april · 4 months
a cat is already a baby. a kitten is a baby cat, ergo a baby baby, more concentrated amount of baby. and it's smaller which adds to the baby density. cats are designed to be babies; they lie around the house and scream for food and need attention and are a good large baby size.
many dogs are bigger which decrease their baby density, and some of them have jobs which decrements from their baby qualities, which is why dogs are not quite as babyful as cats. a puppy is definitely a baby but it's not always a baby baby the way a kitten is.
babyness chart:
kitten -> puppy -> cat -> dog
do you understand?
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nor3gertz · 21 days
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forehead decrement
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the-blathermouth · 1 month
Book of Bill spoilers under cut
I know this isn't nearly what everyone's talking about when it comes to this book but the added context and filling in the blanks about Stanford's story absolutely breaks my heart.
For his whole childhood and young years he was ostracized for his birth defect and interest in the abnormal, only getting recognition for his gifted genius and when he finally had the chance to put his smarts to good use surrounded by people who would get him the only person who was ever there for him ruined his chances (albeit accidentally) and sent a wrecking ball to his entire future.
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Although he excelled with the cards he was dealt and found a study he was passionate about he was all alone, despite being the smartest person in Gravity Falls (and possibly all of Oregon) he was still very socially stunted and struggled even talking to a waitress at a diner, alone with his studies until he met Bill who while becoming his muse and aiding him tremendously with his research also seemed to truly connect to him in a way no human ever could and they appeared to grow a strong bond maybe even blossoming into a little situationship. Through this he reconnected with his old colleague roommate who was not only willing to help with a groundbreaking technological breakthrough for pretty much nothing but is also the first to show Stanford true human kindness (even at his own decrement) that he most likely hasn't felt since the fallout with Stanley which he reciprocate.
He was thriving in his element, he didn't have many friends but when push came to shove he only needed the two. The future was looking bright and he was happy.
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Then in one fell swoop it all came crashing down.
The secrets of his research and progress came out in the end and in the span of what I assume is a week he not only lost his one human friend but his muse, his friend, his sidepiece, the only being ever who truly recognized and understood him became his worst monster and tormentor and what's worse is that the only person that could possibly help him has been drawn away. He's left completely and more alone than he ever was.
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Growing maddened, desperate and with no one else to turn to he reaches out the con man who ruined his future 30 years ago despite fears disaster and mockery hoping he can help.
And we all know how that ended...
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When I first watched Gravity Falls when I was younger I never gave too much thought about Ford but reading through his pages in The Book Of Bill and piecing everything together made me cry.
But the only thing that made me cry harder was seeing the picture of him in the present day, surrounded by the people who love and care about him.
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"I found my happiness and it looks like this." :')
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changes · 1 year
Friday, June 9th, 2023
🌟 New
Tumblr Labs is a new team at Tumblr, check out their blog at @labs to follow along with what they’re working on!
On web, we’ve launched support for purchasing custom domains for your blogs directly through Tumblr. Existing custom domains linked to blogs will still work, but going forward, custom domains must be purchased through Tumblr. We’re still working on a domain transfer flow, more to come!
We’ve raised the daily limit for uploaded audio files from 6 to 10.
🛠 Fixed
Private posts no longer increment a blog’s public post count, or decrement it when deleted.
We fixed a bug on web that was preventing 1Password’s two-factor authentication code from filling in the appropriate field during login.
🚧 Ongoing
We’re continuing to work with our advertising partners to isolate which ads are auto-playing audio, please send in a message to Support if you’re still experiencing that issue.
We’re also aware that text in posts isn’t selectable and copyable in the latest iOS app, we have a fix for that issue in the next release, coming soon!
🌱 Upcoming
Nothing to report here today.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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brattyvice · 20 days
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🗣️ Sssshhh, STFU Bratts **—and Basic Heauxs! Before you run your mouth like a broke groupie high off her first dose of attention, here’s your reminder that not everything is meant to be broadcasted to the public(online, with friends or family), especially when it comes to your money or spiritual/mental health journeys.
Keep your next move, big deal in the works or when you’re fasting hush hush until it’s over and done with.
Hating heauxs and energy vampires are lurking now more than ever now that the veil is exposed, stop giving them the pinkprint on how to taint your plans with negativity.
Pretty Girl Silence > loud heaux chatter. You didn’t come this far just to be sidetracked by someone else’s limiting thoughts and you haven’t built up your decrement to understand who needs to be X out of your circle so keep your mouth shut like you kissed a fresh bottle of gorilla glue.🧿✨
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suguru-getos · 2 years
Can I request Cyno and some genshin boys with a lover who is going through a tough time mentally over health problems that only just popped up and the lover doesn't know how to handle it due to coming from a family or background that never showed much love or support?
cyno x reader comfort:
honestly he notices that in an instant when ur behavior changes, when things seem different and how weak you start to seam physically. he knows the recent health problems that have been appearing in your life, he knows how its affecting you and tries his best to resolve it. hes taken u to different places across tevyat to see doctors. but then he starts to see changes in ur mental health, decrements to be honest.
would ask u to move in with him because he knows ur family wont be able to help you much. probably gonna talk to em’ as the responsible boyfie that he is 😤 and his status is that of the general mahamatra so its hard to say no to him tbh
helps you in the littlest of things, would make breakfast for u if ur not feeling it, would annoy the shit outta u with his corny jokes, go on walks with you, cuddle you at night and even tells stories about how he is the way he is. everything OnO hes just perfect
he also ensures u try different things like journaling, would make sure to be the incharge of ur body moving (exercising); even if its just a soft jogg or mere walking. stargazes with you and if you ask him nicely might even spend a date in gandharva ville with tighnari and collei just to make you feel less lonely. hah sike hes gonna do it anyways
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By EloquentOrNot
A collection of files found in an archive once kept top secret. The magic described therein is no longer with us, so there is no risk in the reading.
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piratesexmachine420 · 20 days
What fucking part of TIOS is responsible for decrementing the APD timer. Is it not interrupt-driven like the 68ks? The only routine I've found that seems to have any affect on it is GetKey, which resets it. Not what I'm looking for. Am I gonna have to implement a shoddy heuristic-based timer myself? Grrrr.
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miquerinus · 1 year
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Day 3 - 100 days of code with c++
Mathematical Operators.
As expected, C++ is no different from other languages, it has the following operators:
addition (+)
subtraction (-)
multiplication (*)
division (/)
module (%)
These are the basic operations universally used by any language, C++ is no different, but C++ seems to be more flexible.
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As we can see the variable a changes its value 3 times, we highlight the last change in the value of a, when the variable receives itself divided by the value 2.
As with the use of String type variables, we must include the library #include , there are certain operations that to be executed also require the use of a library, in this case for operations of power, root, etc., we need to include a library #include<cmath>
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Increment and decrement operators.
C++ also like other languages, has increment operators ( add +1 to) and decrement operators ( decrease -1 to), so:
x++ is: increments x by +1, then returns the value of x.
although …
++x is: copy x, increment x by +1 and return the copy of x.
Does it look confusing? yes, it seems, but not so much. See below for another example:
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did you understand the logic?
1st example) variable (i) receives the pre increment +1, so i is not zero, now it is 1; In the pre increment it is as if there was an anticipation of the value of i before ending the command.
2nd example) variable (i2) does not receive the increment of +1 before the end of the command, that is, (i2) is still 0, we will only see the value +1 when the variable (i2) is executed again.
see below.
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Now it's easier to understand, isn't it?
Simplification of formulas in c++.
Unsurprisingly, c++ has simplified mathematical formulas that inspired many others later, see:
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As we learn more about the characteristics of the c++ language, it becomes clear how flexible it is, how concise the written code can be and how much it has influenced other more modern languages, however, due to these characteristics it can reserve pitfalls for us, requiring even more for us students, even greater attention to its use.
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yurideification · 3 days
god fuck this. can't focus with this headache. will just do something else. sucks but whatever
Currently, for my space invaders clone I've implemented:
- a variable number of rows of enemies
- a player rectangle that can move and shoot
- enemies that can disappear when shot at
- a score counter that increments every time you shoot at enemy
By October 2nd I'll need to have expanded this to include:
- a life counter
- a way to reset the game and decrement that life counter if the enemies reach the bottom of the screen (including a way to reset the gamestate if this happens)
- enemies that move variably left right and down
- a start screen and a game over screen
- some sort of animation with a spritesheet
Which like. That's an entire week right. I'm sure I'll manage it. Somewhat stressful though. There's also a ton of side objectives that could give me extra points on the assignment like multiple levels, powerups, enemies that need multiple hits, etc but doubt I'll have time for any of them
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mountain-sage · 18 days
What We Mean By Blessing
Let me begin by explaining what we mean by blessing when we talk about a lama's blessing or the blessing of the Dharma in the Buddhist context.
Blessing must come from within your own mind.
It is not something that comes from outside, even though we talk about a lama's blessing or the blessing of the Three Objects of Refuge.
The Tibetan word for blessing is [byin rab, pronounced "chin-lap"] can be broken into two parts — byin means "magnificent potential" and rlah means "to transform." So byin rlab means transforming into magnificent potential.
Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities that you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities that you have already developed. It also means decrement of defilement of the mind that obstruct the generation of wholesome qualities.
- His Holiness The Dalai Lama
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missdrummond · 1 month
Album 77 Initial Reactions
After reading the description: Wow Jay again this is a good album for him. I'm excited
Of course they're thieves
Grave robbing is fun!
Not with a manager!
Pamela! Oh-no, Jules do you even know? Also she was Christian before that if I remember correctly. Not invalidating the major point but a little more nuanced
Poor Connie. She's trying
Where is he finding these classes?
I have decrement issues!
Wait what! Hello Sadie!
"Stop reprogramming all my stations to worship music"
Oh Connie... she's trying
Wait is Pamela a astronomer?
See! Jay is competent
The state as in this "state" or California?
Did they practice this? Also Jay isn't really going for consistent branding is he
Did they sing science songs? Ok they did
Honestly yeah I drop them too. This band was a mess even before Jules joined
Richland mention
Yooo! Pamela turning the tables!
Ok but Sadie is like 9
This episode was also good
Pamela! No!
Wow he really just Chain Raction-ed himself
tip of the hat to Kathy!
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tangleworm · 2 months
NOMIA Alpha v0.2.5
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(You can play my game here)
Finally starting to add more enemies and bosses to the game. Units can now have unique reactions, such as memorizing player cards it witnesses -- the newly added Wood path boss uses this as its key mechanic, as it will remember cards that you play within its line of sight, and use them against you on its turn.
I've also tweaked how a few statuses work: for example, Exposed (take more damage) now halves instead of completely disappearing, and Weakened (deal less damage) also halves instead of decrementing by one. This encourages battle to push towards a resolution.
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I was listening to The Final Countdown when I came up with the villain's plans and motivations lol, and I've considered this edit of it as like the anime intro for the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IioqsxXqTA
-HERfMIT (The story is called: When the moon count decremented)
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ashlidev · 3 months
Partial Esolang Idea: References Only
I've been considering an idea of a programming languages which only has references. The fundamental "unit" type is a self-reference, a new instance of which is created by writing "^" or something.
You can then create a new reference to an existing reference with &, as usual. You can also dereference with "*," again, as usual.
With this in mind, you can create Peano numbers fairly trivially — with our current rules, you can "follow" a reference N times (by dereferencing) and it will eventually hit a self-reference. (which will infinitely dereference into itself)
We can refer to these as numbers: A self-reference is 0, a reference to a self reference is 1, a reference to a reference to a self reference is 2, etc. A given number can be written by prepending "^" with as many "&"s as the value of the number. 10 is written as "&&&&&&&&&&^"
With these rules, dereferencing (*) becomes a decrement operator (Subtract 1 from the number; 0 - 1 = 0 with this) and referencing (&) becomes an increment operator (The number 10 defined above can be thought of as 0 incremented 10 times.)
The problem I've run into so far is I can't think of any way to make the language turing complete. The most complex structure you can make with just references is the above numbers and maybe some kind of big "loop" of references that infinitely point to eachother — neither of which are usable to simulate a stack or a turing machine or brainfuck or anything. I feel like it'd be boring to make recursion and variable bindings a crutch for this behavior, does anybody have any ideas on how to expand further on this?
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Unreal engine: Creating my enemies
This is one of the last big features I had planned to add in my game. I want my enemies to:
Spawn offscreen
Move into the players view
Move to random points on screen
Shoot the player
Fly off screen if not killed in time
for the first 3 points, I went for a similar approach to my asteroids and created a separate manager actor for their spawning. I added 8 scenes where I wanted them to spawn and a small collision box for where I wanted them to move to. This is the code for getting them to spawn:
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This worked, but I ran into a problem with the enemies themselves- I couldn't get a reference to the manager's box. After realizing this I tried to make them move to random vectors based on the dimensions of the manager's spawn box- but this was difficult to visualize and hard to program.
Instead, I managed to get a reference to the manager by creating a bigger collision box and having the enemies spawn in it, then used the ActorBeginOverlap event:
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This worked, and now I could use the same method I used for my asteroids to move the enemies around:
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This was my first time using the Move Component To node, but it was very self-explanatory. This worked and I had enemies moving in my game.
Making the enemies shoot was a lot harder. After making a new EnemyBullet actor I made this blueprint which just moved it to the player:
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This obviously didn't work as the bullet stayed in place when it reached the player's position. I could have made it destroy itself but that wouldn't have looked nice- I wanted them to fly past the player. I tried to add to the player's location, but it still didn't work as at certain angles the bullet wouldn't fly offscreen:
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After some thinking I tried messing around with the ProjectileMovement component:
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However the homing was either to strong that it followed the player too much, or too weak that it didn't go in the direction of the player.
I found my working solution after finding this forum post: Move object towards player? - Programming & Scripting / Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)
One of the replies had a very detailed guide on how to do what I wanted, which included the use of the Normalize node. This turns a vector into a unit vector with a length of one, which I could multiply to send the projectile in the direction of the player at different magnitudes of distance.
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The final thing to add was enemies flying past the player. I did this by giving the enemy a MovementsLeft variable, and decrementing that by 1 every time they moved. When they have no movements left, they fly to the general area of a scene I put into the enemy manager which is behind the player.
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After that the code for the enemies was done, and this was the final result:
It still needs some polish (and a model) but overall I'm really happy with how this turned out.
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