#dean sinclaire
afarcryfrommymain · 11 months
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 1A: Diana Baker v Dean Sinclaire
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About and voting undercut!
Diana Baker (@shallow-gravy)
About: Emotionally stunted, nihilistic 30-year-old bisexual with a guilt complex. Can’t be trusted to make good decisions. Shouldn’t have ever been allowed to be a cop. Sarcastic, impulsive and aloof, does not like it when people Know Her. Steals drugs from evidence lock-up and deep down feels the only thing she deserves is punishment but doesn’t know how to lay down and die quietly; hence her attraction to John Seed. She’s damn good with a gun though.
Does your OC have anything to share?: “Nobody backs me into a corner. I will fight and I’ll fight fucking dirty.”
Anything else we should know?: Pros: impulsivity means anything can be used as a weapon, but feels most comfortable with a firearm. Scrappy in a fight since she spent part of her youth on the streets / in a juvenile detention center. Comes across as “funny” and “cool” on a superficial level. Cons: not to be trusted as a friend or confidante because of poor decision-making skills; has a difficult time establishing close bonds, is just as likely to sleep with your boyfriend/girlfriend if the opportunity arises as she is to beat the shit out of them for cheating on you. Scrawny frame means people often underestimate her but watch out.
Dean Sinclaire (@derelictheretic)
About: Dean Sinclaire is a Junior Deputy and he's a himbo adjacent golden retriever boy, he just wants to help people and maybe convince himself all hope isn't lost for the world. He never liked cop's and wouldn't go flaunting his occupation but he likes to think he's making a difference and keeping his department in line, especially when he arrests Joseph Seed despite Sheriff Whitehorses discouragement. Yeah maybe he brought on the apocalypse but at least he wasn't being negligent! Outside of work he likes creative arts and doing things with his hands, he picks up new hobbies every other month but consistently enjoys drawing, hiking and being bad at journaling. He's besties with Sharky, Hurk and the Ryes and is constantly partaking in shenanigans with his boys. Dean also used to cage fight so he's no stranger to a showdown with all types of opponents, once he steps into the pit it's game on and he won't stop until he or his opponent goes down! He can take a lot of hits and is good at making his opponent exert themself so he can go full in at the halfway mark and take em down.
Does your OC have anything to share?: "I'm honestly just hoping no one breaks my nose, I'd hate to look like my old man at the end of this. It's been a while since i've done a proper fight so here's hoping all that muscles memory kicks in, if anything i'll tire 'em out for sure."
Anything else we should know?: The boy is very hesitant to even playfight with friends or family so if he goes up against another deputy he might be screwed because he won't wanna hurt them even in a low stakes setting!
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tannnnblogs · 3 months
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Begin again
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kuzmich-isterich · 1 year
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Welcome to the Sierra Madre!
music:  POWERWOLF - Poison (Alice Cooper Cover)
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pllsinoriginal · 9 months
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dean shetty physical comforting cate knowing her mom hasn’t touched her in years.
and than beforehand we saw her trying to manipulate marie - talking about her sister, bringing up a daughter to relate to her, and than gleaming about how proud she was of marie knowing that marie hasn’t felt love in years and thinks so little of herself.
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Theres like a very specific type of sad violent guy that drives my brain fucking wild
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morteo · 2 years
SLASHERS - (I'm bored)
Miserably horny
Brahms Heelshire, Billy Lenz, The grabber
Horny horny
Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Kurt Kunkle, Corey Cunningham, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Bo Sinclair(?), Jason Dean
Michael Myers, The man(Hush), Harry Warden
Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair
Little horny
Hannibal, Norman Bates
Not really horny
Jason Vorhees, Pinhead, Lester Sinclair
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c1eepypas1a · 2 months
I beg, I really wanna find that supposed p0rno that Jared did during house of wax like I dunno why, I just wanna find out 😭😭
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unsafescapewolf · 8 months
Password species swap lol
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psykersomatic · 1 year
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pqiwendooooooo · 1 month
if i had a dollar every time a show queerbaited me with a bisexual character i would dethrone bernard arnault
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thebeautyofspn · 1 month
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9x16 Blade Runners
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chronic-boogara · 2 years
Hi, me again :)
How about slashers waking up to an s/o throwing them a birthday party, feel free to do whoever u want <3
i don’t think i ever thought about that one i like that idea a lot. i wont lie to you i read the prompt wrong as the slasher throwing reader a party so i had to go back and rewrite it. thanks for your patience
one of the first requests i finished on my hiatus woooo😩 only like 20 more to go
michael myers
•he’s never really had a real birthday party, with him being in the hospital and all
•but he’s well aware that they happen and he’s seen them happen around town. he’s not entirely familiar with how they work but it’s not like he thinks about it on the regular
•imagine his shock when he walks in the door and sees you standing before him with a cake and some black and red decorations displayed around the kitchen
•oh my god y/n he is in LOVE. he was already in love with you but now he’s more than 110% sure that you’re the one
•the fact you even remember his birthday just warms his heart. he doesn’t really know how to act.
•if he could cry he would.
•give him materials for mask making and he is just over the moon. he loves you so much and is so thankful that you’re his s/o
•just a party consisting of the two of you is good enough for him. he just loves you
jason vorhees
•hes only had a few actual birthday parties and they were always thrown by his loving mother. it’s been a looong time since he’d had anything like that
•he won’t really expect anything from you. he’s not hard pressed on a party and the last he wants to do is force you
•throw a party for him and he will be absolutely whipped. he loves you so much
•he just won’t know how to act. the entire day he will be on cloud nine. just bubbly and excited
•jason doesn’t need presents. your presence is enough <3
•if you were to get him something oh my god he’d marry you. anything you get him he will cherish it. it means so much more than you could ever understand
•jason doesn’t eat cake but if you got something he will eat it with you. he enjoys blowing the candles out !!
•and presents?? ohhh my god he will lose it. it doesn’t matter what it is he will love it and cherish it with everything in him.
•goes to bed happy !!
billy loomis
•he doesn’t like his birthday. like at all. he doesn’t really celebrate it
•stu realized how much happier he is with you so he decides to throw a party for billy with your help of course.
•together the two of you planned out a small little get together with a few friends from school
•when the day of his birth rolls around he’s shocked to see anyone there. he’s a bit upset that you guys didn’t tell him but you and stu mean well
•won’t have any fun until everyone is gone and it’s just you and him.
•he’s so glad you remembered his day even if he doesn’t show it well.
jason dean
•he will act nonchalant. he’s too cool for birthday parties
•inside his twisted mind though he is overjoyed that you even remembered his special day.
•since he doesn’t like parties it will most likely just be the two of you.
•he doesn’t want you to say happy birthday but hw doesn’t mind presents. sweets and knives are his favorite things to receive
•honestly he doesn’t give a fuck about his birthday but since you care he puts on an act just for you.
•he’ll help you with anything you need to do despite your protests.
•he wants to bake a cake with you y/n :)
thomas hewitt
•his family never really celebrated birthdays. obviously charlie hoyt threw himself a little celebration every year but never anything big
•he will cry. actual sobbing ensues. just the fact you took your time to say happy birthday to him is more than enough.
•give him a little present and he’s done for. he’s just over the moon.
•it doesn’t help that you planned a little celebration with all his family. he’s just so in love with you y/n.
bo sinclair + vincent sinclair
•the sinclair children were never too keen on birthday parties. not really for any reason they just ..don’t like them
•it’s rare for them to celebrate anything actually. holidays and stuff are forgotten. it’s a very busy household.
•lester wants to plan a party and ropes you into it. he knows the boys won’t be mad if you’re involved.
•it’s really hard to make it a surprise since it’s only the four of you.
•lester makes a bunch of food for the party. you’re in charge of decor.
•getting bo out of the house was easy but vince not so much. you told him the house was on fire and he still wouldn’t leave
•once he’s out you and lester set up.
•the boys come back and they’re absolutely surprised. vince is close to tears and bo is speechless.
•it ended up being tons of fun. they boys were so appreciative of the two of you.
carrie white
•she is drawn to tears in an instant. you did all this just for her ?
•don’t make it a huge surprise though she isn’t a fan of that. she’d rather have something small.
•will thank you and try to pay you back in anyway she can
•honestly just a little sit down dinner is perfect for her
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sadembryhours · 1 month
various slasher masterlist ♥︎
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dead by daylight masterlist [ here ]
♥︎ nothing yet
nothing yet ♥︎
♥︎ nothing yet
nothing yet ♥︎
♥︎ nothing yet
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fanaticloser · 11 months
Finding a good character Spotify playlist is hard cause I want THEIR playlist not a playlist of their vibes.
Like no I don’t think they listen to this artist. Does the song apply to them? Yes. Do I love this song? Yes, but they wouldn’t play it themselves.
Like I want a playlist they created themselves.
Yeah, we can joke and say they’d listen to this or that, but they actually wouldn’t and it so weird when a one of those songs pop up.
It’ll still be a great playlist. But not THAT characters playlist.
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slasher-cam · 4 months
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Hi lovlies!!
Guys, thank you so much for all the request especially from the poppy playtime fandom!! I just wanted to remind you guys that I alot of other fandoms and i would love if you sent me a request from oneᡣ𐭩
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derelictheretic · 10 days
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Thank you for the tag @inafieldofdaisies ! I love any excuse to talk about my sibling OC's (plus my own siblings OC lmao)! I might do this for Pip and Cas and the 2nd gen Sinclaire kiddos later because this was super fun! 🤗🩷
Note from OP: This Q&A can be used for any family member/friend who's close to your OC!
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1. Who looks the most like dad?
Dean groaned, head dropping and his hand rising. Michael and Remiel both pet his shoulders in sympathy.
"It's really only the nose—and at least yours is the small cute version of it!" Remiel offered with a nervous chuckle.
"Don't lie to me."
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Michael and Dean both point at Remiel, their mouth falling open in offence.
"What the fuck you guys?" They whine, their brothers shrugging in unison.
"It's only the nose, but it's smaller and cute so that's better right?" Dean grins.
"Fuck off, shithead."
"Love you too."
3. Who eats the most?
"Me, don't even say it I know it's me." Remiel turns their head, refusing to look at their grinning brothers.
"Yeah, when you remember to eat." Dean snorts.
"Their stomach is a black hole." Michael mused, Remiel playfully sobbing in response.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
The three paused, looking between one another as they mulled over the question.
"These two," Michael then said, pointing to Remiel and Dean, "they always get themselves into shit somehow." He shook his head. Remiel and Dean both shoot him offended looks and he just rolls his eyes.
"I think we get ourself into the normal amount of shit." Dean mutters.
"Yeah." Remiel agrees with a pout.
5. Who sleeps the most?
"Remiel." Michael and Dean don't miss a beat, Dean wrapping an arm around Remiel's neck in a pseudo headlock. They slap his arm but don't disagree.
6. Mom and dad's favorite?
"Their favourite first baby cigs." Dean joked, making both Michael and Remiel snort in agreement.
7. Most stable romantic life?
"That would be me!" Remiel announced proudly, breaking free of Dean's headlock to lean over and grab James' hand; their partner who had been politely sitting off to the side in silence.
"I would argue Alexys and I are pretty stable." Michael muttered.
"Yeah but Remiel and James are practically already married and they're like.... Both lil rays of sunshine, I don't think they know how to have a fight." Dean gestured vaguely and Michael just hummed unimpressed.
8. Worst habit of each one?
"Sleeping too much." Remiel sighed.
"Fighting as a coping method." Dean coughed.
"Not reading instructions." Michael shrugged.
"His refusal to use a cane or leg brace." Remiel and Dean argued; Michael just shook his head.
9. Who's the most dramatic?
"Remiel." Dean said, Michael and even James nodding in agreement.
"Hey, what the fuck."
"It's true baby, sorry." James pet their hand comfortingly and they just huffed with a small frown.
"It's not my fault you two are emotionally stunted and I can't hide how I feel." They snipped.
"We didn't say it was a negative thing!" Dean laughed.
10. Who had a weird phase?
"Dean." Michael snorts.
"Shut your face hole Mike." Dean snaps, hand shooting up to cover his mouth.
"Are we talking about the angry emo phase or the sad musical phase?" Remiel grinned, Dean spinning around to cover their mouth with his other hand.
"I actually hate both of you, shut up."
11. Best cook of the family?
Dean proudly stuck his hand up and Michael and Remiel gave appreciative nods.
"Michael's the better baker though, I can't bake for shit."
12. Best memory together?
"The first time we all went to the local pool in our hometown together." Dean decides and Remiel and Michael mull it over before nodding in agreement.
"We were diving for the hairties and coins at the bottom of the deep end and pretending to be mermaids." Remiel reminisced with a fond smile.
"Michael did some cool dives, he wasn't cool enough to be a mermaid though." Dean nods to himself, Michael scoffing.
13. Worst memory together?
"Too many of those." Michael smiled bitterly, Remiel and Dean nodding absently.
14. Dream trip together
"Japan! Just—everywhere in Japan!" Remiel near shouted and Dean and Mcihael both chuckled and nodded.
15. Would you rather not being able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
"Same clothes for a month." All three agreed.
16. Who's the older one?
"Michael, the ole' bag of bones." Dean grinned, patting Michael's back heartily.
"Okay, infant." He scoffed.
17. Describe each other in three words
"Michael is... Dependable, strong and grounding. Dean is grouchy but thoughtful and caring." Remiel held up their fingers as they listed off the words.
"Remiel is kind, a bit naive and very passionate. Mikey's more of a grouch than me, but yeah super dependable and cool as hell." Dean grinned.
"Dean is reckless, stubborn and loving. Remiel is empathetic, lazy and creative." Michael smiled.
18. Role model?
"Michael!" Remiel and Dean exclaimed, Dean wrapping his arms around his middle while Remiel leant over him to wrap an arm around his shoulders.
19. Who usually has the worst ideas?
"Toss up between these two." Michael nodded his head towards Dean and Remiel who both gasped in denial.
"It's Remiel"
"No, it's you."
"Nah it's not."
"Yeah it is—"
20. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
"Me, these two are chicken shits." Michael smirked.
"I don't fuck with anything that has more than four legs." Remiel grimaced, Dean nodding solemnly in agreement.
no pressure tags: @adelaidedrubman @deputyash @simplegenius042 @megraen @clicheantagonist @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @kyberinfinitygems and anyone else who feels like it!!
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