#dean x zeph
DAY 14 OF FLUFFTOBER: “I hate it” - “No, you don’t”
Ship: Dean x Zeph
Words: 717
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« I’m not getting out. » Dean warned and Zeph chuckled, shaking his head.
« Oh come on, just show me. It can’t be that bad. » His lover was waiting for him, already all dressed up. Sure, he wasn’t a particular fan of the outfit. But it was one of the day where he needed to do an exception. And so was Dean.
Dean finally got out of the bathroom, wearing his tuxedo. Zeph nodded in approval. Gosh, his boyfriend was handsome, he thought. He frowned a bit though, as he noticed a piece missing.
« You need to put the bowtie too, you know? » He called out and Dean scoffed at the comment.
« Really? Is all of this necessary? » He argued and Zeph sighed.
« You know they will kill us if we don’t look as planned. That means putting all the accessories necessarily. » Zeph explained and Dean rolled his eyes.
« What would the big deal? If they aren’t happy, we’ll just not go. » He said groggily and Zeph sneered at that.
« Us? Not going to Lorcan and Nora’s wedding? Isa and Priscilla will drag our ass down to the church themselves. We can’t get away from it. » Zeph told him and, as much Dean wanted to argue, he knew Zeph was right. This was not a thing they could get away from.
Zeph stood up from the bed he was sitting, grabbing the bowtie.
« Here. » He said as he put it in his lover’s neck, tying it properly, before looking at the time.
« We’ll have to go now if we don’t want to be late. Let’s grab the gift and let’s go. » Zeph said, getting out of the room before Dean followed, grumbling as he grabbed the poorly wrapped gift that was waiting in their shared room.
They arrived at the wedding soon after. They were greeted by Nora at the entrance as she smiled brightly at the presence of the two boys.
« Dean! Zeph! You made it! » She said with a big smile and both men smiled at her.
« Of course we did. » Zeph said.
« We wouldn’t have missed it for anything. » Dean added, faking a bit his enthusiasm.
They shared pleasantries before giving the gift to Nora and let her go for her to finish getting ready.
As she was gone, Zeph turned to Dean and laughed, mockingly.
« You are such an horrible liar. » He pointed out and Dean huffed at that, crossing his arms.
« Let’s go get a drink. If I want to survive this, I’ll definitely need one. » He said and Zeph nodded.
« Seems like you read my mind. » He admitted before they both walked to the bar.
The wedding ceremony done, everyone had eaten and now was drinking and dancing. Zeph looked around for Dean but noticed he had eclipsed himself. He sighed with a soft smile before walking out, finding him not so far.
« It became too much for you, didn’t it? » He asked gently, sitting by him.
Dean nodded before there was a silence… Until the two boys looked at each other and started laughing.
« I expected something that cutesy but that was something. » Zeph started and Dean nodded.
« Right! All these sweet words and speeches, gosh, I hate it. » Dean retorted but Zeph shook his head.
« No you don’t. » He accused gently and Dean stopped, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
« How can you know that? » He challenged and Zeph smiled gently.
« Cause I know when it’ll be our turn, our speeches might be cringy and all cutesy too, don’t you think? » He said and Dean’s eyes widened at the comment.
A blush raised itself on his cheeks and face and the silence came back. This time, though, it felt like something else. Something they hadn’t touch yet.
Zeph shook his head.
« But let’s not think about it right now, yeah? We can think about this later. » He added and Dean let a relief sigh escape him.
That was definitely a conversation for later. Yet, he still reached for Zeph’s hand.
« … Yeah. We can. »
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iwantthedean · 6 years
A Rift in Time
Summary: Zephaniah finds her way back in time from an alternate universe to warn Dean of things to come.  Pairing: Dean x Zephaniah Word Count: 1080 Warnings: Spoilers for Season 13, angst, feels.  Challenge: @diinofayce‘s 500 Follow Celebration. My prompt was the situation, “You have six minutes.”
A/N: This pairing is from fics very close to my heart, The Demon’s Pet and its sequel, Angels Among Us -- but you don’t have to be familiar with either of those for this to make sense (although there is a tiny spoiler for the end of AAU). This is meant to take place after Angels Among Us and before the next, not-yet-posted installment of their story.
Special thanks to @apurdyfulmind for the amazing title idea! 
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Somewhere in the empty bunker, a spark ignited out of thin air; more sparks followed, until a glowing crack in time appeared. 
Zephaniah stepped through the rift, and into the familiar environment of the bunker. This place had been her home, for a long time, but it felt like ages since she had been here. 
A glance at the phone in her hand reminded her that she didn’t have a lot of time to be here; she had already wasted thirty seconds. Another five and a half minutes and she would be stuck here, unable to get back to where she came from — or where she had come from before that. 
Time; what a funny thing, she thought as she searched through the bunker for Dean. She had always thought of it as linear, moving in one direction, not a fluid concept through which she could travel in and out, around and through. 
Another thirty-two seconds gone. Such a small amount of time that now seemed so significant. 
Where the hell was Dean? She had so many things to warn him about. Maybe it wouldn’t stop him from making future choices, but at least he’d have time to think it over. Maybe he and Sam could prevent the events that led up to that choice Dean made that led to his possession by Michael. 
Zephaniah squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could forget the awful images of a Dean that looked like the man she knew, but wasn’t. She couldn’t decide which was worse, Dean himself being a demon, or Dean possessed by an angel. 
4:02. Almost two minutes gone. He wasn’t in his room, he wasn’t in the garage or the library. She checked the kitchen, but he wasn’t there, either. Sam was nowhere to be found — the bunker was entirely empty. 
“This can’t be happening,” she muttered to herself, jogging back to the rift. It was still there, and holding strong, but she was running out of time. Desperate for some measure of mercy, she did something she did not often do. Zephaniah lifted her eyes to the ceiling, and prayed. 
“I know that you’ve got other stuff going on, all right? I know that you haven’t really been around — Castiel always talked about how you abandoned us and the angels. But right now, I need you. Like, really need you. Dean has no idea what’s coming, and this one … it’s big. He needs fair warning. I know that it may not change anything, but I have to try. I have to. Please. Where is he?”
She waited for several long seconds — seconds that went by too quickly — and nothing happened. Hanging her head in defeat, Zephaniah was about to give up her last three minutes and step back through the rift. When she heard the door to the bunker open, followed by the well-known voices of the Winchester brothers. 
“Dean!” Zephaniah called, running towards him. She came to an abrupt stop and held her hands up in surrender when she saw they both had guns drawn on her. 
“Zeph?” Dean lowered his gun, but Sam kept his trained on her. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Listen though, I’m not — I’m not the Zephaniah that you know. I know that that Zephaniah is — well, anyway. Listen —”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Sam demanded. 
Zephaniah knew that she was currently a demon in their world, so that was a fair question. “If you will follow me, I’ll show you.”
She led them directly to the rift, explaining along the way how she had first gone to the alternate universe where Dean and Sam had never been born, and then had figured out how to go back in time via the rift to come and warn them of what was coming. 
Sam finally lowered his gun when he saw the rift in the middle of the room. “You’re serious.”
“I am. And I also have —” She checked her timer. “Two minutes left to tell you a lot of things. I mean, I had six, but you weren’t home, so, well, here we are.”
Without prompting from either of the brothers, she continued on to tell them about Lucifer getting out of the cage, possessing the President, impregnating a human who would eventually give birth to a nephilim … and so many other things happened surrounding those events. 
“Shit, I have like fifty-three seconds left. Dean, you especially need to listen to this.” Zephaniah glanced behind her to see that the rift was beginning to give. “Maybe less. Anyway, the things is, when the showdown with Lucifer happens, you’re going to—”
Dean took her by the shoulders, took one good look right in her eyes, and then shoved her back through the rift. The split in time and universes sparked before shrinking down and disappearing altogether. 
Zephaniah clawed at the ground as she tried to catch her breath. She had crashed back through the rift so hard after Dean pushed her, it had knocked the wind out of her. Moving onto all fours, her breathing began to regulate. Her heart was racing though, as she realized that she had run out of time. There was no going back to warn Dean; hell, she was going to be lucky if she was able to get back to the right point in time in the right universe from which she had originally come. 
Why hadn’t he let her finish? There had still been enough time to warn him, but he had pushed her back through. 
Forcing herself to her feet, she started the trek back to the camp where the others were waiting for her. She had no idea how she was going to tell them that she had failed. 
Dean’s eyes were still staring at the space where the rift had been minutes after Zephaniah was gone. 
“What did I do,” he muttered, finally turning to look at Sam. 
“You pushed her away,” Sam said. “Not entirely out of the realm of expectations for you.”
He turned to his brother, eyes glazed over. “I just — how many different ways can I lose her before enough is enough? I can’t handle two Zephaniahs at one time. I don’t know where that one came from, the one I know is out there and she’s … I can’t, Sam. I can’t.”
He tossed his gun on a nearby table and went straight for the kitchen and a cold six pack.  
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
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Killjoys Pippin x Zeph
Prompt: This takes place after The Last Dance. Zeph has a nightmare and Pippin comes to comfort her. Zeph finally tells Pip what she’s been wanting to say since the day she lost him.
A/N: There is seriously not enough Pippin fanfiction
“Meet me the middle” I hear the Pip say as I try to control my sobs. Then my ears start to ring as I hear a big explosion on the other side of the coms. It’s like my lungs are being crushed. The air is barley breathable. I collapse to my knees. I barley feel Johnny’s arms wrapped around me. I feel like I’m dying.
“PIPPIN!” I scream tossing and turning in my sheets. I jolt awake to a pair of arms shaking my sweaty, trembling body. “Pippin?!” I gasp as tears start to form in my eyes. I can’t help, but break out into a sob. He pulls me into his arms and rubs my back. “Shhh it’s okay Zeph. It was just a nightmare. It’s all over now. I’m back” He said calming me down. “I’m back” he repeated as he held me tighter.
A few minutes pass as I lay quietly against Pip’s chest listening to his heartbeat, syncing our breathing. He lays a kiss to my forehead. “Pip?” I get his attention. “Yes, Zephyr, genius girl of Leith?” He asks. He cracks a smile and I can’t help, but let out a small giggle. “How can this even be happening? You died. Pip, I can’t lose you again” I tell him. “I told you to stop worrying about it!” He reminds me. “I know, I know, don’t look a gift Pippin in the mouth,” I start, “But I lost you” I add. “If for some reason this is some kind of trick...I can’t go through that again” I finish. Pip moves his hand to my chin and pushes my head up for our eyes to meet. “Zeph, we talked about this. I know it’s hard, but I’m really back. Just put down the science for now and pick up some hope. I know I certainly don’t want to think about how I got out of inescapable death” He reminds me. Pip looks down to my lips and then kisses me softly. It’s short, but sweet, not filled with sexual tension like our usual. I know why. We both do. Whatever we have is so much more than just sex. I think I’ve known that for a long time, even before he died. I’ve just been scared to admit it. I’ve just been scared to be vulnerable. I have to say it here and now. I have to say it because everything is perfect. I’ve got him and I’m never letting go. “Pippin...I’m in love with you” I say quietly. “Losing you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through and I can’t go through it again” I add. Pip smiles. “Zephyr of Leith, you are stubborn, loud, sometimes a little crazy, and you always have to be the smartest person in the room...well universe-“ I smile and shrug it off. He’s not wrong. “And I have been in love with you since the day I met you” He adds. He places a kiss on my forehead as I snuggle deeper into him. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to tell you that” He says. I smile. “If it really means that much to you, if it’ll make you feel better, we can do some more tests tomorrow” He offers. I nod as I yawn. I start to drift back to sleep feeling safe. For a girl who ran away from home at 15, I’ve been searching for my real home my whole life. In this bed, on this spaceship, in Pippin’s arms I know I’ve found it. Who would have thought that a genius farm girl from Leith would fall for a spoiled loud mouth from Qresh? Hells if that ain’t magic.
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i-am-infinite · 6 years
Ok but why are there not more gifs of Atticus Mitchell as pip foster cause boy was he relatable. "A bigger helmet??"
"If you're scared you can leave now" "BYE"
(Also I just really loved pip and love Atticus with all my heart)
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homeformyheart · 3 years
Beckett x F!MC request? #15 - Things you said with too many miles between us | Maybe a scenario where it's the summer before the last year of attending Penderghast? and the couple is spending part of their summer apart in said scenario?
thank you for the request and sorry this took so long. i appreciate that this one fit an angsty scenario since fluff is harder for me to write.
author’s note: this takes place before the group’s senior year at penderghast and is a little angsty to balance the other request for something really fluffy that i’m working on with these two. i hope you enjoy! copyright: all characters owned by pixelberry studios. series/pairing:the elementalists – beckett harrington x f!mc (celeste russell) rating/warnings: 14+; minor angst based on/prompt: things you said prompts // 15. with too many miles between us word count: ~1k summary: long distance is taking a toll on celeste and beckett.
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celeste glanced between her phone and scryglass for what was probably the hundredth time – or at least atlas would whine that it was if she were here. it took three years for her to finally cave and get a scryglass – she had gotten comfortable straddling the line between attuned society and the attuneless world she grew up in.
after all, both worlds were a part of her.
but after griffin’s graduation, even zeph joined in on shreya’s campaigning to have her and atlas “stop being neanderthals and join the society they belonged in” as she so eloquently put it.
celeste was proud of how long she held out – she knew that as soon as she bought a scryglass that shreya would insist on getting her an instattuned account. she was just coming to terms with who she really was (thankfully there were no big life revelations last school year for once) and how powerful her magick was. she could wait on becoming an attuned celebrity.
even in the attuneless world (it was still weird to think about the world she grew up in as the “other”), she avoided social media and really only used her phone to call friends and family. and anyway, she was sure shreya created enough of a celebrity persona around her and atlas through her own instattuned account.
it wasn’t until beckett asked her to consider getting one to make it easier for them to connect over the summer that she went out and bought one for herself and atlas.
once again, they were spending the summer apart pursuing separate internships – beckett had received some prestigious grant to help accelerate his thaumaturgy research in london (at the rate he was going, he was probably going to publish two thesis papers by winter solstice) while celeste chose to stay at penderghast and work with former dean waithe and dean swan on blood magick research.
the stigma around blood magick required them to be creative with how she practiced and observed positive use cases – including moonlighting as an emergency room nurse in an attuneless hospital near the school. in addition to the night shifts at the hospital (it was much easier to use magick on unsuspecting attuneless when there were less people around), she was putting together a carefully worded grant proposal based on her observations.
eventually, she’d love to see the ban on blood magick overturned.
she sighed and checked her messages again, but still nothing from beckett. they hadn’t been able to figure out a time that worked for both their schedules and the time zone difference.
and she missed him, a lot.
her scryglass rang and she quickly accepted the video call, eyes turning misty at the sight of beckett’s face. it wasn’t nearly close to what she really wanted, but she’d have to make do.
“hi, babe. i miss you.”
beckett ran his hand through his hair, dark circles under his eyes that drooped with fatigue in the corners. “hi. it’s so good to see you.”
celeste’s throat tightened and she bit her lip. “i hate this. magick can create a portal out of thin air to transport you across the country, but can’t get rid of time zones?”
“i know,” he sighed. “but on the bright side, i think i found a breakthrough for that research i was doing with the ivy in the lake district. it’s absolutely fascinating and i can see why the attuneless are obsessed with it…”
she propped the scryglass against the textbooks on her desk and rested her cheek on her hand, nodding along occasionally as beckett droned on. normally she found his academic monologues endearing, but she really just wanted to feel connected to him again.
and right now, the man in her screen didn’t feel like the man she loved.
“i’m sorry for monopolizing our time, i know it’s late for you. how is your work going?”
irritation flit across celeste’s face. “it’s fine. do we have to talk about work and research?”
beckett’s brow furrowed. “of course not. what would you like to discuss? how’s your family?”
“what are we doing beckett?” she interjected. “we’re about to be seniors and we’ll have to decide what we’re going to do after graduation. what if we have to keep doing long-distance? how long can we keep this up?”
“have you forgotten i can create portals that bring me straight to you?”
“yeah, i know but you haven’t been able to do that all summer because you’re so damn busy."
“i know, but we’ll see each other at school soon. all the work i’ve been doing will pay off, i promise.”
she shook her head. “i know your work is important to you and i love your passion. i do. it just feels like sometimes our relationship isn’t as important to you.”
his jaw dropped. “of course you’re important to me, celeste. i love you.”
beckett’s face softened with concern and celeste dropped her gaze. “i love you too, but this isn’t working right now. i don’t know what to do.”
a ring cut him off and he frowned. “sorry, i have to take this. just give me one minute.”
“it’s okay, i should head to bed anyway. i’ll talk to you tomorrow.” she forced a brief smile and ended the call before beckett could respond, putting both phones on silent.
she pressed her palms against her eyes before crawling into bed, wondering if maybe they weren’t meant to last.
* * * * * taglist: @choicesficwriterscreations; @robintora; @miss-smrxtiee; @eleanorbloom; @itsjustwinter; @mm2305; @adiehardfan;
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 8 - The Penderghast Amorelia Day Gala
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Several weeks later, Fiora and her friends enjoy a night of dancing, food, and fun.
Previous Scene: Never Bet Against Fiora
Masterlist: Link
Several weeks later, the Amorelia Day Gala has arrived. Penderghast’s Grand Ballroom, located on Rhuka Hall’s top floor, has been fully decorated for the event. The entire room is bathed in a soft blue light, changing and shifting in ways reminiscent of sunlight being filtered through water. Toward the ceiling, multicolored floating umbrellas hang suspended by some kind of Air Stoichi. Beautiful fountains erupt in impossible patterns, shaped by Water Stoichi into figures and patterns that rise and fall in time with the music. A table against the far wall hosts countless dishes of all kinds of food, complete with several multi-layered cakes at the center. A few Penderghast students, along with several professors, are already present as several more trickle in, all dressed for the occasion. Then:
FIORA: Holy... wow! This place is amazing!
SHREYA (smiling): Not half as amazing as moi. Or, for that matter, my lovely date.
Fiora blushes heavily as she and Shreya make their way into the room. Shreya wears a beautiful beige dress with matching circlet, both of which are decorated with a Light-Att technique that makes them sparkle every time she moves. Fiora’s dress, in contrast, is a muted golden color with flowing translucent sleeves. As they enter, Fiora beams at her date.
FIORA: Shreya... this is amazing! Thank you!!
SHREYA: Perhaps I ought to be thanking you for saying “yes.”
FIORA (blushes): Yeah... I’m a bit slow sometimes--
She is interrupted by Shreya pulling her into a quick kiss. They break apart quickly when Shreya spots Zeph, Griffin, and Peter approaching.
SHREYA: Oh! Hi, everyone! So glad you could make it!
ZEPH (laughing): Don’t worry about us. We’re not interrupting anything!
Shreya and Fiora blush furiously.
GRIFFIN: Glad you both could make it! Did either of you see Beckett, by the way?
ZEPH: ...Or Atlas?
Fiora shrugs.
FIORA: They might be going together. I don’t know, Atlas was kinda hesitant about--
BECKETT: Ah, there you are!
Beckett approaches the group, along with an unfamiliar, bland-looking woman they do not recognize. Beckett is dressed in a crisp suit with golden tie, his hair impeccably combed straight back. The woman beside him wears a sparkling navy-blue dress, and Fiora at first doesn’t recognize her. Then, she seems to realize something, and peers closer at Beckett’s companion.
FIORA: ...Atlas?!
ZEPH: Wait, Atlas? Where?
SHREYA: Fiora, what are you--
The woman at Beckett’s side smirks, then waves a hand in front of her face and makes a few quick gestures. The unfamiliar features fall away, replaced with Atlas’s distinctive silver hair and facial features identical to Fiora’s. Zeph lets out a soft gasp.
ATLAS: ...I assume that damn thing works, then?
BECKETT: But of course! None can recognize you now, save those you’ve granted permission to.
ATLAS: Good. ‘Cause I’m leaving this place immediately if there’s any chance of--
ZEPH (laughs): Come on, Atlas! Can’t you just enjoy yourself for five minutes? I promise, nothing crazy’s gonna attack the Gala while we’re here. Okay?
Atlas scowls. Then she relents, smiling slightly at Beckett.
ATLAS: ...Fine. Can’t hurt to be here with someone like him, after all. He’s almost as good with combat stoichi as I am!
BECKETT: I--excuse you, what do you mean, almost?!
ATLAS: Oh, please. As if you even understood half the things I’ve had to...
As Atlas and Beckett continue arguing, the others exchange a look of exasperation.
FIORA: There they go again...
PETER: Uh, Griff, what’s with the disguise? I don’t think most people wear Cloakguises to go to Penderghast dances...
FIORA (shrugs): She’s my twin sister. Long story short, she’s... not supposed to be here.
ZEPH: Also, Beckett’s had a huge crush on her since even before we knew she existed--
PETER (laughs): Sure he didn’t. Anyway, fair enough. I ain’t about to rat her out to Goeffe if you aren’t.
He glances over at the back of the room, where Dean Goeffe stands, a severe look on her face as she engages Dr. Englund in deep conversation.
SHREYA: Well? Shall we, then?
Shreya tugs Fiora out toward the center of the room, the other Pend Pals following close behind. As they approach the dance floor, Zeph dashes ahead of the others.
ZEPH: Watch this! I’ve been waiting for weeks to show you all this move!
Zeph launches into a full body wave, complete with shoulder shimmy. The others watch, enraptured... most of them, anyway.
BECKETT (huffs): I give that a two out of ten.
ZEPH: Oh, c’mon. That’s at least a seven, isn’t it?
BECKETT: Then show me a “seven.”
Zeph pouts as Shreya pulls Fiora onto the dance floor.
SHREYA: Alright, allow moi to show you a thing or two!
Shreya launches into a complicated dance sequence, complete with handstands, cartwheels, and other flashy moves. After a moment, she grabs Fiora’s hands and draws her in to the dance.
FIORA: Shreya, I don’t--Whoa!
After a few beats of dancing, Shreya grabs Fiora’s arms, holding them outward so that her hands are facing up. Perplexed, Fiora keeps her hands there... only for Shreya to step back, then leap into her hands, using them as a foothold to backflip through the air!
ZEPH: Holy Source!
GRIFFIN: Whooooo!
PETER: Yeah!
ATLAS (shrugs): Not bad.
Shreya lands and strikes a pose beside a still-slightly-bewildered Fiora. The others all applaud.
GRIFFIN: That was amazing! Shreya, where’d you learn that?
Shreya giggles as they step off of the dance floor.
SHREYA: I learned that one at a club in Pennseil!
Everyone besides Fiora gapes at her, impressed. Fiora simply looks confused.
FIORA: Okay, is this one of those Attuned things I just don’t understand, or...?
ATLAS (whispering): Pennseil is the Attuned reflection of... “Paris,” I think it’s called.
Fiora gasps in recognition.
FIORA: Oh! Wow, Shreya, that’s super awesome!
SHREYA: ...Well, Beckett?
BECKETT: Hmph. Well, I suppose that might be worthy of a ten out of ten, if for no other reason than by comparison with the single other entry in this impromptu competition.
ZEPH: Hey!
Atlas bursts out laughing. Shreya smiles and wraps an arm around Fiora.
SHREYA: Well. As if I would ever lose such a contest with you by my side, non?
FIORA: Of course not. That was seriously amazing, Shreya.
PETER: Hang on, I think I just spotted some cake. Can’t miss out on that!
GRIFFIN: Looks delicious! Let’s go!
The two of them dash over to the dessert table, with Fiora and the others following close behind. The group eagerly approaches the huge, multi-colored cakes dominating the center of the dessert display.
FIORA: Wow. Okay, that looks amazing.
She moves forward to take a slice, but Shreya grabs her arm and pulls her back.
FIORA (frowning): Hey!
SHREYA: Don’t worry, darling, you’ll get your chance. I just want to be certain you know what you’re getting into, first.
FIORA: Why? It’s just cake-- (sighs) It’s... not just cake, is it?
SHREYA (laughs): Of course not! The esteemed Chef Liyan Fang would never make something as ordinary as a simple cake, without even a single stoicheal infusion, can you imagine?
FIORA: So this thing has some kind of... effect? If I eat it, it’ll do something?
SHREYA: Just watch.
Peter grabs a slice from the blue tier of the cake, near the center. He takes a bite.
GRIFFIN (laughs): Wait for it...
A few seconds later, Peter lets out a series of musical belches that play perfectly in tune with the music playing overhead! Fiora gasps in surprise, then giggles, as the others all laugh.
FIORA: Ooh! I wanna try!
GRIFFIN: There’s gonna be more than one effect. It all depends on which color tier you take the slice from, plus which part of the cake. Choose wisely!
FIORA: Wait, so, is there a sign or something that says which part does what?
PETER (laughs): Where’s the fun in that? You’ve gotta take a wild guess, be surprised!
FIORA (hesitantly): Oh... I don’t--
She swallows, and her expression changes as she confidently approaches the table. She nods once.
FIORA: You know what? Why not. Here I go!
She takes a slice from the corner of the cake’s yellow tier and cautiously takes a bite. The others look at her expectantly.
ATLAS: ...Well?
FIORA: I don’t feel any-- Whoa!
Fiora stumbles back in shock, and the camera shifts to her perspective. She (and the camera) look around at each of the others, and we see shining auras surrounding each of them. Shreya’s aura is a flickering reddish-orange; Griffin’s, a shifting earth tone; Beckett’s is stiff and silvery; Peter’s is wispy and fleeting; Zeph’s is bluish-green; and Atlas’s resembles Zeph’s, but much stronger, with an overlay of crackling yellow lines rushing throughout.
SHREYA: Fiora? Are you okay?
FIORA: Yeah, I... I think I’m seeing your stoichi! It’s surrounding everyone, like a glow, or...
BECKETT: Ah! Your vision must have been enhanced so as to better make out our stoicheal auras!
SHREYA: You actually can see them normally, if you try hard enough. Though here, surrounded by so many Attuned, it’s hard to notice... they’re fairly faint most of the time.
FIORA: Whoa. This is trippy. I--
Fiora’s (and the camera’s) vision pans to the left, toward Dean Goeffe and Dr. Englund... and we hear Fiora gasp. Dr. Englund’s aura is a stronger version of Griffin’s, but Dean Goeffe’s is a swirling mass of darkness, engulfing her to the point that we are barely able to see the dean herself through the thick aura.
FIORA (quietly): Dean Goeffe... her aura, it’s...
Atlas glances over at the dean. She frowns.
ATLAS (quietly): I don’t see anything. What is it?
FIORA: It’s black. And... it looks angry. It’s so thick, I can barely see her. What is that?
GRIFFIN (curiously): I don’t see anything. She looks like a normal Metal-Att to me.
FIORA: No, I--
The aura effect fades away.
FIORA: Darn. It’s gone! Hang on, give me some more of that cake!
The camera returns to a normal perspective as Fiora reaches forward, grabbing another piece of the cake. This time, she takes from the side of the yellow tier instead of the corner. After taking a big bite... She suddenly starts levitating in the air, wisps of Air Stoichi circling around her feet!
FIORA: Whoa! Okay, I did not expect that.
Everyone laughs.
SHREYA: The location of the slice matters too, remember? Wow, I absolutely must try one now.
As Shreya and the others all start taking their own slices of cake, all of whom end up with a wide variety of stoicheal effects, Fiora frowns, looking back at where the dean and Dr. Englund had been. Dr. Englund is now standing near the wall, gazing out at the crowd... and the dean is nowhere to be seen.
FIORA (to herself): That... something’s wrong...
After a brief moment, Atlas comes up to Fiora. Her hands and wrists are covered with shimmering red scales that are slowly fading away.
FIORA: What’s with the scales?
ATLAS: Damn cake.
FIORA (laughs): Should’ve known! Anyway, what’s up?
ATLAS (shrugs): Dunno. I just wanted to say... thanks. For keeping me around all that time, even though you barely knew me...
FIORA: Aw, Atlas, you don’t have to--
Atlas holds up a hand, and Fiora stops talking.
ATLAS: Seriously. You could’ve kicked me out at any time, or reported me to someone. Couldn’t blame you, with how suspicious I was being of your friends. But you put up with me. Not only that, when things were going south at the birthday party... you really stepped up. And now... well, I’m glad I’m here. With your friends.
FIORA (knowingly): By ‘friends,’ d’you mean... ‘Beckett,’ specifically?
ATLAS: Now you’re pushing it.
FIORA: Sorry.
ATLAS: But seriously. Thanks. I’m starting to see why everyone made such a big deal about this party. It’s... fun.
FIORA (smiles): If anyone deserves to have fun, it’s you, Atlas. I can’t imagine there were many parties in the Between.
ATLAS (laughs): If Raife’s evil cultists were having any parties, I sure as hell wasn’t invited. ‘Sides, at least here, I know I’ve got people to watch my back.
FIORA: Really?
ATLAS: There’s nobody I’d rather have at my side in a pinch than my sister. And... just between you and me, I don’t entirely mind that Beckett guy. He’s... competent.
FIORA (knowingly): “Competent.” Right. He’s definitely... that.
ATLAS (awkwardly): Right. Whatever, enough with all that sentimental crap. Catch you later.
Atlas disappears into the crowd. Fiora looks around, bewildered, until Shreya appears and pulls her into a twirl.
FIORA: Whoa! Hey there, Shreya.
SHREYA: Fiora! Just the good-looking and absolutely breathtaking Light-Att I wanted to see. Come dance with me!
Fiora smiles at her date.
FIORA: I thought you’d never ask! I’d love to.
Shreya leads Fiora out onto the dance floor as the music shifts to a slow waltz. They start to dance perfectly in time with one another, moving slowly around the dance floor.
SHREYA: This is lovely. Why don’t we dance together more often?
FIORA: Dunno. Guess we’ve been too busy with school... and fighting off random shadow monsters... and discovering my secret twin... y’know, usual stuff.
SHREYA (laughs): Ah, yes. Things are never dull with you around, are they? I am so glad we ended up roommates. It was clearly meant to be.
Fiora smiles warmly at Shreya.
FIORA: We were clearly meant to be, I’d say.
SHREYA: Oh, I agree. Everything is simply so... beautiful. Don’t you think?
FIORA: Yeah. Beautiful...
Fiora leans in and kisses Shreya.
SHREYA: Well! That’s certainly something the Fiora of a few months ago never would have done!
FIORA: Why, are you complaining?
SHREYA: Perish the thought!
They resume their dance as the music shifts into something more upbeat. After a few moments, Atlas and Beckett join them, followed closely by Griffin and Peter. They all dance together for a brief moment, until finally the song ends, to be replaced with another. The six of them all head toward the edge of the dance floor, where Zeph is waiting, eating from a heaping plate of some type of glowing Attuned snack.
SHREYA: This had best be important. I really was enjoying myself!
Atlas gives her a meaningful nod, then jerks her head in the direction of the ballroom’s entrance. Shreya and the others follow her gesture to see...
FIORA (astonished): Dr. Swan?!
SHREYA: She’s back? But... I don’t... that cannot--
BECKETT (frowning): Rather suspicious, isn’t it? That she should vanish for so long... only to reappear now? And without even speaking to Fiora or Shreya?
ATLAS: Took the words right out of my mouth. Something’s wrong.
FIORA: Let me talk to her. Maybe she knows something.
Fiora starts walking toward Dr. Swan, when suddenly, the booming voice of Dean Goeffe, amplified by telepathy, echoes through everyone’s minds.
As the students around them start panicking, Fiora and her friends look around with suspicion.
ATLAS: Okay. I can’t be the only one who finds this suspicious, right?
GRIFFIN: Right. Something’s wrong...
The Pend Pals watch as Dr. Swan and Dr. Englund both immediately head toward the ballroom’s entrance, disappearing through its double doors. Fiora looks around at her friends, then at Atlas.
FIORA: Something’s not right. We need to follow them.
ATLAS: Agreed.
Amidst the throng of confused and terrified students, seven students make their way toward the exit, following the professors toward the Mirror Storage room...
Notes: And so the climax begins... let's hope our heroes are strong enough to handle whatever comes next for them!
Timeline: The Amorelia Day Gala takes place on March 17th, 2018.
Next: Into the Between
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
Ch.2- The Forgotten and the Lost.
The Elementalists AU
Beckett Harrington x f!MC (Ellie Valentine)
Summary: An incident causes Ellie to loose her memory, what lengths will Beckett and the Pend Pals go to to ensure her saftey?
Warnings: none really, memory loss and “kidnappin’”
A/N: Memory loss AU
Tag list:
@vampireblissblog @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @holystxne @oofchoices @kinkypot @choicesstan1 @sophie-and-shizuku @herarmoredheart if you would like to be added just lmk!
I unfortunately do not own these characters I only own Ellie, my MC.
Masterlist -series masterlist there as well.
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Beckett’s POV.
Panic settles as Beckett frantically searches the room, not even Alma and/or The Dean are here.
W-what?!? Where did she go? Did they take her? They promised not to keep secrets but this doesn’t seem okay...
Becket speed walks to the desk and asks the nurse about the situation.
“I’m sorry sir but we can’t give out information unless you are specifically in her emergency contact list.” The nurse replied. Beckett sighed, running a hand through his hair before nodding and going back to the lounge room where the Pend Pals where waiting for updates.
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“Sh-she’s gone.” Beckett says, panting from running up the stairs. They all look at him with confused looks.
“Whose gone?” Atlas asks standing up narrowing her eyes.
“...Ellie?” She guessed. Beckett could only nod.
“Where the hell is she?!?” Zeph said, putting the ping pong paddles that he and Griffin where playing with away.
“I just knocked on the door and I heard nothing and walked in to absolutely nobody there, the lights where on and the covers where thrown over so something must’ve taken her.” Beckett explained, still in shock himself. He ran a hand through his hair again before speaking.
“I asked the nurse and she said only emergency contacts could be given information.” He explained further while Atlas perked up.
“I’m on the list, she had me put on during the summer.” Atlas quickly said before walking out to the stairwell. The others just shrug and follow behind.
They reach the desk and the nurse turns her attention to the group.
“Hello, how can I help you?” The nurse politely asked.
“Can you tell me any news on my sister? I’m on the emergency list.” Atlas said briefly before the nurse checked and nodded.
“It looks like Ms. Valentine was admitted roughly an hour and a half ago and the Dean requested the equipment for their procedure” the nurse flipped the chart, her eyes scanning over the page before continuing. “And ithe Dean requested more equipment once again about 10 minutes before she was discharged. but it’s strange, it’s not the equipment they would use for the spell the Dean informed us on. They had no help from the nurses per request.”
That’s not strange at all.... Beckett sarcastically said in his head.
“Did they say where they where going?” Atlas’ brows furrowed and you could tell she was starting to get worried.
“I’m afraid not, they didn’t leave through the doors though, they walked to our mirror room down the hall with her over that strange ladies’ shoulder. They also called a code Blue. During that 10 minutes before hand but it seems as though they had it under control.”The nurse answered before resting the chart down.
Wait... code blue? Beckett thought back to that chart in the hallway.
Life Threatening?!?!?
“Did that lady have a red cloak and short brown hair?” Atlas asked tapping her fingers against the flat surface of the front desk.
The nurse nodded and Atlas thanked her before walking away, clearly lost in thought.
“Should we go to the mirror room? Surly you know a spell that could track their magick.” Griffin said while walking up next to her.
“Usually I would say yes but these mirrors are more commonly used by doctors and paitents and it would be harder to track because the magick would be drowned out.” Atlas answered tapping her chin in thought.
Everyone looked up at Beckett who was practically shaking from worry.
“Man, you okay?” Zeph asked clapping his hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, you look like you need a spa day.” Shreya said checking her nails.
Beckett couldn’t believe how calm they where about everything. “Code blue means life threatening! Something could’ve happened to her!” Beckett said. They all looked at him with worried expressions.
“ Alma and Swan rolled her out and discharged her then that means she’s okay.” Griffin stated gesturing to the mirror room.
“How are you guys not worried about this?!? Ellie could be in danger! And how could we trust Sawn after last years ‘incident’ where she didn’t tell us anything for our ‘saftey’” Beckett wasn’t pleased with his friends way of looking at the situation.
“Swan promised us she wouldn’t play anymore games since the whole Raife thing, and she wouldn’t let Alma do anything.” Atlas says back.
“Well wouldn’t they tell us that they where taking us?”
Before any of them could respond...
“What was that?”
Suddenly, Zeph feels a cold goo settle into is scalp and they look to find Tim contently lying atop his head.
“Wait... why isn’t Tim with Ellie?”Shreya asked walking over to stroke the frogs back.
“I’m not sure...” Atlas said deep in thought.
“Maybe Tim can bring us to Ellie!” Beckett said and walked up lifting the slimey pet into his hand
“hey bud, can you find Ellie for us?” Beckett asked the Gorge.
“blug” the frog blinked slowly at the student and looked at him with confusion.
“Here lemmie try and get him to go to the either to find her.” Griffin replied taking Beckett’s place with the frog in his own hand this time.
“Come on little guy, can you go to the either to check on Ellie for us?” Griffin asked
The only response they got was...
“Blurged” Tim’s eyes slowly flutter asleep and they all sigh.
Every instinct in Beckett’s body told him something was wrong but he couldn’t tell what. Ellie was with Alma and the Dean and they all knew they could trust them.
They where on her side after all.
Atlas takes Tim in her hand and starts to examine him and Beckett notices Tim isn’t like himself. He’s more stoic and he’s usually very cheery and bubbly like Ellie but something was off.
“We should go to Professor Kontos...” She says briefly, only to be met by confused faces.
“Why? Professor Kontos doesn’t have anything to do with this.” Shreya exclaimed, clearly starting to worry more.
“Professor Kontos’ class is where Ellie got Tim, right?”
They all nod.
“Well Tim isn’t being himself and if anyone knows how to figure out what’s wrong, it’s him.”
“She has a point” Beckett said tapping his chin and the others agree it was a solid plan and walk towards his office.
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Atlas frantically knocks on the greenhouse door to the Professor’s office and the door swings open.
“What on earth is wrong here Ms. Erndhart?” He looks around at your group before turning back to Atlas.
“I need you to check on Tim, he doesn’t seem like himself and I’m worried.” Atlas replied.
“Where is Ellie? It’s her Familiar after al-“
A gasp escapes his mouth before he could finish his sentence.
“What?” They all say in usion as he continues to search the small animal.
He motions you with his finger to join him inside, not breaking his gaze from the frog.
You all walk inside to the various plants and herbs growing inside.
“...Do you mind telling me where Ellie is.”
“She’s uh... with the Dean right now.” Shreya replied trying to avoid the plant that’s attempting to sniff her hair.
“That’s strange...”
“It seems as though Ellie has completely lost her emotional and spiritual connection to Tim.”
What??!! Beckett’s confusion and worry skyrocket as he explains.
“This sort of thing only happens if the Owner loses any recognition of the familiar or...”
“Or what?” Griffin demands.
“...or the owner is dead.” He finishes.
“Are you kidding me?!? Ellie isn’t dead, we know that much.” Zeph said walking up and taking Tim to pet his cold skin.
“I’m terribly sorry, but if you so desire, one of you can take Tim as your own until if or when Ellie is able to regain her connection with him.”
“I will.” Beckett said without hesitation.
I will?!
Zeph hands Tim to Beckett and he just stares up at him.
Don’t worry buddy, we’ll get Ellie back very soon.
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A few minutes prior
Alma & Swan
“I’m trying!!”
Alma rushes The Dean to carry Ellie out of her room. Ellie was still unconscious and was completely limp as Swan struggled to carry her.
“Oh here I’ll do it.” Alma doesn’t wait for a response and picks up Ellie and lifts her over her shoulder and starts walking towards the mirror room of the hospital.
“Ok then..” Swan follows, still nervous and clammy. She didn’t know how the Pend Pals would react to this. Alma had convinced her this was for her safety but she didn’t know how this would effect her happiness. The amount of growth she saw in Ellie from the first day to now was a sight for sore eyes. She watched Ellie make wonderful friends and save the world, she didn’t want to make Ellie leave that all but Alma said otherwise. They had preformed that spell last minute and quickly rushed to cover it up. Alma apparently had a plan and now Swan would have to tell everyone a lie to also cover it up.
And who am I to go up against the source of all Blood Magick...
“Evelyn? Did you hear me?” Alma said quirking an eyebrow at her as they stood in front of the mirror.
“Huh?!” She snapped her head towards Alma. “Oh sorry, can you repeat that?”
She sighed.
“I need you to use metal magick to open this to Ellie’s childhood home, I know you’ve been there to check on her as a kid so you should have no problem.” She said.
“Oh, okay.” She answered, to afraid to go against her orders.
Swan walks up to the mirror and starts making small hand gestures to conjure the metal magick into the mirror. Her hands softly glow with a faint grey shine to them as the mirror starts to turn into a picture of Ellie’s bedroom. Swan tests the mirror by placing her index finger on the surface of it. Her finger slightly sinks into it and she nods at Alma before walking through.
The room was quite nice, it had fairy lights hung around the room and the bed laid neatly made in the center of the room with a nice window and desk off to the side. The walls where a pale yellow and there where several pictures and plants decorated around the room. Alma swiftly walks over to the bed and lays Ellie down while Swan closes the mirror.
“Whose there?!” They heard Ellie’s foster mother, Mrs. Valentine calling from outside her door.
“It’s Evelyn.” She answered not wanting to scare her. Swan and Ellie’s foster mother where mutual friends through Theia during their college years and became closer when she and her husband took Ellie in. “We have Ellie in here on her bed and her, uh... friend accompanied us.” She added as Ellie’s foster mother walked in.
“Oh my!” She said at the sight of Ellie. “What happened?!”
“Well, you see Ellie was at a tea par-“
“She got hurt during battle and lost her memory, we need you to keep her here and treat her as if she never went to Pendergast. If she starts to remember things, tell Evelyn.” Alma briefly said.
“Way to be subtle about it...” Swan murmured to Alma while Ms. Valentine looks sadly at her daughter.
“What? She’ll remember us right?” They nodded. “Why can’t you retrieve her memories?? There has to be something!” Mrs. Valentine said walking over to sit on the bed and stroke Ellie’s hair.
“We could, but it would take a week or so for her to fully recover from the side effects and the effects of the spell she was attacked with. That’s why I need her here to heal.” She replied.
“Evelyn?” Her mother quirked a brow at her trying to get a second opinion.
“Uh. Yes, she’s right. It’s for the best.”
The group goes over more details of what she needs to do while Ellie is there and to contact them when she wakes up and how she is feeling. Ms. Valentine nods sadly and they open the mirror to walk back to the hospital.
“What will we tell Atlas and the rest of the group?” Swan questions trying to keep up with Alma’s brisk pace.
“Simply tell them she’s recovering and that they don’t need to worry, it’s none of their business anyway.”
“No you don’t understand, Atlas especially won’t stop there. The rest of her friends are just as concerned to and they won’t stop at ‘it’s not their business.’”
Alma sighed.
“Just figure it out, I blocked the mirrors in Ellie’s house and area after we left so they can’t find her, just tell them she’s safe and don’t say another word.” Alma replied.
Guess I can do that.
“Even though I won’t tell them anything I’m going to avoid them so I-“
“Swan!!” She heard Atlas yell from behind her.
Just lovely...
Beckett, Zeph, And Atlas jog up to the pair with worried expressions.
“Where’s Ellie?” Zeph asked.
“Yeah, you left!” Atlas added.
“Is Ellie safe?” Beckett’s forehead creased as he looked at them.
“I’m uh- I just- she!- I mean.” Swan stutterd
Oh boy, this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought...
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Phew! Thank you for reading this weeks chapter, I was in writers block for a few days but it’s here and I’ve started on the next chapter for my mini series Vacationing With Distance so I hope you guys enjoy that as well!
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adam-dumortains · 4 years
Please please do a profile of your fanfic mcs in the Beckett fanfic
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The Elementalists / Something About You (Beckett x MC) fanfic: Adaline Russell
Faceclaim: Troian Bellisario. (I always had Troian in mind when playing the elementalists! I guess it’s cause I found MC close to Spencer from pll?)
Adaline Russell is a fiery and sarcastic (but the nice kind), caring young woman who would do anything to protect the people she loves. She is scarily intelligent, with her academics being one of her many successes. She loves to learn new things, especially magick, as she values knowledge as a way to open up the world around her. She loves playing thief and enjoys her trips to bars with Griffin and Zeph to watch Theif championship games. She also secretly loves Shreya’s girly spa days, although, she won’t admit that.
However, Adaline can also be competitive, especially when it comes to her academics. Example A: Beckett Harrington. She thrives to succeed and believes a little competition never hurt anybody. But she can also become insecure as she can often rely on her academics for validity at times. And although she did get into trouble quite a bit over the years, she hates disappointing her teachers. Adaline is also fiercely loyal, and whilst that may be a quality yearned to have by many and is certainly not a bad one, she can sometimes place her loyalty in the wrong places and be too kind to those who do not share the same heart.
As mentioned, Adaline will do anything for the people she loves, especially the pend pals. She loves them with every fibre of her being and would be lost without them. They’re her lifeline, especially Atlas. They’re twins, which already comes with a different kind of bonding than others, but Adaline knows that Atlas is the other half of her. And she knows whenever they’re apart, they’ll always find each other in the end.
Over the years in Penderghast, Adaline found an enemy on her first day: Beckett Harrington. An ignorant snob at first, Adaline despised him but also saw him as some healthy competition. She thought that he needed to be taken down a peg or two. That was until a study session made her realise there was more than meets the eye, and the study sessions turned into meetings outside of academics, which eventually turned into the two falling each other. They’re perfect for each other - both intelligent and love intellectual talks and they are absolutely smitten with one an other. However, Beckett still needs some training on not taking Adaline’s jokes or sarcasm seriously sometimes. Adaline’s favourite thing to do with Beckett is to visit non-attuened museums (which absolutely fascinate Beckett) and to make him blush.
After graduating, Adaline isn’t quite sure what she wants to do yet, but a job as a teacher (and later a dean!) in Penderghast seems like a good option. But Dean Swan also thinks she may be great working with magickal teens who have experienced trauma, much like she has over the years. Who knows, but one things for sure: Adaline is a force to be reckoned with. A girl who’s story isn’t over yet and is simply just beginning.
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Secret Studies ch.21 -Looking Forward
The Elementalist AU
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 2457
Masterlist (Catch Up Here)
 We've arrived at the final chapter of this series! I can't believe it! Thank you so much to those who are still reading! But the good news is, I'm planning a new series that will tie into this, but there will be a major time jump. I just love Beckett and Ori so much I can't let them go :)
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 3 years later
  Beckett blew out a long breath. Today is graduation, and he knows that at some point, all eyes will be on him, and he was nervous as hell. The past three years have been tough. He tried to visit his mother in prison several times, but she never agreed to see him. She’d been convicted to a life in prison, her magic contained, with no eligibility for release. She blames Beckett and Oriana entirely, and to this day is convinced she did nothing wrong except “try to rid the earth of a parasite.”
  “You okay?” Oriana came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He nodded, relaxing in her arms. She was the only thing getting him through. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t break up with him after everything, didn’t blame him for anything. In fact, when Katrina and his father came home for the trial, Oriana greeted them with open arms, and they did the same. He never admitted it, but he cried later that night, wondering why his mom couldn’t see her the way he did, the way his father and Katrina did. They apologized for not being around and not having any idea what she was up to. It was two years since her case finally went to trial. There was one year where she kept getting the trial delayed while filing appeal after appeal and trying to have the pending charges dropped completely. Finally, the judge denied all new requests and his mother was convicted of those same charges.
He turned around in Oriana’s arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Everything’s fine.” He assured, and she smiled wanly.
“It’s okay to miss her, you know. And want her at your graduation.”
He shook his head. “But that’s the thing. I don’t want her here. I don’t miss the woman she became, and I’m glad she’s behind bars. Am I terrible for feeling that way about my own mother?”
She cupped his cheek in her hand, and he leaned into the touch. “You are the opposite of terrible. And I love you, you’re my everything. Don’t you know that yet? Not even after last night?”
The tips of his ears turned red as he remembered the previous night and everything they’d done. It was a magical evening and he’d never been happier in his life.
“Come on, we should go. Don’t want to be late.” She took his hand and together they walked to the auditorium, taking their places among the other graduating students.
Zephyr and Shreya greeted them excitedly. “Guys!! We finally made it!! Eeeeeee can you believe it??” Shreya squealed excitedly.
Beckett rolled his eyes. “Yes, I certainly can. We all studied hard, attended all the classes, did all the homework, and took all the tests. I was definitely expecting to graduate on time. Although, I am a bit disappointed that it didn’t happen earlier.”
“Of course, you are.” Zeph sighed. “But on the bright side…you got to hang out with all of us for all four years!!! I wouldn’t want to graduate without you guys. It just wouldn’t be right.”
“Aww, we love you too, Zeph” Oriana laughed. “You are all the best friends a girl could possibly have. Thank you, really, for everything you’ve done.”
“Selfie time!” Shreya whipped out her phone. “Everyone gather in and say graduation!!” Shreya, Zeph, and Oriana leaned in automatically.
“Come on, Beck.” Oriana laughed again, pulling him in to her. After the photo was taken, they all ooh and ahh’ed over it…Everyone except Beckett.
Oriana turned to him and lowered her voice. “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“Everyone will stare at me.” He mumbled.
“Beck, you’re going to give a great speech. We’ve rehearsed it a million times, you’re ready.” She squeezes his hand.
“And then everyone will stare at you, and then stare at both of us.”
Her face fell, the hurt evident in her bright eyes. “Oh. Well, I’m sure I can go ask them to change…”
“No, no. Nothing’s changing, I’m just…I don’t know. You’re not nervous that Zeph and Shreya will be angry with us?” He asked.
She shook her head. “No. Don’t forget, we’re throwing the party, so even if they’re annoyed it won’t last. You aren’t having regrets…are you?” She asked nervously.
He smiled softly at her. “Certainly not. You’re the one thing I will never regret, no matter what life throws at us.”
Relief flooded throughout her as Dean Swan began the commencement. After speaking several moments, she moved on to the next part of the ceremony.
“It is with great pride to announce our Valedictorian...Beckett Harrington!”
The crowd erupted into cheers as Beckett made his way to the podium, his ears red. He took a deep breath before beginning.
“When I was first accepted into Penderghast, I knew my life was about to change. I just didn’t anticipate exactly how much. I had an entire path laid out for myself. Study hard, get good grades, don’t waste time at typical college social interactions, become Valedictorian, and graduate with honors. I didn’t want anything more than that, and never even thought about anything more than that. Almost immediately, I bumped into Oriana Miller, and…my entire world changed. She forced me to go to those typical college social interactions, forced me to do something other than study…forced me out of my comfort zone. It’s funny how one single moment can change your life forever, but you never realize it at the time. Now, all our lives are about to change, but we’re facing the change head on. Some of us are starting careers, others are continuing their education, and some are ready to start families.”
He looked directly at Oriana, and she grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
“Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and as I look at all of you, I see an ocean of hope. Being hopeful on days like this is easy. On days like today, it’s easy to see tomorrow and feel you can take on the whole world. But there will be dark days too, and it’s important to stay true to ourselves. Sometimes hope is lost, buried, hidden behind the storm clouds. But I promise you that you’re better than your suffering. You will rise above it as long as you hold onto even the tiniest strand of hope. Hope can be found in all places, you just need to be open to it. We are all coming out of our comfort zones today, and I’m proud to say that I’m part of a graduating class that will do great things in the future. Congratulations, everyone. Each of you have earned this moment.”
He stops talking, and Oriana, Zeph, and Shreya all leap to their feet, clapping and whistling. The rest of the crowd joined in immediately, and Beckett gave a slight nod, his cheeks a light pink, as he head back to his seat.
“So mortifying.” He muttered as he sat back down.
Zephyr burst out laughing. “So, you planned to be valedictorian, but failed to realize that would require an epic speech? You did awesome, buddy.”
“Agreed. You were brilliant up there.” Shreya chimed in.
He turned to Oriana, who kissed him passionately. “You ready for what’s next?” She whispered.
He nodded, and they both reached into their pockets, each grabbing something valuable to them. Dean Swan began announcing the names of the graduates, as each crossed the stage one by one.
“Beckett Harrington.” She called, and Beckett strode across the stage, accepting his diploma. After receiving it, he stood off to the side, not leaving as every else had.
“Oriana M…” She paused a moment, staring at the card in her hand. “Oriana Harrington.” She finished, and gasps erupted throughout the area.
When Oriana reached the Dean’s side, Beckett joined her, interlacing his fingers with hers. “I…I’m sorry, Oriana, your diploma says ‘Miller’, but my reading card says…”
“Here.” Oriana handed her a document, and then the Dean read it, eyes widening, looking down at their hands and seeing the rings they had just put on again. Breaking into a huge smile she hugged them both. Oriana hugged her back tightly, while Beckett hugged rigidly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m so pleased to announce that not only are these two graduating today…they were also wed last night! May I be the first to say congratulations on your nuptials!!”
Right before they walked off stage, the Dean said one more thing. “I do wish you two all the happiness in the world. You’ve had enough darkness. I wish you only light. I couldn’t be more proud of you both.”
After everyone receives their diplomas, and the ceremony ended, both Beckett and Oriana were surrounded by people, asking questions about how they were married and no one knew. Shreya and Zeph pretended to be mad for all of five seconds before joining in on the excitement.
“Your rings are amazing!!! I cannot believe you didn’t let me help with everything!! Oriana, I thought we were better friends than that. We have the roommate bond. Oh my…you’re pregnant, aren’t you??” Shreya accused.
Oriana laughed. “We wanted something just for us. The graduation party we’re throwing…is actually our wedding reception!! And no, I’m not pregnant, although we are trying.”
“What?” Zeph gasped. “You want to be pregnant already? But you just graduated!”
Oriana shrugged. “What can I say? My husband is going to be amazing dad.”
Beckett felt a blush creep up his neck and into the tips of his ears as she continued. “I literally want all of his babies. I mean, look at him, how cute is he?”
“He is pretty cute…for a little brother.” Beckett looked up in surprise at the new voice.
“…Katrina? Dad? You…came?” He couldn’t believe it. “You said you couldn’t come.”
“Yes, well, your lovely bride made a very convincing argument. And there’s no way I’d miss your wedding reception.” Katrina grinned, yanking Beckett into a tight hug.
“I’m proud of you, son.” Mr. Harrington said. “And congratulations on your wedding. You’ve worked so hard on your grades, on your relationship, and even…” He trailed off, his eyes clouding. After a moment he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry your mother couldn’t be here.”
Beckett cast his eyes to the ground. It was his fault what happened. He slid his eyes over to Oriana, who was watching him worriedly. He glanced at her left hand, the cool metal of the band, and a small diamond in the center. He tried so hard to give her a bigger diamond, but she kept saying she loved her ring so much she doesn’t want it overpowered by anything else. The only other difference to the ring was a small inscription saying, “Love conquers all.”
“It’s fitting.” She’d said at the time, and finally he agreed to get it inscribed into his own band as well.
He turned is hand outward until he felt her hand slip into it. He lifted hers to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss.
“Beckett feels responsible for everything.” Oriana informed.
Mr. Harrington’s eyebrows furrowed. “That’s nonsense. Your mother made her own choices. That she tried to hurt you as well as kill Oriana, even if you were in the way…it’s unforgiveable. She pays the price as she should. You were never responsible.”
Beckett gave a half smile. “Thanks.”
“Whatever happened to Griffin, anyway?” Katrina asked. “I never heard.”
“Well…” Oriana began. “In return for his testimony against Mrs. Harrington, he was put on probation for five years and restricted from school grounds. No one’s heard from him, and I don’t think anyone will.”
The four of them fell quiet a moment before Oriana broke the silence. “So, are you coming to our party? You’ll be able to see our house! We’re so excited to have a home.”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Katrina smiled.
“Then let’s go!”
Hours later, standing in their new backyard under a sky full of stars, Oriana and Beckett surveyed the dwindling crowd.
“Hey, Ori. I’m not sure I ever thanked you.” Beckett said.
“Thank me? For what?”
“For not leaving me. For fighting with me…fighting for me, for us, for everything we have right in this moment.”
“We’ve come a long way, huh?” She agreed. “If we can survive all this, Beckett…I think we can survive anything. I don’t think I could ever be happy without you.”
“I know I couldn’t.” He returned. “I’d probably turn into a miserable prick.”
She laughed. “You mean the way you were when we first met?”
“Hey!” He feigned offense, before they both were in a fit of giggles.
“You know…in the beginning I was always annoyed with the way I couldn’t get you out of my head. I hated it, I hated thinking about you, it was absolutely infuriating. But now...I get it.”
“Get what?” She asked.
“I think I knew right away that you were the one for me. We’re like pieces of the same puzzle, but there were a couple pieces missing from it.”
“Are you about to start spewing random spiritual facts, Beckett?”
He chuckled. “No. I’m just saying that the moment we came together, I think my soul recognized yours, and the puzzle was suddenly complete. And as long as we’re together…we’ll never be lost”
Oriana closed the distance between them in a heated kiss, their tongues dancing, his fingers in her hair as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him flush against her body.
“Hey! The newlyweds want to get laid! Party’s over, people!” Zeph’s voice rang out loud and clear and laughter came from the yard as they broke their kiss, looking sheepishly at their friends and family.
Beckett shrugged slightly, murmuring in Oriana’s ear. “They’re not wrong.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired. I definitely see myself in bed in a few minutes. How fast do you think we can kick everyone out of here?”
“As fast as we want.” He replied. “It’s our home.”
She nodded, and they began their goodbyes, giving each person individual attention. Shreya was crying, Zeph was trying to pry her away, Katrina and Mr. Harrington giving them their best wishes.
When everyone was finally gone, Beckett and Oriana stood in front of each other, hands clasped, foreheads together.
“I love you Mrs. Oriana Harrington.”
“And I love the sound of that.”
He grinned, playfully nudging her. “I hope that’s not all you love.”
“No, I love this house too.”
He narrowed his eyes before sweeping her off her feet as she squealed in delight, carrying her over the threshold of their new home, both of them feeling ready to face whatever the future will bring their way.
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  @annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @thequeenofcronuts @drakewalkerfantasy @friedherringclodthing @coffeebeandragon @drakewalker04 @alesana45 @mfackenthal
 @marianagmt @divergentofhogwarts @kate-omalleys @syltti78 @coldcollectornight08 @herdecisions @darley1101 @nerdynstoned @thatcatlady0716 @damienswhore @blackcoffee85 @imaginemulti @hypno-bear-tini @askdana @noisysoulthing @bieberismysoulmate @meiyoko-trash @god-save-the-keen @sweetest-marbear @owleyes374 @confessionsofabrokegirl
@emerald-bijou @feartheendlesssummer @elainew13 @brightpinkpeppercorn @paisleylovergirl @dottie-minerva-mikas @symonde @kendrasgue @timmagicktoad @pbmychoices @flyawayboo @the-soot-sprite @emichelle
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1. “I’ve got you”: Nate x Alizée
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones: Maïa x Felix x Rime (+ Anisa and Sage)
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”: Eleanor x Haley
4. Cinderella Moment: Isa and Priscilla
5. x + 1 : Darla x Reyner
6. Corn Maze: Abby x Karen (+Alizée, Nate and the whole gang)
7. Porch Swing: Mai x Lea
8. Alt 3: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: Diana x Maeve
9. Annoyances at first sight: Aurren x Caleb
10. Love of my Life: Aislin x Ella
11. Sweet Tooth: Cameron x Sam
12. Fire & Ice: Amy x Rosalyn
13. Wrong place, wrong time: Evan x Xiao
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don’t”: Dean x Zeph
15. Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights: Aislin x Ella
16. Singing one another to sleep: Kora x Martha
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal: Nate x Alizée
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”: Eira x Asra
19. Keeping someone safe: Nora x Lorcan
20. Pumpkin: Isa x Amber
21. Swoon: Lilly x Elliott
22. Picking: Hazel x Celestia
23. Trinket: River x Seb
24. [melting emoji] (🫠): Leo x Alex
25. Nook: Nora x Lorcan
26. Fireplace: Florian x Casey
27. Outdoor Event: Darla x Reyner
28. Soothing Touch: Logan x Felicia
29. “Hey, wake up!”: Aurren x Caleb
30. Alt 1: Hot Chocolate: Abby & Ally
31. Dreams Do Come True: Aislin x Ella
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ernestsinclairs · 6 years
The Break Up - Beckett Harrington
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Beckett x MC (Bela)
“I don’t get it. Why are they staring?”
Bela sighed, resting her head on his shoulder before explaining for what seemed like the fifth time.
“Because we’re together. And people like gossip.”
“There’s nothing to gossip about,” Beckett protested. “What’s so interesting?”
“Maybe it’s you,” Bela pointed out. “No one expected that stuck up Harrington rich boy could have a heart.”
Beckett looked miffed.
“I have a heart.”
“And now they’re seeing it,” Bela said, brushing a piece of lint off his blazer. “Of course, it just took some time. Besides, I don’t mind if I get gossiped about a little. Just a little.”
The couple rose from their seats in the dining hall, the great clock striking five to signal the changing of the plates. Making their way into the main hall arm in arm, Bela carefully tugged him within earshot of a gaggle of freshman girls nearby.
“The Harrington guy is so hot!” one of the girls giggled to her friends. The entire flock took it up, almost like a flock of New York pigeons.
“I know right? And like . . . I’d tap him. And that bank account.”
“Well, you can’t. He’s with that Sun-Att girl.”
The freshman wrinkled her nose as she remembered it.
“Not for long if I can help it.”
Bela coughed to mask a laugh, and the couple veered away towards the main commons. Beckett didn’t try to hide it. He simply kept the amused grin on his face, wide open for all to see.
“Okay, I like this. This is fun.”
“What did I tell you, Harrington,” Bela scoffed, playfully slapping his shoulder. “It gets interesting. We should stage something just for the gossip.”
“Tonight at dinner,” Beckett shot back. “I’ll pretend to break up with you. You can even throw a roast chicken at me.”
Professor Kontos was having a good day. There hadn’t been any explosions in class that day, and even the most inept boy in school hadn’t been in an accident he had to clean up. The dinner was being catered by the finest magical restaurant as a special staff treat, and he was looking forward to a tankard of ale before settling down for the night. Then an earsplitting scream shook the air. 
“I thought this was love!” came a high pitched screech. A girl suddenly shot up out of her seat, and Kontos recognized her as the Sun-Att girl. Across from her, the Harrington boy stood up as well.
“You’re so clingy, Bela!” he yelled. “I thought you loved me! But you were just trying to steal my Rolexes! How could you?”
“You have dozens!” Bela shot back, her voice growing higher and higher. “And you had two of the same ones!”
“So what?” Beckett hollered back. “That just gives you the right?”
Fuming, Bela suddenly picked up a platter from the table, and the people around her gave a collective gasp. There were a few, Bela no!s and Beckett duck!
And duck he did, as a perfectly roasted Cornish hen went flying next to his head, landing in front of an Earth-Att who immediately burst into tears. 
The two of them angrily marched out of the hall, going their opposite ways, causing gasps and ripples of shock as they went. Next to Professor Kontos, Dean Goeffe dropped her spoon with a loud clink. There was technically nothing she could do. Breakups weren’t against the rules.
The two of them doubled back a few minutes later, each of them nearly hoarse with laughter, grabbing onto the polished marble bannisters for support. Several moments passed on the grand clock above them before either of them had regained enough breath to start speaking.
“Did you see Zeph’s face?” Bela giggled. “I thought he was going to faint.”
“Or Griffin’s,” Beckett wheezed, still shaking with laughter. “You could fit a book in his mouth, it was open so wide.”
“How disappointed do you think everyone will be,” Bela smirked, sliding to the carpeted stairs. She thanked the gods it had been cleaned that morning, or there was no guarantee her clothes wouldn’t be stained.
“Oh very. Those freshman girls we saw.”
“Well, I’m not,” Bela replied, leaning forward to peck him on the cheek. “You should let loose a little more.”
“I don’t know,” Beckett sighed, rolling over to join her as they lay on the steps together, unable to care what it would look like should someone come across them.
“As long as it’s with you, it should be fine.” 
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Those Three Little Words
The Elementalists/ Beckett x MC 
Summary: Beckett has something important to tell his girlfriend but it’s really hard to say. Ellie plans on investigating when she over hears something she shouldn’t. 
Author’s Note: For day 16 mornings of the march challenge. I had to skip day 15 due to work being all day but I’ll go back and write it when I get the chance. Now enjoy some Beckett and Ellie in honor of The Elementalists returning! Long post again. Hopefully sweet and not as cheesy lol. 
Tag list: @mariamulroney @feartheendlesssummer @elainew13 @paisleylovergirl @symonde @melodyofgraves @fluffy-cat-whisper @countrymusicandncis-blog @am-i-invisible777 @cosigottahavefaith @queen-among-writers @flyawayboo
Six months, it had been six months since Ellie and Beckett have been dating. It was awesome as they would have been seen frequently together across campus or in Penn Square together. Ellie could be seen donning his jacket over her favorite blouse and Beckett holding her hand as often as he could. Both of which they were doing right now on the overcast day.
“Beckett,” called Ellie as she looked at her boyfriend, “Beckett!” She waved her hand over his face as he snapped out of a distant gaze. She looked over at where he was staring only to see the park. Kids were playing and couples at the swing set. “Are you okay?”
“Um, yea, just a little, um, I am perfectly fine,” he said stuttering. She raised an eyebrow concern on her face. “Just a little under the weather.”
“If you feel sick I can take you back to your room,�� said Ellie as she reached over and put a hand on his forehead. He flushed at the warmth of her touch before taking her hand away from his face. They were supposed to be heading to the café today together.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, let’s just get our homework done.”
That was nearly snapping at her as her jaw dropped some. “You know what let’s just go back to the castle. We’ll be able to concentrate more there anyway,” she said narrowing her eyes at him. Beckett didn’t even seem to notice as he glanced down at his watch.
“Um, I have to uh, call my mom,” he said after a minute not meeting her eyes. “The castle will be just fine. I’ll meet you for our date later.”
Once they got there, they separated going in different directions. Beckett absentmindedly kissed her cheek before heading toward his dorm. Confused and a little angry Ellie headed toward the cafeteria instead. Maybe she could talk to her friends about what was going on with him. Maybe Griffin and Zeph could give her some insight to the inside of the male mind.
Quickly she found her friends and plopped down next to Shreya and Zeph with a bowel of prophecy o’s. The letters didn’t have time to spell anything out before taking a bite.
“Where’s Beckett I would have figured you’d have him on a leash by now,” joked Zeph. “Or you know at that cozy café making out.”
“Very funny,” said Ellie dryly. “We don’t do that all the time.”
“She’s right, they’ve been doing it less and less,” said Shreya on the other side of her.
“It’s weird,” she said. “Mornings are usually my favorite time to spend with him, at least right after the nighttime.” She winked as Zeph coughed at the implications of that sentence. “We’d go to Penn Square to the café, get a cup of coffee and catch up or do homework. This is the second day we couldn’t do that. At least today we got a chance to walk around. Have you guys noticed anything different about him?”
Shreya only smiled and shook her head. “Maybe he has a surprise for you.”
Ellie straightened up, she loved surprises but found herself slumping against her chair. “Beckett’s usually good at hiding stuff like that from me. Like that time he surprised me with that bracelet.”
“Beckett does have good taste,” said Shreya nodding approvingly.
“Any other insights?” She turned to look at Zeph as Griffin joined their table as Shreya filled him in. Atlas had yet to join in at the table. They were probably getting caught up with Dean Swan during her downtime.
Griffin thought about it biting into his sausages. “Well you could rule out cheating,” he said. “Beckett is not that kind of guy. What if he’s just sick and doesn’t want you to worry?”
“He’s not sick,” said Ellie feeling something twist inside her.  “When he is sick his metal magic gets a bit out of control.” She never thought about him being the cheating type. But what if something was wrong elsewhere? Like maybe his sister or parents were sick and he was stressed? Sometimes he didn’t tell her that kind of stuff to keep from worrying. She scratched her head unsure.
“When are you supposed to see him?” asked Griffin.
“Tonight on our date.”  
“Maybe you could go and spy on him before,” said Shreya. “I mean I get that you guys trust each other and everything. If he’s acting shady you have every right to check on that. Or at least corner him that’s not in public.”
“Alright I’ll go and check,” she said finishing the cereal and headed toward the door.
That feeling in her returned. What if she heard something she wasn’t supposed to hear? If he did have something for her then she just ruined her own surprise. No matter, Ellie trusted her gut, if something was wrong then she had to act on instinct. What if something was wrong and it could affect them? Spying on him was nothing she usually did but went along with it.
She rounded to his dorm and did a spell to help listen in. Nothing so far until…
There was a sound from the other side. She since knew Zeph was his roommate this year it wasn’t someone else could it? She adjusted the spell to help her hear better and heard a feminine voice. That was Katrina! He wasn’t talking to his mother, he was talking to his sister. Getting closer Ellie amplified the voices so she could hear them a lot clearer.
“I can tell that she is it Beck,” said Katrina through what Ellie could picture his two way mirror. “Oh, this is just like in all those books that I’ve read. You’ve done everything I told you right?”
“I did but Ellie’s really suspicious after this morning and yesterday. And maybe the dinner before,” he said as Ellie could already see him blushing.
“I told you to act like everything is normal,” said Katrina frustrated. “This is a big step for you and Ellie depending on what she says. You can’t blow it, you two are so perfect together.” She squealed loudly as Ellie pulled away from the door.
So they were talking about her but in a good way. What was a big step in their relationship though? It wasn’t like they never had sex before or… Ellie could think of a few possibilities wondering which one it was. Asking her to go on a trip with his family? They haven’t exactly said I love you yet or anything that serious. He was probably thinking long term let’s get married after graduation type of serious.
She pressed her ear to the door once more. “So, your date tonight, what are you going to do first? Mention our vacation to Greece and you want her to go. Or do you tell her you love her first? Or maybe you should keep these two things separate.”  
“Katrina you’re the one who mentioned the trip, I just wanted to tell her that I love her for awhile now and I just want to see her happy with me.”
Ellie backed away from the door as if it was on fire. She heard something that she shouldn’t have heard. Then made a break down the hall hoping that he didn’t hear anything outside his door. Once she was sure nobody followed her Ellie paused and turned into her own dorm. Their date tonight, this was it, tonight.
Once she was sure she was alone Ellie found her pillow and screamed into it. It was out of half stress and half excitement. She wanted to hear Beckett say that he loves her. The only problem was, could she say the same back? She pulled at her hair some and took a deep breath. Forget focusing in class today. They had their date today.
From the door there was a knock as Shreya peered in.
“So did you fin..”
“Beckett’s going to tell me that he loves me tonight.”
It was quiet you could hear a pin drop until… Shreya shrieked out in surprise and clapped her hands in delight. “Yay! Oh my gosh, it’s about time. The way you two look at each other its so sweet. I need to help you get ready and… Okay what’s wrong?”
Ellie looked over at her best friend sighing. “I want to hear him say it, we’ve been through a lot but… Could I say it back? I mean I really do love him but saying it out loud is different I suppose. We’ve only been dating for six months.”
“I want you to think of it and come into my room once you decide yes. If you can’t say it back then find Beckett and talk to him.” Ellie sat there for ten minutes before going into Shreya’s room.
Beckett was exhausted as he called in his final favor for the night. Was he over doing this? He wanted to make Ellie smile and hear her say it back. Maybe this was a bad idea? He stomped on those thoughts over and over. There were things he could control and things he couldn’t. How she reacted was something he couldn’t.
Classes had come and gone and for once he was happy that the day went by quick. He had kept a distance not wanting to spoil his plans for the night to her. Thankfully Shreya was keeping her busy and his mind anywhere but on the books. Zeph and Griffin nowhere to be seen since the last class let out.
Sighing he smiled to himself after finding his book. He was supposed to pick up Ellie in two more hours enough to clear his mind. Should he mention the vacation? That seemed like a good idea but with his family not so much. Taking a deep breath he picked out his other blazer and something nicer then usual. Would she notice if he chose to use a different watch? Should he give her something? He was just going to say it on what would be a normal date.
“Hey Beckett where were you this morning?” asked Zeph. “We were a little worried.”
“I was talking to my sister,” he said honestly, Beckett just wasn’t going to say what about. “I’m going on my date with Ellie.”
“Say no more, I’ll go to Griffin’s room for the night if you want to crash here.” Zeph remembering what Ellie said this morning at breakfast. He could only grin when he saw Beckett’s ears turn pink.
“Thanks,” he said going to her room.
His thoughts of how he was going to frame this. It was a Friday night and Penn Square would be crowded as he wondered how he would pull this off. Cafe Sirene had a backroom that he asked if he could use. The owner was happy to reserve a special spot for them. Just say it on the way back, on the way there, during dessert. Stop it, he thought, he was over thinking it. Just let it come naturally.
Straightening up, he knocked on Ellie’s door ready to leave. The door opened to find Ellie in a black skirt to her knees a white blouse, her brown hair loose, and a sunny smile on her face. That smile that he liked so much.
They headed down to the café sharing flirty looks and talking about what they’d do over winter break. He remembered meeting her adoptive family before. They were nice and eager to meet him. Beckett held open the door for her before the conversation switched to something a little more serious.  
“Sometimes I wish I knew what the future held for me,” said Ellie a bit dreamily. “I mean what happens after you graduate from Penderghast? Are there really jobs for magical people?”
“There’s plenty,” said Beckett scoffing. “I mean my dad has a business that is both the attuneless and attuned world.
“Really? Anything I’ve heard before?”  
Beckett explained that his dad did some work in research and development. His degree would have him working with his dad for a bit before going on to eventually be a professor one day. Ellie thinking that maybe she’d teach herself but unsure what other routes to go and Beckett wanted to help her research it.
“Have you thought a lot about what happens after you graduate?” asked Beckett nervously.
“I mean, besides get a job I guess not much,” said Ellie biting her bottom lip. “One day I’d like to get married and have kids sometime.” She blinked her brilliant green eyes up at him prettily as Beckett felt a little faint as their sandwiches came out. 
“I’d like that one day too.”
Her foot pressed against his as Beckett flushed himself happy to be with her. Ellie squeezed his hand as he flushed even redder wondering if she’d picture him in that role.
“There’s something I wanted to ask you,” said Beckett as Ellie perked up. “Do you want to go on a vacation with me and my family?”
He knew that they liked her and vise versa. Ellie’s face seemed to fall a little as a sly smile crossed her face. “I’d like that, does that mean we’re getting pretty serious?”
“Maybe,” he said wiping his own face. Ellie was watching him now with great interest as Beckett finally couldn’t take. “There’s something that I wanted to tell you though. I’m a… Uh, alright. Ellie I love you. I had something for you too.”
It was quiet as he passed her a box with a necklace inside it. He closed his eyes bracing for the impact. Before he could react, her lips were already on his own. Their food forgotten her arms around his shoulders and his hands around her as best as they could over the table. Her hands lost in his hair as they were all over each other.
“Beckett I love you too,” she said.
“I’m really glad to hear you say that.” His lips on her neck his other hand holding hers as Ellie groaned. “For a second there I was worried, I though I might have freaked you out. I had this whole speech…”
“Oh you can tell me that when we’re in your dorm,” she said. “And after you put this on me.” He grinned as her eyes sparkled gently touching the pendent of metal that was shaped like the sun. They paid their bill and headed back to the castle. She’d tell him what she heard once they saw the morning light. It was a perfectly productive wonderful night to the both of them.
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griffinshoodie · 6 years
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10. ‘You nearly died’ kiss - Griffin Langley x Elijah, Beckett Harrington x Carlos (I feel like they really should tap into Beckett’s vulnerable side more, so this is me making up for it i guess. I’m sorry that I haven’t done any of Shreya’s romance yet and i still don’t feel like we know Aster... like at all.) Word Count: 370 / 380
Griffin was good in a crisis, he had to be, especially with the job he wanted. But he hadn’t felt that kind of panic before. Something or someone had taken Elijah, they’d known he was in danger, Griffin had turned his back for one second, all the mirrors shattered and Elijah was gone.
Zeph was the one that panicked the most, Beckett left immediately to find a Professor or the Dean, while Shreya and Griffin checked all the other mirrors. Griffin would not let himself panic, Elijah was smart and strong. The only thing that bothered him was how he’d promised Elijah they’d figure this out together, and now he was somewhere all alone...
Shreya put a hand on his arm and he realized his shoulders were tensing. “He’ll be okay, Griffin.”
An hour later, they heard a noise at the door and all turned to find Elijah standing there. He had a gash across his left eyebrow that was still bleeding, his favorite black suit was singed and ripped, and he held a smoking sword in his hand. But he was grinning at them.
“Hey, guys... I’m--” All four of them moved towards him but Griffin was fastest. The sword clattered to the ground as Griffin barreled into him, crushing the redhead against his body. “Oh, god Griffin, you’re hurting me.” Griffin ran his hand down Elijah’s back and felt the cloth of a bandage. “It’s fine, really I’m--” Cut off again, as Griffin pulled him into a clumsy kiss, Elijah’s face cradled in his hands.
Griffin could feel a small tremor in Elijah’s hands as he gripped the back of Griffin’s hoodie. Elijah smiled into the kiss, teasing with a slip of his tongue, Griffin moaned just barely loud enough for Elijah to hear. After just a moment longer, Zeph cleared his throat, Shreya shushed him.
“What? We want to actually hear what happened to Elijah, right? He can’t tell us what the hell happened to him with Griffin’s mouth all over his.”
Griffin pulled back, still cupping Elijah’s face in his hands. “Don’t... ever... do that again.” Griffin said quietly.
“Trust me, I think my days of touching mirrors are done.”
Beckett Harrington x Carlos:
Beckett had gone for help immediately after Carlos had disappeared through the mirror. But every Professor he came across assured him that the mirrors were dormant. No one could have gone through them. “It was probably just a practical joke by your friend.” Frustrated and worried, Beckett marched back down to the hall of mirrors.
When he got there, however, he found Carlos standing there with Griffin, Shreya, and Zeph. The arm of his plaid shirt was ripped off and he was holding it to a cut on his forehead. They all went silent as they saw him approaching. Beckett’s whole body felt hot with embarrassment and fury and relief and a burning desire to grab Carlos by his shirt kiss him.
The rest of the group backed away slowly, leaving Beckett and Carlos alone. “Heyyy, Beckett, I’m really sorry I--”
“What were you thinking?!” Beckett shouted, face red and turning blotchy. “Why would you TOUCH the mirror?! Isn’t that what got you into this in the first place?!”
“Do you have any idea how scared I was?” Carlos glanced around and pulled Beckett into a nearby classroom and closed the door. “You said you just suddenly was sucked into this world by a mirror and what am I supposed to think when it happened again, Carlos?”
Carlos reached out and took Beckett’s hand, which unclenched, holding desperately onto Carlos.
“If you had just... disappeared... the same way you showed up...” Carlos closed the distance between them and pulled Beckett into his arms, pressing his lips against Beckett’s. Beckett still sucked in a breath at the contact. Carlos tried to put all the assurances he could into his kiss. I’m still here. I’m not leaving.
Carlos ran a hand through Beckett’s hair, earning him a small shudder, just the way he knew it would. After a few long moments, they parted, but as Beckett went to press his forehead against Carlos’, Carlos winced and pulled back. Beckett remembered the cut on his forehead.
“Let me.” Beckett pulled Carlos’ hand away from the cut. “Can’t even bandage your own wounds...”
“Didn’t have much time, too busy fighting to get back to you.”
Beckett rolled his eyes and tried to hide his blush. “Typical.”
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 2 - Back in Session
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Classes resume for Fiora's second semester at Penderghast.
Previous Scene: Identity Crisis
Masterlist: Link
In Tubigan Hall’s Auditorium 3, the students file in for their first class of the new semester; Fiora and Shreya are holding hands. A middle-aged man with long dark hair stands at the front of the room. This is DR. VARTOKIS, another Penderghast professor.
SHREYA (to Fiora): You know? I almost missed attending classes.
Fiora giggles.
FIORA: Emphasis on the “almost,” right?
ZEPH: I just realized... Fiora, you are gonna breeze through this class!
The group takes their seats, with Shreya and Fiora sitting together. Shreya smiles and wraps an arm around Fiora as they sit.
FIORA (quizzically): Why’s that?
ZEPH: ...Do you even know what class this is?
FIORA (embarrassed): Uh... no. I’ve been kinda distracted lately.
Zeph smiles and winks suggestively at Shreya, who laughs.
ZEPH: Oh, I bet! Anyway, this is--
Dr. Vartokis chooses that moment to address the class, his voice amplified. He speaks with a very cheerful, casual tone.
DR. VARTOKIS: Hello there, everyone! Welcome to your first class of this semester: Attuneless History, Society, and Culture! ...Or you can just call it “AHSC” for short if you want. I won’t judge ya!
A few students laugh as Fiora mouths a silent “oh” of understanding at Zeph. Zeph nods, and starts to say something, but Beckett shushes them.
DR. VARTOKIS: Okay, okay, I know many of you are probably wondering what the point of this class is. After all, if you’re gonna spend your career here in the Stoicheal Realm, why bother with my class? The truth is, whether your future leads you to a life among Tuneless or not, our two societies are inextricably linked.
BECKETT (muttering): Fascinating point. I had not considered this...
Beckett hurriedly writes something down in his notebook.
DR. VARTOKIS: Not to mention, there’s a lot we can learn from the Tuneless! We must never forget that we came from their realm, not the other way around. After all, it wasn’t so many centuries ago that our societies lived and worked side-by-side! In fact...
Dr. Vartokis continues talking as Shreya gives Fiora a knowing smile and leans her head on her shoulder. Zeph, meanwhile, is (for once) paying attention to the professor, nearly as attentively as Beckett.
DR. VARTOKIS: --as such. I’ll ask a few simple questions to get us started. First: who can tell me the name of Penderghast’s Archikeal reflection?
Several students--including Fiora and Shreya--raise their hands. Dr. Vartokis points to a student near the front of the hall, a Metal-Att named HECTOR RILENN.
HECTOR: It’s “Hart”-something, isn’t it? “Hartschild?” ...Maybe?
Dr. Vartokis shakes his head.
DR. VARTOKIS: Close, but not quite. You there!
He points to Shreya, who answers eagerly:
SHREYA: Hartfeld University!
DR. VARTOKIS: Correct! Now, who can tell me...
As he moves on to the next question, Shreya smiles at Fiora.
SHREYA (whispering): I’d never have known that one without you!
Shreya gives Fiora’s hand a quick squeeze. Fiora blushes and turns her attention back to the professor...
* * *
Fiora and her classmates file into one of the greenhouses for Natural Studies. Several of the other students are speaking to each other with confusion evident in their voices. Dracarys and Rys flutter above their owners’ heads with excitement, while Beckett’s (still) unnamed Grogue lets out a lazy croak from its position in his lap. Zeph laughs.
ZEPH: Looks like you’ve got some extra time, Beckett! Gonna name him yet?
BECKETT (irritated): Why on Earth do you think my answer would be any different than before?
Zeph leans in closer and smiles conspiratorially.
ZEPH (slyly): You know... Atlas told me what she’d name her Companion, if she ever got one. I asked her if she ever considered just not naming it at all, and she laughed in my face--
BECKETT (shocked): What?! You never mentioned this to me before!
ZEPH (shrugs): You never asked. So, what’s the verdict?
Beckett sighs, clearly considering Zeph’s words.
BECKETT (to himself): ...Hmm. It will have to be a name that is tasteful and refined...
Zeph gives Shreya and Fiora a side glance and a thumbs-up. Shreya giggles as Dr. Kontos enters the greenhouse.
DR. KONTOS: Greetings, and welcome back to Natural Studies! I am pleased to report that all of you passed the class, and did wonderfully on your finals!
A few cheers go up from the room, but most of the students just continue staring quizzically at Dr. Kontos.
DR. KONTOS: Yes, yes, let us address the dryxmar in the room first. According to standard Penderghast curriculum, my course ordinarily would be replaced with “Sourcism and Philosophy” for this semester. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Swan is otherwise occupied and unable to teach her usual class. Thus, Dean Goeffe has granted me permission to continue Natural Studies into your next semester!
As the students start muttering amongst themselves, Fiora leans in toward Shreya.
FIORA (whispering): Dr. Swan’s still gone? That... doesn’t seem good.
SHREYA (whispering): Perhaps Atlas is starting to rub off on you. We know why Dr. Swan is absent! She’s off on a mission for the Defenders, remember?
FIORA (whispering): Maybe, but still... it’s been weeks...
SHREYA (whispering): You just need to relax a little and focus on other things for a change. Like the Amorelia Day Gala! It may be a bit far off yet, but there’s no time like the present!
FIORA (whispering): “No time” for what?
SHREYA (whispering): Why, for asking whomever you intend to ask to the dance, of course! Surely you plan to ask, right?
FIORA (whispering): I dunno. I’ve got so much else going on right--
DR. KONTOS: Ahem. Miss Luxen, Miss Mistry, care to rejoin the class?
Fiora and Shreya blush heavily when they notice Dr. Kontos and the other students all staring at them. Fiora bows her head in apology and focuses on Dr. Kontos as Shreya looks at Fiora, frustration clearly evident on her face...
* * *
Inside the Defenders of the Flame meeting chamber, Lucia and Arvan lead Fiora, Shreya, and the third-year inductees in practicing their Stoicheal Gathers. Although Shreya manages to perform a Gather after only two tries, Fiora still struggles with her own. Lucia approaches her while the others are practicing.
LUCIA: Hey. Looks like you’re having some trouble.
Fiora stops and looks at Lucia, then nods.
FIORA: It’s the whole “foundation point” thing. I suck at it.
LUCIA: Having trouble figuring it out, then?
FIORA: Yeah.
LUCIA: There’s not a lot I can help you with on that front. The foundation is something that comes from within. Who is Fiora? What makes you... well, you?
FIORA: I don’t know. I’m not as talented or confident as Shreya...
Lucia follows her gaze to where Shreya is performing yet another perfect Stoicheal Gather, to the delight and cheers of the third-year inductees. Fiora sighs.
FIORA (to herself): I doubt I’ll ever be.
* * *
Fiora and Shreya walk hand-in-hand down a street in Pennelia, the bright sunlight reflecting off of the snow all around them. Shreya is regaling Fiora with a story.
SHREYA (speaking rapidly): --but it wasn’t as though I meant to Evaporate the entire hot tub! I was just getting so angry, and the water was plenty hot to begin with. It’s an honest mistake to make, you know. At any rate, I still ended up winning “Best Dressed” for the evening, so it wasn’t for nothing.
FIORA: Wow. That’s-- (laughs) Attuned parties really are something.
SHREYA: Oh, they really are! That’s one reason why I’m so looking forward to the Gala. Let me tell you, I’ve already got the perfect dress picked out! Now all that’s left is... well... you know, if someone were to ask me...
FIORA (curiously): Ask you what?
Shreya sighs in frustration and shakes her head.
SHREYA (annoyed): Seriously? It’s--ugh, never mind.
She immediately brightens and points to a shop in the distance.
SHREYA: Oh! Montraire Bakery! We simply must stop in for a bite!
She drags Fiora toward the bakery, but as she does so, Shreya’s face displays a brief flash of disappointment...
* * *
In her usual lecture hall, Dr. Religast is in the midst of a lecture on Stoicheal Awakenings. Beckett, as usual, is taking detailed notes on the professor’s every word, while Zeph is busying himself by attempting a Roped Current with his hands beneath his desk. All that he manages is a weak trickle of water, which Shreya neatly Evaporates before anyone can notice.
DR. RELIGAST: --of triggering an Awakening. The first, and by far the most common: children growing up in Attuned households will often Awaken on their own, simply by exposure to adult Attuned...
Fiora leans over Shreya’s shoulder to see that Shreya is flipping through a small pamphlet decorated with moving pictures of models showing off various dresses.
FIORA (whispering): What’s that?
SHREYA (whispering): Just the latest Mistry Inc. catalogue. It’s mostly dresses during this season, of course. For the many upcoming dances and, ahem... galas!
FIORA (whispering): Oh. Wow! Are you gonna buy anything?
SHREYA (whispering): No, no... I told you, I’ve already bought my dress. It’s just fun looking through these sorts of things!
FIORA (whispering): Right. Sounds like it!
SHREYA (whispering): Now all I need is a date.
FIORA (whispering): Yeah...
Fiora shrugs, turning back to focus on what Dr. Religast is saying.
DR. RELIGAST: --is exposed to a highly concentrated source of stoicheal energy to become Awakened on their own, without any Attuned being present. Although such occurrences are rare, they almost always cause significant upheavals in Tuneless culture when...
Dr. Religast’s voice fades into the background as Shreya lets out a growl of frustration.
* * *
Fiora sits on the couch in their room’s common area as Shreya fiddles with something near the entrance. Apparently satisfied, she steps back to admire her handiwork and does a brief twirl.
SHREYA: And... that should do it! One entryway, freely open for the next six hours!
Fiora laughs.
FIORA: Nice job, Shreya! I didn’t even know we could do that.
SHREYA (winks): Just a little something my sister taught me.
The door to Fiora’s room swings open, and Atlas enters.
FIORA: Speaking of sisters... hey, Atlas.
ATLAS: You’re sure opening the door’s a good idea? What if Raife decides to send something after us while we’re wide open?
SHREYA: He already managed that even with the door closed. I doubt it would make much difference.
Atlas huffs and crosses her arms, glaring at the newly-unlocked doorway.
ATLAS: Okay, but if the next thing to come through that door looks at all suspicious, I’m hitting it with--
She is interrupted by Griffin stepping through the doorway. Griffin quickly raises his arms in surrender as he enters.
GRIFFIN: Whoa, Atlas, it’s me! Please don’t hit me with anything.
Atlas relaxes a fraction.
SHREYA: Griffin! So glad you could make it! (to Fiora) Looks like the entry really is open, you see?
GRIFFIN: Wait, you didn’t check to make sure?
SHREYA (laughs): Relax! Clearly it all worked out, non?
Zeph steps through a moment later, with Beckett close behind.
ZEPH: Alright! The Pend Pals are all here. Let’s get this study session started!
They all gather around the center table, pulling out their various study materials and setting them out. Beckett raises an eyebrow at Zeph.
BECKETT: Not that I am complaining, mind you, but... it’s unusual to see you so enthused about studying.
ZEPH: What? I’m allowed to be excited about it if I want!
FIORA: So, uh... what should we start on first?
BECKETT: Shall we begin with Dr. Vartokis’s “Equivalencies” assignment? It seems by far the most difficult--
SHREYA: Oh, we finished that one ages ago. Fiora’s been making those types of comparisons to absolutely everything in the Stoicheal Realm for months now, so it was easy.
FIORA: I’ll help you guys if you want!
Zeph eagerly pushes his worksheet in Fiora’s direction, while Beckett looks from Zeph to Fiora to Shreya and back in shocked confusion.
BECKETT (muttering): ...Have I fallen into some strange alternate universe?
ATLAS: Wow. Looks like Fiora and Shreya are doing better than you in a class for once. Gotta say, your reactions are hilarious to watch.
BECKETT: Oh? Why don’t you attempt the assignment, then?
ATLAS: Why should I? I don’t even go to class. Besides, watching you struggle with schoolwork for a change is way more entertaining.
BECKETT (sighs): You are impossibly vexing...
* * *
Icicles hang from the trees overhead as Zeph stands in a forested part of the quad, clad only in shorts and a t-shirt. He holds a hand out in front of his face, palm outward and glowing with water stoichi, as he struggles to concentrate on something.
ZEPH: Urgh... come on!
A few small spurts of water emerge from his palm and fall to the ground. He grunts in frustration and takes a step backward before preparing to try again.
ATLAS (O.S.): Zeph? That you?
Zeph lets his arm fall to his side and turns to see Atlas, similarly underdressed for the weather in a short-sleeved shirt and thin pants, approaching through the snow. She frowns at him.
ATLAS: I know training when I see it. What are you working on?
ZEPH: Oh! Atlas! ...Actually, you might be able to help. I’m trying to do your Roped Current, but...
He attempts the technique once again, demonstrating a similar result to the first time. Atlas frowns.
ATLAS: You’re really worried about the Wave’s Crest, huh?
ZEPH: Yeah. With Fiora, Shreya, and Beckett all being inducted already, I’m worried I won’t get in at all. My family would kill me if I didn’t get in!
ATLAS (completely serious): Wait, really?! Sources, Zeph, you should get out of--
Zeph breaks down into laughter.
ZEPH: Atlas, I didn’t mean literally! You take things so seriously it’s hilarious. But still, they’d be pretty upset. I’d be the first Hernandez child in eight generations not to be inducted.
Atlas thinks for a moment, then nods.
ATLAS: Alright. I’ll help you out.
ZEPH: Wait, you will? Really?
ATLAS: Sure. For one thing, you’re never gonna accomplish much tryin’ to run before you can walk. Roped Current is damn near impossible to pull off without training up to Energy-Att level first. Or... (shrugs) ...being a natural-born Energy-Att like me, I guess.
ZEPH (dejectedly): Oh.
ATLAS: Don’t worry about it. If this Wave’s Crest thing is so important to you... why don’t we work to get in together? There’s plenty of other techniques I can teach you in the meantime. Stuff that only requires Water Attunement to pull off.
ZEPH: Wow, that’d be perfect! You’re awesome, Atlas, thanks!
In his excitement, he turns and moves to give Atlas a hug, but she goes for a handshake at the same time. They end up awkwardly pressing their palms together and shaking them up and down.
ZEPH (laughs): Alright, not sure what that was... but when do you wanna start training?
ATLAS: Now is fine.
ZEPH: Oh. Uh... wow. You really don’t mess around!
ATLAS: Are we gonna train or what?
As Atlas steps forward and gets into a combat stance, readying herself, Zeph catches her eye and smirks.
ZEPH: ...Alright, I think I get what Beckett sees in you now. You and him would be--blrgrlblubrlgrlgb!
Midway through his sentence, Atlas snaps her fingers, which are glowing with water stoichi. His voice abruptly shifts until it sounds like he’s trying to talk underwater.
ATLAS: Lesson 1. “Water Muffle.” Useful in many situations, and its effect... you can see for yourself.
ZEPH: Gluburgl blurrgrg ubulrgl...
Atlas waves her hand lazily, and the technique ends.
ATLAS: Any more talk about Beckett, and I use it again. Is that clear?
ZEPH: Uh... yeah.
ATLAS: Good. Now then. The first step to Water Muffle is...
Notes: Dr. Vartokis was mentioned earlier, but here's his first actual appearance! Yes, he's yet another OC professor. The class he teaches seems to be one Zeph's particularly excited about! (His class is essentially the Penderghast equivalent of Muggle Studies, for the Harry Potter fans in my audience.)
Timeline: We're well into Endless Winter (ES book 2) by now!
Next: "That Distance Between Us"
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
Ch.1- Cords of Shards
Beckett Harrington x F!MC (Ellie Valentine)
Summary: An AU of my take on book 2 starting from Kane’s Tea party and further on. When A sudden circumstance causes Ellie to loose her memory and return to normal life, will Beckett try to reach her? And what will happen if he does?
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, swearing, manipulation.
A/N:❤️ PLEASE READ ❤️: I know some of you want VWD to come back and I’m currently working on new chapters But I’ve found my muse is in TE and I felt pressured to do OH fics (a popular book) and I felt I wasn’t as confident in my writing and was more focused on the fact that my OH fics were more popular... but I’ve come to realize that if you don’t enjoy writing it and it makes you stress. Then why do it? I’ve always loved TE and it makes me so happy to write. I’ve improved my writing since my first couple of TE fics and I am so happy to start this series with you guys! Likes and reblog are VERY appreciated- S💖
fun fact: This series idea came to me at exactly 3:01 AM while playing my Spotify daily mixes. 🙃
❤️- Series Masterlist-❤️
💖-Full Masterlist-💖
💜-Prompt List-💜 (ask me!)
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A past event...
Ellie’s POV.
Ellie stood a few steps behind Alma as she prepared to attack Kane. She and her friends had agreed to go to the tea party Kane was holding in her honor.
This was a bad idea...
She had hoped to get some clues of who her mother was and how she could find her. And despite Alma and Atlas’ warnings to stay away. She couldn’t help herself if it was going to give her the information she needed.
“Kane. You’re powerless against me.” Alma said in a fierce tone. Kane was clearly upset.
“How dare you all enter without an invitation!” Kane’s eyes began to glow as Alma attacked with a wave of her hand.
“Give up Kane. You’ve lost.” Alma continued, only making Kane more angry.
“I will NOT!” Kane’s magick started flickering as his gaze landed on Ellie. His lips suddenly turned up into a smirk and in a flash he had pulled her to him.
“Let’s see how you like this, stubborn one...” Kane said. She tried to get out of his grip. But he held on. He placed a hand on her neck and Alma’s eyes went wide with horror and he casted a spell.
“NO!” Was the last thing Ellie heard before the spell had infected her neck, leaving a permanent mark of the Air Sign imbedded into her skin. She screamed with pain and collapsed next to Kane’s feet. He waved his hand and she was blasted into the wall behind her with a gust of wind, causing her pain to double over and cause everything around her to go dizzy. She heard her friends call out to her but Kane had a ward up to separate the groups. When Ellie opened her eyes she could see Kane disappear with the blink of an eye. When the ward had been broken. Alma rushed over to her to check the mark.
Ellie groaned at the pain crashing through her. Shit. Alma brushed her short hair to the side, revealing the air sign that was the main source of her pain.
“Ellie!” Beckett dropped down to his knees by her side, grabbing her hand. “Alma what’s going on?” He said looking at her neck. Then back at her with a worried expression.
Alma was silent...
“Alma?” Atlas said waving a hand in her face.
“I-...The mark...” she stared at it, dumbfounded. “It’s a cursed mark that allows Kane to mess with her head. A magickal form of manipulation to most Likely get Ellie to help him with his plans.” Alma said, still looking horrified.
“Whenever he activates the mark through his own magick, he controls her head, causing her mind and his mind to be one, all her powers coming with it.
“Well? Is there a way to extract the curse?” Beckett said.
“.... I’m not entirely sure, this kind of thing never happens, Kane is the only person with the power of the curse and it takes up so much power I’m suprise he didn’t pass out after casting it onto her.”
“There has to be something that we can do... maybe the library? Those always have some sort of solution.”Zeph said.
“Yeah! Like a ritual to brake the curse!” Shreya mused.
“...I’m afraid nothing of the sort would work.” Alma said while tracing her fingers around the mark.
“What?!” Everyone said in usion.
“There’s only one thing I would be able to do. And we would have to come up with a new plan to destroy Kane...” Alma stood up.
“Well? Spit it out! We need to help Ellie and we can deal with Kane later.” Zeph said, taking Alma’s place next to Ellie.
“... It’s a spell called the Cords of Shards. It cuts off the magick inside of her brain that ties her to Kane’s magick.”
Ellie squeezes her eyes shut and groans as she tries to surpress the next wave of pain coursing through her body.
“It will hold... side effects. But it’s the only way to stop Kane and protect Ellie.” Alma said.
“Please just get this thing off of me.” Ellie said with a pained tone.
“Very well.” Alma said crouching down and waving her hand over her face. Ellie’s eyes flicker close and her body goes limp.
Beckett’s POV.
“What the hell Alma!” Atlas retorted.
“She doesn’t need to be awake. The pain would kill her.” Alma stared, standing up again.
“We need to do this in a more controlled environment. Preferably the medical ward.” Alma said looking at Beckett hinting to pick her up and he obliges. Still worried about her. He hooks his arms under her knees and upper back and lifts her into his arms.
Please be okay... he thought.
As they entered the medical ward, they find Dean Swan preparing a room. She perks up at the sight of your group entering the room.
“Oh thank goodness!” Swan said. Speed walking over to Ellie, she casted an air spell to lift her into the prepared bed and raps her up with blankets.
“Swan, may I speak to you privately?” Alma asked. Swan nodded and they walked out into the hall.
“What are they talking about?” Griffin questioned before sitting down in the chair next to Ellie.
“She probably needs to inform her about the spell.” Shreya answered, tapping her chin.
Something isn’t right...
Beckett thought back to not to long ago...
“It will hold... side effects. But it’s the only way to stop Kane and protect Ellie.” Alma said.
“What did Alma mean by ‘side effects’” Beckett asked with air quotes.
“That’s a good question, we should as-“ Zeph began before being cut of by Alma opening the door, Swan following behind looking scared and sad.
Whatever they talked about, clearly wasn’t good.
“Kane will take advantage of the mark soon, we should get to work before something happens.” Alma said with a stoic facial expression.
“I agree... the faster the... better.” Swan said.
She’s acting weird...
“I hate to ask you this but, I’ll need you all to leave the room while I set up the equipment.” Alma said walking over to the supply closet.
“What do you mean ‘equipment’.” Zeph asked.
Alma sighed. “Remember I said we needed a controlled environment?” Alma said with a glare at your group.
You all sigh and walk out. Beckett glances back at Ellie, brows creased.
Please don’t hurt her...
The group decided to meet back in 30 minutes. Beckett used this time to clear his head and walk around the hospital.
He eventually made his way towards the cafeteria but stopped short at a sign that caught his eye.
Blue: Life Threatening
Green: Mass paitent arrival
Red: smoke and or fire evacuation
Black: Personal Threat
Grey: physical aggression
White: out of control patient
Purple: Bomb Threat
Pink: abduction
Orange: evacuation
I hope I don’t have to hear any of these today... he thought to himself before continuing his walk to the cafeteria.
After grabbing a bite he returns to Ellie’s room and knocks.
He hears shuffling, and eventually swan peaks out.
“Oh! Mr. Harrington you’re back early!” Swan said.
“Uh yes, is Ellie okay?” His brows creased again with worry.
“Oh we are still performing the spell. More doctors are coming soon so it shouldn’t take too long after they arrive.” Swan explained.
“But you should tell your friends to wait another 30 minutes so we can ensure Ellie is safe. I suggest going to the medical wards game room upstairs. It will help clear out the worry.” Swan pointed to the stairwell.
“I have to get back to helping but it’s best to wait a while...”
Guess I can’t argue with the freaking Dean...
“Oh... okay, I’ll inform the rest of them about it, thank you.” Becket answered.
Swan nods and closes the door behind her.
What’s a word stronger then weird to discribe that conversation...
“Hey! Buck-boo!” Zeph waved from down the hall.
“I told you to stop calling me that Zephyr.” Beckett pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Remember Zeph, he’s only soft for Ellie.” Atlas mused.
“You people are insufferable...” Beckett said.
Zeph went to knock on Ellie’s door but Beckett cut him off with his hands.
“They won’t let us in, Swan told me it’s going to be another 30 minutes...” Beckett quickly explained.
“ I hope she’s alright.” Griffin said, appearing next to Zeph with Shreya short behind.
“I’m sure she’s gonna be okay. Swan said there was a lounge upstairs so let’s wait to hear back from her there.” Beckett said walking towards the stairwell, his friends following.
Alma’s POV.
Alma’s hands glow brilliantly over Ellie’s head. Their skin isn’t touching, just hovering. Alma’s face is scrunched up with concentration before Dean Swans words fill her senses.
“Her memory will be lost Alma, the mark is too strong.” Swan was helping with her own blood magick. Her hands where placed over the mark to give Alma a boost.
“We can’t have Kane using her, it will be worth it and Ellie would understand.” Alma replied with her gaze still on her hands.
“Her friends aren’t going to take it well, Mr. Harrington came back early to check on her, and I saw Zeph walking towards him when I closed the door. And we both know Atlas will be furious.” Swan informed. Alma sighed and her gaze flickered to the door before returning back to Ellie.
It was silent for a few moments before Alma spoke.
“They don’t have to find out about it for now.” Alma muttered.
“Ha. Good luck with that. That group will break you if they find out what happened to her.” Swan said.
“...I’ve come up with a plan already, I know a spell that can restore the basics of her memory from her foster parents, who she is, and we can put her back at Hartfield and she can continue her Studies there. It’s going to be tough on the group but I’ll put a protection ward on the mirror in her dorm so that we don’t have another incident...” Alma told Swan and continued filling her in on her plans to slip Ellie out unnoticed and quickly perform the spell. By the time Alma was finished, the Cords of Shards was complete and they where preparing her departure.
Beckett’s POV.
After inpatiently waiting with their group, Beckett decided to check up on them and knock on Ellie’s door.
No answer.
Maybe their still doing the spell? No...
Knock knock.
No answer.
Beckett’s brow creased and he turns the door handle to walk inside. He looks around and finally his eyes land on the bed that laid in the middle of the room.
Only to find it empty, not a soul in the room...
I promise you this will make sense next chapter! Thank you for reading I hope you guys enjoy the kick off to this series and hopefully next chapter will be longer! - S
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@fluffy-marshmallow-heart (They inspired me 💖)
If you would like to be tagged in my series tags please let me know because I’ll put my perm tag list here only for this chapter and only use my series tags after that. 💖
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DAY 21 OF FLUFFTOBER: Kiss for good luck
Ship: Zeph x Dean
Words: 580
CW: Some swear words
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After another quest they had to do together, both of them were going back to the tavern, sleeping there for the night.
Zeph was not a talker normally, but even he had his own limits. Which is why when he seemed out of focus and was not talking at all, Dean could know there was something wrong.
As soon as the bedroom’s door they shared closed, Dean turned to Zeph.
"Okay, what’s going on? You haven’t said a word all day." He pointed out, crossing his arms.
Zeph shook his head, refusing to make him worry.
"It’s nothing, Dean, everything’s fine." He brushed off, taking his fighting clothes out before changing to more comfortable clothes, which Dean did the same.
"Bullshit. Don’t lie to my face like that." Said Dean, frustrated at the fact that Zeph refused to open up.
"I’m fine, just drop it." Insisted Zeph, hoping he would.
But Dean wouldn’t.
"Zeph, for fuck’s sakes." Dean sighed, looking at him with a hint of worry in his eyes.
It took a second to Zeph to reply, annoyed at his partner’s insistence.
"Alright fine. I’ve just been stressing out about something and I’m fucking terrified. Happy?" He finally let out with a semi-agressive tone, which made Dean backed down for a second.
He still bite back at the comment after a minute of silence.
"… Why would I be happy if my boyfriend’s feeling like shit?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Immediate guilt took over Zeph, feeling bad for acting this way.
"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t get mad at you." He apologized, sitting on the bed.
Dean hesitated before going behind him, remembering that, as awkward it could be at first, a shoulder’s message had helped his boyfriend in the past.
He placed his hand on his shoulders before putting a bit of pressure.
Zeph let a sigh of relief escaping him at his partner’s gesture.
"…Does it help?" Asked Dean tentatively.
Zeph nodded at the question.
"Yeah, a bit. Keep going, please?" He said the second sentence in a small voice and Dean complied for a while.
After a few moment, Dean spoke again.
"Wanna tell me about it now?" He tried and Zeph finally opened up.
"I’m meeting my brother in two days. I know I should have told you about it before scheduling it but I thought I could do it on my own. Turns out I can’t. I’m still being a wuss about it." He admitted with a bitter laugh at the last sentence.
Dean’s heart broke at the last comment, his grip tightening a bit.
"Don’t say that when you know that’s fucking wrong. You’re more brave than most of these people out there." He retorted, which made Zeph smiled a bit.
He would disagree but if it was what his lover thought about him, maybe there was a part of truth in it.
"Do you want me to come with you? Just say the word and I’ll come. Can’t promise I won’t beat the fuck out of him if he’s being an asshole though." Dean proposed and Zeph chuckled at the comment.
"Yeah, actually. Thanks, Dean." He smiled a bit, which earned Zeph a kiss on the head.
"Everything will go well, alright?"
Dean stopped massaging him after a few more minutes, feeling Zeph becoming calmer and less stressed.
"You’re good now?" He asked.
"Yeah, I am." Zeph nodded and Dean finally let a small smile on his own face.
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