ohsc · 2 months
hiii blondie !! i hope you're resting well and the sickness passes soon !! i don't know if there's an english version but in arabic we say "salamtek/سلامتك" ^.^ alsoo it's now my turn to be nosey lol !! ^_^
do you have any favorite ships or are you not too big on shipping? >3> also !! favorite spn girl?? any thoughts on the spn women in general?? ^_^
- @deadgirlsam
hi my lovely!!! thank you so much that’s so kind of you to say :( feel giddy to be told that in two languages omg ilysm <33 and i am actually feeling better!! i haven’t shifted my cough yet but i’m getting there :) how are you sweetheart?
and omg please be nosey anytime you want i can actually talk forever
i LOVE shipping i love soooo many ships in this show i think shipping is so fun !!! my favourite spn ship is probably destiel, but i LOVE megstiel i think they would’ve been my favourite if they got more screen time :( love love love samxrowena / samxeileen. i love rowena with sam they have so much chemistry and i LOVE sam’s witch arc??? the fact that she left all of her things for him??? the fact that it’s prophecy that he had to be the one to kill her??? give me MORE. and samxeileen because EILEEN IS HIS PERSON!!!! the fact that he was still learning sign language when he thought she died, he literally BROUGHT HER BACK TO LIFE???? eileen is probably my favourite to ship sam with just bc they’re perfect for each other :(
big fan of samxjess because it sets up the entire show, i love the “character that dies haunting the entire narrative” trope because jess literally haunts the entire narrative shes with sam the entire time no matter what, i also really loved deanxjo i think jo’s death scene was one of the most painful scenes of the show and then when she came back for that episode as a ghost and the way she interacted with dean? heartbroken actually. destroyed. won’t recover.
AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE SPN WOMEN!!!! torn between rowena and meg 2.0 for my favourite, again i think meg would’ve been my favourite if she kept being in the show (i miss her) but i guess i just love evil women LMAO, speaking of which i LOVED ruby i think she was such a cool and twisted character s4 had some of my favourite writing ever
also charlie’s #1 fan and jo and ellen’s #1 fan too, and I LOVE JODY SO MUCH!!! i get so so happy whenever i get to a jody episode like sat smiling kicking my feet the entire time i adore her and donna
i have soooooo many feelings about claire i LOVE her (biased because i adore kathryn newton), she has one of the most genuinely heartbreaking backstories and she’s still so headstrong and amazing???? love her relationship with cas and how she is with dean too, the ep where she was a werewolf actually almost destroyed me i was convinced she was gonna die :(
i have so many more thoughts too if you wanna ask anything specific about anything i said about pls go ahead i could ramble on for so long about any of these points LMAO
ILYSM!!! i hope you’re doing well :) <3
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jo-deserved-better · 3 years
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they cute <3
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
Huh I’ve never seen this photo of them before. I wonder if it’s photoshopped? Any mutuals, Chestervelle or SPN fan know if this is real?
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aterimber · 3 years
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The end of Supernatural has come! Do YOU know what you'll do now? (... Other than ugly-cry? 😭 😭 )
Check out my Patreon where I post NEW short stories every 2 weeks, and have 70+ just waiting to fill the Winchester shaped hole in your heart!
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mashuradi · 6 years
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Tausendmal du~ ... Love that song  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just some stuff I did with some of my fav ships. Michael/Laurie, Nickifer, Dean/Jo <3 Simple-base color because if I colored these for real I’d take 2398472938302 years. 
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The Words We Say, and The Ones We Don’t
In an alternate universe when the world has all but ended, Jo and Dean await Sams arrival back from a mission away in an old RV.
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Created for @spndarkbingo
Square Filled: Apocalypse AU
Rating: T
Pairing: JoxDean
Tags/Warnings: Murder, gore, language
Word Count: 1683
Creator’s Note: This is my first attempt for SPNDARKBINGO it’s not as dark as I would’ve liked, but baby steps!
Jo woke with a start. Dean slept with his head on her stomach, and his body between her legs. They both still wore their boots. She reached down and rubbed a smudge of dirt off of his nose. She blinked a few times, and searched her surroundings, forgetting, just for a second, where they were.
The inside of the RV smelled musty, like it’d be closed up for years. It probably had. The air was thick, but she didn’t dare open a window. She couldn’t let in what was outside, not while he was at peace.
Dean never slept anymore. It was all too hard. He was too strong. It was all on his shoulders, even more than it used to be. He still wasn’t hers, not really. He never would be. Sams words to her still rang in her ears.
“He thinks of you like a little sister. He wants to protect you, sure, but he will never want you like that.”
He didn’t mean to be cruel, but he was.
She wanted to move, to shift her weight. The gun on her hip was digging into her skin. She knew she’d have a bruise. What’s another bruise against her tattered skin?
Growing up, her mother always told her that monsters were people. The bullies in her school, the men who expected too much, the butt of a gun. “There’s nothin in your closet, Jo. There’s nothin to be afraid of here, go back to bed.”
She was wrong. It took almost two decades to prove to her that the monsters Jo was afraid of were real. She just couldn’t have imagined that they would be this way. She couldn’t have imagined that there were monsters that you could shoot that would just keep coming. She couldn’t imagine that nightmares would continue even when she was awake.
The only thing that made it a little better was him. The freckles on his cheeks. The way he slept with his mouth slightly open. The scruff on his chin, even though he had no good excuse to shave, he always did. He had aged a decade since it had all started. Wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes. He wasn’t a young man anymore, but he looked even older than he was.
His muscles were tense, and his fingers were still wrapped around his firearm, like always. He was ready to strike at all times. Jo was convinced he was the reason they were alive. She couldn’t thank him enough for it, but no matter what she said he seemed so distant. He wasn’t really there, especially now.
He grunted and opened an eye. “Why’d you let me sleep?”
“Because if you don’t sleep you’ll die.” Jo said, looking down at him. He had bags under his eyes, she could tell even in the morning twilight. “You’re no good to me dead.”
Dean grunted and sat up. “Just don’t like letting my guard down.”
“I’ve been with you for five years, Winchester. I think I know what you’re like. You don’t have to explain”
He smiled a bit. “Maybe you can hold up the fort after all.”
“Nice if you to notice.” She smiled back at him.
“You heard from Sammy?”
“No.” Jo said slowly, with caution. He wasn’t looking at her face. He was checking the rounds in his gun. “He’s probably still on the supply run.”
“Yeah, of course.”
He was worried. He was always worried. Especially when it came to Sam.
Jo could hear the sound of the dead. They were more restless during the day. She wondered if it was the sun. The heat on their rotting flesh. Or if they remembered, in the daylight, all that they’ve lost. Perhaps that’s why they moved faster. Yowled louder.
Eventually they would all be like the dead. Aimless. Eventually they’d all die, and even then they would never stop. They’d never stop moving, but they would never have anywhere to go.
Jo knew that the moment Dean found out that she would lose him forever. She wasn’t ready for that. How could she ever be?
“What if the world was different?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like... not this way. Sometimes I think about if it never happened. The disease. The death. I think about if the Roadhouse hadn’t burned down. I think about if my mom was still here. It’s just us, you know? Even then, most of the time I feel alone.”
Dean turned toward her. “You’re not alone, Jo. Yeah, this world sucks. It fucking sucks. All we do is fight. We fight to live. We fight for everything. We never stop.”
“It’s all never going to end.”
“It’s gonna end. It’s gonna end bloody. I always knew that. All we can do is fight for every breath. Me, you, and Sammy.” He reaches for Jos hand, squeezing it. “We’re family, and that’s what family does. We don’t give up. No matter what.”
Jo forced a smile. That’s what I’m worried about. “You’re right.” She stood up. “I’m gonna go get some fresh air.” She reached out and touched his cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Be careful.” Dean said, watching her walk out of the RV. She latched the door behind her, her gun slung over her shoulder.
The door shut behind her and she walked. The leaves, and sticks crunches under her feet as she forced herself forward. She couldn’t hide it anymore. She went to the river and crouched. She dipped her hands in, splashing her face.
The sight of herself in the water was too much. She didn’t recognize the dirty blonde in front of her. Her own face had aged. She had a scar across her cheek. She wore no makeup. Her hair was dirty. She was crying.
Jo stood up and crossed the river, her boots and pants got soaked. She had to make it. It was time. There was no more delaying it.
She looked up at the sound of a twig cracking across from her. “Hi Sam. I can’t let you stay out here anymore. As much as I want you around... it can’t be like this.” Jo said, gripping the strap from her rifle.
Sam tilted his head to the side knowingly. He didn’t have to say anything.
“You can’t be here anymore. I don’t know what I’ll tell Dean. It’s just too fucking wrong. He will never be the same. This will break him, but I can’t keep putting off the inevitable. The truth is, you’ve been gone for awhile. No amount of stalling will change that.”
Sam moved toward her, tugging on the chains around his wrists. They were raw from tugging and pulling. Bloody drool rolled down his chin. He snapped at her, biting a bit. The open wound on his neck from his bite was oozing and covered in blood. He smelled like death. Flies danced around his open wound, but in his dead, empty gaze he didn’t seem to mind.
His hair was grimy from lack of washes, and blood. He still towered over her by a lot. If it were in any other circumstance Jo would’ve been proud that she could subdue Sam, but there was no pride in this.
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She moved her gun to her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Sam.”
He tugged a little harder. Maybe he knew it was the end. She glanced down to take off the safety. In the second it took to release it, Sam broke through. His gray skin hung over, limply, his pearl white bones showing through his rotting flesh. He stumbled forward, unbelievably fast. She pulled up the gun to see him a foot away from her. She screamed out, and pulled the trigger sending a buck shot through his chest.
Sam stumbled back groaning loudly before lunging forward again, going straight for her throat. She was caught off guard, and his clammy, rotting hands connecting with her chest sending her falling backwards.
He was on top of Jo. She could feel the bloody drool drip down his chin onto her cheek, her neck, as he snapped at her like a turtle. Her gun was just out of her reach, and she kept Sam at an uncomfortably close distance with her arms, her palms against his chest. “Sam stop!” She cried, knowing it wasn’t him. She shouted even though she knew he wouldn’t understand, even though she knew it was over.
She kicked him away, and turned to crawl for the gun, but his bony, rotten hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him. Her fingers dig into the mud, the grass, her nails scraping at anything, anything that could save her.
She felt the wetness of blood, and drool through her jeans. She felt the wetness before the pain. Before the sting, the ripping of her flesh, his teeth tanking through the fabric and meat of her leg. She cried out, as the poison, the disease, coursed through her veins. It was over.
A shot rang out through the air, and she felt a heavy weight against her lower half. She opened her eyes, the world spinning in front of her. When it stopped twirling, her eyes landed on a familiar pair of brown boots.
Dean squatted down in front of her, his head tilted to the side. “He’s been dead this whole time.”
It wasn’t a question.
He reached down and held her chin, making her look at him. “You should’ve told me.”
“I know.” She whispered, as he pressed the barrel of his gun between her eyes.
She could see the light disappear from his smokey green eyes. The man she’d known was gone. He died there with Sam.
He pressed his lips together. “Shouldn’t have lied, Jo. It could’ve all been different.” He whispered, as he pressed on the trigger. With an echoing, deafening shot her head fell face first into the mud, her eyes still open, watching, and waiting for the words he would never say to her.
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burningbruise · 7 years
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scarlet-rose17 · 5 years
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I don't think I have ever shipped JoxDean as much as I have in this moment. Someone help my ships already sunk and I dunno what to do ;-; ( No, like seriously, I've never shipped Dean x Jo EVER before this ;____; ) #spn2x14 #bornunderabadsign #spnfandom #spnfamily #spnrewatch #spnrewatchmarathon #supernatural #supernaturalseason2 #spnseason2 #deanwinchester #jensenackles #jaredpadalecki #samwinchester #jensenandjared #jaredandjensen #samanddeanwinchester #deanxjo #joxdean ALSO SOMETIMES DEMONS DO TELL THE TRUTH! ESPECIALLY IF THEY KNOW IT'LL MESS WITH YOU HEAD! SO.... ANYONE THINK BEN AND LISA!!!???? #deanxlisa #lisaxdean #benbraeden #lisabraeden https://www.instagram.com/p/BygYfNzA2bO/?igshid=9gl2zggsw438
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fangirl-faye · 8 years
Pairing: CasxReader
Characters: Many
Summary: April the first. I don’t know if I have to say more
A/N: This is for @dancingalone21’s writing challenge and it had to be an AU and I had to insert the quote “Why are you squeezing me with your body?”
Word count: 794
Beta: @sdavid09
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When you entered the classroom, you found most of your friends crowded around Jo’s table, murmuring. When the door fell close shut behind you, they turned around, staring at you. “Faye. Come here.” Charlie ushered you and slowly you walked towards the rest. Dean smacked your butt playfully before sitting down next to Jo and Kevin waved welcoming. Benny snipped a little ball of paper against your head like he did every morning. The rest just smiled. “What?” you leaned over the table closer to Jo, who motioned you towards her with your hand. “Take a look at blue-eyes’ table.” She pointed at the table in the front, where ‘the new student’ (more like the newest, even though he’s been there for months) Castiel sat, right next to… you. Blue-eyes had become his name, after he had come to school with a black eye, not long after he and his family had moved here and it had made his eyes look even bluer than they already were.
“Oh come one. A pin? That’s the best you could have come up with for April 1st? That’s weak, Harvelle.” You grinned and Jo shrugged. “It’s enough. And it was Winchester’s idea. I think he has a soft spot for this one.” She motioned towards her sitting neighbor. “Nahhh. But I won’t hear the end of it if he tells Gabriel and Sam about it.” Dean snickered. “Right. Your brother is screwing his cousin, the baker.”
“Confectioner.” You corrected and she laughed. “Right. Confectioner. And Dean is right. I won’t hear the end of it either when I go back to work later.” You checked your clock as Kevin chimed in. “He just entered the building.” All of you ushered back to your seats, the bell would chime any minute. Castiel entered the classroom and everyone was grinning. He sat down his bag and whispered: “What is it this time?” “Needle on the chair.” You murmured back and he chuckled quietly. He sat down and hissed. “Feels just like at home. This was one of the first pranks Gabriel pulled on me. Said I need to know the feeling for when I start in the new school and join this class before April the first. He was right.” He plucked the pin out of his pants and you grinned.
After the first few weeks in school had passed, he had been attacked with nearly every prank the class could come up with. It was like a ritual in this town that new students have to be pranked in their first weeks (maybe started by Chuck’s dad. That’s where his grandson Gabriel had it from, naturally). As these first few weeks had passed, when he had settled, he felt actually very comfortable and he got along with everyone. And a prank now and then made sure it would never get boring. And if Cas pulled a prank you could be sure it was a good one. His cousin WAS the king of pranks after all (since his grandfather had passed at least). “Gabriel is the master of pranks. If he doesn’t know, no one does.” he said thoughtfully and you thought back to the day, Cas and Gabriel actually had stuffed Dean’s Impala with teddy bears, then added “Okay… maybe Luce, but then it’s sadistic.”
Castiel smiled nodding. “You might be right.”
“EY! Y/Strider! Tell your boyfriend to shup up and get his ass over here. I need some help with my math homework.” You nudged Castiel. “They are asking for you. How about you help them?” Your boyfriend stood up and walked over to Jo. Suddenly, Charlie squealed in excitement. “Faye! Come here. You have to see this!” She held up her phone and you stood up and you tripped over your bag. With your arms flying through the air, you stumbled against your boyfriend an the both of you landed on top of each other on the floor. “Why are you squeezing me with your body?” he asked confused and you blushed. “I fell.”
You heard giggling in the background and blushed more. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Dean chanted and the rest of the class joined the chant and Cas took a strand of hair that fell into your face and put it behind your hair. Then he pressed a soft kiss against your lips, making you blush even more. “I love you, Faye.” he whispered and winked. “I love you too, blue-eyes.”
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mrswinchester007 · 4 years
DeanxJo // WinchesterxHarvelle Appreciation Post. 🐾
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daretodean · 6 years
Really want DeanXJo cuteness because Im watching the episode No Exit and I forgot how cute they were together
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jo-deserved-better · 3 years
Jo Harvelle and Cassie Robinson are the only two women that Dean Winchester could’ve had a happy ending with that WOULD HAVE MADE SENSE!
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
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WOW I'm finally done with this story and posted the epilogue. I really hope people liked it and will help spread the Chestervelle Love💕 !!!
Picks up when Team Free Will make it back to the bunker after Rowena sacrificed herself. Dean and Sam are in the map room when a portal rift opens, and two familiar faces come running through.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6Chapter 7 Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23 Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27 Chapter 28Chapter 29 Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35 Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Epilogue
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aterimber · 3 years
Need to take a break from reality for a few minutes?
Check out my Patreon where I have 80+ #shortstories that are perfect for a fluffy/funny/happy distraction!
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sunshinechay · 6 years
Tagged by @puzzlingsnark​
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
I choose:
Stranger Things
Star Wars
The first character you loved:
Honestly, Joyce, and I still love her, even though I don’t post about her nearly as much as she (and Winona Ryder) deserve
Luke Skywalker, but Leia followed almost immediately afterward
The character you never expected to love so much:
Steve.....I didn’t enjoy his character at all during the beginning of the first season, but the end of season one and season two really changed that
Jo or maybe Hannah, but I think Hannah is coloured by just how badly the writing got for women as the series went on
Padma...when I watched when I was younger, all I could see was the bad writing, but the more I rewatch and think about her, the more I like her character (#Padmadeservesbetter)
The character you relate to the most:
Jonathan Byers. I was a total outsider in high school and people thought I was weird because I was super into tv and even more into manga and anime than I am now
Castiel. I perpetually don’t get social cues, though I have a better knowledge of pop culture references and I have my foot in my mouth only slightly less than he does
Han. We are both total weanies
The character you’d slap:
Billy, but also Hopper. Not because I hate Hopper (I LOVE Hopper) but sometimes he is seriously an idiot, especially when he insists on certain things that definitely do not need to happen, so I think it’s more because of frustration than hate like it is with Billy
Anakin....especially prequel trilogy Anakin. Probably Kylo Ren as well
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Jonathan (1), Nancy (2), Eleven, Joyce and Will are tied (3)
Dean Winchester (1), Castiel (2), Sam Winchester (3)
Luke Skywalker (1), Poe Dameron and Cassian Andor are tied (2), Leia Organa (3)
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
I’m not sure, I like just about all of characters
John Winchester (I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan coloured my view for a long time)
Kylo Ren (the first movie made me at least WANT to sympathize, but TLJ just ruined it, like it did with so many other things)
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Steve Harrington
Sam Winchester...I thought he was a pretentious asshole, but the longer the first season goes on, the more I understand and sympathize with him
Three OTPs:
Jancy, Mileven, Jopper
Destiel, DeanxJo, SamxJodi 
Stormpilot (finnpoe), LeiaxHan, LukexMara Jade, 
Tagging @palewombat ummm @hummingstan (have you done this yet? Sorry if you have) @freshxbloom anyone else who wants to do it lol
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One Shot Masterlist
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Here are all of my one shots! There’s a pretty big variety here, folks :) Mini descriptions next to each work! 
They’re Just Words- Angsty!Destiel rewrite of 15x18 for @ain-t-bovvered​
How We Say Goodbye- Endverse!DeanxReader SMUT/ANGST
Coffee and Snow Flavored Kisses- DeanxReader FLUFF/SMUT
Something Special- DeanxReader long term relationship FLUFF/SMUT
A Long Way Down- Destiel 4th of July FLUFF!
Reckless- Destiel Hurt/Comfort FLUFF!
Roll for Initiative- Nerdy collaboration with @thescreechowl DND game night
Today of All Days - Destiel Angsty!
The Words We Say, and The Ones We Don’t - DeanxJo/Apocalypse AU
The Moon, The Stars, and a Woman Like Her—DeanxBela
A Post Card From Chicago -DeanxReader FLUFF!
Back in Black -Demon!Cas AU
The Talk -Dad!DeanxOFC!Daughter
I Think We Have Been Here Before -SamxDean Soulmates!AU
Behind His Eyes - Demon!DeanXReader Smut Challenege
The Girl in The Photograph, and The Boy in The Darkness - DeanXVirign!reader FLUFF!
Support my writing!
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