#dear mutual tumblr users
yeesiine · 6 months
ⓘ This user spends way too much time on tumblr.
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bitternace · 6 months
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haven't been able to stop thinking about @xi-off's response tags to my sillies on this post. hello.
[id: xion, shown as if taking a selfie, with her left hand in a peace sign. her eyes are closed and she's smiling. behind her are saix and axel, blurred in the distance where Saïx, up in the air, prepares to smash lunatic down into Axel, who leans slightly forward as if daring him slightly out of frame. Overlaid over both, is a screenshot of tumblr user pjackk's post that reads "Can i be sensitive or will i be tackled and killed" Overlaid over xion, are tags that read "(xion selfie) at family counseling with my emotionally trainwrecked divorced dads ✌️😚". The background vaguely resembles the grey area in the world that never was. /end id.]
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r-truth · 10 months
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stubbornlightoflife · 8 months
"I could make him better" "I could make him worse" well I could be his fourth divorce
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volfoss · 1 year
My mutuals love to get involved in drama and it really does wonders for the dash
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ricchan · 1 year
u guys stop changing urls!!!!!!!
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neurotypical-karen · 1 year
comes up to you at the party: I want to know what that post was about
(referring to the post that you tagged 'they don't know that this is about [redacted]'. please I would like to know)
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aychama · 3 months
Hello dear fellow tumblr user mutual aychama i came to say that we need those two blorbos kissing again
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Weird dream.
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i had a falling out with this friend of mine, who is also a tumblr user. there have been a lot of reasons for that, and one of the many-many reasons were her political views, that are generally considered questionable by people around here. people usually wanna know if the person they're interacting with is that type of a person. disclaimer: she's not like. A Bigot. or something. it's just that a lot of people are uncomfortable interacting with someone who holds those views.
she's like, not exactly open about them but reblogs a ton from people who are and made a couple posts that make them obvious.
however, she likes interacting with all kinds of people despite their DNIs and stuff, because she thinks there's no harm as long as they don't know, even if it's all on her blog.
now, to the aita part. we don't follow each other anymore but tumblr recommends her posts to me a lot, perhaps because we used to be mutuals/i have some of her posts liked and i cba to go through all my likes to unlike them. no, i don't wanna block her because i don't block people. as a matter of principle. i tried filtering her username out but i end up always clicking on the post anyway. i'm one nosy bitch, what can i say?
sometimes, she posts about my hyperfixation. something that is very dear and important to me. i don't know the reason why she's doing it because she knows nothing about it and doesn't care about it, but sometimes she makes throwaway comments "based on what she heard" (so, based on what I told her while we were still friends).
and for every time she does so that i end up seeing (happened like 5ish times now), i send one of her mutuals who would be uncomfortable interacting with her had they known about her views an anonymous ask about it. i don't leak anything personal that she'd told me or anything of the sort, i just link the accounts of people she reblogs from and some of her posts on the topic like "hey, take a look at that". each time, it results in the person blocking her and thanking me for telling them in a separate post.
on one hand, i'm technically doing the right thing, since these people hate interacting with people like her, and they just didn't browse her blog enough to know that that's the kind of person she is, even though it's all open source. they're grateful i told them, too.
on the other, i'm doing it for incredibly childish and selfish reasons. had i not seen her bring my hyperfixation up, i wouldn't have done that because i'm not mother theresa like that. but for that reason, it brings me immense satisfaction to do so. especially when she posts stuff like "omg, (name) blocked me... why" and has no clue why. in my mind, it's punishment for touching something that i consider My Thing. i kind of want her to someday understand what's going on, even if it's stupid and territorial of me. like that's what's gonna continue happening if you continue touching My Thing, not giving it the respect it deserves at that too. as i've said, she only regurgitates the stuff i told her because she doesn't care about it. i have a suspicion she's only doing it to piss me off in case i still visit her blog. no idea but it does piss me off. and doing what i described really calms me down.
so, aita?
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greyias · 6 months
To my dearest mutual,
It warms my heart to know that you are well. Every day I hear word of casualties from the front and fear that the next notification I receive will be accompanied by a cat's paw.
The dashboard does well. There is still much time to sow the posts before April 2nd arrives. The crabs are doing well as the head of the dash and are minding their pinchers dutifully. Two weeks later, Young Caesar still lies bleeding on the floor from his 23 knife wounds as per our tradition. And Young Apollo just hit another random Tumblr user with a dodgeball just this morning. You would be so proud.
But my dearest mutual, I'm afraid these pleasantries cannot last. Even now, I hear a rapping, tap tap tapping at my door. At first I thought it was a fairy coming to deliver a cup of sugar, but the pounding has gotten louder. Surely not a walrus, I said to myself?
But then I looked up and I saw the truth.
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The paws have come for me, my Dear Mut, and I'm afraid I will not survive the onslaught. Remember Me. And the times we had together.
Forever Yours,
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annabelle--cane · 1 month
I remember back in 2017 when I would look through my followers for new musical theater mutuals and basically everyone had "dni if you like dear evan hansen" in their bios and I, then tumblr user bisexual-evanhansen, would sit there like. well why did you follow me then. so meanies to me that this relationship can only go one way. 👕📄🌲
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minipisi-is-dumb · 2 months
hi my dear gifted mutual i saw your venezuelan politics posts earlier today is everything going ok???
it's getting very serious honestly, this is the third day of protest and already over 130 disappeared and 13 deaths of students confirmed. the youngest a 15yo
im from the immigrant diaspora so all I can do as of now is share as much as I can and inform anglo users because many would rather support the dictatorship because maduro said "free Palestine" performatively than support and lift venezuelan voices about the situation currently
it's frustrating to say the least, we don't have assurance of anything and many people are reported to be taken to the helicoide (the biggest torture center in all Latin America) even when they're children and students
I'm more active on twitter currently bc of this situation, but any time I see any information ill rb it here!
don't believe politicians or media chains from ANY side, everyone is exaggerating from left to right, listen to civilians and pay attention to their photos, videos and testimonies
and if you can, support venezuelans in or out of the country because there's been many cases specially on Tumblr of people mass harassing venezuelans for speaking out
thanks for reaching out :)
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kimdokjas · 2 years
small psa for my fellow content creator mutuals
hello my dears! so i’ve noticed this is apparently not very common knowledge? (tumblr is very confusing tbf) so i thought i’d make a post about it to try to spread awareness!
only the first 20 tags of your posts will be indexed!
so, what does this mean?
only the first 20 tags will actually show up on tumblr tag pages and any tags beyond the 20th tag will NOT show up in the results (please note this includes tracking tags for source blogs and individual users)
even in your OWN blog you will not be able to find your post when searching by tags used beyond the 20th tag
i’ve noticed several people using over 20 tags including some tracking tags so if you’ve ever noticed certain blogs not reblogging your posts even though you tagged them, it might be because they never even saw your post because it was beyond the 20th tag! ofc you can use over 20 tags to talk in the tags if you like, just keep in mind they won’t be indexed! anyway i hope this is helpful <3
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 months
This is Mod Quill, but this is on behalf of a mutual friend of mine and Mod Dude's. Someone we care about a lot, and someone I'm not even going to fucking name here, because I am so fucking done with my friend suffering. Besides. You're going to know who it is if you have a lick of syscourse knowledge. I just hope they know what this might bring. If you're reading this, hon -- maybe just... delete your blogs and get out of syscourse. Make something new for yourself. Trust me, I've done that plenty of times.
Let's have a chat. Okay? I mean this completely, 1000 percent genuinely. I want to talk to you. WE want to talk to you. And we want to understand what the hell is going on with you.
Context: A friend of ours is in the hospital. This friend is in the hospital... likely because of you. Well, somewhat -- I'm not here to convince you that you, personally, are at fault for someone else's actions. You did not personally give them whatever implement of choice they used to nearly off themselves. But you have got to see that what you're doing -- what you've done for a very, very long time, causes people a lot of harm. And you have acknowledged it. Repeatedly.
You know that you do. You know you're hurting people. And you've shown constantly on your blog that you're okay with that.
This isn't the first time someone has been hospitalized after you took grievance with their tumblr blog. This is the second time someone has notably been hospitalized after interactions with you, and far from the last time someone's harmed themselves over you. I should know -- I'm a user who tried so desperately not to self harm, but you are the person who brought me to that point, many moons ago in a fit of hell and despair.
Don't worry, I'm all good -- it was barely anything. But it still stings emotionally, to this day.
The user in question who's currently hospitalized is not, and has not been stable, for a very long time. They're someone I hold dear, but I think we can all admit that people with DID sometimes struggle greatly with making really dumb choices. They've made a lot. This isn't the first time they've been in the hospital.
But Dude made a promise to them when it seemed like things were going to hell this time around, something to try and encourage things to go the right way.
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Your named was tossed out too. Because of course it was. Like it or not, Sophie, you are 100% the biggest syscourser on Tumblr. You post the most and have the most followers. You are syscourse. And Dude's promise was to take syscourse down.
... But I don't think anyone in this situation really understands what that means.
Sophie, you are a person. Not a blog. Not a stance. Not a slogan, or a preacher, or whatever conspiracy you're trying to lean into next to explain away the angry actions you've shown more and more lately, to somehow explain why it's okay to say the things you've been saying, even when it sometimes, just maybe, seems like... you just don't want to.
As people may know, a (from my perspective, horrifically written, incredibly inaccurate, and only harmful) callout post for Sophie was recently posted to syscourse. What people don't know is that I, Mod Quill, was approached to help write it. Mod Dude was involved in the callout post as well, though to what extent I don't know.
I flat out refused to work on it. And that's because I knew exactly what would happen. I knew my friend would be hurt, or maybe even hospitalized over this. I knew that syscourse -- that Sophie -- would drive someone over the edge again. I knew that the document -- filled with inaccuracies and vaguities and nothingburgers to the max -- would be easy for Sophie to pick apart, easy to dismantle, and it would all start with debunking so much of the very real pain and suffering my friend has gone through.
And yeah.
I was right. Go figure. Maybe I should've done more, my brain inevitably says, I need to help everyone, I should've fought harder to prevent this... Dumbass brain.
Dude edit/addition: I knew the doc was coming, and while I won't say that I was supportive of it going out (I made the owner sit on it for several weeks), I made no effort to stop it. Having made my own callouts on sophie (and Quill, you have, too), I understood the need, and the positives and negatives. I knew Sophie could handle it. I was approached to read and check it, as my posts had been used in it. I even offered to help add to it, though... I ended up being completely unable to. I still can't actually remember anything in the doc. I'm doubting if I actually read it because it seems I retained nothing from it. This likely stems from the fact that I have been in contact with Sophie for several weeks now, getting to know her. I'm so incredibly conflicted on this topic that I chose to stay out of it publicly from start to finish, without comment or publicity. For the first time since I started my blog, I'm not feuding with anyone, I'm having such amazing conversations with people, I feel like I'm making more of a difference than ever before. Certain people have left me alone as I stayed under the drama radar.
I'm so tired of being angry...
My thoughts on the doc and sophie are complicated. I'm sorry to anyone that was hurt through my uncertainty. Instead of helping with the doc, we talked about life, experiences, medicalization, and I was... so happy. I don't think that I really thought beyond... "I wish I had spoken to some of these people sooner."
It's important to note that I don't blame the doc or author for any of this.
Syscourse, as a whole, does not address any sort of recovery, or help, or even just acknowledgement of the issues we are facing, as human beings, as systems, as people on this earth. It is just slinging words at each other with varying degrees of value. And I'll be the first to admit that I have relished that battleground. I have loved the feeling that I might be able to throw the right words or the right punches and get someone to either change, or deactivate. I've also wrestled with those feelings, tried to explain them away, mirroring what I see on Sophie's blog constantly.
But as more and more time goes on and I grow up and I see the damage that's done to me and my friends, I have grown to absolutely despise this place. I try my best to spread what joy I can. I also know it's really not enough.
Sophie, I have sent you, if I had to hazard a guess, at least 10 anons this past year, all of them variations on themes. Either positivity, begging you to take a break, or explaining to you in excruciating detail how I know you are hurting people, and why that hurts so badly. And... each and every single one of those have been met with dismissal. With that godforsaken shrug emoji that convinced me for years that you just... did not care, at all, about other people.
And this isn't just you. I know I'm coming at you, but that's because you are the biggest source of Syscourse Grief(tm) for this particular friend. But lord knows people get enemies here, that's just par for the course. So, this goes for everyone.
Learn to fucking care about each other, for fucks sakes.
God, this really is a ramble. I thank everyone who's bearing with me.
For syscourse in general: Stop. Just... stop. For those who are considering it, just stop for a bit, and witness. Watch. See what happens. Because the ones who are obstinate -- primarily the overly aggressive anti-endos and pro-endos -- will fling their vitriol at each other. It will just get worse and worse, and you can witness syscourse eat itself alive.
For my friend in the hospital: I've already given you some advice, but genuinely, I really, really hope you take care of yourself. I pray that, when you get back, you maybe set syscourse aside. At most, discord is there, and that seems to at least be tamer. But you are young. You have so much future ahead, and coming from someone who is (unfortunately seen as) an older system, I can promise you that it gets beter.
For Dude: GO TAKE A FUCKING BREAK. You are recently retraumatized, recently through a severe surgery, and you are out here promising shit like "I'll burn syscourse to the ground for you"??? Play a fun game and pay attention to your fucking partners, take a fucking break and take care of yourself. Syscourse will wait for you. People will come and people will go, and it doesn't fucking matter. Your life is what matters and I'm so fucking scared watching you obsess over this one, small aspect of it. I'm so relieved you went to that fun pokemon blog. You aren't alone, you are so loved, and don't let this toxic ass place make you forget that.
And Sophie.
I'm going to give Dude a link to send to you. You don't have to take it if you don't want to. You don't even need to acknowledge this if you don't want to. But I'm swinging the door open and offering the olive branch. I know you don't use Discord much, but for gods sake, it's better than Tumblr DMs, and we both know how Tumblr is a mess.
I really hope you'll take me up on it.
And for everyone else.
Wait till you see what happens next.
Edit from Mod Quill: Well, what's next is evidently a need for clarification and yet another callout post. Hello, callout-post author. Thank you for your clarifications. Notably, I attempted to keep your URL out of this, for those who didn't know.
Anyways, for the fullest disclosure and context: I was approached by Mod Dude, who asked if I wanted to participate in "Sophie Drama, Anonymously." I agreed, though I'll admit I was hesitant due to my particular issues with that user. I was then added to a group chat involving an enormous callout post. Notably, it should be mentioned, callout posts are a major trigger of ours that we are still working on overcoming.
I clicked the document and saw it was a mess of grammar mistakes, poor formatting, and impossible for me to read without trembling. But given that I already have an intense distaste for the user who posted it, I wasn't about to tell them more personal details about myself, and I did not want to communicate with them any further due to my own fear of the instability of all those involved. I told them I disliked the callout post due to harassment that it would cause, that I feel Sophie is a person, and that they had better have contacted the user who was hurt -- who is once again revealed in the callout, unfortunately.
I tried to laugh it off and move on, and take care of my mental health. That's what I was lamenting above; the fact that I didn't say more. I felt bad that I didn't allow myself to damage my mental health further to craft a callout post -- something I have tried desperately to avoid since the one I made the mistake of writing years ago about the very user you wrote this callout post about -- and something I get roped into constantly.
I privately read the rest of the document after it had been posted in full, as I still have access to it and it is a publicly posted document. It was filled with things that I found to be either nothing important in particular (things that have already been discussed numerous times) or things that would just be inflammatory (i.e. the OAS sections). I talked with a friend on Discord about the document, to which we both agreed it was bad.
To the OP of the document: I didn't say any of this at the time because, as I said, I felt uneasy and could not be in that group chat. I explicitly said I would not be touching "it" (the group chat). I was taking care of my mental health.
I refused to work on it because, based on my past experiences and triggers, which I do not owe you and still alluded to anyways in my conversations with you, I knew it would end poorly. I tried my best to sway you in the moment, but I was not able to do so because of my own mental health.
So, yes, to clarify: My grievances with the document were not made known to the one who posted it, whom I never mentioned in the original post. I do not condemn the poster of the document. I was simply making my feelings about callout posts known. What is above is not a condemnation of the callout writer, nor a comment on them at all. I genuinely did not want the point of this post to be lost due to callout-post drama.
So let me reiterate the important part of all of this.
This post was about the state of syscourse and how people do not approach syscourse in a good way. It is constantly slinging hate at people, which is never justified.
Learn to fucking care about each other, for fucks sakes.
Mod dude, here...
I want to add something to this, but I don't know what. I mean, Quill said it all, quite well.
Hurt people... Hurt other people.
I've made the attempt, over the last year or so, to actually talk to some of the bigger names in syscourse, the ones usually active in the tags, endos and antis alike.
It reinforced that... we're all just fucking people, trying to get by.
Antis, have you even tried to empathize with the community you attack so quickly and cruelly? Imagine if people said those things to you or about CDD systems. Have you, personally, witnessed the things you claim are happening? Because I've been here a lot longer, and it seems you're making shit up. Consider that you should stop parroting everything you hear and stick to what you're actually seeing with your own eyes.
Endos, please don't forget that these are severely traumatized individuals that have probably never even been to therapy yet. If you're not yet, maybe you should get into therapy-- it doesn't automatically mean there's anything wrong, but everyone could use someone to talk to, and seeing what it's like could be really beneficial to understanding the other side and getting an unbiased view of your own behavior and beliefs.
These are real fucking people that are ending up in the hospital.
Quill, the rest of my mods, and I are real fucking people behind these screens.
Sophie is a real person. They just got a new dish washer that they saw on Circ's blog, I missed it, but she linked it to me, and now I'm looking at it. She's going to let me know how it works.
And you know what? This little countertop dishwasher feels a hell of a lot more real and important than anything in syscourse.
As Quill mentioned, I just went through a major surgery. I'm learning that...
I'll probably never be able to walk properly again. My life is forever changed, and I'm really struggling.
My cat just... passed. Feel free to go like that post, it would mean a lot to me.
None of you know that. The people who leaked my main and smeared my wonderful name don't know that.
Sophie didn't know that the last time we fought each other.
My friend didn't know that when I promised him I would bring syscourse down.
Maybe bringing it down isn't the answer.
Maybe just reminding you all that we're all people behind the screen is enough.
Fucking TALK to each other.
Make an attempt to learn and understand.
Talk about things that actually matter.
Grow the FUCK up.
Reblog to share a hug, because that's more worthwhile.
And most importantly.
Please keep our friend in mind while they're in the hospital.
Syscourse community, endos and antis, this is one of our own. A person you've likely interacted with before, that you've seen around.
We exist in this small bubble, all together. Whether we like it or not.
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w2earths · 5 months
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hi everyone, my name is kiya ! some may not remember me but i had the following users, dollieon, k-aros, kazette, adorein, & y-uqis! others i cannot remember currently. But i would like to say, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 300 FOLLOWERS! i'm sorry i didn't make one for 200 or 100, i didn't even look at followers to know i made it over 100 ! this is so dear to me, i've been on tumblr for a long time, to know i've made it to a limit i never thought would be real, it's like a dream. I would like to thank everyone who helped me reach this far! Again, this is so much to me like i said. Now, i would like to tag some tumblr accounts either like mine, that inspired me, or js my mutuals !
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@nak-yung ( best friend, lv u kat :33 ) @hyelita @gigittamic @lipstickhua @aeraras @jaes1lvr @fairytopea @j-eongs @k-yujin @tmnt-narratives @thsv @santuarius @luvfornamu @fuckici @ningfly @hyuqrs @mememememe-7 @justyourdais @angelarodriguez408 @tozakigrden @kyunlouy @seohvr @earlgreystudent @e1phoria @wqlxc @slei-o @luvrsweet @crimeninfa @i-99uyu @i-kyujin --> sorry for the tags ! + if u wanna join this list, dm me and js ask !
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sotwk · 2 years
To every person on Tumblr who has ever reached out to a fellow user to offer a positive interaction, whether it be:
To a dear mutual or to someone you just stumbled across on your dash
Done on the regular or just a one-time deal
A random, spur-of-the-moment message or something that's long been planned and thought out
Done anonymously or signed
A game tag, a reblog with funny comments, practically a love letter in the form of an Ask, etc. (so many options!)
I want you to know that YOU ARE THE GOOD IN THIS WORLD that Sam Gamgee said is worth fighting for, and you literally make the world a better place with your existence and actions. Online kindness matters a great deal.
Really. Thank you for being here.
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