#death eater collages
chasingmidnights · 2 years
Thought you lovelies would enjoy these! Hogwarts aesthetic x Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
I love how these turned out!
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bellamortedits · 3 months
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~ You need to really want to cause pain ~
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zoocave · 1 year
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maka is a certified CATS MILLIONAIRE listener
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izz-ei · 2 months
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Ooooo you have to be involved in the tiktok/jegulus crowd to see fanon Sirius. He's usually a flat caricature who crys whenever Remus or Regulus gets some sassy burn at his expense, is overdramatic/hysterical, has no real personality outside of pining for Remus and/or feeling guilty about leaving Regulus behind, is there to freak out when Jegulus is revealed, is an idiot who needs Remus to do everything for him, and really is mostly there to serve as a plot device for other characters.
Okay Wow. I mean I get it, if it’s a Jegulus fic and he’s only a side character he can be a bit two dimensional, that’s understandable, it’s just interesting if it’s the same version of him that tends to reappear a lot? (I mean I haven’t a clue, I’m just basing this on what you said!!)
TBH I do think canon!Sirius would freak out if Jegulus was revealed 😳🤣🤣🤣!!
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dinarosie · 3 days
Unfair Comparisons (part 3)
Here are descriptions of two boys from HP books. It’s hard to believe, but Harry Potter fans claim that boy number one had a very tragic and difficult childhood, suffering abuse, violence, and neglect from his family. These hardships caused him to experience a tough and insecure adolescence, eventually leading him to join the Death Eaters under pressure. On the other hand, fans claim the boy number two is a racist and a professional killer, who in his youth tried to join the Death Eaters in order to freely torment Muggles with dark magic.
1- Regulus Black:
Beneath this was a collection of yellow newspaper cuttings, all stuck together to make a ragged collage. Hermione crossed the room to examine them. ‘They’re all about Voldemort,’ she said. ‘Regulus seems to have been a fan for a few years before he joined the Death Eaters ...“
He was younger than me, said Sirius, ‘and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded.’ ‘But he died,’ said Harry. ‘Yeah,’ said Sirius. ‘Stupid idiot … he joined the Death Eaters.“
2- Severus snape:
Suddenly Harry’s mind was teeming with memories that were not his — a hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried in a corner. …
Two girls were swinging backward and forward, and a skinny boy was watching them from behind a clump of bushes. His black hair was overlong and his clothes were so mismatched that it looked deliberate: too short jeans, a shabby, overlarge coat that might have belonged to a grown man, an odd smocklike shirt.
"Oh yes, they’re arguing", said Snape. He picked up a fistful of leaves and began tearing them apart, apparently unaware of what he was doing. "But it won’t be that long and I’ll be gone". "Doesn’t your dad like magic?" "He doesn’t like anything, much", said Snape. 
One of the boys sharing the compartment, who had shown no interest at all in Lily or Snape until that point, looked around at the word, and Harry, whose attention had been focused entirely on the two beside the window, saw his father: slight, black-haired like Snape, but with that indefinable air of having been well-cared-for, even adored, that Snape so conspicuously lacked.
J.K. Rowling: Well, that is Snape's tragedy. Given his time over again he would not have become a Death Eater, but like many insecure, vulnerable people (like Wormtail) he craved membership of something big and powerful, something impressive.
I love both Regulus and Severus, and I believe they were both brave boys who made mistakes and tried to make up for them by risking their lives. But there’s something in the fanbase that bothers me regarding these two characters. It’s that Snape’s story is erased from him and given to Regulus Black. I haven't found any evidence of Regulus being tortured or forced to join the Death Eaters, as described in the books. He willingly joined Voldemort because he was fan of voldemort. Moreover, according to Sirius, Regulus was well-liked within his family, and his parents not only didn’t mistreat him, but they actually loved him more than Sirius.
I’m tired of constantly seeing people say that Regulus was a saint while Snape was a sadistic murderer. I can’t believe people can read these lines from the books and still claim that Regulus was tortured with the Cruciatus Curse and abused by his family in childhood, which forced him to join the Death Eaters due to his traumatic upbringing. But Snape? Oh, apparently, he was born to be a racist, torturer, sadist, and murderer from day one.
Aren’t you tired of these ridiculous double standards? Aren’t you fed up with constantly insisting that fanfictions and TikTok videos are canon?
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bitchapalooza · 1 year
Soul Eater headcanons but it’s all queer shit <3
Spirit 100% dated Stein for the whole 5 years they were partners. Their first shared kiss was spin the bottle. Relationship didn’t work though for obvious reasons. Stein doing a kidney transplant in his sleep was crossing the line apparently 😕🙄
Stein is transmasc and he totally performed his own top surgery with zero anesthetic. He was collage age, he had the power of stupid white boy on his side.
Marie is also trans, Stein performed her bottom surgery and even prescribed her her hrt. Possibly was the one who changed her legal documents too but the feds can’t prove a thing.
Crona is intersex and genderqueer. Their also a lesbian. Uses any pronouns.
Ragnarok is fundamentally genderless, but he does use he/it pronouns.
Soul is transmasc. No fucker is named Soul as their government given name, no one is that fucking cool! And he tacked on Eater, too! God that is so trans of him…
Justin Law is a homophobic homosexual. The self hatred and religious guilt is so real.
Kid— I think he’s just purely unlabeled. He’s just queer. That’s it. Doesn’t care what pronouns people use for him. Not particularly concerned about dating or intimacy in general, but he isn’t really opposed to it either. He doesn’t have a preference for who he would date. What matters for him is the symmetry.
Technically speaking, Lord Death is asexual, like a plant, by nature but I’ll take it. It’s a win for the asexual community in my heart. Man’s don’t need no man or woman, fucker just uses mitosis.
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midnightstargazer · 5 months
Why did Regulus join the Death Eaters?
Note: Regulus is my problematic fave, and I love him. I'm starting with the assumption that he did genuinely support the Death Eaters at first, and was not forced to join. However, I'm also assuming he was a bit more complex than the average Death Eater and had some positive qualities, based on the ways Sirius and Kreacher describe him and the circumstances of his death.
under the cut because it's pretty long
Reasons I don't think fit:
Aside from what I've already mentioned, there are a few other potential motives, seen in other Death Eaters, that I don't think fit Regulus at all:
He was willing to turn against Voldemort, so I don't think he had the sort of deep personal loyalty to him that Bellatrix and Barty Jr. had.
He doesn't come across as especially bloodthirsty or prone to cruelty; Sirius and Kreacher's descriptions both suggest quite the opposite. I'm sure he did unpleasant things as a Death Eater and probably rationalized them as being necessary, but I doubt he joined mainly for an excuse to torture and kill people.
Even beyond not being forced to join, I find it hard to believe that he would have joined out of fear, or out of a pragmatic "he's going to win and I want to be on the winning side" sort of sentiment. I mean, come on, he literally chose to die a horrible death rather than keep working for Voldemort once he had turned against him. He was many things, but not a coward.
With that being said, there are three main factors that I think led him to join the Death Eaters:
Accepting his parents' ideology without question
This is literally the first thing we're told about Regulus. When Sirius mentions him to Harry, here's what he says:
"Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal... my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them..." (OotP, ch. 6)
This is repeated again in Kreacher's description of him:
"Master Sirius ran away, good riddance, for he was a bad boy and broke my Mistress's heart with his lawless ways. But Master Regulus had proper pride; he knew what was due to the name of Black and the dignity of his pure blood." (DH, ch. 10)
In both cases, the two brothers are contrasted, and Regulus's conformity is mentioned in the context of Sirius's rebellion. Orion and Walburga were not Death Eaters, but their views aligned with the Death Eaters' goals, even if they didn't personally get involved in the war. So, by embracing his parents' ideology, Regulus ends up (mostly*) agreeing with the Death Eaters, and by rejecting it, Sirius ends up opposing them.
*I say mostly because, I don't know where Regulus got the idea that Voldemort was going to "bring the wizards out of hiding to rule the Muggles and the Muggle-borns" (DH, ch. 10), but that's not standard Death Eater ideology. The Statute of Secrecy is not something they actually talk about much. Regulus's long-term goals would've probably made him better suited to be a follower of Grindelwald.
An "ends justifies the means" mindset
I said before that I didn't think he was a cruel or bloodthirsty person. This comes mainly from Sirius, who describes him as an "idiot" who "got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out" (OotP, ch. 6). Of course, he doesn't know the whole story, but he does know what sort of person his brother was. They grew up together. Sirius thinks he would've been hesitant about the Death Eaters' more extreme actions, and I see no reason not to take his word for it.
There's also the potion. It's hard to imagine the average Death Eater drinking it themselves, given the option to have a house-elf do it instead. Or an Imperiused Muggle, for that matter. Regulus either didn't consider those options or decided against them.
On the other hand, he knew the Death Eaters were violent terrorists when he joined them. His collage of newspaper clippings showed what sort of things they were doing. It couldn't have come as a surprise; it must have been something he was willing to accept.
So I don't think he enjoyed the Death Eaters' methods, but what I do think, is that he was able to excuse and justify them to himself. Including the stuff he participated in. He believed in their ideology, he thought they were going to change the world for the better, and he was okay with using violence to get there.
Personal ambition/desire to prove himself
When Dumbledore talks about Tom Riddle's school friends who became the first Death Eaters, he describes some of them as "the ambitious seeking some shared glory" (HBP, ch. 17) - this is the same sort of mindset that I think made the Death Eaters so appealing to Regulus.
He was in Slytherin, and I don't think that was a mistake. As courageous and self-sacrificing as his death was, it also shows great cunning and ambition. When he realized he was no longer willing to serve Voldemort, he planned out carefully when and how he was going to defy him to cause the most damage possible. If a few things had gone differently - if Kreacher had been able to destroy the locket and it had been the only Horcrux - then his actions could have made a huge impact on the war. And clearly, he wanted to be remembered, or he wouldn't have left a note.
As a younger sibling, Regulus was likely overshadowed by Sirius during their pre-Hogwarts childhood, and when he became the favorite, it was because Sirius had become too defiant and rebellious. He would likely have felt that he had something to prove, as the spare-turned-heir and the brother of a blood traitor.
He's also compared to Percy, who - despite being a Gryffindor - is one of the most ambitious characters in the series. Specifically, the note that he put on his door is described as something Percy might have done. I think this suggests that Regulus's relationship to Sirius was a bit like Percy's to the Weasleys: not completely devoid of affection, but something he would set aside in favor of his own self-interest and ambition. (of course, Percy eventually reconciles with his siblings, which has interesting implications for AUs where Regulus survives his betrayal of Voldemort, but that's another topic)
I imagine Regulus being desperate to prove himself, to live up to his family's expectations and even achieve more than they thought possible. And I think the Death Eaters in his life (Bellatrix, Lucius, possibly his school friends) could easily have used that desire to persuade him into joining.
He did it voluntarily, and not out of fear or pragmatism.
It also seems unlikely that he felt a strong personal loyalty to Voldemort.
He was taught a similar ideology at home and accepted it without question, while Sirius rejected it - leading them to end up on opposite sides of the war
I don't think he was necessarily thrilled with the Death Eaters' methods, but he was aware of them before joining and was willing to accept them, most likely with an "ends justifies the means" mindset
There are hints in canon that he was ambitious, and he likely felt he had something to prove after Sirius ran away and became a blood traitor.
Just my interpretation, but hopefully it makes sense.
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chasingmidnights · 2 years
Harry Potter Moodboards, Wallpapers & Graphics:
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Below you'll find all of my Harry Potter related moodboards, wallpapers, and graphics! If you decide to use any of them, all I ask is that you share, like, and tag! I would love to see who uses any of my work! Also, if there's something you would like to see, send in an ask and I'll see what I can do!
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Harry Potter AU Moodboards:
House Aesthetics (Chris Evans & Sebastian Stan)
The Mauraders AU
Death Eaters AU
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Hogwarts House Moodboards & Wallpapers:
Hufflepuff - (1)
Ravenclaw - (1)
Gryffindor - (1)
Slytherin - (1)
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tedwardremus · 3 months
ummm i think that regulus makes a collage of james(like he did for voldy) and he presents the collage to james and james is like “omg wtf are you some kind of stalker” and kicks him and then regulus goes to kreacher and cries in his arms and its ugly crying too like so much snot is coming out of his nostrils and its starting to bubble
this is true Phineas Nigellus' portrait told me all about it:
Regulus Black had spent weeks meticulously cutting and pasting photos, carefully selecting images that captured James Potter in various moments of triumph on the quidditch field. It was a project that consumed him, something he found solace in amidst the patheticness of his life. The collage, a true testament to his admiration—or perhaps obsession—was finally complete. He decided to present it to James, hoping it would convey his feelings or, at the very least, spark a conversation.
"Hey, Potter," Regulus called out nervously, holding the collage behind his back as he approached James in the library where he was studying (James was so smart - he didn't even need to study. He was probably helping another student because that's how wonderful James Potter was).
James turned, eyebrows raising in surprise. "What do you want, Black?"
"I... I made something for you," Regulus said, bringing the collage forward. "I thought you might like it."
James took the collage, his expression quickly shifting from curiosity to bewilderment. His eyes scanned the photos, each meticulously arranged with captions and decorations, and then he looked back at Regulus with a mixture of confusion and disgust.
"What the fuck is this?" James demanded, his voice rising. "Are you some kind of stalker?"
Regulus's heart sank. This wasn't the reaction he had hoped for. "No, I just... I admire you, and I thought..."
"Admire me? You're a bigot and a baby Death Eater. I don't want your admiration unless you renounce the fascist cult and that idiot Dark Lord you love so much." James interrupted, shoving the collage back at him.
Before Regulus could respond, James grabbed his shoulders and kneed him hard in the crotch, and walked away to join his girlfriend Lily for a special study date, laughing as wrapped his arms around her.
He left Regulus hunched over in pain, the rejected collage in his hands. Regulus felt a hot flush of embarrassment and shame wash over him. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he turned and fled the library, clutching the crumpled collage to his chest.
He ran all the way to the Slytherin Common Room so he could floo home to the safety of the Grimmauld Place kitchen, where Kreacher, his loyal house-elf, was busy preparing a meal. Regulus collapsed onto the floor, ugly crying into Kreacher's apron. The tears and snot flowed freely, bubbling from his nostrils as he sobbed uncontrollably.
"Kreacher... Kreacher, he hates me," Regulus choked out between sobs.
Regulus clung to Kreacher, crying until his eyes were swollen and his nose was red.
"It's going to be okay, Master Regulus," Kreacher whispered, his voice soothing. "Kreacher will always be here for you."
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superkliqbaybays · 3 months
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Soul Eater Collage with Soul, Death the kid and Black Star. My three favorite characters and I ship Soul with Black Star, and Death The Kid with Black Star. a collage for my 2 top pairings in the anime.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
What do you think about the parallels between Regulus and Draco?
I think there are a lot of very interesting parallels as well as some key differences both in-universe as well as out of universe in terms of how they are framed by the narrative. I think it's really notable that both joined the Death Eaters very young (both at 16 in fact), were extremely proud and excited to be honored with the Mark, and both subsequently turned against Voldemort and betrayed him (Regulus by trying to destroy the locket and Draco by lying at the Manor). They're even related.
Now a key area of difference is that Draco idolized Voldemort in the abstract when he was gone and then when he had returned but was keeping a relatively low profile. Regulus idolized Voldemort when he was very active and public - which we know because he had a creepy little collage of press clipping about him (though I've argued here that it was probably before the height of Voldemort's violence). If Regulus had a tumblr he would absolutely be writing 'My mother sold me to the Dark Lord' reader insert fic. It seems likely therefore that it was less that he had a change of heart and more that, like many other blood purists such as his own parents (according to Sirius), he grew uncomfortable with the lengths that Voldemort was willing to go to in order to get power and also potentially realized that Voldemort wasn't really such a great friend to the pureblood elite (and therefore that being his slaves forever wasn't going to be so fun) and perhaps also felt that creating a Horcrux was too far and something inherently evil and taboo. Draco on the other hand was horrified when confronted by the true violence of the movement he became involved with and also later genuinely renounced his blood purist views. the true
Out of universe I always find it striking how Regulus is framed much more sympathetically than Draco by the narrative. We're supposed to see Regulus as having had a redemption arc, even though he became a Death Eater at the same age as Draco (and under less sympathetic circumstances) and there's no clear evidence that he renounced his beliefs like Draco did. JK Rowling wants us to view them in very different ways which was always odd to me.
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orcinus-ocean · 1 year
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Icelandic whales and ecotype
I’ve seen some claims going around that the Icelandic whales displayed in zoos and aquariums for the past several decades are actually two different ecotypes, with some being “North Atlantic type 1″ and a few others being “North Atlantic type 2″.
I think this is completely wrong, and will show you why.
Above are an assortment of ecotype infographics.
As you can see, “type 1″ are the typical whale you’ll find off Iceland and Norway. They eat mainly herring and other small fish (though some individuals have been observed taking seals), and males typically range from 6.2-6.6 meters, females, around 5.5 meters.
They have clear saddlepatches, and tend to have eyepatches like this:
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As the closeup of the map image (last image in the collection above) shows, “type 1″ orcas are also in turn split into type A and B. Type “1A”, if you will, follow exactly the range of where Icelandic whales were caught, and along the Norwegian coast (this eyepatch collage is of both Icelandic and Norwegian whales).
As all the other ecotype infographics show, “type 1″ live off Iceland, Norway, with a couple pointing out that they may range as far south as Scotland and Ireland.
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“Type 2″ on the other hand, is huge, one of the largest killer whales anywhere on Earth (after Antarctic type A). Males are 7.5-8.5 meters long, females 6.5-7 meters. They have distinctive downwards sloping eyepatches (like sad eyebrows, seen above), faint saddlepatches, are are very rarely seen, range around Britain, Ireland, the Faroes, and occasionally as far as Svalbard - not Iceland or Norway. They are mammal-eaters, specializing in minke whales as prey. Today, only a few of them remain.
The claim is then, that some of our Icelanders in human care are secretly, actually, type 2.
Let’s look at them. I have gathered all the whales caught in Iceland into a large collage, here split for ease of viewing. The only named whales I couldn’t get good enough images of were Canuck 2, Magnus and Benkei 2.
If the whale is still alive or died as an adult, I will provide measurements, if known.
I originally wrote descriptions for all the following whales, but it got tiring, repetitive, and too lengthy.
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Kim, Gudrun, Kenau, Kandu 5, Hoi Wai, Kona 2, Winnie, Betty, Kahana, and Kasatka.
All of very typical “type 1″ looks.
Gudrun has no measurements available, but as can be seen when she lived at SeaWorld as a full-grown female, she was not large.
Kenau was caught with Gudrun. She was 5.5 meters long when she died at age 16.
Kandu 5. Interestingly, Orkid is the only whale in human care who has anything like the type 2 eyepatch, but she’s the daughter of Kandu who does not, and a Northern resident (Canadian) father who also did not. Kandu measured under 5.4 meters when she died.
Hoi Wai
Kona 2 was likely caught with Kandu 5, had enormous, distinct eyepatches, and she was 5.5 meters long at the time of death.
Winnie was caught with Hoi Wai as said, had a typical Icelandic eyepatch, and the same size and shape as other Icelandic females she lived with.
Betty was caught along with Katina, so they were likely pod mates.
Kahana was caught with Kasatka. She was particularly petite, measuring barely 5.1 meters when she died aged 15.
Kasatka was a mere 5.2 meters long, and looks nothing like a type 2 whale.
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Kotar was 17-18 years old when he died, and measured 6.4 meters at the time of his death.
Katina is a typical, squat and stocky Icelandic whale with large eyepatches. She is just barely 5.5 meters long.
Caren was just 10-11 years old when she died, and measured 5 meters long.
Kiska was a larger female at 6 meters. Large for a type 1, but nowhere near the 6.5-7 meter type 2 females.
Keiko was an average-sized type 1 male at about 6.4 meters.
Ulises is another average-sized type 1 male, at 6.4 meters.
Bjossa is another I can find no measurements of, but she was much smaller than Corky, who is 6.1 meters (a Northern resident). She looks typical of an Icelandic whale if a bit long. Looking at the top middle whale of my eyepatch collage, that whale looks just like Bjossa.
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Finna was caught along with Ulises, Bjossa and Vigga, his pod mates.
Vigga was another stocky and short female with large eyepatches, notably smaller than her 6 meter Northern resident companion.
Noni/Nootka was stocky and large female, at 6 meters, but with a bright saddle and eyepatches so commonly seen among Icelandic and Norwegian herring-eaters.
Freya was the only adult I could find who had a truly faint saddle patch (note that juveniles of all ecotypes tend to have faint saddles). She was also very long and slender compared to the typical, more stocky Icelandic female. She was however caught along with Kim 2 and Haida 2, and measured 6 meters in her late 20s. Her eyepatch is not type 2.
Haida 2 was, unlike her likely pod mate Freya, very typical in appearance for a type 1. She measured 5.2 meters at the age of 13.
Kim 2 was reportedly a large male, at 6.9 meters, just under Tilikum in size.
Nootka 4 (strange designation since she was caught one year after “Nootka 5″) was the same size as Haida.
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Tilikum was the largest Icelandic killer whale in human care, reportedly at just under 7 meters, though I have also seen 6.7 meters (in 2016, shortly before his death). Even if he was 6.9 meters, that is indeed large for a type 1, but absolutely minute for a type 2, and he looks nothing like them.
Samoa was 5.15 meters long when she died, with a clear type 1 eyepatch and saddle patch.
Bingo had interesting triangular eyepatches and a black line in his saddle, and measured 6.5 meters in his early 30s.
Kandu 7
Oscar was an unusually small male, measuring only 5.8 meters at the age of 26.
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Stella is very small, only around 5.2 meters long.
Tanouk measured 6.4 meters in his teens (meaning he would grow larger for a few years).
So that’s all of them, except for Canuck 2, Magnus, and Benkei 2.
Then, there is this:
You can stop calling North Atlantic killer whales type 1 and type 2
“The main issue with type 2 killer whales came from the small sample size (5 individuals)”
“In the meantime, Dr. Foote suggested we just drop the “type 1/type 2” classification for now.”
There is simply no basis to think any of the above 45 whales from Iceland are or were the “type 2″ whales, like John Coe.
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rosemary-morgan · 2 years
Draco Malfoy X F.Reader - Forbidden flower (Part 1)
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(Pictures are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself. OC Jericho Griffin belongs to me.)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
This AU is set 10 years after the Battle of Hogwarts
👉Read Part 2 here
👉 Read Part 3 here
Summary: He knows it is wrong to desire another's wife, especially a friend's wife. But Draco is too selfish and ambitious to accept that. Behind your lovely façade is a woman unhappily trapped in her marriage to Jericho, and Draco knows you'd break the social rules too if you could. But what looks like a seemingly boring marriage is actually more painful and violent than Draco assumes, and soon he will find out what kind of monster your husband really is...
Warning: toxic relationship, abusive husband, angst
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Draco Malfoy X F.Reader - Forbidden flower (Part 1)
"The ministry need not worry about such an idiot. He's nothing to be afraid of."
"I agree with you there, Griffin. I don't think the guy is even capable of handling his wand. I mean, just look at him!"
Draco Malfoy and Jericho Griffin, both once Slytherins, worked for the Ministry of Magic. Ten years had passed since the Battle of Hogwarts and much had changed. Draco was no longer caught up in the delusion of pure blood that his parents had taught him. In the last few years he had learned what really mattered in life, for he had seen much suffering, fear and death as well. Never again would he hear about Voldemort and his henchmen. To this day, the young man would not forget what had happened seven years ago; how he had been forced to become a Death Eater and how much damage he had caused. But that was far behind him and yet the memories haunted him in his dreams. This was often shown by the fact that his mind would drift and his gaze would become quite starry. But now Draco was the one who dragged wizards and witches before the law when they practiced black magic. Yet deep inside Draco was still buried something evil, the attraction that dark magic had on everyone. However, he strictly resisted it, for the past had shown what this kind of shit had driven him to do.
"We should focus on important things," Draco finally said as he put the dossier aside and picked up the next one. Draco knew what he was talking about and which sorcerers and wizards should really be classified as dangerous.
Unlike Draco Malfoy, Jericho didn't seem to be motivated, as he sighed and leaned back in his chair, yawning.
"I could really use some vacation!"
Draco just smirked at his words. Who couldn't use a little vacation? Especially since there was always something to do.
"You know Draco, I would like..."
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Jericho called out clearly audible, while Draco searched through the papers to find the relevant informations.
Instantly, Draco looked toward the door when he heard Y/N's sweet voice. In her hands, the young woman was holding some documents that were probably meant for Jericho.
"Y/N! There you are!"
"I'm sorry, Jericho! I couldn't come earlier."
The young woman's eyes moved to Draco and he gave her a gentle smile, which she returned shyly. Y/N had known Draco for many years, but their friendship had only begun since her husband started working with Draco. At Hogwarts, the two had never spoken a word to each other, as Y/N had always thought Draco was an arrogant jerk, but he was actually a pretty nice guy. No longer the spoiled, brash and snobbish Slytherin he used to be back at Hogwarts.
Y/N had to keep admitting that Draco had the most beautiful eyes she ever had seen. Still, his eyes seemed sad to her. Y/N knew it was none of her business, even if she would like to know more about the young man. These thoughts kept coming to her whenever she met him. But as quickly as these thoughts came, she had to get rid of them.
The young woman turned to her husband and handed him the documents he had left at home. Y/N had been kind enough to bring them to him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. I'll be on my way home. See you later, Jericho."
"No! I want you to wait for me outside! There's something I need to talk to you about! Draco and I will be done working soon!"
"Oh, okay."
"Now you can go!"
He didn't even look at his wife anymore and just waved her off, hardly seeming to wait to finally get rid of her. The young woman swallowed, looked a bit saddened to the ground, but she didn't give any sign of it. Instead, she said goodbye to Draco. From him, she had his full attention.
"Bye, Draco."
"Bye," he replied softly, glancing after her until she disappeared from the office. Y/N was an incredibly attractive woman, but she seemed very reserved and shy.
  Draco's eyes moved to Jericho. Was he having a bad day? Until a few moments ago he had been in a good mood, but he had been rude to his wife and Draco couldn't understand that at all. Actually, this whole thing should be none of his business, but somehow an unpleasant feeling crept over him. Nevertheless, Draco concentrated on his work again, because this was also important.
While Jericho and Draco sat in the office doing their work, to be more precise, while Draco did his work, Y/N sat outside the door waiting for her husband. She gazed thoughtfully in front of her, her mind kept on wandering. She wondered what Jericho wanted to discuss with her and why she should wait extra for that. Couldn't they discuss this at home? Actually, she had not wanted to spend her days off at the ministry.
But before Jericho would get angry again because she couldn't satisfy him, she preferred to be bored at the ministry. Draco, meanwhile, wondered why Jericho was making his wife wait unnecessarily long. Should he say something?
"Listen, Jerry, I'm going to take a break now. Don't keep Y/N waiting too long if you have something important to discuss with her."
"Oh, she can wait," Jericho said carelessly as he played with his papers rather than worked. Draco frowned a little and finally rose from his seat, rolling his eyes as he did so. Jericho didn't feel like working and Draco didn't feel like Y/N wasting time unnecessarily because of the two of them.
"Really now, Draco? You're leaving already?"
Without another word, Draco was about to leave the office, but Jericho still had something to say to him.
"Dinner with us tonight? How about it, Malfoy?"
The invitation was unexpected, but Draco was willing to accept for Y/N's sake. The blond man looked thoughtfully at the ground before nodding and agreeing to Jericho.
"Sure, why not!"
"Great! See ya!"
As Draco left Jericho's office, Y/N was sitting outside the door, as was to be expected. With a cup in her hand, by what seemed to be a hot drink. It was getting colder as winter announced itself.
"It's getting colder outside."
Y/N looked up in surprise as she was suddenly addressed. She hadn't even noticed that Draco had left the office, but she was all the more pleased to look into his handsome face.
"Yes, I suppose so."
She rose from her seat and walked towards Draco. As he gave her a warm look and at the sight of his blue eyes, her stomach started to tingle like crazy. Draco felt similar when she was around him.
"Are you done with your work?" she asked as she closed her hands around the warm cup, since her fingers were freezing and she wanted to keep them warm.
"Yes. You can go to see him if you like," Draco replied, even though he had to admit that he would have preferred to talk to her some more but Draco reminded himself that she was already tied to another man. Although, deep down, Draco was a selfish man and he liked the countless thoughts of a secret affair with her far too much.
"Yes, I shouldn't keep him waiting," the young woman replied, looking down at the floor for a moment. Jericho could be short-tempered at times, and when he was in a bad mood, he often took it out on her.
"See you soon, Draco. I hope next time we have some time to talk."
Her pretty smile made the man's heart beat faster and he nodded towards her.
"Well, um, I'll see you tonight."
"Your husband invited me to dinner."
"Really? I mean... sure!"
She was surprised, but not averse to welcoming Draco into her home. However, she wasn't at all set on it as she didn't have much time to prepare a big dinner. Of course, she could save a lot of time with magic, but she preferred to cook traditionally.
"Well, see you later, Y/N."
So they parted ways. Y/N knew it was wrong to think of another man, but Draco's closeness made her feel comfortable. With Jericho on the other hand, she hadn't felt safe for a long time and if she was honest, his closeness made her uncomfortable.
The man turned to her, eyeing her from head to toe, before walking up to her and gently placing his hand on her cheek. Y/N was a little surprised at this tender gesture, but she said nothing. Jericho was rarely so gentle with her. The young woman placed her cup on his desk before turning back to him.
"What did you want to talk to me about, Jerry?"
"Draco is coming for dinner tonight," he said as he studied her face closely. Y/N didn't know why he was staring at her like that but she didn't mind so far. Actually, Jericho didn't want to discuss anything with his wife; he just felt like making her wait, to annoy her. Lately, the young man found that he enjoyed making his wife do unnecessary things....
"Wipe off that red lipstick. It looks ridiculous!"
Y/N didn't understand why Jericho said that to her. Quite confused, she looked at him, rather he put his thumb on her lips and roughly wiped the color away.
She slapped his hand away before touching her lips and trying to salvage what might be possible. But he had smeared the color beyond the corner of her mouth and there was now red lipstick on her cheek as well.
"Are you crazy?!"
"You know I don't like it when you get all dressed up! I hate it!"
"That's none of your business! It's my business!"
But Jericho didn't see it that way. Y/N was his wife. At home, she was allowed to wear what she wanted and even put on makeup the way she wanted - but not outside their marriage. Jericho was terribly jealous because he didn't want other men to look at her. He was afraid that his wife might cheat on him. But with his jealousy mania he broke more than he would save.
Suddenly Jericho grabbed her delicate face roughly. She looked so fragile under his hands.
"You will behave yourself tonight! Do you understand me, Y/N? Or do you want Draco to think I married a tramp?!"
A tramp? Why? Because she had put on some lipstick and blush? Because she liked to wear clothes that flattered her figure? Y/N was stubborn and she didn't care how many times her husband preached that she should dress decently. It was her body and she was allowed to do whatever she wanted. Jericho even forbade her to wear lace. Jericho became more and more possessive, although everything had started so beautifully, and the longer she had to live with him she realized that this man was not good for her.
"Now get out of here!"
When he roughly let go of her, Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. This was the first time he had gotten physical. His grip on her chin had been rough and painful.
"I still have work to do!"
Wordlessly, Y/N left her husband's office, and as she did so, she closed the door firmly behind her.
"Asshole..." she muttered under her breath. The lipstick was completely smeared and she sighed in annoyance. She would have to fix that before she could venture out into the street. She got a few concerned looks on her way to the bathroom, but that didn't matter to her at the moment. She had to understand what had happened to Jericho again.
Y/N sighed in annoyance as she heard her husband's voice echoing up to her from downstairs in the bedroom. She was fixing her hair when she heard his loud voice.
"Hurry up!"
The young woman just shook her head and looked in the mirror, trying to ignore her husband as best she could, but he called out to her again, and this time even louder. Y/N had already heard Jericho's heavy footsteps as he hurried up the stairs, once he realized that his calls had fallen on deaf ears with his wife. Y/N had really had enough of him today and closed her eyes in exasperation, trying to relax, but it really wasn't easy.
"Are you deaf, Y/N?!"
"I'm not done yet! For god sake!"
"You better behave yourself tonight, Y/N! I'm warning you!"
He was warning her? The young woman turned to him, looking at him in horror. Where was this coming from now? She just shook her head as she looked him over from head to toe.
"The only one misbehaving lately is you, Jerry!"
"Careful, Y/N! Don't you dare talk to me like that!"
The young woman didn't understand anything anymore. Jericho was just talking crazy and she couldn't follow his words at all, because they didn't make any sense at all.
"What are you wearing anyway! Take it off right now!"
Her black dress was figure-hugging, but it didn't show much skin. Admittedly, in the back of her mind, her thoughts had been with Draco when she had chosen that dress. She didn't care that Jericho had objected to it. She wasn't wearing it for him, but primarily for herself.
Before Jericho could say anything else, the doorbell rang and before he turned away from Y/N, he glared at her. Y/N did the same and she narrowed her eyes as she looked after him. This was going to be an unpleasant evening, Y/N was convinced.
A short time later, Y/N left the bedroom and she heard the voices of the two men while she was still standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at the front door. When she saw Draco, she smiled. Jericho greeted his friend as if nothing had happened. He was really good at changing his mood from one moment to the next. She would not succeed so easily, especially since this verbal exchange with Jericho had given her a stomach ache that was getting even stronger at the moment. Fortunately, she was not alone with her husband tonight. It was nice to see a friendly face. The young woman sighed, almost seeming a little excited about Draco's presence, but it was a tingly feeling and it made her forget her idiot husband for a moment. Y/N walked down the stairs and when Draco caught her gaze, the two looked at each other for a moment. Silently, yet with a gentle smile on their faces. The young man's eyes slid up and down her body. All wide were his eyes, for she was so lovely and simply beautiful. But she had always been that in his eyes.
"Y/N! Aren't you going to greet our guest?"
Jericho hadn't noticed the looks on their faces, though he was always very careful about how one met his wife but with Draco, Jericho probably had no actual qualms. And she wouldn't dare look at another man anyway. - he would see to that.
"Hello, Draco."
Y/N skillfully ignored her husband and didn't dignify him with a glance as she walked towards Draco. This did not escape Jericho's notice now and he gave her a suspicious look. However, he held his tongue for the moment.
"Hello, Y/N. You look very beautiful!"
"Thank you."
It was good to hear that, since Jericho criticized her all the time.
"Come on Draco!" Jericho said all of a sudden interjecting. "Honey, could you please take care of the roast? Before it burns and we have to chew on dry buns?"
He did it again. Jericho teased where he could.
"Of course..."
She gave Draco another smile before walking into the kitchen. Draco glanced after the young woman before being invited into the dining room by his friend.
"You have a remarkable home, Jericho."
Draco was amazed as he looked at the interior. It was very clean and everything had its order. Large and spacious, not as big as the old Malfoy mansion, but still magnificent.
"Belonged to my great aunt. Left it to me after she died!" But then Jericho waved it off, "Let's have a toast instead! Y/N!!"
Of course Jericho wanted to make it easy for himself, after all, what did he have a wife for at home? It was her job to take care of her husband. And if she could smile so sweetly at Draco, she could play the waitress all evening. At least, that's how Jericho thought it should be.
"Y/N! Bring the wine for our guest!"
Draco frowned as he heard Jericho call so rudely for his wife. He wondered if he was always so rude? He had been this way with her this morning at the Ministry too, and Draco didn't like that.
"Jericho, it's cool. I can wait for it."
"No, you're my guest and I want to be a good host! I don't want word to get around the Ministry that I'm a bad host!" he said, laughing. The corner of Draco's mouth lifted into a small smile, but somehow the mood was uncomfortable for him right now...
The mood was high-spirited; at least for Jericho. Rather less for Draco and certainly not for Y/N. Just the way Jericho talked with his wife was disrespectful and despicable to Draco. It was obvious that it made him feel sick to listen to Jericho.
"Oh, Draco! You're still unmarried! Believe me, the sooner they learn, the better you'll be able to tame your woman!"
Jericho had clearly had too much wine and it was making itself obvious, making Y/N ashamed of her husband. She was more than uncomfortable with Draco having to deal with Jericho's outrageous nature.
"Y/N! Bring another bottle of wine for Draco!"
Draco frowned. For him? Or for Jericho himself? He didn't know what kind of drinker Jericho was. His attention turned the next moment to the young woman who brought a new bottle to the table. Y/N dared to look at Draco again, although this evening was so incredibly embarrassing for her!
At the same time Draco did not judge her, for in the end he felt sorry for her. Draco wondered if it was just the wine that made Jericho act like an asshole?
Y/N was bringing the roast from the kitchen and setting it at the table when Jericho dragged her onto his lap, eyeing her as if she were a piece of meat.
Y/N turned her eyes away from Draco, for this situation made her so uncomfortable that she would have preferred to cry. Her husband had no manners, not even towards Draco did he have any shame. The devil had possessed him, clearly!
"Y/N, Y/N! All I want to do is look at my beautiful wife and proudly announce to Draco that you are mine!"
Draco looked at the two of them silently at first, then averted his eyes as well, for it was clear to see that this situation disgusted him. Especially because it seemed to bother Y/N more than anything that her husband was behaving so tactlessly in front of his guests. Draco didn't know his friend like that at all, and he wondered if it was common for Jericho to show his wife no respect.
"Did I tell you that you look lovely tonight, dear?"
Jericho gently stroked her hair to the side, and it was clear that Y/N disliked being touched by him.
Suddenly Draco's voice was heard, for he could bear this situation no longer,
"Jericho? Hold off on the wine for a bit!"
Jericho's rude manner was out of place! Y/N looked tormented and she wanted to escape this situation. But Jericho didn't take it seriously at all; he just laughed and emptied his glass all at once before finally letting go of the young woman. Suddenly, and without warning, Y/N gave her husband a resounding slap in the face. Her handprint was clearly visible on his cheek and she glared angrily at him, which Jericho only returned. His expression turned dark as he slowly turned his face to look up at her. He clenched his jaw tightly, clearly showing the bones pressing against his skin.
"You're acting like the biggest asshole, Jericho! You should be ashamed of yourself!"
Draco smiled in satisfaction. He had really earned that slap. Good thing Y/N had done it, otherwise Draco would have stepped in sooner or later and then it would have been more than just a slap.
Y/N was so embarrassed and Draco had seen for the first time how his friend acted at home and this made him bristle.
He would keep an eye on Jericho. There was something very wrong between Jericho and Y/N and his gut told him that it wasn't just the alcohol to blame for it...
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bluedaisy12 · 9 months
~ Background for this DR
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I am shifting into the seventh year, September 1997. The second week of school is about to begin, but it will be Septhember 15th, a sunday, when I first shift.
Things from the plot that I've changed
During the final task of the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric got badly injured instead of killed due to Pettigrew being weak, fuck that rat. He recovered after a while, but the school year still ended earlier, towards the end of may.
Voldemort returns in fourth year, but Harry does not have to deal as much with him as he does in the films and books. The Ministry of Magic is actually helpful and searches after the Death Eaters and stuff. I didn’t script out the MoM not believing Harry though. Due to the Ministry actually working against Voldemort and searching for him, the trio doesn’t go horcrux hunting in year seven, but instead stays at school.
Basically, Harry is not in such danger as he is in the series, he gets to live his life more than always worrying about Voldemort.
Also there are 8 years at Hogwarts (because shifting to what might be considered senior year would be so sad, also I'm in my second of 3 years of collage so it's similar)
My childhood
I grew up in Bulgaria together with my brother, Viktor, and our parents. Me and Viktor are really close and like to hang out together when we both have some free time. My childhood was quite normal in comparison to the ones other magical children have had (Harry was struggling out there fr)
My time at Durmstrang
I used to attend Durmstrang along with Viktor, the school is located in Norway because it is said it was located somewhere in Scandinavia or generally in the north, and since I live in Norway I decided it’d be there. While I attended Durmstrang I got sorted into the house of Atticus. I stopped attending Durmstrang after Igor Karkaroff was sent into Azkaban, (something I scripted).
My current life
I am now in the first month of attending Hogwarts, my seventh year (short and straight to the point haha, we'll see how it all turns out)
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