#dean ambrose x OC
smolwritingchick · 6 months
Forced To Believe Masterlist
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A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.
Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.
OC Profile of Morgan Lopez
Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?
Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
Chapter 3- Fighting Back
Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania
Chapter 5- Becoming Heel
Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl
Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served
Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly
Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB
Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013
Chapter 15- Total Slap!
Chapter 16- Frustration
Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do
Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?
Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Chapter 21- Army of One
Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost
Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?
Chapter 29- In Due Time
Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum
Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle
Chapter 33- The Answer Is No
Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops
Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Chapter 36- Move Thief
Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Chapter 38- Respect
Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes
Chapter 40- If Only You Knew
Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Chapter 42- Yikes
Chapter 43- Sister Abigail
Chapter 44- I Lost Her
Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now
Chapter 46- I See What You Want
Chapter 47- Armageddon
Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?
Chapter 51- Things Got Personal
Chapter 52- He Kept His Word
Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating
Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
Chapter 55- Togetherness
Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection
Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority
Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner
Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand
Chapter 60- Annihilated
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wrestlersownmyheart · 1 month
Closer Than You Think Chapter 2 (Dean Ambrose X OC)
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Title: Closer Than You Think Pairing: Dean Ambrose X OC: Shannon Brock Summary: When a serial killer claims a number of victims including NXT wrestler, Shannon Brock's cousin, she vows to find the killer after she is bumped to RAW from NXT. Her cousin's lover, AJ Styles, appoints himself and the Shield—Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns—as her bodyguards.
Dean takes the task very seriously and doesn't let Shannon out of his sight, despite the game of cat and mouse they play with the killer. Can he keep her safe, or will the killer claim his ultimate victim?
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Extreme Violence against women; murder
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Chapter Two
Shannon Brock switched her cell phone to her other ear and grabbed a fruit salad out of the hotel room's mini refrigerator while she spoke with her cousin, Larissa Anderson.
The two women were actually more like sisters than cousins. Not only did they share the same physical attributes: long black hair, pale skin and identical gray eyes, they also had grown up living next door to each other, went to school together, spent weekends at each other's houses and watched their beloved wrestling together. They were virtually inseparable. They even planned for their careers to be in the same industry. Larissa wanted to write for World Wrestling Entertainment, while Shannon wanted to wrestle for them.
Then came Shannon's unforgettable eighteenth birthday—the day she'd been waiting for her whole life.
Shannon had applied for entrance to Funking Conservatory Wrestling School a couple weeks prior, and almost as if fate was giving her a birthday present, she received a letter of acceptance that very day. She'd ripped into the envelope with a vengeance and then cried tears of joy when she saw the printed words informing her of her acceptance.
"Mom! Daddy! They accepted me," she'd squealed happily, jumping up and down. "I'm moving to Ocala!"
She was lucky in finding an apartment near her school within the week and was soon on her way to living her dream. Excitement filled her heart, but so did sadness. She had never been away from her family for more than a week. How will I handle being away from them permanently, she wondered. I know I'll be able to visit them, but still… I'm living on my own now. I'm starting my life.
The day came when she left for Ocala. She hugged and kissed her parents goodbye, and then latched onto Larissa. "I'm going to miss you all so much," she cried. "I didn't realize how hard this would be."
"You'll be fine, Shannon," Larissa whispered, hugging her cousin tightly. "In fact, you're going to be amazing! I can't wait to see you on TV," she encouraged.
"You're going to make me cry," Shannon smiled through her tears. "I love you."
"Love you too. Now go get to school and show the veterans how it's done," Larissa teased. "I'll see you at WWE Headquarters in a few years."
Larissa sounded light-hearted for Shannon's benefit, but for a long time, she felt alone. However, she knew Shannon was doing what she loved. And so was Larissa. She had entered college a year before to major in English and minor in Journalism. Three years of very hard work later, she graduated and within a month had secured her dream job. Writing on the creative team for World Wrestling Entertainment.
Four years later, she worked up to both writing and producing—which was how she met her boyfriend, Jim Walker.
"Work is going great." Shannon answered her cousin, as she mentally returned from her reverie of the past. "As you know, I'm sure, I've been NXT Women's Champion for about six months now. Hopefully, I'll get to keep it a while longer. I get afraid every time I get my script that I could learn I'm about to lose the title to someone." She took a bite of pineapple then, "So how is everything with you? How are you and Jim doing?"
"Work is also going great for me. Very busy," Larissa chuckled. "All these storylines and the deadlines that go with them are about to wipe me out, but I'd not have it any other way."
"Well, I'm so glad you are enjoying it. We were both so blessed to get the exact jobs we were wanting," Shannon smiled, genuinely happy for her cousin. "So, how about Jim? Are you still having problems?"
"Not anymore," Larissa answered. "But that is probably because we broke up about two weeks ago. He just became too controlling and jealous for me to deal with."
Shannon felt terrible for her cousin. She knew how crazy about Jim she had once been. "I'm so sorry, Larissa," she said. "I wish there was something I could do."
"Don't worry, Shannon," Larissa told her. "I'm doing much better without him. The ordeal just taught me that being single isn't nearly as bad as being with a jerk."
"That's true," Shannon agreed whole-heartedly. "Well, I really hate to make this a short phone conversation, but I have got to get to bed early so I can work out in the morning and get ready for tomorrow night's show."
"No worries. I understand completely," Larissa told her. "I just wish our schedules would calm down a little so we could get together. Or even if all the brands had a week of being in the same state."
"I know, I miss you so much," Shannon said softly. "I hate that we never get to see each other."
"Maybe soon we can," Larissa said, hope in her voice. "I'll let you get to bed now. Goodnight, Shannon. Love you."
"Goodnight. I love you too."
With that, the two women disconnected the call and got back to the tasks of their everyday lives.
That Night In Philadelphia…
"Dana," Jarold, the night manager of Denny's called out. "Table nine needs more coffee!"
The restaurant was swamped and buzzing with excitement. The building was full of wrestlers and wrestling fans from the live event that had occurred only three blocks away.
"Okay, I'm on it," Dana called back over the dull roar of adoring WWE fans. She grabbed the non-decaffeinated coffee pot and headed to the table that a man was seated at.
"I assume you want regular and not decaf," she flashed him her charming smile, trying to get as good a tip as possible, and brushed her dark ponytail back over her shoulder flirtatiously.
"Yeah, that'll be great," he smiled back at her. "I guess you're staying pretty busy tonight, huh," he conversed as she filled his cup up.
Dana enjoyed the sexy rasp in the handsome man's voice and immediately became nervous. I must look awful after being around this greasy atmosphere all night, she fretted. "Well, I wasn't super busy till about a half hour ago," she chuckled. "But hey, I'm in a large room full of gorgeous wrestlers. So it's worth it," she joked.
"Well, I'm sure you have every male eye in the room locked on you, flashing that smile of yours," the man said, just the slightest hint of disdain entering his demeanor.
Did I imagine that, Dana wondered. Or maybe I'm just really tired and reading too much into his behavior. He seemed friendly enough, but there was some thing dark, sinister in his eyes. Like Dracula, hot and sexy, yet evil and cold-blooded.
He's handsome, I'll give him that, Dana thought. But then again, so was Ted Bundy.
"Well, enjoy your coffee, sir," she said, suddenly growing uncomfortable. "And if you need anything else, just let me know." She smiled kindly this time, with no flirting whatsoever, and headed back to the waitress station.
The young woman stayed busy for the next two hours re-filling coffee, soft drinks, serving desert, collecting dishes and wiping tables. Her only comfort was that she'd made about two hundred dollars in tips, which she'd poked very securely into her waitress apron.
Finally, at about midnight the diner was close to empty so Dana began performing her end-of-shift duties, to prepare for the next waitress' shift. She wiped down all tables and booths, cleaned the coffee machines and soft drink machines, took all dirty dishes to the back to be washed, then prepared to take out the garbage.
Minutes later, she was hauling two large trash bags along with her as she hurried out the backdoor and to the huge dumpsters in the dark alley.
"Why can't these dumpsters be closer to the building," she grumbled under her breath, as she hefted the bags up into one of the large receptacles.
And then suddenly, the hair on her neck stood on end. A cold chill ran down her spine and she visibly shuddered.
"You should have had someone else take the trash out…"
Dana had no time to react, a knife was at her throat instantly.
A hand clamped over her mouth, "Don't scream…" The raspy voice told her, "Or this will hurt more than it has too."
Oh my God, Dana panicked. Please somebody come out here…She prayed silently, Somebody come check on me…
But there was no one nearby. Nobody to hear her whimpering cries. Nobody to see as the serrated edge of the blade viciously tore into her pale throat.
And nobody noticed for a long while that she never re-entered the building…
Shannon reached over to the nightstand and picked up the receiver of the in-room phone which was ringing incessantly. "Hello," she uttered, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Miss Brock in room 509," came a pleasant female voice.
"Yes, this is she," Shannon said, fighting off a yawn.
"I'm just delivering your 7 A.M. wake up call ma'am. Would you like me to make a follow-up call in five minutes?"
"No, thank you," she replied. "I'm awake enough, so that's not necessary."
"Okay, Miss Brock. Help yourself to a complimentary breakfast in our cafe. Have a nice day."
"Thank you. You have a nice day too." She hung up the phone and stretched with a soft groan. "Ugh…seven o'clock already…."
She stood to her feet then and turned on the television to get the morning news while she prepared for her day. Listening to the weather forecast, she discarded the black satin nightgown she'd slept in and grabbed some workout clothes out of her suitcase. After pulling on a pair of pink yoga pants, a black sports bra, and layered an off-the shoulder black t-shirt over a pink tank top she stepped into a pair of running shoes. Within minutes her teeth were brushed and she began pulling her hair up into a messy bun when the words "brutal murder" shot her attention to the television. Her gaze froze on the TV screen as she listened in.
"…In Philadelphia late last night a brutal murder has the city in turmoil. Live in Philadelphia, Jack Cooper has the story."
"Philadelphia…" Shannon whispered, worriedly. That's where Larissa was last night.
The feed cut to an area at the back of a restaurant taped off with police tape, with Jack Cooper facing the camera.
"The body of thirty year old, Dana Marshall was found outside in this very alley of Denny's restaurant at approximately 12:20 this morning. When the murder was first called in by the late shift's manager, Jarold Carver, the police's first impression was robbery due to the fact that the manager had reported that they'd had a very busy night and that the young woman had made a large amount of money in tips. However, when they arrived at the scene it was a different story. Dana was found lying on her back with her throat and entire body slashed.
A photograph then popped on the television screen of a woman who was apparently Dana Marshall.
"My God…" Shannon whispered.
The woman looked so much like Larissa and herself it was uncanny. The only major difference is that Shannon and Larissa were a few years younger and had longer hair.
Suddenly unnerved, Shannon turned the television off and tried to get herself mentally ready for the day's events. But the images of what she had seen and heard were engraved her mind.
"Denny's…" she thought out loud as she rubbed some tension out of her neck. Grabbing her phone off the night table, she pulled up Google and typed out "Denny's restaurants in Philadelphia", then picked the first link offered. She scanned the page for the street address of the establishment and was distressed to find the address was merely three blocks away from the Thompson Stadium-where SmackDown had been taped.
"Why is this creeping me out so bad," she asked herself. Then shook her head to clear it. "Ugh...I'm just being paranoid. Get a grip, Shannon."
Making sure she had her room's key card in her wallet, she grabbed her gym bag and stuffed a change of clothes into it and then she hurried out the door intent on grabbing some coffee on her way to the gym. And then she was going to work the strange new tension out of her body, even if it killed her.
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Be My First! Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose x Khalise Brown
Warnings: Cuteness!!
Word Count: 296
A/N: Let’s get into it.
Khalise is your name.
Hope you like it.
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Khalise awoke to the soft morning light shining through the curtains. She stretched and lazily embraced the comfort of her bed, until she felt her lover’s body nestled against her back, sending a wave of excitement throughout her body.
The warmth of Dean’s skin on hers stirred a fire inside her heart. With a smile on her lips, she rolled to face him and opened her eyes, only to find his own gaze already burning into hers.
“Morning,” she greeted him with a smile, and he immediately returned her smile, flashing one of those rare, playful ones that always gave her butterflies.
“Good morning,” Dean murmured back as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. His touch was like electric shocks jolting through her senses, sending her into a heavenly haze.
“What has put that look on your face?” He tilted his head at her, both curious and amused.
She suddenly felt shy as she found herself unable to meet his gaze. She didn’t usually get weak-kneed like this but his enthusiasm seemed to pierce through her and stir up some unknown emotion.
“I want you to be my first,” she blurted out finally, and it felt like she was releasing all the secrets she’d been keeping locked in her heart since the day they met.
He seemed to recognize the significance of those words – there was something else burning in his gaze now, something that matched the intense desire she felt for him.
“I want you to be my first, too.” He smiled, and with that, they sealed their unspoken, mutual longing into something unbreakable.
From then on, they’d experience life together, hand in hand, and Khalise was never happier. This was what she wanted – the two of them, together, forever.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys so so so so so much. <33333
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majesticwren · 1 year
The Hanging Tree (Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley x OFC)
Summary: Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three — She is on a path looking for war as her fate foretold. And he has war within him. Both, thirsty for vengeance, justice and blood.
Words: 10k. Trigger Warnings: Mention of Canon Violence, Mention of Fighting, Mention of Paganism, Mention of Past Trauma, Mention of PTSD, Toxic Working Out as a Coping Mechanism - please kids don't do this at home, Valkyrie is as unhinged as a broken door in this chapter, sorry, she isn't having a good time, Semi-Public Smut (?), Mention of Sex. Tags: my lovely @hirunoka and honorary mention to @literaryuppsala, thank you both for all the support 💕Let me know if you'd like to be added 🌻
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Chapter 4 - Dust to Dust.
Part I.
Valkyrie kicked open the men’s commune locker room, unconcerned and unbothered by the reaction people might have. Some didn’t even react, looking at her barging through their private space with cocky smiles and curious gazes. Others quickly covered themselves if they weren’t wearing clothes. Someone booed her. Someone else whistled, and, overall, everyone was just shocked by her arrival into the room without a single care in the world.
Only a few people were left anyways. The arena has been emptying for a while now and some of the athletes had already left to go back to their hotels. But she really couldn’t care regardless, she would have acted exactly in the same way even if she found herself in a room full of naked men.
Her sterile, detached gaze crossed the room specifically looking only for one man, everyone else who was there could have been part of the furniture and she would have given them the same level of attention.
"Where is he?" She wondered casually, approaching Roman. He was one of the men who quickly slid into some clothes as soon as they saw her, but again, it wasn't like she noticed there was anything wrong with her behaviour.
Thing is, she knew perfectly well that it wasn't socially acceptable. And she knew she could have been reprimanded. But again, it didn’t matter. It wasn't like it was as important as seeing Dean right that second.
She didn't just need to see him; it was vital that she saw him. It was as important as breathing. She was done having her bones so rattled by a simple man. And she was done waiting around, living every second being frustrated and uncertain. She was the one in control. And after their clash in the corridor before his match, she had decided that she wouldn't let him get away again.
She didn't even have the patience to wait for him to be done showering and changing. 
Roman cleared his voice, awkwardly looking around. "I don't think-"
"No," she shook a finger in front of his face, "I'm not asking your opinion. I'm asking you where Dean is."
Roman still fidgeted with his t-shirt as someone walked by, ass naked, "Hey, who misplaced the chick?" wondered the nameless guy Valkyrie didn't even care to look at. Roman, though, did and choked on his own breath. "You know you risk causing mayhem just by being here?"
"Why? It's not like I've never seen a naked man before." It was the most natural thing in the world, and yet, the way she shrugged it off still surprised Roman. It was as if she had just spoken gibberish to him.
"Yeah? Make sure to tell him that, so that he can fucking lose his temper because you decided to get in here and happened to see some naked men. Who he will reduce into a pulp. The poor bastards."
Valkyrie was already rolling her eyes at Roman’s dramatic words. It wasn't like he was wrong. She knew what Dean was capable of. She knew he didn't know patience. And he had been vocal about how easily his jealousy was woken. Gods, only thinking about that gave her a shiver.
And that specific reaction was the exact reason why none of it mattered.
She needed to see Dean because whereas every other man surrounding her was nothing more than that, with very little value to her interest, he was the magnetic pull she was gravitating around. Like the Moon around the Earth.
"Why don't you wait outside? I could send him to you," As Roman attempted to make her reconsider her ways, Valkyrie lifted her chin proudly, crossing her arms to her chest.
“And give him the chance to choose to avoid me?”
“He won’t do that.”
She simply shrugged. “Well then, might as well go to him.”
Roman rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "You are fucking mental, you know that!?" Even if he was shaking his head, a tiny smile still crossed his lips. The second he realised she didn’t intend to give him an answer, still standing there with her proud, determined look, a sigh left his chest. “You waited an entire week and now you can’t wait a minute?”
“Precisely, Roman. I waited too long already.”
“Truly made for each other,” now his smile grew. He didn’t mean those words with the slightest intention of being disrespectful. A sigh still left his chest, as he shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m doing this. Alright, he's in the steam room.”
Before she moved, Roman did grab her arm, sending her the quickest side eye, his lips still curled in a genuinely amused smile. “One second, sweetheart,” his eyes then crossed the room, “is Bryan out of the steam room yet?”
“Here.” Called a guy from the other side of the room. Her gaze crossed his only for a moment and a nod of recognition was exchanged. He was one of the men she had helped in the past, one of her first. And he was also the first one who had accepted to repay his debt without even a doubt, treating her right and with the respect, any man would get from the very beginning. She had always liked him. Men like him deserved to be blessed by her Gods.
As Daniel’s attention got caught, probably thinking she needed him, he approached them. Differently from Roman, he didn’t even bother to put clothes on, still only wearing a towel around his waist.
“Aren’t you a naughty one?” He wondered with an amused smile growing on his lips.
“Only when I try really hard.”
Daniel offered her a soft smile, completely different from the look he exchanged with Roman. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes, thanks, Dan. Just need to speak to Ambrose.”
Daniel nodded and then pointed just behind his shoulder. “He is still in there. He is in a major shit mood though. Took a hell of a beating out there. I wouldn't go too close.” He chuckled, looking up at Roman, almost as if he was taking it as a joke, ignoring Roman’s serious and opposite opinion.
Valkyrie wasn’t amused either. The serious beating Dean had taken in the ring that night and the fact that she had to stay back, fighting by her teeth against her need to go and protect him, was one of the reasons why she had no intention to wait for a second longer to see him.
Before any of them could say more, Valkyrie slipped away from Roman’s hold and approached the steam room, ignoring whatever both men were mumbling regarding her behaviour. Roman still tried to keep hold of her as Daniel just chuckled. She didn’t care. She had a goal and she was determined to do everything in her power to get there.
Entering the dark steam room, she was met by the heavy curtain of steam that filled the entire small space. The air was dense and hot and it quickly stuck to her skin. It was difficult to breathe or see, and it was uncomfortable, but she did not care.
Valkyrie stood by the door, her hands still on the handle, as her eyes slid across the room, to Dean’s figure. Apart from the towel around his waist, he was naked, and that was the first time since she stepped into the locker room – probably in her entire life, in all honesty – that such a thought had so much power to shake her.
In any other case, it was natural. Nothing to see that would have either shocked her or attracted her attention. But in Dean's case - only the thought was enough to drive her insane. And knowing he was flesh and bone, in front of her, basically one step away from being exposed completely, made her choke on her own breath and salivate like a wild beast.
“You shouldn’t be here.” His deep voice echoed through the empty room, right to her belly. It was everything he had to say on the matter though. His gaze had lazily moved on her, crossing her figure from head to toe, but he didn’t even try to prevent her from doing what she wanted.
“I don’t care.” She whispered softly, locking the door behind her.
Only silence came from Dean, as he just watched her move through the room. He didn’t try to reason. He didn’t try to object. Maybe he was too tired for it. And she surely hoped he was done arguing.
He sat with his back leaning against the wall. His hair was wet, pulled back in a way that only made her wish to slide her fingers through it. She observed the lean edges of his muscles, avidly studying his pink skin pearled by the steam. She didn’t even try to stop herself from thinking he looked delicious.
"Are you going to fight me on this?" She wondered, approaching him.
Dean hadn't lifted his attention from her for one second. It wasn't entirely mistrust, but it wasn't only curiosity either. He still shook his head in a no as his body language appeared welcoming.
"What would this be?" He wondered, genuinely puzzled.
Now that she was close enough, Valkyrie did exactly what she had been thinking to do since the very beginning. It was impossible, after all, for her to be in the same room with him and not feel the visceral need for physical contact.
She slid one of her hands on his shoulder, barely touching his skin with her fingertips. And yet, that was enough for him to react. Filling his lungs of steamy air, as if her touch had just woken him after a long slumber, Dean welcomed her between his arms, indulging her and helping her to sit in his lap holding her firmly by the hips.
A large smile appeared on her lips as she straddled him. Immediately giving in another thought, Valkyrie slid her hands through his hair, loving to see how he moulded under her touch, looking for contact.
"This is me telling you I'm done trying to stay away from you," her tone was low and gentle as she pushed herself closer to him, daring to kiss his forehead. Dean released a pleasureful sigh, letting her do as she pleased and relaxing under her touch. So, she was pushed to kiss him again, this time on the cheek.
"I need you," she began tracing her lips to his temple, and then to the side of his nose, "I want you."
His hold around her hips became tighter.
"You shouldn't." His tone was barely audible as a shiver crossed his figure. Despite his words, he didn't oppose her in any way. "I'd only hurt you."
She kept holding him tenderly. Their actions couldn't be further from their words. "Hurt me then." She whispered, kissing the tip of his nose.
The chuckle that rolled out of his chest surprised her. "I guess I am too tired to fight you, angel. Want it? I'll give it to you. But I warned you. Don't wanna hear it from no God when things will turn out sour."
"Ruin me, Dean Ambrose. I don't care."
He looked up at her. His gaze has never been as soft as it was then, as he cruised on her features.
He looked tired. But not physically. His body was as strong as ever. No, there was something inside his spirit that bent and cracked. He was done keeping her away.
Valkyrie moved her hands around his face, gently caressing his jaw, holding him like he was a precious, fragile thing. Her thumb crossed his lips.
"Can I kiss you?" She wondered looking down at him.
Dean looked at her completely carried away, hesitating only a second. "I should be the one asking." He mumbled, still not moving away from her hold. Still completely carried away by her gentle ways.
"What? Can I not be sweet with you?"
"Careful there. I'll get used to it. And then it will be your problem."
Valkyrie smiled. Making him lift his chin, she softly pressed her lips on his. "I want you to be my problem."
When she kissed him again, Dean was ready to catch her lips. His arms curled around her, as he wrapped her in a tight hug, pulling her towards him. His lips were so surprisingly soft and welcoming as he let her decide the pace. A soft, satisfied groan left his chest as soon as he had a taste of her tongue. She could barely think by then.
Tugging gently at his hair, she broke their kiss, catching her breath and trying her best to regain her mental faculties. “Will you come looking for me, later?”
“Oh, angel,” he whispered gently rubbing his nose against hers, before giving her another kiss, “yes.”
She felt so extremely lucky right there and then. She just got to see the soft, more vulnerable side of him, which was something she decided to consider so precious. He was dangerous and he was unstable, considered crazy by most, violent and chaotic by nature, and still able to lovingly hold her and to let her slide right through the cracks of his broken soul.
“My room number is five-five-three. I’ll be waiting for you.” She whispered close to his lips, unable to resist, giving in another kiss. She had to force herself to drag away from him before she could catch the chance of being too lost inside his arms to even think it possible to get away.
Part II.
“Right,” her manager whacking a fat folder full of pages on the table startled her back to focus, “you need to start listening to me, Val.”
She kept stuffing her bag with her stuff, as she packed. “Can we do this tomorrow, Sylvia?” A tired sigh left her chest.
“No. This can’t wait, sorry.”
Valkyrie looked back at the woman and then her eyes crossed the empty room as a hint of frustration started to slide under her skin.
She didn’t care about it. Any of it. The only thing she wanted to do was get out of there and meet with Dean to finish what they started. The hell she would have let him slip through her fingers again. And damned was every single second they spent apart.
She was still too deeply shaken by what had happened with Dean. Their kiss was on constant rewind in her mind and her senses were still filled with the memory of the man.  And the longer she was kept away from him, the worse the symptoms of her longing were becoming.
“Ok, out with it then. I don’t have all night.”
“Randy Orton is calling foul play on you.”
Valkyrie shrugged. “And? The match was last week. Why shall I care?”
“You should start giving a shit about how this gig works. Everything you do and who you chose to help impacts the audience and so your career here. Nothing stops at the end of a match-”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember the training. I know.” Valkyrie regretted the way she rudely dismissed her, knowing Sylvia had the best interest of their brand in mind and was only doing her job. At the same time, though, she was too tired to deal with any of that.
Sylvia sighed, doing her best to ignore Valkyrie’s behaviour. “He wants a rematch against you.”
Valkyrie cursed between gritted teeth. “Why? That motherfucker-”
“You even have to ask why?!”
“He had it coming. And I will only hand his ass back to him again.”
“Do not underestimate him. Randy Orton is a hothead. He is fucking dangerous and he has won the Championship multiple times. And you appear to have fallen right in the middle of the biggest, hottest feud in WWE in recent years.”
Valkyrie bit her tongue before replying anything. The look she shot her manager should have been enough. But instead of indulging her, Sylvia was just as pissed. She took a step forward, pointing a finger towards her. “You know that, right? You know that helping Dean Ambrose meant that shit hit the fan for you, don’t you? Tell me you’re not that stupid.”
“I didn’t have a choice.” She growled dangerously. Sylvia was pressing all her buttons and she surely didn’t have enough patience for that.
“Oh, but you did when you decided to be publicly seen hanging out with Reigns. Or when that silly squabble happened at breakfast? And don’t you think people are being blind in front of your behaviour? You are not hiding it as well as you think you are.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“If tonight you had just intervened to Seth Rollins’ aid and behaved-”
“I said I do not have a choice! I go where the Gods send me.” She squeezed her fists trying to calm her quickly raising temper, sedating it with the pain her nails digging into the skin of her palms gave her.
“But you did! You did have a choice. And you chose to publicly refuse to accept Rollins's gratitude and went against him as well. The audience loved it. Oh, how they adore feeding on this dramatic crap. But it doesn’t matter what the crowd thinks when that gets perceived as you so clearly picking a side. Right?”
Valkyrie bit her tongue so hard she could taste blood in her mouth. Though not even the pinch of that pain could distract her from her raising anger. Only, now, she wasn’t mad at Sylvia, but at herself. She had been so stupid. It was true that she hadn’t even tried to hide her interest in Dean. And surely, before then, she never thought she should have kept it a secret.
A shiver crossed her as she wondered what would have happened when the rumour of her barging through the men's locker room only to get to spend some time locked inside a steam room with Dean came out.
“Can you see my point?”
“What is your point, Sylvia?” Valkyrie sighed, rubbing a hand on her face.
She was so tired.
“They think you are involved with Dean Ambrose and that will be enough for their shit show to hit you. Orton, Kane, Triple H, Rollins. You will pay for everything Ambrose has done or is doing. Do you understand?”
Valkyrie shrugged. “I don’t care.”
“Of course, you don’t.”
“No, what I mean is that I am not afraid. Let them bring it.”
“Yeah? And what? You do not want to be on the wrong side of this dispute.”
“Fighting is what I do. That’s why I am here. That’s why people love me. If Orton wants to fight me let him fight me.”
“And what will happen when you’ll get jumped? These guys do not play safe or clean.”
“Well, from my perspective there’s not much we can throw at it, is there? I crossed Orton. He is now throwing a tantrum about it. I’ll give him more if he wants more.”
“You are ignoring the main problem.”
“What is the main problem.”
“What about him?”
“He is not good for our brand. You can’t be associated with him. He is too dangerous and has fought with too many people. It would ruin you. Do you understand me?”
Valkyrie didn’t reply. She bit her tongue again, harder.
Sylvia sent her a sharp look, studying closely her reaction. “Why are you not denying your involvement with Ambrose?”
“Why shall I deny it?” She did her best to appear as innocent as she could, but it was as if Sylvia could read right into her.
As soon as she spoke, the other woman gasped, her eyes widened as she was crossed by realisation. Shock took over her. “Oh my God, Val. What did you do? You are already involved with the man, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t said that.”
“But it is the truth. I can see it now so clearly. God, this needs to be fixed. You need to fix it.” Sylvia trembled, looking around, genuinely panicking. “Dean Ambrose is bad. He is bad for business. But most importantly he is bad for you. You can’t-”
One second, she was trying her best to control herself, and the second later her anger spilt. Valkyrie punched the wall releasing a grunt, welcoming the pain that spread through her knuckles. The look she gave Sylvia was a clear warning that the punch wasn’t for the wall. “I’ve got a problem with you slandering him. Let’s begin from there. I am involved with the man. There. I’ve said it. So what? And I like hanging out with Roman Reigns, got a problem with that? Go tell him. And you keep saying our brand as if you have anything to do with it. This is my brand. My name. My legacy. I am the one who gets out there. I fight. I bring you money. So, with it, I’ll do what I want.”
To Sylvia's speechless reaction, Valkyrie dared to point at the door. “You are free to go if you do not agree.”
“This will be your undoing. I hope you know that.”
Valkyrie swore in old Norse, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “Why?”
“Don’t you understand what I’ve just said? You’ll become a target.”
“And do you understand what I’m saying when I say I do not care? Let them bring it.”
Sylvia rolled her eyes, loudly grumbling. “You are so stupid-”
“Careful there.”
“It will be your funeral. They will get Bray Wyatt involved. You know that, right?”
Valkyrie choked into a forced silence as soon as she heard that name. Sylvia wasn’t at all wrong. It was a risk. The worse part of it all was that it was a risk she hadn’t thought about. And then the clutch of fear grasped her crushing her chest and making her feel suddenly so small and helpless. It took only a second for her to be thrown over the edge, spiralling into an abyss with no way out. She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t run. She couldn’t stop it.
And she had no time to catch her breath. She had to keep running, she had to keep fighting if she wanted to survive.
Sylvia shook her head, grabbed her folder and headed to the door. “And if you don’t want to think about yourself, then think about what will happen to your Dean Ambrose the moment Wyatt will find out he is dear to you.”
Part III.
She was burning through her pain, anger and fear, pushing all those feelings into her muscles. Her hands were clenched around the handle of the barbell, as she pushed, and pushed as if the pain of an exhausted, worn-out body could somehow cover up the magnitude of the storm going on inside of her.
She was drenched in sweat and so tired she thought she could have passed out. Though every time she thought she could stop, thinking that maybe she had enough, her emotions would overwhelm her. Tears always followed. Only to make her start all over again, trying to sink her despair into physical stress.
It was late and she had been hiding at the hotel gym since she came back from the arena. She didn’t have the heart to face Dean. She did not know what she could have said to him to effectively convince him without hurting him badly and she wasn’t ready to make that move. And still, after that, then what? Sleeping wasn’t an option and thinking to spend time tormented and awake in an empty room was unbearable. She knew she would have ended up going insane and breaking things. So, training was her only option. Self-destruction was still a pretty damn good way to unload anger.
She did her legs and lifted some weights. Then she spent some time punching a sack. Her hands were now bruised since she didn’t bother to wear gloves or protective bandages. And now she was laying on the training bench, lifting, checking her breathing, ignoring her pain as if nothing had happened.
She didn’t know how long she was going to last. But she surely wasn’t ready to retreat to her room yet.
Background music played loud in the room, echoing through the white walls, and she was extremely grateful to it and to the room's soundproof walls because she knew she couldn’t stand silence. Not that night. Not when everything seemed to collapse on itself. She wasn’t even listening to it, but it was noisy and that was good enough.
Until it wasn’t when the gym sound system was turned off abruptly.
She felt choked by the wave of silence that surrounded her. Her thoughts were suddenly as loud as ever. Anger quickly followed. She was ready to jump on her feet and fight whoever decided to invade her space, not caring much for the consequences.
“Been looking everywhere for you.”
Everyone but him.
Valkyrie released a small sigh, almost risking losing her breath and getting squeezed under the barbell because of the surprise. As soon as she recognised his voice, a wave of warmth surrounded her. Her stomach vibrated, and her muscles relaxed, as a soothing feeling cradled her. But that feeling was part of the problem.
Actually, that was the entire problem.
He was her weakness.
She thought she wouldn’t care about those things – nothing else mattered, but being between his arms. And yet, now there was something that mattered more. And it was that if she continued on that path, he would have gotten seriously hurt.
And she couldn’t allow it. She needed to protect him at all costs.
One thing was looking for allies. Another was being attached to one of them. Pawns weren’t sparable anymore when they became important for the game.
A lone existence. That was her fate. She wasn’t allowed to desire to have her life filled with something more. How dare she think, even for a second, that any of that could change? That she could do anything to stop her nightmares from taking over?
She didn’t have the courage to meet Dean’s gaze, but she knew he was looking at her. She kept her eyes pinned to the ceiling struggling now more than ever to breathe. She pushed the bar back into the safety pins with a groan. “Been here the whole time.”
“Are you ok?” He wondered moving closer, his tone immediately softer. It surprised her, she was expecting him to be confrontational and angry.
She couldn’t stand it. It made her feel so desperate to just get lost in him. And it broke her apart, ripping her chest into pieces, knowing that it could never happen. She wasn’t allowed. Her only option was to end it there and then. For his sake. For both of them.
She sat up, so well acquainted with ignoring the physical strain she had just put herself under that she barely felt her muscles ache. Nothing hurt her as much as knowing what she had to do.
The only way to push Dean away was to hurt him. She was the only one that could do it and knew that had to go straight for the throat, clean cut, if she had any hope to save him from what was going to come.
Valkyrie dropped her arms to her knees, keeping her head low. “Please leave.” She whispered weakly, barely able to breathe. Barely able to feel anything but the clutch around her chest and throat.
She knew what she needed to do. But she didn’t have enough strength to do it.
“I can’t do this now.” Her voice gave off the broken notes of her pain and she should have known that Dean wouldn’t have been deaf to it. Stopping her tears from crossing her face was impossible, but she still tried to hide them from him.
Instead of listening to her plea, he approached her. “Angel,” the second he realised she was crying, he was on her knees, right in front of her. His big hands cupped gently around her face, bringing her to look at him. And worst of all, she didn’t oppose him.
As he inspected her features, locking his eyes with hers, she fell into his blue irises.
She knew better. But she couldn’t fight him. Not now. Not when he was showing her such devotion.
“What happened? Did someone hurt you?” His expression switched from soft and concerned to angered and, as seriousness took over him, she knew he was ready to fight.
Oh, if only he could know.
Valkyrie dared to reach out, unable to resist the powerful magnetism that always pulled her towards him. She touched his face, at first only testing the edge of his jaw with her fingertips, before pushing her hand around his cheek. “You need to go,” she simply stated, trying to encourage him with a nod. “We can’t do this. Please.”
He pushed himself closer to her, caressing her features with such kindness that surprised her. And may the Gods damn her since she so easily moulded herself under his touch. “What are you talking about?”
“Just forget this thing between us ever happened-” the pain that choked her was almost unbearable, “it doesn’t mean anything after all. You’re free of your debt. I am releasing you of it. You don’t have to-”
He frowned as confusion took over him. “Tell me what happened. Now.”
“I am telling you what is happening.”
“You can’t decide that for me.”
“Dean, please. I am begging you.” Valkyrie gathered all her strength and slid her hands around his wrists. She held him a second, before pushing his hands away.
“And I am telling you to tell me what happened. What changed?”
“You were throwing yourself at me a couple of hours ago,” the tiny smile he tried to pull, attempting to ease the situation as he tried to read into her, broke her heart in a million pieces, “what is it now?”
“I just can’t. Please, trust me.”
“Was it Seth?”
“No. It wasn’t Seth.”
He pouted, weighing her words, trying to read her expression. She could see he was calculating the risk of trusting her. And she damned herself for it, she could have lied. She could have broken his heart. It would have been such an easy excuse. Cruel, but easy.
“I care.” He suddenly said, “I care about you,” Dean grabbed her again, this time his hand slid through her hair, “is that what you want me to say? Ruin me, if you want."
The way he said that repeating the same words she used earlier, was solemn, like a promise made in front of the Gods.
"I don’t even know your name, angel. You fucked my life upside down-”
She quickly stopped him from saying anything more, gently pressing her fingers on his lips. “Please, don’t. I can’t take it.”
Every single word that slid out of his mouth was exactly what she so desperately wanted to hear. But there was no joy inside of her to welcome it. His words were only torture. Only condemning them both. And every emotion that burned through his wild, beautiful eyes was a new tear inside of her chest.
Dean didn’t seem much interested in being on the cusp of Hell. Instead, he challenged fate, ignoring her words. As he wrapped his free hand around the one she had in his mouth, he pressed her fingers against his own lips in a soft kiss.
The shiver that crossed her was so violent that it took her breath away.
Why did he have to be so attentive and sweet? Why now, when she had absolutely no strength to resist him? How was she supposed to get through a clean break with him, when the only thing she wanted was to find refuge in his arms?
He moved her hand from his lips and pushed himself even closer to her. At this point, his torso was between her knees. Again, she could have fought him, or she could have said something, but she didn’t. She let him handle her as if she had no will of her own.
Dean kissed her cheek ever so softly. “You don’t want me to leave.” He whispered so close to her.
It wasn’t a question. 
She leaned against him, inhaling deeply his scent. Her hands moved with a mind of their own over his arms and shoulders as she studied the edges of his muscles under her palms. “No, I don’t want you to.” She whispered, unable to fight any longer.
He was too close and too real.
The peace he brought to her soul was too soothing. Her world had stopped spinning. Her fear was quiet.
She had dropped her sword. She accepted her weakness. There was nothing else that could have been done. She had lost that battle and she was fine with it because thinking to stay away from him was more painful than anything else. Thinking to hurt him just to protect him was unbearable.
And she decided to be selfish.
Valkyrie looked him in the eye only for a moment, both hesitated a second as expectation raised between them. And then she gave in.
She kissed him.
Dean was more than ready to embrace her. His arms moved around her figure and pulled her down from the bench into his lap, caging her in a hug she had no intention to refuse. She was so ready to nest on his thighs, legs bent to his sides. Holding herself tight to his shoulders with one arm, she pushed her other hand between his hair grabbing it to the base of his skull, gently tugging at them.
He let a low growl escape his chest, it was a noise that resonated through her and wiped every thought out of her mind.
Valkyrie abruptly broke their kiss, pulling his hair and imposing herself on him. He let her. As soon as their lips separated, she looked down at him, diving into his glimmery, blue eyes. He looked so beautiful with his pale skin and reddened cheeks. His lips were puffier because of their kisses.
“You are making a mistake.” She whispered, still trying to clutch on some common sense.
The mocking smile that appeared on his lips, sweet and honest, showing his dimples, drove her insane. “Is that what you think this is? A mistake? I thought you liked making those.”
His voice was low and soft. Even his sarcasm was somehow sweeter. And it made her heart flutter.
She was too weak to be able to use words and lie right to his face. She knew what they were doing was a mistake, but, at the same time, she didn’t think it to be. Not entirely. Because she had wanted to be that close to him for far too long now. Finding herself at the moment, even after everything and well knowing all the consequences, was inebriating. And so right.
She shook her head. “I didn’t say that.”
“And what are you saying?”
“I’ve been trying to tell you. You should have left-”
“Oh, baby, if you think I’ll be going anywhere soon instead of being right here between your legs. Think again.”
A shiver crossed her. There was something in the confidence that poured out of him as he spoke. It was as if he mirrored her feelings and hadn’t wished for anything better himself.
“Dean,” she tried again, but before she could say anything, he pushed against her hold and shut her up with a kiss.
Valkyrie immediately melted between his arms, relaxing against his chest. She slid her arms around his shoulders, pushing a hand down his back only to feel the edge of his spine through the material of his t-shirt.
As their tongues crossed, this time, she was the one who released a small moan. That seemed to unleash something inside of him. There was something primal and hot in the way his grab around her became tighter.
Dean’s hands crossed her back, unconcerned by her sweaty skin, and wrapped around her waist, solidly holding her hips in his palms. His fingers were digging into her skin, filled with the soft edges of her curves. Without notice, he guided her to grind herself against him. Both released a moan.
She had never felt anything like it before. She knew desire. But she didn’t know what it meant to feel it like hunger. Like a painful ache to her core. She felt like she would have gone mad if she hadn’t found a way to satisfy her need right there and then. And he was the only one who could have helped. That only made her rub herself against him more.
One of Dean’s hands quickly followed her queue and grabbed her ass, giving her a strong squeeze, pushing her against himself in a way that made her core rub directly on the bulge in his jeans.
Another soft moan left her chest as a thick wave of pleasure crossed her.
It was unbelievable. She was already in shambles and they were only kissing.
This time, Dean’s lips weren’t as soft. His kiss was demanding and famished. And she was ready to match him because there was nothing else she desired more than being devoured by that man. She felt like she would have gone insane if she hadn’t given in to her desire. She had never wanted something as much as she wanted to be close to that man. It seemed ridiculous. It seemed like a joke. Like a mistake.
Gods, she desired him more than her own freedom.
That thought scared her and, at the same time, gave her new life altogether.
She broke their kiss again and, this time, she wrapped solidly a hand around his neck, making him listen to her. “I’ll give you tonight,” she whispered, trying to find some resolution, “tomorrow you’ll need to be gone.”
The way he was looking at her like she was something so precious. Like she was gold and he was a greedy dragon. “Be mine. Because I’m sure yours, angel.”
She nodded. It was as if they had just stipulated a promise. She would have thought about responsibilities, consequences and heartache the next day.
“Tell me what you need, baby girl.” He whispered on her skin, tracing her jawline with his lips all the way to her neck. 
“I need-” the kisses he started to place around her sensitive skin broke her train of thought, “I need you.”
“Tell me what you need me to do to you.” His deep voice vibrated through her skin, leaving her deeply shaken by a shiver crossing her back. “C’mon, don’t get all shy on me now.”
“I need you to fuck me,” she didn’t care about how explicit her words could be and he only seemed to like it.
He pulled away only enough to look her in the eye. “Do you need to have control, or do you need me to take care of you, baby girl?”
She was already nodding even before he stopped speaking. The pet’s name he decided to use for her was making her stomach curl in ways a simple word shouldn’t do. “I need you to make me forget everything else, can you do that for me, Dean?”
And he was ready to give her everything she had asked for.
Dean grabbed her hair and gave her a pull. Gentle enough not to be painful, but firm enough to have her lean her head and expose her neck completely to him. When he passed his tongue on her skin, from her collarbone to her ear, tasting her sweat in such a feral way. “God, you taste so good, angel.”
She jerked, trying her best to suffocate a moan, as she arched between his arms, giving him as much access as he needed.
"Do you intend to take me on this dirty floor, baby?" She wondered playfully, only because he didn't seem to have any intention whatsoever to let her go. Part of her was serious. She was so taken by the entire situation that she wouldn't have cared if he actually did decide to fuck her there and then.
He purred tracing a trail of kisses to her chin. "I'll fuck you whenever you want me to, angel." He looked up at her with utter devotion, "call me baby one more time and I'll do anything for you."
"You like that?" She wondered pecking at his lips. "Baby?"
He groaned, pulling her tighter into his lap. "I like it a lot." His head fell into her neck socket, as he assaulted her skin once more, this time, pushing himself all the way across her shoulder and chest, just under her collarbones.
Rolling her eyes to the ceiling, her gaze lazily crossed the black glass eye of a camera. She immediately froze. "Dean, there's a security camera."
"So?" The lack of fucks given by that man gave her a shiver. "I bet we could give them a show that they would remember for the rest of their life." Since he didn't even bother to stop nibbling on her chest, Valkyrie didn't know if he was joking or if he was serious.
She decided for him the moment his lips travelled too close to the helm of her sports top. Giving him a firm push, she escaped his hold, getting up.
"Or you could take me upstairs." She suggested, daring to smirk. The look he sent her from his kneeled position was sharp and determined. It was as if he had accepted a challenge, though she could only hope she understood the terms of it.
As soon as she turned to walk to the door, Dean grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, not letting her get away. Taking advantage of the camera blind spot.
She should have expected it, after all, she did challenge him. And maybe, part of her even wanted him to react that way. As if he was a famished wolf ready to attack his prey.
Dean suffocated anything she could start saying with a famished kiss. His hands were immediately all over her.
She welcomed him between her arms, wrapping them around his large shoulders. Unable to fight him off. His scent went to her brain and his ways just made her lose her mind.
"One word from you, and I'll stop, baby girl." He whispered close to her lips. His eyes crossed her face, as he left her space and time to object.
She didn't.
Valkyrie slid her fingers through his hair and leaned against the wall, in a submissive, encouraging pose. Gods, what was that man doing to her?
She would have let him do whatever he wanted to her.
It was as if she had spread fuel on fire. She recognised the exact moment Dean lost his mind and went completely feral.
"Such a good girl," he praised her with a kiss on the neck. As his voice spread through her skin, she replied with a small whimper, liking hearing him talking to her like that so much that she felt it deep inside her belly.
"Do you like being praised, angel?" He wondered, looking her in the eye as if he really wanted to see that same reaction again.
Valkyrie nodded. "By you? Yes." Batting her eyelashes, she slid her hands on his chest and pulled them down, across his abdomen, softly caressing him with her nails. On purpose, she pushed her fingertips to the edge of his jeans. And then moved back.
"Fuck-" he gasped, out of breath, leaning heavily against the wall, holding himself up with an arm.
Even though he appeared to like what she just did, he still grabbed her wrists in one hand and trapped them on top of her head, pinning her against the wall. Valkyrie gasped, surprised and excited, suddenly electrified by his move. His grip was soft but firm, and he pushed her arms high enough to bring her to stretch between him and the wall.
With his other hand, he held her steady by her hips. He dawned upon her, diving into another famished kiss. His demanding lips made her feel electric. Knowing how much he wanted her made her feel alive.
Dean pushed a leg between hers, encouraging her to spread her thighs for him with a nudge. She easily followed his queue, immediately rubbing herself against him, releasing a soft moan against his lips.
He traced the edge of her hip with his free hand and followed the outer side of her thigh. With a gentle nudge on her knee, he guided her to curl her leg around his hip, as he supported her with his own body. A moment later his hand was back on his hip, only so he could follow the helm of her gym trousers with his fingertips. His touch was so attentive it drove her insane, to the point she squirmed under him.
"Remember," he began breaking their kiss, looking down into her eyes but not looking for much more distance than that, "you can stop me any time, angel. Just say the word," he kissed her lips and chin, "but I'll reward you if you'll be a good girl for me."
She whimpered, answering him with a small nod.
Dean shook his head, forcing her to keep her focus on him. “Say it. Say you understand.”
“I understand.”
“Good girl.”
He then pushed his hand inside her trousers. His fingers easily found their way through her underwear right to her hot, drenched core.
“God, you’re so wet angel,” he groaned breathlessly, “is it all for me?”
She nodded, looking right into his eyes. She wasn’t shying away. On the contrary, she adored seeing him puff his chest with pure satisfaction, as his eye glimmered, still lit by the feral shade of his desire. And she wanted to remember it.
She wanted to remember it all.
“Fuck,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath, the moment Dean pushed his fingers through her wet folds. “This is so much better-” She had to force herself not to release a loud moan.
“Better than what, baby girl?” He wondered studying her features as pleasure bent them.
“Better than I imagined,” Valkyrie rolled her hips, rubbing herself on his hand, unable not to move, even when she was still pinned solidly by his hold, “when I touched myself.”
Dean choked on his own breath. “Did you touch yourself thinking about me?”
As she nodded, trying her best to keep quiet, Dean’s strength seemed to abandon him. “Oh, baby girl,” he released a groan, pressing his face against her neck, inhaling deeply her scent, “how many times?”
“Every night. I did it every night.”
“Darling,” he was in awe, and at the same time the look he sent her was guilty, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to take care of you.”
“Take care of me now, baby.”
His spirit bent under her request. Not that he needed her to ask him twice.
Dean’s touch was demanding but not as rude as she would have expected him to be. No, he seemed to know how to handle a woman. She wondered how many lovers he had in his past, to be as skilled.
And then, as anger grew inside of her, she quickly realised it was a thought she better forget. That wasn’t the time to be possessive; he didn’t belong to her.
He quickly stole every single one of her thoughts, as the pleasure started to grow inside of her. Her muscles tensed up as she stretched against him, trying desperately to find release. When she couldn’t control herself anymore, he suffocated her moans with kisses.
“C’mon baby girl, give it to me.” He encouraged her as she came, unravelling against him. This time it was she who dug her face against his neck, suffocating her cries on his skin and T-shirt material. “Such a good girl,” he kept praising her, guiding her through the violent waves of her orgasm.
She couldn’t think clearly. Her mind was clouded by the fog her orgasm had left behind. Just then, as she collapsed on him, Dean finally let her go, releasing her from his hold, only to guide her arms around his shoulders, so she could have something to hold onto. He kissed her temple, genuinely grateful.
When she caught her breath and was finally able to regain her motor functions, she looked back at him, offering a tired, satisfied smile. “Remind me why you didn’t do this to me the first night we met.”
“Because I am a damn son of a bitch.”
She nodded, agreeing with him, they both smiled, acting so sweetly, like nothing else in the world was a concern.
Dean leaned in kissing her softly.
“Now,” she wondered crossing his jaw with a soft caress of her fingertips, “can you take me upstairs?”
He nodded, happy to oblige.
They sneaked out of the gym and moved quietly through the silent hotel corridors.
She expected to be stopped, knowing they had just acted indecently in a public space, but she also couldn't care less. Her chest was so filled with adrenaline that she felt like she could have eaten the world.
Like teenagers, they stole each other kisses on the elevator and on the way to her room. And it was nice. It made her feel all fuzzy and warm, her heart was lighter, free. It made her feel like they were only regular people.
Once they got to her room, Valkyrie stood back, leaning by the door, watching Dean move inside her space. He curiously looked around, studying every detail of her room, hungry to discover everything she could consider personal.
Not that there was much around to find regardless. She rarely unpacked her bags and didn't own anything personal because she knew that like she arrived, one day she would have left and didn't like the idea of leaving stuff behind. Or getting attached.
Though, now, as Dean peeked in the opened bag in the corner, Valkyrie realised how terribly wrong she had always been.
Her chest ached at the idea that, regardless of her best efforts, she still managed to get attached to something, after all.
She moved closer to him and slid a hand on his shoulders. Like a hint he could not refuse, Dean turned towards her. They moved like they were made for each other, naturally attracted to embrace one another.
As soon as he faced her, Valkyrie wrapped her hands around his face. “Last chance.” She hinted with a quick nod. Dean looked above her head, in the direction of the door. The grin that grew on his lips, making his dimple pop, was as amused as ever. It was as if he liked the idea of challenging whatever ill fate she was promising.
“Angel, I’m already elbow-deep into this.” He grabbed her chin, making her lift her face and bend as he looked right into her eyes. He wasn’t much taller than her but Gods, she liked being handled by him. “You could tell me that you intend to slit my throat right after we're done as mantises do. I’d still fuck you with everything I’ve got and I’d die a happy man.”
His words hit a spot deep inside of her. There was something twisted and yet so beautiful in the way he spoke. Both so wild and violent and as soft as a promise. But besides his determination and courage, she now wanted to know more. Much, much more. With that, she was officially done trying to push him away.
“How would you like to fuck me?” She wondered, still hanging in his hold. 
Dean smiled at her; his dimples distracted her for a second. There it was, the smile of a hungry wolf. “Let me show you, baby girl.”
Part IV.
She had never known pleasure before. Nothing like what Dean offered her that night.
He was as skilled a lover as he was a fierce warrior. Unafraid and demanding. He could be selfish at times, but never as much as he was generous. His sole purpose was to satisfy her. His only goal was her pleasure.
Never once he had been afraid to be vocal with her. And she had more than one hint to know it drove him insane when she asked him to satisfy her desire in specific ways. And he was always happy to oblige.
He was able to be both gentle and rough.
Gods, it made her lose her mind when he looked at her devotedly, holding her tenderly. Still now, only remembering the look he would give her any time he nested between her thighs, with her legs thrown over his shoulders, pleasuring her with his mouth, gave her a shiver. It was as if his entire world rotated around her. As if he wasn't able to worship anything else as he did with her. Not even his battles.
It was intoxicating.
But not as much as it did when his hands became heavier and his thrusts deeper. Nothing could compare to the feeling of knowing he wanted to leave marks over her, branding her as his with scratches, bite marks and hickeys. Nothing was as ravaging as knowing she pushed him over the edge of insanity, enough so I'd lose control, becoming an animal.
And his stamina was enviable.
He quite literally lasted all night. And they hadn't given in. Not even a moment. They hadn't stopped a minute to catch their breaths, they hadn't wasted any time at all. And she was ready to match his seemingly limitless hunger with equal endurance.
Though now, she was completely satisfied and barely able to keep her eyes open. Every muscle in her body was relaxed, but she suspected she would have struggled to move later.
But that wasn't entirely Dean's fault.
A peaceful smile crossed her lips as she abandoned herself into Dean's arms under the shower. Her back was pressed against his chest as he held her exhausted body. The water was warm and welcomed as he took care of her, washing her hair and skin.
He was so strong, handling her like she weighed nothing wasn't a problem.
"Good?" He wondered, kissing her temple.
She had barely the strength to nod, reclining her head on his shoulder.
Dean brushed a smile on her cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were so tired."
"Don't be sorry," she whispered, running her hands over his arms that he had solidly wrapped around her, "I'm not sorry one bit."
"I bet you're not."
He turned off the shower and moved to get her a big towel to wrap her into, just so he could take her between his arms again. It was as if his own well-being wasn't important. Only hers.
Just after, making sure she could stand on her own, he then took a second to grab a towel for himself.
"Can you walk?" His voice was as soft as a lullaby.
Hearing it so close, so low and so intimately made her chest tremble. He was hers. All of him. Even if only for a bit. What they were sharing would have been something she carried with her forever.
"Angel?" As he called her back to reality, she didn't even realise she had drifted off.
"Sorry - uh, no." She simply said and not because it was true. Not entirely anyway. She felt like she could have walked on her own if she wanted, but why do that when Dean was more than ready to lift her between his arms?
He carried her back into the bedroom and to the bed, depositing her between the messy pillows and sheets. Just to follow her immediately back into bed.
She knew she should have told him to go. That was the moment she had tried to ignore. That was the sensible thing to do. And yet, snuggling against his chest, inside his welcoming arms, was way easier.
Dean kissed her forehead. "You have been so good to me, baby girl."
"I hope you're joking. When you give a woman the best sex of her life - especially someone like me, who's been around for a long time - you become the one who deserves a kiss on the forehead."
"Go on then." His chuckle gave her enough energy to push herself up, kissing him right between his pale eyebrows.
"There you go."
"Best sex of your life?" He wondered after a while with a cocky smile growing on his lips.
"Wouldn't have gone on as long as I did if it hadn't been so good. Freyr must have blessed you."
"Who's Frey?"
"Not Frey," she giggled, "Freyr." She made sure to let the name roll out of her mouth as clearly as she could.
"Ah- well, how's the guy?"
"He is my God of fertility and manhood."
"Shit. Thank you, angel, I'll take it as a compliment then."
"You should." She smiled proudly, pressing a kiss on his lips and then on his chin.
As she settled between his arms, silence fell between them as their intimacy grew.
There was no need for words and no space for timidity or pride, not after they spent the last few hours knowing each other’s bodies and respective sexual appetites. And especially knowing that it would have lasted only for a time and that time was quickly running out.
Valkyrie was trying her best not to notice how bright the sky outside her room window was becoming as sunrise approached. 
She tried to lock everything she had learned about him inside her memory, so as to keep it safe and warm, not accepting the idea of forgetting anything. Though the thought that she had only a few hours to know him for a lifetime was destructive and dangerous.
She wasn’t done. She would have never been done. If she had learned something from the few hours of bliss spent in his arms was that it wasn’t enough. And that deciding to cave, giving in to her desire to be as close to him as possible, had been the biggest mistake of her life.
It simply wasn’t fair.
Dean held her tight against his chest. A soft brush of his lips on her temple brought her back from her thoughts. “I’ve never asked you, what is your name?”
“My name?”
“Yeah.” His curiosity was soft and genuine and still hit her like a spear right through the heart.
Never, before that moment, she had thought something like her name was an important detail to share. With him or anyone else.
She had always been Valkyrie. At least, always since she had been trapped in that world by human hands. She was only known as Valkyrie as she fought. And she fought all the time.
Her name, like many things that came from before, was something she hadn’t thought about in a very, very long time. To the point it became a foggy memory, almost forgotten, unimportant. Like forgetting the flavour of your favourite dish from childhood or the smell of a particular place. It was like forgetting the name of someone else she used to know so well, someone who had to be left behind and now became only a reflection in a mirror.
“Eir.” She whispered, hesitating a moment before pushing out those words of a knowledge she didn’t even know she had left. Yet, knowing her name came back to her, as naturally as reciting a poem one once knew by heart.
“Eir,” Dean repeated after her, doing his best to imitate her accent letting the r at the end of her name roll on his tongue, “I like it.”
“Haven’t used it in a long time. Not sure I’m used to it anymore.”
“Would you mind if I used it?”
“No. You can use it,” she nodded looking up at him, “I do like it when you call me by pet names though.”
“Oh, that won’t change, angel, that won’t change.”
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Okay, this was chapter 1 of a Dean Ambrose x OC romate au I was working on. It's been in my drafts on wattpad for literally months. I have no idea what to do with it so I'm gonna just put it here.
He had never felt this awkward in his life Dean thought to himself as he at the last bite of crust in his third pizza slice of the night. He sat in the inside of the booth, almost pressed against the window, in an effort to give Becky's friend more space.
Sometimes he wondered if her friend felt the same way on these nights out, with them sitting on one side of the table and Becky and Seth on the other, either sitting extra close or in each other's lap (It varied on who was sitting on whose lap each night).
What was her name again anyway? How many times has they had pizza at this joint together why did he keep forgetting her-
"Oh, Viv, I forgot to ask! Are you still thinking about moving out?"
Vivienne! That's what her name was!
Dean watched her out of the corner of his eye as she gingerly swirling her iced tea around with the metal straw in her glass. "I don't know. It's not like rent's super expensive, I can still afford it even with you moving in with Seth, it'll just be weird trying to get used to living alone."
"Oh I know," the redhead reached over the table and took one of the girls hands. "But I know you can do it! And I'll visit all the time, I promise!"
"I mean, at least you're giving me a few weeks notice, so that's cool. And you'll only be a few towns away."
Seth laughed, pulling Becky closer by the waist, kissing her on the cheek. "And Soon this girl I'll be stuck in my lair forever!"
Vivienne snorted and Dean rolled his eyes. She shuffled in her seat, and through the smog of pizza smoke he caught another wiff   of her hair. It smelled almost fruity, probably  some kind of olive oil spray or lotion, there was always one on the living room table at her and Becky's apartment whenever  Seth dragged him over for game night.
It was pretty weird of him to notice it at a time like this, but God he'd rather pay attention to that then anything else right now. His back hurt from work, his ears were ringing from the music and laughter, and the tightness of the booth was driving him nuts. 
"Hey, Deano, are you still looking for a place?" Seth's voice broke through  his thoughts, the twang of concern in his voice slapping him back to reality.
"Huh? Oh yeah. 's going okay. I've been looking around at places near Winter...Winter something, yknow, where Full Sail is? A lot of long wait lists though." How the hell did he come up with a lie that fast? He couldn't find shit, definitely  not anything  in his price range.
"Yknow you don't have to move out asap, right?  We can wait until you find a place and then I can move in with Seth." Becky added.
"Nah, it's cool, you need to hurry up and make room for the Misses, you know? 'fore she gets cold feet." Dean shook his head, forcing out a laugh. Underneath the table he gripped his knee. Somebody get me the hell out of here...
"You can stay with me." a small voice interjected. Suprised, they all looked to Vivienne. " I mean, since Becky's moving out, you can stay with me until you find a place, or however long you need."
"Hey, that's an idea," Seth nodded, stroking the whispered of a goatee he had with his free hand. "She's gonna have that extra room. She can move into Becky's and you can move into her old one."
"No, I can stay in my room, I like it," Viv shook her head. Besides, Becky's rooms bigger and Dean's taller so he needs it more."
Are you kidding? Dean thought to himself. He barely knew her, would he  take the primary room when she lived their longer? "Uh, I ain't so-"
"Rent is $850 a month, can you pay half of that?" Becky asked.
Dean eyes widened. "That's only like $400!"
Viv nodded.
That was barely half of his paycheck! "Yeah, I can pay that."
"Okay. We'll have to talk to the landlord about it after Becky moves out so you can sign the lease too." Viv noted.
"Cool, great. Thanks." Wait, shit, did he just say yes?
They continued on with the rest of their evening, laughing at jokes and finishing the rest of the pizza, while Dean silently panicked. What the hell just happened? What did he just agree to? She was nice, but he barely knew her!
She didn't really talk to him for the rest of the night, just kind of stole glances at him when she thought he wasn't paying attention. Unnerving as it was, she didn't look at him in a bad way, just.. curious.
Almost as if she was unsure how this would work as he was.
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let-me-love-you-loki · 11 months
An Ending Within--Ch. 21
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Chapter 21
           “I’m tired,” I mumbled as I stood up and stretched. It felt like I’d been sitting at that table for days. “I need to take a walk.”
           Sammy Guevara glanced up from the photograph he was signing. We’d been doing a meet-and-greet before Dynamite for the last two hours. It was still a little insane to me that people paid to have their picture with me and get an autograph.
           “Don’t take too long,” he said, glancing at his watch. “There’s only thirty minutes left.”
           For a moment, I wanted to kick him. But I’d been wearing my brace consistently since my match with Jon. Stupid Sammy wasn’t worth the extra pain and discomfort.
           “I’m only going to take a lap around the room, dipshit,” I said under my breath. Sammy smirked. I turned toward the people waiting in my line. “I just need to move around guys. Mox jacked up my knee. The loser. I’ll be back in five.”
           A few people grumbled, but I was already wobbling toward the other end of the room. The outside of my leg was numb. It had been messed up in one way or another for the last few weeks. Jon had been worried so much that I’d wanted to smack him. He worried more than Seth. And of course, neither of us had let on to my husband that my leg was acting up like this again.
           Taking my time, I looped around the room once. I stopped every ten steps or so and flexed my knee and wriggled my toes as much as I could. The numbness began to give way to pins and needles. My heart skipped a beat and then relaxed. A huge wave of relief washed over me. Still, I made a mental note to set up an appointment with Dr. Thurman. If I was going to go crazy in the ring, maybe it would be a good idea to get a bit of maintenance physical therapy. I just had to figure out how to tell Seth.
           “Okay,” I said as I plopped back down in my chair. A teenage girl stood at the front of the line. “I’m only talking to people who hate Jon Moxley.”
           The girl grinned and unrolled a neon green poster. Giant black block letters spelled out a message that made me cackle in a way that would make Seth proud.
           Jon Moxley fears Leighton Black.
           “How’s the leg?” Tony Khan asked as we passed in the hallway.
           I flexed my foot and bent my knee a few times. “On my way to see Doc.”
           “Good. If Doc clears you, I’ve got a match for you against Statlander. And we gotta build up your rematch against Jon.”
           Before I could reply, laughter echoed down the hallway. I didn’t need to feel the frenetic energy overwhelming the air to know it was Jon. What I didn’t expect was the crackle of electricity along my skin and the warm salt scent of the ocean. Turning to see Seth and Roman walking side-by-side with Jon sent me barreling backward in time to the early days of The Shield. Those early days when the Hounds gathered around me. My heart jumped up into my throat. Tears burned behind my eyelids.
           “What are you doing here?” I gasped.
           Roman’s deep rumble washed over me. “Surprise, itiiti.”
           Joy lanced through me so quickly that it knocked the breath from my body. I was running before I registered moving. Roman held out his arms and snatched me against his chest. I snaked my arms around his neck and hooked my heels behind his knees.
           “Once a Hound, always a Hound,” he murmured against my hair. “It’s time we came to support you.”
           I swallowed nervously. Time to bite the bullet. But at least I could honestly say it was pins and needles now. Normal coming and going of sensation like I’d had for years now.
           “I was just on my way to see Doc Sampson for the all clear.” Roman set me gently on my feet. “If he says go, I’ve got a match tonight.”
           Jon’s brow furrowed. “Against who?”
           A grin spread over my face. “Your girl Statlander.”
           Seth turned to look at Jon with a smirk. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Your girl? You’ve already dropped Llane?”
           “Fuck you,” Jon said as he thumped Seth hard in the shoulder. He pushed his way past Roman and hooked his arm around my neck. He tucked me in close and gave me a fierce kiss on my head. “Dollface here is the only girl for me. Period.”
           I laughed and put my arm around his waist. “Don’t let Renee hear you say that.”
           Jon shrugged. “She already knows. When it comes to this business, you’re it for me, dollface. Names might change, but we’re Lunatic Llane for good.”
           A door opened at the end of the hallway. “Leighton? Let me get a look at you. Tony needs to know if you’re cleared so he can block the show.”
           Giving Jon one last squeeze, I skipped out of his hold and moved between Seth and Roman. My husband brushed his fingertips along my arm as I walked by. Something like peace and calm slipped along my spine.
           When I left Doc Sampson’s trainer’s room, I was more than a little surprised to see a cluster of people just down the hall. The Bucks and Adam Page leaned against the wall with Jon, Seth, and Roman across from them. Chris Jericho was tucked in there, too. Nick Jackson looked up as I got closer. He smiled, and a warm sensation rushed through my heart. My old family joining with the new one.
           “You sure you guys don’t want seats? If you aren’t comfortable with ringside then we can get you a box or something. Somewhere you won’t be seen. And definitely won’t be on camera.” Matt Jackson spoke earnestly to Seth and Roman. I could see what he was trying to do, but I knew without a doubt that it wouldn’t work.
           Seth shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “Thanks, Matt. I mean it. But we’re risking our careers enough just being here.”
           “Seriously?” Adam asked, his voice awash with incredulity.
           Jon grunted. “You have no idea what it’s like over there.”
           “Vince isn’t one for disloyalty. Hell, he swore he’d never speak to me again after I jumped ship to AEW. And he is petty,” Jericho added. “If he finds out that they’re here, he’ll bury them as punishment.”
           My heart jumped into my throat as those words slipped into my brain. “What? You both have to go. Right now,” I squeaked. “Leave. Now.”
           Roman pulled me into a hug. He tucked my head just beneath his chin. “Not a chance, itiiti.”
           “But Vince—”
           “Are you forgetting who you’re talking to?” Roman teased. I felt the chuckle rumble through his chest. His heart beat steadily beneath my ear. “My family helped keep that company alive more than once. Let him try to fire me. If he does, he’s going to have to deal with Sika, Dwayne, and Rakishi.”
           “Ro, you know how vindictive he is.” Worry bled into my body, seeping through into my voice. “If you two get in trouble because of me, I’ll murder both of you.”
           The hallway echoed with the sound of Seth’s laugh. “Don’t worry about us, baby. We’ll be fine. Promise.”
           “Both of you are insane,” I said, wiggling out of Roman’s hold to move closer to Seth. He leaned over to press a kiss against my forehead.
           “I promise. Plus, I have another excuse,” he said with a smile.
           “Tina!” came my favorite voice in the world. “Mamma! Mamma!”
           Sefina came barreling down the hallway with a huge grin on her face. She had a handful of what looked like Sour Patch Kids in one fist. Brandi Rhodes had her other hand and rushed along just behind my daughter.
           I squatted down and held out my arms to her. She yanked her hand from Brandi’s hold and dropped her snacks on the floor as she threw her arms around my neck. I held onto her tight and pressed one kiss after another over her cheeks and forehead.
           “Hi, sweetie!” My whole body felt bright and happy at the sight of my daughter there. She hadn’t seen me wrestle since I moved to AEW. “What are you doing here?”
           “Tama and uso brought me!” Her dark eyes were bright and there was a faint blush over her cheeks. “I want to watch you!”
           That burning behind my eyes came again as I tucked my daughter’s hair behind her ear and looked up at Seth. “Well, that’s good because mommy has a match tonight. Do you want to go meet her?”
           Sefina giggled and nodded. I hooked my arms around her and stood up. She held on tight as I walked through the gaggle of people and went off toward Kris Statlander’s locker room. I was sure my daughter would love her alien gimmick.
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brxnzedragxn · 1 day
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if roman is mean just steal his friends!!!
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dagamesfan60 · 11 months
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Dean Ambrose x Maya Davis (my oc)
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horror102 · 1 year
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
Hi! Starting over again!
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Idk how many people may remember this blog but hi! I'm Val aka Smolwritingchick.
I used to post The Bangtan Gal here on Tumblr. A BTS Jungkook love story about an 8th member of BTS, Jennie Walker.
I'm starting over. I have two stories I want to post on here that I deleted. A wrestling story called Forced To Believe which is about a female member of The Shield from WWE (I posted that on fanfiction.net many years ago) and my BTS story, Bangtan Gal. Currently editing chapters and will post them soon.
I took a long break from writing due to my mental health and just lack of motivation to write as I focused more on work and had other passions. But I miss it and would love to repost my work. I'm not a big fan of the fanfiction.net site these days so I will be posting my stories on Wattpad, Tumblr and Archive of our own for now on.
I'm hoping to continue The Bangtan Gal as I plan out new chapters after editing the old ones. For now, what matters is that I'm having all these chapters up from what has already been written so people can reread.
This blog will focus 95% on my K-Pop story The Bangtan Gal, so expect a lot of posts and asks regarding my K-Pop story and fewer posts about my wrestling story. I'm more focused on that, so sorry in advance.
I don't really care about the notes or views. I just want to post these up again and see where it goes.
I keep rereading my stories and I really miss it so why not?
Stay tuned.
I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own
Forced To Believe Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Smol oneshot/drabble Masterlist
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wrestlersownmyheart · 1 month
Closer Than You Think Prologue/Chapter 1 (Dean Ambrose X OC)
Keep in mind with this story that it's a bit of a reimagining, sort of a "what if" scenario if you will. What I mean is... the Shield never broke up nor did Dean evolve into Moxley and join AEW. In my perfect world he stayed with Seth and Roman.
With that being said, I give you Closer Than You Think!
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Title: Closer Than You Think Pairing: Dean Ambrose X OC: Shannon Brock Summary: When a serial killer claims a number of victims including NXT wrestler, Shannon Brock's cousin, she vows to find the killer after she is bumped to RAW from NXT. Her cousin's lover, AJ Styles, appoints himself and the Shield—Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns—as her bodyguards.
Dean takes the task very seriously and doesn't let Shannon out of his sight, despite the game of cat and mouse they play with the killer. Can he keep her safe, or will the killer claim his ultimate victim?
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Extreme Violence against women; murder
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Prologue/Chapter 1
Evil Is Born…
"When this monster entered my brain, I will never know, but it is here to stay. How does one cure himself? I can't stop it, the monster goes on, and hurts me as well as society…"
~Dennis Rader (BTK Killer)~
Being born was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I learned very soon in life that my mother never really wanted me. She reminded me all the time how she wanted a little girl but was instead stuck with a boy.
Things got worse when she left my dad. He took everything out on me. He was drunk every day of his life. And I was beaten every day of mine.
By the time I hit my teen years, I was completely filled with rage. I didn't know how to deal with it, so I did what many people in my situation end up doing. I would pick fights at school and bullied younger, smaller kids. This would result in my getting sent to the principal's office many times over. This brought about more beatings, of course. And I would grow even angrier. But there wasn't much I could do about it, except to bully some more. It was a vicious circle.
My dad died in a drunken car accident soon after I turned eighteen. I was finally free.
But not for very long.
After my dad was killed, I was glad to live on my own. Omaha suddenly became more peaceful to me. Quiet. I could do as I pleased. However, I only had about two years of freedom before sheer hell came on me slow and easy.
I met the woman I would marry. Her name was Debra. I met her one evening at the bowling alley where I worked. I can't believe how quickly I fell for her. She was beautiful. She had long, dark hair. Her ivory complexion accentuated her big, pale blue eyes. She was slender, but had curves in all the right places. She was the most sweet, and loving girl I'd ever met.
Debra just seemed like a dream. I thought I'd found the one woman who would show me that not all females were like my mother; selfish and manipulative. Instead, I had married a girl who was as manipulative as they come.
Soon after our wedding, her true colors came through. She cheated on me, and wanted to control everything. The money, the house, what cars we bought...everything. She was verbally abusive for the first several years of our marriage. And when she saw she could get away with it, she became physically abusive as well. She started out just slapping me. But then she graduated to punches and throwing hard objects at me. I wanted to hit her. I really did. But I knew I'd end up in jail, because who would believe such a beautiful, angelic-looking woman was abusing me? I wasn't going to end up in prison because of her.
Looking back, I should have just left her. But I didn't. I put up with her for five years. Why? I honestly don't know. I wish I did.
All I do know is I had a new rage building up in me. And I couldn't bully kids to soothe it away anymore. So, I found another way of unleashing my rage. I began preying on stray animals, and lost pets. I would collect them, take them out to the woods behind my house and torture them. It felt good to make something feel the pain and anguish I felt nearly every day of my life. The little creatures had it easy though. Their torture and pain only lasted minutes. I was enduring a lifetime of it. Soon, I ran out of victims. It seemed as though I had cleaned the neighborhood of strays, and caused the owners of their lost, beloved pets to lose hope. I even put the animal patrol officer out of business for the summer.
One night, I'd finally had enough. We were arguing about money, as usual, when she let loose and kicked me in the balls. I fell to the floor gagging in misery. I took the abuse as I always did, but in my head I was already planning.
I was going to kill my wife.
Over the next month, I added enough cash to my secret savings to get fake IDs, a used car under my new name, hair dye, and anything else I needed to make a clean get-away. I just needed to figure out how I would kill her. It had to be flawless.
I went out to the garage to think up the rest of my plan. I knew the time of my retribution was very near, and it seemed to ignite my fury. I was so angry just thinking over my sham of a marriage. I knew I wanted to do the most painful thing I could to Debra.
My eyes fell on some rope and picked it up, planning to tie her up with it. As my hand latched onto it, however, a roll of barbed wire tumbled to the cement, and I froze.
Barbed wire—even better.
I picked the spool up instead and realized then that I would have to work fast in order to tie Debra up. I figured, what with being bigger and stronger than she was, it shouldn't be difficult to accomplish. I smiled when I imagined the look on her face when she saw what I had in store for her. I had just finished polishing up the plans in my mind when I heard Debra's voice behind me.
"Dinner is read—Hey, what are you doing with that barbed—"
I spun around, slapping her right across the mouth. She fell to the concrete almost silently, too stunned to react. She just lay there sobbing quietly and holding her mouth. Then she seemed to get control of her pain and fear, and glared up at me.
"Never thought I'd hit you, huh," I taunted her. I moved fast and had the razor-sharp wire around her wrists in mere seconds. Reaching upward, I grabbed some wire cutters from a worktable, and trimmed it. She whimpered then as I pulled her to her feet, dragging her into the house through the kitchen.
I grabbed a knife off of the tiled counter top. Then I pushed Debra down to the floor. I could see by the trembling of her body, she was too frightened to run.
"Don't speak," I whispered to her. "Or I'll kill you slowly. I never want to hear your obnoxious, evil voice again. Am I clear? Nod if you understand."
A mixture of fire and fury shown in her gray eyes and she glared disdainfully at me. "You're not man enough to kill me," she growled at me as a small stream of blood dribbled out the corner of her mouth. She tried to free herself from the barbed wire, but discovered it was far too painful to struggle with.
"Oh, I am," I smiled at her. "Trust me. And I told you not to speak."
Fear replaced her fury once more as realization crossed her pretty features.
She cowered in the corner, and was unable to force down the sob that erupted from her lips. I stepped over to her and didn't hesitate in slashing up her face. She cried out and put her hands up to protect herself, which didn't stop me. It just angered me even more. I drove the knife right through one of her hands and twisted it. The sound emitting from her was like nothing on this earth. Finally feeling a little bit of relief I grinned.
"That hurts, huh?"
I then slit her throat deliberately slowly with the knife. But before she was able to die, I then, inch by excruciating inch, pressed the knife into her stomach and ripped it upward, savoring the sound of her flesh tearing and her crimson blood splashing onto the floor.
Finally I was free. I could start over.
Quickly, I washed off the knife and took it upstairs with me where my bag had been packed and hidden in the back of the closet. I shoved the murder weapon into the bag to dispose of later. I wanted to get the thing as far from the crime scene as possible.
Changing into a clean pair of jeans and black polo shirt, I tossed my dirty clothes into the bag to discard at another time and place as well. Looking around one last time, I hurried out the back door and headed into the woods. I'd parked my secret car about a mile from the house.
In about twenty minutes I'd be out of here for good. I felt a huge smile spread across my face as I thought of how well my plan had worked so far. I hoped the cops would assume I'd been taken somewhere and killed. Turning into a cold case would be perfect.
When I reached the vehicle, I tossed my bag in the trunk and got in the car. I grabbed the map I'd stashed in the glove compartment and plotted out a route to Albany, New York.
Why Albany?
I'd never been to Albany before. Never mentioned the place in my life. And I needed to be random in choosing my destination just in case the authorities were on my tail. I also planned on being frugal with my funds for a while. If I was discovered, I needed to be prepared. I wanted to be able to get up and leave in a moment's notice if I needed to. But I wasn't complaining. I was finally free. I was going to live life to the fullest.
And I did for a while.
Until my pesky little need to inflict pain on the female population returned, that is.
About a year had passed since I killed my wife. I was beginning to feel angry again—irrationally angry. The wrath I thought I'd finally buried, still consumed me. It had always been there, just under the surface. I needed to find yet another way to deal with it. I wanted to punish my wife all over again. But, of course, I couldn't because she was dead—long dead.
Nonetheless, the idea of retribution soaked up my every thought, and I was desperate to do something about it. I had an epiphany then, it all become so clear in my mind.
What difference did it make if I took my revenge out on my wife, or just women in general? Women were all the same anyway! They all deserved the torture I so utterly wanted to bestow on them.
I came up with a plan one night when I was flipping channels on my television and came across a wrestling program. I watched as two scantily clad women scuffled and frolicked around in the ring, completely for the men's benefit. I was repulsed as their breasts all but fell out of their tops.
And then it hit me—this was it!
I wanted to hurt any promiscuous, strong-willed woman and make them pay, because that's what I hated in my wife. Women had to always rely on a man to take care of them but yet treated them like dirt. They were manipulative horrible creatures, and they had to pay for it.
As I watched the two female wrestlers, I realized they were truly no better than Debra. Or even my mother. Their beauty was only on the outside, and they used their looks ruthlessly. They were doing nothing for society, unlike what I planned to do for the world. I would dedicate my life to ridding the world of their filth.
One whore at a time.
And what better place to start than in the wrestling industry? There were plenty of trashy women to slaughter.
I just had to find my way in...
And I did. I learned everything I could about the wrestling business. Then I entered into a school and learned to wrestle and how to referee. I even covered all my bases and worked with ring crews to set up wrestling rings and stages in arenas.
Thanks to all my training and preparations, I soon met my next victim—a young blond student wrestler. She wanted to sleep with me one night, so I obliged her. Right before I slashed her throat. I discovered sex was another way to dominate women. They had NO control over what I did to them. But I discovered one little problem.
You see, part of me wanted to rid the world of filth—and I still do. But I have to take care of my own needs first.
I find the idea of reenacting the killing of my wife to be very therapeutic. But if I want to feel as though I am indeed killing her again—over and over— I need women who resembles her physically as well as in her actions.
I need dark-haired women.
Blondes and redheads are not going to work.
At least they won't for now. Their time will come though.
I have my eye on the perfect girl right now. She is the spitting image of my burden. But I need to experiment with my craft first.
This is my art.
And art takes practice...
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jxtina-86 · 10 months
Every Time You Close Your Eyes - Chapter 1
I'll say it now, there is a lot going on that is yet to be revealed in this story. I have 4 pages of notes outline the backstory...! So let's see if we get that far!
Thank you @thesamoanqueen for reading my messages last night and putting me on track. Forever grateful for your ear and kind words.
Prologue can be found here.
AU fic
Seth Rollins x OC x Roman Reigns (also features Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley - referred to as the latter).
Would love to know your thoughts!
Rated MA
Warning: Language, light smut.
Italics = flashbacks.
Luisa kept her eyes shut as the bed shifted next to her. Fingers trailed up and down her spine, sheets rustling as Seth moved closer to her. His lips met her shoulder, his arm sliding over her body and pulling her against him. His arms curled around her as he continued to press light kisses to her skin, slowly working his way up to her neck.
She let her mind wander back to a time when she didn’t have to conjure up a fantasy to immerse herself in his touch. His hips rolled against her ass and she let herself become more malleable to his touch. He rolled her slowly, moving her as he pleased, his fingers clutching at her panties, pulling them away.
The moves were all familiar, but they came with no emotion attached. It wasn’t as raw or as passionate as it once was. It was just going through the motions. His lips pressed against her back as he moved behind her, above her. She reached out, clutching at the pillow as she felt him pull her hips a little higher, a hand slipping between her legs. Her body shook, her eyes still squeezed shut as she gasped and choked out his name. She felt a ringing in her ears as he slammed into her a final time. He collapsed forward, his forearms only just stopping his full weight from crushing her. His breath was hot and heavy against her cheek as he nuzzled against her, a hand pushing her hair from her face.
He kissed her softly and then chuckled to himself as he moved off her at last. The sheets billowed around her for a second before they landed and stuck to her hot skin. Twisting her head to one side, she opened her eyes and watched him move around the bedroom. Still naked, he paused by the curtains and drew them back so that sunlight flooded the room. Grimacing at the brightness, Luisa reached for a pillow and buried her face in it.
Only when she heard the click of the bathroom door closing, followed by the sound of running water, did she lift her head. Rolling over, she tugged the sheets up to her chin and stared up at the ceiling. The sheets smelt of his cologne, his sweat, their sex. It used to be comforting to be wrapped up in him. She used to beg him to stay with her, pull him back between the sheets, straddle him, kiss him into submission. He used to do the same to her, always making them late for work, for drinks, for dinner, for everything.
Luisa scoffed at her naive younger self, despite the fact that only two years had passed. Two years felt like a lifetime and yet it was barely the blink of an eye. Whatever they once had, was well and truly sealed in the past and she’d given up hope that things would change for the better. Too many promises had been broken for her to ever believe him again.
She stretched and sat up as she heard the shower shut off. The sheets pooled at her waist as she looked around for where she’d discarded her robe the night before. Scraping a hand through her hair, she frowned as her finger caught in the messy strands. It took her a second to realise what had happened and she bit her lip to stop herself cursing as she reached with her other hand to detangle the ring which must have slipped around her finger, the diamond now facing inwards. Slowly, she turned it and watched as it gleamed in the morning sunlight. Delicately she removed a single strand of hair that had caught around the band.
“I knew you’d like it.”
She looked up to see Seth leaning against the bathroom door, a towel slung low on his hips.
“It’s beautiful,” she told him, her thumb brushing over the face of the diamond. 
“Only the best for you,” he replied, swiping his phone from the bedside table. Luisa felt her skin itch, but managed to keep her face impassive.
Not that he would have known either way. His brow furrowed as he paused to scroll through his emails. Instinctively his hand scraped over his head and she watched his fingers linger for a second too long at the back of his neck. She knew what they were searching for, yet the knot of hair that had previously been a permanent feature was long gone. Instead, his fingers down dug into the top of his spice, the tips tracing the beginning of a tattoo that was an almost invisible reminder of who she had fallen for once upon a time.
He walked past her without another word, heading to the closet.
“Are you going out tonight?” she called out as he disappeared into the dressing room.
“Most likely. Why?”
“I was thinking of going to see my Mom. I haven’t seen her since we got engaged and she’ll want to see the ring and hear all about the other night again.”
“Right,” came the reply. 
She stood from the bed, robe located on a chair. She wrapped it around herself and headed over to the dressing room. She stood in the doorway, watching as he button his shirt and tucked it neatly into his pants.
“So I guess I’ll be back late too…” she trailed off.
“Okay.” He was looking for cufflinks now, a tie yet to be knotted looped through the shirt collar.
“I’ll give her your love?” she half-asked, half-stated as he slipped the suit jacket from its hanger.
“Of course.”
He paused for a split-second and she thought he was going to kiss her. But his eyes were on his phone again and then he was gone. 
Seth’s arm curled around her as they sunk deeper into the corner booth. The bar was still busy, the Friday night crowd yet to move onto pastures new, but Luisa was barely aware of her surroundings. Her finger traced along a groove in the table as Seth reached for his beer. She watched, almost mesmerised as he took a long swig. His head tipped back, giving her the perfect view of his thick neck and the fuzziness of his beard which was in desperate need of a shave. Her own head rocked back against his shoulder and she smiled to herself as she felt his hand squeeze her arm.
The end of the week was what she lived for. What had begun as a group of interns celebrating the start of the weekend, quickly progressed to it being just the two of them. The first time was just luck - Peter had been called away to a family emergency, Brad had a date and Jessica didn’t seem thrilled at the prospect of third-wheeling with two people who wanted to drink beer and laugh about the awfulness of interning.
At first, it was just that - beers and laughter. He was easy to be around, he made her feel relaxed and less on edge than the rest of the group. His lack of decorum made her drop her guard. She felt more like herself like she was around her friends and her family. They like the same films and books and after a long time of trying, eventually found common ground in music as well. She looked forward to closing down at her computer on a Friday, heading out to the elevator to find him waiting.
She wasn’t sure when it became something more than just drinks and company. One evening she just felt his hand brush against hers. Long fingers enveloped hers and then they walked hand in hand like it was the norm. That same evening, their usual hug, which had started a few weeks into their ritual, included a brief second where his lips touched her cheek. The following week, the hand-holding was followed by him sliding into the booth next to her rather than opposite and when they said their goodbyes, he hesitated for a second before giving her a tentative peck on the lips.
Now she struggled to let him go. Sometimes he’d prise her hands from the collar of his coat, grinning and winking as she clamoured for more. She would float home on the memory of his mouth on hers, catching her reflection in the subway, her cheeks always flushing as she took in the mess he’d made of her hair with his fingers.
Seth shifted next to her and Luisa felt herself being pulled a little closer. Her own hand dropped to his thigh as she leaned forward to grab her beer. Draining it, she flicked her wrist over to look at her watch. Patting Seth’s leg, she raised her hand to show him the time.
“Already?” he groaned, his chin resting softly on her head as she chuckled.
“Last trains wait for no one.”
She pulled herself upright, reaching for her purse and coat. Seth stood, stretching for a second. He held out his hand for her as she stood. He pulled her gently against him, his lips brushing over her forehead before they moved through the bar towards the exit.
Outside it was raining and they huddled for a moment as she rummaged for her umbrella. His fingers grazed hers as he took the handle in his hand, holding it at a comfortable height for both of them.
“Any big weekend plans?” he asked her as they walked.
Luisa nodded. “My brother is back in town, so we’re going out for dinner, catching up, the usual.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.”
“You never asked,” Luisa replied with a grin. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Brothers, sisters?”
Seth shook his head. “Neither. I was such a great kid my parents decided they couldn’t do any better.”
Luisa elbowed him softly, laughing. “You’re full of it.”
He shrugged. “It’s the truth.” But his lips twitched when he met her eye and she rolled hers in response.
They rounded the corner to the subway and Luisa felt her heart start to pound in anticipation of Seth turning her in his arms and pressing his mouth against hers.
“Shit,” she heard him mutter.
“Wha-” she started but then she saw for herself. Outside the subway entrance was a small group of people, most of them looking slightly frustrated. Amongst them, she could see an employee of the subway company looking harassed.
“Sir, there is no service from this station due to an electrical fault further up the line.”
“Shit,” Luisa echoed Seth’s previous remark. She tugged back her coat sleeve and stared desperately at her watch. “The nearest station is what, two blocks away? I mean if I run I could make that and then…”
She trailed off, feeling herself being steered away from the station, along the road to where the street crossed over the avenue and the traffic clustered in a sea of lights.
“Seth? Where are we going, the station is back there?”
He shook his head. “It’ll take you double the time to get to your station and then you’ll miss your train home anyway.”
“And a cab is going to get me there quicker is it?” Luisa asked, confused as Seth scanned the traffic.
“Over there.”
They darted across the road, weaving in and out of the traffic. Seth opened the door, gesturing for her to get in as he shook off the umbrella. Inside, sheltered from the cold and the rain, Luisa frowned as Seth reeled off an address she didn’t recognise.
“Sorry,” she started to say to the cab driver. “We need two stops.”
“No, we don’t.”
“Seth, what the hell? I need to get home.”
“Come home with me.” His words hung in the air as she stared at him incredulously. He glanced up and almost looked bemused by her expression. “What?”
“Go home with you?”
He rolled his eyes. “Not like that.” He saw her raised eyebrow. “I swear. Look, I’m just trying to help. You wouldn’t have made the last train from that other subway station and then what? You’d be stuck at the station for the night. What kind of guy would I be if I let that happen to you?”
Luisa scowled but she couldn’t help but agree - stranded at the station on a Friday night wouldn’t be ideal.
“My place isn’t far and I promise to have you in a cab tomorrow morning back to the station so you can get home and see your brother.”
She didn’t answer, still weighing up her limited options.
“My roommate is out of town. You can have his bed, he won’t mind.” He reached across the seat for her hand. “I just want to make sure you’re safe, okay? And letting you go off into the night to get a train that you might not make just doesn’t sit right with me.”
He tugged her hand up to his lips, drawing her eyes upwards with the gesture. He held her gaze as he kissed her knuckles.
“Fine,” Luisa heard herself say.
Seth grinned. “I make excellent waffles.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” she murmured as she slid across the seat and into his outstretched arm.
Seth’s apartment was not what Luisa had expected. She’d seen the cramped apartments her friends lived in, the dingy views of trashcans outside their windows and the constant noise of neighbours moving behind paper-thin walls. Seth clearly didn’t need to worry about any of that.
The apartment spanned two floors, with one bedroom off the main living area and the other up a floating staircase. The full-length windows on one side of the open plan lounge and kitchen offered up an outstanding view of the city, whilst the rest of the apartment was enclosed in exposed brick and timber.
“This is… Wow…” Luisa exhaled as her hand slid across the smooth surface of the breakfast bar.
“It’s my roommate,” Seth explained with a shrug. “His parents bought it as an investment property or something. I think they just wanted him to get a roommate so he could experience ‘normal’ city life or some bullshit. I was the first person to view it, said I’d take it and he just seemed relieved he didn’t have to show anyone else around.”
“He just offered you the room?”
“Pretty much.”
Luisa shook her head with a grin as Seth closed the space between them, his hands reaching for her hips. “Has anyone told you that you’re one lucky bastard?”
“Nope,” he murmured in return, his mouth only an inch from hers. “But I’m starting to think it might be true.”
“Smooth,” she murmured against his lips.
Luisa shivered as Seth’s hands cupped her face, his fingertips grazing her hair. Her own hands slid around his waist, pulling him closer to her. She heard the faint squeak of her heel on the wooden floor as they stumbled slightly, her back pressing against the edge of the breakfast bar. Seth pulled back for a second, his eyes dark, his tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip. But when Luisa boldly pulled his head back to her, he only responded with a brief kiss, his fingers brushing tenderly over her cheeks.
“It’s late,” he whispered, his breath tickling her skin.
Desperately trying to hide her disappointment, Luisa nodded. “I guess.”
“There’s an en-suite off the bedroom.”
The matter-of-fact tone jarred. “Right.”
Luisa felt cold as Seth stepped back. She wasn’t sure if it was from the lack of his warmth or the coolness of the obvious rejection.
“I mean, feel free to hang out in here if you want…” He trailed off.
Luisa cleared her throat awkwardly. “No, I think I’ll just go to bed.”
For a moment, neither of them moved.
“Well,” Seth said, his hand running over the back of his head, fingers delving into the knot of hair. “Good night.”
She felt his eyes on her as she brushed past him to collect her purse and head into the bedroom.
Setting her purse on the bedside table, she perched on the edge of the freshly made bed and kicked off her heels. Looking around she noticed the time on the clock on the wall. Cursing under her breath, she opened her purse and found her phone. She knew that her Mom would be starting to worry and quickly tapped out a message to explain the situation. She typed out Seth’s name and then paused. Carefully, she deleted it and wrote instead that she was sleeping at a friend’s. Chewing her lip, Luisa hit send.
She was just about to head into the en-suite when there was a soft knock on the door. Her heart started to pound as she got up and walked to the door. Opening it, she swallowed as she saw Seth standing before her.
Gone were the suit and tie. In their place was a pair of shorts and nothing else. Luisa felt herself staring but she couldn’t help herself. The time spent in Seth’s embrace had certainly hinted at the physique that was hidden beneath his clothes but never had she imagined this level of perfection. She bit her lip as she took in the chiselled abs, taut chest, and muscular arms.
Seth coughed softly and Luisa felt herself blushing as she tore her eyes away from his torso and met his eye. A sly grin was playing on his lips and Luisa looked away, unable to hold his gaze. It was only then that she noticed the garment in his hand.
“I figured that you weren’t exactly prepared for this,” Seth said as he offered her the shirt. Luisa glanced up at his face, scowling as she saw his grin widening at his own double-entendre. “What?”
“You’re a jerk,” she muttered as she snatched the shirt from his hand.
“Why?” The grin was gone and a look of genuine confusion had replaced it.
“Seriously?” Luisa turned away from him, taking the shirt and her purse with her to the bathroom.
He called after her but she ignored him, slamming the bathroom door shut and twisting the lock with a loud click.
As she rummaged through her purse to find something, anything to remove her makeup, she felt the anger boil inside her. Anger, mixed with humiliation and frustration. She felt confused by how the night had unfolded. The authoritative way he’d led her to the taxi and told her she was coming home with him had intimidated her at first but he’d been quick to reassure her of his intentions. Yet in the kitchen, when he’d pulled back from the brink of reneging on his promise, she’d felt deflated rather than impressed that he was a man of his word.
His appearance at the door, half-naked and under the pretence of offering her his shirt, was the final straw. She felt as if she was playing a game without knowing the rules. The more she thought about it, maybe she wasn’t even a participant, she was just part of the game, a plaything for him to toy with. Splashing her face with water, she looked up and stared in the mirror. How could she be so stupid?
Drying her face, she tugged off her dress and replaced it with the shirt. She could smell a hint of his cologne on the collar and her heart pounded unapologetically. Gathering her purse and dress, Luisa unlocked the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom.
Seth was still there, only he’d taken up one side of the bed. He was lying with his hands behind his head, his legs stretched out, his ankles crossed.
“You need to learn how to take a hint,” Luisa muttered.
“You called me a jerk for no reason.”
She scoffed. “For no reason? Are you for real?”
“So tell me.” Seth sat up and swung his legs off the bed.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Luisa rounded on him, staring him square in the eyes. “You can’t play with people like this.”
“I wasn’t. I don’t.”
“So what do you call this? You pull me into a cab and tell me that you’re just offering me a place to sleep, nothing else. Then that happened,” Luisa waved her hand towards the kitchen beyond the door. “You make me think that you want something more and then you promptly send me off to bed as if nothing happened. You can’t even offer me a shirt to sleep in without rubbing it in.”
Seth stared at her confused for a second and then shook his head with a smile. “Okay. First up, I didn’t plan to turn up at your door like this. I was getting changed and I realised you didn’t have anything to wear in bed. I figured that you would have preferred a shirt at the very least and it was the one I had in my hand at the time. I didn’t do it deliberately.” He paused. “As for earlier… Maybe I did want something more. But I didn’t know if you did. So I stopped. I’m not really sure why you’re mad at me for that?”
“You assumed I didn’t.”
“I assumed you didn’t want what? More?”
“And how would I have known that?”
“You could’ve asked.”
Seth grinned. “And you could have told me. Works both ways.” He stood and took a tentative step towards her. “So you gonna take back calling me a jerk?”
Luisa pouted. “Maybe.”
“I’m sorry you felt like I was playing with you. I wasn’t. I swear.” He stepped closer.
She looked up at him. “I don’t like playing games.”
“Me neither.” He reached out and cupped the side of her head.
“I like you, Seth.”
He chuckled. “I like you too, Luisa.” He paused, the chuckle morphing into a teasing smirk as he dropped his gaze and she felt his gaze drag slowly over her body. “I like you even more in my shirt.”
Luisa felt her stomach flutter. “Yeah?”
He nodded, moving closer so his body lightly pressed against hers. “Definitely.”
“Show me.”
Luisa paid the cab driver and turned to face the house she grew up in. Every time she visited, memories of her childhood came flooding back. She could picture herself in the front yard hosting a tea party for her favourite teddy bear and doll, riding her bike up and down the sidewalk with her friends from down the street, waiting on the porch for the postman to bring news of college applications. It had been barely a year since she moved out and into the city with Seth. At first, all she missed were the people, her mom, her brother, the neighbours. Now she missed everything else this place had come to represent - a sense of freedom, the opportunity to just be the Luisa she recognised, rather than the pretence that seemed to take hold when she stepped into the city.
As she stepped onto the path up to the door, she heard a familiar rumble of an engine. Glancing down the street, she grinned as she saw the Camaro cruising towards her. As the car drew to a halt, she stepped towards the wound-down window and peered inside.
“Looking good,” she grinned at her brother. “Although surely by now you’ve spent the same amount of money on this thing than you would’ve on a brand new car?”
“Firstly, kiddo, it’s not a ‘thing’ as you so eloquently put it; it’s a beauty of a car. Secondly, a brand new car doesn’t give you the same love as this girl does,” Jon Moxley retorted, stroking the dashboard to emphasise the point. “And finally, no scratching the paintwork with that rock on ya fist.”
Luisa rolled her eyes and pulled back from the car as Jon got out and rounded the vehicle. His arms circled her a second later, pulling her into a bear hug. There were five years between them, but they’d always been close. When they were kids, Luisa had pined for her older brother every other weekend when he visited his father. When Luisa’s own father had upped and left when she was barely a teen, Jon had been her rock through the confusing times that followed. He’d driven her to school when their mom had to work double shifts to make ends meet, he’d helped her study for SATs, picked her up from house parties gone wrong and driven her and all her worldly possessions five hours north to the college he’d helped her to apply for.
Jon released her from his hug, but before Luisa could move towards the gate once again, he reached out and grabbed her hand to inspect the ring.
“The photo you sent Mom really was life-size then. She said it was at some fancy restaurant in front of everyone?”
“Yeah,” Luisa replied, pulling her hand free.
“Thought you once said that public displays of affection made you wanna puke.”
Luisa frowned. “I’m allowed to change my mind.”
Luisa decided not to respond and instead pursed her lips and pushed the gate open to head up the path. Jon followed, keys jangling in his hand, but before they reached the door, it swung open.
“Luisa!” Her mom leant on a stick and held out her free arm to embrace Luisa. They held each other tightly and Luisa breathed in the gentle scent of her mom’s perfume, the same one she’d always used. “Congratulations once again, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Luisa moved past her into the hallway. She spied the boiling kettle in the kitchen. “Go sit down, I’ll finish making the tea.”
“Your brother takes-”
“Black coffee, two sugars,” Luisa smiled over her shoulder. “I know.”
She watched for a second as Jon kissed their mom on the cheek and then took her arm to help her into the living room. She moved around the kitchen making tea and coffee, placing the various items on a large tray before carrying it into the living room. Jon was sprawled across the couch and he groaned dramatically as she wriggled into the gap between his feet and the armrest. Glancing over, she saw their mom watching them with a fond smile on her face.
“How’ve you been Mom?”
“I’m doing okay. The physio gives me these exercises to do,” she reached for a pile of paper next to her chair. “I feel like a right fool every time I do them, but he says it’s helping.”
“How long do you have to keep doing them?” Luisa asked as she watched her mom locate the right document. She reached over and took the proffered paper to study. The doctor’s handwriting was scrawled next to each diagram; notes to help her mom to conduct each exercise correctly.
“Another few weeks at least. Jon’s been taking me.”
Luisa felt a stab of guilt. She glanced over at Jon who just shrugged. “The cab fare is ridiculous,” he told her.
“You should’ve said-”
“We’ll manage,” he told her.
“Anyway,” her mom said a bit too loudly. “You didn’t come over to hear about me and my leg. I want to hear all about last week.”
“I already told you,” Luisa smiled.
“I’ll never get tired of it. It sounded perfect. Just what you deserve, sweetheart. He’s one of the good ones and he’ll always treat you right.”
Luisa felt the smile on her face start to stick. “I know, Mom. It was perfect.” She heard Jon snort quietly next to her.
Her mom didn’t notice and instead was holding out her hand. “Come on, show me the ring.” Luisa obliged, holding out her hand. “It’s beautiful. Did you pick it out together?”
“No. He chose it.”
“Well, he’s definitely got an eye for the finer things in life,” she winked and Luisa made her smile stretch that little bit further. “What about a date?”
“No, we haven’t decided yet.”
She chuckled. “I know, I know. I’m getting ahead of myself. But I did get you something…”
“Oh, Mom. Really, you didn’t-” Luisa trailed off as her mom produced a glossy magazine.
“I picked it up this morning. I thought we could have a look through, see what you like.” Her eyes started to shine. “Unless you have something in mind already?”
Luisa smiled. “No, I hadn’t even thought about it.”
“Well then…”She opened the magazine and Luisa noticed that several corners had been turned down already. “Let’s have a look.”
As they flicked through the magazine, Luisa rested her head on her shoulder. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Anything for you,” was the reply.
 It was early evening when Jon dropped her back at the station. He’d been quiet for most of the afternoon. At first, she thought it was because of the endless wedding chat, but even when the conversation moved to work and friends and gossip, he remained resolutely silent, offering a handful of words when required.
“You okay?” Luisa finally asked as they pulled into the parking lot.
“I was going to ask you the same question.” Jon cut the engine.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you?”
His eyes narrowed as he looked her over. “I call bullshit.”
“Most chicks I know would be ecstatic about an engagement. You look mildly pleased at best.”
“I’m not like the ‘chicks’ you know.”
“Exactly. You’re my sister and I know you better than most.” Jon scraped a hand over his face. “He doesn’t deserve you, Luisa.”
“You would say that.”
“Why? Because I want the best for you and he is anything but?”
“You’ve never liked him.”
“For good reason.”
“Yeah, what reason’s that?” Luisa turned in her seat to face him. Jon’s face was stoic, his lips a thin line. “Exactly. You can’t even say why.”
“I just know you can do better.”
“Well, maybe I can’t.”
Jon sighed. “I just… I don’t want to see you get hurt. I just want to know you’re sure about this.”
“I am sure.”
“Are you sure for the right reasons?”
Luisa stared at the bridal magazine in her lap. “The right reasons?”
“Yeah, like love. You gonna marry him because you love him?”
“If I said I am, will you drop this?” She chanced a look up at him and his face made her want to cry.
“If you say you love him, I’ll drop it.”
“I…” Luisa swallowed. “I’ve got to go.”
Jon’s palm hit the steering wheel, making her jump. “Fine. Tell me you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” Luisa shoved the magazine into her purse and opened the door.
“What?” She reeled around.
“Just tell me why.”
“You know why,” Luisa told him. “You know I don’t have a choice.”
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majesticwren · 1 year
The Hanging Tree (Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley x OFC)
Summary: Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three — She is on a path looking for war as her fate foretold. And he has war within him. Both, thirsty for vengeance, justice and blood.
Words: 5k. Trigger Warnings: Canon Violence, Fighting, Threatening Behaviours, Borderline Toxic Display of Affection - Kids, don't try these red flags at home, Deano being Deano. Tags: my lovely @hirunoka and honorary mention to @literaryuppsala, thank you both for all the support 💕 Let me know if you'd like to be added 🌻
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Chapter 3 - When You Break.
Some days passed. Mostly, though, time was a confused concept that collapsed on itself, minutes passed like hours at times, just as easily as hours would flow quickly without her even realising. Between the hard training, the much-hated press releases and the travelling from one Arena to the next, it didn’t appear that Valkyrie had much time on her hands. And yet, she still had plenty of it to feel like something was constantly missing.
The worst was going back to empty, sterile, neutral-coloured rooms, with their freshly made beds, empty closets and cabinets, and lack of personal belongings of a lived life. By now, she hated the smell of crispy cleaned and ironed white linen or the bland white musk fragrance that every hotel soap or shower gel had. And she hated to be relegated to live in nothing more but a space with a bed and a bathroom. Not that she had a choice, it wasn’t as if she had any better alternative or a home and a family to return to. She wasn’t from that place, after all. Not of that world entirely. She didn’t even have a name.
All was starting to make her feel like a prisoner all over again. Except now, the boundaries of her engagement were invisible. She was stuck. And that had never been a problem before until something tweaked inside of her and she started feeling. She never felt the need for warmth and belonging – not since she had been trapped on Earth and not from before either.
But now, everything she could think about was only one man. And he seemed to have the power to make her realise how inconsistent and meaningless everything else that surrounded her was. It was like a light had been shown over how dark and grim her existence had been up to that point, and now she was set on changing it.
But, at the same time, her hands were tied. No choice. No prospective. She was just there to pull a show. To fight. To do the bidding of her faraway Gods. And to hunt for a retribution that seemed impossible to catch. And – as if that was the most important part of it all – the man who was responsible for waking her up from a long emotional coma, didn’t appear to want anything to do with her.
She hated feeling like that. It was the worst part of it all. It felt like she was somehow developing a weakness, like a broken tooth or an uncovered nerve.
She was embracing whatever interest she felt towards Dean, still finding it a pleasant distraction and a welcomed change from how she had been used to living for too long. Not that she could fight it. But, at the same time, she had to impose herself to respect his boundaries, which brought her to stay away from him. As far as possible, in fact. And that caused her mood to drop and her feelings to deteriorate into missing him more than she had ever missed a person before.
She was perfectly and painfully aware to have no right to feel in such a way, especially since she barely knew the guy. Yet, there was nothing she could do to sedate the clutch around her chest every time her bed felt too cold. Or when she felt she could have gone mad if she didn't hear his voice, or see his face, even if just for a second. And Gods, only thinking about the possibility of receiving his attention made her stomach cramp with longing.
Everything seemed to be emptier, quieter and less important when Dean wasn’t around to fill the space. It made her feel naked and exposed. And so damn stupid.
She needed to see him. Even to argue a little. Even if it was inappropriate. But worse of it all was that she didn't even know how to approach him.
She was a Valkyrie. She was not of that world. A fighter, unafraid and unstoppable. Yet, even someone like her was now on her knees. No man should ever have such power over her, only the Gods, and yet, there she was, offering it to a simple man. Unacceptable.
Maybe that was why fate was mocking her.
She constantly felt like she was spinning out of control and that caused her to be extremely irritable and just overall not herself. Outside arenas she would be far too distracted and distanced from people to entertain even the simplest of conversations. And the Gods had to have mercy on the people she was set to fight against because she was set on releasing all her frustration on them. She had become an unstoppable force. Violence easily took over her, flooding through her fists, and making her bloodthirsty. And more often than not, she would find herself pushed over the edge.
Adrenaline was a dangerous drug.
Like that night.
She had already fought and won through a regular match earlier, and then she had been called to aid a wronged warrior. Never before had she ignored the Gods' calling. So, even then, she obliged, ignoring the tiredness and soreness after a fight, because she was surely ready for another. She was always ready for another.
As darkness flooded through the arena, the audience already knew what was coming and invoked her name with full lungs.
When she appeared on the ring in her usual fashion, she found the wronged man crouched down in one of the corners, as his opponent hadn’t stopped for a second to hit him, ignoring the referee's attempts to make him stop, the crowd boos or the commentators’ speechless reaction.
Valkyrie didn’t even care about their identity. She was blinded by anger, fuelled by her need to bring justice, to the point that she became blind in front of their features. They were only other men. The obligatory next aiding she had to do to honour who she was.
Her sudden appearance struck like lightning, destructing everyone’s attention.
She didn’t give time to the huge standing bald guy to catch his breath. She was quicker. Taking advantage of his surprise, she threw herself to the still-standing man and tackled him to the ground at full speed and power, using a rope to launch herself against him. She grabbed his head, and pushed it down onto the ring floor, hitting it twice. The tremendous bang on the metal surface of the ring echoed through the entire arena, followed by the crowd howling. Valkyrie turned him on his back to slide across his stomach. She straddled him and, grabbing his head, held him still. Hit right in the face. The crowd exploded wild. The commentators screamed in awe. She ignored the pain of her knuckles directly hitting the solid frame of his skull. A sick, sadistic smile appeared on her lips, drawn by her satisfaction in hurting someone. Then she hit again. Not giving him any time to react.
As soon as his strength weakened, she locked him in a submissive position, pulling on his arm joints as hard as she could. A wild howl left her chest as she screamed like a wild beast, releasing some of her frustration and underlining how much power she was putting into the fight. Probably way too much. But Valkyrie didn’t care.
She looked up through the blinding lights of the ceiling of the arena as her reverence went right to the Gods.
Following her queue, the referee was on the ground beating the floor three times.
The crowd went wild.
She knew she was supposed to let go. She won. As much as she knew the guy was greatly weakened now, probably on the edge of unconsciousness himself. But she struggled to end it. The referee had to suggest it to her twice, before she actually, finally, backed off.
Only then her focus seemed to come back to her. She hopped over the exhausted body of the tall, muscular guy. The look she gave to his face was brief, but now she was struck by recognition. Cesaro. She had fought with him before. And won already. Pure satisfaction poured over her.
As she stood up the entire crowd fell into an eerie silence. The iridescent wings to the side of her head caught the lights as she turned over only to focus on the other man.
He was now standing up, with an arm tucked in front of his naked abdomen. It was undeniable that he had seen better days. His breath was laboured and his skin pearled in sweat, it was clear he was in pain. And yet, as she looked at her through his messy, long dark hair, she caught his sparkly black eyes. A grateful but cocky smile bent his lips. “Thank you,” he began bending in a small bow.
The recognition of his handsome features was fleeting, but more than enough to let sparks fly as a wildfire of emotions took over inside of her.
He was the man who had betrayed and hurt Roman and Dean. She had time to do her research and learn about what had happened. And she wouldn’t have missed that guy through a crowd.
Valkyrie trembled, looking right at him like a beast would do with a prey.
One of the commentators went “oh-oh” as she moved closer to him. She was undeniably pissed off, but Rollins didn’t appear to be too impressed or scared.
What a pity. What a mistake.
She moved quickly, unwilling to risk being intercepted, grabbing him by the hair. Firmly pulling him down, she made sure to make him bend under her clutch and enjoyed hearing the painful groan that left his throat.
“I didn’t do it for you.” She dangerously growled at his ear as she kept pulling him downwards, to make him kneel. The crowd went wild again, chanting her name. Only when he was on his knees, she let go giving him a hard push. “I’m watching you, Seth Rollins.” As his name rolled on her tongue in a hidden threat, she pointed at him.
He didn’t even try to fight her. Though a cocky smile still bent his lips as a chuckle left his chest. “Please, do.”
She didn’t even react to his mocking and left the ring.
She didn’t feel like a winner as she walked backstage. The crowd that she would generally love and appreciate was so easily forgotten, as she was just ready to retract and go wait somewhere for her next fight. The adrenaline the fight had given her was already wearing off as she was only left to deal with a fit of consuming anger she didn’t know where to put. Only fuel to her frustration.
By the time she arrived at her locker room, she was already too tired of everyone’s shit to think to deal with her team’s questions.
“Everybody out.” She ordered drily, pointing to the door before anyone could say a word.
“We need to talk.” Her manager began, sliding next to her, offering a bottle of water, only to be struck by her deadly look.
“It can’t wait. It’s about Orton.”
“I said later.” She said again, this time her tone was a clear threat, making it impossible to misunderstand her.
When she was left alone, Valkyrie fell heavily on one of the chairs, trying to catch her breath. Her eyelids fell heavily as she took a deep breath, letting her head fall backwards. She focused on the feeling of her tired muscles and on the cool breeze hitting her sweaty skin.
She definitely had to do something to fix whatever was bothering her, because her acting was becoming a problem. She was distracted. That was the entire thing. Being distracted made her weak. She knew it was a matter of time before she slipped into a dangerous situation of some kind. And Gods forbid that anyone found out where her mind actually was because that would make Dean an immediate target, or a weapon to be used against her.
“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re a scary woman?”
She didn’t even react to the soft, sarcastic tone that invaded the space. Of course, she wasn’t allowed to be left alone for long, regardless of what she desired. For a second, she wondered if the Gods had cursed her or something.
She lifted her eyes and found Roman standing by the door, leaning on the frame with his shoulder. She tried her best to be as welcoming as she could, not necessarily wanting to eat him alive as she did with most of the other people that surrounded her.
Roman had become a stable presence in the background of her life. He would often check in; may that be for a wave in the hallway or chit-chat over coffee. She knew he was trying to keep her safe, and as he acted casually about it, she decided to indulge him, pretending not to notice how he often looked over her shoulders or happened to escort her through places.
They had met only a few days ago, but she thought she could start to consider him a friend. He surely did respect her enough. And she liked how often he wouldn't be a man of too many words. Plus, she knew he was a good man and knowing he was the closest person to Dean made it also so easy for her to genuinely enjoy his company.
"Once or twice," she sighed, welcoming him with a tired smile.
Roman slid through the room and advanced towards her. He was wearing his stage armour, so she briefly hinted at it. "Match?"
"No. But Dean will in a bit. So-"
She looked away. Pretending she didn't care was really difficult. But she did care. She cared a lot. So, it meant that Roman needed to be on watch because Dean had a bad reputation and tended to have more enemies than he could handle. And only Roman was in his corner. Or, better, he let only Roman be in his corner.
"You could go talk to him you know?" He dared, bending over to catch her eyes before she could get lost in her own thoughts.
She released a burst of nervous laughter.
Since when was she shy and awkward?
"No. I don't think so."
"Why are you both so stubborn?" He grumbled rolling his eyes to the ceiling.
She immediately jumped on the chair; her attention was caught. "Why? What is he doing?"
"Want my opinion?”
She nodded. And, as Roman went all serious, she straightened her back, hoping to hear something from him, that would finally give her some ease. "He should be doing you. But he is just doing nothing. Much like you, sweetheart."
She gasped loudly, immediately punching him on the arm. Hard.
She wasn't sheepish and she surely knew sex. And yet, hearing such a language made her uncovered nerves jerk. It was easier to deny how much she wanted to be railed by that crazy man than accept such desperation.
"You're despicable."
"What is that not the truth?"
"I don't know, you tell me." She rolled her eyes even if they both knew Roman was not wrong.
Gods. No. He was the furthest from wrong.
"No, you tell me. You've been on a warpath ever since you met the guy and it's not getting better. Don't lie to me now, c'mon. I'm not dumb."
She gave him an intense look. In her eyes, it was so clear that her thoughts went in the opposite direction.
“Ok, smartass,” he shook his head, giving her a playful push, “I’ll mind my own business then.”
“Yes, thanks that would be lovely.”
Roman relaxed, leaning on the umpteenth piece of furniture. “Being serious here, though. He won’t come to you because he knows he was an asshole. And since you make him more insane than usual, he will stay away.”
“So, why should I go against what he wants?”
“Because what he wants and what he gets for himself are two very different things, sweetheart. Trust me on this.”
Valkyrie shook her head, releasing a sigh. She really wanted to but she could only feel the rope tying her wrist become tighter and tighter, as she realised, she didn’t really have much of a choice.
“He will push me away. And maybe is better that way-”
“Better for who? So you can both just torture yourselves? Dean only knows the fight, never the resting. Staying away from you it’s not what he wants. It’s just another fight.”
“I-” She choked, shaking her head before looking away, “why are we talking about this?”
“I am just trying to take care of my brother’s best interests, that’s all.”
“Well, ok then,” struck nerve. All of her nerves. Gods, how she wished she could just go to Dean and stuff her affection and care down his throat. She wished he would embrace her. She wished to find the same sweetness he offered the first time they talked. But she feared being rejected once more.
So stupid.
She was a deity afraid of being rejected by a simple man. A man who had her on her knees with one look.
But before she could continue on her line of thought, looking into Roman’s pale eyes, they were interrupted.
She didn’t need to turn to recognise the guy’s voice. So, Valkyrie rolled an unimpressed look over to the door. Rollins stood there, still wearing his stage attire, but, at least, his bare chest was now covered by a t-shirt. He still had that annoying, cocky smirk printed on his lips as his dark eyes never left her.
Not even when Roman stood up, standing in front of her like a shield. “You better go, Seth.”
“Woah, calm down brother, I only wanted-”
“I am not your brother.”
“Right. Well, can I thank the woman who just helped me out? Or do I have to ask you permission, big guy?”
“She didn’t appear to appreciate your gratitude earlier if I recall correctly.”
“Yeah,” Seth smiled as if he was remembering something extremely pleasant, “yeah, well, I just wanted to see if I could understand the reason of her reaction. I guess I know now. And still, maybe the lady would like to know my side of things too.”
The second Valkyrie heard Roman growl dangerously, she got up and stepped in. The last thing she needed was them to break a fight in her locker room. Sliding a hand softly across Roman’s shoulder, she turned around him. The look she exchanged with him was brief but carried all needed silent information.
“This is not a good time for you to be here. And you are not welcome. Please, leave.” She expressed, even surprising herself of her own politeness. Because Seth only deserved to have his face caved in. Possibly smashed against a wall. Though, it was as if she hadn’t said anything. Seth was looking at her with nothing but awe going through his brain. So, she snapped her fingers in front of his face.
“Fuck- Sorry, you’re just so-” he paused, looking for words.
“Shut it before you’ll say something you’ll regret,” Roman warned him, clenching his big fists.
Valkyrie rolled her eyes at the tension raising between the two. “Right. Stop it now. Both of you.” As she reprimanded them, she raised her gaze on Roman. A silent plea left her eyes. Though the second she turned towards Seth, her eyes were back being lit by a dangerous, protective light. “I am not interested in your side of events. I know enough.”
Seth chuckled, shaking her words off. “Just so we are clear,” he began, leaning closer to her. He didn’t appear to care much about the fact that she was dangerous, “you wouldn’t be interested in going for a drink with me, right?”
The slow look he gave her, crossing her entire figure, made her feel extremely uncomfortable.
She just barely managed to raise her hand in the air to stop Roman from jumping him. And a fraction of a second later, she regretted it, wondering why bothering to protect Seth. He deserved to be punished. If only she wasn’t so damn proud to fight for herself.
And then, it was a second too late.
“You sure like filling up your locker room with men, angel.”
It was as if she got struck by lightning the moment she recognised that voice, immediately raising her attention towards its source. Nothing else mattered anymore.
Everyone froze in the room.
“Dean-” She gasped softly, taking a step towards him, moving without even thinking about it.
He had a sarcastic, aggressive, large smile printed on his face – it reminded her of the smile of a wolf - as his disappointed and angered look crossed the room from her to Roman, to stop on Seth. Immediately, his features melted in a disgusted pout. The look he offered to her, in the end, broke her heart.
Dean looked away from them all, shaking his head. “Roman, let’s go.”
As Dean left, Valkyrie moved quickly after him, hinting to everyone else to stay where they were, but not much caring about them regardless.
“Dean, wait,” she called quickening her pace through the empty corridor, “Dean-”
“Just save it. I don’t even care.” He barked.
The way he didn’t even appear to slow his march and surely didn’t give her the benefit to turn and face her lit a fire through her. Now she was furious, burning of all the feelings she had tried to fight against. And it was his problem.
“Stop!” She had to bite her tongue not to swear at him, “why do you lie? Why do you pretend that you don’t care? That I don’t exist?! What the fuck do you expect?”
He didn’t stop walking but a twitch made his shoulder spasm. She knew she was on the right track. She doubted that specific situation was what Roman was talking about a second ago – and at the same time, having them clashing into an argument seemed so perfectly chaotic. Surely it was giving her enough adrenaline to light up every single nerve in her body, making her feel as alive as ever.
“You can’t just appear and disappear as you please-” she grumbled right behind him, “can you stop fucking walking?!”
The moment she tried to grab his arm to arrest him, he was on her. Turning so quickly she barely managed to see him moving, Dean grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall, pinning her there. Her stomach and loins trembled as soon as she felt such closeness. His hand on her skin and his scent filling her lungs made her almost lose it, regardless of how inconvenient those feelings could be compared to the situation.
His thumb pressed painfully on the soft skin under her jaw as he squeezed the air out of her throat. He moved dangerously close to her face, growling like a beast. “Is that what that was? Are you trying to get my attention making me jealous?” He whispered dangerously pushing his face closer, enough to press his nose on her neck, inhaling her scent. A hot shiver crossed her. It didn’t seem like he could control himself much – and Gods, she really didn’t want him to. “You don’t want to see me jealous, angel. Because I’ll rip apart any man who tries to touch you. Him especially.”
“Dean-” she gasped, out of breath.
His tone was dangerous, his words more than toxic, and yet, she had no strength to resist him as he pressed his lips to her ear. “Is that what you want to hear from me? Want me to say you drive me insane? Want me to say I can’t think about anything else?! I’m cursing both your Gods and mine for having our path crossing.”
“You care.” she wheezed deciding to take the risk to anger him even more.
“About you?” The smile he offered was sharp and cut through her like a knife. She was only able to nod in his clutch as he squeezed her against the wall. “We talked twice.” He pointed out drily as if he could so easily wipe out of her memory what he had said literally a second ago.
“Just say it.” If she really wanted, she could have fought him off, but she didn’t even try. Caged against him, she slid her hands on his abdomen, to his chest, grabbing on his tank top and pulling him closer, looking for as much contact as she could.
“Why?” She whispered softly and it was as if something inside of him moved, giving up under pressure. She looked into his eyes, relaxing against the wall, trusting him even despite his aggressiveness or rudeness. She slid a hand to his neck, mirroring his hold on her but in a much, much softer caress. “What are you afraid of?”
He grumbled exhausted and unhinged. “You don’t want me to care for you, angel.”
She tasted his words on the tip of her tongue and a shiver shook her deeply. She was desperate to discover the taste of his mouth. He was so close to her she could feel his body warmth seep through her skin. Feeling his body pressed against hers gave her a sense of what it could mean to be held by him – only the thought made her swing too close to the edge of madness.
“But I do, damn it. I do.” She cried out, not even caring about her pride or common sense anymore.
His eyes crossed her face. His gaze was so soft to appear affectionate. And yet, there was restraint in the way his cheek twitched. She could clearly see him thinking, as her words sunk deep inside of him.
Dean’s hand slid from across her neck to her face, cupping gently her cheek. He was now so attentive and warm that the difference in his behaviour made her head spin. His thumb crossed her chin, just under her lower lip. His blue eyes followed his movement.
The way he looked at her made her completely lose it. She had no past and no history besides that moment. Everything she knew, now, was being between his arms. And Gods, how nice it felt. Nothing existed but that man and how his look, without any words at all, was able to make her question everything else.
Just then she realised he was holding his breath.
He hesitated and then leaned in with a movement that made her think he was going to kiss her, only to leave her hanging.
“I’m sorry, angel.” He whispered, appearing so defeated. Giving himself a push, he let her go, taking a good two steps away from her. “I’ve gotta go.”
She watched him stumbling through the corridor, erratically moving his arms and rubbing his face in his palms, as his entire body seemed crossed by twitches.
Valkyrie didn’t agree with his decision, especially since he himself didn’t. But she couldn’t move. She couldn’t even speak. Her throat was suddenly sealed by a pain she couldn’t quite express. She needed to launch herself into Dean’s arms and hold him, firmly and tightly, until he would have trusted her. She needed to cradle him until he would have understood that she meant it.
Just then, as she gasped for fresh air, she seemed to go back to reality and realise where she was and what had just happened. She looked around, checking the corridor, perfectly knowing that if anyone had seen them behave in such a way it could have meant problems.
As soon as she was able to focus, she saw a large, black shadow moving towards her. Roman slid a hand on her shoulder, giving her a supportive pat. “Are you ok, sweetheart?” She was only able to nod as the man pulled her into a quick hug.
“Did you-”
Roman silently and slowly nodded, cutting through her words. He looked down as if for a moment he felt guilty or too awkward to admit it. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. Of course not.”
“Sorry if I didn’t intervene. I thought you had it.”
“I did. I really did. I had him. And then he slipped through my fingers.” Her voice was broken, as her gaze got lost out of focus, as she realised she could still feel the material of his cottony tank top under her fingers, or how solid his solid felt against hers.
He grabbed her shoulders, bringing her back to reality, offering her an encouraging look and a soft smile. Then, Roman looked behind his shoulder, right through the corridor. She followed his gaze, only to find Seth closely studying their interaction.
“Did he see us?”
“Yeah. I tried to keep him back but-”
“No, it’s ok. I wouldn’t have wanted you to fight for no reason.”
“Hardly no reason.” Roman looked back at her. “Be careful with him. He now knows you are Dean’s weak link.”
“I’ll break him in half if he tries to do anything.”
Roman’s smile widened as he nodded proudly. “That’s my girl.”
“Now,” she shook off all the feelings that overwhelmed her and gave Roman a push, “Please, go and look after our man.”
“I’ll do my best.”
She watched him as he ran towards the end of the corridor Dean disappeared to. The smile she pushed herself to offer to Roman to make him believe she was completely fine quickly trembled and disappeared, as she gathered her hands to her chest, mumbling a quick prayer.
By then, she was certain her Gods and fate were mocking her, but it didn’t matter.
“You are making a mistake.”
As soon as she heard Seth’s voice moving closer to her, she immediately rolled her eyes, grumbling as loudly as she could. She crossed her arms to her chest and simply started walking back to her locker room without even caring to continue listening.
“Dean Ambrose is an unstable man. Totally unreliable. Dangerous.” He insisted and as she passed next to him, he stepped forward to follow her.
That was the moment she turned against him. With a hand to his throat and the other pulling his hair hard enough to make his neck and back bend slightly. She pushed him against the wall with every intention to hurt him.
“Me too.” She hissed to his face, drawing her teeth. “I swear I’ll hurt you in inhuman ways if you even breathe his name once more.”
“Princess, he is my nemesis, I-”
She tugged on his hair, breaking his sentence with pain before he could even think to smart-mouth her. She knew he was going to explain that they were sworn to fight each other and she didn’t care.
“Just watch what you’re doing.”
“Thought you’ll be watching me.” Even besides the fact that she was holding him in a submissive pose he still found the courage to pull a cocky smile.
Valkyrie grumbled, smacking his head against the wall. “Fuck you.”
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paradoxunknown · 2 years
Hey! Random questions for you.
Do you still watch WWE? Who was/is your favorite member of the Shield? Do you remember where you were when they broke up? How did you like the feuds between them after they split? Did you ship them at all?
Hello lovely human!
I do still watch WWE - I mainly watch it to keep up so I can talk about it to my younger nephew, I think it’s nice that we have that common interest to connect about. Plus, it’s super cool to be that cool aunt that takes him to wrestling events.
While I love every single member of the shield, Dean is my favorite. There actually was a point in time where I stopped watching WWE for a while and I got back into it because my dad traveled for work at the time and it was one of the only things they played over in Saudi Arabia, so when he came home for his break we ended up watching the SummerSlam where Stephen Amell faced Stardust (It was also the same Summerslam where Seth Rollins beat John Cena for the US title and was the WWE and US Champ).
But I remember going into the pay-per-view after watching a few RAWs and immediately felt connected to Dean Ambrose and dubbed him as my favorite and I instantly hated Seth Rollins (because he was that good of a heel) and then I went to Wikipedia, did some digging and found out why Seth Rollins was a heel and then fell into the Shield rabbit hole.
So after going down the Shield rabbit hole, I immediately went to the beginning and re-watched everything and to this day, I still cannot watch the destruction of the Shield. It makes me physically uncomfortable and makes me so upset that I have to turn it off literally as soon as Seth swings the chair the first time on Dean and Roman, like it just makes me so sad. 
But along with the implosion of the Shield, I did watch their feud and I do have to say that Dean and Seth’s feud after he became the sell out for the authority is probably one of my favorite storylines! I firmly believe that Dean and Seth are wrestling soulmates, and I really enjoy seeing the brotherhood between Dean and Roman despite the destruction of the Shield. 
The day that Roman announced that he was going in for treatment for his leukemia the second time because it had returned, I had watched that episode of RAW with one of my best friends (who I had gotten into wrestling by showing him clips of the Shield) and I immediately knew the Dean was going to turn heal after he and Seth won to tag titles and I just remember looking at my friend and being like “Dean is about to turn heel” and being so upset when that happened (Jon’s latest heel turn before the Shield reuniting for the final time makes me so mad and sad for him, because you can clearly see how unhappy he is).
The Shield reuniting before Mox left WWE probably to this day makes me extremely happy (I actually have the last Shield shirt that issued for their final run, so I’m happy that I got that.)
Also the feud with Seth and Roman, where are Seth wore his old Shield gear hurts me deeply inside, but I thought it was very smart because it does play to the title of “the architect” just solely for the mind game purposes. 
I just recently started reading things where all of the Shield were a shipped together without an OC and I do like the, I try to avoid the angsty fics as much as I can because I’m already sad enough as a depressed human and fanfics are my escape 😂😅 — there are some really good fics that I like that are Dean x Roman xOC or Seth x Dean x OC, I’ve also written a few fics where it’s the Shield x OC or Dean x Seth x OC
But yes! I’m so sorry this was so long-winded but thank you for asking me these lovely question! ☺️🖤
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
I don't know if I'll ever actually finish it, but would anyone be interested in chapter one of a Dean Ambrose x OC roomate au I was working on?
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Prompt: Y/N decides to show Mr. Moxley some new tricks in order to certify him that he is still her number one
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18, oral sex (male receiving), angst, jealousy, cursing, praise kink
Tag: @jibbles26 , @bellalutionn
Notes: I’m a sucker for the power that blowjobs hold upon guys. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Hi doll, what you’re up to?” He smirks as he nibs my neck
“Just working. Why? Do you need something?” I ask as I remove my reading glasses
“I do, actually”
“What do you need babe?” I look up to his blue eyes that were filled with mischief
“You” He grinned
“Jon, I thought you needed something urgent” I chuckle
“I do!” He pulls me off my desk chair “I missed you so much” He cradled his face on the crook of my neck
“Jon, we’ve had sex six times yesterday and two times this morning, how can you physically still miss me?” I laugh “That’s like, 8 rounds in less than 24 hours babe! And you only got home yesterday”
“I can’t help it that you’re so fucking hot and looks so sexy all the time” He licks a trail from my neck to my lips
I look down to my current outfit that consisted in a comfortable pair of grey leggings, an oversized Korn t-shirt, Wilson’s crew socks, glasses, messy hair and no makeup
“I don’t think I look very sexy right now” I cackled
“Yes you do! You always do!” He pulls me closer to his crotch by my ass “C’mon Y/N, let’s do some fun nasty business, kitten” He slaps my ass quite vigorously
“Tempting, but I’ll have to decline it! Sorry big guy” I patted his chest
“Why?” He whined and stomped his feet like a little kid
“Because some of us got some serious work to do” I smiled fondly as I sit back in my desk chair
“But I wanna be with you! I need you and I want you now!” He pouted
“Jon, I promise you that once I finish this I’ll be all yours ok love?”
“No” He whines “Not later, right now!” He stomps his feet again
Yes, Jon Moxley can be quite the bad boy, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he’s also a fucking whining little baby! He gets an attitude over the dumbest reasons and sometimes this little scenario happens, where he thinks he can whine and pouts his way until he get what he wants. Sometimes it’s cute and charming to see such a big bearded man like him cause such a scene, but another times like right now it’s annoyingly frustrating, uncalled for and the last thing I need to get me even more stressed out.
“Jonathan, don’t start it! You’re not 4 years old! You’re a grown ass man in your 30’s, so behave as such” I turn to my computer and start to type my notes. After 10 minutes I can still feel his presence behind me, making me grow more nervous
“Jon, you’re not helping, my love” I said calmly
“I’m waiting. You said I would have you once you’re done so I’m waiting!” He bitterly said
“Won’t you rather wait in the couch instead? Meanwhile you can pick a movie for us to watch it later” I try to negotiate
“Meh, I’m perfect where I am right now, thanks for the concern” He huffed
*Oh great, what a fucking joy!* I thought
“This might take a while” I defeatedly said
“Don’t worry, I got time” Was his short answer
Fifteen minutes (and a stubborn Jon Moxley sitting on the floor) later I get a call from Peter, my coworker.
“Hey Peter what’s up?” I say holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder “What? Wait Peter, hold on I can’t hear you properly and I can’t stop typing”
“Well, put it on speaker then” Jon mumbled behind me and in my workaholic haze I did it as he told me, forgetting about one little small detail: Peter’s innocent (but also kind of annoying) flirting.
“Pete, can you repeat that again please?” I rapidly say while I type
“I asked when do you think you can send me the paperwork?” He chuckled
“Oh! Can you give me like....30 minutes?”
“I can give you whatever you want” He charmingly said
“Peter, shut up”
“What?” He cackled “It’s true you know, ask and you shall receive, my dear”
“I didn’t knew you were a Jesus fan” I mocked
“I’m your fan” I can hear the smile on his voice
“Whatever weirdo” I brush it off as I continue to type on the dashboard “Is that all you needed?”
“No, there’s one more thing that I forgot to ask you”
“Ok, shoot” I said
“When are you finally going to accept any of my nightcaps invitations?” Pure amusement filling up his voice
“Oh God send me to hell, fuck off Peter!” I jokingly said and hung up
I totally forgot the fact that Jon had heard that until his voice broke the silence
“So how long have you been seeing each other?” He rudely spats
“What? Seeing who?” I ask confused
He stood up from the floor, yanked me off the chair and trapped my body between his and the table.
“Your sweet boy Pete” he coldly smiles
I roll my eyes “Jon, are you really gonna take a guy like Peter seriously? He quotes Jesus to flirt! That’s nothing but pathetic and also slight disrespectful towards Jesus” I joke
“You think this is funny? What if you caught me flirting with a girl from work, how would that make you feel?”
“It depends if you’re gonna quote Jesus or not” I tease
“Y/N I’m fucking serious! Is this a joke to you? Our relationship is a joke to you? Am I a fucking joke to you?”
“My answer is no to all the above. Now if you ask me if I think that you’re overreacting then yes, I do”
“Overreacting? Really? What about all of the nightcaps invitations? Are you gonna tell me I’m overreacting about that too?” His voice starts to rise
“I don’t like your tone Jonathan” I angrily said
“And I don’t like you having an affair with your coworker!” He yelled
“Oh, so I’m having an affair now? Wow, I better accept those invitations then, if I’m going to hold the cheating girlfriend of the year award” I spat
“Are you having an affair with him?”
“How can you even ask that? You know me better than that Jonathan!” Now I’m yelling too, peachy just peachy!
“Well you didn’t answered my question though. Are you?”
“Of course not! What makes you think that?”
“You don’t wanna have sex with me, so where are you getting some? ‘Cause we both know you have quite the appetite for sex, I mean fuck, is hard even for me to keep up with you! You’re like a fucking machine!” He says
My eyes widened in disbelief “So just because I declined to have sex with you 30 minutes ago, because I have to work, I am suddenly a cheater? Or is it because I like to have sex more than the average women do that makes me a cheater? Wow Jonathan, I’ve never heard you say that when one of your male friends cheated. That says a lot”
“Says a lot about what?”
“Your sexist side. Or I don’t know, maybe it’s something else, maybe you are the one who’s cheating on me! So you’re mirroring your infidelity on me”
“Me? A sexist? Now that’s a joke” He laughs “We both know the things you’ve already done to me in the bedroom and trust me pumpkin, if I was a sexist I would never had let you go down that road, if you know what I mean” He measured me up and down “And even if I wanted to cheat on you, which is not the case, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t physically be able to since you knock my ass down every single time we fuck”
“I don’t hear you complain! In fact if I remember correctly you were the one who got in here wanting to have sex in the first place” I huff annoyed
“And I still do kitten” He gets closer
“Don’t touch me, jerk”
“You know how much it turns me on when you get all mad like that, right?” He tried to grab my breasts but I slapped his hands away
“Stop, Jonathan”
“What?” He leans closer, pressing his hardening bulge against my lower belly “Am I not good enough for you anymore? Do you prefer your boy Pete instead?”
“Bullshit” I spat
“Then show me, kitten” He whispers “Show me I’m still good enough for you” He makes me grab a handful of his erection “Show me that you still want me, that I still turn you on”
I pulled him down towards me by his neck, kissing him roughly, biting his lower lip quite harshly
“Hmm” He growls “My kitten is feisty, I like that” He smirks “I love when you’re a bitch to me” He laughs devilishly “Whatcha gonna do, huh?”
I forcefully open the button of his jeans, pulling the fly down and yanking the pants along with his boxer briefs down.
Jon put his hands up, in a surrender position. I lick my palm and close my fist around his cock, pumping it up and down.
“Yes baby” He moaned “Take it! Take what’s yours”
I kneel down and without thinking twice, I swallow his length until it reaches the back of my throat
“Fuuuuck! Y/N, baby...so good, you suck my dick so fucking good kitten! I love it, I fucking love it!” He moans and I push him further down my throat, swallowing around him
“Oh my fuck” He bucks his hips forward in surprise “How can you be so good at this?” He whispers, holding my hair back, so he can watch me sucking him off
“You look so fucking gorgeous sucking my cock baby. Fuck, look at that! Look at how well you take everything in”
I look up at him, hearing him continuing to praise me
“I love when you look at me...so beautiful with your mouth full of cock, so greedy for more aren’t you, baby?”
I nod, lifting his member up so I can lick the bottom half of his shaft, making him moan loudly
“You’re so insanely good at giving head! A fucking pro” He panted “The best head I’ve ever gotten”
I lock my lips around the head, sucking it hard to make him feel the pressure I know he loves, while my hands pump his length with a tight grip
“Oh yes, baby” Jon screamed in pleasure “Oh my fucking- Stop, stop” He moans with his eyes hazy in ecstasy, mouth in an ‘O’ shape as he bites his knuckles to prevent any screaming.
“We both know you don’t want me to stop” I smile, licking from the bottom of the head to his slit
“You’re gonna pay for this” His voice shakily says
“I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you baby” I smirked “I have other tricks that I’ve never showed you before” I whisper, feeling his length throbbing on my hand
“Other tricks?” He faintly whispered
I let go of his member and lay down on the floor beckoning to him.
“Come here Jon, let me show it to you baby”
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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