nice as I was on Kris' side in Helsinki. Whole stage was about as wide as K-18 section at Kultsa, and I think they suit better on smaller stages.
We got Vem da Gres and Gola in soundcheck! I was wearing Vem da gres -bracelet that I got in Helsinki a few weeks ago and thought about that person for a few seconds!
Gola was ok. Bojan got disney mickey ears, and he was wearing my 3 2 ananaslonkero bracelet. Bojan also got a maca plushie that he was NOT scared of, he even made it fly.
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Kris left the stage as soon as the last notes of Gola were over, other boys stayed jamming in accelerating speed for couple of more minutes. I showed them my UM sign that only read "I want to sing UMAZAN" at that point. :')
20h02 was ok, didn't connect with their music at all though. JC Stewart seemed a bit sick, but sounded good nevertheless. Finished my sign.
They started with Katrina and Bele Sanje, and people were singing even guitar riffs along. Dopamin hit like dopamine followed by Ne bi smel, Nace was staring at me several times during those songs.
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Liinu's superb edit of staring sc Nace and struggling Kris and Arcti's edit about Jan's forgotten library books made my day
People were already singing along to Sta bih ja, and Bojan was sooo happy (and sweaty. We were all very sweaty, the concert hall was ridiculously warm.). Kris disappeared for a moment in the beginning of Sta bih ja, and Bojan looked like a lost puppy (wait, where is kris?? about 5-10 seconds into sta bih ja). Bojan said Kris didn't like how Jan played the riff and that's why he left the stage :P. Jan flipped a bird to him.
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Decibels raised by about 20 when they played Ona and Demoni. Turns out they might be the easiest to sing along for absolutely everyone, not just for people who speak Finnish. Bojan looked me directly into eyes during second verse of Demoni for several seconds, and I felt so seen (in a good way). EE was definitely worth its price.
In Helsinki I felt like the setlist was over before it even started, but in Paris it felt more like we were really dancing and playing until the stars fade. I think it had something to do with how much they interacted with each other and with the public during each song. In Helsinki they seemed like they had forgotten how to be on stage, and there was just TOO MUCH SPACE, whereas Paris had Nordic Tour energy.
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They all moved a LOT on stage!! Kris was on jance side several times! Nace had a mating dance thingy going on with Kris at least twice, Jan once. Jan interacted with the public on Kris's side a few times. Bojan almost run into Kris at one point - no wonder he caressed Kris's arm to let him know he's there before grapping his hips?? and dancing behind him??? during Behind those eyes. It's cafe de la danse after all.
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Def thinking "THIS is how we'll trend on tumblr tonight" right after the famous dance
Everybody's waiting and soooooo many people raised hands when Bojan asked in his spiel before the song if anyone here suffers from panic or anxiety attacks, and I think it made everyone feel less alone. He sang I'm the problem it's me -line to make things a bit lighter before proceeding to the song.
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We got Omamljeno Telo and I felt SOOOO HAPPY (but also sad for Moonu) but also SOOOO HAPPY it was on the setlist, I think I screamed VITTU JES on top of my lungs (manifesting it for Ruisrock huh). Famous water spray on Jan during OT, and it shows I've grown old, because instead of "yeeeess I want Bojan's spit on me" I went "rat disease, why am I not wearing a mask".
Everyone sang along during CD, not in French though even if there was a fanproject French translation published a whole 28 hours before(....). Plastika hit like a hammer once again, but I think I was already waiting and stressing for UM, so I didn't mosh for example. Which, good idea, because my neck was soooo sore after Helsinki.
Bojan announced the karaoke song, and asked which versions we have today. He saw my sign, asked "Slovenian version?", to which I "said" (from 4th row on Jan+Nace side) Finnish version, and he heard it and corrected himself and said perfect. I was not afraid at all even if I knew I'm probs going to sing in front of about 500 people in 5ish minutes???? How??? I'm usually a ball of anxiety but here I was just proud and excited to sing my version of it.
I loved the Bretogne/French version (I've still no idea what were the words, but it rhymed super well and she sang well, but that was def NOT paris region French), cringed at some of the "translations" because they did not fit the lines and did not rhyme, sang along to Slovenian versions in Finnish, felt bad for one of them as the karaoke singer started at the wrong moment and Bojan spent most of their special moment trying to orchestrate the band.
When Bojan approached with "I think we still have a Slovenian version, OH NO, A FINNISH VERSION" I chortled, and felt the last bits of nervousness disappear. (Cue "some boat, titanic, oh no".) I had my ACTUALLY finger pointing moment, which, on point with my personality, telling him it's a hybrid version. I don't know what he meant with SUOMI SAA, but it was NOT full-on Suomi SAATANA, that much is certain. I quite like the idea/interpretation he was making a pun with SAA(tan)Are you ready? But who knows. Sad about missed chance to answer "ArE YoU???" now that I think about it, but at least I wasn't the only one who failed the moment :') . Speaking of cursewords though, a histronic youngster next to me did shout vittu though! I loved my spot but she was super annoying throughout the evening.
The Finnish version is in the beginning of this one, and the Arabic version right after Finnish version is AMAZING. The French version is on the first part, as well as Bojan going "uuu Finnish version? perfect".
Started in Slovene, which made him have a Ok?? face, but when I switched to my own Finnish version that rhymes with the Slovene version, he raised his brows and seemed so impressed that I just nodded to him, sending telepath(et)ic messages that yes, our languages match and rhyme, about time you collaborate with Jere. I think he remembered I asked for a hug in the afternoon, because he did not hug everyone during karaoke. Afternoon hug was better btw.
I love his little surprised smile right when I finish the first Finnish line on this one
I usually think quite a lot about how other people perceive me, but now I didn't give a single fuck, just enjoyed being the main character for 20 seconds, having this interaction with my blorbo. Forever grateful for the 4 different angles I received from friends I made in the queue, and 1 from a random guy who asked me after the concert if I'd like to receive a video he took of me singing. Even Vita was filming the whole thing with her big light + camera + phone ensemble. I often sing in my car, and even IMAGINING i'm singing karaoke makes my voice suddenly tiny and weak and compressed, so I'm overflowingly glad it went this well, you have no idea even if I've just bragged about it for 4 paragraphs.
I later realised I was the only one who didn't hold the mic themself, this is a clear example how I objectify the boys, seeing Bojan just as a mic stand.🫣😵‍💫
I got fluent Kiitos from Bojan, that guy needs to move to Finland he speaks Finnish so well. Also LMAO I forgot to sniff him in the afternoon, now I'm praying the snifff I took after karaoke wasn't too evident and doesn't show on Vita's video……….. Jere is wrong, Bojan does not smell like shit, but there were no parfume smell either? He just smells like nothing in a pleasant, pheromone rich way lol.
my translation: Sanje so tvojega okusa Aamuihin taas tuoksusi Neula ei haarukassa Sieluni on hukassa Etsimässä tietään luoksesi
I haven't figured how to translate the first line. I've been playing with "Makus' on tarrannut uniini", but it does not rhyme with the og well enough. Otherwise super proud of my version. Neula and haarukka are parts of compass, basically saying the compass is layed on the map the wrong way. 🧭
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This is how small the place was??? I was in 3/4th row, and the hat guy in the right corner was right behind me during the concert so the club truly was tiny.
Apparently bubbles were not allowed on stage in Cafe de la danse? But some people had brought their own so we had bubbles anyway.
Jure exchanged his drumstick to a breadstick. I laughed because a) it was a clever pun and b) such a stereotypically French thing to bring a BAGUETTE wrapped in a napkin to a concert. Also no wonder boys are always sick, I don't even want to know how many people touched that bread before it was on stage.
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Life is pain (in mouths)
We waited for the boys after the concert outside the venue in the rain, and they walked past quite quickly. Bojan stayed for 30 seconds to take a group selfie. <3
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Honestly so happy I traveled there and met amazing people and surpassed myself on so many levels.
I feel like 2004 again, because that's when I last made a post this long on livejournal and also when I last was this hyped about a group.
I loved band's AMAZING OUTFITS in Café de la danse, everyone had some idrija lace on them, and I'm afraid my next special interest will be bobbin lace.
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diana-andraste · 8 months
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Dance of Death-La Danse Des Morts, Hieronymus Hess, c. early 1800s
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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edgar degas and his ballet dancers
dancers, pink and green (c. 1890) \\ ballet at the paris opera (1877) \\ le foyer de la danse à l’opéra de la rue le peletier (1872) \\ three dancers at a dance class (c. 1888-1890) \\ danseuse au repos \\ the star (1879-1881) \\ two dancers (1893-1898)
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weirdlookindog · 10 months
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La grande danse Macabre des hommes et des femmes, 1862
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ninadove · 7 months
I'm honestly shocked that since Emotion/Representation aired I've yet to see anyone do anything at all with Felix and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein??? I think about it every day it's literally THE Felix piece of media. It's his entire character thesis. What are we doing guys
To be fair I have seen a few people headcanoning it as one of Felix’s favourite books (Which yes. Absolutely. 1,000,000%) but there hasn’t been any fics/art/edits/etc. about it yet to my knowledge. My copy is at my parents’ and in French but I am tempted to find an English PDF since it’s been public domain for a good while now. The web weave potential is insane.
I have many thoughts about Felix and literature in general… I have him quote Cyrano de Bergerac all the time in my fics, for example. I was thinking of starting a list of works of art and literature he’d enjoy, so I’ll take this as a sign to get writing! I can get my fandom friends to make some suggestions as well! 📝
Edit: @bittersweetresilience got us covered, our honour is safe 💜🦚
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"- Bon allez, on va danser ! On a pas dansé de la soirée ensemble ! - Je sais pas danser ! Elise, je sais pas danser. - Mais si vous savez danser. Je ne quitte pas cet endroit sans avoir danser avec vous, César. Ah, danse avec nous ! Et si on faisait une ronde ? On fait jamais de ronde. - Elle a raison, on fait jamais de ronde." Elise, César et Arthur - César Wagner, Saison 1 Episode 8
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cancmbyn · 5 months
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edgarmoser · 7 months
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gigolette (fox-trot extrait de l'opérette "la danse des libellules")
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mega-adam-blr · 2 years
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On ne mesure sans doute pas assez la force de la tendresse qui se communique de peau à peau, d'âme à âme, de cœur à cœur. Si nous pouvions seulement être là, ralentir notre rythme, nous mettre à l'écoute, ouvrir nos antennes les plus fines pour percevoir les attentes, les besoins les plus subtils, mettre dans nos mains toute l'attention et le respect dont nous sommes capables et garder confiance dans la danse de la vie.
Marie de Hennezel
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puuta-heinaa · 6 months
I went to Paris and have no idea where to even start. It was a perfect day.
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I met so many amazing people in the queue, weather was summer festival-tier (kuin morsian), I gave Bojan 3 2 🍍lonkero -bracelet with a glow-in-the-dark drink-charm, and got world's best hug from him - it removed a back pain I didn't even know I had and it's so much easier to breathe now??
He wore the barcelet to soundcheck and said kiitos when receiving it :----)<3 might have been my accent (or my features) that gave the Finland away, because I didn't mention it and only words I spoke in Finnish that day were during UM (and about 3 phrases after the gig).
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sassenashsworld · 1 month
X : Tu couches avec lui?
Y : Je n'ai jamais couché avec lui
X : Arrête, je sais que tu l'as baisé
Y : Je l'ai déviergé, mais je ne me couche que quand la baise est ennuyante
X : Fuck you, j'ai été cinq ans avec toi et tu as toujours baisés couché
Y :
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corda-comminuta · 9 months
La Danse des Âmes
@tmvoldemort, continued from here: X
The vast marble hall was lit by white taper candles. Their light bounced off mirrors and crystals, setting the world into a golden shine. A temple to wealth and influences set in a Rococo finished. There, looking cozy with a socialite was the Minister from France. Trying to keep up with her more dance savvy partner was the fame MACUSA Auror.  Each guest donned a mask. Some had a theme going among them. A Merlin here. Morgana with her date in a Raven mask. A pair with matching silver and gold gilded masks. More than most went with Venina styles. All unaware of the interloper.   Slithering between the throne. His gaze was limited by his plain mask.  How safe they believe themselves to be, Voldemort thought. Foolish to allow masks. Not when a group dons them to wage war against them. Still a few sense something off about it. They shiver as Voldemort slithers by. A chill of moral danger. But Voldemort wasn’t here for them. Spying his intended overlooking the dance floor on a balcony. He came up from behind her. Smelling the fragrant she wore on her neck. Merging into her slight shadow.  Leaning over to whisper in her ear; “Mademoiselle you are not dancing. Surely your date has not abandoned you? Least for someone else to take your fancy.”
Had it been any other soirée dansante in Paris, Nagini would have felt exposed and vulnerable and dread would have clung to her like a second skin. Over the course of her wretched life as an Underbeing, she had seen too much to entertain the delusion that she belonged for a mere instant, not when she was acutely aware of the wand she was barred from carrying, of the power, dignity, and agency she thus lacked compared to the witches and wizards surrounding her.
The relative anonymity granted by masquerade balls such as the one she attended that night did not dispel her discomfort in its entirety, yet at the very least, she did not feel quite as naked with her features concealed behind a plain mask of sufficiently convincing faux silver.
There had been rumors that Credence would be there – or rather Corvus Lestrange, the boy who had (mercifully) died in Credence’s stead and who was still falsely rumored to be his true identity.
Expecting to be dismissed a second time without a glance back, Nagini foolishly found herself aching to know he was at least all right, that – despite her fear and disapproval of Grindelwald and his pureblood supporters – he had found a home, the sense of belonging she had been unable to offer.
Minutes of discretely surveying the masked crowd from her vantage point on a balcony, however, soon turned into two agonizing hours, and despite knowing that her chances of finding him her had been infinitesimal at best, her heart nonetheless sank at her inability to detect a whiff of his familiar scent, the hint of ash and charcoal emanating from his pores.
‘Half an hour,’ she decided. ‘I will stay for another half an hour, but then, I’ll give up.Leave before they notice I’m not one of them.’
But then, all of a sudden, there was a subtle shift in the air, a lone masked wizard weaving his way through the crowd, who was different from the others, different and infinitely more dangerous.
It was evident that even those not cursed with a beast’s enhanced senses intuitively responded to that truth, shivering and angling their torsi so as to facilitate his passage.
It was with a vehement surge of dread that Nagini realized that the stranger was heading towards her, pinning her in place with his eyes alone.
She couldn’t move a single muscle, overwhelmed by the dizzying assault on her senses.
His deep, melodious voice caressed her ear in a tantalizing whisper; the pitch-black magic he exuded ensnared her, its distinct flavor rich on her tongue like expensive dark chocolate.
Nagini had to summon every ounce of her willpower to adopt an air of stoicism.
“I apologize for the misunderstanding, Monsieur, but I’m an interpreter, not a guest,” she lied, her tone polite yet distant. “As my employer no longer requires my services, I intend to take my leave.”
Despite the wariness and caution ingrained in her every bone, Nagini found herself lingering for just another moment, granting the enigmatic stranger an opportunity to persuade her otherwise.
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