#decorated lawns season <3
omgzineplease · 1 year
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Zine, Please! Vol. 2: #SwawesomeGreetings is open for sign-ups!
Crunch-times, fun-times, more balls than you'd think, firsts, lasts, and so many moments to celebrate. 'Tis the busiest season of the year. Is your favorite character making intricate towns out of snow on The Haus lawn? Are they home for the break, having uncomfortable conversations with relatives they don't know? How about orchestrating a Friendsgiving with no less than eighteen pies when he should be studying for finals? Reigning in the new year with fireworks and dragon dances? It's all up to you in Zine, Please! Vol. 2: #SwawesomeGreetings!
While our awesome future contributors are signing up, let's give them some motivation and spark with our first poll!
What would you like to see in #SwawesomeGreetings?
Bitty and Jack celebrating Channukah in small moments around Jack's game schedule
The Haus 2.0 Crew in a Holiday Decoration War with their sworn enemies (40 y/o Denise and Thomas Williams next door with their obnoxious teenage kids and their stupid 15 feet inflatable snowman that [Holster vc] IS NOT HOA COMPLIANT, AND YOU KNOW IT DENISE!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR ENGINEER HUSBAND SET IT UP. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING, IT'S NOT EVEN HOMEMADE WE SAW IT AT COSTCO!)
SMH reunion Snowball fight!!!
Dex and Nursey kissing Chowder's cheeks under the mistletoe (Pls, I'm begging -Mod Atlas)
Your favorite Aces (yep, the two who have actually appeared in the main comic and all of the OC's you've thought up including that one guy who's 3 hockey players, 2 dogs, and one of Parse's cats in a trench coat. I think his name was something like..Shmeff?) all crowded into a kitchen cooking for thanksgiving and….oh no there's a fire on the stove… (Pls, I'm begging -Mod Tea)
Anything else you wanna see? Tell us in the reblogs!!!!
If you haven't signed up for #SwawesomeGreetings yet, sign-ups can be found here!
Hope you're all well. This is just the first poll and there's tons more fun things to come. Looking forward to hearing from you all!! -Mod Atlas 🧉 and Mod Tea 🍵
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sixhours · 7 months
Chapter 8 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
By Thanksgiving, you and Theresa have amicably parted ways. Occasionally you see her around town with the twenty-something from the dance, and you silently wish them well.
You’ve fed all the information she gave you back to FEDRA in your late-night broadcasts, although there’s been no feedback from your superiors, save for an acknowledgment of receipt. Thoughts of being extracted before winter have gone by the wayside, and when the first snow falls, you decide a few more months with regular access to food isn’t a terrible thing.
You’ve also told FEDRA about Ellie’s origins in Boston, knowing they’ll have access to her records from her time in the military school. They tell you to keep an eye on her but give you no further direction.
And so you find yourself in a holding pattern when the winter solstice arrives, crystal clear and brutally cold. You aren’t sure what to expect from the holiday season in Jackson, but somehow you’re not surprised when a giant spruce tree goes up in the middle of Main Street. There are lights strung around windows, plastic snowmen and reindeer on their lawns, and handmade wreaths on the doors. Some of your neighbors have found old decorations hiding in their basements, attics, and crawl spaces.
If your house has any hidden treasures like these you don’t know about them, because you’re too busy at the clinic. Eric tells you that’s common during the holidays. More merriment means more acts of drunken stupidity means more injuries, so you’re grateful when Maria Miller brings her infant daughter to the clinic for a routine checkup; something that isn’t a sprained ankle or hot oil burn makes for a nice change of pace.
Babies were a rarity for you in the QZ. There should have been no lack of new life with reliable birth control being so scarce, but that wasn’t the case in your experience. You tried not to think too hard about why. In Jackson, you’re treating more pregnancies than ever. Shelter, food, and long, cold winters are the magic formula for baby-making.
Six-month-old Gwen is bright-eyed and solemn; she doesn’t fuss when you lay her on the paper-covered table, prodding gently at her belly, checking her muscle tone, the soft spot at the crown of her head.
“She’s perfect,” you pronounce as Gwen demonstrates her rolling skills by trying to wriggle off the exam table, looking up at you with wide brown eyes. You pick her up, hefting the flour-sack weight of her in your arms, and resist the urge to bury your nose in the girl’s curly hair. “Getting any sleep, mom?”
Maria shakes her head and smiles wanly. “No. She’s teething.”
“Do you have help?”
“Tommy’s great. And we have family…Joel’s good with her. Ellie, too.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, handing the baby back to Maria, trying to keep your voice light. “Glad to hear it.”
“Are you coming to the tree lighting tonight?”
“Mmm, not sure,” you murmur, turning away, jotting down the baby’s measurements in her chart. “I’m kind of a Grinch.”
“Not much for Christmas, huh? We get a lot of new folks like that,” she says, wrestling the baby into a thick winter coat and slipping leather moccasins on her tiny socked feet.
“Uh-huh. Holidays in the QZ weren’t a thing. We might get an extra ration card, but there was never enough food to make a difference,” you say tightly. “Guess I’m just not used to this…abundance.”
Maria nods, swaying gently on her feet to soothe the baby. “And how are you settling in otherwise? I heard Joel was working on your house?”
You have to force yourself to keep working. “Something like that, yeah. We’re–he’s done.”
“Hmm. He’s a bit of a prickly pear, that one.”
He’s a bit of a prick, you mean .
“You don’t say,” you murmur, keeping your tone even. Gwen begins to fuss in earnest, and you silently thank her for the diversion.
Maria gives you a knowing smile. “I know you may not be feeling it, but the tree lighting starts at nine if you change your mind. I think folks are planning live music,” she says, pulling a diaper bag over her shoulder. Then, after a pause: “Anyway, there’s plenty to go around. We’re glad you’re here. ”
That evening, you step out of the clinic to the sound of music playing down the street. You consider going home, but something urges you in the opposite direction, toward the gathering of people in the square.
The atmosphere reminds you of a county fair, with booths set up around the big tree, trading homemade gifts and food. The smell of frying oil and cinnamon sugar permeates the air. You help yourself to a cup of powdered hot cocoa–a rare delicacy–and walk the perimeter, skirting the crowd.
In the early days, large groups meant more opportunities for infection to spread, and raucous noise was a magnet for trouble. Later, gatherings in the QZ meant riots, protests, and violence. You can’t help it; you imagine the hell just one infected could wreak inside the walls of this community and your chest tightens.
Children chase each other around the tree, dodging oblivious grown-ups, laughing over cups of cocoa. The band–just a couple of singers accompanied by guitars and a drum set–begins a new song, a carol you haven’t heard since you were a child.
You can’t remember the last time you saw this many people in one place at one time when there wasn’t blood on the ground.
There’s a feedback whine from the speakers next to the stage. You hear a faint scream but can’t pinpoint the source. Suddenly the lights are too bright, the music too loud, and you shrink back toward a storefront, keenly aware of the thudding of your heart in your throat.
His low voice over your shoulder startles you and you jump, spilling hot chocolate on your hand.
You look over to see Joel leaning up against the building behind you. You almost backed into him in the grip of your fear.
“What are you doing here?” you snap, grimacing as you inspect your hand, the pinkened skin of a faint burn. The stinging brings you back to the moment; the vise in your chest loosens and you take a deep breath. “This doesn’t seem like your thing.”
“S’not,” he nods toward the crowd. You follow his gaze and see Maria, Tommy…and Ellie. The girl is holding Gwen, bouncing her, spinning them both in circles until the baby cackles.
“Ah, I see.”
“I told her if you’ve seen one big tree you’ve seen ‘em all, but she didn’t buy it,” he says, eyes trained on his daughter. “Too many people for my tastes.”
“On that, we agree,” you mutter.
“Yeah, you had that look about you.”
You arch an eyebrow. “You watching me, Miller?”
“Nah. I just know panic when I see it.”
You duck your head, hoping he doesn’t see the blush in your cheeks. “Sometimes I feel like a war veteran,” you mutter.
“You are,” he says, his voice dropping. “We all are.”
“Joel!” Ellie is running up to him now, Gwen still bouncing in her arms. “Can you take her? Maria’s gonna let me plug in the tree.”
“Where’s Tommy?” he frowns.
“Dunno, I gotta go,” she pushes the baby into his chest and runs off before he can protest.
“Now what am I s’posed do with you?” he murmurs, ducking his head to meet his niece’s eyes. She reaches up and grabs at his nose. He scrunches his face in an exaggerated frown and the baby squeals, pleased.
“So is your, uh, girlfriend here somewhere? Theresa?”
“Hmm? Oh, no. I mean, she might be here. But she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Ellie said she saw you two at the dance a while back–”
“Yeah, that’s…done.”
He nods, distracted by Gwen, trying to keep an eye out for Ellie at the same time. You wonder if he realizes he’s rocking lightly on his feet, swaying the same way Maria had in the clinic a few hours ago, the universal dance of a parent.
A countdown rises from the crowd.
You turn your attention back to the square as the tree is lit. A cheer goes up and the band begins to play. You wait to feel the spark of joy you remember from childhood when there was the promise of magic.
It doesn’t come.
Joel turns Gwen in his arms to face the lights, points, murmurs something you can’t hear. She appears to be more fascinated with pulling at the scruff on his chin.
“It gets easier.” He’s looking at Gwen when he says it, but you know it’s meant for you.
A longing tugs at your heart. You try to imagine a world where you don’t have to fight and lie and fuck to get by, but the lights and music and laughter mere feet away seem so distant. The thought feels impossible, paper thin, too fragile to bear.
“Baby looks good on you, Miller,” you say, clearing your throat.
He shoots you a look over the top of Gwen’s dark, curly head, then nods toward Ellie, who is standing with her aunt and uncle, looking up at the tree in awe. “Got my hands full already.”
“I believe it,” you say. “What’s her story, anyway?”
You feel him withdraw into himself. Even the baby seems to sense it, squirming in his arms. “Who? Ellie?”
“She lived in the Boston QZ?”
He shrugs. “She found me. We…got along. Not much to tell.”
Somehow you know that’s a lie. You know it by the way his eyes are constantly scanning the crowd for any sign of her, the way his shoulders naturally relax when she pops back into view. You imagine this gruff, stony man and the spitfire that he calls his daughter, making their way through the broken world, and you find yourself genuinely curious, without ulterior motive.
The baby begins to fuss, arching her back, flailing her arms, and Joel bounces her uncomfortably. He takes a cautious sniff of Gwen’s diapered bottom, makes a face.
“That’s my cue,” he says. “I don’t do diapers. See ya around, doc.”
Christmas morning dawns as you trudge home from a late shift, ready to fall into bed and sleep the day away. 
There’s a small box sitting on your porch with a note tacked to the top.
“Don’t get your hopes up. -JM”
You let out a soft breath, filling the air around you with vapor. What a cheerful sentiment. No “Merry Christmas”, no “Happy Holidays”, not even his full name, just this cryptic note and Joel’s initials scrawled in messy capital letters.
You tuck the note in your jacket pocket and open the box. Sitting inside is an orange. It’s tiny–no, it’s puny , probably grown in the community greenhouse, and probably sour as fuck–but it’s not a mealy apple. A truce, perhaps.
You scratch at the rind, lift it to your nose, and inhale the citrusy scent of a real, honest-to-god orange, surprised at the tears welling in your eyes.
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dubairealestate24 · 3 months
The Best Marketing Techniques to Sell Your House Fast
Effective marketing is crucial for selling your house quickly. This guide provides the best marketing techniques to attract potential buyers and achieve a fast sale.
1. Conducting a Market Analysis
Understanding the current real estate market is essential for creating an effective marketing strategy.
Market Trends: Analyze recent sales in your area and compare similar properties. Identify trends that could impact your sale and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
Seasonal Patterns: Real estate markets often have seasonal patterns, with spring and summer being peak times for buying and selling. Adjust your marketing strategy to align with these patterns.
For more insights on the real estate market, visit Dubai Real Estate.
2. Setting a Competitive Price
Pricing your home correctly is one of the most critical factors in achieving a quick sale. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while underpricing can lead to a quick sale but at a financial loss.
Competitive Pricing: Set a competitive price based on your market analysis. Consider pricing slightly below market value to attract more buyers and create a bidding war.
Price Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust the price if you’re not receiving the desired interest. Regularly review the feedback from showings and adjust accordingly.
For assistance with pricing strategies, visit Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
3. Enhancing Curb Appeal
First impressions are vital in real estate. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal can attract more buyers and help you sell your house quickly.
Landscaping: Keep the lawn well-maintained, plant flowers, and trim bushes. A neat and attractive yard can significantly boost your home’s appeal.
Exterior Maintenance: Ensure the exterior of your house is clean and in good repair. Paint the front door, clean windows, and fix any broken fixtures to make your home more inviting.
For tips on enhancing curb appeal, visit Mortgage Brokers UAE.
4. High-Quality Photos and Virtual Tours
In today’s digital age, high-quality photos and virtual tours are essential for attracting buyers.
Professional Photography: Hire a professional photographer to take high-quality photos that showcase your home’s best features. Good lighting and angles can make a significant difference.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to give potential buyers a detailed view of your home. This can be especially useful for buyers who are unable to visit in person.
For marketing tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
5. Staging Your Home
Staging your home can make it more appealing to potential buyers by highlighting its best features and creating an inviting atmosphere.
Decluttering: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a clean and spacious look. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in the space.
Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and simple decor to appeal to a broader audience. Consider hiring a professional stager to enhance your home’s appeal.
For staging tips, visit sell house quickly.
6. Online Listings and Social Media
Online listings and social media are powerful tools for marketing your home to a wide audience.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos. Ensure your listing stands out with compelling headlines and accurate information.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your listing. Share posts with attractive photos and virtual tours to generate interest.
For online marketing tips, visit Dubai Real Estate.
7. Hosting Open Houses
Open houses can attract multiple potential buyers and generate interest in your property.
Event Planning: Plan and promote your open house well in advance. Ensure your home is clean and well-staged for the event.
Engagement: Engage with visitors during the open house and provide detailed information about your home and the neighborhood. Collect contact information for follow-up.
For open house tips, visit Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
8. Leveraging Real Estate Agents
Working with a real estate agent can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.
Agent Network: Choose an agent with a strong network and a track record of successful sales. They can market your home to a wider audience and provide valuable insights.
Marketing Expertise: Real estate agents have access to marketing tools and platforms that can increase your property’s visibility. They can also help with pricing strategies and negotiations.
For agent recommendations, visit Mortgage Brokers UAE.
9. Utilizing Print Media
While digital marketing is crucial, print media can also play a role in attracting local buyers.
Flyers and Brochures: Create high-quality flyers and brochures with detailed information and attractive photos. Distribute them in your neighborhood and at local businesses.
Newspaper Ads: Consider placing ads in local newspapers to reach a broader audience. Highlight key features of your home and include contact information.
For print media tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
10. Networking and Word of Mouth
Personal networks and word of mouth can be powerful tools in marketing your home.
Networking: Inform friends, family, and colleagues that your home is for sale. They might know potential buyers or spread the word within their networks.
Community Involvement: Participate in community events and engage with local groups. Building relationships can lead to valuable connections and potential buyers.
For networking tips, visit sell house quickly.
Effective marketing is essential for selling your house quickly. By combining digital and traditional marketing techniques, enhancing your home’s appeal, and leveraging professional expertise, you can attract more buyers and achieve a fast sale.For more information and assistance with selling your house in Dubai, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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halloween and christmas aesthetics are both incredible to me, but i said christmas because there are some times during the regular part of the year where i suddenly yearn for christmas time and christmas music, but that rarely happens with halloween even though i love it too. personally, the only thing halloween has over christmas is that i will listen to halloween music year round, and for christmas i’ll listen to one or two songs and then have it be enough until that time of year actually rolls around
i absolutely get it, i get that same impulse for christmas songs every so often - i think it's because if you already associate positive memories with christmas, christmas songs would remind you of those memories, so maybe you subconsciously suddenly want to play them for that reason!
i know this is definitely a hot take, but i really think people tend to overreact when they hear christmas songs 'too early' or 'too late'. i play christmas songs occasionally throughout the year, but people really seem to take issue with it and i never really understood why; if i want to play 'all i want for christmas is you' in june, i will - it's your fault for handing me the aux
and that applies to decorations too - the only reason i even take my christmas tree down at all (in may) is so that next christmas i can enjoy decorating it again
and i still haven't taken my lights down, they're so pretty and my living space would be so depressing without them!
that being said, i'm a fucking hypocrite, because if i see halloween decorations on your lawn past november 2nd i will come back and burn your house down, and roast christmas chestnuts on the smouldering remains
but still... because it's the season of joy, here's a poll for you anyway &lt;3 &lt;3 <3
Also, why do i have to move my nice hand-carved wooden reindeer statues? you wouldn't complain if they were any other animal, kathy
you don't see me coming over to your home and tipping your gargoyle toddler out of his high chair because he's wearing a shark onesie outside of shark week
...huh? yes, of course it's gasoline! we've been over this kathy - i don't care if you're growing them, a pumpkin is a pumpkin!
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kanekoii · 11 months
omg i’m so glad to find someone who writes for nijigirls 🙏 could i please get some halloween scenarios for selen and elira?
p.s. i love your posts, especially your characterizations. probably gonna end up requesting dragon sisters a lot 🤧
lyra’s notes -> this may get a little stupid but i doubt y’all come here for quality content (i’m being silly and seriously thank you for the compliment it means more than you’ll ever know <3)
pairings -> elira pendora, selen tatsuki x gn! reader (separate)
genre -> scenarios, lots of silliness and some fluffies
song -> marvelous - wallows
warnings -> food mentions, general spooks and shenanigans, strong language
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she’ll want to stay inside and watch movies with you, but you’ll most definitely decorate her house before halloween! the two of you will carve pumpkins together on her porch on a cool autumn day near halloween while listening to some stereotypical halloween music. she absolutely loves decorating with you, it’s just that you make it so much fun! hanging fake webs everywhere was very fun and cute until you got tangled in them and she had to get you out, but it just ended with you laying on top of her and both of you laughing hysterically. when halloween night comes, she’ll have prepared mountains of snacks and drinks for a movie night. the two of you will snuggle under some blankets with skeleton and pumpkin patterns and watch the ultimate halloween movie ever created: twilight. that’s right, instead of giving candy to kids (there’s a bowl on the porch full of candy), you’re gonna sit here and watch every twilight movie with elira. she falls asleep halfway through eclipse and rests her head on your shoulder, leaving you to ever so gently take off her glasses and place them beside you while you wrap your arms around her and fall asleep too.
stupid. scary. matching. couple. costumes. selen cares about two things on halloween: getting a shit ton of candy and traumatizing children. fake blood galore, even the candy can wait if she gets to scare a kid. absolute spooky season gremlin, but she’s your girlfriend and you love her regardless. you’ll likely end up getting roped into her shenanigans and staying out all night trick or treating with her. like, you aren’t going home until the ass crack of dawn and even then the strongest kids are still getting scared by their neighborhood dragon streamer lady. selen is absolutely going to go all out with this, the front of her house is decorated with those stupid lawn decorations that jump out at you, and she’s going to be hiding behind trees and ledges just to get a chance at scaring kids. you went off to get some candy, and when you come back to her house long past sunrise, the girl had TWO large bags of candy. let’s just say after some copious amounts of sugar and playful bantering, the both of you were passed the fuck out in each other’s arms for the rest of the day.
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Hii this is a request by @ravenrune!
I hope you like it!
Carlos x Reader Oneshot
Bad Injury, Even Worse Day.
(She/her pronouns <3)
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It had been just a normal day of going shopping. (Your name) had got some groceries and some decorations for the upcoming holiday. (Your favorite holiday) was only a few weeks away and everyone was decorating for the most part so while getting the groceries she though, why not! Get some anyways since her and Carlos just now recently moved in together as a couple and barely had any decorations as is.
However with every holiday comes seasonal depression. That was all normal and couldn't be helped but, it seemed to especially be kicking (your name) into the sand. It was a stressful time with trying to adjust from the move, even if she loved him it was still an adjustment. However she and him had each other and that's all the both of them really needed.
When she got home she hauled in all the groceries first and put away what needed to be put away. Frozen stuff first, always. Once she had done that, she had went and got the decorations and hauled them inside as well. However towards the last two bags, a metal rod from a lawn decoration was sticking out and she wasn't paying attention when she picked the bag up. This had resulted in a cut, not a deep one but it still bled and hurt like hell. She swore loudly and dropped the bag quickly. Fanning her hand for a moment before bringing it close to her to inspect. She stared at the wound and her eyes slowly filled with tears.
Great. Just what she needed. It's been a rough few weeks as is, then with the upcoming holiday, now this little hiccup? Who knew it was enough to make her snap.
She stood there tears building up in her eyes as she picked up the bags and went inside. Using her free hand, not even daring to use her wounded hand. Once she was inside, she had grabbed a first aid kit that was under the sink, since she didn't feel like going upstairs to get what she needed from the bathroom, and set it on the counter. She grabbed out a gauze pad, some colorful cohesive bandage wrap, and a small bottle of disinfectant spray.
When she wasn't paying attention, a soft yet large pair of hands rested on her hips. She didn't jump though, she just looked behind her with her eyes still teary. Carlos stood there with a now confused expression, he moved his hands from her hips and he carefully turned her around, cupping her face. The heat from his hands was comforting but it just made the tears fall as she closed her eyes.
"Querida, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked softly.
She stayed silent for a moment before showing him her hand. He took it nicely with both his hands and he sighed. He grabbed a nearby wash cloth and got it damp with warm water before gently wiping away the extra blood. One hand held the cloth and the other supported her hand, making sure he was being gentle but also sure the wound was mostly wiped up.
"I'm not sure how this happened but do you want to tell me?" He asked softly as he put the cloth down and grabbed the disinfectant spray, now fanning her hand, waiting for it to dry.
"Just.. Some decoration I bought cut me." She said as she sniffled slightly.
"You could have called for me and I would have helped you carry the stuff inside." He suggested but didn't push since he could tell she was already in a bad mood and didn't want to make it worse.
"Yeah I know.. It's just.." She fell silent again and more tears fell down her face.
"Just?" He asked as he sprayed the disinfectant on her hand.
She flinched from the sting of the spray but so in took a deep breath. "It's just a rough season. The seasonal depression, the move has been a bit stressful, and then this? It was just enough to make me so upset and now look at me. I'm crying over a pathetic wound that isn't anything like what others have experienced, even you." She said as she broke down.
He listened and he made a worried expression. "I'm sorry querida." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He reached around and grabbed the gauze pad and cohesive bandage wrap. He opened the gauze pad and rested it on her palm before using the bandage wrap and used it to secure the pad to her hand.
"However, sounds aren't a race or meant to be compared." He said as he grabbed her other hand and held it tightly. His hand thwas was holding her wounded one wasn't tightly gripping her hand at all. It was a soft hold but supportive one. The warmth if his hands was so comforting all on it's own, however, she still couldn't stop crying.
He held her hands as he leaned forward. "I promise you, no matter what, we will get through this. One day at a time." He said softly as he rested his forehead on hers. "And just know, I love you no matter what." He whispered as he brought her good hand to his chest and kept it by his heart. "Understand?"
"Understand.." She sniffled, now calming down. She knew he wasn't one hundred percent when it came to comforting half the time, but this made her feel calm and safe so of course now, she felt calmer. Around him she always felt safe and calm, he felt the same about her which she thought was odd because she didn't think she did much for him. Yet he kept telling her, she does more than she knows.
"Alright.. Now, how's about we get some ice cream and watch (your favorite show.)?" He pulled his head away from hers to look into her eyes.
"I'd like that." She smiled softly and nodded.
He grabbed some ice cream out of the fridge not far from them, letting go of her wounded hand and grabbed some spoons with the same hand, carrying it all over to the couch while still holding her free hand. He sat down with her, setting the ice cream down on the coffee table with a soft smile. He grabbed the remote before opening up a streaming service, putting on the show, and soon handed the remote to her. He still held her hand the entire time.
"Volume and pause button is yours to control." He said softly.
She smiled and she gripped his hand slightly before leaning on his shoulder. "Okay."
With that, the marathon had begun.
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lou-struck · 2 years
Day 3: Decorating
Koshi Sugawara x Reader
Flufftober Day 3: Decorating
~Three days into October and your boyfriend is worried he is falling behind on his decorating.
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Watching the everchanging leaves fall from their trees and onto the browned grass below. A few squirrels scamper through the piles searching for any well-hidden nuts or seeds that the trees have dropped.
It's peaceful.
Until you feel the plush chair you are seated on begin to sing a muffled tune.
Shoot, your phone must have fallen between the cushions. You shift your weight and lower your arm in between the armrest and the upholstery you are sitting on as you blindly feel around for the familiar shape of your phone. Just as the sounds die down you find a corner of your phone's case and pull it from the pillowy depths.
Tapping the screen you see that you have a missed call from Koshi, your boyfriend's cute contact image flashes again on the screen as he sends you a follow-up message asking if you wanted to come over and help him decorate his house for Halloween.
You read his message with a smile, Sugawara has always loved holidays
You text him back telling him that you would be over soon before getting yourself ready.
Stepping outside you are surprised to find the air carries a chill despite the bright sun in the sky. It's not unpleasant by any means, it just feels like Fall. Koshi only lives a few minutes away, but you take your sweet time, driving slowly past the trees speckled with leaves of green, orange, yellow, and red.
They float down from their trees and cover the damp asphalt. The sight is so beautiful that you hope Suga's yard is littered with them as well.
Your hopes are answered as you pull in front of your boyfriend's home. the changing of the seasons makes his well-tended yard look as if it is already decorated. But the large tower of boxes that are currently being stacked in front of his porch tells you that Koshi Sugawara is far from finished.
"Hey you're here." a cheerful voice says from somewhere on the other side of the box tower.
"Koshi?" you ask trying to peek around the decorations. "Where are you?"
"Y/n, I'm here," he says, but his voice sounds farther away. You walk around the pile in hopes of seeing him on the other side but you can't find him.
"I can't see you," you giggle glancing back behind your shoulder.
Suddenly two arms seemingly come out of nowhere and pull you into something warm and sturdy. With a gasp, you finally come face to face with Sugawara.
The cold air dusts his cheeks with pink and he stands in front of you covered with a little bit of dust. His favorite light blue scarf is wrapped snugly around his neck protecting it from the chill.
"You scared me," you sigh.
"Sorry," he laughs "I couldn't help it, it is the spooky season after all."
"You're right." you smile putting your hand on his silver hair and ruffling a bit of the dust from the strands, "Look at you, you're all dusty. You got all the stuff from the attic without me didn't you?"
The accusatory glare you send him only makes him chuckle more. "Yeah, I figured that only one of us needed to fight the spiders."
"I appreciate it," you giggle. "So what do you need me to do, I am ready to decorate."
He taps his cheek in thought, “Anything you want really, I’m just happy I get to spend some time with you. There is an inflatable ghost that needs to be set up if you want to do that.”
"Okay then," You say enthusiastically. “Show me the ghost.”
"That's the Spirit," he says kissing your cheeks and chuckling at his own pun. He goes over to the tower of well-labeled boxes and tries to figure out which one has the inflatable.
Peeking open into one of the plastic tubs he takes it down from the pile with a look of victory on his face.
“There we are,” he says, handing the box to you. “Everything you need to set it up is in there.”
Got it!” you exclaim, taking your new friend over to a spot on the lawn that has enough room for it.
Pulling the decoration out of the box you work to spread it out and flatten it so that once you plug it in it’ll blow up. You’re very surprised at how big it is, hopefully, Suga will be the one to put it back into the box because you have no idea how it’s going to fit if you do it yourself.
You unravel the large extension cord and run it around the lawn and shrubbery. You plug it into the power source of a side of the house and make your way back to the inflatable.
Tapping the button on the side of its base it slowly begins to inflate as a humming sound feels the air. It gets bigger and bigger as its smiling face and outstretched arms head towards the sky.
“This was easy,” you say to yourself as Casper wobbles to life. You put it in the grass and you hit something with your foot that clangs a little bit.
Crouching down you see that it is a long black bag, Sticking your fingers in it you pull out several metal pegs.
“ These must be to stick the ghost down.” You mumble. Suddenly a large gust of wind hits your back. The ghost gets a little too friendly as it knocks you over and covers you. You yell and twist trying to get out of its grasp with little luck.
"Hey, are you okay?" Suga’s voice sounds from above you. He pulls the inflatable assailant off of you and helps you up quickly.
“I’m all good,“ you say dusting the crushed leaves off of your back. “ Casper just got a little bit too friendly. Thank you for helping me.”
“I'm glad you are," he laughs, "If you were I would feel like a huge jerk for laughing, you just looked so funny I couldn't help myself."
"Rude," you huff giving him a little swat in the chest.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Let me help you stake him down and then we take a cocoa break," he says apologetically. you want to try and pretend to be mad at him, but between the offer of hot chocolate and the cute look on his face you can't maintain your façade.
"You have Cococa?" you ask looking at him, even the little mole of his cheek is smiling at you.
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shesnotme · 1 year
my plans for summer ❦
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i dunno about you but i always, always spend my summers absolutely depressed. it's not a matter of whether or not you i friends, because i always have, but rather it's an issue of all that fucking time on your hands. two whole months of just.. nothing. so what do you even do? my plans for summer mainly revolve around helping my future self. because once september rolls around, what good will it be if i spent the past 2 months lazing around in bed? i won't be benefited by that, quite the opposite, really. so instead i've figured out what i need for the new school year and to really reach the goals i have for this upcoming year (post on that soon !). nothing revolutionary, sure, but it'll definitely help out at least a couple of you wondering what to do this summer <3
self care. this means caring of my body both inside and out. inside, i'm working on self improvement by becoming a kinder, more feminine person. i'm getting over my failed situationships and getting more comfortable being alone. i'm practicing detachment and, of course, protecting my peace. outside, i'm working on my hair and my body. i don't think it's any help to work on my wardrobe, because in summer you make really shit decisions. i've begun working out 3 times a week with my friend who's more experienced in the gym, mainly working on my glutes, cardio and abs. i'm planning on investing in heatless curlers, because my hair's volume hasn't been great. <3 ways you could practice self care: inside, you could work on your gut health, diet (eating healthy, not practicing any restrictive eating!), mental health, social life, self confidence. outside, you could work on your physical health (gym, running, biking), skincare, hair health, wardrobe (if you trust your decision making during this season), posture.
hobbies. you're not gonna want to go to the gym or journal every day, so finding some ways to spend your time alone and having fun can be really beneficial. i've started watching a couple tv shows, in july i'll be watching a movie every day (hopefully), scrapbooking more, making bracelets, and cooking. these aren't necessarily beneficial to future me, however they are fun and beneficial to present me, and balance is really important! summer is the time to take on projects and begin passions for things you can't do during the school year. hobbies that could help you: if you want something beneficial, try learning a new language, practicing an art (music, painting, writing), learning to cook, taking up a new sport, learning touch typing, or reading. if you want something fun, try watching a new tv show (skins, gossip girl, pretty little liars), watching a movie a day (you could do movies all with the same actor, by the same director, in a series, etc), scrapbooking, keeping a journal, growing a garden, crocheting, or decorating your room.
jobs. i have a late birthday so i can't volunteer yet, so instead i've taken on a few "jobs", mainly babysitting and doing things for my parents. it's not the most fun but if you want the money for the new school year (especially new clothes), you should do it. put the money into savings. of course, if you're under 15 you likely can't do much, but it's worth a shot. jobs you could take on: getting your volunteer hours (summer camps!), babysitting, working at fast food, designing carrds, mowing lawns.
planning. lastly, i'm planning out my next school year. it's good to have things figured out so that september doesn't hit you too hard. i'm working on things like schedules, study guides, phone decluttering, and, most fun, moodboards. i'll make a bigger post about my plans in specific <3 this is also a really great way you could practice manifesting. make your intentions clear and assume that these things will happen, and they will, but this isn't the place to be learning about that. things you could plan: your daily schedule (by the hour), outfit ideas, lunch ideas, goals, the mood for this school year, a desk system.
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Jungle hunt
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Summary: While trying to figure out how to pass the time during a slow day, the boys begin to develop their own way to have fun while also figuring out a solution for testing their ever growing abilities.
Characters: Sonic Wachowski, Tails Wachowski, Knuckles Wachowski, and a very short appearance of one Thomas Micheal Wachowski.
Word count: 13k (holy crap XD)
A/N: This was based off a ask that unfortunately got deleted where someone asked for a story about the 3 boys playing a game that took place in the Wachowski home when they got bored one day. Eventually that idea changed and focused more on the boys not only having fun but also dealing with internal problems that they haven’t shared with anyone else before joining the family. (Prompt #2 “Let the game begin!” With Wachowski, Tails and Knuckles? Maybe with that one game from your headcanons?)
Tails hummed softly as he moved his legs back and forth behind him, sketching away at his book as he sat in the lawn chair. He glanced up at one of the 3 brightly colored leaves he had propped up against a book in front of him, sticking out his tongue and carefully sketching out the details with a steady hand.
One of the new things he liked about the new planet was how the changes of the seasons were practically the same in so many ways but yet different.
So far Autumn was his favorite one, though Winter and Spring will have to come first before he makes his final decision, the way the temperature still felt warm but brought a small chill in the air, the colorful decorations each house had with pumpkins and pine cones, going hunting for “toadstools”, which he quickly found out was just another earth term for mushrooms.
But his personal favorite activity, next to eating Tom’s homemade apple pie, is the colors of the leaves that change colors right before they fall from the trees. The trees that grew around his old village were mostly similar to pine and palm trees so their leaves didn’t fall as often or change in colors like the trees surrounding the house did, these leaves were all sorts of different colors, red, orange, yellow, he even managed to find one that looked almost dark purple when he held it up to the sunlight.
He could only guess how long he was out there because once he was putting up the finishing details on his current sketch, the back door suddenly slammed open behind him, startling him and causing the tip of the pencil to slide straight across the paper.
Tails let the pencil fall from his hand in defeat and held up the now ruined drawing, he let out a loud huff and crumpled up the paper and pushed it to the side, grabbing a new sheet and tried his best to not pay attention to the person that had actually caused the door to slam open.
He could hear Sonic letting out a dramatic groan as he walked out from the house, kicking his feet through some of the leaves that were scattered around the deck.
Tails rolled his eyes at the sound of the teen stomping around and making loud humming noises, mentally noting that it was now becoming a common occurrence. The hedgehog usually had tendencies to find something to do when he got bored. At times, he would go and see what his parents were doing or, in most circumstances, find Knuckles and start to annoy him.
He could only assume that the reason he was out here with him was that his other options were spent, meaning that it was only a matter of seconds before he started to pester him.
Not even five seconds later and he felt a small gust of air halt next to him, blowing the leaves he collected off the chair and into the grass, the fox folded his ears back and turned to see Sonic looking at him curiously.
Sonic’s eyes lit up as Tails looked his way and gave the kit a sideways smile. “Hey there, buddy.”
Tails blinked, and his double appendages swished out gently behind him as he sat back on his knees. “Hi.”
Taken aback by the fox’s plain answer, Sonic shuffled his feet and shifted into an awkward stance. “What‘cha working on?”
Tails gave a small shrug. “I was drawing a picture of some of the leaves that I found out here, but you scared me when you kicked open the door, and it got messed up.” He finishes in a quiet voice by motioning his head towards the crumpled paper ball.
“Oh, really? Do you mind if I see it-“ Tails quickly hides the drawing away from him
“Um, it wasn’t a very good one. I was going to start a new one anyway.” He mutters, holds the paper tight in his hands, avoiding his gaze.
“Oh..okay. Practice makes progress y’know?” He watched Tails give a simple nod and went to fiddle with one of the dry leaves that was near him.
Sensing the growing awkwardness, Sonic cleared his throat and looked around the yard. “Ahem. So, do you know where Knucklehead is? I haven’t seen him since breakfast.” Sonic said as he stretched out his arms.
Tails shifted his eyes in a quick glance in the yard, looking back at Sonic before he noticed. “I don’t know either, but I did see him over by the pile of leaves in the yard earlier. I think he put something in there.” He motioned towards said pile in the middle of the yard.
“In the leaves? Why would he hide something in there?” Sonic questioned out loud, speeding towards it. He walked around the pile with curiosity, nudging a toe against the pile, inching closer. “I mean did you see how big the thing was or-?”
A figure suddenly burst out from the pile of leaves, causing Sonic to let out a scream and fall to the ground on his back. He scrambled backwards and soon heard laughing coming from up above him, seeing none other than Tails flying from over the leaf pile, laughing and holding his sides. “Oh man, your reaction was priceless!”
Sonic laid on the ground flabbergasted as the fox continued to laugh at him, before realizing what he was seeing. “Wait. What in the- ....”
He turned to see where he saw Tails sitting just a minute ago, only to see Tails, or at least from what he would soon see was a hologram of him sitting in the chair, giving a little wave to him before it completely disappeared in a of green pixels.
'Oh my god, I forgot he could do that.'
Tails landed beside him, wiping the tears of mirth from his eyes. “Decided to test out a little experiment I was working on involving my holograms tricking unsuspecting people and you just happened to be the perfect test subject for it.” He finished by rubbing a finger under his nose, whipping out his Miles Electric from behind him. “Luckily for me, you showed up at the right time.”
Continue reading on Ao3
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celestial games, a Ted Lasso fic;
Ted Lasso x Rebecca Welton, Gen A canon-divergent retelling of the events of Ted Lasso season 1, where the future of humanity is at stake and some characters are angels or demons; or the Angels vs Demons / Good Omens AU no one asked for.
chapter 3: flamingos
Ted brings Rebecca biscuits. Rebecca's never met an angel so relentless and nice.
No colour, in Rebecca’s opinion, is more wretched than the colour pink.
Even calling it a colour elevates it to a level of prominence it doesn’t deserve. A colour implies existence. Pink doesn’t exist in Heaven or in Hell. It has no backbone, no will of its own. Pink is a red that can’t tolerate the scorching heat required to be bold. It’s been tainted, diluted. It’s lost all meaning. It reeks of weakness as it tries to be something worthy of attention.
In order to create this dreadful tint, you need to mix red, dark and audacious—satanic qualities that deserve better treatment than to exist in such a receptacle—and white, pure and calm—holy traits that have no business coexisting with a lust for sin. It’s unimaginable. Unthinkable.
Rebecca loathes the colour pink.
(Rebecca also loathes flamingos. Especially plastic ones decorating the lawns of insipid homeowners, even though flamingos, of the real or synthetic kind, have done nothing to deserve such contempt.)
Naturally, Ted Lasso bounces into her office on his first day, with an overly cheery countenance typical of angels, and brings her biscuits, wrapped with care and attention, in a pink box.
read chapter 3 of 'celestial games' on ao3
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severalowls · 1 year
Watching man delorean season 3, halfway through and...... ok
So far this seems like 100x more of a random side story than book of boba. Which wasn't a side story at all because it literally progressed the plot more than 90% of these first few episodes of pissing about with the mandogang.
There's been about one episode's worth of compelling plot and a bunch of mr. lorian doing sidequests
The prequel flashbacks got me dreading the moment this ties in neatly with the fucking obi wan show because fuck me
Is this all elaborate juggling for 5+ years to explain Somehow, Palpatine Returned. Since we've finally brough back the clone research sub...plot which was the plot plot of season 1. Remember plot....
I know its because it Literally Is at this point because baby yoda wholesome meme phenomenon but this feels increasingly like a PG-13 Disney Property. (bc it is)
Every moment they try to do straight faced like... training moments with baby yoda is terrible. Because its all just the 'furrow eyebrows and lift rocks' shit from like season 1, repeated. And they're treating this 30+ year old baby like a 5 year old child but he's still dubbed with the sound effects of a real human 6 month old who is burbling because he's really focused on taking a dunp
Why is star war
Andor was pretty good though. The b plot in one ep about werner herzog's decorative lawn scientist was neat. But still lending credence to 'book of boba was the scripts for like half a season of mandle combined with the scripts for what was supposed to be an actual, shorter fettshow' theory because the stuff that isn't mandle sidequesting feel like the other half of that season.
And all this echos of studio fuckery is years before the writers strike so good fucking lord how bad are they going to do with their apparent plans to go ahead produce more of these shows without having the writers on set or available for revisions.
Why is star war
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leninisms · 2 years
hoax👏 royalty 👏 how are you?
that's a good tradition! every year is an opportunity for a new tradition. my fam likes having champagne on Christmas eve.
what is your favorite Christmas/holiday song?
hello!!! i actually just remembered another tradition we have that’s very silly. on my dad’s side of the family, when we write the “to: / from:” tags on christmas presents, we come up with dumb nicknames or jokes or hints at what the present is, and we write that instead of our actual names. so i just wrapped a pack of dice for dungeons and dragons for my brother and the tag says “to: critcal role / from: dimension 20”. he’s not even on that side of the family but it’s almost a habit now😭 and my little sister (3) loves dinosaurs, so last year, we’d write different dinosaur names on her presents even though she can’t read.
i don’t really like christmas music, but i love songs about winter or songs that just… feel like winter? i’ve been listening to the nutcracker all day, and i love ‘tis the damn season (obviously). one of my favorite winter/holiday songs is “decorated lawns” by julien baker, but it’s very sad. what are yours?
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How to Sell Your House Fast in Grand Junction: Tips and Tricks
Selling your house can be both an exciting and daunting experience, especially in a dynamic market like Grand Junction, Colorado. Whether you need to relocate quickly, want to capitalize on the current market, or simply wish to move on to the next chapter of your life, there are proven strategies that can help you sell your home swiftly and efficiently. This comprehensive guide outlines tips and tricks to ensure you achieve a fast sale while maximizing your profit.
Understanding the Grand Junction Market
Overview of the Real Estate Landscape
Grand Junction has seen significant growth in recent years, with a diverse range of buyers drawn to its unique blend of outdoor recreational opportunities, cultural events, and a family-friendly atmosphere. The real estate market here can fluctuate, influenced by factors such as seasonal trends, interest rates, and the overall economy.
Before diving into the selling process, it’s essential to understand the current market conditions. Research local listings, sales trends, and average time on the market for homes similar to yours. Engaging with a knowledgeable local real estate agent can provide valuable insights and help you develop a strategic plan.
Preparing Your Home for Sale
1. Declutter and Depersonalize
One of the most effective ways to prepare your home for sale is to declutter and depersonalize. Prospective buyers need to envision themselves living in your space, and excessive personal items can hinder that process.
Remove Personal Items: Take down family photos, artwork, and personal collections.
Clear Surfaces: Clean off countertops, tables, and shelves to create a sense of space.
Organize Closets: Buyers often look in closets; ensure they are tidy and organized to showcase storage potential.
2. Make Necessary Repairs
Address any minor repairs or maintenance issues before listing your home. Buyers are often wary of properties that show signs of neglect.
Fix Leaks: Check for leaky faucets or pipes and repair them.
Touch Up Paint: A fresh coat of paint can significantly improve your home's appearance.
Inspect Major Systems: Ensure that your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems are functioning properly.
3. Enhance Curb Appeal
First impressions matter, and curb appeal can significantly impact a buyer’s initial reaction to your home.
Landscaping: Trim bushes, mow the lawn, and add colorful flowers or plants.
Exterior Maintenance: Clean gutters, power wash the exterior, and ensure the front door is inviting.
Lighting: Ensure outdoor lighting is functional and attractive to create a welcoming atmosphere.
4. Stage Your Home
Home staging involves arranging furniture and decor to highlight your home’s best features.
Create a Flow: Arrange furniture to encourage movement through rooms.
Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and decor to appeal to a broader audience.
Accessorize: Use tasteful accessories, such as throw pillows or art, to create an inviting atmosphere.
Pricing Your Home Strategically
5. Set the Right Price
Pricing your home appropriately is crucial for a quick sale.
Market Research: Analyze comparable sales in your area to determine a competitive price.
Consult an Agent: A local real estate agent can provide a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help you set the right price.
Avoid Overpricing: While you want to maximize profit, overpricing can lead to longer days on the market and deter potential buyers.
Marketing Your Property
6. Use Professional Photography
In today’s digital age, quality visuals can make a significant difference in attracting buyers.
Hire a Professional Photographer: High-quality images can showcase your home in the best light.
Highlight Key Features: Ensure that important selling points, such as large windows or updated kitchens, are prominently featured in photos.
7. Leverage Online Listings
With a majority of buyers beginning their home search online, ensure your property is listed on multiple platforms.
MLS Listings: List your home on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to reach a broad audience.
Real Estate Websites: Utilize popular real estate websites like Zillow, Realtor.com, and local real estate agency websites.
8. Use Social Media
Social media platforms are powerful tools for marketing your home.
Create Engaging Posts: Share beautiful photos and engaging descriptions of your home on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Utilize Local Groups: Post in local community groups to reach potential buyers in the area.
Hosting Showings and Open Houses
9. Prepare for Showings
When potential buyers visit your home, it’s essential to make a good impression.
Clean and Tidy: Ensure your home is spotless before showings.
Provide Information: Have brochures or fact sheets available that highlight your home's features and upgrades.
Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Consider baking cookies or brewing coffee to create a warm environment.
10. Hold Open Houses
Open houses can attract multiple buyers at once, increasing the chances of a quick sale.
Schedule Strategically: Choose weekends or times when prospective buyers are likely free.
Advertise Effectively: Promote your open house through social media, local newspapers, and signs in your neighborhood.
Negotiating Offers
11. Be Open to Negotiation
Once you receive offers, be prepared to negotiate.
Review Offers Carefully: Consider not only the price but also contingencies, closing dates, and financing terms.
Stay Flexible: Be willing to compromise on certain terms to facilitate a quick sale.
12. Understand Buyer’s Motivation
Understanding the motivation behind a buyer’s offer can give you leverage in negotiations.
Ask Questions: Find out why they are interested in your property and what their timelines are.
Adjust Accordingly: Tailor your responses based on their needs and motivations.
Closing the Sale
13. Work with a Real Estate Agent
A knowledgeable local real estate agent can streamline the selling process, especially when it comes to navigating paperwork and negotiations.
Expert Guidance: They can provide advice on offers and counteroffers, ensuring you get the best deal.
Coordination: Agents can help coordinate inspections, appraisals, and closings.
14. Be Prepared for Closing Costs
Understanding the costs involved in Selling Your Home Colorado can prevent surprises at closing.
Common Costs: These may include agent commissions, transfer taxes, and potential repairs.
Negotiate: Some costs can be negotiated with the buyer, so be prepared to discuss them.
Final Tips for a Quick Sale
15. Stay Positive and Patient
Selling a home can be a lengthy process, and it’s essential to stay positive and patient.
Keep Communication Open: Maintain communication with your agent and be responsive to potential buyers.
Be Flexible: Adapt your strategies as needed based on feedback and market conditions.
16. Consider Cash Offers
If you need to sell your home quickly, consider accepting cash offers. These can lead to faster closings since they eliminate the need for financing.
Research Cash Buyers: Work with reputable cash buyers or investors who can expedite the process.
17. Enhance Online Presence
Ensure your home has a strong online presence.
Virtual Tours: Consider offering virtual tours to reach remote buyers.
Video Marketing: Create a video walkthrough of your home to engage potential buyers visually.
Selling your house fast in Grand Junction is achievable with the right strategies and mindset. By preparing your home effectively, pricing it strategically, and utilizing robust marketing techniques, you can attract potential buyers and close the sale quickly. Remember, working with a knowledgeable real estate agent can significantly enhance your chances of a swift sale.
If you're ready to take the next step, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Act now and schedule your site visit today by providing your details at (970) 414-1311 or email [email protected]. For more resources, visit our website at Sell My House Fast Colorado. Your journey to a successful home sale begins today!
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dubairealestate24 · 3 months
Secrets to Selling Your House Quickly in Any Market
Selling your house quickly requires strategic planning, effective marketing, and flexibility. This guide reveals the secrets to achieving a fast sale in any market.
1. Conducting a Market Analysis
Understanding the current real estate market is crucial for selling your house quickly. A thorough market analysis will help you set a competitive price and determine the best time to sell.
Market Trends: Analyze recent sales in your area and compare similar properties. Look at the average time houses stay on the market and identify trends that could impact your sale.
Seasonal Patterns: Real estate markets often have seasonal patterns, with spring and summer being peak times for buying and selling. Understanding these patterns can help you time your sale for maximum impact.
For more insights on the real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
2. Setting a Competitive Price
Pricing your house correctly is one of the most critical factors in achieving a quick sale. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while underpricing can lead to a quick sale but at a financial loss.
Competitive Pricing: Set a competitive price based on your market analysis. Consider pricing slightly below market value to attract more buyers and create a bidding war.
Price Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust the price if you’re not receiving the desired interest. Regularly review the feedback from showings and adjust accordingly.
For assistance with pricing strategies, visit Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
3. Enhancing Curb Appeal
First impressions are vital in real estate. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal can attract more buyers and help you sell your house quickly.
Landscaping: Keep the lawn well-maintained, plant flowers, and trim bushes. A neat and attractive yard can significantly boost your home’s appeal.
Exterior Maintenance: Ensure the exterior of your house is clean and in good repair. Paint the front door, clean windows, and fix any broken fixtures to make your home more inviting.
For tips on enhancing curb appeal, visit Dubai Property Mortgage.
4. High-Quality Photos and Virtual Tours
In today’s digital age, high-quality photos and virtual tours are essential for attracting buyers.
Professional Photography: Hire a professional photographer to take high-quality photos that showcase your home’s best features. Good lighting and angles can make a significant difference.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to give potential buyers a detailed view of your home. This can be especially useful for buyers who are unable to visit in person.
For marketing tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
5. Staging Your Home
Staging your home can make it more appealing to potential buyers by highlighting its best features and creating an inviting atmosphere.
Decluttering: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a clean and spacious look. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in the space.
Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and simple decor to appeal to a broader audience. Consider hiring a professional stager to enhance your home’s appeal.
For staging tips, visit Property For Sale in Dubai.
6. Online Listings and Social Media
Online listings and social media are powerful tools for marketing your home to a wide audience.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos. Ensure your listing stands out with compelling headlines and accurate information.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your listing. Share posts with attractive photos and virtual tours to generate interest.
For online marketing tips, visit home loan dubai.
7. Hosting Open Houses
Open houses can attract multiple potential buyers and generate interest in your property.
Event Planning: Plan and promote your open house well in advance. Ensure your home is clean and well-staged for the event.
Engagement: Engage with visitors during the open house and provide detailed information about your home and the neighborhood. Collect contact information for follow-up.
For open house tips, visit Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
8. Leveraging Real Estate Agents
Working with a real estate agent can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.
Agent Network: Choose an agent with a strong network and a track record of successful sales. They can market your home to a wider audience and provide valuable insights.
Marketing Expertise: Real estate agents have access to marketing tools and platforms that can increase your property’s visibility. They can also help with pricing strategies and negotiations.
For agent recommendations, visit Dubai Property Mortgage.
9. Utilizing Print Media
While digital marketing is crucial, print media can also play a role in attracting local buyers.
Flyers and Brochures: Create high-quality flyers and brochures with detailed information and attractive photos. Distribute them in your neighborhood and at local businesses.
Newspaper Ads: Consider placing ads in local newspapers to reach a broader audience. Highlight key features of your home and include contact information.
For print media tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
10. Networking and Word of Mouth
Personal networks and word of mouth can be powerful tools in marketing your home.
Networking: Inform friends, family, and colleagues that your home is for sale. They might know potential buyers or spread the word within their networks.
Community Involvement: Participate in community events and engage with local groups. Building relationships can lead to valuable connections and potential buyers.
For networking tips, visit Property For Sale in Dubai.
Effective marketing is essential for selling your house quickly. By combining digital and traditional marketing techniques, enhancing your home’s appeal, and leveraging professional expertise, you can attract more buyers and achieve a fast sale.
For more information and assistance with selling your house in Dubai, visit home loan dubai.
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juliestlaurent · 5 days
When it comes to selling your home, careful preparation and a trusted real estate broker in Mascouche can make all the difference when it comes to getting the best possible price. Here are a few practical tips to help prepare your property before you put it on the market, so as to catch the eye of potential buyers.
1. Depersonalize the space
To allow potential buyers project themselves into your home, it’s essential to make it as neutral as possible. If the house is very colorful, painting it in neutral tones, such as white, is recommended. Lighter colors also give the impression of a larger space, which is a positive when selling a house. In addition, you can remove your family photos, personal objects and more eccentric decorations. Depersonalizing your home helps visitors imagine their own life in the house, which can speed up their buying decision.
2. Declutter and organize
A tidy space gives an impression of cleanliness and grandeur. Remove unnecessary objects from rooms, clear countertops and store bulky items in storage spaces. An experienced real estate broker like Julie St-Laurent can advise you on what to remove to enhance each room and create a spacious environment.
3. Do minor fixes
Small renovations can have a big impact on the perception of your home. Fix faulty door handles, leaky faucets, or cracks in the walls. These are inexpensive repairs that go a long way when it comes to first impressions. Indeed, buyers often notice details and may be put off by problems, however minor they may be.
4. Improve external appeal
The first glimpse of your property begins on the outside. Make sure the front of your home is well-maintained and welcoming. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges, and plant seasonal flowers for a pleasant, inviting appearance. Julie St-Laurent, real estate broker in Mascouche, can guide you through the most advantageous outdoor improvements for your property, based on the competition in your neighbourhood.
5. Enhancing the value of every room with a broker in Mascouche
It’s important to define each space to show its potential. If you have a multi-purpose or under-used room, transform it so that it appears useful and attractive. Julie St-Laurent can give you ideas on how to arrange these rooms according to what buyers are looking for in your area.
6. Highlight the home’s unique features
If your home has unique features such as a large yard, a finished basement or a modern kitchen, make sure they are well showcased in terms of decoration and layout when it comes time to take photos and organize visits. Your real estate broker can help you identify these assets and promote them when marketing your home.
7. Deep cleaning
A clean house sells faster. Take the time to clean every corner, from windows to baseboards, to make your home look like new. This also includes carpets, curtains and appliances. If necessary, hire professionals for impeccable results.
8. Use a local real estate broker in Mascouche
Finally, one of the best ways to maximize the value of your home is to use a Mascouche real estate broker like Julie St-Laurent. An experienced broker knows the local market, prices and buyer expectations. They’ll be able to advise you on the improvements you need to make in order to attract buyers, and to ensure that you can sell your home in a timely manner. What’s more, they’ll take care of marketing and negotiating to get you the best possible deal.
You’re ready to maximize the value of your home with a broker in Mascouche!
Preparing your home for sale in Mascouche is a crucial step in maximizing its value when you put it on the market. With the help of a real estate broker, you can improve your property’s appearance and functionality, attract more potential buyers, and get a higher offer. If you’re ready to sell your home, don’t hesitate to contact Julie St-Laurent.
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oppvenuz17writer · 10 days
Explore the Best Wedding Venues in Vadodara for Your Dream Wedding
Vadodara, also known as Baroda, is a city renowned for its cultural richness, heritage, and vibrant spirit. If you're planning a wedding in this beautiful city, you're in for a treat. Vadodara offers an array of stunning venues that cater to different wedding styles, whether you’re looking for a royal palace, a modern banquet hall, or a serene outdoor setting. In this blog, we’ll dive into some of the best wedding venues in Vadodara to help you find the perfect place for your special day.
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Click here for more details: https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/venue/?city=vadodara
Why Choose Vadodara for Your Wedding?
Vadodara is a city that beautifully blends tradition with modernity. Its heritage sites, sprawling gardens, and luxury hotels provide the ideal backdrop for a wedding that reflects elegance and grandeur. The city’s central location in Gujarat and its well-connected transport options make it easy for guests from across the country to attend your wedding.
Things to Consider When Choosing Wedding Venues in Vadodara
When searching for the best wedding venues in Vadodara, there are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure your event goes smoothly:
Guest Capacity: Make sure the venue can comfortably accommodate your guest list, with ample space for ceremonies, dining, and entertainment.
Ambiance: Choose a venue that aligns with the theme and style of your wedding, whether it’s traditional, modern, or something in between.
Location: Opt for a venue that is easy to access for your guests, whether they’re coming from within Vadodara or from other parts of the country.
Budget: Define your budget and look for venues that offer the best value for your money without compromising on quality.
Availability: Book your venue well in advance, especially during peak wedding season, to ensure you get the location you want on your desired dates.
Top Wedding Venues in Vadodara
From grand palaces to intimate banquet halls, Vadodara offers a wide range of venues for every kind of celebration. Here’s a look at some of the top wedding venues in Vadodara:
1. Royal Palaces and Heritage Venues
For couples dreaming of a royal wedding, Vadodara has some breathtaking heritage venues that exude old-world charm. Venues like Laxmi Vilas Palace offer a majestic setting with its regal architecture, sprawling gardens, and historical significance. A wedding at such a venue will transport your guests to a world of grandeur and elegance, making your celebration unforgettable.
Explore more heritage venues by visiting the wedding venues in Vadodara.
2. Luxury Hotels
Luxury hotels like Grand Mercure and Vivanta Vadodara offer a perfect blend of modern amenities and top-notch services. These venues provide everything from beautifully decorated banquet halls to in-house catering and décor services, ensuring that your wedding day is stress-free and flawless. If you want to combine luxury and convenience, these hotels are an excellent choice.
Check out more luxury hotels at wedding venues in Vadodara.
3. Banquet Halls
Vadodara is home to several modern banquet halls, such as The Gateway Hotel and Shagun Banquet, which provide spacious venues with state-of-the-art facilities. These venues are perfect for both large and intimate gatherings, offering flexible layouts and customizable décor options to match your wedding theme.
Find more banquet halls by visiting the wedding venues in Vadodara.
4. Outdoor Gardens and Lawns
If you’re dreaming of an outdoor wedding surrounded by nature, Vadodara has plenty of lush gardens and lawns that offer a peaceful and scenic setting. Venues like Revival Lords Inn and Kabir Farms provide expansive lawns that can be transformed into stunning open-air wedding spaces, perfect for day or evening ceremonies.
Discover more outdoor venues at wedding venues in Vadodara.
5. Boutique Venues
For couples seeking a more intimate and unique experience, boutique venues in Vadodara offer a cozy and stylish ambiance. These venues are ideal for smaller weddings or pre-wedding functions like mehendi and sangeet. With their chic interiors and personalized services, boutique venues can create a magical setting for your special day.
Explore boutique venues by visiting the wedding venues in Vadodara.
What Oppvenuz Offers
At Oppvenuz, we understand that finding the perfect wedding venue is one of the most important decisions you'll make during your wedding planning. Our platform provides a comprehensive list of the best wedding venues in Vadodara, allowing you to explore options that match your style, preferences, and budget. From grand palaces to intimate banquet halls, we help you find the venue that will make your wedding day truly magical.
Q1: What is the average cost of wedding venues in Vadodara?A: The cost of wedding venues in Vadodara varies depending on the type of venue and the services offered. Luxury hotels and palaces can range from ₹5,00,000 to ₹15,00,000, while banquet halls and outdoor venues offer more budget-friendly options.
Q2: How far in advance should I book a wedding venue in Vadodara?A: It’s recommended to book your wedding venue at least 6 to 12 months in advance, especially during peak wedding seasons, to ensure availability.
Q3: Are there outdoor wedding venues in Vadodara?A: Yes, Vadodara offers several outdoor venues, including gardens and lawns, that are perfect for couples who want an open-air wedding ceremony or reception.
Q4: Do wedding venues in Vadodara offer in-house catering and event management services?A: Most luxury hotels, banquet halls, and outdoor venues provide in-house catering, décor, and event management services to ensure a seamless wedding experience.
Q5: Can I find heritage venues for a royal-themed wedding in Vadodara?A: Yes, Vadodara has several heritage venues like Laxmi Vilas Palace, which offer a regal and opulent setting for a royal-themed wedding.
Vadodara’s diverse range of wedding venues makes it an ideal destination for couples looking to host their dream wedding. Whether you’re envisioning a grand celebration in a royal palace or an intimate gathering in a boutique venue, the wedding venues in Vadodara offer something for every style and budget. With its rich cultural heritage and modern amenities, Vadodara provides a perfect backdrop for an unforgettable wedding day.
To start planning your big day, explore the best wedding venues in Vadodara on Oppvenuz and find the ideal venue that fits your vision for a perfect wedding.
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