#dealing with friends that dont always say what they mean like: ok but do you REALLY want to do this or is it the brain worms talking
lordiavolo · 1 year
to be like frank here, redemption is an ever going cycle. when youve been the problem, the toxic ex, the abuser, you have to know you will have to apologize for that for the rest of your life. you will always have to live with the guilt and conscience of knowing how you hurt that person, or mutliple people. and you have to constantly CHOOSE to not repeat that behavior, and its not easy.
when you meet a new friend the topic of who you used to be will come up eventually, and if you have changed youll be honest with who you were. you cant run from it. you cant try to round the corners and make it seem like the other persons fault, or like it wasnt as bad as it was. its really really scary. because everytime you open up about it, its not just the wound of guilt but its also the fear that theyre going to look inside and not like what theyll see.
but you have to keep moving on and you have to keep being honest. and you have to remember that everyone is applicaple for redemption, you just have to work for it and admitting you were wrong with no buts is the first step.
#anyways cna u tell im kinda going thru it LOL#ive always been a toxic person thats why ive sort of secluded myself from society i avoid human contact w non household members as much as#possible bcuz i feel honestly like im a ticking time bomb that just hurts everything i touch#i dont think its fair to have to have someone deal w my shit when its such an emotional turmoil so even though i want friends im making my#peace w the fact that i like honestl dont really deserve rhem? ik this seems MOPEY but its like this is my geniune non like baiting thoughts#i was an abuser in high school and in an abusive relationship where for the first half i was the perpetrator. i hit my ex and u know i dont#even have anything to add to it other than it was fucked up. i was selfish in bed and sex addicted and sometimes did anything for my fix.#i will and cannot lie about my past as being a shitty person. its scary to say and post but i have to be honest thats who i was that IS a#part of my history as much as i wish i could i cannot erase.#i dont rly even know what to add here honestly. just watching mias vid got me thinking u know#there is more to this story ofc the same ex i was abusive to was also abusive to me it was just split into segments. like i was the problem#for the first year and a half then it switched to them but its not rly rhe best place 2 share that story when im talking about my mistakes#im not trying to detract here i just want 2 get this shit off my chest again. ive talked about it before but not since remaking a few times#anyways i dont have any excuses well i mean i can pull a bunch out but im not going to cuz at the end of the day i shouldve known better#than to be a bitch when i knew i was being a bitch u know?#being the bad guy is a constant struggle where u will have to really really fucking fight yourself tooth and nail to change and i want to be#that person. i want to be someone who can be 100% honest about how shit i was to myself and others (which i do already do to my friends)#hopefully this makes sense idk anyways if ur struggling with being abusive or toxic im here for u. u can get through this and you can be a#good person it is within ur hands i promise u#ok love u goodnight#personal
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venusinverted · 10 months
from the perspective of someone who is not a people pleaser: it really bugs me how "people pleaser" is just a synonym for either "too scared to speak up for yourself" or "I will sacrifice my own health so you can be happy"
It's not fun to know someones just doing something because you want to and not because theyre excited to/actually want to
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ellecdc · 1 month
HIII!!!!!!!!! first off i wanna say - I LOVEEEEE ALLLLLLLL THE RECENT WORKS SM i came back and i was reading through them and they're soooooo good ur so talented omgomomg
ok so request (take ur time if u want!!) idk if u write platonic fics but i really really love how u write barty and that one fic where reader and reg were fighting and she was bsfs with barty- i loved it smmmmm so can we please get some platonic barty x reader being the main focus? (i dont mind anyyy romantic pairings i just want best friend barty being absolutely insane plsplsplpslsl
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of course MY LOVE; this request is from back in March hahaha sorry
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who they find in bed with Barty
CW: fluff, swearing
Regulus had spent the last umpteen years believing himself to be a light sleeper, likely thanks to growing up in a house straight out of a muggle horror film where his fight or flight reflexes were always at the ready to flee from any danger. It appeared, though, that being,  like, loved by and feeling safe with the people you surround yourself with could do wonders to a person’s subconscious…
Who knew?
This meant that though Regulus was typically a light sleeper, he seemed to have slept through your departure from his bed in the Slytherin boys’ dormitory.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sleep through the sudden jolt Remus caused in the bed as he sat up and began panickedly feeling around the bed. 
“What’re you doing?” Regulus groaned as he pulled his pillow over his head and rolled onto his side in order to point his back towards his - currently skating-on-thin-ice - boyfriend. 
“Where’s dovey?” Remus hissed back; an urgent quality taking over his words that Regulus could tell it was far too early to be dealing with.
“What d’you mean?”
Remus groaned in exasperation as he cast a lumos with his wand. “I mean where is our girlfriend, you sod.”
“Have you checked with Barty?”
Regulus almost allowed sleep to pull him back into its sweet, sweet embrace before Remus ruined it again.
“Barty, Remus. Have you checked with Barty?” Regulus repeated irritably.
“No? What? Why would I have checked with Junior?” Remus sputtered, though his asinine question was answered by none other than Barty himself.
“Finders keepers mother fuckers.” He snickered quietly.
Remus ripped open the curtain of Regulus’ four poster bed in the Slytherin dungeons to see you sleeping quite peacefully on the opposite side of Barty who was grinning arrogantly at your two boyfriends. 
“She was too hot over there; I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here, Lupin. What the fuck is that about?”
“She could have taken a blanket off!” Remus argued petulantly.
“You kept tucking her back in saying she was going to catch a cold.” Regulus added helpfully sleepily.
Barty snickered at Remus’ disbelieving scoff. 
“No. Absolutely not; Junior, give me our girlfriend back.” He demanded.
This time it was Barty’s turn to scoff. “Would you shut the fuck up, Lupin; we’re trying to sleep over here.”
And to Remus’s absolute horror, you seemed to stir at the conversation causing you to reach an arm over Barty’s chest and rest your head on his shoulder before you settled back into a restful slumber. 
“Leave her be, Rem.” Regulus chided, causing Remus to divert his malcontented glare to his boyfriend.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re always going on and on about how we need to prioritize sleep; she’s doing that.” He explained simply.
“With him!” Remus nearly shrilled, earning him a ‘shut up you stupid sod’ from said girlfriend stealer.
“Well would you rather have both of us be tetchy tomorrow for having our beauty sleep interrupted, or just me!?” Regulus finally barked, pulling his pillow away from his face to shoot Remus a stern glare. 
Remus seemed to consider his options before he begrudgingly relented and sunk back under the covers with a very petulant harumph.
“She’s going to smell like him tomorrow.” He pouted as he pulled Regulus into his arms possessively. 
Regulus sighed and nuzzled further into Remus’ neck. “You can fix that tomorrow.”Regulus felt the tension in Remus’ body relax as he no doubt imagined all the ways he would be doing just that.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part four | part one | part two | part three
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - mentions of underage drinking, throwing up, swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 700+
falling for your best friend is not the easiest thing in the world. especially not when he is an annoying ego boosted guy that often hooks up with every girl you know.
the fact that chris was always talking to two or more of my close friends was the one thing that always made me feel like shit. its hard seeing the person you have feelings for not be into you.
this whole thing is particularly difficult when im sitting in his room at his desk helping him with school work, alone.
“just read through these little booklets she gave us, they really helped me with the last chapter and most of this information was on the test.” i say.
he smiles and grabs the booklets out of his bag and they are all crumbled up from being stuffed in his bag.
“what about these question sheets she gave us last week do i need to finish them?” he questions.
“no their not for marks but honestly you should do them, they really help you understand the material.” i say
“i really would rather not.” he says leaning back.
“how about we do them together would that help you do it.” i say smiling.
“sounds like a deal.”
and hour or two passes and we finally finish up studying.
every time he got a question right he high-fived me. it was really fun to be honest i loved hanging out with chris he always knew how to keep me entertained.
“why have you never been in a relationship?” chris asks
i was taken aback by this question as he never acknowledged my dating life before and we were completely silent just sitting in his room on our phones.
“why?” i question
“well like i never see you or anyone talking about you being in a relationship so i just guessed you never had one i guess.”
i sat up and shut my phone off. “well i dont really know i never talked to any boys before, i guess the opportunity never came to me” i reply.
“thats strange.” he says starring at me.
“why is that strange.” i mumble.
“your almost finished high school and have never talked to a single guy, ever.” he states
“why do you make it sound like im a freak.” i say getting annoyed.
“im not trying to make you feel bad its just i dont understand why you never put yourself out there. you have to put yourself out there.”he breathes
i just stay silent thinking about his words.
put myself out there.
what the fuck does that mean. does he not know that i am internally screaming at myself after every glance or conversation we have. that i am constantly jealous of his choice in girls. that i am falling harder and harder for him every passing minute we spend together.
he shifts in his spot on his bed and sits up.
“ok how about this.” he says putting his hands on my shoulders. “how about i get you a boyfriend or fuck buddy or whatever you want and you help me get with anna.” he says
of course thats what this is about. remember when i said that if me him and anna were the only people alive he would choose her over me any day. yeah this is exactly what i mean.
“what are you talking about.” i say.
“i mean i would get someone to get with you, i mean any girl just wants male attention. i can help you get it from someone but you know eye for an eye policy.” he says removing his hands from my shoulders and sitting back.
i think for a second. would i really want to set him up with my best friend, the guy i think about every second of everyday?
“actually?” he says shooting up.
i know i may seem insane but if i said no i would have to live knowing that chris likes anna and just be uncomfortable with that thought. atleast maybe this way i will have someone of my own to distract me from the fact that chris is with anna. right?
“yeah, deal.” i say sticking my hand out for a shake.
he does the same and i smile uncomfortably.
either i just made a deal to help me get over chris, or i just signed my death sentence.
thank you for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668
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lumiinix · 1 year
hi, how are you doing? hope you’re doing well! i have a request :: tsukki , suna and ushijima with a rather energetic s/o (basically their polar opposite, kind of?) but when they watch their s/o play their sport/martial art, their s/o is suddenly quiet and focused. it can be any sport or martial art, although i would prefer if it’s Kyūdō (it doesn’t have to be Kyūdō though)
gn!reader , and you can write it in any form (oneshots, headcanons or anything else is fine! write whatever you’re comfortable with!)
also please take your time on doing this request, i dont mind waiting <3 thank you!
Haikyuu boys with a s/o that only get serious in sports.
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Pairing(s): Tsukishima, Suna, Ushijima x gn!reader (separate)
Warning(s): none.
A/N: HELLO NONNY, I’m doing great thx for asking! And I love the request you choose, it’s actually one of my favorite thing to write! So I hope you enjoy <3
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Sorry but, how did you two even got together again?
Like he knows you two were childhood friends but like…you know what I mean?
But somehow, you two are now dating, and although everyone around you is kinda weird out, people that are more closer to you guys will admit that your relationship with eachother is a good one and that he cares for you very much.
In terms of sport, he definitely know you do Kyudo and have came to see your tournaments often even though he said no when you asked him. He is secretly your number one supporter, and only Yamaguchi know this.
And no matter how much he has seen it, he’s always at awe at how different you are when you’re in a match and tbh, he’s kinda scared of you but he’ll never admit it, ever.
He does like it when your opponents who had underestimated you before because of your cheery nature before suddenly realize you screwed they are after seeing you changed drastically. Guy will smirks everytime that happens.
He loves your energetic and bubbly nature, to him you’re a baby that he needs to protect and spoil.
So when he heard that you do Kyudo, his first immediate thought is that you’re gonna get hurt, but he doesn’t show you that bc he doesn’t want you to think he thinks you’re weak.
So imagine his total shock when he went to a match that you invited him to, only to see his bubbly s/o turns into a cold and serious person as they absolutely demolish their opponent. And then turn back into a sweet and cheery person when they saw him.
God is he shocked and impressed. Maybe even turned on.
Now he records your matches everytime he went to them and threatens the Miya twin with them, saying that if they don’t behave, he’ll call you to personally deal with them.
Ushijima and you contrast eachother so much, but he doesn’t mind that. But he defines think of you as a more vulnerable person and that he has to protect.
That’s until the incident happens. Basically he and Tendou saw you got cornered by some bullies but before he and Tendou had a chance to jump in, you took matters into your own hand.
That day, Ushijma sees a new side to you as you turn serious and even scary as you fend of the bullies with your Kyudo skills, he’s so shock that he didn’t even realize the bullies have ran away and you had gone up to him asking him if he’s ok because he’s been zoning out with your bubbly personality again.
After that, Tendou dubbed you two the power couple. Ushijma also went to see your matches and is very impressed by your skill and how serious your attitude are to kyudo, it’s a similarity between you two that he adores!
He also stops seeing you as vulnerable after that, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t step in when you’re in trouble.
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the-friendly-entity · 5 months
Hello there. Can you do an imagine where the MK1 characters finding out that the reader has an abusive family and how will they react to it when they find out?
[ ~"No Your Home"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
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Congrats on being the first user to send a question! I am so sorry for the late response on this, somehow tumblr did not notify me of this until I checked out my activity, it is a really interesting prompt/idea! hope I did it as you like <3 and if you really suffer from this, I'm so sorry for hear that :( i hope you can seek for help to get out from that dangerous relationship and be in a better place safe
What contains? Abuse Topic, Sensitive Content, Mention of Gore/Death
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship
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-He already had some suspicious, mostly at first when he wanted to wave or put his arm up to do a high fight and you reacted so scared and tried to cover yourself with your arms, something surely dint expect Raiden you do, at first he thought it was a just a misunderstanding for the first time, but when he see this sometimes repeat he have douts
-No Only that, but you using a clothes that cover most of your body also makes him suspicious, he does not judge anyone clothes style, but he cant stop feeling something was odd about it
-He always wanted to address this but he dont know how to, until one time he found you hided crying alone, he slowly get close to you and ask you whats wrong, he surely will be ok if dint want to address this or dont feel comfortable to talk what ever is bother you, but once you told him about the abuse you suffer from you parents he get mostly froze
-He can't believe you have such abused parents, not in a literal way, you are just a good person why do you deserve to be treated like that? and mostly by you own parents, he surely will talk to you all you about it and try to find a way to fix this, he will try to talk you parent try to make a deal in the most pacifist as possible, but if you parents are really aggressive and stubborn, he will use his Earthrelm champion title for this situation, or most tense parts, use his thunder powers to scared them and show dominance that way they let you free
-His house is welcome if you dont have a place to go to live with momentary, he even dont mind if you want to live in his house permaly as long you safe is what makes him feel relief, at the moment the first Raiden will do is take you to a doctor to check all you injures you parents did to you, make sure you get fully healed
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Kung Lao
-Surprisely he surely will figure out more faster a difference from Raiden, he saw your odd reactions but he thought you were just that shy or he that scarry? I mean he a very buff guy~ (in his imagination)
-Surely he will figure out in one of his jokes, tickles you or carry you up for the fun, seeing your injuries and purple marks from the clothes as been lifted up a little from the playful moment, making the joke be fully over
-He will straight up asking what happened and who did this two you?, you try to hide your injures and stay away from him, just saying is nothing but of course is not, Kung Lao will insist a lot until saying the truth, he will not leave your safe until he knows why you are hurt
-Finally, you reveal about your abused parents, ooh Kung Lao is pissed, so badly, who dare to hurt you like that!? he dont care are your parents, they need to be teaching a lesson to not hurt their own children like that, he will just straight go to your parents house and start a discussion about it, if things gets intense fight will be make (dont worry he will not muder you parents but he wish)
-After that, he will make sure you will be safe, taking you to a doctor to check the injuries, and invite you to his home so you have a place to live, if your parents dare to try to take you back he will keep sure they will not try to archive that, keep you safe is his priority
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Smoke - Tomas
-I think he will be the same fast to know it as kung lao, after all, he live an abuse experience with Bi-Han so he knows the feeling, seeing you trying to cover yourself with your arms, he has a worried look, straight asking "who is hurting you?...."
-Even if try to hide as much as possible, Smoke will be keeping close to you, he wants to figure out who is hurting you, he wants to help you, there is no need for to you hided this, he wants to help...
-He will always send hints about it, hints of you have someone there to help you, trying to earn your trust and trying to free you from this prison of fear you parents as made you, making you think you have no one to help you, thanks of all this hints and support from Tomas, you finally say about you Abuse Parents
-He was not even mad, or sad, he disappointed, disappointed from your parents for do this to you, he will comfort you and make sure to you feel safe, he as raiden will try to negotiate with you parents peacefully, if things dont work out, he will not just let leave you in that bad home, he will take with you to be safe not matter how much your parents yell or try to take you, he will protect you, after all, you parents dont know who is dealing with
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Kenshi Takahashi
-Well, he not a hand person so he would never have seen this odd reaction from you, even so, Sento already told him something was not ok with you, which made him be in alarm
-I think the way Kenshi will figure out about your abusive parents on his own is you two are cuddling surely you already sleeping due to how safe you feel in his arms, in an accidental touch, he feels one of you injured, confused and in worried he carefully touch your body, making as possible not uncomfortable you or not broke you personal space, after all, was your body and he was not having permission to touch it, but as he found more and more injures, he get more worried, and more when he feel a lot of them are very recent
-After that, he will ask you about it, about this injury and what or who is causing it, you try to not say it and keep it as "its not big deal", but Kenshi will make you feel safe to make you talk about if, after all he can't leave you after he found you poor body badly hurt
-After you talk about your abusive parents, he is angry but not the same angry as Kung Lao, but definitely angry, he will try to your parents in a passive-aggressively way, and if they dont want to cooperate, Kenshi just straight you take out his katana and point it at your parents, to make them know who are dealing with, after that, he will take you to a doctor to check you injures, if you need a house to live, he will ask Jhonny for make you a house where you can be safe and far away from your parents (he dont think you are safe if you live with him, due all the yakuza situation and all the stuff he have to live as part of the Eearthrelm protectors) with all the things you need, even ask Jhonny for have you a job where you can get money, but dont worry, he always will have a day he will check on ya
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-He already saw the odd reaction, and he just felt proud having no idea why you acting that way, he thinks is because he strong looking and you feel dominated by his appearance, is because you acting such way, he may have abuse of this a little, just to get proud feeling
-Maybe the way he figure out this if you have a breakdown, posebly he was training and you dint know entering straight into the mouth of the wolf he almost hit you, you lucky you was slowly entering the room to avoid the hit, and that triggers you a lot making you fall from the floor crying, he will at first chuckles about this and telling you "come on, dont be dramatic i dint even hit you by luck" but seeing you not respond is what concern him
-He will try as best to comfort you, he will carry you carefully and take you to a room where you are comfortable and safe, waiting for you to stop crying and calm you down, once you finally calm, Reiko ask for explanations about you behavior early, and you know there not excuse or way out from this, so you told him about you abuse parents
-He at firts wil be silent, but you can see his expression got serious, he straight ask you where they live, and once you father open the door he will get pass out from Reiko punch in the face and bleeding from the nose, you mother not even have time to react what happen, but lucky for her, it was they warning, because Reiko will not have mercy next time if they try to do something to you, he will take you to his home so you be safe, and take you to doctors to cure you injures, and mostly he apologies about taking chance of you trauma for fill his ego, after what all that after, he mostly more sweet with you and mostly protective
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-Again, he is not a very hand person, but surely he will notice you odd behavior when he moves his staff, making you react and cover your body with you arms, he mostly ask you ok, he mostly thinks he was too close to you and almost could hurt you, but when this happens a couple of times now he have suspicious
-He will ask trick questions, making sure to get all the information he wants to know about it, to know what is causing you react that way if something happens to you to always be alert of everything, everytime he asks the question about "is someone in particular doing something at you" you get oddly quiet, his suspicious just increase
-Finally he just straigt foward about it, just asking "who is hurting you", as long you try to denied you not free from Rain until you tell the true, once you tell about you abuse parents he angry about it, you parents? that is fall so low, he will to you parents home and try to negotiate to them, and if they dont agreed, well, Rain will just drown them a little, dont worry he will not kill them even if he wish but he will just show them a little of who are dealing with, just egnoft before remove the water from they heads so they can breath
-Now safe in Rain's hands, he is your doctor! he knows how to cure your injuries and even make them they not even exist to the first place, after all, he feels angry and sad seeing your body being hurt that way, you will live in his home where you can safe from you parents
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-He already smells your blood, the smell does recent injuries you have have that have a little of your blood, maybe still bleeding a little, knowing are from you he will straightforward ask you if you ok, and he will know you are lying, his intimate appearance its not make you so much option to say about your abuse parents
-Oh he dont like that, he was a parent before the tarkat take over him so hearing about his burn his blood, he will ask you about where you parents live and not for talk, he will straight murder them, not letting anything behind, he will not let you see this tho so you will never know about the murder of you parents
-He will take you to a doctor to cure your injures and ask Syzoth help if can find you a home where you live and be safe, he wish he can be near you to keep you safe from anyone, but yea...the tarkat
-but something sure, he will be a family to you, the family you never have and the family you need it, always checking on you and telling you praises you parents never told you, he will make you have what you never had and is very aware you need that
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Shang Tsung
-To be honest, he was just confused of your odd reactions but did not really think about it, i think the most way he surely find about your abused parents is when he caught you trying to heal your own injuries alone
-After hearing his voice catching you off guard his words "Why you are alone there" Having already a smug expression due to your reaction, he mostly not even ask why you have those injures and straight fogar wanted to know about them by himself, slowly surprised of how much you have, you almost a broken doll
-you have his curiousity and he ask what happen to you, his voice have nothing of pity, even if you dont want to tell him, you know you are not safe from Shang Tsung's grip and you told him about your abuse parents
-He at first will be not care and just leave you alone, but as the day passes he feels....jealous? angry? He does not even know how to figure out this feeling, he just feels "the only one who allowed to hurt you is me" thing, he not even will ask where you parents live, he will follow you from the distance and arrive at your parents home, once he knows where you parents leave, he takes they souls and problems solve~
-Knowing you eventually find they corpse you will tell Shang Tsung about it for not say almost interrogate him about it, he will act like he dont know about it with that fruity and smug expression, at least you can live in your home peacefully, but if you not feel comfortable in that house, Shang Tsung is more that happy you live with him, about you injures, I dont know, mostly you can ask about it for help you, but he will do it? you can trust him? only Shang Tsung knows that answer
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-Again no hand person but he can smell your blood from your injures, knowing it from you he is worried, already telling you you are bleeding, making you nervous, he tries to make you be calm as possible and offer his help, he very supportive boy :(, so he find odd when you refuse his help
-Seeing the blood smell dint go away and he knew was recent each time, he found it odd, why you always bleeding? and acting like nothing is happening, he try to address this as best as possible, trying to not make you uncomfortable about the topic, he just worried about you
-Once he knows about you abusive parents, ooooh he angry, again he was a father before Shang Tsung take them, so he can accept you are suffering from you parents, he mostly will comfort you and make you feel safe, but mostly ask you to talk to them
-He will try to address it as peacefully as possible with you parents, but he will not be very patient with your parent's attitude and when his patience is over he straigth forward show his zaterran form, he dont care about what you parents think about him, he will show them do not mess with you
-After that, he invites you to live in his place, takes you to a doctor to cure your injuries and be the parent you never had, of course will be different due to Zaterran parents acting diferent from human parents, but he will try as possible to give you what you never have
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-He thinks he scared you becuse of his odd powers or his scary appearance so he will not think about it, possibly the way he figure out about your abuse parents are one of does moments he talks (rants) about the abuse and suffer he feels his people and everyone have the right to live freely, all does talk make you feel motivate or more confident to talk about you abuse parents
-Once you finally tell him about it, oh you can see the HELL in his eyes, he can't believe you being abused by your own parents, someone so good and someone who can't even defend yourself, he will demand you were you parents live, and he will not talk, straight kill them
-You will shocked from so gore scene, telling Havik he didn't do that, but he with his blood hands try to comfort you, telling you is what they deserve for treating you that way, that was they punishment and now you was free from they hell
-Maybe you dont want to live with havik after that and he will respect your decision, even he feels a little sad to make you feel that way, he dont regret doing it for the good of you, and promise you will be safe under his protencion
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Liu Kang
-he could noticed it, and surely could know you suffering from some sort of abuse, is was a normal reaction from someone who suffers it, he will not go straight forward making sure you say it when you feel comfortable, so he will have his hands behind!!
-He will be so sweet with you :(, making sure you have a good time knowing you passing from something horrible, is what you deserve, surely you cry sometimes when he was too sweet with you, is something you cant belive you know? it was a feeling you cant process after you get use to the abuse
-Finally thanks of Liu Kang's Actions you told him about your abuse parents, he so sad to hear this news, he thought it wil be a friend or a partner you have, but your own parents?, is heart breaking, and he promise to try to make something
-He wil not even try to look intimidating or dominant, he is a god yes but he will not use his rank for things like this, he will try to talk to you parents peacefully, and if things dont work out, well, this goes straight to judge, dont worry of course Liu Kang win it and you parents go to jail
-He will offer you multiple houses to live, and he is definitely ok if you want to live in his place, he will continue to be as sweet as he has been, trying to replace does bad experience you have, remove all that trauma and you be free from that abuse you have from you parents, and even you scared you parents come back dont worry, Liu Kang will make sure of they wont
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-Yep, he knows, he already saw about your abusive parents, how they treated you and hurt you, it was something sad to see, he even saw other timelines where you parents actully love you, or straight they abandoned you or kill you...
-He dont know if he has the right to be in your life, after all are mortal decisions and he can't change those decisions, surely tell this to Liu Kang to seek of opinion about it, knowing you and Geras are close to each other he will allowed it as long you make the decision to tell him
-and there he is, being on your side, trying to show you beautiful things and make you forget about the bad experience with you parents, same as Liu Kang he will be so nice to you in his way, posebly knowing he the guardian of time surely you figure out he knows, not even telling him just asking if in a future you parents will love you or they did feel love
-Is sad to hear his answer but he wil make sure you dont have to see them anymore, no matter how hard your parents try to find you they will never be, you will be safe in your new home, and living the life you deserve it away of any danger or abuse
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Y'know, I'm curious. I know you've been doing a lot of self aware Pokémon HCs, so something I wanna know is if you've ever done Self Aware N before. This isn't a request by any means, but just being curious if you've ever written our beloved christmas tree being self aware at all.
N: So... you're telling me that on top of my entire life being a lie in regards to my father and his team's beliefs, it's also completely fake and my entire purpose in this sick game is to entertain you? Is that it?
Player: ...Yeah pretty much, but I love you💕
N: ...
N: Well shit. If the almighty says they love me, who am I not to love them back?
Poor boy would be CLINGING to the only "real" person in his life after that
N would be such an interesting character to be self aware! I dont think I’ve written him self aware?? But 👀
He’s already dealing with so much, so suddenly being snapped to self awareness, or slowly becoming aware, are things that could be quite a shock for him.
Whether he knows right away when you start a new game, or becomes so over a playthrough, its such an interesting thing.
Imagine he goes through everything in the story of Black and White
How he grows and learns, and how his relationship with the player character evilves until the end.
And then he wakes up. He’s in the castle again, and Ghestsis is back, as if nothing happened.
He tries to shake it off as some dream, only for his fears to almost choke him when he sees the player character again ‘for the first time.’
But he notices something. How their face is blank. Eyes empty.
He tries to ask what’s going on, but his feet are walking for him, and suddenly words are pouring from his mouth. Familiar words he said on his own last time. Now they feel forced from his throat.
And then he’s in a battle.
This time though, something is different.
Their pokemon are different. A different level, maybe a different gender, maybe a whole new team.
He fights, but his attention is elsewhere. He swears he sees something flicker behind Them. For a split moment, he swears he sees a screen, and a face.
“Ah… I hope I’m not too under-leveled for this challenge. I should have leveled up a bit more…”
He thinks that Hilbert/Hilda is speaking, but their mouth never moves. Its as if its coming from around him.
“Oh well. It will at least be a challenge this time! Battling N is always a treat.”
N feels sick. His hands are sweaty, and his pokemon, his friends, are so oddly quiet.
The battle is over in what feels like seconds. Before he can even ask what’s going ok, his feet are moving, and he’s talking once more.
Words he’s already spoken fall from his lips. No matter how he tries to stop them, he can’t.
He doesn’t believe this anymore! Why is this happening? Why can’t he stop? Move! Move. Move…!
And then he does. His feet move on their own, all the way back home. He can finally breathe again, but at what cost?
Until he figures out what is going on, he’s trapped in his own personal nightmare. Especially when Ghetsis swings by, acting so sickeningly sweet. His honey laced words that are secretly coated with venom.
How the lies fall from Ghetsis’ lips so easy, and N wonders how he fell for them in the first place.
But he can’t react. Not until he knows what’s going on.
But he does make one vital connection.
Whoever, or whatever they are. He always ends up being forced back to them against his will. Forced to speak the lies he once believed.
And he hears Them. The voice. It always comes back, making commentary.
Yes… whatever madness is happening, they are the key, he is sure of it.
He may not believe it is a god at first, but if you do more playthroughs, he might be inclined to start doing so.
What else could rewind time, and make a new timeline for fun? Forcing people to forget, and relive it, just a little differently each time?
But you are always positive about him, despite the things he’d done. The things he’s being force to relive again and again.
Maybe you’re not as wicked as one might think when trapped in this madness. You don’t even seem aware he’s being forced to relive this.
Perhaps to you, you don’t believe anyone remembers? Is he just an anomaly?
What about Hilbert/Hilda? You seem to control them. He no longer sees them as the teenagers who were eager to oppose him.
They are just empty vessels for you. Something he doesn’t think he would have noticed naturally.
Its like theres a fog in his head. He thinks he remembers the teenager being so… animated. Alive.
But thinking on it? They never were.
They are just a puppet, and no one but him notices.
It’s scary. But he doesn’t think you realize this completely either. Despite this horror, you don’t seem malicious. In fact, you even seem enraged and annoyed on his behalf every time you meet.
He doesn’t understand it. Not yet. But he vows to figure it out.
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lucid-daydreaming-art · 2 months
intro post whoopee!!!
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hi guys im lucid :D you can also call me daylin i don’t really care but i may be like woah how do you know my name (i will forget about making this post 2 seconds after posting it) also I AM AN ADULT im 22 and i do not use pronouns just use my name pleaseeeeeee if you have a disability that makes words hard to process i understand if that’s difficult you can just use they/them instead
first off just getting this out there if youre proship, zoo, pedo, incest supporter, endo system supporter, any kind of discriminatory against protected minority groups, and anti-otherkin, shoo. dont want you here youre not welcome. bye bye my content isnt for you.
immmmm an infp-t 4w5 sanguine-melancholic existential-intrapersonal-visual learner seer of heart prospit dreamer true neutral rogue shifter airbender and dragon type trainer for all you personality label freaks
i like to DRAW!!!!! this is an art blog!!!! i will only post art here, all of my reblogs will be on @trickstergemini save for the posts my close friends make that i want to support here. sometimes i will post just text but thats only if i really need to let you guys known something or im answering a question
my commissions are OPEN!!!!!!!! right now they are strictly on emergency status, which means you choose the price and what i draw and ill agree if its not ridiculously unfair. check back soon for it to be changed to fixed price commissions though
im AUTISTIC i am on that mf spectrum been diagnosed since i was three. for me this means im not naturally fluent in social norms or what’s expected from an interaction or how to read others very well. i also have heavy special interests and find it really hard to turn the conversation away from something im fixating on or specially interested in. i also have extremeeeee sensory issues and a hard time being completely flexible when im comfortable in a routine so just be patient with me man adjustments are hard for me. my empathy is also extremely low and im a really really high masking person so if i come off as well versed or allistic just know that i either took a million years to format the right way to say things or i am entirely going off a predetermined script and will fumble if caught off guard. other important stuff ive got adhd bpd cptsd and major depressive disorder which all those combined makes me really flaky when it comes to responding or follow through. i may not reply to you for like 500 years or maybe i will be gods speediest most motivated soldier. just don’t expect me to be a readily available fully capable robot ok?? ok.
i am one half of @ask-kas-n-lamp the other half is some guy i don’t know he just hacked himself into the account and now i have to deal with him
in all seriousness mod dum, aka @unoriginal-and-dumb or unodum or unoriginal or whatever u know him by, thats my qpp thats my platonic soulmate my bestest friend my number one crate my brain cyst the doctor has to surgically remove from me my parasocial relationship my stalker my servant i keep locked up in my basement and i feed him cement and staples for every meal and for dessert maybe he gets rust shavings. he will be featured in my art like a lot or in my comments and reblogs and i will also be present in his stuff sometimes. if im drawing kasper im drawing his design, that design is not made by me its made by him sooo you should check him out and support him if you like that style or how about instead we get a mass unfollowing going there and you all come to my page and i exclusively will draw his design of kasper and get all the credit lets do that instead
if my requests are closed that means theyre closed EXCEPT for lampert requests those will always be open please ask me to draw him and i will take like three weeks but will happily draw him
uuueeehhhmmm my special interests are pokemon homestuck regretevator geography disney parks and personality psychology. i guess i also am specially interested in dragons but its less of an ill infodump to you interest and more of an i want to be surrounded by this thing because it brings me extreme comfort because it feels like me. i am otherkin im a dragon and i look like this:
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i will also represent myself like this if im feeling it:
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yes i know i am not actually a physical dragon and im not a spiritual kinner i kin for identity purposes and the fact that i feel some pretty intense crippling species dysphoria idk ive been like this since i was 5 i don’t really have memories of my life where i wasnt experiencing animalistic behaviors and instincts
my favorite music artists are s3rl twenty øne piløts onerepublic imagine dragons of monsters and men thefatrat glass animals ajr queen nine inch nails and muse my favorite medias are httyd movies pokemon homestuck regretevator invader zim our flag means death infinity train gravity falls rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead doctor who my little pony fim dont starve and the mcelroy brothers content
heres some more characters i represent myself as:
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ok BYE
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taiiunknown · 1 year
Whipped Cream 🤍…
This story is inspired by my favorite song whipped cream-Ari lennox 🫶🏽
Summary: y/n and Shuri have been friends since teens , they met through their moms . One day y/n Mom get Ill and Decides to let Queen Ramonda take care of her since y/n doesn’t really knows her dad . Around 16-18 shuri and y/n have a on and off relationship without anyone knowing especially the Queen, A lot of bumpy roads both of them ride on with each other , but they figure it out .💔
Warning:possessive shuri,Brat reader,cursing,smut⚠️⛔️(oral,,kissing,strap slinger shuri🌝), death,Angst,fluff, jealousy,light choking 😉,Crying (reader a crybaby), Manipulation, Embarrassment kink, Obeying kink, pussy whipped (reader and shuri), THIS WHOLE THING IS TOXIC AND CONTROLLING SO DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUS
Me and Shuri have known each other since we was around 14 until one day I had to move to America to live with my dad, And yes I am half American and wakandan bc my mom is from Wakanda and my dad is African American. I’ve lived in and out of Wakanda, My mom was really close to Queen Ramonda that’s how me and shuri met. Both of us was 14 and Ramonda wanted to catch up with my mom since both of them grew up together, so Ramonda invited me and my mom to the palace bc she also wanted me to meet her children.
When we arrived at the palace shuri was standing right next to her mom with a smile on her face when I approached them while having my headphones in, my mom snatched them off my head and whispered to me “show respect before I take your phone” she said “hi I’m y/n, nice to meet you” I said sarcastically while staring at them both with a smirk “wow” Shuri said shocked that I am in fact a rude person “Shall we ?” Queen Ramonda said pointing towards the entrance of their home “yes, and sorry” My mother whispered to Ramonda “it takes a village so don’t worry about it” Ramonda said with a chuckle.
When we entered the palace they introduced me to T’CHALLA and he was very kind, After 20 minutes of eating dinner with them and our moms catching up while laughing they dismissed us from the table and told me and shuri to go get to know each other more.
*in shuri’s room*
“Wow” I said walking into shuri’s humongous room “you can make yourself comfortable on my bed if you want?” Shuri said closing the door behind her, I walked to shuri’s bed and did what she said . “Sooo..”Shuri trailed off slowly walking towards me “what do you like to do for fun?” She finally asked “umm…I honestly into technology mostly but other than that I read,listen to music or skate board due to my dad teaching me when I was younger” I said “oh ok that seems cool…I like technology too.” Shuri said smiling while walking away “it’s awkward in here” I said bluntly while now standing up “yea…” Shuri said taking a deep breath “ want to listen to music ?” Shuri asked “sure.”
After spending two hours with shuri we found out we have things in common with each other , from being a popular loner to the music taste . Me and shuri had made a pact to hang out again to get to know each other more since we barely like dealing with people we very much clung to each other like we was meant to be friends, or even more than that, not saying I like shuri or nothing it’s just I feel like we are gonna have a long road ahead of us .
*5 years later*
Today is my 18TH birthday and I am so excited! I can’t believe that I am actually finally legal , I just wish that my mom was here to witness this bc ever since she been gone I’ve kinda felt lost even with the Queen and shuri been a big help with taking care of me since I was 16 and helping me heal , it’s just been a lot and I’ve even been to therapy to deal with my depression and attachment issues.
Oh ya… you guys didn’t know? Sorry I forgot to tell you .
My dad stop calling when I turned 15 so it’s always been me and my mom , But after me and shuri first meeting we have been hanging with each other non stop and I mean non stop. Okoye would say we was attached at the hip and I would 100% believe her . At 16 and shuri was 17 of course , I found out my mom had this very indescribable disease that neither me or shuri can figure out , till a couple months later it was too late , MY MOM TOOK HER LAST BREATH AT 38 Years old . That whole day was the worst day of my life bc I felt to small, like I was trapped in a bottle and can’t help to get out . Everyday I think about her, HER smile, HER smell,HER laugh, HER funny jokes, HER loving hugs, HER supportive ways, HER everything. Saying that I’m doing mentally okay was a understatement, bc I’m not.
(Tonight me and shuri thought it was a good idea to get fucked up and also have fun , so we decided to throw a amazing 18TH party for me)…
I wore a cute champagne spaghetti strap dress with clear heels, And curled hair ofc .
Shuri decided to where a black button down shirt with black pants and a chain with a panther claw on it , Along side some sexy heels she go my for her 19th birthday.
“Y/n hurry we are gonna be late!” Shuri said while banging on my room door “OKAY MY BAD I DIDNT KNOW YOU WAS A PARENT WITH 12 KIDS !” I shouted back bc who was she rushing..
Once we made it to the club I am easily greeted by my little small group of friends, people that came to show love for my party, some of my friends who work in the lab beside me. “OMG YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS MY LOVE !” My friend rhinestone says “THANK YOU BEBE!” I say pulling her into a hug. “ENOUGH LOLLY GAGGING LET GO GET WASTED !
After one shot, it turned into two, after two it turned into three, after three it went to fourth, after four it went to five, and let’s just say I get wasted quick.
MY song comes on and let’s just say my body was moving on its own honestly, I make my way through the crowd to start moving my hips as the rock, side, to side. I feel eyes burning in my skin , as I turn around I noticed her staring at me with nothing but lust in her eyes, then her eyes follows the figure behind me . Apparently there was hands slowly coming from behind me to grip my hips so I started to keep grinding on the unknown male , bc why not ? . As I look back to the corner shuri was at she was moving her finger in a (come here) motion so I obeyed bc I thought she genuinely wanted something even though I’m drunk as ever, as I got closer she quickly yanked me up by my neck (not in a abusive way THE FUCK) “WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING Y/N ARE YOU TRYING TO TEMPT ME Tonight BY DANCING ON SOME RANDOM AND LITERALLY MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH ME, YOU KNEW EXACTLY YOU WAS DOING , YOU WAS BEING A BRAT AND IM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW BRATS GET TREATED!” She said in a low shout “meet me in the car, NOW!” She shouted in my ear . I QUICKLY MADE IT TO THE CAR WITH NO HESITATION BC IM IN SHOCK OF SEEING THIS SIDE OF SHURI , I KNEW SHE WAS MEAN BUT NOT THIS TYPE OF MEAN . And not to be that person but I got a little wet at that and couldn’t wait for what she was finna do when we got back to the palace bc me and shuri only had sex once and that was after like 2 months my mom died and it was just sex I needed to relieve my pain and after that night together we promised to just stay best friends and never mention it again .
The ride back to the palace was so silent , I can feel my wetness slowly dripping down my thigh and a pit in my stomach for what ever punishment shuri had for me , when we made inside the palace shuri gave me a quick glance and said “go to my room and strip and you better be naked by the time I get up there or it will be more consequences.” She said in a low tone , I quickly made it up to her room and did everything she told me to do , she slowly walked in locking the door behind and licking her lips like I was a snack , good thing I sober up quick . “Lay down and spread your legs” Shuri says while taking off her shirt and watch, less then a second shuri was between my legs licking my clit at the fastest pace and ever while being three fingers feel inside me , “UGHH- FUCK BABY IM ABOUT TO CU-” with out a thought I came so hard everything felt like it was turning white , “MHM” I squirted while making a high pitch moan that I never did before, I immediately went shy till shuri said “THATS MY GOOD GIRL” she said while slapping my pussy making me squeal a little. “Get on all fours and arch for me Usana” Shuri said while walking to her closet, “AHHHH!!!” I moaned so loud as shuri shoved in with out a warning with her strap while going at a impossible speed “FU- SHURI SLOW DOW-” *CLAP* “HUSH AND TAKE THIS DICK OR YOU WILL NOT CUM !” Shuri said after sending a harsh slap to my ass…
After a hour and 30 minutes of shuri fucking me brain less ,she bathed me and put me to bed after that she gave me a kiss on my forehead.
*two days later*
It’s been two days since shuri fucked me and she been keeping her distance lately, I was wondering why until she came in the lab today smiling and giggling with a girl she had her hands around her waist with . WTF , DID I MISS SOMETHING, I said to my self . Shuri noticed me and her smile instantly dropped, “Shuri can we talk for a minute ?” I said in the calmest voice I could ever have. “What’s up ?” Shuri answered with furrowed brows “who is that?” I asked “Lia” she said “mhm” I said “wym mhm?” Shuri asked with raised eye brow “just mhm” I said turning away and exiting to go back to my room .
“That was weird” RiRi said after I told her about what’s been happening “ so she just gonna leave you WHIPPED like that and bring who ever lia is, to her lab all hugged up with no real answer on who lia really is?” RiRi asked now getting mad about the situation “idk but two can play that game …” I said before me and rir said our good byes and hung up the phone.
*Time skip*
Two months has passed and I figured out that Lia and shuri use to fling with each other so I ended finding me a lil boo too , mykel, mykel has been breaking my back in , but not how shuri use to . I met mykel in the lab a couple times bc she usually the work in the area I work in , just to show him off to shuri I always kissed him in front of her or even let him hug me by my waist in front of shuri and trust me when I tell you , she HATED him!
“Hi babe” mykel said walking inside the lab coming towards my desk. “Hi handsome” i said with a bright smile , Me and mykel only been together for 4 weeks but so far it was going good , “what’s the move for tonight sexy ?” Mykel asked “idk you tell me, Bc no matter how much I will love to watch a movie and chill, I also will love to make a movie of our own” I said while straddling his lap (Right now me and mykel the only one in the lab since it’s 9pm)
“Y/n Will be right back!” Shuri said while grabbing me tightly by the arm and dragging me from mykel lap to a secluded under construction corner
“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MARBLES?!” Shuri whispered/yelled “I’m sorry I didn’t know you was here.” I said “I honestly feel like you are tryna piss me off with that scum you’ve claimed to be with , And also me and you both know he can’t beat that pussy up better than me so stop this madness between you and him RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO BAST I WILL MAKE YOU AND HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL!” Shuri has officially lost her mind , Did this bitch just threaten me to break it off with mykel when she literally has a whole Girlfriend, OH hell no I’m finna turn up on her ass.
“YOU FUCKING BIT-” Before I can even finish I felt a hand wrap around my neck (Not a hard hold) “WATCH who you talking to Phambi kokuba ndimxelele uMntu wakho Indlela ebendindibize ngayo ngoTata, kwaye undithembe i wont hesitate ( Before i tell your Man How I had you calling me Daddy, And trust me i wont hesitate)” Shuri semi Whispered in my Ear . Shuri let go of me and walked off before turning back around and said “Do what I told you….NOW!” Then walked out the lab back door , When I looked around the corner shuri had me held at I noticed Mykel was packing up leaving “Babe? Can we talk for a minute?” I asked getting closer to him “ya wassup, And why was Queen Shuri so mad?” He asked “She just wanted to talk to me about a new project that I forgot about that’s all” “Ohhh okay, We’ll what you wanted to talk about?” mykel asked “I think we should break up…” I said with my head down “Why? Did I do something wrong?” “No!no no …It’s just I need to focus on myself for a while that’s it” I said with a tremble in my voice Tears was threatening to spill bc I seen his face sadden and it honestly broke my heart “I-I understand y/n… I’m sorry I got to Go” Mykel said rushing pass me sniffling slightly bumping my shoulder. When he left I honestly broke down letting all my tears fall bc I really liked him and he made me happy, I didn’t have to go through any toxic stages with him and he brung me hope and peace , but I guess good things doesn’t last forever…But this was the only way for me to keep both me and him safe bc everyone knows shuri is not the one to be played with…
After my little break down gathered my things and went home to cry some more bc ever since Queen Ramonda died shuri has been such a controlling,Manipulative,possessive,Mean person who wasn’t the same kind,understanding, sweet shuri that I use to love being around . It like the more I got older the more her love grew for me, And the more her love grew for me was more possessive she gotten.
*1 Month later*
It has now been a Month since shuri made me break up with Mykel and ever since that night shuri has doing nothing but getting under my skin , for example, she will have me staying in the labs from 5am till 9pm literally doing nothing but paper work or watching her do nothing !, Another time she had me do all her work just bc she claimed she has a meeting when she literally only went to Starbucks and took a nap for 4 hours.
I haven’t seen mykel after that night also, rumor has it he quit and moved back to nigeria. I kinda moved on from him but not as much bc little things kinda reminded me of how happy I was with him. Shuri and her girlfriend are still together of course, WHICH IS SO UNFAIR due to the fact shuri only wanted me to break up so she can still fuck me and keep her girlfriend, Yes you heard me I said still fuck me. Every time I even look at shuri she’s already staring and if I mouth off too her about stuff I don’t want to work on she has to put me in my place it’s either Fucking me senseless or giving me to silent treatment. Believe it or not I’m still madly in love with shuri it’s just she wants her cake and she want to eat it too, I sometimes just don’t understand us.
“FUCK YOU SHURI !” was all I heard outside the lab , When I turned my head I seen A angry Lia stomping away from shuri. When I seen shuri coming towards the door I quickly turned back around acting like I was still working on the sequence I supposed to did yesterday but my head was hurting at the time, “EVERYONE OUT !!” Shuri yelled which made everyone scatter out of the Lab , I grabbed my stuff and was finna leave from my station when I heard “NO YOU STAY !” When the lab was now clear she turned back around to look at me with nothing but lust and anger in my eyes “You look so good right now” shuri said as she looked at my black body con dress with my black bubble slides, gold anklet, and white lab coat. “And why do you have on slides in my Lab ?” She asked with a raised eyebrow while slightly biting her lip “I-I-I’m sorry , I j-ust thought since I wasn’t going to be here for long that I could wear something comfortable” I said stuttering a little bit bc she made me nervous I couldn’t even look her in the eye, “What did I tell you about eye contact?” Shuri said while slowly walking up to me, I didn’t say a word just kept my head down looking at the jewelry on my slides until I seen some black and white retro dunks come in my vision , shuri then lifted my chin with a not so tightly grip that made me look her in the eye “I STRICTLY SAID WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU , YOU LOOK IN MY EYES , WHEN I AM FUCKING YOU SO HARD THAT YOU CRY YOU LOOK INTO MY EYES, WHEN I AM THREE FINGERS DEEP IN YOU , YOU LOOK INTO MY EYE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!” Shuri yelled “Y-YES” I whispered “YES WHAT ?!” Shuri said while now giving my ass a harsh slap that made me Instantly get wet “YES DADDY !” I Moaned while biting my lip to try to keep my other ones back “Meet me in my room I need you naked and layed on your back or I promise I will not make you Cum for two months” shuri said I quickly walked out the lab to do what she said when I made it to her room.
Let’s just say that’s after that night Shuri claimed me as Hers and promised me that she will never put me before a bitch who pussy isn’t good as mines ever again, After Shuri destroyed me for 2 hours me and her was layed down naked under her cover while I’m layed on her chest “Shuri what happened to Lia and mykel?” I asked curious “I sent mykel away and banned him from Wakanda” MY MOUTH DROPPED IN SHOCK “And Lia was mad bc I did the same to her and told her , Her pussy wasn’t good and kinda dry” MY EYES AND MOUTH WAS NOW WIDE BC WTF?!!! “Close your mouth before I stick the dick back in it” shuri said while kissing my neck , I quickly closed my mouth bc I’m tired. “I Love you shuri” I said while kissing her boobs since she kinda sitting up and I’m still layed on her chest “I love you More y/n , always and forever. You’re not going anywhere and me and you both know that”
Ever since we was teen we have both been
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vulpixisananimal · 7 days
I got a few suggestions from people, and I have explinations for a lot of the music too BECASUE IM A HUGE MUSIC NERD!!! Below the cut!!
ALSO I'm gonna add more songs over time and will probably update this. Lol. I'm ALWAYS taking suggestions for it! I like music!!!
Each section for the Sifstem members is designated by an ISAT origonal song, and in each section is song for that member! There's two exceptions which I'll go over real quick!
Your fault/Last Midnight - First song on the playlist, it's about basicly all the members. It's about a bunch of characters arguing about who's fault it is that everything's gone to shit before blaming it on the witch. And then in Last Midnight the witch goes off on them about it doesn't matter who's to blame, they have to deal with it.
It takes two - Last song on the playlist. Also from Into the Woods, this, by contrast, is about how people change and work together well.
Also some songs I choose off lyrics, others off of just vibes.
Final room (act 5/6) - If there was a good Siffrin theme from ISAT, I think this is it. I like it.
Russian Doll - "Why should I try again?" This was a song reccomended to me a while ago actually, it fits.
Touch - ok this one's a bit mean but, listen, he is so touch starved. This song fits. "Touch, I remember touch, feelings came with touch."
No dogs on the moon! - vibe song! Silly fella song!
Bohemian Rhapsody - one of my favorite songs of all time ever. There's too much to type out, tbh.
How can you help me, Stardust? - do I even need to say anything?
Absolutely cuckoo - listen to the lyrics. "You might decide I'm a nut \ Give me a week or two to \ go absolutly cuckoo \ then when you see your error \ you can flee in terror" LIKE COME ON
The Future - "I'm worried about the future, ain't fucking with that past shit." Loop is really trying to move on. How could they? They're stuck in their betters shadow, their mind.
A humans touch - this one was by @\jackoboltrades! Very fitting for Loop who still feels they don't deserve love, or that they're just a star, not human, not real.
Rage Awakened - based purely on the loop fight. It's a vibe song but I love this song. Also Lingering Will (the character this theme is for) does have some similarities to Loop, being echoes of the past defeats and wishes.
Haunted - being haunted by past mistakes or just the past in general. Though it has some romantic undertones that I can take or leave
Mal Du Pays
Mal Du Pays - AGAIN do I need to explain anything
Mr. FEAR - "Hello, my name is mr. fear." considering how Mal Du Pays is introduced and how it interacts with Siffrin, well, that line alone makes it an MDP song.
Dark Impetus - Vibe song! Mysterious figure cloaked in dark, too. Lol.
Ghosts - "Maybe the past aint what it cracked up to be \ Maybe I'll find a way to just move on \ Maybe we're all ghosts cause I cant feel the ground \ And all these shades they dont make a sound \ I think there is a God \ I think he hates his job" Do I need to say anything.
Stained, Brutal Calamity - Recomended by a friend! Both vibes but also the lyrics that come later have a MDP vibe. I like it.
Burn My Dread (last battle) - "Tear up your fear \ the end is coming near" Honestly Persona 3 has a vibe that could fit MDP quite well.
I WON'T LET YOU GO HOME - Act 5 Siffrin, someone who's both repressing their own feelings to their family but also doesn't want to let them go, to the point of hurting everyone. Nuff said.
Panoramic Feeling - this and the other Katana Zero songs are here cause, well, Zero fictive, plus has the vibe.
All for now - same song used to fight Ramos. It was this or Full Confession, and this fits more for it's desperate or crazed vibe.
L'impeto Oscuro - This is actually a retrain of Dark Impetus, it's the them of a time traveler who can stop time (Kingdom hearts lore dont worry about it.) This specific mix also included the music for when time is stopped during the fight. It's ruthless, endless.
I'm my own master now - Very heavy and hard and strong and powerful, also! The Lyrics! "Bear the mark of my scars \ Shedding blood underneath the stars"
Labyrinth - Being lost in an endless labarynth of their own mind. Very much like act 5 Siffrin, like Null. Plus, Null is not exactly mentally stable.
Rain on brick - Katana Zero song, it's the menue theme. It's just. . . Vibes.
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xatsperesso · 1 year
Fake dating iruma and Asmodeus and clara
What if we just fake it?
What a lot of young demons don't realise, is that there is a consequence to every action.
For example, when Iruma won the harvest festival alongside Lied, he was not aware that this would make demons give special attention, nor was he aware that he would be asked out left and right by all types of demons. Lied-kun may bask in such attention, but Iruma is simply Not Ready to deal with these things. As such, he spends most of his time at school hiding from everyone.
And Azz, when he won in the heartbreaker event, along with his noble vibes and his good looks, has captured the hearts of many demons, and without meaning to he became a regular heartbreaker in the school.
Clara, when she entered the betting pool disguised with a mustache and a pair of glasses, she did not realise that in order to not lose her allowance she needs to win her bet.
And so, the three demons were hiding in the garden under a tree, hoping that no one would find them there.
Iruma and Azz would occasionally share confused glances as Clara sat between, looking like she’s trying to find the solution to the world's biggest mysteries.
Soon, she tore her eyes from her lap, and with a determined look she nodded to herself.
"Azz-Azz!" "Hmm?"
"Iruma-chi!" "Ah! y-yes?"
She stood up infront of them, capturing their attention. Both her friends straightened up as they felt the gravity of what she was about to tell them.
She pointed at them, and loudly declared to them her wish
"Let's date!"
And that was the moment Iruma’s soul left his body.
"Stupi-! no," Azz stopped himself from his usual response because, no, this is a sensitive topic, and he doesn't want to hurt Clara like that.
"Clara, I must apologise to you, but I don't, I don't think I can reciprocate your feelings" Azz looked at his lap, trying to avoid his friend's gaze. Would she feel mad? Disappointed? Did he accidentally make her think he likes her? Did he lead her on without knowing, and now she-
"Reci-pro-cate? Wait, DOES THAT MEAN WE'RE NOT FRIENDS?!" Clara shrieked and ran to Azz's face. Is this it?! Is she losing her friends?
"Wha-No! We are friends! I just don't share any romantic feelings with you!" Azz could feel his face heat up. What is this idiot doing?! Suddenly saying she wants to go on a date and then mistaking his rejection with him abandoning their friendship!
"What romantic feelings?" Clara tilted her head, a look of pure confusion painted on her face.
That's when Azz felt his vein pop.
"C-clara," Iruma started, as his ever-growing confusion overcame the shock of Clara's sudden confession
"What did you mean when you said you wanted us t-to date?"
"Oh!" Clara exclaimed, and then her face turned serious once again
"I need to win the bet"
"?? What bet?"
"People keep betting who's gonna end up with Azz-azz! And no one bet for me! And Lied said if I gave them money and win I'll get more money so I can buy more stuff for us to play with! And I need the paint slime launcher 666 special blood edition"
"But what does that have to do with me?
"Well, Azz-Azz didn't like people confessing to him all the time, and Iruma-chi doesn't like all the attention on him, and I dont wanna be left out, so I decided!" She took a deep breathe, and with a very big smile on her face, Clara confidently announced
"As the love trio, we should date each other!" And with the way she looked at them, really how can they say no?
"I see, so you want us to pretend to date each other so you won't lose your money?"
"Exactly! Azz-Azz gets it"
"Ok, so it's only pretend. I can do that. What about you, Azz-kun?"
"You know I'll follow Iruma-sama wherever he goes"
"Alright, Clara. We're in!" And with that, Clara was overjoyed. She dragged her soulmates to play with her for the rest of the day. They had fun, as they always do, but they forgot one small thing they had to do.
They forgot to prepare for the next day.
The next day came, and the newly dating love trio stood in front of the school nervously.
How will they tell them that they're dating?
They didn't prepare for this, they didn't prepare at all. Is holding hands too much? Is it too obvious?? Should they even announce it or should they let the classmates figure it out???
These were all questions that were plaguing poor Azz-kun, but before he could voice any of his questions Clara opened the door and dragged Iruma excitedly, who in return dragged Azz albeit nervously.
Everyone looked at the entering trio, especially the over-excited ball of smiles that looked like she's about to burst.
"You look extra happy today, Clara" Ix commented
"Yes!" Clara proudly raised the hand that was holding Iruma’s and loudly annouced in the loudest voice
"We started dating!" Iruma, feeling absolutely flustered yet infected by Clara's excitement raised his other hand that was holding Azz's for all the class to see.
"Oh really? Congrats!" Lied beamed at them, before zooming behind Iruma and nudging him lightly,
"You gotta tell me how you got yourself two mates. And here I thought I'd find someone before you"
"Congratulations, guys. But I actually thought you were already dating"
"Same. Clara referred to the three of you as the love trio on girls night a couple weeks ago. I thought it was official"
And this was the class's general reaction. Congratulating them, teasing them about how they already acted like a couple before, asking the girls whether the boys can hang out with them sometimes (the answer is no. The girls need some safe space to openly complain about the boys without embarrassing them)
The whole situation confused Iruma and Azz. The wasn't a single face that screamed 'I lost a bet' but didn't Clara said this was for a bet?
"Hey, Clara," Iruma whispered "Didn’t you said there were demons betting?"
"Yup! The teachers are betting on who will end up with who!"
The whole classroom grew quiet at that. The teachers were betting on them?!
"Woah woah woah, since when do teachers bet on their student?! And our dating life?"
"Well, if I was a teacher, I'd bet with my colleagues over these things"
"But betting-"
"Is not allowed in school" Lied almost fell on Jazz from how quickly he tried to sit down. He was not ready for Kalego-sensei to just appear out of thin air like that!
"If I catch any of you engaging in such activities on school property, all your homework will be tripled for a week" Kalego said as he pointedly looked into Lied's eyes which was unfair. Jazz and Allocer always help him, and it's not like they're scamming people! (They are)
"Everyone, sit down so we can start" he ordered the rest of his students, but his eyes lingered on three certain demons who were giddily holding hands as they were moving to a table.
"Raim-sensei is asking to see you" Iruma and Azz flinched at this. A teacher wants to see Clara at lunch time, right after they've announced that they're going out.
This can't be good.
"Raim-sensei?! Let's go!" Before Azz even had a chance to warn her, Clara took Strow and hopped their way to Raim-sensei's office, asking her Kouhai a thousand questions on the way.
"I-it's ok," Iruma tried to console an anxiety riddled Azz "this was all her idea, I'm sure she'll do fine-"
"Iruma-kun? May you come to my office? There's something I'd like to talk to you about" a wild Balam-sensei appeared, requesting an attendance with Iruma.
And Iruma was sure that it's not about his dating life, or at least not about the bet. Balam-sensei is not the type of demon who would do something like that!
And so Iruma follow Balam-sensei to his office.
"Go ahead, Azz-kun! We'll meet you at our usual spot"
And Azz sighed in the empty corridor that he now stood in. He trusts his friends, he truly does, but he also acknowledges that they lack in certain skills. Skills that are usually used to deceive demons.
But he turned around, nonetheless, intent on going to their usual spot to wait for his friends there. Helping them will only make the teachers more suspicious, so the safest thing to do is to trust them.
Azz looked down the hall, and his eyes met Kalego-sensei's suspicious gaze.
"Baby-chan~ I heard you finally got the man you want, and an additional eye-candy~"
"That's great, baby-chan! You've grown so much, but I have to be blunt here~"
"Does this sudden turn of events have anything to do with last week's bet?" Raim gave Clara a very pointed look, one that Clara averted her eyes from
"N-no?" Raim kept staring at Clara, her eyes never leaving her pupil
"Mhmm? Alright, I won't say anything. You can go back to playing with your boyfriends"
Raim giggled as Clara ran out of her office, looking equal parts nervous and excited
"*sigh* her eros just seem to keep going up everytime I see her. If this keep going on she may even surpass me!"
Balam sat in front of Iruma, tea cooling on the table between them. He hates that he has to do this, but he feels foul play going on here.
He bet a lot of money on who Iruma will end up with. Shameful act, he knows, but he can’t lose like this.
"I heard you started dating? How are you adapting to demon courtship?"
"Ah, yes! Recently I started going out with Clara a-and Azz-kun. Clara has asked us yesterday, so we didn't really get any chance t-to do anything.
To be honest, I was very nervous when Clara asked, but I'm glad it's with them. I like hanging out with them, a-and to me, it doesn't matter whether we're dating or not. They're my soulmates, and I'll always be by their sides no matter what" Iruma beamed at Balam-sensei. He’s always happy whenever he gets a chance to talk with him. Whenever they talk, everything becomes so clear.
Balam looked at Iruma happily fiddling with his tea, still to hot for him to drink, and he felt something in himself melt. What's he doing? This silly bet isn’t what's important here.
What matters is Iruma, his student, and he's glad his kid found demons he could truly trust like this.
He wonders when he'd tell them about his nature.
"I'm glad to hear that, but!" Balam jumped out of his seat, scrambling to find the right books in his office before returning back to Iruma
"You need to learn about basic demon courtship! If you want to keep your secret, and also to prevent a lot of miscommunication that may lead to heartbreak, it's better to read these books on common courtship, and what’s normally expected of you as a partner!"
"Oh? Is demon dating different from human dating?" Iruma isn't sure. He knows Kerori and Gyari, but he isn't too sure whether they're dating or not.
"Of course! Different environments, Different cultures, so normally dating life would also be different!"
And that's how Iruma heard a thirty minute lecture on what the love life for demons is like. He truly admired how thoughtful and considerate Balam-sensei is to him, and as such took every word he said to heart
But only Balam knows the reason he's giving Iruma this lecture. It's because Balam wished someone taught him all of this when he was young and first entering the dating world.
Azz and Kalego were staring each other down, Both waiting to see who will crack first. They could've stood there for hours, but Kalego knew he was on a time crunch. Soon one of the other two troublemakers will come, and he wont be able to ask asmodeus his question.
So Kalego, regretfully, broke the silence
"I thought you were asexual"
"And I thought you weren't the type to meddle in a student's dating life"
Kalego’s eyes narrowed, and he knew he lost here. So he continued walking past Asmodeus, and Azz did the same.
"..your homework is doubled"
"All the essays will include Iruma in small details as an example"
It's been so long since Kalego felt like he truly lost against someone. That is, until he met a certain insolent brat from the asmodeus family
"That's unfair!"
"Alright listen, I was half right, so naturally-"
"It's obviously rigged!"
"Alright, everyone!" Dali clapped his hands to get everyone's attention
"I understand that you're all upset, but someone has to lose. That's how betting works. Now, vlara Calac, correct?"
"Yes" replied a very obviously Clara with a very fake mustache
"Congratulations on winning the bet, mr. Calac"
"Thank you" Everyone watched in silence as "mr. Calac" took the envelope that held all their money and walked out of the teacher's office
"Dali, just why?"
"Why in Delkira's name would you do that?"
"Come on, guys. Just because you lost to mr. Calac, our new security guy, doesn't mean that you have to be such sore losers"
"Exactly!" Raim suddenly chimed in "we need to be a good example, especially to our newest staff member. We can't let him think that acting like that is an acceptable behaviour"
Sighs and whines engulfed the room, but everyone has pretty much accepted that there's no changing the results now.
"Dantalion, you're no longer in charge of the betting pool"
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spiderbaby123 · 1 year
Local freak
(Ao'nung x reader)
AN: first time writing in a long time so please go easy on my soul. Helpful criticism is welcomed.
Summary: y/n is a lot like Kiri and is often made fun of for it. Ao'nung and his friends often pick on her. One day she walks in on her parents discussing her Arranged Marriage/Mate... Dun dun dun... It's Ao'nung. She has a hard time dealing with it as she already has a crush on Neteyam. Slowly though she sees how Ao'nung changes towards her, making grounds for her childhood crush on him to return.
Also she and Tsireya are besties.
For as long as I could remember I have known Eywa, seen her in the fish and plants, felt her in the water, and heard her in the wind. Often times just admiring the nature around me to be close to her. The other kids my age didn't sense Eywa the way I did and would often make fun of me for it. More often my best friends brother would. Ao'nung called me a freak, he had all his friends joining him in the nickname. At first it got to me, I was a wee little thing and had a massive crush on the boy that Tsireya called brother. She always told me not to let it get to me and with time, I had learned to. When the Sully's came a happiness washed over me as a met Kiri, a girl close to my age, who had the same connection to Eywa as I did. That happiness quickly washed away one day when Ao'nung and his goons found Kiri and I in the shallows watching the sand one day.
"What are they doing?"
"I dont know, theyre just looking at the sand."
They sarted laughing and Kiri lifted her head out of the water, much to my dismay. I knew they were trouble.
"Huh? What'd you say?"
"Are you some kind of..." Ao'nung glanced at me and smirked as I lifted my head to listen, "Freak?"
"He asked if you are a freak, like her." One of them added pointing to me
My eyes dropped and I frowned at the word, while Kiri just scoffed and shook her head. "No." She started to walk away.
"Are you sure?"
I started to walk with her but so did the boys, hot on our tails.
"I mean you are hanging out with our local freak. Plus you are not even real Na'vi, look at these hands." My eyes stung at words Ao'nung spoke.
He rushed forward grabbing at Kiri's hand. "I mean look at them!" The entire interaction earning giggles from his friends.
"Hey!" We heard as Lo'ak rushed over in an effort to free us from the tormentors. "Back of fish lips!"
"Oh, another 4 fingered freak." Ao'nung said teasingly. "Look at his little baby tail!" One teased as he pulled at his tail.
Lo'ak turned and shoved the boy "Don't touch me!" the others started teasing him more. "Oh baby tail, baby tail!" Kiri interjected this time, "Leave us alone!" I stayed quiet mostly,knowing it wouldnt help anything. "Lo'ak, Kiri, lets just leave, ok?" I said quiet as I could with them still able to hear.
Ao'nung looked at me and smirked. "What? Are you jealous from the lack of attenion, our local freak?" He started towards me. While the others continued at Lo'ak. Just as Ao'nung had gotten close to me Neteyam stepped in between us, pushing him back to the other goons and away from Lo'ak as well.
"You heard what Kiri said." He spoke in a low commanding voice. "Leave them alone." He said while pointing his finger at Ao'nung. "Oh big brother coming-" one of Ao'nung's friends started but Ao'nung stopped him staring at Neteyam. "Back off," His stern voice was honestly enough to make me swoon, "Now." He added.
Ao'nung glanced in the direction of us and then backed up slightly while throwing his hands up in mock surrender, smirking all the same. "Smart choice, and from now on, I need you to respect my sister," he paused for a second, "and y/n." He turned to us. "Let's go." We started walking.
"bbuh-byeee" one of the goons said waving carelessly. "Look at them theyre all freaks. The whole family. Bet y/n feels right home." Lo'ak stopped and turned. "Lo'ak." Neteyam spoke almost as a warning. Scratch that. It definitely was a warning.
He held his hand up at Neteyam. "I got this, bro." He walked over to the group. He held his hand up. "I know this hand looks funny. I'm a freak, alien." He said waving it around in front of Ao'nong's face. "But it can do something really cool. Watch." The group watched him. "First I ball it up real tight like this, okay? Then." Lo'ak punched Ao'nung in his smug face causing him to be stunned enough for Lo'ak to land 2 more, cause him to fall back. I almost laughed as Lo'ak spewed out his next words. "Its called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again!" And that started a full on brawl between all the boys, Neteyam even joining in.
"Y/n, I cant bemeanth you would get caught up in all of this.. This.. This trouble making!" Mother was pacing back and forth in our marui. "This is not the behaviour the next Tsahik should be showing!" She shouts and then quickly covers her mouth as I stare at her mouth agape.
"W-what do you mean next Tsahik?" I ask confused and heart rushing. My father interjects now as my mother looks worriedly towards him. "Y/n, we wanted to tell you after the festival, but I suppose now is as good of a time as ever..."
Thats when they told me. I am to be mated with Ao'nung.. Apparently his mother has seen how connected with Eywa I am asked for my hand to Ao'nung s at a very young age..
I am destined to my worst tormentor. I'll admit Ao'nung is attractive on a surface level but... He's an asshole. And quite frankly I've had eyes for another hear recently, Neteyam. I suppose I'll have to abandon ship now. I dont want to but my parents have told me this is a great honor and our family will benefit from it. I have decided from this day on I will ask Ronal to start my training. I dont have to love Ao'nung but I should at least be an amazing Tsahik.
*a few days later*
I had been avoiding the group. Tsireya had confronted me and I told her of my being promised to someone but not who.
"Y/n, you don't have to avoid Neteyam, just tell him what you told me. He'll understand." Tsireya said softly to me, seeing how much it hurt me.
And so I did.
"I understand.." Neteyam said looking down at the sand we were sitting on. "Y/n, you dont have to go with it if you dont want to... I know youre parents have arranged it but, you dont seem very happy. Is it someone you dislike?" Neteyam asked. My tears started to form when he asked and I nodded my head. "Then dont do it." He said as he brushed my tears away when they fell. "I have to Neteyam.." I shook my head while saying it. "Why?" He asked simply, as if it were normal to turn down an arranged mate.
"I.. It.." I stuggled for words. Taking a deep shake breath, I finally told him who it was. "I-it is a great honor.. To be selected for.." I paused unsure of my own sentence. "To be chosen as the next Tsahik." I looked down as I said the last part. I heard Neteyam gasps slightly. "You mean you.." I shook my head yes looking to him with more tears than before. Neteyam started to comfort me as I sobbed into his chest.
Little did we know, someone was watching.. Listening.
~the next day~
I was walking to Tsireya's marui when I heard a commotion from the inside. Stopping just before entering the home, I watched as Ao'nung stormed out, glancing my way in the process and ducking to the opposite direction quickly. I poked my head through the doorway a few moments later to see Ronal there with Tonwari. "E-excuse me.." They both looked at me with softness in their eyes. "I-is Tsireya here?" I asked timidly, silently hoping she wasnt a part of whatever that was. "She is on the beach with the Sulley's." Tonwari spoke first giving me a look almost like pity.
I left quickly to search for them on the beach, only to run into Ao'nung's goons. Him not in sight though, oddly enough.
"Look it's the local freak!" One shouted as his friends laughed. I clenched my jaw and tried to keep walking. A hand stopped me though..
"Whats wrong? Are you missing your friends?" I just looked at him not responding, but standing my ground as he stepped in front of me. "Awe she cant even respond, she misses them so much." He looked around, seeing no adults he smiled deviously. "Lets help her to get to them." With that he grabbed me, while the other boys joined in. I was trying to get free but they had me lifted off the ground in a matter of seconds.
"Put me down!" I shouted trying to kick my legs free as they carried me towards the higher grounds close be. "Let go!" I was hoping someone would hear but it hadnt seemed so.
"Oh so can speak?" The main one started. "Well if you ask nicely." He smirked as they came up to the edge of the higher ground area. Fear started to come over me as I realized they were planning to throw me over.
"Let go of her!" They all looked in the directions as I tried to get free more frantically now.
"Ha! Good idea Ao'nung!" The main goon laughed and started to swing me towards the edge with the others.
The next thing to happen shocked me. And everyone else too. Ao'nung punched the guy, making him drop me. The others following suit. I fell to the ground with a thud, staring at Ao'nung with the rest of them.
"What the hell man?! Why are you defending the local freak?!" He shouted at Ao'nung, who had his chest puffed out like he was ready to attack the other male.
"Leave her alone. And dont touch her again." Ao'nung said menacingly. I stared in disbelief along with the rest of them.
"What? Did you hit your head or something??" He asked again. Not getting a response he looked at me again a smirk playing on his lips as if planning something, but Ao'nung stepped in front of his gaze.
Finally the group left. Leaving me and Ao'nung alone. "Why did you defend me?" I asked quietly as his demeanour had yet to change from its aggressive state. He turned and looked at me slowly. "I over heard you yesterday." He stated simply. My brain racked itself to figure what he meant. "What?"
He faced me fully now. "My parents confirmed it this morning." I looked at him still confused. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Y/n, if you are going to be my mate, can you at least use your brain a little better?" He asked and my eyes widened when I realized. "I-" "Save it." He offered me a hand and helped me up.
From that day on he was nice to me and defended me from bullys slowly making me fall for him.
~8 weeks later~
It had been a month since Ao'nung's right of passage ceremony and he had yet to ask me to mate. Hell we hadnt even kissed... I was beginning to worry it wouldnt happen.
"Y/n." Ao'nung spoke softly. "What is troubling you?" He asked. I furrowed my brow, contemplating how to answer..
"A-Ao'nung.. Do you still not want to mate with me?" My question came out more timid than I had intended. He chuckled. "Is that what you are so worried about? You know, 2 months ago you would have punched me if I tried to even kiss you." "You say that like weve kissed now." I bit back at him in irritation. Ao'nung looked at me smiling as his laughter died down.
"Does that also trouble you?" He asked getting closer to me face. "I-i!" I couldnt form words now, my face getting hot and heart fluttering out of my chest.
Ao'nung got to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips. "Just say the word and I will do it." He stared into my eyes with a warm look. I couldn't move or speak, just stare back into his beautiful eyes. Slowly he started to back away smirking. "If you dont want me to-"
"I want you to!" I blurted out quickly, gripping his arm in attempt to stop him from moving back all the way.
His smirked turned into a smile "well, if you insist."
Ao'nung leaned forward again, this time he stopped again just before our lips touched. "Y/n," I opened my eyes not even realizing when I had closed them. "I see you." He said before connecting our lips.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
Tumblr media
second, never first
part five | part one | part two | part three | part four
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 1k
its been a week since i was at chris’ house and i made the deal with him. little did i know this deal would lead to what felt like eternal hell.
one second chris was showing me different guys from his team that he thought i might like, and the next was spent with me trying to convince anna to make a move on chris.
“anna i really see you and chris working out. both of you could finally settle you know?” i state internally wanting to take back what i just said.
“y/n, he constantly talks about the girls he fucks every week and tells us both everything about his life, its just not right.” she replys.
“what do you mean, you do the same thing. you always ask him for advice and show off the guys you talk to.” i say. its strange to me that anna is so opposed to this idea as she seems to get jealous at any thought of chris being kind to me.
“y/n i dont know about this, i mean whats to say he wont treat me the same as the other girls he talks to. i really dont want to get hurt.” she breathes
“just give it a chance, if you two dont work out everything can go back to normal.” i plead putting my hand up to her shoulder, “trust me.” i say
she pauses for a moment, “ok i trust you.” she mumbles. i let out a breath i didnt know i had been holding once she answers. i am actually doing this. setting my best friend up with the person i desire most. it almost doesn’t feel real when i smile and shake her hand about it.
chris invited me over to his house to go through options of guys that he could potentially set me up with, for the third time this week. were sitting on his bed just going through his instagram and looking at our school sports team account.
“nope.” i say shaking my head at one of the options. “no? kid we need to lower your standard we have been doing this for days now” he says his eyes going wide. i shrug my shoulders and he keeps scrolling.
i watch over his shoulder as he sits in front of me. scrolling through the account and i see a guy that looks half decent compared to the other guys hes shown me, “wait-“
he stops scrolling and looks at me as i reach over his shoulder to swipe back to the guy.
“whats he like.” i say smiling and pointing. “oh carson? yeah hes a cool guy, very quiet, nice, really good kid.” he says. “ok perfect.” i say sitting back down.
“really? you actually like someone!” he says with excitement.
“yep, i expect you to hold up your end of the deal, i got anna on board.” i say “no shit?” he says questioningly. “yep, she just doesn’t want you to treat her like the other girls you always talk to you know your ‘fuck and dumps’” i say referencing to the text messages with alice. “i know i actually want to try to be different, i can’t guarantee i wont break her heart in the end but im willing to change.” he breathes as he moves to lay on his back.
change, for anna. who would have thought i would be helping the guy ive fallen head over heels for get with my own best friend. life’s full of surprises i guess. “well i guess you better make that change quick.” i breathe and sit criss cross.
we sit in silence for a moment before i look over at him “chris.” i breathe. “hmm?” he says not looking away from his phone. “what do you plan on doing about my situation?” i question. “sweet talk carson into liking you.” he states.
“what if it doesnt work?” i say. “what are you talking about kid?” he asks looking over at me. “what if carson doesnt like me.” i mumble looking down and fumbling with my fingers. “he will, dont worry about it im smooth with it.” he cockily replys. “i understand, but what if he doesnt?” i say looking up to face him.
“he will.” he pauses, “y/n we need to get you some confidence.” he says leaning on his arm while laying on his side. “ill work on it.” i say
“thats my girl.” he smiles going in for a high five. i slightly smile and high five him back.
the past few days has been miserable. watching your two best friends and the guy you like talk romantically in front of you is torture. i am living my own personal hell.
along with that chris actually got carson on board with going on a date with me, which is currently what im getting ready for now.
i have been pacing around my room trying to figure out what to wear. i settled on a black long sleeve crop top and blue jeans with my hair curled.
i pick up my phone and facetime chris.
“kid what do you need im in a round right now.” he says urgently as he answers the phone removing his headphones and puts them around his neck.
“chris im freaking out is this a good outfit for a date.” i breathe propping my phone on my night stand and walk away from it.
“uh yeah.” he says clicking away on his controller, looking between me and his game.
“chris oh my god its awful isn’t it?”
“no, no its perfect. makes ya ass look nice.” he chuckles. i cover my eyes with my hand and shake my head. chris laughing at my shyness.
“chris this isnt funny actually tell me if this is a good outfit please.” i plead. “yes kid its a nice outfit, why didnt you call anna to help you with this.” he huffs. “because, anna doesnt know.” i state, “why didnt you tell her.” he asks confused. “well i just decided to wait incase this doesnt work out.” i state picking my phone up off the night stand.
“kid it will work out just fine im serious, you need to trust me on this.” he breathes.
i walk to my bathroom and start doing makeup. “whats that?” he asks starring at me with concern. “mascara, makes my eyelashes look nice.” i state. “ok chris ill let you know how it goes-“ i am cut off by chris. “no stay on the phone i wanna watch you do your makeup. you know, make sure you dont fuck up.”
i do exactly that.
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs
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trashworldblog · 10 months
(written all in one go after rewatching the finale, apologies for mistakes)
1) he went in person, although he SAID this wasnt that big of a deal, i seems like it definitely fucking was. not only does it make him seem more "just like you!" and likeable, he can also do things like bring aziraphale coffee to warm him up. (coffee that has almond extract in it, btw. that could be used as a threat of eventual calamity, or simply that god is watching. which also could be a threat that if angel doesn't take this offer, he could fall)
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2) he resolved a complication in aziraphale's favor. he swooped right in with perfect timing in order to do so. it definitely was no coincidence that the second the angels started threatening extreme sanctions, the megatron stepped in and put them in their place. for aziraphale's entire existence, it seems like those angels have been making angel's life painful, and shutting them up so quickly must seem like a godsend (lmao) to him.
3) taking aziraphale away from crowley (basically isolating him) to chat about promoting him. ok, to be fair, this a bit of a stretch. but i think it still plays a role! after fixing up that whole mess and offering angel a latte, he asks to speak in private. crowley easily lets them go, likely because of the previous points, maybe some devine intervention, and metatron gets aziraphale alone. he talks about it like its a promotion (i thought aziraphale was retired?) and all the perks he will have. he can work with crowley! as an angel! together! (note how he can seem to only work with crowley AFTER he becomes an angel again. something the metatron already expects crowley to refuse). it seems like a perfect deal after everything they just went through.
4) he brings him back to crowley to "break the good news" knowing that crowley will hate the news, and they will end up fighting about it. he even says so after he picks angel back up (but we'll get to that in a bit). he must know quite a bit about the two of them, and how they have major troubles communicating with each other. he knows he's buttered up aziraphale enough to make him think this is a perfect ending for them, and he knows that after everything crowley's experienced (and completely losing the rose colored glasses that heaven seems to give to all the angels) they will definitely disagree about the whole offer, AND they wont be able to talk about WHY its a terrible offer for both of them. they also will struggle to see things from the other's perspective and will blow up into a big miscommunication mess.
5) after that major rejection (and the shock that comes with a rejection as big as that one) megatron sweeps on back, giving aziraphale no time to process what crowley was saying or why he was saying it, and takes him off to heaven with no lose ends at all. "dont worry about a thing! muirel will look after the bookshop. anything else you need? no? well, on our way!" at this point, the metatron easily looks like a night in shining armor for aziraphale. here to stop those mean angels from destroying him, accepting his dear friend crowley, hammering a wedge between the two of them, and coming back to save his day and take him to heaven to his new job.
6) he very subtly shits on crowley. it can't be major, yet, but a big part of manipulating someone is to isolate them, often by talking about how terrible they are. he starts doing this by saying "well he was always the type to go his own way" its subtle enough to fly under the radar, but it tells aziraphale : well, crowley is always on his own. he isn't with heaven, he isnt with hell. He's on his own side. and he likes to do things just to oppose and upset others! you couldn't possibly be with him. you just had a huge disagreement! how often does that happen between you two?
7) i wasn't sure where to put this one, but this all happens so fast. aziraphale doesn't have much time to think, weigh his options, and less time to talk to crowley about it. metatron swoops in, fixes the issue, grabs angel, explains everything, and picks him up as soon as crowley leaves. angel has no time to recover from *waves vaugely at love confession and angry kiss* all he can do is look around helplessly, struggle to put on a brave face, and accept that this is whats happening now.
okay great. theres 7 reasons the metatron is a big manipulating bitch but WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
when we pick back up with the boys aziraphale is gonna be either chugging the coolaid (please neil if this happens i will cry again) Or angel will be seeing through what is being played to him (demonic intervention? tbh this is less likely but it makes me less sad so i want to include it). um so expect the metatron and other angelic things to be huge manipulating bastards, and for aziraphale and crowley to learn the hard way why communicating properly is so important with your partner.
i think the second coming is a big thing (idk just a guess lol) and the metatron needs a good leader (that he can manipulate quite a bit). maybe he's planning something, maybe this is just how heaven does things.
either way, im excited to hear more next season. keep rewatching s2 for renewal, support the wga and sag aftra in the strike, i hope it ends soon with payment and benefits going to the amazingly talented writers and actors that made this show possible. i know a lot of people are hoping the next season is done quickly, but i just want a good third season, and that takes time and effort. thank you, neil, for this amazing story. good luck making s3! <3
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appatary8523 · 3 months
Dumb probably negative no context rambles under the cut
Last chance, don't ruin your mood and go back
OK you wanted it this way
1.- I like STW but I usually have to get up to do things while playing (yea sometimes in FN:BR I hide in bushes to go and do some other stuff. I've barely made any progress, the game is quite complicated to me because I don't play it often and I forget what was going on? And I don't know how to use most of the mechanics of the game(? Still, the humor is funny, the gameplay might feel repetitive from time to time but I like it, I really really like it.
I also would like to have more IRL friends who play STW (or FN in general), I bet that game mode is way funnier and rewarding in squad. But nobody plays it, and I think I have no friends who play FN? Just my older brother and he has his own duo so I'm not getting in between them (?) (and he doesn't like STW so he doesn't even have access to it). There's a dude at my workplace who plays FN but no thanks, I don't like him, he's stupid (he's the it guy who can't fix a damn thing. I hate that guy he's so stupid)
As always, I'm playing solo in this squad mode game called life (?
2.- I know I often say I'm doing it for me but, damn, I wish someone could like it the way I like it too. I'll see if it's worth the effort or if I should just finish the damn thing and save if for myself. I'm not hurt or anything alike, I was 1000% aware this was going to happen, and it's helping me improve. I think I just don't want to deal with that anymore. Sorry, I lose motivation quite often and easily
3.- I try to keep everything happy and positive in my FN blog but... I don't really like Hope. I mean she's cool and all that but I just don't like her e-girl thing going on. The only thing I like about her is the cat on her banner icon whatever the name of that thing is. Neither sunsp0t, actually y don't like a lot of things but I'll just save my awful FN opinions. I should've saved my headcanons too
4.- Surprise surprise (actually is no surprise) I'm losing followers. And I get it, I get you guys, I used to post funny things, funny drawings (or drawings in general) but now I just complain about everything. Sorry, I'm not in a good mood anymore.
I don't think people should keep following/stay suscribed to a channel, account, blog thing they dont like no more. I've seen artists (on Twitter of course) complaining about how people should not follow an account for X specific thing but I don't think that's how things work. Just like the things you like change, the things other like change too. They should NOT feel forced to like the things you like and see the things you want to share. But I guess you have to grow up to realize that. I personally don't feel offended when people stop following me, right now I'm offering nothing but negative text post, and that's OK. Curate the things you consume, make it a more pleasant experience, don't feel forced to follow someone you no longer like.
I personally follow people for a specific thing, and sometimes, like everyone, they change the things they make, but if I like their stuff I usually stick around because it's interesting! I just stop following if they change for worse (the same way I changed for worse). Still, not everyone thinks the same way I do.
5.- I still thinking I should just make another sideblog to dump all this dumb kind of posts but honestly I don't want to deal with it. Making an FN exclusive sideblog was already way too much, but I didn't want to mix all in here
6.- I guess that's what you get for interacting with people half your age.
7.- Shouldn't have joined, should've stayed away
8.- I wish we could talk, someday. I'd like to know you better. I know I don't exist for you but you mean so much for me (yea now I understand my taste for one-sided fictional relationships lol). I know, im stupid, I'm delusional, I'm, as always, daydreaming about things that will never ever happen and I will never have. I can't understand love, I can't wrap my head around the idea of being romantically involved with someone but that's OK, that kind of things are not meant for me
9.- I wish I could control whatevers going on in my mind. I wish it could slow the pace of my thoughts, I need some rest from the world but most important, I need a break from myself but I guess there's nothing I can do about it
10.- Also, Beatles song
11.- I fell asleep after posting this and I OBVIOUSLY had to edit it to add this because i DREAMED someone gave me some support words and it felt so nice and comforting jdjsjs I'm alone
12.- Morningssey song. Yes I like him too so sue me (?
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space-station-nursery · 5 months
❄️⸝⸝ Welcome to Babi and bubby nursery!! ⸝⸝ 🌨️
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☃️⸝⸝︰{About us!} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Babi's Name, age, pronouns┊・𓂃 Hi! im Finnegan, but prefer to go by Finn. Im 20 (21 on Jan 18th) and my pronouns are They/Them! Babi's timezone┊・𓂃 CST! (or central standard time) Bubby's Name, age, pronouns┊・𓂃 Hi im FD, im 21 and my pronouns are He/Him Bubby's timezone┊・𓂃 MST (or mountain standard time) Boundaries┊・𓂃 Please don't ask either of us to be your Little/cg, we are engaged and are not looking for romantic or platonic littles/cgs. Dms are open for anyone +16 or -26 (i had a bad past with older individuals on tumblr). Listen when we say "No!". If you would like to be moots/friends, please at least interact with our posts, its incredibly uncomfortable to have random txts from people asking to be friends that just followed 3 minutes before.
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🚂⸝⸝︰{Regression info} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
About Babi┊・𓂃 I am a flip leaning regressor, and regress to about age 0-4. I am a sleepy, but bubby when regressed! Sometimes i go nonverbal, but i use a pacifier almost all the time. There is a ton of trauma surrounding my regression and it was very hard to regress. Now, with the help of bubby there is hope! I can only regress for small periods of time, and it needs to be assisted but its a great start and i hope that when we live together it'll boost my regression more! About Bubby┊・𓂃 I am Finns CG, and I love my babi bear! I do everything I can to make sure they feel safe and comfy here when regressing, as well as when they aren't Views on sitters┊・𓂃 We do not see sitters as something either of us would want to be apart of unless it was us sitting for/being sat by someone we know very well. My current sitter is @sleeplessjunkie Who generally just regresses with me when bubby is gone while we play games !!!! We will either talk a lot or not at all, and thats ok bc talk is hard! (we're also both autistic)
Likes/Dislikes, DNI and schedule under the cut! Please read ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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🦌⸝⸝︰{Our DNI's} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
What is a DNI? These are "Do not interact" boundaries, this means that if your blog meets any of these criteria you may be blocked\banned\removed from a persons socials. Below are my DNI's so make sure to read them!
・Are anti-agere/agedre(or petre/petdre), an NSFW blog/"SFW" kink blogs like Dd!g/abd!/md!b and other variants. Are an 18+ only blog, Terf, etc. Anything that you would not show a child does not belong here ・Bigoted individuals or peoples that believe in Anti-LGBTQIA+, Pro-ana, Pro-SH, Anti-recovery, MIKs or MAPs, Extreme left/right views, Pro-life, Pro-war, transmed, Pro-mia, Anti-Neos/Xenos. ・Over the age of 27. While you could be a regression blog, and completely SFW, individuals over the age of 27 can become a trigger due to my PTSD. Minors are always welcome, although we will most likely not follow back ・Are a blank blog. This means no banner, profile pictures, posts or names. Blogs like those tend to become a problem and we dont wish to deal with it
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🧣 ⸝⸝︰{Personal stuff} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Babi likes┊・𓂃 Bubby, jay, baking and cooking, playing games, reading (by myself and with bubby) making decor stuff and making custom things! Blues clues !!! if you see a blues clues ask from an anon, its probably me. Babi dislikes┊・𓂃 Bugs, bugsbugsbugs. Being confronted(confrontation), purposely being misgendered, having my boundaries disrespected, bubby or jay being purposely misgendered, uh-…. i think thats it lol Bubby likes┊・𓂃 BABI BEAR, our friends, gaming, cars, anything that has moving parts, reading and watching crime stuff, watching movies and playing games with babi and our friends, and really love the flash as well! Bubby dislikes┊・𓂃 I dont like icky people coming to talk to babi and i (i dont really like talking to people in general), People misgendering babi or my friends or being rude towards them, and i dont like when people disrespect my boundaries I also dont like the idea of sitters because so many people in the community that we have encountered have bad intentions, but there's nothing else i can think of rn
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🌲 ⸝⸝︰{Posting and more!} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
✩⸜⸜ Mood/Stimboards ✩⸜⸜ Text post (tips, links, etc) hosted by babi or bubby! ✩⸜⸜ Wear or tear! (W.O.T) ✩⸜⸜ Worksheets ✩⸜⸜ Journal // QOTD hosted by bubby ! ✩⸜⸜ Pos quotes/affirmations
These have no specific Dates, they will be posted as we see fit! Each post will be sent between 12pm and 1pm (don't know when that is? find my timezone above)
✨, (☀🐝), 🩷 Send us an ask to claim an emoji and show up here! <3
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❄️ ⸝⸝︰{Linkies} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Carrd:┊・𓂃 TBD
Pronouns page:┊・𓂃 finns page here!
Instagram:┊・𓂃 Agere insta!
Twitch:┊・𓂃 Finn's twitch! || Bubs twitch!
Snowflake Nursery Discord:┊・𓂃 Nursery!
Dino Lovers Discord:┊・𓂃 Dinos!
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