cabin10diaries · 1 year
deaf bianca and she knows lis (italian sign language/lingua dei segni italiana) and therefore nico knows it by extension!!! and then they learn asl (american sign language) in the lotus hotel!!!
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luukka · 5 months
I might be deaf because everyone seemed to hear Nico but me, all I hear is Grovy
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 2 years
God I need to rewatch the Creed movies. I want it to reawaken things in me again.
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Creed III: A Cypher Flicks review
By Daniel Paiz Creed III: a Cypher Flicks review is here for this highly anticipated third movie, a movie that’s had its release date circled on the calendar for months! This third installment is the directorial debut for Michael B Jordan, and it’s a film where Jordan’s character Adonis Creed has everything to lose. Cypher Flicks first started in part because of Creed, as that film resonated in…
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rebel-at-heart713 · 1 year
Is anyone else very impressed with how Rick Riordan basically tricked Disney into publishing books with very LGBT+ characters which sort of seems like something Disney tries to hide. (Hide meaning only tiny glimpses that they can hide easily)
What I mean by “tricking”
The Lightning Thief. Simple. All the kids are assumed cis white and straight. Only really inclusive in the way that they have learning disabilities and messy family life. And it stays that way, maybe adding some side characters that are POC, (Beckendorf being described as black but there’s not much interaction with him until The Demigod Files and Last Olympian. Maybe you could say Nico and Bianca are Italian immigrants.
Then you get to Heroes of Olympus, where out of the 7 in Great Prophecy only 3 are white, (you got Piper being Native American, Hazel is Black, Leo is Latino and Frank is Chinese-Canadian) but most are still assumed straight. Until you get Nico’s reveal in House of Hades (if I remember right)
But then….oh boy.
Trials of Apollo.
Apollo is the main character and canonically bisexual, talking about several past lovers some male some female. Even stating one of his campers mortal parent is also her father. There is a cannon gay couple. There’s a cannon old lesbian couple.
Magnus Chase
Practically cannon gay couple (one deaf), Muslim character, pan character, trans gender fluid.
Now we are getting a book that stars a gay couple.
Rick basically said to Disney, “look at these! Harmless adventure stories. Look. Locked in? Okay! POC and LGBT+ can’t say no to me now I’m selling too many books. If I go to someone else I’ll just be making them money.
I just find it very funny, but I also credit Rick with exposing me to a lot of it. Before I read these books I hadn’t seen too much of this stuff in other media.
(Also adding how in Daughter of the Deep the main character gets her period in the middle of the book and it’s treated as normal.)
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minkyungseokie · 2 months
第一章| Getting the Job
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names,
note; first chapter! Idk how many chapters this’ll have. I know it’ll include moodboards, smaus, blurbs, and specials that you guys can request!
note2; I don't really like Bianca, so she won't be appearing a lot in this series. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. If you have an issue, don't complain, just stop reading ❤️
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note3; I decided to give her cochlear implants because I want too. She’s deaf now
fc; imleslie(on a Chinese Instagram app called Xiaohongshu)
Come Talk to Me
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Susie huffed, looking down at the sheer amount of paperwork she had on her desk. She wanted to grab a bite to eat, but she had so much to do and she needed a lot more help than what the employees around her can provide. She pulled out her phone and texted her husband, Toto, for some advice. She was a strong independent woman, but even strong independent women need a bit of advice from their spouses sometimes.
And what she got from him was beyond helpful.
A personal assistant.
She was going to hire a personal assistant to help her around the Academy. The list of requirements wasn't long, but it was specific and the requirements that were listed were important for the assistant to have or they wouldn't work well together. Susie typed out the application furiously, making sure that all her requirements were stated clearly and made sure that whoever was filling out the application knew what they were getting into. She made sure they knew what they would be doing, an estimate about the schedule, and what she expected of whoever applied.
Susie finished up and posted it to the F1 Academy website. She also made a Instagram post about it that was a joint post with the official F1 account and the FIA account. With a sigh and a satisfied smile, Susie closed her laptop and put it in her bag.
Now all she had to do was wait for the applications to roll in. She didn’t expect too many since a lot of people were only interested in watching F1 or were, since the fans were mostly men, protesting against the F1 Academy.
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Y/n looked at the link that her sister, Rachel, had sent her. Y/n had told her that she needed a new job after finishing college and Rachel had sent her a bunch of applications to different jobs. They were all just random jobs she had found on the internet, which led to where she was now.
She was staring at an application to be a personal assistant to some billionaire's wife who was the leader of some academy for girls who like driving glorified go-karts. It paid more than any of the other jobs that Rachel had sent applications for. Y/n mumbled on her thumbnail, pondering whether she should aim high and apply for the PA job or should she just go for what she knows that she would be able to get.
Y/n was deep in thought when she was startled by the loud sound of her FaceTime ringtone, which happened to be one the songs from her brother's group. "Ah, shit!" Y/n yelled, nearly falling out of her chair, "Who the fuck?!" The dark haired girl growled, grabbing the phone off the table. "Hello?" Y/n answered, "Hey, Y/n. What are you up to?" The deep voice of her younger brother exited the phone as she set it up so he could see her.
"Ah, baby brother! How are you? Loving the new comeback." Y/n said, standing up to grab a bottle of water from her fridge. "I'm great. The comeback has been good so far. Have you heard the entire album?" Felix asked, "Yeah, of course." Y/n answered, sitting at the table once more. The two of them sat and talked about her brother's most recent comeback before the conversation turned to her.
"So, what've you been up to?" Felix asked, shoving what seemed like a chip into his mouth, "When did you get those?" Y/n questioned, pointing to the box of fried potato sticks. "Ah, Chan bright them to me a bit ago." Felix answered, shoving another one in his mouth, "Well, I was thinking..."
"Uh oh."
"Shut up, Lix. Anyway, I was thinking that now I finished University, I should get a new job. One that fits my expertise better, you know? So I asked Rach to help and she sent me some applications she found online..." Y/n said, looking at the open webpage. "Yeah?" Felix spoke, urging her to continue her words, "She sent me one for some F1 Academy. It pays well and I fit the requirements, but..."
"But what?" Felix urged, "I don't know what the F1 academy is and it's in Monaco." Y/n sighed. "Where's that?" Felix questioned, "It's, like, right beside Italy, I think." Y/n answered, "Okay, so what's the issue? It sounds like a good opportunity." Felix said. "I don't want to move away from our parents and sisters." Y/n set her head on her hand, using it as a way to keep her head up, "I don't think mum and dad would want you to hold back for them. Neither would Rachel and Olivia. They would want you to go. They wanted me to go." Felix spoke up.
"Felix, that's because it was your dream. Your dream was to be an idol, so of course they weren't going to hold you back from doing it." Y/n groaned. "Y/n it doesn't matter whether it's your dream or not. It's a better job opportunity for you until you're able to start modeling the way you want." Felix suggested.
Y/n thought about it. It would be nice to make money until she finds a modeling agency that wants to sign her because waiting around for something to happen won't make her any money. She needed to pay rent and keep herself fed, plus, from what she researched about Monaco, they did not collect personal income tax or capital gains taxes. There were no property taxes in Monaco, but rental properties were taxed at 1% of the annual rent plus other applicable charges.
Monaco sounded like a dream. She really didn't think that places like that existed, but knowing that she'd keep every penny of her hard earned money sealed the deal. Y/n applied for the PA position and closed her laptop, "Okay, now to wait." Y/n let out a breath as she looked around her house.
There was no way she wouldn’t be getting the job. She was once an extremely popular Formula Two driver before she ended up quitting. She had met the likes of so many old Formula One drivers who were excited to see her race alongside them when she was ready, but she unfortunately couldn’t continue due to her mother not having enough money for her to have a seat and unfortunately no sponsers wanted to sponsor her.
Y/n stood up and threw her water bottle away. She hadn’t kept up with Formula One since she had left Formula Two and she was kind of curious how her friends from karting and F2 were doing. They were obviously doing better than her since they refused to keep in contact with her, but it’s alright. She could barely remember anything about them anyway so it didn’t matter. It did when she was younger though.
After she left and they stopped talking to her, she felt like everything was falling apart for her. She was living in the UK at the time, but decided to come back to Australia to be near her half siblings and step mother and start her career in modeling or something in the industry. Of course, her plans to model next to the likes of the Hadid sisters or other popular models, had fallen through and she had only become famous as the half sister of Felix Yongbok Lee, the freckled cutie with a deep voice of the famous Korean pop group, Stray Kids.
Y/n pulled out her phone and ordered some food, hoping that it wasn't a bad decision to put in only one application for a job that might be out of reach for her. 
Oh well.
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It had been a week since Y/n had sent in the application and she had been waiting for the call back. She was sitting on her couch, staring at the large flat screen TV that was playing a Sidemen Reacts video that popped up on her feed while shoveling hwachae* into her mouth when the sound of another song from her brother's band rang through the air. Y/n picked up her phone with the spoon hanging from her lips and looked at the screen.
It was an unknown number. Y/n didn't usually answer the calls of numbers she didn't know, but something within her told her to answer it, so she did. After pausing the video, Y/n hit the green button on the screen and put the up to her ear, "Uh, hello?" Y/n answered, accent thick. "Uh, hello. Is this Miss Y/n L/n?" A sweet feminine voice that was paired with a Scottish accent, asked, "Uhm, yes. This is her. How may I help you?" Y/n asked, setting the bowl onto the table and sitting up straight. "Yes, this is about the application you put in for the PA position at the Formula One Academy." The woman said.
Y/n sat there for a hot minute before her eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, ma'am. What about it?" Y/n asked, "I wanted to call and let you know that we are interested in having you in the position, but first we need to schedule an interview. Is there a specific time that you're available?" The woman asked.
"Uh, I'm currently living in Australia and not moving to Monaco until a next month." Y/n said. Truthfully, she didn't want to being that up, but she knew that it would be suspicious if she scheduled the meeting so far away. She knew that the fact she was living in Australia could possibly ruin her chances of securing such a good job, but she just didn't have it in her to lie to the very sweet sounding woman.
"Okay, um, I'll be right back. Hang on tight." The lady said, "Okay, ma'am." Y/n said. Once the woman put her on hold, Y/n put the phone on speaker, muted herself, and continued to watch her video until she heard something from the woman on the other line. 
"Uh, hello?" The woman's voice spoke up. Y/n paused her video and quickly unmuted herself, "I'm here." Y/n spoke up. "Okay, so, we usually wouldn't do this, but we really think you'd be a good fit for the position, so I'll tell you what. Save this number. My name is Susie Wolff. Once you're moved into Monaco and finally settled down, give me a call." The woman, Susie, said. "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Wolff. I'll call you once I'm in Monaco." Y/n said, "Alright. See you then. Bye." Susie said before hanging up.
Y/n looked down at her phone with wide eyes before jumping up and onto her couch with a large smile, "I got it! I got it!" Y/n cheered loudly, jumping up and down as if she was a child on a super bouncy bed. "Holy shit, I have to let Felix know." Y/n said, jumping down from the couch and grabbing her phone, which fell out of her hand after she jumped up onto the couch. Instead of calling him, she texted him since she never knew his schedule.
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누나- Noona? 아, 누구세요?- Oh? Who are you? 현진- Hyunjin 릭시에게 전화기 좀 주실래요?- Can you give Lixie the phone please
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Y/n quickly went to the room that held the boxes that she would use to pack away her things and smiled. It was never too early to begin packing.
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Susie cheered. She had finally found the person she was looking for after a week. She was super lucky that she had decided to continue searching through the online applications rather than giving up on looking at the mediocre applications and deciding to hold a hiring fair or something.
Not only was Y/n L/n the most perfect candidate for the PA position, but she had the most relaxing and attractive voice Susie had ever heard other than her husband's.
Susie cleared her throat and looked at the work she had on her computer. She had never been as excited as she was now other than the time when she found out she was pregnant, had Jack, and started the Academy. Okay, she had been this excited before, but this is different. She can tell that she was going to be good friends with Y/n and shoe couldn't wait to work with the younger woman.
This was going to be fun
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talesofesther · 1 year
love the way you love me
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: You navigate through a relationship with Wednesday, slowly discovering the tenderness of her love.
A/N: This is a valentine's day special. It's not even valentine's day where I live but Tumblr got me in the mood for it, so I wrote one of the most heartfelt stories I've ever done I think. Soft!Wednesday because I said so. <3
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"Wednesday," you gasp. It falls on deaf ears.
Your eyes are closed. You can feel surprisingly warm hands sneaking under your shirt, lightly clawing at the skin there.
"Wednesday," you try again, the words are muffled against burgundy lips.
Your hands can't help but bury themselves in silky black hair.
She's addictive. She'll be the death of you.
And she's going to love every minute of it.
"You talk too much," Wednesday whispers against your mouth, her lips brushing yours.
You kiss the words, causing your nose to bump into hers before you pull away, "Weems will have my head if I'm late again today because of you."
If you try to tell this secret to anyone, they won't believe you. In some sense, you love it. She feels yours to keep, only yours.
She pulls back, hazy dark eyes piercing into your soul. All lightly swollen lips and flushed cheeks. She's divine.
"A well-worth sacrifice, don't you think?" Wednesday ducks her head, partly hiding herself behind her bangs after she says it.
A year ago, when she first stepped foot in Nevermore, she promised she wouldn't get attached or fall in love.
For a little over two months, her growing feelings for you have been proving her wrong.
Hidden behind closed doors and dark corners, you managed to get her cold heart beating harder than ever.
She despises it, and at the same time, can't get enough of it.
You bring a hand up, your thumb brushing away the smudged lipstick on the corner of Wednesday's lips.
She leans the tiniest bit toward your touch against her own volition, her nails making half-moons on your skin.
"You're a bad influence on me, Addams."
You can feel the shape of her smirk under your fingertips.
"It's what I do best."
Once a year, Nevermore's hallways gain a burst of color to them. What usually is all dark wood and grey stones, takes on extra shades of pink and crimson red; paper hearts are stuck to the walls and roses cover the gardens of the school. All in time to strike a cupid's arrow through the student's hearts for valentine's day.
You walk beside Bianca on the quad, smiling softly at the pink ribbons that decorate the outside area.
"I think I already regret offering to help with the roses," Bianca complains with a huff, "valentine's day is only tomorrow and we already have more than one hundred of them to deliver."
Her frustration makes you chuckle, an 'I told you so' lingers on your tongue yet you refrain from saying it. "Look on the bright side, you're helping to spread the spirit of love," you tease.
The siren scoffs. She comes to a stop in front of a red table, 'Nevermore's roses' is written on the bulletin board just above it in cut-out pink letters.
It's a tradition as much as it is a popularity contest in the school. Every year, students would send their crushes a red rose; some are bold enough to write a note declaring their love, some prefer to remain anonymous.
Bianca received more than ten roses last year. You got one, but Enid's proud smile had let you know it was just her attempting to soothe your heart; not a secret admirer.
"When are you gonna tell me to deliver your rose?" It's Bianca's turn to tease you, a grin playing on her glossy lips.
"Not today, that's for sure," you cross your arms over your chest, gaze skimming over the quad until it lands on a certain Addams girl; she's glaring at the colorful ribbons that adorn the walls as if they just committed unspeakable crimes.
You find yourself unwillingly smiling just at the sight of her.
Bianca catches your staring, she leans in closer to your ear, "I bet she would swoon."
You push her away, giggles escaping your lips and heat coming to your cheeks, "shut up."
Bianca joins in on your laughter, both of you unaware of watchful dark eyes on you from the other side of the quad.
It's in times like these, that Wednesday realizes that you've softened her.
Her pinkie is hooked with yours. You gently swing your joined hands back and forth. Your eyes are mostly focused on the sky, on the trees of the park, or on the buildings you see as you walk through Jericho's streets.
You drag Wednesday with you when you bend down to pat a dog or walk a little quicker to point out a pretty bird. No matter what, you don't let go of her.
Wednesday should be annoyed. In the beginning, she wanted to be. But she's not, and as the days go by, she's made her peace with the fact that you have the power to soften her.
She has never craved someone's presence, until she had a taste of yours. It's something Wednesday will take to the grave with her, but she secretly cherishes these little moments.
You end up stopping at the Weathervane for coffee as a light drizzle starts falling outside.
You sit down at the booth first, and Wednesday hesitates for a beat before deciding to sit beside you and not in front of you.
She orders coffee. You order hot chocolate. It's peaceful.
After you take the first sip, Wednesday feels your pointer finger tapping her thigh, and maybe that's why you're her exception. You don't push, you don't force, you're willing to love her the way she likes to be loved.
And no one can love Wednesday the way that you do.
It's new, and her chest still tightens in anticipation; but Wednesday turns her hand anyway, palm up, telling you it's okay.
Your fingers thread between hers, intertwining your hands together in a tender grip. Your thumb brushes her skin, and you lift her hand to your lips, placing a feather-like kiss on her knuckles.
Wednesday feels the warmth of your breath.
She loves to be loved by you.
When Wednesday is just a sip away from finishing her coffee, she finally breaks the silence; "what were you and Bianca talking about earlier?"
"Hm?" You turn to look at her, not sure what she's referring to.
Wednesday gulps down the remains of the bitterness of coffee still on her tongue, feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable under your gaze. "Today in the quad, you were laughing."
"Oh," you recall with a faint smile, "it was nothing, we were just talking about the valentine's day tradition."
Right. Wednesday furrows her brows in thought, subconsciously squeezing your hand. That ridiculous tradition.
She never cared for it. Valentine's day was pathetic in her eyes and any traditions that came with it usually made her sick to her stomach.
But this year there's a break in the pattern. You.
"Do you care for it?" Wednesday finds herself asking.
"Valentine's day?" You purse your lips, shaking your head softly, "kinda? Not much. Bianca does though, and she thinks I should too."
Wednesday inhales sharply, you see her blinking a couple of times. Too many emotions swim behind her eyes for you to put a finger in any of them.
She can be fragile sometimes. It's rare, but it happens. She's been hurt once, the fear still lingers like a poorly healed scar. You think that's the reason why whatever you are to each other, doesn't have a name yet.
It's that look in Wednesday's eyes that makes you sneak out the night before valentine's day. You don't care about labels, but you do care that Wednesday knows what she means to you.
You find yourself going to the greenhouse, praying to every higher entity that no one sees you or Weems would never let you live this down. You rummage through the many rows of plants for the one that always reminds you of the raven-haired girl.
Next, you find Bianca, she opens her dorm room door for you with an annoyed tilt to her brows. She's in her pajamas and was clearly ready to go to bed. But this can't wait.
"Sorry," you utter quietly, sweaty hands tight around your flower, "but I think you were right."
Bianca's gaze shifts from you to the flower you're holding; Wednesday's name is tied around it with a black ribbon and hurried writing on paper so it doesn't get mixed up when the students go to deliver all the anonymous roses at the end of class. A knowing smirk comes to Bianca's lips as she rolls her eyes endearingly.
"Though, I think this one would be more fitting," you can feel heat coming up to your cheeks as you extend the flower to her.
It'll break the tradition, but she's worth it.
The next morning couldn't have dawned soon enough. It should be a day like any other, but you can't help the fluttery on your chest as you skip down the stairs of your dorm.
Wednesday is waiting for you just beside the doors that lead to the quad, in your own little private space, just shy of meeting the curious eyes of your peers. Her hands are buried in her pockets as she leans on the wall, her leather backpack resting by her feet. She straightens her posture when her eyes find yours.
You think she feels it too, the shift in the mood.
You stop in front of her, taking in her neatly made braids, the tie that's just a little loose around her neck, and her big doe eyes. Your fingers itch to hold her. "Hi Wednesday," you breathe in adoration.
The corner of Wednesday's lips tilt up in the ghost of a smile, her nimble fingers reach out to hold your jaw so she can press a gentle kiss to your lips.
Contrary to what others might think, her love is always tender. Your hands find her waist, tugging her body closer to yours in an embrace as you reciprocate her affection by pressing your lips firmly to hers; and you feel her melt against you.
And it's in the way that you are able to strip her of her defenses, that Wednesday sees her lingering piece of hesitance; the reason she avoids naming what you have together. Saying things out loud means making them real.
If she tells you just what you do to her, she's allowing you to break her if you ever leave.
But maybe you'll prove her wrong on that too, and she hates to admit that part of her longs for it.
It's after lunch that Wednesday seeks you out again, a bit of urgency tugging at her heartstrings quickens her steps.
She's able to hear her own heartbeat in her ears as she has a staring contest with the door that leads to your room. Her skin is hot and prickly under her clothes because of how fast she walked, or maybe it's because of what she's thinking about doing.
Three soft knocks sound on your door, and she waits with bated breath.
You turn the doorknob to see Wednesday on the other side, she has one hand behind her back and the other holds a Black Dahlia; the one you choose.
You bite back a smile.
"Bianca delivered this to me after class," Wednesday tells you, raising a brow, "told me to be nice."
Her tone gets you chuckling, "for the record, I didn't ask her to say that," you tell her.
Wednesday hesitates — she seems to do that a lot around you — her lips hovering before any words come out. The orange light of the hallway is casting a golden glow on her. "So it was you?"
You nod timidly, gesturing for her to come in. When she does, you close the door to your dorm, and the familiar bubble of intimacy finally settles around you.
"I know you don't care about today," you start, your hands already slick with perspiration. "But I wanted you to know how I feel anyway."
Wednesday catches the hidden words in the way you're looking at her; the 'you're it for me, it's you and no one else' that goes unsaid.
No one has ever looked at her the way that you do.
A beat passes, a beat where, for the first time, she hopes you can see what she doesn't say too. Because what Wednesday feels for you, she doesn't feel for anyone else.
She stiffly extends her hand to you — the one that's been behind her back since she arrived — holding out a little sunflower for you to take. She refuses to meet your eyes, her usually pale cheeks and the tip of her ears now burning a soft shade of pink.
Wednesday clears her throat, clearly bothered that you're not taking the flower and she has to say it; "I don't need other people to deliver mine."
Your heart melts. You both broke tradition.
Gentle as ever, you take the flower from her, your eyes crinkling on the sides because of your smile. You bring it to your nose to feel the perfume, humming appreciatively.
You take a step closer to her, your socked feet bumping her boots. You hear the catch on her breath when you push aside a few strands of her fringe, your fingers lingering on her skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"You're growing soft, Wednesday Addams," you had to tease.
A glare is thrown your way, her features hardening the slightest bit. It gets you smiling more, you lean up to plant a kiss on her forehead and delight in the fact that she tries to follow when you pull away. "Thank you," you whisper.
Just say it. Wednesday urges herself, shooting down her ego and the unpleasing twist in her stomach at the prospect of voicing her wishes. She grasps your free hand with hers then.
"I would-" the words feel heavy on Wednesday's tongue, but she forces them out before any second thoughts could take them from her;
"I'd like to call you mine… If you'd like to call me yours too?"
And now you're just looking at her wide-eyed, your grip on her hand becoming slack. You're not speaking, you're not moving. Wednesday doubts you're even breathing.
She shifts uncomfortably in her stance, feeling smaller by the second under your eyes. It's unnerving.
"You don't want this," Wednesday mumbles, and she despises the way her voice cracks in the middle of her sentence.
In the same heartbeat, you finally answer; "I want this," your hold on her hand returns and you tug her closer still, "I really do."
Wednesday blinks a couple of times until her eyes can find a place to focus on your face. She gulps; "don't make me regret it." It's supposed to be a threat, but it sounds more like a plea.
Your forehead rests against hers, her fringe tickling your skin as you feel her soft breathing ghost over your lips.
"I would never."
Wednesday feels more than hears your words over her lips. And she believes you.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @simp4wanda26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @thenextdawn @trishatheotaku
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lostuntothisworld · 3 months
Okay so I think it's time for another spaghetti theory:
Lilamoth isn't collecting moms. She's collecting sisters (or siblings)
Let me explain my thought process here. So a big complaint the fandom has is that we don't have a proper rogue gallery for villains. It's just the butterfly, and nothing else. It worked for early seasons, but things might be getting stale for some folks.
Enter new characters connected to Lilamoth somehow.
So she has 3 moms so far (that we know about.) All but one have something in common: dark hair and blue eyes.
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From left to right we have Mrs. Rossi (red), Mrs. Bianca (white), and her third mother who is deaf could possibly be Mrs. Verdi (green).
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Then we have this fourth lady that we see Lilamoth watching on her phone in the season 5 finale. I would NOT be surprised if Odille is going to be her 4th mom. Dark hair and blue eyes, and she is also disabled, just like her third mom.
(And I would not be surprised if we find out her surname is Nero (black), or Viola (violet). More on that aspect of this crack theory in a bit...)
Anyway, back to the concept of a rogues gallery. In the finale we see Lila in a disguise that 's VERY reminiscent of one of her moms:
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Certainly she can't expect to disguise herself as a woman in her 30's-40's, and especially not with glasses and bangs. But she can pass reasonably as a teenage girl with a dark bob and glasses. You know, a sister.
So we know a certain main character whose name is in the title and wears red with black polkadots has dark hair and blue eyes. We don't know Lilamoth's motivations and and end goal, but we can surmise that she wants to take the place of Marinette.
(And I KNOW I've seen at least one other person theorize this, and I cannot find the post(s) so if you can find it please let me know so I can link it here!)
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The pictures we see is one of Marinette with her classmates on the Liberty where Zoe is accepted in the friend group, Marinette with her parents, 3 pictures of Marinette with Kagami, and one picture of Marinette with Luka.
It's interesting to note that there isn't a picture of Marinette and Adrien together shown to the audience. You'd think they'd emphasize that, but no, it's mostly Kagami. I know it's because it's because the episode focuses on Kagami, but still. Other than her, it's just Marinette's parents, Zoe and Luka (Luka! Marinette's ex!) showcased in the closeup screenshot.
I got sidetracked! Anyway, I think other than similar coloring (and color-themed surnames haha) Lilamoth is trying to find other teenagers who are willing to join forces with her. She probably will get her hands on some Miraculous for them, somehow. But I don't think the new jewels will be from the Chinese box.
Here's where things start REALLY going off the rails with this theory:
All of Lilamoth's rogue gallery of villains are her adopted sisters (or siblings) and they are all Luka's exes. He's got a type for Italians with dark hair and blue eyes...
Going back to the surnames, all the surnames have something in common: they share the colors of all of Adrien's various transformations over the course of the series so far:
Rossi: Mister Bug
Bianca: Chat Blanc
Verdi: Aspik
We're just missing Chat Noir (could possibly will be the surname Nero, as it's Italian)
and Ephemeral (it's interesting to note that the surname Lee in Chinese can mean plum, which of course, is purple)
So naturally, my crack theory circles back to Lukadrien is endgame.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
{{{{{{Edit as of April 3, 2024.}}}}}
I will NOT be surprised if this girl with black hair in an extremely recognizable style is a disguise of another sister.
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Is Lilamoth collecting blackmail to manipulate them later? She's very obviously walking disguised in areas where there would be lots of cameras (The inside of the Agreste mansion, and the hotel).
(Edit as of April 27, 2024!)
Now we know the synopsis of the London Special, I believe the disguises are to hide Lilamoth's tracks because she knows Maribug's identity. Bonus points if these girls were previous Ladybugs in past time lines that Lilamoth stole the identities of...
[[[Edit: May 4, 2024]]]
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I think I found the names of the previous Ladybugs: Marina, Shone, and Mio. (Please enjoy a silly extremely rough draft of where I'd personally go with the show)
As for the rest of the spray paint on the walls, this mural is an actual feature of the Paris Catacombs:
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And while I think that most of the other tags on the wall are functionally meaningless and just there for ambiance, I do find the 777-777 tag to be of note. 7 Ladybugs till Lilamoth's goal? What's the deal with the arrows and the floating away 3 7's? Are 3 already "gone"??? Fascinating stuff! My mind is reeling!
[Edit for May 6, 2024]
Possibly figured out the source of the lightning in the season 5 finale. For whatever reason it's not showing up in the tags lmfao tungle is a functional website
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swe3troses · 11 months
🐚10 Things I Hate About You (pt.1) Jack Hughes X Reader
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 ‘I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.’
 Luke Hughes was over the moon. He was finally gonna get to play high school hockey like his mother always wanted him to. Of course, he didn’t mind that his older brothers were also on the team, and he was most likely going to be called the ‘littlest’ Hughes. He made his way to the castle like high school, meeting up with his oldest brother, Quinn Hughes, so he could get a tour of the huge high school.  
“Hey! What’s up Luke.” he heard his brother say casually as he walked towards him.
“Hey Quinn…what are you wearing?” Luke said, looking at his brother. His brother was wearing a white and blue button up t-shirt that was obviously way too big for him and some khaki jorts.
“What are you talking about, this is some top tier styling.” Quinn said while posing a bit. Luke rolled his eyes.
“Just give me the tour.” he said with a little sass looking at his brother.
“Ok well, here are your emo pixie manic dream girls…don’t act too much like Micheal Cera around them.” Quinn said gesturing to a group of girls that were all either singing or reading some obscure book that they obviously found while thrifting.
“Then we have your Stoner’s and mathletes, they all hang around each other, please don’t ask me why.” Quinn says gesturing to a group in a big ball of smoke and some kids solving a math problem on a whiteboard. Luke raised his eyebrow. What the hell was going on at this school.
“Then those are your popular people and elitists…don’t bother talking to them.”
“Hey!” Quinn says to the group, they all stare at him with weird looks and one of them says ‘bite me.’
“Ok, now I see why.” They continue walking as Quinn points out groups to his little brother. But soon his voice falls on deaf ears as Luke watches a girl pass by. The girl had long black hair and sharp siren-like eyes. She was wearing a floral sundress and white chunky sandals. She had gold hoops in and freckles that spread perfectly across her face. She had pink plump lips and a smile so white it blinded him. She was tiny, standing at around 5′0, the only big thing about her being her boobs. She and her blonde friend were talking about something.
“Jesus, who is that?” Luke questions wiping his chin as he looks at the girl who was about a foot shorter than him. 
Quinn laughs obnoxiously, “Luke, do not even think about that at all. That there, my friend is Bianca L/N and she is untouchable and totally conceited.” 
“Hey, don’t say that, look at her, I mean she’s gorgeous.” Luke said as the girl smiled showing her dimples. 
“Listen, Luke, Girls like that, will never look at you, she’s wearing that strategically planned sundress to let guys like us know that we will never touch her and boys like Trevor Zegras realize they want her.” He gestured towards another hockey player that was on their team named Trevor Zegras who was also staring at Bianca.
“Don’t say that look, she is just so deep.” Luke said gazing at the girl trying to listen in on what she was saying. 
“See, there’s a difference between like and love, because I like my Miss Dior perfume, but I love my Prada backpack.” 
“But I love my Miss Dior.” Her blonde friend replied.
“That’s because you don’t have a Prada backpack.”
“I need her…how can I get close to her.” Luke asked his older brother.
“I mean, I heard she’s looking for a French tutor if you somehow learned French and have time for it in-between hockey.”
“That’s perfect!”
“So you learned French and have time?”
“No! But I will!”
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While that was going on a girl by the name of Y/N L/N was in her literature class, Jack Hughes came into the class for a moment and started speaking. 
“Has class started?”
“No, but please take your-”
“Ok! Later!” Jack said before walking out the class.
“Hey you can’t just-!” The teacher said before quickly giving up, obviously tired of his job.
The bell rang and then the teacher, Mr. Morgan, started speaking.
“So, what did everyone think of ‘The sun also rises?’”
A pink short haired girl raised her hand and instantly started speaking without the teacher even calling on her.
“I loved it, it was so romantic.” she said dreamily, clasping her hands together.
“Romantic? Hemingway?” Y/N said scoffing “He was an abusive alcoholic misogynist who spent half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.” She finished rolling her (e/c) eyes.
“As opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag who has no friends.” Trevor replies looking around the class with a smug smirk.
“Pipe down chachi!” Mr. Morgan yelled, causing Trevor’s ego to deflate.
“I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.” Y/N replies, turning her body towards Trevor as the class laughs. “What about Sylvia Plath, or literally any other female writer that doesn't have a negative connotation associated with them.” Y/N said putting some of her h/l h/c hair behind her ear.
“Mr. Morgan, is there any way we could get Y/N to take her Midol before she comes to class.” Trevor says with a smug look.
“Someday you’re gonna get bitch slapped and I am not gonna do anything to stop it.” Mr. Morgan replies with a smug look back “Y/N I want to thank you for your point of view, I know how difficult it must be to overcome all those years of upper middle-class oppression, must be tough, but before you start talking about that think about why they can’t buy a book written by a Black Man!” Mr. Morgan says looking at her.
“That’s right man!” two white boys say.
“Don’t even get me started on you two…” Mr. Morgan says as the two boys put their fists down.
“Anything else?” Y/N asks.
“Yeah, go to the office you’re pissing me off again.”
“Mr. Morgan-?” 
“Later!” He says dramatically before Y/N grabs her books walking out.
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Y/N walked with her friend as she explained what happened walking to her car.
“Well then Mrs. Meyer reminded me that I kicked Trevor in the balls, and I still maintain he kicked himself in the balls.” she said casually as her friend Nayeon laughed.
“I don’t think that is exactly what happened.” Nayeon said as she got in Y/N’s car pulling her red skirt down a bit.
Quinn drove in front of Y/N’s red car on a motorcycle. Knowing her and her temper she looked at the hockey player in disgust.
“Get out the way Bozo!” she shouted speeding away before seeing her sister, Bianca.
“I know you can be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed but can you just be whelmed?” Bianca asked her blonde friend Chastity.
“I think you can in Europe!” Chastity replies before Trevor pulls up in his bronco.
“You hot young thangs need a ride?” he asked, smirking before Bianca and Chastity giggled getting in the back of his Bronco before he sped away.
“That is one shocking new development.” Nayeon stated in disgust.
“I am not surprised,” Y/N said before honking her red car once again, but this time at Luke. 
“Jesus! Get out of the way!” she said before speeding away blasting Indie rock music.
“Who was that?” Luke asked, obviously a little annoyed.
“That my dear brother is the shrew, Y/N L/N, your girlfriend's sister.” Quinn said trying not to laugh at his brother’s reaction.
“That mean, pretty girl is Bianca’s sister?” Luke asked in shock.
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Later, Y/N was reading ‘The Bell Jar’ while sitting in a green chair. She was in some gray PJ pants and a blank tank top. Her dad came up to her flipping through a newspaper.
“Make anyone cry today Y/N?” Her dad asked her looking at a story in the newspaper.
 “Sadly, No, but it is only 4:30.” She said, smiling at her father. He returned the smile before Bianca came into the room.
“Hi dad!” she said, kissing him on the cheek, having to go on her tiptoes to do so.
“Why hello precious.” her dad said back smiling at his daughter.
“Where have you been?” Y/N asked, tucking some of her h/l h/c behind her ear.
“Nowhere.” Bianca replied sassily, flipping some of her long black hair over her shoulder a pink tint painting her freckled face.
Y/N’s dad picked up some mail before looking at it confused.
“What’s this, it says Sarah Lawrence?” her dad said looking at the letter before Y/N squealed and jumped happily taking the letter in her hands smiling “I got in!” she said, running to another couch.
“Honey…that is great but isn’t Sarah Lawrence a Law firm on the other side of the country?” Her dad asked, “Don’t you wanna stay here to find a college closer to home…so you could fully become a husky like me.” her dad said, faking a growl.
“Sarah Lawrence is one of the best colleges and the basis of its appeal is being far away from Michigan.” the girl says, still smiling at the paper.
“C’mon Y/N are you just gonna pick up and leave, is that it?” he says a little frustrated now.
“Let’s hope so!” Bianca said smiling.
“Tell dad who drove you home today.” Y/N replied.
“Who drove you home?”
“Now don’t overreact dad but this guy named Trevor on the hockey team-”
“Who’s a flaming imbecile!” Y/N added as Bianca tried to step closer to her.
“And I think he might ask me-”
“Please, Please I think I know what he is going to ask you,” Bianca’s dad said as she guided her to the couch next to Y/N
“I also think I know the answer, No! It is always No! What are the two-house rules? Number 1, No dating till you graduate college, Number 2, No dating till you graduate high school, That’s it.”
“Daddy, that is so unfair!” Bianca said, folding her arms over her chest.
“You wanna know what is unfair? This morning I delivered a set of twins to a 15- year-old girl, younger than both of you, do you know what she said to me?” Y/N’s dad said as he looked between both of his daughters.
“I am a dumbass who should’ve made my sleazy boyfriend wear a condom?” Bianca replied, rolling her brown eyes.
Their dad pursed his lips before speaking again “Close, but no, she said I should’ve listened to my father.”
“She did not!” Bianca replied as Y/N rolled her e/c eyes at her father.
“But that is what she would’ve said if she wasn’t on so much anesthesia.” he replies.
“Can we focus on me for a second! I am the only girl in school who doesn't date!” Bianca states dramatically, twiddling her fingers.
“Oh no you’re not, your sister doesn’t date.”
“I also don’t intend to, have you seen the unwashed monsters that attend and roam that school spreading their stink around?” Y/N said, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“What planet are you from? Planet loser?” Bianca said about to tackle her sister. 
“As opposed to Planet ‘Look at mey, look at mey’” Y/N replied, flapping her s/c arms around as she mocked Bianca’s voice.
Their dad claps, causing both of the gorgeous girls to look at him one with a pout and one with a smirk.
“Ok new rule out new rule in, Bianca can date.” Their dad says smiling as Y/N looks at him like he's crazy and Bianca smiles smugly sticking her tongue out at her sister.
“When Y/N does.”
A/N: hey guys sorry this wasn’t so focused on Y/n(you) and Jack just yet, I am trying to establish the plot first, the next chapter will be more romantic and focus more on y/n. there will be 10 parts because, 10 things I hate about you, and they will be released between 2-4 days, thank you for supporting and reading. Also here is a key.
Y/n-Your name
L/n-Last name
e/c-Eye color
h/l-Hair length
h/c-Hair color
s/c-Skin color
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ashthenerdtheythem · 5 months
Nico in the casino
If you watched episode ep 6 there was something special in the casino. A little name drop, which the subtitles didn't pick up (justice for the deaf/HoH/APD fandom members)
In the background you can hear a little kid screaming in the distance for his big sister.
Poor baby Nico got separated from Bianca in the casino and he sounded TERRIFIED!!!
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bl4ckr0se-3006 · 1 month
PJO Zombie Apocalypse Au
I am looking for someone who would be interested in rpjng with me, I’ll send my Headcannons in pms to whoever is interested in this scenario which I will explain below.
I want to do an RP where Nico was born deaf, for the context of this setting the Rp would be also be set in Zombie Apocalypse, we would start from Nico getting found by Annabeth and Percy, now for this Au Nico would still be Percy’s cousin, I am not cutting this tie. The Rp would start with Nico injured, specifically burnt and after having been struck by lightning, the building where he is found by Annabeth and Percy was struck by lightning before the start of this Rp, starting a fire in which Nico’s older sister Bianca perished. Percy and Annabeth met after the place where Percy was living was overrun by zombies.
I am semi lit to advanced lit and I have a starter prepared already which I can send once we have discussed everything in pms. I would be playing Nico and Annabeth, and I would want my partner to play Will and Percy, the ships I want to include would be Solangelo and Percabeth, we can discuss any side characters in pms to be split up between us.
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anachronisticcrab · 1 year
Mute Nico (and selectively mute Jason)
He’s always gotten into periods of silence. His family called them ‘hushes’ (his grandfather used to get them. Really it’s selective mutism as a result of autism and ptsd)
Growing up it just. Wasn’t a Big Thing. He learned LIS and ASL so he could communicate w/ Hades when he had a Hush
Teachers didn’t like him anyways so it didn’t change much when he was at school
Anyway flash forward to modern day
After Bianca died, he fell into a Hush for a few months. Minos berated him for it cause he was an abusive shit
He started talking again when he managed to get away from Minos for a few days (Hades and him and Persephone took a trip to reintroduce Nico to all his siblings)
They made him feel welcomed and warm and he slowly started talking a bit again
By the time BotL rolls around, he’s completely out of his Hush
And then Minos Leaves and he finds out that Hades also gets Hushes and he is like… ‘woah’
Cue more family bonding :D
This continues, blah blah blah great NOW BETWEEN THE SERIES
Hazels super great about it, and he starts teaching her ASL to talk to him when he’s Hushed
And Reyna learns about this from Hazel pretty quickly cause they bond FAST
As praetor, she knows a ton of ppl who go selectively mute (from ptsd, autism, ppl who are fully mute from trauma and also just being born mute) and she’s like ‘… have u met my friend, Jason?’
This is how Nico learns that Jason is also selectively mute cause *trauma* and *autism* being raised by wolves makes u communicate more nonverbally than verbally
Nico and Jason bond over that and Reyna is like ‘I love my strange boys. Cooky boys. Funny little Kreatures’ cause they’re both little gremlins who try to pretend they aren’t
And Jason brings him to a dinner one day w/ a bunch of mute, deaf and hard of hearing legionnaires and vets in new rome
Nico starts healing from Minos w/ his newfound support group
Then Jason disappears and Percy disappears and the Doors of Death disappear and Thanatos disappears and Nico does a freestyle dive into Tartarus
Not going into detail rn but from being tortured to the jar to all the screaming, his vocal chords are wrecked and Speaking, A Normal Struggle, becomes impossible
So he’s rescued and joins the Argo Crew, and can. Not. Talk.
Hazel and Jason interpret for him (but Jace doesn’t remember Neeks cause Fuck Juno)
Hedge helps Nico too (he did a double major in sports medicine and psychology specializing in childhood trauma, he’s a smart little demon goat)
Anyways coach officially diagnoses Nico with psychogenic mutism/ trauma induced mutism
Jason and Nico bond more before Split cause of sign and mutism
After Split, Jason goes mute. He can’t talk again for a few weeks. Piper and Leo don’t say, but they kinda blame Nico. Hazel glowers at them
Post war, he and Will sign w/ each other about Nicos health (deaf Will rights)
They become really good friends then
He signs w/ Mr. D in LIS (god of wine and mental health DEFINITELY knows Italian sign, u crazy?)
And Jace and Neeks end up getting closer and closer and closer and closer
Obviously this ends with them dating and being cute little mute boys together ☺️☺️
Mostly created because I have issues with talking sometimes and I like projecting on my favourite characters 🥺🥺 in this case that’s jasico
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Snippet tag - Bark, Bite & Break Bones sneek peak 
the adorable @chaosheadspace tagged me, and since I’m very slow at writing these days due to personnal things to take care of, here’s a sneak peek of the next chapter of the Tyler x Van Helsing! reader fic 
You weren’t even halfway through your drink when a bitter voice spoke up behind you, “Careful with who you’re cheering, Enid. Wouldn’t want her to poison you.” 
Whipping around you glared at the newly arrived Bianca, in a short gold dress with long sleeves. No matter how gorgeous she looked, the venom in her eyes was enough to make you snare at her. Next to her, a very handsome yet uncomfortable looking Xavier was standing but surely he’d wished to be anywhere but here at the moment, looking for his best friend in the crowd. 
“What about minding your own fucking business, Bianca?” you spat at her, grumpy that she ruined your for one joyful mood. 
“I’m just saying,” she said, ignoring you completely, “you seem to be pretty great at suppressing students from this school, maybe Enid should start to worry.”
Glaring even harder at her you took a menacing step in her direction, “I am good at killing monsters, don’t you fucking forget that before you throw threats at me, princess.”
“You think you can impress me after the shit you pulled with Yoko?” she growled at you, standing tall and getting closer. It was a game of asserting dominance, and you knew it. 
“I have nothing to do with what Yoko brought on herself and you know it,” you said bitterly, trying to control yourself to not tear her branchias out of her throat. “So get the fuck off my back.”
“Don’t you really?”
“Piss. off.” 
“What’s going on here?” 
Both of you turned to Tyler and Ajax who had just arrived, having noticed the tense atmosphere at the bar. The Gorgon gave Enid and Xavier confused glances, trying to understand what the fuss was about. Obviously he didn’t dare to ask you or Bianca, he knew better than to interfere in this hissing game. Tyler on the other hand already had more or less an idea of what was going on. 
“None of your business, murderer,” snapped Bianca to Tyler, “if anything I’ll be doing you a favor by getting the Van Helsing bitch out of Nevermore so back off.” 
“What the fuck did you just call me?” you growled again, knuckles turning white around your cup. 
“You heard me. Didn’t know torturing vampires made you deaf.” 
If things were tense before, now they were downright electric. And if it wasn’t for the whole school around you you would have beaten the shit out the siren already; at least as a revenge for the Poe cup. “Yoko asked for what happened to her,” you spat at the siren, “trust me if I had anything to do with it, she would have a spike through her heart right now.”
Bianca only snarled, “Guess you lost your touch since Jeremiah then. How are you sleeping at night?”
“Jesus fucking Christ Bianca, that was three years ago, drop it for fuck’s sake!” you roared, finally losing patience. 
Anger boiling, you didn’t notice the few pairs of eyes that had turned in your direction at your outburst. But it didn’t seem to frighten the siren the slightest, and she only snared in disdain. 
“You can try all you want to pretend that you’re friendly and redeeming, but no one here is willing to be your friend, Van Helsing. You’re just a bitter, sad, miserable lonely bitch.”
Sensing you were ready to lose it again, Tyler put himself slightly in front of you and put a hand on your forearm to prevent you from gouging Bianca’s eyes out. “Okay, that’s enough.”
Hope it’ll make you wait until I finish the chapter uhuh 👀
Whoever wants to join can be considerated as tagged, take care of you ♥
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amcrimera · 2 years
I have this idea for an au where Hades couldn't protect Nico and Bianca completely, so they got seriously injured when Zeus attacked them and their mother.
Since Hades couldn't let Zeus know that they were alive, he asked Hecate to heal them. She did her best, but healing isn't her expertise so both Nico and Bianca have been crippled in some way after the attack.
Nico is limp in one leg and he reacts badly to sudden light. (Thankfully Will gets that and always warns him if he's going to glow). Nico also experiences chronic pains and headaches, especially when the memories of his mother's death resurfaces. (It also doesn't help he's been mauled by werewolves. )
He uses a cane and sometimes, when he is in too much pain, he uses a wheelchair.
Bianca isn't as badly hurt as Nico, since she was right by Hades when the attack happened. After Hecate's healing, Bianca finds that she is deaf in one ear (burst eardrum from sound of thunder) and she can't fully stretch three of the fingers in her right hand.
She learns to use her left hand more, so she is ambidextrous. The lawyer (Fury) gets her a hearing aid when she starts school.
Bianca reacts very badly to loud sounds, which means that school is a nightmare. It was pretty hard for her to use a bow and arrow at first. A lot of other archers at camp and within the Hunters with similar problems helped her to better adjust herself so that she didn't experience so much pain while using her weapon.
Back when they were in school, Bianca had needed to get in a lot of arguments with school faculty so that they could accommodate Nico a little more. If Nico couldn't focus in class, because of pain or headaches, Bianca would ask his teachers about his work and then she'd teach to him at night in a quiet environment.
Now that they are at camp, Nico, Bianca and a lot of other disabled campers talk to Chiron about making the camp more accommodating to campers with disabilities. (It's a work in progress)
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swe3troses · 11 months
10 things I Hate About You pt.2 (Jack Hughes X Reader)
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‘I hate the way you drive my car...’
Bianca got up with a start looking at her father offended.
“But she’s a mutant! What if she never dates!”
“Then you’ll never date, ooh I like the sound of that,” her dad says smirking as he rubs his hands together before continuing,
“And I get to sleep at night, the deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren’t being impregnated!” he said facing Bianca before his very out-dated pager beeps notifying him that he had an emergency call at work, he points at Y/N and quickly says
“We will talk about Sarah Lawrence later!” he says as he walks out the front door
“Fine.” Y/N replies going up the stairs to finish her book without having to be annoyed by Bianca.
Bianca’s nostrils flare as she rushes towards the end of the stairs looking up at Y/N 
“Can’t you find some blind, deaf guy to take you out so I can have one date!” Bianca shouts
“Sorry Bianca you’ll just have to miss out on the witty repartee of Trevor ‘eat me’ Zegras.”
“You suck!” Bianca says walking away
“You suck!” Y/N mocks back walking up the rest of the stairs.
Luke waited in the library for Bianca, he had learned French and found time in between hockey to be able to teach her French, something Quinn thought he was an idiot for.
Bianca storms in, Luke thought she looked gorgeous. Bianca had her long black hair in a ponytail and a red headband to hold back any falling pieces. She was wearing a red long sleeved crop top with a floral skirt and tiny red heels. Luke’s throat went dry as he opened the book, his hands shaking.
Bianca rushes towards Luke, being almost a foot shorter than him and that makes Luke go wild, he just stares at her before Bianca speaks “Can we make this quick? Troy and Dani are having an incredibly horrendous public breakup in the parking lot,again!” she said, smiling up at him.
His cheeks turned red “Well, uh I thought we would start with pronunciation?”
“Not the gagging, hacking and spitting part please.” she said folding her arms over her chest
“There is an alternative, French food, with me, this saturday.” 
“You’re asking me out?” she said her red lips growing into a smile
“That’s so cute? What’s your name again!” she said, making luke embarrassed.
“Luke Hughes. Listen, I know your dad doesn’t let you date, but I thought that if it was for French class he would,-” he said before Bianca spoke again.
“Oh wait a minute, Lyle..”
“My dad came up with a new rule, I can date when my sister does.” she said before Luke cheers
“Really? Do you like beach houses because me and my brothers have a beach house and-”
“A small problem Luca, In case you haven’t heard, my sister is a hideous breed of loser.”
“Y-yeah I noticed she is a little antisocial…Why is she like that anyway?” Luke asked leaning closer to Bianca 
“She used to be really popular, but she got sick of it or something. So then she became some moody indie rock loser.” Bianca replies as she makes a smug face at the talk of her ‘bitch’ sister.
“Yeah..but I am sure there are many men who wouldn’t mind going out with a difficult woman…like…Extreme dating!”
“You think you could find someone that extreme, and you’d do that for me?” Bianca replied holding his hand 
“Hell yes! I mean…yes.” Luke said before shrinking down in his seat. Luke’s mind immediately went to his older brother…Jack Hughes.
     Luke and Quinn saw their brother at hockey practice at around 2pm, Luke had already told Quinn and decided what was going to happen. He was pushing people into walls and gliding the puck into the net with such ease and then doing a very cocky celly, the rest of his teammates looking at him with fear.
“Hey brother, what’s up my man…” Luke said as he approached
“Yes, Luke? Is there something you need?” Jack said as he went to sit on the bench taking off his skates as his brother talked to him with his gear still on.
“Can you maybe take out this girl, Y/N, you’re the only one I know who could handle her-” He tried to say before being interrupted
“No way Luke, I am not taking out some chick, for your benefit.” he said as he walked to the locker room, not even glancing at his brother before taking off his jersey while walking into the locker room showing his toned back and his chest guard.
“God, of course he said no.” Luke said as he got on the bench as he took off his skates while Quinn skated off the ice and sat next to him.
“What we need…is a backer…someone who could convince Jack…” Quinn says before looking at Trevor and immediately knowing who his target was.
“Hey Trevor…” Quinn said as he skated towards Trevor. Trevor gave him a look.
“What’s up Hughesy, what do you need?” Trevor said as he skated around the ice rink.
“I need you to ask Jack to date Y/N L/N. Now here me out, all you have to do is pay him, and you may score a date with Bianca…” Quinn said desperate to help his little brother out.
“Fine, Bianca sounds nice…Ok I’ll do it, you owe me.” Trevor said before skating off the rink and going towards the locker room and approaching Jack.
“Hey Jack…buddy…Wanna go out with Y/N L/N for a couple bucks?” Trevor asked Jack as Jack stripped down to his boxers grabbing his regular clothes which consisted of a white t-shirt and blue swimming shorts. Jack gave him a confused expression.
“Why does everyone want me to go out with this chick? She got brownie flavored nipples or something?” Jack asked while taking out his vape and taking a hit.
“It may have something to do with her younger sister…Bianca L/N…But I’ll pay you 50 bucks a date.” Trevor said as he smiled
Jack didn’t even care, money is what caught his attention, he couldn’t get a job because he was too focused on hockey, so getting money for taking out a girl, a girl he thought was kind of pretty, it was perfect.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but I want the money in advance. Now I’m gonna go try to ask this girl out while you sit here in uniform.” Jack said before taking another hit and walking out of the locker room with a mission on his mind.
“Hey girly.” Jack said as he approached Y/N who was at her locker grabbing her books for psych.
She looks towards him with an amused smile. She was wearing a white long sleeve top, a long blue skirt and black chunky sandals, her h/l h/c hair was let down with half of it up.
“Why hello?” she said looking at him with a slight smirk
“What are you doing pretty girl?” Jack said as he looked at her
“Trying to grab my notebook for psych as a certain white boy is pestering me.” she said as she finds her book and slams her locker closed
“Mm I wonder who that boy is.” Jack said as he smirked at her “Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?” he asked, using his charming white smile to grab her attention. “I’ll give you a hint.” she says as she pulls open her locker revealing a mirror and pointing it at Jack. Jack looks at her with a shocked but amused face..now this girl has caught his attention, he is still in it for the bet, but Y/N…she was starting to make this a bit more fun and exciting for him.
A/N: Sorry this chapter is short, drivers ed and summer assignments are driving me crazy...anyways heres the next chapter, the third chapter will be uploaded soon, thank you for reading sorry for the delay
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give bianca a Deaf girlfriend. thank you.
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